#we have seen the second option happen with wayv
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springday-aus · 4 years
Enemies to Lovers!AU with Xiaojun
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Group: NCT [+ WayV]
Member: Xiaojun / Xiao Dejun
Genre: fluff, comedy, romance 
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: approx. 2.4k
so, you’re Xiaojun’s enemy (he thinks of it more of his number one attacker tho)
it wasn’t hard considering he’s always on fight or flight mode and considering his friend group….
fight mode is always activated
so it started when you became friends with Ten
the guy is so sociable, so you were bound to meet him and his other friends someday
but jesus christ, there were soooo many of them
it was a party; he threw a literal party of just him and his friends
and then there were others who turned it into a rave (i.e. Hendery, Yangyang, Chenle and Donghyuk)
anyways, you got to mingle and make so many new friends
it was going really well
until Xiaojun entered the picture
things went well with him too, until you made a joke that didn’t exactly land with him
but it landed well with the others
Lucas: “who in their right mind would like mint chocolate”
Xiaojun: “but I like mint chocolate”
You: “then you’re not in your right mind lmao”
YangYang: “I mean, is Xiaojun ever in his right mind tho”
everyone laughs
except for one person
Xiaojun stood up, staring you down for a hot second, before trying to argue back
in which YangYang was the main responder
you didn’t really think much of it, laughing away with the others
but, to him, you just declared war that day
it shouldn’t have bothered him as much as it did
but it did
so, from then on, things just got rockier
bc he started picking fights with you over the littlest things or he would argue with your points no matter what
you didn’t really think much of it bc he was also being picked on everyone else and you were like
every man for themselves huh
it wasn’t until he personally attacked you
it happened on Halloween
and he made an underhanded comment about how he’d look better in anything compared to you
so you made a “friendly” bet
but then you lost
bc Xiaojun looked better in the Jasmine costume than you and he def knew it too
and when he smirked at you
the grudge had been built
that’s probably when the mutual enemy status circulated around your friends
although, if they’re being honest, it’s so entertaining
especially since most of them like to gang up on Xiaojun too
and because of that unity, it’s only made things worse
from what the others can tell
you two don’t hate each other, but you def don’t get along
it ranges to food (e.g. mint chocolate chip incident that NO ONE lets go)
Lucas: “mint choco ain’t shit”
You: “retweet”
Xiaojun: “the attacks”
YangYang: “we cannot trust a man who eats bread with fucking lao gan ma”
You: “you eat what with bread?”
Xiaojun: “shut up. all of you.”
to activities
cue you two fighting about what movie to watch
Xiaojun: “Titanic is a classic!!!”
You: “it’s a joke, there was rOOM ON THE FUCKING DOOR”
this feud is def bc you’re both petty as fuck
the bickering is nonstop
but, if the nct boys are being honest
they’re lowkey confused bc Xiaojun is supposed to have a really high emotional tolerance
he doesn’t even yell this much at YangYang or Ten
(excluding that one time he hit YangYang with that pillow very hard)
but he does blow off his top when it comes to you
which is sus to a lot of the boys
whenever someone does ask him tho
he just kind of……………
mumbles underneath his breath and then moves onto something else
meanwhile, Yuta: “isn’t he always like that?”
Kun: “who wants to tell him”
lmao, I’m kidding
kind of
anyways, you two are really just going at it
what changes?
you have to go to the dentist and get your molars removed
which means someone has to take you and go pick you up
obviously, Ten was going to do that, considering you two were the closest
so he dropped you off and you had your surgery
so what happened?
welp, your buddy Ten forgot he had a prior engagement and, hence, was unable to pick you up
cue him spamming the groupchat
and Lucas exposing Xiaojun
Lucas: Xiaojun isn’t doing anything Xiaojun: you don’t know that Lucas: I do tho, go pick up (Y/N) Ten: I’ll buy you anything from that green tea cafe you like for a week Xiaojun: deal.
so he came to pick you up, both willingly and unwillingly
and you……. you were more than a hot mess 
you were just a mess 
you basically were just blacked out that entire time after they gave you the laughing gas and completed the surgery
so you remembered absolutely nothing.
your roommate: “this is what you get for doing drugs”
either way, your roommate let you know of the situation, taking note of how your enemy had to take you home
no recollection
your roommate: “he’s fucking hot tho”
You: “ugh, I know”
but that’s also when you decided
Ten is a dead man :)
Ten: “I’M SORRY”
Ten: “I KNOW”
Ten: “............................................but………………………………….”
Ten: “maybeyoushouldalsothankhimfortakingcareofyou”
You: “sorry not sorry, I’m contemplating murder rn”
Hendery: “what do you call a murder against a friend?”
Kun: “don’t”
Hendery: “it’s a homie-cide”
You and Ten: “NOT NOW”
you knew he was right
so after you calmed down, you went to Xiaojun’s place (thanks to Ten), with some sweets to thank him
Lucas opened the door, let you in, and left to go to the gym with Sicheng
Xiaojun came out of his room, a couple of minutes after, disheveled from his nap
and when he saw you in his living room couch, his eyes widened, darting around to avoid looking at you
You: “hi”
Xiaojun: “hello”
You: “why do you look so scared? I’m not gonna jump you”
he stays quiet, the blush becoming more apparent on his cheeks
You: “Ten told me you took me home after my surgery, so…………………… thanks”
Xiaojun: “he bribed me with pastries”
You: yeah, sounds about right
You: “still”
You: “um, I didn’t know what you would like, so I brought some sweets you can just go through”
Xiaojun: “thanks”
it’s silent for another moment and you consider bolting out from the apartment, Wizards of Waverly Place, Harper-style: “see ya in p.e.!” kind of a thing
but he speaks up once more
Xiaojun: “are you feeling okay now?”
You: “uh, yeah, my jaw still kind of hurts”
You: “but I have meds they prescribed to me for the next month or so”
he decides to stop beating the bush: 
Xiaojun: “so do you remember what happened yesterday?”
You: “to be completely honest, no”
Xiaojun: “you… did a lot of things”
You: “what do you mean I did a lot of things”
Xiaojun: “you also said a lot of things too”
You: “..... are these things recorded?”
Xiaojun: “maybe”
Xiaojun: “some”
you actually considered tackling him, but deemed as too Yang-Yang-like
You: “what did I say”
Xiaojun: “I didn’t realize you thought I was handsome”
You: “wait what?”
Xiaojun: “you said, you had a crush on my ‘fine ass’”
You: “you know what? I think I’m gonna pull a Jack and commit suicide, goodbye”
Xiaojun: “ah, ah, ah, you said like, which is… present tense”
You: “semantics”
Xiaojun: “but did you like me at some point?”
You: “does it matter?”
Xiaojun: “yeah, it kind of does”
Xiaojun: “bc even tho we bicker, it’s, like, our thing”
Xiaojun: “plus, you’re kind of cute when you’re threatening to rip off my eyebrows”
You: “I did what?”
Xiaojun: “it’s no different from how you treat me now”
You: “I thought it’s because you don’t like me”
he just kind of shrugs, rubbing his neck rather sheepishly
Xiaojun: “you’ve seen my friends; arguing is our way of showing our affections”
You: “so, you’re saying this is your way of telling me you like me?”
Xiaojun: “I mean………“
Xiaojun: “are you saying you like me?”
You: “are you saying you like me?” 
*cue another argument about who likes who*
eventually, he found a way to shut you up
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
cut to Lucas and Sicheng coming back from the gym to you and Xiaojun making out on the couch
Lucas: “NASTY”
Sicheng: “what did we…. miss?”
Ten somewhere: I fucking called it.
you both decided to date that day
and you two still bicker an insane amount, which includes you nitpicking Xiaojun’s tastes to Xiaojun refusing to delete those videos of you under the laughing gas despite your threats
but, the only difference is, your arguments can end with a kiss
and it always freaks out the guys whenever you do
Donghyuk: “I’m too young to be seeing this monstrosity”
Mark: “ngl, this is nice for them—they’ve stopped arguing”
YangYang: “I weirdly prefer them arguing over them with those sappy eyes tho”
You: “we can hear you”
Chenle: “but when have we ever cared?”
You: “I’m gonna beat your ‘01 liner ass istg—”
Xiaojun: “calm”
oh, you know what’s fun about your relationship?
you two can’t agree on some stuff right?
so whenever you have to decide something, say a movie or dinner, you two just heads-or-tails it
(there’s also this cute app where you put your options on a wheel and let that decide—the amount of times you’ve used that on your dates…… anyways)
most of the time, on these dates, you seem more like an old married couple and it’s super cute
it’s bc you’re already used to your worse sides coming out—the really petty ones, the screaming ones, the ugly ones
ofc these aren’t from serious arguments that occur
(remember folks, it isn’t healthy for you and your partner to always be fighting)
but when serious arguments do occur, you both take time to sit down and talk face-to-face
it’s hard to get into actual arguments with him, especially since he really is understanding and tries to pay attention to the smaller details
Xiaojun: “I like learning more about you”
You: “you can’t just say that kind of shit to me”
like, yeah, he’ll debate with you all night about why he needs to read the words of his book out loud but, by the end of the day, you’ll lay your head in his lap and listen to his voice as you fall asleep
speaking of which, you love listening to him sing to you
he gets a bit embarrassed sometimes about it, but seeing you smile so brightly at him makes him forget about it
because even tho you two bicker about little things, in the end, it just makes you two laugh at one another and how ridiculous you’re being
I almost forgot, so Ten thinks of him pairing you two off right?
so, whenever he does something annoying to either of you, he’ll constantly bring it up
Ten: “I guess this is how you two treat me, your personal cupid—”
Xiaojun: “yes, yes, we are grateful for you”
You: “but it would be nice if you would stop making those annoying sounds”
Ten: “what annoying sounds?”
YangYang: “that’s just you talking”
okay, no, but yeah—the nct boys are glad this rivalry is over because it was really just…. stupid to the core
but also bc you two look super sweet together and seeing you two making each other happy rather than annoyed is adorable
but just bc you two got together doesn’t mean the pettiness isn’t still there
You: “what type of freak sleeps with their eyes opened?”
