#we don't talk about that! we don't think about that! that is a nonexistent happening as far as i'm concerned!
piplupod · 1 month
idk if it's like this for other ppl or if i'm just a freak, but i used to HATE doing anatomy studies and avoided it for years bc i despised the task of it so much. and now i fucking love it and i'm actually feeling a little upset this morning that i have to go do a family thing in a few minutes because i just really want to go do more anatomy art studies 😭😭 i have no clue what changed, but i think it's just partially that i cultivated an appreciation for the human body and human form and also that i reached a point in my art where i was repeatedly hitting a wall bc i was refusing to do studies
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luv4freddie · 9 months
Fools - T.N
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in which the only Hufflepuff friend in the group of slytherins develops a crush on Theodore Nott— something only fools do.
fem!hufflepuff reader, bff Pansy, use of euphemisms and teasing yn for being innocent but sfw, reader is very emotional, jealous theo, 2800 words
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After a year, you'd think that people would get used to seeing the same Hufflepuff go over to the Slytherin table, but alas, half the Great Hall turned to watch you approach the table and take a seat next to Pansy.
She sticks her middle finger up behind your back, aiming it at all of the people who are still staring, and they quickly turn away. It was an unlikely friendship, but she was not going to let anyone make you feel bad about it.
"About time you get here," Draco huffs, "I've had to hear Pansy's 'girl talk' while you were sleeping."
You smile sheepishly at him, you had taken your sweet time this morning, hitting snooze a few times before listening to your favorite record and doing more singing than actually getting ready— resulting in you being extra late to breakfast.
"Sorry, Draco."
"Don't apologize yn, he doesn't deserve it."
You can hear the teasing lilt in Theo's voice from across the table, and Draco throws a handful of grapes at him.
"Whatever," Pansy turns her back to them, "did you hear, apparently the Hufflepuff chaser has a crush on you."
Your eyes flit between her face and your hands, and you wonder where she got her information from.
The boys around you seem to perk up at this, and Draco chides Pansy for deeming that piece of information unimportant compared to all her other, much more useless, girl talk this morning.
"Where on Earth did you hear that?" You cut in, not enjoying the way everyone is suddenly interested in your (nonexistent) love life.
"From a very trustworthy source," is all she'll give away, and you cringe.
"Can we change subjects, please?"
Theo narrows his eyes at you, as if he's searching your face for something.
"You don't care about it then? You're not jumping at the chance to ride his broom?"
The Slytherins around you snicker at his euphemism, but you go bright red.
"I- what! Why would you say- no!"
This only makes them laugh harder, but Pansy collects herself enough to place a reassuring hand on your arm.
"Don't worry, we all know our little puff would never."
You slap her hand away, upset at them treating you like a child.
"Well if you guys are only gonna tease me, I'm gonna go back to my own table."
"Y/n, we didn't mean-" Theo starts, but he's still got a smirk on his face, so you ignore him, leaving before he can try and stop you.
You take a seat at your own house table, and the Hufflepuffs around you immediately welcome you into their conversation.
You don't know why it bothered you so much. They were right, you weren't going to be "riding someone's broom" anytime soon, but hearing the way they talked about it— like you were just some silly, innocent baby— really bugged you.
If you were being honest with yourself, you also knew that deep down you've been repressing feelings for Theodore, because you knew enough stories about him to know it would never work. He was a heartthrob, and had no issue finding girls to entertain him at night— to him you were just a little girl. That conversation was just more proof. There's no way he'd be interested in you.
You unintentionally make eye contact with Zacharias Smith when you finally get out of your head, but you immediately look away, turning back to your friends just as Hannah asks about your Christmas plans.
You don't see your Slytherin friends again until Charms class, and Pansy immediately brings up what happened at breakfast.
"Hey, I'm sorry about that. I don't want you to feel bad, that's just how we are."
You give her a tight lipped smile, shrugging your shoulders. You've realized that most of the anger came from the realization that Theo probably saw you as a child, not actually their teasing.
"No biggie, it's forgiven."
She eyes you suspiciously but decides not to question it, instead starting to talk about her next party idea until she gets shushed when Professor Flitwick starts explaining directions.
You use the quiet moment to sneak a look at Theo, who's leaned back in his chair smirking at something Draco said next to him.
Pansy turns to you and you quickly shift your focus, but it appears she's already seen you. She gives you a raised eyebrow, and you play dumb, looking back at the teapot on your desk and trying to give it legs.
"What was that about back there?" Pansy asks as the two of you walk out together.
"I know it took me forever to get those stupid legs," you cringe, hoping to throw her off course.
"No I meant your staring."
You try not to look guilty, just shrugging your shoulders and explaining, "figured the boys might have figured it out faster. Should have known better."
She grins at that, muttering "you really should have." But something tells you she doesn't quite believe your story.
Your thoughts are only confirmed the next day when she invites you over to her dorm and then immediately suggests the two of you take veritaserum to play a game of truth or dare.
You let out a sigh.
"I'm not doing that Pans, just ask me whatever you want to know."
She grins, "you know me so well."
"Unfortunately," you tease, and she slaps your arm but asks her question anyway.
"Do you have a crush on Draco?"
Her face drops into confusion when you start laughing hysterically.
"That's what you thought? Merlin, you had me scared for no reason. No Pans, I absolutely do not have a crush on Draco."
She lets out a small sigh of relief, but you can tell she's a little peeved you laughed at her.
"Well what was I supposed to think? You got all grumpy yesterday when we were teasing you about your love life, and then the staring. It was either that or you're secretly in love with Nott, which, lets be for real."
She leaves it at that, but your cheeks flush pink. Be for real what? Be for real, he'd never want you? Be for real, what universe would the two of you work out? Be for real, he hates you?
The thoughts keep coming one after another, and suddenly your vision is blurred.
"Hey, woah, what's wrong?"
You cursed Pansy for being so observant.
"Nothing, I think my allergies are acting up." You say, but there's sadness in your voice, and there's an inch of snow outside, which isn't exactly pollen friendly.
"Don't lie to me y/n."
"I'm sorry for being so stupid and emotional." You cry, and Pansy rubs your back slowly.
"Hey, there's nothing wrong with being emotional! You don't see us do it much, but a lot of that's got to do with how we were raised. I wish I felt things as deeply as you do."
Your tears seem to slow, and she smiles.
"Now as for stupid, that depends on where that fit came from."
You look up at her in embarrassment, more hot tears threatening to fill your eyes.
"I... what did you mean?" You ask instead.
"When you said be for real about me secretly being.." you couldn't bring yourself to say it, as if saying the words would make it true and something you could no longer push away and pretend wasn't there.
Realization dawns on Pansy's face, and she immediately wraps you up in a hug.
"Oh yn, it all makes sense now."
You continue to cry, and she looks at you with what you assume is pity in her eyes.
"I know, I'm such a fool! I know it would never happen, I know half of Hogwarts has a crush on him, I know he'd never want a girl like me." All of the things you'd been keeping to yourself and secretly thinking come spilling out of your mouth, and Pansy rubs your back while you continue to cry.
"Hey don't talk like that! Theo doesn't care about those people, and I know he cares about you. Not to mention, "a girl like you"? You're the exact type of girl that Theo needs. He practically never smiles the way he does when you're around. Just calm down okay?"
You nod through your cries, finally settling down as Pansy throws a magazine at you and the two of you lay across her bed.
Unknowingly, you end up falling asleep, tired from the amount of crying you did. Pansy notices but decides not to wake you, heading down to the common room where the guys would be getting back from quidditch practice soon.
When you wake up the room is dark, and a quick looks around reminds you you're in Pansy's room and not your own. You check the bathroom attached to the dorm, and when no one is in there you head down to the common room, assuming that's where she's gone to.
The whole group is sat on leather couches and armchairs when you make it down the stairs, and you rub the sleep out of your eyes as you approach the group.
"There's our bella addormentata," Theodore purrs, and you immediately flush even though you only understand half of his phrase. (sleeping beauty)
"Sorry for falling asleep." You apologize as you take the seat Pansy offered you, coincidentally landing between her and the reason for your crying.
"Stop apologizing so much," Theo whispers in your ear, and you refuse to look at him in fear of him seeing exactly the effect he has on you. Instead you continue to look at Pansy.
"No biggie, you needed it after that." She says, and you nod.
"After what? What happened?" Draco asked, ever the nosy weasel.
Pansy looked at you, obviously waiting for you to answer so she could go along with whatever you say.
You consider lying, but figure there's no point. They all know you're an emotional person, no one would find it unusual.
"I- uh- cried a little bit. Tired me out."
The boys (that you can see) all nod their heads in understanding and decide to switch topics, finally letting you relax.
However, since you'd turned your back to Theo, that now meant when you leaned back to get comfy you leaned directly into his chest, as he had one arm on the back of the couch behind you.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" You whisper, shooting back up and speaking only to him in an attempt to not draw attention from the others.
"Don't be silly," he says back, pulling your shoulders so you're back in the relaxed position against him, "you're welcome in my arms any day ragazza dolce." (Sweet girl)
You flush red again, but this time you do look up at him, a teasing glint in your eyes.
"You know I have absolutely no idea what you're saying, right?"
He grins, "that's part of the fun."
"Whatever," you turn back away from him to look at the group, your head resting right over his heart, "as long as you're not calling me a troll."
"I promise I'm not." He says, ruffling your hair before the both of you rejoin the main conversation.
"Zacharias Smith was at our practice today," Draco tells Pansy, and she looks at him in surprise.
"Really? Maybe he was looking for yn. She does sometimes keep me company in the stands."
"Oh he definitely was." Blaise smirks, and you feel Theo tense behind you. "Walked right up to Theo and asked where the pretty little one we're always hanging out with was."
"What?" Pansy shrieks, looking over, although you're unsure if the intentional target was you or the boy behind you. Her eyes momentarily widen at seeing your position before she notices something and smirks.
"Theo," she drawls, "I didn't notice those cuts on your knuckles earlier, is that new?"
Everyone turns to look at Theo, and you sit up in alarm, turning to look at his hand that's laying behind your spot on the couch.
"Theo! What happened? Why didn't you go get this checked out?"
He averts his eyes from your gaze. "Just wasn't thinking about it," he shrugs.
You frown. "How could you not be thinking about it, that looks painful!"
He shrugs again, grimacing when you grab his hand, insisting he let you heal it.
"Just let me go get my wand okay? I left it in Pansy's room."
You get up to leave, and with your back turned you don't see Pansy whisper to Theo and then him get up and follow you.
"I'll just come with." He announces, following you back to your friends room.
You try not to think about the intimacy of being alone with Theo while you tend to his wounds, trying once again to shove all your feelings down far in your heart.
Thankfully none of Pansy's roommates had come back, and Theo sits on her bed while you grab your wand from her nightstand before standing in between his spread legs.
"Give me your hand."
He complies, and you try not to blush at the warmth of his, much bigger, hand resting on your own.
"This is nasty Theo, did you punch a wall or something?" You ask, beginning to heal a few of the cuts. Luckily most of them were clean from where he'd washed them when he showered after practice, but they were scabbed over and his knuckles were blue with beginning to form bruises.
He lets out an amused huff of laughter and you stop your ministrations, looking up at him immediately.
"Tell me you didn't actually punch a wall."
He shrugs, "it was either that or Smith, and I know you don't like when I get into fights."
You feel yourself heat up. He didn't hit someone because of your preference, and the person just happened to be the guy who supposedly has a crush on you.
"Well I'm glad you didn't send my housemate to the hospital wing at least, although I wish you wouldn't have hurt yourself," you sigh, continuing to heal his hands.
Out of nowhere he pulls it away.
"Look, I-" he cards a hand through his hair, contemplating his next words. "I didn't like it that Smith came looking for you. Especially that he asked me."
You look at him in confusion, "what? Why?"
He looks distraught, but he can't help the crooked smile that etches itself on his face.
"You're damn oblivious, you know that?"
You continue to look at him, no thoughts behind your eyes.
"Uh, I mean I guess? I've been told that a few times, though I'm not sure how it's pertinent to this situation."
Suddenly Theo's hands are on your cheeks, and his face is inches from your own.
"What- what are you doing?"
"I want to kiss you." He states plainly, as if it's the most normal thing in the world— as if the five words didn't have you spiraling out of control.
"Wait- do you want to kiss me because you think I'm like pretty or do you want to kiss me because you like me?"
You'd never even thought he would consider you pretty, but at his words you had to rethink a lot of things you thought you knew.
"I like you, amorina." (Little love)
"Really?" You know you should be celebrating, but you can't help the doubt that creeps into your mind. "You don't think I'm a silly, innocent, little Hufflepuff?"
He grins, "you can be my silly little Hufflepuff. And no I don't care that you're not jumping at the opportunity to go broom hopping."
You can't help but laugh a his phrasing, but you're glad he knew what you meant.
"I like you, amorina, I don't care about anything else, as long as I get you."
You smile, and Theo swears he could die happy if it's the last thing he sees.
"Well in that case, I want you to kiss me too."
He can barely hold back his own smile as he places his lips on yours, cradling your jaw with one hand while the other holds your hip.
He kissed you gently, not at all like what you'd expected, but you feel his adoration flowing out of it, and you can't help but break it to let out a giggle.
"And to think I was crying over you a few hours ago."
He grins, standing up and grabbing your hand to walk back down to the common room together, where your friends were waiting for you to go to dinner.
