#we got so many ot3 moments but oh boy was it at a cost
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sgt-dignam · 3 months ago
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look, i'm sorry about the way i came in here yesterday. i shouldn't have. i'm scared. things are happening in my family that i don't know how to protect them from. but the truth is, i think you might.
Jade, Jim & Tabitha in FROM | 3.10 - Revelations: Chapter Two
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yukipri · 6 years ago
For the ask: can you tell me about shoreiji? :3
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you: Shorter x Eiji
When I started shipping it if I did:
So okay I’m very aware of my incredibly consistent tendency to poly ship Everyone x Protagonist, and even from just the promo stuff (nop haven’t read the manga tho hoooo boy have i read detailed spoilers), it was clear that Ash and Eiji were gonna be the Popular Ship. But then I was like EY who’s this flashy purple mohawk?? And then I was like OH SHITE he’s the Best Friend Type, I’m SUCH a sucker for them??
And then it was like Wait, soooo Ash shoved another guy’s name into Eiji’s mouth? That’s pretty gay (
Beyond me just being attracted to Shorter as a character, I started to REALLY ship them when I noticed just how many times Shorter protects Eiji. True, Eiji’s defs the type that needs protection but…it was just, SO MANY TIMES?? Like dare I say excessive, in the most endearing way?? Their first meeting at the doc’s, and then Shorter literally does the “cover your hands with mine to shoot gun,” and then wrapping himself around Eiji as they jump into the harbor…then it looks like they consistently slept next to each other for most if not all of the trip to LA, and as if he’s already learned that Shorter’s the one who’s gonna protect him, Eiji latches onto him at sight of Mouse LMAO
BUT the one scene that literally gave my life to this ship was after Shorter goes with Yut Lung, and is protecting unconscious Eiji. THAT WHOLE FREAKIN’ SEQUENCE REALLY, but the “If anything happens to him, I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself,” followed up by “We don’t need the fuckin’ wheelchair [because I can effortlessly princess carry him and don’t want to be separated by even the slightest amount]”…like JFC, JFC WHAT A SHIP *straight through the heart* (
My thoughts:
What makes me happy about them:
The fact that they are alive and well and living happily in a shared apartment with Ash, Sing, and Skip. *COUGHS*
But in all honesty, how protective Shorter is of Eiji, and how naturally and easily he does it. How much Eiji trusts him even in such a short time. How I think Shorter was so essential to Eiji and Ash’s bond too. Just, SO MANY THINGS.
What makes me sad about them:
SO MANY FREAKIN’ THINGS OH MY FUCKING GOD IS THIS A TRAGEDY SHIP IF THERE EVER WAS ONE???? (but that’s also part of what makes it so, SO good RIP)
(too long so under a cut lmao rip)
The fact that Shorter literally would have done anything, would have died for Eiji, and in a way he freakin’ DID. The fact that probably one of the last coherent thoughts he had was the dawning horror that they were going to make him hurt, possibly kill Eiji, and there’s nothing he could do to stop it. The fact that he was forced to be terrified of Eiji, someone he cares about and wants to desperately protect, and that that’s precisely why they chose him as Shorter’s target. The fact that even through all the pain and fear, any part of him left was probably even more scared about what he could do to Eiji. While he asked Ash to set him free from the unbearable pain, I personally interpret that moment as asking Ash to stop him from hurting their Eiji, even at the cost of his own life. I wonder if he died feeling relieved that Eiji at least was safe, or if he died not knowing.
And Eiji, gods, he never doubted Shorter’s loyalty once and reached for him until the end. That FACE Eiji made when he realized what they were going to do to Shorter, do to THEM. The fact that even if it was the drug’s fault, Eiji realized that his very existence was causing Shorter terror and agony so awful that it was unbearable. The fact that Eiji knows, and will always carry with him the fact that Ash had to shoot Shorter in order to protect Eiji. Shorter may have been already lost at that point, but part of Eiji will always blame himself, because it felt like Ash was forced to choose to save one of them, at the cost of the other’s life.
The fact that Eiji had Shorter’s life blood splat onto his cheek, and only Eiji saw that last expression on Shorter’s face. Eiji then felt the heavy weight of Shorter’s body collapse lifelessly on top of him, no doubt felt warm blood from Ash’s bullet wound soak into his own chest. It was Eiji who held Shorter’s body last, who screamed and cried himself hoarse as it was ripped away from him. And then it was Eiji who had to shove his pain aside, because he needed to be strong to keep Ash together.
