#we are. far far past overdue. to a concerning degree
hello endocrinologist. please call me back.
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oliverwvvd · 3 years
the potential for chaos
For the anon who asked about Yule Ball Flintwood, this is a beginning of sorts for you. This didn’t turn out the way I anticipated originally when you presented the concept, so I offer this as version 1.0 with something softer to follow.
pairing: Marcus Flint x Oliver Wood
premise: Marcus shows up to the Yule Ball solo. So does Oliver. Neither one is especially pleased about it, and the reasons why are personal.
wordcount: 2,194 words.
The Yule Ball. Welcome to the distinct scent of too much teenage desperation in one room.
The snide thought belonged to Marcus Flint, whose dress robes fit just fine, thanks very much, not that the same could be said of some of the people attending. Weasley the younger, for example, looked like a cat crawled onto the front of his robes, rolled around, and then obligingly threw up a lacy hairball before departing. Marcus’ were, shockingly, not green, because Slytherins were in fact capable of wearing colours that weren’t the house colours. Instead, he’d gone for navy blue, and they were tailored to fit. For now, he was leaning with his right shoulder firmly parked against a nearby wall, drink in hand (liberally spiked, courtesy of Pucey’s far too innocent face which had successfully hidden very good Firewhiskey somewhere on his person), and settling into the buzz around him.
He was razor-edged, dark hair and sharp jawline identifying him in the shadows, gaze steady still despite the warm burn of the Firewhiskey, and the growing warmth of the room. The music was alright, he supposed. He could work with this. He could especially work without being forced to find a date he didn’t like just to fit in, because no one dared give him crap about it. That left him with a sour thought of a very different kind he’d already decided not to dwell on. A lot of other people were on the dancefloor, but he was good right where he was, absorbing the potential for chaos and waiting for the lights to go just a little lower and darker. That was more his speed.
Unfortunately, someone else didn’t seem to care what his speed was, when they came up behind him and spoke into his ear. “You look bored, Flint. Looking for someone?”
Marcus didn’t even turn his head, simply took a sip of his drink. “Hardly. You evidently were, if you spotted me back here. Shouldn’t you be with your date, Wood? I’m sure you had a list of invites to choose from.” The words were cool and more than a little antagonistic, holding the pointed hint that he’d been fine by himself, and that Wood was welcome to leave him be now.
The other boy didn’t so much as take the hint, instead spoke more quietly, that hint of Glasgow burr there and gravelly in his ear. “Didn’t accept an invite, so no date. You?”
A little more to drink, but then he caught a hint of Firewhiskey that distinctly wasn’t from him. “So, you’ve also been in a corner drinking from whatever enchanted hipflask you and your mates in Gryffindor came up with, then,” he observed dryly. “Please to Merlin tell me at least that it’s not one with someone’s initials on it for when they inevitably drop and lose it later, at least.”
There was a very nearly painful silence then, and Marcus snorted, soft but still audible. “It figures.” It really, really did. “You know, it’s good form to at least cast a charm to hide the initials, Wood. I’m assuming it at least doesn’t belong to you.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
Marcus usually had to shut his eyes and count to ten before he bit the offending person’s head off and told them to mind their business at this stage. The Firewhiskey mellowed him out enough that it took away the edge to some degree, but it was still there.
“Good observation skills there, Wood,” he remarked, aware of other people potentially in earshot. “It’s almost as though it’s not really any of your business. Which it isn’t. But since you apparently can’t let it drop, I chose to attend solo. This is like a knock-off of all the same stuff that half of us deal with on holidays anyway.” The curse of the Sacred 28, old pureblood family gatherings and traditions and parties littered every holiday throughout the year. Inevitably, they all found ways of coping with the boredom after the age of fifteen, and usually that involved finding substances or decent company (preferably both) and vanishing from the scene entirely once it was deemed polite.
Wood moved in front of him then, there in the corner, solidly built shoulders blocking the rest of the room, mirroring the way Marcus leaned against the wall. He didn’t have any choice but to look at him then, and could only be grateful that the warm breath into his ear had stopped. If it hadn’t, he might have had to think too hard about how it made him feel, and he really didn’t want to right now.
“So you didn’t come with anyone.” It seemed like Wood was trying to make a point, but Marcus couldn’t tell what. It was frustrating, so rather than focus on that, he looked at the boy in front of him instead. He’d been lanky when they were younger, a bit skinny and coltish, but Quidditch had bulked him out and he was solidly built now at seventeen. And then there was the choice of dress robes; apparently he wasn’t the only one who made use of a tailor for once. That was a fine outline right there.
Realising he was admiring the view and that that wouldn’t do given the reason why he was in a mood in the first place, Marcus exhaled a sigh. “Obviously. What do you want, Wood?”
Wood seemed to realise he only had a finite amount of patience. That was a years overdue realisation as far as Marcus was concerned. “To dance with you.”
That made Marcus stare for a few seconds. Seeming to register that he wasn’t going to get a response unless he pushed, Oliver tilted his head at him. “One dance, Marcus. Something slow. We can stay right here in the corner for all I care, since you seem to prefer lurking in the shadows.” Then brown eyes examined him far too closely, his lips curled up into a smile that held just a hint of smirk at the edges. “Presuming you’re not too caught up in posing and sulking, of course.”
Oliver was crowding him now, just a little, and Marcus wasn’t entirely certain how he felt about it yet. His immediate response was no longer to punch the other boy in the face, that had been gone for a long while, so that was progress. “You can’t hold your Firewhiskey and you’re seriously misreading things, if that’s the best offer you can give me,” he pointed out bluntly. “So if you don’t mind, I’ll continue minding my own business right where I am. Lurking in the shadows.” That was when he leaned back and away, and took another sip of his drink. No one could see them back here. That thought made his pulse race.
Oliver (Wood, his mind stubbornly reminded him, trying to hang onto it) wasn’t necessarily going to just leave him alone, though, or so it appeared. “Then come out of here with me for a minute,” he said, voice quiet but still carrying through the space between them. “I want to talk to you about something.”
Marcus sighed exasperatedly, and drained what was left in the cup. Obligingly, it vanished the moment he set it down on a nearby table, and at this point, he’d given up arguing with Oliver. “Fine. You get two minutes.”
Once they did get outside, though, Marcus hadn’t quite registered just how much Oliver intended to make the most of those two minutes. He found himself rapidly dragged around a corner and pressed into an alcove hidden behind a statue that he hadn’t even known was there. When he went to ask what the fuck, Oliver put a hand over his mouth. “Shh, someone will hear.”
Beyond annoyed and now suspecting where this was going, neither of which he enjoyed, Marcus dragged Oliver’s hand off his mouth and hissed his next words. “What are you doing?”
Earnest brown eyes were fixed on him then, and this time, Marcus couldn’t get away or give him the cold shoulder. “Are you seriously still mad that someone tried to ask me to this thing?”
Marcus gave him a truly evil glare then. “You mean, am I pleased that someone else asked the person I’m not allowed to walk down the corridor with? I’m absolutely thrilled. Someone else walks up to you and asks right where I can hear; I kiss you in dark corners and Quidditch changing rooms for three months and get ignored when convenient.” The tone was flat, but the sarcasm wasn’t.
He saw Oliver wince, and then, completely annoyed and altogether done with the conversation, Marcus went to shoulder past him. Instead, he found himself pushed back into the stone, found himself being kissed, and he wasn’t letting Oliver think that was the last word on it. He wasn’t about to be lulled into compliance. Rather than lean into it, instead, he nipped the other’s bottom lip sharply, just enough to make him feel it, a kiss like a warning, before he reached up and sunk his fingers into his hair.
If he couldn’t have the evening, he was going to make sure Oliver went back with bruised, swollen lips, hair a mess, and every possible hallmark to show that he’d vanished with someone. Let everyone wonder who.
That it changed when Oliver seemed to yield, to surrender to being kissed rather than one doing the kissing didn’t escape Marcus either. It wasn’t until he could feel him trembling that Marcus released him, leaving him looking faintly dizzy where he stood. He smoothed out his robes then, slow and insouciant, enough to make Oliver watch the trail of his hands. “I’m not going to take whatever scraps you decide to throw me and be happy that’s all I get,” he said, words short, making sure they landed home. This was probably one of the worst sides of him. “You don’t act like it, so you don’t get to call me yours. Because I’m not.” Wasn’t that just the biggest lie he’d ever told, but it was supposed to be, because he was doing it purely to be mean and he knew it.
He lifted his thumb to the corner of his mouth then ran it along to the middle of his own lower lip, as though he could taste Oliver there. He could, Firewhiskey and everything that had become so familiar since they first crashed into trying to understand what this was. The reason he really did it, though, was to be a little bit cruel, to watch Oliver’s pupils dilate some more, to see him want to close the distance again, and then to deny him. Or at least, that’s the intention, right up until Oliver shakes his head. “Merlin help me you’re impossible sometimes,” was the set of words bitten out. “I was trying to apologise. To tell you that I only wanted to go with you, but I also wanted to protect this because it’s ours and people are incredibly nosy. I’m not ashamed of what we’re doing. You might not be mine, but I want you to be.”
Those were a set of words that Marcus badly wanted to be true, and it was enough to stop him cold, to make him rein in the sulking (if he was honest about what he’d been doing, that was it) and register them. The attempts to deflect hard that his feelings had actually been hurt had all ultimately proven to be unsuccessful, and he knew better than to use kissing as a weapon, it too often backfired and this was very much a case in point.
As though Oliver sensed the weakness somehow, damn him for it, the next time he was being touched was much gentler. “We could dance right here, if you wanted.” The words were breathed between them. That was when Marcus realised that they could still hear the music from the hall.
He made a decision. “Nah,” he said, not hesitating to turn down the suggestion. “Come on. Let’s go back inside.” He gave Oliver a pointed look then, and threw down the gauntlet. “Together.” It was a ceasefire, or the closest that they’d get, because they still needed to talk about the actual feelings involved at some point.
There was no phasing a Gryffindor with that kind of challenge, though, so Oliver didn’t even bat an eyelid. Show them anything like a bet you can’t and they immediately decided that not only could they, but screw you who says I can’t. The only reply Marcus got was a hand in his. It turned out he did want to kiss Oliver softly then, so it still took a few minutes longer for them to get back to the hall. When they did, the night sky that illuminated the ceiling had darkened to hold a spill of stars, and the lights had gone down to something far lower and barely there.
Oliver got his one dance. What he also got was a truth in his ear. “I’m only yours if you’re mine. Non-negotiable. What about it?”
The night wasn’t over yet.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Lunae Obscuratus
Another Lunar Eclipse on its way to us come Sunday at 13 degrees Capricorn. This will be the third lunar eclipse of the year. This penumbral eclipse [penumbral meaning: Imperfect alignment and occurs when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are imperfectly aligned.] will bring with it a few changes to our atmosphere. In particular, being in the earthy and regimented sign of Capricorn, it will be an auspicious time to solve practical problems.
The emphasis will be on developing material stability and security.
This will help with career decisions as well as family issues. Lunations like this have a tendency to go full-throttle regarding emotions. As a result, emotions and instincts reach their peak around this time. Pair that with Cancer season energy—increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges will be available to you. Courtesy of the universe. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any interpersonal dynamics or negative feelings causing distress or disharmony. A lunar eclipse represents a “cosmic-reset” of sorts regarding your emotions, clearing away the emotional baggage of the previous six months. It is a useful time for banishing, cursing, or cleansing out the low vibrational energy in our lives so that we can start fresh.
What to expect
Some sort of drama involved with the house, sign, and any contacted planets activated by the Full Moon. [Capricorn moons may want to take note]
Mercury and Uranus will be forming a harmonious aspect, which means exciting and/or unexpected news may arrive.
Some stress as blockages begin to crumble [remember this is a climactic time]
Letting go of beliefs that don’t correspond with your reality
What the signs can expect specifically...
1. Aries
Some welcome financial gains may be coming your way so look out if your feel your palm itching. On the other hand, Homelife might be impacted strongly. Look out for issues in the home/with family.
2. Taurus
This eclipse will impact the eighth house. This involves legal issues and finances—specifically finances regard other people and their money associated with you. Spirituality may be a factor. Pay attention to your dreams and make note of what you see in them.   
3. Gemini
Relationships baby—especially with your partner or romantic interest, be them near or far. There may be phenomena regarding encounters with them on the spiritual plane. Near-death experiences may occur [absit omen] take care to mind your safety and health as unexpected diseases or decay in physical strength due to mental stress can arise at this time.
4. Cancer
Happy birthday, my clawed cousins. Be sure to Mind the mundane tasks that you take on from day-to-day. Repressed grievances or drama regarding your every day can occur. Fundamental relationships survive but the bonds that have been damaged may be done for good. Just take the L and move forward.
5. Leo
Blessings on blessings on blessings *Big Sean Voice*. You felines can expect gains in employment opportunities. Many of you will be ‘must-haves’ in the job sector. Even though this area will be going well, don’t forget to mind your love life. That area may not be as shiny as you.
6. Virgo
Mind your health. Mind your everyday routine. Don’t allow yourself to get into disagreements with management or higher officials in general. I know it’s in your nature to fact-check, edit, and critique but any over-critical nature you can’t hold back may come back to bite you. Chill. Seek diplomacy if/when you can.
7. Libra
Spirituality and family will be areas of concern for you. You may switch beliefs or question the values and traditions you’ve held forever. Beware of drama. You're peace-loving by nature but familial disputes or relationship disputes may very well rear their heads. Buckle up.
8. Scorpio
Be careful when traveling. Cars, electronics, technology, etc might be affected by this time. Wear your seatbelt. Did the Chariot and the 2 of pentacles fly out of your deck when shuffling? Yah, don’t ignore that. There may not be stability in the vehicle you own. Watch out for haters. Don’t be afraid to check the people who try you. 
9. Sagittarius
Pay attention to your partner, spouse, boo-thang, etc. Your partner may face emotional imbalance, which can take its toll on your relationship as a whole. Show love when you can and stick up for yourself if you feel that there isn’t even reciprocity where you need it.
10. Capricorn
This eclipse will affect you more than any of your cousins. You may even feel a complete detox in every area of your life, from your self-image to the more nebulous areas of your life.  You may find yourself eliminating enemies that wore the mask of “friend”. You may feel more emotional than you thought you were capable of. Being the cold, cool, and collected earth sign that you are, this might be unfamiliar territory. Try and brace yourself. Once you release all that baggage you’ll be right back in executive form.
11. Aquarius
If there are any children in your life, there may be some drama there If not, be sure to take a look at the social, spiritual, and relational aspects of your life You’ll be seeing some changes there. Avoid conflicts with lovers and if your free-spirit has you in some sort of love affair, be sure to approach your lover with fairness and hold back on being too opinionated to the point of dismissing their points or feelings. It may cause irreparable damage.
12. Pisces
This eclipse will be more benign for you than anything else. Still, be on guard regarding upheavals in organizations you’re with. It may not be directed at you but you could be experiencing it by proxy. On the bright side, there may be favorable gains in the workplace. Acknowledgment for your hard work that may be long-overdue. Your passive nature may opt to be humble but in private, don’t be ashamed/embarrassed to celebrate your wins and clap for yourself, be sure to take note of those who don’t applaud your wins. They may be the very ones this eclipse is giving you the green-light to leave in the first half of 2020.
This Eclipse not only finishes out the current eclipse season, but it also ends the Cancer-Capricorn eclipse cycle that we’ve been working with since 2018.
Can you remember where you were around July of 2018? What’s changed in your life since then? What journey have you been traveling in regards to your public and professional life [10th house/Capricorn] and your interpersonal relationships/family/home life  [4th house/Cancer]? Is there an undeniable push-pull going on in those two sectors? What have you been holding on to that you are long overdue to let go? Let’s not forget, Mercury is still retrograde and this celestial backspin, in particular, has the uncanny ability to bring people from our pasts back into our lives. [An ex of mine recently contacted me seeking another chance.] At times the universe calls us to balance our relationships, reconcile or strengthen then, adversely it also gives us the strength to sever frayed ties. Neptune retrograde is assisting with pulling back the veil many of us have been happily shrouded in. Sometimes the realizations that hit us can be unnerving, humiliating, and even heart-breaking. It will feel a bit like a detox with all this potent lunar energy covering the earth. But remember this is all for your greater good.
The Full moon/lunar eclipse will be at 13 degrees Capricorn. Remember, 13 in Tarot is the number of the card of Death.
Scorpio’s card. Themes of endings, transitions, transformations, and rebirth will be hard to ignore. But again, this is all for your benefit. When all is said and done, you’ll be more than ready for Pluto to go direct come October once you build up that emotional scar tissue.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
This one is for @vegetacide and directly relates to the art she created today :D
Thank you for being so wonderful ::hugs you:: This may go further, it may not. I’m out of brain cells at the moment and yawning while I type, so who knows :D
Warnings: Virgil/Kayo, Marks & Wings AU
She cornered him.
In every way possible.
She knew him so well, she had every base covered.
She knew what he would say and made sure she had the answers before he could ask.
Later Scott described to him how she burst into his office with medical data she had pilfered from Grandma and downright demanded Virgil be pulled off rota. Scott said he hadn’t even had a chance to open his mouth.
Apparently, Scott had already identified the issue and had been about to approach Virgil, but Kay was faster, more determined and ready to kick his ass if he didn’t comply.
Scott would take on Kayo at her worst if necessary.
It wasn’t necessary.
Next, she targeted Gordon. His fish brother was rather peeved she had attempted to threaten him. As if he’d get a scratch on Two. Hell, if that happened, he’d be far more terrified of Virgil than Kayo. That was a longstanding agreement - Two came before Gordon’s life.
Of course, when Virgil heard about that he made a point of finding his brother and clapping him up the head as he outlined exactly what degree of bullshit that statement was.
Which was probably exactly what Gordon had planned, because, distraction.
Virgil liked to hope that the discussion was not related to why there was currently a six-inch scratch across Two’s nose. How it got there, he didn’t know, but what he did know was that Gordon would have a good reason.
He would think about killing him later.
But anyway, back to Kay, the love of his life, his tactical genius, the woman who knew him better than himself.
He supposed he only had himself to blame. After all, he did lift in his sleep, in the middle of a nightmare, and he could empathise with Kay waking up buried in feathers.
She had freaked.
Well, only as Kay would freak, which was cool, calm and deadly.
And full of worry.
She woke him, concerned he had hurt himself as their bedroom wasn’t quite wide enough to support his span and the ends of pinions had hit the walls with matching thuds. He remembered looking up at her blearily as she switched on her bedside lamp, reaching beyond his massive wing.
He had attempted to fold them as soon as his brain came online, but she had reached out and gently caught his forewing.
“Virgil, what’s wrong?”
He blinked, still not fully awake. The echo of his nightmare, one of falling through a burning building, falling....falling....
Huh? Oh. “What?” He was so polite. Shit.
His head hurt.
Her fingers combed through several of his feathers and he leant into the gentle gesture.
“What happened?”
He blinked and frowned in her direction. “What?”
Her hand gently lifted one of his feathers and he flinched. Ow.
Of course, that just set her off and she sat up in bed. He tried to fold his wings again, but her fingers still held the left one. Not hard, but determined and as his brain finally clicked, he knew he was in the shit.
“Your feathers are a mess!”
Yes, they were. They were well overdue a preen and a clean. Lifting during a rescue today, he had whacked his right wing on the support pylon of the bridge. There was probably a bruise, but he hadn’t had time to really look.
It was the key to everything.
He just hadn’t had enough.
And now he was really in the shit because Kay would just see it as not looking after himself. Which it wasn’t! He was planning on it in the morning...
Her fingers brushed at his feathers in her lap. Black flickered in the lamplight as she smoothed them down ever so gently.
Oh, that was nice. His eyes drifted closed at her gentle ministrations.
“What happened?” Her voice was as soft as her touch and it lulled him. “Why haven’t you taken care of yourself?”
“I have.” Her fingers were absolute magic.
“You have bent feathers, Virgil.”
Even that warning tone in her voice wasn’t enough to draw him from the lull of her touch. “Mmm. ‘S nothing. Hit bridge.”
“You hit a bridge?”
Her fingers twitched just a little before smoothing in a soft sweep across his flight feathers.
“Mmm, nice.” He shifted closer and snuck and arm around her pulling her to his side. “Love you.”
Her voice was ever so faint. “Love you, too.”
Later hindsight could see through the fog of his half-asleep brain to the danger in her voice, but right then, all he wanted was for her to keep doing what she was doing.
And she did.
He fell asleep wrapped around her, her fingers preening his feathers ever so gently. Perhaps it was selfish of him, but his brain wasn’t functioning on any intelligent level.
He was simply focussed on her.
Of course, the next morning the fallout was of epic proportions.
Scott’s office and cornering Gordon all occurred before he had even woken up. She left him in their bed, wings sprawled inelegantly across the room.
He eventually woke, his face planted into her pillow. Rolling onto his side, he inadvertently caught his bedside lamp and smashed it against the wall. Its remains fell to the floor with a clatter.
A dopey blink and he realised his wings were out and filling the room. An incoherent grunt, he folded them and let them go.
It took him a whole couple of minutes to work out what the hell had happened. It wasn’t the first time he had lifted in his sleep, but...
Kay had been with him.
She wasn’t here now.
That wasn’t anything unusual, she always rose before he did, often before the sun. But he had an uneasy feeling, as if there was something he should be remembering and he wasn’t.
Eventually he crawled out of bed, showered, and went in hunt for his morning coffee.
She cornered him over pancakes.
“Good morning, Virgil.” She had his coffee already made and steaming on the counter in front of him. It was terribly distracting and it took him half a cup to realise they were alone in the kitchen. The pool was empty and the house was almost completely silent.
“Where is everyone?”
“Not here.” She dropped a plate in front of him. It contained a couple of pancakes with maple syrup, strawberries and cream.
He would never admit to how easily she played him, but she did. Distracted first by coffee and then by food, he settled into his seat and did not see any of it coming.
“We’re going to Canada.”
The pancakes were soft and melted in his mouth-
What? “Why? Do we have a situation?” He shifted his weight and was already half out his chair before her hand brought the movement to a sudden halt.
“You are on mandatory leave.”
He sat down hard. “What?” Again. “Why?”
“Because you need the time off.” She picked a strawberry off his plate and dipped it in some of the syrup. He couldn’t help but watch her bite into it.
Probably another aspect of her plan.
Kay really did think of everything.
“We are going to Canada. I’ve booked a chateau on a lake. We are going today.”
His brain finally caught up. “Do I get any say in this?”
She leant in close and brushed her lips against his cheek. “No, you don’t.”
And with that, before he could protest or question or even outright refuse, she stalked out of the room, her ponytail swinging with her hips like the goddamned carrot it always was.