"No more crying over me okay?"
You nod your head, and he pulls you in for one more kiss before you rejoin the rest of your friends.
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complete-clownery · 9 months
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Hahaha okay rant about this amazing fanfic (you probably heard of this one already but still)
So whenever it comes to explaining and writing under my posts I just get lazy but I need to push through this cuz I need to talk
So the fanarts were made for the lmk fanfiction sunbreak, that a lot of you (probably mostly shadowpeach shippers) had read, and it is amazing, I read trough it as fast as my brain let me and as you can see it has pleasantly scratched my brain so much so that I even (attempted) to make fanart for it
Ngl if I wasn't a major pussy I would try to illustrate the whole thing or make covers for each chapter but Im unable to work on something more than 2 hours and I would want those to look good, but good looking art (if I don't mess up) takes 6 hours ughh--- annoying much---
Anyways I'm not good with literature but man is this fix a masterpiece *chefs kiss* its everything its amazing, I was unable to put it down once I started it
Okay i dont think I have the brain capacity to explain how much I worship the writer of this masterpiece @ladygreenfrisbee , so i'm just going to talk about the drawings a tad
So first picture with Red Son and MK its sort of like an au in the fic where the whole lbd plot is somehow nonexistent and after Macaque gets to his sisters domain they settle down and raise the kids together without much of an issue aside from assassinations keep happening and trying not to get in trouble with the heavens
Id like to think that Gongzhu still wouldn't let the court tailors to put any form of red or gold on MKs outfits and only allowed the yellow after when MK was old enough to declare that yellow was his favorite color, but even now she would insist on some form of purple and shadow motives to let others know who the mother is
We also got baby MK and toddler Red Son and sassy LIF and Mac
Third pic with the lion: I don't know what it was or why but I just love general Song so much--- he's a major dickhead but sgvshshsevkdididhr (actually I kinda love all the original characters in this one, from the generals to the old lady in the beginning of the book, (gosh I also wanna draw some scenes from those chapters I loved how Mac and she interacted hshsjsj))
so chapter 34 was probably my favorite so far I re read it about two more times cuz it was amazing to see Macaque being the schemer he is and try to piss of Song lol
Last picture: its a sketch/a wip or whatever (probably not going to finish it but im still putting it there cuz its somewhat decent looking)
Its the part where Wukong remembered of Macaque finally finding him and asking for him to come back to flower fruit mountain.
I tried to make Macaque look more unhinged on this one but since I didn't finish it I dont think its that noticable so fuck that but I also gave him a halo like the saints to symbolise his suffering and what not (thought it looked cool and fitting think whatever you want about it lol)
And that all ((((hollly mother))))
If you read this trough, thank you and congrats👏👏
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strangerstilinski · 10 months
sharing a stiles thought i keep thinking bc brainrot and sharing bc you’d appreciate it
he would beg you to do the spiderman kiss and immediately fall as soon as it actually happens
i know this wasn't technically a request of any sort but oh boy did it tickle at the nearly nonexistent inspiration in my brain, so.. here we are. just a very short fluffy little thing that made me feel all warm inside. x
You tug at the sleeves of your sweatshirt in an attempt to cover your cold knuckles as you take an overly-cautious step out onto your front porch, hugging one arm around your ribs as a shiver wracks your body all while your grip tightens around your cell phone.
“Stiles, if this is one of your jokes-” A sigh escapes you, a wispy cloud of fog pushing past your lips as you look around for your boyfriend. There's a familiar blue jeep parked at the edge of your driveway, but the owner doesn’t seem to be anywhere in sight. You tut softly into the phone, “I think your pranks are cute, baby. Really, I do, but I need to study-”
Your socked feet carry you that much farther outside, shuffling slow across the smooth planks of wood underfoot while you cautiously scour the yard for his familiar figure.
“I'm right-” There's a scratchy crackle against the speaker just as you hear a scuffle from somewhere to your left. Stiles' yelp meets your ears twice, once from the dark emptiness at the edge of the porch, and then again half a second later through the phone.
It's just as you're just stepping up to the edge of the porch, hand falling to grip the railing as you squint into the darkness, when something drops down from above and makes you flinch back with a small scream.
“Here!” Stiles grins, the momentum of his body still making him sway forward and backward for a moment as he hangs upside down in front of you. He's dangling from the roof overhanging the porch, his torso curled around the edge in a way that can't possibly be comfortable, but he's grinning like he couldn't be more pleased with his current position.
“Stiles!” You scold, reining in the urge to punch his shoulder and instead redirecting the motion to simply grip at his biceps when he reaches out for you. The slow motion of his swinging slows under your steady hold, “Are you insane? You're banned from climbing on the roof! We- We have talked about this-”
“Neh, eh, eh,” He interrupts with a goofy grin, “The rule was that I can't climb on Scott's roof-”
While you don't remember the specifics, you have no doubt that your boyfriend would have been clever enough to worm some sort of loophole into his previous promise. Your nose scrunches up in annoyance while your heart continues thumping wildly in your chest, both from the scare and from the panic pooling in your gut as you watch your boyfriend shuffle and slip another inch or so over the edge of the roof.
“Sti, babe, please,” You whine anxiously, fingers digging into his arms a little meanly, “Stop moving around, alright? You're going to fall!”
“I'm not gonna fall,” Stiles rolls his eyes and he reaches a hand out to brush against your cheek, his pinky brushing the apple your cheek as his thumb presses lightly into your jaw, “Come on, don't you wanna know why I'm up here?”
You sigh softly, a small smile pulling at the corner of your lips while you release him with just one hand so that you can run your fingers through his floppy hair where it hangs loosely beneath his head. Your hand scrapes lightly though the soft strands, your cheek pushing imperceptibly into the warmth of his palm.
“Why are you on the roof, Sti?” You ask begrudgingly.
“Spiderman?” You repeat slowly.
“Spiderman!” Stiles grins, “You know, the first one. The Raimi one-”
“Like.. Andrew Garfield?” You clarify with furrowed brows.
“What?” Stiles scoffs, “No! Toby Maguire! Baby, we watched them together-”
He looks appalled, mouth gaping just slightly in incredulity.
“Well, we watched the Andrew Garfield ones together too-” You defend with a small laugh, amusement filling your chest at just how worked up he seems to be getting by your mistake.
“The first one!” Stiles repeats in a huff, “Because that's the one where it's raining and he saves MJ and he's hanging upside-down in the alley and she pulls his mask down to kiss him as a thank you-”
“Ooh, a wet, New York City alleyway,” You tease, “How romantic.”
Stiles groans woefully, “This was supposed to be romantic. You are totally ruining this for me, right now, you know-”
His words do make you feel a little bad. He'd clearly put some thought into the idea. He'd climbed all the way up onto the roof of your porch, though you're still not quite sure how — there's no ladder in sight.
You plaster a sweet smile on your lips, slipping your feet up onto the rung at the bottom of the railing to boost you up another few inches, until your nose is level with Stiles' chin.
“I'm sorry, Stiles,” You murmur softly, chin tipping toward your chest so you can look into his eyes, “You wanted a big, superhero movie kiss?”
His adam's apple bobs when he swallows, his body reacting naturally to the familiar teasing lilt in your voice, “Uh huh.” He nods.
“Well gee,” You sigh wistfully as you drag a finger up the side of his cheek in a slow trail toward his mole-speckled neck, “You are awfully brave for climbing up there. And you did do it with the intention of wooing me..” Your teeth pull lightly at your lower lip and his eyes track the movement, “Maybe I could show you just how brave and sweet I think you are. Maybe.. I could show you how grateful I am, that you were willing to risk getting hurt for me.”
Stiles is nodding along, eyes wide with anticipation and cheeks flushed dark from a combination of your words and the blood rushing to his head in his current position, “Yeah.” He rasps weakly.
Your fingers curl around the back of his neck, your lips catching against his in just a light brush of skin, teasing. His lips part beneath your own and your warm breath mingles in the narrow space, the scent of spearmint overtaking your senses for a moment.
The hand on your cheek drags you closer in a gentle nudge as he grows impatient, and your mouths meet in a slightly awkward press of lips. Something about the new angle with such a familiar action scratches at the back of your brain, and you tilt your head just slightly when your mouths separate and rejoin only a second later.
Stiles presses his thumb softly into the hinge of your jaw in a silent request for you to open your mouth, his tongue catching on your lower lip before pressing inside and meeting your own.
Your tangle your fingers in the soft hairs at the nape of his neck. Another wet peck to his lips has him shuffling forward to chase your mouth the moment you ease back, and he seems to slip just a little further over the edge of the roof.
“Careful.” You warn softly.
“'m always careful.” Stiles whispers, his upturned nose pushing into your jaw as he kisses you again.
You lean back after allowing him another moment of indulgence. Stiles seems to follow the movement again, pitching forward as you go back like you're two magnets, but this time around he slips just a bit too far to allow for recovery. You can only watch on with wide eyes while he comes tumbling down from the roof and crashes into the bushes below with a small scream.
“Oh my god!” You gasp, leaning over the railing to watch your boyfriend roll into the grass with a groan, “Are you okay?”
“Never better.” Stiles manages weakly, voice hoarse.
“You sure about that, Spiderman?” You tease hopefully as you watch him drag himself to his feet, brushing himself off to free the small bits of branches and leaves and dirt that are now clinging to his clothes.
“Yeah,” Stiles sighs, “Yeah, 'm good.”
“Good,” You grin, beckoning him closer when he finishes ridding himself of yard debris and meets your eye, “You should get yourself a mask though. I hear masked superheroes tend get more than just kisses and I have to admit, I think it's kinda hot-”
“Noted,” Stiles agrees with wide eyes, tripping over his own feet and the porch stairs as he rushes toward you, “Fucking- Shit, I am so on it.”
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blanketforcas · 1 year
🚩Cult and cultlike/toxic behavior: red flags in fandom 🚩
A non-exhaustive list inspired by my 10+ years of experience in fandom, both personal and second-hand. By sharing this, I hope to make other people more aware and able to protect themselves in the future. No fandom space or friend group is worth your mental health.
They claim they have secret information and use that to lure you in
They might either lovebomb you at first or make you (feel like you have to) prove your worth
The leader(s) of the group might not feel super approachable, at least not without fear of saying the wrong thing
They seem to create or point out a divide in fandom you’d never noticed before. Likely this divide isn’t actually there in wider fandom, or the need for it is wholly unnecessary.
They create an us vs them (outsiders) situation. Their group has the most knowledge and expertise, if others critique them it’s simply cause they must’ve heard false rumors. They are always the ones who are “misunderstood”.
Questioning statements from leaders/people with high regard in the group, is not without risk. You can get dogpiled, your intelligence put into question and gaslit about your own words and feelings.
You see discussions happen and get more heated, and at the end of that discussion the person on the receiving end of the things mentioned above ^ starts apologizing profusely and/or believes they are indeed stupid. However, if this person does keep defending their stance, they might get bullied or kicked out of the server/group chat
Too much emphasis on Being Right/having the correct take or theory – it may seem it has a higher priority than empathy and tactful communication
You need to have an opinion (their opinion), because silence equals condoning or agreeing with the “other side”
Everything is a moral issue. When everything is made out to be a high-stakes issue or reflective of everyone as a person, it's easier for the leader(s) to manipulate you.
You find yourself excusing people’s behavior because you agree with their point. The way they bring their argument forward and the tone they use, become subordinate to finding out the truthTM
There is such a thing as The TruthTM in every theory, discussion or analysis
If you don't Get It, it's cause you haven't "worked on yourself enough". Or it's cause you're not trying hard enough, or you haven't done enough reading, or you have blind spots only they can see.
There is a lot of conspiratorial thinking – maybe actors are trying to send us secret messages, maybe there is a Whole Lot You Don’t Know But We Do, Trust Us, maybe this or that person in fandom has tried to attack us and are planning a bigger attack,…
You barely/don’t have fandom friends outside of this group and if you do, you tend to intentionally (whether subconsciously or not) hide your experience from them. They wouldn’t understand the way they talk, they wouldn’t understand the way it works etc
They want to know a lot of your personal information. - might only happen once you get into higher ranks
You might get (more and more) specific “tasks”, it starts becoming a part-time job instead of a hobby/fun space to hang out with friends
Of course, these red flags are not always immediately visible let alone advertised when you join a group chat/discord server/twitter or tumblr bubble. They can also be nonexistent at first and show up later. Here are some general ways to stay vigilant:
Periodically check in with your values, if they might be changing & how you feel about that.
Keep an eye on the way people (and yourself) are being treated. Is it kind? Is it fair? Do you feel on edge all the time when you’re having conversations? Is your body more tense when you’re in this online space or when certain people are around? Be honest with yourself here.
Ask yourself: Is this space becoming my only coping mechanism? Am I spending too much time here? There’s no shame in spending a lot of time on things you enjoy, but do check in with yourself sometimes whether you are actually still having fun and if you are taking things too seriously or parasocialising a lot.
There's a lot of fun to be had in fandom and a lot of good that comes out of it - don't forget that. Keep seeking that. It's why we're here!
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i-cant-sing · 10 months
I'm not sure what I want to write about but I have this very overwhelmingly strong urge to write about Platonic Yandere Gojo Saturo x teen/adult reader. And not like just light fluff, I'm talking about unhinged yandere Gojo- the one from the latest panels where he was fighting with Sukuna- that Gojo.