Xiaojun: “I’m sleeping next to you, of course I need to keep both eyes open”
You: “RUDE”
Xiaojun: “and yet here we are”
You: “son of a bitch”
Xiaojun: “YOUR son of a bitch”
You: “eh, I’ll take it” 
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jaefluenza · 4 years
Boundless // Prince!AU
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Genre: Fluff/Angst
Pairing: Taeyong x reader x Mark (with alternative endings)
Other characters: NCT 127, NCT Dream, featuring WayV. (Basically OT21!)
Word count: 12k words
Summary: You practically grew up with the boys as you continued to take care of the queen’s big garden. You got to know them, what kind of personality they have, what do they like, and they turned out to be so comfortable around you. So, you basically have 15 princes to defend you without you asking. Now, it's time for you to repay their kindness. Will you be able to do it, even if it means you must participate in saving the kingdom?
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Living at the palace means that you have to behave 24/7. As one of the high servants in the palace, you watch your behavior in front of the people and the queen. You work for the queen herself, as one of her assistants and also a gardener because you love flowers and plants. You know every single person in the palace, and you also acknowledge every detail of the palace. So that’s what makes you more special than the other servants. Besides that, you’re close to the princes. You hang out with them. The queen acknowledged your proximity with her sons, and she permitted you to be close with them. Everyone in the kingdom considered you lucky, they call you Lady Y/n. Well, It was all started with a flower.
You had lived at the orphanage since you were 3 years old. Your parents were fishermen, and one day they died in the sea. Your grandparents lived so far away, and had cut their connection with your parents. So the villagers put you in the orphanage and made sure that you’re in a good place. You love flowers and plants. You feel delightful every time you see a plant’s growth, or every time you picked a yellow wildflower in the backyard.
When you were 6, you heard that the queen is throwing a princess parade in the kingdom, so you begged Mrs. Kim, your caretaker to go to the parade. You always love the story of the queen, you have heard how she has been ruling without a king, and she has no daughter. Which meant that the kingdom has no princess. So, the queen is throwing a princess parade once in a year in the kingdom to give every girl in the kingdom their privilege to be a princess. You had been dying to see the queen, you’ve always wanted to approach her and give her flowers that you planted yourself. You don’t have a crown, and you can’t afford to buy one so giving her flowers would be the best option.
Fortunately, Mrs. Kim agreed to go with you to the parade, along with the other kids. You jumped around in your bedroom, and then prepared to water your flowers. You have planted a beautiful red roses, flower seeds bought by Mrs. Kim, and you decided that they’re ready to be handed to the queen. You watered them with a smile on your face, thanking God for being able to meet the queen tomorrow.
The next day, you held the rose bucket tightly with both of your arms, walking carefully next to Mrs. Kim. “Y/n, let me hold your hand so you won’t get lost.” Mrs. Kim reached for your hands, but all of your hands are occupied to hold the bucket. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Kim, but my hands are securing the flowers. I promise to follow all of your steps.” You replied.
You obediently followed Mrs. Kim from behind, eyes wandering around with amusement. That was until you notice the guards lining up behind a carriage. The queen! Your face lit up in excitement as you quickened your steps towards the carriage, ignoring the hollers of the guards. You were close to the carriage until a pair of hands grabbed your arm, resulting you falling in front of the carriage, your bucket turned into a mess of flowers. You fall silent, looking at the roses you have planted for years, eyes watering. The queen roared, “What are you doing?? Look, you hurt her!” She walked out of her carriage and approach the little girl, you. 
“Y/n! There you are- Oh! Your majesty!” Mrs. Kim had searched for you once she found her absent behind you, only to find you on your knees, with the queen kneeling in front of you. She then bowed politely. “Hey, princess. Are you alright?” The queen asked as she caressed your shoulder gently. You looked up, holding your tears as they turned into amazement. “Y-your majesty. Yeah, I’m alright!” You answered with a big smile. “I don’t think so, sweetheart. Look, your elbow is bleeding. Let me treat your wound first, okay?” The queen helped you stand, as you shake your head. “I would be glad, your majesty. But will you receive my broken flowers? I planted them for years and now they turned into a mess. Let me pick one for you.” You reached down to the biggest rose with so many beautiful red petals on it, and then offer it to the queen.
The queen’s eyes lit up and she took the flower from your hand and smell it. “This is the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever seen. I’ll put it in my garden. What is your name?” The queen asked. “I’m y/n. I am really happy to see you, my queen.” You answer confidently. The queen smiled at you, and then look at your caretaker, “Where are you both from?” Mrs. Kim bowed, “Your majesty, we are from the House of Love.” The queen nodded. “Please take care of this beautiful little princess. Her elbow is bleeding.” She then proceeded to enter her carriage, before she turned at you and waved, “Farewell, princess.” You waved back, “Be careful with the thorns!”
You were really happy to see the queen, it made your days happier, and you requested more flower seeds to Mrs. Kim when she was going to the market. Unbeknownst to you, the queen had sent someone to the House of Love, to talk to Madam Han, the head of the orphanage. It turned out that the queen had requested to bring you to the palace. Madam Han made the representative gentleman signed everything and asked Mrs. Kim to prepare your departure.
“Y/n, listen to me. The queen has requested you to come to the palace. She wants you to work for her as her gardener. She said she loved your rose and wanted more in her garden. Now, pack your things and go.” Your eyes lit with hesitance. “Is this real, Mrs. Kim?” She nodded. You hugged her, “Thanks for taking care of me, Mrs. Kim.” She caressed your back gently, “Remember, y/n. No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart. You have to be kind to everyone. Keep yourself controlled, and you may have a bright future.” 
You packed your things in a small bag. You only brought some of your clothes and some flower seeds for you to plant. You sit in the carriage with a gentleman who never smiles at you. You hugged your bag tighter, unaware of what will happen in advance.
You arrived at the entrance hall of the palace, the gentleman held your hand as he walked you past so many huge halls. Your wandering eyes exploring every sight of the palace with amusement. At last, you both arrived in front of a big door and the gentleman knocked politely. A sign was heard for both of you to come in. He opened the door and bowed politely. Without told, you proceeded to do the same. The queen smiled, “Leave her to me, Tony. Can you please call the princes to come here right now, thank you?”
“As you please, your majesty.” The gentleman leave your side and walked out of the door. “Hello, princess. Nice to meet you again! I’ve been watering the rose but now I crave for more! I want you to plant some flowers, sweetheart. Oh, you don’t have to stand there, you can come here, and hug me.” Your eyes lit up with happiness as you run towards the queen and hug her. You chatted for a few good minutes until you heard big steps coming into the room. You turned and look at the charming little boys entering the room with respect. “Mother, we’re here. Is there anything we could do for you?” The oldest spoke, while the others stare at you with their big eyes.
“Do you remember the little princess I told you about? The one who gave me my beloved rose? Here she is, her name is Y/n. Come and get to know her, boys.” You bowed to them, and then put your hands behind your little dress, feeling shy. “H-hi. I’m Y/n. I’m 6 years old. Nice to meet you, your highness.”
“Hi, I’m Taeil. I am the crown prince, the oldest. I’m twelve, nice to meet you.” Once Prince Taeil finished, the small prince who had the same height as you, approach you with wide eyes, “If you’re a princess, where do you come from?”
“Donghyuck, please introduce yourself properly.” The queen scolded. 
“I’m Donghyuck, the 12th prince. I’m 6 years old too. You can call me Haechan if we befriend later.” You smiled at Donghyuck. He replied with the cheekiest smile you’ve ever seen other than Hyunjin, your cheeky friend in the House of Love. The others started to approach you too, as they introduce themselves. 
So you learned that Prince Taeil is the crown prince, Prince Johnny is the second prince, Prince Taeyong is the third prince, Prince Yuta is the fourth prince, Prince Doyoung is the fifth prince, Prince Jaehyun is the sixth prince, Prince Sicheng is the seventh prince, Prince Jungwoo is the eighth prince, Prince Mark is the ninth prince, Prince Renjun is the tenth prince, Prince Jeno is the eleventh prince, and of course Prince Donghyuck is the twelfth prince, and then Prince Jaemin is the thirteenth prince. And the little boys who were in Johnny’s and Taeyong’s arms. Prince Chenle and Prince Jisung. Prince Chenle is the older one and he has a year gap with you, and Jisung with a two-year gap with you. You were so happy to meet them, the queen addressed them as your brothers and you were beyond happy to have so many guy friends to hang out with.
You practically grew up with the boys as you continued to take care of the queen’s big garden. You got to know them, what kind of personality they have, what do they like, and they turned out to be so comfortable around you. The other servants looked down on you, they never treat you well like they treat the others but you always remember what Mrs. Kim told you, to be kind to everyone. Besides, you have 15 princes to defend you without you asking.
There was one time when you were caught stealing cookies with Chenle and Jisung. You were 12 and you had your childish behavior went on with the younger boys because they kept provoking you to do stupid things.
“Come on, y/n, grab the cookies..” Jisung whispered. “Yeah, y/n. You are one centimeter away from the-” Chenle butt in before lights switched on, leaving you flustered. “What happened here?” The head of the kitchen investigated the room, before discovering the three of you sat on the floor. The three of you stand up, looking down before Jisung realized that he and Chenle didn’t need to feel guilty. After all, the head of the kitchen is afraid of their mother. “I apologize, Mr. Jang. I want the cookies and y/n is helping us.” Chenle explained to the gentleman.
“Your highnesses, it is not your fault to grab the cookies. It is y/n’s fault here, she stole the royal’s food. You should’ve known not to touch their things, y/n.” You hold your tears, still looking down and feeling afraid that the other employees will make fun of you because you messed up with the princes. “But she can touch my toys, though.” Jisung murmured. “Mr. Jang, you can leave now. Let me handle the kids.” The gentleman turned and then hurriedly bowed to the crown prince. “B-but, your highness, I’m not trying to bug the princes. It is y/n here who-”
“I think you heard me enough, Mr. Jang. Y/n here is still a kid, and I said, leave the kids to me. I’ll handle them, you don’t need to worry. May you excuse us?” Taeil smiled to the gentleman who proceeded to bow and leave. Jisung and Chenle gave you a reassuring smile, as you bowed to Taeil. “Jisung, Chenle. You both... why don’t you tell me you want the cookies?” Taeil asked. “We thought you would’ve told mother.” Prince Taeil smiles, “That’s right. You can’t eat cookies at night, but once in a lifetime wouldn’t hurt right? Let’s share the cookies in my library. You should come too, y/n.” You looked at Jisung and Chenle with a big grin, as Jisung put on both of his thumbs, “Hyung is the best!”