So, without his permission or even consent, he found himself bags packed and loaded into Two as he sat in a back seat as a passenger.
It was either a little unnerving or a little reassuring - he hadn’t decided yet - to see Gordon flying Two while Virgil was perfectly healthy.
His younger brother was somewhat paranoid and kept looking over his shoulder the entire way. Gordon sat in his co-pilot seat because Kay had planted herself, in uniform, in Virgil’s pilot seat before either of them could protest.
Even Virgil wasn’t game to argue the point.
Consequently, Virgil sat in the backseat.
It was distinctly odd.
Several hours later he found himself the passenger in a deep grey-blue Audi, the love of his life negotiating some backroad in Canada.
He found himself with nothing to do but stare at her profile over his sunglasses.
She had hardly said a thing the entire trip, and slow his tired brain might be, he was still alert enough to hear the warning bells drowning out his heartbeat.
She was angry.
He could tell that much.
But he wasn’t entirely sure what type of angry or why.
Sure, she was obviously pissed at the condition of his feathers and really, she probably had a right to be. He had wanted to take care of them before bed, he would have been so much more comfortable. But both rescues that day had been hell. First the bridge where they had lost two people, despite saving sixty-seven others.
Scott’s vocabulary had been blistering and Virgil couldn’t help but agree.
Then there was the building fire, almost immediately after. He had miscalculated the support for the floor he had been traversing and the weight of the exosuit had taken it out and him with it.
Two stories of fracturing wood only to land on and break someone’s king-size bed on the third.
Scott’s vocabulary hadn’t been great after that either.
Grandma had been briefed and Virgil had been dragged off post-mission before he’d even managed post-flight.
Grandma’s vocabulary, while less for mature audiences, was no less concerned than her eldest grandson’s.
But he was fine and all he wanted was bed. Okay, so he didn’t mention the collision with the bridge pylon, but he was okay. It was only a bruise.
Kayo hissed between her teeth and overtook a lumbering truck that had slowed in her path.
The car’s engine roared under her determination.
That was the point he remembered mentioning the pylon to Kay.
Oh, shit.
The Canadian countryside flew past in its verdant green of summer. He hitched in a breath. “Love, I’m okay.”
The car accelerated abruptly, the white lines blurring. But Kay didn’t answer. She didn’t even look at him.
Oh, hell.
He was in it up to his eyeballs.
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Kinktober 31: Aftercare
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Kinktober Masterlist
Pairing: Steve Rogers X OFC X Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Smut, Fluff
Summary: So, what if Steve and Bucky have worked with hydra from the beginning and they have their own, personal asset?
A/N: Steve and Bucky work for Hydra
Words: +1,000
Despite the temperature in the room being below 60 degrees, the three bodies pressed tightly together were soaked in sweat. Thick female curves pressed between Hydra's best soldiers with their best assassin panting and dazed between them. 
It had been a while since they had tangled like this, wet kisses peppered over shivering flesh littered in marks from both men who were too lazy to pull from the woman between them. This was a celebration of a recent victory long overdue, heated hand running her panting side made her shudder and the two press into her more.
Letting out a weak whimper, the two man gave quiet praises, large, heated and calloused hands massaging over sore flesh that would be healed in a few hours. The three had gone at it like animals for hours, only now calming enough to catch their breath.
A knock came at the door, the two men slowly pulling from the wreck of flesh between them tenderly as she fell into the brunet before her.
"It's your turn," Bucky’s dry voice gritted, lifting her into his arms as he moved to slip out of bed. "I dealt with him the last time. If I have to again I will kill him."
Letting out a huff, Steve watched as Bucky wobbled to the bathroom with the thick framed woman held close. Another knock had Steve hanging his head to slip from the bed, grabbing a towel that god only knew how it ended up handing for the door on his way.
Keen hearing catching the sound of water running before Bucky yelled for him to return with water. 
"Sorry doll, this place only has a shower," Bucky apologized soothingly to the ecstasy hazed woman giving him a lopsided smile as he held her to shaking feet. 
"It's fine, we got a tub back at the house big enough for the three of us. You can make it up to me when we get back," she hummed, loving how he caressed over her tired and aching body. 
The two soldiers always fretted over her like this and it was perfect. She may have been Hydra's toughest assassin, just as they were the organizations best strategist and soldiers but that didn't mean they didn't deserve to enjoy one another. She felt like royalty to the two super solders and she relished every minute of it.
Opening the door, Steve glared down Rumlow who pushed past him without an invitation. The hotel room wreaked of sex, making the soldier turn his nose up at it and spin on Steve.
"She’s a fucking asset and the two of you treat her like a high-end whore! When Pierce-," the man began, dishing out all his anger on the blonde who griped to the towel around his waist.
"As far as Pierce is concerned I run the show and she is our asset not Hydra's or Pierce's is that understood soldier," Steve all but snarled, making the other back up and take note this wasn't open to discussion. Giving a nod, Rumlow moved on to other business.
"Shield is officially disbanded. All we need now is an open statement from you and Bucky to finalize everything for the facility to open as HYDRA," the dark haired soldier informed, looking back to the bedroom as a wet haired Bucky stepped out wrapped in a towel, covered in scratches and bruises but had a spring in his step.
"Our girl needs some water," Bucky spoke to Steve who nodded and excused himself to step to the small fridge to pick up several bottles of water and what have you before pausing to look back to Rumlow.
"What about Stark," Bucky asked.
"Taken care of," Rumlow spoke up with a smirk. "Appears he was all too eager to sign the when he realized we were the ones treating Pepper's condition."
"Good. Keep us informed," Steve spoke, appearing Rumlow was all too happy to leave.
Quietly the two entered the bedroom, the thick framed asset laid to her side in the center of the massive bed dozing. 
The shake of the mattress along with the gentle caress of a metal hand wrapping the nape of her neck had her moving to set propped on the pillows Bucky had insisted on piling around her. Parched lips fell to hers tenderly, a gentle kiss before they parted, and he nuzzled at her nose.
"Brought you some water doll," Bucky rasped, hinting she look to her opposite side to Steve.
Turning her head, she knew she didn't need to lift to a finger as the blonde placed the cool water to her lips. The two whispering praises of her performance as they settled close.
"You're so good to us sweetheart," Steve echoed next to her ear as it was Bucky who placed a piece of fruit to her lips. They both knew she would be hungry, especially being brought out of cryo after 5 years. 
She had to stay out of the spotlight and the only way for that was cryo, just like Bucky who had been under the same length of time. 
"You're ours doll, no one else’s," Bucky whispered caressing under her jaw to rub along her plump side.
Slowly Steve took her lips as she swallowed the fruit down, tasting the sweetness on them as they parted.
"Were going to take you out somewhere nice tonight baby, just the three of us," Steve spoke across her lips, giving them a peck before she turned to receive a kiss from Bucky and another piece of fruit.
"Mmm, can't wait," she hummed, the two men knowing she would want to rest before they done anything.
"Rest doll, we’ll be right here when you wake," Bucky drawled next to her ear, kissing the soft flesh as she settled, Steve assuring she was offered more water before settling with her.
"You two spoil me," she murmured, settling into the soldiers that were more like heaters than anything else. 
"It's our job baby, you treat us so well," Steve echoed looping his arm under her head as Bucky settled onto her plump hip, kissing the clean flesh.
"You're our best girl doll, of course we spoil you," Bucky hummed, relaxing into her as the room become quiet around them.
Tags: @ruckystarnes @cruel-kitten  @moonfaery @dark-night-sky-99 @gramaeryebard  @katstablook @andiyholly @jovanna-shewolf @nickyl316h @aslandia726 @furstinnajoelle @itsbqueenthings @collinsstanharbour @jazzieomega @moonlightprime @bambamwolf87 @tomhardy41 @get-loki @drakonwild @alexakeyloveloki  @scorpionchild81 @devilbat @cherrygeek86
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solaneceae · 5 years
Henrik knew from the get-go that this was going to be a shitty day.
Now, today was supposed to be his first off day in… months? Years? He wasn’t sure. He’d been against it of course, but his insufferable colleagues kept pestering him about “healthy work balance” and “self-care” and other nonsense of the same caliber. It had gotten to such a degree that even his boss had stepped in, basically ordering him -Schneep didn’t take no orders from no-one, thank you very much- to take a week off.
“I have some patients in the west wing that look healthier than you do right now, Henrik.” his boss had said. He’d then taken a long look at the ego’s face and shaken his head. “Scratch that, all of them do. I don’t need one of my best doctors to burn out on me, do you understand?”
So now here he was, slowly waking up in his room back home, with nothing to look forward to.  Schneep sighed and draped an arm over his eyes, blocking off the light coming from the slits between his blinds. He could faintly hear Chase’s laughter coming from downstairs, as well as Robbie’s delighted cries; they were probably playing a game of sorts. That was odd. Those two weren’t usually up so earl-
Wait a minute.
He jerked his arm off his face, a sense of urgency rushing through him. His bedroom was too bright, his body too heavy with the remnants of sleep, his bed too warm. What time- 
The German clumsily fished out his phone from under his pillow and unlocked it, wincing at the harsh light of the screen. His jaw dropped.
“11AM?! Mist!”
This couldn’t be happening. This shouldn’t be happening, his phone always woke him up at 6AM sharp, every single day. But as he opened the clock app, he realized his trusty alarm was… gone. Not even turned off, just straight up missing. 
He was pretty sure he’d remember deleting it -not that he ever would. Was this some sort of glitch…?
His face twisted in rage as he realized. This motherfucker.
The little shit was gonna get an earful when Henrik found him. The doctor threw the covers off of him and jumped out of bed -ouch, his head pounded at the sudden movement. Note to self, get some ibuprofen before going downstairs.
He couldn’t believe he’d just slept for twelve hours. This would not stand; he couldn’t just laze around all day, he’d go insane. He was a man of action, god dammit! Staying idle wasn’t an option, not in a million years. God, to think he had a week left of this nonsense. His coworkers hadn’t even let him bring his files, what was he supposed to do?!
The voices coming from under him grabbed his attention again, planting an idea in his mind: it had been a while since he’d put his siblings through a proper medical checkup. Perhaps they were overdue for one. A neurotic smile grew on his face as he started to frantically put on some clothes, despite the floor slightly rocking beneath his feet. Yes, he needed to make sure everyone was healthy, update their medical files, and check if Jackie’s ribs were still healing properly from his latest scuffle, and after that he could reorganize his office downstairs -something he’d be putting off for a while- and, and, and-
 “Gunten tag, Marvin. How have you been lately?”
The magician squirmed in his seat, looking around Henrik’s office with an aggravated expression. “Can’t we postpone this? I have a show to prep for this evening…” “I assure you, this won’t take long. I’ve haven’t been home as much these last few weeks, I figured it was time for a check-up.” “You did one last month-” “How’re your burns? Do you change your bandages every day?”
The green-haired magician frowned under his mask; his brother wasn’t listening, and he was usually the one pestering the rest of them about communication and honesty. Something wasn’t right. “... yeah. And I’m taking a break from potion making until they’re healed, like you told me to.”
The German nodded, scribbling something in his grey notebook. “Gud. I appreciate the basement not blowing up every other day.” “Oh come on, you’re exaggerating,” Marvin protested, straightening up in his chair, “My potions don’t explode, they’re just… feisty.” “Right, right. Of course.” the doctor mumbled dismissively, still not tearing his eyes away from the papers on his desk.
The masked man blinked. Okay, something was definitely up; Schneep would never miss an opportunity to berate him about the “dangerous and volatile experiments” of his. And was it the lighting in the room or did his counterpart seem a little paler than normal? “Hey, doc… is something wrong? You’re being less of an ass that usual.”
Henrik stopped writing, looking up at his patient. He pursed his lips in annoyance. “First of all, I take offense to that. Und nothing’s wrong.” he stated before taking a sip of his morning coffee -or afternoon coffee? His inner clock was all over the place today.
The magician tilted his head, doubtful. Maybe he should ask Anti to keep an eye on the older ego, just in case. Be useful for once. “If you’re sure… are we done here? I asked Yan to give me a ride downtown, they should pick me up in a few.”
Schneep’s grey eyes squinted in confusion. Yan? As in, the red-haired Iplier that dressed like a japanese schoolgirl? “He has his licence?” “They,” Marv emphasized, “don’t. They drive a bike, and yes I’ll wear a helmet, stars.” The German nodded. “They, my apologies. I didn’t know you two were acquainted.”
Marvin fiddled with the hem of his cape, averting his gaze. “We- it’s a recent thing. I know you and the glitch bitch don’t like us hanging out with the Ipliers, but Robbie introduced us and-” “Robbie?!”
He stopped. Henrik was staring at him, dumbfounded. That’s when Marvin realized he’d just, as Anti would say, fucked up. “...shit. He didn’t tell you, did he.” “Tell me what? That he’s been hanging out with the Ipliers behind my back?! They’re dangerous!” “You hang out with their doctor all the time! How is this any different?”
Schneep grit his teeth at the mention of his friend and colleague, and pushed back the unwanted thoughts. “We work together, und he’s a sensible person who doesn’t stab people left and right!”
Marvin bristled, hands clutching the fabric of his pants “Yan doesn’t-”
The doctor interrupted him, raising his hands in a placating manner. “I- look, I’m sorry I snapped, okay? I don’t know them, not like you seem to do, so it’s not my place to judge.” He sighted, something soft crossing his features. “I know you can handle yourself, Marv, so if you want to make friends with Dark’s family, I sure as hell ain’t gonna stop you, that would be hypocritical of me. But Robbie is-”
“What? An idiot? Clueless? Is that what you think?”
Schneep growled, massaging his temples. That stupid headache was coming back. “Don’t put words in my mouth. Robbie is far from stupid, but he’s not like the rest of us, you know that. He’s… innocent. I just don’t want him to get hurt.”
A pregnant pause. The magician fell back in his chair, shaking his head. “Hen… he’s not a child, even if you and Chase and… pretty much everyone here thinks of him that way. If you think he’s too naive to make his own decisions, then you might not know him as well as you think you do.”
Henrik chuckled bitterly. “Not as much as you do apparently, if he didn’t trust me enough to tell me himself.”
“He does trust you… but he also knows how protective of us you are. Maybe he thought you wouldn’t let him see them if you found out.” Marvin shrugged. “And from your reaction just now, I can see why he would.”
The doctor groaned; god dammit, this wasn’t how he had planned to spend his day. Looked like he and the zombie were due for a talk. “Does Anti know about this?”
His patient laughed. “Hell no, he’d throw a hissy fit if he found out. That guy goes full-on when it comes to Rob. Honestly, I think you and me are the only ones in the know for now.”
Henrik hummed and closed his notebook, signaling the end of the consultation. “I suppose. You can leave now, send in Anti next please. Und tell Robbie to come see me when I’ll be done with the rest of you.” “You’re not gonna lecture him too, are you?”
He shook his head, peering into his now empty mug. He needed more coffee. “If he truly understands what he’s getting into, then I won’t have a say on the matter. But I need to hear it from him.”
“Sounds reasonable enough.” the magician breathed out, standing back up. “He should still be with Chase, I’ll tell him to drop by later.” he smirked, adjusting his mask over his face.  “God, you’re such a mother Hen.”
“Get out of my office before I tranq you.”
 “You look like shit.” “Blunt as always I see.”
Anti smirked. The demon sat crossed-legged on the chair, like the bringer of chaos he was. “I’m just stating a fact, doc. And the fact is, you look like crap.”
“I didn’t summon you here to hear you critique my appearance. And I definitely don’t appreciate you messing with my phone. Why would you even do that?”
The green-haired glitch shrugged. “Thought it’d be funny.” “It really wasn’t.” “Never said it’d be funny to you...”
The German rolled his eyes. “This conversation has no purpose, I say we move on. How’s your neck wound?”
“Same as ever, only bleeds when I overuse my powers. But you know that already. Is there a point to this, or are you just finding excuses to keep busy?”
Henrik growled in frustration, resting his head in his clammy palms; he didn’t have the energy to deal with the glitch’s taunts right now. His arms were shaking from all the caffeine he’s been inhaling for the past hour, his head wouldn’t stop pounding and gottverdammnt, was it always this hot in this madhouse?!
He looked back up and jumped back with a startled yelp; Anti had glitched onto his desk, his face only a few inches away from his. His mocking grin was gone, replaced with an unusually serious expression. He squinted, something akin to concern flashing in his acid green eyes. “... you really are sick, aren’t you. Did you even eat today?” “I’m fine.” “Stop it. I fucking hate it when you lie.” “I’m not!”
The glitch huffed at the other’s stubbornness. “Whatever. It’s your funeral.”
 “... barely even hurts anymore, and- uh, Hen? You sure you’re okay? You don’t look so hot…”
Henrik blinked sluggishly at the blurry red figure in front of him; he didn’t remember Jackie coming in. He ran a shaky hand through his hair; it was damp and stuck to his forehead.
Had he asked Anti to send the hero in? Now that he thought about it, he didn’t remember Anti leaving his office either. Also, he felt like throwing up. That was concerning.
He mumbled something, not noticing he had reverted back into his mother tongue. Jackie’s concerned face kept sliding out of view, everything was spinning out of his control.
“Wh- dude, I can’t understand you and frankly, you’re starting to freak me out.”
He tried to stand; he needed to get out, get out of his stuffy office and maybe stand in the cold rain for a while, get rid of this suffocating heat and his sudden nausea-
The world tilted on its axis, and next time he blinked, he was on the floor. Huh. It was more comfortable than he expected it to be.
“Sh- Hen?! What... ...rik! Can… me? Guys, I… help!”
The rooms spinned faster and faster as he felt his eyes roll back into his head. And then he felt nothing at all.
 Everything hurts.
His limbs feel like lead and it’s like his ears are filled with cotton. He can vaguely make out the muffled voices of his family, and a quiet sob coming from somewhere in his right.
Schneep lets out a pained croak; his mouth tastes like iron. Shit, he must’ve bit his tongue when he collapsed.
“Oh shit, he’s coming back!” “Sshhhh, it’s okay Robbie, don’t cry… Henrik? Hen, can you hear us?” “Hey, doc? Blink twice if you’re not dead.”
“Verpiss dich.” he groans. His whole world is burning, something is definitely trying to claw its way out of his skull, and he wants it to stop.
Someone snorts; he can’t tell who, his mind isn’t working right. “I think he just insulted me, so he’s fine.”
He forces his eyes open -jesus, everything looks like an oversaturated blob right now- pushing on his trembling arms in an attempt to sit up.
“Oh no you don’t.” an authoritative voice snarls at him.
He feels something touch his face; his vision sharpens and for a second, he sees Marvin staring down at him, two fingers pressed against his damp forehead. The magician smiles. “This is for all the times you tranqued me.”
“What are you-” “Sleep.”
And he does.
 The second time he woke proved to be the right one.
Well, he still felt like shit overall. But the splitting pain in his skull had faded to a dull throb, and the smoldering heat to a bearable warmth. Progress.
His eyes fluttered open, taking in the familiar decor of his own bedroom. His night light seemed to be set on the lowest intensity, sparing his eyes and his head. It was dark outside.
“Oh thank fuck, you’re back. We were gonna take you to the ER if you didn’t wake up before dawn.”
Henrik twisted his neck to look at his left; Chase was sitting next to his bed, his shoulders dropping in apparent relief. The doctor propped himself up against the wall behind him -oh good, he could move without the room going all merry-go-round on him, hurray- and opened his mouth, but all that came out was a broken croak; gott, his throat and mouth were dry as a desert. Thankfully, Chase seemed to notice his woes and produced a water bottle from the foot of the bed, holding it out to his brother. “Here. Figured you’d want this, your fever only broke an hour ago.”
The German gratefully took the offering and greedily drained it, the cool liquid soothing his sore throat. He didn’t stop until the bottle was crushed, and he took a starved gulp of air. “D-Danke. What time is it?”
“Eh, about 3AM. So if I remember my third-grade math right, you’ve been out for about twelve hours.” “Jesus.” “Yup. You scared the shit out of us.”
Schneep sighed, propping the empty bottle on his nightstand. “I know. I’m sorry. Where are the others?” “Downstairs. Robbie fell asleep, but everyone else is awake and waiting for news.” “Everyone…?” “Yeah. Well, everyone but Anti, but that was to be expected, he gets elusive when there’s too many of us around. Jackie stayed home for the night to make sure you’d be okay, and Marv canceled his show.”
Henrik groaned, his face heating up in shame. “Dammit.” Then he remembered the sensation of cool fingers on his forehead, and two slitted green eyes pulling him into the darkness. “Wait. Did Marv seriously knock me out with magic?!”
Chase grimaced. “Yeah, he won’t be sorry about that one. Plus you kinda needed it.” “Hmpf.” “I’ll let them know you’re up. But first…”
The vlogger grabbed his chair and plopped down on hit, his arms and head resting on top of the backseat. “You’re going to tell me what’s going on with you.”
Henrik averted his gaze, staring at the ceiling. It could use a fresh paint job, he thought. “Nothing.”
“We both know that’s bullshit. I’m not a literal lie detector like Anti, but I can tell when you’re hiding something.” Chase waved at his friend’s prone body. “I mean for God’s sake, just look at yourself! You’ve been running yourself ragged for weeks now, and you won’t tell any of us anything! I don’t care why you thought you could let it go so far, but as soon as it starts affecting your health then it becomes our problem too!”
The vlogger was glaring daggers into him. Chase didn’t get angry often, so whenever he did, that was a pretty clear sign that you’d messed up. Big time. Henrik let out a trembling breath, covering his eyes; what an absolute disaster.
“Remember when I passed out in the kitchen that one time?”
The German turned to look at his brother, disconcerted by the sudden change in topic. The vlogger was clutching the wooden chair, head bowed, his eyes hidden in the shadow of his iconic cap. The off-white scars on his arms were peeking out of his sleeves.
“Robbie hadn’t slept well that night. He always had good instincts. So he came downstairs early in the morning to get some warm milk, and he almost tripped on my unconscious body. Remember that?”
Henrik cringed; he did. And he was starting to understand what Chase trying to convey.
“Now,” his brother continued, “I wasn’t awake to witness that. Not the way he wailed loud enough to wake up the entire house, nor the look on his face when he ran to you for help. But…” 
He pointed at Henrik. “You’ve told me about all this. Several times, in great detail, every time you thought I was about to relapse. Which I didn’t, not since that day, because what you described was too heart-wrenching to even consider. And it was all second-hand knowledge, you know? Like I said, I didn’t experience it. But today? I was the one Robbie ran to, weeping about how you’d stopped moving. And, well…”
He chuckled, rubbing his face. It was devoid of mirth. “Let’s just say I’d rather cut off my own arm than see that look on his face ever again. So, you’re going to tell me why you’ve been destroying yourself, and I might consider not kicking your ass when you’re back on your feet again.”