Like that Gojo just radiates "buffed up cool dad finally puts his foot down and is now actually low key scary".
Hmm, I mean I could see unhinged Shibuya arc Gojo just going absolutely feral as he drags you away from Toji (your dad) and begins to actively kill him, no matter how much you beg and grovel to spare your father's life. How you can't bare to see your dad taken from you again.
But Gojo? Nah, he doesn't care. He was serious when he took you in (kidnapped u from Naoya/Zenin Clan) and told u that he'll be the father you need.
And he doesn't even have any qualms about knocking you out either, he doesn't need u interfering mid battle and getting injured in the process. He might even hand u over to Yuta and others and cheerfully threaten them to keep you safe while he obliterates Toji, because yes Gojo is 100000% jealous of Toji and you bonding/being closer to each other than u are with Gojo. How fucing dare you??? Does he need to do the speech again?
"Through heavens and earth, I alone am tge honored one" or whatever 🙄🙄🙄
Listen to me- Romantic yandere UNHINGED Gojo with reader who'd been selected by his clan, trained and raised by them for you to be Gojo's bride. Obviously, growing up Gojo was like "yeahhh, you're not good enough for me" and well treated her like absolute trash (he insulted her) which them lead the clan to be even more harsh on you because why the hell are you still not able to seduce Gojo????? So, basically poor reader is just being absolutely miserable throughout her life until one day the Gojo Clan is finally like "Alright, we gave it our best and Saturo still doesn't like u, so you can work as a maid in our house" and like instantaneously her life turns much better now that she doesn't have the pressure to be the trophy wife/heir producer for Gojo, and reader now can even leave the house to run errands.
But then Gojo notices that there is one less person who was constantly fawning over him, vying for his attention, and he's trying to figure it out who it is when he realises its you! And when he asks his clan about you, they tell him that they demoted u to a servant instead of future Mrs Gojo and Saturo is like "hm. Okay." And it doesn't exactly hit him how much this affected him until he saw you giggling away with some man.
He doesn't react immeadiately, still treating you like you're just nonexistent to him, but deep down, it eats him up the way you were touching that man's arm, the way you looked at him like he hung the stars for you.
Why tf weren't you like this with him?
Whatever. You're just... so beneath him. Why even bother thinking about you?
And then Shibuya arc happens. This man gets trapped in the prison realm and most of his thoughts are occupied by you, and how after be defeats Sukuna and the gang, he's gonna date you and you'll be touching his arm, looking at him with goo goo eyes.
Except when he comes out, for whatever fucking reason, you're fucking clinging onto some guys shoulders, acting like you're a damsel in distress, and if things weren't worse before, they certainly were when you kissed the man in front of him (okay but like u didn't know Gojo was watching u two. Like you were with your man in alley, kissing and hugging each ither lovingly after just barely escaping death from curses and then mf Gojo is just hovering in the sky above you)
Of course, now it's instantaneous death for your man, and then Gojo is just dragging you screaming and crying, and you're like "WHY? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME??" And Gojo very cheerfully tells you, as if he still wasn't covered in blood from your man-
"I don't want my wife-to-be cheating on me."
Like whoa! Where tf did that came from???? And you're all like "What are u talking about??? Your clan ended our relationship- if you could even call it that?? Besides, you're the one who always said that we're not compatible because I'm beneath you."
And Gojo doesn't even bat an eye, as he goes "doesn't matter. You were born for me. You were made for me to marry, play with, discard, do as I please. So don't you ever even look at another man again, or I will be the one to rip your eyes out." And you know that he's capable of doing that after u just witnessed the live demonstration of your man being murdered.
Anyways, jealous Gojo, be it romantic or platonic, is dangerous unhinged Gojo.
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Look at him, the tiny waist, the Toji Fushiguro fit.
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thoughtsonkm · 20 days
Bye Jeju, you've been good..
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Eyes always on the prize Jungkookssii mm
The trio was really wholesome in some moments but I'm so ready for Jikook's cozy winter times. It's literally their default setting.
This type of lighthearted mood and way of talking about the topic brings me peace for them. They looked relieved and confident in their choice to stay together. I don't know if they actually knew since September about the lottery verdict or they were just manifesting real hard ahead of time because in their mind there's no way they're separating (like no we don't accept any other answer than being together) but either way what matters is the result and their content feeling.
The way Tae was on the phone the whole time like 'yeah I've heard your enlistment talk 348392 times already' 😂 There really is a sort of "danger" to them having only one extra person on the table cause they get too engulfed in each other. They need a big group when they go out or else 1-2 ppl will feel kinda alienated lol
Jimin in this dark flannel fit got the whole fandom in shambles and rightfully so.
Gotta say every time Jimin entertains Jungkook going on and on about topics he knows/has info about, my fondness for them reaches a whole new peak 🥹
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I get they were trying to display their strength with their typical pool shenanigans but Jungkook?? You need to chill man there's plenty of other ways to "help a man from drowning" 😂(could this type of insane underwater hair grab be considered bf privileges? lol)
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This towel scene is so 'boys' coded but also a little frisky you feel me? It just has that vibe you know..
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This episode's cuddle was kinda my favourite so far tbh (the CT one is in its own hall of fame given how it was more of a hungry feast than a cuddle). Idk why it just felt very soft, squishy and needy.
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NOW THIS is a confirmation about the perilla leaf debacle. Kook was so careful about it I was dying laughing. It can be a risky choice HAHAHAHAHA
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mimi 🤝🏻 cats kook 🤝🏻 dogs
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This scene was the funniest of the episode. The theatrics, the dramatics, the "asking for more sausage while Jimin was leaving". PEAK
The way he was worried about his taste buds lol. Food really is his #2 priority damn. (#1 being Jimin)
Btw this scene doesn't prove anything but the fact that their hyung-dongseang dynamic is almost ✨nonexistent✨.
I noticed they always look at the crew in front of them after smth happens or a joke or whatever. Instead they should look at the camera and break the fourth wall, it would be so funny.
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He's been thinking about it since NYC your honor..
Out of topic but during 3 days in Jeju we could see them from time to time with a mic in their hands, especially Jimin, but they never showed any karaoke scenes. ROBBED
The suspense about Sapporo is not good for my liking. Like they don't need to make Japan more mystical than it is already, we know it's gonna be the softest thing ever.
Why so hush hush huh? I expect an announcement video by Sunday! (max. monday!)
Anyways..Sapporooo here we cooomeee
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 4 months
ok the evolution of Katniss and having kids post:
Katniss is thinking from the earliest moments of the book how she never wants kids. This is Chapter 1, even before the Reaping, when Gale mentions running away, if they didn't have so many kids, obviously here, he's referencing their siblings, but then this exchange happens:
"I never want to have kids," I say. "I might, if we didn't live here," says Gale. "But you do," I say, irritated. "Forget it," he snaps back.
This is literally page 9 in my copy from the library. Katniss has been thinking about how much they provide for their siblings already and she's also just given us exposition on her own parents-- her grief for her father and her resentment of her mother; it's also setting Gale up as a potential romantic partner, which Katniss readily rejects and is confused by the conversation at all (girly, you brought it up)
Again, in the first book, Katniss thinks she will never have children. This is nearing the end of the games-- it's just her and Peeta and Cato left-- and while Peeta sleeps, she lets herself for the first time think about making it home and what her future would be.
I think of Haymitch with all his money. What did his life become? HE lives alone, no wife or children, most of his waking hours drunk. I don't want to end up like that. 'But you won't be alone,"I whisper to myself. I have my mother and Prim. Well, for the time being. And then... I don't want to think about then, when Prim has grown up, my mother passed away. I know I'll never marry, never risk bringing a child into this world. Because if there's one thing being a victor doesn't guarantee, it's your children's safety. My kids' names would go right into the reaping balls with everyone else's. And I swear I'll never let that happen.
I included the long version and not just the part about never marrying, because Katniss recognizes she risks being alone forever. For her, even though it's terrible, it's better than having a child in this world, a world that is so horrific and threatening. She also automatically links marriage to having kids (as is natural), which complicates her relationships with both Gale and Peeta.
Catching Fire starts with a similar vein, but one Katniss now has to confront-- in order to keep those she loves safe, she will have to marry Peeta and live happily ever after with him. She wonders if President Snow will insist on them having babies, thinks it's likely a child of hers will end up in the arena because Victors' children sometimes do and Gale suspects the drawings are rigged. She reflects again on Haymitch's situation --unmarried, no children, wasted all the time-- and likens it to self-imposed solitary confinement.
Later, we get the fake baby drop, of course, and Katniss, processing, thinks "Isn't it the thing I dreaded most about the wedding, about the future-- the loss of my children to the Games? And it could be true now couldn't it? If I hadn't spent my life building up layers of defenses until I recoil at even the suggestion of marriage or a family"
We're still on the same track, the recognition of her fear of having kids in the world she lives in. Interestingly, I think it's still a loss of her children to the Games, but a less painful one-- nonexistent, possible children that she'll never have.
Peeta later is trying to convince Katniss to be the one of them to survive by talking about her family back home, and when he doesn't mention the pregnancy, she knows he's being sincere. He even mentions Gale and Katniss takes it in a way that means he would be okay if she wanted to be with Gale. He transitions back to playing the Games by telling Katniss, "You're going to make a great mother you know."
Katniss then wonders if it could be more than just a Games manipulation-- "Like a reminder to me that I could still one day have kids with Gale? Well, if thatw as it, it was a mistake. Because for one thing, that was never part of my plan."
It's HERE that we get a bit of a kicker-- she thinks about how of the two of them, Peet is the one who should be a parent. And she imagines his children--
As I drift off, I try to imagine that world, somewhere in the future, with no Games, no Capitol. A place like the meadow in the song I sang to Rue as she died. Where Peeta's child could be safe.
I think it's the first time she's considered the possibility of a safe child, and it has to be Peeta's child. This isn't something she ever imagines about anyone else, even when she thinks about running away with Gale.
Children are a sign of hope, of a possibility of living in a world where they won't be sacrificed on the altars of the Capitol. In Mockingjay, Katniss frequently notes that District 13 has very few children, especially following an illness, and that children appear to be prized -- it's partially why it's hard for her to initially accept that the rebels would bomb children- recklessly, wastefully
But it's the epilogue of Mockingjay, where this all culminates-- where her hope finds fruition. She says "Peeta wanted them so badly," but it takes years for her stop dreaming and start trusting that she's made that world, where her children, where Peeta's children "take the words of the song for granted"
It's a perfect ending, because from the start Katniss has denied herself even the hope of children, develops to thinking maybe that it could be possible one day-- for someone as good as Peeta, and that maybe his children could be safe, at least-- and in the end, his children--her own children--are no longer a hope, but Real.
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luna-lovegreat · 9 months
It's all "links meet aus" and "zeldas meet aus", but where's my "companions meet aus"?
I wanna see midna bash fi and navis heads together for annoying her
I mean can you imagine the sheer chaos of all the Zelda companions meeting and going on a journey together? They're all companions/guides! One of thems a talking hat for hylias sake how are they supposed to take initiative?
I think it'd be like Lu where they all just meet up, but can you imagine the chain just somehow finds out this happened (and twilight is just like guys I am so sorry about midna) (but they're also really oddly touched that all their friends met each other too)
Pretty sure midna would be the sort of leader, since the last time she was in a foreign world she just found the nearest dude and started ordering him around. By like halfway through twilight princess she was literally asking LINK to accompany her to get what she needed.
But like. 90% of the group would be fairies. Which can't heal. One is a talking hat who just needs a head? He can't go on midnas cause she throws him off with her magic hair, poor ezlo is just trying to keep up.
They also have these weird green shadows who come around? They don't talk, but there's a rock, a fish, a bird, and a lady who just appear and stab things and shoot wind water fire and lightning.
Also midnas really confused why wolf link just shows up and kills things every now and then (from botw amibo)
Fi is the one who can talk to Hylia and awaken memories and get guidance and information or whatever, but she only does this by ballerina dancing and the others are always pissed at her anyways "WE DONT KNOW WHAT BATTERIES ARE OR A WII REMOTE WILL YOU PLEASE GO BACK IN SWORD FORM ALREADY" "I detect there is a 90% chance you need a key to open this door" "wow. Your perception is unparalleled fi."
Also there's a boat. A boat. Who is also good at taking charging since he's a king, which causes some friction between him and midna, since she has to grab him by her hair to move him half the time.
And with the fairies. Again. They all offer advice mainly. And with the fairies a lot of their main role is speaking and getting attention and pitching in? They come on an intersection and there's a chorus of bells all shouting the same directions. Ezlo is trying to cover the kings ears from his place on the boats head
Also there's this ghost/spirit of Zelda that everyone just feels REALLY strong loyalty to. But she's just like this kid who wants her body back?! They try to protect her but she can turn into a purple knight and stab things so there's that. I think there's also some animal companions from ooa/oos so.
Side quests are nonexistent they don't care about a village or gathering frogs for a kid they are there to save the world on a mission linear plot it is
And it's interesting because you have so many of them who just vanish and then appear to give loud advice. All at once. And the fighting skills basically fall to those weird green shadows that shoot various elements and fight and randomly disappear. Midna and spirit Zelda can fight, and Fi can too (kind of like how she fights as a sword in hyrule warriors). Also up to you if midna is drop dead gorgeous or devilish imp.