Now that you’ve grown up into a graceful lady, you have a special connection with the queen. She acclaimed you to be one of her helpers, along with Lady Yuna and Lady Lia. They treated you better than the other servants. The three of you worked like best friends, even though they are not very close to the princes. You still take care of the queen’s beautiful garden, now you have about 16 kinds of flowers planted in the garden. The queen loves them, she walked around the garden every morning to smell the flowers with you.
Unfortunately, the queen has fallen sick. The kingdom assembled so many good physicians from another kingdom and country, but no one was able to make her rise from her bed. The princes are of course feeling terrible about their mother. You have been working hard to cheer them up.
“Good morning, your highness. What will you be doing today?” You bowed as you greet Jaemin with a smile on your face. He doesn’t smile back, but instead, joined you sitting on the bench in the queen’s garden. “Oh, you know how much I hate those formal greetings, y/n. Just call me Jaemin, or Nana.” He scowled. “Alright, Jaemin. Is there anything I can do for you?” You patted his thigh gently, knowing exactly what he feels. “Just lend me your shoulder, y/n. I don’t need anything else.” You look at the flowers you have planted for years, as Jaemin leans his head on your shoulder, slowly closing his eyes and sigh peacefully. You took his hand in yours, caressing your thumb against his knuckles, “Everything’s gonna be alright, Jaemin. I’m here for you.” You said without looking at him. He was about to say something when someone appears in front of you guys. Prince Mark, with all his glory, stares at you and Jaemin as he eyed your shoulder sternly. Jaemin felt you flinch, he opened his eyes and stand up right away after he looked at Mark. “I’ll go to my archery session, y/n. Thank you for the shoulder.”
You smiled at Jaemin before you walked towards Mark. “Hey, what’s with the tense look? You’re scaring me, you know.” He said nothing and grab your hand, pulling you to somewhere you have no idea he is taking you. “Where are we going?” He looked at you, before replying with a gloomy expression, “To the shore.” You followed him without asking for more, letting him secure your hand in his. You both walked quietly until you reach the stables. He let go of your hand as he goes to get his horse, Willy. You interact with the other horses as he prepares the riding gear. After he finished, he gets on the saddle and turns at you. He smiles at you, as you make baby noises to Lunar, Jisung’s little pony. “Hey, y/n. Enough with the horses, come and get on.” He called. You walk towards him and grab his waiting hand, proceeding to hold his waist as you position yourself on the saddle.
You enjoy horse-riding with Mark. Well, you’ve never ridden a horse yourself but sometimes the boys like to take you on a ride, especially Mark. He loves having you behind him, holding his waist tightly as he takes her to wherever feels good for him, whether the shore or the sweet little park inside the forest. Sometimes he let you sit in front, so he could hug you, and ride with the sweet vanilla scent of your hair. 
“Mark, you were supposed to still attending the morning tea session with Prince Taeil. Why were you out early?” You asked as you both walked hand in hand towards the little cozy hut he made for the both you to hangout. “Well, I quit the session cause I.. just feel like it.” He answered sourly. You stop walking and hold his forearm gently. “Oh, Mark.” He looks at your eyes with sorrow. You wrap your arms around him and he puts his head on top of your head. 
“The queen is not there, y/n. Seeing her absence makes a bubble of frustration in my chest.” He lets out a long sigh, leaning half of his weight on you. 
“I know. It’s alright, Mark.” 
Mark loves the feeling of being in your arms. He finds it comfortable to feel the warmth of your body. He loves you more than how friends love each other. You have always been there for him.
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You walk towards the queen’s room, after being called in by Lady Lia. The queen has requested your presence. You prepared yourself, bringing some red tulips in your hands. You’ve learned the meaning of every flower. You brought red tulips to represent your feelings to the queen; perfect love. You treat the queen as your mother from the first time she brought you to the palace.
You arrived at the door, was about to knock when you noticed someone slink off the hall, presumably from the queen’s room direction. You stare for a while, knocking the door gently. The door opened, revealing Lady Lia with a daunted expression. “Hey, Lia, what’s up? What’s with that- expression?” You asked suspiciously. She said nothing and motions you to the queen. You hold the flowers tightly like the first time you brought the flowers for her.
“Good afternoon, your majesty.” You bowed.
The queen smiled at your presence. “Are those red tulips I see?” Asked the queen. You can tell the queen is getting weaker from her raspy voice. Somehow you missed her motherly soothing voice.
“Yes, my queen. Here, some beautiful red tulips which represent my perfect true love for you.” You replied as you sit on the edge of her bed. You feel your eyes watering, as you put the flowers on her hands for her to smell them. “Smells beautiful. Can you put them in a vase, Lia?”
“As you please, your majesty.”
Lia walks out of the room, leaving you with the queen in an intimate yet gloomy silence.
You wiped your tears before proceeding to hold the queen’s hands. “I miss you, mother. Please get well very very soon. The boys miss you too.”
“Y/n, my dear little princess. I know my time is decreasing every second. Listen here, my sweetheart, because I have a very important message for you. I want you to make sure that Prince Taeil will get the crown no matter what, as there will be a few people who desire to have the crown.” She pauses as she coughs.
“Mother, I know Prince Taeil is the rightful heir of the crown, but who am I to make sure all of that? May I ask for someone’s help?”
“My dear y/n, you have been one of the people I trust in this kingdom, you have to follow what I said. Meet Lady Lia in the forest tonight. She will tell you the things you have to do. You can discuss them with the princes, but, only Prince Johnny, Taeyong, Taeil, Yuta, and Jaehyun permitted to know.”
“I understand, your majesty. Your wish is my command. Please take a rest.”
You leave the room quietly, closing the door when you find Prince Taeyong standing in front of you. “Is the queen sleeping?” He asked. You smiled, “Yeah, she’s taking a rest.” Prince Taeyong touched the nape of his neck, “Can you give me a hand?” You nod at him. “Well, of course. What do you need, your highness?”
So, you ended up being in the prince’s closet for he requested you to help him pick out his outfit.
“So, our cousins from the south are coming to visit the palace. They will visit the queen and then we’re gonna hunt in the forest. Can you pick the best outfit for me? You know, Jaehyun always makes fun of me every time we get to hang out.” He grins.
You laughed, “You are something else, Prince Taeyong.” He laughs along. “Okay, so what kind of them would you like to wear?” You asked.
“Maybe, green, or light brown. You know, be one with nature.”
You stroll around his closet, stopping at his outdoor section. You pick out a hunting light brown coat, with a white belt. You also pick out some comfortable pair of pants.
“There you go, do you like the combination of the colors?”
“Well, I am pretty sure I will look cute in those tomorrow. You never fail me, Y/n.”
You smiled, “You might want to wear a turtleneck underneath the coat, your highness.”
You were about to bow and walk out when suddenly an arm grab you closer. “Y-your highness..” You stammered. Taeyong stare at your lips, and then your eyes. “Did the queen tell you something?”
You flinch, feeling nervous at the sudden question. “What do you mean?”
“I was in front of the door when you walked out. The queen must’ve told you something. Do I deserve to know?”
“Actually, yeah. I will tell you but you have to help me first.”
“Anything for you, Lady y/n.”
So you made a deal with Prince Taeyong to take you to the forest without everyone knowing, and now there you are, grabbing his coat as you sit on the saddle behind him. His horse running at a quick pace. “A tighter hold, y/n. I’ll quicken the pace.” You have no choice but to wrap your arms around his waist, holding onto him tightly. Taeyong smiles at the skinship, gently put one of his hands to secure your hold.
You both arrived at the little spot in the forest where Lady Lia has waited for you. Taeyong stays with his horse, letting you walk by yourself into the small decorated park. You tapped Lady Lia in her shoulder. She gasped, quickly covering her mouth after finding out it was you. “Relax, Lia. It’s me. It’s okay, we’re alone.”
She trembles, “Are we.. really alone?”
You blinked, “Uh, actually no. I came with Prince Taeyong but he stays outside. Don’t worry, the queen told me he’s permitted to know.”
She nodded, “I found this.” She takes something out from her bag, handing it over to you. You take the time to look at it. “A handkerchief? Whose handkerchief is this?”
“My assumption is it belongs to Lord Sierra. Recently he often visits the queen. I saw him with the handkerchief once. Something is wrong, maybe you should get someone to check this handkerchief, because, I found a spoor of some unknown powder.”
You glance at the handkerchief suspiciously, “is it possible that the queen is.. poisoned?”
You came back to the palace safe and sound with the help of Prince Taeyong. You told him everything you knew, and also your plans. That night, you arranged things regarding the suspicious Lord with Johnny, Jaehyun, and Taeyong. They are the best warriors in the kingdom. And they committed to help with all of their power and ability. Johnny, as the warlord, quickly assigning some of his best men to lurk around Lord Sierra’s house. Jaehyun proceeds to tighten the palace’s security system, and Taeyong makes sure you and the other ladies are safe.
You went back to your room. After arranging things with the princes, you feel extremely nervous about what is happening in the palace, and how you’re included to keep everything alright. You go towards your nightstand, opening it and find the little sound recorder you received from Prince Donghyuck as your 10th birthday gift. You decide to keep it around you in case you find something important as evidence. You also keep the powder stained handkerchief in a safe place as concrete evidence.
In the morning, you skipped your breakfast to go early to the queen’s room. You look at the amount of guards Jaehyun has placed in front of the room to make sure nobody other than the queen’s servants and the princes enter the room. You give a quick nod after the guards opened the door for you. Lady Yuna greeted you with a frown. “The queen won’t eat her breakfast. She’s unable to open her mouth and swallow the food, although we made the food delicate enough.” 