But at the same time, all the sad things just make me ship them more RIP
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
uhhhh not all too much out there, but I guess when Ash is portrayed as an outsider? Regardless of whether he’s involved with them romantically or not. They both absolutely love Ash, and I doubt they could leave him alone.
Things I look for in fanfic:
Reciprocal feelings, a romantic relationship born out of strong friendship that remains strong no matter what else happens, always looking out for each other and Eiji being a strong mental support for Shorter in ways he’s not expecting. I love when Shorter gets flustered around Eiji too?? Also, when Shorter’s always concerned and careful, he knows he’s bold and confident and has experience Eiji doesn’t, so he always triple checks and makes sure Eiji’s completely ok before doing anything, and it’s sometimes so excessive but endearing that Eiji has to just pull him down for a kiss himself. ALSO ALIVE AND WELL THANK YOU.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I thought about saying Ash, and while it’s true to an extent (for either of them), I do strongly prefer this OT3 together ^ ^; But ACTUALLY, for Eiji I’m going to say Sing, because as with Ash, Shorter played a major role in bringing them together, and also I love SingEiji LOL Pulling up a blank for Shorter AHAHAHA
My happily ever after for them:
They live in a fancy ass apartment that’s 80% bought with Ash’s money but they contribute too HAHAHA. Shorter technically owns Chang Dai (his name alone scares off troublemakers) but he actually works at the hair salon next door. He cuts and styles Eiji’s long hair and dyes the slowly increasing number of gray hairs at his temples black. Eiji’s a photographer and Shorter tags along whenever he can to assist and carry his bags along with Sing, especially when Ash is the model. Eiji slowly develops a taste for Shorter’s cooking; it’s not exactly bad, just different. Eiji agrees to a couple ear piercing. They get married. Shorter grows super old to the point his natural hair turns white, and his reaction is, “Sweet! No more need for bleach ;D.”
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
LMAO Shorter is the big spoon, and he loves curling completely around Eiji who fits next to him perfectly, and it makes Eiji feel super safe try being a big spoon but….lil jetpack AHAHAHAHAHAHA
What is their favorite non-sexual activity:
CUDDLING??? Like y’all may or may not have noticed but I have a Thing for Shorter just…wrapping himself around Eiji. They’re such a good size difference for it?? Like when they’re chilling on the couch, Eiji’s seat is always Shorter’s lap (and then maybe Ash leans against them). When they take baths, Eiji also ends up in Shorter’s lap. When Eiji’s sleep and doesn’t want to wake up but Shorter’s gotta go, he just drags Eiji up with him and eats breakfast with a half asleep Eiji still in his lap.
Eiji likes to pretend he’s getting manhandled and he’s Shorter’s body pillow, but Eiji will also literally take any excuse to climb on top of Shorter. He pretends to get scared over things that he isn’t so his boyfriend will sweep him up. He also won’t admit it but loves getting princess carried, and likes saying, “I’m too tired and can’t walk,” even though they both know it’s a lie. When Shorter himself isn’t available, Eiji will wear one of his enormous hoodies and just curl up in it
send me a ship and I will tell you/Give me a character & I will tell you/send me 5 characters and I will rank them in order of preference
Please send me more~!  
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deepdarkwaters · 8 years ago
@notbrogues tagged me!
Total Number of Stories Completed: 24 complete (although a bunch of these are just separate bits of the Bespoke universe), and 6 lingering WIPs.
Total Word Count: 133875, goddamn :O
Fandoms Written In: Code Name Verity - Elizabeth Wein Killers Kill; Dead Men Die - Annie Leibovitz Kingsman Night Watch - Sarah Waters RED The Carnival Is Over - The Seekers The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett Velvet Goldmine
Mostly Kingsman, the others were all for exchanges. I can only seem to focus on one main fandom at a time.
Looking Back, Did You Expect To Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected? Less... I had all these plans to write less fic and more original stuff fpr publishing but NOPE I am helpless in fandom's iron grip.
What's Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year? I'm very fond of Ballerino... I highly recommend writing the most self-indulgent swoony trash your heart wants, because it's the most fun ever AND I think when you're gleefully enthusiastic about something then other people have fun with it as well.
