#we didn't get my dear sweet child and wife on the show but thanks for mentioning that tony
Tony Curran has:
said he would gladly do Nick
bragged that he has actually done it
complimented his lips
said he was touching his ass at the red carpet
complimented said ass
has now called Nick his dear sweet wife and child
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peachymilkandcream · 8 months
Break Me Slowly|Part 24|Yandere Levi x Evelyn
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(A/N: It's crazy to think that chapters running alongside the show are going to end soon since we only have two more episodes of season 4 part 2 and then the two specials, one chapter per special (hopefully). This series really is coming to an end and it's so bitter sweet to be honest. Now that's not to say I'll be done with these two, I have two AUs I plan on making full series' eventually (inspired by your guys' requests actually) as well as oneshots. But there is a sense of completion knowing this series I've wanted to write for years is actually a thing that people can go read and enjoy. Thank you guys for all your support, and there will be a poll shortly to determine the next series we do. Comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, etc.
Evelyn was unable to meet Levi's gaze the moment they were left alone. Everyone else was planning for their attack on the Jeagerists, forcing the husband and wife into an uncomfortable silence. Or rather, it was Evelyn who found the silence uncomfortable. As per usual Levi didn't find positions like this awkward or tense, in fact he reveled in seeing her squirm. He was sizing her up yet again, waiting for her to screw up and show him all of her true and embarrassing feelings.
"So it seems my wife loves me after all."
"I bet in this state you couldn't stop a blanket from smothering you."
"I have this gut feeling you wouldn't do that."
"You want to try your luck?" Her fists clenched.
He shrugs haphazardly. "Maybe I am."
Her hands tighten around a folded blanket, he always did this, she would find herself getting along with him and seeing him as something more than an asshole and then he pulled this shit. She should do humanity a favor and take every ounce of life from his chest. But she couldn't do it. She couldn't do it.
"You're right. I won't."
"That's what I thought." Levi pauses. "So why did you defend me. You could have spilled your guts and I bet they would have backed you up all the way."
"I told you, I need you. I doubt Reiner has enough money or reputation hidden in the now flattened Marley to raise a child. You have more than I ever could offer, I already told you all of this though. Is there a need to keep bringing it up besides to torment me?"
"Maybe I enjoy tormenting you. After the shit you've put me through you could use a taste of your own medicine."
"After all I put you through huh. Listen Levi, we don't have to like each other, we just have to get along. For our child's sake."
"How long did you know before you told me. You never said."
"They had me take a test in Marley, wanting to make sure they didn't have more problems to deal with I guess They told me right after."
"And you didn't think to tell me sooner?"
"Cleaning up a body didn't seem an appropriate time dear."
"That's the other thing I can't wrap my head around. You've killed, but only long after you witnessed me do the same thing. Why didn't you use that as your ticket out."
"I don't know. Part of me almost felt a sense of safety, as sick as that sounds. I knew that no matter what you'd be able to protect me from someone worse than you. And then when things got too much-" She sighs. "I see why you do what you do. All my stress, gone. That's all it took."
"It seems I was right about a lot of things."
"Hm." She doesn't give a full answer, but there would be time for that eventually.
"Evelyn, are you ready?" Mikasa breaks their silence, it was up to Evelyn to try and convince Floch to let out the mechanics. Since in the Jeagerists' minds she helped start The Rumbling they trusted her. She was almost as respected as Eren himself. This would be it, this would be her moment, finally she wouldn't be a coward.
"Ready." She stands, glancing back at Levi and pressing a kiss to his lips. "I'll be back soon." She brushes a hand through his hair before following Mikasa.
As the two rejoin the others Mikasa glances at Evelyn out of the corner of her eye. "You two seem to be on good terms."
"Hm? It's nothing."
They go into a brief silence before Mikasa breaks it. "I know you're my superior, but you've been there for all of us, you know we're here for you too."
Smiles had become rare to Evelyn's face as of late, but now she shows one. She cared for these Scouts like they were her children. "I know Mikasa. Listen, when this is all over I'll invite everyone over and we can all catch up, okay? I know I've been missing in action lately, but I promise I'll make it up to you guys."
Mikasa doesn't return her smile but nods approvingly. "Eren too?"
"Eren too."
Evelyn never really learned how to handle her nerves, Levi could look death in the face and never bat an eye but she wasn't so strong. She was human. So the thought of facing Floch and trying to sell this lie was terrifying. How Reiner and Annie could go for years getting people to believe their stories she didn't know. But if she made it out of this she'd surely see them in a new light.
She was permitted to enter without question, everyone wondering how on earth she had survived the Cart Titan and where she had been. Relief flashed the faces of those so deluded into thinking what Eren was doing was morally acceptable. The sight twisted her stomach with guilt.
Floch had never looked so smug, like he was king of the world lording power over the Azumabitos. With the way he eyed her now her suspicions seemed a bit more founded, part of her wondered if Floch had it in his mind that they could become an item, not out of romantic feelings but pure political gain. After all, he believed Levi was dead and surely he wanted a way to secure his rightful place at Eren's side. Unfortunately for him, she found him revolting.
"What happened to you? We all saw you get eaten by the Cart, we're so happy you're alive." He hugs her, and she has to fight back the urge to cringe, Floch always described himself as a "nice guy" and Evelyn had come to learn that anyone who described themselves as nice were never all that nice.
"The Cart and Armoured believed that I was still on their side but had been kidnapped. They were trying to rescue me, but when I told them the truth of my allegiance they fled, which way they went I'm not sure. They took me to the middle of no where and I had to walk back, I was too exhausted to transform so I was stuck on foot." She felt a slight relief when he released her, greatly unappreciative of him believing he could take liberties with invading her personal space.
"Well you're safe now." He turns away and to the Azumabito engineers. "To catch you up, we've purged the enemies of Eldia, and I was just about to do so with these foreigners."
"What happened to Commander Erwin?"
"He's still alive, he'll draw Hange out of her hiding spot, but he's secured enough that she'll have a hell of time getting him out. And once we have her too and confirm Levi's death both of those traitors will join them."
"Very efficient Floch." She forces her tone to remain even.
Floch nods in appreciation and raises the barrel of the gun to Kiyomi Azumabito's head, just before Evelyn steps in to stop him Armin's voice comes from outside, mercifully making Floch step back.
Catching Kiyomi's eye Evelyn offers a subtle wink to let her know that the situation is under control, but whether she understood or not was something she couldn't worry about right now.
Armin explains their fabricated scenario regarding the Cart and Armoured Titan, urging Floch to take action and release the engineers before running off to secure the boat.
Floch steps back and seems to hesitate, unsure of whether to believe Armin or not.
"What are you doing Floch, you heard him we have no time to lose!" Evelyn prayed her fake panic sounded convincing enough.
"Something just isn't adding up."
"Like what-" She hid her hands behind her back so he wouldn't see how they trembled.
"The locomotive is the fastest way to get here and yet they came on horseback knowing the Cart was ahead of them. Why would they do that...?"
"Maybe they just panicked?" She offers sheepishly.
"Armin would never panic." He paces back and forth, thinking, drawing out the sweat on Evelyn's forehead as she prayed he would stop questioning it and let them come down. "My gut tells me this is trouble, so it's time to nip some buds." He poised his gun at the head of Kiyomi's head, forcing Evelyn into action.
Shots fired as she pushed him down. He was big than she was but growing up in the Underground where you learned how to hold your own against grown men as a child he was no challenge at all. Other soldiers rushed into the room to see what they problem was, guns trained on Evelyn but hesitant to fire.
"Idiots, quit standing there and blow her away!"
Before they had an opportunity to follow through on these orders Mikasa crashed through the window, stunning the soldiers and throwing them to the ground like ragdolls, her timing couldn't have been more perfect.
"Kiyomi run!"
The sudden movement of the Azumabitos fleeing to safety caused Evelyn to lose her focus momentarily, which proved to be a fatal mistake.
Using his gear, Floch propelled himself out from under her and through the already broken window, swinging high above the building.
"We're under attack! Mikasa, Evelyn, Connie and Armin have switched sides! They've betrayed Eldia! Kill them!"
It seemed the entire base froze still, former comrades unable to believe what they had just heard. But they quickly sprung into action, firing on their former friends, determined to wipe them out for the good of humanity.
Mikasa and Evelyn switched into gear, leading the engineers to safety and away from the reign of bullets. The basement would be the safest until Reiner and Annie could get the port under control.
The plan had failed.
The engineers safely in the capable hands of Hange, Jean and Magath, Evelyn and Mikasa focused their efforts one protecting those boarding the ship. Slaughtering Jeagerists, too many Jeagerists. Too many friends. All cut down because of greed.
The Titans in play taking too much damage to the the thunder spears, she had to do something. Without the Titans they'd never win this fight, she had to act now.
Without a second thought she dived off the building, biting deep down into her wrist, light surrounding her as the familiar body built around her.
Evelyn rarely used her Titan, afraid of the damage she could accidentally cause to innocents, but now wasn't the time for caution and morality. It was the time for action.
This was it was easier, swatting down those she used to command and fight alongside was easier when it was from this distance. Their faces weren't as close, she could see into their eyes as the life faded from them. A hailstorm of bullets and thunder spears reigned down on her, she was taking damage and fast. There was a chance she could die here, there was no Levi to save her. But it was worth it, it was all worth it to atone for the deaths she had caused.
When all hope seemed to be lost they rallied, slaying all those who opposed them and filling the sea with blood. What felt like an eternity passed before they were given the signal to board the ship. Never was she so relieved to leave that wretched body she had been cursed with.
When they finally sailed off she could breathe a sigh of relief. She felt like a slight bit of her guilt left, she wasn't as much of a horrid monster that she had been hours before. Maybe there was redemption for her cowardice after all.
Paradis faded into the distance, their send off a display of fire and light due to Magath's brave sacrifice. So many had given their hearts and souls because of her mistakes, but she would avenge them, she would avenge all of them.
She would pay for her sins, their sacrifices would not be in vain.
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gnattyplayssims · 1 year
1952 Pt2 - The Spice Festival
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Ava was growing far too fast for Sofia to keep up and it was inevitable for her to miss some milestones. Before she knew it little Ava was rolling over.
"Stop growing up so fast Little Bird, I can't keep up." She chided when she came home one day to Ava sitting in her crib.
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Most mornings Sofia would come home and get a few more hours of sleep with Ava cuddled against her but once Ava started sitting up sleep became a thing of the past.
"Mama!" Ava would babble poking her mom with her little hands and wiggling around the bed until Sofia got up.
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One morning Ava was playing with her toys while Sofia got dressed. Ava tumbled over as she tried to reach. Sofia entered the room just as Ava pushed herself to all fours. "Ava! Look at you!" Her mother's reaction startled her and she plopped back onto her stomach
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"Oh. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you. Good job, we'll try again later."
The door opened and her heart jumped until she saw it was only Nikolas. "Hey, you just about ready?"
"No. The nanny isn't here yet and I still need to shower. Would you watch Ava?"
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He noticed the omelets on the counter. "You cooked this morning?"
"Oh Celia made those last night. I forgot to put them in the fridge."
"You didn't eat them for breakfast did you?"
"I...won't now..."
"Good," He turned back toward them. "Dear Watcher. She's a mess."
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Sofia smiled and handed Nik the jar. "I won't be long."
"Alright Ava, what do you say we try some of this cereal. You'll like these way more than that mush."
"NO!" Ava dumped the bowl of cereal on the floor.
Nik sighed, "Okay oatmeal it is. Sure hope your mom hurries."
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By the time Sofia got out of the shower, Ava was a mess. "What did you do Nik?"
"Nothing! This child doesn't know how to keep anything in her mouth."
Sofia laughed, "I know! Oh she pushed herself up today."
She tried to show him but Ava was not having it. "Another day, Sof."
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Celia finally showed up a little while later and the two made their way to the Spice Festival. The sights and smells were like nothing Sofia had ever experienced before.
"What's that?"
"A curry challenge to see if you can handle a little heat"
"Oh, I can handle heat."
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They each took a plate and Nik took a bite without hesitation. He tried to keep a straight face but not even the Stoic Nikolas could hide the pain. He immediately broke into a sweat and Sofia laughed.
"Is it that bad?" She took a bite of her own. "Water! I need water!"
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Sofia headed to the food stall to get a glass of water. "Sorry miss, no water without a purchase."
"But my mouth is literally on fire. You can't withhold water."
"Unless you're a plantsim, you don't need water to survive, so make a purchase or get out of my line."
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Sofia felt a hand on her back. "Did you get the water, Dear."
"Are you her husband?"
"Uh yes. She was just getting free water."
"Free water with purchase. But she says she has no money."
"Of course not! I wouldn't let my wife carry the wallet. Here curry and somosas please."
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"Thank you!"
"Of course. These vendors see a cute young lady and think they can get away with robbery"
"But you still paid him"
The man shrugged, "It was worth it."
Sofia took a big bite and instantly regretted it. "Maybe some smaller bites until you're used to the flavor"
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Soon Sofia lost all track of the time. "That book sounds amazing!" Jamal handed her another plate "Here try these. They're just a little spicer but have a sweet undertone you'll love."
She took a bite and a smile lit up her face. "You have to put these ones in your restaurant!"
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He took her empty plate and returned it to the vendor. Suddenly the air was electric. "I...guess I should get back. Nikolas is probably wondering where I am."
"Ah. I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were here with someone."
"Oh! I'm not really. Nik is just a really good friend."
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He took a step forward and she instinctively took a step back. "He probably didn't even realize I'm gone. There was this girl making faces at him when we came in any bets he's with her."
Jamal laughed, "Ah. Lucky man."
"I had a really good time talking with you."
"Me too."
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Sofia looked over her shoulder, scanning for Nik. "I guess...maybe I could wait for him to find me. I don't really want to wander alone."
"That's probably a good idea." His voice was closer and she whirled back around as he lifted his hand to her face. "I'll stay with you
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Her eyes widened in fear as he brushed the hair from her face. "Sorry, there was something in your hair." But his hand didn't leave.
"Please don't touch my face."
He dropped his hand back to his side. "I'm sorry. I felt a connection. I thought you did too."
"I do...I just..."
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"It's okay, Sofia. You don't have to explain. I overstepped." He took her hand, brushing his thumb over the butterfly ring. "Maybe next time I see you, you can tell me some more."
"Next time?"
"If you'll allow it."
"I think...I'd like that...but I have a daughter."
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He paused for a moment. "I guess that's another story you'll have to tell me." He placed his hand on her shoulder and leaned in brushing his lips ever so gently against her cheek. "If you're ever in Mirage Canyon come visit the restaurant."
"O-o-okay. I will."
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"Sofia! Sofia!" Nik's voice finally broke her free of the spicy haze surrounding them.
"I should go."
Jamal nodded. "Okay I'll see you again."
"You will." She turned away, trying her hardest to contain her excitement. Jamal watched her until she was safely with Nikolas.
1953 Pt1 - A Flower in the Desert
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booksweet · 3 years
Husband&father! Yuuta anon here I'm so sorry for the delay my tumblr app is being a piece of shit and keeps crashing every 5 minutes 🤡 ANYWAYS ty so much for your response you're so sweet ily 🥺 YES he would be a total DILF I feel like his wife would have maybe 2 kids with him and be like "okay that's enough" but then see him being all cute interacting with them and be like "....okay one more won't hurt." 🧎‍♀️
Some other random hc's off the top of my head:
- Yuuta is 100% the pushover parent that his kids go to when they want something because he's totally soft with them and hates saying no.
- Probably a bit of a helicopter parent too. I know his confidence grows in the manga but I feel like his kids bring out his nervous side more but he tries hard to let them be independent.
- v v affectionate 🥺 teaches his kids to be open with their feelings. Lots of cuddles and "I love you"s (gndnfjf I'm in a puddle on the floor thinking about this).
- Dreads the day his kids start school because of the poor experience he had. Is pleasantly surprised to see his kids flourishing in school and holding their own (they get their attitude from their mama).
- Just an all round hands on super dad. His kids totally idolise him and he gets all teary eyed when they show it.
A/N: dear anon, don't worry! my app crashed too and I had to update and uninstall tons of times 😫 it was a mess and ugh i was so busy these days, sorry I didn't answer you before, but I have to say that THIS made me stay sane and happy because I couldn't stop thinking about husband&father!yuuta 😭
warnings: long ass headcanons since I wrote this daydreaming about yuuta, fluff, grammar mistakes, pregnancy, fem! reader, they flirt at the end, probably very very self indulgent (dear anon you created a monster)
tagging: @iwaizumini @noritoshiikamo @laraazoldyck @savantsoulfinder
father&husband!yuuta headcanons
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First of all: Yuuta loves children.
And when you and him got married, he came to talk to you about having children, your own children and how lovely it would be — but only if you wanted to, on your time;
Well, since you were still new on your work and him as well, you decided to wait a few years for you to get ready and have your own house, your own money and stability to warrant everything to your child;
After a few years, your firstborn came to the world and Yuuta fell in love with her at first sight, you saw it on his eyes when you gave delivered her;
Not to mention how he got when you told him about your pregnancy — maan he almost faint I swear to you;
"Oh my god, thank you, thank you" he would kneel in front of you, head placed on your thighs, hands holding yours. "I love you, y/n, I love you. I promise you, my wife, I'll make you and them" he would stare fondly to your to-grow belly "happy."
Worried 24/7 about you and how you were feeling, I mean, you'd be like "yuu, are you okay?" "No at all, you're having nausea, I don't know what to do" "I'll be fine, I promise you" "Don't you think we have to go to the doctor?" "But we'll meet with them tomorrow..." "What about today?" "Baby, no..."
When you're throwing up, he will hold your hair behind your back, caress your spine, bring you water and some meds, and keep you company all the process;
Supportive husband 🥺😭
When your belly is growing round, he likes to lay next to you facing your baby, he likes to talk to your daughter, even tho she haven't even born yet
"My daughter, I can't wait to finally meet you" he kisses your skin feeling little bumps throught it "oh I'm excited too!" He chuckles, fingers touching fondly your belly. His eyes full of joy when he turned back to you.
"Sorry, my lovely wife, but our daughter will be the most beautiful person in the world." "So you're saying she will be more beautiful than me?" "I am" "You're right"
Have I mentioned what happened when you found out your baby would be a girl? No? So, we all know Yūta is usually shy and quiet around unknown people, usually.
But when you both saw the ultrasonography's result, he kissed you passionately and caring, he hugged you so tight (without hurt you, right) and kept saying "it's a girl, I'm going to be a father" "I love my wife, I love my daughter" to the WHOLE HOSPITAL
I mean each person who appeared in front of you while you walked back to your car knew you were pregnant of a girl and Yuuta loved his wife (you)
You couldn't even feel embarrassed because he was so happy and his happiness made you beyond happy
Extremely caring and overprotective husband: yes;
Hear me, Yuuta's used to help you with home-based activites, but when it starts to feel hard and you struggle to do anything, he literally says "stay there doing whatever you want — on a safe way of course — and I'll deal with the house"
That's how househusband!Yuuta was born;
Pregnancy desires? No problem, anything for you. Weird food combinations at 2 a.m.? Don't worry, Yuuta is here for you and your baby
Well, when you're just a few weeks from giving birth, he literally came home with a lot of toys, I mean, a lot
Cars, dolls, puzzles, balls, anything you could think;
"Yuu, babe..." "Yes, my love?" "I don't think some of those toys fit for a newborn, I mean, they're not safe..." "oh don't worry, our daughter I'll keep her safe, I'll hide the ones that don't fit her age yet." "So why did you buy them for?" "I dont know, I saw them and I got a little emotional and bought, our daughter will have everything she wants"
When you felt your cramps getting worse and such a terrible back pain, you knew it was the labour time and you felt so afraid;
But then, Yūta was there to help you going throught it. He was afraid too, you knew it by the way he held your hand all the way to the hospital, how he placed his arms around you to support your body on his
He hates to see you in pain so when the contractions got worse he almost cried — almost. And all I can say is that he held you all the delivering process, kissed your cheeks, your forehead, your knuckles, whispers sweet nothings on your ears so you could get distracted;
You hold her in your arms and she felt so warm... your tiny and loud version, so beautiful and pure;
And when you looked at him, he was kneeled by your side, he held your shoulders and caressed your scalp with his fingers "Thank you, y/n, thank you" he kissed you before turning back to your child "Hello, my girl, it's so good to finally meet you out here. Papa loves you and your mama so much, he can't stop crying";
Overprotective dad&husband mode ACTIVATE!!!!
Hear me he will do ANYTHING for you, anything so you don't need to overwhelm yourself;
If he was already a househusband, he got his role after you giving birth;
But hear me, hear me;
Children cry so much during the first months of life and they sleep just a few hours along the night. and you know what it means? wheeee you've gotten the worst sleep days of your life BUT
You're not alone, Yuuta is always careful with the usual hours your newborn starts crying, after some weeks getting used to waking up with you just to put your baby back to sleep
I mean, he could see how overwhelmed you got after giving birth and then the bad asleep nights. So how could he not help you on this matter?
And hear me, the point is that after he acknowledged your child's crying time, he wakes before anyone just to stay closer to her;
Well, this will bring up something on the future for us but first...
Since he's waking before anyone and spending the whole night with her, sometimes he forgets to do his self care stuff like... shaving...
