#we are very happy when we have daily ag content
sincericida · 8 days
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in London.
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nipuni · 5 months
Time for an old school blog post, Hello!
Just various updates about life and shows and clothes and some photos! Adding a read more cut because I talk too much 😊
Happy equinox everyone!! The mild weather has been wonderful for daily park walks. We have been taking our meals outside as often as we can to make the most of it before summer scorches the land and all life. The longer days allow for a lot more wandering too but the imminent return of the heat is also making the longing to move up north worse by the day. We miss the choppy ocean and seaside cliffs 😭 We love the silence and the rain and the nippy sea breeze!! it's like being suspended in early spring for half the year and a rainy autumn the other half, Ideal if you don't mind humidity, but that's what wellies and flat caps are for. We have been looking for properties to rent to show up everyday so for now we lie in wait.
Speaking of nature, a few months ago we discovered a free app called Plantnet that you use to take and upload photos of plants, trees, flowers and it will identify them for you. You keep a log with their locations and can share them too to help contribute to each local biodiversity database. It feels like a pokedex for plants. There are many apps like this one to choose from too. It's been so fun learning what all these plants are called and memorizing them! I recommend it, is like a little educational side quest to take on while stretching your legs and getting some fresh air. This is not an ad I promise lmao I just think it's neat! kind of sad feeling the need to clarify that.
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This weather is also making me want to start making outfit posts again! It's been so long since I made any!! my winter wardrobe is mostly long wool coats or capes and boots so the inspiration wasn't there but now I'm ready to pull out all my stuff back from under my bed storage and experiment again 👏 I've also been meaning to share some of Nicolas outfits for ages too so there is more variety, could be fun!
Speaking of clothes, lately I've grown more and more frustrated with how poorly most clothes fit me to the point where I'm considering learning how to make them from scratch. I usually have to take in the tops and hem the bottoms but most things I try on are just built weird even if I fix the size, or maybe I'm built weird! I think it may be both. Nicolas also said he would love to learn along with me so we will probably embark on that adventure soon. OH and on a short tangent, I got myself a sort of binder-like top that flattens the chest a bit and I'm loving it! I'm very flat already but what little bust I do have has always bothered me when I dress and I've found I feel a lot more comfortable in this type of top. I'm glad I tried it out so if you feel similarly you may want to give it a go too, see how it feels!
On the media side of things we have also been watching more of David Tennant's work. We are still very much in love with him to an embarrassing degree, you can probably tell if you follow me anywhere, my likes on twitter alone give me away alksjdf and Nicolas isn't any better! if he used social media his would look the same lmao.
Since my last report we have watched and absolutely LOVED "There She Goes" we already want to watch it again honestly. The family dynamics for all his characters are always so real and refreshing!! Their relationship with their wives especially are always so believable in every series we've seen, the comfort and camaraderie, the banter and just friendship! You can tell they enjoy each other's company, it feels true. I love it so much!!
We also watched "Inside man" which was..a very stressful mess but David was incredible as always, also very hot and very pitiful which is always great, and Stanley Tucci was on it! so that's also fun.
Then we rewatched season one of Good Omens and the first 4 seasons of Doctor Who, with all the extra content like the Confidentials, deleted scenes, video diaries and more, they are just so good!! our list of favourite episodes keeps growing, season four is incredible, we are loving all these seasons even more the second time around!! Now we are probably going to start watching either Classic Who or Torchwood, along with more of David's work. We were trying to pick what to watch during dinner the other day and Nicolas was like 'damn, David is not in this though, I miss him' and lmao same so now we just watch one show without him and one with him right after to cope 😂
OH we have also been doing more historical reenactment! Since the last one in the 20's we jumped back to Regency times. We have been putting our outfits together for a ball soon and hopefully another one in autumn in the UK 😊 1800 is the farthest back in time we've been yet so it's been fun doing research, finding pieces and learning the dances in class but also very hectic. I'll share more about this soon!
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Then we also have a couple of 1900 events coming soon, so I'll be sharing more Edwardian looks as well, our favourite era!!
Anyway I think that's all for now, thanks for reading to whoever is doing so!! I know this is long and not a popular blogging format anymore but I enjoy it a lot, maybe some of you do too 🥰 I will reply to some messages soon, I'm so sorry I'm so bad at keeping up with those!! I've read them all and cherish every word 🥺 Thank you for supporting my art and shenanigans as always!! I hope you have a great week!!
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lykegenia · 1 year
So something has been bugging me for a while now about A and N’s backstories, and while I know not everyone will be as pedantic as me, as someone who loves history and has done a lot of writing, I feel that if you’re going to write a story about vampires and give them a specific time and date of origin, then there should be a certain level of research that goes into making that background authentic. I'm not saying that Mishka didn’t do any research. It just seems that in order to keep the vibe of a happy, mellow fantasy some of the less savoury aspects of A and N’s upbringings have been left out, and it's a shame. To be honest, it feels a bit disingenuous, and it feels like an opportunity got wasted.
Let me explain (long post got long, it's 2am)
Let's take A first, since the problem is simpler here.
A is the child of a Norman lord and an Anglo-Saxon noblewoman, born in the first generation after the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. A says that these were turbulent times but that their parents had a happy marriage. Which. While I’m sure a lot of unions in that time period made the best of it, I can’t help but feel this description strips away a lot of the context of what was going on at that point in history - and removes some of the complexity about A’s thoughts on love and relationships.
Basically, after he took control of the throne, William the Conqueror stripped many Anglo-Saxon lords of their lands and titles so he could give them to his Norman buddies instead - with the added bonus that it left the Anglo-Saxons without the means to raise armies against him. The sisters, daughters, and widows of the dispossessed Anglo-Saxons were then forced to marry these new Norman lords to legitimise their power, not infrequently after all of their male relatives had been slaughtered. It’s not as if Anglo-Saxon women weren’t used to being used as political chess pieces, but the years after the conquest were brutal. It’s why William had to build so many castles. The point that I’m trying to make is that even if A’s mother was content enough in her daily life, due to the power imbalance between her and her husband, it's very likely she had little choice in the matter. She may have seen a lot of her family killed for political reasons, with the knowledge that – in an age where women had very little protection outside of their paternal household – she might be next if she made too much of a fuss.
It would be fascinating to see what effect that tension has had on A 900 years later, or even to get an acknowledgement of how much times have changed, but we don’t. We don't see how their early years affected them, how they view relationships formed naturally instead of via political contracts. And I really, really wish we did. There is so much potential there.
But A is not the one keeping me up past 2 in the morning. It’s N, and the utter detachment their backstory seems to have from the period in history they lived in as a human. And it all stems from the fact that they came from the English nobility in the late 1600s.
See, the bulk of the problem is that English inheritance law at the time heavily favoured primogeniture, where a man’s wealth would go to his first-born son. Some dispensation was made for widows and other children, but the estates, assets, and most of the money had a very clear destination.
For one thing, this makes it kinda weird that N’s stepfather would have needed an heir before he could inherit, because except in extreme circumstances everything would have gone to him anyway. Don't get me wrong, this isn't the worst part of the problem, it’s just annoying when there are more plausible reasons for him marrying a woman already pregnant with another man’s child (old family friend wanting to save her from disgrace, needed the dowry to pay off gambling debts, there was a longstanding betrothal between them that would have been tricky to get out of, etc.).
No, the bigger problem with N’s backstory vs primogeniture is firstly that at the time the English aristocracy was racist af (still is tbh) and given his pretty obvious mixed-race heritage, no court would have agreed that Nate was a legitimate son (this is for a very special reason that we will be coming back to). I say Nate specifically here because primogeniture requires the eldest legitimate son. Nat wouldn’t have inherited at all, as women in that period passed from the guardianship of their father (or other male blood relative) into that of their husband after marriage, and only gained any kind of independence with widowhood. If N had been an only child, maybe they would have been treated as a special case, but unfortunately Milton exists: the eldest legitimate son who by law will inherit everything.
Now here’s the thing. Your average aristocrat in the 17th century is very obsessed with lineage and keeping the family line unbroken. He would not, therefore, send his legitimate heir to sea to be shot at or drowned before he can carry on the family name – that joy instead goes to any other sons who need their own profession, because again, they will get very little. Nat would have had a dowry, but would never have been expected to make her own living, so I'm going to focuson Nate for this next bit.
In Book 3, if you unlock his tragic backstory Nate tells you he joined the Royal Navy after Milton went missing so that he could go look for him. And, well. This is where his backstory as Mishka tells it completely falls apart. For two reasons:
1. Even in the modern day, you can’t ‘just’ join the Navy, and you certainly can’t just jump straight to being a lieutenant – it takes years of training and after a certain age they won’t take you because they won’t be able to mould you easily enough into a useful tool. For most of the Navy's history, the process was even more involved. It wasn’t an office job you could just rock up to and then quit if you felt like it, it was a lifetime commitment. Boys destined to be officers would be sent to sea as early as 12 to learn shipboard life, starting at the bottom and moving up the ranks. These were gained by passing exams and by purchasing a commission – which is why you generally had to come from wealth to be an officer at all. Once you get to lieutenant you're responsible for a lot of people, and might be tasked with commanding any captured ships alongside the daily running of yours - it was not an easy job.
2. Even as a lieutenant (one rank below Captain, with varying levels of seniority) it’s not like you can just go where you want. In the 1720s British colonies already existed in India, the Caribbean, and up the entire eastern seaboard of North America and into Canada, and the Navy was tasked with protecting merchant shipping along these seaways (and one trade in particular that we’ll be getting to, don’t worry). Nate could have ended up practically anywhere in the burgeoning empire. He would not have been able to choose whom he served under, and would not have been able to demand his superior officer go against orders from the admirality to chase down one lone vessel because he thinks another one of the admirals might be a bit dodgy. It could not have happened.
Besides these impracticalities, there’s a far easier way for the child of a wealthy man to get to a specific point on the far side of the globe to look for their lost sibling, which is the route I assume Nat took sine she couldn’t have joined the Navy (yes she could have snuck in but she’s specifically in a dress in the B2 mirror scene so). All they'd have to do would be to charter a ship and tell the captain where to go, which is the plot of Treasure Island. It's quicker, less fuss, with less chance of things going wrong. It's even possible in the age of mercantilism that the Sewells had some merchant vessels among their holdings that could be diverted for the task. Why go through the hassle of joining the Navy and potentially ending up on the wrong side of the world when you can just hire a ship directly?
If Nate does have to be in the Navy (and let’s face it, it’s worth it just for the uniform) then it's far more plausible is that, as the illegitimate son who would not inherit because of racism etc, he got sent to the Navy as a boy and rose through the ranks to become a lieutenant. When he got news of Milton’s disappearance not far from where he was stationed, he begged his captain to go investigate in case whatever happened turned out to be the symptom of a bigger problem. Like pirates.
I like this version better not just because it makes more sense, or because it keeps Nate’s situation re: inheritance closer to Nat’s and therefore makes their stories more equal, but also because it adds a delicious amount of guilt to Nate’s need to find his brother. We know his entire crew died looking for answers, because he was selfish – that’s roughly 100-400 lives lost because of him, and we know that sort of thing eats at him.
So that's one side of the story, but if Milton wasn’t in the Navy, what was he doing on the other side of the Atlantic in the first place? Well, this is where we come to the biggest elephant in the room regarding N’s backstory as a member of the 17th century English aristocracy and potentially as a naval officer: the Atlantic Slave Trade. If you are wealthy in 17th century Britain it's more than likely that your wealth comes either from the trade itself, or from the products made with the labour of enslaved people. If you are wealthy, you want to protect your assets from attack by pirates or foreign powers so you don't become less wealthy, and that is what the Navy is for.
Regardless of N’s own views on slavery at the time – and any subsequent changes in opinion – it’s likely their family owned or had shares in slave plantations in the Americas. As distasteful as it is, it makes far more sense that Milton was on a trip to check the family’s holdings when his ship - specifically a merchant vessel - went missing. From a pirate perspective, a merchant ship would make a much better target than a Navy vessel, being slower, more likely to have valuable cargo, and less likely to have marines or a well-trained broadside.