Henrik sighed. He was cornered. “...Okay, fine. But you will keep it to yourself, klar?”
Chase shrugged. “Unless hiding it would put us in danger, then I see no reason not to.”
Henrik rolled his head on the pillow, gazing up at the ceiling once more. He braced himself -c’mon, it’s Chase, you can trust him with this- then took a deep breath.  “I’ve been… conflicted. About something.”
Chase nodded, urging him to continue. That was a good start.
“I didn’t want to think about it, but it just kept looping in my mind, over and over. So I tried to keep busy, to make the thoughts go away.” “That one’s a given. So what’s been eating you? Did something happen? Do I need to punch someone?”
Henrik snorted. He knew that Chase was being completely serious, that he cared about him enough to kick someone’s ass on his behalf. Not going to lie, it felt nice. “Please don’t, none of this is his fault.”
The vlogger squinted. So this was about a guy.
“I’m just… I’m being stupid about it, okay? It probably didn’t mean anything and here I am overthinking it.” the German rambled; the floodgates had opened, words spilling out with less and less restraint. “Verdammt. I don’t know what happened. Everything was normal up until now, but then I started getting those weird signals and they might not even be signals at all and I maybe I’m reading him all wrong-”
“Dude, stop, I get it. You got a crush on Edward.”
Henrik choked on his words. He craned his neck so fast he felt it crack -gross- and stared wide-eyes at his sibling; there wasn’t the faintest trace of surprise on his face. Only calm understanding. Scheiße, was it that obvious?!
Chase seemed to somehow hear his thoughts, offering him a patient smile. “Dude, I’ve seen it all before. Heck, I’ve been there. Plus I know he walked you home a while ago, and it matches with when you started acting weird.”
The bedridden ego let out a huff. “What are you, a detective?” “Worse than that, I’m a father. I notice stuff.”
There was a moment of silence, as Schneep visibly struggling to find the right words, running his fingers through his mop of brown and grey hair. 
“I just… I’ve known him for so long. We’ve been working in the same clinic almost every day for years, so why now? What changed?”
Chase shrugged. “Hell if I know. Sometimes this stuff just… happens, y’know? There’s no grand rhyme or reason behind it, it just is. You only get to choose how to deal with it.”
The fatherly ego got off the chair to sit on Schneep’s bedside. “And, yeah, that’s where you’ve been messing up lately. I ain't gonna tell you how to live your life, but you need to stop running away from this. It’ll only get worse the longer you ignore it.” He sighted. “Christ dude. For all your talk about feelings and shit, you suck when it comes to your own.”
“I suppose.” the German mumbled. “Again, I’m sorry I scared you all. I really am.” “Well… if you promise us to never do that again then I guess I can forgive ya.” the vlogger winked and got up, stretching and cracking his joints. “Why don’tcha think on this for now, and I’ll go tell the others you didn’t slip into a coma or something. ...buuut before I do, I kinda have a confession to make.”
He scratched at the back of his head, smiling sheepishly. “I’m the one who asked Anti to get rid of your alarm. So don’t be mad at him for that.”
Schneep’s jaw dropped, shock written all across his features. “Was? That was your idea? But- why?!” “Look, I was just really worried, and it was your first day off in god-knows how long, I wanted you to get some rest!” “I swear- wait. Anti listened?” “He’s been… cooperative lately. I know, crazy right?” “Cooperating to make my life a living hell. You’ll be the death of me, all of you.”
Chase laughed. “We love you too, ya goof.”
*mcfricking dies* NINE. FREAKING. PAGES.
why are those things getting longer and longer. someone please stop me.
@tabbynerdicat @egopocalypse​ @humblecacti​ @lilakennedy​ (Vati time)
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 4 years
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 57:  Overdue Conversations
Presenting the next chapter of my on-going, next-gen, My Hero Academia fic, Their Hero Academia!
This is actually the edited version, but won’t go up on AO3 and FF.net until tomorrow, so tumblr gets it early!
Earlier ones can be found here
“Still can’t believe you were right there on the front lines, Haimawari!  It’s like you’re one of the main characters or something!”
Isamu gave Anime Fukidashi a curious look.  Kana Tetstutetsu, had invited him over to her dorm to study and then to hang out.  The studying had gone pretty well (Their classes were on pretty much the same schedule, thankfully.), but then her floormates had invited themselves in and what should have been a nice, semi-private moment (It wasn’t like they were going to make out or anything!  He wasn’t even sure when the right time to talk about that kind of thing was!) turned into hanging out with them.
Still, he was grateful for the time spent with her.  They hadn’t had a lot of it, but they had clicked and clicked well.  She was attractive, certainly, with her orange-red hair and her muscular physique.  But she was also kind, friendly, and looked out for her classmates the same way Midoriya looked out for 1-A.  
Of course, Mineta had pointed out—frequently—that she was basically the less violent version of Kirishima-Bakugo, but he was trying very hard not to think about that or what it said about him.
“You keep talking like our lives are some kind of TV show,” he said instead.  He’d been cautioned that she was a little strange, and looking like some kind of living piece of animation only added to that.  But all kinds of people looked a little different these days.  He himself had pink stripes in his hair at this temples.  No, what made her strange was the fact that she talked like life was some kind of, well, anime.  “And even if it was, I’m definitely not main character material.”
“Don’t be so sure of yourself,” Fukidashi said.  “Let’s just say I’ve got a feeling about you.  I even heard You Say Run during the Sports Festival when you won!”
Tetsutetsu waved a hand dismissively.  “Ignore her when she gets like that.  We all do.”
“The way I hear,” Rika Bondo, a girl made of blue-green slime, said, “your class was there at most of the big fighting.”  She was semi-translucent and her clothes actually seemed to be made of some kind of rubberized material.  She’d brought popcorn to share, though she had her own bowl of it.  She extended her fingers, picking up a piece and tossing it into her mouth. The pieces seemed to just dissolve in her mouth when she ate them. It was weird, but he was trying not to judge.
For a moment, Isamu’s mind snapped back to watching the Nomu fight Deku.  He’d been certain, even if just for a minute, that he was going to witness the death of the Number One Hero.  Fortunately, that had turned out not to be the case.  He closed his eyes for a second and let out a breath.
Tetsutetsu put a hand on his shoulder.  “You okay? You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.  Some people should know better.”  She punctuated this with a glare in Fukidashi and Bondo’s direction.
He waved it off.  “I’m fine,” he said.  “Getting past it.  Scary, but part of the job, you know?  Not all going to be fun and games.”
“Pretty sure Tetsutetsu and Monoma were the only ones from our class who saw any action,” Kitiara Kaniyashiki said.  She was a redhead, with her hair in two vaguely claw-shaped pigtails.  She apparently had some kind of scissor Quirk, though he hadn’t seen her use it.  “I was on the whole other side of the country.  Aunt Monika says the police had a hell of a time cleaning up after it was all over.  Lots of small league Villains trying to take advantage of the chaos and the big name Heroes being hurt or busy.”
“Don’t remind me,” Tetsutetsu said.  “Uncle Neito got pretty banged up by one of those things.  But Dad made it out without a scratch, at least.”
“How’s our Monoma doing, by the way?” Kaniyashiki asked.  “I mean, not that I don’t appreciate the quiet—that guy’s like a little screaming gremlin—but it’s too quiet, you know?”  
“Like somebody turned off the background music!” Fukidashi piped in.
“At least he’s talking again,” Bondo said.  “He wasn’t even doing that a few days ago.”
“Blame Mika for that one,” Tetsutetsu said.  “She gave him a little kick in the pants.”
Isamu hadn’t had much to do with Shiro Monoma, other than having witnessed him attempt to taunt some of his classmates from time to time.  But he knew he was friends with Koda and Mineta, and had a particularly antagonistic relationship with Kirishima-Bakugo.  Granted, Kirishima-Bakugo seemed to have an antagonistic relationship with everyone except for Midoirya and Izumi, but there seemed to be a greater degree of bad blood there.
Still, he supposed he couldn’t blame the guy for being shaken.  Some of his classmates still weren’t really talking about what went down and Shinso had been gone all week before finally coming back.  The place really hadn’t been the same without the little guy, so Isamu was glad to see him again.
Isamu himself had mostly made peace with what he’d seen and was trying to stay focused on the good that had happened during his Internship.  And not the horror.  And definitely not the creeping worry about what it meant that someone had the resources to drop that many monsters on the city.
“Girls,” Tetsutetsu said, pinching the bridge of her nose, “can we talk about something that’s not depressing?  Like I was doing with my boyfriend before you all barged in?”
“I like the sound of thaaaaaa…” Isamu started to say, but then his mind seized up.  They’d hung out a bunch and gotten food and watched movies together and texted and talked on the phone a lot, but that didn’t make them…! They hadn’t talked about…!
Before he could shift his brain back into gear, Fukidashi seized on the moment.  She leaned forward in her chair, her eyes briefly replaced by cartoon hearts.  “Ooooh!   He didn’t know!   Is this like He Doesn’t Know He’s My Boyfriend (But I’m Trying to Tell Him?)”
“Why did you say the parenthesis?”  Kaniyashiki asked.
“Don’t let Monoma hear you say that he’s your boyfriend,” Bondo said, “he’ll flip his lip about 1-A again…”
“Out!” Tetsutetsu shouted, pointing to the door.  “All of you!”
Isamu started to get up, but she put a hand against his chest.  “Not you!”
When the other girls had filed out, he broke the silence.  “So… I’m your boyfriend?”
Tetsutetsu pinched the bridge of her nose.  “Sorry, Haimawari, that really just slipped out.  I shouldn’t have…  We haven’t talked…  I’m really not usually that impulsive; I swear Mika is rubbing off on me…  And please don’t tell her I said that, because she’ll take it the wrong way and the right way and be even more insufferable.”
She looked up.  “But I do really like you.  So maybe it’s too quick, but…”
Isamu smiled.  “I really like you too,” he said.  “A lot.  We click.  So… why not? Call me your boyfriend.  And Isamu too.”
Akaya frowned as she looked up from her book.  She and several others had started an impromptu study session in the Common Room.  Though the final exams had not yet been announced—they were expecting that on Tuesday—many of them sensed that they needed to start preparing early.   She was not especially worried; her grades put her towards the tail end of the upper third of the class, but she knew well that overconfidence often led to failure. And so studying was absolutely a requirement.  English was a particularly tricky subject.  She could read the language well enough, from studying one of the copies of the Bible her mother had in the language, but the rules to it were far less easy to grasp.
By coincidence, everyone at the table had a somewhat unusual appearance: Mika, Kaminari, Shoji, and Aoyama. It drew Akaya back to the events of her Internship.  While she had been away from the action and violence that hung over most of her classmates, her own experiences still weighed upon her mind.  Hound Dog had sympathized when she’d spoken to him about it and had shared experiences of his own.  He had suggested that she might find some commonality in it with her classmates and friends.  Unsure of how to broach the subject, the winding down of the study session gave her the moment she required.
“Ugh,” Mika said, sticking out her tongue.  “I have to go get new shoes tomorrow after the funeral.  That’s gonna take most of the rest of the day.”  
Monday would be the funeral for the late Principal Nezu, who had died a week ago.  They were being given the day off to attend and reflect. Akaya could not claim to have known him at all, other than seeing him speak occasionally, but the loss was always a tragedy.  She trusted in God’s plan, but sometimes, it was difficult to see.
“Going to the mall?” Kaminari asked.  “Can I come? I could go for some new boots too.”
Mika raised an eyebrow. “To the farrier, Chi.”
Mika swung around in her chair, bringing her legs out from under the table.  “Hooves, Chi.”
“Oh.  Right.  I knew that.”
Akaya opened her mouth, but quickly closed it again.  No, she needed to do this.  She closed her eyes for just a moment, said a silent prayer for courage.
“Friends,” she began, cautiously, “may I ask you a question?”
“What’s up, Akaya?” Mika asked.  “Is this the birds and bees talk?  Because while I’m qualified to give it…”
Kaminari swatted Mika upside the head with one her Cords, shooting their mutual friend an annoyed look. “Stop that.  This is serious.”
“Crude as ever,” Aoyama muttered.
“Dealing with you later,” Mika told Aoyama.  But she had the momentary sense to look apologetic.  “Sorry, Akaya, what’s up?”
Akaya hesitated for a moment, but pressed on.  These were her friends and classmates.  She could tell them anything.  “Have any of you ever experienced any harsh words or actions because of your appearance?”
There was a long moment of silence.  
“Akaya,” Shoji said slowly, concern marring his handsome features, “did something happen?”
“Whose ass do I need to kick?” Mika asked. She jumped up out of her chair, brought her fists up, and started punching the air.  “Just point me in the right direction!  I’m not afraid to fight dirty!”
Kaminari swatted her again.   “Rein it in there, cowgirl,” she said.   She reached up and touched her left Extension Cord.  “I can’t say that I have,” she said, actually answering Akaya’s question.  “But my Quirk’s not really all that noticeable. Most people don’t even pay much attention to them.”
She sounded sympathetic and concerned, but, Akaya reflected, Kaminari’s Quirk was hardly noticeable at all. She didn’t have the kinds of experiences necessary to really process this.  While there was no longer a definition of “normal,” there was certainly still a baseline that the majority of people fit into.  And she was well within its bounds in a way Akaya was not.
“Sorry,” Mika said. “Um, I mean, I’m pretty sure somebody’s called me a horse or a cow or something like that over the years, but that’s really it. People have said some shit about my body, but not usually about the horns or the hooves.”
Of course.  Akaya bore her friend no malice, but Mika was very conventionally attractive.  Something she was well aware of and used to her advantage.  She might carry her own burdens, but she could not truly understand.
“There was the time in middle school somebody put a bale of hay on my desk…  or the pail full of milk…  Boy, was Shiro pissed…”
Or perhaps she had thought too soon.
“Not me, so much, but Dad,” Shoji said.  It was true, Shoji was… distractingly attractive, Akaya would admit, with handsome features, silver hair, and a powerful build. Even Akaya would confess to wishing to be cradled in those strong six arms of his.  “He usually makes the list for Top Ten Heroes Who Look Like Villains.   Tries not to let it get to him, but sometimes…  Yeah, you can tell.  And some people still scream when they see him.  It’s why he used to wear the mask.  But he decided he didn’t want to hide anymore.”
Shoji was not particularly talkative.  That might have been the most words Akaya had heard him string together at once.  He must have felt very strongly about it.
“Koda,” Aoyama said, “please, tell us your troubles.  We are your friends.”  Though his appearance was typically baseline, the fact that most of the time, he was glowing, gave him his own bit of strangeness.  
Akaya frowned.  But she had come this far.  She might as well go a few steps farther.  “During my Internship, some of the people we rescued were,” she hesitated for a moment, “very prejudiced against those with Mutant-type Quirks or Mutant characteristics.  They said some very unkind things towards myself and the ship’s crew.  The ones our age made rather… ugly and suggestive comments about me.”
Her cheeks flushed and she hung her head.  But it was out there.  She needed to tell someone, anyone.  At least she had her friends here.
The silence that followed was even more palpable.  But much shorter lasting.
“Qui étaient-ils?  Donnez-moi des noms!  Je les tuerai!  Je vais les faire souffrir!”   Aoyama exploded into rapid-fire, angry French, his glow pulsating with his words. Akaya didn’t understand any of it, but she certainly understood the emotion behind it.
“I don’t speak your crazy moon language, Frenchie,” Mika said, “but I know what it sounds like when someone’s winding up to deliver an ass kicking!  Count me in!”
“Both of you, no,” Kaminari said, facepalming at their outbursts. “You can’t just go beat someone up like that.”   Sparks danced on the ends of her Cords.  “No matter how much you’d like to.”
Even Shoji’s implacable calm was being broken by this.  Akaya could see the slight twitch of the muscles in his jaw as he ground his teeth. All six of his fists were tightly clenched, making veins bulge in his muscular arms.  “Koda,” he said, as he approached her, “you know people like that are rare, right?  And idiots, too?”
She nodded.  “My crewmates and Aunt Tsu said as much.  I had thought myself over it, but…”
“It sticks with you,” he said.  And she nodded in response.  “Can I give you a hug?”
Akaya jerked slightly in surprise.  “I… yes,” she said.  “I’d like that.”
Shoji wrapped his arms around her.  The only one of their class bigger than her, his arms fit around her large frame easily. His muscles were ever so firm. She wrapped her own arms around him and returned the hug.   And then let out a breath, releasing some of her stress.  “Thank you, Shoji.”  She looked at the others when the hug broke.  “And thank all of you, for your support.”
Aoayam nodded.  “I am serious about the offer of violence.  To defend your honor, I would even fight beside Mineta.”
Mika ignored the barb for once.  “If you can’t kick ass for your friends, who can you kick ass for?”
“You okay for now?” Shoji asked, somber and serious.
She nodded.  “I am.  I cannot guarantee the mood will not overtake me again, but…”
“We’ll be here when it does,” Mika confirmed.
When the group actually did break up, Mika held back with Akaya.  “That’s not everything, is it though?”
Akaya gave her a curious look.  “You’re being unusually perceptive today.”
“I have my moments. Now, what’s up?”
Akaya sighed.  “The vileness of it all bothers me, of course, but it did also stir up old feelings.  While I know that people like me do often find love, as my own family shows… It brought up old fears that no one would find me attractive.”
Mika got a strange look upon her face, something Akaya could not quite identify.  “Leave everything to me.”  And with that, she took off like a shot, hooves makings a steady clip-clop­ sound.
“Mka!”  Akaya shouted after her.  “Explain yourself!”
Later that day, Daisuke held open the door to the dorm and let Emiko inside.  The Common Room wasn’t currently occupied.  Good.  It wasn’t as though as was trying to hide his relationship; he and Emiko both simply preferred their privacy.  Of course, if they really wanted their privacy, they could have just gone to the library or somewhere else. Though if they had, he’d still have had to check that Ojiro wasn’t followed them. So this definitely wasn’t hiding.  It just wasn’t going out of their way to make a thing of it. Few of her own classmates knew either. It definitely wasn’t hiding it, even though they’d met during the first week of school, had been dating since the second, and hadn’t really told anyone.  But it had been her idea to study at his dorm, so he was not inclined to object.
Emiko looked around. “So this is how the Hero Course lives?” she asked.  With the dark glasses she wore, it was hard to tell where exactly she was looking.  A side effect of her Quirk—Perfect Night Vision—was that she required eye protection against brighter lights.
“It’s not that much different than yours,” he replied.
She gave him an affectionate jab in the side with her elbow.  “I’m teasing you, Hero.”
“Yes, well…”
Daisuke stopped.  He could hear faint sounds in the distance. “Someone’s coming down the stairs.”
For a second, his heart thundered in his chest.  He was so used to everyone not knowing, so used to keeping the details of his life private.  He’d enjoyed it, in a way.  No invasive questions, no attempts at judgement.    
She touched his arm. “It was bound to happen,” she said. “Let it.”
Of course, it was the worst possible combination of his classmates: Sato, Sero, and Ojiro.
“Where are we going again?” Sero asked.
“To see the kid!” Ojiro bubbled.  The sleeves of her t-shirt waved through the air in excitement, as she bounced from foot to foot.
“What kid?” Sero asked.
“Doctor Izumi’s kid!”
“Was she expecting?” Sero asked.  “I mean, I know you’re not supposed to ask if a lady’s pregnant, but she didn’t look…”
“Dude,” Sato said, giving the pink-skinned boy a look. “Kimmie told us.  Doctor Izumi and Water Spout adopted, remember?”
“See, Kenta remembers!” Ojiro said. And then, as was common, she started hitting Sero, pummeling him with both fists.  “WHY DON’T YOU REMEMBER WHEN I TELL YOU THINGS?!”
“Ow!  Ow!  Kimmie! Stop!  I’m sorry!”
It was, honestly, the perfect distraction and Daisuke made a motion for Emiko to follow him around the feuding trio.  But Sato proved to be far more observant.   “Oh, hey, Shoji,” he said.  “Who’s your friend?”
The smacking immediately stopped.  And though he could not see her face, Daisuke was immediately aware that Ojiro was staring at him and Emiko.  And then she started vibrating, emitting a very high pitched “squee.”
“Is… is she okay?” Emiko asked, pulling a strand of blue-hair back behind her ear.  
“Oh, no…” he said, feeling that sinking feeling come on.
“Shoji!” Ojiro shouted, arms waving frantically.  “Why didn’t you tell us you had a girlfriend?!  I can’t believe you were trying to hide her!  She’s so cute!  What is wrong with you?!  Don’t you like us?!  Why don’t you want to share?!”
And, of course, then the smacking began, her tiny fists thudding against his arm.  Why did he think he was going to get away with this?
“Kimmie, maybe give the guy a chance to talk?” Sero said.  He flinched. “Please don’t hit me.”
The hitting stopped, fortunately.   Ojiro crossed her arms.  “You better have a damn good explanation, Shoji!”
Daisuke looked over at Emiko, who gave him a small nod.  At least she hadn’t bolted at the nonsense.   “This is Emiko Shiryoku.  My girlfriend.  Emiko, this is Sato, Sero, and Ojiro.”
She gave them a small smile. “Nice to meet you.  You’re the ones with the webshows, right?”
Sero positively beamed. “You’ve seen us?”
Emiko shook her head. “I can’t actually watch electronic screens.  Too bright. But people do talk, and I still enjoy listening to Gossip Corner.”
And there went that high pitched squee-ing again.
“Do you guys have any sponsors yet?  Or are you making any money from ads?” Emiko asked.  “If not, I can suggest a few ways to bump yourself up in the algorithms and goose your ratings a little, maybe get a little cash for bigger videos…  You could probably even get a sponsor for combining unboxing videos with Sato’s show…”
Sero’s jaw dropped. “Okay, I’m gay, so I never thought I’d say this to a girl, but where have you been all my life?”   Next to him and out of his line of sight, Sato facepalmed.
“The Business Course,” Emiko told him.  
Ojiro finally stopped squeezing though and put her hands on her hips, huffing indignantly.  “I can’t believe you’ve been keeping her from us, Shoji! And all the times I talked you up as eligible on the show!”
“I didn’t ask you to that,” he reminded her.  
“It’s a free service!”
“Yes, well,” Emiko said, “now that you do know, I would prefer you don’t announce it to the world. Daisuke and I really don’t want a lot of attention.  I’m still trying to make a name for myself and I don’t want it to be just because I’m dating a future Hero.”
“The world has a right to know!” Ojiro said, stomping her foot. “This is premium content!  The number one voted on the hottest guys in the Hero Course, off the market!”
