#we got a little sol crazy last night
It's so over
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The guy ough, Sol from @venomous-qwille 's Ghost in the Machine fic. Plus some doodles from a magma last night
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chipthekeeper · 3 months
Acolyte episode 5 commentary by me under the cut. spoiler alert: I had a bad time!!!
- Let’s hope the fucking internet keeps working. And the cats stay laying down. I don't have high hopes for either of those things, but it would be nice
- Oh, predictable. Last week was Day, now we got Night. Who could have seen that coming? This was definitely supposed to be one episode, wasn't it?
- 34 minutes long. Jesus fucking christ. Why didn't they just put them together?
- It really would be cool if Manny is just being— I mean, if Qimir is just being controlled. I think that's a really cool theory that people had about that. Especially if he was, like, hanging [laughing] by his feet, and then whoever was controlling him had to be like, what the fuck?
- No, Pip! :((( Oh, thank God. [relieved laughter] I don't care who dies in this, just don't lose, Pip. Okay, that's, I mean I don't want to lose Jecki, or Yord, or Osha or Mae. Sol, I, whatever. He's Ned Stark to me, I don't care (so much to regret about this whole statement!!!!)
- Oh, he's already dead. How many of them are already dead? Did we already, is this just going to be Osha, like, experiencing all of their deaths? What happened?!
- Hot damn
- Get him, Yord! Oh. Ohhh no. So fast
- [just like two straight minutes of me saying “woah” and “oh no” and “what the HELL” on repeat]
-  (two people impaled on one lightsaber) WHAAAA??? That. Was. NUTS! [delighted laughter]
- No don't kill Yooorrrddddddd! Get him, Osha! There you go. Thatta girl!
- Oh, I am scared
- Dude, I'm so scared, we're like, one minute into this
- Take his lightsab– heeehhh I'm always right
- Pip chill! [absolutely giggling] She just popped his head off and he's a flashlight! [more giggling] Oh my god
- Duck! Heyyyyy
- So that's obviously Manny's arm
- (all the trees get cut in half) Sweet. That’s one way to brighten up your scene
- Oh, why so serious?
- [sort of a long period of ‘I’m in danger’ type of nervous chuckling]
- Oh thank god, Bazil's alive
- “We have to go back!” Ehhhh you really don't
- [during dramatic scene between the stranger and Sol] He's, like, wearing a cape backwards, which is hys.ter.i.cal
- Mae chill, that's like, your sister's girlfriend
- Jecki's the only one that can get anything done around here?.... Oh, okay, maybe not
- You just wait 'til her Wolverine claws come out. Then you're fucked Mae
- We’ve got some serious lightsabering in this one, this is fucking crazy
- Ho ho ho. [singsong voice] What are you hiiiiiding Sol….
- “Jecki’s a Jedi. She can take care of herself” Nyyyeaahhhh…we just saw like, eight Jedi not take care of themselves
- [cackling about Yord’s trailer lines finally coming up]
- “He gets in your mind and stays there” “My mother could do that” Huh!!!.......Is she controlling what's-his-face? Ho ho ho…….
- Nooooo fucking thank you please!
- Jecki I fucking love you, you little badass
- [high pitched whining] I got a bad feeling about this
- YORD!! Fucking idiot, j–thank you
- Take the bugs with yooouuu!
- (Jecki gets skewered) WHAT THE FUCK?!?! No…..Oh now I'm pissed. Now I'm pissed. [breathless] I cannot believe you just fucking did that…..Oh my god. That better be a trick……….I can't even react to seeing that we were all right about him. I'm….just pissed……..Oh fuck this shit
- Why are his arms so weird? They're like...are they just dirty or are they weird?
- And now Yord’s toast too. 'Cause no one is safe in this house
- Fuck this fucking show
- “The Jedi do not attack the unarmed” You SHOULD attack an unarmed Sith!!
- “Please Osha, I can explain” Yeah do that, right now, do that
- [totally defeated and depressed] I didn’t like that shit at all. This shit sucks, man….
- “They’ve turned you against me” [perfect anakin skywalker impression] HE TURNED YOU AGAINST ME!!!!
- man i’m so fuckin’ confused……what’s gonna happen now??
- [delighted noised at the continuous shot going around the two Amandlas] WHAT A SHOT!!! Are we sure Amandla Stenberg isn’t two people?
- [Leo pointing at tv meme] That's mama's move!!
- Easiest haircut ever
- [almost crying] Little piece of Pip :(((( Fuck this episode, man. God
- Of course we got Bazil, can't kill a cute little alien
- (Mae showing up to Sol as Osha) [singsong voice again] You don't have the tattoooo….
- You're just gonna leave them all there???? Man….fuck. this. shit.
- Bazil knowssss…..that’s not Oshaaaa….
- I wonder how many times people have knocked his helmet off and he’s had to kill them and then fix the helmet
- [incredibly deep sigh] That was somethin’. And I’m not happy
It’s sad how many sounds and like intonations you miss out on because i have no idea how to convey those in words
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
okay okay I'm back with more self indulgent poly coffee au. Last time I said Lucifer fixed up the piano, and there's definitely another scene idea there, but I'm so excited about the Horror night one that I'm skipping the piano scene aksjdj. I even re-read the horror movie night devilgrams for research. Yeahhh, research,,,,(that one line from Mammon where he comments on MC's scared face lives rent free in my head). But I learned Mammon would have nightmares, and Solomon gets really into the plot.
okay so I think it'd be nice if the three of us meet on Wednesdays before I head to the record shop. Solomon brings his homework, but never gets much done, too happy to talk to us instead. Wednesday is the only day I wake up super early, all because I'm looking forward to hanging out for longer with the two of them. It gets me out of bed, but I have shown up looking groggy as hell some days. Record shop is open 11-7:30 Monday through Friday? And 11-9 on Saturday, but closed Sunday. The only reason it closes early is because I take the bus, and that's not something that's fun taking at night. Saturday night I stay at the shop (thinking of a mini storage/break room upstairs where I've set up a sleeping bag). Coffee shop I think is also closed Sunday, but Mon-Friday it's 7-3:30, with Saturday being 7-12 so he can get errands done. And then Sol has classes Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri.
OKAY ANYWAY, WORLD BUILDING ASIDE, the three of us meeting on our usual Wednesday, and Solomon mentions this movie he wants to see. He says he has extra tickets because the people he planned on asking can't make it, it's a midnight showing on Friday. Says he understands if we can't since we both need to get up early the next day, but wanted to ask. I agree because I think it'd be nice to hang out outside of the coffee shop, and Mammon says he's not one to turn down a free outing. He can run on little sleep anyway, he's got espresso to help.
The three of us trying to figure out the logistics, Solomon saying he'll even pay for rides there and back home if needed. Mammon blurts out "Why don't y'all sleep over after?" and we both turn to look at him. He freezes and turns red, but he's already said it, he can't turn back now. "What? I-I got a car, I'll pick the two of you up, and y'all can stay at my place. T-That way, it's not too far from your shop, and your apartment, right?" "I could walk home from here, I wouldn't want to intrude-" "Yeah, I don't mind taking an uber-" "Walking at night can be dangerous, don't you know!? And you! Getting into a strangers car so late is even worse! I'll drive you both home if that's what ya want, but I don't mind having you two over." Solomon is fighting the urge to make a comment about it being like a date. I'm just happy to not have to wake up as early.
"Yo, why'd you want to go to the midnight showing anyway? Are ya that excited to see it?" "Haha, that's not the main reason. It's a horror movie! A midnight showing would be the most immersive." Cue me and Mammon freezing, giving each other terrified looks. Oh man.
Leading up to the outing date, Mammon and I are researching like crazy, only to find out it's the premiere. So there's no spoilers or ways to prepare. We're going in blind. I'm not one to watch many horror movies, the closest things being Saw, Final Destination (both of which I love), and I think a movie series called Paranormal Activity or something. But I always looked away during scary scenes during that. Yet I'm too stubborn to turn it off because I need to know the ending.
Friday comes, Mammon closes up and tries to take a nap to calm his nerves after stress cleaning to get everything neat for the sleepover. And no one planned it, but everyone has dressed up a little nicer than usual. Mammon's got a lucky watch that was gifted from Lucifer, and an open button up with the sleeves rolled up.
He gets in his car to go pick up Solomon, his heart hammering in his chest because Solomon is wearing a nice button up and maybe a sweater? And wearing cologne?? Please help Mammon, he is panicking, trying to reign it in as Solomon puts his overnight bag in the trunk. His voice cracks as he greets Solomon, and immediately begins driving to pick me up, turning up the music as a distraction.
Not sure what I'd wear, but I've got extra jewelry on because it makes me feel cool. Maybe a mesh shirt and a cardigan?? But I wear perfume, and I'm nervous without any clue why. I've got my wallet and my duffel bag, and snort when Solomon jumps out and opens the passenger door like a gentleman before climbing into the backseat. The drive is slightly tense, all of us nervous until I spot a car with a difference state plate. My friend introduced me to this game, and I instinctively bump Mammon's arm and call out the state, which breaks the tense atmosphere. The three of us fall into comfortable conversation until we reach the movie theater.
okay there's a really funny idea I have for the next part that happens during the actual movie. Solomon is going to be living his best life very soon OKAY BYEEE
- ✨ anon
AHHHH I wanna know about Solomon living his best life!! Lemme guess, he's sitting between you two and something especially scary happens so you're both clinging to him out of fear?!? LOL!
Oh man, both of you guys not liking horror is so cute! I totally get it, I'm not a horror fan at all. I can't watch horror movies because I get so freaked out, I can't sleep for months. Books seem to be no problem, but movies for some reason I can't handle lol.
ANYWAY I also love how Mammon is coming up with reasons why you should both sleep over, that is so sweet - of course he's getting all overprotective! Walking at night! Getting into a stranger's car!! You're gonna give him a conniption!
And ohh Solomon being the gentleman and opening the door for you, that's adorable, too!!
As always, I will be pleased to know what happens next, but of course no pressure & no rush! I'm just enjoying this cute lil love story~
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well I've never written fanfic before, but the pic on the left made me think of a short story, so I wrote my first one (or something like that), if anyone happens to like it, I'll be more than happy ☺️ if not, well, I've had fun with it 😂
"They're almost here!" I shout as I see a text popping up on my screen, toothbrush in my hand, hurrying to get ready. I check the clock quickly, it's 1:10 in the afternoon.
"They're almost here!" I shout as I see a text popping up on my screen, toothbrush in my hand, hurrying to get ready. I check the clock quickly, it's 1:10 in the afternoon.
"Huh?" he asks, while the water's running in the shower.
"G says they're here in twenty!" I shout a bit louder this time, while he steps out of the shower and wraps a tower around his waist.
"That's okay, you just get dressed and I'll take care of the rest" he smiles at me while running his fingers through his wet curls.
I finish washing my teeth while watching him in the mirror as he goes into the bedroom, opens the cabinet and grabs a brown shirt with straps on it, puts on his shorts then leaves the room.
As I catch myself smiling, I shake my head and take a minute to calm my nerves. This is all so crazy. We've been only going out for a couple of months, catching each other here and there whenever possible, but now that he has spent the last few days in town I haven't left his place at all, which he hasn't even settled into yet. There are still a couple of boxes everywhere but he leaves in two days again so he invited his friends over to check the place out this afternoon. We have spent the whole morning in bed, only to realize it was time to get ready.
I put on a little sunscreen, mascara and lip balm then go into the room to try and find a dress in my mess of a bag- I clearly wasn't prepared for staying over this long.
"Yellow or blue?" I look at him showing up both options while he grabs a couple glasses in the kitchen.
"I like the blue one" he says with a smirk and I instantly know he thinks about undressing me two nights ago when we got back from a Rufus Du Sol concert.
"Blue one it is" I smile as I tie my hair and double check if the dress is still good to wear for a second time. I join him in the kitchen.
"Music?" I ask while he's putting some snacks in bowls.
"Yes, please!" he grabs his phone, opens spotify, then slides the phone across the counter for me while turning on the bluetooth speaker. (No wonder the back of his phone is broken - I think to myself.)
I'm not really comfortable yet playing my own favorites so I just browse through the songs he recently played and put a Dylan song on.
"They're here" he says and I can see the widest smile appearing on his face while we watch as a car pulls up front. He walks to the door to open it, looking like a kid on Christmas morning. He told me how important his old friendships are for him so I know it's a big deal I'm meeting them, not counting that one time we ran into Giullian at an event in New York for a couple minutes the other night.
- - - - -
"Who wants another beer?" I ask as I get up to go into the kitchen. A couple hours have passed, while we were just laughing, listening to music and the guys sharing old stories. I slide the terrace door and walk to the fridge, and only when I turn to grab the bottle opener I realize he followed me back and is standing behind me.
"Are you having fun?" he asks with that smirk that I can't get enough of. His face is blushed, clearly tipsy. He steps one step closer, our faces almost touching.
"Yes, you?" I check, trying not to overanalyze if his friends like me or not.
He grabs my face with both hands, kisses me with his eyes closed, and nods twice. He seems so calm, so happy, and I'm glad I get to see this side of him.
We return to the poolside, I hand the beers out, and while he sits down I realize what a beautiful sunny afternoon it still is and how lovely he looks enjoying and soaking it all in.
"Guys, look here!" I tell them as I snap a pic, just making sure I'll never forget this moment. His smile says it all. ♥️
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cocoelle · 3 months
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Kane: Why did I agree to do this podcast with Morgan. Shit after last night it's gonna be so damn uncomfortable.
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Kane: You're gonna be great! Fuck I look good, who can resist this?
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Morgan: Hey handsome thanks so much for doing this podcast.
Kane: Anything for you sexy man.
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Kane: Listen I'm really sorry if I was a little pushy last night, it's just being so close to you drives me absolutely crazy.
Morgan: Trust me I do feel the same way, I just need a little more time that's all.
Kane: Ok sexy, just as long as we're good.
Morgan: Of course we are, you're not getting rid of me that easy.
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INTRO to PODCAST: Hello and welcome to Real Talk, the podcast that gets the truth everyone wants to know. I'm your host Morgan Kirkland. In today's episode, we will have some Real Talk with the Lead Singer of Sapphire Skies. We'll discuss his time in prison, what's in the works for the band, and offer listeners a special surprise at the end. Be sure to listen all the way through for the details!
Morgan: Our guest today is Kane Lawler. He is the lead singer and lyricist for the group Sapphire Skies. Hi, Kane! Thanks so much for joining us! Big fan of Sapphire Skies.
Kane: Thanks for inviting me Morgan, it's always great to chat with a fan.
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Morgan: You only did 18 months of a 5-year sentence, do you think you got out early because of your celebrity status?
Kane: Wow right to the point. Haha. I don't feel I got any special treatment because of my status. I have a good lawyer who worked hard on getting me an early release and I'm very thankful for that.
Morgan: How did you keep yourself occupied while in prison?
Kane: Well as you know when I was arrested I was addicted to cocaine and prescription pills, so while in prison I attended many therapy group sessions and rehab. Because of that, I've been clean for a little over a year now.
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Morgan: Now that you're out can we as fans look forward to any Sapphire Skies tour?
Kane: We will be playing at the Music Festival in Willow Creek and have plans to tour, starting in Del Sol Valley, but as of right now we haven't confirmed any dates for our tour.
Morgan: Well I'm sure your fans, myself included are looking forward to seeing Sapphire Skies back where they belong.
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Morgan: Before we wrap things up Kane, do you have any final words for your fans who are listening?
Kane: Myself and the boys will be in the studio recording new music between tour dates, so fans should be on the lookout for a new album by the end of the year.
Morgan: On that note that brings us to the end of this episode! Thanks to Kane Lawler for joining us in some real talk. As always, thanks for listening to Real Talk. If you enjoy our show, please rate and review us on Sim Podcasts—and be sure to enter your name on our Simbook page to win a pair of tickets to see Sapphire Skies at the Willow Creek Musical Festival. Until then, this is Morgan Kirkland, and don’t forget: Real Talk - We get the truth everyone wants to know!
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Morgan: You were fantastic, I think that's the best podcast I've ever had.
Kane: Aw you're just saying that 'cause you want me. Haha.
Morgan: Maybe, but I'm not telling.
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Kane: Would you like to come and watch me sing at the Music Festival? I would really love it if you came, I could get you a VIP backstage pass.
Morgan: Are you kidding? That would be amazing! Of course, I'll go.
