#we also held hands under the blankets on the sofa
asterkiss · 4 months
No writing as currently on a group holiday. Will hopefully get some stuff out next week x
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gghostwriter · 13 days
Whispered Truths
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your weekly reading club with boyfriend, Spencer Reid, has never been as sweet and life-changing as this night Trope: Fluff! Just fluff! w.c: 0.8k a/n: This is actually a request from @bloodredrubyrose and I really liked how this came out. I also used my favorite piece of fiction here as a prop so I hope you like it! Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! 💗 masterlist
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Couples, no matter how new or old, tend to create personalized dates as a way to strengthen the relationship. Some go on hikes together, some go on travels, while some stay in the comfort of their homes—under a blanket with a chosen book on hand.
You and Spencer definitely fall under the latter category. It was quite obvious from the first meeting that literature would be one of the strongest bonding agents between you and him. After all, it was how you were brought together—crashing into one another at the library with books and miscellaneous items scattered on the tiled floor. A few shy glances and bewitching dates later, you found yourself spending your Saturday nights in the presence of your boyfriend of six months, hosting an exclusive reading club with just two members, you and him.
“I never thought of it that way,” your left hand paving an aimless path through Spencer’s curly hair while the other held the book up high.
The pitter patters of the rain outside softly echoed through the walls. You were propped up on the loveseat sofa, his head resting on your lap as he looked upwards in question in regards to your statement.
“Never thought of which?” His voice low and soft, striking a resemblance to how he gazed at you oh so lovingly. As if you were the most riveting piece if art he had ever laid his eyes upon.
“How water played a big symbol throughout the whole book. It was really focused on during the first chapters but I—I just never quite connected the dots,” you clarified, bring the book to a close.
It was your choice for the week, East of Eden by John Steinbeck—a modern classic and had been your favorite work of literature since high school. Spencer had lent his copy to you last week and you vice versa—both turning brown from age, pages about to fall apart from its binding, annotations scribbled on the margins and any lengthy self reflections written on various notebook pages sandwiched in between.
“Your explanation on the empty pages at the end—how water is capable of bringing both life and death. Water being essential for the crops but at the same time, drowned victims. It’s such a poignant note that I think I just fell more in love with Steinbeck’s writing,” you added. “It also made me realize how water in his novel represents the dual capacity of the human soul for good and evil. How we are all filled with conundrums and contradictions and what makes us different from the other species on Earth is our ability to choose whether we are good or evil—” Spencer had sat up and leaned in, interrupting your musings. “—what?” You breathed out as his lips hovered on yours.
The once cozy atmosphere quickly charged with tension and desire that seemed to ooze out of Spencer. There was little space in between and you had no doubt that from the outside looking in, it looked like he was kissing you but he was not, rather a sliver of air was still given space to pass through. So close but so far.
You studied his features up close. How his long lashes fluttered like butterfly wings beating against the wind as his molten, darkened, hazel eyes flickered between your lips and eyes. How his nose lightly caressed yours in an endless Eskimo kiss. How his cheeks stained into a lighter shade of red. And how his pink tongue peeked out to wet his pillowy lips. 
“I’m in love with you,” he whispered as if it was some kind of national secret that he now felt right to expose.
Your breath caught in your throat. This was the first time he had said it. His love for you had been conveyed with every touch, with every action, and with every silence but this was the first time he had put it into words.
His lips caressed yours—the pressure almost non-existent. A ghost of a kiss to gauge your reaction and consent.
“I love you,” he repeated a little louder this time, eyes locking into the very depths of your soul. “You and your mind have enchanted me since the beginning—so beautiful, so captivating.”
The butterflies set free in your stomach caused you to viscerally shiver in reaction.
“I love you too, Spencer.”
A smile graced his face and it was bright and as blinding as the sun, like it had finally decided to stop hiding behind the clouds and show itself in all of its glory.
He leaned in once more. The pressure from his lips now heavier and headier, trying to stamp his everlasting mark on you and in between all these kisses were whispers of his utter devotion and adoration until there was no more space—until you both became one on his loveseat sofa.
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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utterlyotterlyx · 7 months
Hi!!! I can request a modern!azriel x reader in which he likes her, but all his attempts to get close to her have been thwarted because they got off on the wrong foot. Then someone tells him that she's part of a book club and he starts joining just to get closer to her and the rest is up to you :)
Ooooooo I love this! x
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New Pages
Modern!Az x Reader
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Warnings - swearing, angst, pining, fluff, cutie Az
I have not proof read this so I apologise in advance for any mistakes x
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And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.