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year? Bespoke, maybe...? I've been super passionate about OT3s before (received loads of Butch/Sundance/Etta treasure in fic exchanges, for example), but never really been invested on the writing side. It's a fascinating one to figure out.
But Smaychel is the best writing partner imaginable, so in that way it's not really a risk at all :-)
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year? F I N I S H   M Y   W I P S I am so sorry I am the worst. I was so adamant on getting everything complete by the end of the year but it just didn't happen. Too many pretty ideas, never enough time! WIPs are the priority. I've got a stack of original short stories and another novel to finish as well, but honestly I'm just having way too much fun with fanfic to prioritise them (and nobody reads original stuff anyway).
Best Story Of The Year? Is this a different question to Favourite Story?
Most Popular Story Of The Year? Ballerino is my most popular story ever in any fandom in about eighteen years of posting fic, so... thank you?!
Story of Mine Most Under-appreciated By The Universe, IMO: This fandom does appreciation like no other :-) There’s always going to be smaller ships like Roxy/Merlin that fewer people are interested in but that’s cool, you know going into it that there won’t be as many readers for that stuff as for Harry/Eggsy.
Most Fun Story To Write: Ballerino probably because it's just everything I love thrown at a page. Fight scenes!!! White tie formalwear!!! Undressing people in white tie formalwear!!! Ballet!!! Bottom Harry!!! Phone sex!!! Kingsman agents’ banter!!! Gross old stalker licking the sweat off his victim!!!
Story With The Single Sexiest Moment: Viewer Discretion Is Advised (aka the Bespoke fic where Harry and Eggsy finally get together while Merlin instructs) was an interesting one. I was trying to challenge myself to write something smokin hot without it being about dicks, and it turned out to be one of my favourite things I've ever written mainly for this scene:
"Pick a place," Merlin tells him, "anywhere you like, but don't touch him."
Through Harry's glasses feed, Merlin sees Eggsy's eyes moving and knows exactly what he's seeing: scars on golden skin; soft ridges of retrained muscle; the glorious way Harry flushes when he knows he's about to get what he wants. "Here?" Eggsy asks, soft and uncertain. Merlin watches the boy's shaking fingertips hover an inch or two above Harry's collarbone.
"Very good." Merlin hears a quick intake of breath at that, a shaky exhale, and drops his voice to a low murmur just to see what happens. "Good boy, Eggsy."
"Fuck," Eggsy mutters, "oh my god, fuck," and stares straight at Harry, at Merlin through Harry. "Okay, what now?"
"Nothing," Merlin tells him, and watches Eggsy's eyebrows flicker in confusion. "Pick another place."
"Here?" Eggsy checks, sliding a little way down the bed to kneel between Harry's sprawled legs, pointing at the place just above his navel.
"Good choice." Eggsy looks vaguely disappointed at that; must have been hoping for a word other than 'choice'. Tease, Harry finger-spells at Merlin. "But don't touch him."
The camera feed dips when Eggsy nods his head. Merlin watches his fingers trace the line of soft hair leading down to Harry's pyjama trousers, never actually making contact. Eggsy's got his lower lip caught between his teeth as though he's concentrating, hand moving lower and hovering a hair's breadth above where Harry's cock is heavy, half-hard, wearing the taut silk of his pyjamas like a second skin.
"Hands up, Eggsy. Harry, turn over for me."
He watches Harry move in quarter turns, first onto his side and then stretching out languidly on his front like a spoiled cat begging to be petted. Not too far away from the truth, really.
"Pick another place."
"Here," Eggsy says immediately, gesturing to the dimples at the bottom of Harry's spine. His whole hand rests there for a moment, a centimetre of space between his skin and Harry's, then he lifts his wrist and starts drawing gentle little swirling patterns in the air with one single fingertip. "Fuck, I know it's probably in my head but I swear I can feel how warm he is from here."
Harry makes a soft little stunned sound at that, pressing his face into the pillow. Merlin knows how much it costs him not to lurch up into this kind of almost-touch; the time he kept it up for the entire length of The Fellowship of the Ring, Harry naked and draped across his lap on the sofa, Harry was begging by Rivendell and outright sobbing by Lothlórien, and came crying when Merlin finally ran a fingertip down his spine at the credits.
"You're doing beautifully. Both of you.
"Fuck," Eggsy murmurs again, sounding fascinated by the writhe and twist of Harry's back as he slowly starts to lose his mind.