Yes... After some nights Yuuta has a that beard that means "I'm not sleeping I'm taking care of my children" and NOW our dilf yuuta package is complete;
And oh god what would say to him when he asked you if he should've shaved it? "Of course not baby you look so handsome" * you wink *
Needless to say that you have other child after this, NEEDLESS TO SAY!
And he haven't changed a bit, not only a dilf, but always that one and only overprotective and caring husband;
After some years, your babies grew up, a girl and boy, they were now children that went up to school and were getting their independence slowly;
You and him were raising both of them with all the love they could ever receive, and there's always more;
You loved to watch him playing around with the kids, you loved to come home and see them sleeping on the coach a human mess of toys, popcorn and crayons, you loved to see your love flowing to them like waves;
And yuuta loved it too, he couldnt help but show your children how much he loved you and them, how much you all were important to him;
Even though you're the one who's always have to say some "no's" to them since your husband can't deny anything to them — neither to you lol how could he say no to you;
And I have to say that he was the one who was scared the most to take them to school, he's so attached to them that he worried about future, about they were going to be treated by other children... You could see this in his eyes, and you were worried too, he saw it in yours.
"They will be fine, Yuu" He held you in his arms, that beloved beard skimming your skin. "I know, I just..." "I know, love, I know"
You both take them to school holding your hands, and each one of your children holding the other hand;
So yeas, four people entering the classroom and greeting the teacher;
You tighten softly the hold on his hand signaling that is time to go, and he nods to you before following you to the door;
"Papa!" "Mama!" They shout before you too can go to exit and turn to them, and in a wink of an eye they're caging you and Yuuta around their tiny bodies, in front of everyone;
"We love you, Mama, Papa."
author is crying rn imagining this can I have his babies please 😩😭
You smile trying to hide your happy tears, and you find Yuuta trying to hide them too.
"I love you too, my babies." You kneel on the ground and hug them tight before turning to your husband. "I think Papa wants a hug too, don't you think?"
The light inside his eyes made your heart skip a beat, after all these years, he still affects you the same way when you first met, and now, look where you got, your family;
"Yeah, I want one too" He come closer to hug the three of you and place a kiss on each one's forehead. "Papa loves you all." He chuckles at them and they giggle. "And loves your mama so much too, even I could explode with my love to her." He placed a kiss on your cheek before helping you to stand up;
You noticed that single tear that stained its path throught his cheeks all the way home. "They are growing so fast" you mutter as you place your hand on his scalp when you hug him at home. "We're getting old, Yuuta!"
"Well" He grinned and you could feel his smile against your cheeks. "If we're parents that means you're my MILF, right my wife?"
"And you're my DILF, dear?"
And you wouldn't expect him all puppy eyes and cute smile to you when he said "What about one more sibling to them? They would love to act up like older ones..."
"What?!" You wouldn't expect him caressing your belly again, like he did all your pregnancies, his calloused hands up and down your abdomen. "Yuu..."
Well, after that one more wouldn't hurt anyway 🤰🤰🤰
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main navi | masterlist
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime – One // Wanda Maximoff
story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | chapter two
author’s note: here’s the long-awaited first chapter! i do hope you all enjoy!
Also a quick one – Y/B/N = your brother’s name, Y/M/N = your mother’s name and Y/D/N = your dad’s name
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"You move anymore and you're gonna hit a waiter."
I gave my brother a disapproving look as he grinned at my dismay. "Easy for you to say. You're wearing a suit and not a dress that's heavier than your body."
He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and squeezed it gently. "Y/N, you complain too much. Look where we are! You need to learn to enjoy yourself."
Taking a look around the room, I saw a hall filled with people I didn't know mingling with one another. Flutes of champagne were on almost every hand and laughter filled the air as everybody enjoyed their evening, soaking in the luxuries of a ball somebody I didn't know was hosting. Orchestral music was drowned out by conversations and servers moved through the hall like mice, scuttling around and constantly topping up champagne. I wasn't a fan, as usual.
"Are you both ready? Your father is bringing the Maximoffs here any second," my mother's voice grabbed my attention. "Y/N, at least try to look happy to be here." 
I forced a smile, making her give me a knowing look before looking to my brother and fixing his tie.
"You both know how important this is," she told us for the millionth time, fussing over my brother's appearance. "They're expecting–"
"Well-behaved, respectful individuals," I finished for her. "We know, mum. You've told us only a gazillion times."
She pressed her lips together, hands on her hips as her eyes fell to me, displeased. "If this engagement is to go as planned, I need you on your best behaviour."
"I'm always on my best behaviour," I reassured her. "But okay. I'll lighten up."
"Thank you," she said with a grateful smile, before glancing over her shoulder. "Okay. Here they come. Smiles, please."
My brother looked to me, showing me his teeth. "Is there anything in my teeth?"
I cracked a smile to make myself feel better. "Gums."
He gave me a disappointed look. "You know men don't like women who are smart arses." 
I rolled my eyes at his comment, knowing men didn't like women who didn't like men. But, of course, I didn't say that.
All her and my dad had been talking about for the past few weeks was this engagement. My brother, a very successful author, was to be engaged to his publisher's twin sister, some girl called Wanda. The Maximoffs were an esteemed family and their unification with ours was in everyone's best interests, especially my brother's who was one of the most eligible bachelors in the city.
I didn't know much about the Maximoffs, only that their son and my brother's 'boss', if you will, Pietro, ran a successful publishing house. It had been in their family name since their parents emigrated to England from Sokovia when Pietro and Wanda were children. They'd built themselves up from nothing and were now high members of society, the perfect family to be involved with.
Y/B/N was to be engaged to Wanda, their daughter, since she was getting to that age where they wanted to find someone for her. My brother's name was put into the mix when Pietro recommended him and the rest was history.
Tonight was the first unofficial meeting with them and my mother had been nonstop lecturing me on the dos and don't's of how to act, as if I was a child that couldn’t behave. Of course, it was only a mere greeting. The true engagement was to be proposed tomorrow night, but that didn't matter to my fussy mother who was insistent on making a good impression.
I found myself straightening up and pressing my hands down my dress to rid it of creases as my brother adjusted his blazer. The Maximoffs were being led our way by my father, the four of them all with smiles on their lips and flutes of champagne in their hands.
"Dear, I would like to introduce you to Mr and Mrs Maximoff and their lovely children, Pietro and Wanda," my dad introduced, stopping before us, before looking to the Maximoffs. "This is my family. My wife, Y/M/N, and my children, Y/N and Y/B/N."
"Please, call me Oleg and my wife Iryna," the twins' father, Oleg, said with a kind smile. He held out his hand to my mother, adding, "It's a pleasure, Y/M/N."
They shook hands and then looked to my brother and I, exchanging quick greetings with us. As they were saying something to my brother, probably gushing over his writing as everyone did, I took a look at the quiet twins behind them.
I vaguely recognised the guy and his striking silver hair from my brother's work, knowing he was Pietro. But I'd never seen the girl before and knew immediately that if I had, I wouldn't forget her face. She was stunning, it didn't take a genius to see that. But not the stunning that you glanced once at and forgot about. No, she was the stunning that knocked the breath out of you and made you forget what your name was.
"...lovely to meet you again!" my brother was saying all the right things to impress his soon-to-be in-laws, but it went over me as I found myself unable to tear my gaze from this mystery woman.
Further introductions went on in the background, before the green eyes I was so enthralled with were looking my way, making me blink suddenly. I instantly looked away, afraid I'd been caught, and zoned back into the conversation that was taking place.
"It's great to finally put a name to a face," the girl, Wanda, was saying to my brother with a honey sweet smile and sultry Russian-accented voice, and judging by his expression, he was just as caught up in her beauty as I was. "I look forward to getting to know you more."
"And I you," he returned with his signature grin.
Her eyes fell to mine once again, lips curving into an amused smile. "And of course, Y/B/N's beautiful sister, Y/N. How lucky a man he must be to have a sister as stunning as you."
The others chuckled, clearly taken by Wanda's smooth way with words. In their eyes, it was flattery at its finest. After all, she was to be welcomed into our family and sucking up to the sister was the best way forward. But I guess, I'd like to believe that there was some truth to her words as her entrancing green eyes sparkled with delight.
"You don't need to win over my sister to get on my good side," Y/B/N joked before I could speak, stealing Wanda's attention away momentarily.
She suppressed a laugh, tilting her head as she studied him with an unreadable expression, before looking to me with curious eyes.
"Thank you for your kind words, Wanda," I finally said to her, offering a small smile.
"Anytime," she quipped, biting her lip to contain her smile.
It was oh so wrong of me to even slightly check her out as she did, knowing that it was not only inappropriate since she was to be my brother's bride, but also wrong since she was a girl and I wasn't supposed to do this. A heat crept up neck as I avoided her teasing gaze, wondering if she knew what she was doing or if she was just a naturally flirty person.
"I'm Pietro," her brother spoke, making me look up again. He was directing a charming smile my way as he continued, "It's an honour to finally meet my best author's younger sister."
I put out my hand for him to shake, but he simply grabbed it and pressed a gentle kiss to the top. I flushed at the contact, a nervous smile on my lips.
"Er, it's nice to meet you, too, Pietro," I returned, subtly wiping my hand when he let go of it.
The twins stood side by side, smiling our way, and I realised just why all the chatter in our social circles revolved around them. Charming, distinguished, good-looking – they were the whole package.
Our parents continued to talk, catching up and talking about stuff I didn't care much for. Every now and then, Y/B/N would chime in if a question was directed his way, or Pietro would add his two cents, or Wanda would say something funny, and I would pretend to get along with all of them when I so desperately wished to go home and go to sleep.
Admittedly, my eyes veered over to my soon-to-be sister-in-law every now and then, unable to look away. She was drop dead gorgeous, with bright hazel eyes that looked green like the earth at this moment, and long brown hair that was pulled back out of her face, revealing her charming smile. Sometimes, when she would smile really widely, a dimple would expose itself on her left cheek at the corner of her mouth, and I was sure that nothing else was cuter than that. Y/B/N was one lucky man.
"...would love for you all to come to our home tomorrow evening for dinner," my father was inviting them all over, bringing me back to reality. "It'll be a great way to get to know each other in a more intimate setting. And it'll give the kids a better chance to get to know each other."
Iryna smiled brightly. "We would love to, Y/D/N. Tomorrow evening is great."
"Perfect," my mum said excitedly. "We'll see you all then."
"Do enjoy the rest of your evening," Oleg said, looking to us all, before looking to my brother. "And Y/B/N, it was good to meet you tonight. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow."
"You, too, sir," Y/B/N said, shaking his hand with a smile. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Oleg and Iryna gave us all a smile before turning to leave. Pietro and Wanda did the same, though when Wanda's eyes flickered to mine, she waved her fingers slowly and with a playful smile on her lips. My mouth opened slightly, unsure what to do or say, but nobody seemed to notice as she turned and left, leaving me standing there with confusion.
"Well, I think that went well," my mum said, and I tore my gaze from Wanda's retreating form. "Couldn't have gone better actually."
"I agree," my dad said, wrapping an arm around my mum's waist with a smile. "Tomorrow night will be splendid." He looked to Y/B/N. "What did you think of Wanda, son?"
Y/B/N looked like he was on top of the world with his love struck smile and relaxed posture. "She's beautiful. And did you hear that accent? Wonderful."
My mother chuckled. "How sweet. You're already smitten."
"What did you think of her, Y/N?" my brother asked, and all eyes fell to me.
I straightened up. "Oh, I– er– she's very nice. A beautiful young woman."
"Right?" he said in agreement. "I feel like she really likes you, too. How cool is that? You guys can become friends and be, like, close sister-in-laws."
I forced a small smile. "Yeah. Something like that."
Of course, for everyone's benefit, getting along with Wanda Maximoff was the best bet. But something about her was different and I was yet to discover what.
The following evening was when we saw the Maximoffs next. As invited, they turned up at our front door dressed less glamorously than last night, given the occasion, but appearing just as excited. Our servants were quick to take their jackets and hang them up elsewhere as we exchanged greetings in the hall.
The Maximoff parents were genuinely kind and humbling people to be around, I'd come to learn that when they thanked our servants for their help and asked them how their day was, making friendly chatter. Not many people did that when entering our home – it was certainly refreshing to see. They greeted Y/B/N and I kindly before moving onto our parents.
The Maximoff children were just as kind, though with a hint of mischief in their stride as they moved to greet my brother and I. Pietro approached me first, lips pulling into a smile as he bowed playfully. In the corner of my eye, I could see Wanda and Y/B/N exchanging greetings.
"It's a pleasure to be in your presence yet again, Y/N," Pietro said generously. "You look lovely this evening."
A smile appeared on my lips at his kind eyes. "Thank you, Pietro. You look very handsome this evening also."
"Apparently it's lamb for dinner, is that true?" he asked, taking me by surprise. I wasn't sure if he was serious, but when his sister slapped him on the arm, I figured he was.
"Don't be greedy, Piet," she scolded him like this was a regular thing.
"What? It was a simple question," he said with a shrug, before looking to my brother with a grin. "Ah, Y/B/N Y/L/N, my favourite writer."
As he moved over to greet him, Wanda looked over to me with a knowing smile.
"It's good to see you again," she said softly, maintaining eye contact.
"You, too," I played along with whatever was happening, the usual script at a time like this. "I'm sure tonight will be something special for you and my brother. It's good to have you here."
She tilted her head intimidatingly. "Bol'shoye tebe spasibo."
I raised my eyebrows, intrigued by her ability to change languages so smoothly. Though, it made sense since she was Sokovian, making Russian her first language. Didn't make it any easier to not be attracted to though.
"I'm sorry," I apologised. disguising my attraction with genuine confusion. "What does that mean?"
She smiled, a hint of smugness present as she answered, "Thank you very much. That's what it means."
I pressed my lips together, humming in response. She held my gaze for a second longer than usual and I wanted to look away, but I was drawn in by the beautiful golden flecks swirled into her irises, captivating and chilling all at once. She didn't seem uncomfortable with the eye contact, instead revelling in it with a content smirk when she saw me squirm. I ended up looking away first, unable to hold a pretty girl's gaze for more than a few seconds without panicking.
"I have something to show you!" my brother was saying excitedly to Pietro. "It's in my study, c'mon."
The two of them wandered off before my mum could stop them.
"Don't be too long, boys!" she called after them, before sighing and looking to Wanda and I. "Y/N, dear, why don't you show Wanda around upstairs, maybe? Hopefully the boys should be back after that and we can all eat dinner together."
I swallowed hard, glancing at a still-smirking Wanda, before looking back to my mum. "Erm, are you sure?"
"Yes, yes, go on, it'll give you ladies a chance to get to know each other better!" she insisted, before ushering me away. "Don't take too long though. Dinner will be ready soon."
Licking my lips nervously, I nodded, watching my mum return to the conversation my dad and Wanda's parents were having. They were led into the living room as Wanda and I were left standing in the hall, her waiting for me to say something.
"This way, I guess," I got out awkwardly, purposely avoiding her eyes as I motioned to the grand staircase.
"After you," she said politely, and I said nothing as I took the lead.
I ended up showing her around the upstairs rooms, including the library we had and the many guest rooms. It was a big home with lots to show for it, so the tour wasn't too boring.
Wanda stayed quiet throughout it, sometimes dropping in a comment or question every now and then, but otherwise listening intently as I explained everything as interestingly as I could. When she did speak, she would leave me fumbling for words or forgetting how to speak altogether. I wondered if she was teasing me on purpose, wanting to get a rise out of her soon-to-be sister-in-law, or if she just wasn't aware of what she was doing.
But every time her mischievous gaze fell to me with a matching smile, I knew that she had to be aware of her actions. Nobody was that teasing without wanting to be. So, that led me to my next question. Why?
Eventually, the last room on the tour was my bedroom. I stepped inside first, holding the door open for her as she followed after and looked around with amusement.
"This is your room," she stated, feet taking her further inside as she took in the appearance of my desk, my bed and my wardrobe. "Fascinating."
I was curious to know what she meant by that, but realising that this woman was an enigma in more ways than one, I knew she wouldn't give me a straight answer. So, I said nothing as I followed after her, remaining close as she soaked in my belongings.
Stopping at my desk, her eyes gazed over the papers spilling from closed notebooks, books marked with string and pens littered across the wood. Thankfully, nothing was open and she didn't seem to be the nosy type, so had no intention of going through anything.
"I see you like writing," she noticed, fingers hovering above the notebooks but not quite making a move to touch them. "Runs in the family, doesn't it?"
"I guess," I said, unsure what she wanted to hear.
She looked up at me, smile tugging at her lips. The same damned smile that had been directed at me since she got here.
"Do you write like your brother?"
I tried not to laugh. "More like he writes like me."
She watched me closely, amusement dancing in her eyes. "He's the author in the family."
I mirrored her smile, though mine was fake. "Published author, love. Doesn't make him the only one."
A chuckle flew from her lips as she looked across my messy desk again, clearly not offended by the hint of annoyance in my voice. I shouldn't have been so offended by her words – she didn't know anything about me – but it always ground my gears when people stuck up for Y/B/N like he was God's gift.
"Do you write?" I asked, half interested and half wanting to change the subject. The least I could do was try to get to know her a little better.
"I prefer painting," she answered without mischief. "It's my favourite thing to do."
Her eyes lit up at the mere mention of art, but she did a good job at reigning it in. She was still studying the books on my desk, distracting herself with the spines instead of facing me.
"And what do you like to paint?" I asked, genuinely interested now that I was beginning to see her actually fond of something that didn't involve making me flustered.
She shrugged, but I knew it was a pretence. "Scenery. Landscapes. We have a beautiful garden at home and it's a pleasure to paint." She finally met my eyes again, a smile of adoration on her lips as she continued talking about the garden. "The flowers, the trees, the little pond we have. It's the perfect subject."
The smile that appeared on my lips was automatic as her passion for her hobby was contagious. The way her whole face lit up, eyes bright with excitement and lips unable to do anything but smile, was intoxicating and I tried not to get lost in the moment. It was true though, what people said. Nobody looked more beautiful than when talking about something they loved.
"I’d love to see your work sometime," I told her earnestly.
Playfulness returning, she hummed in agreement. "Only if I can see yours."
I laughed, looking down at my shoes. "Maybe not."
"Well, that's a shame," she said, still playful, though when I looked up, I almost believed her.
She did that thing again, where she stared at me and held my gaze as if reading my innermost private thoughts. Intimidating wasn't the word, yet it was the only one in my mind as I watched her attempt to decipher me. Clearing my throat, I looked away, suddenly aware of how close she was stood.
"So, my brother," I changed the subject yet again, noticing the entertained expression she wore. "You like him?"
"We are to be engaged, are we not?" she asked with a quirked brow, like the answer was obvious.
I hid the smile from my lips. "That's not what I asked, love."
She licked her lips, pursing them as she saw what I was trying to do. My eyes were immediately drawn to her mouth as she did, and I almost forgot to look away until she started speaking again.
"My parents arranged this," she admitted, not losing composure. "Y/B/N is a gentleman and he seems like a kind man."
I noticed how she still avoided answering the question, but decided not to say anything about it. My eyes studied her curiously though, wondering why exactly she'd agreed to the marriage then. Maybe it was a sense of duty, like every woman had nowadays. Eventually my time would come too and maybe I would be stuck in the same position as her.
"I adore his writing though," she added, like she needed to say something genuine to make up for her lack of answer.
"You and every other woman in the city," I mumbled knowingly.
Wanda let out a breathy laugh. "I'm aware of his many admirers, yes, but can you blame them? He has such a fantastic way with words. And don't get me started on that first piece he ever wrote..." Her eyes rolled back with satisfaction. "It's my favourite. I had no idea who he was back then, but the words he wrote were enough to make me fall in love. I guess it's convenient that my new husband is to be your brother, the author."
I crossed my arms as I leaned against the desk, trying not to break out into laughter. Not because of Wanda's words – they were actually quite sweet – but because of the whole situation. It was hilarious to me, since I was the reason Y/B/N got his big break as a writer anyway.
Following in our father's footsteps, Y/B/N wrote manuscript after manuscript with hopes of getting published. But unfortunately, he never got anywhere with it. I was also a writer, having been taught by my father like Y/B/N when I was a young girl, but unlike him, I was told to stop when I got older because it was 'unladylike' and 'not a woman's place'. That didn't stop me however, and I continued to write like no tomorrow.
Y/B/N's big break, and the first manuscript of his that got published by Pietro – ironically the one that Wanda was discussing right now – was written by me. I gave it to my brother, hoping he could get inspiration. He ended up sending that in and getting signed because of my work. And even now, I occasionally helped him work on pieces that otherwise wouldn't see the light of day.
But nobody wanted to hear about the young, unmarried woman who writes about other women like they are God's best creation. So, Y/B/N keeps the fame and credit whilst I write in private, unable to share any of my work with the world unless it's in excerpts of my brother's books with his name on the front cover.
"That first piece was pretty good, wasn't it?" I played along with Wanda's words, a hint of bitterness in my tone of voice.
Wanda studied me up and down, teasing smile tugging at her lips. "Jealousy doesn't look good on you, milaya."