Daisuke let out a groan. That damned list again.  He’d been dreading it coming up ever since Monoma had mentioned it.  He was hoping to talk to Emiko about it, but…
“…The what?” Emiko said, shooting him a look.  Even being unable to see her eyes, he knew he was in for an earful.  
“Didn’t you say something about a kid?” Daisuke tried, at least hoping to get some kind of privacy and really hoping to avoid a lengthy conversation with the would-be internet stars.
“Omigosh!” Ojiro said. “Right!   C’mon, boys!”   Sero followed after her, but Sato stayed behind for a moment.
“Sorry about that,” he said. “Kimmie gets a little crazy sometimes, but she means well.   …Mostly well.”   He turned to follow them.  “Nice meeting you!”
Daisuke was still being glared at.  “I swear, Emiko, I only just found out about the list last week…”
“Last week?” she challenged.  
Maybe there was a shovel in the supply closet.  It would be faster at this point.  “I…”
She took his hand. “Guess this means I hooked a real winner then.”
He just shook his head. “You planned this, didn’t you? You wanted us to get caught.”
Emiko smiled.  “I may have already known about the list.  And the way she talked about you on her show. I thought if I got ‘caught’, I might have a chance to get some of that to stop.”
Daisuke felt a smile tug on his lips.  “Yeah, you’re going to be rich someday with a mind like that.”
“I’ll need a boy toy when that happens, you know…”
“So, ah, hey, Kimiko,” Kenta said, standing in her doorway.  Takuma had gone ahead and gone back to his room already.  He had to admit, Kimmie had been right.  Water Spout and Doc Clock’s adopted kid had been adorable.  Definitely still settling in, but she’d looked happy.  
“What’s up, Kenta?” she asked, powering up her computer.  Probably getting ready to scour the internet for the latest gossip.
Of course, she was currently sitting on the biggest piece of gossip of the year (Her words, not his.), which she had vocally complained about most of the walk over and back  It had covered topics from the unfairness of it all, to how dare they keep her from sharing it, to laments that one of the hottest guys in school was officially off the market.  While both he and Takuma had had the good sense to just let her rant and stay out of swatting range, Takuma had agreed with the last part and had to be reminded that he already had a boyfriend.
“Still feeling down about Shoji?” he asked.
Kimiko threw her hands up in the air.  “You have no idea.  How can I call myself the Gossip Queen of U.A. if I not only missed out on the best gossip of all time, but I can’t share it with anyone?!  Not to mention, it’s freaking Shoji!  And he’s out of the running!”
Kenta winced at that. He was in good shape, he knew, but he was no Shoji.  Still, he took the lack of protest to his presence as an invitation and walked inside.   “Well, what if I gave you some gossip to make up for it?”
That got her attention.  She practically spun around in her desk chair to look at him.  “I’m going to need details and I’m going to need them fast.”   She looked at her computer.  Waving a fist threateningly at it.  “Boot up faster!  How can I take notes if you don’t boot up!?”
She turned back to him again.  “Okay, how did you get gossip and who’s it about?  Oooh?  Is it Todoroki?  Please tell me it’s Todoroki!  She’d be, like, the gossip motherlode!  She’s not on anybody’s radar!  Secret boyfriend?  Secret girlfriend?  Tell me!”
“It’s not about Todoroki,” Kenta said.  Now or never, he supposed.  “It’s about me.”
That got a jolt of surprise from her.  “About you? And you’re coming to me first? Getting ahead of the gossip train is very smart, Kenta!”   She leaned forward, putting her elbows on her knees and supporting her head in her hands (Or at least that’s what it looked like.).  “Any girl’d be lucky to have you!  Who’s the lucky lady?  Is it Kocho? Or somebody more surprising?  What are you keeping from me, Kenta?!”
“Well, I, ah, don’t actually think she knows I like her yet.  So maybe this is pre-gossip?”  His heart was starting to pound in his chest.   He could do this.  He could do this.  He’d been planning on doing this before the Nomu thing.  
Kenta had had some productive sessions with Hound Dog and gotten his head back on a little straighter, especially with support from his friends.  If he backed out now, if he was afraid to talk to a girl who’d been one of his best friends for nearly all his life, how big a coward was he?
Kimiko sat up and crossed her arms.  “Still gossip,” she said, though she sounded disappointed.  “But it’s not nearly Shoji level gossip.  And you still haven’t told me who!”
Kenta gulped.  “It’s, ah, it’s you, Kimmie.”
There was a long, way too long, silent moment.  Kenta could usually read Kimiko like a book, in spite of her invisibility.  And right now, there was a growing moment, like the calm before the storm.  A very primeval part of his brain was screaming at him that he needed to run and run fast.  Finally, Kimiko exploded out of her chair, fists flying.   He quickly got his hands up to protect his face.
He was probably going to have bruises after this.  Kimiko’s pummelings were always unfocused, but she could put a lot of power behind them. “Kimmie,” he said, dodging blows, “Kimmie, stop!  Stop!  Kimmie! It’s the truth!”
The pummeling suddenly stopped.  
“You… you like me like me?” Kimiko asked.  
“Yeah,” he said. “You’re one of my best friends. And the prettiest girl I know too.”
Kimiko let out another high pitched squee.  Being at ground zero, Kenta had to cover his ears for a second.  “Does this mean you like me too?” he asked.
He was going to take that as a yes.
Fortunately, this time at least, she wasn’t hitting him, just flailing.  “You know me, Kimmie,” he said.  “Always gotta second guess myself."
“Well that stops right now,” Kimiko said.  “No guy I’m dating is going to be a sad sack!  You’re going to have confidence, do you hear me?”
“Ah…yes,” he said.
“Good!” Kimmie bubbled, clapping her hands.  She threw her arms around him.  “We’ve got to tell Takuma, though.  Otherwise he’s just going to third wheel himself onto our dates and we’ll never have a moment’s peace.  Because he is not going to get the hint.”
“Do we tell him before or after everyone else?”
“A personal gossip announcement?  Do I dare?” Kimiko asked, breaking away. It wasn’t what he meant, but there was no stopping her when she was on a roll.  “Is that even gossip or just oversharing?  Who cares, I’m telling everybody anyway!  Here comes a very special episode!”
Sora became aware of shaky hands on her shoulders, forcing her towards wakefulness.  She head snapped up.  “It’s so simple!” she shouted.  Surely, if she was just able to put that breakthrough she had been dreaming of into practice, why then she could…  could…
She sagged in defeat. Whatever it was that had been going through her unconscious mind, it was gone now.  But she was so certain she had been so close to solving it!  It was fundamentally unfair that she had to be woken up in the middle of her greatest discovery!  Who had…?
“What’s so simple?” Sora realized that her waker had been her boyfriend, Toshi.  She had been slumped over on her small workbench in her dorm room, blueprints and a half-completed device spread out in front of her.  
She shook her head. “I do not recall, possibly the solution to this,” Sora said, indicating the device in a half-assembled state.  It was supposed to be a small spy drone that could relay information back to her costume’s helmet, but she was having difficulties getting it to fly without exploding.  
“Oh,” Toshi said, then smiled.  He looked so cute when he did, the pink patches on his cheeks standing out among his freckles.  “Can I help?”
Sora shook her head. “I do not think so.  As loathe as I am to admit it, the solution is at a loss for now.  Also, I am at a loss as to why you are in my room?”
Toshi’s face when bright red at that.  “I…!   The door was open, we were going to get together with some of the others to watch a movie and you weren’t there and so I just…”
That made her frown. “Oh, no!   Toshi, I am sorry!  I became too engrossed in my work and forgot we had plans!”  Her arms chopped rapidly through the air.   I have failed in my girlfriend duties!”
He waved his hands quickly at that.  “No, no! It’s okay!  I know you get busy!  You get so focused on everything!  It happens!”
“You are sure?” she asked, uncertainly.  She was still very new to this, and she wanted very much to get it right.
“I’m sure,” Toshi said. “Besides, you’re awake now.   Asuka and Shota said they’d wait.”
That was a relief! Sora jumped up from her chair and wrapped her arms around Toshi, pulling him close.  As she was a good fifteen centimeters taller than he was, this did make for a slightly awkward embrace.  And this, predictably, led to Toshi shaking and being very uncertain where his hands should go.
It was, truthfully, very curious behavior.  He very rarely initiated physical contact and was often anxious when she did so herself. She let him go.   “Toshi,” she said, very seriously, “do you not like it when I touch you?”
Toshi winced at that. “No,” he said, “it’s not that. But I was, ah, hoping you wouldn’t notice.”
She crossed her arms. “Toshi, I am an engineer. Observation is a vital skill.”
He smiled sheepishly at that.  “Right. Of course.  And I like that!  Good skill for a Hero too…”  Toshi trailed off.  “Sorry, I don’t really ramble like that too much, unless I’m nervous…”
“Toshi,” Sora repeated, softly.  She tried to formulate a hypothesis for his behavior, and the only common factor she could find was herself.  “Do I make you nervous?”
“Sorta?” he said, rubbing the back of his head.  “I mean, it’s not exactly like I’m scared of girls.  I grew up around Katsumi after all.  I mean, I am scared of her, but that’s for entirely different reasons. Or Mineta, but she’s her own kind of scary.  But I talk to Asuka just fine or Izumi, or you, before we started dating…”
He trailed off again, but Sora just let him gather his thoughts.  Sometimes, it took a little bit of rambling to get ideas out.  She understood this well.  
“Look,” he said, “I know we’re young and all, but I didn’t exactly date much… or at all before this. Outside of all of you, I had a lot of trouble with not knowing if people really wanted to be my friend for real or because of who Dad is.  So I really don’t know what’s right or, well, anything about how this kind of thing works. I really don’t know what I’m comfortable with or what I should go along with or what’s too much and…  And you’re so amazing and beautiful and…”
He thought she was beautiful?  Sora was used to be being thought of as many different things, but that was not one of them. She was well enough aware that her breast size made her an object of lust for some.  But beautiful?  Fairy tale princesses were not usually the kind to wear a mechanic’s overalls or have a face covered with grease.  
“Then I must apologize,” she said.  “I did not think to consider your boundaries.  I have been told I may be a bit demonstrative…”
Toshi smiled.  “It’s okay.  And, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before.  I thought I could maybe just get used to it but…”
Sora started to reach out, then stopped.  “May I?” she asked.  When Toshi nodded, she took his hand.  “I like you, Toshi.  Very much. But I am very aware I do not quite think like other people do.  But you are very good at keeping me focused on what is in front of me.  I like that.  And I would very much still like to be your girlfriend.  But I am told a good relationship requires clear communication. Can we both do that?”
He nodded and gave her hand a squeeze, moving a little closer to her.  “Yeah.  I can… I can do that.”
There was a closeness in the air and Toshi came in a little bit closer, nervous and shaking, and Sora felt her own heart flutter in her chest, well above the average number of beats per minute.  “Toshi, I wish to…”
“Me too,” Toshi said, and he leaned in even closer, bringing his lips to meet hers.  They were warm and soft and everything she knew about biology was completely disregarded for the moment.
“Oi!  Toshi!”  A sharp voice broke the moment before it got any further.  “…What the fuck?!”
“Katsumi!” Toshi shrieked, and indeed, it was Kirishima-Bakugo standing in her doorway.
“Bird Girl and Loud Kid were getting worried about you so they asked me to check up on you two lovebirds. But now I’m getting out of here before I see something I can’t unsee.”
And Toshi started shaking again.  “Katsumi! It’s not what it looks like!”
“It is not?” Sora asked. “Was I doing it wrong?”
“Nope, nope, nope,” Kirishima-Bakugo said, backing out the door very quickly.  “I don’t wanna know!”
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curtolson · 4 years
Liberty University needs full leadership change, not just Jerry Falwell Jr.
About the author: Curt W. Olson is a 1991 graduate of Liberty University, with a degree in communications that launched me into journalism. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at LU and the friendships I developed there remain people with whom I have close contact. I do not live in Lynchburg, VA and have no “inside information.” As a journalist, I have been a reporter and served as Religion Editor, copy editor, Editorial Page Editor, and investigative reporter. I spent about 20 years in journalism. More recently, I have been teaching English at a Christian school in Upstate New York. I am married and have two children.
An Open Letter to the Liberty University family by Curt W. Olson of the LU Class of 1991,
Everyone in the Liberty University family should desire a humble leader in Jerry Falwell Jr. after a certain period of time for his “indefinite leave of absence” that was announced August 7. If he continues being the President and Chancellor, he needs our prayers and Galatians 6:1-5 provides the biblical footprint for restoring someone.
Why wasn't restoring Falwell Jr. identified in the news releases from LU? It’s a glaring omission. The AP reported needing “time with family,” not having someone who will work with him to restore him to being a humble leader and past the issues that  have surfaced over the past decade. The short statements from the Trustees on August 7 leave far more questions than answers and that is unfortunate. That’s a common chorus with this cast. A lack of clarity and transparency will do that.
It is a separate issue whether Jerry Falwell Jr. could emerge as a different leader and those on campus he has made enemies of would suddenly call him “a new man.” Has Falwell Jr. done way too much damage? This is the question that looms over LU as the new academic year begins. 
For many in the LU family, this question has already been asked and answered: There’s too much water that has gone under the proverbial bridge. After all, we now have signs of failure. David French reported in a column on Aug. 9 something is beginning to impact LU’s freshmen applications and transfer students. If you can’t see the obvious correlation, you don’t want to to see it.
Poor judgment
Two events occurred the past three months that created problems. In June, Falwell Jr. said he would wear a face mask only if it looked like the “blackface” that caused problems for Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam. Falwell Jr.’s  effort to mock the governor drove a couple football players to transfer from LU and got him in hot water with African-American LU alumni. What did Falwell Jr. think was going to happen? Then on August 3, an Instagram photo emerged, which was deleted, of Jerry Jr. pictured with a female who was not his wife and his pants were unzipped. The “costume party” was a parody of the Trailer Park Boys. Falwell Jr. explained the beverage in his hand was not alcohol. That did not help Falwell  when he was on a Lynchburg radio show later in the week explaining what happened and sounding as if he was drunk during the interview. This led to the “indefinite leave of absence.” The deleted Instagram photo and the “blackface” face mask displayed a shocking level of poor judgment for a man leading any Christian ministry, let alone the largest Christian university in the world.
Pleasant image
As an alum from the Class of 1991, I understand the emotions we have for our alma mater. “Liberty is training Young Champions for Christ” and “if it is Christian it should be better” are two of the common statements we heard from LU’s founder, Jerry Falwell.  We have this pleasant image of our time there, our friendships we developed, our spiritual growth, and we want a Christian college faithful to biblical teaching and a top-level NCAA sports program. The idea of controversy, chaos, confusion, and lack of certainty is not what we envision for LU.
Harsh reality
It is time, however, to face some harsh facts. Jerry Falwell Jr.’s current leadership is toxic,  with a culture of fear and intimidation that has been felt by multiple faculty members, staff, and students. That just begins the list of grievances that have arisen dating back to around 2012. Aside from the bad judgment from the June and August incidents, we also have the following issues that could serve as the catalyst for Jerry Falwell Jr.’s dismissal as President and Chancellor. 
They include:
Self-dealing on some real estate transactions;
Self-dealing on some of the construction projects to benefit friends;
Harming the reputation of Liberty University through real estate ventures and other incidents;
Displaying a lack of justice and mercy with many faculty and editors of The Liberty Champion; 
Having a faculty member who had a muddied position on homosexuality; and 
Neglecting his role in setting the spiritual direction of the campus. 
While these would be the key indictments to compel LU Trustees to terminate Falwell Jr., in addition to the outrageous poor judgment that harms the reputation of Liberty University, these may not be a complete list of the issues. These are the known issues through prominent reporting by various entities.
‘Fake news’
I want to address the reporting by POLITICO’s Brandon Ambrosino, Reuters, a column by Will Young in the Washington Post, and others because we live at a time of the common refrain of “fake news.” It puts folks in the position of screaming “fake news,” that while perhaps the information is true, people refuse to accept anything regarded as “bad” to their tribe. Every sentence of reporting by the sources above that resembles the truth opens up a series of brand new questions for Jerry Falwell Jr., and in some cases, the LU Board of Trustees. Perhaps both of those scenarios are long overdue, and the LU family should be demanding answers to those new questions.
Additionally, Ambrosino has admitted to being a homosexual and was one at LU. His sex life has no bearing on his ability to report truth. Anyone who uses that as an excuse to distrust the information he reports has a “see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil” mindset when there’s a five-alarm fire unfolding at Liberty University. 
There are many good things happening at LU, but they are happening in spite of Jerry Jr., not because of him. 
Real estate deals 
Reuters reported in August 2019 on a real estate transaction with a gym owner in Lynchburg, VA
It reported: “In 2016, Falwell signed a real estate deal transferring the sports facility, complete with tennis courts and a fitness center owned by Liberty, to Crosswhite. Under the terms, Crosswhite wasn’t required to put any of his own money down toward the purchase price, a confidential sales contract obtained by Reuters shows.
“Liberty committed nearly $650,000 up front to lease back tennis courts from Crosswhite at the site for nine years. The school also offered Crosswhite financing, at a low 3% interest rate, to cover the rest of the $1.2 million transaction, the contract shows.” 
A real mess
Less than two weeks later, Ambrosino wrote a damaging piece in POLITICO that detailed the self-dealing, building contracts going to friends, his autocratic leadership of fear and intimidation, and activities that would only harm the reputation of LU. Those activities include:  Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen dealing with racy personal photos, a Falwell appearance at a Miami nightclub, with photos he wanted to keep from becoming public, and the notorious Miami South Beach hostel with a seedy reputation that was owned by Trey Falwell, Jerry Jr.’s son. There are numerous things to be outraged by in Ambrosino’s lengthy report (the full article being the second comment in this FB post). When I read it for the first time a year ago some things surprised and shocked, and other things just confirmed things that I had been hearing. I know people--they will not be named--who work or had worked at LU in various capacities. They grew increasingly alarmed by Jerry Jr.’s autocratic leadership style, which I challenge anyone to make the case is condoned in Scripture. I had read Ambrosino’s previous report on the Miami area hostel, so nothing would shock me about things that Jerry Falwell Jr. did. As an alum, I was more hurt about what his actions were doing to the reputation of LU. Jerry settled a lawsuit in Miami related to that property.
The revelation that bothered me the most from Ambrosino’s September 2019 POLITICO report was the apparent lack of any, or at least sufficient, oversight of major construction on the campus. What follows is an excerpt of Ambtrosino’s reporting:
 “At the outset, some in Falwell’s inner circle were not so confident in the arrangement with (Robert) Moon. Before his CMA Inc. (Construction Management Associates Inc.) became Liberty’s go-to contractor, the school bid out its construction work through an office on campus. (‘Free enterprise tends to do pretty well,’ one high-ranking university official said.) The prospect of changing that—giving CMA control over campus construction and its associated costs—rankled some senior university officials.
“Early on in the CMA partnership, before CMA became the university’s single-largest contractor, Charles Spence, the school’s then-vice president of planning and construction, expressed unease about the high costs Moon was quoting for certain school projects. ‘Jerry I am very concerned about cost control on all the projects,’ he wrote to Falwell in a November 2014 email. ‘[Over the last couple of weeks we have had a lot of meetings and conversations on cost and cost overruns. We are just seeing the information begin to trickle in and there really don’t seem to be good answers just a response that the cost we are seeing are fair, and being handled appropriately.’ ‘I hope that I am over reacting,’ Spence continued, ‘but I assure you I am concerned.’
“ ‘I am fine with going back to bidding every project out if CMA can’t run with the big dogs!’ Falwell replied. ‘Let’s hold their feet to the fire!’
“In each of the two years that followed, Liberty paid CMA more than $62 million, part of at least $138 million in contracts from Liberty since the company was formed, according to publicly available tax documents.
“Senior Liberty officials might whisper about the propriety of these business deals, but they told me that Falwell’s decisions on campus are rarely ever challenged by the school’s board of trustees. ‘There’s no accountability,’ a former high-ranking university officer said. ‘Jerry’s got pretty free reign to wheel and deal professionally and personally. The board will approve an annual budget, but beyond that … he doesn’t go to the board to get approval. … It simply doesn’t happen.’ “
Trustees a problem too
You read that right. Jerry Falwell Jr. not only has a family friend as the assigned contractor of capital projects, but few, if any, of them have gone to the LU Board of Trustees for review. The Trustees pass an annual budget and that’s about it. These revelations open up a litany of questions for both Jerry Falwell Jr. and the Trustees on their financial stewardship of Liberty University. 
It also creates the issue of whether LU’s leadership needs wholesale change--at President/Chancellor and Board of Trustees. Consider the following for the Trustees: Isn’t it the responsibility of the Board of Trustees to make sure the President is doing the right thing for and by the university?  If Trustees were doing their job, this should never have come this far.  Since they have now done something, why did they do it now? Are they too embarrassed by repeated Falwell Jr. revelations? What took them so long to come to their collective senses?
In November 2019, Michael Poliakoff of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni chastised LU Trustees in Forbes.  He wrote the following: “And Liberty University has serious problems that could benefit from more board oversight. Although Liberty has increased its endowment exponentially under Falwell and has built a massive online degree program, this expansion has come at a cost: According to HowCollegesSpendMoney.com, Liberty spends 86 cents on administration for every dollar it spends on instruction, roughly three times as much as its self-selected peer institutions. Has the board demanded a thorough audit and review?”
Issues stemming from the Trustees are simply added to the overall picture of Liberty University’s leadership. If you can’t see that something’s amiss, you have to be blind.
‘Culture of fear’
Meanwhile in July 2019, former Liberty Champion editor Will Young wrote a lengthy column in the Washington Post titled, “Inside Liberty University’s ‘culture of fear.’ ” Young’s column outlined numerous stories that gained scrutiny upon Jerry Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump in 2016.  He explained multiple events over a couple of years where the editors were constantly second-guessed and looking over their shoulder of what would offend Falwell’s political sensitivities. After Champion coverage of the Red Letter Christians event in Lynchburg, the student-led, directed, and written newspaper since 1983 had two editors fired from their positions in a complete reorganization of The Liberty Champion. It was a shocking turn of events.
This has always been a tension with The Liberty Champion. In my three years writing or serving in an editorial capacity, two years as the News Editor in 1989-90 and 1990-91, invariably, the faculty adviser, and for us it was Ann Wharton, would use a teachable moment to talk about boundaries that can’t be crossed. But we never, ever had a pattern of being second guessed or looking over our shoulder that Young outlined in his column.
The culture of fear that has developed under Falwell Jr.’s leadership “is a thing” as kids like to say. At some point, folks must draw the conclusion where there’s smoke there’s fire. 