It's not surprising that Mishka left out the subject of the slave trade given her tendency to skirt around darker subjects and general blindspot for racial politics, but it is nuance that, if it was there, would create a more grounded and coherent backstory for N that doesn’t have quite so many holes. Like with A being the child of an invader and his war bride, we could get some deeper thoughts from N about their place in the world - How do they feel to have grown up so privileged when others who looked like them were regarded as literal property? How did they feel being part of the system that made it happen? Did it inform their compassionate nature? Is it still a source of guilt or someithng they've tried to make up for?
I'm not sure where I was going with all of this. It's late, my sleep pattern is fucked. The tl;dr is that giving the vampires' backstories historical context would make them feel more multifaceted and would give opportunities for character growth that are instead missed because of a desire for a more sanitized version of the past.
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wjhik · 1 year
One Time For The Birthday Bitch(Trent Alexander-Arnold)*Smut*
A/N: happy bday to me. (trent edition)
Y/N's POV:
My 25th birthday. It's about damn time. I'm bouncing off the walls right now. My birthday hasn't been the most amazing experience for me. Since I was little, anything that could go wrong went wrong on this day. I have a different feeling about this one. It's my first birthday with Trent. He always makes me feel so special on a daily basis. He took a day off today and has been showering me with affection all day, more than usual might I add. Since I moved to Liverpool for him, he's been giving me all the attention in the world. He knows I sacrificed a lot for him, and he's eternally grateful. Adding onto that sacrifice, I've been really homesick. I moved to a new city and left the little friends I had behind and started a whole new life for him.
Anyways, I'm now sitting at my vanity, getting my hair and makeup done by Gene and Kitty, two ladies Trent has hired for the day. (watched Oppenheimer yesterday these were the first two names I thouhgt of) He doesn't want me to lift a finger on 'my special day', so he calls it. I'm chatting away with the two lovely ladies when Trent walks in the room. "Hey, baby." He gives me a kiss on the head as Kitty walks away to grab a brush or something. "Hey, Trent." I tell him, kissing him. "You look lovely." He says, caressing my back, letting the ladies work. I thank him as he sits down on the bed, flicking through the channels on the T.V. "Soooo, are you going to tell me what were doing tonight?" I ask him. He's been keeping it a secret all week, and it's killing me. "Nope." Hey says contently. I let out some grumbles as he continues denying me.
"Oh my god." I say in shock as the girls show me the complete product. "It looks amazing." I say, getting up to hug and thank them. "You're so welcome, love." They say, hugging back. The girls pack up their tools. I show them to the front door and thank them one last time. I shut the door behind them and sigh heavily. I walk towards the couch where Trent has moved to. I plop down next to him. He extends his arm and allows me to rest in his chest. He looks down at me and says, "Whoa." I look up at him and reply, "Whoa?" With a light laugh. "Just you. Whoa. You look incredible, love." He leans down to kiss my red lips. "Can't wait to ruin you tonight." I immediately feel my cheeks get hot. I hide my face into his chest.
9:00 pm
"We should get going, love." Trent says, lightly squeezing my ass, stopping me from grinding on him any further. We got a little carried away. "Can't we just stay home?" I ask him, kissing on his neck. "I promise, when we get home." He says. I get off him slightly disappointed and walk towards my vanity. I fix my lipstick and hair. I look at myself in the mirror. I feel pretty good right now. I'm wearing a little black and red dress and some black Louboutin heels, decked out in diamonds from head to toe. I see Trent behind me in the reflection. He wraps his arms round my waist and gives me a kiss on my neck.
My shoes were discarded, very carefully might I add, a long time ago. Trent and I have been dancing for ages and I finally decided to go sit down with our friends. Trent flew the all out from my hometown just for my birthday. He said that the last thing he would want was me being lonely on 'my day'. "Looks like you and Trent were having fun." Jocelyn says, raising her eyebrows at me, referring to the very promiscuous dancing Trent and I were doing. "Hey! It's my birthday. Leave me be." I say, slurring my words. I have had about 10 too many drinks. My drunken state is very obvious to everyone. I'm not normally one for partying too hard, but you'll only be 25 once. Might as well live it up. Trent is not nearly as drunk as I am, however he's decided to let loose too.
"Trent!!! Come over here." I say, stumbling over to him sitting at the bar with a few of his boys. I grab his arm and drag him over to where I was. "Wanna try weed??" I ask him, handing him a blunt we were sharing. At this point, I was long gone. "Are you sure? Is it safe?" Trent asks, holding the foreign object. I know he hasn't done it before, but it'll be fun. I'm not going to pressure him though. "Hey. It's fine, but if you don't want to, you don't have to." I try to reassure him silently, but my intoxicated state makes it increasingly difficult. Trent takes the blunt from my hand and takes a hit. He doesn't feel anything so he decides to take another. And another. And one more. "Whoa, whoa! Trent, that's going to hit you hard." Micah says to him. "I can't even feel i- whoaaaa." Trent gets taken back very quickly. "I told you it's good." I tell him, taking another hit myself. At this point Trent is struggling to keep his head straight.
Trent is now at the DJ booth with the DJ singing "7 Days" By Craig Davis. I can't help but blush at Trent singing at me. Now, is this the weed, alcohol, or just Trent? I have no clue, but I'm going to say it's Trent for the sake of him.
Trent and I are back to grinding on each other on the dance floor. We've already cut, ate, and vomited the obnoxiously big cake Trent got me. It helped with our extremely unsober selves, but then we went right back to drinking, so it was relatively pointless. Trent and I are slowly grinding to whatever song is playing. I'm too drunk to even process it. "We should get out of here. You do owe me." I tell him, referring to our almost quickie. Trent simply grabs me and takes us up to our friends. A few of them already leaving. "We're going to get going." I say to them, giggling  at Trent, making it unbearably obvious why we were leaving. Trent left me to say his goodbyes to his boys while I grab my belongings.
"Fuck, baby. That feel so fucking good!" I moan out loudly, too drunk to be worried. Trent has me tied up on our bed and he's fucking me silly. He has his hands on my hips, pulling me down every now and then. He also has his phone set up, filming us. Bondage and making a sex tape has been a topic of discussion between us for a while, but Trent was always opposed. He was too worried he's be too rough and hurt me, and that the video may possibly get out. Trent, not only being of his drunken state, but also because it's my birthday, finally agreed.
"Who can make you feel like this, love?" He asks me, pounding even harder. "Only you, Trent. Only you can make me feel like this. Oh, fuck. I love you so much." I start rutting nonsense. I feel my orgasm rush over too quick to warn him. I feel my hips buck up into Trent's dick as I cum around him. Trent finishes inside me before hesitating, but realizing how much I love when he cums in me. He grabs his phone and zooms in on my pussy leaking.
Trent's rubbing some lotion onto my wrists where I was straining against the ropes he had me tied with. "You did so well for me, baby. 'M so proud of you." He tells me, kissing me. He's cleaned me up and wiped off my makeup for me. He's cuddling into me and rubbing my head. I can feel sleep take over me as I close my eyes. "I love you." Is the last thing I hear before I doze off into a slumber.
Dm for Requests
Wattpad: Funkyfishfeet
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plague-of-insomnia · 5 months
I ship sebaciel but I only like their dynamic, in my head I imagine an adult Ciel and I only read fanfics when Ciel is way over 18 and can decide by himself/not be manipulated. I was raped when I was 15, I could never ship something like that. But anti pro shippers never bother to see the nuance. I'm afraid if I start publicly shipping it, people will call me a pedo lol Also I think that the ones who like the age gap still can't be compared to real pedos who consume lolicon/ realistic drawings who REALLY resemble children and explicitly are in a setting of a child being molested. I see incels doing that, and the kuro fandom is mostly women.
Hi, anon. Sorry I didn’t reply yesterday. I had COVID a couple weeks ago and now have bronchitis and i just ran out of gas to formulate a response I felt this ask merited.
First of all, I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope you’ve been able to get past it enough that it doesn’t affect your daily life too badly 🫂.
Sadly, a lot of antis act as if they’re the only ones who have been victims of (sexual) abuse, and that any survivor who doesn’t behave the way they do either must be lying or “deserved” what they got— which is absolutely awful to do to anyone.
As I’m sure you’re aware, we’re not a monolith. Some survivors find rape play (whether role play or in fictional works) helps them move past their trauma because it helps them to have the control they didn’t have as victims. But others find it triggering and upsetting and not helpful at all— and that’s valid too.
I personally don’t ship sc anymore mostly because I just don’t click with Ciel in the ship the way I do with other pairings. I also personally get very very uncomfortable with some underage depictions. For example, there was a fantastic sc fan fic a few years ago that I had to stop reading. It is one of the best written works in the fandom, but it just made me so uncomfortable (it’s underage) I had to stop.
But what did I do? Did i leave the author an angry message saying I was not gonna read it? No, ofc not. I just clicked away.
So if for you, you need situations in which you feel Ciel can fully consent/is in control to feel comfortable and happy then that’s perfectly valid! There’s no one “right” way to ship anything, and you have to look out for yourself first. Because we come to fandom to have fun and escape, so no need to delve into things you don’t like or that make you uncomfortable.
Antis are incapable of seeing these kinds of nuances, or realizing that purposefully consuming content that upsets you is self harm.
Sadly, if you openly ship sc (or even aren’t absolutely against it) you may get some hate. I know I have gotten my share, and it’s *always* about Ciel, no matter how I’ve depicted other characters or what ages they are in my stories. But I’ve also gotten hate for being a fujoshi (misgendering me at that) more than once, and some of it even before I joined the fandom… for my original work.
My point is that people are gonna attack you if they’re gonna attack you…. if you’re not willing to take that risk by being public about your ship that’s valid too. I definitely get how exhausting antis can be and if you’re just wanting to stare at your blorbos for a bit you don’t wanna be fighting of negativity left and right too.
It’s a shame that antis have started using the word pedo as a word for anyone they dislike, devaluing it, but the real shame imo is that they refuse to see that actual CSEM is bad not because it’s gross or immoral but because it harms actual children, who grow up to be adults with trauma.
I think it’s very important to distinguish actual CSEM (or “fictional works” that were intentionally modeled off real CSEM) from anything that’s purely fictional. Because you can never really know why someone made something or why someone likes something.
I write about child abuse, sexual and not, a lot because I find it very therapeutic, but someone might read my works and may draw other, completely erroneous conclusions about me and my motives.
I honestly think a huge chunk of the kuro fandom is nonbinary, but I don’t really know the demographics. I’m sure they’re slightly different depending on if you’re looking at the western or eastern fandoms…
But women can be toxic just like anyone else. Some of the absolute most vile antis I’ve seen identify as female.
Ultimately, I think that the best thing to do with the fandom (or any fandom, really) is to curate your experience. Block accounts that trigger you or don’t vibe with you. Find like-minded friends to chat with in private, so you don’t have to worry about strangers hopping on what you say. Filter tags and use apps if you need to.
I think it’s a shame that antis are so vocal in the fandom and have divided it so much. As a multishipper not much into sc, I have definitely felt that fracture more than some others, since sadly too many non-sc shippers think they need to scream about how icky that ship is and be jerks when we could just ignore sc entirely and enjoy the other ships we like instead together?
But the no matter what antis claim, sc shippers have always been and will always be the column that holds the fandom up, and you either need to make peace with it or learn to ignore it.
My ask box is open for anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable being open about their love for kuro but would like to squee over it/the new series with someone who doesn’t mind listening :)
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
So I've seen you post a lot about Dick and Calvin recently, and I wanted to know how you thought Calvin would react, in this Calvin gets adopted by Bruce kind of au, to:
1). Jason's death, in the assumption Calvin can't prevent it (And subsequently what he would do to Joker for it.)
2) Damian's early childhood.
3) Tim's Tim-ness.
4) How Calvin would react to the Batman Robin situation, when he finally learns about it.
I haven't gotten the opportunity to learn much about Calvin, but you have me interested, I'm a sucker for overly traumatized characters, and I am looking for the comics with him!
We can never have enough Calvin Rose content, that boy is so underrated 🥺💚
1. Pfpfpfpf you know for ONCE I wanted to go with “Jason doesn’t die in this Au” but you asked and I shall deliver hehehe.
Look, Calvin adores children. And it’s no different with Jason, whom he basically helped Bruce raise from the moment he came to the manor. (Bruce is a good dad here but emotions are not his forte. Calvin picks up the slack.)