By the end they find whatever enemy so they can go back and midna is so pissed by this point that she hears the word "batteries" from Fi and goes full on fused shadow and just obliterates the jerk
***I have not played all the games so do not know or understand all of the companions and probably got some stuff wrong
Bonus: there is a child in a village named Link who does not have the spirit of the hero. He is stalked for three days until Fi decides his vibes are off and they all stop telling him he's the chosen one
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avianyuh · 8 days
Boring | Min Yoongi
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Chapter Two
Summary:The next morning, you're back in the office and your friend wants details. You expect that things will go back to normal between you and Yoongi, after all, nothing really happened...
Chapters; [one] [two]
“I can't believe he made you stay at the office until 11 o'clock at night! I was so worried when you never left the building, I waited for you but you weren’t answering your phone.”, Gina, one of your two work friends probed as you recited your night to her in the break room the next morning. You stirred your coffee with one of those disposable sticks to make sure the cream and sugar get dissolved. Gina had noticed that you hadn't left when everyone else did. “How in the world did you spend that long around that guy? He's so quiet and, don't hate me for saying this but…he's boring.”, you found the sentiment outdated knowing what you know now. You walked out of the break room and back towards your cubicle. You glanced towards his office, but you couldn't see inside since the blinds were still shut. You weren't sure if his meeting with Mr.Smith and his people had started yet, or if Yoongi had even arrived at the office. You hoped that everything went well and Yoongi was able to keep his cool since there were quite a few times last night where you both got a little worked up at the sheer audacity the other party had to spring such a huge revamp of the file on you so last minute. At the end of your night with Yoongi, he was still feeling friendly. He had thanked you for staying and he even apologized for the things he had said, specifically threatening to make your job nonexistent by giving you no work assignments. But just like on the couch when you were eating, as you gathered your coat, bag and computer, there was…a moment between the two of you. You were heading for the door, but Yoongi seemed like he was trying to be a gentleman, so he leaned you to open the door. And, he got so close to your face, so when you turned to look at him, your lips were virtually touching.
You had looked up at him, but he was looking down at you. And just like how you were staring at his lips very briefly earlier that evening, now he was doing the same. His eyes darted from your lips, back to your own eyes. And you thought for a minute you had gone crazy because dare you say, his eyes looked inviting? You weren't sure what to think of it but after a few seconds he seemed to snap himself out of whatever he was trying to do and backed away, clearing his throat and murmuring a very awkward, quiet Good Night. You did the same as you tried to play it cool and walk towards the elevator slowly, but deep inside you wanted to make a run for it. Not necessarily because you wanted to leave him, but because you weren't aware of how much more sexual tension you could continue to stir between the two of you before someone did something stupid that no employer should ever do with his employee.
However, you weren't going to mention the way you ended your night to Gina. Mainly because nothing technically happened, so really…there was nothing of importance to mention. “Listen Gina, I know we constantly joke that he has no soul, but I spent 6 hours locked in his office with him alone, and I actually had a good time. He's kinda funny if you get him to relax and sit down and talk with you.” Gina raised her eyebrow at you as she pursed her lips.
“You're excusing working unpaid overtime because he cracked a few jokes? What do you wanna date him or something?” she questioned, looking at you like you had grown two heads.
“Um, I was paid for the overtime and no I don't want to date him. What's wrong with giving someone a compliment? All I meant is that he's not as bad as we thought…which is a good thing because that means our opinions of him were wrong.” you looked at Gina, and noticed that she was rolling her eyes. “I feel a lot better knowing that he's not ALL about work, he actually has a life too like the rest of us.” Gina rolled her eyes at you before putting her hands on your shoulders.
“Girl you’re whipped for that man. I see you all the time giving him those lovey dovey eyes. But to the rest of us, he either completely ignores you unless he has to ask you something, or he gives you those glares if he sees you away from your desk.” You had heard those stories before from others. I guess he wasn’t found of the office chatter. But in your experience, he never bothered with you until yesterday, Gina claims he gave her one of his signature glares once and ever since she’s had a vendetta against him.
You shook your head at her as you approached your cubicle. “I think it’s because he has really intense eyes”, you giggled as Gina scoffed.
“Shut up. See, that’s something a person who’s whipped would say.” You settled down in your chair as you and Gina said your goodbyes until you’d see each other again at lunch. . You fully expected that Yoongi would go back to the way he had always treated you. And by that you meant that he wouldn't bother with you at all anymore. A part of you was sad to think about that because you truly did feel like you got to know him a little better. And you'd be lying if you didn't admit that you were intrigued by him. But on the other hand, the less delusional side if you knew it was all strictly business and that he was most likely only being nice to you to get more productive work out of you. And all the eye-lip contact could have been something you had imagined in a state of sleep deprivation mixed with your infatuation with your ridiculously attractive, mysterious boss. Who knows what was going on in his head. But you had to tell yourself that it was probably a one time occurrence and you had to move on. Well, that was until he came waltzing out of the elevator. Dressed just as fine as usual in one of his suits. He carried his briefcase with him and nodded as he heard the many Hellos being sent his way from all of the staff as he walked past their desks. And then, as if everything was going in slow motion, he glanced over at you and gave a subtle, close lipped smile in your direction. The eye contact felt intense and it felt like your body was sitting on pins and needles. The way he made you feel so jumpy, he did a better job of waking you up than any cup of coffee could. The interaction was at most three seconds, but that was more than enough for you to think that you had left an impression on him as well. The day went by fast. Thursdays were just as boring as Wednesdays considering you still had another full day until your leisurely weekend. You were packing up your things as Gina and your other office friend Hana waited for you.
“Hurry up Y/N”, Hana exclaimed, she was cranky because of her poor choice to wear new shoes that weren’t broken into to work. “My feet feel like they’re being stabbed!”, you laughed as you shoved your laptop into your bag, throwing it over your shoulder and turning to face your friends.
“Calm down, I’m ready.”, As the three of you walked toward the elevator, amongst the quiet side conversations about your afterwork plans, all of you turned around upon hearing someone clear their throat. And there he was. Min Yoongi stood a few feet away in the middle of the office aisle with his arms crossed.
“Sorry to interrupt ladies, but if I could borrow Y/N for a second.”, he asked, his voice low, his eyes on you the whole time.
“Oh-”, before you could reply, Gina cut you off.
“With no disrespect Sir, she gave you six hours of her time after work yesterday, I think the least you could do is let her go home at a normal time today…” Gina snapped and you nudged her arm, a silent back off. You looked at her and silently pleaded with your eyes for her to ease up and not make you look bad in front of him. The last thing you wanted was for Yoongi to think that you were bad mouthing him to your coworkers.
“No, it has nothing to do with staying after, but I would like to point out if Ms. Y/L/N hadn’t already explained, it was last minute for the both of us and Y/N was paid for all overtime.” Before Gina could respond and get all of you fired, you intervened.
“I did explain that, she’s just tired”, you let out a nervous laugh, “Listen, I’m sure this won’t take long, just wait for me outside, okay?”, you asked them as Hana dragged Gina towards the elevator. Once the doors were closed, you turned back to Yoongi. “I’m so sorry about that. She told me that she waited for a half an hour yesterday but I never came down so I think she’s holding a grudge from yesterday. “, you tried to explain as he waved you off.
“Don’t worry about it. I just wanted to say thank you again, I was in and out of meetings all day which is why I didn’t come by sooner.”, You found it heart warming that he wanted to thank you again. You hoped in the back of your mind that this was his attempt at small talk again, but you weren’t sure.
“You don’t need to say thank you again, you were very kind and patient last night, plus you ordered food and everything. Honestly, I was just going to go home and watch TV anyways, it gave me something different to do for a night.”, you explained, noticing that your response seemed to put a smile on his face.
“So was I, that's always my after work routine.”, he responded. You averted your eyes, as his gaze felt like he was burning a hole into you.
“Well, if you need any more help, I’m available”, you said shyly as you started to back up towards the elevator.
“Noted”, he responded. He waved at you again before turning back around and walking back towards his office. But before you could press the button to close the doors, you heard him start talking again, “I have an assignment to give tomorrow morning, I’m coming in early tomorrow so come by when you get here.” You nodded at him and with that, he was out of your sight. And now you were really looking forward to tomorrow.
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siriustaylorsversion · 8 months
Nevermind (Taylor Swift x reader) She has always owned my heart pt.4
finally got over my writers block so this is a little long <3 thankyou so much @karsonromanoff for the idea!!
part one, two and three
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enews does anyone hear wedding bells? singer yourname.official seen wearing an ENGAGEMENT RING in a new interview... what news do her and taylorswift bring??? liked by tomhalland2013, y/n_sink and 4,205,600 others.
conangray my mothers are doing what now??
oliviarodrigo oh my god yourname.official SO HAPPY FOR YOU
siriustaylorsversion NOT #mymothersaremarried TRENDING ON TWITTER WHAT 😭😭😭
blakelively oh wow
tay.y/nforevermore WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WOW'?????? y/n.sink MOM WHAT'S HAPPENING
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y/n_sink it's yourname.official's new story AND OH MY GOD MY PARENTS ARE MARRIED IM DEAD liked by woodvaleisreal, y/n_sink and 100,309 others.
y/ntourupdates but her story is so real 😭😭😭
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yourname.official IM OPENING FOR THE LOVE OF MY LIFE (and the highest grossing tour, I could not be prouder) liked by tomhalland2013, blakelively and 7,208,600 others.
taylorswift could not be more excited, my love 🥹🩷🩷
blakelively my favorite girls, oh my god <3
folkmore.forevermore CONGRATS ON THE ENGAGEMENT
y/nandsadie.forevermore YOU'RE MARRIED????????
conangray CONGRATULATIONS, MOTHER (why didn't you tell me??)
yourname.official what's up with the comments?
tomholland2013 i might've accidentally liked a post... yourname.official uh huh.... tomholland2013 it might've accidentally been about your nonexistent wedding, nevermind... yourname.official you're dead, spidey. folkmore WAIT WHAT IS GOING ON??
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taylorswift we got married? looking at all the fake wedding drama like 😦 liked by yourname.official, blakelively and 7,208,600 others.
yourname.official it was fun while it lasted 💘
zendaya wait, what drama??
tomholland2013 nothing, nothing at all. i- zendaya you good?? yourname.official got him mid-sentence... rest in peace, holland
y/n_sink i have never been this heartbroken, why.
folkmore.forevermore WHAT NOOO??????
blakelively i thought you didn't tell us </3
taylorswift you'd be the first one to know when it does happen tomholland you'd say yes to her? why?? yourname.official shush, you're dead.
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jimmyfallon we're gonna have yourname.official talking about the eras tour, the wedding rumors and should she "pull a monica" for a surprise proposal? don't worry, blondie can't see this post liked by yourname.official, blakelively and 3,200,600 others.
comments on this post have been limited
yourname.official i should go do it...
blakelively best of luck, darling <3
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tmz We are not coming to you with fake news this time, that time was in yourname.official's words... "all Tom Hollands fault". On the Jimmy Fallon show, the singer revealed that all the comments by the fans made her reflect on her relationship and said that "I couldn't be happier being with my girlfriend and I just think maybe we should get married. Taylor was scared at first that the people would believe the news and we'd have to get married when I'm not ready but.. it's like that one f.r.i.e.n.d.s. episode, maybe I should pull a monica and ask her." We could not be happier for the couple, now it's up to Ms. Swift to follow her own lyrics and baby just say yes. liked by zendaya, blakelively and 5,060,700 others.
gracieabrams they both have such a way with words, I'm actually crying.
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yourname.official NEVERMIND, SHE SAID YES liked by taylorswift, blakelively and 11,060,789 others.
yourname.official YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY AGAIN
gracieabrams FINALLY 🥹💖💖
tomholland13 to think i made this happen
yourname.official shUSH tomholland2013 congratulations and you're welcome 🙄💕
oliviarodrigo CONGRATS GUYS!!
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taylorswift of course i said yes, there is no other answer when it comes to her 🩷🩷🩷 liked by yourname.official, blakelively and 13,000,000 others.
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had a lot of fun writing this, maybe I'll make the wedding a part 5? stay happy and hydrated!
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k-daydreams · 1 year
The Pursuit of Feeling Alive: III. Bratty Behavior
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Pairing: fem!reader x azriel, platonic!innercircle
Synopsis: cousin to Rhysand and Morrigan, y/n was once her family’s golden child. Faced with trials and tribulations her whole life, she needed reprieve— a distraction. Until a surprise homecoming opens Pandora’s box, and gives y/n a reality check. Especially facing her once close friend Azriel. Friends to Enemies to lovers trope.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: swearing, trauma, reader being shitty, slow slow burn, mor and Cassian being readers moral sanity, filler chapter, grammatical errors lmao
Authors note: hellooo! So this is kinda a filler since what I was writing for this part was so long. Next part will really be juicy I promise! Thank you guys for so much love on the last part, I hope y’all will like this! Not a lot of Az has been in this part, mainly talking about him in 3rd person, but I promise hold on hope y’all get him in action in the next!! Lmk what you guys think
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"Rhysand isn't impressed with Azriel," Mor declared, her knife slicing through a piece of meat. "To be honest, Y/n, I could genuinely throttle him." She took a bite of her food before continuing.