The background of your phone screen harmonised with the words inscribed on the flesh of your arm. You were bundled under blankets, pillows cushioning your back, and your eyes scanned the plethora of words in front of you, your tea long forgotten on the window ledge.
Your sorority house was teaming with girlish laughter, the quick padding down the hallways and the dull melodic thump of Nesta's bass told you one thing, the house party Mor had insisted on throwing for Feyre's birthday was going to start soon, and you hadn't even thought about getting ready.
Would they realise if you didn't go? It was completely possible to throw your earbuds in and lock your bedroom door...
That train of thought was interrupted when the said birthday girl sprang through your door, "You're not ready?!" Feyre squeaked, large rollers were pinned in her hair and she stood at the foot of your bed with fake eyelashes in one hand and a small vial of glue in the other.
"I lost track of time," you told her, curling your legs underneath you and laying your book down open on the bed so that you could pick up right where you left off, "Also, have you ever heard of knocking?"
"We don't knock," she quipped, throwing herself down on the bed and sighing, "This doesn't have anything to do with him does it?"
"With who?"
"Oh, come on, Y/N. You know who," she prodded your side and you groaned, folding your arms over your chest whilst Feyre applied glue to the thin onyx lash line, "If it helps, I really don't think he knew you were behind that door," she blew lightly on the lash, party drying the glue and used your mirror to fix it to her right eye.
You winced at the memory, your fingers ghosting over the bridge of your nose that had only days before returned to its normal hue, "I've only just gotten rid of that bruise, all the concealer in the world couldn't hide that mess."
"Still," she blinked, "I really don't think he did it on purpose. Rhys said he felt really bad."
"Like he felt bad after the time he ran over my foot on that stupid motorcycle? I missed the Van Gogh exhibit because of that bullshit."
"Y/N..." Feyre drawled, exasperated with you and your excuses, "Please just get dressed," she had applied the other eyelash to her left eye and pushed them into place before turning to you with a smirk, "Before I let Mor in here."
"Okay, I'm up."
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All of the entangled grinding bodies did little to soothe your anxiety.
You'd never been much of a party girl, and you had only joined the sorority because Mor and Feyre had insisted upon it. Lights strobed against the pale pink glittery banners and balloons that Elain had spent all day carefully throwing up whilst Nesta enlisted Cassian to get all of the booze.
The seating area in the centre of the room was brimming with all of the faces that you knew, Rhys with Feyre sat on his lap adorning a pathetic plastic tiara on the crown of her head, Mor wedged next to them with her legs strung over Emerie's thighs, Amren chatting away to Elain and Lucien on the far sofa, Nesta making sex eyes at Cassian, and then there was him.
The lights reflected off his smooth skin, tussled onyx short hair that looked somewhat windswept, hazel eyes and his strong jaw ticking as he searched the room before his eyes landed on you, finding you in the ocean of bodies surrounding where they all sat.
"Y/N!" A voice shouted to you over the crowd, red wine hair and amber eyes, she held her hand out to you and you clutched onto it, allowing her to pull you through into a small clearing by the stairs.
"Thanks, Bryce," she smirked over her shoulder at you, plucking two drinks from Hunt's hands and placing one in your grip.
Bryce was one of Nesta's friends that you had met when she had joined your art history class after a timetable mix up, you'd been pretty close since, you studied with Bryce in the library and Hunt occasionally joined as did Bryce's brother, Ruhn.
"Don't mention it," she clinked her glass against yours and you both downed half of the liquid, clearly you had some catching up to do from taking as long as possible to get ready, only joining the party when Nesta had sent you a snappy text about kicking your ass down the stairs if you didn't show your face in the next five minutes.
"Hey Athalar," he grinned at you, muttering a hello as he gave you a side hug. Hunt liked you a lot, you were good for Bryce, you were gentle and timid, but had a thunderous passion for the things you loved. Bryce was one of those things.
Bryce gave you a once over. A sleek white dress clung to your figure, every curve accentuated perfectly by the clean cut fabric that reached just below you ass, giving a perfect view of your legs. Black heeled boots were laced onto your feet, hair styled into effortless waves, and your makeup was simple and natural, highlighting your cheekbones and lips. Bryce approved.