So we’ve got a former Talon basically raising Jason, sharing a lot of his interests, teaching him fun escape techniques and pranking the others…
Only for Jason to die in Ethiopia. Beaten within an inch of his life and then blown up.
Because his birth mother sold him to the Joker.
Look, there’s very few things that make Calvin snap. Canonically it only happens when his loved ones are in danger/threatened, or children are being hurt.
And this one ticks off both boxes.
Calvin doesn’t kill if he can help it. Hasn’t done so since that one time with the Court, and that instance still haunts him in his sleep. But this?
Yeah. He’s not losing any sleep over killing Joker. He’d hunt the clown and put him down like a rabid animal. Cold, clean, and efficient. No drawing it out.
2. As mentioned before, Calvin adores kids. I don’t think they’d meet before Damian comes to the manor though, so no early early childhood shenanigans. But when Damian arrives, all entitled and clearly having been conditioned from a very young age, he gives Bruce a very deadpan “You do know you don’t get a discount for the amount of traumatized kids you take in, right?”
Damian is a stabby little shit that tries to kill Calvin at every turn. Dick thinks it’s hilarious. Damian becomes progressively more angry because Calvin doesn’t break a sweat side stepping each and every attempt. (Talon training pays off)
Calvin just lets Damian “burn off his excess energy” (“You do know he’s a kid and not a puppy, right?”) and uses the time the boy isn’t actively trying to murder him to child proof the manor again. Just to piss Damian off.
Having the kid try to poison him at dinner that day is so worth it.
Damian reluctantly warms up to Calvin over the next few weeks when the former Talon proves annoyingly helpful at setting up his room and helping him with training. (Although Damian turns his nose up every time Calvin obviously handles him with kiddie gloves. But the man point blank refuses to do anything else.)
3. Calvin spends a week around Tim and all his alarm bells for “neglected child” are going off like autotune in his brain.
Considering it’s still very close to Jason’s death tho it would take him some time to truly warm up to Tim.
Tim wishes Calvin remained as distant as he was the first year or so (no he doesn’t) because now Calvin has strictly limited his daily caffeine intake, is forcing him to eat at least three healthy meals a day, and actually set a bed time for him.
Tim is outraged (flustered) about being treated like a kid (like the kid he is).
4. Depending on who’s Robin when he finds out the reactions would vary greatly, but he still wouldn’t be happy that Bruce is taking kids out onto the streets at night to fight criminals either way. It remind him too much of the Court for comfort, grooming children into the percent assassin.
After a while though he’d realize that Bruce would love nothing more than for his Robin(s) to hang up the mantle and just live their lives to the fullest, and that they’re simply too stubborn and determined to fight crime with Batman to stay at home. With our without permission.
It helps that Bruce is clearly distressed and close to benching Robin whenever Dick/Jason comes back from patrol with a bruise. Never mind an actual injury.
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millepara · 5 months
himitsu no aipri episode 1 (a week late)
it's been so long since I've written about a priseries (or any other idol) show... I'm realizing that I legit didn't think I'd ever get the chance again. I got tired of doing it before because I felt like I was either complaining too much (planet) or just happy abt everything that was happening (primagi) and thus had nothing interesting to say either way, but ever since watching aipri on sunday I've been looking forward to this... I think I'm just happy about new idol anime content after such a long drought tbh but it's something good that aipri has already brought us, no matter what you or I think of anything else about it.
I missed the first 5 minutes bc I was reading bad fanfiction in bed to wake up (nigh daily routine) and totally forgot abt aipri... then I did remember and had to sprint to my computer, but the stream kept stopping so I missed some critical stuff throughout. I liked the ep okay, but maybe actually seeing all of it will improve it?
ohhh ok it starts off with those cute lemon coords in the op. actually this does help, those coords are easily my favs that I've seen in aipri so far. esp Mitsuki's blue one is sooo cute... I am saying this as a person that buys every single blue gingham item of clothing I come across though haha. I will say that the coord & dance totally don't match the sort of sweeping fairytale (just mistyped that as dairytale. hm) majesty that the bgm and voiceover is going for, but...
oh, I didn't know that Mitsuki had a snippet of performance in here. I've seen it in gameplay videos already, I like it ok---wow, it's already over.
the way Mitsuki is pausing for her viewers to answer is just like shows for preschoolers... they're really going after that age group, huh. (do actual streamers do stuff like that....?)
oh, I already saw Himari get a call from her sister. looks like I only missed 1 minute.
that is the ugliest anime dog I've ever seen, hands down, but Hiiro is cute. I'm sure she's well on her way to being the Non or whoever the prichan little sister was of aipri, in terms of popularity.
I do think it is very, very interesting that in this pretty series anime which is aimed at perhaps the youngest audience yet, they have put the mc in a dorm, away from her family. weird. actually I am for the first time realizing exactly how many anime have schools with dorms. you'd think japan is overflowing w boarding schools but idk of a single one lmao...
Mitsuki: it sure was the right decision to move into the dorm!
Himari: (completely ignores her statement to bring up aipri)
Himari's look out of aipri is really cute, I've finally decided. it's a shame that her twintails as an aipri are such a weird shape??? why do they curve up on the outside like that, all I can see is a large intestine when I look at them...... :(
the first time I watched this my internet cut out just as Mitsuki's face was approaching Himari's. I knew what she was doing bc of the comic in the aipri fanbook, but still it was like, oh! looks like it's gonna be another totally straight pretty series show!
oh man, the op. the song itself is cute and catchy, but this vtuber's voice is just too much, and it gets more too much as the song goes on. I get the appeal of her being a "real-life aipri", and presumably she's popular so her fans might be drawn to watch, but I hope she doesn't sing the next op too..... oh you know what would be kind of cool is if every op was sung by a different vtuber. that way if one sucked we wouldn't have to hear them again, and they'd showcase a lot of different people.
Meganee is especially exceptionally cute in her op cameo!!!
oh. A Crush. let it be insignificant 🙏 but if they become idol princesses too I'll allow it.
I like Chii's voice a lot, and her passion regarding aipri, but on the list of things I'm finding myself saying "oh. shame :( " about is her unfortunate hairstyle. also speaking of things that remind me of other things, her name Chii Mamiya sounds like "chi mamire" (blood-soaked) or "chi mame" (blood blister). surely I am not the only Japanese understander who hears this.
Yusa Kouji-sensei has by far my fav character design in this show. he is officially my favorite aipri.
wow, it's the classic post-covid tv broadcast opening ceremony... a chillingly real element in this fantasy rich kid school. irl this is the first year since covid we've had in-person opening ceremonies in many schools, it's a shame they don't get to at paradise academy yet lmao
I'm not even going to touch this whole welcome speech. I'm just going to slowly back away and pretend like I didn't see anything.
I love the aikatsu-level background character design in this classroom!! bicolor twintails is cute.
I wonder if these elementary schoolers are relevant or are just there to show how many people are watching Himari.
lmao despite what I said about Chii I think we were sharing the same braincell when she said "Her Victoria levels are out of control!!" they totally are!!
am I misunderstanding this or did Victoria not ban aipri? didn't she say "in moderation" only...? this is literally the same kind of thing schools say irl abt cutting down on screen time. just more dramatic.
so the elementary kid is relevant. Yuma... will he be an aipri too? if not, why would he even exist?
I didn't catch the first time around that this bracelet was the one uh, Candy Motif was fiddling with in the student council meeting. where'd she get it from?
this is the least amount of love I've ever seen put into a commercial break eyecatch.
are the aimus... cute? I can't see it...
it's very funny that the lipstick immediately disappears when they go 3d. they knew it looks bad, and they've still gotta cram it in there for that single second to sell toys.
this cgi. I think everyone's said it so far, but it's really not the best... I think I might like the game's graphics a little better, even. I do like seeing the coords lit up at least.
P.O.P.P.Y is a cute enough song. it's just barely on the listenable side of the line for me, but I do think it's a great match for what aipri is going for. also that is definitely a dance that was made for preschoolers to imitate.
buzzalyume... idk if anyone is aware or not, but buzz is a word that's in really common use regarding social media in japan atm. like you would say "that's buzzing" (literally I mean, figuratively it's more like "that's all the buzz" like the english use of the word) about something that's all over your timeline or whatever. so it's not totally out of left field for them to choose that word in particular, but it doesn't mean that it sounds any less forced, that's for sure!!
Bear Bear Bear's voice is cute.
I don't like these emoji reactions all over the screen. not cute.
the ed is cute.
...finally, I watched it all. whew. I have to say, I was not wowed by it! but it was fine. it's far better than having no pretty series at all. I keep thinking "I'll put off my opinion till I know more about it" about aipri and I'm tempted to say it again now--in this episode we barely met the main two characters in favor of worldbuilding. it kind of makes sense as the first ep of a little kid show, but will the rest of the show stay at this same level of character depth? it's way too early to say. but for me, that's what'll determine how much I like it.
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justynakulisa · 2 years
On art and literature, and why it's not just "content"
Forgive me in advance for the incoming salt, but this is a rant I've been sitting on for ages. A tweet I saw* only cemented my need for the aforementioned rant, so here we are.
A bit of context first. I worked at a bullshit, huge corporation for almost 6 years; after that, I've moved on to a corporation that's way smaller and involves some actual work rather than bullshitting for 5 days a week, but it's still a corporation. That's a background experience I'll be relying on, mixed with observations of the absolute hellhole that LinkedIn is, with a sprinkle of mainstream media attitude. For the sake of clarity, I usually refer to art and literature as "art", but I'll be using art&lit in the post. With that out of the way, LET'S DIVE IN.
If there's one thing that's aplenty in every corporation, it's the amount of self-affirmative spam you receive every day. Department status updates, newsletters no one reads, trainings and videos to watch, and so on, and so forth. And it is, regardless of the corp and the type of spam, called "content". It's an apt name for it, because it's neither art, nor anything useful. Just a barrage of words some poor soul had to put together. Oh, I'm sorry, not a poor soul. A content creator.
I can say I'm a content creator at my day job. I write software documentation and manuals. It requires some thought and some effort, it's not a bullshit job I could ignore without any negative consequences to me or the company or the world at large. But it's not art I create there. It's content. It's got no artistic value whatsoever except maybe for explaining concepts in an easy-to-understand way. The companies themselves have got no qualms about calling that type of fruit of their employees' work "content". That at least doesn't bother me. "Content" is an adequate term for repetitive, artless form of work that require creating something out of nothing.
But when the same term is applied to art&lit, when artists and writers are called "content creators", I grow spikes like a porcupine.
I understand why it's easy to use those terms. They're easy, umbrellous enough, and carry their meaning well. It encapsulates people who don't do art&lit, but dabble in education, design, what have you. But the results of their work isn't content as it's seen at its core and at its roots.
You churn out content daily and often without effort. Those instagram accounts posting variations of the same photo every day? That's content. A book written for 3 years and edited for the next 2, full of gorgeous prose and magnificent storytelling, or a painting that took weeks to finish? That's not content. That's art. And people who let it into the world by effort of their hands are artists.
That line of thought brings me back to that tweet I linked earlier. "Media consumption" is just as dehumanised, nebulous term for experiencing art&lit as "content creation" is to refer to the act of writing and painting/drawing. It assumes the interaction with content at the speed and rate it's created. Which is: fast. Then faster. And faster and faster, until both you and artists end up in an ever-rushing cycle of more, more, more. (I already ranted about streaming and the effect it's got on media, so I'll stop myself from doing it again ;)). But, FOMO, anyone? I'm sure all of us have experienced it at least once at some point. Corporations and mainstream media have got a way of slithering into our lives and taking terms and things that make us happy for themselves. They also tend to flatten nuances, limit imaginations, and produce countless iterations of the same trope if only they realised it was popular. (Side note: it's very obvious in traditional publishing when agents and editors seek stories centred around a motif for some 5 years after the first book with that motif made a breakthrough. That's something to talk about for another time, though.) And after all traces of what made an idea unique and brilliant, after art&lit have deteriorated into simple content, then both terms truly become equivalent.
I don't think that simplification is something we as a society should condone. 