Kane: You just made this man very happy.
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Morgan: I have plans with some friends tonight, but I’ll call you later and will definitely see you tomorrow.
Kane: Sounds good babe. Now get over here and give your man a kiss.
Morgan: You're my man are you, I like the sound of that.
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dsandrvk · 6 months
Monday, April 8 - Toledo to Madrid
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It was a fairly cool night last night and we had an easy walk to the bus stop, where we had a mostly empty bus down to the train station. Our bus ride in on Saturday afternoon had been more than full, including a woman with a walker who got on the bus in the front, immediately turned around her little walker seat and sat down blocking the aisle for anyone additional to board. This was definitely better.
The Toledo train station was built in 1919, and is a wonderful space, although none of the original ticket booths are still used. Most of the seating has been moved outside, and a small security area has been added, as even this train is screened for boarding. The tile work is still beautiful, although the floor has a couple of places in need of repair that are covered with orange cones. Knowing Spain, they may have been there for several years.
The train ride to Madrid is only about 45 minutes, and this time we knew where and how to find the cercanias trains. Our little apartment is only about a seven minute walk from Sol Plaza, and two minutes to the Plaza Mayor, so it is extremely handy to most things. After checking in, we set off to the west towards the Royal Palace. There were plenty of tour crowds , so we had a quick look through the fence (all anybody gets) and headed down below to the Royal Gardens, also known as the Moorish Gardens. Once only open to royalty, they are now open to the public, and quite beautiful. The fountains and lakes didn't have any water yet, but there are several whimsical buildings, including this one clad in bark.
We also went to another park to the north, which was on a hill high above most of the city. From here we could look back at the Palace and several churches. Looking in the other direction was a dark storm front dumping rain in the mountains. It was difficult to tell if it was headed our way, but we decided it made sense to start heading back. At the top of this hill was also an "Egyptian Temple", which was unfortunately closed on Mondays, and it had armed guards around it, which seemed odd.
On the way back, we passed this statue of Cervantes and Don Quixote in still another park - this time the Plaza Espana. Unlike in the smaller cities, the dining options here in Madrid are greater - I don't think I've ever seen a Tim Hortons outside of Canada. And the Japanese restaurant must be authentic, since it had plastic food in the window, just like in Japan. Don't think I've seen ninjas in the window before, though.
By this time, it had started to rain, so we put on our coats, but by the time we reached the Plaza Mayor, it had pretty much stopped. One of the little restaurants there had a very raucous group of people with horns and songs, and we realized it was a group of supporters for Manchester City (football club) who were in town for a match against Real Madrid in the quarter finals of the Premier League Championships. They had banners, a mascot and were just winding up to get really rowdy, although the game isn't until tomorrow night.
Also in the middle of the Plaza Mayor was a clay tennis court set up - I looked it up and it's a promotion for folks to rent for an hour as part of an upcoming tennis event. Nobody was playing, but then again it had been raining. The Bugy sign was just one of those I like to collect of things that don't seem to translate well.
We are next to a nice little supermarket and since we have a kitchen, we got a frozen paella dinner, along with a nice salad and a bottle of wine, and are enjoying not having to deal with the craziness of the footballers. Tomorrow we have a full day in Madrid, and the weather is supposed to be cool, but sunny. Just the way we like it. We are looking forward to packing up our rain gear.
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cassbrookes · 1 year
#Sol's RV with @solreznik
Cass Brookes
-After her conversation with Isaac, Cass took a walk around town to clear her head before she went to Sol's place. After the amazing night they'd had the night before, the last thing she wanted was to go in and bring the mood down. That could wait until after she told him she'd be heading outside the walls. Rapping her knuckles lightly against the door, she called out- Guess who!
Sol Reznik
-After his morning chat with Ike, Sol hadn't left his RV. Ate what he had stashed in his cabinets, whittled idly at a few carving projects, and lazed about--completely and utterly unlike himself. Hearing a knock and Cass' cheery voice just about knocked some pure happiness into him--the stars the night before, the easy way she'd cuddled up to him. But then the morning's conversation rang in his head again.- C'mon in...-her face appears- ain't this a pretty surprise.
Cass Brookes
-she didn't hesitate once he gave her the okay to come in, poking her head through the door before stepping inside- Hey you. -He was shirtless, so she had to do her best to keep her eyes on his face, especially since he didn't have his ribs all wrapped up this time. After a moment, she moved over to where he was sitting and leaned in to give him a gentle kiss before settling in next to him.- How are you feeling today? Kinda figured you'd be out tryin' to fix something.
Sol Reznik
-oh, that easy kiss was like a balm to his overactive mind. But even still, he couldn’t avoid her question- Nah, no use to anything today…in a bit of a funk, I guess.
Cass Brookes
-his response pulled her lips down into a small frown of worry, her hand moving to the middle of his back to rub small circles on it- Did you not sleep well? Is it pain?
Sol Reznik
-closing his eyes in delight at her touch for just a moment…before the morning’s guilt came rushing in- Nothing like that, I slept like a baby. No, it’s…got to talking to somebody earlier and it reminded me of some shit that always gets me in my head. Been thinking it over all day.
Cass Brookes
-her hand pauses as her frown deepens, concern washing over her- I know what that can be like. I'm not gonna try and pull anything outta you, but if you wanna talk about it, I got nothin' but time right now. -she moves her hand around so that she's hugging his shoulders, giving him a little squeeze-
Sol Reznik
Shit, feels unfair to you…we get one nice evening before I’m unveiling my sad sack ways -he tries to tack a little laugh onto it, but it sounds half-hearted, even to his own ears- I just…man, I think you deserve the whole damn world. The very best. And I…historically speaking, I fuck things up. In all the crazy shit in this world, I’d wanna protect you, do right by you. But I couldn’t even get Ginny through one night out past the walls.
Cass Brookes
Hey... -While his last words weren't unexpected - hell, she knew he'd have to have this guilt eating him - it still didn't soften the blow of basically hearing him blame himself out loud- Ginny... it wasn't your fault, Sol. I know me sayin' it isn't going to immediately change your mind, but I hope someday you realize that it's true. There was nothing you could've done differently. You don't control the weather. -Now she moved her hands to cup his cheeks, forcing his head to turn and look her in the eyes- The past is just that. The past. I'm a big girl, Sol. I don't know if you've noticed, but I've spent a fair amount of time outside these walls myself.
Sol Reznik
-he presses his cheek into the comfort of her touch and closes his eyes- Shoulda been more cautious about the barn. I knew it was old, I shouldn’t have risked it. I can’t…I can’t shake the guilt. You deserve someone who’s not carrying that shit around, ‘cause I’m gonna have bad days, Cass. And I gotta warn you now, I’m going back out there. I gotta finish what sent Ginny out there, I gotta try to find Henry. Or I’m not gonna be able to live with myself. But god, that’s a shitty thing to put you through.
Cass Brookes
-It was impossible to stop the deep breath of air she sucked in at the idea of him heading out into the world to try and find a kid he'd never even met. Bless him, she understood his need, the reason behind it, but damn. Rather than focusing on that right now though, she presses her forehead to his.- If you think I'm not carryin' shit around, I'm puttin' up a better front than I thought. We've all got baggage, babe. Hell, some of us had it before the world went to shit. -she strokes her thumbs over his cheekbones, quiet for a moment before adding- I won't lie, I'm not a fan of you going out on what feels like an impossible mission, but I get it. I do.
Sol Reznik
-her understanding in that moment, the way she gets closer instead of pulling away…it breaks him. After building all day, the emotion of it comes spilling out of him in quiet tears- Lemme help you carry some of it, okay? I know right now I’m the one crumbling, but when it comes time, put some of that baggage on me, please?
Cass Brookes
-seeing the tears, hearing the break in his voice, she wraps her arms around him and pulls him in close, as though she can somehow shield him from the hurt he's experiencing- Only if you share yours with me, yeah? If we're gonna do this, we're in this together, good and bad. -her fingers stroke through his curls reassuringly, silently urging him to let his emotions out, because she's not going anywhere- I want to be equal partners with you, Sol. You lean on me, I lean on you.
Sol Reznik
-he hooks his chin over her shoulder and hugs her back- It’s gonna take some practice…I know my habits. But I’ll try. Shit, think I’d try anything for you. Just…tell me if I’m fucking up, okay? ‘Cause it’ll never be on purpose. But it’s been a long time since I let someone close.
Cass Brookes
I promise that I will do my best to warn you before you even get close to fucking anything up, okay? -she turns her head so her face is pressed into his neck, taking a deep breath before pulling back a bit. She's hoping that opening up a bit to him in return will help ease his own fears about himself- You have every right to tell me if I'm fucking things up, too, cause I'm just as likely to as you. My last relationship was a nightmare and I haven't trusted myself with anyone since.
Sol Reznik
-he doesn’t like the sound of a nightmare relationship, but he tries not to let his face get too grim. He takes her hand- You can tell me about it, y’know? Help me know how to treat you better?
Cass Brookes
-For a moment she almost makes a callous, offhand comment in response to his questions, but at the last second she reins it in, knowing now isn't the time for jokes.- It's a pretty cliché story. Girl meets boy, girl falls in love, girl's dreams start coming true and boy's don't, boy gets mad, boy hits girl. -Okay, it still came out more callous than she meant to, so with a sigh, she squeezes his hand and continues- He started out alright, turned into a jerk at the end. I hate admitting it, but I stayed way longer than I should've, thinking he'd change back.
Sol Reznik
-the idea of hitting Cass is so completely fucking foreign to him that it hadn't crossed his mind as the source of the nightmare. As soon as the word "hit" leaves her mouth, something new and angry starts taking shape inside him. He tamps it down for some other outlet, but she can probably still feel his tremble. He loosens his posture, gentles his body as much as he can, and squeezes her hand back- Fucking shame you had to go through any of that. I can see why you'd be cautious, then. I hope you know...the boxing, the fighting shit I've done, that has always stayed in the ring.
Cass Brookes
Oh, God, Sol-- no. I've never worried about that around you. Ever. -Even having felt the shift in his posture twice over, there's no fear when it comes to being this close to him- Not even after learning you did the whole boxing thing. -To reassure him as much as herself, she leaned in again to place another soft kiss on his lips-  Steve just-- it took awhile for me to admit how bad things were, and it took even longer for me to stop blaming myself. You're nothing like him though.
Sol Reznik
-he sighs relief against her kiss, then presses one of his own to her forehead- I hate knowing you went through something awful like that...and being totally honest, the idea that someone laid their hand on you in harm makes me wanna tear down a whole goddamn building in rage. If zombies haven't gotten him, I wouldn't mind the chance to take him out myself. -he takes a deep breath and focuses back on her, pets her cheek with his thumb- But I'm proud you got out.
Cass Brookes
Zombies probably did get him, but even if he's still out there somewhere, he's not worth it. -She offers him a small smile- So you can leave the poor, innocent buildings alone. -Now she twists to a sideways sitting position, wrapping her arms around him entirely and pulling him into her chest, every bit as protective as he wants to be- What about you? Why've you held people at arm's length so long?
Sol Reznik
-the intensity of that question sobered him right up and he blew out a big puff of air- I got this tendency to just...not be as much as people need? The one serious relationship I was in, I couldn't be who she needed. Couldn't...-he cleared his throat to stall, but figured he oughta be upfront- she wanted kids--we both did--but it never happened. Years after we split, she got married, had a whole bunch of babies right in a row. That's just one example. Somewhere along the way, I guess I figured I was saving folks the disappointment? I got older, realized that was a cowardly way of living. But by then, I'd gotten used to my own company. -he rests his head against her shoulder- holy shit, I never do this, just spill my guts out.
Cass Brookes
-she can practically feel the gravity of his answer in the weight of his frame. The comment about the kids - well, she could see how that would make anyone feel 'not enough'. Cass had always dreamed of having kids someday, but now, with the state of the world, she wasn't so sure.- I'm glad you feel like you can. Share with me. And for what it's worth, you should never think you're not enough for someone. -She wanted to reassure him that of course it wasn't on him that they'd never had children, but she couldn't say for sure and to try and tell him otherwise would probably come off as patronizing. 'Maybe it wasn't meant to be' wasn't any better. So instead of saying any of those things, she tilted her chin to kiss the crown of his head, continuing to run her fingers through his hair.-
Sol Reznik
You're real good at this, y'know? Still got the little ball of guilt in there, but for the first time all day, I don't feel like my goddamn chest is gonna cave in. -he sways a little against her, then hums when a thought comes to mind- Shit, I didn't even ask, how was your day?
Cass Brookes
-she let out a soft chuckle, kissing the crown of his head again- Like I said, we're a team. It's easier if it's shared. -oof. Her day. Hopefully her new plan didn't bring back that chest caving feeling again.- Not so bad. Didn't come across anything on my security rounds. -She paused, and now she was the one doing the stalling. Another sigh.- I stopped by Isaac's place earlier to run an idea past him.
Sol Reznik
-Ike was about the last person he expected her to mention, but he tried not to let his surprise show, put on a joking voice- Now that sounds like all sorts of trouble.
Cass Brookes
Surprisingly not. -She never had told Sol about everything that had gone down between her and Isaac, so she didn't mention the semi-truce they'd come to- At least not running the idea past him. He was actually all for it.
Sol Reznik
Well that's good, what's the idea?
Cass Brookes
-Well there was a loaded question, considering she hadn't even told Sol about all of her family yet.- Going back to my ranch to see if some of my older brother's 'bugout bags' are still hidden. He had several stashes hidden around the property.
Sol Reznik
Is that Alex, then? Send a couple of raiders out there to bring back the goods--that's smart.
Cass Brookes
Not Alex... Nate. He's not-- he was with Alex and didn't make it. And no, not a couple of raiders. -she tenses slightly, already anticipating that Sol isn't going to like her next words- Me, Alex, and Ike.
Sol Reznik
-compassion hit first, when she mentioned a brother that was dead. Then she wasted no time in dealing the second blow- Jesus...I don't like that. I--I'm sorry to hear about Nate, I'm guessing that was news Alex brought with him? Shit Cass, you been grieving and I'm fucking...hitting on you? -he hung his head down and sighed- I'm guessing there's a reason Ike can't just take Alex?
Cass Brookes
Hey - you have been a fucking shining light in the middle of all of this. I've been grieving yes, but I didn't say anything, because in a way, I've already grieved all of my family. -Shit, she'd already gone through it once today, and if anyone deserved to know the story, it was Sol- We lost my parents about a year into everything. About maybe a year after that, Nate and Alex went out for supplies and just... never came back. I waited a year for them, hoping, but by the time some people wandered by and told me about Redwood forming, I had nothing but the horses. And I'm not gonna lie, Ike could easily take Alex and leave me behind... -she used her fingers to tilt his chin up so she could look him in the eyes again- But I feel like I need to go.
Sol Reznik
-he felt a surge of fondness for her, setting out with just her horses, brave and determined in the face of loss- I get it. Hell, I'd be a raging fucking hypocrite if I said otherwise. And I trust Ike. Not that I don't trust Alex, I just know Ike. If I had to pick someone to watch out for you, it's him. I just...-he took both of her hands in his and brought them to his mouth like he could impress the words on them- I know you will, but please be careful. Be smarter than I was out there.
Cass Brookes
Of course I'll be careful. I promise I'll be careful. Besides, it'll only take us a couple of days, a week at most. Easy peasy. And I'll be as smart as I can. -she wanted desperately to ease his mind, although she knew it was impossible to completely ease his fears- I'll have Ike and Alex to keep an eye on me, and you know Zodiac won't let me get into trouble
Sol Reznik
-the mention of Zodiac did actually reassure him- Yeah, I take it back, if there's anyone I pick to watch out for you it's Zodiac, that's one very good boy. You need anything taken care of at the farmhouse while you're gone? Anything I can do back here?
Cass Brookes
-she snorted a laugh at his sudden turn, although she couldn't blame him after Zodiac was the one to carry him home- I'll let you know if I can think of anything for while I'm gone. But...for tonight? Do you mind if I just stay here? -Partly because she just wanted to be close to him, partly to prove to him that she wasn't scared of whatever baggage he had, and partly to reassure him that she was real and there and would come back to him-
Sol Reznik
-relieved beyond words that he doesn't have to watch her walk out tonight- Course I don't mind, whatever I got is yours. Which...ain't a lot, mind you. But I got a couple of clean t-shirts and sweatpants if you need something comfortable to sleep in. Might wanna lock the door though, apparently I'm still "recuperating," which means folks walk in with soup at all hours of the day.