Bryce smirked, noticing the pair of violet eyes that crept up behind you, they wrapped their arms around your waist and hoisted you in the air, placing you over their shoulder and twirling you around, chuckling as you squeaked in surprise, "Put me down, Ruhn!" With a light tap on your ass, Ruhn obliged and put you back on your feet.
Ruhn always looked good, long hair pulled back into a low messy bun, the sides always shaved, tattoos flowing up and down his arms, tan skin, taut muscle, tank top and cargo jeans. So good.
"Can't help myself," he slid an arm around your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your temple, "You look beautiful."
The elder sibling had always pined after you, he would wait in the courtyard outside of the art building to walk you back to the house, he'd bring you breakfast on a Sunday, he'd even taken you to your first football game.
"Thank you, Ruhn," you leaned into him and smiled, tuning back into the conversation between Bryce and Hunt, and the newly arrived Tristan Flynn, paying little attention to the burning hot hazel gaze that branded into your back.
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There had been too many times where Az had fucked up.
Running over your foot was an accident that led to the spiralling mess that was your relationship, and every time he had tried to make up for it, it just kept on getting worse. Chocolates? Turns out you were allergic to nuts and blew up like a balloon. Coffee? He'd spilt the oat chai latte all over your brand new summer dress and ruined it. The movies? He had miscounted the group and forgot to get yours, and by then there were no tickets left. And then the door. That stupid fucking door. Azriel was so busy talking to Feyre about you that he didn't see you on the other side and smashed it right into your face.
Every time Azriel tried to talk to you, to voice how sorry he was and how stupidly in love with you he was, he fucked it up.
So yeah, he didn't blame you for hating him.
"Wanna stare a little harder, Az?"
Azriel turned his head slightly, forcing himself to look away from Ruhn's arm around you and his lips by your ear, whispering who knows what to you. At least the bruises under your eyes and around your nose had cleared, enough that you no longer winced when you smiled.
"She seems a little off today," he said to no one in particular, letting his words float into the air in hope someone would tell him why.
Azriel had spent a good amount of time studying you and your little quips, the face you'd make when you were concentrating, how many cups of tea you'd make after leaving them somewhere and forgetting about them, even your morning routines on your way to class.
Mor threw herself down beside him, the sofa cushion hissing out under her weight, "She missed book club tonight, she loves book club," Mor's eyes were glazed over, a sloppy smirk pulled at her lips.
"Book club?" Azriel asked, he knew you loved reading, but he never knew that you went to an actual book club.
"Yeah, you know, a place where people talk about the books they've been reading?," Nesta scoffed when Azriel flipped her off, she continued, "This week was meant to be the first session about The Perks of Being a Wallflower, it's her favourite," Nesta stirred her drink with her straw, "Just in case you wanted to make a gesture."
Azriel nodded, his eyes finding you again, "Thanks, Nes."
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Azriel was fiddling idly with his fingers as people began to file into the room clutching copies of the book you loved so much, the same book that he had rushed out to get the morning after Feyre's party so that he could read it in time to talk to you about it.
Walls of books lined the room, dainty oak tables and arm chairs scattered around in a circle with blankets folded neatly over the arms. Warm fairy lights lit the ceiling, and Azriel understood why you must have been sad to have missed the last session.
He heard your laugh before he saw you, he saw the edges of your skirt that kissed the floorboards and allowed his sight to roam upward until he found your eyes wide and full of surprise, stuck in the doorway. You soon shook off the surprise and took a seat at the other side of the circle, looking to him occasionally with confusion.
"What quote resonated with you the most, Azriel? There are a lot to choose from."
You had looked to him then, really looked at him, not with hatred or any form of disgust, but with pure curiosity, bright shiny curiosity.
"It's much easier to not know things sometimes. Things change and friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody. I wanted to laugh. Or maybe get mad. Or maybe shrug at how strange everybody was, especially me. I think the idea is that every person has to live for his or her own life and then make the choice to share it with other people. You can't just sit their and put everybody's lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love. You just can't. You have to do things. I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to be who I really am. And I'm going to figure out what that is. And we could all sit around and wonder and feel bad about each other and blame a lot of people for what they did or didn't do or what they didn't know. I don't know. I guess there could always be someone to blame. It's just different. Maybe it's good to put things in perspective, but sometimes, I think that the only perspective is to really be there. Because it's okay to feel things. I was really there. And that was enough to make me feel infinite. I feel infinite."