* - as often happens, given tweets' fleeting nature, this on too no longer exists. (should've made a screenshot, that's what). it had something to do with commercialisation of entertainment and the push for new films and shows and stories be published faster and faster as a never-ending stream you cna drown in. or so i think, at least.
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homeofhousechickens · 2 years
Salad the hen
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My friend Curt's beloved hen Salad passed away on December 14th so i made a memorial piece for him of her. Salad was very lucky to have such a kind and observant owner as its not often production hens make it to over seven years of age. Salad was not in pain and was not yet suffering from her cancer but there was signs that she would soon begin to become uncomfortable so the decision was made to allow her to pass peacefully.
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"The mass below her vent would frequently bleed, because it was composed of cancerous blood cells. Other than that she otherwise appeared healthy: bright eyes, tail up, active, social, eating and drinking as usual. In other words, she still had a good quality of life. So putting her down seemed too early. But if I waited, she would suffer, and I also do not want my ladies to suffer needlessly. Finally, however, the bleeding became constant, not much, but more than I could keep up with by cleaning her twice daily. And she started to pick at it, as did Skipper. Keeping indoors or separated from the flock would be cruel, so sadly, her time had come.
But this is a celebration of Salad's wonderful life. If you were to design the best life for a chicken, that was what she lived. She lived her entire life with Fingers, and always in my small flock of 6 or so. Her life was low stress. She lived in a 400 square foot run, with about 2 hours a day free-range time.
She was healthy for all but about 3 weeks of her life. She had never been indoors in her 7 1/2 years until two weeks ago. And that's clearly how she liked it: I caged her inside briefly while she dried out after her first bath, and she did nothing but complain to me the entire time about not being out with the other ladies. She had never left my backyard until, when we made our first visit to the vet.
And while Salad was a small girl, she was a prolific and consistent egg layer, laying a whopping 891 eggs on her lifetime.
She wasn't flashy, and at best would tolerate me, unlike Rotisserie who would sit on my lap, or Speedy who would follow me around and stick her nose into my business. And eventually Salad became the top of the pecking order by outliving the other ladies. As top hen, she was never mean, but she did discipline the other ladies. Her 'contented' sound was a kind of urgent whine, not at all pleasant, until you understood that she was happy.
I made promises to myself and to my chickens when I started in 2013. One, that they would live their entire lives with me. Two, that they would receive the best care I could provide for them during their lives. And three, that they would not die alone. I fulfilled the last of those promises to Salad on Monday.
RIP Salad, my sweet girl." -Curt
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sincericida · 10 days
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continues in New York City.
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cupidskissx · 7 months
How is the book? I'm reading the song of Achilles (I know super late) and I'm at the very end and it's breaking my heart
A Little Life was simultaneously the best and worst novel to reintroduce me to reading!
I’d been on a reading hiatus for ages — just too busy and prioritising trying to write over reading.
I kept seeing posts on Instagram of people weeping over A Little Life and I wanted to feel what they were feeling. I didn’t know anything about the premise except it was about four college friends so I went in completely blind.
I went in wanting to be emotionally destroyed and it thoroughly succeeded. I strongly suggest if you’re someone who has triggers (of any kind) please read the trigger warnings online or let me know and I’ll tell you what they are because the themes are DARK and it’s very intense / stomach churning at times. Please be careful if you choose to pick it up.
I also 100% recommend to read and listen to the audiobook at the same time because it can be a very intricate storyline at times, I wouldn’t have been able to get through it without the audiobook.
It was truly a fantastic read; so beautifully written. It felt ALIVE, like I was there, living in their world. You grow to care so deeply for the characters because you get so close to them. It’s a very indulgent read in terms of how rich the content / character studies are!
I’m still thinking about it daily and I finished it two weeks ago, I also haven’t been able to pick up another book, I’ve just been re-reading the happy moments (loose term) before my heart was repeatedly ripped out of my chest.
Please let me know if you ever read it so we can decompress, I had to take the day off work when I finished it because I was too emotionally distraught.
Song of Achilles is at the very top of my list of books to read I bought it years ago! I hope you’re okay 🥺 I cant wait to read it, it has everything I know I’ll love and I can’t wait to be torn apart by it! ❤️
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wjhik · 1 year
One Time For The Birthday Bi- (Jude Bellingham) *Smut*
A/N: happy bday to me. Gonna bless yall with trent and jude edition
Y/N's POV:
My 20th birthday. It's about damn time. I'm bouncing off the walls right now. My birthday hasn't been the most amazing experience for me. Since I was little, anything that could go wrong went wrong on this day. I have a different feeling about this one. I'm no longer a teenager and it's my first birthday with Jude. He always makes me feel so special on a daily basis. He took a day off today and has been showering me with affection all day, more than usual might I add. Since the move to Madrid, he's been giving me all the attention in the world. He knows I sacrificed a lot for him, and he's eternally grateful. Adding onto that sacrifice, I've been really homesick. I moved to a new country and left the little friends I had behind and started a whole new life for him.
Anyways, I'm now sitting at my vanity, getting my hair and makeup done by Gene and Kitty, two ladies Jude has hired for the day. (watched Oppenheimer yesterday these were the first two names I thouhgt of) He doesn't want me to lift a finger on 'my special day', so he calls it. I'm chatting away with the two lovely ladies when Jude walks in the room. "Hey, baby." He gives me a kiss on the head as Kitty walks away to grab a brush or something. "Hey, Jude." I tell him, kissing him. "You look lovely." He says, caressing my back, letting the ladies work. I thank him as he sits down on the bed, flicking through the channels on the T.V. "Soooo, are you going to tell me what were doing tonight?" I ask him. He's been keeping it a secret all week, and it's killing me. "Nope." Hey says contently. I let out some grumbles as he continues denying me.
"Oh my god." I say in shock as the girls show me the complete product. "It looks amazing." I say, getting up to hug and thank them. "You're so welcome, love." They say, hugging back. The girls pack up their tools. I show them to the front door and thank them one last time. I shut the door behind them and sigh heavily. I walk towards the couch where Jude has moved to. I plop down next to him. He extends his arm and allows me to rest in his chest. He looks down at me and says, "Whoa." I look up at him and reply, "Whoa?" With a light laugh. "Just you. Whoa. You look incredible, love." He leans down to kiss my red lips. "Can't wait to ruin you tonight." I immediately feel my cheeks get hot. I hide my face into his chest.
9:00 pm
"We should get going, love." Jude says, lightly squeezing my ass, stopping me from grinding on him any further. We got a little carried away. "Can't we just stay home?" I ask him, kissing on his neck. "I promise, when we get home." He says. I get off him slightly disappointed and walk towards my vanity. I fix my lipstick and hair. I look at myself in the mirror. I feel pretty good right now. I'm wearing a little black and red dress and some black Louboutin heels, decked out in diamonds from head to toe. I see Jude behind me in the reflection. He wraps his arms round my waist and gives me a kiss on my neck.
My shoes were discarded, very carefully might I add, a long time ago. Jude and I have been dancing for ages and I finally decided to go sit down with our friends. Jude flew the all out from England just for my birthday. He said that the last thing he would want was me being lonely on 'my day'. "Looks like you and Jude were having fun." Jocelyn says, raising her eyebrows at me, referring to the very promiscuous dancing Jude and I were doing. "Hey! It's my birthday. Leave me be." I say, slurring my words. I have had about 10 too many drinks. My drunken state is very obvious to everyone. I'm not normally one for partying too hard, but you'll only be 20 once. Might as well live it up. Jude is not nearly as drunk as I am, however he's decided to let loose too.
"Jude!!! Come over here." I say, stumbling over to him sitting at the bar with a few of his boys. I grab his arm and drag him over to where I was. "Wanna try weed??" I ask him, handing him a blunt we were sharing. At this point, I was long gone. "Are you sure? Is it safe?" Jude asks, holding the foreign object. I know he hasn't done it before, but it'll be fun. I'm not going to pressure him though. "Hey. It's fine, but if you don't want to, you don't have to." I try to reassure him silently, but my intoxicated state makes it increasingly difficult. Jude takes the blunt from my hand and takes a hit. He doesn't feel anything so he decides to take another. And another. And one more. "Whoa, whoa! Jude, that's going to hit you hard." Micah says to him. "I can't even feel i- whoaaaa." Jude gets taken back very quickly. "I told you it's good." I tell him, taking another hit myself. At this point Jude is struggling to keep his head straight.
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Jude is now at the DJ booth with the DJ singing "7 Days" By Craig Davis. I can't help but blush at Jude singing at me. Now, is this the weed, alcohol, or just Jude? I have no clue, but I'm going to say it's Jude for the sake of him.
Jude and I are back to grinding on each other on the dance floor. We've already cut, ate, and vomited the obnoxiously big cake Jude got me. It helped with our extremely unsober selves, but then we went right back to drinking, so it was relatively pointless. Jude and I are slowly grinding to whatever song is playing. I'm too drunk to even process it. "We should get out of here. You do owe me." I tell him, referring to our almost quickie. Jude simply grabs me and takes us up to our friends. A few of them already leaving. "We're going to get going." I say to them, giggling  at Jude, making it unbearably obvious why we were leaving. Jude left me to say his goodbyes to his boys while I grab my belongings.
"Fuck, baby. That feel so fucking good!" I moan out loudly, too drunk to be worried. Jude has me tied up on our bed and he's fucking me silly. He has his hands on my hips, pulling me down every now and then. He also has his phone set up, filming us. Bondage and making a sex tape has been a topic of discussion between us for a while, but Jude was always opposed. He was too worried he's be too rough and hurt me, and that the video may possibly get out. Jude, not only being of his drunken state, but also because it's my birthday, finally agreed. 
"Who can make you feel like this, love?" He asks me, pounding even harder. "Only you, Jude. Only you can make me feel like this. Oh, fuck. I love you so much." I start rutting nonsense. I feel my orgasm rush over too quick to warn Jude. I feel my hips buck up into Jude's dick as I cum around him. Jude finishes inside me before hesitating, but realizing how much I love when he cums in me. He grabs his phone and zooms in on my pussy leaking.
Jude's rubbing some lotion onto my wrists where I was straining against the ropes he had me tied with. "You did so well for me, baby. 'M so proud of you." He tells me, kissing me. He's cleaned me up and wiped off my makeup for me. He's cuddling into me and rubbing my head. I can feel sleep take over me as I close my eyes. "I love you." Is the last thing I hear before I doze off into a slumber. 
Dm for Request
Wattpad: Funky Fish Feet
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
Okay, so check-in on where I am with each character thus far because I'm pretty sure I've reached the point in the season when things go off the rails (was anything in this show even on the rails?).
Betty - She's probably one of my favorite characters this season. She learned a hard lesson early on with the Black Hood manipulating her fear and need for justice and answers the way he did. Since then, she's basically become an honorary member of the Serpent family, and has a much better understanding of how many shades of gray the world really operates on. Unfortunately, her desire to help those she loves and her desire to do the right thing are often in conflict, and I'm very worried that inviting Chic into her life will prove to be more damaging than she ever imagined.
Veronica - I'm...frustrated with Veronica. It's rough because it isn't clear how much about her family's business she really knows, how much she guesses, and how much she chooses to ignore. They claimed they told her everything, but I seriously doubt that's true. But at the very least, I know in season one she was confronted almost daily with the cost of her family's wealth in the form of people they had exploited to gain that wealth. She knows that the money comes with a list of victims, if not an outright body count. So I'm frustrated that the righteous and rebellious Veronica of season one has given way to a girl who is seemingly content to stick her head in the sand. But I'm trying to remember that these kids are all 15, 16 at most and dealing with things no kid their age should have to.
Jughead - I'll be honest, I expected to find this character absolutely insufferable. But I just feel really sad for him. He's never had any illusions that Riverdale is a safe or happy town. His life has just been really rough, and on any given day he's trying to balance ten different things, it seems. I cringe a little at the battles he chooses and choices he makes sometimes, but again. As insightful as he can be, he's still a kid making mistakes that make sense given his limited perspective and life experience. Whereas characters like Betty and Archie are just waking up to all the injustice in the town, Jughead is slowly and painfully waking up to the fact that those injustices can't necessarily be fixed just by making a stand and shining a light on the truth. And that's heartbreaking to watch him go through.