Cass Brookes
I hadn't even thought of that. No one is gonna like, panic if they can't get to you, right? -she could only imagine how embarrassing that might be for everyone involved- I already told Alex not to wait up for me, so he's not gonna be looking for me. -She glances down at her current outfit, realizing that jeans would definitely not be comfortable to sleep in- I'll take you up on the t-shirt... sweatpants might be too warm. Got any of those cute little shorts around?
Sol Reznik
Nah, I'm not expected anywhere til the afternoon tomorrow. -he scoffs at the shorts comment and shakes his head- I have one clean pair left, you're welcome to 'em.
Cass Brookes
You laugh, but I'm used to sleeping in just a t-shirt and underwear. I'll take the shorts over full on sweatpants any day. -glancing around the RV, she turns back to Sol- Where can I find said shorts and tee?
Sol Reznik
-with that glorious mental picture searing into his brain, he levels her with a knowing smile, kicks the heel of his good foot against the underside of his bed, and scoots to the side- There's storage under here, I got it. -he leans down and snags the shorts- for shirts, I've got grey or navy blue, what's your flavor?
Cass Brookes
Very efficient use of space. -In a way, she envied him this cozy space. More often than not, the farmhouse felt entirely too empty and lonely- Hmm... -she pretends to think, as though it's some very important decision- I'm feeling the navy blue. It'll up my stealth factor. -as though she was at all stealthy-
Sol Reznik
-handing the garments over with a smile- Should I be concerned you're tryna be stealthy in my bed? -he catches himself- That's alright, yeah? Sharing the bed? I assumed...
Cass Brookes
-She takes the clothing before kicking off her boots, and with only a little hesitation, shucks off both her jeans and top right in front of him, replacing them with the offered clothing before answering his questions- Well, I promise you I'll be anything but stealthy, and yeah... that's kinda what I was anglin' for...
Sol Reznik
-not prepared for her to undress right away he catches sight of her bare breasts and long legs before glancing away in the name of privacy. He still wanted to wait until he was in better shape, but tonight would test that resolve- Never need to angle with me, Cass, I'm very unlikely to ever tell you "no."
Cass Brookes
Then in that case, I want to stay the night to be close to you, so yeah -she paused, locking the door of the RV before stepping over to stand in front of Sol again- if you're okay with me sharin' your bed, that's where I wanna be.
Sol Reznik
-staring up at her, a little mesmerized- Then that's where I want you. You still okay with waiting?
Cass Brookes
-she takes the time to let her gaze move over his body, nibbling her lower lip for a contemplative moment before she settles on the bed next to him and nods- I'm telling you right now, I am coming back from the ranch, so yes, I'm still good on waiting. -she scooches up further onto the bed and pats the spot next to her in unnecessary invitation-
Sol Reznik
-her promise made his heart sing, even if he knew this was a world without guarantees. So he maneuvered onto the bed beside her til they were shoulder to shoulder and lowered his voice to a whisper- You like your own space when you sleep, or can I hold you?
Cass Brookes
-In answer to his question, she rolled over and settled herself in against his side as she had the previous night, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close, nuzzling into the crook of his neck- I make no guarantees once I'm asleep, but right now I don't want any space between us. I don't want anything between us. -After tonight it felt like there was no space, no secrets, nothing to hide-
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zenitsuharadagoku · 3 years
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Top male reader (Heracles) x Shinmon Benimaru soulmate au part 2
Warnings-cursing,MalexMale,grammar errors a big possibility, spoilers for those who don’t know the truth behind human combustion, Long. AS always I do not own any of the gifs, pictures, Fire Force, Record of Ragnarok, Beyblade or any other anime mentioned here, there creators do. All I own is this fanfic idea
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Note-since Heracles height is not confirmed in either the manga or the wiki as far as I seen he is 6’9 compared to benimaru’s 5’7 . I refers to Heracles.unless specified to be other character like konro
Some info about Male reader(Heracles) powers in this au . Compound pyrokinetic
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Meteor L-drago - creates and controls a dragon made of fire
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Nezha- summons a three-headed six armed avatar of flame with a spear of fire a ring of fire plus fists made of you guess it fire.
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Can also set his fist on fire to increase punching power making him a dangerous hand to hand combatant.
Last time on dragon ball z kai kidding kidding -recap little boy grabs statue of Thor (see part 1)
I tell the little boy moving backwards a bit now kid no manner what happens in the following moments you got to believe that Thor and Tsunade can protect you and your grandma from fire you must not let go of that faith ok I mean it be steadfast and believe. Little boy ok mister I believe. I think to myself I hope he does otherwise I gonna have to book it for killing two people with fire. Old lady says wait what are you planning to do young man. “ nothing much man just this I quickly extend my right fist forward in a jab summoning Meteor L-drago who rushes towards the boy and old lady who screams along with the crowd of onlookers . Aaaaaaah the old lady screams while the little boy holds the Thor statue in a tight grip but just as it looks like the pair are about to be consumed in flame a purple barrier appears around the pair stoping and dissipating L-drago
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See what did I say I told you guys that the power of lord Thor and lady Tsunade is real. The crowd is speechless as well as the old woman until an old man speaks well more like yells are you insane you fucking priest you could have killed them, somebody else in the crowd says yeah your crazy someone inform the fire Force about a crazy pyrokinetic Heretic priest no call the holy Sol temple.the crown starts to get more agitated I think to myself seems I worn out my welcome in order to avoid the Fire force or the holy Sol temple priests or having to kick everyone’s ass in this small crowd I start sprinting away leaving my lord Thor and Lady Tsunade small statues ( that can fit in a pocket) but out the corner of my left eye I see a young man pick up one of the statues alright success I say to myself two new worshippers of Lord Thor and Lady Tsunade to be honest in a area that has a company that is an entity of the Holy Sol temple two worshippers are better that what I was expecting due to that bullshit that only the holy Sol temple can administer medicine what nonsense. As I continue running I can’t help but spare a quick look at my left arm where the first words my soulmate will ever say to me are written “ what the fuck did you call me you wannabe delusional priest fuck” . Hehe haha seems I have a spitfire as a soulmate I can’t wait to meet you. Some time later after I have left the Nerma ward far behind me. I currently in the Ota ward staying in the house of fellow worshippers of Thor and Tsunade (for the worshippers imagine Ishizu and Seto Kaiba from Yugioh I always shipped them together) . Thank you guys for letting me stay here for the night no problem Oracle we are happy to help you if need me says Seto anything to help the one who gave us a new hope says Ishizu. We have a nice dinner then I retire to sleep in a guess room they have prepared to be as I fall asleep I feel myself being summoned , familiar with the sensation I close my eyes and do this gesture for I am before my lord and lady
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What can I do for you my lord and lady . Thor says don’t think that everyone we summon we want something no we are just here to tell you that you have done good work in gathering worshippers. Tsunade yeah you have gathered 600 believers. I say but it’s not enough right for our plan right. Lord Thor confirms what I said yeah if we want to lock away the world where the doppelgängers that cause human combustion come from as they appear in this world we need more power born from belief as we said when we first called to you we are Gods of another world far away from this one our existence is not as strong here as it was in our world. Lord Thor says “ we have also come to warn you about a secret meeting held by the Sol temple turns out The Holy Sol Shadows have been given a mission to eliminate you because of the new religion you have formed because of the 600 hundred worshippers we have a lot of them were former strong worshippers of Sol. I figured that was going to happen let them come I am strong enough to beat them. We know but be careful if you get killed your our strongest link to this world without you we will not be able to set up the barrier to stop human combustion. No worries by Lord and Lady I will accomplish my task and also succeed on my quest to find my Soulmate. As the realm I was in fades away I see Lay Tsunade says something I cannot hear to Lord Thor . “ Thor we did make the right choice in choosing or link to this world right sometimes I wonder if maybe we were wrong he is not what we are used tool in a oracle. Thor responds getting slightly irritated don’t doubt or path and Choice now Tsunade he is not what we are used too in a oracle but he is what is needed don’t be a fool. Heracles will succeed no manner what.small time skip as the weeks passed I have made it all the way to Edogawa ward after gathering more Believers of Lord Thor and Tsunade in koto ward . It was a surprise why I was once again talking to the crowd I saw the company four captain Hague in the crowd but he did not stop me or anything. After my speech to the crowd he told me that what I said was interesting and he even took a lord Thor and Lady Tsunade statue with him I won’t exactly say he is a believer but i guess the rumors of him being a heretic were sort of true after all alright next stop Asakusa at least that is what I would like to say while in Sumida Ward while taking a short-cut through some backstreets I see a bunch of clown-like looking people
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Hello good evening clowns is there something I can do for you I say while being on guard for these people are filled with bloodlust . They don’t answer me I see you must be the Holy Sol shadows I was told about by my Lord and Lady. Clowns attack don’t let him escape I activate Nezha punching a couple of them while nezha’s spear blocks what looks to be the leader’s sword. I know that a full on battle will cause destruction so I do this
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With Nezha’s spear and summon L-drago and ride him out of the scene as fast as possible if I kept fighting I would have endangered the people of Sumida Ward for I believe this group does not care for any damage done as long as they remain anonymous.through I could have killed them if I used my hidden ace
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Power -Crush String by playing my harp and channeling my pyrokinetic powers to my fingers I can attack with powerful and fast strings of plasma that are capable of cutting through any defense.
You know by riding Meteor L-Drago I make a spectacular entrance in Asakusa playing my harp (Without using Crush String why would I use a deadly attack like that against innocent people really). I quickly gather a crowd and start speaking while softly playing a calm but somber song on my harp speaking about how Lord Thor and Lady Tsunade can protect people from fire and Infernal attacks through the power of Faith and how a great and amazing thing will happen once enough people have faith in the Gods I am speaking off. Meanwhile while I talk to the crowd Unknown to me . Konro tells Benimaru , hey Beni what do you think this is for . Benimaru tells konro I don’t know but I don’t like it all I see is a wannabe priest wanting to scam the people of my town I take care of this. Konro “ wait Beni at least talk to him first goodness I just know there going to be repairs to do.while talking I see something I have not seen before I stop talking rushing to a man I see approaching me with a serious look on his face I say before he can even speak “WHOA hi there did anyone ever tell you your eyes look wicked awesome cutie!”. I get punched in the face while the man gets into a combat stance and says “what the fuck did you call me you wannabe delusional priest fuck”. He blinks realizing what he heard and what he said. I get up a say excited wow my soulmate is cute and strong hi I am Heracles what your’s name cutie . First up he says the name is Shinmon Benimaru and I am not cute I am hot got that. I say there no reason you can’t be both I searched so long for you so what happens now . Benimaru looks at me and breathes deeply well since your my soulmate I can’t run you out of Asakusa like I was planning too so why don’t you tell me about these so call Gods of yours while I give you a tour of Asakusa that sounds great I pat his head and grab his hand lead the way you hot cutie. He lightly blushes I see a guy running to us slightly out of breath Beni wait don’t do anything reckless he looks a me and Benimaru’s interlocked hands a Waka I see you found your soulmate that’s great hello there I am Konro nice to meet you... ohh sorry for not introducing myself my name is Heracles nice to meet you too. Benimaru tells konro to keep the twins busy while he gives me a tour . While we are walking I see people looking at me and Benimaru while looking at our interlocked hands and smiling to themselves. I talk Benimaru so is Beni a name only Konro can call you or can I call you that too . Benimaru tells me slightly huffing humf I just met you while we are soulmates I want to get to know you as a person before you can call me that ok . I understand even if we are soulmates we got to get to know each other better I have another nickname preference in mind anyway I say smiling. So as the tour ends we end up eating dinner I talk about myself my powers also go into Details about My lord Thor and Lady Tsunade Benimaru tells me about Konro’s illness , himself and what he likes to do also tells me he wants to test my combat prowess for himself. Benimaru “ hey Heracles you do not force people to follow your Gods right I reply quickly of course not it’s entirely voluntary my God and Goddess want real faith not forced Faith.okay Benimaru tells me “you can continue speaking about your Gods here in Asakusa I really do not want to run you out of town I thought I never was going to meet you that you would die before I met you”. Don’t worry Benimaru I hug him pulling him into my lap I also thought the same deep inside me I tilt his head upwards so he looks me in the eyes but now that we are together we don’t have to worry about that I kiss him softly on the forehead he tells me hey I think you missed I blink ok I won’t next time I kiss him on the lips gently while keeping my arms around him the door quickly opens hey konro Waka and Heracles are kissing says one of the twins . Konro immediately appears and grabs her by the back of the kimono sorry about this he closes the door . I laugh a little I guess things will be more interesting from now on. (I make a part3)
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tamersmile888 · 3 years
Not So Berry Challenge Candie Edition: Gray Play 2 (Part 4)
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When they arrive at the restaurant, they're met with instant craziness. The Seong family is here! S-pop royalty! Yeona and Jinho both come from two of Krystal's favorite groups of all time. When they got married it was like a popstar fairytale! Krystal has to go talk to them. She'll figure out how to sneak away somehow.
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As they enjoy their meal, Roc talks about how frustrated he is after his team lost the other night. He blames the coach and says he doesn't discipline the guys enough. Everyone's always playing around during practice. No wonder they're heads aren't in the game.
Their mom tells him that he's a good captain, so he'll be able to set them straight. Roc snorts. “Yeah, if anyone will actually listen to me. I can't teach clowns. They play way too much. I can't wait until I make it pro, man. Then I'll actually be able to join a team that knows how to win.”
“Mm, hmm,” Krystal agrees as she sips her root beer float. Really, she's just waiting for the right moment to excuse herself. She can't let the Seongs leave without getting a picture. Her friends will never believe her without photos!
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Once her mom blows out the candles, Krystal asks if she can go say hi to Yeona and Jinho. It'll only take a second. Her mom knew that's probably all she's been thinking about since they got there and appreciates her sticking around first before racing off. She tells her to go ahead, but be polite. They're trying to have their own family time after all.
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Krystal races off to meet them, but once she gets there her mind gets all jumbled. She has so much she wants to talk to them about and ask, but she doesn't even know what to say first.
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So, she just quietly snaps a few pictures and hope they don't notice. Sigh...they're so cool.
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Except, their son Doh does notice her, but he seems cool with it. While his parents are locked in a conversation about award appearances, Doh smiles at her. “Hey.”
Krystal slowly puts down her camera and says hey back. “Cool hair.”
Doh's smile grows bigger. “Thanks. You too.”
Krystal smirks. “Thanks.” Okay, now what?! What should she say?! After building a full list of topics, her mind is blank! She looks around at the snow. “You want to play?”
Doh turns to his parents. “Mom, dad? Can I go play in the snow?”
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His parents give him the okay before jumping back into their conversation involving potential reunion tours. Doh leaps out of his chair and joins Krystal outside the restaurant. “I'm Doh. What's your name?”
“Krystal.” She freezes up as she tries to figure out what to say next. “Do you sing too?”
Doh shrugs. “Not really. A little. I don't want to be a singer if that's what you're asking.”
He doesn't want to sing? Both of his parents have like, the best voices. He probably does too. Maybe he's just afraid to sing in public. “What do you do then?”
Doh laughs, digging his shoe in the snow. “I thought we were supposed to be playing not giving interviews. What are you, the paparazzi or something?”
“Ha, ha.” Krystal rolls her eyes, but enjoys the jokes. She's glad he's treating her like a friend and not some crazy fan. “I bet I can beat you in a snowball fight.”
Doh arches a brow in interest. Looks like that's his kind of fun. “You're on.”
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They toss snowballs at each other, both having horrible aim, but they're having so much fun laughing at each other it doesn't matter that neither of them are winning. Seeing Doh smile and goof around, Krystal wonders how often he actually gets to play with other kids. How many kids actually live in Del Sol Valley anyway?
After a little while, his mom calls him over saying they're leaving. Doh shapes and reshapes his last snowball. He lifts a hand to wave at Krystal. “Bye grayhead.”
Krystal smiles and tosses her last snowball at his leg. “Bye redhead.”
Then Doh and his royal family leave the restaurant to return to a glittery life of music and fame.
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But Krystal's sure she'll see him again. Cause one day, she's going to be rich and famous too. She just knows it.....