I hummed in acknowledgement, feigning a smile in response, though I wasn't sure what that last word meant. Probably another Russian term she was using to throw me off. Of course she'd assume I was jealous of my brother's recognition. She didn't know the truth and she never could. She was also to marry my brother, the perfect author, soon; my bitter state was merely a jealous sibling and maybe it was easier to let her think that way.
"Dinner should be ready now," I told her, straightening up. "Let's head down."
She followed after me and I said nothing else as I led her back downstairs, trying not to think about how much of an ego-boost this dinner would be for my brother.
There was nothing better than hearing everyone gush over the work your brother took credit for that you actually did, right?
"Ah, ladies, perfect timing!" said my mum when we reached the dining room where everyone was taking their seats. "Please, sit and we can get started. It's a lovely roast from the kitchen tonight."
As I made my way to my usual seat opposite my brother, I saw Pietro fist-pump the air at the mention of the lamb roast, making Wanda roll her eyes and me smile at his action. Y//B/N took his seat and Wanda's parents seemed to take the two chairs beside him already. My parents took to each end of the table, leaving the Maximoff twins no choice but to sit beside me. I sat at the same spot as usual, at the edge of the table so my left-handed self wouldn't bother whoever was sat beside me, and take a lucky guess to who sat on my right.
"Wanda, dear, how was your tour?" my mum asked her as she got comfortable beside me, leg and shoulder almost touching mine and making me both nervous and disgruntled.
With a grin wide enough to impress my mother, she answered, "It was great. You have a beautiful home, Mrs Y/L/N. And Y/N was a lovely host."
At that last comment, I felt her eyes glance towards me and I wondered if she was having fun making me squirm because I knew for sure that I was anything but a lovely host.
"That's reassuring to hear," my mother responded as the food was brought out and placed in the centre of the table. She seemed like she was joking, but I knew she was just glad I'd been on my best behaviour. "And please, call me Y/M/N."
Wanda nodded gratefully as my dad began to cut into the roast. Food was served up and drinks were poured as everybody began to dig in. The Maximoffs sent their compliments to the chef, admired our home and were the perfect guests, just as they were expected to be. My family complimented Wanda and Pietro's manners, talked about how business was going and laughed at every joke Oleg and Iryna uttered, just as they were expected to be. It really was a picture-perfect scene and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
Okay, maybe I was acting a little cynical. The Maximoffs weren't that bad, at least not as bad I'd assumed they would be compared to my parents' other friends. They were down-to-Earth and humbled people, a welcoming change from the usual. I just hated forced dinners and being scrutinised under my mother's eyes to behave, hence the clipped attitude.
And just on cue, the topic steered towards something lovely.
"We can't forget to talk about Y/B/N, bestselling author over here!" Oleg beamed, motioning to my brother. "I have to admit, son, I'm amazed at your writing. You clearly have your father's talent."
My brother smiled bashfully as I watched on with narrowed eyes and a tight grip on my fork.
"You flatter me," he said, but Iryna shook her head.
"I have to agree with my husband here, Y/B/N," she said. "Your writing is superb. Pietro, obviously, loves it, and Wanda is a huge fan, too."
At this, my brother glanced towards Wanda with excited eyes and she merely smiled and looked elsewhere, either embarrassed to be mentioned or playing coy. Rolling my eyes came naturally at this point.
"Tell me, how did you think of what to write for that first book?" Iryna asked with intrigue. "It was my favourite one."
Ah, yes, the first book. Apparently everyone's favourite one.
"Oh, it's best not to bring all that up–"
"I'd actually like to know, too," Wanda cut him off, her curiosity getting the better of her as she leaned forward onto the palm of her hand and watched him under long eyelashes.
I couldn't keep the smile of delight from my face as I too leaned forward curiously, eyeing my brother. "Yes, dear, brother. Please, do tell us of how you came to write such an honest, heartfelt first book."
At this, I felt both my parents send me a warning look as they knew the truth. But neither of the Maximoffs noticed as their attention was solely on my brother.
Luckily for him, he was a great liar and he smiled his charming smile and nodded, looking between the four guests.
"I guess it started after my third failed manuscript," he began, very believably. "I realised that there was something missing from my pages. Something real and genuine. Something that would appeal to my readers and make them question just how much they were appreciating their partner, you know?"
As he rambled off into another literary spout of nonsense, my smile faded and I gritted my teeth, wondering how he'd gotten so good at lying without giving away a sliver of pretence. The Maximoffs were hanging onto his every word, fascinated by the mind of a writer. I tried not to let it get to me as he butchered the meaning behind everything I had written in that first novel. Some things were better left unsaid.
When he finished, questions were fired his way and my parents watched on with pride in their eyes, as he answered them with ease. I chose to stay quiet, as usual, letting him soak in the credit for something he didn't do.
"And what do you think, Y/N?" Wanda's voice included me in the conversation, and everybody's eyes fell to me. I was only looking at her as her lips were pulled into a wide, suggestive smile and she continued, "How is it being the sister of one of today's bestselling authors?"
The usual forced smile that accompanied my lips whenever talking about Y/B/N because present, but my eyes were questioning Wanda's as she was clearly trying to get a rise out of me yet again, especially now that she assumed I was jealous of her husband-to-be's fame. Her stupid beautiful smile and stupid pretty eyes and stupid attractive accent were all taunting me.
"It makes me proud to know that he's come so far from when we were younger," I said, and though I was irritated by the way it had happened, my words weren't entirely false. "He's a talented man and he clearly has a way with words. What more is there to say?"
The elders seemed touched by my words and when I looked over the table to meet my brother's gaze, I saw the gratitude in his expression, hiding behind his smile and reserved for me. I nodded subtly, letting him know I was happy to keep his secret as long as he wished, just like we'd agreed.
Chatter and compliments soon turned to the real reason for our presence – the engagement. I tucked into my dessert as I let them talk about dates for the engagement party, logistics for guests and all the other details I could care less about. Only when my brother mentioned my name did I look up, surprised to see all eyes on me yet again.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" I asked politely, glancing around.
"Y/N, honey, lay off the chocolate cake, will you?" my mum said with a smile that I knew was code for 'put the bloody fork down'.
I forced a smile of my own as I lowered my fork and sat up straight, very ladylike, and looked to my brother.
"I was saying how I'll be sure to pick a beautiful engagement ring for Wanda here," he no-doubt repeated for my sake. "And maybe you could help me choose, to make sure it's something she may like."
A genuine sarcastic smile broke out on my lips, though not because I was interested in ring shopping with my brother. I knew absolutely nothing about dear Wanda or her taste in jewellery, but a woman was to do what she was best at – shopping! So, without sharing my true thoughts on the situation, I nodded respectfully and hummed in agreement.
"Of course," I said what everybody wanted to hear. "I'm sure we can find something to suit Wanda's taste."
Everybody resumed chatter about the wedding as I sighed quietly and got back to my cake. My right hand rested by my side and I jumped, startled when I made contact with Wanda's fingers.
"Sorry," I apologised, moving my hand a little from hers but keeping it there. "Left-handed an' all. I tend to forget."
Green eyes pierced through me with a matching sly smile. "No problem, milaya."
Again with the 'milaya' talk – what did that even mean? I returned the awkward smile as I continued eating, but I didn't fail to notice the way her hand would brush against mine throughout the rest of the meal.
Either by accident or on purpose, I'd never know, but I had my suspicions.
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Stella with owl demon S/O (The finale)
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(This is the last chapter in the secret lover mini-series. If your just finding it, go back and read the full series. Its a fairly long story.) Hope you enjoy~
Years of meticulous planning. Manipulation, blackmail and manoeuvring. And all for this one day.
It had almost been a year since Stolas cheated on Stella, almost a year since You and Stella had become a less than secret couple. And today you were going official.
It had been simple getting information on Stolas.
A few cameras here, a tapped phone line there, not to mention half the staff was on your pay roll. They gave you all the information you could need, you taking any information, no matter how minor.
Honestly, Stella coming to you was a pleasant surprise. You did have this grand plan in place, a plan to split the family at its seams.
And in an instant, Stolas' incompetence had saved you months of work. And so Stolas' arrogance, shall be his undoing.
Over the last year, youd had dozens of visits. Spending months carefully prodding the couple, if you could still call them that. You pushed the wedge between them deeper and deeper, all for today.
You strolled into the palace like it were your second home, a small wicker basket hanging from his arm.
Navigating the halls, you found yourself in the palace kitchen, or at least the one the family had used the most.
Grabbing a set of glasses, you turned to find Octavia sitting at the table. 'Octavia, dear, how are you.' You asked, sounding as overjoyed as you felt.
She looked up at you with dead eyes, 'How do I look.' She asked sarcasticly. And honestly, the girl looked like she hadn't slept in a week.
Sitting down you gave her a sympathetic look. 'Fight?' You asked simply.
She just nodded, taking a sip of coffee.
You sighed, placing your hand on hers. 'What about the white noise machine I got you, that help any?' You asked hopefully.
Octavia sighed 'It helped a little, but they both managed to yell over it.' She told you, rubbing her face.
You sighed again, reaching into your pocket. You pulled out a fist sized stone. 'Here' you told her, handing her the stone.
Octavia stared at the stone for several moments, before looking up to you, blinking heavily a few times, 'Uhhhh... thanks?' She said, clearly confused.
You let out a chuckle, resting your head on your hand. 'Your welcome.'
The girl stared at the stone, before looking back at you 'what is it?' She asked simply.
You laughed again, 'Well it was going to be a birthday present, but it would seem you need it more now.'
Picking up the stone you gently tapped its top, a complex Web of symbols growing across it. Tapping it once more the symbols disappeared.
Octavia looked much more interested now, as you explained it to her. 'This bad boy, is what you'd call a noise sponge. When activated, it basically sucks all the noise out of a room.'
Octavia stood up, 'Really?' She asked seemingly excited. With a smile you told her 'See for yourself' you told her before tapping the top of the stone.
Octavias mouth moved, but no noise seemed to leave. She spoke again and again, each time seemingly getting louder and louder, before taking a deep breath.
Her mouth stretched and her body moved as though she were screaming, but there was no sound whatsoever.
Tapping the stone, sound noticably re-entered the room.
Octavia panted, before giggling like... well a school girl. Picking up the stone, you handed it to her.
Octavia stared at the stone, getting up, you followed her. 'Now remember this. That's not a toy. Its a powerful artefact, so don't use it longer than needed, and no sound can be heard when activated, be careful where you use it.'
Octavia just nodded her head, her eyes never leaving the stone. 'Thanks (y/n)' she told you giving a big hug.
'No problem kiddo.' You told her patting her back and planting an affectionate kiss atop her head.
Leaving the room you reflected on your growing friendship with Octavia.
She truly was an amazing young woman, a spitting image of her mother, if a bit cynical. She had a deep fascination for the occult, something you were more than happy to help her explore.
The two of you had actually become pretty close, having talked and met up dozens of times. You acted as a confidant, and a suspected, only friend for the girl.
You didn't like manipulating the girl, but it was quite easy to sour her relationship with her father, you really only had to bring focus to his selfish nature.
Of course, that didn't mean she was running to Stella's side, but her trust in stolas was cracked.
So with some pep in your step, you made your way to Stella's study, giving polite and playful little bows to the palace staff.
Youd worked hard to become beloved by the staff, acting as sort the "good noble" that looked out for them. At least for the ones not ready on your payroll.
You found her study. Giving your outfit a once over you knocked on the door. Stella snapped back, telling you to go away.
You released a bitter-sweet laugh, you opened the door, 'Are you fucking d-' Stella yelled before cutting yourself off.
'Hello darling.' You said calmly. In an instant she got to her feet, rushing over and wrapping you in a hug.
You pulled her into a kiss, locking the two into a passionate embrace. Breaking the kiss, you asked her tenderly 'How are you doing, my love?'
You'd gotten very good at telling when Stella was upset and when she was trying to hide it, and now she was certainly upset.
'How am I doing? Oh you know, I've had to deal with my slut of a husband and that... fucking Imp! For months now.' She growled, taking several heavy breaths before turning back to you. 'Other then that, I'm fine.'
You gave her a sympathetic smile, before remembering why you were here. 'Well, then I have just the thing.' You told her, giving the basket a little shake.
You pulled her towards the door, Stella resisting. 'Lets go play' you tell her playfully.
'No, I can't' she tells you, resisting your pull 'I have to much work to do.' She said clearly upset at the reality of royal responsibility.
Pulling her close, you looked her in the eyes before firmly telling her 'Do you trust me?' You asked her sternly.
That seemed to surprise her, before she just nodded her head. 'Then we should do this... trust me'
Stella conceded, letting you lead her out of the palace.
Walking out the back of the palace, you passed the field she had once burnt to ash, now regrown into a healthy and lush lawn.
Taking her into the clearing, you layed out the blanket you'd brought in the basket.
Sitting down, you pulled out the bottle of wine. Pulling the cork, you poured you both a glass. Sitting there you both fell silent, a weight hanging over your head.
You turned to her, looking deep into her eyes, you told her calmly. 'Stella, theres nothing in this world I love more then you...' taking your hand, you placed a kiss atop it.
'I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was never good enough for you...' you told her, emotion growing in your voice.
She looked deeply concerned, asking you 'what do you mean?'
You shook your head. 'The truth is. All I've ever wanted was to be with you...' you looked at your hands, 'I had such plans to Get you back, to prove I deserved you. But stolas seems to have ruined everything... You deserve better and I'm going to give it to you.' You looked up at her, 'I love you Stella.'
Looking at Stella, she looked distraught, teary eyed as she pulled you close. 'I love you too (Y/N).' There was a long pause before she whispered in your ear, 'I wish I had been with you... all those years ago'
Her words put everything together, a wave of determination flowing through you. With your purpose secured, you pulled her into a passionate kiss.
The two of you became more physical, your hands roaming her body. Stella's arms wrapped around your neck. You becaming more passionate, Stella matching your energy at every step.
It was as you undid the back of her dress that you heard it... he was here.
Giving her another kiss you asked her, 'Do you trust me?' Your breathing still raged.
It took a moment, but Stella responded 'Yes, Yes I trust you...' With that you kiss her again, carefully readjusting her dress.
It took another moment, but you heard him. 'Well, well, what do we have here?' The voice was cold, clearly unhappy.
Breaking the kiss, you looked up to find a very angry looking Stolas staring down at you.
You carefully pushed Stella off, giving her a more innocent kiss on her cheek. 'Go play somewhere.' You whispered, standing up.
You turned to face Stolas. The prince was absolutely livid, tapping his fingers on his forearm.
'Stolas! My what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?' That was a lie. You specifically picked this spot, at this time because you knew he would see the two of you.
All according to plan.
Stolas spat back, 'Don't talk to me like that you bastard. Trying to fuck my wife. In my own home, do you have no shame.'
You couldn't help but begin laughing. You gripped your legs, laughing so hard it was hard to breath.
Straightening up you looked at Stolas, allowing years of venom to show. 'Shame?' You asked incredulously, 'Your asking me if I have shame?' You chuckled again. 'Pot meet kettle.' You spat at him
Dusted yourself off. 'Shame...?' You spat, through gritted teeth. 'Youre asking me if I have shame? You speak of your lust before your child. Plastering the hellnet with your lust for that satan-damned Imp, Fucking that Hellspawn in the bed, you shared with your Wife. You know nothing of shame, you harlot!' You finished almost screaming.
Stolas grit his teeth, his hands dropping to his side. The weather began to shift.
The once clear sky quickly being replaced with a ocean of grey clouds.
'You think you can take my wife?' He asked seriously. Your smile grew, taking a few steps towards him, smugness growing across your face. 'Think? My good man... I already have.' you tell him simply.
With a flick of his claw Stolas manifested his Grimoire.
In a flash you reached into your coat, pulling out a silver lock and throwing it at the Grimoire.
Almost immediately on impact, dozens of silver vines shot out, wrapping around the book.
Stolas, initially shocked tried to open the book, the lock on its cover not budging against his grip.
He looked up at you, pissed and clearly expecting 'That little item,' you began 'ensures that your little book won't affect the outcome of our little fight, Stolas.'
You smirk at him 'Now' you began 'you'll just have to fight me like a man.'
Stolas seemed both concerned and enraged by this, throwing the book to the side. 'You think I'm scared of you?'
He reached for his cloak, dramatically throwing it to the side.
You just chuckled, cracking your knuckles, the demonic Prince charged, swinging at you.
You easily dodged.
'My, how impressive!' you said, mockingly.
Stolas swung again, and again, missing each time. 'Come on I don't have all day!' You called at him smugly.
Stolas went for a violent haymaker, missing again. This time you retaliated with a hard punch to his nose, hearing a crack apon your fist meeting his face.
He stumbled back, blood dripped from his nose as you taunted him further.
'You know I had such an elaberate plan, Stolas.' You told him, taking out a shiny set of knuckle dusters from back pocket. 'I had every step perfectly worked out, all to turn your family against you.'
Stolas, became enraged, blindly charging at you. You easily dodgeing him, giving him a violent crack to his face.
'And then you, you fool... you did most of the job for me... half my plan, unneeded because you were a selfish, arrogant fool.'
Stolas made it to his feet, his left eye already swelling. He widened his eyes, likely intending to turn you to stone, but before he could, you reached into your pocket and threw a handful of dust at him.
The silver dust shone as it flew through the air, his reaction was instant. Falling to his knees clutching his face.
You chuckled, leaning on your knees for a second, 'When Judas betrayed jesus.' You began.
'He received 30 pieces of silver, as such its toxic to demons. And now it's your payment for all suffering you've put your family through.' You told him, blankly, no emotion in your voice.
'Years, Stolas. I've been preparing for this fight for years. I've played this moments out hundreds, thousands of times. Nothing you can do I havent prepared for.' You wiped your lip, standing up straight. 'Your going to lose.'
You were taunting him now, relishing seeing him suffer.
Reaching down, you grabbed his hair, pulling him up. It was as you were about to taunt him again that you were suddenly punched in the face.
Stumbling back, you found stolas getting to his feet. Wiping his eyes he glared at you, 'You think I'm some push over? I'm a prince! I am a Goetia, I'm not gonna be taken down by some retched lowborne.' He screeched, raising his fists.
You just smiled back, wiping your cheek 'Finally... a real fight.'
The fight was a brutal, Stolas, despite his lanky figure and privileged upbringing, could pack one hell of a punch.
But you were prepared for this.
For every hit Stolas landed, you hit him twice. Every use of magic was thwarted with an item or counter spell. You were almost perfectly matched.
You stood across from each other, fists bloody, clothes filthy and torn, bruised and battered.
Still a smile adorned your face. Chuckling, you began 'you've put up one hell of a fight, Stolas.' You said as though remembering something. 'But even if you beat me, I still win!' You told him smugly.
Stolas cocked his brow, 'what are you going on about.' You smiled again, before reaching into your jacket before you pulling out a long white feather.
'Stella, your uh, "wife"...'you ran the feathered across your nose, taking in her lingering scent. 'We've been fucking for the past year now.' You chuckled again 'we fucked everywhere, her study... your bed, and man... can she scream.'
That set him off, he charged you, releasing a desperate a d furious, battle cry, swinging like a mad man.
You dodged the swing, and with one final uppercut the demon Prince stumbled back. He looked at you shocked, before smacking into the ground.
You couldn't help but laugh. The piece of shit fell like a sack of rocks.
Turning around you found a very concerned Stella. With a smile you walked towards her, stumbling over your battered legs.
Stella ran to your side, helping you keep up right.
You chuckled, pulling her in for a kiss. 'I have something for you.' You told her, your voice course and worn.
Reaching into your coat, you pulled out a small black case.
Breaking her grip, you stepped back and fell to your knee.
Taking several deep breaths you began, 'Stella. You are my light in the darkness, the love of my life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you.'
Opening the case, you showed the sparkling diamond ring. 'Stella, my love. Will you marry me.'
Stella looked shocked, tears coming to her eyes as she covered her mouth.
It took a moment, but she nodded her head, 'Yes... yes I'll marry you.' She said, her voice thick with emotion.
You just smiled.
Everything was perfect.
Just as you planned.
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visd3stele · 3 years
Oak and the throne
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TW: none
A/N: I always hoped Jude and Cardan would keep the throne, so I'm glad Oak likes the mortal world so much :)
Next one should be up by thirsday
Thank you so much for the request, hope it's what you expected. xoxo
@britishbookworm2 requested here
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"Oak! Come back here," Jude's voice carried through the palace. Despite years of dealing with stubborn faes in the council, eliciting orders to soldiers and servants alike and talking down to her subjects as Cardan does, her voice was steady, even and almost sweet as she yelled after her little brother.
Little brother. The thought seemed out of place. In his years in the mortal world, Oak had a growth spurt, while she remained the same. Young, not yen an adult, yet passed through much more than her elders could claim to.
"No!" Oak shouted back, though he stopped in the middle of the throne room. "No," and he turned back to Jude, walking fast with his now bigger, stronger goat legs. "You promised me I won't have to take over if I don't want to. Well, guess what, Jude? I don't!"
He didn't tower over her like she expected. His bent knees cutting from his height. But Oak, the boy she used to lean down to hug and kiss on top of his horned head, still stood taller than her at the throne's dais.
"You should have taken it in writing, little brother." Cardan chimed in, bemused. A glare from his wife shut him up, though still smirking, and the High King opened a second bottle of wine.
"Oak," Jude begin again. "I know it's not ideal. When all this started, you were so young. I get it's a little scary and overwhelming. But it's your birthright..."