It was your first night back in Velaris, and the inner circle, along with the company, was aware of what had happened between Azriel and you. Well, at least what Cassian, Nesta, and Elain had witnessed. Rhys and Feyre hadn't approached you about it yet; Mor mentioned they wanted to spare you any further distress for the time being. Typically when one of the inner circle members had returned home from something, Rhys would have organized a celebratory family dinner, but he had decided against it for now. Instead, you and Mor dined alone in the House of Wind tonight.
Nonchalantly, you shrugged and took a sip from your wine glass. "Just another tantrum from that Illyrian man-child. Nothing new, really." You tried to sound relaxed, not wanting your friends and family to worry about you or the argument. You didn't want Azriel to know his words had cut you deeply or give him any satisfaction. You had already shown him just how much they had affected you. The impact was tangible—you had been restless, tossing and turning in bed for the past few nights, with no appetite to eat. Your homecoming was supposed to mark the beginning of your healing journey, yet here you were, starving and sleep-deprived due to the nonsense uttered by a man who thought he knew you.
Mor nodded knowingly, her napkin dabbing at her lips. "He had no right to speak to you like that," she said, her voice firm. "He knows that, no matter what, you're family. That's why we came back for you when Helion sent word. He knows we would do the same for any member of our family and to disregard you so quickly like that."
Disheartened, you let out a sigh. "I don't know, Mor. I knew we ended things on a sour note, but it's been nearly 60 years since then. I thought he would have moved on."
Her food momentarily forgotten, Mor nearly choked when you made that statement. "Please tell me you didn't just say that," she responded incredulously.
What do you mean?"
She stared at you intensely, her eyes burning into your soul as you went blank. "Seriously?" Perfectly shaped eyebrows furrowed in disbelief. "I've seen you hold grudges for centuries, and yet you expect him to forgive you for an argument that happened over half a century ago?"
Both of you fell silent, studying each other across the table. Mor's loyalty to Azriel, despite never reciprocating his feelings, was unwavering—just as yours had been in the past. At times, it made you question if her feelings for him were truly nonexistent, like now. A queasiness churned in your stomach, and your head throbbed with a dull ache. Perhaps drinking on an empty stomach hadn't been the best idea, especially when thoughts of Mor and Azriel intertwined.
You cleared your throat, a newfound coldness lacing your tone as you spoke up. "Every grudge I've held has been a result of something more severe than an argument," you stated, fidgeting with the table linen. "An argument, mind you, that happened because he didn't want me to follow Rhys."
Mor retorted sharply, "Look where that got you." Your heart started pounding, your ears heating. Your gaze dropped in her direction, and a familiar flame ignited within you. "What he did was fucked up, but Y/n, you can be a stubborn brat." You opened your mouth to object, but she raised a hand to stop you. "I'm not trying to be rude. I say this because I care about you. But it's time to own up to your mistakes. Only then, maybe, just maybe, you can find peace again."
Mor's tough love never felt good, but you knew it always came from a place of good intentions. Angry and devastated, you found it hard to accept hearing all that. Sure, you could be opinionated and stubborn at times, but reducing yourself to a brat felt unjust.
Draining your wine, you replied, "I had hoped for a civil conversation with him whenever we did talk." Mor looked skeptical, likely not fully believing you. You did have a record for the last century or so with picking arguments, you blamed being around Mor and Amren so much, and maybe a lot of repressed feelings.
Despite her irritation with you, Mor reached out and took your hand in hers, comforting you with gentle circles on the back of it, like a mother would. "When it comes to you, it seems his shadows turn to flames."
There was so much you wanted to say, but you remained silent, allowing her words to echo in your mind. You couldn't quite grasp their cryptic meaning, but you didn’t want to indulge in the topic too much longer. Mor let go of your hand, standing up. "Feel like grabbing a drink at Rita's?" she asked, her tone changing, a small smirk forming. A way to nurse your wounds.
Shaking your head, you replied, "Not tonight. I need to rest. Traveling today drained me. But thank you." You offered a tight-lipped smile.
"Sweet dreams, little star," Mor said, patting your head before walking away.
The once-dull headache now throbbed prominently in your forehead, and you cradled your head in discomfort. Mor’s conversation seemed to reflect the same argument you had a few days prior with Azriel. Though not filled with as malicious intent as his did, it still left you feeling just as scorned. The house cleared the table immaculately as you stood to make your way to your room.
The hallways were quiet and deserted, illuminated by the dim twinkle of faelights illuminating the red stone of the walls. Each light flickered slightly in your presence before dimming again, but you were too weary to care about such peculiarities of your powers. The House of Wind sprawled endlessly, a labyrinth of doors and spiraling stairs within the mountainside. A few new paintings and plants adorned the halls, likely additions from the High Lady and her sister, but it all remained as you remembered.
When you enter your room, a plate with an assortment of delectable cheese and crackers, accompanied by a tall, refreshing glass of water. Along with a small container of headache powder sat patiently on your bedside table. A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you witnessed the house meticulously pulling back your sheets, reminiscent of the way it used to prepare your bed during your childhood days. Gently placing your night clothes at the foot of the bed, a smile of gratitude graced your face, silently expressing your appreciation to the house. It seemed that Rhys had been right about something you thought once you were in bed getting pulled into a restless sleep.
You trudged begrudgingly through the halls of the endless mansion. Feyre had roused you from slumber earlier that morning, informing you of a meeting with the inner circle in an hour. Though you harbored little desire to attend, it was the first order by your new High Lady, making it a matter of importance. You hated how far your room was from the war room. Wishing you had wings, even better, you wished you had a room closer to one of the rooms you frequented the most. Finally almost out of breath, you made it to the entrance. You stalked into the room, you found Amren, Cassian, Lucien, Azriel, and Mor already settled in their seats.
"Tsk, tsk, fashionably late to your first meeting?" Cassian playfully jabbed at you. Walking past him, you discreetly flicked the back of his head, eliciting a muttered "brat" as he dramatically nursed the imaginary injury.
Your steps faltered for a moment, as that word—brat—pricked at your annoyance. Not letting it fester too much, you take a seat between Mor and Lucien. Sitting across from Cassian and Amren, with Azriel positioned diagonally next to his brother, you could feel his intense gaze fixed upon you. Determined not to shudder or shift under his scrutiny, you resolved not to let him see how deeply his words affected you. Deep down, however, you couldn't deny the lingering care you held for him, or the way his presence had consumed your thoughts over the past week like a plague.
"I don't see Feyre and Rhysand, so technically I'm not late," you declared, a smug tone coloring your words.
"Actually, they had other matters to attend to," Amren replied indifferently. It had been less than an hour since you last saw Feyre, leaving you puzzled as to what could have transpired in such a short span of time. Cassian nudged your foot under the table, a silent reminder of his earlier warning. Narrowing your eyes, you retaliated by kicking his shin, relishing in his sharp intake of breath as he winced. "Relax, Y/n!" he exclaimed, while you concealed your smirk, leaning back in your chair with crossed arms.
"Must you be so childish?" Azriel's voice snapped at you, catching you off guard.
Cassian stared at his brother in shock, attempting to defend your actions. “Brother I had started it-“
Beside him, the spymaster exhaled, regaining his composure. "I don't care who started it; I want to get through this as quickly as possible.” he requested, his tone cold.
"Yes, please," you muttered under your breath. The shadowsinger shot you a look.
Though you sensed he had more to say, Amren began speaking before another argument could erupt, cutting straight to the point. "We haven't visited the Court of Nightmares in quite some time. It's about time we made an appearance; I'm sure they're on the brink of chaos by now."
Mor sucked in her teeth, and you could hear Lucien gulp audibly, clearly apprehensive at the thought. You bit your lip anxiously.
"I won't be able to attend. Rhysand, specifically Feyre, has requested that you, Y/n, take the reins tonight," Amren announced, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. She seemed unfazed by the prospect of missing out on the formal affair. Uncertainty flickered across the faces of those from the inner circle, unsure of how you would receive the order, except for Azriel, whose expression remained inscrutable.
You fidgeted with your fingers, picking at the hangnails. Before Amarantha, you had taken pleasure in Rhys entrusting you with these meetings, where you handled official business between the Court of Dreams and Nightmares. It had been empowering to witness your family obeying your orders, having spent so long following theirs, only to be shunned upon your return in the aftermath of one of the darkest days of your life. Your parents were ready to condemn you for treason when they first laid eyes on you. That’s when Rhys had appointed you as an emissary. Primarily since you had spent the most time in the court knowing the ins and outs, and as a sick punishment for your family.
Now, anxiety gripped you as memories you had desperately tried to suppress from your childhood. Those memories now attached with the new ones you sought to repress from your encounter with Amarantha. It became increasingly difficult to focus on Amren's words as your gaze wandered blankly through the expansive window behind her, stretching from the floor to the ceiling.
"Azriel will be right beside you for protection throughout the night, Cassian will accompany Mor, with Lucien joining them," Amren continued, a hint of wariness in her words.
"Why-why can't Cass be by my side?" you stammered. "He's a general for a reason." You had an inkling to why Azriel had always been at your side when you’d be in charge of this responsibility, but you also wanted him nowhere near you. Didn’t anyone else think that him and you together was an awful idea at the moment?
"Because Azriel has a more intimidating effect on your family," Amren replied, looking knowingly at him. Azriel remained stoic, mirroring your own defensive posture—scarred muscular arms crossed, leaning back in his chair, stil as a statue. "As I said, it's been some time since we made an appearance. Who knows what they might do? We can't risk any harm coming to the Princess on her first days back at court," she added mockingly. Rolling your eyes, you fought the urge to offer her a vulgar gesture. For that remark alone, she could certainly go to hell.
"Cassian will come to fetch you later, so you can all gather at the townhouse and winnow together," Amren concluded nonchalantly. "Now, I need to speak with Mor and Cassian privately. You three are dismissed; I'm sure Azriel and Y/n are just itching to throw themselves off the dining room veranda by now." She said to you, Lucien, and Azriel. She was right about one thing, you thought to yourself, your chair scraping against the floor as you stood, eager to escape the war room as quickly as possible.
You closed the door to your room, and fell into your bed screaming into the mattress. You were frustrated, overwhelmed, and exhausted from lack of sleep. A small commotion on your nightstand made you jump, looking up, a medium box now laid on the stand. An envelope attached to a deep purple ribbon wrapped around the gift. You sat up, and grabbed it, opening the paper.
‘Give them hell tonight, you've earned it little star. -R&F’
Inside the box was a diadem of silver, stars of different shapes hung all adorning the chain encrusted in emeralds, diamonds of different hues, and sapphires for you to wear tonight. You sighed, a new feeling slithering through your veins. Maybe this was Rhysand’s way of giving you therapy. You all played a game and made a show down in the court of nightmares that the inner circle all got a kick out of at one point or another. Maybe playing the act was what you needed? You had let your mental shield down, letting your thoughts empty to nothing, hoping Rhys would be paying attention.
You planned this intentionally? You thought once your mind was blank.
Me? What would make you think so? Rhys purred in your mind.
You rolled your eyes. Mhm, you two just had to conveniently leave all of a sudden?
That’s a matter for tomorrow, just try not to torture someone to death tonight, especially not our spymaster. He taunted.
Your spymaster, no promises. You clarified.
Have fun, little star. You could feel him poking at your mind to signal he was no longer there.
You threw your shield up, and laid back on your bed. Tonight was going to be interesting.
You fixed your lip shine in the mirror, finishing the final touches to your look before a rhythmic knock on your ajar door sounded.
“You ready?” Cassian peaked before walking into the room.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
He let out a low whistle as he examined you. “Your family’s not gonna like that.”
“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” You smirked despite a brief heat rising to your cheeks.
The gown you chose was something you had saved for a trip specifically for the court of nightmares before you had been trapped under the mountain. The bodice had long sleeves and was skin tight, black crystal branches wrapping up your arms, and up your waist with thicker branches covering your chest. The skirt billowed with several layers of gossamer, much like the gown you wore in the day court just several days prior, but had slits dangerously high risking a reveal of your hip bones unlike the other gown. You wore the highest heels you had in your closet that were sure to make you grumpy just by standing in them for more than a couple minutes— exactly why you chose them. Then the diadem that Rhys and Feyre gifted you graced the top of your head and shimmered in the faelight of your room that flickered in your wake, when you felt the satisfaction from Cass’s comment.
He clicked his tongue, crossing his arms. “I don’t think I even like that.” Then he noticed the slits in the fabric. Rubbing a hand over his face in disbelief. “Mother of the cauldron Y/n, are you even wearing anything under that dress?” He made a face which made you laugh out loud.
“Pig, no need to worry about that!” You slapped his arm lightly before looping yours through it.
“You’re right I don’t want to know.” He shook his head. Cassian was always your comedic relief from your worries, and you were thankful that hadn’t changed. “Could you let Nesta borrow it?” He suggested cheekily.
You groaned disgustedly, “then I would have to burn it afterwards.”
“Good, I don’t want to see you in this gown again after tonight.”
“You’re not my father.” You teased as you two walked out to the balcony.
“Yeah but in my head you’ll always be like my little sister, no matter how much of a brat you are.” He nudged you.
“I hate that word,” you admitted, preparing yourself for flight.
He picked you up bridal style as if you weighed nothing in his arms. You adjusted the fabric so it wouldn’t fly up mid flight. “You know it’s true.” He said, his wings rustling, preparing himself.