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soaronmywings · 4 years
Marry Me (EZ x Reader)
Request- I don’t have much of a request, but I know I would love if you could do a tattooed!s/o x ez. She could just have a few select pieces, like him, or is more tattooed like angel. Maybe he loves tracing them, or gets hot and bothered seeing them. Or loves watching you compare pieces with his club brothers 🥺 pretty please
A/N: This started out going in one direction but the took a different turn. I still love it though! Love me some EZ. Sorry it took me so long, @ly--canthrope I legit lost power for two days.
Warnings: Protective!EZ, swearing, minor minor violence, fluff, smut
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Sunlight gleamed into the room, pouring over EZ and yourself. It was a long week, you had a rough go at work. Getting cat called and hit on was just one of the many typical things bartenders go through. Especially when the owner had ordered all the girls to sleeze it up, wearing shorts that acted as underwear and shirts cropped to hit just below your breasts. When EZ finally saw what you had to wear, those veins in his arms nearly popped along with the bulging vein down his neck.
“Whoa whoa sweetheart, where the hell do you think you’re going dressed like that?” Ezekiel scoffed as his gaze dragged over your body. You had the shirt on with sweats pulled over the shorts. You hiked your bag higher up onto your shoulder and gave him a weary smile. “I uh- Work. Look, Chris is gonna have my head if I’m late.. I’ll talk to you late- Yeah?” You fumbled over your words as you reached for the door handle. Before Ezekiel could say anything, you were out the door. 
If only he knew.
When you got to the bar, the owner gave you a filthy look, you weren’t in complete uniform yet. You ducked your head down as you made your way to the back. You put your stuff in the lockers that were provided and slipped off your sweats.
Heading back out into the front after you clocked in, your eyes met EZ’s, and your face grew red of embarrassment. He was with the guys, and his smile dropped when he saw what you were wearing. No one but him should be able to see that you had a dragon going up your ribs, and intertwining itself in the middle of your breasts. He was the only one who should know about your pierced nipples that were ever-so present from your tight fitting shirt. Only Ezekiel.
When some of the Mayans saw the lack of movement from their hermano, they followed his gaze until it landed on you. “Oh shit hermano.” Coco whispered under his breath. You tucked your hair behind your ear and bussied yourself behind the bar.
The entire night you could feel his gaze on you. Angrily sipping his beer as he had to sit there and watch all of these random guys gawk at you. Overhearing an onslaught of “Hey sexy thing” or “You comin’ home with me right?”. You would brush them off, just stating that you had a boyfriend and that you weren’t interested.
When Ezekiel saw one of those dirty pigs drag their hand over your ass while you were walking by, he slammed his beer bottle onto the table. Before he could intervene, you had already handled it though.
You took a handful of this random pendejo’s hair and smashed his face into the bar. Blood oozed from his clearly broken nose. “Never lay a hand on me again cerdo (pig), or that will feel like a kiss on the cheek.” You sneered at him before a smile propped back onto your face as you went to help another customer. 
Your boss saw this and stalked over to you, grabbing your arm and yanked you aside. “What the fuck was that hm? Apologize.” Chris was finally going to get what was coming to him. “Y’know what? I’m done. I’ve had enough of your shit. If you didn’t make us dress like low-grade hookers, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.” You pushed him off of you and started walking towards the back.
“And just where do you think you’re going?” He called out after you. “To spend the night with my boyfriend! I fucking quit!” You shouted back at him while giving him the bird.
Ezekiel dragged his finger over your side, mimicking the path of your tattoo. You stirred in your sleep turning around so that you were now nose to nose with him. His arm went around your torso and pulled you closer. “G’morning baby.” Your voice was laced with sleep as you looked up into his chocolate eyes. EZ curled his mouth into a smile.
“Mornin’.” His lips reached your as he pulled you into a sweet kiss.God, did you love this man, and did he love you. You didn’t realize just how much you handling your own shit turned him on last night. His hand trailed down your spine and landed firmly on your ass.
You loved mornings with Ezekiel. The outside world hasn’t weighed on his mind yet, it was like nothing existed. Just the two of you in your own little world. Your hand went around his neck before pulling him back in, your lips meeting his.
EZ pulled you on top of him, never breaking contact. You pressed your hands against his bare chest as the kiss became needier. His hand went under your shirt and rested on your waist, before you pulled back to take your shirt off. “Te amo mi amor. (I love you my love)” Ezekiel whispered as his hands cupped your breast, sitting up and taking one into his mouth. Your head fell back with a smile plastered on your face as his tongue worked magic around your tender nipples, playing with the piercings as he did so. Your hand trailed down his chest, going further and further until you reached the tent in his briefs. 
“Yo también te amo mi alma. (I love you too my soul)” You palmed him through his briefs and raked your free hand over his head. He pulled away from your breast, little marks all over them. His mouth curled into a smile, looking into your big eyes. You tugged at the waistband of his briefs, pulling them down enough to let him spring free.
You plopped yourself into EZ’s lap after the little outburst that just happened. His arm tightly woven around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. “That was so hot baby.” He purred into your ear. You snuggled closer into his chest, ignoring the eyes of the bloody scumbag or your sleazeball ex-boss. 
Chris knew what your boyfriend was a part of, he never really liked the macho bikers. He tried to have you tell the club that they weren’t allowed at the bar. That the club made people scared to come. All you could say is “I can’t control if or when they decide to come by. They’re all big boys’. He didn’t really like that response.  “Can I get a round for me and my boys?” You called out to your boss.
Salt in the wound, if you do say so yourself.
His hand went down to your panties, pushing them aside before lightly grazing his thumb across your clit. “So wet for me, amor.” His lips connected to your shoulder, nipping at the skin. “Only for you, Ezekiel. You let out a quiet gasp as you began to pump him in your hands. His mouth climbed up your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses as he did so.
“I need to be inside you, do you want me inside you baby girl? Want me to fill you up?” The words left his lips, calm and collectively. You pushed his thick cock forward, grinding against him before lining him up with your dripping wet pussy. Gently you sank down on to him, taking him inch by inch before meeting his pelvis with your own.
You stayed there, just enjoying the sensation of fullness of him being inside of you. The two of you weren’t in the mood for anything crazy, just wanted to devour each other’s touch. His thick fingers dug into your ass as you sat there, in one of the most intimate ways you could think of.
You stumbled through the doors of your shared home with EZ not far behind you. “I’m sooooo glad I left that dump. Chris was such a pig!” Your clear intoxicated state made it hard for you to walk straight. Ezekiel wrapped his arms around your torso and walked with you into the bedroom. “Quite a show, mi amor. Good to know my girl can break a few noses, need be.” He rasped into your ear as he guided you towards the bed.
You spun around and pulled him down for a lust-filled kiss, hungrily trying to pull him closer to you. “Let’s just get some sleep, okay Y/N? Let me help you get ready.” Ezekiel gently pried you off of him, grabbing one of his shirts while you took off your cropped top and slid your shorts down your legs.
EZ drank you in, eyes going from the pierced nipples, to the dragon on your mid-sections, and further down to the array of ink scattered down your leg. Before his head told him otherwise, EZ slipped the shirt over your head.
“Let’s lay down, mi reina bella (my beautiful queen).”
“Cásate conmigo princesa. (marry me princess).” Ezekiel rested his forehead against yours, his nose brushing up against yours. Your eyes looked into his while you let out a breathless smile. “I mean it, mi amor. Marry me. I know that I want you for the rest of my life. Mi amor, mi cielo, mi sol, mi luna y todas mis estrellas. (my love, my sky, my sun, my moon and all my stars.)”
“Without a doubt, mi rey. (my king) I would have it no other way.” Your lips connected with his, finally starting to move his hip slightly. EZ brought you up and down onto his cock, encouraging you to start riding him. You did just that, pushing him back into the bed and pressed your breasts into his chest. You rocked your him, slowly and deliberately. His hand playfully smacked your ass, motivating you to move some more.
You sped up the pace, his hips meeting yours as you came back down onto his cock. “Shit, mi reina You look so fucking good taking this dick.” He muttered as he pulled you back into his chest, taking control. EZ planted his feet into the mattress and continuously thrusted into your sopping wet core, releasing a series of moans and profanity to spill out of your mouth.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!- Just like that Ezekiel- Yes baby take what’s yours.” One of his hands dropped between your sweating bodies to find your sensitive clit. You took your lip in between your teeth when he began rubbing small, harsh circles around it.
“Oh shit amor- yes babygirl. That’s it, come all off this cock.” He groaned into your ear before latching his full lips onto your neck. Your breaths turned shallow as you felt the familiar knot building in your stomach. EZ bit down onto your neck while his moves began to stutter. “You’re gonna make me come, mi dulce.” Your walls began to flutter around him, gripping the sheets around him for self control whilst you yelled out his name.
Ezekiel felt you reach your climax, sending him over the edge as well. “Shit- Ah, Y/N. So fucking good.” EZ bucked his hips into your and buried himself deep inside you as he came. Warm ropes filled you up, but when you went to get off of him, he held you there.
Both panting messes, you looked back into each other's eyes. “Did you mean it?” He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. “I’ve never meant anything more in my life, EZ.” You pepper light kisses along his jawline.
“Round two?”
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Hi Sarah! My friend and I are starting a bookclub (as much as you can with two people who aren't pressed for deadlines) and I was wondering if you have any recommendations? (That is if you have time to rec anything!) We're starting off with Deathless and have Fitzgerald next in line somewhere but I def want to try to expand the genres we read and tbh from years of following you, I trust your judgement
I don’t...like giving recommendations? At least not directly, it seems like too much opportunity for getting it wrong. Everybody has their own tastes, after all, and even the best of friends don’t necessarily vibe with what you vibe with. (I’ve experienced this with multiple friends, so I know what I’m talking about.) Truly, one of the reasons that my whole “I’m going to get back into reading for pleasure!” push has been so successful is that I only bother with books that interest me, and stop reading when they fail to catch my attention.
But I’ve now read at least 60 books in 2020, which is approximately 60 more than I’ve read in the years prior, so I’m happy to share that. Below is my list of recent reads, beginning to end, along with a very short review---I keep this list in the notes app on my phone, so they have to be. Where I’ve talked about a book in a post, I’ve tried to link to it. 
Peruse, and if something catches your interest I hope you enjoy!
2020 Reading List
Crazy Rich Asians series, Kevin Kwan (here)
Blackwater, Michael McDowell (here; pulpy horror and southern gothic in one novel; come for the monster but stay for the family drama.)
Fire and Hemlock, Diane Wynne Jones (here; weird and thoughtful, in ways I’m still thinking about)
The Secret History, Donna Tartt
Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn (here; loved it! I can see why people glommed onto it)
Swamplandia!, Karen Russell (unfinished, I could not get past the first paragraph; just....no.)
Rules of Scoundrels series, Sarah MacLean (an enjoyable romp through classic romancelandia, though if you read through 4 back to back you realize that MacLean really only writes 1 type of relationship and 1 type of sexual encounter, though I do appreciate insisting that the hero go down first.)
The Bear and the Nightingale, Katherine Arden (here)
Dread Nation, Justine Ireland (great, put it with Stealing Thunder in terms of fun YA fantasy that makes everything less white and Eurocentric)
The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson (VERY good. haunting good.)
Tell My Horse, Zora Neale Hurston (I read an interesting critique of Hurston that said she stripped a lot of the radicalism out of black stories - these might be an example, or counterexample. I haven't decided yet.)
The Rose MacGregor Drinking and Admiration Society, T. Kingfisher (fun!)
St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, Karen Russell (some of these short stories are wonderful; however, Swamplandia's inspiration is still unreadable, which is wild.)
17776, Jon Bois (made me cry. deeply human. A triumph of internet storytelling)
The Girl with All the Gifts, M. R. Carey (deeply enjoyable. the ending is a bittersweet kick in the teeth, and I really enjoyed the adults' relationships)
The Door in the Hedge and Other Stories, Robin McKinley (enjoyable, but never really resolved into anything.)
The Hero and the Crown, Robin McKinley (fun, but feels very early fantasy - or maybe I've just read too many of the subsequent knock-offs.)
Mrs. Caliban, Rachel Ingalls (weird little pulp novel.)
All Systems Red, Martha Wells (enjoyable, but I don't get the hype. won't be looking into the series unless opportunity arises.)
A People's History of Chicago, Kevin Coval (made me cry. bought a copy. am still thinking about it.)
The Sol Majestic, Ferrett Steinmetz (charming, a sf novel mostly about fine dining)
House in the Cerulean Sea, TJ Klune (immensely enjoyable read, for all it feels like fic with the serial numbers filed off)
The Au Pair, Emma Rous (not bad, but felt like it wanted to be more than it is)
The Night Tiger, Yangsze Choo (preferred this to Ghost Bride; I enjoy a well-crafted mystery novel and this delivered)
The Left Hand of Darkness, Ursula Le Guin (unfinished, I cannot fucking get into Le Guin and should really stop trying)
The Ghost Bride, Yangsze Choo (enjoyable, but not nearly as fun as Ghost Bride - the romance felt very disjointed, and could have used another round of editing)
Temptation's Darling, Johanna Lindsey (pure, unadulterated id in a romance novel, complete with a girl dressing as a boy to avoid detection)
Social Creature, Tara Isabella Burton (a strange, dark psychological portrait; really made a mark even though I can't quite put my finger on why)
The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins (slow at first, but picks up halfway through and builds nicely; a whiff of Gone Girl with the staggered perspectives building together)
Stealing Thunder, Alina Boyden (fun Tortall vibes, but set in Mughal India)
The Traitor Baru Cormorant; The Monster Baru Commorant, The Tyrant Baru Cormorant, Seth Dickinson (LOVE this, so much misery, terrible, ecstatic; more here)
This Is How You Lose the Time War, Amal El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone (epistolary love poetry, vicious and lovely; more here)
The Elementals, Michael McDowell
Gideon the Ninth, Tamsyn Muir (didn't like this one as much as I thought I would; narrator's contemporary voice was so jarring against the stylized world and action sequences read like the novelization for a video game; more here)
Finna, Nino Cipri (a fun little romp through interdimensional Ikea, if on the lighter side)
Magic for Liars, Sarah Gailey (engrossing, even if I could see every plot twist coming from a mile away)
Desdemona and the Deep, C. S. E. Cooney (enjoyed the weirdness & the fae bits, but very light fare)
A Blink of the Screen, Terry Pratchett (admittedly just read this for the Discworld bits)
A Memory Called Empire, Arkady Martine (not as good about politics and colonialism as Baru, but still a powerful book about The Empire, and EXTREMELY cool worldbuilding that manages to be wholly alien and yet never heavily expositional)
Blackfish City, Sam J. Miller (see my post)
Last Werewolf, Glen Duncan (didn't finish, got to to first explicit sex scene and couldn't get any further)
Prosper's Demon, KJ Parker (didn't work for me...felt like a short story that wanted to be fleshed out into a novel)
The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett
His Majesty's Dragon, Naomi Novik (extremely fun, even for a reader who doesn't much like Napoleonic stories)
Three Parts Dead, Max Gladstone (fun romp - hard to believe that this is the same author as Time War though you can see glimmers of it in the imagery here)
A Scot in the Dark, Sarah MacLean (palette cleanser, she does write a good romance novel even it's basically the same romance novel over and over)
The Resurrectionist, E. B. Hudspeth (borrowed it on a whim one night, kept feeling like there was something I was supposed to /get/ about it, but never did - though I liked the Mutter Museum parallels)
Stories of Your Life and Others, Ted Chiang (he's a better ideas guy than a writer, though Hell Is The Absence of God made my skin prickle all over)
Gods of Jade and Shadow, Silvia Moreno-Garcia (fun, very much a throwback to my YA days of fairytale retellings, though obviously less European)
Four Roads Cross, Max Gladstone (it turns out I was a LOT more fond of Tara than I initially realized - plus this book had a good Pratchett-esque pacing and reliance on characterization)
Get in Trouble, Kelly Link (reading this after the Chiang was instructive - Link is such a better storyteller, better at prioritizing the human over the concept)
Gods Behaving Badly, Marie Phillips
Soulless; Changeless; Blameless, all by Gail Carriger (this series is basically a romance novel with some fantasy plot thrown in for fun; extremely charming and funny)
Black Leopard, Red Wolf, Marlon James (got about 1/3 of the way through and had to wave the white flag; will try again because I like the plot and the worldbuilding; the tone is just so hard to get through)
Pew, Catherine Lacey (a strange book, I'm still thinking about it; a good Southern book, though)
Nuremberg Diary, GM Gilbert (it took me two months to finish, and was worth it)
River of Teeth, Sarah Gailey (I wanted to like this one a lot more than I actually did; would have made a terrific movie but ultimately was not a great novel. Preferred Magic for Liars.)