You patted her shoulder as you approach the queen’s bed. The queen is getting weaker. You hold her hands gently. It is almost the queen’s herb tea time but since she’s not able to drink one, you and Lady Yuna take turns to look after the queen. “I have something to take care, please look after her for me.” You plan to arrange a secret meeting with the involved princes. 
“Of course, Lady y/n.” Lady Yuna stays beside the queen’s bed as you walk out the door. What you find outside is quite terrible. The guards standing up against the suspicious Lord Sierra, who’s yelling at them for not letting him enter the room.
“This low- I mean common lady can enter the room. I am the queen’s official relative but you forbid me to meet her?!” He yelled.
You calmly bowed to him. “Your majesty is not available for appointments. She has requested that nobody else other than the servants and the princes allowed to enter the room. My, apology, my lord.”
You nonchalantly listen to the lord’s harsh reply, until you feel a presence behind you and the lord stops his rants. “Good afternoon, Lord Sierra. I see you’ve been yelling around the queen’s room, obviously disturbing her resting time.” 
There’s something special about Prince Jaehyun’s calm glaze, it’s intimidating, and no one will be able to disobey those eyes. “Do you agree that it’s inappropriate?” He continued. You proceed to bow to him and leave the scene. You hear Jaehyun’s quiet hum before the guards escorting the lord out.
You waited for Prince Jaehyun in the hallway, holding the handkerchief that you put inside an empty case. After a minute, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn at the prince. “We have to get Prince Doyoung, and arrange a secret meeting with the others.” He nodded as you both separated. You go straight to Prince Taeil’s private library while Jaehyun goes to look for Doyoung.
After everyone gets together in the room, you put the case and the sound recorder on the table. “Your highness, my fellow Lady Lia has found concrete evidence regarding the cause of the queen’s illness. She found a handkerchief, stained with a spoor of unknown powder. We need to check the DNA of the owner of the handkerchief and also the identification of the powder. It could be possible that...” You stutter.
“That the queen unfortunately has been poisoned.” You look down.
Prince Taeil put his hands behind his head, not believing the entire situation. “I should have known. I should have known! Lord Sierra has been approaching me for the last few months and he has been suspicious to me. I guess he’s supporting someone willing to conquer the throne.”
“Would that be Grand Duke Wong, the king’s official relative?” Prince Yuta presumes as you listen.
“It would be possible since he was quite excited for the king’s legacy, and was beyond disappointed after knowing that his family doesn’t have a chance in the kingdom.” Prince Johnny added.
“Well, we can listen to Lady Y/n’s plan first,” Prince Taeil turn at you, who have been taking notes of the possibilities.
“Thank you, your highness. My plan is the reason why I gathered Prince Doyoung along in this meeting. Since Prince Doyoung is studying nature science, I need you to identify the powder on the handkerchief. And also, I need someone who’s able to identify the DNA of the handkerchief’s owner. Does one of you have someone in mind?” You explained.
“I can use my laboratory for that. I can promise you 2 days.” Prince Doyoung agrees.
Prince Yuta adds, “One of our cousins who will be coming is a detective. Maybe he can help with that.”
“Thank you so much, your highnesses. Let’s do this together.”
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At night, Taeyong, Yuta, Mark, and Jeno with you stand altogether to welcome the princes from the south. The five of you watched as the huge carriage arrived at the entrance. The guard opened the carriage as they stepped out one by one. 
“Good night, Prince Lucas! Welcome to the palace.” You bowed. Prince Lucas gives you a friendly wave before greeting Mark with a special high-five.
“And welcome to the palace, Prince Ten, Prince Yangyang, Prince Xiaojun, Prince Hendery, and Prince Kun. I prepared some welcome drinks.”
“Thank you, y/n. Oh, how much I miss you all.” Prince Kun chimes in.
“Ah, by the way we’re staying here for a month. I heard you all need our help.” Prince Ten glanced at Prince Taeyong, giving him an understanding nod.
“Where’s Sicheng? I miss that dude a lot!” Prince Yangyang exclaimed.
All of you entered the palace with a little chitchat. You miss the guys. They used to visit the palace quite often, but as you all grew up, everyone became busy with each occasion. You prepared some snacks and drinks as the princes reunite in the big living room.
“Let me help you, y/n.” A voice behind you broke the silence in the empty kitchen.
Prince Taeyong grabbed the food trolley full of cups and snacks.
“It’s okay, I can push them by myself.” You declined.
“But I want to help you, dear.” That nickname caught you off guard. Prince Taeyong has been the most affectionate person around you besides Prince Mark. You never had the thought of dating one of the princes. After all, they have been your brothers you never had. But the two keep doing something that brings butterflies in your stomach, you couldn’t deny that.
You look at Prince Taeyong’s delicate eyes, getting lost in them as he brought you closer by the kitchen top. “Whatever is in your mind, please know that I’m here with you. We’re all with you. We can do this together. You have all of us.” You cut the eye contact, looking wherever. “I’m scared. I’m conscious that I can get myself killed. But if the queen’s life is involved in this game, I’m in. I owed so much to the queen. She gave me a life I thought I could never have.”
Taeyong shakes his head at your words. “No. No one is getting killed. You are safe with us. We’re with you, and we’ll protect you, no matter what happens.” Somehow you feel reassured. You feel like you’re safe and content behind the protection of the princes, but you don’t know if you deserve it.
Taeyong felt your concerns, he had been watching you getting bullied by the other servants since you were as high as his waist. He and the other boys feel the need to protect you, a figure of a sister they never had. So the feeling is mutual.
He sigh, brought your head closer to his chest, letting you listen to his calm heartbeat peacefully as you wrap your arms around his waist. On the other side, the princes are wondering why are the snacks and drinks not coming.
The next morning, you held another secret meeting.
“So, y/n. You know them already. Prince Hendery and Prince Lucas. Our dear cousins here have the best skills as detectives.” Prince Johnny points at the other two guys.
“Uhm, Hendery, and Lucas. My apology, your highnesses because I’m afraid we can’t tell you what’s happening in the palace right now but we need your help.” You explained.
You put the case on the table, opening it and displaying the handkerchief in front of the boys.
“So, I need both of you to identify the DNA of this handkerchief’s owner and make it concrete evidence. You can work with Prince Johnny’s men to check all over the kingdom within 5 days. And Prince Doyoung, you may get the remains of the powder.”
Prince Doyoung starts collecting the powder stains on the handkerchief. And after he was done, you hand the case to Prince Lucas and Hendery.
“Uh, Hendery, we need you both to uncover this person. He’s the first suspect to be the owner of this handkerchief.”
“Okay, Prince Taeil, make sure that he will come often to the palace.”
Prince Taeil nodded, already planning on the fake invitation.
“Hm, can we get some help from the dreamies?” Hendery smirked.
“Yeah, sure. Just make sure they have no idea about what we’re doing.” Taeyong agreed.
So Prince Hendery and Prince Lucas are done with the DNA on the handkerchief. Their next assignment is to find the owner of the DNA. The first one to uncover is the Lord Sierra. Fortunately, they gained some help from the playful monkeys called dreamies. The younger princes were so excited when they were told that they got some interesting mission. Chenle and Donghyuck hate the bald man called Lord Sierra, because he always ruined the vibes in the palace, watching like a hawk, and interrupting their fun sessions acting as if he’s the best teacher at the palace.
“10 meters in the hallway. Over.” Renjun stands by with his cute blue walkie-talkie.
“Okay, Chenle and Donghyuck standing by, over.” Donghyuck stands by at the other hallway, excitedly waiting for the bald annoying man to pass by.
“5 meters. Donghyuck, prepare your book now, over.” Renjun confirmed.
“Okay, ready in 15 seconds. Over.”
“Good afternoon, your lord. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince Donghyuck, the twelfth prince.”
“Good day, young man. What’s the matter?”
“I know that you’re a perfect teacher as I previously watched you in our law lesson session. So, I was confused by this question right here.” Donghyuck shows his book to the lord as he uses his other hand to take a clean handkerchief in his pocket.
“Oh, wait a minute, your lord. You got something on your head.. there you are! I wiped them off for you.” Donghyuck smiled innocently.
“You have a better attitude than the other princes, Prince Donghyuck. I hope you keep this attitude once the new king rule.” Lord Sierra smirked. Oh, he didn’t know what’s coming, didn't he?
Donghyuck politely bowed as he signaled Jisung to stand by.
The lord proceeds to walk away, leaving Donghyuck who’s trying hard to hold his laughter.
Jisung pulls the clear string, smirking at Jeno, who’s doing the same across the hallway.
Donghyuck holds his giggles, as the lord tripped over the string. He gives out his thumbs to the boys who just escaped.
“Oh my goodness, your lord, are you okay?” He walks over to check out what happened, actually checking if the lord leaves a stain of saliva or not. He just did. Maybe his mouth hit the floor quite hard.
“Who the hell pulled a string in a hallway?!”
“Urgh, it was probably our little brothers playing pranks on each other. Oh my goodness I must’ve forgot to tell them to clean up the mess. My apology, your lord.”
Lord Sierra leaves the scene angrily and the young princes break in laughter.
“That was cool! He even left some stains on the carpet, now it’s your turn to get the evidence, Jisung.”
“Urgh, why do I have to touch his saliva.” Jisung groaned.
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“Okay, so I checked the DNA and it matched. 89% DNA belongs to Lord Sierra, but the other 11% belongs to someone else. You still have to check who is it because he or she might become key evidence in this case.” Prince Hendery explained.
“There’s someone else? Why would he share the handkerchief with someone else?”
“Ew, gross.” Prince Johnny cringed.
“No, guys. It might be someone who had helped him poisoning the queen. So, he or she might have touched the handkerchief, you know, to work with the powder.” Prince Taeyong suggested.
You nod, “Yeah, you’re probably right. We should split tasks. I’ll check the ladies, and Prince Jaehyun could check the people who live around the palace, and Prince Johnny, please check people who had been allowed to visit the queen recently. You can work with the administrators of the palace.”