Archie - Archie is normally the kind of character I like the least. The person who is so sure they're right but insecure that they do untold damage in their quest to prove it. But this season, Archie has been forced out from under his own halo in ways that intrigue and dismay me in equal measure. I understand why he wants to focus on loving and protecting Veronica, and let that guide his moral compass. It's so much simpler to worry about how your actions affect one single person. I'm worried, though, that Archie's going to hate himself when he realizes everything he's been party to.
The Parents - Every single parent has frustrated me at one point or another, but who's the worst has massively changed since season one. Back then, I thought Alice and Hal were monsters. I thought Fred was doing his best most of the time. I thought the same about Hermione. And I thought FP was trying, but unlikely to ever succeed without support he was never gonna get in Riverdale. Now, jury's still out on Hal. He's top of my list of suspects when it comes to the true identity of the Black Hood. And he's generally the least toxic to Betty when he's absent from her life entirely. Alice has had some great moments this season, but I worry that her determination to pretend everything's fine when it isn't is going to kill Betty slowly. Fred is still doing his best, though he's been notably absent this season except when someone uses him to manipulate Archie. Archie's mom was fun and I hope we see more of her. FP is somehow the most stable parent these kids have got aside from Fred this season. He's trying so hard, though I worry about his temper and how being back in the Serpents will affect his sobriety and his relationship with Jughead. He's trying so hard, though, and it's killing me to watch him do that in a town that's never going to let him succeed. Hermione and Hiram are something of an enigma to me. I think they're both dangerous, but whereas for Hiram I think that's tempered by love for his daughter, the way Hermione's acting this season I don't think there's anything or anyone she wouldn't sacrifice to hold onto power. She's giving Queen Dagmar in a big way. Which is wild because last season she seemed so fragile.
Others - Cheryl is having a sapphic awakening, and good for her. She was put through the wringer last season, and her entire life up to this point it seems, but she's hanging on and I'm rooting for her. Toni is a great character I want to see more of. Reggie is a problem always except when he's not but even then kinda, his jock sensibilities get in the way of his better nature too damn often. Kevin is breaking my heart almost constantly, I just want him to get his sweet high school romance! Josie is under so much pressure all the time, I really hope she's okay this season. Chic is possibly the literal devil, or possibly just an epic case of hurt people hurt people; I haven't decided yet. Cheryl's mom is actively campaigning for Riverdale's Worst Mom this season, much like last season. The mayor and the sheriff dating seems unnecessary in an already crowded season, but we'll see where it goes?
I know I've left out a lot of characters because my god, this show has so many. But those are the ones that are top of mind right now. Once more into the breach!
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mountphoenixrp · 10 months
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We have a new citizen in Mount Phoenix:
          Leto Leroux, a 32 year old son of Morpheus.           He is a psychiatrist at Bodhisattva Counseling Center.
FC NAME/GROUP:  Zhu Yilong CHARACTER NAME:  Leto Leroux AGE/DATE OF BIRTH:  32 years.  Born 21 December 1991. PLACE OF BIRTH:  Avignon, France OCCUPATION:  Psychiatrist, Bodhisattva Counseling Center HEIGHT:  5'11"/180 cm WEIGHT: 150 pounds/68 kg DEFINING FEATURES:  High and sharp cheekbones, soft-spoken and languid speech with a southern French dialect and a gentle baritone, white jade bi necklace worn at all times. 
PERSONALITY:  Though very much an introvert and content with living the lifestyle of a solitary monk, Leto makes pleasant company.  With a quiet demeanor, this soft-spoken psychiatrist is an attentive listener who tiptoes the line of gentle but brutal honesty, known for saying something that needs to be heard.  He strongly believes in the creed of doing unto others as he would have done unto himself.  Leto values his quiet time and solitude, not one for large crowds as they make him uncomfortable, and often comes off as guarded and withdrawn which may be misinterpreted as cold or disinterested.  In reality, he has a kind heart that struggles to open up and make connections, but once he does, one may discover they have made a truly caring and supportive friend.
His hobbies are many including running cross country, hiking, piano, kalimba, collecting music boxes, stargazing, watercolor painting, and photography.  When not dressed in suits for work, it is not uncommon to see him around the island in athletic outerwear.  Leto, his apartment, and his office all have the distinct scent of warm amber, patchouli and vanilla musk.  He keeps in touch with his mother and stepfather who still live in Avignon.  Growing up in a bilingual household, he is fluent in both French and Mandarin; however, due to studying in Cambridge, he is also fluent in English.  Since taking the position at Mount Phoenix, he is learning Korean, but currently has to utilize a magical artifact (his necklace) to actively translate the speech of those around him and his speech for them.  Though one may expect his job to take a toll on his own mental health, Leto has a very healthy work-life balance, though he is not above making a house call at two in the morning for someone in need.
HISTORY:   [Trigger warnings--Depression, Suicidal Ideation, Terminal Illness, Death]
His lineage was never any secret.  His mother's family came from old money and his mother owned a very successful bed and breakfast in Avignon.  A beautiful and creative woman, Madeleine Leroux had caught the attention of a guest whose extended stay lasted a month.  Morpheus had been straightforward with his identity as well as his feelings, but when she relayed the news of her pregnancy, their relationship became complicated as Morpheus could not remain in the mortal realm for much longer.  Nine months later, Leto was born during a partial lunar eclipse on Winter's Solstice.  Father and son kept in frequent contact through the boy's dreams.  When Leto was five years old, his mother married a travel author named Gregorie who brought his own child into the family, a seven-year-old son named Michele.  Though Michele's extroverted personality starkly contrasted the quiet and shy Leto, the boys became fast friends once bonding over their love of music, stories, and running.  Playtime became daily adventures as Leto discovered his powers, making their imagined situations all the more real and fantastical.  Their youth was very happy.  However, while Michele was quite the indiscriminate lover frequently in and out of relationships, Leto felt no attraction toward anyone.  In fact, the moment he realized someone was 'catching feelings' for him, Leto felt exceedingly uncomfortable and retreated from interacting with them entirely.  He began to think that something must be wrong with him, but Michele assured him that "your soul knows what it wants, and it's not them, so don't worry about it so much".  There was no pressure to just give it a try, no reassurance that someday he would find 'the one', only loving support that Leto was just fine the way that he was.
Tragedy struck in high school when after a few minor falls, Michele was diagnosed with ALS.  To someone so active and full of life, it had felt like a death sentence and Michele fell into a deep depression; believing his life was over as he withered away, he attempted to take his own life on more than one occasion; the entire family took the hit, but Leto tried to maintain some realistic optimism.  He understood the depths of his brother's depression and the hell he lived in, but rather than let Michele surrender completely, Leto insisted his brother live as much as he could while it was still possible.  The pair took a gap year from school and traveled the world, experiencing all the things on Michele's bucket list until he could no longer walk; but this time, despite being confined to a wheelchair, Michele had Leto to sculpt his daydreams into reality and experience entire adventures without even leaving his room.  For Michele, death would be the greatest adventure of them all.  One night, during a dream visit with his birth father, Leto asked Morpheus for a favor.  Michele passed peacefully in his sleep dreaming of hiking through the Alps and watching the sunset.  With his brother's death, a piece of Leto's soul died as well, but when his mother and stepfather thanked him for what he had done for Michele, it was through their gratitude that Leto found a new purpose in life:  He would become a psychiatrist and specialize in palliative care, depression, and grief.
He studied harder than he had ever studied before, was accepted to and graduated with honors from the University of Cambridge, remaining as a psychiatry resident at Addenbrooke's Hospital specializing in hypnotherapy and grief counseling.  As it was one of the most prestigious trauma centers and research hospitals in the world, he encountered patients of all kinds, including staff.  In Fall 2023, Morpheus came to Leto in a dream and told his son that it was time to return the favor he had requested years ago, that Leto's services were needed elsewhere, that it was time to go to Mount Phoenix.  Leto accepted this new mission without hesitation and tendered his resignation the following morning.
PANTHEON:  Greek CHILD OF:  Morpheus POWERS: Dream walking--When a person is unconscious, Leto is able to enter their dreams and observe as an outsider.  While he is unable to influence the dream itself, he is able to notice details and information the dreamer may not remember which is helpful for individuals struggling to recall traumatic events or repressed memories.
Fantasy Sculptor--When someone is daydreaming, he can make the imagined setting as real as possible to the daydreamer, affecting all the senses, as though they are physically living in that fantasy world they created.  It is an illusion only he and the dreamer can experience and he is limited by the dreamer's own mind, only able to create what they imagine.
Creative--He has an overactive imagination that is abundant with ideas for nearly any occasion.
Compassionate--He will instinctively help out someone who needs it.
Adventurous--Leto is very open-minded when it comes to trying new things. 
Supportive--Though soft-spoken, he is a proverbial cheerleader when it comes to supporting another's passions.
Flighty--Leto makes daily to-do lists and keeps several synchronized calendars to ensure he does not forget his obligations because he is easily distracted depending on the circumstances.
Withdrawn--Large crowds and new social interactions make him nervous.
Public Speaking--Anxiety takes the helm when he is made to speak in front of large groups.
Physical Intimacy--While he has no difficulty sculpting romantic scenes for the daydreams of others, personal intimate situations with him make Leto extremely uncomfortable.
2 notes · View notes
boysplanetrecaps · 1 year
The top 28's comments on their fancams, translated
Hi team!
As we wait for Episode 11 to be fully available and translated and whatnot, here is a bit of content for you. 
Each trainee posted a comment on their fancam. I translated the comments with google translate, so I apologize for any inaccuracies or confusing phrasing (there is a lot of that). My Korean is extremely limited and at least Google translate gives us the gist! I’ve also chosen ten of the fancams to link to, based on nearly random choice, so don’t read too much into it. 
It's all after the read more.
Note: When it says “SK”, I think from context they mean “Star Creator” not “South Korea” (it’s a transliteration thing that it’s a K not a C)
I'm also listing how many views each fan cam has, as of the time of posting.
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1. Sung Hanbin   340k views
🔔 Ding Ding Ding 🔔 I'll call attendance!
As expected.. All-in-one everyone.. Everyone came without missing a single person💯
Thanks for always anticipating and waiting for me
I feel like I gain new strength every time I prepare for a mission🙈
Because I think that we are together every moment, that feeling has reached me well :)
I think this 3rd mission is the most special mission in my steps.
The reason is‼ You can share your daily life more closely with star creators.
It's because the first sound source with my voice comes out🐱🐹
Just imagining it makes my heart flutter and my heart races🤤
If you look closely at the lyrics of <Say My Name>
You can better feel what we want to convey to our star creators💌
Jiwoong hyung, Matthew, Seungeonie, Yujinie, and me, Hanbinie, please show a lot of interest and make sure!! Please do a lot of covers too haha
I will think a lot and work hard so that I can be with you in the future ☘
💘Be sure to listen to <Say My Name> and cheer up on your way to and from school💘
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2. Zhang Hao  443k views
Hello, this is Zhang Hao!
Thanks for voting for me to sing Over Me!
The song is so good that I get goosebumps every time I hear it.
Actually, I had never done a sexy concept before coming to Boys Planet...
It was so amazing that I really found Zhang Hao here, and I was very happy too hahaha
It was hard to make a good stage with my teammates in such a short period of time, but it's fun and I'm happy!! Over me😘 over me❤over me😍
You guys have already come to my heart
What I want to convey through the Over Me stage is that if you have determination and confidence, everything you do will have good results!! Let's fight together!!!😝 (Yes!)
I hope you listen to it with anticipation for the first new song that contains my voice and passion.
Lastly, please enjoy Zhang Hao's Over Me fancam!!
Also, please show a lot of interest in our overdose team members' fancams!! Thank you 🥳🥳🥳
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3. Han Yu Jin  238k views
Hellooooooooo star creators!!
I am Han Yujin, who has returned to the real real water clothes I mentioned before🍑🍑
Among the lyrics of <Say My Name>, there is a line that says ‘I want to do something appropriate for my age’.
In the meantime, I only showed strong performances to the star creators,
These are the lyrics I wrote myself with the meaning of 'Actually, I'm back with a refreshing and cute concept that I've never done before' haha
Since this contest song is our new song, not a cover song, I was more greedy, so I prepared a lot!!!