Mexican Gothic, Silvia Moreno-Garcia (extremely fun, though more trippy than Gods and the plot didn't work as well for me - though it was very original)
The New Voices of Fantasy, Peter S. Beagle (collected anthology, with some favorites I've read before Ursula Vernon's "Jackalope Wives", "Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers" "The Husband Stitch"; others that were great new finds "Selkie Stories are for Losers" from Sofia Satamar and "A Kiss With Teeth" from Max Gladstone and "The Philosophers" from Adam Ehrlich Sachs)
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[KoS Incorrect quotes!
Because I’ve had these forever and though most of them where amazing XD
You can take these as cannon or not, I doubt all the things happened, but some definitely might have lol
Luna: When I was a kid, Lucas told me that the paper strip that’s in the chocolate kisses were edible and I ate them with the chocolate for a year.
Solar: They are!
Solar: No! Why did you fall for it again?!
•––––––☆––––––• More under the cut!
Storm: Go big or go home!
Sapphire: Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
Storm: I'm going big •––––––☆––––––•
Solar: I know we’re not exactly friends, but-
Luna: What do you want?
Solar: I've been stuck with Danion for 2 weeks and they've been drinking all the soy sauce.
Solar: Help.
Lily: I don't follow the rules. I follow dogs on social media.
Solar: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Luna: But ya' didn't
Willow: I don't know, it's not my cup of tea.
Riley: Well then who's is it?
Willow, staring at a cup of tea: I don't know!
Luna, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Sapphire: Hey.
Storm: Hi.
Willow: Hello.
Riley: Hey!
Luna: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
Destiny: We were out of Doritos.
Storm: You're violent.
Sapphire: Yeah but I'm also short and that's adorable.
Luna: I am 39 cheetos tall.
Stella: Why... are you measuring your height in cheetos?
Luna: Because we're out of doritos.
*at a zoo*
Solar: What are they in for?
Damion: Solar, this isn't prison.
Solar: So they can leave?
Damion: No, but-
Solar, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.
Spark: Your smile? It makes my day.
Luna: Your happiness? I live for that.
Solar: A room? Get one.
Lucas: Hotel? Trivago
Riley: You really believe in Storm?
Sapphire: Luckily, they believe in themself enough for the both of us.
Luna: Thanks for pulling the fire alarm, you saved me from giving an oral report about The Scarlet Web.
Spark: You were too bored to read the book?!
Luna: I was too uninterested to watch the movie.
Stella: I can't imagine what Solar and Luna are planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Riley: That’s the key slice of truth we need to complete the entire truth pie.
Willow: Ooh, can we get some actual pie?
Riley: I like the way you think.
Damion: Do you think I’m ugly?
Solar: It’s not about looks, Damion. What’s valuable is on the inside...
Damion: Sol...
Solar: For example, someone's heart.
Damion: Aw... Stop it-
Solar: It could be purchased for more than a million dollars, you know.
Damion: Seriously, stop.
Soulstar: If I see a bug, I simply leave the room elegantly and require someone else do something about it.
Soulstar: If no one fulfills my wish, I simply never go back in there.
Stella, watching Luna & Spark panic : What's going on?
Lucas: Luna is having a midlife gender crisis and Spark is just having a crisis.
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one*
Storm: I will not let you down.
Willow: Sounds fun.
Solar: K.
Stella: No, I'm fucking not.
Lucas: Do I have to be?
Luna: Please god, I am so tired
Solar: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka.
Solar: *upends the bottle*
Stella: What's the scariest horror movie you've ever watched?
Spark: IT.
Solar: Annabelle.
Lucas: Paranormal Activity.
Luna: High School Musical. All throughout high school I was scared that everyone was gonna randomly get up and start singing and dancing, and I would be the only one who doesn't know the words.
Luna: honk.
Soulstar: WHAT.
Luna: HONK.
Solar: *texting* Hey can you pick me up I’m drunk.
Solar: Oh you don't have to anymore. I'm home now.
Stella: Yes, I'm aware of that after dropping you off at home.
•––––––☆––––––• Spark and Luna: *making loud, cat noises at each other*
Stella, exasperatedly: We have a guest.
Spark, texting Solar: Roses are red, Tony Hawk is a skater…
Solar’s phone, auto-replying: I’m driving right now–I’ll get back to you later.
Solar, texting back: Fuck you.
Solar: You are an absolute fucking dork.
Daniel, singing: Yeah, but I'm your dork!
Solar: *sighs* Yeah, you're my dork.
Luna: Why is Spark crying?
Solar: They saw a leaf on the sidewalk and-
Luna: Please don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
Damion: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!?
Solar, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what
Luna: *Gasp*
Stell: wHAT??
Luna: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish?
Stella: *inhales*
Solar, in another room with Spark: Why can I hear screeching?
Soulstar: It's called cauliflower, not ghost broccoli.
Luna, eyes wide: I know what I saw.
Stella: I'm not doing to well.
Lucas: What's wrong?
Stella: I have this headache that comes and goes.
*Luna enters the room*
Stella: There it is again.
Solar: I’m gonna die alone.
Spark: Sol, you’re not gonna die alone.
Solar: Damion, was my safety net, okay? They got married and now I have to get a snake.
Spark: Uh-huh. Why is that?
Solar: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face.
Solar: So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Man With A Snake”, you know? Crazy snake man.
Solar: Then I’ll get more snakes, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY SNAKE MAN!
Lucas: I thought you were going to give me a book recommendation or something.
Luna: *laughs* Book recommendation? I can’t read!
Riley: The floor is lava!
Spark: *helps Luna onto the counter*
Solar: *kicks Damion off the sofa*
Stella: *lays on the floor*
Spark: ...Are you okay?
Stella: No.
Solar: Where are my fucking keys?
Spark: Sol, Lily is around, can you say it a little nicer?
Solar: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
Solar: I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Luna: But ya' didn't
Stella: I CAN'T DO IT!
Solar, laughing: I CAN'T EITHER!
Stella: I appreciate it,
Solar: Stella-
Luna: Stella we gotta-
Stella: YOU GOTTA LOOK INSIDE YOURSELF AND SAY 'What am I willing to put up with today?'
Stella, motioning to a bathroom that has been set on fire by Luna and Spark: NOT FUCKING THIS!
Lucas: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out.
Stella: Fucking Luna and Spark were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
I think I’ll stop here XD I have more but this is getting long, might do a part two though,
also new separators go brrr
... I need to go to bed. ]
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Don’t Breathe 4.5 | teaser
»Genre: hitman!au || stalker!au ||
»Warnings: kidnapping, stalking, obsession, themes of potential Stockholm syndrome, mono-phobia, mature elements, yandere at some point (? i think ), themes of depression, redemption, they fall in love, lovey dovey, fluff, Disclaimer: I do not condone nor suggest stalking/kidnapping or anything of that nature, this is purely fiction ok.
»Summary: He doesn’t get shaky hands, he never forgets his gloves and he never leaves a trail. He was paid to get rid of everyone who witnessed the exchange between a gang lord and a politician, they were picked off, one by one. He found out a month later, he missed one. A young writer who attended the event where the exchange took place. He has to kill her. Can he do it?
✤ pt.1 - pt.2 - pt.2.5 - pt.3 - pt. 3.5 - pt. 4.0 - pt.4.5
author’s note: coming soon
taglist: @tangledsparkles @just-another-fangurl21 @impartoftoomanyfandoms @komorebi-unnie​ @tangledsparkles​ @yes-sol-not-soul (sorry :( tumblr won’t let me tag you) if you’d like to be added to the taglist please comment on this post💜
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The sun is setting like a dream, you can’t say you’ve ever seen it shine so beautiful. The sky looks like a peach painting that shyly fades into a heavenly deep-blue. It’s a perfect evening, the air smells of the flowers growing on the porch and it delights your senses. He’s chasing you barefooted across the grassy yard, like two children playing tag at the peek of spring. Out of breath, he finally catches you and you fall back into the checkered blanket, too tired to run off again.
After seeing you enjoy the balcony so much, he introduced you to his lavish  backyard. Aside from the large stone patio and pool attached to it, the yard expands at least an acre and it’s well-groomed. Early in the evening, you moved to spend some time on the patio, a pencil and paper in hand. Taehyung had some work to do so you had a few hours to yourself, you used that time to think and write. After a few hours, you could no longer resist the urge to take a dip in the crystal clear oasis.
With a t-shirt and underwear, you eased into the cool water and breathed a sigh of relief. For what could have been an hour or two, you weren’t counting, you swam on your back, staring up at the clear sky, wondering if you’ll ever feel peace like this again. When your eyes shut, your thoughts seem to align, and for the first time since you’ve been here, you felt like you were where you were supposed to be. As much as you cherish your life alone, your independence and innate desire to prove that you can make it on your own—it seems Taehyung is worth giving that up.
That would have sounded crazy weeks ago, but it’s how you feel. That night that you confessed that you wanted to be with him, you meant it. You don’t know when it happened, maybe when you kissed him and he picked you up, when you woke up to him fast asleep with a pillow in his arms. Or maybe it was when he suggested you help him bake, since he knew you wrote so much about food in your articles, you’re not sure. But somehow, some time after learning his name, you think you fell in love.
When you were with Jin, you had similar feelings to this. You knew you were in love when you had the urge to smile even when you were hurting just to make him smile. That feeling of unexplained self-sacrifice, something as small as smile, you’d force it out if you knew it would help him. With Taehyung, it seems like he will do anything to make you smile sometimes, even when you know he’s keeping stressful things from you. Is that love? You think so.
You sigh, still feeling a bit wet from your swim a while ago but you’ve dried mostly. He fussed at you for not showering straight away but you said the sun would dry you well enough until your shower tonight. It’s dusk now, and your out in the grass, laying happily on the blanket with him. Only a few minutes ago did you find out that he had pretty lights adorning the patio. He said he’s had them for a while but hadn’t turned them on until today. It casts a warm light out into the grass, you tell him he should turn it on more often.
”You should shower before you catch a cold,” He stresses for the second time. You find his worry endearing but negotiate five more minutes, and he caves. It’s been a while since you’ve been outside like this. He knows this, that’s why he’s laying shoulder to shoulder with you as you gaze up at the night sky. “Sorry I had so much work I had to do today, hope you weren’t too bored,”
”It’s fine, I was writing anyway...”
”Really?” He turns on his side, curiosity piqued. You nod, hands searching for the pencil and pad you had on the blanket.
”I used to write poetry when I was in high school. I wasn’t very good and some of it is kind of cringe now that I look back at it, but I enjoyed it. I haven’t written in so long, I thought I’d give it a shot,” You grab the notepad and look up at it, eyes skimming over the gray hue from all the erasing. You catch him trying to peek over and you hold it to your test. You grin, “Don’t look, it’s not good,”
He pouts, hand moving to intertwine with yours.
“Come on, you’ve never shared your personal writings with me before,” He pouts, leaning closer to you in hopes that you might succumb to the allure of his gaze. “Pleeease?”
”Fine,” You sigh, “but you have to read it yourself,” You lift the notepad, handing it to him.
He sits up and the feeling of anxiousness comes to a halt when you realize one important fact; it’s Taehyung reading this. Not a supervisor critiquing your rough draft or a teacher judging your ability to recite your understanding of the class’s latest assignment. It’s him.
I’ve been given a universe, all for me. My very own stars in your eyes, I can stare at you forever. The remnants of your every gaze births a galaxy and I draw up the constellations by the reminisce of the pattern of your touch on my skin. I, too, have given my universe to you. Though I’m innocent to the stars in my eyes, the constellations I paint on your skin, all for you. No event is there more beautiful than the moment our eyes meet, our nebulae collide. A merging occurs, giving life to new stars that are our own, creating a galaxy that holds a shape that can only be defined by fate. In that sweet moment, we create an intertwined constellation, a design filled with millions of our old and new stars, shining brighter than ever,
“in your universe, my universe...” He reads the last lines softly. Setting the pad down with an expression that you can’t quite read, he just looks at you and you start to feel nervous.
“I just,” You bite at your lip and look up at the night sky that’s beginning to show the stars, “I had this idea about space, it’s a little different but it took me hours to come up with...I’m rusty.”
He props himself up and leans over you, gaze searching for yours with a tender close-lipped smile. He holds his hand to his heart, “That was so beautiful.”
You cringe, pushing his chest so he can roll back on his back. “Oh stop, now I wish I wouldn’t have showed you,” It’s hard to tell if he’s praising you or teasing, it seems like it’s one in the same sometime.
“I’m being serious, I can feel the emotions you’re conveying in your words, I really get it...” He looks a bit surprised that you’d think he was teasing you about this, he leans back over you. 
“You mean it?” You look into his eyes, wondering how anyone could be capable of making you feel so special, like you’re the only person in the world. Without a word, he presses a firm kiss to your lips and you sigh, he means it.
*  *  *
“How’s the investigation going? Jin told me you reached out the other day,”
The busy lawyer sits his freshly ordered coffee in his cup holder as he drives off to his highly-decorated firm.
“I did, the case is more complicated than I initially thought,” Yoongi poured the subpar coffee in the Styrofoam cup, it’s 6am and he’s trying not to be grumpy, “if I’m right about my suspicions, it’s a fucked up situation.”
“What’re you thinking?”
Yoongi looks around, seeing that the only person around was the woman at the desk. “The girl, along with the other individuals at that conference, were targeted. I got the names of the parties at the conference, they’re politicians of course but the details of the meeting was never released. I have a theory,”
He lowers his voice, looking around one more time before sipping his coffee, “I think someone at that conference had those other reporters killed. I went over each autopsy file and those people died from unusual things, but not unusual enough to suspect at first-glance. Most of them dies from too much of a medication that they were already taking, things like that. But this girl, unlike everyone else, she was abducted and I don’t know why.”
Jungkook makes a thoughtful noises. “What’s different about her that not like the others?”
“She went missing a little over a month after the others were found dead. It looks like a mistake to me,” He paces, “I don’t know if I’m being too outlandish, but I have a feeling she’s alive, we just need to find her,”
Jungkook responds with how he feels about it but Yoongi has to cut him short when Eunwoo walks into the station.
“You’re here early, Min,” Eunwoo smiles, beckoning Yoongi to follow him to his office, “I have some good news, and some bad news, which do you want first?” Eunwoo leads Yoongi into his office and sets his briefcase down so he can pull what he needs out.
“Surprise me.” He deadpans.
“Well, last night, we found out that the infamous Hwan Group could be apart of this. You know that group, they’ve been under the radar for years, you can’t catch’em. But there’s a chance they could be the force behind this, they have assassins for hire from what I’ve heard,” He takes a seat, opening one of the Manila folders.
“And the good news?”
“It took a lot to pin him, but we’re bring one of the parties in for questioning today,”
“Good, I think they know something that they’ve been trying to keep under the rug.”
“Yeah, I agree.”
Yoongi gets up, hand tight on the flimsy cup, “If you could give me a call after the questioning, I’d appreciate it. I’m gonna do a little digging into this Hwan Group, see if I can get some info that’ll help,”
Yoongi leaves the building with a to-do list but little does he know, detective Na Jaemin, knocking on on Eunwoo’s door.
“Come in,”
“Hi,” Jaemin slips into the room, an unusual grin on his face, “how are you?”
“Um,” Eunwoo looks around, not understanding why he’s approaching him like this but he shrugs, “good, is everything okay, detective?”
“Everything's fine,” Lies, “I just had a question about that PI, Min Yoongi,”
“Shoot,” Eunwoo awaits his question.
“Why is he so adamant on keeping this case open? I mean, I’m a detective on the case and I think we should start searching for the body,” His tone sounds innocent but he’s trying to sneakily plant this idea in Eunwoo’s mind, “we could be wasting precious time, the family deserves closure and we’re just dragging it on.”
“Detective Na,” Eunwoo stops looking through the folder, “given the other related cases, we have reason to believe she might be alive. Not every abductee is killed, even if that tends to be the case.”
Jeamin swallows, trying to think of how to save himself, “I know, I’m not saying that we should be pessimistic but realistic, rather.”