"It's Cardan's birthright too." Oak protested, crossing his arms over his chest after pointing a hand towards the King sitting on the throne's dais. His tail bounced left and right in amusement as he raised the bottle towards his half brother and gulped down a mouthful of wine.
"Speaking of Cardan," Jude seized the opportunity, "he didn't want to be High King either. But he got used to it. He came to like it. Tell him, oh, dear husband." The look the High Queen gave her lover contradicted her words, for nothing short of a clear threat shone in her eyes. The fae just smiled to himself, used to his wife's antics. He made a show of getting up on his feet, taking a few steps forward with his normal care free elegancy, when Oak's words stopped him.
"If he likes it that much, why can't Cardan still be King? I thought you liked to be Queen, too, Jude. Don't you?"
Both the warrior mortal and the peaceful fae stood glued in their places. Perplexed. Twenty years ago, when she started her ascension to the throne, Jude did so with only one purpose in mind: put that crown on Oak's head. Every decision she made, each plotting and scheming should have led to the celebration of High King Oak of Greenbriar line. Didn't it?
Now that she thought about it, things changed. Jude couldn't say when or how exactly. But at some point between then and now, she started to see herself as the real queen. High Queen in her right, not just a replacement until Oak is old enough.
Maybe it was when she choose to love Cardan and he made her his equal by splitting the throne in two ostentatious ones right in the middle of the room. Maybe it was when the Court of Shadows gifted her the title as a nickname. Jude wouldn't admit even to herself how much though she'd given to that afterwards. Or maybe it was recently, in the years after breaking Cardan's curse. Years spent ruling together, bringing up a better Elfhame than either of them grew up in.
As for Cardan, the High King's eyes darted to the crown, fingers itching to pick it up and place it atop his head. To give it a light push so it'd lean on one side, but never falling. As if it clinged to him. As if it chose him.
It's true, the youngest prince - as he thought himself for so long - never craved the throne. Why would he? He was the least favorite child, not good enough to deserve their father's attention. His mother's love. So how could he be a good king? But after Jude tricked him and all Elfhame bowed to him, looked up to him, something shift inside him. Cardan actually enjoyed the process of thinking through a court scheme. The insides of a carefully given order - a pawn in a bigger game. He found it entertaining to search ways to deal with the council, to make them bow to his whims. And when he married Jude and those whims matured into interests, well, building a kingdom of dreams none he or his wife dared to ever hope for, leaving such a legacy behind, he, Cardan Greenbriar, the pitiful prince, it felt right.
"You don't wish to rule, Oak?" Cardan asked, more concern than he ever spoke with lacing his voice.
"No! Never did, never will."
Jude could recognize a bit of Vivi in the way Oak said it, rolling his eyes and putting accent on certain vowels. But Vivi insisted it wasn't unusual in the mortal world, humans using this sort of speech all the time. Thinking about it, seeing her little brother clear for the first time she summoned him in Fairyland, Jude realized Oak would look out of place in fae's clothes. The green hoodie he wore and dark grey jeans fitted him perfectly.
"But would you be alright there? Hiding your real self, your magic?"
"I'm not hiding, Jude," Oak's voice softened. His big sister didn't want to ruin his life. She was looking after him, his happiness in the only way she knew how. The Fae way. "I mean, yes, people see what I want them to, what with the glamour and all. But it doesn't mean I don't get to be myself. I go to college, you know? Herbologist," he chuckled to himself. "I like it. I have friends, and... and one day, when I'll meet my Heather, then I'll skip to telling her the truth and... I don't know what then, but it'll be fine. I'll be fine, Jude. I promise."
It took several minutes for Jude to reply. She eyed Oak the entire time, her mind swerling, trying to keep up with the speed of her thoughts. Eventually, she saw his truth, just like when she faced hers own: she wouldn't fit in the mortal world, she loved Cardan, she was the High Queen. And Oak? Oak would make a great herbologist - whatever that was - because he doesn't fit in Elfhame anymore. And she won't be the one to crush him or his hopes.
She nodded her head, Cardan's cue to drop a silly, drunk-like, huge smile and take the crowns in his hands.
"Promise you'll visit, though."
It was Oak's turn to nod, a grin pulling his lips upward. "Of course. I can stay for dinner, if you promise not to offer me a court or something."
Jude laughed. "I think we can do that." She turned to her husband, who hummed distracted and tucked a loose strand behind her year, putting extra effort in to trace the soft, round edge of it with his fingers. Cardan, then, crowned her, tilting his head. To no one's surprise his own tolkien of kinghood didn't fell, despite its crooked position.
"Unless a gift is required by tradition, brother dearest," Cardan said, "fret not. You'll be seeing nothing from us." And without waiting to see if Oak is following, he spooned his wife, his queen, in his arms, leading her to the dining table. All the way there, the king peppered his heart's chosen one with kisses, whispering promising for the night. Silk words about a royal celebration in their suit and implications of a new heir to the throne, now that the one they'd planned for decided to go to a mortal college and stay there.
Oak smiled. Truthfully and heartfully. No, he won't be High King. But he felt like he owned the whole world hours later, when he got back to his dorm and picked up his pen to write some notes on next friday's homework.
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Hi Dear Jalebi, I demand your analysis :)   What are your thoughts on IPKKND might have some typical track if the audience, TRP, actors departure didn't influence it otherwise? Let me explain, IPKKND was supposed to have a longer office track (that wasn't common though, I would've loved it) but the TRP was low, so Shantivan track was introduced. Then, I read that, Sana Maqbul (Lavanya) wanted to quit IPKKND, that's why the quick breakup???
Is that why they didn't give us the COMMON AF *jealousy and hero's ex GF turns villain* track? Then again, Anjali was jealous and sad about Khushi after the first reveal of Shyam, and it looked like track about Didi Ki Saut was beginning. But again ratings dropped and the fandom didn't react well (kinda protested), Anjali quickly stopped showing jealousy and Dadi was introduced to give ArShi a common saas-bahu vibe.
Hello Dear Analysis Anon!
I am going to over answer this with a lot of detail because I have a lot of thoughts, as always! Time to get into my thinking cape/coat:
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This analysis is going to cover:
(1) every example you just mentioned,
(2) my thoughts on external things affecting plot of the story,
(3) things/plots/ tracks that could've been if not for external factors
1) IPKKND was supposed to have a longer office track (that wasn't common though, I would've loved it) but the TRP was low, so Shantivan track was introduced
As far as I can remember from one of the writers' interviews, the office track was cut short because this was a show on Star Plus - which, as a channel, caters to 'family audience' therefore needs to have sanskaar and stuff at its core. Hence the rude shortening of the office track and weird 'makeover' and 'desi-dying' Lavanya. And hence we had a very weird four months of an eighteen-twenty years old Khushi teaching someone about sanskaars and suddenly knowing everything about a household when Bua-ji or even Payal would've been a more apt choice for this 'tutoring'.
If this was a Star One show, they might've not shifted out of the office for the longest time!
2) Sana Maqbul (Lavanya) wanted to quit IPKKND, that's why the quick breakup??? Is that why they didn't give us the COMMON AF *jealousy and hero's ex GF turns villain* track?
I did not know that's why the quick end happened. Honestly that happened perfectly. I think Lavanya had an inkling about their relationship heading south right when Arnav told everyone he's getting engaged to her. But she chooses to not see it until one day she couldn't. Maybe we could've gotten more from La but if you see carefully, La clearly knows that this relationship is now just for face. Bless her heart for trying though, trying with a smile!
Also, again I think the writers never thought of making Lavanya a vamp. They had enough material with Arnav-Khushi's own differences, Shyam and Buaji playing enough roles to mess up Arnav-Khushi's love story. I probably think they always had planned Lavanya as a beautiful person who was unintentionally caught in all of this. I feel they planned La and Khushi's friendship - they clearly enjoyed writing two completely different people becoming closest of friends.
The writers/creators deserve full credit for this.
3) Then again, Anjali was jealous and sad about Khushi after the first reveal of Shyam, and it looked like track about Didi Ki Saut was beginning. But again ratings dropped and the fandom didn't react well (kinda protested), Anjali quickly stopped showing jealousy and Dadi was introduced to give ArShi a common saas-bahu vibe.
This is all true.
My Thoughts on External Things Affecting Plot
It's not necessarily bad that external things affect plot. Feedback, from channel or fans, can help the show to pivot and understand what is working and what's not. The problem is when feedback is implemented regardless whether or not it matches the theme of the plot.
I loved:
1) The channel moving out of the office because the power dynamic was too great and the contract terms were very unhealthy and Arnav Singh Raizada deserved to get sued at least 10 times by the end of this contract so yes, the shorter the office track the better. Literally the saving grace is they didn't "fall in love" there.
2) The fans protesting against Didi Ki Saut track. Not because I hated the track - I think it was executed in the worst manner! From identical visual languages to show Arnav-Anjali and Arnav-Khushi scenes (which didn't work to show Arnav being equally torn between the two most important women in his life, but just made the audience get creeped by Arnav-Anjali's relationship) and writing scenes of Anjali getting offended by Arnav-Khushi's intimacy/Arnav spending time with his wife, on her birthday, in his bedroom... did she expect Khushi would just *disappear* in a her and Arnav's bedroom? Like that was the worst way to show a compelling plot line and giving people some weird thoughts about Anjali-Arnav (which I hate because I LOVE Anjali-Arnav).
3) Barun walking out when the plot was literally done. Yes, thank you!
4) Barun going to do a movie led to the kidnapping track, which I liked a lot. No, not the nonsense of Manorama Bond fishing out Delhi's security camera footages in vintage recording system - but the fact that given the chasm and angst between Arnav & Khushi, only something bigger than their misunderstanding could force Arnav to give weight to his feelings and for Khushi to be able to forgive him. And his life was at stake. It was a sharp reminder to both of them that they lost so much by not communicating that it doesn't matter what they had to say - they loved each other, they just needed to get back and fight off everything together.
And then again, there are things I HATED that happened because of external factors:
1) The channel for the whole La becomes Desi. And the overdose of sanskaar and tradition that followed for a few months *uggggh* Clearly the channel demanded this from the plot because family, traditions and all are important to Star Plus (wtf are they thinking for Ghum Hai Kisi Ke? though or YRKKH?) And even the Aarav track and Mrs. India - two tracks with terrible execution - were very Star Plus recommended content. Just now Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2 had a Mrs. Surat/Gujarat track and Yeh Hai Chaahatein had a miracle child popping up...
2) The fans demanding Arnav & Khushi's proximity. The whole hut scene was *noooooo*. Lack of consent, body doubles, GLARING logical loopholes and them just trying to do it when one of them is really not in the mood and they were both so out of character. @phati-sari explains this really well in her post (just search for the hut to get all relevant posts on her blog)
3) Barun? Not exactly - he's never in control of the plot so really it's the writers that kinda know what to do with his presence and absence. Even if they get a short time, it's upto the creators who know if they use the last 2-3 weeks for stretching a random track as much as they can and give a rushed ending or quickly wrap up a crap track and give a satisfactory ending. A good example of this is Lavanya's exit - although rushed was dealt with grace, important conversations and memorable hugs. Bad one is the end of the show - I know Barun gave his papers but I wish they went the La way with the end of the show - important convos, teary hugs and a sweet moment (they tried their best tho...)
It's an ITV trend though to not plan for the end of a show... they stretch a crappy track as much as they can and have like a 2 min epilogue. Kasautii 2.0 was the funniest cause they had all misconceptions cleared, Komolika and Mr. Bajaj die and then have a weird 2 min pillow fight to show 'happy family'... guess in that way I'm glad we had whatever we did with IPKKND!
Possible Tracks Then
So if external factors didn't influence the show, we might have had the following:
1) A longer office track. It would end the way it did in canon though. I think it was prewritten that at one point Khushi would tear up the contract and hold him accountable for everything Arnav did. Just instead of 3-4 days it would've been 10-15 days after the contract.
2) Didi Ki Saut track. Honestly that was compelling if executed right. Sometimes you can have an antagonist without becoming a villain, Anjali the perfect character for that.
3) A separation track. I'm pretty sure Arnav-Khushi could have separated at some point in their six months marriage - this is just my inkling and not something I heard in an interview unlike the above two. If given full reign to writing, we probably would've gotten an angst heavy stuff at some point post marriage/6 months.
4) A remarriage track sans Dadi. We know why Dadi was introduced (honestly I didn't mind her, it was a track done well and kinda to redeem Arnav in front of the public eyes. It's a perfect track cause Arnav is 'nice' for standing up for her and kinda heals the wounds he caused in the first few months of the marriage by retorting someone who tells Khushi everything he told her...) But anyway I do think a remarriage was in the works, not because of TRPs but the way their whole 'marriage' was framed and how Khushi was broken because of the lack of everything in it. And they deserved one w/o the devastation that night brought.
5) The 'marriage' would've been a live in. Arnav and Khushi's elopement was supposed to be darker in nature*. Their 'marriage' would've had no religious nor legal validity, therefore a stark contradiction to everything Khushi stood for... but you can't have that in ITV. *By dark I don't mean sexual violence - never.*
6) The whole IPKKND was meant to be darker. I am glad for the romantic comedy though! I think their balance of angst and comedy pre marriage was perfect! Not sure post marriage because it felt like a loop of going back to square one with no progress. But I think things were meant to be less subtle, more tragic and dramatized. So I think we could've gotten extremely angsty periods post marriage with a slow, gentle lull to the romance/comedy. While I am extremely glad for the lightheartedness, I wish I could've read what the whole original concept for Arnav/Khushi was!
7) Arnav revealing the truth to Khushi would've been different. We know the distasteful suicide track quickly came as a way to push Arnav's buttons and have him confess the truth of his elopement to Khushi. And that came from Barun going away - hence the quick kidnapping track and everything. So if Barun didn't go away, I honestly don't know how the revelation would happen. Would Arnav start piecing things together from information and things about Shyam in Laxminagar? Would Arnav end up helping and hospitalizing Shashi who would tell him the truth? Would Arnav come across any hidden wedding card Buaji could've had printed for Shyam-Khushi or even Shyam's fake kundili? Given the Gupta house wasn't the place where Shyam covered his tracks... was this where Arnav would start seeing things? Or guilt ridden, would Garima/Khushi/Madhumati tell Arnav the truth? Something was meant to happen for this revelation, whether it's Arnav believing Khushi or just getting further evidence against her - I... don't know! I wish I knew what the writers had in store.
We highly appreciate for not showing a typical Nanand against Bhaabi trope, also for not making La villain, but would it result differently if things didn't have a hand? Imma cry thinking Anjali jealous and La villain! meh!  What a feast for the eyes it was to see ONLY ONE VILLAIN and less negativity in a tellywood show. Baas bohut hua my casual verbiage. By demand I mean no pressure, please take your valuable time and reply whenever you feel like it.Take Loads of Care and Chocolates your way <3
I hope the above answered all your queries :) Thank you for all the chocolates and care!!!
Phew this was rather long! A big hug to anyone who went through it! See ya later!
- Jalebi
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Author's Notes ♡: Hello hello! Here’s my POCuties collab piece for Valentine’s Day. Even though today sometimes makes me feel unloved please know everyone is deserving of love and even if you don’t have someone this year, you can have me! I love you and so do your favs okay? (✿◠‿◠) ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : none! Just very sweet (a bit of the reader feeling like a burden to tamaki so a touch of sadness here and there)
Word count : 2.1k
Paring(s) : Tamaki Amajiki x F! Reader (fem pronouns)
Enjoy ♡
Forever // T. Amajiki
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Being with Tamaki for a few years taught his lover a lot. She saw more sides of him than most, and it made her heart swell to see the usually quiet boy happy and determined when he accomplished something he was trying for or when he was down she knew just how to cheer him up.
As the day drew on she realised just how much she loved him and how much she wished for him to be home, to give him a big kiss as he came through the door, knowing that his day was long, plagued with paperwork and patrols. Hearing the door open she saw her tall boyfriend enter, hood over his eyes as he let out a sigh, stretching as he felt his body being encased by his girlfriend “Hello butterfly how was your day” His low voice spoke out as she gave him a bright smile “It was nice heaving the day off but i missed you Tama” she pouted as he gave her a chuckle, kissing her forehead “I missed you too, the office was a bore without my adorable secretary” Moving into their shared apartment Tamaki saw food already laid out in front of him “I ran you some bath water too” [ ] called out as she rounded the wall separating the kitchen and living room “Y-you didn't have to do that love im-” A finger silenced his pleas “Let me take care of you okay? You need your rest and i didnt want you to worry about anything coming home except relaxing and cuddling with me okay?” [ ] said as she stood on her tippy toes, kissing the top of his cheek “Tamaki Amajiki we have been doing this for years, won't you please let me love you without trying to outdo me ; you deserve it, you're a wonderful hero, you're my hero and eventually...you'll be our family hero..once we have one..” She trailed off as he stared at her, watching a sadden face appear over her features. Shaking it off as soon as it had appeared she gave him another smile “Its alright. There's no rush, i'm here for the long haul , me and you okay?” she said as she let his face go , heading to the couch “Now go go, hurry up before the food gets cold.” She teased as he gave her a soft look, coming over to kiss her cheek “Okay i wont argue butterfly”
These little things stuck with him, her caring ways, cooking for him, cleaning his office while hed be gone, even doing some of his paperwork while he was on parole. He loved her so much and enjoyed all of the little things here and there she did for him. He ddi the same, and each time made her cry, not out of being upset but for how caring he was to her. Bringing her roses, making sure she didnt have to cook if he could help it, spa days and doing more crafts and bonding with her whenever they could. But he realized while she helped him with so much he felt like he struggled. She struggled with her own issues too, similar to his. Sometimes she felt like she wasnt enough, she had her own anxieties and could get in a sup when she felt inadequate, unlovable and unwanted. But to him, to tamaki he loved everything about her, and she was one of the strongest people he knew. He felt motivated and glad to have her as the one he wished to marry , to have kids with, to start a family. But that also broke his heart when the topic came up she did usually didnt talk much about it, happily making plans but going back on them by saying ‘if i was a good mother’ She didnt want to dissapoint their future kids, didnt want to be a lacking mother or wife. As usual Tamaki came home, but htis time he went past the wonderful smelling food in the kitchen and to their bedroom, his cute girlfriend wrapped up in a blanket “How are you feeling butterfly?” He asked as she gave him a smile, reaching over to hug him “Im oaky! Just a bit overwhelmed is all, im sorry i passed out during the meeting..” She said as she gave him a hurt look before continuing “I shouldve tried harder to stay and present with you i-” Before she could finish he gave her a kiss, stopping her words “You needed rest. Im still surprised you got up to cook, did you at least take a nap love?” He asked as she shook her head , causing him to smile “Good. i love you butterfly and i woudnt change that for the world” he said as she smiled, giving him a hug “I’d hope so” She giggled as he pouted “Never doubt my love for you [ ], no matter what im gonna be here, i promise okay?” he said as she nuzzled the boy, kissing his nose “ And i for you Tamaki”
February came in , the happy couple had started up to take more time off to do more things and enjoy eachothers presence in the month of love. As the days went by Tamaki noticed [ ] was having odd days. From sleeping long hours of the day to just crying randomly, he knee something was wrong. Coming from the store he heard sobbing from their bathroom. Terrified , he tried to enter only feeling the door being locked “[ ] baby whats wrong? Can i come in?” with no response he nervously knocked again. “[ ] please...whats wrong” He pleaded as the door unclicked, showing his still beautiful but tear stained cheeked girl. “T-tama..” She cried as she just jumped into his arms, scaring the indigo haired boy “Baby are you okay?” he asked as she took in a breath before smiling sadly “Y-yeah i am..” She said as he picked her up, taking them into the living room. “I love you..and whatever is making you feel like this..if i can help let me okay?” Tamaki said as [ ] shook her head, placing it into his shoulder as they fell asleep.