Prince Taeyong stands up quickly, “I’ll lurk Lord Sierra around and maybe I’ll obtain more evidence.”
The boys nod, “Ready to execute.”
You were walking around the palace to observe the ladies. Lady Lia is working together with you. But Lady Yuna, there’s no reason you shouldn’t doubt her knowing that she has been with the queen every day. She is also responsible for the queen’s everyday meals. So you observe her activities to find any suspicious things. You were about to follow her to the kitchen when suddenly a hand grabbed yours while panting.
“Your highness.” You greet Prince Jeno who’s trying to stable his breath.
“Y/n. Prince Doyoung has sent me to tell you this. When he was out to get more research tools, someone had broken into his house and mess around his laboratory. Luckily, he saved the.. uh... evidence and he wanted me to tell you to go to his laboratory, because he can’t bring it to the palace.”
“Thank you for your help, Prince Jeno. But I may need your help once again.”
“Anything, I’ll do anything.”
So Jeno had to run again to get Taeyong for you. The older prince quickly prepared his horse to pick you up at the front lobby. You’ve been waiting at the front lobby as you hold the sound recorder tightly as the only important weapon you have.
“Quick, we don’t have time.” Taeyong appeared with his strong horse, Pim.
You nod and quickly receive his help getting you up on the saddle.
The horse neighs as Taeyong put the pace quickly, running out of the palace.
While passing the old kitchen building at the south side of the palace, you noticed two people talking suspiciously, you squint your eyes to see further, and you gasp.
“Stop the horse!” You whisper harshly.
“Why, we have to be quick,” Taeyong replied confusingly before stopping his horse.
You get off the horse, pointing at the suspicious people, Lady Yuna and Lord Sierra.
Taeyong drops his jaw in shock, nodding at you before moving quickly to gather some of his men.
You grip the sound recorder tightly, as you walk silently towards them, trying to listen. You press the record button as you vaguely hear, “Why did they find the handkerchief?! You stupid wench, you had one job. And you failed. Give me back the money.”
“N-no. Lord Sierra, I’ll try my best. It was so hard to be alone with the queen lately because the other ladies are checking in and out frequently. But trust me, I have one more thing to do, and the queen will be sleeping forever without anything suspicious.”
You gasp silently, holding your tears as you saw your friend betraying the queen, the person you love the most. You put your hand on your mouth as you wait for Lord Sierra to go. Lady Yuna sighs as she walks away back to the palace, before you run towards her and confront her.
“How dare you?!” You scream.
Lady Yuna flinches in shock, she didn’t expect you to show up and find out what she has been doing to the queen.
“I-i.. Lady Y/n, I have something to explain.”
“There’s nothing to explain, you betrayed our queen!”
“Do you have someone along with you here? Please tell me you’re alone.”
“Is that important? Do you think poisoning the queen is the right thing to do? What was in your mind, Yuna? We work together, I thought you respected the queen!”
Lady Yuna stays still as her face darkening, “I’m sorry but life doesn’t always work like you think it will be, y/n. Sometimes you need to take the dark road to survive. Oh, you don’t even have to survive, you have enough stupid princes to protect you! Don’t deny yourself saying you’re a servant like us, you practically live like a princess around the palace!”
“Why is it about me now? Are you crazy, Yuna? Don’t do this. You’re better than this!”
She smirks, “Yeah, I’m better than this.” She was about to reach for your neck when suddenly a hand prevents her hand from doing so. Her eyes widen in fear after finding out the prince in front of her. Taeyong let go of her hand, pulling you behind protectively. “I can’t believe you betrayed the queen and now you want to kill the person she trusted the most in the palace.”
“We have the evidence of you trying to kill the queen. Now, don’t even try to avoid the court. Catch her, and tell Prince Hendery to check her DNA.” Taeyong commanded. You watched bitterly as the men hold both of her hands. You stare at Lady Yuna who’s screaming in agony. 
“I have my reasons! Just watch it, y/n. You’ll be like me too, someday! Do you think you can live happily ever after? No, it only exists in a fairy tale! Let go of me!” 
Taeyong hug you away from her, you cringing at her sharp words. After everyone’s gone, Taeyong examines your face. “Are you okay?” You nod, “Yeah, I’m alright. L-let’s go to the laboratory. Prince Doyoung must’ve waited for us.”
You look around the wrecked laboratory. You feel bad for Prince Doyoung, he cherished his private laboratory a lot. “I’m so sorry, Prince Doyoung.” He smiled, “It’s okay, I’ll tell my people to fix it later. But the most important is, this.” He shows you the identification paper. “I was really mad when I first discovered this. I can’t believe someone tried to poison my mother with this kind of poison. It’s an extracted powder of wolfsbane flower, a poison plant.”
Taeyong clenched his jaw, “Lady Yuna is the one helping Lord Sierra poisoning the queen. We catch her on the way here. We need to move quickly. I think there are more people involved in this case. I’ll tell Prince Taeil to prepare a court and gather the attorneys.”
You and Prince Doyoung nodded.
Hours later, Prince Johnny informed you and the other older princes that Grand Duke Wong and his people are gathering patrons to seize the throne and go against the queen. So, Prince Yuta decides to announce the queen’s poisoning as soon as possible. Prince Taeil arranges the political conference. Prince Jaehyun makes sure the palace is secured enough, and Prince Johnny and Taeyong keep an eye on the opponents. Your task is to stay beside the queen, along with Lady Lia. You bring her beautiful flowers every day, but nothing seems to be able to make her get up again.
The next day, Prince Taeil and all the princes attend the conference. They notice some people of Grand Duke Wong’s people are there as well.
“Good morning. I am Prince Taeil, the crown prince. I am here now, as I will speak for the queen. Listen, our dearest queen is ill, and no one at the kingdom, or out of the kingdom were able to heal her. It has been 6 months since she was sick, and she’s not getting better.” Prince Taeil clenched his jaw. “I am here to announce that our queen is being poisoned by some people who want to seize the throne. One of the queen’s assistants had been arrested for involving in poisoning the queen.”
Prince Taeil put out the sound recorder he kept in his pocket and showed it to everyone in the room before pressing the play button.
“Why did they find the handkerchief?! You stupid wench, you had one job. And you failed. Give me back the money.”
“N-no. Lord Sierra, I’ll try my best. It was so hard to be alone with the queen lately because the other ladies are checking in and out frequently. But trust me, I have one more thing to do, and the queen will be sleeping forever without anything suspicious.”
Everyone in the room gasped as they looked at Lord Sierra. His eyes widen in panic and he quickly stands up to defend himself. “This is a trap. The man in the recorder was not me! The woman must be crazy to mention me when she w-wasn’t even talking to me!”
“Arrest him.” Prince Taeil commanded. The crowd stare at Lord Sierra as he struggled to defend himself.
Prince Taeil ended the conference with a warning, “Everyone here, if you are one of our opponents’ people, tell your superior that he’s not gonna make it. And if we catch you, it will be the end for you and your family. Thank you.”
That night, you informed the prince that the queen’s getting weaker. You requested them to gather in her room, because of the queen’s wish. She wants to spend her last time with her sons and of course, you.
Before waiting for the princes to come, you stayed beside the queen, holding her hand’s delicately. The queen looks up to you, her eyes wavering as she whispers,
“You’re always so kind to me and the boys.”
You smiled bitterly, “Oh, my queen, you were kind to me first, I could do nothing but take care of you to repay all your motherly love.”
“I’m so happy to hear you call me mother, you’re the daughter I’ve never had.”
“I love you, mother.” You kiss her knuckles and let your tears fall on her hand.
“Of all flowers you had given to me, know that for me, you are the flower I cherished a lot.” You can’t help but cry in front of the queen, but soon you wipe them off as the princes burst in to meet their mother. Prince Taeil leads the other princes, bowing with respect as the queen smiles and motions them to gather near her.
“Oh, my boys. come here, my princes. Jisungie, where are you?”
The youngest hold his tears as he walks past his brothers to reach his mother’s hand. “I’m here, mother.” 
The queen looks fully at his youngest with pride, “You’re already this tall. I’m so proud of you, baby. You’ve become a mature and wise prince.” The other princes hang their heads low. This situation hurts them a lot and the whole room becomes sorrowful. “You boys, I hope what I’ve taught you will become your provision as you all grow up. Prince Taeil, you’re the oldest, and soon you will rule the kingdom. You have so many responsibilities, not only to protect the kingdom as the rightful king, but also your brothers, and your little sister, Lady Y/n. Remember what I always told you, family is not only blood-related, but those who are close and loyal to us.” 
“Your wish is my command, mother. I’ll do all of my responsibility as best as I can.”
You listen sadly as the queen starts to talk to Prince Jungwoo and the other princes. You reminisce those times when the princes and their mother would invite you to their private tea parties. You had so much fun with them, your family. The queen struggles to pull out the diamond kingdom ring on her finger, and then reaching for the crown prince’s hand. Prince Taeil watches bitterly as his mother put the kingdom ring on his finger.
“Remember, my kids, you should be brave and kind, treat people right, I.. I..” The queen stammers, trying to catch more air. You touch her hand in panic, “Your majesty? Y-your majesty?! Mother..?” You call, trying to find her consciousness.
The queen pull her last breath, before leaving with a soft, “I love you all.”
Your cries broke the brief silence, your head falling on top of the queen’s lifeless hand. The younger princes start to cry with you, calling her mother desperately to stay with them. You glance at Prince Mark, who’s been staring away at the window, you assumed that he’s holding his tears. Seconds after you look away from him, he leaves the room with his hand on his face, covering his tears away. You run after him, not wishing him to mourn alone.
“Prince Mark!” You call him stridently. “W-wait,” You stand in front of him as he stops to turn around. “Where are you going?” You ask softly, tears still falling heavily. He ignored your question, before asking sharply, “Why did you hide it from all of us?” You tilt your head confusingly, “W-what?” He rolled his eyes. “Why did some of us had to hear the queen’s poisoning at the conference? And you were involved in this? W-who are you to do that to some of us? Aren’t we family? Or at least you think so, right? I thought we’re close, Y/n.” He let his tears fall, looking at you coldly. “W-what are you talking about Mark? I d-don’t understand.” You ask desperately, reaching for his hand but then he brushes you aside. “Enough. Just, leave me alone.” You stare at his shoulder as he leaves you in the huge hallway. His words lingering in your head.