“I get what you’re saying, but on what prescient you’re saying it, I don’t know. I, and many of the others on this case, have reviewed the evidence and compared it to the other cases, it doesn’t add up. After the questioning today, we’ll talk, until then, your efforts need to go towards finding her alive and well,” Eunwoo walks past Jaemin and the detective gets the memo to get out of the office, “Understood?”
With a feigned grin he stands up straight. “Absolutely, sir,” 
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hongism · 4 years
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okay hi. so. first of all this incredible and stunning banner was made by the talented and lovely @hobiance​! the banner at the bottom was made by the equally talented and lovely thot @franklytae​, and i’m so so grateful to both of them for helping me out with this and am really touched to have their creations on this post. now. it is absolutely unreal that i am making this post. it’s crazy to see how my blog and i have grown in the past year and a half, and im so grateful for every single one of you who follows me, whether you are an active follower or not. also this is absolutely insane because in just six months you all have made my following nearly quadruple and that’s absolutely bonkers on so many levels. while 2020 has been tumultuous for us all, i cannot argue the fact that it has been my best year on tumblr so far. 
i have been able to meet so many fantastic people, grow friendships, grow my skills as a writer, gain confidence, and i have found friendships that are so treasured and valuable in so many ways. i’m really so so grateful for this platform and for the opportunity to share my work here with you all.
i really don’t know how to verbalize how i’m feeling because on one hand, followers are just a number and it’s unimportant in the long run. on the other hand i truly am grateful for every single one off you and i want you to know how grateful i am. but i really don’t want this to be about me because i really wouldn’t be on tumblr still without the people i’ve met along the way. through tumblr i have found lifelong friends who are beautiful inside and out and i will never stop being grateful to know them and walk this path alongside them. it’s truly a blessing and i feel so so lucky to get to know them. cue the ridiculously long tags of people whom i love and cherish so so much. i apologize in advance because no matter how many times i stare at this post and try to remember and get every single person who is valuable to me, i know i will inevitable forget someone so i am very very sorry if i miss anyone.
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓂𝓊𝓉𝓊𝒶𝓁𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@hobicomeholla29 @thatmultifandomhoe @yoongi-sugaglider @strawbxxymilk @meowxyoong @blondenamjin​ @dee-ehn​ @a-tiny-8iny​ @atiny-dazzlinglight​ @atiny-piratequeen​ @atiny-wooyoung​ @kesmonster​ @theredcarat​ @enchantedyeo​ @seonghwabrainworms​ @jintobean​ @jinterlude​ @joonsrack​ @moonmintrails​ @inkedxclouds​ @koophoriia​ @kimcritique​ @moonpjms​ @daechwlta​ @suhdays​ @ppersonna​ @vivpurple7​ @ironicarmy​ @joopiterjoon​ @btsxdoll​ @btsbiaswreckedwriting​ @minniepetals​ @chillingtae​ @searchingtae​ @ladyartemesia​ @staerrylights​ and many others who i literally cannot for the life of me remember right when it’s important aoifdjjioejsoi some of you guys i only really talk to on discord, but i think that’s where i talk to people the most anyways. i know im really bad at following people so i may miss a few of you here and there, but know that our friendship through tumblr and discord is so valuable and important to me and im grateful for all of you 💕
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@yolokoo​ @franklytae
hhhhh you two little shits honestly i know i won’t be able to tell the two of you how much you mean to me because words are Hard. still i am so so lucky to know the two of you and so so lucky to be able to be friends with you two. y’all know i would swing so fucking hard for you that i would dislocate a shoulder but it would be worth in. i love you both so so much and know that no matter what paths we all take in life, i will always be here to support you and cheer you on along the way
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝓀𝑒𝓉𝑒𝑒𝓇𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@hobiance @miamorjoon​
lainey within ten minutes of meeting you on discord i married you iajoidfoisdjfo. honestly that’s the boldest i’ve ever been, but i’m really grateful that i stepped out of my comfort zone and interacted with you because if not i would be missing out on such a crazy crackhead amazing friendship that’s filled with rats and roaches and annoying atlas bc we love her. sometimes it’s scary how similar we are but i love our late night crazy music sessions and your passion for cowboys 🐀🤠
atlas i honestly do Not remember how we met aoidjfoij pls don’t be offended i don’t remember how i meet anyone. i only remember meeting lainey because she reminded me of it the other day. but anyways i am super glad that we started talking because you’re one of tha craziest wackiest zackiest ladiez i’ve ever met and you really unleash the inner crazy in me (in a good way i swear). even though you tell me to shut up most of the time, you are seriously one of my fav writers out there and so knowing you and being your friend is seriously w o a h and a blessing for sure 🐀
*•.¸♡ ✧ 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁𝓈 ✧ ♡¸.•*
@jamaisjoons @honeymoonjin @ddaenggtan @cest-la-tae​ @bangtiddies​ @mygsii @mindays @luxekook @floralsuga 
oh god i hope im not forgetting anyone hhafhiuehisuda oKAY you each are super duper special to me in your own special way and i could sit here for literally hours and ramble on about how much i love each of you. the basic fact of the matter is that each of you have impacted me and my life in some way.
sol, sora, bette - i am so lucky to have been able to meet you and work alongside you and talk to you daily. it’s normally extremely hard to work with friends or make friends through work, but i got so lucky with you guys and am so blessed to get to talk to each of you and know you ((special thanks to sol for Obey Me and 7 demon daddies)) ((another special thanks to backbone bette for having the courage to speak up when no one else does)) ((one more super special thanks to miss sora who is the kindest and sweetest ball of uwu i’ve ever known and Stan the Man the Icon and the limbless basketball game story remains Iconic))
dAIJA gahhh im so lucky to know you, you are such a valuable and incredible friend. you have a huge heart and you’re always looking out for other people. as much as i love screaming about hyunjin and victon with you, i really love just getting to chat with you in general because you’re so sweet and loving :ragecry:
e m i omg i wish i could remember when we first started talking bc i feel like it was some crackhead energy but honestly i feel like we have that crackhead energy 24/7. i really love listening to your stories because you have such a knack for storytelling which duh of course you do you’re an actress you know how to tell a story, but also you are just fun and exciting to get to talk to.
renae my lovely spiritual girlfriend you are such a wholesome sweet soul on every level w o w you have a heart of gold and you are so talented and wonderful as well, truly the whole package and a half, and you are such a good friend. somehow i only recently found out that you’re a multi but having listening parties with you (even if discord doesn’t tell us we’re listening together) is so fun and i just love chatting with you
reese omg i dont appreciate how you attack me with jisung and hyunjin but we are linked because we both switched to jungkook urls aoijsdfoij you’re such a fun person to talk to and i love getting to talk to you more and getting to know you better because you’re so sweet and loving and have a love of tea that rivals emi’s and mine which is crazy
monday mondayyyyyyy omg i remember the first time we talked was in a kakao chat about the flower shop story and i was Shook because i loVE your works and you were talking about how you liked mine and i was internally p a n i c k so bad ajflkjflk but after that we started getting to know each other better and we started the bee gang then we bonded over piercings and honestly you are just such a cool gal. like wow a queen. idek what else to say other than you are so cool i wish i was half as cool as you asoifjiof but really ily lots uwu
and last but really absolutely not least, mr. beau. wow i feel like it’s been such a long time since we met and started talking to each other. you were one of the very first people i talked to on tumblr, and you welcomed me so swiftly and with open arms. i know i can really rely on you and trust you, you are such a valuable friend, and i love being able to talk with you. i am so beyond proud of you, i know both alex and i are so so proud and happy for you, and i am so proud to be able to watch you grow into the person you are and deadass im crying rn just because im so proud and lucky to have been able to talk with you and help you. you know things about me that no one else does hehe and you are truly such a valuable and wonderful friend on so many levels. i will always always always be able to say that i am proud to be your friend and proud to know you 🤧
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14. Exposing the Void Pt. 2
So, okay... This chapter kinda fucked me up and I rush edited because like... I just want to get past this whole thing. I think it’s important to note that outside of 10 episodes, the concepts we were given in I.T. would be drawn out a little longer and take more time to impact the characters and also for them to deal with and go through. So, as I warned previously, rough content ahead. 
Word count 5331 Trigger warnings: Gas lighting,revenge porn, slut shaming, mental abuse,ableist terminology,violence
It couldn't really just be in her head, right? Had the opinions of strangers made her THAT far away from reality? Simon definitely “liked” every single comment where someone was being mean to her this morning… but by the time she asked him about it, none of the comments were liked. She knew she didn't imagine it. It happened for a few days before she flat out asked, "Are you fuckin' with me, Dude?" 
"What do you mean?" 
"With this liking the comments thing you've been doing, then undoing?" He stared at her like he was worried about her. "It's not funny. If you keep doing that, I'm gonna block you." 
He furrowed his eyebrows and rolled his eyes, turning away from her. "Maybe you need to take a break from social media. It's getting to you." 
It wasn't "getting to" her! HE was getting to her. Playing these games that she was unsure of why he wanted to mess with her like that. He knew she was sensitive about criticisms. To like the comments? Then unlike them later, so she felt crazy?? Wait… Grace… this is Simon. Why would he do that to you? Maybe you DO need to take a break from social media.
Her parents seemed as happy as she would expect about her wanting to go to college to get more pulp for her performance arts. They weren't easily excited, so their small approval was enough for her. 
But… for whatever reason… Simon had talked to them about her issues with the Internet and after a long lecture about how they didn’t raise her to be weak and insecure, she was really at her wits end with Simon. She didn’t say it, but she was pretty irritated about it, to the point that she found herself snapping at him over things, then regretting it when he looked taken aback and hurt. Sometimes, she would see a flicker of anger and expect him to explode, so that they could finally just have their fight and be done with it… but he would always just turn off his reaction, which was probably something that he learned from her, but boy was it infuriating for her to go through. 
If SHE fussed after he had diffused things, then she knew that she would be being a bitch. So, she simply choked down the anger and got over it after a little while. It’s just that those moments were frequent enough that it soon felt better to not even speak to Simon at all.
She signed up for talent shows and amateur night spots. She went on auditions for local productions. She threw herself into recitals and built her resume. She shut Simon out and focused on her skills for the future. Despite the fact that Simon was equally busy, she found that he managed to always be at her house whenever he wasn’t busy. They weren’t even kicking it as much. Usually, he was with her parents. 
She would come home and chime, “I’m home!” And Simon would say, “Welcome home!” from another room. At first, she would go to greet him, give him a kiss, and speak to her parents, but closer to spring, she didn’t even announce whenever she got in. She came in, listened to see if she heard his voice in the house (usually did), and she would go to her room and start working on whatever music project she was into.
Followers were asking her for new content, but she’d always just say, “I’m working on something.” She would see the chats though - the sorrow and fear of fans that the haters had scared her away from the industry. She would turn on Summer Walker, Ari Lennox, Cleo Sol, Quin, Sza… She would let them sing comfort and confidence into her while she got washed up and set up to work. She would know that she was influenced by their work, but try not to just copy any of them. Plus, she added much more bass to anything that she made. She practiced rapping sometimes, but she often felt silly and knew that she would sound like a Kids Bop album if she actually tried to record her rapping. But, in certain songs, she was able to get away with distorting her voice a little and making portions of the rap match with the songs.
She liked to experiment with various styles, make beats, have a vibey sound that you could also shake to. “Black hippy girl with funk and soul, that’s mellow, but you can groove to it,” was how she tried to describe her work. There wasn’t a genre that really captured it well.
She worked on covers of songs, and made videos like Todrick Hall did, where she put together a cover singing multiple parts… but she didn’t want to share them and be accused of copying. She was copying, but only to see how her own would be. She rented studio time to do demos. 
She came out of the studio one night, mentally preparing to go home and see Simon there with her parents, but he was outside when she came out. It startled her, but she smiled and said, “Hey… didn’t expect to see you here!”
“Doesn’t seem like you ever expect to see me,” he said, emotionless. 
“Yeah. You’re usually SUPER BUSY with my parents,” she said bitterly, but cheerfully.
“Are you still mad that I told them about your Internet problems?” 
“No. I just think it's weird how much time you spend around them. They’re my parents and I don’t even spend that much time around them.” He sighed, annoyed. “What are you doing here?” she asked.
“This is the third night that you’ve been here and left roughly at the same time. If anybody is watching you, they might know your pattern. You should be more careful. You’ll make it easy for enemies to hurt you.” It was a weird thing to say, she had to admit. It creeped her out. His tone and the suggestion, BUT, it also was Simon, who was naturally paranoid, protective, and proactive. So, she figured that he was in worried boyfriend mode and got into the car with him.
Simon wasn’t around her parents as much for a few days. She had some peace, but also had time to think about how much she missed him. She even beat herself up a little and reminded herself that she KNEW this would happen. This was why she didn’t want them to date in the first place. It had ruined their friendship! 
She texted him: Hey. I miss you.
Simon: Just a few days ago you didn’t even want to say hi when you came home.
Grace: I mean… I miss you being my friend. We’re where I was afraid we’d be if we dated.
Simon:... Do you want to break up with me???
Simon: Because a text isn’t a nice way to do that.
Simon: And this is a really bad time.
Grace: No. I just want my friend back.
Simon: I want my friend back too. But, you’re the one who changed, Grace. Not me.
Grace: I thought all of my changes were positive, though. So… why didn’t they bring us closer together?
Simon: (Read) 
She didn’t hear back from him until the middle of the night, when her phone rang, but she missed his calls. She usually was a pretty heavy sleeper, and she took melatonin, because she could never seem to go to bed at night. 17 missed calls by morning and she called him back first thing. “Simon? Is everything okay?” 
Simon looked at his bloodied knuckles and lied, “Yeah. Sorry I called so much last night. I figured you’d be asleep, but I just… needed my friend.”
“What happened?”
“I got into a fight with my dad.”
“He’s home? What was the fight about?”
“I accidentally knocked something down in his workroom and I never picked it up. Listen, I know that you hate me spending time around your parents, but could I crash there a few nights?”
“Yes! Of course!”
“Thanks.” he hung up and looked at his father, who was drunk and passed out, his face pounded in from Simon’s fists. He might be stuck on that couch for a while. He might not even remember the fight that they had the previous night. But, Simon made sure to let out every portion of rage that he ever had towards the man. Surprisingly, it gave him clarity on some things. He had been struggling with whether or not he intended to destroy Grace. She seemed to be coming around in her texts last night. Maybe… he could forgive her. Maybe they could make things work. Even if he couldn’t have her, maybe he could have his friend back. He was going to spend a few night there and try to assess everything. 
Thursday through Sunday bliss for Grace. By Monday, as she sat in class, sniffling, her tissues now wet beyond repair, she still couldn’t wrap her head around what had happened. Simon said that he must’ve left his web cam going from when he was practicing his arguments for an upcoming debate. It was important, because they were nearing the end of the school year and this one one of the final debates. 
She hadn’t even planned on anything happening between them, but they had been doing so horribly lately and she wanted, more than anything to just feel like she was on his good side again. Hell, sex wasn’t the worst thing a person could do and she had done far more for Simon in her life. So, though it took her a moment to settle herself into being comfortable with it, it wasn’t like she was morally opposed or even repulsed by it. She didn’t have urges, but her parts worked. With enough focus, she knew she could enjoy it and perhaps it was stupid of her to think that it would or could fix anything, but she at least hoped it might help.
Monday morning, everyone was looking at her strangely. Some laughed when she passed. Some whispered. NOBODY seemed threatened. Shana finally broke the silence with a very loud announcement of, “Good Morning, Internet’s Honeypot!” Everyone laughed. That wasn’t funny. 
She rolled her eyes, but approached Shana. “What are you so cheery about?”
Shana feigned shock and asked, “Oh, you don’t know, Give It Up Grace? It seems that somebody was naughty over the weekend. I’d even say, downright NASTY!” The girls with Shana started laughing and didn’t stop whenever Grace threw them a warning glare.
Something was wrong with this picture. “What are you talking about, Shana?” 
“Your boyfriend says that somebody stole his laptop this morning from the journalism room. A likely story. He’s the only thief in this school. But, whatever the truth is about that, this certainly is authentic,” Shana turned her phone to show Grace what was very clearly her, in a very personal situation with Simon. You couldn’t really see him, but she was certain that anybody who saw this could make him out. She slapped the phone out of Shana’s hand and rushed away. Every pair of eyes that fell upon her seemed to know… they all must’ve seen it. Where was Simon? Had he DONE this to her? She checked the journalism room, where he was talking to a group of boys who she knew weren’t even in journalism… “Simon!” She called.