It's almost half an hour before Harry finally says please.
"Don't touch him," Merlin says softly. Eggsy hesitates with his fingertips drawing spirals in the air just above Harry's scapula, head tilted slightly to one side as though he's waiting for more. "You mustn't let him have anything the first time he asks for it. Give him an inch and he'll take a mile, goes the saying."
"Yeah, I got six inches I wanna give him," Eggsy says with his mouth right by Harry's ear, and Merlin downs his entire drink in one shaky swallow.
"What do you think about that, Harry?"
"Please." His voice is muffled in the pillow, screen dark where his glasses are pressed there, until Merlin tells him to turn his head and speak nicely. "Please," he says again, clearer but devastatingly quiet, imploring gaze fixed on Eggsy's eyes so Merlin can see the fluttery way he's blinking and the pretty pink flush in his cheeks.
"Stay still for me," he says, and Harry freezes, silent and barely seeming to breathe. "Eggsy – touch him. One fingertip, stroke him as gentle as you can. Watch what happens."
The glasses camera refocuses automatically when Eggsy leans in, filling the screen with Harry's upper back and shoulders – the glimmer of sweat, every pore and freckle, every scar from old gunshot wounds to the ghost marks of Merlin's favourite flogger. When Eggsy touches him, forefinger dragging a lingering line from the nape of Harry's neck to a spot between his shoulder blades, Merlin can see in perfect high definition the sudden thrilling rush of goosebumps bursting up and marring the beloved skin just below his damp hair.
"Oh," Eggsy says softly, inflected like he's just found god.
"That is why we say no to him."
Most Sweet Story: I suppose Harry babysitting Daisy and letting her draw tattoos on his arms in Sleeping Beauty?
"Holy Crap, That's Wrong, Even For You!" Story: I don't do wrong! Even the BDSM kinky pain shit is as fluffy as candyfloss. I usually quite like a bit of fucked up angst but it just doesn’t do it for me in this fandom, at least not when I’m writing. I just want everyone to be happy and kiss lots (and gangbang Harry until he’s done).
Making Harry a seven foot tall god with fuckin massive antlers and galaxies for eyes was a bit odd, maybe :P
Story That Shifted My Own Perceptions Of The Characters: This sort of demisexual voyeur Merlin in Bespoke was Smaychel's creation really. We just talked endlessly about these guys for weeks on end before they ever made it into any fic, and somehow he's become so comfortable for me to write even though we're nothing alike. I didn't realise until months into posting that most of the stuff I write for that series is Merlin POV.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: I don't know about unintentional, I'm pretty open about the extremely specific indulgent crap I love to write :P
Hardest Story To Write: I'm dragging my feet a bit on Echoes of Dreamland (the one about Harry and Merlin as posh schoolboys) because it's taking me closer to the Flame Keepers series being OVER and that makes me sad! My very first offering to this glorious fandom. Need to finish this, then there'll be a sequel to the Roxy/Merlin Little Sparks thing and a final small Harry & Merlin epilogue, then I think it's done. (Unless I actually give in to the temptation to finally write a Kingsman origins story with some of the Flame Keepers retired agents OCs, but not sure anybody wants to read basically original fic.)
Biggest Disappointment: MY WIP SHAME. Terrible.
Biggest Surprise: Every time someone says "so I really didn't like bottom Harry but fuck you for making me love it" my heart grows seven times bigger.
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thevalicemultiverse · 8 years ago
Things You Need To Know About: Cuddlepile
Tag: ~V: Cuddlepile
Premise: College in a new city is hard enough without accidentally screwing up your love life on top of it – but that’s what Victor did when he didn’t realize his two regular dates, Victoria Everglot and Emily Cartwell, each thought they were exclusive with him. Fortunately, interested bystander Alice Liddell stepped in to help him straighten things out. Unfortunately, then he started falling for her as well. And then things got really weird when Victoria and Emily started seeing each other in a new light…and Alice’s friends Christopher White and Richard Hatter got pulled into the mix…
This AU is a direct result of me seeing the “Alice is asexual” headcanon on tumblr, doing some research on that and other “queer” sexualities, and deciding I wanted to make a universe exploring that and polyamory. I’d always quietly OT3ed Victor/Victoria/Emily in their own verse -- this just allowed me to take it to the next level. In this modern-day world, Victor, Victoria, and Emily are all college students in the general London area, having left their hometown of Burtonsville for the first time in pursuit of higher education. Victor and Victoria have the usual pressure on them by their parents to date, while Victor and Emily came together after Victor found her crying in the woods over her bastard ex-boyfriend Barkis. Victor’s only too happy to date both girls -- finding Victoria to be very complementary to him, and Emily an exciting opposite -- and think nothing of it. After all, it’s only been a few dates each -- and it’s all in casual fun, right?