Every day from her breakdown Tamaki came to her office with a rose, ate lunch with her and made sure she was hydrated and well. Once the week of valentines day came up, he had his plan set in motion. He had their schedules fixed, the week off for themselves as they did different things. A spa day the first day, a picnic the next, shopping at an expensive store for clothes. Then an art day where they drew (or tried to ) eachother and made art fro and about the other. Once the day of Valentines came however, it was different. It started with them taking a shower together, Tamaki cooking breakfast in bead for [ ] as they talked through the morning. Tamaki told her the outfits they ha gotten the days prior was for tonight which gave [ ] the jitters. She was excited for what her pro hero boyfriend had instore for them. Once they got to the restaurant all eys were on them. [ ]’s long black dress falttereed tamakis white suit and black bow tie. The two of them sat and started to eat, coversating with some fans who so happend to be around thwm. One was a small girl with wide hopeful eyes. She came to the couple with her mom in toe “Im so sorry to interrupt you two, my daughter wouldnt let mt husband and me rest until she came over to you guys” the wmoan laughed, causing bothe members to smile “Hello there how are you?” Tamaki asked the girl as she stepped from behind her mother “ H-hi my name is Shiemi a-and i really like you suneater!” The small girl said , causing [ ] , Tamaki and her mom to smile “Why thank you Shiemi, i hope im a good hero for you” Tamaki responded as the little girl shook her head “The best! Youre so cool. A-and your wife is pretty like mama! I like you dress miss suneater” The girl said , causing [ ] to stutter as she sipped her water “O-oh why thank you Shiemi but Im-” before she could continue she saw her boyfriend give the woman and her daughter a wide smile “She is, inst she?” He said as he turned to [ ] , moving from his chair “Tama what are you-” [ ] asked again as he leaned to the little girls ear , then to the mothers as they both gave him a smile, the woman happily shaking her head as her daughter followed the hero. Confused, [ ] watched as he picked the little girl up, putting her atop of the bar table “Hey everyone! Suneater has an announcement!” she yelled as most people turned around or to the table in the middle of the room, watching and smiling at the energetic child and pro hero “In fact I do, [ ] would you mind standing?” Tamaki asked as she gave him a wide eyed look, standing as he gave her a smile, extending and hand to her as she joined his side
“H-hey guys , as you know um..this si my lovely girlfriend and partner [ ]” He started as she gave everyone in the room a wary smile, her face feeling hot as he continued “ Ive known her for years, and weve been dating for some of those, she's seen me through thick and thin, helped me out in a pinch and made me feel like the strongest man alive, well next to almight…” he whispered as some of the people laughed, more paying them attention “And through all of this….i could think of a more beautiful and right person to spend the rest of my life with” And with the the young child handed the now kneeling man a ring as some whooped and hollered, others recording as both [ ] and the girls mother had tears in their eyes “[ ] [ ], the love of my life, my butterfly, i couldnt think of a more beautiful person inside and out to be with, will you give me the honor and make me the happiest man on this earth to be my wife?” He asked as the ring was revealed, diamond glistening as his own tear filled eyes looked to hers. Thinking her voice would fail her she shook her head yes, causing the room to yell as she had her ring put on her finger , jumping to hug her standing fiance as they hugged and cried, video of the engagement spreading as he thought to himself ‘I can now have my family, my endless love with you my dear butterfly’
As their wedding came , all of their friends and family came, including the new found friends of the young Shiemi and her parents. The ceremony went though flawlessly, Shiemi being their flower girl as the newlyweds ran down the easel , heading for their limo as they herded for the reception. The family spoke on how happy they were from their marriage, friends giving their comments on how they knew the couple would get married as the couple laughed at some stories and comments about their relationship. The night ended with so much love and joy for the new couple, startint their life together\
Two years went by before valentines day came again, three years to the day he had proposed arrived. Happily and ready to celebrate Tamaki woke up to his wife missing, hearing her fumble in the bathroom. Heading to the room he was shocked to she her in a disarray , eyes foggy as she met his “Tama...i have a surprised” She said as her teras fell down her face. Confused and still a bit tired , he gave her a look as she handed him a blue and while stick. The word pregnant snapped him awake as more tears started to fall, handing him two and three more all with the same small but powerful word “Im..gonna be a dad?” He asked as she smiled, shaking her head as she hugged the trembling girl “T-tama i'm gonna be a mom..what if i'm not good enough…” She sobbed as he cooed her, kissing her lips as his tears fell with hers “You're gonna be great Butterfly, i promise, you're gonna be so so great” He said as his heart swelled feeling her lips against his ‘This...This is forever , a love i wished for...and i couldn't have asked for more of a way to live my life...i love you butterfly’
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
A toast to see that I finally got my motivation back
An Chisaki family au drabble.
The damn pillow
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"Oh my god yOU'RE HAVING A BABY?!" You smiled nervously as Miss Midoriya sended waves of tears at seing you with your blotches on and a cute baby bump.
She grabbed on your hands and stared in awe with teary eyes.
"(Y/n)-chan since you are this sweet person I have no doubts that this child will have one of the best mothers out there!"
"Thank you." You giggled, thanking the man from the fair as well for handing you the fruits you asked for "By the way, how is Midoriya-kun?"
"Oh wonderful! My boy just entered U.A!" Ink teared up again as you smiled.
You only saw Izuku once and he was barely a 9 years old kiddo. Yet Ink you encountered on some fairs or while grocery shopping. Despite knowing of the quirkless boy, you didn't questioned that he had gotten to U.A.
You weren't much a fan of that school, and now with a new Chisaki coming up? Heavens forbided that Kai knew some hero touched you. He was a very possevice and protective man in general, but since he knew of your pregnancy you lost count on how many times he had used the overhaul... unnecessarily...
"Oh, I am sad that I still dont get you nothing though dear." Inko put one of her hands up with a frown as you shaked your hands.
"Please is not necessary, for real. My husband is already spoiling his kid even without born!" You giggle as the woman frowned a bit before she gasped.
"I think I might have the perfect gift for you! Please, I'm sure it will serve just right, my house is near here."
"Uh... well." You looked up and saw Chrono only shrugging from the top of a building and drinking something. "I guess it wouldn't be too bad."
You followed the woman as you snorted at Hari following you by jumping on some buildings and through dark alleys.
Inko let you waiting on ther door before she extended a huge pillow.
"Congrats for the new baby! This is a pregnancy pillow I used when I was about to have Izuku." Her eyes softened at the mention of her son and you soon feel warm and fuzzy when you felt Kaito lightly moving as you carresed your belly. "It will help you sleep better!"
You grabbed with surprise at sieng that she was giving up something so emotional just to gave it to you.
"Thanks Midoriya-san." You whispered in awe and smiled at her. You bowed along with her as she waved from the door step. "Send a hi for Midoriya-kun for me!"
"I will! Please let me see your baby once too!"
You giggled as Kurono dropped by your side.
"You're friends wwith that lady?"
"Sorta." You sighed "We just tall casually in fairs and her son is quirkless like me so..." Chrono shrugged and accompanied you.
You had to wash it as soon as your husband saw that pillow in your arms and even despite that you occasionally saw him glaring at it.
You had to thank Inko later, because this pillow surely helped you sleep a lot better!
... well.
Someone wasn't as comfortable as you though..
Gosh how he wished he could just scretch his bare hand and destroy this thing.
It's been exactly four days since you brought that "pregnancy pillow" with you. He immediately scrunched up his face in horror and disgust at knowing you had accepted someone's else gift.
Although he didn't cared much at the start. The consequences came in night as always.
He wouldn't EVER admit he enjoyed sleeping close. Especially when he insisted to sleep only with occasionally butts touching... although he always woke up with you caged on his arms and chest.
Now, he always saw you with that damn thing on your arms. It made him feel very.... uncomfortable.
He knew he wasn't that much of an affectionate person but lower yourself that much to opting for hugging a pillow instead of him? It made a pretty nasty wound on his ego...
Due to his pride, he wouldn't just voice out loud. So it came to his mind to just hide the cursed thing on the compound.
He was smirking on the bed, hidding it beneath a book as you searched for the pillow with huffs and groans.
"Kai." You whined while crossing your arms with a pout "You seriously didn't saw that pillow? It helps easy the baby and for em to sleep better."
"I already told you." He closed the book with a smug yet collected look as he put it on the night stand. He looked at your distressed self and extended his hand for you "C'mon now angel. I wouldn't want the mother of my child not getting any rest for the night."
Just wheen you were about to get his hand, Rappa just barged on the door and without explanations threw the said pillow on Kai's face as he looked at you.
"My bad (Y/n) that was yours?" You gagged before Rappa yelped and ran away from a VERY infuriated kai with bare hands in aim of his head.
You looked with concern at them before you picked the pillow. You just shrugged and went back to sleep.
He had gotten back after half an hour, sweaty and hives all over his face and forearms. He glared daggers at the object in your arms as you nuzzled on it with a peaceful look.
"I curse you with all the plagues on this fucking sick universe." He whispered while pointing at the pillow before heading for the shower and once again not having a peaceful and slumber sleep.
The precepts always questioned how Overhaul got married with (Y/n) since they are polar opposites. But now it showed way too much.
You always greet them with a smiel and cheery face, even as pregnant, while Overhaul if they even dared to muster one word or whimper they would get overhauled or sended to the worst missions of the yakusa they would ever know.
Pops decided to put an end to it and just talk with the very much grumpy young man who almost broke the cup of tea due to how angry he was.
"Mind explaining me the reason why you've been acting this way?"
"I didn't get to sleep those few nights." He growled before almost hitting the cup of tea down on the coffe table.
"Oh? Why is that?"
"I need to get rid of that pillow." He muttered and the room went silent for a bit and Kai only arched his eyebrow at the burst of laughter Pops had at linking the dots.
"Bot just talk with your wife!" He said between laughter "Ever heard of that?!"
"And hurt my pride even more? No thank you." He growled whiel getting up "Thank you for the tea."
He entered on the bedroom. Checking twice to certificate himself that you weren't there. He got to the room, gloves already discarded as he picked the soft cushions of the pillow as he glared at it.
Just when he was about to overhaul the pillow your voice calling his name made him freeze.
"What are you doing?" You giggled as he only looked over his shoulder to you.
"This thing is infected." He made up a excuse as you snorted and got close to him.
"With what?" You arched your eyebrow as you saw on his gden orbs he was trying to make an excuse for it before he saw you laughing behind your hand "You're jealous of a pillow Kai?"
He glared at you with wrath as he threw the pillow over his shoulder.
"Forgot who you're married and talking to, dearest?"
"Sorry sorry!" You giggled and wrapped your arms on his middle as he lifted his own awkwardly in the air before lowering them, oen in your back while the other mindless carresed your baby bump with a dreamy sigh.
"I didn't want you to get out grouchy and grumpy because I was cuddling with a pillow." You cooed, nuzzling your face on his as he rested his chin on your head with a huff.
"Pardon me if I dont want my wife or child getting infected by an unknow sickness..." he scoffed before sniffing your scent before he sighed and let him have more of you, he just didn't crush you in his body right now because he didn't wanted to hurt his baby.
"I'm sorry~" you cooed while looking up at him as he rolled his eyes. Lowering his mask down to kiss you. Then again... and again.
"Just dont let yourself depend on a materialistic thing.... If you feel the need of hugging, then hug me.. if it's extremely necessary." He averted his eyes from you after breaking one passionate kiss as you widened your eyes in shock before softening them while pecking his cheek.
"You're such a softie when you want to daddy~" you giggled as the pink on his face grew as he tsked before he gently twirled you to lay on the bed as he settled between your thighs. Examinating you just like a doctor before smilling sadistically and propting your chin up by his two fingers.
"Let's see now if I am soft angel of mine... Careful down there brat." He whispered seductively before starting to trail kissed on your neck.
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Julie Egerton Ch.7: Baby Shower.
This is the 7th instalment of the Julie Egerton series. ===
Friday night was usually a special night for Julie because that meant that there was no more school for a couple days and because she and her parents had Friday night tea and a special treat. Tonight it was a biscuit. "Taron, why don't you spend time with Julie tonight. I'm really tired." Y/N said as she walked toward her husband. "You sure?" He asked. Y/N nodded her head and hugged him. "I love you babe." Taron whispered. "I love you too." She replied as she pulled away from him. She started walking away when she turned around. "T, make sure you tell Julie that you aren't coming tomorrow." Y/N said as he nodded. She walked upstairs to say goodnight to her daughter. "Julie, I'm going to bed so it's just you and daddy tonight." She said as she hugged the young girl. "Goodnight." Julie replied as her mother pulled away and walked toward her room. After that, the little girl ran downstairs to see her father placing tea and their biscuits on the coffee table. "What movie do you want to watch nugget?" He asked his daughter. The little girl plopped her small body on the sofa. "I don't know daddy." She said dramatically.  Taron laughed and shook his head at her antics. "Eddie!" Julie cried out loud. "Julie be quiet." Taron warned as he put the dvd in. He walked over to the sofa, sat down and pulled Julie on to his lap where he played with her hair.
By the end of the movie, Julie was now facing her father, staring at him. "What's going on in that head of yours baby girl?" Taron asked as he wrapped his arms loosely around her. "What are you going to wear tomorrow?" Julie asked and Taron felt his heart sink. "Well peanut that's the thing, I won't be there." He replied carefully. Julie broke out into giggles. "Are you trying to kid me daddy?" Julie asks through her giggles. Taron gave her a sheepish look.
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            (^^A/N: I know that this isn't a sheepish look but I like it.^^)
Julie looked at him in question. Still not getting that he was serious. "But why not daddy?" She asked hoping that he in fact was kidding. "Because Cariad, I have to work." He replied. "But it's Saturday!" Julie said, beginning to panic. "I know Jules but I can't change it." Taron responded. "Can I go with you? I don't want to be around all of you and mummy's friends and all their kids without you there!" She said as her eyes grew glossy with tears. Taron brushed her hair back softly. "Baby girl, I need you here to look after mummy." He replied. "Can you do that for me?" He continued as Julie let her tears flow as she cried loudly. She buried her little head into her father's chest. Taron hugged her and rubbed her back. "It's ok peanut. Just take a deep breath for me." T said as he kissed the top of his daughter's head as she continued to sob into him. Eventually, she calmed down enough to look up at him. "Will any of my family be there?" She asked. Taron smiled at her. "Yes. Your aunts and cousin and other family will be there." He responded.
Although she felt slightly better, she still wanted her father there. "Can you cancel work though daddy?" Julie asked just above a whisper. "No bug, I'm sorry I can't. I wish I could but I just can't." He replied as he rubbed Julie's back again. The little girl sniffled. "I'll stay in my room and pretend to be sick again." She said with slight stubbornness. "Baby girl, it won't be that bad. When I come home, you can tell me all about it. And you know that your aunts and cousin will take care of you while I'm gone." Taron explained. "I'm sacred daddy." She replied as her eyes grew glossy again. "I know you are sweet chip but I promise that it will be ok." He said and Julie nodded as she calmed down a little bit. "So why do you have to work on Saturday?" The bean asked. "Because the deadline for filming ends on Monday and we still have quite a bit to film." Taron explained. "Oh...Ok?" Julie said skeptically. Taron kissed her little cheek and looked at her with a warm smile. "Guess what?" He said with a hint of cheekiness. "What?" Julie questioned. "I love you so much, Bug." He said as he hugged and kissed her again. "I love you daddy." The little one replied as she laid her head against her father. "I'll miss you." She mumbled. "I'll miss you too Cariad." He said as he stood up and put Julie to bed.
The next morning Y/N was rushing around to get ready before everyone arrived. Taron had left about an hour prior and Julie was upset and just wanted everything to be over. "Julie, they're here!" Y/N called as she let her mother-in-law, Taron's sisters, her mother, her sisters, and her niece into the house. "You look beautiful." Rosie gushed. Everyone nodded in agreement. "Thank you sweetheart." Y/N replied. "Shall I go and get Julie?" Tina asked. Y/N smiled. "Thank you but I'll go her. Please make yourselves comfortable." She said as she walked to her daughter's room. Y/N softly knocked on the door. "Come in." Julie sniffled. "Oh sweetheart." Y/N said as she saw Julie's tearstained face. Julie ran to her mother and Y/N bent down the best that she could and wrapped her arms around the small child. "Can I stay here?" Julie asked after a few minutes. "No my darling. Nan wants to see you." She said, referring to Taron's mother. Julie shook her head as they pulled apart so that Y/N could stand up. "Come on. A hug from nan and grammy will cheer you up." The mother said as she took hold of the nugget's hand. They walked downstairs.
"Julie, you look beautiful." Lauren cooed. Julie hid behind her mother. "Thanks." She replied shortly. One by one, more people arrived and Julie went into full shy mode. She barely spoke two words and that didn't sit too well with an elderly lady by the name of Mrs. Jennings. "Hello dear. How are you?" The lady spoke as she sat down next to a fearful Julie. "Good." Julie said quietly. "Are you excited to be a big sister?" Mrs. Jennings asked again but this time Julie didn't respond. She just shrunk back and let out a small whimper. Rosie, Mari and Eilidh saw just how shy their niece and cousin was getting shyer by the second. "you are a shy little thing aren't you." Mrs. Jennings noted with some distain. Julie's eyes grew glossy once again.
The three girls walked up to their relative and whisked her back into the house and to Julie's room. "It's ok Oreo. You are safe now." Rosie said as she hugged her niece. "Thank you." Julie sniffled. "You're welcome." Eilidh replied with a smile. "Want to play a game?" Mari asked as she looked at the games that Julie had in her game cabinet. The other girls nodded their heads and decided to play Hungry Hungry Hippos. "how many did you get Julie?" Eilidh asked. Julie froze. "It's ok. Let's count together." Rosie replied as she and Julie counted. "Good job Oreo. You won!" Mari cheered happily. After a few more rounds, the girls decided to ask Y/N if they could watch a movie. Y/N agreed and told the girls that they could go into her and Taron's room to watch the film. The girls put Mama Mia in and for the rest of the shower, they sang, danced and laughed.
Once the shower had ended, the girls filed downstairs. "Did you girls have fun up there?" Y/N asked. Julie smiled slightly and nodded. "We watched Mama Mia." Julie announced happily. Y/N laughed and she and Julie said goodbye to everyone. "Thank you girls for looking after the jellybean." Y/N said as she hugged her niece and sister-in-laws. "It was fun today. Julie is a good kid." Rosie replied with a sweet smile. Before long, the house was empty except for the mother and daughter. "Want to help me make a plate of food for your daddy?" Y/N asked. Julie nodded and ran ahead of her waddling mother.
About an hour and half later, Taron walked through the door and Julie ran to him. "Daddy!" She screeched. "Hello love." He replied happily. "Where is mummy?" Taron asked as he placed the girl down. "On the sofa reading a book." She said as they walked to the lounge room. "How was your day Y/N?" He asked as he sat down next to her and pulled Julie on to his lap. "It was great but now that you are home, I think I'm going to go and have a bath. My back is killing me." She said as she struggled to get off the sofa. Taron lifted Julie off his lap and he stood up to help his wife up. "Thank you." She said as he pulled her up slowly. She gave him a quick kiss and made her way upstairs. "Well Cariad, looks like it's you and me." Taron said. "Yeah." She giggled. "Mum and I made you food in the fridge. I'll show you. " Julie continued as she grabbed his hand and led him to the fridge. Taron took the plate out of the fridge and walked to the table to eat. Julie sat across from him and while he ate.
When Taron was done eating, he and Julie went back to the sofa. Julie climbed into her fathers lap and face him. "Did you have fun with your aunts and cousin today?" Taron asked as Julie played with a button on his shirt. "Yeah. There was a mean lady but they took me to my room and we played a game and then we watched a movie." The little girl explained. Taron smiled with pride for what his sisters and Eilidh had done for his daughter. "What movie did you watch?" He asked. "Mama Mia." Julie replied simply. Taron burst out laughing and Julie just stared at him. "That's your favourite movie." Taron stated. "No butt nuggets!" Julie sassed seriously. Taron pulled one of his faces in mock offence.
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(^^I know that this doesn't really scream mock offence but let's just face it, his expressions are the best.^^)
Julie rolled her eyes at her father leaned into him. "I hate you daddy." Julie mumbled in annoyance. Taron gasped. "You hate me?" He asked sassily. Taron started to lightly poke at his daughter to make her laugh and when she didn't budge, he started to tickle her. Julie bursted out in laughter. "Stop." the bean squealed through her giggles. The pair carried on like this until Y/N came downstairs and the small family enjoyed the rest of the evening together.
Well there you have it, the seventh chapter of this series. I really hope that you enjoyed it. I am sorry for any grammatical errors and any other various mistakes.
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jacobseedz · 6 years
Wrong - Thranduil x reader
requested by; @lucacangettathisass (sorry, luv, for making you wait for so long, but as i told you tumblr ruined everything ;_; hope you like it, i tried my best! *insert smiling face emoji*) 
summary; you’re quite younger than Thranduil, many say you only use him for his money, power and throne. 
sindarin in italics -> translated at the bottom
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You were a quite young elleth, but mature in every other way. Your family was not royal, known or rich. Many people, elves, dwarves and other creatures only knew you from your work. Like making new robes, sewing, painting or even teaching elflings. 
 Once you were working on a new robe for Lord Elrond, when King Thranduil came into your chambers in Rivendell, saying he needed a new robe. It was the most awkward moment in your life, but definitely worth it as after some months of talking, drinking wine, you from friends became something much more. Of course your love blossomed so you decided to move into Mirkwood, staying within his Kingdom. It was an adventure to say the least. You, the lover of the King, nobody knew you, they give you questioning glances, but made way for their King nonetheless. You haven't stopped working, at times even helping Thranduils people. They all appreciated the extra help, and many grew fond of you. 
 On a special night, your anniversary, you asked to see his whole face.
 "No, Meleth, I do not want you to hate me." he said calmly, but his heart was beating like he just ran a marathon. 
 The only thing he was afraid of after his wife's death is your leave. You'd have nightmares, you'd look at him like he was a disgusting orc. However, you loved him too much, so you whispered sweet nothings into his pointed ear, assuring him you wouldn't ever leave him. It was quite strange to see two tears drop into his knees, but he showed you what the dragon did. 
After he turned your way he gasped, not understanding why you were still there, with him. You just smiled and wrapped your arms tightly around him.
Today was no other day like before. It was the meeting of the Kings. Thranduil was to arrive in Dale to discuss important stuff. The dwarf King, Thorin Oakenshield, survived the battle, giving Azog a brutal death. He took over the Lonely Mountain, many dwarves came back from far lands to their rightful home.