The boys all began hushed laughter and Simon smiled at her, kicked one’s chair and warned him, “Knock it off.” He met her at the door and she was breathing hard. “You… okay?” 
“No! Have you not seen that recording? A recording, mind you, that I didn’t know about nor consent to! Simon, PLEASE tell me that you didn’t record us without checking with me… Tell me that somebody who has it out for me hid a camera or something and…”
“What are you talking about Grace?”  He asked. She studied his face. If there was anything that he should be worried about, there was no sign of it on his face. 
“Shana said that your laptop got stolen,” she said. “Was there anything on it that you need to tell me about?”
He blushed, “I mean… I do have quite a porn collection,” he said, laughing. “And I found it! I’d apparently just left it in the library. Why?”
“Did you record us this weekend? Yes, or no?”
He furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed, “Is that something that you think I’m capable of?”
The conversation went in circles of her insisting that SOMEONE recorded them and him finally going through his laptop to see the video in question, then denying realizing that he had done this. But, since he left his laptop in the library, anybody could have sent it out. “Why would I do this, Grace? You worshiped me in the moments following this, why would I use it against you?”
“I don’t know!” She squealed, crying and embarrassed and now guilty because she had accused him. He gave her a hug and she cried on him. He walked her to class, but he didn’t seem to mind the whispers that were echoing in her head as they passed people. But, he was a boy.
Nobody was judging him the way that they were judging her. She would hear details like, “You can see that he’s not even wearing protection! She has no self respect.” or “I don’t think he pulled out. Good thing her family can afford abortions.” Then there was Shana. Shana had been waiting YEARS to knock Grace off of her pedestal, and she took every chance she got to do just that. 
“Ooop. Backshots Ballerina in the building, Girls!” or “Mommy in the Making Monroe has arrived!” The worst part was that Simon wasn’t defending her. He wasn’t telling Shana to shut her fucking mouth. He wasn’t glaring at people laughing at her. He… seemed to be enjoying the attention. Then again, the attention he got was positive. She saw guys fist bump him and clap him on the back. She saw him laughing with people and them all quiet down when she approached. Simon always had an excuse as for why - none of which were related to “this obsession of yours.” 
This obsession? The entire student body had seen her entire body. It was circulating and they were shaming her for a private moment she shared with someone she loved… and he wasn’t even phased by it. Did he even fucking love her??? Was this typical boy bullshit? 
“You know Grace, your insecurity was cute at first, but now it’s starting to become pathetic,” Simon said. “You’re a public figure. People will always have something to say about you. Suck it up.” She slapped him in the face and stormed off, equal parts satisfied and mortified that she had reacted that way. She didn’t see the smile on his face as he rubbed his cheek. He was breaking the void down. She was losing respect and she was losing her cool. It had been so long since she reacted in violence. It kinda turned him on. It was like seeing old her for a moment. Even if it was directed at him.
Maybe she could get on a train and just leave town. Cash in her trust fund, buy a bungalow. Never look back… “Grace?” a boy’s voice said. She turned to see one of the Apex dudes. He bowed his head and she tapped her right cheek with two fingers. He came forward and held a sunflower in his hand. “I’m sorry that you’re having such a bad day,” he said and extended it to her.
“What is this?” 
He looked confused. “Tribute.”
“We’re still doing that? Nobody has said a word to me all day…”
“Is the Apex over?” he asked.
She sighed and took the flower, shrugged her shoulders and said, “I guess it can live on with Simon. I’m… done with everything in this place.” Tears welled in her eyes and he reached out to offer her a hug. She accepted. Graham? Grant? Was the first person, Simon included, to be nice to her about this thing that she was going through. It was short lived. Simon appeared out of nowhere and before she could think or speak, had the kid by the collar and slammed into the lockers.
“Who do you think you are?” Simon asked him, baring his teeth.
“Simon! That’s Graham! He’s Apex. He was just checking on me!” She said and pulled on Simon’s shoulder. 
Simon pressed his forehead to Graham’s and he said, “If I ever see you touch her again, you’ll give your right hand as tribute to me. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Simon. Understood Simon!”
“She’s. Mine.”
“I know, Simon. I’m sorry, Simon.” Simon shoved him and he rushed away. Simon raised an eyebrow and looked at Grace, expecting her to scold him for it. That’s what she was good for these days. 
She looked relieved, though. She rushed into his arms and collapsed onto his chest. “I thought you didn’t care about me anymore.” She looked up into his eyes. They still weren’t soft like they used to be, but he had a bit of a smile on his face as he collected her.
“You never have to worry about that.” She squeezed him tightly and cried on his chest. He wanted to tell her to stop it. That people could see her and that she looked weak to them. But… that was the whole point of doing this to her in the first place. 
Grace took a few days off of school. Simon brought her homework assignments. She was in bed most of the time. She wasn’t creating. She wasn’t living. She was sort of wasting away. Fortunately, so far the video scandal was being kept among the students, but she lay in waiting for when it went beyond them and she would have to try to explain herself to her parents. This was something that might never go away. 
Thursday evening, Simon asked, “Are you ever coming back?” She shrugged her shoulders and climbed into his lap for cuddles. This was her comfort. A bubble with her favorite person, away from social media, away from relentless peers, away from her parents. Simon kissed her on the nose. “Has this… made you never want to try again?”
“No. I almost want to make a purposeful video and send it out myself, just to show these bitches that I’m Grace Monroe, and I can do anything.” Simon’s eyes lit up. That was his Grace! She laughed and rested her head on him again. “How’s it been for you?”
“I don’t like that you’ve let it keep you out of school. You HAD perfect attendance. Now, you don’t.”
“I don’t care about perfect attendance, Simon. I care about… being the perfect girlfriend. That’s my new goal.”
“What brought this on?”
"Just… I think I get why you haven't really been bothered about things. I've been shutting you out, shoving you away. I haven't been as open or supportive as I used to, so why should you be?" He looked different suddenly. He looked like old Simon. She knew those eyes. She knew that smile. 
But, within moments, it went from warm, to guilty, to confused, to cold. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "There's a tough transition from childhood best friends to this. As long as you've got it now?"
"I think I've got it now." She said and kissed him again. She melted against his body and he strummed his fingers up and down the back of her neck. This is fucked up, Simon. You did something horrible to her, and now she's apologizing… But, she's still leaving you. It doesn't matter if she feels bad for being a bad girlfriend. It doesn't matter if she wants to undo that. She. Still. Wants. To. Leave. You. Proceed with her destruction… Its destruction. He cradled her, resigned that what he had already done and what he intended to do was completely fair and right.
Grace spent HOURS getting her hair unloc'd. She had to lose a lot of it, but it was still pretty long and made a large puffy halo that she could hardly wait to show off when she got back to school the next week. She felt brand new, though she wasn't excited to see the faces of her tormentors again. She and Simon got out of the car and she wrapped an arm around him and held her hand forward. Simon smiled and they moved forward. The kids made way, she smiled and greeted. Simon was quiet, but confident. 
Shana said something and Grace exchanged knowing facial expressions with Simon. He smirked and gave her a little nod. Grace handed her backpack to Simon. She flapped her fingers, said, "Wah wah wah," then uppercut Shana. Uppercut. Shana bit her tongue and stumbled back, her mouth bleeding and her hand on her chin. Simon smirked. Grace accepted her backpack back. 
The last time something like this happened (and it had been a while since Grace threw a punch on her own behalf, or on Simon's for that matter, nobody saw anything. They didn't know anything. They didn't say anything. But when the dean came rushing over, asking what happened, someone said, "Grace just assaulted Shana!" 
Grace was startled by that. She saw other kids nodding and agreeing that was what they saw. She looked at Simon, who, instead of swaying them back to obedience said, "Shana asked for it." Grace's eyes went wide. The dean grabbed her by the elbow and dragged her to his office. She turned to look at Simon. He was just staring at them. He wasn't riled up or upset or even following. The kids gathered behind him, also just staring… What. The. Fuck…
Her parents were not happy. "Expelled? Expelled?? At the end of the school year?" Her father complained. "Over violence? We didn't raise you like this!"
"You've barely raised me at all!" She snapped. She winced and said, "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to. Shana was bullying me.." 
"That's not what all of the other kids are saying."
"It's not even what Simon says," her mother added. 
Now, Grace's nostrils flared. "What does Simon say?"
"It's no secret to anyone that Grace and Shana don't get along, but none of us expected it to become physical. Shana was definitely giving her a hard time, but Grace let her temper get the best of her and I hate to say it, but it was pretty uncalled for, to lay her out like that." Her mother read from Simon's text.
"I handed him my backpack. He knew that I was about to lay hands on that bitch. Please! He's just saying that to impress you. Simon's seen…" she shut up. She was about to get herself into more trouble. "He definitely knew what was gonna happen when I handed him my bag."
"Why would he lie, Grace?" Her father asked.
"He's… obviously still mad at me for wanting to go to school. Simon can get really sensitive and a little bit clingy. He's punishing me."
"That sounds like a terrible relationship," her mother said. 
"It sounds like Grace making excuses for her disgusting behavior," her father said. The doorbell rang and the butler let Simon in. 
He shook Mr. Monroe's hand, bowed to Mrs. Monroe and began speaking to Grace like she was some type of volatile animal. "Heyyy, Grace. Are you okay?" She clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes. "I talked to the Dean to try to get this handled. The best that I could do was to get him to let you finish the school year from home and still have your grades as a student of the Academy. But he does not want you to come into the building again."
"Why didn't you have my back?" She asked.
"Sounds like he did have your back!" Her father fussed. 
"I am not talking to you right now, Dad!" She shrieked. Everyone froze and stared for a moment. Her father looked ready to angrily lash back, but her mother wrapped an arm around him and told Simon, "You'd better get her together, or else we'll have to."
"I'll take care of it," Simon said.
"I'll take care of it? You'll take CARE of it???" Grace repeated, then laughed and shook her head.
Simon watched her parents leave the terrace and he sat next to her. "You seem like you have some things on your mind."
Grace was wondering if she was the crazy one? He completely threw her under the bus at school and in front of her parents and they just… ate it up. "Do they know that I'M THE ONE that always has to keep you chill?"
"You're not that one right now."
"That's because you're being different. You're up to something and I can't figure out what?"
"I'm playing the game that we play with parents. You WANTED them to like me, did you not?"
"Not like this! They're not supposed to think you're better than me!"
"I see. I get it now. All those times when you insisted that we should be treated equally, you were just lying to me like you lie to everybody. And now that people are treating me good, you can't stand it."
"This isn't about PEOPLE, Simon, it's about MY PARENTS and how you're... you're... STEALING them!"
Simon tells her, "It's not my fault they like me more than you." Grace started crying. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "God, AGAIN with the crying. You're really a child."
"What is your problem? How can you say something like that to me when you know how I feel about my parents?"
He scoffed, "Yeah. And now we get to the truth about how you feel about me too. This is bigger than your stupid fucking parents." She looked at his face. He looked… like he was having a completely different conversation. His face would never let on that he had just said the mean things to her that he had just said. 
"Is… this about me leaving for school? You turned on me because I was gonna leave for school, Simon?"
"You lied to me. You betrayed the Apex."
"The Ape… Simon WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? The Apex doesn't have anything to do with this!"
"The Apex has everything to do with this!" He finally actually looked as mad at his words. "We were the Apex. Just you and me! We had everything we needed in each other. We belonged together. We built it together. It was our mark on the world. Our show of power and greatness… and you just threw it away! You threw ME away." He out his face into his hands and tried to catch his breath. She still didn't know what this even meant. 
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry that it felt that way. I just wanted to do something for myself… if it makes you feel like this, I won't leave, Simon. We'll work it out…" 
He uncovered his face and it was surprisingly clear. She couldn't figure out what to think of him, but her heart was all over the place. Simon told Grace to calm down, but she was already sitting quietly, thinking, and she was getting mad that he was behaving like not only a stranger but a… horrible person! "I am calm," she said, though her teeth. "Just still very confused. Why are you being this way, Simon? I just gave you my virginity like a week ago.." her voice cracked.
He smirked, looked her right in the face and said, "That meant nothing to me."
She gasped and clutched her heart. This was… too much. Was she having a nightmare? Simon would never say these things to her. He would never hurt her. "Simon… are you saying that you don't even love me anymore?"
"I'm saying I don't even know who you are. The girl that I loved was strong, powerful and she cared about me. She wasn't a liar, pretending to love me until she could get away from me. Pretending to see me as an equal, but squirms anytime someone sides with me. She was worthy of respect. Whatever you are, you're not even worthy of her name. You're not worthy of respect. And you aren't worthy of love. You're nothing to me." 
She shook her head and looked out at the estate. Tears were pouring down her face. He put his hand on her back and rubbed it and for a moment, despite everything he had just said to her, she was relieved that he seemed gentle with her. But the he said, "Before I go, I want you to know that I actually did record us on purpose…" her head turned sharply to him and she stared at his thin lips as he said, "And I'm the one who leaked it." …Then...he smiled. 
Grace punched him in the teeth. He threw his hands up to cover his head. He knew her fighting style. She hit you in the face and head and neck. That's where she was swinging, but he was blocking well enough. So well, she was enraged and pulled his hair, twisting it in her fist to try to lift his head. Before she could strike him in the face again,she felt her mother's hands rip her away from him.
"Grace! You've caused us enough trouble with your violent outbursts! And now you’ve set your fists upon Simon?" All Grace could do was roar in anger, startling her mother.
Simon almost couldn’t hide his smirk. Luckily Mrs. Monroe was staring at her daughter (in horror), "I'm sorry, Mrs. M  This was my fault. I didn't mean to make her so mad. I know how she gets when she gets mad…" Grace charged at him, but Mrs. Monroe stood between them and grabbed her wrists.
"WE will talk about this later!" She placed a hand on Simon's back and led him back into the house to assess the damage and be sure that he wasn't ready to sue like Shana's parents were.
Grace asked herself, "Am I fucking crazy?" Simon smirked at her as he walked away with her mom. "No. He's. Crazy. HE'S fucking crazy!" She grabbed a handful of her fro and leaned on the rail with the other hand, sobbing.
Simon turned to Mrs. Monroe and said, "You realize that I love her right?"
Mrs. Monroe became visibly tense as she replied, "I realize that there's some feelings between you that you believe are very strong, but I also know that my daughter is hard to love."
"That's not true! I loved Grace almost the moment I met her. She's very generous. She's helpful. She's protective, oh and she's genuine... being genuine is the most important trait of a friend."
While Mrs. Monroe wasn't paying attention to him, he and Grace looked at each other through the window, and he glared at her hatefully. She stormed through the living room and up the stairs, slamming the door behind her. 
Then, she just… cried again, and sat down on the floor. She's unsure to this day how long she sat there, but she knows that both of her parents came together, each separately, the housekeeper, the butler and some doctor tried to talk to her before she finally got up, went into her bathroom and resumed sitting in the bathtub. She was there for 13 hours. She remembers that much. Not much else. The entire time period was just… day after day of hurt. And he still wasn't done with her.
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The Master List of the Summer 2020 Chopped 3.0: The 100 Fanfic Challenge!
Thanks so much to everyone who participated in this third run of our full Chopped Challenge! We are so happy that this fun little idea that we got from @chants-de-lune continues to be such a success!
In this event we had Historical Body Swaps, Sci-Fi Reunions based on TV/Movies, Epic Platonic Fantasy Heists, and Crazy El Dorado Adventures! We received so many creative and exciting fics that were a thrill to read. We hope you guys had as much fun writing and reading these fics as we did, and we hope you’ll join us for more events in the future.
Please check out all the Chopped 3.0 fics below. Don’t forget to leave the authors some love!
Round 1: Historical Fics
Body Swap
Competing “Businesses”
Meet Ugly
First Kiss
On a Tear (Rated M) [Emori/Murphy/Raven] by @sparklyfairymira
Summary: Raven Reyes doesn’t get along with John and Emori Murphy - the owners of the only other speakeasy in Arkadia. What happens when her world is turned upside down and she finds herself inside Emori’s body?
2nd Place Best Overall, 3rd Place Theme, 1st Place Body Swap Trope, 3rd Place Competing Businesses Trope, 1st Place Meet Ugly Trope, 1st Place Tie First Kiss Trope, 2nd Place Best Dialogue, and Most Unique Pairing Winner.