Spiritual issues
Lastly, we have a couple of spiritual issues. Karen Swallow Prior was a long-time English professor at Liberty University before recently joining Southeastern Baptist Seminary. I read an interview Prior had with Julie Roys. Prior talks about her affirmation of the biblical definition of marriage. However, she has had some connections with a couple of conferences, including Revoice, that could lead one to draw a different conclusion. The Revoice conference has advocated that same-sex attraction is alright as long as the folks involved remain celibate. All one can do is take Prior at her word, even though that leads to some muddy water. If LU allowed her to remain as a professor for numerous years, one can’t help but wonder how many other professors snuck in under poor vetting that do not hold biblical views on any number of issues. Folks would say the slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy. The slippery slopes in American culture we were told to not be concerned about, are now issues we are concerned about.
Then, one pairs that with Falwell Jr.’s own tweet where he underscored that his responsibility is not the spiritual direction of the campus. Yet, if one goes to the Leadership page at liberty.edu there are Doctrinal and Mission/Purpose statements that have clear spiritual focus, and a photo of Jerry Falwell Jr. is there with those tabbed links on the left side of the page. So which is it? Does he have any responsibility for spiritual direction of the university, or does he not have that responsibility?
Dr. John Maxwell has said, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” With certain aspects of enrollment trending downward, it would appear that some parents are voting with their wallets. How much longer are Trustees willing to go with Falwell Jr.? There’s much at stake in the answer to that question. It’s a question that demands answers and full transparency with the entire Liberty University family.
The best-case scenario is Jerry Falwell Jr. resigns on his own and most, if not all, of the Trustees follow him. It would be the right thing to do. And for heaven’s sake, bring Mark DeMoss back.
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itslulu42 · 7 years
Part Fourteen of Ninja Dorks Flailing at Interpersonal Relations
or alternative title Mistakes are still made  XD
Underneath the Cut!
One | Previous
The village of Iwanai was situated in the mountains, the homes made in caves that were dotted along the surface cliffs.  The village center was located on a plateau in the mountain range. The one person who knew anything about medical treatment was a retired min from Iwa whose knowledge had been out of date before Sakura had been born.  Fortunately, Seiji was a clever man and was open to Sakura’s instruction.  Sakura discovered Seiji didn’t have the resources to keep up with medical discoveries; Iwanai remote location meant was cut off from trade.  Sakura vowed to find some medical tomes and send them to Seiji.  
Sakura and Sasuke slept in a small cave that Sakura had created with her own fist.  After eight weeks of eating plain rice, Sakura was sick of it.
"Sasuke, I don’t think we need to be here any longer.  Seiji is a fast learner and he’s reached a point where he just needs some more resources.  He doesn’t have enough chakra control for the really difficult procedures that I could teach him." She gave a poke at her bowl of rice, imagining a piece of grilled fish on the top of it.
Sasuke chuckled as he placed his empty bowl down.  "We can go tomorrow if you would like.  I thought you would enjoy the view here; I’m surprised you are so eager to leave."
Sakura looked out to the cave entrance to the clouds floating by.   "I enjoyed it for a little bit," she admitted, recalling the first moment when she climbed the mountain peak.  She walked to the edge of the cave, to the home she had made for the two of them.  The sun was setting, filling the mountain range with rich gold hues.  She continued to watch as the sun disappeared until the only light left was the flickers of fire from homes in the mountain range.
Sakura reached into her thigh pouch and pulled out her flashlight.  Sasuke hadn't joined her, and their own cave was dark and cold. She swept the light across the cave to see Sasuke had tucked himself in between two large boulders, his face hidden by the jutting rock.  The steady rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was asleep.  Sakura leaned back against the wall of the cave and brought her knees to her chest.
Sakura wasn't certain what she was expected when she left with Sasuke but it wasn't this.  Sasuke seemed as he was making a real effort, he had smiled, had kissed her.
It wasn't as if he wasn't trying.
What had been romantic as an adolescent was now the same thing that was leaving her in despair. He was moody and rarely spoke more than five words at a time.  Sakura felt like it was a constant struggle to find some sort of connection with him. Even now he had shut himself off from the conversation, closing his eyes to sleep rather than joining her to watch the sunset, choosing the company of a pair of rocks rather than her own.  He was closer than had ever been before, close enough to touch.  And yet, Sasuke still felt very far away.  
Ashamed by her thoughts, Sakura began to unroll her sleeping bag her fingers running over the cave floor. There was a specific spot where she had crushed the rocks just the right degree so it was almost comfortable.  She wiggled in her bag, gave one last look in Sasuke's direction and then turned off the light.
“You’re pathetic.”
Kakashi looked up from his paperwork to see Tsunade at his doorway, the one person that was allowed to intrude in his office time without announcement.  Also one of the few that could get away with such a thing to him.
“I’m sorry?”
“You heard me, Hatake.” Tsunade shut the door behind her. “Moping?  At your age?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” Kakashi replied as his stomach did a flip.  He must be getting indigestion.
Tsunade snorted.  “I have reports from the hospital that three Anbu agents have collapsed from sleep deprivation during guard duty because of your absurdly long office hours.”
Kakashi rubbed his chin in thought.  “Perhaps I should review the training that Anbu agents since they seem to be growing soft.”
“That’s not the issue and you know it.”  Tsunade leaned over his desk, placing her hand on the countertop and leaning forward. Kakashi began to sweat as he struggled to keep his eyes above her neckline, aware that she was testing him. “Did you give away your heart so easily?”
The question hit him like a punch in the gut, making him wish he had ogled her chest.  She would have punched him unconscious and he would be left with the terrible ache.  “My heart?” He repeated dumbly.  He swallowed.
“As much as I enjoy teasing you, Kakashi I’m growing concerned.   Sakura’s gone.  She has her eyes set on Uchiha for years and he finally returned her affections.” Tsunade sat in the seat across from him, her voice firm.  “You need to move on.”
Kakashi sank his head in his hands.  “I didn’t want a relationship with her.”  His whole body burned and he found it difficult to breathe.  “She puts her whole self in everything she does until she’s drained dry.  I want her back in the village, even if it’s not with me.  I would be so lucky to have her in my life.”  He tilted his head back to lean against the chair.  “Fuck.”
A clink of porcelain hitting the desk drew Kakashi’s attention and he recognized the brand of Tsunade’s favorite sake.  Kakashi swept his arm across his desk, scattering the paperwork on the floor.   She poured him a cup to drink and slid it across the desk.  
“I spent years training Sakura so she could heal an army.  Now she’s with the one person who doesn’t want to be healed.”   Tsunade tossed the drink back.  “What a waste.”
‘No,’ thought Kakashi, as he remembered how Sakura poured her energy into Naruto to keep him alive. He remembered the satisfied smile on her face as the earth quaked under her fist.  He remembered how she reached for him as she slept until she was tucked into his side.  
Following Tsunade’s example, he let the sake burn down his throat.
A hawk arrived first thing in the morning, waking Sakura from her bedroll with its squawking.   It flew directly to Sasuke, remaining still as he took the note from its leg.
"What does it say?"  Sakura rubbed the back of her head to feel her scalp.  She was overdue for a shower and her hair felt greasy.  Sasuke was impassive as he passed over the note after he read it.
Sakura's gasped when she read the contents of the scroll.  "Naruto's marrying Hinata? Wow!  I didn't know they had gotten so serious."  She pressed her hand to her mouth to hold back her squeal. "Oh!  I bet the Hyugaa clan is going to go all out for this too.  I wouldn't surprise if the whole entire village is invited; it’s going to be massive."
Sakura could imagine it easily, the trees in full bloom while Hinata and Naruto posed for photos. "I don’t think I would like a wedding that big.  The most important thing for me would be to marrying the one I love."  
Sakura started, remembering her audience was Sasuke and not Ino or Shizune.  She hurried to change the subject.  "I should probably write a letter to congratulate them before we leave so you can send it with the hawk.  What time are we leaving?"
Sasuke stared her, his face impassive.  Sakura squirmed; worried that she had once more misspoke in his presence.  One day she would able to talk freely without worrying about her words.  She tried so hard to change, to show she was no longer the same girl she was at age twelve. There were moments when he was looking at her, judging her, that made her feel that he would never see her growth.
"What time do you think we are going to leave the village?"  She repeated.
"Before sundown," Sasuke finally replied. "There are a few things I have to talk with to the village leader before we go, but you’re not needed."
Sakura gave a sigh of relief.  Iwanai’s leader, Yasuo, was well-meaning, but Sakura couldn’t shake off the embarrassment of the initial first impression.
They ate their breakfast in relative silence, punctuated with an occasional comment by Sakura on Naruto’s wedding.  Sasuke would often respond with a grunt, or hum, not quite participating in the conversation, but not discouraging her either.  He left as soon as soon as the messenger hawk was sent off,  heading toward the small cliff by an adjacent mountain that served as the village center.  Sakura was looking forward to leaving Iwanai, they needed a change of scenery and Sasuke was the happiest when he was traveling.
Sakura went to her pack and retrieved a change of clothes before heading to the top of the mountain where the public baths were.  Most of the village was rose early and preferred to take their baths in the evening to wash off the sweat off of their bodies after the high sun.  She was delighted to see it was empty and took the time to enjoy the peace and cool water in silence. By the time she returned to their cave, Sasuke had returned and packed their belongings.  She sealed her dirty clothing in a scroll and tucked into a side pocket.
"Are we finally leaving?"  
Sasuke gave her a small peck on her lips and spoke into her ear. "I have a surprise for you." His kisses were always soft, like the sea lapping at her feet on the beachside before retreating.
Sasuke stepped away, motioning for her to follow with a tilt of his head before he exited the cave. Sakura placed her fingers on her lips, a smile on her face.  Grinning to herself, she stuffed the scroll her pack and tugged the straps on her shoulders to follow him.  Her mind whirled as she tried to guess the surprise.  Maybe he had someone make her a weapon?  There were a couple of exceptionally skilled swordsmiths in Iwanai.
The landed at the edge of the town, and Sasuke reached out to pull Sakura's hand into his own.  Her breath hitched and she looked away, her face burning as his thumb caressed the pulse point on her wrist.  A small kiss in a cave was one thing, but public affection as well?
Today was a wonderful day.
Sasuke led her through the town with a purpose, past the shops and swordsmiths and to the village square. Sakura's skin prickled uncomfortably as the further they walked into town.  Every villager she saw had a broom in hand.  It was necessary for the entire village to be sweeping at the same time. She glanced in Sasuke's direction and relaxed since he seemed unperturbed by their strange coincidence.  Maybe it was some sort of town sweeping festival?
The village leader was sitting on a bench to their left. Sakura grimaced when she noticed Yasuo had his finger jammed up his nose.  He stood up when he noticed them holding out his contaminated hand for a shake. Sasuke only had one hand and it was currently holding on to Sakura’s hand with an iron grip.  
 Remembering that her hands had been in many other disgusting locations, Sakura politely returned the handshake.  Yasuo gave her a toothy smile, the clapped his hands together.  The villagers stopped sweeping and approached, crowding around them. Sakura looked up to Sasuke, but he gave her a smile she knew that was meant to be reassuring.  
It didn’t help.
Yasuo climbed up onto the bench to speak to the crowd.  "It’s time to show our guests how we do weddings here in Iwanai."
"Wedding?" Sakura choked out.  She frantically swept her eyes across the crowd in search of some young happy couple.  Or maybe an old miserable couple, she wasn't picky. The crowd did not part but remained fixed in her direction.    
Sakura’s suspicion was confirmed as Yasuo’s smile faltered.  She spun in Sasuke’s direction.
"What the fuck?"
Part Fifteen
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/coronavirus-live-updates-new-cases-are-increasing-in-u-s/
Coronavirus Live Updates: New Cases Are Increasing in U.S.
With states beginning to allow varying degrees of economic reopening, large protests against police brutality being held in dozens of cities and warmer weather inviting people outside, forecasters tracking the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States are approaching a difficult juncture.
While the portrait of the country overall has improved significantly in recent weeks, epidemiologists have cautioned that different states are likely to experience very different challenges now in measuring and controlling the virus’s spread.
According to data compiled by The New York Times, more than a third of states are still seeing new infections increasing. But as many of them move ahead with reopening plans, their outcomes may depend on factors like how stressed their health care systems have been and how far they are along the curve.
In some relatively large states such as North Carolina and Arizona, increased testing suggests that infections are still climbing quickly and may spike further as more people venture out.
In another group are states that have achieved modest declines in new cases, but where the sheer number of people already infected remains the main source of concern. Even as states such as Maryland or Connecticut have seen small declines in new infections, both still have alarmingly high counts per capita, which have taxed health care systems for weeks.
The fear for states in the second category is that with scores of people already infected, recent declines could be quickly erased through increased social contact in the months ahead, threatening health care systems anew.
In Corpus Christi, the oil and gas and vacation town on the southeastern coast of Texas, it can be tough to find people who have experienced the coronavirus’s devastation, or even know someone who has. But people hit with job losses or business closures? They are everywhere.
Theresa Thompson has been furloughed from her position as a catering and events manager at a Holiday Inn. Richard Lomax has seen sales fall by more than 90 percent at the two restaurants his family owns. Brett Oetting, chief executive of the tourism office, has been working with countless businesses struggling to navigate the economic collapse.
None of them knows anyone local who has been sickened by the virus.
In corners of the United States facing financial ruin, but where the coronavirus hasn’t arrived in full, a New York Times analysis of economic and infection data helps explain why some see reopening as long overdue. The sharp disconnect between extreme economic pain and limited health impact presents local officials and businesses with difficult choices, even after Friday’s encouraging jobs report suggested more of the country was returning to work.
“In the first two weeks when they said this was coming, I was like, ‘Let’s all stay in, hunker down, and if we all do this, that can help while we figure out what is going on,’” said Stephanie Anderson, a real estate agent in Satellite Beach, Fla.
But since “places here aren’t producing mass death,” she said, “don’t tell me I can’t open my business in a responsible manner.”
Some business owners and workers in these communities have embraced reopening because of their firsthand experiences. Many are angry or confused. Others plead for caution. But most agree the virus has not posed the local public health threat that so many were expecting — even while acknowledging that things could get worse and the numbers would most likely already be higher with more testing.
Here are some other recent developments on the economic impact of the pandemic:
Brazil’s government on Friday removed comprehensive numbers on coronavirus cases and deaths from the Health Ministry’s website, claiming without offering evidence that state officials had been reporting inflated figures to secure more federal funding.
Carlos Wizard, a businessman recently appointed by President Jair Bolsonaro to a top job in the ministry, told the O Globo newspaper on Friday that the government suspects state officials have been including deaths from other causes in the coronavirus tallies they report to the federal government.
“Local officials, driven purely by a desire to get more funding for their cities, labeled everyone as Covid,” Wizard said. “We’re reviewing those deaths.”
The accusation outraged public health experts. Several noted that Brazil has a sophisticated health surveillance system and that there is a broad consensus among epidemiologists that a lack of testing worldwide has resulted in a gross undercount of deaths from Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.
Mr. Bolsonaro has come under withering criticism at home and abroad for his cavalier handling of the pandemic. He has sabotaged quarantine guidelines issued at the state level, calling them ruinous for economic growth. On Friday, he threatened to pull Brazil out of the World Health Organization, which has urged countries with increasing outbreaks to adopt social distancing guidelines.
As of Saturday, Brazil had more than 650,000 confirmed cases, second only to the United States, and more than 35,000 deaths. In recent days, Brazil has led the world in the number of new deaths reported each day.
The National Council of Health Secretaries, which represents municipal health officials, called Mr. Wizard’s accusation outrageous.
“This authoritarian, insensitive, inhumane and unethical attempt to erase people who have died from Covid-19 will fail,” the council said. “We are not mercenaries of death.”
As the country’s caseload exploded in recent weeks, Mr. Bolsonaro fired his health minister and replaced him with a doctor who lasted less than a month on the job.
Since mid-May, the health ministry has been led by an active duty general with no medical experience, and military officers have stepped into several top jobs as career health officials resigned.
In Australia, huge crowds turned out in Sydney, Melbourne and many other communities in support of the Black Lives Matter movement calling for an end to systemic racism and Aboriginal deaths in police custody.
The health minister in Britain urged residents not to gather for demonstrations in London, Manchester and Birmingham. But large crowds appeared — despite the cold weather, the rain and warnings by the police that mass gatherings would violate the rule that only six people from different households could gather outside during the pandemic.
In Paris, the authorities barred people from gathering in front of the United States Embassy, but thousands protested there anyway in the late afternoon, as well as near the Eiffel Tower, echoing a protest earlier this week that drew nearly 20,000 people in memory of Adama Traoré, a Frenchman who died in police custody in 2016.
And in the German cities of Berlin and Cologne, thousands responded to social media calls to take to the streets to honor Mr. Floyd. The protests came after a week of demonstrations in cities like Hamburg and Frankfurt.
Fury against racism and police brutality has also brought crowds into the streets of Belgium, Canada, Sweden and Zimbabwe. In other parts of the world:
Art Basel, the centerpiece of the European art market calendar, is canceled. The 50th anniversary edition of the event in Basel, Switzerland, was to feature more than 250 international galleries and had already been postponed.
Saudi Arabia reimposed a curfew in the Red Sea city of Jeddah from 3 p.m. to 6 a.m. for two weeks starting on Saturday, halted prayers in the city’s mosques and suspended work in offices because of a rise in the spread of the coronavirus, the state news agency SPA reported.
Russia on Saturday reported 8,855 new cases of the coronavirus, pushing the total number of infections to 458,689, and 197 deaths in the past 24 hours. The nationwide death toll has reached 5,725.
The weekend ahead of New York City’s start of gradual reopening Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo reported 35 new coronavirus deaths statewide, a drop of seven from the day before and the lowest daily total in the last two months.
“This is really, really good news compared to where we were,” Mr. Cuomo said Saturday during his daily briefing in Albany. “This is a big sigh of relief.”
Under Phase 1 of reopening, set to begin Monday, retail stores will be allowed to open for curbside or in-store pickup, and nonessential construction and manufacturing can resume, returning as many as 400,000 people to the work force.
“You want to talk about a turnaround — this one, my friends, is going to go in the history books,” Mr. Cuomo said. “There is no state in the United States that has gone from where we were to where we are.”
Mr. Cuomo also announced he was expanding the occupancy guidelines for houses of worship, which could now admit up to 25 percent of the building’s occupancy. It is unclear if the measure applies statewide or only in locations that have reached Phase 2. All regions of the state except New York City are in the first or second phase of reopening.
Across the Hudson River, Gov. Philip D. Murphy of New Jersey announced 60 new virus-related deaths Saturday via social media, bringing the state’s toll to 12,106. The figure was a drop from the 79 new deaths reported the previous day. He also reported 606 new confirmed positive cases, totaling 163,893 cases in the state.
While New York City’s shutdown has successfully flattened the number of infections, a study has found that the economic cost could have been reduced by a third or more by strategically choosing neighborhoods to close, calibrating the risk of infection for local residents and workers with the impact on local jobs.
When the coronavirus arrived in Japan, people did what they normally do: They put on masks.
Face coverings are nothing new there. During flu and hay fever seasons, trains are crowded with commuters half-hidden behind white surgical masks. Employees with colds, worried about the stigma of missing work, throw one on and soldier into the office.
Japan has reported more than 17,000 infections and just over 900 deaths, while the United States, with a population roughly two and a half times as large, has topped 1.9 million cases and is approaching 110,000 deaths.
“Japan, I think a lot of people agree, kind of did everything wrong, with poor social distancing, karaoke bars still open and public transit packed near the zone where the worst outbreaks were happening,” Jeremy Howard, a researcher at the University of San Francisco who has studied the use of masks, said of the country’s early response. “But the one thing that Japan did right was masks.”
During the pandemic, scientists have found a correlation between high levels of mask-wearing — whether as a matter of culture or policy — and success in containing the virus.
“I think there is definitely evidence coming out of Covid that Japan, as well as other countries which practice mask-wearing, tend to do much better in flattening the curve,” said Akiko Iwasaki, a professor of immunobiology at Yale.
For the first time in three months there is a scent of economic optimism in the air. Employers added millions of jobs to their payrolls in May, and the jobless rate fell, a big surprise to forecasters who expected further losses. Businesses are reopening, and the rate of coronavirus deaths has edged down. The Trump administration has begun pointing to what are likely to be impressive growth numbers as the economy starts to pull out of its deep hole.
All of that is good news. But there are clear signs that the collapse of economic activity has set in motion problems that will play out over many months, or maybe many years. If not contained, they could cause human misery on a mass scale and create lasting scars for families.
The fabric of the economy has been ripped, with damage done to millions of interconnections — between workers and employers, companies and their suppliers, borrowers and lenders. Both the historical evidence from severe economic crises and the data available today point to enormous delayed effects.
While the government can’t wave a wand and bring back industries that are semi-permanently shuttered, it can act — and has acted — to try to keep demand for goods and services at pre-crisis levels. That, in turn, can smooth the path for other sectors to grow so that there is not a prolonged depression of jobs, income and investment, with a resulting reduction in the economy’s long-term potential.
In the U.K., Prince William volunteers to help amid coronavirus .
Prince William counts as one among thousands of British volunteers assisting on a crisis helpline during the coronavirus lockdown, Kensington Palace announced in a message marking the end of Volunteers’ Week.
“I’m going to share a little secret with you guys, but I’m actually on the platform volunteering,” Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, said during a video call in which he and his wife, Catherine Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, thanked volunteers for their work.
In a statement, Kensington Palace said the Duke has been volunteering for Shout85258, the country’s first 24/7 crisis text line, which the couple launched in 2019 with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
“The Duke is one of more than 2000 Crisis Volunteers who are trained to support anyone, anytime, whatever their crisis may be,” the palace said. “Last month, the Duke and Duchess marked the service’s first anniversary by speaking to five Shout volunteers via video call.”
More than 300,000 text conversations have taken place between volunteers and people needing mental health support, The Associated Press reported. More than half of the people texting are under 25 years of age.
In the full eight minute video that the palace shared on social media, Ms. Middleton noted that although the coronavirus pandemic has been “such pressure for everybody,” communities have pulled together and people have stepped up to volunteer.
There have been at least 284,800 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Britain, according to the British public health authorities. At least 40,000 people have died from the virus.
How the coronavirus might affect pregnant women and newborns has been a major concern since the outbreaks began. A new report in the medical journal JAMA has both reassuring and worrisome findings, with caveats that there is limited data and still much unknown.
So far, compared to the general population, pregnant women do not seem to have an increased risk of severe illness if they contract the virus, the report said. Of 147 pregnant women with Covid-19 in China, 8 percent had severe disease and 1 percent had critical illness — rates that were actually lower than those in the rest of the population, where 14 percent had severe disease and 6 percent were critically ill. In New York City, a report on 43 pregnant women with Covid-19 found that their rates of severe disease were similar to those in other adults.