All three kings came to an agreement, that didn't mean they liked each other, but they did sometimes give each other good advice. Like a King to another King. Simple as that.
Thorin once saw you with Thranduil and instantly fell in love. He envied the Elven King for stealing your heart, though that haven't stopped him from trying to get you. 
"Thranduil, you must be careful, that she elf of yours must not be trusted." thorin warned, lowering his gaze to the other King that stilled.
"And do tell me, why is that?" he asked, walking again.
Thorin let out a quiet growl, not liking what he was about to say next.
"It's in her eyes, your throne, your power, your money. As you told me once, she came from a poor family, what do you expect then?" he breathed out, trying to sound genuine. 
Thranduil's brows furrowed, not knowing if he's lying or telling the truth. But why would he lie? Thranduil knew Thorin longer than you and every advice given to him was true, so maybe he is right... 
"Where is Bard, I don't have all day." he changed the subject, quite uncomfortable. 
The dwarf King knew he struck a spot, the Elf is considering his words. Oh how wonderful, Y/N will finally be his, that's all Thorin wanted. 
When Bard arrived, everything went back to normal. Thranduil traveled back to Mirkwood, where Legolas, his only son awaited him.
"Mae g'ovannen, Adar. I am glad to see you." Legolas smiled. 
Their father - son bond was renewed. Occasionally they trained together, went riding or got rid of the nasty creatures living in the woods. They both were happy, well, Legolas only disliked you, he'd like you to leave them alone. Only his mother was meant to be with Thranduil and no one else. 
So the only thing he could think of was lying about you, one would've thought Thorin agreed with Legolas on this, though they both hadn't planned destroying Thranduils relationship. The Prince bribed his fathers most trusted adviser and member of the council, to make the King banish Y/N from Mirkwood, forever. 
"Ah, Ionneg, how did your training go?" he asked casually, nodding to his people. 
"Very well, but there is one matter I would like to talk over." Legolas said, his cheerful tone changing to a cold one.
The Elven King had enough of talking, but seeing his son's gaze it must've been something serious. He eventually led Legolas to his chambers. 
Taking a deep breath, he started, "... you know, we all worry about you and want what's best. On the other hand we cannot do that with Y/N by your side," that got Thranduils attention, Legolas tried to contain his smirk.
"Landion saw her sitting on your throne, laughing ominously , like a witch that just seduced her victim. Y/N was talking about you, about taking your throne and kingdom. Ada, you can't let her." he pleaded, obviously that made Thranduil believe him.
His golden hair flew in the air, as he turned around. His icy blue eyes, piercing Legolas'. The Elf couldn't possibly think of you doing such thing. He saw the love, adoration in your eyes. Thranduil's hands trembled, his breathing hard. Closing his eyes he breathed out a 'ego', Legolas leaving right after. He was so lost.
Help me Valar...  
Later that day you came to your shared chambers, finished with today's work you were ready to relax. Walking in the dark room the only light came from the balcony and fire. Although you heard Thranduil you didn't say anything, thinking he was asleep.
"Y/N." said a raspy voice.
Thranduil sat on the love seat, near the fireplace. He held a glass of Dorwinion wine, right from Rivendell. Elves couldn't easily get intoxicated, especially Thranduil, as if he was alcohol-proof.
Taking a step forward, you replied, "Yes, my love?". Putting a hand on his shoulder you felt him tense up. For the first time in your relationship, your touch hadn't soothed him, quite the opposite.
He scoffed, ".. My love, tell me what were you doing in MY throne room?" he emphasized 'my'. 
Confused and tired, that was all you felt.
"Thranduil, I have been at work all day, what are you talking about?" he scoffed yet again, not pushing your hand off of him. He just rejected you and you don't know how to feel about that.
"Stop acting dumb. Legolas told me about your little scene. I'm not that thick as you thought. Get out of here, you witch." he spat, throwing the glass of wine onto the wall.
You shrieked, frightened of his odd behavior. The glass shattered, wine spilled on the perfect Elf-designed floor. Thranduil stood, towering over you. His icy glare did not soften, even watching your tears stained face. It only made more furious. 
"EGO MILBO ORCH!" that struck a nerve.
Your hand made contact with his cheek, the sound echoing in the room. It was quiet for a moment, before he said, "Get out of my Kingdom and never come back, witch." 
With that you left, tears streaming down your face, blurring your vision. Taking nothing you ran as fast as you could, just to be behind those gates, in the fate of the evil creatures guarding the woods.
The trip to Rivendell took you at least four days, fortunately you were a skilled hunter, so with a pained expression you ate a small bunny, fox or bird. On your way out of Mirkwood you haven't crossed roads with those nasty, six legged demons, you doubted you'd survive.
Lord Elrond was your regular customer, only letting you make his robes. Hearing the sad news from you, broke his heart. Not only did he give you food, but a place to live. Oh, how grateful you were, nearly squishing him in the tight embrace.
"My dear child, do not fear, for you love shall win over the dark. It just takes time to realize that." he said softly, rubbing your back as you sobbed.
"Th..thank you, Lord Elrond, for all of this." you rubbed your eyes, giving a weak smile.
Moving away from you, he whispered something you could not hear. All day you snuggled under the covers, trying to forget Thranduil and what he said, although your heart was still beating for him and always will.
A knock woke you up, yawning you stretched. Scrambling to the door, you opened it to face none other than Thorin Oakenshield himself. That was confusing, what was the Dwarf-King doing at your door...
"Good evening, my lady. I hope I do not impose?" he quirked his brow, a small blush on his cheeks though the massive beard made it nearly impossible to see. 
"Your highness, of course not, but what brings you to my chambers?"
He chuckled, embarrassed. "It is a fine evening, how about a walk, if you don't mind?" Thorin avoided your gaze. Sighting you tangled your arms together and wandered off.
Walking along the forest, a small lake found its way into your view. Awing, you let go of Thorin. The lake perfectly reflected the whole moon tonight. It was breathtaking.
 "Y/N, I wanted to tell you something for a while..." Thorin said, playing with his fingers from all the nerves. 
Not turning your attention, he continued, "The first time I saw you, i thought 'what an angel, i want her,' but I've never got the chance to talk with you, as you'd stay by Thranduils side-"
 "First of all, King Thorin," she spat, narrowing her eyes, now looking at him. "I am not some object you can possess, I also have feelings, but unfortunately I do not reciprocate yours. My love for Thranduil is strong and everlasting. You are not the first and last to hear this." you huffed, running back to your chambers, leaving a crushed Thorin.
Thranduil paced back and forth, Legolas told him everything after seeing his father heartbroken for some time. He didn't want that for him, it was selfish of him. The adviser that was paid to insult Y/N was no longer wanted in Mirkwood.
The Elven King was red from the anger, however he felt sorry for Legolas, understanding him in a way. And oh how bad he feels for his outburst, for saying the worst thing to you. It broke his heart into million pieces. 
Now, riding on his giant Elk, with five guards  galloping on their mares beside him, they were headed to Rivendell, for their future Queen and Thraduils love. 
You were siting on a branch of the largest tree in Rivendell, though at first it was difficult now you felt more confident. Observing the world from atop, you saw something moving, when it got closer you saw who that was. 
Groaning you still watched, of course Thranduil wants to insult you again, but you doubt he'd make an effort to travel from Mirkwood to Rivendell just for you. That was ridiculous. 
The King disappeared from your view, your heart was hammering, you missed him so much it hurt. Then again he popped up, now nearing the tree you were on. 
Dismounting the giant Elk, he looked up at you, with a frown. 
“Meleth nin, please, come down!” he shouted, worried of you falling. 
When he heard nothing, but still seeing you sitting there, watching his every move with those big, beautiful eyes, he tried again. 
“Y/N, I’m terribly sorry! Gi melin, my stars, my moon, my whole world!” 
“Nin gwerianneg.” you responded, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You saw him holding his own tears. 
Choosing to climb down you slowly and carefully pick each step. At last, your bare feet touched the wet grass. You felt Thranduils arms around you, holding tightly and never letting go.
“Forgive me, Y/N. I listened others and not my heart, but now that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, travel with you to Valinor. I want you to be my Queen.” he finished, breathing in the scent of your hair. He let himself cry, even in the presence of his guards. 
“I love you too, Thranduil, so so much. Never doubt it.”
He smiled, “I will never.”
You became the Queen of Mirkwood, and a friend to Legolas. He wasn't jealous anymore, more happy for his fathers joy. The people adored you too. 
A year later a new elfling came to the world, that day did not go without a celebration. 
Ionneg - son 
Ego - go
Gi melin - i love you
Nin gwerianneg - you betrayed me
Ego milbo orch - go kiss an orc
Mae g'ovannen, Adar - well met (basically ‘hello’), father
Meleth - love (as in ‘my love, darling’ etc)
Ada - dad, daddy (yikes the daddy word is nasty now)
OMG i hope its okay??
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niall-talk · 6 years
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You wanted everything to be perfect for today. You had planned this day for three weeks. It was hell keeping this news from him, but you wanted to wait for him to be home from tour before you shared the news. You had dropped subtle hints but he would not pick them up.
You had facetimed with his mother to get her Sunday roast recipe that Niall absolutely loved. He asked why you wanted that. “We never fix roast for the two of us.” Your husband of two and a half years questioned your sudden interest in home cooked family meals.
“It's your favorite meal your mother makes. Thought I might need to know it so it will be someone's favorite sometime.” You thought something might click but nope. He was to far into his golf highlights on the TV.
The dvd you had his audiovisual team fix for you was delivered the day before just like they had promised. You had set up a tee time for him and Willie. Niall questioned your reasoning for everything lately. No wine or occasional beer, different food choices “You been on a health kick lately. What's up with ya?”
“Nothing. Just trying to keep us healthy.” You added a little emphasis on the word us and placed a hand on your stomach. You had not started showing any sign of a bump yet. You had been blessed to not have any morning sickness just yet.
“And I love ya for that I do,but kinda miss my wine drunk wife at times.” He moved behind you and slid his bare arms around you sides and pulled your back to his shirtless chest.
You had a spatula in hand that you threatened him with. “If you make me burn these eggs I'm gonna beat you with this.”
“Umm sounds interesting,” he hummed as he kissed below your ear. He didn't play fair; he knew all your weaknesses and he was using two against you. Hugs from behind and the sweet spot behind your ear.
“You're a menace,” you turned your face to his and pecked a kiss to his cheek before you returned to work on the scrambled eggs. “Go on and get the plates please. Oh and a couple bagels for the mini oven.”
He placed one more kiss on your neck before he moved away from you. “Niall do this. Niall do that,” he chuckled as he tried to mimic your tone. “Starting to feel like Cinderella here.”
“Ok Cinderfella,” you were proud of your play on words there, “I think asking for two things is not too much.”
“Is it too much to ask,” he sang out his own lyric. You couldn't help the smile that brought to your lips. You loved to hear him sing anywhere anytime.
After breakfast was devoured Niall headed to your room to get ready for golf. You were in the closet to find an outfit for the day. He joined you as he dressed in his new Nike golf clothes. A gray pair of golf pants matched with a royal blue Nike top. “So what you got planned for the day?” He asked as you slipped on a burgundy top.
“Just some errands today. Going to the market and other boring things.” You tried to act like you didn't have most of the day planned out up to the minute he found out your secret.
You had left before Willie showed up to collect Niall for their day of golf. You had your list of Maura's ingredients for the roast. You checked it four times to make sure you had everything. Back home you set to work on the meal. You knew it had to cook slow and on low heat nearly all day. You facetimed Maura just to make sure that you were doing it right. She laughed at your intensity of making sure every chop and slice was perfect.
“What is going on dear?” She questioned with that motherly tone.
“Just wanted to make sure it was close to being as good as your roast. You know how much he loves it.” It killed you not to tell her. The only people to know were you, the doctor's office and the audiovisual guys. It was self inflicted torture but it would be worth it at the end of the day.
Niall had text you that he and Willie were going to stop for a couple drinks. You text back ok but don't be too long about it. That you had a surprise for him.
As you added the finishing touches to the meal you heard Niall come in. “Honey I'm home,” he loudly announced.
You couldn't help but laugh at him. “I can hear that Dear. In the kitchen.” You called out so he could find you.
He sniffed at the air a time or two and let out a hum like sound. “Smells good in here. What's in the oven?” He made his way to you and kissed your temple.
“Your mother's Sunday roast recipe.” You opened the oven door to show him. The heat and the aroma hit you both and it made even your mouth water. “Almost ready. You go wash up while i get things ready.”
He came back cleaned up and changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Hair a mess from where he had his cap on most of the day. “Looks like someone got a little sun today.” You kissed his nose as you walked past him to set the table.
“Ah maybe a little. It was a nice sunny day. Just right for a round.” He looked at the table and asked what the special occasion was.
“No reason. Just glad to have you home and want to spoil you a little.” You smiled fondly at your husband; soon to be father of your child.
At dinner you asked Niall what he thought about babies and kids. He laughed, “They are loud, very needy, they stink, and they cannot do a lot till they get older. They are slimy and have grubby little hands.” You could feel your stomach start to churn with sickness. He continued, “and I can't wait to have a liter with you.”
You felt the tension release from your body. “A liter? Really Niall? I'm not a dog or a cat. And I don't want to have that many at one time.”
“Where did this come from?” He asked as he finished his plate. “By the way. This was amazing. Thank you my love.” He leaned over and kissed your forehead.
“Thank you and you are welcome.” You were glad he liked it. “I don't know. I just had a check up at the Doctor the other day we we talked about stuff. How I'm not getting any younger ya know.” You lied.
“So you want a baby? Didn't know if we were ready for one yet.” He replied very nonchalantly. “I mean with me still making music and going on tours. I wouldn't be able to be here to help much when you need it.”
“I know Niall. Trust me I know how crazy and hectic our lives are. But like I said we're not getting any younger.” You stood to clear the table. He helped you and followed you to the kitchen.
“Don't be that way,” he stated. “You know I love ya and if you want a baby then we can work on that.” He placed a kiss to your neck.
“Hey I got you a surprise. It's in the dvd player. Why don't you go get it ready and I'll join you in a minute.” You kissed his lips before you pushed him away.
He did as you asked and you heard the beginning of the dvd. You gave it a few seconds and you heard him call for you.
“Yes dear?” You entered the room to see him with a big smile on his face. The tv screen flashed pictures of the two of you or ones you took of each other. Suddenly there was a cut to an old I Love Lucy clip. Niall looked up at you with confusion all over his face. The old black and white tv show didn't seem to fit with what he had been watching. Ricky read off and announcement: “Dear Mister Ricardo my husband and I are going to have a blessed event. I just found about it today, and I haven't told him about it yet. I've heard you sing a song called “We're having a baby. My baby and me.” If you would sing it now it would be my way of breaking it to him.”
Your eyes blur with held back tears as you wait. You watch Niall as it all sinks in. Ricky starts to sing the song and more pictures play over the song. Pictures of you and him then a picture of a positive pregnancy test. Niall sets there speechless and damn near breathless. Just before the song ends the classic I Love Lucy heart appeared on the screen. It filled in slowly with the following words; We Love Baby Horan. Underneath it reads due June 2019.
Without a sound or warning he is off the sofa and wrapped you in his arms. “Is this? Are you? I mean wow.” He was beside himself right now. He didn't know what to do or say. He hugged you closer and tighter. You heard a sniffle or two and that's when your waterworks started to flow. You cried and he looked into you eyes. He tried to wipe away the tears from your eyes but it was no use. “You are telling me that there is a little one in here,” he moved a hand to cover your stomach. You couldn't find your voice so you just nod as a strangled laugh comes out of your body.
He kissed your lips and whispered back, “I love you.” Then let go and got down on a knee and kissed your stomach. “I love you too little one.”
Niall pulled you into him, and you snuggled in as close as you could. You whispered out to him, “I love you.”
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duketheman · 5 years
Generation 4 Part 4
Skipping ahead seven months
Sunday November 24, 2019
"John Ross comes home for the Holidays"
It's 4:30am & I'm finishing up my cup of coffee & Mary is asleep as she's getting close to the Delivery date & I want her to rest. I'm sure she'll be up before I get back from the Airport with JR! His flight is scheduled to arrive at 6:00am & I'm being cautious as to have plenty of time to park & meet him at the gate! We don't miss Church, so we'll attend evening service tonight! It's 4:45am & I'm on my way to Miami International to pick up JR. Mary is so excited & as for Kellyanne, I've asked George to bring her to the house later! JR wanted to surprise her, so we didn't mention him coming home yet! It's 5:30am & I've arrived at the airport. I park in the Garage & walk across to the terminal to the arrival gate! I go to the coffee shop & purchase a Cinnamon Bun & a cup of coffee, sit down & wait for the flight to land! Ahh, his flight is landing! It 6:15am & late. But no matter, it's here, safe & that's what counts! The airport is just starting to get crowded Thanksgiving holiday & all! It's 6:40am & JR is just getting through Security! I tell: ~JR!!!!~ He sees me & walks towards in my direction. First words out of his mouth: ~Dad, how Kellyanne, God I miss her! Oh you to Dad, how have you & mom been, Is she showing big now?~ I reply: ~We've been fine & yeaaa! She showing real big son! Did Kellyanne tell you she's got a baby sister coming around the same time as you new baby
brother?~ He replies: ~Yea, that's something, isn't Dad! Weird but I like it. They can be best friends! Let's go home Dad, I really want to to see Mom. I miss her so much! Sometimes when I was down & stuck on something I thought I couldn't do; Mom encouraged me & told me I can do anything if I put my mind to it! Just like when I was a kid! She called me allot Dad!~ I reply: ~She's that way son. Always has been. She loves you more than anything! Let's go, she's probably awake & cooking us breakfast as we speak!~ We pick his bags out from the Baggage Carousel, left the terminal & walked across to the garage where my Beamer was parked! It's 7:55am & we're headed for home! We're pulling into our Driveway & it's 9:00am. JR darts for the house! He really missed his Mother! I get the bags & carry them into the house! I open the door & the two of them are hugging each other like it's been years! My wife is crying she's so happy to see her little man! I walk by them with the bags & carry them upstairs to JR's room! I smell food & I welcome it, I'm starving! She's got Bacon, sausage, Biscuits, white gravy, eggs & grape jelly on the table. Grape is JR's favorite! We have Orange juice, milk, coffee & apple juice for Mary. My wife says: ~You boys dig in now, while it's hot!~ Nobody has to tell me twice, I'm hungry! I'm finished eating, & I get up, pick up the table & clean everything up. That gives time for Mary to catch up with JR! Afterall, at 12:30pm, Kellyanne will be here & they're going to be spending an awful lot of time together! I'm done with the dishes, those two are still at it, so I go into the library & read up on seaman regulations! They're constantly changing! Wow, two hours & my eyes are killing me, I need a break! Doorbell is ringing, it 12:25pm. It's George, Lucy & Kellyanne! I invite them in & before I can say anything, Kellyanne sees JR. She yells out in Joy: ~John Ross! 'O John Ross, I didn't even know you were going to be here! When did you get in?~ He replies: ~I wanted to surprise you! I got in early this morning! I've missed you so much Kellyanne!~ She replies:
~John Ross, I've missed you terribly! I'm so happy you're home! How long are are you home for John Ross?~ He replies: ~ I have to leave on January 2, 2020. I'm here until after the Holidays!~ The go into the other room so they can talk! Man, I can't tell who's belly is bigger! Oh well, next month the new ones will be filling everybody's hearts with joy!
Skipping ahead to November 27
It's 7:00am & Mary, myself, JR, George, Lucy & Kellyanne are getting ready to board a flight to Valdosta Regional Airport Headed to spend the Holidays with my parents! Mary's Parents & Julia's Mother will also be joining us at the Mansion! We've checked our luggage & it's 7:30am. Our flight leaves at 8:00am & we're going through Security now! It's 7:55am & we're boarding the plane! The trip is expected to be smooth & take approximately 4 hours with 1 stop. We should be landing at about 12:00pm! I will be happy to see my parents & JR certainly will enjoy seeing all of his Grandparents in one place. This will probably be the last time he'll see his Grandma Rachael! She's been in poor health lately. I'm glad she'll have time with JR! It's 12:05pm & we're landing. We disembark the plane & run through Security. It's 12:45pm & we're heading towards the Baggage Carousel! The ladies are seated so not to put strain on them. They are just about a week from due date! My Father has sent a Limousine service to pick us up because of the amount of people! I spot the Chofer holding a sign with our name on it! I signal him to come & give us a hand! We get a Baggage cart & load the luggage onto it & head for the door. The Car is parked at the loading zone. We help the ladies in the we get in. The Chofer loads the luggage in the trunk! We're on our way to Madison County, just across the State line. About 30-35 minutes from here to the Mansion! It's 1:30am & we're pulling onto the Grounds of Newport Mansion! George says: ~Dang Harry, dis place be beautiful! I ain't neva seen a place be like dis!~ I reply: ~It's just a place to live George! Too big for me!~ My Parents are both outside waiting for us as we pull up! My Mother is quite famous for her Sweet tea & Lemonade! My Grandma Nippy's recipe! She welcome everyone. She kisses me on the cheek & my wife & says:
~We've missed you!~ She shakes the hands of George & Lucy & says: ~You're most welcome here, consider yourselves part of the family. My name is Candace, you may call me Candy!~ She looks at Kellyanne & says: ~Now, who do we have here child? Such a Beautiful young Lady!~ She replies: ~My name is Kellyanne Mam, Pleased to meet you! Mother replies: ~ So polite! Well then Kellyanne, you can call me Grandma if you wish. ~Now everyone, this is Charles, my husband Harry's Father!~ She turns to JR & says: ~Now John Ross, come here my boy & let you Grandma give you some love!~ He walks over to Mother & holds out his arms & my Mother gives her Grandson a hug to remember! She says: 'O John Ross, I've missed you so much! I'm so proud of you & I'm so glad you could make it & spend the Holidays with us!