You gave him a pointed look, “I’m considering it’s true.” Providing a pinch to his bicep. Without warning he took off into the night sky of Velaris, teasingly loosening his grip on you like he was going to drop you.
“If you keep hurting me, I’ll have to sic my mate on you.” A mischievous glint in his eyes.
“She probably knows you deserve it.” You watched the city below light up under the starry sky.
“Touché,” he smiled. He looked in thought as a silence fell over you two letting you admire Velaris below. You hadn’t had a chance to explore the city since your return, today would’ve been the day if it weren’t for the meeting in the court of nightmares. You could see the rainbow quarters perfectly from above and hear the music in the distance. The stars and moon were close to you as well, the music and being so close the light brought solace to any nerves you may have had. It prickled softly at your skin, seeping into your skin.
“I could guess one person who’ll be excited to see you.” Cassian broke the momentary silence.
“Don’t say his name,” you begged, seeing the angle he was trying to pull.
“Who, Azriel?” He grinned broadly.
“My peace is ruined,” you deadpanned, him chuckling at your disdain.
“Don’t let him being an asshole deter you. He’s been all bent out of shape since your absence. I think he’s just hurt deep down, and those little shadows that are always in his ear when you're around doesn’t help.”
You listened to Cassian ramble, confusion filling you. “You haven’t heard everything he's said to me.”
He relaxed a bit, soaring lower, the familiar townhouse now in your view. “I haven’t heard everything you've said to him either, and I don’t think it’s my business or my right to say anything on the matter given my record. Sometimes you say shit in the heat of the moment, sometimes you say shit to hide what’s actually going on underneath it all. One thing I know whenever it comes to you he’s always all up in arms. Not even Elain can do that to him. I didn’t even see him like that with Mor besides that one time.” He cleared his throat awkwardly, getting ready to land. You gripped his neck tighter, bracing yourself.
“When you’re not annoying, you’re actually wise y’know that?” You were in awe at his words. You weren’t sure how true his interpretation was, but for now it brought you slight comfort and ease about the Azriel situation. He landed with his wings slightly fluttering about, shaking off the wind of the night. He gently set you down, and you tried adjusting yourself now that you were standing. You went to fix the diadem, but Cass pushed your hand away lightly, doing it for you.
“I would hope so, year 600 is creeping up on me fast.”
You laughed softly, “you're about to be an old man.”
“Yeah let’s not talk about that, we’re talking about you remember?” He fixed a loose piece of hair that was out of place. “Try not to let him get to you too much tonight or at least channel it into you being all scary and brooding. I’ve missed you in court, it hasn't been the same.”
“Thank you Cass, and I’m sorry for not visiting.” You said sincerely.
Pulling you into his arms for an embrace, he sighed. “I figured you needed space. There’s nothing wrong with that. Rhys went to the cabin after he came out from under there. You just went to the day court for almost a decade long sabbatical.” He shrugged casually. “You can repay me by training again once you’re settled.” You nodded, pulling away. He wrapped his arm around you, “C’mon we have a party to get to.”
Lucien, Morrigan, and Azriel waited for you two. Azriel was the first to look up at the sound of your heels clicking on floor into the foyer of the townhouse. His hazel eyes darkened, eyebrows slightly narrowing, and jaw clenched at the sight of you. Your heart skipped a beat as his eyes traced your body, lingering at the top of the slits of the gown that could expose your hip bones at any sudden movement, before taking in your bare legs that were accentuated by the uncomfortable heels. You felt a warmth in your core that betrayed any ill feelings towards the spymaster, and you had to take a deep breath to calm yourself. You never knew a look would be able to enthrall you so much and ignite such feelings.
He was in his more formal fighting leathers, muscles at full display even underneath the leather, his hair neatly styled back, sciphons glowing under the light of the common room. He was god-like, you couldn’t deny that. Not rugged looking like Cassian or as regal as Rhys, but he was beautiful. You wanted to be sick at thinking these thoughts. His shadows whispered in his ears as he stared at you. You couldn’t discern the look in his eyes as Mor approached you.
“Oh my, my fathers gonna croak, I love it!” She squealed looking at the patterns on your dress. “But we do have to get going, Y/n winnow Cass?” She looked at the male beside you.
You were about to agree, but Azriel spoke up. “I think I should be with her. Just in case. Amren said they’re possibly at a brink of chaos.” His voice was gravelly, and your heart pounded erratically at the huskiness in his tone.
“O-okay? Cassian, let’s come on then.” She looked at you, your eyes were wide in surprise.
Azriel approached you, and his scent of cedar and mist filled your senses making you want to melt even more. You only cleared your throat, straightening your back as his scarred arm reached around you pulling you closer to him as you got ready to winnow. You could feel the rough pad of his thumb near the top of the slit of your dress making your mind blank. His shadows swirled around your wrists in greeting for the first time since you’ve seen him, and you could feel your cheeks heat up.
Mor and Cassian disappeared along with Lucien right behind them. Azriel’s body heat and movement of his hand on your hip was making you flushed, unable to concentrate. Then his lips were close to your ear and you could feel his cool breath on your neck.
“Whatever happens tonight, don’t take it to heart.” The grip on your hip had tightened, and you could feel the sheath of truth-teller in your lower back.
You looked up to him, even wearing your tallest heels he had towered over you, observing the deadly calm on his face. Your gaze lingered on his lips for a second before flirting back to his intense hazel orbs.
You said barely above a whisper, scared your voice would betray your words. “You forget I’m great at this game, shadowsinger.”
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Aaaaand we’re off to the races besties!! I had so much fun writing this part! I hope you’re excited as I am for the next one!!
Taglist: @tcris2020 @rachelnicolee @thelov3lybookworm @bubybubsters @mich0731 @t0uch-starved-h0e @penguins-are-the-best @justagingerliving @brekkershadowsinger @jiinmii
If I missed any of you just lmk!
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 14 days
I know you've been a fan of Jimin for a while and as someone who only became a fan in 2023 I wanted to ask you a question about this:
Even in the short time I've been a fan of Jimin I learned not to always trust what armys say about him. So I'm not sure what information is true and what is exaggerated or even completely made up. I've seen this dieting subject be brought up before when it comes to Jimin and it seems that the general concensus in the fandom is that Jimin struggled with that more than the other member, but is that actually true or is it just another case of armys's double standards when it comes to Jimin? Like, I've seen people mention him doing extremes diets, something about him not eating for 10 days, about him passing out multiple times, starving himself, being concerningly thin back in 2016 or 2017 (I don't remember what year exactly they were talking about and looking at him during time I didn't really notice it myself), and a bunch of other stuff. Is any of that true? What I'm guessing is that probably only some of it is true and possibly exaggerated, but I can't be sure. So that's why I'm asking you, cause I figured you'd at least know more than me. Cause some people seem convinced he had an ED, and I don't know how I feel about people diagnosing him with something serious like that.
Yes, it's 10000% an exaggeration.
Jimin never showed or gave anyone reason to believe that he struggled with an eating disorder. Everrrr. I want to give people the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe Jimin's talked about it the most through the years so everyone has the wrong idea, but I can't even say that. I can't even say that Jimin's talked about skipping meals more than the other memebers, because it's just not true.
The only thing that's happened is army being stupid, honestly. That's really it. Their tunnel vision and their inability to put two facts of someone together and make that someone a complex, real person. They look at Jimin (and all the other members) as if he's a fiction trope. And they keep talking about a nonexistent eating disorder because it fits the trope they've made up of him; frail, skinny, gay, cute, too nice for his own good, defenseless.
Yoongi has legs like toothpicks and he doesn't get eating disorder allegations. Why? Because it doesn't fit the musky-perfumed, whisky lover, smoker, granddad idea of army. I'm pretty sure last year he also said on live something about eating one meal a day.
You can see Jungkook literally binge eating in every BTS content ever filmed. After binge eating he starts talking about how he needs to lose weight and shouldn't eat anymore. Every. Single. Time. Eating disorder allegations? No, because he's got pecs and like two defined abs. Eating disorders go both ways. Binge eating as a habit is ALSO an eating disorder. And for the record, I doubt Jungkook binge eats like that 365 days a year for all meals, but if he did, it would be an eating disorder and army still wouldn't say anything as look as he "looked" healthy.
Some recents comments about food/eating that BTS members have made:
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And I'm pretty sure there's one from last year too where he told a fan to not skip meals.
It really is just army's tunnel vision.
They've chosen this career and they've always known what it would entail. Dieting and fasting before schedules is something normal to them. It might not be normal for you, me, or some dumb armys but it is to them the same it's normal for bodybuilders and people like Michael Phelps to eat 12k calories a day -which also isn't normal for like anyone in the planet-.
If dieting is an eating disorder, then I think we should go ahead and say all idols have an eating disorder including the other six members of BTS.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
Okay, I'll continue talking! So as we all know, RC9GN frequently involves characters being turned into rampaging monsters through no real fault of their own. And then there's Evil Julian, who was a whole thing. What I'm saying is, the Ninja cast are not strangers to the idea of people being forced into evil the way Chase was... but I don't think Chase goes around telling people about his tragic backstory unless he's trying to make a point. So, like, do any of them know Chase is technically under the influence of a mind-altering substance? That he didn't want to be like this, he just didn't want his best friend to leave him behind? Under what circumstances might the First Ninja find out? Under what circumstances might Randy find out?
Of course, what happened to Chase is definitely not the same thing as what happens to people under the Sorcerer's influence. For one, it's a lot more permanent. It's pretty clear in Xiaolin Showdown that Chase is too far gone and can't be cured at this point, if he ever could have been. The only way to stop him from ending a haughty, self-centered dragon would be to stop him from drinking the soup to begin with. And he's still himself on some level. As you said, he still has honor, he can still care, he's still capable of independent rational thought. It seems less like possession and more like very targeted (evil) brain damage. At the same time, this does mean it's technically possible for Chase to turn his back on what he's become. He may never be who he was again, but he can still change, as Omi believes he can. Though jury's out if he believes he can change. Anyway, there's a lot of drama to be wrung out of this, especially if the First Ninja realizes he probably would have liked the man Chase used to be.
Also, I'm just saying, the First Ninja denying that he chained up his evil husband to stop Chase from hurting people while he searches for a cure to the curse that makes Chase evil would be very funny.
OKAY OW HANG ON LISTEN The idea of First deciding to chain up Chase not just because he is an evil menace, but also in order to find a cure for his transformation, hit me so unexpectedly hard in the feels, like FR DUDE???? OW???
(Even if it is a bit of funny mental image AND the wording 'targeted evil brain damage' made me snort so hard, oh my god im so sorry.)
There is an argument/theory about how technically Chase doesn't need to constantly drink the Soup (based on how in alternative future, captured by Jack, Chase didn't drink it in captivity, and as soon as he was released he was kinda bordering on 'feral' lizard mode - Soup helps him keep in control AND keep ahold of his human form, rather that he is absolutely dependant on it), but he does it because he is, well, basically addicted to it.
SO it would be more of First chaining his Evil Brain Damaged Addict of (totally not a) Husband in order for to find a most likely nonexisting cure to his cursed (????) transformation. The ANGST POTENTIAL of it.
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And your first points are so interesting and absolutely valid! Chase's situation can be compared to Stank-ification, but you know what would make an even more interesting comparison? The Sorcerer himself.
I think we often forget that technically, Sorcerer situation is him being separated from his humanity and twisted into an immortal monster by Chaos Pearls, because he - as the Peddler - made one decision, one mistake, after being seduced by power greater than him. Sounds familiar doesn't it?
Of course there are a few key differences here:
Sorcerer is literally separated with his human self (soul perhaps??) that is trapped in Land of Shadows, while Chase's humanity seems to have been surpressed and/or muted by his Draconic Self. (or perhaps stolen with his soul by Hannibal, which is a popular theory about how exactly Roy Bean/Soup turned Chase.)
Chase's change is permanent. While Sorcerer situation is possible to fix - it literally happens in the finale.
BUT!!! no one actually knew it was possible to fix before. At least no one gave any indication that it was a known fact about Sorcerer's humanity still existing somewhere in Chaos Realm/Land of Shadows.
I'm pretty sure First/Norisu Clan believed that the Sorcerer was a human changed and twisted into an immortal by chaos. Impossible to kill and impossible to return to normal - that's why he was imprisoned. To keep him contained.
I mean, couldn't First Ninja, after capturing The Sorcerer, try to get his human self from the Land of Shadows himself, if he knew? After all he had access to a Chaos Ball! But he didn't know there was anything to be recovered, that the Sorcerer could be actually unmade just by reuniting him with his human half.
(At least thats my personal HC, but im pretty sure the canon show just retconned/fumbled a bit the whole Sorcerer resolution lol.)
SO just imagine. First learns about Chase's past. And he is freaking aghast. Here is another twisted by evil, but while he and his brothers failed to save those changed that they first encountered (the 'killed first stanked monsters' theory tie in!), they managed to save those that came after. And if First could, he would have tried to save The Sorcerer, no matter how much he hates him. But... Chase is different. There is still something of humanity left in him. Perhaps he can save Chase.
And from Chase's pov? He sees how Ninja saved Stanked people, and he doesn't even consider those situations as similar to his. Sure, people are turned into monsters, but he was turned into a monster by his own choice, there is nothing to save him from. (Isn't there?)