As much as I was in charge of the killing part, I prepared hard to show you a lot of pretty images.
Star creators, please love our <Say My Name> a lot 😍😍💗💗
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4. Seok Matthew 366k views
Pomegranate 🦊 Star Creators💖!!! I missed you so much😭❤
While doing Boyz Planet, this mission was the most fun!
The reason was that it was so amazing to hear individual voices while recording with our team members,
The new dance (penguin dance) in the <Say My Name> choreography is so cute.
I hope the star creators do a cover dance for the penguin dance in the future! (I can't wait to see what you do)🐧🤧
I was able to create such good memories thanks to the support and love of the star creators🌠
And thanks to the star creators, I got a chance to stand on stage again!
While preparing for the stage, I thought a lot about what I wanted to achieve the most.
As much as we prepared the stage happily, I hope that many people will feel good enough to fly away after seeing our new song.
Also, I hope you will see the <Say My Name> stage and laugh a lot and be happy!
So, if I did well (but I don't know if I did really well), when you're reading this comment, I hope the star creators hahahahaha!
Star creators, take care of your health, love yourself a lot (of course I love star creators), and eat a lot of delicious food!
Pomegranate🦊Star Creator💖 You are incomparably more precious 🍄
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5. Kim Ji Woong 249k views
Hello Star Creators~❤❤❤
My name is Kim Ji-woong, who will be your butterfly💛
I challenged a refreshing and cute concept for the first time while doing a mission in Boyz Planet! Ho haha
I had a lot of trouble at first but😭💕
Thanks to Matthew, Hanbin, Yujin, and Seungeon, my personality has gotten brighter hahahaha :)
Now I'm enjoying the song <Say My Name>🐥
Our star creators also give a lot of love to <Say My Name>
Our Yujinie, Matthew, Hanbin, Seungeon and
The cutie hahaha please look at Jiwoongie prettily and love him a lot hehehe💙
I'm still not cuter than Yujin hyung, but I'm working hard
Yujin hyung-chan ❤❤ I will learn a lot
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6. Kim Gyu Vin  160k
[9회/직캠] #김규빈 #KIMGYUVIN ♬En Garde (준비,시작!) @아티스트 배틀
Hello Star Creator!!!😺
First of all, thank you so much for allowing me to perform on stage with an En Guard song that I really wanted to do this time!🤡
It's not the cover stage we've always shown!🤖
🧋This time, we have our stage full of our voices and ideas with our songs!!!
Maybe that's why I hope you can watch our stage 🌜🌛 and let us know how it is in the comments hehehe💂‍♀
As this is my first new song in my life❤‍🔥 I hope Star Creator will look even prettier hahaha
En Guard's main rapper, the lyrics for this contest! I tried it with Gunwook 🙊I practiced more expressively!👾
Please watch more 🌚 and listen to more music, and we will continue to show you the ever-improving Gyuvin🧟‍♀!👊
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7. Kim Tae Rae 162k views 
Hello, I'm Taerae Taerae Kim, a cute and lovable dog from Star Creators!😎
This contest contains my new challenge!
I prepared a stage where the performance could stand out a little more!
It was a valuable time to prepare while sweating hard and learn a lot! 😅
It's lacking a lot, but please look at it nicely
Star creators who always give me the strength to prepare happily
Please continue to be by my side! ❤❤
I will continue to sing and dance for you too! 😍
Always thank you and love you!
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8. Keita  212k views  
Hello Itai Tayo Keita~~ This is my name🤓
While preparing for this stage, I met good members and good songs and performed on the stage.
It was so much fun and I hope the Star Creators can feel the way we enjoy it✨⚡✨⚡
Thank you so much for letting me put on a happy stage every time and please vote for me today as well.
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9. Park Gunwook 210k views 
Hello SK guys, I'm Gunwook!!!
First of all, I am so happy and grateful that I can do the enguard song that I wanted to do.
While preparing this song, it was personally very difficult to say that it was Gun-wook's ordeal.
I thought a lot because I wanted to show a new side of myself, tried my hand at vocals, and felt a lot of pressure as a top nine and a killing part.
Still, it was a valuable time for me to challenge my limits, bump into, and grow.
I was assimilated into the passion of the team members and practiced really hard together, and I burned my will to work hard even for the rest of the members who unfortunately passed away🔥
The difficulty of the song itself is too difficult, and the concept and atmosphere are too difficult.
In the next mission, I will come back with a better and more mature image. Until then, please continue to love me!! I'm a man who always reciprocates hahaha
I ask for a lot of love for my Enguard fancam. I love you❤‍🔥
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10. Kum Jun Hyeon 108k views 
This is Kum Jun-hyun who transformed into the strongest prince in the universe.
I was really looking forward to being able to play Enguard... … Aaaaaaaaaaa!
I prepared hard while thinking of the people I couldn't be with unfortunately.
Actually, I haven't done much until late to death like this, but Hotaek hyung
I really worked harder because I and the other team members were burning their passion so hotly that it was about 5723 degrees 🔥🔥
I did it right before sunrise ,,,,, With this mission, Kum Jun-hyun was able to develop further.
Seriously, this fancam could be the last, the strongest cutie in the universe
I'll explode your heart, so please watch it a lot
Owner,,,, Please join me,,,, Alabyung ~😘
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11. Lee Hoe-taek (Hui) 99k views
Hello Star Creators!!
It's Hoetaek!!🐔
Finally, we can show you the stage of the 3rd mission “Artist Battle”.
From the first time I heard the song Angad, I thought, “This is the song,” and from the moment 10 of us were together❤ to now🔥
From stage ideas to choreography and lyrics, there is no part that our hands have not touched.
It seems to be a stage prepared after thinking really hard!!
As much as all the team members ran with one mind for the perfect stage🏃🏻
Star creators, please enjoy watching!!
Because it is a stage filled with our sincerity and our story of challenging every moment and bumping into each other.
I would be very, very grateful if you watch me sing🎤 with sincerity!!!
Star Creators, I love you so much
(then he writes “I love you” in English, Japanese, and Chinese as well)
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12. Jay  228k views
Korean message, translated: 
Hello Star Creators and J Stars!!! 🌟 How are you~
You already know that I really, really, really really want to do the song ‘Over Me’ for this artist battle!! I was so proud and excited because I was able to do Over Me.😁
First of all, thank you so much to Star Creators for choosing Over Me for me, and thanks to Star Creators, I'm also grateful that I can sing such a great song!! 🙏
And it was really fun to be able to enjoy this stage with good teammates this time. 💕
Over Me is the first time I've tried my dark and sexy concept, so please understand and I hope you like it ㅠㅠ
I will work hard so that I can show you a good stage and a cool image next time! promise promise! 🤙
This was his message that was already in English:
Hey Star Creators and Jaystars~ Hope everybody's been having an excellent first quarter of 2023! 🗓 
First of all, I wanted to say thank you to everyone for voting me into this wonderful song~ 
It's a pleasure and an honor that you chose me to be a part of this memorable process and I hope I was able to sing it well enough! 
This was my first time trying a dark and sexy concept so I hope I did okay... This time the choreography was on the difficult side for me and singing live was as well. 😅 
Anyway, thank you for supporting me this far and I will make sure to work even harder to show you guys even better stages in the future. 💛 Love you guys, never forget! 💛 INOUIO ❤
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13. Park Hanbin  116k views
Hello Star Creators!
This stage is a bit more you guys💦 Surprising!!
Cute and lively!! 🔆 I'm back in shape!!
I'm so sorry that SKs spend their valuable time watching my fancams, and I'm always grateful.
Thank you for always showing interest in me and I'm so happy every day because you like my lacking side 🎶
Now it's the last stage before the finals, and I think it'll be another stage that I'm very satisfied with, including the 1st and 2nd mission stages!!✨
It's too bad that I couldn't come back with a better look because I didn't have enough practice time🌻
Still, please support my dancing and singing a lot in the future and watch my progress!!!
I love you so much, thank you so much, and thank you for making me unforgettable moments in my life.
Until now, it was Wake One Park Hanbin!!😛
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14. Ricky  253k views 
Korean message, translated: 
Thank you so much for watching my fancam!
And thank you so much to Star Creator who made it possible for me to stand on stage with the song I wanted!
It really wasn't hard no matter how many times I listened to the song Over Me while practicing, and I was so excited to show it to Star Creator!
And the sound source came out, I hope you listen to this song every night😉
There are still many concepts Ricky can do, so please support me a lot until the end!
English message: 
Thank you for voting me into this amazing song, when I first heard of "over me'' I knew that I need to do it, thank you for giving me this chance, because of you guys I got the opportunity to do my favorite dark and sexy concept and rnb song. 
From practicing, preparing the stage, to recording this song, I enjoyed every moment. 
Although this is a hard song to perform live, overdose teammates helped each other to overcome the problems, we will be coming back😉.
Hope this beautiful song can be with you every night, and hope you always be over me.
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15.  Yoon Jong Woo   97k views
Hello Star Creators!!
This 3rd stage...I prepared really hard🔥🔥
While preparing in a shorter time than other teams
To the star creators so that they can somehow get on stage
We prepared really hard with the goal of only showing our cool side.
At first, I lost a lot of confidence and was upset.
Looking at my friends who are working hard next to me, I also resolute myself
I tried my best to avoid damaging the team as much as possible.
Our switch that was completed like that 🕹 How do you like it?
Even though we lacked a lot, we did our best, so we have no regrets😤
I practiced a lot for the last gateway to the final, and with a more relaxed and satisfied appearance
I wanted to finish it but...😭
Still, thank you so much for allowing me to experience a lot while preparing for the 3rd stage🥰
So that I can go to the finals and reap the beauty of the end
Please vote a lot...👏🏻🙏🏻
I love you sincerely❤❤
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16. Haruto  112k views 
(Haruto put a message in Japanese, Korean, English, and Chinese, because OF COURSE he did)
Message 1: Korean 
Hello, this is Haruto
It was a leader who lacked a lot, but I am so grateful that the members believed in me and followed me.
There were a lot of adversities and hardships, but I'm so glad that I was able to overcome them and successfully finish the stage, and I'm proud of how hard I prepared.
I hope you continue to support our members and me!
Thank you for always supporting and trusting me
I want to continue to work harder and meet you guys on the final stage❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥
I love you Star Creators❤❤❤💖💖💖
Message 2: Japanese
Every time I did a mission, I thought, ``I've never been pushed like this before,'' but this time, too, I managed to break the record.
As a killing part, I feel that I had a lot of hardships because I had a great sense of responsibility as a leader.
However, I had a lot of regrets about the second mission, and I was determined to push myself to death this time, so for some reason I felt that it was painful.
And I am grateful to have been blessed with such wonderful members.
Thanks to the gals, I was able to laugh all the time even when I was having a hard time, and I am grateful that they took care of the maknaes together. The maknae did their best even when they were half asleep! Thanks dear~
And I appreciate Hiroshi Ouji* more than anyone else. (*That’s the translation but it must be Wang Zihao from context -- I don’t know why it says this, it’s probably an inside joke.)
He was the only one who came to SUPERCHARGER on his own will, but when he was kicked out of Over Me and when I asked him why he chose SUPERCHARGER, I fell in love with him when he said "for you". As expected, I thought that my husband really loved it.
It was very reassuring just to have Hiroshi on the team, and he's a beautiful human being who keeps wiping my tears with a tissue when I cry almost every day.
I love you Hiroko💘💘💘💘💘
I would be happy if you could continue to support me as well as the members of Superchajaa. I will always be grateful to all the star creators. I love it. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Message 3: English
Honestly preparing Supercharger was not easy at all.
But thinking about star creators and not wanting to disappointing you guys gave me so much power.
I'm always grateful for star creators, who are the reason for my existence.(sounds weird but true i don't know how to word it differently)
I am just SO GLAD we finished successfully and I am  SUPER relieved we're all satisfied with our stage. The crowd screaming "SUPERCHARGER" in unison was absolutely LEGENDARY and INCREDIBLE 😎😎😎😎😎
Also, I'm very grateful to have been able to he in such a great team. 
Our teams unnies helped me so much babysitting the maknaes when i was tired parenting , and they always gave us a good laugh when we needed one. And our maknaes worked so hard for our perforamance so plaese check their fancams too !😋😋
And lastly special thanks to my husband Zihao for always being there for me when i needed someone to hug.