Rachael, will be flying in tonight, Will & Laura are driving & should be here soon! Our family keeps growing! Now for you two expecting Mothers, arrangements have been made with Madison County Memorial Hospital! I have a Dr Jameson on call in case of an emergency! I believe your Doctor is Kleinpeter? Dr Jameson says that he knows him!
Dr Jameson has with your permission agreed to take over while you're here? Both Mary & Lucy simultaneously say: ~Of course, & thanks Mom, Mary adds!~ Mother calls for Huntington: ~Huntington, please show our guest to their rooms!~ He replies: ~Yes Mam, (looks at us) right this way please?~ George asks: ~Harry, a Butler, well day beat all! Dis place be Beautiful Harry!~ Mother says loudly: ~We've had a late lunch prepared for you, if you're hungry!~ I reply: ~Yes, thank you Mother, I'm quite
hungry!~ George adds: ~Me too, me belly be achin, really achin! Me be thirsty too! Harry, Rich people drink beer?~ I reply: Yes George, my Father was born in Texas. He enjoys a cold Bud once in a while! But he quite likes his Brandy!~ He replies: ~Me too!~ I leave my wife upstairs to change & come down to say a real hello to my Father: ~Hello Father, I've missed you!~ He turns to me & says: ~Son, I've missed you too! I'm so happy you came to spend the Holidays with us!~ He hugs me & says: ~ I love you Son!~ I've always been close to my Father! He's a Good man & has always done his very best for his family! I ask: ~Father, will my Sister & Brothers be joining us?~ He replies: ~Jaime had to make a choice! She's spending Thanksgiving with Bill's parents! They'll be joining us for Christmas! You're Brothers have to work through Thanksgiving because of some bureaucratic meddling! They'll be joining us this weekend!~ Everyone is coming downstairs, let's go into the Drawing room, Huntington will be serving a late lunch! Just some horderves & little stuff like that to hold you over until dinner.~ We all enter the Drawing room & Father asks: ~Drinks anyone?~ George is ready: ~Bud please?~ Father replies:
~Of course George, Would you be a Seaman by any chance my good man?~ aye, Me would Sir!~ Both our wives reply: ~Sprite if you don't mind?~ The kids have already got Coke! I request: ~Scotch on the Rocks~ In comes Huntington: ~Horderves!~ He's serving us one by one! Shrimp, Caviar, Olives, Rolled Ham, & other various treats! Kids ask him if he'd just make the a couple sandwiches & he happily agreed! We sat, enjoyed each other's company toasted the expecting Mother's & my Parents as well as Mary's & of course Rachael! It's nice being around family & friends. I'm really glad we made this trip!
4:00pm & Mary's parents just arrived from Raleigh, NC. They've got to be tired, that's at least a 11 hour trip; allowing stopping to rest & eat! Straight through, mmmmh, I'd say 8 1/2 hours! Either way, it's hard on them at their age! Mary & Mother & myself meet them at the car, & I get their luggage out of the trunk! Laura looks at her daughter & begins to cry out of happiness! She places her hand on Mary's belly, giggles & says: ~I can feel the little guy kicking in their!~ Mother walks up to Laura & says:
~Welcome my Dear Friend, we're so glad you could join us for the Holidays!~ She replies: 'O Candice, we appreciate you guys so much. I wouldn't miss it for the world, & besides; my Baby is having a Baby! Now where is John Ross?~ I reply: ~He's somewhere around here with Kellyanne!~ She replies: ~Kellyanne? Our Little man is not so little anymore, is he?~I reply: ~No Laura, he's in love!~ She remarks: ~Well, that sounds serious!~ I say: ~Yes, it is!~ Mary hugs her Father & kisses his cheek, hugs him again & says: ~'O Daddy, I've missed you so much! How have you & Mom been doing? Have you stayed well?~ He replies:~Yes my Dear, We've been well! I get quite bored with myself since I retired from the University, but it's worth it to spend more time with your Mother! We've missed you too!~ Candace he says: ~Where's Charles?~ She replies: ~Charles has gone to the Airport! Rachael's flight is scheduled to arrive at 5:00pm from Dallas! They'll be pulling in before you know it! Let's go inside?~ We all go into the Mansion & Mother calls for Huntington: ~Huntington, please show my Dear friends to their room?~ He replies: ~Yes mam~ She adds: ~Will, Laura, We'll let you freshen up! We can talk after!~ Huntington grabs their bags & shows them to their room! It's 6:00pm & Father's arrived with Rachael! Mother & I meet them at the car. I open the rear passenger door & help Rachael out. I hug her & say: ~Mom, I'm so glad you could make it! The Holidays wouldn't be the same without you!~ She replies: ~I almost didn't come Harry, I was hurting, but I want to see you & my Grandson one more time before I join my Baby & Jimmy in Heaven! Where is that boy?~ I reply: ~I'll find him for you Mom! He's around here somewhere, he doesn't know you're here yet!~ Mother asks: ~How was your trip Rachael? How are you feeling?~ She replies: ~The trip was fine Candy, I'm just a little tired! How are you doing?~ Mother replies: ~I'm doing pretty good for an old Lady! Come inside & rest, I'll have Huntington take your bags to your room!~ They go inside & I'm in search of my son! There they are, on the swing! I call out: ~JR! Your Grandma Marcantel is here! Go see her!~ He replies: ~Grammy's here, come on Kellyanne, you'll just love her!~ He takes Kellyanne by the hand & heads for the house to see his Grandmother! She has pancreatic cancer & it's spread beyond control! There's no more they can do! This is the last time he'll see her! She's all that's left of Julia besides my son! I go back to the house & go inside! Everyone is sitting in the Drawing room talking & getting to know each other! I ask George: ~How's it going Buddy, enjoying yourself?~ He replies: ~aye Harry, ya be havin a huge family ya be Harry! Me like very allot!~
It's 7:00pm & Huntington announces: ~Dinner is being served in the Dinning room!~ We all go towards the Dining & are seated! George's eyes have doubled in size! I haven't seen this table filled in years, since my Wedding! The food looks Delicious. Tomorrow is the Big one, Thanksgiving! Mother goes all out! We finish dinner & retire to the Drawing room. It's 9:00pm & my Father offers drinks. The kids are drinking soft drinks. The ladies all, except for Mother, request just water. Rebecca needs to take her meds. The remaining four of us have Brandy! We sit & visit & we are truly family! It's 10:00pm & we're all tired! Rachael calls me over & whispers to me: ~Harry, please take me to see my Julia in the morning?~ I reply: ~Of course I will Mom! First thing.... We say Goodnight & retire to our rooms respectfully! My poor Mary, her legs are swelled up, so I run her a warm bath. I wash her back for her, I love pampering my wife! I take a shower & we both get into bed. I rub her legs for her to make them feel better! We lay down & I put my arm around her, resting my hand on her belly! I can feel the baby moving around inside of her, God is Good! Goodnight all!
Thursday, November 28
Thanksgiving Morning
Julia's Grave
It's early, 6:00am, & My son & I are up drinking coffee! The others are still sleeping. I promised Rachael that I would take her over to the East side of the property to see Julia's grave! JR wanted to come along to see his Mother's grave & asked if he could come along! It's 7:00am & Rebecca has come down stairs. I ask: ~Coffee mom?~ She replies: ~No, but thank you Harry! Coffee doesn't agree with me anymore. Maybe some juice diluted with water?~I reply: ~Sure mom, Apple juice okay?~ She replies: ~That will be fine Harry, Thanks!~ She takes out this pharmacy of medication out & begins to take them a few at a time! She asks: ~Harry, can I have a piece of toast, no butter? Just to settle my stomach!~ I reply: ~Sure mom, I'll fix it for you now!~ I give a plate with toast & she nibbles on it until it's gone! 
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It's 8:00am & I borrowed my Father's car! We're enroute to the East side of the property where our Family Cemetery's located! It's about a twenty minute drive. It's 8:25 & we've arrived at the cemetery. I help Rachael out of the car & the three of us walk over to Julia's grave. Rachael puts her hand on the Gravestone & talks to her daughter with tears in her eyes: ~I'll be with you & your Daddy soon Baby! We all miss you so much! John Ross is here! He misses you too Julia! But he's doing fine! You'd be so proud of him, he's grown into a fine young man!~ She closed eyes and said a prayer. JR took hold of her hand & prayed with her. He said: ~I love you Mom, I've never forgotten how you use to hold me! I never will Mom, I promise!~ I too had my own private talk with Julia, I shall keep to myself! Rachael asks: ~Harry, what a beautiful Headstone! I've never quite seen one like this before!~ I reply: ~Julia always loved the Dolphins! I only thought it right to have them watch over her!~ She replies:
Thank you Harry for that! She always thought they were the true Mermaids of the Sea! She had a whole shelf full as a little girl!~ I place an array of Julia's favorite flowers on her grave! I say: ~Mom, you know we all love you. You know JR & I love you. My Parents love you! Mom, we'd like to move Dad from Shreveport & lay him to rest beside Julia with your permission! Mom, we've a spot here for you too! She's got tears in her eyes & replies: ~Harry, we have nobody in Shreveport! Yes, of course you have my permission! Harry, our Julia loved you very much! God Bless you
Harry!~ We get back in the car & ride back to the Mansion! Throughout the day we all had time to catch up. Later that evening......
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Thanksgiving Dinner
Huntington rings a bell: Dinner is being served! May I offer my Heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Mother announces: ~Today is Thanksgiving Huntington, & you are considered part of this family. You'll be eating with us tonight Huntington!~ He replies: ~Yes Mam, thank you mam!~ I've never seen Huntington smile before, but he's smiling now!
The twelve of us all go to the Dining room & are seated as such: Mother & Father at each end. Rachael is seated on Mother's right & Huntington on her left. Kellyann is seated next to Rachael & JR next to Huntington. Lucy is seated next to Kellyanne & her George next to JR. Mary's Mother is seated next to Lucy & he Father is seated next to George. Mary is seated on my Father's left & I on his right! My Father says Grace over the Thanksgiving Feast. Amen. The table is set in a Formal matter & with a Feast fit for Royalty, everything anyone could imagine. My Mother always does it right!
We eat drink & be Thankful for the food, love of Family & all God has provided us! God is Truly Good! God Bless us all!
We're finished with dinner & all retire to the Drawing room for Drinks & conversation! Mother decides that it's time that we put some Christmas music on! Tomorrow she will be putting up a tree! She has a 21ft Douglas Fur being trucked in from Atlanta in the morning.
We're singing Christmas Carols, we've only 27 days till Christmas! It's 11:30pm. Rachael looks tired. She needs to rest, I help her upstairs to her room! She's in pain & I ask: ~Mom, is there anything I can do?~ She replies:
~No Harry, It'll pass! I just need to rest! Thank you Harry, for everything! I reply: ~Goodnight Mom, Sleep well!~
I go back downstairs & join the rest of the Family! It's 1:00am & we decide to end the night & retire to our rooms.
Mary's Water Breaks!
We say our Goodnights & go upstairs. While in the bathroom, Mary calls me in: ~Harry, it's time,my water broke!~ I reply ~Darling, it's too early!~ I'm quite anxious by now! She has a bag ready & I proceed to take her downstairs, only stopping to knock on Mother's door to let her know & Mary's parents, who's wanting to accompany us. They'll drive since their car is here! Mother's calling Dr Jameson to meet us at Memorial!
We make Madison County Hospital & its 2:15am. Professor Covington drops us off at the Emergency entrance & I grab a wheelchair & wheel Mary in. I'm going out of my mind & Mary is cool, calm & collective. We get her admitted & Dr Jameson arrives. He examines her & says: ~How are you doing young lady?~ Mary replies: ~I'm having a Baby!~ He turns to me & asks: ~Your the Father, Are you going to be in there with her~ I reply I can be there too?~ He replies ~Yes, of course, better hurry & get ready! She's almost fully dilated, it won't be long! He tells the nurse to have me wash my hands, get me a gown & mask. He has Mary get in a gown & lay on a gurney. The wheel her I to the delivery room & I follow. They transfer her to a Delivery table. The Dr asks: ~Want an epidural?~ She replies: No Doctor, I want this to be natural!~ The nurse says: ~She's fully dilated Doctor~ He replies: ~Good, I want you to breathe!~ I'm watching this as he reaches between her legs, gently grasp this little head coming out of my wife!
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Friday November 29, 2019
Time of Birth: 4:11am
Harry Jr. 7 lbs 13oz
He's crying as he comes out. I always thought they had to swat the rear end. I'm evidently wrong! He hands him to the nurse who places him on my wife's belly as he cuts the umbilical cord & cleans the fluids out of his mouth & nose! They wrap him in a blanket & hand him to me, while they clean Mary up! He's perfect & healthy & his Mother his okay too. God is Good, thank you Lord!
They're done cleaning her up, I kiss her & say:
~I love you Mrs Newport, he's perfect. ~ She replies: ~'O my Harry, I love!~ They hand her the baby & she's as proud as she can be! She crying & says: Harry: ~His name is Harold Joseph Jr.!~ She named him after me!
They tell they're taking her to the room & will let me know when I & the Grandparents can come in! I go to the visiting room & give Mary's parents the news. They are ecstatic that they have a new Grandson. It's 5:30am & I call my Mother. I spoke to JR & told him he has a new baby Brother. Everyone is excited to hear the news & are making ready to come to the Hospital. It's 8:00am, my parents, JR & Kellyanne arrive to visit Marry! The Baby is in the Nursery for now & can be viewed through a window. George & Lucy will visit later when I come back to the Hospital! Rebecca is not feeling well & is resting in her room. Mother has hired a nurse to stay with us as long as Rachael needs her! It's 10:00am & I kiss my wife, tell her I love her & I need to go get a couple hours rest & check on Rachael! We'll ride home with my parents & I'll return this afternoon. We head home & Mary's parents will follow so she can get her rest. We get home, it's 10:50am. I go upstairs to check on Rachael & find she's in pain. I ring for the nurse & she explains that she just gave her a shot of Morphine & anymore would be dangerous! She get some cool towels so to bring her temperature under control. I ask: ~Mom, how are you doing?~ She replies: ~It'll pass son, thank you~ She told me to get the envelope out of the Nightstand next to the bed: ~Harry, that letter gives you my Power of Attorney to handle any & all my business if necessary! I'm leaving the house to John Ross! It's his Mother's Childhood home! Please see that it's taken care of?~ I reply: ~Mom, you're not going
anywhere!~ She replies: ~Sure Harry, please do as I ask?~ I reply: ~I will Mom!~ The Morphine's doing its job & she falls asleep! She's a good woman & when she's gone, JR's only link to Julia will be too! He loves his Grammy & she loves him! Cancer took Julia, her Father & now it's taking Rachael!
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The Christmas tree’s Delivered
It's 11:35am & The delivery truck is here from Atlanta with the Christmas tree. Beautiful tree Mother has them bring it into the house & set it up in the Grand Foyer. She loves to go big! I'm going to lay down for a couple hours so I can get back to the Hospital! It's 2:30pm & I'm headed back to the Hospital, George & Lucy are accompanying me! Lucy's looking pretty tired & I hope she's okay! George is getting excited about having another child! It's 3:00pm & we arrive at the Hospital! We park, go inside & we pass Mary's parents on the way out! Laura says: ~The Baby is perfect Harry!~ Professor Covington adds: ~Yes he is, congratulations my boy! We're going back to the house. See you there!~ I reply: Thanks, I just want you to know, I'm really glad you could be here! Talk to you when we get back!~ We go up to Mary's room, she's breastfeeding the baby! George is immediately embarrassed so she covers he breast & he relaxes! Lucy say: ~How are you feeling Mary?~ She replies~ Alls well Lucy, the baby's healthy & is a perfect little guy! He looks like Harry~ She smiles & winks at me! I'm so happy they're both okay! Mary asks Lucy: ~How are you Lucy?~ She replies: ~Oh, I'm Ooooo, ahh, I'm doing, ohhhhh, George: I think it's time~ as she holds her belly... George replies: ~Time for what me luv? Oh, Oh naw, now?~ He runs out in the hall yelling for a nurse. Lucy calmly walks out & sits in a wheelchair. Mary says: ~Go with them Harry, until he settles down! I'll be fine, not going anywhere!~ I tell George to settle down, & I ask the nurse to call Dr Jameson! Lucy's water just broke & now George is frantic: ~Calm down George, everything is fine. That's supposed to happen! Weren't you there when she had Kellyanne?~ He replies: ~Me wasn't here Harry, Navy, on a
Ship!~ I reply: ~Okay old man, everything's good!~ He settling down, Doctor's here & he takes her into the exam room! Been fifteen minutes & the Doctor comes out & asks George: ~It's time Mr Richards, coming?~ I say: ~Go with the nurse George! She'll show you where to wash your hands!~ He replies: ~Fer what? I reply: ~So you can be in there with her!~ He replies: ~Me, in der, me can be wit me Lucy? Ohhh, Okay, Me be seein ya Harry!~ He looks awfully nervous, I sincerely hope he doesn't faint! I tell him to let me know when the baby comes. I go back to my wife's room, she's holding the baby! She hands the little guy to me. He's grabs my pinky finger. His grip is strong. Just like when JR was born! I'm holding a miracle in my arms, a new life. I'm worried about Rachael too, I don't think she's got long. She says she's ready, she wants to be with Julia & The Rev!.......
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Friday, November 29, 2019
Time of Birth: 7:03pm
Anabel 6lbs 2 oz
It's 7:15pm & George comes into the room: ~Me little girl be born at 7:03pm. She be Beautiful Harry, but Me need a beer!~ I ask: ~What's her name George?~ He replies: ~Anabel Josephine Richards, after me Mum!~ I reply: ~That's a Beautiful name George, is she in the Nursery?~ He nods his head Yes, & we go to see the Annabelle! She's really quite a beautiful baby. George says: ~She got me mum's eyes~ I reply: ~She's Beautiful George, Congratulations old man!~ He replies: ~Well then, Me be thankful to God, & Harry, ifin ya not be mindin, Me & me Lucy be wantin fer ya & ya Mary to be da Godmuder & Fadder, dat is, ifin ya not be mindin?~ I reply: ~George, we will be honored!~ Next he takes me to see Lucy, she had a rough time of it. She went natural too, but was in labor four hours! She's doing well now! George says: ~Me neva see nuttin like it Harry! Dat der Doctor reach down der & he pull me little girl out! Harry, she be so little, when I be holdin her, be like a bird! Awhh Me be Lovin her Harry & me Lucy too!~ I reply: ~I know old man! You call Kellyanne yet & tell her she's got a new Baby sister?~ He replies: ~Nay, Me ferget Harry! Me do now!~ I tell him I'm going back to Mary's room, there's only twenty minutes of visiting time left. Both our wives need to get their rest. Mary & Harry Jr are scheduled to be released tomorrow. I'm back in Mary's room. The nurse just gave me a ten minute heads up! I say: ~Darling, you sure gave us a Beautiful baby. I love you with all my life!~ I kiss & hold her in my arms for a minute. It's 9:00pm straight up & the nurse reaffirms it by telling me, Visiting hours are over. I say thanks, kiss my wife & tell her I will be here at 8:00am to sign her & the baby out! I meet George out in the hall, head downstairs & to Father's car! We head back to the Mansion. It's 10:00pm & we arrive, followed by my sister Jamie & her husband Bill Langley. They drove in from Little Rock! We step out of the car & greet them. I introduce George & fill them in with the news. Been a busy last couple of days. Jamie asks: ~How is Mary & the baby?~ I reply: ~They're doing well & Jamie, Little Harry is absolutely perfect!~ She hugs me & kisses me on the cheek: ~I'm glad Harry, you two deserve all the happiness in the world!~ Then she turns to George & says: ~How are your wife & baby doing?~ He replies: ~Good, me be thankin ya fer askin~ We go I to the house & our parents are waiting for me. They didn't know that Jamie & Bill were coming in tonight? Mother sees Jamie, & is surprised: ~Jaime, I wasn't aware you were coming in tonight! She hugs & kisses her hello, hugs Bob, he's a man of few words! Jaime sees Father, & like a little girl, runs into his arms: ~Daddy, 'O I've missed you Daddy! How have you been?~ He replies: ~Quite well Jaime! I've missed you too! I wish we could see more of you!~ They hug & my sister is reluctant to release him. She's always been a "Daddy's Little Girl". Mother calls for Huntington: ~Huntington, please show my Daughter & Son in-law to their room?~ He replies ~Yes Mam! He takes their bags & shows them to the room! Mother says: ~Tomorrow's the first day of December Son! Everyone will be here, the girls will be home from the hospital & we're going to decorate the tree!~ I reply: ~Yes Mother, I'm bringing Mary & the Baby home tomorrow morning. Lucy & their little one should be getting the next day! Right George?~ George replies: ~Right, Sunday!~ Mother replies: ~Good then, this is so wonderful, I just love Christmas time! God has graced us once again with two new lives, what can be better than that?, Goodnight you two! We tell my mother Goodnight & she goes upstairs! My Father says: ~You both look like you can use a drink! I reply reply: ~Scotch please Father?~ George replies: ~Me too, please, Me be thankin ya fer it Sir!~ My Father says: ~Very well~ He pours us both a Scotch on the rocks. We toast each other, drink our drinks & say Goodnight! Its been a long couple of days but we're Blessed!