The next day, you woke up early to prepare your last gift to the deceased queen. You walked into the queen’s favorite garden. You were about to get the lilies before finding Prince Mark sitting on the bench. You freeze, not knowing what to do after what happened last night. You decided to greet him formally, “Y-your highness.” 
He glances at you coldly, you never see him acting like that to you. He said nothing before leaving you in the garden. You feel hurt, neglected by your own best friend. But then, you remember his words last night. Who are you to act close to him? 
You wipe away your tears and start gathering the beautiful lilies for the queen’s funeral.
You stand behind Prince Jisung, you have insisted to stand beside the other maids, but Prince Taeil told you to stand with them. You kept thinking about Prince Mark’s words last night, and the stares from every direction couldn’t help either. Prince Jaemin glance at your direction, behind him, and smile at you. He decides to move to stand beside you, but then Prince Mark grabs his hand, keeping him back at his former position. “Jaemin, stay here. Don’t play around.” 
Jaemin stutters in shock, “I.. I’m not playing around, I just want to stand with Y/n. She’s alone and being stared by people is not pleasant, you know.” Prince Mark rolls his eyes. “They were not looking at her. They’re looking at us. Just stay here, the casket is coming.”
Jaemin raises his eyebrow, confused by the sudden snap. Prince Mark never acts coldly to him like that, especially if it was about you. He starts to wonder what happened to both of you, what might have pissed him off. 
Jaemin glances back at you, who’s staring at the casket blankly, holding the flowers tightly. Jaemin felt bad for you, and he’s determined to make sure that you’re not alone. So when Mark’s not looking, he ordered Chenle and Jisung to stand beside you, instead of turning their backs on you. 
Chenle and Jisung got the clue and then opened the space between them, while Chenle grabs your shoulder to step forward. You look at them, both confused. "Stay here with us. Mother will be mad if she sees you standing alone behind all of us." Jisung reassures you. You smiled weakly, thanking both of them for taking care of you.
The funeral went honorably smooth as the whole kingdom is mourning for the respected queen. It is time for the princes to finally come to the cemetery to give the queen their last respect. 
You hesitate for a while, whether to follow along, or just go with the rest of the maids. You tap Chenle in his shoulder. "Hey, Chenle. Can you help me put these flowers on the casket? This is my last respect for the queen. There are lilies, they represent that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death. I hope the queen would like it." You try to hold your cry, can’t help but feeling helpless.
Chenle falls silent, looking at the flowers and back at you, confused. "Why don't you just go with us? I mean, you can put them on by yourself. You have a chance, Y/n."Prince Taeil starts leading the princes to walk forward. You urge Chenle to walk with them, "Just go, and please put them on the casket for me." Chenle ignores your demand as he grabs Jeno's coat, gaining his attention. "What is it, Chenle? We're doing a solemn ceremony." Jeno scolds the younger prince. "Hyung, can Y/n go with us?" Chenle asks quickly. "Yeah, why not?" Jeno nod. 
Mark heard the conversation vaguely. His heart agreed to the boys, but his ego was too big to understand the whole situation. "She can't go with us. She's not a kingdom relative." Mark claimed. Donghyuck disproves, "What? What kind of nonsense was that? She has been with us all this time. I am sure that Mother would appreciate her last respect." 
You feel the crowd starts staring at the arguing prince, and you surely don't want that to happen. You nod briefly at Chenle, and leave the princes' aligning. You can't lie that you feel hurt by what Mark said, but you can't help but understand what he was saying. He was right. You're a commoner, how dare you stay near them during a solemn ceremony. You remember what Lady Yuna said to you.
"Just watch it, y/n. You’ll be like me too, someday! Do you think you can live happily ever after? No, it only exists in a fairy tale!"
You leave the palace grounds, running quickly to the outer side of the palace. You don't have anywhere to go, but you know you should go from the palace because you don't belong here.
"Y/n, wait!" You turn around to see Lady Lia running after you. "Where are you going?" Lady Lia asks desperately. You remain silent as you hardly find the words to say. "I- I have to go, Lia. I don't belong here." 
She stares at you confusingly. "What do you mean? You belong here in the palace more than I do, Y/n. You have been with the royal family since you were a kid!" Lia explained. 
“Lia, can I stay at your old place? I need some time to think.” You requested. 
She nods, “Yeah, the key is inside the old pot behind the house. Stay safe, Y/n.” She smiled bitterly. 
“Thank you so much, Lia. I owe you a lot. Please don’t tell the princes about this, and please take care of them.” With that, you leave the palace.
Meanwhile, someone looks at you leaving the gate, and he smirks. “We get our 4th target locked.”
You stay at Lia’s old cottage. You wanted to go back to the house of love, but you don’t have any idea how to get there. You look at the palace from the window, “I am sorry, my queen. But Prince Mark is right. I can’t be with the boys forever. I am a commoner, I am nothing compared to them, I don’t deserve to stay with them.” You sigh, desperately missing the queen, “I miss you, mother. C-can I even call you mother?”
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The princes gather around in the huge living room. They all fall into a deep silence, contemplating today’s event. It was a complete deep silence until Taeyong speaks up, “Where’s Y/n?” 
Mark flinches at the mention of your name, but he doesn’t say anything. 
Donghyuck glares at him, remembering what he said which made you leave the scene. He stands up, letting out a big loud sigh. The other princes look at him oddly. “Woah, I can’t believe you said that, Hyung.”
“What happened?” Johnny asked, but then cut by an angry Chenle. “I agree, what did you do that? Why did you have to push her away like that?” 
Taeyong raises his eyebrow as he stands up, “What? What happened here, anyone please explain.” Mark put his hands on his head. He regretted his actions but his ego was so big he couldn’t even handle himself. “I was just upset.”
“When we were about to give the tribute to mother’s cemetery, Y/n was ready with her flowers, she was planning to put them on the cemetery. You know how much mother loves her flowers. But he,” Jaemin points at Mark as he explains, “He pushed her away, telling her in front of us that she can’t go with us, because she isn’t a royal family. 
Donghyuck butts in, “Which is totally nonsense, because she has been with us all this time and she’s our sister, our best friend. Especially, your best friend.”
Taeyong jumps out of his position as he walks towards Mark, his hands on the younger boy’s collar. “Did you really do that to her? Answer me.” Jaehyun rises from his seat, trying to separate the two. Yuta joined him. “Hey, stop it. Taeyong, stop it, he’s younger than you. Stop!” Johnny scolded Taeyong until he let go of the guilty boy. 
“The thing is, why is she not with us now? Where is she?” Jeno asks. 
Donghyuck walks out of the room, yelling, “I’ll go check out her room.” 
Taeyong glares at Mark for the last time, before storming out to reach for Prince Taeil. “I’ll inform the crown prince. If anything happened to her, I will not be afraid to kill you.”
The princes split up to look for you, Donghyuck checked your room, but he couldn’t find you. He panicked to find your room neat and empty. He even knocked on the bathroom but you weren’t there either. He hurries his way as he finds Taeyong in the hallway. “Hyung, she’s not in her room.” 
Taeyong panicked when he heard that. He thinks hard where could you possibly been. “Lady Lia. Find her right now.” The younger prince nods as he runs away to find Lady Lia. “I swear, Y/n. I can’t let anything bad happen to you.” Taeyong murmured as he found his way to the kitchen.
Lucky for Taeyong, he found the lady right away as she was found boiling the water on the stove. 
“Y-your highness,” She greeted. 
“Good evening, Lady Lia. I-uh I am here to find you because we need some information.” Taeyong walks closer to her. 
“What can I help you?” 
Taeyong starts, “Did Y/n go somewhere? She’s not in her room, and we didn’t see her on the tribute session.” 
Lady Lia panicked, she remembered you forbid her to tell the princes about your short get-away. “I-i.. I’m sorry, your highness, but I’m afraid I can’t tell you. S-she wanted me to not tell all of you.” 
Taeyong sighs, “So she did run away, did she?” Lady Lia looked away to avoid his look. “Tell me where she went to. This is a command.”
After intimidating the poor lady, Prince Taeyong summoned Prince Jaehyun and Prince Johnny which then obtained some of their best men to go with them, to look for the unofficial princess. 
On the other side, Mark stayed at the palace as he walks around in the big living room, regretfully thinking about you. 
“Did you realize what you have done?” Jeno asks. “It was a jerk move of you to push her away like that. What was in your mind?” 
Mark couldn’t hide his tears anymore. He cries in front of his brothers. 
Chenle and Jisung go towards his brother sympathetically, “Ah, Hyung. I know you didn’t mean what you said.” 
Mark sighs, “I was so upset that she hid everything along with the older princes. I can’t believe I didn’t know my mother was poisoned, and I didn’t do anything about it. Besides, she always went with Taeyong. I could’ve helped her with anything! Why didn’t she reach out to me?”
Jaemin smirks, “Wait a minute, are you jealous?” 
Mark’s widens in embarrassment, “N-no! What do you mean? I mean, it’s just... I.. feel like she has been staying away from me.” 
Donghyuck steps up to argue back, “Listen here, I have 3 points to explain. First, she didn’t purposely hide the case from us because the queen told her not to tell some of us. Mother ordered her to seek help from the five oldest princes. But then Doyoung joined because he was needed to identify the poison. So, she just did what the queen had told her to do. Second, she hasn’t been staying away with you, because, she has been busy collecting evidence for this case. So, let’s just say she contributed to save our kingdom. Third, how do I know this? Did they tell me? No. They didn’t. Even when they need our help with Lord Sierra’s DNA they don’t tell us a single bit of information about the queen’s poisoning. If I had known that he poisoned my mother, I would break his hand right away. So, the thing is, we were all shocked too, Hyung. What you did to her is out of jealousy. And you should have known that her leaving the palace could bring danger to her.” 