For always wiping my tears with a kleenex everyday. Since he was the only one who actually willed to come to Supercharger, one day out of curiosity i asked him why he chose to come to supercharger. You know, when he said he made that choice 
FOR ME..........................😢😢😢
I knew i chose the right person to marry. 🥰🥰🥰 Lol
He is such a pure and warmhearted hyung, one of the best hyungs.
Thank you so much hyung, love you.
Thank you star creators once again for coming to watch and please keep on supporting our Supercharger team!!
I hope i can see you guys at the finale.
I promise ill work my butt off more until it dissapears. 🍑
Message 4: Chinese
Thank you, Starcreator
Hope you enjoy our stage!
Then. . . . .
Zihao brother I love you❤
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17. Yoo Seung Eon 98k
 Hello Star Creator!
🐰 Cool 🍧 Cool 🍃 Visual memo that came back with <Say My Name>‼ 🎤 This is Yoo Seung-eon!!🐣
Thinking that this is the last stage��� I prepared really, really hard!!!🔥🔥🔥
And now, while recording with the intention of letting you hear our song, not a cover song,
Even while preparing, I thought of star creators so much hehehe❤💜💓❣
It's been a dream since I was a trainee to stand on stage with my own song😽
Thanks to Star Creator, I was able to stand on the stage of this 3rd Mission‼
💓Thank you so much 🥺
I feel like I'm one step closer to my dream... ? That's why I worked even harder!!!
💪 My bright~ high ✨🤩 cool~ energy ⚡
I hope it was delivered well🐥
And lastly, the star creator who watches my fancam🌟 Thank you so much‼
Thank you so much for gifting me with my first soundtrack‼🙏
To all the star creators who like me, thank you so so so much‼‼
I love you too
And lastly, our Hanbin hyung❤Matthew hyung💜Jiwoongie hyung💓Yujin 💘 who made such a wonderful stage together
Thank you so much and you worked hard TTTTTT I love you my team!!!!!
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18. Seo Won 56k views
hello! 🌟 Star creators~! 💋Seowon from sexy boy to 👊 hip hop boy!☝~!!
Although we unfortunately couldn’t perform the precious say my name stage chosen by the star creators😭
I thought it was an opportunity to show Seowon, a hip-hop boy, and I prepared really hard for a short time of almost 3 days.
(I didn't even imagine that I would do a super charger.....😥 hahahaha)
Our members really went through a lot of mental and physical trouble, but they overcame it well and performed well on stage 🤗
We're lacking a lot, but we did our best, so please give a lot of love and interest to our super charger stage~💌
Also, please give us one precious vote from the few remaining star creators.
Star creators who always send lots of love! Thank you so much 😉
Have a happy and beautiful day with Woniee ~~♡♡♡♡🥰😍😘❤‍🔥
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19. Wang Zi Hao 487k views
Message 1: Korean
Hello Star Creators!🍭🍭🍭
We met again👋🥳
First everyone! Thank you so much for your support and voting.
Today I showed you the concept of hip hop hao 🔥🤟💥 I hope you like it 😆😆
Please give a lot of support to our team members who completed this stage together.
Thank you❤❤❤
Message 2: Chinese
Star creators 🤩! Let's meet again~ First of all, thank you for your support, you have worked very hard to vote for me! 😬
What everyone 3 saw today is HipHop Hao^I hope you will like it, and also support the teammates who completed the "Super Charger" stage together! Thank you for your support~🤗🤗🤗
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20. Na Kamden 57k views 
Message 1: Korean 
Hello Star Creators~ This time, I am Pink Boy Kamden who came back with a cute cutie.
Are you all doing well?
I was so excited and happy to challenge a new concept this time🥰
Does this cute concept suit you well?
While preparing for the Switch stage this time, I practiced aegyo while looking in the mirror by myself.
Please find a point of cuteness on stage💘
I hope the star creators liked it😋
Message 2: English
Hello Star Creators!How are you guys doing☺ 
For this ‘switch’ stage, I came back with cute concept and I tried full pink outfit this time🧸 
Does my outfit look good on me? 
I hope it made you guys happy🍪 
Thank you guys always for supporting me and love you guys so much💓
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21. Lee Seung Hwan 79k views 
yes! Hello, this is Seunghwan Lee!🙋🏻
Showing the performance of En Guarde, the 5th song matched by the star creators, reflects the desire to receive a good song and do well.
Since it was a song that matched me with a look I wanted to see, I think I prepared it with the mindset that I should do well at the same time!!
Also, this member is really... 🙃 I think I prepared harder because I'm such an elite member😂
How many ideas meetings are there? I am really looking forward to and very excited to prepare and show a better stage by putting our heads together, researching, practicing, and repeating to show you a better stage after worrying a lot!! (I stayed up all night… heh)
Since it's a new song, we prepared a lot, so it would be nice if all the star creators could enjoy watching and listening to it!!
(1st place stage, 1st place sound source Gazza!!😚)
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22 Chen Kuan Jui    173k views
🌟 Hello creators~
I am Shining Bling Bling✨ Cheon-gwan “Louis”.
I came back with a new look this time with the new artist battle song “Over me“.👏
As soon as I heard this song, I kept feeling that I had to do it unconditionally, and I never got tired of it no matter how many times I listened to it, so I was so happy when I practiced.
The third mission is very important to me, so I practiced really hard because I wanted to catch the concept well, so thank you for watching the fancam.🥰
While researching the meaning of the lyrics of the song Over Me, I kept thinking, “Can I really do well?”, but as I gradually found a feeling in the music and choreography, my confidence increased.
I hope the star creators are very good to me.
And whenever I perform on “Boys Planet,” I always think of it as the last stage and I want to show you what I have prepared.
In the future, I will continue to challenge different concepts and appear as a new “Louis” in front of star creators.
Please give lots of love and vote. Thank you!!!💛🧡💛
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23. Zhang Shuai Bo 42k views 
Message 1: Korean
Thank you for clicking my fancam and watching this video.
This song is the one you chose for me.
I put a lot of effort into preparing for this stage.
And thank you so much to the team members who helped me with my dancing and pronunciation.
Also, thank you for letting me stay and complete this stage.
Thanks to everyone.
Wherever you are, I hope you are all healthy and happy every day! Fighting!
Message 2: Chinese
Thank you very much for clicking on my direct shot (fancam)
Watch this video, the song you chose for me,
I put a lot of effort into preparing this song,
I'm also grateful to my teammates for helping me dance and pronounce,
Thank you very much for allowing me to stay and complete this stage, thank you, thank you everyone,
No matter where you are, I hope you are all in good health.
Be happy every day! Jiayo! (like a Chinese version of “fighting”)
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24. Lee Jeong Hyeon 138k views 
Hello ✨Star Creators✨!😊
Lee Jung-hyun is back with the new artist battle song, Over Me!
As soon as I first heard Over Me, I thought I had to do this song.
Thanks to the star creators who voted for me to do Over Me, the time from practice to preparing for the stage was so happy and fun☺
So I just wanted to say thank you so much
To be honest, I was really taken aback at first because I chose the song without knowing it had no rap, but thinking about it again, I've never shown my vocals to you on stage.
So, I prepared this stage with the idea that it would be a great opportunity to show a new side of me!
As much as you let me do the song I wanted, I really ran harder than ever to repay you with a great stage🔥🔥🔥
I am so happy to be able to show you the stage with a new song with the most confident and suitable concept.
Please give lots of interest and love to the new vocalist Lee Jung-hyun!!
(+) Don't forget to vote for Lee Jung-hyun💚💚💚
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25. Takuto 46k views 
hello. Thank you for coming to see my fancam.
This time, we performed our song <SuperCharger>.
This song is addictive in the chorus!
Please listen to <SuperCharger>, which you will never forget once you hear it!
I'm still lacking a lot, but thank you to the star creator who supported me a lot!
I will continue to work hard and show you a better image!
I love you❤ See you again!!
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26. Cha Woong Ki 52k views 
Hello Star Creator ✨ 💕
Receiving lots of love from all of you, the 3rd mission
From the artist battle to the 'Super Charger' stage
This is trainee Cha Woong-gi who greeted me once again 🥺
First of all, thank you so much for giving me one more chance 💘
I don't want to disappoint you
To the star creators who like and support me
To make people think, ‘Oh, I did a good job picking Cha Woong-gi’
It's a short time, but I prepared really hard!! ⚡
In Boyz Planet, a new look that was hidden tightly
I also challenged the main rapper to show you 🎤
I didn't know it would be me either ☠🎀🌈🌷🔨🧸🦩
But I hope you like it 🤑
There are many cool images to show you in the future!!
If you pick me up so that I can stand on the next stage too
Good luck in everything in the future,
You will work less and earn more, etc. 😍
Please vote for Cha Woong-gi on Mnet Plus!!
Please Police 🚓🚨🚔🚨👮‍♂❤
The Boyz ,Stray Kids, NCT, TXT, Enhypen, Seventeen, BTS, EXO, SHINee, Monsta X, BTOB, ATEEZ, Astro, Infinite, Super Junior, Shinhwa, Treasure, GOT7, 2PM, NU'EST, Golden Child, VIXX, SF9, Highlight, TVXQ, BAEI73, Victon, TNX, Block B, B1A4, ONF, CIX, Sechs Kies, Teen Top, DKZ, Mirae, Drippin, Up10tion, MCND, EPEX, AB6IX, Berry Berry, Tempest, B.A.P, Ghost Nine, Kingdom, Cravity, And even if you're not here, I really respect the cool seniors 😍 (The order doesn't matter)
I'm Doebi, Stay Czennies Moa Engine Carat Ami Eri Shawl Monbebe Melody ATINY Aroha Insuk Elf Shinhwa Creation Teume Agase Hottest Love Goldness Starlight Fantasy Light Cassiopeia Els Alice Thanks BBC Vana Fuse Fix Yellow Kiss Angel Club Now Dreaming Honeyten Gem This is Zenith Avenue Better Eye Baby Gosty Kingmaker Luvity (Really) 🧸❤
(In this last paragraph, he’s saying that he’s a fan of various groups, the same groups he listed above in the same order-- for example, a “Stay” is a fan of Stray Kids, a “Carat” is a fan of Seventeen, a “Monbebe” is a fan of MonstaX, etc.)
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27. Ollie 29k views 
Hi everyone, I'm Ollie🍫🍩🍪.
Thank you for watching my fancam 📸. I fractured my knuckle🦴 at the Planet Field Day event, so the practice was a bit difficult this time😣.
Still, I wanted to show you a good performance, so I worked hard as always! ⛄
This song had a lot of difficult choreography, but the team members helped me a lot💙💛💙💛💙💛.
To be honest, while preparing for this stage, I thought that this was the last time, but I think that the star creators gave me a third chance like this, thankfully! 💖
And we prepared really hard for this stage, so you should watch it a million times!😜
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28. Hiroto 152k views
First message: Japanese 
Hello Star Creators!
Did you enjoy watching our cool stage? ? 🔥
I put in a lot of effort to show everyone a different image than before! 💓
In this team, I was the only one in the g group, so I did my best not to cause trouble for everyone!
Last time I was ranked 28th, so there were times when I was mentally tough, but I think I was able to do a stage that I won't regret even if it's the final stage! 😎
I will do my best to raise my rank and reach the end, so please continue to give me a lot of support! 😘
Second message: Korean 
Hello Star Creator!
Did you enjoy watching our cool stage?
We worked hard to show you a different side of ourselves.🤓
In this team, I was the only one in G group, so I worked hard so that the other team members would not be harmed.😊
There were times when it was mentally difficult because I ranked 28th the other day, but I will raise my ranking so that I will not regret it even if it is the last stage, and I will work hard so that I can reach the end, so please support me a lot in the future!😎
I love you.😍
Trainees listed in order of fancam views:
Wang Zi Hao 487k views
Zhang Hao  443k views
Seok Matthew 366k views
Sung Hanbin   340k views
Ricky  253k views 
Kim Ji Woong 249k views
Han Yu Jin  238k views
Jay  228k views
Keita  212k views  
Park Gunwook 210k views
Chen Kuan Jui  173k views
Kim Tae Rae 162k views 
Kim Gyu Vin  160k
Hiroto 152k views
Lee Jeong Hyeon 138k views 
Park Hanbin  116k  views
Haruto  112k views 
Kum Jun Hyeon 108k views 
Lee Hoe-taek (Hui) 99k views
Yoo Seung Eon 98k views
Yoon Jong Woo   97k views
Lee Seung Hwan 79k views 
Na Kamden 57k views 
Seo Won 56k views
Cha Woong Ki 52k views 
Takuto 46k views 
Zhang Shuai Bo 42k views 
Ollie 29k views 
Ok, that’s it! See you guys in the next one. 