But he watches as First releases those people from the clutches of chaos, watches as he tries so hard to save them... And maybe it makes him yearn, that someone tried just a little bit harder to save the 'him' before he made that choice.
And if First cages Chase and says: "I want to help you. To Cure you." It will certainly enrage Chase - because who does this man think he is, tryin to contain and cure THE Heylin Prince of Darkness, like he is some halpless trapped commoner??? He came to be long before this man's Clan existed and he will be there long after this man will become dust.
But also... maybe deep deep deep inside, Chase is... confused? and pleased? - that someone like Fist Ninja grew to care enough for him to try and save him, even if there is nothing to be saved.
So they would be at this standstill, where First is trying to help a cause that isnt quite possible to fix, and Chase is... well, being Chase.
But, yeah, certainly another amazing thought process from you Anon <3, I've been trying to answer this ask for so long, because every time i start to write i get overcome with emotions about those scenarios like...damn. It's funny, but also the possible drama of all of this... hnnnfgggg
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duhnova · 2 years
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fragile heart - kwon soonyoung
ex!soonyoung x fem!reader
word count: ~5.5k (look... i wish i could tell you)
kinktober masterlist
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warning(s): smut under the cut!! (mdni), pwp, angst!!!, lovers to ex’s to lovers????, mentions/flashback? of the breakup, mentions of arguing, lots of crying, a lot of struggling emotionally and mentally, they're just heartbroken for a good chunk of this, soft sex????, make up sex, unprotected sex, creampie, a little praising, reader is called good girl & pretty girl & baby, soonyoung spits in readers mouth, cuddling after sex, let me know if i forgot anything! - don't mind grammatical errors/typos (i tried)
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you and soonyoung had been together for a little over two years, romantically at least, you’ve known each other for far longer. so when you two had broken up three weeks ago it threw all of your friends and family for a loop. what could’ve possibly happened between you two to make you go from madly in love to strangers in the matter of seconds? 
it was simple really, well it wasn’t but you liked to think it was. you and soonyoung had been happy together ever since the beginning but recently, following his return from a long business trip, everything seemed to change. he was more distant with you, albeit his work schedule was hectic but he normally made time to at least sit and have dinner with you, so it was strange when he would text you a “sorry not making it tonight” minutes before you were to pull dinner out of the oven. it broke your heart really, four weeks he spent abroad attending business meetings with his colleagues only for him to come home and barely offer you a small “i missed you” with a kiss on the forehead. it was sweet at first, you thought, until that's all you got. the “i love you”’s were few to none, the skinship was nonexistent and you were lucky to hear his voice over the phone as he would drift off to sleep. 
when the time came for you to confront him about what was going on you were met with nothing but agitation and irrational words thrown at you out of anger (from soonyoung). the fight didn’t last long, and sure you could’ve picked a better time to bring it up, but it was the first time you saw him in person since the night he came home. all of the tears and yelling still rung in your ears as you remember how he slammed the door on his way out of your apartment, the sting of the breakup finally settling in when you had realized what you’d done. 
a lot of people liked to speculate that it was soonyoung that broke up with you, with his easy to anger self, but in reality it was the other way around. you were just so tired of waiting around for him to come to his senses, and it was hurting you to have your heart neglected the way it was. so in the heat of the argument you had thrown out your thought on breaking up. 
“we’ll maybe we shouldn’t be together anymore if you're gonna be more in love with your job than you are me!” you hadn’t realized what you had said then, not even when his face fell for a second and the room went quiet. Not even when he cleared his throat and mumbled out a quiet “maybe we shouldn’t.” before he got angry again, not at you but at himself, for letting it get as bad as it did. it took him leaving, the sound of his tires screeching out of the parking lot for you to fall to your knees, silently begging him to come back. 
fast forward a couple weeks and you find yourself sitting in your car, shaking as you pep talk yourself into getting out and going up to soonyoung’s apartment, where you would hopefully retrieve all of your stuff without having a breakdown in front of him. with a quiet “you got this.” you finally step outside, locking your car you make your way to the front door, punching in a code that unlocked it. 
soonyoung didn’t bother changing his code, hoping that you would show up one day and tell him it was all a joke, that you still loved him and wanted him back. yet you never came. he would never admit to anyone how much he missed you, how badly the break up hurt him, his pride being too big for him to ever show any type of weakness like that (unless it was in front of you).
he wanted to text you, call you, see you, but he couldn’t bring himself to face you. he had a thousand things he wanted to say, all drafted in his notes, and all of them starting of with an “i love you” cause god knows he didn't say it enough in the weeks leading up to your breakup. He knew he fucked up, he knew exactly what he did. he let his work consume his life, sure he was doing it so he could get that raise his boss has been teasing before the holidays set in, but he failed to let you in on his plan. 
he failed to love you, failed to take care of you and your heart and now he’s paying the consequences. the nights have been long and sleepless for him, and everytime he stared up at the fading glowing stars on his ceiling (that you two put up as a joke when he first moved in there) he couldn’t help but cry, thinking about how he’ll never have you in his life again, not even as a friend. 
that's actually where soonyoung found himself now, laying in his bed staring at the fake stars, his cheeks covered in dried tears. when he woke up an hour ago to see a text message from you he felt ecstatic. he jumped up immediately and opened it with a smile on his face only for it to fall instantly, his heart sinking to the bottom of his stomach. ‘I want to come pick up my stuff please.’ was all it said and after sending a quick ‘of course’ soonyoung threw his phone across the room and sobbed into his pillow. 
it felt like hours passed while he waited for you, he thought of every possible thing he could say to you, wondering if he should say anything at all. maybe he should just drop to his needs and beg you to forgive him, or he should run down the street to the flower shop he would go to for your anniversary gifts. maybe he should start on making the apartment at least presentable for you, the past weeks having been hard on him and he neglected to take care of his apartment. dirty dishes scattered the kitchen, last night's dinner sat out getting stale on the living room table and his room had piles of dirty clothes sitting everywhere. just seeing the state of his apartment he started to cry again because it made him think about how he treated you the same way. god he felt awful. 
you knew the layout of sooyoung's building like the back of your hand, you could navigate it blindfolded with a full bottle of soju in your system (like you did that time you both came back wasted from mingyu’s party and soonyoung thought it would be a good idea to cover your eyes while you both stumbled down the halls giggling and whispering to each other). even after the countless times you’ve been to his apartment, you still found yourself getting off at the wrong floor. you stand in front of the elevator for a little while, a dazed expression on your face, you didn’t want to be here but you had to see him. you had to get your things you kept telling yourself but it was all a ruse, you wanted an excuse to see him, to make him see how bad off you were without him and hopefully, maybe, make him realize he actually did love you more than his job. you hoped he would drop to his knees and beg your forgiveness (that you knew you would give him too quickly), hoped he would hug you and kiss you and tell you he’ll never let you go again. 
the elevator opened again behind you, a resident stepping off and walking around you, effectively snapping you out of your daydream. watching the figure walk away you wondered if they were going home to a loving boyfriend or husband and that's when your eyes began to sting. cursing quietly to yourself you turn and catch the elevator doors before they fully close, you promised yourself you wouldn’t cry while you were here yet while you stepped back onto the elevator you had to swallow a sob. 
with a deep breath you push the top floor, the dread finally settling in when you realized you were only two floors away. your leg began to bounce as a pit formed in your stomach. you were really about to do this, years and years worth of memories that had been built in that apartment were about to be packed away into a garbage bag that you were just going to throw in your storage unit and never touch again. 
there's not enough words in the world for you to use to describe how much you hate all of this. as you stepped into the familiar hallway the world seemed to slow down a little. you remembered the first time you ever saw this place, you were terrified because he lived so high up and you still weren’t over your fear of heights then. it was almost like a ghost had touched you as the memories of soonyoung dragging you up onto the roof where an expensive patio set and fire table sat. the echoes of his laugh rang in your ears as he danced around with you telling you to keep your eyes on him and that he wasn’t going to let you fall (a quiet promise that if you did fall he would be there to catch you). it hurt to think about that now, how bittersweet the memory was as this would be your last time ever stepping foot in here again. and while you walked down the hallway, closer to his door, you let a single tear fall. 
his door was unmistakable, a worn out welcome mat sat in front of it along with a ceramic tiger that his friends had gifted him when he moved in. it was cute, how he still had it sitting out there despite the poorly glued on leg that broke when his friends got a little to rowdy while rough housing (yet he refused to throw it away and get it a new one “it was the first gift i got for the new place, it means a lot to me” he would say anytime something happened to it and he had to glue it back together). 
with a trembling hand you finally knock on the door, three little knocks, soonyoung said he could always tell it was you at the door based on how your knuckles rapped against the thick wood. just as you knocked you felt an immediate feeling of regret, maybe you weren’t ready to do this, maybe you needed more time. and just as you were making your mind up to just run away the door swung open. 
soonyoung stood there almost like a deer caught in headlights, his eyes had dark bags under them and his hair was sticking up in all directions. he was still wearing the clothes he had on from yesterday, he was too lazy to change and now the sweats were extra baggy and the shirt fit a little looser than normal. the two of you just stood there, staring at each other for a long time, neither of you could come up with anything to say.
“hi.” soonyoung finally mutters, his voice hoarse from crying all morning. with shaky hands he pushes the door all the way open and steps far out of your way to welcome you in. you don't trust your voice as you step into the apartment, kicking your shoes off and slipping your house slippers on, they were fluffy tigers to match the pair that he was already wearing, they put a bitter taste in your mouth but you couldn’t bring yourself to not wear them as you looked around at the state of his apartment. “are you hungry? thirsty?” he steps past you into the kitchen to quickly put dishes in the sink and throw garbage away so can’t see the extent of how bad it was, how bad he was. 
“i’m not hungry.”  you mumble, which only puts a frown on his face but he knows better than to push you to at least have something. “but water would be nice.” you really didn’t want to have water but you could already feel your throat drying up as you fought the tears. despite the condition it was in, the place was still very much him. expensive artwork from around the world decorated the walls, brightly colored blankets and pillows littered the black couches, and it smelled like apples and cedar which happened to be his favorite candle scent that you bought him for christmas four years ago and you always makes it a big deal to buy him a new one every year since. 
“here you go.” he breaks you out of your trance as he hands you a glass of water with four ice cubes in it, just how you like it. you couldn’t help the way your lips twitched into a smile as you whisper a quiet thank you before taking a sip. a surprisingly calm quiet had settled over you two as you stood there and drank the water, soonyoung looking at the ground as he wiggled his toes around to make the tigers on his feet move. 
“when did you get a tiger print rug?” you snorted quietly, finally realized the bright orange rug that sat under the dining room table.
“oh, seokmin bought, said it reminded him of me while he was out shopping with his mother.” soonyoung played with the hem of his shirt nervously. “is it stupid? i feel like it's too bright for the place and it just doesn't-” you cut him off.
“no!” you clear your throat to calm your voice. “no.. i don’t think its stupid, its very much.. you.” you offer him a smile, a genuine smile (something you haven't been able to do in weeks). it seemed to help calm all of soonyoung's nerves though as he smiled back at you and for a second he forgot that you two were broken up. however reality came crashing down on him like a tidal wave and his smile fell, a lump forming in his throat. you noticed his change in demeanor and you remembered why you were here in the first place. “right… i need to pack up my stuff.” you whispered. 
gently you hand your glass back to soonyoung who just holds onto it and watches you make your way down to his room. his heart was racing as he thought about how close you were, how you were within his reach yet so far away. this was the moment he had been waiting for, he wanted to make things right with you, tell you he really did love you, yet his feet wouldn’t move. it was like he was glued to the floor as he stared down the empty hall, his bedroom door wide open yet the only thing he could see was your shadow. 
“damn it soonyoung, get it together.” he whispers to himself as he finally steps forward, making his way to his room where he gently sets the glass on the coaster that you bought him after he ruined a nice wooden table from cupstains. it broke his heart to see you pulling things out of his closet to fold up and set on his bed, memories of you rummaging around and putting his clothes on played in his head. he allowed himself to live in the past for a little bit, not wanting to believe the present was real as he sits on the end of his bed watching you with love still in his eyes. 
it was hard for you to tell if he was looking at you or through you because everytime you would turn around to set something down he wouldn’t move an inch. it worried you a little, the bloodshot eyes, the dark bags he had under them indicated he wasn’t sleeping well, and it was hard to miss how he looked at you, even if you didn’t want to admit it. and so you don’t. you will yourself to keep pushing forward, ignoring the eyes that seemed to be permanently glued to you (which they were, even in a crowded house party soonyoung's eyes were always on you. if he was a compass you would be his north pole, he was always drawn to you and no one else).  
“you’re staring.” you whisper while setting a shoe box down, a pair of heels sat inside for when you would go out clubbing or to an event that required you to dress up for. 
“i’m sorry, is it making you uncomfortable cause i can stop.” his eyes were wide, he wasn’t expecting to get caught, he didn’t even think he was that obvious (not that he could think about anything else with you in front of him). 
“no it’s noot, it's just… distracting.” you sigh quietly, moving to sit on the bed, allowing the pile of clothes you accumulated to sit between you two. 
“distracting?” he tilts his head to look at you, his eyes scanning every inch of you, trying to burn you into his memory before he forgets what you look like (not that he ever could, even if heh somehow got amnesia he could never forget you). 