But whether the infection can cause birth defects, miscarriage, premature birth or stillbirth is not yet known. Newborns have become infected, but it’s not clear whether they contracted the virus before, during or after birth, or if breastfeeding can transmit the virus.
Even so, the report says that for women who are wondering whether this is a safe time to conceive, “based on limited data, there does not seem to be a compelling reason to recommend delaying pregnancy.”
For years, Gildo Negri visited schools to share his stories about blowing up bridges and cutting electrical wires to sabotage Nazis and fascists during World War II. In January, the 89-year-old made another visit, leaving his nursing home outside Milan to help students plant trees in honor of Italians deported to concentration camps.
But at the end of February, as Europe’s first outbreak of the coronavirus spread through Mr. Negri’s nursing home, it fatally infected him, too.
The virus, which is so lethal to the old, has hastened the departure of these last witnesses and forced the cancellation of commemorations. It has also created an opportunity for rising political forces who seek to recast the history of the last century in order to play a greater role in remaking the present one.
Throughout Europe, radical right-wing parties with histories of Holocaust denial, Mussolini infatuation and fascist motifs have gained traction in recent years.
Much of the attention to the toll Covid-19 has taken on older adults has rightly focused on long-term care facilities. Their residents and employees account for almost 40 percent of the nation’s deaths, according to an updated New York Times analysis.
But far more Americans — nearly six million, by one estimate — rely on paid home care than live-in nursing homes and assisted living combined. And both workers and clients have cause for worry.
Even more than nursing home employees, home care workers are poorly paid hourly workers and often lack health insurance; half rely on some form of public assistance. Not only do many home care workers serve several clients each week, but to piece together a living they may simultaneously work for several agencies or for nursing homes, or hold outside jobs.
Those conditions increase infection risks, and not only for their frail older clients. Almost a third of home care workers, a heavily female work force, are themselves over 55, and most are black or Hispanic, groups that have proved particularly vulnerable to Covid-19.
Personal protective equipment, or P.P.E., has proved hard to acquire, however. With hospitals and nursing homes scrambling for supplies, “this was the forgotten sector,” said Dr. Nathan Stall, a geriatrician at the University of Toronto.
“Home care workers are probably unknowingly involved in the transmission of Covid-19, especially when they’re not equipped with sufficient P.P.E.,” he added.
When the country was under lockdown, at least the rules were mostly clear. Essential workers ventured out; everyone else sheltered in.
Now states are lifting restrictions, but detailed guidance about navigating the minutiae of everyday life is still hard to come by — and anyway, there’s never going to be a ready solution to every problematic circumstance you may encounter.
As you tiptoe toward normalization — whatever that is, given these times — try to follow three precautions: avoid contact, confinement and crowds. And make realistic choices.
You need to continue with social distancing precautions. That means wearing masks, washing hands well and often, and keeping a six-foot distance from one another. No hugs, no handshakes.
Any 15-minute face-to-face conversation between people who are within six feet of one another constitutes close contact, said Dr. Muge Cevik, an expert on infectious diseases and virology at University of Saint Andrews School of Medicine in Scotland.
Indoor activities in confined enclosed spaces, even large ones, are more conducive to spreading the virus than events held outside, especially if the air inside the building is being recirculated or the windows don’t open.
Large groups are risky, even outdoors. They mean more people, more contacts — and more potential sources of infection.
People at high risk for developing severe disease if they become infected with the coronavirus — including those 65 and over, residents of nursing homes and long-term care facilities, people with compromised immune systems, chronic lung or kidney disease, heart conditions or severe obesity — will want to take the greatest of precautions.
But young healthy adults and children should also consider the protection of people around them, including family members, colleagues or friends who are vulnerable, said Dr. Barbara Taylor, an infectious disease specialist at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
Reporting was contributed by Aimee Ortiz, Neil Irwin, Andrea Salcedo, Zach Montague, Michael H. Keller, Steve Eder, Karl Russell, Denise Grady, Ernesto Londoño, Letícia Casado, Jason Horowitz, Damien Cave, Livia Albeck-Ripka, Iliana Magra, Ceylan Yeginsu, Elian Peltier, Yonette Joseph, Roni Rabin, Eduardo Porter, Patricia Cohen, Ernesto Londoño, Manuela Andreoni, Leticia Casado, Ben Casselman and Paula Span.
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shintorikhazumi · 7 years
Eight Years Overdue
A/N: Calling out Ou Miyuki-san? Miyuki-chan? Miyuki! sHeyo! Remember our little chat last time? A couple of weeks ago, I think? When I asked for your favorite pairing and such?
Ok… I sure hope you are… like pleasantly surprised… are you?
Anyways, this is my way of thanking you and since I enjoy interacting a lot with you, I guess I just felt like doing this… hehe.
This is a gift to a friend, hehehehe... from FF.net sooo.. well... i guess I’d share it here  too in case there are HonoKoto LL! fans.
Hope you like it and… enjoy?
~Shintori Khazumi
Eight Years Overdue: Start!
"A date to the get-together, huh…"
It was a quiet afternoon in the TV station, and few workers were out lounging in the lobbies of the massive production company, most having their jobs to do, be it paperwork or appearances, or recordings.
One of these workers was seated by the window, a soda can in hand, since she was not exactly a believer in coffee, and sugar was the way to get energetic, was her opinion. Also she couldn't stand the taste.
The head of ginger hair was tussled up from all the scratching and deep thinking inside that head.
"That's too hard." She grumbled.
Kousaka Honoka weighed her options. Ignore all these stifling thoughts, or maybe just do as they said, something more-or-less likely.
The reason behind her current predicament was maybe due to the fact that it had been ten years since she had graduated highschool, and now at the age of twenty-seven, she was the 'single-and-contented' type.
Working as one of Japan's most known public figures, especially in the music industry, Honoka was pretty well off, also their home's shop, Homura had business booming as of the past decade, where she did part-time baking.
She had days off during the weekend, then recordings and producer-ish work for idols during weekdays, also doing some training for the newer talents, and being a judge during auditions.
She lived in her humble apartment, surrounded by various musical items and was comfortable with her partner, Sally, a german shepherd, which was also a male.
It was the perfect living for her-
…And now her peaceful life had been intruded upon by a small piece of paper that simply said 'Invitation'.
Reaching into her pocket, she felt for the tiny rough surface, pulling the envelope out and opening it, unfolding the letter.
Mika, one of her old highschool friends had sent it, passing on the message that their batch would be having a reunion, organized by her and the other two who were always with her.
Of course, the first emotion the successful woman had felt was of utter excitement and joy, really wanting to meet all her classmates and friends again since she had found herself far too busy, heck, the last friend she's seen was Umi and that was over two months ago, and they pretty much worked in the same company!
-The difference being their fields, Umi composing and writing, and sometimes singing music, while also producing it.
Now everything would have been perfectly fine, except maybe the fact that at the bottom, written in huge letters as to not be missed, were the words-
Bring a Partner!
It was quite the phenomenon, how three words could leave such a person stupefied beyond her own belief.
She was a busy person, Honoka. So it was only reasonable that she had yet to 'meet up' with anyone like that, for dates and such, and she had never really been… interested.
Now that she thought about it, the last time she showed to have any form of romantic concern towards anyone was when-
"Kousaka-sama, your next conference is starting in barely ten minutes. Please head to the main meeting room right away."
The voice made her jump out of thought, and coincidentally, out of her chair, a hand over her heart at the sudden sound.
"S-sorry to have scared you, I didn't realize how deep in thought you were, Ma'am. Really I am sor-"
"It's fine." Honoka replied with a smile, placing a hand on her secretary's shoulder. "If it wasn't intentional, then no hard feelings." She reassured with a squeeze, thanking the woman and walking out of the lobby, still with her soda in hand.
Maybe the boring meeting would drown out these bothersome worries.
Needless to say, the meeting was both boring and useless.
Not only did it bore her to death, it gave her more of a chance to consider her problems, all of the things said there going in one ear and out the other, her outward interactions all automatic reactions.
Her secretary-slash-manager took her home for the day, telling her to get enough rest, eat well and stay healthy, the usual, though with just a touch more concern, noticing the disheveled state of her boss.
The girl wished her luck before driving off in the eve.
Washing up and wearing some fresh clothes, Honoka went out of her room and fixed herself a meal, eating slowly to the sound of a droning television, news of the latest single she, herself had a hand in creating, which was only proven by the fact that her face was practically plastered on the screen.
She sighed, not in the mood to be proud of another achievement, and grabbed the remote, proceeding to flip through the channels to find something that would at least amuse her.
Passing a certain channel, she quickly turned up the volume. Realizing it was one of those fashion channels, she decided it couldn't hurt to indulge a bit in something a bit different for a change, not having any problems with the foreign station.
She had no clue as to why she felt compelled to watch this and be so invested in the show despite not having any deeper love or anything of the sort for fashion, but the way the models wore the clothes as they went down the runway, displaying such eye-catching material, Honoka wondered where she had seen that particular style before. Almost like the feeling of nostalgia-
"And that was the latest line of Paris' most sought out Asian designer, with the possibly up and coming reign of fashion, Miss Kotori Minami!" The television announcer spoke with high-tension in his voice and everything clicked for the ginger.
Of course. No design of clothes would ever be as interesting as the ones with the style she had worn herself all those years ago, in a little clubroom, surrounded by posters of japanese idols and filled with a group of nine girls dreaming a dream together.
"What can we anticipate from you in the upcoming summer line?" The male voice brought Honoka from her reminiscing back to full attention on the show.
"A lot. But I prefer to keep it a surprise from all of you. I hope you will all continue to support my works!" The lady on the screen gave a wave to the camera, smiling and Honoka remembered just how beautiful a sight that was.
"By the way, if you don't mind me asking, we have heard that Miss Minami is planning an overseas vacation?"
"Of course! I will be visiting my home in Japan for about a month so I'm looking forward to it. Though I assure you my new line will be out on time without setbacks."
The way she was still considering all her customers reminded Honoka of just how kind the girl was, always putting other's needs or feelings first, something that caused a problem that escalated quite dangerously between them.
"We will be eagerly waiting. Please do enjoy your tri-"
Honoka cursed as everything was suddenly black, the power going out for a few minutes as it switched to the back-up generators.
Speaking of which, now that she thought about everything she saw… Kotori? On a Vacation? To Japan?
Those few string of thoughts made her giddy, and now she prayed that hopefully they'd have a chance to meet up. But also, she felt… scared, anxious, and also wished with a small part of her being that they would not meet.
Kotori had actually left two years after their graduation, being offered once again a full-time scholarship abroad, and with nothing else, no events or other priorities to hold her back, there was no reason to refuse.
Eight years of being away, and out of that time five years of no connection whatsoever between the two, which was understandable to a certain degree since they were both famous and busy personnel. The only way it would be seen as unreasonable was because they were best friends and they had not found any time to communicate with each other.
"Kotori, huh."
And now the ginger was left to wonder on those thoughts, lying on her bed, the lights all out, as she drifted into sleep, giving into the exhaustion and indulging herself in memories that transformed into dreams.
She felt annoyed at herself that night, for dreaming such things. For thinking such a thought.
For some reason, I pray to god I won't meet Kotori… ever.
Kotori flipped through the pages of her planner one last time, trying to check and review he schedule and ensuring that she had tied up all lose ends before she went on her trip. It would at least be three weeks to a month after all, and she did not fancy the idea of being swamped with work once she gets back.
As she landed on the current month's page, she picked up the fancy envelope inserted between the pages, brushing her fingers over it lightly, before opening it and taking out the clean cut paper with its calligraphic words of invitation.
She sighed at the words written boldly at the end of the page.
Bring a Partner!
"As if I could." She mumbled to herself.
How in the world was she supposed to fulfill such demanding words, they were practically a requirement, weren't they?
She had busied herself, throwing her soul into her work after accepting a once-in-a-lifetime internship at one of the hardest to please fashion schools in Paris, and not once had she looked back at the concept of romance.
Though she admitted, once upon a time, she had taken a peek into such feelings.
No, she was lying if she said it was but a peek.
She tripped and fell. Hard. Into those feelings and indulged herself a while in them.
But those feelings were long buried in herself… they were because the person they had been directed to, she had let Kotori go. And Kotori had left her, no regrets and no second thoughts for both parties.
When Kotori chose her scholarship and left everything behind, she knew those feelings had to be cast aside.
And she knew they both knew.
That was the reason Honoka held back on stopping her this time.
Their feelings overlapped, but did not meld together.
So Kotori left. Honoka let her go.
No regrets at the moment it happened, but a mountain of resentment at their decision years after.
Kotori berated herself now. They hadn't communicated in so long, so why was he even thinking of that person. Sure they had been best friends, but did the ginger still see Kotori in such a light after this wall stood between them?
Now she needed a partner, she reminded herself. Going back to her first problem.
She stared at her plane ticket beside the envelope, and the ticket to the party.
There was only one person she wanted to go with, however, now that she was being honest with herself.
And that was her second problem.
The next morning, with her bags packed, Kotori listened to her swinging door as it promptly clicked shut, keys jingling in her pocket as she buried them deep down, ready to head to her service car outside the ten floor condominium.
Designer shades on, and her favorite hat, the only sound in the dim hallways at four in the morning, were the clicking of her heels against the tiled floors and the ding of the elevator that would take her to the ground level.
With her bags taken by her private escort, and loaded in the trunk, She took a seat in the back of the black vehicle, securing herself as the aircon blew continuously on her face. She mumbled her destination to her driver as he nodded, obediently taking her to the airport for her seven-am flight.
She would not be late.
Flying long hours was truly an experience Kotori would not get used to. She had always slept through them since she tended to travel a lot to attend international fashion shows, or conferences. The long rides always gave her body an ache she'd battle once she landed, and jetlag had always been one of her enemies that she considered formidable.
Securing her baggage and checking out of the airport, Kotori exited the building doors and began craning her neck for any signs of similarly colored hair as hers, and a head of midnight blue hair to accompany it.
She had emailed them the night before to pick her up, and she was dying to see the woman who had raised her and loved her, and spotting two sets of amber eyes by some stroke of luck, her pace sped up as she practically jogged to their position behind the waiting rails, the luggage boy scurrying after her.
"Mom!" She cried in joy, hugging the older woman tightly, her embrace was still as warm as it always had been, and the daughter was grateful for that, very much so.
"I've missed you too, dear." She felt her hair being caressed gently as they finally parted, Kotori going through the gate as her blue-haired friend loaded her luggage in the trunk while she and her mom exchanged greetings.
"So how have you been? No trouble with school, or anything? Have the kids been nice?" With her mother's chuckle and the kiss to her forehead, she felt, all of a sudden she was just a girl worried for her mother's well-being, and not some famous top designer in the fashion world. She was just Minami Kotori of Japan.
And that in itself was a great reliever of the burden of duties she had drowned herself in these last few years.
"Yes, well… mishaps here and there can never be avoided, as you well know, especially with high school students, but… I love what I do, and I love my students all the same."
"No changes here, huh." Kotori laughed, feeling very nostalgic.
With just one look at the aging face before her, she hugged her mother once more, just because she missed the feeling of being wrapped inside the arms of such a kind and loving woman, any time, whether happy or sad, successful or down and troubled. This was an emotion she had been missing out on lately.
"And you're still my little bird."
"Mm… always."
A cough stole their attention, as a very sheepish Umi scratched the back of her head, regretfully breaking apart their moment, but for good reason.
"Sorry to ruin it all, but we really should get going. We aren't parked after all." She was referring to the fact that they had just turned on the caution signal as Umi pulled up beside the building curb as their car was parked as close as possible to the exit, Umi ready to head off, lest police come and deal with them.
Kotori returned the sheepish smile, appreciating the concern. "It's nice to see you too, Umi-chan." Umi gave her a playful glare, before guiding them to the car to leave this place already.
"Seatbelts?" She told them, not once looking back from the driver's seat.
"Mou, Umi-chan! You didn't even respond!"
The bluenette gave off her trademark soft, graceful laugh as she turned in her seat, giving Kotori a smile, eyes crinkling.
"Welcome Home, Kotori.
"I'm home~!" The ash-blonde sang as she kicked her shoes in the hallway, before remembering her mother's opinion towards neatness, picking them up and putting them aside in an orderly manner, her bags all placed in the living room with Umi's generous help.
"Glad to see you remember your manners." Her mother grinned, as Kotori pouted, realizing she had been caught.
"Thank you again, Umi-chan." She told the woman who was coming out of her room, stretching her arms out after exerting her force, and getting the kinks out of her body after driving a long way.
"Don't mention it." Her best friend smiled, before a rumble came from her stomach, Kotori's following suit.
"Shall we have dinner then, girls?" Principal Minami offered, to which both nodded gratefully.
"So I hear you have a reunion soon? That is why you came home, right?" The eldest lady directed the question to the pair seated across from her, who before were consumed with the need to catch up and were caught off guard by the question.
"Y-yes, I guess." Kotori replied, curious why her mom raised that question, not that there was anything wrong with that.
"And I hear you need a date to be allowed in?"
Umi choked on her own saliva at the word, still having slight fear of romance and such, though she was trying to experiment a bit in that field as of late.
"That's… right… and why do you even know?" Kotori was incredulous. Her mom and her information-gleaning ways.
"Oh, the Kousaka mom. She keeps talking about how her daughter has been single forever!" The principal told, watching her daughter's reaction intently. She heard a rumor about something, so she wanted to confirm. "Really, you both work a lot. You kids are old enough for love, I mean look at Umi! Really, Honoka became such a serious girl."
The statement snapped Kotori's heart into pause before play was suddenly pressed, and she felt this unusual nerve-wracking queasiness at the mention of the name. Cold sweat seemed to drip down, and she could not look her mother in the eye, or even take staying in the same room as memories flashed by.
"Kotori? Darling, are you okay?" Her mom asked, albeit fully knowing the answer.
"I think I feel tired. May I be excused?"
Kotori felt a weird churning in her stomach, anxiousness? Not wanting to hear the name? It wasn't as though they left on bad terms, but rather, they separated on unfinished terms, thoughts and feelings not communicated, not spoken. And they did not acknowledge it, not once. Their cut in communication only made them drift further apart, and now, Kotori was left to wonder where they stood. All she knew was that she wanted to empty all the contents of her stomach into the toilet and sleep all the thoughts off.
"Kotori?" Her mom did not give permission, rather returned a question. She tried to drop the bomb. "Have you and Honoka ever kept in touch?"
The little bird felt her mouth run dry, desperately clawing her mind for answers. False if need be.
-Have, Kotori wanted to reply, but she couldn't, even if it was partly true… for the first three years only, though.
Kotori tried to remember how it all came to a cut in ties.
The first year, it was a regular keeping in touch, every day, or every other day at least, they'd do video calls or send emails. Half a year later, Kotori found it reduced to a monthly check up on each other. During the second year, it was at least twice every season. On their third year, it was only whenever they both managed to catch one another, and even then, all they ever talked about was how the other was, work, no catching up, no deep personal info, no sharing… no love.
Nothing more to retie their bonds.
And the rope just severed.
"So it was true." Umi's disappointed voice pulled Kotori out of her reverie, as her eyes shakily met Umi's interrogative ones, the atmosphere around the dinner table suddenly tense and serious. "Kotori… What happened?" The archer demanded some answer, and she was going to get it one way or another.
She had caught on to what Kotori's mother was going on about, after all, almost everyone close to them knew, or discovered at some point that Honoka and Kotori were in love, but suddenly just… weren't exactly… in a healthy state of love.
That might have been because they loved too much and cared too much… and now… there was nothing much.
"What are you talking about, Umi-chan?" Kotori did that laugh that she usually did when she was lying or nervous. She willed herself to be ignorant. "What do you mean, what happened? Nothing happened." She tried to persuade the unmovable.
"What. Happened."
The ash-gray stylist sucked in a breath, swallowing the lump in her throat, and meeting Umi's gaze head on. Suddenly, she felt the bile rise in her stomach.
"I don't… know." She managed to get out, before she had to dash to the comfort room to empty out all the horrible things bouncing against her insides and driving her head insane.
"Are you okay?" Umi asked, rubbing circles on Kotori's back after giving chase, the mother staring worriedly by the doorway.
"I'm fine. Just tired." She waved them off. "Jetlag." She reasoned feebly as she tried to get up and head to her room, forgetting the need to wash up, and just needing to lie down before her knees gave up on her.
"Good night. Thanks."
Shutting the door behind her, Kotori tasted the foul, bitterness of vomit still lingering on her tongue. She knew her breath would be hell tomorrow, as well as her taste buds, but she had no choice right now, the insistent throbbing of her temples making it hard.
Had stressed really accumulated that much for her?
With hazy eyes, she managed to find her bed, lie down somewhat, before giving in to the darkness and passing out.
She couldn't think anymore.
She was at work when Umi had called. Very worried.
In turn, it made Honoka also very worried, wondering what the problem was since Umi rarely called during work hours unless it was an absolute emergency that required top priority.
"Kotori. I want answers from you both."
Honoka was now very confused, and very concerned.
"What about Kotori? Why? Is she back?" She questioned, that slight need hinted in her voice. Kotori back was both good and bad news, the latter, Honoka didn't understand the reasons behind.
"She's back and… I'm wondering…"
"What?" Honoka felt that something was wrong. "Is she sick? Do you need me to visit? Can I see her?" The ginger didn't care for ther reasons behind her negativity anymore. She was now thrown into frenzied work to finish as fast as she could now so that she could address her worries. "Can I come over? I'll be right there. I'm getting out of work early so can you let me in? You're at her house, I know, she wouldn't go to yours if she just came home. I'm heading over?"
"Can you?"
What an odd question. Honoka thought this, but Umi's voice and words weren't really all that positive, almost as if she was angry at Honoka, or confused, or something else entirely.
"I don't think Kotori wants to see you."
And Honoka felt so horrible with those simple words, suddenly wondering why.
Why did they feel the same way?
Because she had to admit a part of her feared seeing the designer now. And if she were given choices, ashamedly, she's choose not to cross paths with Kotori yet in fear of not being ready.
But ready for what, exactly?
"Yes?" She dropped all she was doing as she hung her coat on her arm, and grabbed her bag, ready to go tell her secretary she had urgent things to attend to. With how Umi was, she knew there was only one thing about to happen.
She guessed right, speaking the same words at the same time.
"We need to talk."
Umi shut her phone.
She knew Honoka understood and soon they'd meet at the usual place they would to speak about problems, ever since Kotori had left.
Honoka would leave her office with no hesitation, drive her personal car, no need for her driver, possibly ignore traffic laws accidentally along the way, and they'd talk. As they always did.
The only difference this time, was that Umi felt this was a different problem altogether. And she wanted to understand all of it.