I know that the eliminations will hurt this time, but remember, these trainees have good futures ahead of them regardless of whether they make it into Bepler or not, so don’t be too sad, ok? 
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kitsunesfandomtime · 1 year
But First they Must Catch you
Evolution is a proven theory on how life survives and develops. Quirks have since twisted the very concept having these evolutionary traits on those that never was supposed to have. Fangs, claws, with sneers and scales. But those that aren't the fittest will fizzle out as outsiders isolated from society to be hidden away. No longer seen as humans but instead as the beast they appear and Izuku Midoriya is one of those. But he refuses to be on the bottom of the food chain and is going to prove he has what it takes to be on top.
Characters: Middle-schooler Izuku Midoriya(as a Rabbit morph HEAVY ON ANIMAL APPEARANCE quirk), Bakugou Katsuki (Bully), And Hisashi Midoriya (AFO as concerned dad)
Relationships: It's Complicated Status for all
Tags: Bullying, Rabbit meanies and belittling with Izuku trying to prove who he is as a person.
Evolution is the theory of how life survives passing on inheritable traits to their offspring for the best chance of survival.
It is a scientific study that has persisted for centuries against nay sayers but there are things it can't predict. The origin of life is something it can not tell us nor tell us who is the common ancestor of all life, dubbed Luca.
And we certainly could not have predicted humans taking abilities that animals have honed for centuries just to survive.
The sharp teeth of a reptile on a human head meant for a carnivore struggling to eat. The claws of a feline meant for felling prey have become clumsy for daily life.
These traits were created with the intent of survival in the wild honed for centuries for the fittest. Yet these 'evolved' humans were most known for having the highest death rate among quirk users.
Society was slow to adapt to these individuals the most. Fire, strength, muscles, flash? The users still had a human trait, there was familiarity in them. Even certain animal traits humans were blessed with only abilities but not appearance besides an ear and tail.
Those are the lucky one that society accepts as their heroes.
The unlucky ones bodies have become unfamiliar, foreign even that many businesses would shut their doors to them. Look at them with fear as if they were no longer human but monsters.
The glowing yellow eyes in the dark were a beast trying to kill rather then a teenage girl just walking down the street in the dark. A greeting filled with teeth was a threat that was sizing up their prey. Many incidences born from fear have ended in the tragedy of civilians attacking them so many death.
Too terrified to consider the monster they see might in fact be a child screaming.
But when there is fear there are also those that will instead look down upon those that have such 'traits'. Bias that are formed based on the animals they perceive.
A mouse was seen as meek and someone who was irresponsible. A boar is an aggressive creature only ready to fight. A rock head is an idiot, a chicken is a bird's brain, and a fox is a seductress or trickster.
And a bunny is a weak, helpless creature nothing more then the source of sex appeal representing innocence for any gaze.
The very creature that Izuku had been born as. Blind, mute, and utterly helpless covered in fur was how he was born into the world. Dark green fur covered most of his body his hands and feet were paws only his face had any trace of his humanity.
His father in that moment seemed to have realized what exactly he had done staring at the helpless being. Whose face doesn't match his body as if it couldn't decide who exactly he was.
This is the story of Izuku Midoriya. A rabbit Heteromorph born to two non-heteromorph parents and the trials he has to face to prove he isn't the creature he seems.
Izuku is now four years old.
No he is no longer blind or mute. His legs were strong making him faster then other kids his age. Able to jump higher when the average person uses it to easily jump up into his fathers arm.
He was happy, and content. He didn't think he was different from the others those first few years.
He was strong and lively with a strong desire to be a hero. With stars in his eyes and pep in his step he didn't think anything can stop him as he chased after his friends.
Well... Until the Bakugou started to point it out.
"Did you know Rabbits can die of loneliness?" Bakugou spoke with a grin at this little fun fact. Izuku blinked as he was part of the group looking startled as he had said that while looking at him.
"Woah really? So does that mean Midoriya might die if we stop hanging out with him?" One of the kids seemed really amused by that with a giddy grin.
"Oh wow that's so sad! You know a lot Bakugou!" The other one spoke with excitement and glee at this fact. Izuku shifts not liking the fact they seemed to be associating him with a real bunny rabbit.
"U-Um, guys I'm not really a rabbit," Izuku protested as he didn't know if that was true or not. But he didn't think he could die.
"Of course you are, Deku!" Bakugou barked with a grin clear on his face as walks over to him to grab one of his ears. "I mean you literally have the ears and you're so fluffy and round what else WOULD you be?"
"O-Ow! Kacchan that hurts," Izuku could feel even if the other wasn't tugging on it just his ear being held like that was painful.
"Wow! That hurt? I barely touched it, god you're such a baby bunny," Bakugou and the other kids snickered as he released his ear. Izuku couldn't help but tear up practically shrinking as they didn't care how uncomfortable he was with this topic.
"Y'know you would think that since you have such a quirk you be awesome. But all we ever seen you do is just be very good at running away in tag," Bakugou noted as if puzzled his quirk hadn't come in yet. "When mine comes in I bet it's going to be super awesome! Much better then a bunny that hops."
The other kids laughed and then made a rabbit gesture clearly all of them seeming to be enjoying themselves at Izuku's expense. "Hop hop!"
Izuku had to keep himself quiet as they spent the rest of the day messing with him about being a rabbit. Becoming more mean if he even tries to protest the idea of being an actual bunny rabbit. This was the first time he didn't tell his parents how his day was...
Then Bakugou's quirk came in. Nature seemed to have favored him as all the right conditions had aligned.
Izuku was excited and happy for him. Staring with bright eyes when he saw the sparks in the hands of his childhood friend. As those eyes looked at him he expected just gloating.
"Now you never got to be terrified of a thing when I'm a hero," Bakugou gloats with the kind of cockiness of someone that has everything. As if the fact Izuku had mentioned that he also wanted to be a hero. That all those times they both were excited to watch All Might, the times they tried to meet him... Just didn't exist.
Maybe he just forgot? Izuku tried to rationalize it knowing they'd been teasing him as a weak rabbit but it's still a cool quirk!
Izuku kept quiet until they were all leaving home. But his own dad was likely to be a bit late so he tried to tag along with Bakugou on a walk home.
"U-Um Kacchan! Wait," he shouts as he runs over to his best friend excited and nervous.
"Oh hey Deku! Want to see more of my new quirk?" Kacchan questioned with a grin clear on his face. Izuku felt a bit awkward shifting in place not exactly wanting to make the other mad but he didn't want a misunderstanding!
"U-Um I appreciate you wanting to be my hero and all but I also want to be a hero also. We can be heroes together tho!" Izuku felt like that would be a lot better looking at the other with excitement. It would be so cool! They could both be heroes-
"Are you joking?" Kacchan's expression seemed to turn into anger his fist clenched as he stared at him angered. As if the other had insulted him and said the worst thing he ever heard practically shaking with anger and he shoves the other hard, "I wouldn't want to work with a bunny!"
The sudden rough gesture made him fall on his ass earning a loud yelp as he landed on his tail. Tears in his eyes as Bakugou looked down at him so angry for reasons Izuku doesn't understand.
"W-Why not!? I can do stuff," Izuku protested only for the male to suddenly let off sparks making him tense wondering what he was doing.
"Oh shut up! Just stay there and don't bother me!" Kacchan shouted as he turned on his heels and ran off leaving him there... Alone.
Izuku's vision blurred wondering what he had done to even make him so mad. He thought they would both be heroes together yet the other seemed so mad. Is it really because he was a rabbit? A weak and fluffy thing that is easily startled?
He couldn't bring himself to move, just sitting on the side of the road near the school unsure of what to do. He stayed there for hours neither returning to school nor going home afraid of Bakugou seeing him and getting madder.
"Izuku, there you are!" his father came over running as he scooped him up unable to even protest, "we thought you went home with Bakugou."
There is a moment of silence as he curls in his father's arm his hands moving to his feet. He didn't wear any shoes as he didn't like any of the ones most had but suddenly he felt like they were wrong. Soft in his hand able to feel the dirt and debris in them as he tears up.
"I'm sorry," was all he could say as the man looked down at him. Feeling so exposed and vulnerable, scared even as if even his own dad would be ashamed of him.
"You have nothing to be sorry for..." was all the man said as gently brushes his hand through his son's head brushing those ears in that gentle manner. "My baby boy won't you tell me what's wrong? Can't I help?"
If only Izuku could have hoped that maybe he could make up with Kacchan...
Instead it got worse.
It started when many of the other kids started getting their quirks. Kacchan was the only one who had such a powerful one that all the others listened to him. He was going to be number one and the very best.
And he made it clear that no one was better then him. Normal, but he had also made another thing clear...
"Especially not some dumb rabbit," it was in that moment. Izuku realized their friendship was over for something he still didn't know he had done.
Being singled out had made him a priah of sorts. He was the only rabbit quirked student and while others had some unique features his was the only animal like one. And those that stand out are to be squashed down as he entered Aldera it became clear where he stood.
"Ugh look at those feet? Is he bare foot?" One spoke. And he got red shoes to hide his feet.
"He can't even hold a pen right. Look at those hands." He starts forcing himself to try and hold it 'normally' despite his hands being different.
"He has white chest hair gross!" He tries to hide the fur tuff on his chest trying so hard to make it small to the point he has tried to shave it off.
"Look at that tail! I want to touch it!" Despite his discomfort he now shoves his tail in his pants refusing the normal modification.
"Ew I heard rabbits are like super horny do you think he's trying to hit on me?" He stopped talking to people in general knowing they might assume the worst.
What had once just been another trait was now a beacon for ridicule. He was a freak, a beast in school but also a weak and helpless rabbit who won't and can't fight back.
While Bakugou only began to thrive as his quirk instead of being mocked was praised.
"That's so cool and powerful!" Bakugou would use his quirk casually and be allowed despite the rules.
"He's so smart our prized student!" Teachers would praise him even if Izuku was highly scored it never even got noticed. He wasn't the face they wanted.
"You know he may be a jerk but man he has confidence!" While if Izuku tries to even defend himself everyone sneers at him while Bakugou is stared at with admiration and envy.
There was a mountain that divided him from where Bakugou stood. Standing on top as he looks down at everyone and seems to almost dare him to try and knock him off.
He knew he couldn't just accept this because his odds weren't hopeless.
Because rabbits aren't as helpless as they might appear and a rabbit will devour meat like a predator when the need arises. It's because he's a rabbit he knows this.
He couldn't take this forever and finally he couldn't anymore.
It happened suddenly in the middle of PE they were supposed to be doing dodgeball and most of the time Izuku just dodges or taps out early to avoid dragging it out. But today his 'instincts' were screaming at him to fight back. Staring down at Bakugou on the opposing side he did something no one else could have done.
He caught the others ball and very quickly bashed him in the face with his quick reflex. Watching the male actually be thrown back from the force as likely never expected such a change in behavior. The man fell right on his ass and Izuku can't deny it felt GOOD to show the guy what for.
And to say Bakugou was pissed would be an understatement as after the initial shock those eyes said murder in them.
"Hey foul! Midoriya get off the field right now!" Of course was the one that Izuku got in trouble for 'excessive' violence as if they didn't over look when bakugou gets carried away.
Izuku didn't care. No one cared about him, no one looked at him and as he stared at Bakugou when he got benched he knows... He won't allow this to go unanswered.
And that's fine he was going to make sure the school knew that even if he was a weak rabbit. He will become a hero.
Regardless of what it takes he won't be on the bottom of the food chain. This little 'rabbit' is going to take on the 'lion'.
And he ain't backing down without a fight!
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