Nope -- thanks to Victor never thinking to mention that he’s officially dating the other girl, both Emily and Victoria think they’re exclusive with him. This bit of silly miscommunication blows up in Victor’s face when Emily catches him on a date with Victoria at a local cafe, and the two let him have it before storming off. Victor’s horrified and heartbroken, and has no idea what to say or do to salvage even a friendship with either. . .
And that’s when a green-eyed young miss sits down across from him and notes, “Well -- I thought you only saw that sort of thing in bad sitcoms. Who’s writing your life?”
Said green-eyed miss introduces herself as Alice Liddell, saying that normally she wouldn’t butt in, but Victor looks pretty lost and she’s got nothing better to do but help. Victor explains the whole sorry mess to her, and she gives him a little advice on how to apologize. They end up talking about other things, and Victor decides he likes her and would like to see her again. Alice feels the same, and they make some plans.
Later on, Victor visits Victoria to apologize. To his surprise, Emily’s there too -- turns out the two girls got to talking after storming off, and discovered they actually enjoy each other’s company. Victor tells them he’s sorry and that he never meant to hurt either of them, and is relieved when they forgive him (having already come to the conclusion his bad behavior was out of thoughtlessness, not malice). They agree that Victor can keep dating both of them more casually (they’re okay with it as long as they know), and Victor immediately tells them of his plans with Alice, emphasizing she’s just a friend.
A few get-togethers later, however, Victor realizes that it’s a lot more than just friendship on his side, at least. He confesses to Emily on their next date, not wanting another “sitcom plot” to start up -- and is astonished when she admits that she and Victoria are starting to develop feelings for each other. Victor calls a meeting with Victoria and Alice to discuss the situation. Alice, who is a bit more worldly than the sheltered Burtonsvillians (the place has very poor Internet access, and while Victor’s family could afford a better line, it came with William and Nell’s parental restrictions) introduces the trio to the idea of alternate sexualities and polyamory. She even offers to get two of her friends, Christopher White and Richard Hatter, to meet with them to explain better (as Christopher is openly bisexual and Richard is openly agender AND was in a brief threesome with two of his best friends). Victor, Victoria, and Emily are only too willing, and the meeting is set up. . .
Only for Victoria to instantly click with Christopher, and Emily to form a bond with Richard. And in the midst of everything getting even more complicated, Alice comes out with a life-altering line: “Oh, for God’s sake -- maybe we should just all date each other!”
Christopher’s response: “. . .I guess that is an option. . .”
Some negotiation and discussion later, and the group comes together into the jokingly-named “cuddlepile.” Things are a bit awkward at first, especially as the Burtonsvillians come to grips with their own developing sexualities (Victor and Victoria being both bi, and Emily realizing she may be biromantic but she’s definitely lesbian sex-wise), but soon they happily settle into their new poly lives. College is graduated, and the six get a house together --
And then Victoria gets pregnant thanks to a condom failure. Everyone’s pretty surprised (and curious as to whether Victor or Christopher is the father), but the decision is quickly made to keep the baby. Nine months later, little Matilda is born (and revealed to be Victor’s biological daughter -- there’s no mistaking that pale skin).
And six years later, she starts school. Which is when the group meets Deborah Winters, from two blocks over, and realize that it wasn’t just their own parents they had to worry about disapproving of their lifestyle. . .
This verse has two distinct time periods/locations threads can be set in:
Girls Love Girls And Boys: This is the actual “college AU” portion of the AU, when the group is still settling in a bit to the cuddlepile and juggling their dating lives with studies and parental nosiness. Victor never thought he’d actually be in an official relationship with more than one person, but -- it’s really quite nice. Doing term papers and binging TV shows is a lot more fun with so many interesting people around. And he’s feeling more loved than he ever has before. Now if only he could figure out why Christopher sometimes makes him blush. . .and how to keep his parents from ever finding out about all this.