Why did Honoka and Kotori drift apart? Somehow, they did not want to meet each other. Umi could feel Honoka's conflict through the phone so she knew some answers would be given.
With a nod to Kotori's mother who had now sat beside Kotori on the bed, nursing her as she had a slight fever, Umi exited the room, taking her jacket and keys.
There was something wrong and she knew from a long time.
They would be having a talk.
Something eight years overdue.
Honoka drove fast as she could, legally as she could.
Umi wanted to talk. And against common belief, Honoka was now smarter than ever, she knew what it was.
However, she had no idea what to answer.
She cursed, hitting the brakes hard as she accidentally bit her tongue spotting that red light glow and a car swerved away in fear as it crossed in front of her, honking.
She let the countdown of the stop light help her collect her thoughts as she tried slowing her heart and the run of the car as best she could as it started up again.
It had been so long now, and to the confirmation of her fears, they did not want to see each other. It was like some unspoken agreement when they ceased communication. Like they should not try anything to get closer after so easily letting go.
And again, Honoka was puzzled.
What did she let go of? What did they give up? Why was she regretting things? Why did she want, and at the same time, not want to meet Kotori? Why was she worried, yet horribly relieved?
Why did she know, and not know at the same time?
All these thoughts, and some kind of emotion she had a hard time labeling were beginning to resurface as Honoka found herself parked in front of a very familiar building.
She locked her car and donned her coat, suddenly feeling a rush of cool air as she heard the chimes of the school bell signaling the end of the school day, end of club time, just a little around five o'clock.
She spotted a familiar silhouette waiting by the door, arms crossed. Honoka approached almost nervously, but carried herself with a experience-developed confidence-
… which shattered as she neared her best friend.
"We have things to discuss, as you know." Umi spoke, and Honoka showed her physical agreement, her head bobbing up and down. "And I take it, you've realized we've discussed this, but not in depth?"
Now Honoka was sure they were on the same page.
"This talk is eight years overdue." Honoka would finally be admitting it. What they would talk about. Umi beckoned her, gesturing with her head for them to proceed inside as rain clouds formed and they tread the empty hallways that echoed each word.
"Let's talk about yours, and Kotori's feelings."
'Your eight-year Rotting Love.'
A/N: What… was that… That was not supposed to happen. I wanted this to be fluff… Am I Stupid or something? Welp, there's still the continuation… Hope you enjoyed, Miyuki? Despite the… unexpected darkness?
~Shintori Khazumi
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insomniac-arrest · 8 years
Overdue Notice
pairing: Moana x Ariel (moariel)
words: 3k
summary: Moana really wants her book she has on call from the library, it’s been three weeks and it should have been returned by now, when she finally runs into the redhead on campus who’s checked it out it’s more of an experience than she bargained for to finally check it out
The lesbian Disney college AU no one asked for.
Moana told herself what she told herself every day: get through one more lecture on 'realism' vs 'liberalism.' Get through three more semesters. Suck it up, Comparative Politics was useful, economics was important, her degree was built on top of a long tradition of senators, lawyers, and leadership.
If only the statistical analysis of voter habits didn’t make her want to go into a coma.
It was only a year and a half she told herself, she had survived her dad’s lessons on how to blow a safety whistle (all three hours of it), she survived Maui’s jellyfish crisis of ‘08, she could survive Applied Quantitative Reasoning for Elections. She hopes.
It was early in the spring semester with her GPA still smiling at her when she decided to give herself a reward. She had been waiting long enough for it anyway.
She goes to the front desk of the North Walt Library and taps her hand on the counter, “Hello,” she waves her hand at the student worker. “Hey, there.” She tries her ‘nice smile.’
The groggy young man in a crumpled Bob Dylan shirt makes his way to toward her and takes his time sitting down again in front of the computer.
“How can I help?” He asked dimly, it sounded more like a resigned cry for help than a question.
Moana does that ‘smiling nicely’ thing again. “I had a book on call, it should be in by now.” She had just gotten through a tidy four-hour study session, she deserved this, the email said it should be in.
The dreary student, ‘Robert’ his name tag read, put his hand out, “Student ID?” She gave it to him quickly and watches his mouth twitch up at her picture. She pouts, it had been a bad hair day.
She waits with her fingers still tip-tapping on the counter, he moves as fast as a three-toed sloth trying to fall asleep.
Moana bites her lip and suppresses the ‘ugh’ sound building in her throat.
He finally turns the monitor around, “Looks like it’s still out.” Her face falls, “I put it on call weeks ago.” She says with rising color in her cheeks.
Robert sighs and points at the date, “It is overdue. Our friend here just has had it out for months now. I’d talk to her.” Moana raises her eyebrows, “Who is it?” Robert blinks, “We don’t give students names out.” She balls up her fists and her shoulder tops rise, “Well then-” “Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help.” He turns his back to her, looking as if to crawl back into the stacked reserved books behind him.
Moana lets out an angry breath and deflates, “Alright. Okay. Contact  me if it comes back in.” She shoves her student ID back in her pocket and takes the twenty-minute walk back to her dorm.
Just another semester she tells herself. And then another and one more.
She skypes Maui that night and complains again about the missing library book, and he shows her his new watch that glows in the dark and recounts a very long story about saving a rabbit from traffic.
She sighs and listens to ocean noises on repeat that night.
The ‘Missing Library Book She Already Had on Call’ mystery was solved within a fortnight. It was a Tuesday, the one with three classes in a row and one period where she had to eat lunch in class.
She was walking past the Center for Student Involvement when she saw a crowd gathering, there had been a lot of crowds gathering on campus lately, some angry, well most angry.
She was ignoring the usual hubbub when her eye couldn’t help but be drawn to a brilliant red splash of hair against the drab gray sidewalk. It was a young woman rolling toward the gathering crowd with a sign slipped into the back of her wheelchair.
Moana’s eyes go wide, she’d like to say she saw the book first, but mostly she saw the bright red color and two blue eyes. They looked like the salt water and ocean foam.
She blinks and was about to stiffly turn away and maybe drink a cold glass of water when she noticed the back pocket of the girl’s wheelchair, a very pertinent book stuck out of it.
The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss (by Claire Nouvian). It’s the only one she hadn’t read yet.
Moana looks around and then, after a moment of staring at it, walked over. It had been a month now, she had to do something now. She tries to remember her diplomacy classes.
“You know that’s late, right?” Okay, she had slept through most those classes.
The seafoam blue eyes blink up, looking around curiously before landing on Moana, “Hello?” Her voice was far too full and silver, like pretty little fairy lights that carried across the water.
Moana furrows her brow, “That book. In the back.” She gestures toward the back of her chair, “Um, yeah,” She scratches her neck and then remembers how late it was and clears her throat. “I’ve put it on call for weeks now.” The girl blinks her long eyelashes, “Who…are you?”
Moana tilts her head and sticks her hand out anyway, “I’m Moana Waialiki,” She shrugs, “You may have heard the uh, last name before.” “Ariel.” She shakes Moana's hand tentatively, “And you want what now?” Ariel’s eyes were wandering to the protest in front of the student center. “I was sort of…busy.”
Moana gestures to the pocket again, “The book, the Nouvian one. I just really want to check it out.” She says quickly.
“Oh,” Ariel reaches behind her and slips it out and onto her lap, she laughs and Moana is almost taken back by the bright sound. It wasn’t a bad sound. “This old thing. I forgot it was in there.” Moana exhales, “Great! I can even take it back now for you.” Ariel raised her eyebrows, “Hmm, I think I need it for class.” She taps her chin, “Maybe? Oceanography, no, Deep Sea Life Ecology.” She was thinking.
Moana pouted, realizing this girl probably got to be a Marine Biology major. “I’ll read it real quick, it’ll just be a bit.” Ariel hums and looks her over, considering her, “Moana. That’s a nice name.” Moana shuffles her feet and shrugs, “Uh, Ariel’s not bad either. Pretty.” Moana says, suddenly not knowing what to do with her hands or feet or life, Ariel beams, “I’ll see what I can do. As soon as possible, back to the library.” That lifts Moana’s spirit. “Great!”
Ariel waves and heads over to where the crowd is cheering ‘Hey hey, ho ho, Too Much CO2 has got to go.’
Ariel held up her sign reading ‘Science is Real, My Patience Is Not’ and Moana watches her for a moment too long.
She skypes Maui about it that night and he just gives her the most ‘uh-huh, okay, she was how pretty now?’ look of her life. She hangs up on him halfway through when he points out she spent two minutes describing her fluffy long her hair.
She turns her music up extra loud before going to sleep.
A week later. She goes to see Robert again, her book was still out.
Another week. Still no book, the frustration builds.
Moana was most of the way done with the semester, she was pretty sure her hair had a knot in the back of it the size of Greenland- that she did not want to deal with, and a rip in her leggings.
She was yawning and considering how to email her Elections and Campaigns teacher her essay just a smidge late when she spots the deep red again. All too red.
She puts her hands on her hips and marches over, Ariel was laughing with a younger man with blonde hair with blue stripes in it.
She was shaking her head, “Flown’. You have to finish high school, nobody likes it, but the Beep Test is just a part of life.”
“I have seen hell." The boy announced dully, "And it’s automated woman’s voice.” He seemed to be complaining and Ariel was waving a hand airily above her head. Moana stands off to the right of her and clears her throat, “Ahem.” Ariel turns around slowly and her face lights, “Oh! Moana, from before the protest.” Moana narrows her eyes ever so slightly, “Soooooo,” She taps her foot, “Did you use that book for your class?” She got to the point, though Ariel’s open, sunny face complicates it a little.
Ariel gives a half smile, “Which book? God, there’s a lot of them. Are you in Oceanography with me? My father says buying that one alone almost put him out of house and home.” She was smiling. It was still a dilemma. Moana shakes her head, “The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss.” The one she hadn’t read yet.
Ariel’s mouth makes a little ‘o’. “The abyss? That's pretty cool.” Moana practically groans, “It’s out under your name!” She pouts, “I just want to read it. Please?” Ariel’s smile falls like a sunset, her eyes become large blue ponds. “Oh.” She says softly, “Oh no.” She looked genuinely concerned, Moana rubs the back of her neck and fidgets.
Ariel turns around, “Flounder, go to Sebastian’s house, he’ll help tutor tonight.” Flounder groans, “Do I have to?” Ariel makes a little determined face, “Yes.” She suddenly reaches out and grabs Moana’s hand, Moana’s mind goes blank, “I have a friend to help,” She turns back to her, “oh my God, I am so sorry. I hadn’t been thinking about it.” Moana grins with a jittery laugh, “No problem! I can just get it from your pack.” Ariel makes a face, her mouth turning into the teeth emoji, “Um, okay, listen. I was sort of busy for awhile,” She looks around, “It should be at my home, though?” Moana sighs, pulls on her fingers, and nods. She could handle going to her home.
Flounder, the boy, argues with Ariel a little more before she dismisses him and waves Moana to follow her.
Ariel got off-campus housing in a little picket fence with high ceilings and a pastel pink mailbox.
Ariel apologizes again and asks more about Moana on their way over. No, she lived in the dorms and it was a little cramped. She was a Junior, it was almost over, Ariel was a senior, yes, Mod Market was the only decent food on campus.
Ariel laughs exactly three times on the little walk over and Moana really should stop counting.
They arrive and Ariel ushers her in, “My roommates should be out right now, but my room is down this hall.” It was a surprisingly narrow house, wood floors, and generally tastefully decorated to the point Moana felt strangely nostalgic for tea parties she'd never been to.
Ariel’s room was on the first floor and she wheels herself into the room at the end, “Sorry, it’s a little messy.” Moana snorts and assures her she wasn’t picky on tidiness. And then she walks in.
Her eyes go wide, “Woah.” Her hands fall to her sides, “Woah.” Ariel shrugs meekly, “Told you. A little messy.” The place was stacked wall to wall with items. Strange knick knacks, unwanted shoeboxes, and every other tourist shop item a person could want. The stuff didn’t seem to have much connection with each other, but boy was there was a lot of it.
There was probably some organizing system to it, but all Moana could see was wall to wall of random little odds and ends. She gulps.
“Uh, so it’s somewhere in here?” Ariel gives an apologetic smile, “I swear, I’ll help.”
Moana eyes here and then nods, “Well. It’s something.” Moana picks her way around the room and laughs a little when she sees the Nintendo game she wanted in the 90s and a stuffed dog that just said ‘Life is Ruff’ in a deep wheeze when she stepped on it.
“Where do you get all this?” She asks in awe as she picks up yet another beanie baby.
Ariel glances up from where she was going through a large box, “Oh, I just pick them up.” She grins, “The sidewalk, beach front, friends house, maybe, maybe sometimes a dumpster or two.” Moana laughs and then covers her mouth her hand, “Why?” Ariel turns a hair brush around in her hand, “I just think they’re neat.” Moana picks up an old neon green pencil that had been chewed on, “Really? All of them?”
Ariel leaned forward to her and lifted her chin, “Hey, stuff is the best way to know people. You know, really know them.”
“Huh,” Moana watches her little face and tilts her head, “Huh.” Moana was starting to smile to herself.
Ariel starts to hum as they work, a little wordless tune that Moana joined in on and they tried to work out a melody for.
They sing and make up a beat together before they take a break and focus on harmonizing.
Moana was sitting on top a pile of old binders and cutlery as they teased each other about the music, “Okay, but two lows and one high. That’s how it has to be.” Ariel shakes her head, “A madman!”
Moana snorts and kicks a stray recycling bin toward her, “We are sitting in your Junk Kingdom. And I’m the madman.” Ariel rolls her eyes with her little cheeks dimpling, “You’re going to regret when you don’t have,” She looks around and counts, “Three calculators and some Elvis Presley socks.” They laugh and Ariel rolls up closer to her, “Sorry, about the book.” She finally says gently.
Moana’s face goes soft, she bends forward and gives a little sideways grin, “You’re the one that has to pay the library fine.” Ariel sighs and then shrugs, “Don’t tell my dad." Moana’s eyebrows rise, “Just for a lost book?” “Another lost book,” Ariel says with a bit of gruff, “And he’s just like that. You know dads.” “Oh, I do,” Moana tells her about the times she learned to drive. At nineteen. On a mini-golf court where she could only go five miles per hour. Ariel laughs and takes her hand.
“Mine told me if I ever dated I’d have to be 50.” Moana snickers, “Did it work?” Ariel shakes her head, “I took my first date out to my dad’s garden party and yelled about how in love we were the whole time, how we were romancing each other at that very moment.” Moana throws her head back with a giggle, “Oh my gosh.” Ariel sighs, “Thirteen was a wild year.”
Moana shook her head, “I was learning about how a senate works at thirteen.” She lies back down on one of Ariel’s junk piles, staring at the ceiling wistfully, “I’m going to be the next senator of Hawaii I guess. The next President. The next everything.”
Ariel gets close to her, large blue eyes focused on her like searchlights, serious and glowing, she whispers, “You seem like you'd be great,” She breathes, “Really good. Only if you want to be of course,” She looks at Moana’s hunched shoulders, “Do you want to be?” Moana looks away, “Well,” She looks guiltily at the floor and then back up, “if I can just get this book back.” Ariel thwapped her on the shoulder, “And I was going to give you brownies.” Moana sat upright, “I like brownies.”
Ariel takes her hand and Moana’s heart races a little too hard, “Come on then.” She feeds her brownies and they sing to West Side Story until Ariel’s roommates yell at them, play a game of ‘who’s dad is more overbearing’ and Moana forgets to go home until morning. It’s not a bad night.
It’s only a couple days later when Moana sees Ariel again, they had exchanged numbers so it wasn’t so strange, but after spending perhaps 17 hours with each other last Saturday, Moana had thought maybe she'd be sick of her.
Ariel wheels up to her with a huge smile on her face as Moana lounged on the quad. “I found it.” Ariel says excitedly.
Moana rolled over on the grass, “The bottom of your floor?” Ariel sticks her tongue out at her, “You don’t sound like you want your book very badly.” Moana crawls over, “No, no, I’m kidding.” She smiles, “That’s great! And Maui said it was probably cursed. And now it’s back.”
Ariel nodded excitedly, “I found it at the foot of my bed under my collection of fortune cookie papers.” “I’m going to ask about that later,” Moana says slowly, “But first,” she puts out her hand and then looks around, peaking at the back of Ariel’s chair, “I’m ready.” Ariel gave a mischievous look, “Not so fast.” Moana sticks her bottom lip out, “What?”
“You’ll get it back on one condition.” She raises an eyebrow and sits back down, folding her arms across her chest, “What is it?” Ariel holds up a picture on her phone and shakes it back and forth, “Come to the beach with me on Sunday.” Moana feels a little butterfly of excitement, the beach, then she slumps back down, “It’s almost finals.” She looks around, “I really have to ace stats class.”
Ariel shakes the picture of the beach out in front of her again, “Come with me.” She says with light in her eyes, “You love the beach. We’ll love it. All my other friends barely know how to swim.” Moana hummed and sat back on her arms, “And then, after this whole entire semester,” She says with exaggeration, “I get the book?” Ariel gives a half-smile, “Only if you have fun.” Moana beams, “I think I could do that.” Moana throws grass in the air and Ariel promises to drive with her convertible if she asks nicely.
The ride there is one of the most beautiful ones Moana had seen, she missed the islands more than anything, but there was something about California that was electric.
Ariel lets the hood of her car down and they drive with the wind blowing through their hair, she may have yelled the words to ‘Closer’ when they got on the highway. She pumps her hands in the air as they go and makes a beat with her hand on the dashboard.
Ariel tells her about originally being from Norway, but she did really love the sunny weather now. Moana tells her that this was nothing Northern girl.
They laugh and rev the engine and go faster than they probably should.
Moana is absolutely taken when they finally reach the ocean, it was slightly rocky and uneven since they wanted to go someplace remote, but the yellow sand and the slow lapping of the water made her heart squeeze.
“It’s beautiful.” She whispers and holds her hands close to her chest. “Honestly.” She felt Ariel watching her, looking, the other girl just makes a small noise of agreement.
Moana helps Ariel out of the car and into the chair, wheeling her far as they can go on the sand, and yell when they realize they really do have the beach to themselves, Moana swings Ariel around.
Eventually, they collapse on the beach towels and Ariel gets her book out, only to refuse to give it back and instead reads passages out loud in a Kermit the frog voice as Moana groaned and laughed. It was too much.
By the time the sun was in the west and Moana was heaving a great big sigh as she spread out, “Thank you for this.” Ariel flashes her big blue eyes at her, “We should go into the water.” It sounded somehow poignant in the way the words carried.
Moana nods ever so slightly and picks her up, Ariel kisses her on the cheek for not jostling her too much like some people did and Moana feels so hot around the collar she’s surprised steam doesn’t come out of her ears.
She wades deeper into the ocean with Ariel’s arms around her neck and they float in front of each other weightlessly, their gaze's meet and hold like moths to flame.
“You know,” Ariel finally gives a wry grin, breaking the silence, “I’ve never actually liked the ocean that much.” Moana’s mouth falls open, “What?!” Ariel leans forward and closes Moana’s jaw for her, “It’s too sandy! And cold.” She pouts, “I’d much rather do anthropology as a study.”
Moana shakes her head and puts her hands in the air, “I can’t believe this. This whole time.” Ariel reaches out and takes her hand, “You like it though.” Ariel looks at where she grabbed her hand and bites the inside of her cheek a little, “I do like it. But,” She looked up to see Ariel a little bit too close, Moana’s heart pounds and they circle each other in the soft lapping waves.
“Don’t tell me you don’t like singing or collecting weird stuff next.” Moana says in a hush just say something, their bodies floating around each other like carp chasing each other around slowly, “I won’t know what to think.” Ariel rolls her eyes and leans forward, she nearly touches their foreheads together, “I know what I like.”
Moana felt time going very, very slow, like syrup. She pulls her closer, a cheeky grin forming on her lips, “So what do you like?"
Ariel gave the smallest smile, she darts in as quick as a dream and kisses Ariel on the side of the mouth and then shyly ducks her head back down.
Moana sprang a goofy smile and blinked like the world was turning backward. She turns down, "Your dad still not let you date?” Ariel gives a tinkling laugh and wrapped her arms around Moana’s neck, “That never stopped me before.” Moana pulls her into a kiss, it started small and then she tilted her head and it built like a little fire flickering to life, all she felt was fireworks.
The water pushes them together like it knows and she kisses her for what feels like a millennium.
Moana is breathing a little heavy when they part, “Wow.” She grins and looks around, “Wow.” Ariel winks at her and Moana can’t stop smiling, “You sure?” She asks in a little voice.
Ariel taps her nose lightly with her pointer finger, “You know, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be the first lady.” Moana rolls her eyes, but picks her up bridal style in the water and spins her around, “Not so fast.”
“I already have the dress picked out! It’s like Jackie O’s.”
They giggle like it’s the first day of the new world and Moana swims until her limbs ache and her fingers go pruney.
It's a good ache.
She buys the book from the library and they write notes in it dotted in hearts.
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fashionoutfit6 · 7 years
Typical Mistakes For the duration of a Job Interview
Typical Mistakes For the duration of a Job Interview
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1.Todress not suitably. When anybody enters a whole new corporation, individuals and then a chief can certainly make the earliest view in regards to someone according to his/her wardrobe. If you visit supplier the place ordinarily persons slip on laid back things,aim to pick something more officialwhen you get ready for interacting with a main.
2.To dodge eye-to-eye contact. When you are camouflaging your skin, view, and always make an effort to search down, it is far from proper. Take a look straight into view. Normally, you can produce a poor perception. A principal might think you are cowardly and puzzled by by yourself. Even when it is a hardship on a person to perform this, he/she should test. It will display a superior, that a person is confident about taking a position.
3.To inquire about about wages too quickly. A manager or primary will think that here is the only aspect which makes someone to be interested in work. No doubt, capital concern is a major aspect. But do it in your most suitable time.Not a soul demands hire a fella who can proper care necessarily about the same day on the earnings. So, if you would like to work within a organization, leave behind the dilemma about earnings for the ending of any meet with.
4.Not prepare for an interview. The getting ready must take site not within your operating in the car, but at home and with a correct time. There are several things which an individual have to know: exactly what does a provider do, and that is its key. Feel, when you ask an extremely issue, That is your employer?, you may be unsuccessful a job interview. It reveals your unawareness associated with a business. A manager will believe that that you will be not excited about using them. Know at the least the essential associated with the institution you will talk to with.
Aside from, if that facts are not enough for yourself, we cantype an essay over the internet.