Azriel had recited the passage perfectly, he didn't even need to open the book and turn to the page. He just knew it. His voice was so deep and spoke emotion into every word, like he was in a trance.
The session had wrapped up and you had kept your distance during the breaks, seemingly lost in a world of thought, so Azriel thought it would be best to leave you alone. If the baby step in your relationship simply was having you look at him with anything but hatred, then he'd take it, he didn't want to push it.
"Azriel, wait!" Your voice called to him and he froze on the grass outside of the art building, turning slowly to face you as you jogged across the plain toward him, your skirt flowing in the wind behind you.
You looked pretty, you always did, but in the moonlight, with your hair tied back and loose threads falling over your face, with the two sizes too big jumper drowning your figure, he thought you looked ethereal.
"I didn't know you liked reading," you had said once you stopped in front of him, holding your favourite book to your chest.
"I don't talk about it."
"Right, it's just Feyre never mentioned it," you tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear and smiled up at him with a tilted head, examining him.
Azriel took a step toward you, one hand in his pocket and another holding onto his own copy, "Why would Feyre mention it?"
"I, I don't know actually," you mumbled, slightly flustered, you were adorable when you were flustered, "Is that your first time reading it?"
"Yeah, it was great. I see why it's your favourite."
"How do you know that?" A smirk tugged at your lips, ones that he wished he could taste, just once, so that he could tell the devil he had been to heaven without ever stepping foot there.
"Nesta may have said something."
"Ah," you kicked the air, shivering at the cold breeze that brushed past you, "Would you like to borrow my copy? I left notes in the margins that you might like."
Azriel glanced at your outstretched hand, he looked at the book with the dented spine from the countless times it had been explored, the frayed edges and the faint hue of blue ink that peeked out from one of the pages. He took it from you with a smile, "Can I, uh, walk you back?"
A moment of silence beat its heart and you hummed, "I think I'd like that."
"Right, great," he told you as you began to walk off, quickening his pace to fall in line with you.
You smelt of summer rain of freshly cut grass, of jasmine and orchid, a mind altering scent, "You know that I never meant to run over your foot last year right?"
"Or spill coffee over my dress? Or smack my face with that door?"
"Yeah, I haven't been very smooth," you laughed, actually laughed at him, with him, and it was an intoxicating sound, one of pure joy and happiness, "I never meant to hurt you."
"I believe you," the stars shone in the sky and you looked up at them, a smile ghosting at your lips, "I'm ready to turn a new page if you are?"
"I'm all about turning new pages."
You leaned into him, nudging him softly with your elbow, "Let's see what you've got then, Shadowsinger."
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Authors Note
I really hope this is what you were wanting!
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
Baby It's Cold Outside - Carlos Sainz x BulgarianOlympicSkiing! Reader
Plot: You take your new husband skiing with your friends Alexandra and Charles.
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"How do you do this as normal training baby! I can barley do it two winter breaks in a row!" Carlos shivers looking around as you strap your gloves on.
"Come on! I want to get to the big slopes early so I can practice! Then we can have fun with Charles and Alex!" you smile at your husband as you pull your snow boots on that were at the edge of the cabin.
"But Alex and Charles get a lay-in why don't i?" he complains pouting at you and giving you the puppy eyes.
"Because you decided to marry me, and that doesn't lead to lay-in's on a Ski holiday!" you giggle.
"Okay, but over the summer you are coming with me to Mallorca and we are having lots of cuddles and lay-in's and walks along the beach and lots of morning sex!" he grins cheekily making you slap his chest.
"Okay, well lets go Skapi!" you smile taking his hand.
You guys headed first to the large slopes where you could go down and practice for the Olympics that were to be held in Milan in 2026. You practiced for around an hour, going at high speed and cleaning up your turns and corners.
Then Carlos decided it was time to head back to the log cabin you guys were sharing with Alex and Charles and ask them if they wanted to join you for lunch. You took a leisurely ski through the wooded ski area that was just a general skiing area rather than the specific slopes used.
He reached out for you, holding your hand as you both used one pole to change your directions as needed.
"It's a really nice day today!" you say after pulling down the bandana you had wrapped around your mouth currently. Usually you'd wear a full balaclava but where you were skiing with friends you wanted to be able to talk to them without shouting.
"Yes, the sun is bright!" he says looking around the white snow that if you both took the skii masks off you'd for sure be blinded by the dazzling white expanse.