Welcome To PTA Hell: As indicated by the name, this is the “PTA AU” portion of the AU, where the six have to deal with disapproving Deborah and all the other joys and dangers of having a kid in elementary school. Victor’s only too happy to help Matilda with her homework and throw himself into making things for the bake sales. . .but if Deborah makes one more snippy comment about his kid not having a real last name, he just might shank her with a pencil.
Common NPCs:
Alice Liddell (throughout)
Victoria Everglot (throughout)
Emily Cartwell (throughout)
Christopher White (throughout)
Richard Hatter (throughout)
Shipping: Welcome to the Ultimate Poly AU -- in this, everyone's together in an OT6! Specifically, this is how everyone links up:
Victor is romantically involved with Victoria, Emily, and Alice; sexually involved with Victoria; and has a developing interest (both romantically and sexually) in Christopher
Victoria is romantically involved with Victor, Emily, Alice, and Christopher; sexually involved with Victor, Emily, and Christopher
Emily is romantically involved with Victor, Victoria, Alice, and Richard; sexually involved with Victoria
Alice is romantically involved with Victor, Victoria, and Emily; sexually involved with no one
Christopher is romantically involved with Victoria; sexually involved with Victoria; would not mind getting to know Victor or Richard better in either sense
Richard is romantically involved with Emily, sexually involved with no one at the moment but would be open to something with Christopher
NPC Ships: None -- all the NPCs are in the main ship
Important Facts:
Ages in the group -- Victor, Victoria, Emily, and Alice all start out at their canonical 19/20ish, while Christopher and Richard are mid to late 20s (I haven’t pinned down exactly what their ages are yet).
Sexualities in the group -- Victoria and Christopher are both “classic” biromantic and bisexual (meaning they have about an equal attraction to boys and girls). Victor is biromantic and bisexual too, but has a female preference -- while he can certainly find men attractive right off the bat, he needs to get to know the man in question better before wanting to do anything more than look. Emily is biromantic and lesbian (much to her own surprise, but she adapts quickly). Alice is demipanromantic and asexual -- she has no gender preference, but really needs to get to know someone before she develops an attraction, and she has no interest in sex at all. Richard is panromantic and pansexual, with no gender preference at all. He’s also agender, though he’ll accept being called “he” (he’s sometimes used “xe” as well). Everyone else is cis (barring any sudden revelations, like the one that revealed Victor is bi to me.)
Much like their Lloyd/Dodgson counterparts over in Secundus, Christopher and Richard are scientists. Christopher’s currently into the field of food science, while Richard is an engineer -- and, thanks to a car accident that cost him and his best friends most of their limbs (he’s missing both legs and his left arm), the inventor of the world’s best prostheses. The money generated from his patent has made him about equal to Victor’s family in wealth. (This is basically the main “fantastical” element in this verse, which is otherwise supposed to be roughly like reality.)
Christopher comes from a military family, and his father is still pushing him to at least join the Army Reserves. Christopher isn’t sure if that’s truly the life for him or not, but he’s leaving the option on the table.
Emily still has a history with Barkis Bittern -- here, he’s a freshman college delinquent who swept her off her feet late in high school, then stole her credit cards and attempted to kill her in a car accident. Emily pulled through, though she lost her left arm and right leg (replaced with some of Richard’s prostheses), and Barkis vanished into the night. She’s still pissed off at the bastard, and would love to bring him to justice once and for all.
Alice’s personal history still includes Bumby stalking and raping her sister, setting the fire, and running from justice while she barely managed to escape the blaze and spent the next ten years in Rutledge. Where it goes from there is still up in the air, though I’m leaving open the possibility of Bumby reappearing as a psychiatrist in disguise. Alice managed to actually get a hold of her inheritance after the asylum in this universe, though she works odd jobs at a local theater to make sure she always has money in the bank for rent, food, and her medications (she takes pills to stop her hallucinations of Wonderland from bugging her during the day).
Relatedly, Alice’s Wonderland is based a bit more on her reality in this verse -- not only are the “White Knight” and “Hatter” real people, so is Cheshire! He’s an African-American man, Chester Felaide. He works at the same theater Alice does, and regularly amuses/annoys her with riddles and puzzles.
Matilda may be joined at some point by an adopted brother -- Charlie from the games! If it happens, expect it to be a minor plot.
This verse is open to everyone!
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