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
The Battle Between Love and Fire-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Chapter Thirty-One: Showing
Requested by @a-mess-of-fandoms
Chapter Thirty
Word Count 1.7k
Warnings: fluff, slight angst
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In two weeks time, you will officially reach your second trimester with this little miracle of yours. Your belly is fairly small but it slowly grows bigger each day that follows. Hvitserk said last night that he thinks that you are getting pretty big but you just do not feel big. Ivar said the same thing to you this morning which is making you excited for the weeks to come. You know that the siege is getting closer and closer but you no longer have fear in your gut. Now, you just feel power and the need to fulfill this mission. Not only for you and your unborn child, but for the people of Wessex, for your friend and for your mother. You can feel that she is proud of you. You can feel her warmth and you can see her smiling down at you. She has to be so proud. Ivar certainly is. He has been bragging to the people of Kattegat about how strong their queen is. He did not tell them about the weapons of course. He only complimented you on how brave and courageous you have been since day one.
Today, you are going to help the boys and your people do the finishing touches in the village and then the rest of the day should be peaceful. Hvitserk handled sending the news to Rollo: you all had to retrieve deadly weapons from Wessex. Therefore, the siege is pushed from being 5 days away, to being 12 days away. Since Rollo is traveling from France to Scandinavia, it will take him 5 days to even arrive here in Kattegat let alone traveling to Wessex which will take him and his men 10 days. You are sort of relieved to have more time to be at home and to have some sort of a relaxing period before you have to try to overthrow your father. 
The husband of the woman that stabbed you and almost caused your total demise, has been helping you for the past hour or so. 
"How have you been, my queen?" He asked.
"I have been alright, and you?"
"Stressed. I worry for you and the king's safety in Wessex." He said, putting down a piece of wood into the snowy gravel.
"You do not need to fear. You and your family will be safe here." He looks at his cabin and sees his two children sitting down by the front door.
"I understand that Y/n, but you are still my queen. I support you as such. And I do not wish for you to get hurt more than you already have." He said, gazing at your chest. You notice that your gray cloak has been opened slightly from the wind so you quickly cover yourself.
"That was not your doing-"
"Yes but it was my wife's doing. Therefore I take responsibility for her actions now that she is no longer here. I can't apologize enough, my queen. I wish that I was there to stop her but I was at home with the kids-"
"I know, I know. No need to apologize but I accept it anyway. Your wife was a troubled woman with hatred in her heart. Unfortunately, she acted on that hatred."
He nods in agreement, "Yes," he picks up more wood, "I must say, you look good for being deceased for a few moments." 
You chuckle, "Thank you, I suppose."
"I also have to point out that you are glowing."
He points at your belly, "You have gotten bigger!"
"Oh!" You giggle, placing your hand over it.
"I have come to realize that I have not congratulated you and Ivar..congratulations." he said with the most genuine smile.
"Thank you kindly." You halt when you feel a pair of hands wrap around your waist.
Ivar "What are we talking about here, huh?"
"I was congratulating Y/n..she has grown quite a bit!"
Ivar "Ah yes, well we thank you."
"Of course."
Ivar "My love, can I have a moment?" You nod and he takes you behind a cabin. "Did he touch you?"
Ivar "What all did he say to you?"
"He apologized for his wife's actions. Then, he said that he is worried for our safety when we travel to Wessex. And then he congratulated me."
Ivar sighs, "I apologize for being blunt but I do not trust him, my love." He said, pulling you into his chest so that he could kiss your forehead.
"I can tell Ivar. But he has shown his loyalty to the both of us. He is not his wife."
Ivar nods "Alright princess. Go on and take a break, huh?"
"Okay, I will be with my dragon's if you need me."
Ivar "Good, I love you sweetheart."
"I love you more."
Greeting your babies is always the most adorable part. You walk up to them and hold you your hand for them to place their snouts in. When they engulf your smell, their eyes start to glow and their energy radiates off of the love that they have for you. 
"Hey buddy." Ryuu places his snout to your hand and then he gets excited like always. "Are your bellies full?" You say to the three of them. Before you came over, they were all about to take their nap of the day after feasting on large animals. 
"Neith, baby...come say hi!" She walks over to you but instead of sniffing your hand, she sniffs your belly. She goes to the extreme of rubbing her whole face over your stomach. You take this opportunity to rub her enormous face in adoration. "Oh you spotted the belly too, huh?" She squeaks and pushes so hard against you that you lose your balance and fall down. It did not hurt but Hvitserk noticed you on the ground and Neith hovering over you and his instincts kicked in. 
He ran over, too fast. Alerting the dragons to protect their mother. They tensed up, getting ready to attack but you luckily hollar in enough time before Hvitserk was killed. He looks up at them in pure terror.
"He's not a threat! It's Hvitserk, you know him! It's okay!" They look at him and then down at you. Eventually backing away from Hvitserk. He looks down at you and then picks you off of the ground.
Hvitserk "You okay? I saw her push you and I panicked." Neith tries to put herself in between you and Hvitserk, while Eldr and Ryuu circle around so that no one else can touch you.
"I am perfectly fine. She noticed how much I have grown..she got excited."
Hvitserk "Oh alright. Thank you for saving me just then." He chuckled.
"Oh yeah, anytime!" You both laugh.
Hvitserk "My life flashed before my eyes.."
"I wouldn't have let them harm you, Hvitserk. They just thought that you were going to harm me, so they got protective."
Hvitserk "Nonetheless I am glad that they protect you."
"Me too." Hvitserk lets you go and walks closer to your dragons and raises his hand up for them to sniff him, which they do.
Hvitserk "There..you see. I mean no harm to your mother. She is carrying my daughter, I love her just as much you three do." Neith's eyes gloss over as if she was about to cry. Ryuu and Eldr relax a ton and then end up lying down for their nap. Ivar joins you and Hvitserk and takes your hand.
Ivar "What has happened? I heard you yelling!"
"Hvitserk saw me lose my balance and came running...Ryuu got protective. Everything is fine now."
Ivar snickers "Oh okay..what is wrong with you, huh...dear brother?"
Hvitserk scoffs, "I thought that something was going on and the dragons changed...I didn't want them to hurt her. If you saw it how I did, you would've done the same thing, Ivar."
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Ivar "You are right." He wraps his arms around your belly and Eldr takes notice. He tenses back up and gets close to Ivar. You put yourself in between him and Ivar and you place your hand on his snout.
"He is not hurting the baby, Eldr. He is just holding me...calm down boy." He huffs and lays back down. 
Ivar looks at you, concerned "What is wrong with them? They know us."
"They see my belly. They are protecting their mother."
Hvitserk leans down and kisses your cheek,  "How sweet." He walks back to the village and continues to work. You lean into Ivar and he smiles down at his beautiful wife.
Ivar "I can just see why your dragons are so protective." He places his hand on your belly.
"I know.."
Ivar "You are not happy?"
"Of course I am, my love! I am just going to be even more happy when I reach my next trimester."
Ivar "Oh yeah?"
"Mhm." He leans down and kisses your lips. 
Ivar "Let's go inside and get warm." You walk hand in hand, back inside your home.
When you go inside, Ivar takes you to yours and his chambers. When he closes the door, you sit down on the bed. 
Ivar snickers, "You wish for me to join you, princess?"
"Is that really a question that you are asking me?"
Ivar "No, I suppose not." He says as he walks over to you, ducks down and kisses your lips. Your eyes flutter closed once his lips come into contact with yours. The hold he has on you, you feel like it will never go away. The way he makes you feel, it is as if your head is above the clouds. 
Ivar "How about we spend the remainder of the day in here, hmm?"
"Ivar, it is only 2 in the afternoon.."
Ivar "And?" He says kissing you again.
"And nothing.."
Ivar "That is what I thought, princess." His hands slowly start to undress you and you do the same. Needless to say, the remainder of the day was filled with absolute pleasure. Today was eventful but in a different type of way and there was a lesson learned: don't get too close to the mother of dragon's.
This was so much fun to write! Thank you @a-mess-of-fandoms for requesting it! If any of you would like to request a chapter, feel free to message me or send me your request in my inbox!
@hvitserkmarcosource @youbloodymadgenius @heavenly1927 @saldelys @ivarsgoddess @readsalot73 @ivarzeitgeist @herestherealproblem
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alexhogh7137 · 4 years
Rule The World With Me-
Ivar the Boneless × Reader
Story Summary: Ivar travel's to Kiev to escape his brothers, where he meets you and hopes that you will be his queen.
Chapter Sixteen: Ubbe comes to Kiev
Chapter Summary: Ubbe and Torvi come to Kiev and the threat is made clear so Hvitserk helps you train.
Word Count 2,538
Warnings: none (will change in the next chapters)
You wake up before Ivar today. The sun is barely shining when you get a burst of energy. You decide to put on your auburn shawl over your nightdress to take a walk outside. You take one last look at Ivar before you sneak out the door. You still have to pinch yourself that he is your husband, he is damn near close to being perfect. The sun is barely peeking through the windows and it is coming in on Ivar's abs, defining them beautifully. His hair is messy from sleep and his lips are slightly parted. You smile at yourself and then walk out the door. You tiptoe past Hvitserk's room so you don't wake him as well. You walk past windows on your way to the door and it looks so inviting outside. You unlock the double doors and the fresh breeze hits you in the face. You instinctively inhale the cooling breeze as it washes over you. A worker looks up at you with shock on her face and she walks up to you.
The woman "Why are you up so early, my queen?"
"Oh! I just have a burst of energy. Can't sleep any longer." She nods and looks down at your belly and smiles.
The woman "you are growing, ma'am."
"I know. I can't wait to feel the baby start kicking!"
The woman "you will start to the feel the baby during your second trimester. You are only a little over 2 months along, so you will feel the baby around 4-5 months."
"Thank you for telling me that!"
The woman "I was shocked to see you out here! Yesterday your morning sickness was terrible."
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"Yeah I know, I guess the baby wanted to give me a break this morning. If you'll excuse me ma'am, I'll be in the woods if you need me, okay?" She agrees and you start to head towards the woods. The tree line is your favorite place to be. You feel one with nature there. Seeing all the birds fly above your head, see the squirrels and bunny rabbits run by your feet, and sometimes you get lucky and stop a deer. You look over at a tree branch that had something growing out of it. You walk over to it to find out that there was a little flower trying to grow! The first sign of spring is close by and you can't wait for it to finally arrive. The winter's here in Kiev are very brutal and the storms have been rough so to see a flower trying to bloom is warming your spirits. You walk further into the woods and you can hear what sounds like horses coming from your land hand side. You spot the horses trailing a carriage and you can't quite make out who is inside. Fear of it being Prince Dir, you start to run back to the palace. When you get closer to the door, you see Hvitserk running out of the doors in a panic. You run towards him and he immediately looks relieved when he sees you.
Hvitserk "Y/n! What-where...where were you?!"
"I-I was in the woods." He grabs your face and pulls you into his chest.
Hvitserk "I thought the Prince came without us knowing and took you-don't do that ever again….okay?"
"Yeah..I'm so sorry I-I just got a burst of energy and wanted to take a walk in the woods. But Hvitserk...there's someone coming!"
Hvitserk "It's probably just my brother Ubbe and his wife Torvi...I sent for them yesterday remember?"
"Yes but….they are here already?"
Hvitserk "I said that it was urgent...Ubbe doesn't mess around." You hear Ivar's crutches come from behind him. 
Ivar "WHERE IS SHE?!?" You move over so that Ivar can finally see you.
"I'm right here."
Ivar "My gods Y/n...don't scare me like that!"
"I just wanted to take a walk, I'm sorry Ivar." He grabs your face and pulls you in for a quick kiss.
Ivar "it's okay, my sweet. I'm not mad at you, I was just scared."
Hvitserk "And my brother...never gets scared."
"I am sorry. I just got a burst of energy this morning and wanted to take a walk in the woods, the folk knew where I was if that makes you feel any better."
Ivar "It does, but they can't protect you like Hvitserk and I can. You know that."
"I do...I won't do it again."
Hvitserk "just...tell us first. You have your freedom Y/n, we just don't like not knowing where you are especially if there is a threat coming, yes?" 
"Yes-" the sound of horses came into your gates and Hvitserk runs to the carriage. Out comes Ubbe and his wife Torvi. Ubbe runs to Hvitserk and grabs his face and pulls him to his, butting heads in a loving fashion. 
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Ivar "oh good. They're here."
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"When I was in the woods, I didn't know that it was Ubbe, I thought that it was Prince Dir… I ran back as fast as I could."
Ivar "It's alright, princess. It's just them. More to the reason why I don't want you to be by yourself. Alright?" You agree and kiss him quickly before you make your way to Ubbe. 
Ubbe "Wow look at you! You are glowing!"
"Thank you Ubbe, it's nice to have you back." You give him a hug and he pulls back to look at your belly.
Ubbe "He's gonna be a big one, HUH?!"
Ivar "We don't know the sex yet, brother."
Torvi "My husband is being very rude and not introducing me, I am Torvi."
"Y/n, it's very nice to meet you! And looks like we are pregnant at the same time!"
Torvi "ah yes! Aw our babies can grow up together!" She pulls you into a bear hug and grabs your face then looks at Ivar. "You got a gorgeous wife, Ivar!"
Ivar "Yes, I know this well. I am truly blessed."
Hvitserk "come on, let's talk business inside."
Ubbe "so, tell me Ivar...why have you called me here? Hvitserk said it was very urgent."
Ivar "yes, we are fearing a new threat Ubbe. His name is Prince Dir, he is the brother of Prince Oleg."
Ubbe "the bastard that hurt Y/n?"
Ivar "Yes, brother. We fear that he will come here to take the throne or take Prince Igor away."
Torvi "I'm sorry, I am lost."
"Prince Igor is my nephew from my last marriage. My late husband Prince Oleg was not a very good husband or king-"
Hvitserk "he treated her like a slave. Tortured her and raped her. He tried to kill her but Ivar stopped him."
Ivar "I had no choice but to kill him. I would have done it the proper way but he was going to so I acted quickly."
"Can we...change the subject please." The flashbacks of that terrible night came back into your memory and made you feel sick to your stomach. Ivar realized how this conversation is affecting you and grabbed your hand.
Torvi "I am so very sorry Y/n. But look at you now, happily married and with child."
"Yes, way happier than I was. Thanks to Ivar and Hvitserk."
Ubbe "tell me brother, how did you get here?"
Hvitserk "I walked! When Bjorn banished me, I had no other way but to walk on foot. It was brutally cold and I stumbled across Y/n hunting called out to her. She took me in without hesitation. Now I owe my life to her because she saved mine." He looks over at you and smiles. 
Ubbe "very good. Thank you for saving my brother Y/n."
"Of course."
Ivar "now that we are all caught up to speed, will you help us brother. Will you help us if we do have a war on our hands?"
Ubbe "Of course Ivar. We have a past but it is in the past, and you are a changed person. And you are going to be a father...so yes of course I will help you."
Ivar "thank you Ubbe."
Torvi "so Y/n! How far along are you!?"
"A little over 2 months, how about you?"
Torvi "4 months. This little monster is so active."
"Boy or girl?"
Ubbe "A boy."
Ivar "congratulations Ubbe." Igor comes into the room in a panic.
Ivar "what is it?!"
Igor "It's Prince Dir! He sent for us! He's coming!"
Hvitserk "give me the partridge."
It reads 'dear queen of Novgorod, I have received notice of my brother Prince Oleg's demise. In doing so, it is my sworn duty to take his place as King of Kiev. I will take my place as king. If you refuse, I will have no choice but to take the next in line to the throne, my nephew Prince Igor. You will see me very shortly. 
~Prince Dir 
Ubbe "well...it seems like you do need my assistance after all brothers."
Torvi "we will send for our army and shield maiden's."
Hvitserk "I trained our troops and maiden's too, they now fight like Vikings brother."
Ivar "good."
"I am fighting."
Ivar "oh no you are not."
"Yes I am, this is my kingdom...my nephew to protect."
Ivar "You are with child! I will not allow you to step a foot onto that battlefield."
Hvitserk "Ivar is right Y/n. The risk is too high."
"I am a warrior. I will protect my people. I will fight for you Ivar! You are my king and I will not allow someone else to take your place!"
Ubbe "Let her fight Ivar." Ivar looks at Ubbe with a shocked look on his face. How could his brother say such a thing!?
Hvitserk "Ubbe...it's not a good i-"
Ubbe "Y/n...who trained you?"
"My father was Viking...died in battle. He trained me from little up. Then when I got married into this kingdom, Oleg trained me. He used me to show an example as to how strong we all are. I trained with these shield maiden's." 
Torvi "Then she will fight. As will I."
Ubbe "Are you sure?"
Torvi "Yes Ubbe. I am sure. Her story spoke to me. I once was a slave, I know how it feels to be treated like a whore. Used for my body. So yes, I will fight...for her."
Ivar "can I speak to you in private for a moment?" He asks you and gets up from the table.
"Ivar I-"
Ivar "NOW!" You look at Hvitserk who just looks at you like 'just go.'
"What is it?"
Ivar "how could you do this?"
"I want to fight because I have my life to fight for Ivar. You are my king, I want to fight for you. Prince Igor is my nephew by marriage, I have a duty to protect him and his life. And now, I have to fight for a good life for our child."
Ivar "I...I can't fight."
"I know Ivar. But I will have Hvitserk and Ubbe by my side. They will help protect me."
Ivar "Y/n...I can't lose you."
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"You won't. Look at me." His face hung so you pick his face up in your hands so that he looks at you. "I'm not going anywhere. I will train with Hvitserk before he comes here.. even after the war is declared, I will train beside him. He is a good fighter, yes?"
Ivar "Yes."
"Then I will train by his side. And Ubbe's. You have nothing to worry about. I am strong, remember?"
Ivar "I know you are, baby but this is a battle we are talking about here."
"I am well aware. This is my choice."
Ivar "I don't like it...but okay."
"I love you Ivar. Please have faith in me."
Ivar "I do, princess. It's them I don't have faith in. To them, you are free game."
"Well they don't know who they are messing with. I am the queen of Novgorod, the queen of Kiev….no one messes with me and my family." You didn't know Hvitserk came into the room until he spoke.
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Hvitserk "I...am so proud of you. You...are one of the strongest women I have ever met in my entire life."
"Thank you Hvitserk. Will you help me fight?"
Hvitserk "What time?"
Hvitserk "Let's go."
You spend the remainder of the day, training with Hvitserk. He took it easy on you because you are pregnant but still, he was putting up a fight. Your arms are now sore and your back hurts but you have learned new tricks and stunts on how to strike your opponent. Once you get in, Hvitserk comes in behind you.
Hvitserk "She's a fighter, Ivar!" 
Ivar "oh yeah? How did she do?"
Hvitserk "She can kill me...does that answer your question?"
Ivar "yes...yes it does."
"I'm going to take a bath, I'm sore."
Ivar "Did you go too hard on her!?"
Hvitserk "No of course not Ivar, she hasn't fought in awhile...that's why she is sore."
"Ivar, I am fine. Will you come join me?"
Ivar "I'll be in in a second, my love." You walk off to get the bath ready.
Hvitserk "She is strong Ivar. Did you see her fight out there?"
Ivar "I saw a few bits and pieces."
Hvitserk "Well she even got me a couple of times, and I never get caught up like that! She taught me more than I taught her."
Ivar "Ubbe, you will train with her tomorrow, yes?"
Ubbe "Yes."
The water is warm and Ivar comes in to help you undress. 
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Ivar "I swear, seeing you never gets old, beautiful."
"I can say the same. Come on, you get in first." He settles in and you gently lay on top of him, your back facing him. He wets your hair and your back, massaging slightly.
Ivar "I do love you, you know that right?"
"Yes. And I love you too."
Ivar "that's why I worry so much. I love you too much to see you get hurt or worse. I've seen you hurt before and those weeks were the worst. Seeing you helpless and in pain, it killed me Y/n. This battle...can be huge-"
"I know. I know. If it makes you feel any better, when Prince Dir comes and he shows more of a threat then we are planning for...I will consider not fighting."
Ivar "you mean that?" You move so that you are now facing him.
"Yes. I mean it. I want to fight with all of my being but I also don't want to put our child's life at risk. So I will reconsider." A stray tear falls from his face but you catch it with your thumb. His lips start to quiver and he clashes his lips to yours. He loves you more than he could ever put into words. He just hopes that he will have you for forever. 
Ivar "still me and you right?"
"Always Ivar. Me and you."
Ivar "forever?"
{Will she fight or not??}
@hvitserkmarcosource @desiredposion @ivaraddict @ivarthebonelessvk @ivar-andersen @ivarthebonelesspage @ivarthebloodyking @youbloodymadgenius
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