A Change of Heart (Rated G) [Bellamy/Clarke] by @queenemori
Summary: When Clarke’s mother informed her she’d be spending her summer in England’s newest seaside resort, she did not expect such an eventful trip. She was only sent to see if they actually posed a threat to her family’s resort in Brighton. She did not at all expect to make an enemy of the architect’s nephew. But when an unusual situation arises, Clarke and Mr. Blake must learn to work together, no matter how much they dislike each other.
Or, a loose Sanditon AU
1st Place Best Overall, 1st Place Theme, 3rd Place Body Swap Trope, 2nd Place Competing Businesses Trope, 3rd Place Meet Ugly Trope, 1st Place Tie First Kiss Trope, and 1st Place Best Dialogue Winner.
May We Meet Again (Rated T) [Bellamy/Clarke] by @changingthefairy-tale
Summary: Clarke and Bellamy both show up to assassinate the same target. Chaos ensues.
3rd Place Best Overall, 2nd Place Theme, 2nd Place Body Swap Trope, 1st Place Competing Businesses Trope, 2nd Place Meet Ugly Trope, 1st Place Tie First Kiss Trope, and 3rd Place Best Dialogue Winner.
Round 2: Sci-Fi Fics
Based on a TV Show/Movie
Kiss to keep cover/keep a secret
Forehead touches
and i’ll never say i love you (but i meant it all along) (Rated T) [Bellamy/Clarke] by @bellamysgriffin
Summary: When Coach, a dating system that pairs you with someone for an allotted amount of time and gives no way to bypass its rules, matches Bellamy and Clarke together, they find an immediate dislike for the other. Luckily, they only have to spend twelve hours together and then they can go their separate ways.
That is, until Coach matches them again. And again. And again. Until they start to wonder if something deeper is going on.
Or, Bellamy and Clarke in Hang the DJ
1st Place Theme and 2nd Place Based on a TV Show/Movie Trope Winner.
Per Aspera Ad Astra [Through Hardship to the Stars] (Rated G) [Bellamy/Clarke] by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold
Summary: It’s boredom one fateful night that leads Clarke Griffin to ditching the first basketball game of the season. That same boredom then leads to her choosing to hang out with one Bellamy Blake – which should feel weirder than it is since they haven’t really been friends since his sister’s disappearance two years ago.
But then their night really takes a turn.
The two of them discover a strange audio frequency that could change the small town of Arkadia, New Mexico – and the future – forever. Dropped phone calls, forgotten tapes, and strange lights follow Bellamy and Clarke as they race through the night on a scavenger hunt to discover the truth. That maybe there was something more to Octavia’s disappearance, maybe there’s more to their friendship than being just friends, and that maybe they aren’t as alone in the universe as they thought.
2nd Place Best Overall, 2nd Place Forehead Touch Trope, 2nd Place Tie Kiss to keep cover/keep a secret Trope, and 1st Place Reunion Trope Winner.
through the muted waves (Rated T) [Murphy/Emori] by @the-most-beautiful-broom
Summary: Scientists call the Tomorrow People the next stage of human evolution, the government denies their existence, but their cocktail of psionic abilities have made homo superiors the target of Eligius. Even though Eligius has closed the project that allows Tomorrow People to override their genetic inability to kill, they still relentlessly hunt them, desperate to neutralize their abilities. When Murpy wakes up in Eligius headquarters, he knows he’s returned for a reason…if only he could understand his connection to the brown-eyed girl who keeps cropping up on the corners of his memory.
3rd Place Tie Theme and 2nd Place Tie Kiss to keep cover/keep a secret Trope Winner.
in the red snares (Rated T) [Octavia/Lincoln] by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething
Summary: The prevailing theory around the existence of Slayers (her existence) is that a variation of the alien parasite the miners unearthed deep in the Sub Stratum started infecting hosts in order to combat the vampire parasite. Octavia scoffs at the thought. The theory is probably right, especially since Monty is pretty confident in it, but she still hates the whole thing. The Slayer parasite really needs an upgrade in her opinion.
3rd Place Best Overall and 3rd Place Most Unique Pairing Winner.
The Cockroach (Rated T) [Murphy/Emori] by @mobi-on-a-mission
Summary: “This is the cockroach hailing Mission Team Alpha. It’s Sol 30 here on good ol’ Planet Alpha. Not that it’s really a planet, but eh whatever. Technicalities, right? Anyway. Systems check. Arm: healing. Bugs: normal. Radio: shitty. Attitude: good.”
1st Place Best Overall, 2nd Place Theme, 1st Place Forehead Touch Trope, and 3rd Place Reunion Trope Winner.
I’m No Hero (Rated T) [Murphy/Emori] by @queenemori
Summary: It’s 2052 and Reapers are wreaking havoc on mutants and humans alike. Murphy is recruited by Kane and Jaha to go back in time to prevent Octavia Blake from starting an international crisis that made the future much worse. But going back to the past comes with some side effects, mainly having to do with some relationships that Murphy left on bad terms.
3rd Place Tie Theme, 3rd Place Based on a TV Show/Movie Trope, and 3rd Place Forehead Touch Trope Winner.
from angels or devils (Rated T) [Octavia Blake] by @dylanobrienisbatman
Summary: Octavia was dead, and then she wasn’t. The nuns say it was the gift of an angel, but they may not know as much as they claim.
Will she be able to learn to channel it’s gifts, or will she be claimed by the villain who has followed the Halo through time and space?
3rd Place Most Unique Source Material Winner.
Can’t Tell if this is True or Dream (Rated M) [Echo/Gabriel] by @kuklash
Summary: “Do you understand your mission, agent?” A cloud of smoke punctuated the Director’s question, streaming from his mouth in thick, grey ribbons.
“I am to evaluate the necessity of the work Dr. Santiago is doing and report back at the conclusion of the investigation,” Echo repeated her instructions. Her lungs filled with second-hand smoke and she stifled a cough.
“I hope you appreciate the delicacy of this mission, Echo.” His intense gaze bore a hole into her’s. “Gabriel is not to know the nature of your assignment.”
She met his gaze with equal intensity as she stood up to leave.
“I understand, sir.”
1st Place Most Unique Pairing Winner.
There are some things written in the stars (Rated G) [Bellamy/Clarke] by @changingthefairy-tale
Summary: Dear Bell,
I know you have a million questions. When I planned to come see you in Sau Paulo, I knew I wouldn’t have much time, and there was just too much I wanted to say. But also so much I knew I couldn’t. My only hope is that this journal answers some of your questions, and by some miracle saves your life.
My name is Clarke Griffin, a historian. We’ve never met before today, in your time at least. In 2019, I would be just starting my professorship at Arkadia University back in the states. That’s honestly the only reason Murphy didn’t fight me on seeing you — no chance that I’d cross paths with myself. He wouldn’t have been able to stop me, mind you. But he’s definitely the better pilot, so I’m glad he was on board.
I’m getting away from myself. It’s hard to remember a time when you didn’t just instinctively know what I was thinking. It’s felt a little like you’ve just known me my whole life, the way we’ve always been in sync. Let me start from the beginning, just rip the bandaid off…
Or the “Timeless” AU you never knew you needed. Submitted as part of the Chopped Challenge: Round 2.
3rd Place Kiss to keep cover/keep a secret Trope, and 2nd Place Reunion Trope Winner.
Healing AIs, Healing Hearts (Rated T) [Octavia/Raven] by @spacekrulesbians
Summary: Raven and her mother were a perfect team, working with damaged and mistreated AIs and tech. When tragedy strikes, however, Raven has to figure out how to make it on her own. And then there’s that new assistant her mom hired, making things interesting.
1st Place Most Unique Source Material and 2nd Place Most Unique Pairing Winner.
inconceivable (Rated T) [Bellamy/Clarke] by @kindclaws
Summary: The first touch of his fingers on her wrists makes her whole body shiver. She’s so painfully aware of him being just behind her, of the wonder and the impossibility of his existence here, that she has to remind herself to keep breathing as he slowly picks apart the knots binding her hands together. “If I turn around, will you be gone?” she murmurs. “Is this a bad dream? Will you be dead again when I wake up?”
“I’m real,” he says softly, and finally the last knot falls away and her hands are free.
It’s practically inconceivable.
(Chopped 3 presents: The Princess Bride. In space, bitches.)
1st Place Based on a TV Show/Movie Trope, 1st Place Kiss to keep cover/keep a secret Trope, and 2nd Place Most Unique Source Material Winner.
Round 3: Fantasy Fics
Heist AU
Character gets given a potion that makes them unable to lie
Garnderer AU
Forehead kiss
What Is Mine (Rated T) [Jordan & Hope] by @memoriisendgame
Summary: Jordan learns the important lesson of family and friendship as he attempts to get back something he feels he rightfully deserves.
5th Place Best Overall, 3rd Place Tie Heist AU Trope, 3rd Place Forehead Kiss Trope, and 2nd Place Most Unique Pairing Winner.
A Change in the Weather (Rated T) [Murphy & Clarke & Raven] by @sparklyfairymira
Summary: Murphy leans over, plucking a weed from between the Bitter Spolwoods. “There you go. All better now. Can’t let that mean old weed try and strangle you, can we?” He grabs the water jug by his side and waters the ground around the plants before stroking the purple leaves. “You’re doing so well here. Look at you getting so big.”
“Are you talking to the plants again?”
Murphy grins as he turns to face Raven. “I don’t know why you’re surprised. I always talk to the plants. Why do you think they grow so well?”
“They’re plants, Murphy.” Raven raises an eyebrow as she stares at him.
“Exactly.” Murphy turns to the plants again, lovingly stroking the leaves. “Ignore her. She just doesn’t understand.”
Or: A friend is kidnapped causing Murphy, Raven, and Clarke to join forces with others to save him, all while set in a magical fantasy world.
3rd Place Best Overall, 2nd Place Truth Serum Trope, 1st Place Forehead Kiss Trope, 1st Place Tie Gardener AU Trope, 3rd Place Best Descriptions, and 3rd Place Most Unique Pairing Winner.
We will begin again (Rated T) [Raven & Gaia] by @dylanobrienisbatman
Summary: Over two centuries ago, Man stole the Giant’s Heart from where it was protected by the Witches, and with it, they gained great power. But the longer it is away, the more damage is done to the planet.
Can Raven, along with her companions, return the Giant’s Heart to the Witches and restore balance and prosperity to the world?
1st Place Theme, 1st Place Heist AU Trope, 1st Place Best Descriptions, and 1st Place Most Unique Pairing Winner.
picture me in the weeds (before i learned civility) (Rated T) [Clarke & Murphy] by @probably-voldemort
Summary: There are three days from when Clarke was seven that she doesn’t remember. Not odd in itself, except for what those days contain. She remembers leaving her house with her neighbour John to play in the woods like they did every day, and then she remembers coming home three days later. She has no memory of where they’d gone or what happened or why John never came back.
Now, Clarke returns to the woods for the first time in sixteen years. After running into someone from her past who shouldn’t exist, Clarke begins to wonder if everything she’s believed for years could really be a lie.
1st Place Best Overall, 3rd Place Tie Theme, 2nd Place Forehead Kiss Trope, and 1st Place Tie Gardener AU Trope Winner.
talos bless us (Rated T) [Echo & Raven] by @spacekrulesbians
Summary: When Bellamy gets himself captured by Imperials, sisters Raven and Echo plan the ultimate heist to break him out of a closely guarded fort, aided by a dark elf and a khajiit.
4th Place Best Overall, 3rd Place Tie Theme, 3rd Place Tie Heist AU Trope, 1st Place Truth Serum Trope, and 2nd Place Gardener AU Trope Winner.
truth lies in an abyss (Rated T) [Bellamy & Clarke] by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething
Summary: “Thank you for meeting me here.” Her dark blue hood obscures most of her face, but when she tilts her chin towards him, her green eyes flash in the starlight.
He nods demurely. “I take it you have a proposition for us?”
She hesitates. “Is it true what you can do? Enter the Fade?”
“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t true.”
“And are you as good as they say you are?”
Bellamy lets a faint smile cross his lips. “I don’t know what they say, but I can assure you I take the utmost pride in my work, Lady Griffin.”
A Fantasy Heist AU for the Chopped 100 Challenge
2nd Place Best Overall, 2nd Place Theme, 2nd Place Heist AU Trope, 3rd Place Truth Serum Trope, 3rd Place Gardener AU Trope, and 2nd Place Best Descriptions Winner.
Round 4: Championship Fics
El Dorado
Free Space
The Life We Seek To Find (Rated T) [Emori/Murphy] by @memoriisendgame
Summary: “Alexia and Blue, they’ll have a better chance there. You will have a better chance there. Trust me.”
Murphy and Emori make the daring decision to travel across the unknown wasteland of Earth in order to find the so-called ‘City Of Light’ in the hopes of finding a better future for their little family.
-Loosely based on “Bird Box” in the sense that there is a safe haven a long journey away.
1st Place Frikdreina Trope, 1st Place Telepathy Trope, and 2nd Place Tie Best Plot Twist Winner.
Am I dreaming (Or is this burning an eternal flame) (Not Rated) [Emori/Murphy/Raven] by @sparklyfairymira
Summary: A post-apocalyptic story of soulmates.
Murphy never thought he’d meet his soulmate - let alone find out he had two. But that’s just what he does while he and Bellamy searched for Octavia. And now he’s expected to help save the world? This was not how he was expecting his life to go.
3rd Place Best Overall, 3rd Place Tie Theme, 3rd Place Tie Frikdreina Trope, 2nd Place Telepathy Trope, 2nd Place Author’s Choice Trope, and 2nd Place Most Unique Pairing Winner.
Show Me Yours, I’ll Show You Mine (Rated T) [Emori/Murphy] by @queenemori
Summary: Emori doesn’t do normal. That’s something she’s never had in her life. It’s why she doesn’t really question it when she starts having weird dreams that have absolutely nothing to do with her. And why she doesn’t question it when she happens upon the subject of the dreams, either. Like this mysterious guy, she’s just along for the ride.
A modern retelling of Emori and Murphy’s first meeting.
2nd Place Best Overall, 2nd Place Theme, 3rd Place Tie Frikdreina Trope, 3rd Place Author’s Choice Trope, and 2nd Place Tie Best Plot Twist Winner.
leave my loneliness unbroken (Rated T) [Bellamy/Clarke/Raven] @justbecauseyoubelievesomething
Summary: When you turn ten years old, you hear your soulmate’s voice inside your head.
Or so Raven’s been told.
3rd Place Most Unique Pairing Winner.
Rattle the Stars (Rated G) [Octavia/Lincoln] by @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold
Summary: Even as humanity spread itself through space, the universe remains the true final frontier. Outlaws rule the fringes of galaxies and for those who are down on their luck, it’s not an easy lifestyle.
Octavia Blake grows up on stories of a fearsome bandit named Charmaine Diyoza and dreams of one day going on her own intergalactic adventures. She’s eighteen when that becomes a reality, a chance encounter leading her on a treasure hunt throughout the galaxy in search of the famed El Dorado, a Treasure Planet made entirely of gold. Along the way she makes allies and enemies –– but one person in particular guides her along the way. A cyborg named Lincoln helps her blossom on the ship and come into herself and she can’t help but fall for him, even as she learns that not everything is as it seems. But with the mysterious map in hand, unusual friends, and her own belief in herself, she might just discover more than gold on this adventure.
1st Place Best Overall, 1st Place Theme, 1st Place El Dorado Trope, 2nd Place Frikdreina Trope, and 1st Place Best Plot Twist Winner.
until the next, my beloved (Rated T) [Luna/Raven/Roan] by @spacekrulesbians
Summary: Luna and Roan set off to find the legendary city of Eden, where it is said there is gold stretching as far as one can see. As Raven cannot come due to her blindness, Luna takes it upon herself to keep sending her messages.
3rd Place Tie Theme, 3rd Place Telepathy Trope, 1st Place Author’s Choice Trope, 3rd Place Tie Best Plot Twist, and 1st Place Most Unique Pairing Winner.
lost in the woods (Rated T) [Clarke/Murphy] by @probably-voldemort
Summary: Murphy can read minds, but only sometimes. It doesn’t help him not get lost on a class hiking trip.
3rd Place Tie Best Plot Twist Winner.
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