“yes.” you chew at your bottom lip, fighting really hard with the urge to spill exactly how you feel to him. it was always so easy to talk to him, the conversations came easy and they flowed for hours, even if you were having a simple conversation about gold fishes. it's just how soonyoung was, he could make anything into a four hour long discussion and it would never be boring. “i’m trying so hard to keep it together right now and having your eyes on me… it just makes me forget about why i’m here.” 
“then i guess i’ll never take my eyes off you, not if it means you’ll stay here a little longer.” his voice cracked. he was scared he said the wrong thing when you didn’t respond to him and just as he was about to ask if you were okay he heard a little sniffle come from you. “y/n?” he questioned worriedly, your name almost sounded foreign coming from him yet it was somehow comforting (for the both of you). when he realized you were actually full on crying he began to panic, he fell to his knees in front of you and gently grabbed your face, whispering what happened. 
“i’m sorry,” you whispered, a quiet sob following. “i’m so sorry i ruined us.” you begin to cry harder as he hushes you quietly, his own tears beginning to blur his vision. 
“oh no baby you didn’t ruin us i did.” he mumbled as he tried to wipe away all your tears. “i let my job consume my life, i neglected to take care of you the way i should have as your boyfriend, and i failed to make you feel loved.” tears began to fall down his face. “y/n i am so sorry, i’m sorry for pushing you away, for not telling you i loved you enough, for not making time for you, for everything.” he whispered as he rested his forehead against yours. the both of you quietly cried in each other's presence for awhile, it felt nice for you both to finally get all of that off your chest, and to be in each other's grasp. 
“i forgive you,” soonyoung couldn’t help but look at you with wide eyes, more tears threatening to spill after he finally managed to stop crying not even a minute ago. “i already forgave you the second you opened the door.” you couldn’t help but laugh through your tears. smiling and laughing quietly with you soonyoung lunged forward to kiss you hard on the lips, weeks and weeks of emotions flowed through him into you with just that one kiss. 
“i love you y/n,” he kisses you again, “so much,” and again “and i’ll tell you every single second of every single day for the rest of our lives to make up for lost time.” and again, this time a lot more passionate than the rest as he moves forward, gently toppling you over onto the bed without breaking the kiss. 
it felt surreal to be kissing him again, it almost felt like the first time all over again as you gingerly wrap your arms around his neck, tugging him closer to your body and tangling your fingers into the hairs at the base of his neck. it didn’t take long for the kiss to get more heated, your tongues swirling around one another as your teeth knocked together gently, the fight for dominance quickly turning into a desperate act to try and taste more of each other. 
“god i’ve missed you so much.” soonyoung groans against your lips as he finally pulls away enough to allow you to breathe. there was a thin line of saliva that connected your mouths and heh couldn’t help but lean forward to lick it off your lips, a smirk playing on his face when you nip at his tongue. 
“i’ve missed you too, more than i think you could ever imagine.” and with that you're tugging him back down to kiss him again, your hand settling farther up in his hair so you can have a better grip when tugging it. this kiss was a lot sloppier than the last, with a trail of drool dripping down your chin as soonyoung tries to push his tongue further into your mouth, wanting to feel every inch of you that he can. 
you make a quiet noise when he runs his tongue a little too close to the back of your throat for your liking but you let him continue to explore, much like what his hands are doing. they originally were originally holding onto your face and when he laid you down they had moved down to rest on the sides of your neck, now his finger tips are teasing under your shirt, begging to feel the smooth skin underneath. 
“can i?” he whispers, taking another break to breathe as he tugs gently at the end of your shirt. 
“yes.” you breathe out quietly. it’s the only thing you can really say before he's delving back in to kiss you, his cold hands pushing up under your shirt to map out your body. 
you moan quietly into his mouth when his hands finally come to rest on your boobs, giving them a little squeeze through your bra. it was easy to tell just how sensitive and touch deprived you both were by how easily your bodies reacted to each other. the second you had moaned soonyoung’s hips bucked against your lower stomach where you could feel his already hardening dick. soonyoung groans quietly at the friction befores he's pulling away from your mouth and pushing up to sit on his knees. 
“where are you going?” you pant quietly, watching him in a daze. 
“i’m staying right here baby, but these clothes aren’t going to do us any good soo be a good girl and strip for me real quick.” he was always soft with his demands, even now as he desperately threw his shirt off and kicked his sweats and boxers to the floor. despite the thousand times he’s seen you naked his breath still hitched when you layed back down on the bed, your legs spread open for him and your hair framing your face like a halo. “you never cease to amaze me with your beauty.” he whispers before settling between your welcoming legs that wrap around his waist instantly like they always did when he was taking too long. 
he smiles at you before leaning down to kiss you again, the angle making his dick push against your wet folds. soonyoung groans at the feeling as he starts to gently rock his hips back and forth, your juices making it easy for him to slide in between your lips. it was delicious how the vein on the underside of his dick dragged along your clit, dragging out quiet whimpers and moans as you rock your own hips trying to get more friction. 
“i’ve got you baby, don't worry.” soonyoung mumbles into your mouth before kissing you again. one of his hands reaches down between your bodies so he can grab ahold of his dick. with a couple jerks of his hand and a grunt he’s lining himself up at your entrance before he's slowly pushing into you. he takes his time, not wanting to hurt you as your pussy stretches around his dick. the stimulation was a lot for him to handle as he pulled away from the kiss to rest his forehead against yours, his eyes screwed shut and his mouth wide open at the feeling of you squeezing around him. “oh fuck.” he whispers, he’d never get tired of the feeling of being inside of you. your velvety walls hugged him perfectly and the tiny whimper you let out when he finally bottomed out was like music to his ears. 
“soonyoung,” you whine, the feeling of being so full was overwhelming as your heels dig into the small of his back. “it’s too much.” it's never been to much for you in the past, but in that moment with all the emotions you’ve been feeling and the lack of having him inside of you for almost two months, the burn of the stretch was slightly to much for you to handle as you wrap your arms tightly around his shoulders and dig your fingers into his back. you just needed to feel him closer and you would be alright. 
“shhh pretty girl, i got you.” he mumbles, he gives your waist a reassuring squeeze before he's rubbing your hip gently. “just relax and let me take care of you.” he kisses the tip of your nose before he’s slowly and carefully moving his face to nestle into the crook of your neck, allowing you to pull his body fully flush against yours. 
“fuck,” you gasp quietly when his dick shifts inside of you after pulling him to lay against you. the burn was a dull ache now so you experimentally rock your hips causing you and soonyoung to moan in unison. “please.” your voice shook from the pleasure.
“please what baby?” he whispers against your neck as he kisses it gently, his breathing a little labored as he tried so hard not to cum right then and there. 
“please move.” you whimper, digging your heels into his back harder to try and push him deeper into you. 
“since you asked so nicely,” he smiles against your neck. while still laying against your body, soonyoung begins to rock his hips. his thrusts are slow and deep as he takes his time to map out every ridge inside of you with his dick, listening to every sound you make so he can burn it into his memory forever (not that it wasn’t already burned into his mind, he just liked to memorize you over and over again). 
“need more youngie,” god that nickname drives him nuts when you use it in the bedroom, it's so innocent and sweet yet the way your pussy squelched right after you said it wasn’t. “please.” 
“fuck, you know i can’t say no to you baby.” he groans as he moves so hes hovering over you again, one arm on the bed and the other still gripping your waist. “i’ll give you whatever you ask for.” he grunts quietly before he picks up his speed, his hips slapping against yours violently as he zeros in on your g-spot,
your toes curl and your head leans back deeper into the pillows as you let out a string of whines and moans, your head going completely fuzzy from the pleasure. it was crazy how well soonyoung knew your body, even after so long apart from each other. and it was even crazier how he remembered exactly what to do to make you fall apart in seconds. 
“open that pretty mouth wider for me baby.” despite the relentless rhythm of sooyoung's hips rutting intoyours, you still managed to listen and open your mouth wider for him, you even went as far as sticking your tongue out (your body knew exactly what he was getting ready to do.) “good girl.” he groans loudly before he's taking his hand off your hip to grab your face, holding you still long enough for him to spit onto your waiting tongue. letting go of your face he watches you swallow his spit through hooded eyes, another loud groan leaving him when you stick your tongue back out to show him that you swallowed it all. 
soonyoung moves to rest his other arm against the bed, encasing you fully before picking up speed again. he was glad that he didn’t share a wall with his neighbor as the headboard began to slam against it, chipping away more of the paint (not that he cared, the little dent in the wall was two and a half years in the making and he was determined to not get his deposit back when he moved out of there). 
“close,” you gasp out between moans. “so close, please,” you moan louder. “dont stop.”
“i wasn’t dreaming about it.” he groans before leaning down to kiss you, effectively swallowing all your moans as he reaches down between your bodies to rub at your clit with his thumb.  the pressure was building up quickly in your lower stomach as you clenched harder around his dick, moaning louder into his mouth and scratch your nails harshly down his back (soonyoung always loved when you scratched him hard enough for it to sting, it reminded him of just how good he fucked you). 
“soonyoung!” you gasp loudy, a whiney moan leaving you as your orgasm comes crashing over you like a freight train. soonyoung continued to rub at your clit as his thrusts became sloppier, his own orgasm creeping up on him as he knocked his forehead against yours to rest it there. 
“fuck.” he almost whines as his hips still inside of you, his cum painting your walls white. in the middle of your post orgasm haze you were able to see sooyoung's face clearly, his eyes were screwed shut and his mouth was wide open as he pant quietly trying to catch his breath,  and despite the eyebags and the dried tears you couldn’t help but thing that he was the most prettiest person you had ever seen. 
you two stay like that for awhile, relishing in the fleeting pleasure of your orgasms while trying to regain your composure. with a quiet hiss soonyoung is pulling out of you and collapsing on the bed next to you, his arm going to slide under your neck so he can gently tug your head into his chest. 
“i love you.” he whispers, his heart racing quickly as he braces himself for what you could possibly say next. sure you forgave him and you two just had sex but that doesn’t mean you still loved him.
“i love you to soonyoung.” you tilt your head up to look at him, a soft reassuring smile on your face when you noticed his eyes looked terrified before they looked excited. with a huge smile on his face he's gripping your hair gently so he can tug you up to meet him halfway for a kiss. 
“will you be my girlfriend again?” he mumbles against your lips. 
“i thought us having makeup sex was us getting back together?” you laugh quietly as you kiss him again really quickly. “but yes, i will be your girlfriend again.” soonyoungs pout turned to a smile real quick before he's rolling you to over so he can lay on top of you. 
“i love you, i love you, i love you.” he sighs happily as he snuggles into your body, mumbling that he wants to stay like this a little while longer before you guys have to go wash up.  even after you two talked through everything later that night over dinner, your heart would still drop when he would have to leave for a business trip, scared that you would start this cycle all over again when he would get back. but soonyoung made it a part of his routine to call you everyday just to tell you he loved you (he very easily could've just texted it but he wanted you to hear him say it). and everytime he would come home from his trips he'd go straight to you, a bouquet of flowers in one hand and his suitcase in another. 
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feedback + reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
Throwing my hat into the ring on the F/F issue because why not? There are a lot of reasons why, on a macro-level, F/F is less common on ao3 and in 'fanficdom' as a whole, though it really can vary by fandom, a *lot*, as I know firsthand.
Beyond anything else though, I suppose what I really, really want, is an F/F equivalent to James/Regulus or Theodore Nott/Harry Potter - I use HP examples mainly because I'm familiar with them more, but I've seen the phenomenon in other fandoms - where there's this just... intense upswelling of interest for a slash-ship between two seemingly utterly random guys, one or both whom might be exceedingly minor or entirely posthumous.
Like, while the rhetoric when people bitch about 'Any Two Guys'/Fandom Ghost/Migratory Slash Fandom, and similar complaints (i.e. about the seemingly inexplicable popularity of a non-canon slash ship versus the canon one) has a metric tons of problems in terms of how a lot of people talk about it, I want more F/F ships that have that same vibe to become weirdly juggernaughty in their fandom, explicitly becoming super popular despite one or both characters being virtually nonexistent in the main text of the source material.
That's all I really want. I mean, no, that's not all, but just once, just once, I want to watch, in real time, an entire fandom go 'wait what?' about some absolutely batshit non-canon F/F crackship that somehow becomes huge.
But F/F shippers just don't seem to bring that same energy to the table as M/M shippers. Hell, *I* don't really bring that same kind of energy to the table. I can't bring myself to do that sort of shipping, generally, though I have with one ship.
So where the hell does that energy even *come* from? Is it just the sheer size of M/M and the long history of it on ao3? The bigger a thing is, fanficdom-wise, the faster it tends to grow and all, but still.
Why do F/F shippers tend to glom more onto the canon or 'nearly canon' stuff to the (relative) exclusion of what looks like - to outside observers - throwing random guys at each other and seeing who sticks to each other? (Yes, I know that's not really what happens, but that wouldn't be what would happen for this hypothetical F/F either, but it would sure look like it from the outside)
The closest is the hilarious rise of Creamsicle art and cosplay, though that wasn't that huge in the end.
I think m/m fandom is particularly used to everything being subtext and repurposing various intended-as-platonic dynamics. There can be less of a focus on direct representation at times.
Those ships are just mega rare though. We talk about them all out of proportion to their actual frequency. Het shippers have a wealth of canon ships and shipteased options, but they occasionally go in for wacky crossover ships. Get a big enough group and some of this will show up.
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