5.To be past due. It is really an clear reason that will make consumers to contemplate anybody not positive things. If you wish to develop a horrid initial sense, it can be used as a word of advice.It is impolite to point out up overdue to find an job interview.You should present yourself as reckless member of staff. Also,tend not to show up too early. Despite the fact that 1 will come 15 minutes previous, it could actually ruin all the things. Simply have a bit of step when you have turned up sooner than predicted. If you find yourself later, contact a administrator, allow him to be aware that you can come later. Say to him around a new determined time. Say Sorry for your personal tardiness. You need to dignity the process of a typical principal.
Regarding our company, our company is never ever later part of the with requests. To obtain outwhy someone ought to choose us, go through our helps ensure.
6.Fail to place a mobile phone on calm. It is probably the prevalent flubs which occur at all times.When it will develop, anyone needs to apologize. Do not forget to switch telephone off of promptly. Should there be some shrewd explanation of why your device was excited, you can easily disclose it.
7.Be aware of a household during a discuss. A principal will imagine that a person sets his family on the initial place. Who would like to have a really member of staff who could give up his performing area whenever you wish because of a household? You have got to make everything achievable to make certain that this job is really important in your case above all else.
8.Totalk a long time. This is simply not an era to chill out. If you believe much too pleasant, you might say some thing poor. Fail to discussion an excessive amount. Manage your own self. Notice the way of the way a main looks to you and come back to the main topic of a discussion.
Hopefully this essay is interesting and useful.Hire our best essay inventor, when you need help according any formulating project.
Make an attempt to address the popular Method Cube! It functions exactly like a Rubik’s Cube yet it is only $2, from Asia. Figure out how to solve it together with the tutorial on rubiksplace.com or take advantage of the solver to compute the perfect solution in a few simple steps. (You need to register for any association to stop bringing advertising communications towards paperwork)
The post Typical Mistakes For the duration of a Job Interview appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2F5KnDV via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2FBiKjT via IFTTT from Ladiesfashion25 http://ift.tt/2CoUkLC via IFTTT
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itesfashion · 7 years
Typical Mistakes For the duration of a Job Interview
Typical Mistakes For the duration of a Job Interview
A conversation plays necessary task in models living.Will someones appointment be successful or otherwise relies on anybody. Everybody make small or great slips. Usually, they have an impact on our everyday living at some level. It is prudent to learn from blunders. Just about every smart man will tell it. Without doubt, it really is a amazing pity to go down many times prior to a suitable behave. But sometimes it is superior to accomplishing each time bad items.
Our company would wish to present you with itscustom essay authoring products and services. We hope that you simply would also enjoy this papers. Browse our website, please make sure to. If you are searching for some subject matter, our freelance writers will likely make it with excellent happiness. We hope that you choose to will connect with the aid of our business.Sequence qualified essay on the site.
Why it is Difficult to get a Project?
The interview is an important part of every lifetime. It is a vital moment in time for lots of people.Any person will become in a position to a conversation considering that understanding at the institution or maybe in class.Men and women meditate upon it a lot of simply because this attribute impacts their everyday living.
Who loves job searching? Everyone should know that it must be a tiresome condition. Anybody is usually concerned, carries a unhealthy relaxation, with an terrible cravings. It occurs since a man tries to locate a occupation. Presently it is quite tricky. The economy in a good many places is not really a stable really make a difference. For these reasons, it might be complex to obtain a location a place. Your situation of doubt is also very high. Any key are unable to confirm his personnel a long term of job opportunities. You can find layoffs in a number of firms. Individuals become unemployed as there is no help them with the power team.
Anyway,if you are searching for analysis newspaper publisher, we will get the best one for you. He can make an outstanding essay on work, should you require.
Ones knowledge will be the important factor that things whilst getting the task which he/she needs.Knowledge is also exceptionally priceless. This is often a quite disputable situation. Several principals simply want to have people with superior experience because they do not want shed time regarding their education. So, what scholars needs to do? The way is achievable to review and also get encounter together? Effectively, it is a twisted dilemma.
For anyone who is studying in the united states just where educational college degree carries an important influence on someones long run, it is best to perform reviewing. You must understand or know that substantially not every place can offer of the an edge. This is why, there are certainly individuals who abandon schooling and commence functioning. In certain countries superiors typically are not enthusiastic about academic back ground within their staff. They appear at their ability, ability, and whatever they will bring to an agency.So, it really is serious to prepare into an job interview.
One can find facilities that would like to see many people with 30 twelve months of age working with them. They will be ready to train these sort of workforce and provides them an opportunity to come to be an integral part of a working company. It occurs simply because some specialists assert that others when thirty years you should not answer to training. Again, this which means may differ. It depends on land, traditions, and various aspects.
An additional critical factor that problems task tracking, is always that a number of products are provided by web mail. That assists to complete any standing without having supplementary challenges. Any person realizes a vacancy using the web, he/she submits employment application, and gets a solution in several time or perhaps a full week. So, take note of this structure. Maybe you have fine chances to get an excellent job a lot quicker than you think that.
This is only the first of all part of this essay. On our web page there are many paperwork.Check our reasonable prices right here.
We could not spend a lot attention to our services. Even though we love to compose, you can find an alternate way to do it. Learn these newspapers to comprehend how you can assist our potential customers.
Design an Essay On line: Who Will Help out?
Kind My Essay to me: Clever Choice
Solve All Prepared Goof ups With Online Essay Editor
Finest Essay Publishing: Publish It Readily
Just Cover essay typer simulator An Essay Get The Existence Easier
Look and feel, it is rather not difficult to cooperate around. Our business has plenty of encountered freelance writers. They might handle any publishing project. Just say, Style my essay in my situation. We normally do our best for almost every purchaser.
The Interview. Popular Goof ups
Look at this catalog thoroughly. We certainly have tried to get essential specifics which actually subject despite the fact that owning an interview. A few of them might appear comical, but additionally they do have an effect on your foreseeable future professional career. Now we will start off. Look at the report. There you will see items that people does completely wrong. Find what could they be.
1.Todress not suitably. When anybody enters a whole new corporation, individuals and then a chief can certainly make the earliest view in regards to someone according to his/her wardrobe. If you visit supplier the place ordinarily persons slip on laid back things,aim to pick something more officialwhen you get ready for interacting with a main.
2.To dodge eye-to-eye contact. When you are camouflaging your skin, view, and always make an effort to search down, it is far from proper. Take a look straight into view. Normally, you can produce a poor perception. A principal might think you are cowardly and puzzled by by yourself. Even when it is a hardship on a person to perform this, he/she should test. It will display a superior, that a person is confident about taking a position.
3.To inquire about about wages too quickly. A manager or primary will think that here is the only aspect which makes someone to be interested in work. No doubt, capital concern is a major aspect. But do it in your most suitable time.Not a soul demands hire a fella who can proper care necessarily about the same day on the earnings. So, if you would like to work within a organization, leave behind the dilemma about earnings for the ending of any meet with.
4.Not prepare for an interview. The getting ready must take site not within your operating in the car, but at home and with a correct time. There are several things which an individual have to know: exactly what does a provider do, and that is its key. Feel, when you ask an extremely issue, That is your employer?, you may be unsuccessful a job interview. It reveals your unawareness associated with a business. A manager will believe that that you will be not excited about using them. Know at the least the essential associated with the institution you will talk to with.
Aside from, if that facts are not enough for yourself, we cantype an essay over the internet.
5.To be past due. It is really an clear reason that will make consumers to contemplate anybody not positive things. If you wish to develop a horrid initial sense, it can be used as a word of advice.It is impolite to point out up overdue to find an job interview.You should present yourself as reckless member of staff. Also,tend not to show up too early. Despite the fact that 1 will come 15 minutes previous, it could actually ruin all the things. Simply have a bit of step when you have turned up sooner than predicted. If you find yourself later, contact a administrator, allow him to be aware that you can come later. Say to him around a new determined time. Say Sorry for your personal tardiness. You need to dignity the process of a typical principal.
Regarding our company, our company is never ever later part of the with requests. To obtain outwhy someone ought to choose us, go through our helps ensure.
6.Fail to place a mobile phone on calm. It is probably the prevalent flubs which occur at all times.When it will develop, anyone needs to apologize. Do not forget to switch telephone off of promptly. Should there be some shrewd explanation of why your device was excited, you can easily disclose it.
7.Be aware of a household during a discuss. A principal will imagine that a person sets his family on the initial place. Who would like to have a really member of staff who could give up his performing area whenever you wish because of a household? You have got to make everything achievable to make certain that this job is really important in your case above all else.
8.Totalk a long time. This is simply not an era to chill out. If you believe much too pleasant, you might say some thing poor. Fail to discussion an excessive amount. Manage your own self. Notice the way of the way a main looks to you and come back to the main topic of a discussion.
Hopefully this essay is interesting and useful.Hire our best essay inventor, when you need help according any formulating project.
Make an attempt to address the popular Method Cube! It functions exactly like a Rubik’s Cube yet it is only $2, from Asia. Figure out how to solve it together with the tutorial on rubiksplace.com or take advantage of the solver to compute the perfect solution in a few simple steps. (You need to register for any association to stop bringing advertising communications towards paperwork)
The post Typical Mistakes For the duration of a Job Interview appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2F5KnDV via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2FBiKjT via IFTTT from Ladies Fashion http://ift.tt/2FzJAc2 via IFTTT
0 notes
ladiesfashion25 · 7 years
Typical Mistakes For the duration of a Job Interview
Typical Mistakes For the duration of a Job Interview
A conversation plays necessary task in models living.Will someones appointment be successful or otherwise relies on anybody. Everybody make small or great slips. Usually, they have an impact on our everyday living at some level. It is prudent to learn from blunders. Just about every smart man will tell it. Without doubt, it really is a amazing pity to go down many times prior to a suitable behave. But sometimes it is superior to accomplishing each time bad items.
Our company would wish to present you with itscustom essay authoring products and services. We hope that you simply would also enjoy this papers. Browse our website, please make sure to. If you are searching for some subject matter, our freelance writers will likely make it with excellent happiness. We hope that you choose to will connect with the aid of our business.Sequence qualified essay on the site.
Why it is Difficult to get a Project?
The interview is an important part of every lifetime. It is a vital moment in time for lots of people.Any person will become in a position to a conversation considering that understanding at the institution or maybe in class.Men and women meditate upon it a lot of simply because this attribute impacts their everyday living.
Who loves job searching? Everyone should know that it must be a tiresome condition. Anybody is usually concerned, carries a unhealthy relaxation, with an terrible cravings. It occurs since a man tries to locate a occupation. Presently it is quite tricky. The economy in a good many places is not really a stable really make a difference. For these reasons, it might be complex to obtain a location a place. Your situation of doubt is also very high. Any key are unable to confirm his personnel a long term of job opportunities. You can find layoffs in a number of firms. Individuals become unemployed as there is no help them with the power team.
Anyway,if you are searching for analysis newspaper publisher, we will get the best one for you. He can make an outstanding essay on work, should you require.
Ones knowledge will be the important factor that things whilst getting the task which he/she needs.Knowledge is also exceptionally priceless. This is often a quite disputable situation. Several principals simply want to have people with superior experience because they do not want shed time regarding their education. So, what scholars needs to do? The way is achievable to review and also get encounter together? Effectively, it is a twisted dilemma.
For anyone who is studying in the united states just where educational college degree carries an important influence on someones long run, it is best to perform reviewing. You must understand or know that substantially not every place can offer of the an edge. This is why, there are certainly individuals who abandon schooling and commence functioning. In certain countries superiors typically are not enthusiastic about academic back ground within their staff. They appear at their ability, ability, and whatever they will bring to an agency.So, it really is serious to prepare into an job interview.
One can find facilities that would like to see many people with 30 twelve months of age working with them. They will be ready to train these sort of workforce and provides them an opportunity to come to be an integral part of a working company. It occurs simply because some specialists assert that others when thirty years you should not answer to training. Again, this which means may differ. It depends on land, traditions, and various aspects.
An additional critical factor that problems task tracking, is always that a number of products are provided by web mail. That assists to complete any standing without having supplementary challenges. Any person realizes a vacancy using the web, he/she submits employment application, and gets a solution in several time or perhaps a full week. So, take note of this structure. Maybe you have fine chances to get an excellent job a lot quicker than you think that.
This is only the first of all part of this essay. On our web page there are many paperwork.Check our reasonable prices right here.
We could not spend a lot attention to our services. Even though we love to compose, you can find an alternate way to do it. Learn these newspapers to comprehend how you can assist our potential customers.
Design an Essay On line: Who Will Help out?
Kind My Essay to me: Clever Choice
Solve All Prepared Goof ups With Online Essay Editor
Finest Essay Publishing: Publish It Readily
Just Cover essay typer simulator An Essay Get The Existence Easier
Look and feel, it is rather not difficult to cooperate around. Our business has plenty of encountered freelance writers. They might handle any publishing project. Just say, Style my essay in my situation. We normally do our best for almost every purchaser.
The Interview. Popular Goof ups
Look at this catalog thoroughly. We certainly have tried to get essential specifics which actually subject despite the fact that owning an interview. A few of them might appear comical, but additionally they do have an effect on your foreseeable future professional career. Now we will start off. Look at the report. There you will see items that people does completely wrong. Find what could they be.
1.Todress not suitably. When anybody enters a whole new corporation, individuals and then a chief can certainly make the earliest view in regards to someone according to his/her wardrobe. If you visit supplier the place ordinarily persons slip on laid back things,aim to pick something more officialwhen you get ready for interacting with a main.
2.To dodge eye-to-eye contact. When you are camouflaging your skin, view, and always make an effort to search down, it is far from proper. Take a look straight into view. Normally, you can produce a poor perception. A principal might think you are cowardly and puzzled by by yourself. Even when it is a hardship on a person to perform this, he/she should test. It will display a superior, that a person is confident about taking a position.
3.To inquire about about wages too quickly. A manager or primary will think that here is the only aspect which makes someone to be interested in work. No doubt, capital concern is a major aspect. But do it in your most suitable time.Not a soul demands hire a fella who can proper care necessarily about the same day on the earnings. So, if you would like to work within a organization, leave behind the dilemma about earnings for the ending of any meet with.
4.Not prepare for an interview. The getting ready must take site not within your operating in the car, but at home and with a correct time. There are several things which an individual have to know: exactly what does a provider do, and that is its key. Feel, when you ask an extremely issue, That is your employer?, you may be unsuccessful a job interview. It reveals your unawareness associated with a business. A manager will believe that that you will be not excited about using them. Know at the least the essential associated with the institution you will talk to with.
Aside from, if that facts are not enough for yourself, we cantype an essay over the internet.
5.To be past due. It is really an clear reason that will make consumers to contemplate anybody not positive things. If you wish to develop a horrid initial sense, it can be used as a word of advice.It is impolite to point out up overdue to find an job interview.You should present yourself as reckless member of staff. Also,tend not to show up too early. Despite the fact that 1 will come 15 minutes previous, it could actually ruin all the things. Simply have a bit of step when you have turned up sooner than predicted. If you find yourself later, contact a administrator, allow him to be aware that you can come later. Say to him around a new determined time. Say Sorry for your personal tardiness. You need to dignity the process of a typical principal.
Regarding our company, our company is never ever later part of the with requests. To obtain outwhy someone ought to choose us, go through our helps ensure.
6.Fail to place a mobile phone on calm. It is probably the prevalent flubs which occur at all times.When it will develop, anyone needs to apologize. Do not forget to switch telephone off of promptly. Should there be some shrewd explanation of why your device was excited, you can easily disclose it.
7.Be aware of a household during a discuss. A principal will imagine that a person sets his family on the initial place. Who would like to have a really member of staff who could give up his performing area whenever you wish because of a household? You have got to make everything achievable to make certain that this job is really important in your case above all else.
8.Totalk a long time. This is simply not an era to chill out. If you believe much too pleasant, you might say some thing poor. Fail to discussion an excessive amount. Manage your own self. Notice the way of the way a main looks to you and come back to the main topic of a discussion.
Hopefully this essay is interesting and useful.Hire our best essay inventor, when you need help according any formulating project.
Make an attempt to address the popular Method Cube! It functions exactly like a Rubik’s Cube yet it is only $2, from Asia. Figure out how to solve it together with the tutorial on rubiksplace.com or take advantage of the solver to compute the perfect solution in a few simple steps. (You need to register for any association to stop bringing advertising communications towards paperwork)
The post Typical Mistakes For the duration of a Job Interview appeared first on Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion.
from Blog – Guest Blogging Platform for Jewelry & Fashion http://ift.tt/2F5KnDV via IFTTT from Untitled http://ift.tt/2FBiKjT via IFTTT
0 notes
Marketing For Nursing Business
The second you determine that youandrsquo; ve performed all you must along with your advertising and marketing is actually the specific minute that your marketing starts to totter. A great advertising and marketing planning will certainly define all the advertising activities to become performed within a certain amount of time. FedEx will definitely have to measure up to these requirements of their brand, yet their advertising department specified the customer up through this photo. When setting up your marketing and interaction schedule, you could administer the one in three regulations. Amway is just one of the earliest and also most extensive mlm firms on earth. That has grown in capability and expanded good enough in reputation to make social media network advertising and marketing as a viable internet marketing tool. CIM qualifications are highly sought after through companies, and map along with the Advertising and marketing MSc degree, making certain you are actually equipped along with the most effective opportunities for a successful advertising and marketing career. These suggestions are actually designed to help you in generating a sound strategy, to guarantee your investment of time and money settles and also creates your business, whatever you desire that to become. It is critical that advertising and marketing managers attend to consumer fears pertaining to risk that outcomes in the past, throughout, and also after intake of support services (Keh & Sunshine, 2008). Labels are actually calculated properties, and also hence an advertising manager ought to obtain the specific and implied abilities that can easily help him/her to maximise the profits from a label. Advertising offline is actually certainly not the same as advertising online, as well as you ought to be experienceded in both from these things to succeed in this profession. To recognize this, our experts need to initially understand the initial demand of industrying public relationships of a company. Thus, productivity metrics are actually targeted at defining the expense to carry out advertising and marketing tasks or even projects, i.e. workers hours per task and pattern opportunity per project. These feature Elderly Coordinator, Project Supervisor, Advertising Aide, Data source Manager, Communications Specialist, Activities Assistant, Digital Job Supervisor - and that's merely among others. For dependable advertising and marketing, you should understand the essential marketing methods and methods entailed for the web. Our company are actually searching for engaging marketing experts that can execute and also establish marketing and also key communication plannings. This really isn't transactional advertising and marketing; we need to have individuals to become involved along with our team and also psychologically participated in order to proceed our work. Attracts Attention: Effective internet marketing leaflets record a prospect's attention as well as entice them to have the wanted activity. As strong as the S.W. T. Review is for company organizing, this is actually similarly powerful in sales as well as marketing decision-making. An advertising and marketing method is actually the foundation for which you can evaluate whether or not your plan is successful. Marketing and advertising initiatives are composed of notifying others with radio shows, signboards, tv commercials, and advertisements in phone brochures, manuals and also magazines. Metaphorically talking, the dogs are actually those Multi level marketing groups that give commission- based settlement. Just before leaving behind the advertising and marketing mix I need to tell you about the Extensive mix, which incorporates Folks, Process and Physical documentation to Item, Cost, Area as well as Advertising. I observe several organisations that only pay attention to the calculated goal for advertising and marketing however overlook to include the monetary and also control methods for your company at the same time. Our variety of advertising and marketing levels are a superb beginning point for jobs in marketing and a positioning year sets you ahead of various other latest grads when finding your 1st advertising setting. The 6 Ps have all the 4 Ps from advertising - product, advertising, location and rate. The general intention is actually to allow you to analyze other sorts of market research, and also be able to utilize as well as understand analysis outcome for resolving marketing problems like division, targeting, positioning, advertising tactic and also customer behavior. Advertising and marketing here is far from just transactional or even obtaining people to get a product. 2 most conspicuous targets from advertising and marketing are actually the achievement from brand-new consumers as well as the retention of the existing ones. The manufacturing principle is actually taken into consideration to be some of the earliest advertising ideas that prevailed off the moment of the industrial change approximately the overdue 1920's. Mobile advertising entails making use of promotions that transfer to different sites to ensure for providers. This became known as search engine optimization as well as even more on, online search engine marketing. His books consist of Wave 3: The New Age in Internet marketing as well as Surge 4: Mlm in the 21st Century. Several marketing device professionals assert that advertising and marketing functionality is uncertain since it is challenging to say just what is actually determined. The Guardian Jobs is about motivating professions; attaching you with countless top quality employers and prize-winning profession recommendations. Aspirational advertising and marketing makes use of folks's ingrained goals creating them desire traits that they carry out not genuinely need. They are actually appearing and exploring out for such type of key advertising and marketing program and company advertising position that are going to permit and also permit their organisation making this prominent and also productive in other words stretch of time. Here's more information in regards to yellow pages online qld, visit link, review our own website. That will certainly likewise equip pupils wanting to advance to refresher course at Masters Level in Strategic Marketing. An effective advertising and marketing leaflet calls for a clear message, interesting and also engaging information, as well as a specific planning to deliver that communication to the best target market. Lasting marketing tactics are actually those that carry you a consistent stream from targeted web traffic in time. You ought to be notified that a lot of inexperienced marketers think that the promotional planning is actually the whole advertising plan. Youandrsquo; re bordered continuously through reliable methods improve your marketing. A pretty brand new kind of advertising is and also utilizes the web referred to as Internet marketing or even more typically e-marketing, partner advertising, personal computer advertising or online marketing That aims to best the segmentation strategy made use of in standard marketing. This unit opens windows right into creative and also critical thinking, analytical analysis, as well as business method developments/models as well as decision-making. Finally, this should be actually said that it is actually the advertising and marketing concept that is actually predominant today. You will check out honest thinking and decision creation, developing structures for coming close to reliable problems that might develop in daily marketing method. The second factor you have to learn more about the influence from competitors on pricing strategy is that rate differs through features. Unlike the other ideologies that existed at other period, advertising and marketing idea is actually a philosophy that mainly pays attention to the buyer desires as well as requires. Articles are actually quite effective advertising devices considering that they enable you to advertise your items and web site. Guerrilla advertising is a sub-branch from advertising and marketing that attempts to capture people's interest and also spread beneficial information concerning a brand name or organisation by means of spoken communication. The not-so-obvious component is actually that you can do all three from these through being the 1st to make use of an advertising technique that operates in other sectors yet has yet to be made use of in your own. Kent Organisation School have actually partnered along with the Chartered Principle of Marketing (CIM), the leading qualified body system for marketing experts worldwide, to provide you the special possibility to gain very sought after CIM credentials alongside the MSc in Marketing by means of their Graduate Entrance. As an example, an advertising and marketing division could possibly identify (using market research) that individuals intended a brand new kind of product, or even a brand new consumption for an existing item.
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