Mark leaves the scene immediately, goes to the stables to get his horse ready, and getaway to the shore. He chose to empty his head for a while, reflecting on what he did to you.
Meanwhile, you finished cleaning the old cottage. You get ready to make the bed for sleeping, when suddenly a bunch of people burst into the small cottage. You gasp in shock, not knowing what to do. You hide below the bed, praying that they won’t catch you. But of course the small bed can’t hide you from the malicious eyes. 
“You can’t hide away from us, lady. Finally, we got you.” The man breaks in vicious laughter, grabbing you in the leg and pull you outside the cottage. You scream for help, but no one can save you. You give up screaming when you see the vicious people gathering around you. “We should use her first.”
 But then you kick his hand away, finding your way to escape the crowd, running away to the forest. “Catch her!” 
“The cottage is empty!” Prince Johnny shriek as he rummages the little cottage. Prince Taeyong rubs his face harshly, finding a way how to find you. “They must have caught her, is there any sign left? She may have escaped.” Prince Jaehyun scans around the cottage until he stops, “Yeah, they left so many footprints. They lead to the forest. Let’s go, we have a chance.”
Mark stops his horse at the scream. There’s nothing around him, but the scream sounds familiar in his ears. He snap, realizing what is happening. He speeds up, finding his last chance to make his amends. He witnessed you getting chased by a bunch of men, holding some weapons. He chases them on the side of the forest. “Come on, Willy. Faster, we gotta pick our girl.” 
You keep running, even though you feel your legs will turn into jelly and melt away. You were about to give up when suddenly a hand grab your body and lift you onto the saddle. You found yourself on a horse. You fetch a deep sigh, before finding out who’s in front of you. It’s Prince Mark. He just saved you. 
“M-mark..” You smile weakly. 
“Hey, Y/n. Are you alright?? I-i’m sorry... I-” He stops as he feels your body leaning fully on him. 
“Wait, Y/n! No, hold on!” He began to panic when you pass out on his shoulder. 
He found a secure area to stop his horse and put you down to check your condition. “Oh no.” He looks around for help, but no one can be seen in the dark forest. He hugs your body closer to his, giving you warmth. Five minutes later, a bunch of people with lights come closer toward his direction. He scans for any danger, but then find his brothers instead. He hollers for their attention.
The princes stopped at the familiar sounds. They look around until Johnny finds Mark behind his horse, holding you tightly in his arms. "Mark!" The other two princes get down and hurriedly go to check your condition. 
Mark pale as he faces Prince Taeyong. "Please help her.." 
Taeyong glances coldly at him as he carries you up onto his horse, leaving the others behind followed by his men. 
Johnny sighs, "You did a good job, Mark. You saved her. Did you see where were they going? Jaehyun and I should catch them and bring them to the court.” 
Mark looks at the south direction of the forest. “They gave up looking for us so I guess they went back to the central side of the city." 
Johnny and Jaehyun nod as they prepare to chase the crowd. “You should go back to the palace, Mark,” Johnny said for the last time before riding his horse away, leading Jaehyun and the rest of the men.
“Mark!” You woke up screaming his name after unconsciously lying on your bed for more than an hour. 
Lady Lia holds your name as she tries to calm you down, "Are you alright?" 
You look at her confusedly. "Where am I? Where's Mark?" You asked in panic. 
Before Lia can answer you, someone entered your room. You glance at Taeyong, intending to ask him what happened back in the forest. Taeyong approaches you gently and then proceeds to hold your hand. Lady Lia bows to him and leaves the room quietly. 
"You're awake. Are you feeling alright?" You found comfort in his eyes. 
"Y-yeah. I'm alright. But where's Mark? He was with me earlier... He saved me. Why isn't he here?" You gush. 
Taeyong can't help but feel hurt that the first thing you asked after you woke up is Mark. But he knows you're right. Mark was the one who saved you. He shakes his head, lean forward into your face to calm you down. "He hasn't been back to the palace, I'll inform you if he's here. Here, have a drink."
You drink the water, still anxious about Mark. If he was the one who saved you, why wasn't he back with you here in the palace? You can't help but worry about him being outside. 
Taeyong turns your view back to him as he has something to say. "Y/n, listen to me. Since we all managed to expose Grand Duke Wong and his people, they want to harm us. It's so dangerous to stay outside, Y/n. Don't ever leave the palace again. We can't afford to lose you, Y/n." 
You hang your head low, disagreeing with his words. "No, I-i don't belong here." You utter lowly. 
Taeyong shakes his head repeatedly. "No. That's not true. You belong here with us, Y/n. You're a part of us. Whatever you have heard from Mark or whoever it is, they weren't true. Mark is reflecting on his words. He is conscious now that he shouldn't have said those things to you."
Two weeks after the incident, you stay at the palace under the protection of the princes. The people who tried to harm you were arrested. Prince Taeil is proven to be the rightful king and the coronation day is coming in two days. 
Everything is fine except one thing. Prince Mark hasn't talked to you yet. He came home that day, but he avoided you. He doesn't even have breakfast with the others. He has always been with Willy, his beloved horse. He has always been away from the palace since morning and came back at night. Prince Jeno and Jaemin said he never attends sessions anymore. Prince Lucas also said that he rejected his invitation to horseriding. You don't like this awkward and distant situation, but there's nothing you can do. The princes told you to give him space, so you listened to them. You keep your feelings hidden. You can’t help but expect him to talk to you soon.
You hold your dress tightly. You feel restless about the night. You walk past Prince Taeil's private room. You stop at the door, before proceeding to knock gently. 
"Come in," He answered. You open the door and bow politely to the soon-to-be king. 
"Your majesty." You greeted formally.
Prince Taeil smiles, "Hey, Lady Y/n. Is there something I can help?" 
You shake your head. "No, your majesty. I'm here for I have something to tell you about tonight. I want to say thank you for allowing me to stay in the palace and giving me protection I could never have outside the palace. You and your family, especially the late queen, have always been kind to me. Now that you will be crown as the rightful king, I believe you will be loved by the nation as the wise and righteous king." You pause to hide the obtrusive tears on your eyes. 
"Wait, are you going somewhere? Please tell me you are not or I'm going to send some guards for you tonight." Prince Taeil restrains you in panic. 
You chuckle sweetly, "No, your majesty. You should listen to the rest of my words. I will continue to serve you loyally and I promise to always be with the princes. Please accept my early congratulations." You look at Prince Taeil with watery eyes. 
He looks back at you with admiration. 
He sighs softly. "You know what, Y/n? From the first time my late mother brought you to the palace, I thought, will this kid bring happiness to our dull palace? I believed in you, and watching Jisung and Chenle grew up along with you was enough for me to know that you're a part of life who lit up our world. I used to follow my mother around, learning about the kingdom and how to rule like her. I lost my precious childhood as the crown prince. Johnny, Taeyong, and Yuta were born before I could even walk. I have been a role model to them until now. But watching you grow up filling the role as our little sister is enough to me. You feel like a family, Y/n. Don't ever leave us, Y/n. Even if tonight will change your life even more." 
You raise your eyebrow at his last sentence. You were about to ask him when he suddenly push you out of his room playfully.
"Alright, little princess. Please get out of my room now for I'm preparing my entrance tonight." Prince Taeil grabs your shoulder gently and open the door for you. 
"Ouch, ouch! My dress, your majesty!" You complained. 
"Oops, my bad. Goodbye," The crown prince apologizes to you but he doesn't look apologetic to you. 
You smile anyways. Maybe tonight will indeed change your life even more.
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“Come on, Y/n. You are very very close to the fondue, just drop them quickly!” Jisung nags at you. 
“Urgh, be patient, kids! Why am I always be the one stealing food for you..” You mumble. 
There the three of you, behind the big and glorious chocolate fondue. 
Jisung and Chenle definitely love the coronation after-party. There are so many yummy foods but the problem is, they have to wait until dinner time. After hearing the boring coronation speech by some gentlemen on the platform, they reached up to you for some food worthy mission. You, who were as bored as them, agreed to help them steal the fruit skewers and dip them in the chocolate fondue. 
As much as it feels like a deja vu, the three of you sit behind the big banquet table, hiding anxiously from the waiters passing by. 
"What are you guys doing?" The three of you look up in sync, only to find Prince Ten and Prince Kun raising each one of their eyebrows. 
"Uhm.. stealing food? Cool." Prince Ten smirks. 
You scoff, "Alright, you caught us. So, are you gonna help us or not?" 
Jisung and Chenle cringe along. 
Prince Kun shrugs, "Uh, we were actually looking for you, Y/n. Please go to the backyard of the palace. Someone's looking for you, I believe it's something important."
You run with your dress and heels, the only thing you remember is what Prince Taeil told you earlier. This could be something that might change your life even more. You finally reach the backyard when suddenly you trip on your dress. You waited for your face to hit the ground but you don't. You feel a pair of hands wrapped around your waist, preventing you from falling. You open your eyes, finding a pair of starry eyes. 
"Mark.." You muttered. 
Prince Mark helped you to stand properly before awkwardly putting his hands back behind him. 
"Maybe.. don't run with your dress and heels next time, I guess?" He said bashfully. 
You replied with an awkward smile. "So, where are we going?" 
He looks towards the south side of the palace. "To the shore?" 
You smiled and nod.
"Where are they going?" Taeyong asks Sicheng and Johnny as he looks at the pair of youngsters leaving the palace. 
"I don't know but I'm glad he finally talks to her." Johnny shrugged. 
Sicheng nods, "That's exactly what I think. Y/n had been feeling down lately because Mark hadn't been talking to her. But now seeing them together, I hope they solve whatever was happened between them." 
Taeyong was about to put his plate down before Johnny pulls him back. "Give them space. I know you probably worry about her safety but Mark isn't that bad. I know he did her wrong, but he deserves a chance to make it up to her." 
Taeyong put his eyes firm on Mark's horse. He watched you both leaving the palace with glassy eyes.
You hop down with the help of Mark. You stare at the calm ocean as Mark starts to arrange the little hut. 
"Y/n, come here." He called. You walk towards him, feeling jumpy now that you're alone with him. You quietly sit under the hut. 
Mark snickers at how you avoid his eyes and choose to look at the stars instead. 
“Are the stars more interesting than me?” He asks. 
You look back at him with red-tinted cheeks. “Hm?” 
He laughs. His face turns serious as he starts to speak deeply, “I’m sorry I haven’t been talking to you, Y/n. I was... I was ashamed of myself. I was drowning in jealousy. I wasn’t thinking straight. The thought of losing my mother, my queen, was terrifying me. But I put those weights on you stupidly. I shouldn’t have done it, Y/n. I hope you would forgive me.” 
Mark reached to hold your hands. 
You could feel your tears coming when you felt his tears fell on your hand. “I forgive you, Mark. Why wouldn’t I? You’re one of the most important people I have.” That’s when his tears fall heavily. “I.. I have to tell you this, Y/n. You belong with us. You’re a part of us, and the title ‘family’ is yours in the palace. And... I..” He pauses. 
“Y-you what, Mark?” You were sure he wanted to say something you’ve expected, until he cuts everything. 
“No, it’s just... I..” You can hear doubt in his timid voice.
“It’s getting late. We should go back..” He stands up, offering you his hand to get up. 
Your eyelids stutter in confusion, but you proceed to tag along.
Mark brought you home safely that night. But you didn’t hear the words you want him to say. Or at least, that was what you expected. You lost yourself that night. After bidding Mark good night, you walked to your room in a daze. 
All this time, you thought he would feel the same as you. After all the cute cuddles every movie night, private baking sessions, and a lot of forehead kisses, he didn’t say anything. 
Maybe you’ve been hoping too much. Maybe you have mistaken his actions. You have nothing but a broken heart that night. 
But then, you reflected on something else. You remember everything that happened recently. Cheering the princes, helping them discover the poisoning case, and party along with the kingdom. You tried to see the bright side. 
Everything is doing great. Maybe this is what Prince Taeil meant. Going with Mark change your life even more. Maybe this is a new start. A change of step in your relationship. Maybe he wants to start over as a friend, as a family. You tried to process everything in your head. 
After all, you’re safe in the hands of the princes, and the new king. You’ve done your best, and you’ve fulfilled the queen’s wish. Everything is doing well and great. 
You run your fingers on the balcony railing, daydreaming about your life, your journey. You sigh restfully. Everything is doing great.
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Alternative Endings
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You continue to live your life at the palace like a chameleon. You work for them at noon, and you accompany them as a sister and friends at night. 
Stealing food at night is a constant activity with Prince Jisung and Prince Chenle, it became an everyday mission to the three of you. Prince Donghyuck summons you more often to accompany him in his archery session. And Jeno with his architectural class. Renjun and Sicheng love history classes, but you know it’s not a good idea to accompany them when you yawn throughout the lectures. 
Prince Taeyong grew closer to you. He invited you secretly to a lot of his political meetings. You’d be admitted as his assistant during those meetings, leaving you blushing the whole day for the endless winks. He has been teaching you archery, just so you wouldn’t be bored during Haechan’s sessions, he said. He also gave you a free horse riding session. Prince Johnny and Prince Yuta gifted you a beautiful horse. You named it Grace.
Today, Prince Taeyong invites you to go hunting in the forest with him. You’ve mastered archery and horse riding so you agreed to go with him. Maybe you can use your skills this time. You hop on Grace as you signal her to stay calm. 
“Last time I taught you horse riding you almost got Pim kicking your leg. But now you can calm your own horse? I can tell that Pim is jealous right now.” Taeyong teases you. 
You glance at Pim before petting Grace’s head. “Oh, Pim. I’m so sorry that you belong to that annoying prince on you. While Grace here knows she belongs to me, the graceful lady.” You tease back. 
Taeyong rolled his eyes playfully. “Let’s go, the deers are waiting.”
“Now, Y/n. Fire the arrow, now!” Taeyong instructed. 
You shoot the arrow at the deer, and you scream happily. “Woohoo! I got it!” 
Taeyong chuckled, “Congratulations, Y/n. You got your first deer.” 
Both of you stopped the horses, before going towards the poor deer. You dance with amusement before you suddenly stop walking. 
“Oh no,” You look at Taeyong. 
He raises his eyebrow, “What, what’s wrong?” 
Your face turns sad, “I killed the poor deer. Oh no! Why would I do that! Y/n, you killer!” You jog towards the deer, checking the dying animal. “Oh no. We should get the deer to Prince Jungwoo!” 
Taeyong laughed, “Why should we do that, Y/n? You killed it. Let’s just go to the shore and grill it as our dinner.” 
You gap your mouth in shock. “No! Oh my god, why are you so cruel. No, look at its eyes! How can you eat the poor little thing?” 
Taeyong smiled. “Of course, you wouldn’t be heartless like me to eat it. Cute,” He mumbles. 
“What did you say?” You tilt your head. 
He shakes his head, “No, I didn’t say something. Uh, I did say something. I said... It’s my turn to shoot my arrow.” 
You frown in confusion as he starts to look deep into your eyes. “Uh, no, Taeyong. We are not killing deer anymore.” You state.
He smiled before suddenly you feel a pair of lips on yours. You widen your eyes in shock before eventually giving in to the kiss. You unconsciously put your hands between his neck, deepening the kiss. 
A movement cuts the intimate moment as you both pull away to breathe. You glance at the deer. It looks like it’s signaling you get him quickly. 
You laugh, “What was that?” 
Taeyong laughs along with you. “I guess it doesn’t appreciate our little show.” 
You punch his arm playfully, before getting the deer on the horse, preparing to go back to the palace. You glance at him as he hops on his horse. 
“Please don’t tell Prince Jungwoo what happened.” 
He smirks, “Oh. I am so gonna tell the whole kingdom that you are mine now.”
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“I’ll name her Poppy.” You run your fingers on the cute little pup. 
She was found dying near the gate of the palace. Luckily, Lady Lia found her and brought her right away to Prince Jungwoo, the soon-to-be vet in the kingdom. 
You were walking past his private room before he called you in. He decided to give the puppy for you to adopt. 
“Poppy? Cute,” He responded. 
“Of course! Because our cute little puppy here is sooo cute!” You coo at the smiling puppy. “Thanks for healing two of my best land doggos. First, Frosty the deer and now Poppy the golden pup!” You smiled at Prince Jungwoo. 
He smiled back as he sorted out his equipment. “It has been my pleasure to take care of these innocent living things.”
You walk around the palace with Poppy in your arms. You’re planning to show him to Jisung and Chenle. Last time you showed them the deer you found in the forest, they love it. And now, you’re sure that they’ll love the little pup. 
You walk past the late queen’s favorite garden, and decide to introduce it to Poppy. “Look, Poppy! This is the queen’s favorite garden. The princes love it too! I hope you won’t poop in here, okay Poppy?” 
You release Poppy to explore the flower garden. You sigh as you sit on the bench, reminiscing things. 
A minute later, your eyes wander around to look for Poppy. She isn’t in the garden anymore! You run out of the garden, calling her name and hoping she will recognize her name yet. 
“Poppy! Poppy, where are you? Come here, baby.”
You heard little barks and a peal of laughter as you walked closer. You tilt your head to the side, only to find your puppy with Prince Mark on the ground. He’s lying down attacked by your dog licking him excitedly. 
“Oh, there you are, Poppy!” You pant. 
Prince Mark looks at you confusedly, “Is she yours?” 
You nod. “Yeah, we found her dying out near the gate, but luckily Prince Jungwoo cured her.” 
He smiles, oh how you miss those smiles. 
“She’s cute. What’s her name? Poppy?” 
You nod again. “You love her? Can we crown her as the royal dog?” You begged. 
He raised his eyebrow, “Isn’t she a royal dog already?” 
You chuckled, agreeing with him. 
“Let’s go for a walk, are you free?” You suggested. 
He nods right away. “Sure, we can have dinner at the city market.” He smiled. 
“Oooh, I’d love that! I also want to buy Poppy’s foods and items.”
So you and Prince Mark decided to take a walk to the city market. Both of you walk on the empty road, side to side with little Poppy in your hands. 
“So,” you both said. 
Mark scratches his head in embarrassment as he asks you to speak first. 
“Hahaha, alright. I was going to ask how you’ve been.” You look at him. 
“I’m fine, thanks for asking. I was going to ask you the same thing.” 
You frown, “I’m fine, but actually not. I.. I miss us, Mark. Things have been awkward between us. But I don’t want to ask you. I just want us to be fine.” 
Mark frown at your outspoken words. “Hey, wanna rest for a while? We can let Poppy play, there’s nothing dangerous here.” He suggested. 
Both of you find a bench under a big oak tree. You release Poppy, and the little dog starts sniffing around, playing on her own.
“I am sorry that things have been awkward between us, Y/n. I guess, I have so many things left unsaid that night.” He confessed. 
You choose to say nothing but listen. 
“I.. I was a coward. I didn’t express my true feelings that night. Because I’m afraid that you.. don’t feel the same way like I do.” 
You raise your eyebrow. “What do you feel about me, Mark?” 
He looks at your eyes, encouraging himself. “I like you, Y/n. Not as a sister, a friend, but as a woman. I love you. You have been a special person holding my heart.” He confessed. 
You can feel your tears falling. 
Mark flinch in panic, “Oh no... why are you crying? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-” 
You cut him off by putting your lips on his. Mark widens his eyes, shocked by the euphoria inside his heart. He closed his eyes before wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you closer to his body. The kiss lasted for a good minute, until you can feel something licking your leg. 
You pull away from Mark, laughing at Poppy. 
“Oh come on, Pop? Why do you have to ruin the moment like that?” Mark chuckled. 
“Pop? You give her a cute nickname! Oh, look, she loves it!” You squealed. The cute dog wiggles her tail excitedly. 
Mark laughed wholeheartedly before proceeding to pull you closer to him. 
You lean your head into his chest, inhaling his masculine scent. “I’m glad you’re finally mine.” He muttered. 
“Being in your arms right now is worth the wait.” You replied before finally walking hand-in-hand with him with little Poppy trailing behind.
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