"Mmm, so how do you feel about the rest of the year?" you carefully ask your husband. You had tiptoed around the subject of him having to leave Ferrari. He understood why they'd jump at the opportunity to take on a 7x World Championship when this year they had a car that was consistent and contending with the Red Bull, that didn't mean it didn't hurt though. You'd only found out a few days ago from Charles himself.
He'd found a true friendship in Charles and Alex, just like he had done with Lando. It didn't mean he would no longer see Charles but they were arguably one of the best pairing on the grid when it came to team-work and wins.
"Well, Audi have said they'd like to take me on in 2026, but that would mean a year out. Red Bull have also spoke to me about removing Checo, but I want a championship and with Max as Red Bull golden boy I don't think it would be feasible. Then obviously there's Mercedes but their car was so bad this year, so it really depends!"
"Well, whatever happens you know you'll have me right?" you say, slowly coming to a halt and pull him into a hug.
"I don't know what the best decision is, but I'm just going to try perform my best this season with Ferrari!" he offers and you nod, pulling him in.
"If you do go with Audi and have an off season in 2025 that means we'll have the whole year together!" he smiles at what you just said.
"Mmmm maybe we can travel without the stress of me racing each time!" he grins pulling you in and kissing you, your masks clashing together making you both laugh.
You walk back in to the cabin to find Alex and Charles cuddles up on the sofa under a fluffy blanket.
"Hey guys, want to go get some lunch?" you ask looking around.
"How on earth do you survive with it this cold!" Alex shivers looking at the snow that falls off yours and Carlos' boots as you slip them off.
"You are all from warmer regions. Mediterranean people" you sigh with a small laugh.
"Sorry we aren't Slavic or Balkan like you and can hold up in your insanely cold winters, I'm guessing that's how you got into skiing?" Charles chuckles.
"Yeah, my dad would take me up the mountains each winter and go skiing! It's how I got into it competitively!" you smile, remembering all the memories from when you were younger.
"It's amazing what you've achieved not only for yourself but your country!" Alex smiles.
"Thank you guys! Going for Gold in 2026 though! You guys will come support me right?" you ask, already planning to give them VIP seats where they could watch from.
"Of course!" they all reply while Carlos comes behind you and picks you up throwing you over his shoulder and launching you onto the part of the sofa next to Charles.
"Carlos be careful" you laugh at him, holding one hand on your chest and another around his neck.
"Just an hour of chilling? Then we'll do lunch and more skiing?" he asks using those big brown eyes off his.
"Alright fine" you smile, pulling him in for a hug as you tune into the show Alex and Charles had on.
You could 100% get used to this life.
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Like by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and alexandrasaintmleux
y/user: Holiday with Ferrari Family! Forza Ferrari <3 also Charles stole my phone :<
Tagged 3 People
View all 567 comments
scuderiaferrari: We love our Core 4! Happy Holidays!
carlossainz55: mi amor you showed us all up, don't recommend a Ski Holiday with a Silver Medalists!
-> fan1: I was at the slopes and saw her helping Alexandra, was the cutest
-> fan2: not mans complaining about his literal wife's achievements!
formulasantander: Alex and Y/N repping the red! We love to see it!
charles_leclerc: I look good no?
-> y/user: no lol, jk don't cancel me
alexandrasaintmleux: love you my best friend! <3 thank you for the ski lessons.
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Instagram Story Caption:
Gang waiting on Carlos be like...
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416 @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @seomako @urdad-hot @formula1mount @tinydeskwriter @butterfly-lover @ironmaiden1313
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Not All That Glitters is Gold Part 7
Hello! I am really chugging along with this story I have 5 chapters done (including this one). It was supposed to be 4 with 4 on the Harrington Pattern but somehow, I got an extra chapter here and only 3 on The HP. Still not sure how I did that.
Here we have Chrissy because sometimes you just need another omega friend who gets it.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
Steve came home and flopped face first on to the sofa. He wanted to call Robin, but he knew she was hanging out with Vickie tonight. So he had been given a replacement handler for night as management wanted eyes on him because there was always some kind of drama at these things.
It wasn’t a date date, but now they were on the same page, there was major cuddling to be had.
He rolled over and threw his arm over his eyes.
After a moment or two of serious moping he opened the clutch to get his cell phone out. But stopped when he noticed the sparkle of the diamond. He pulled it out instead and held it up to the light. In his minds eye he could see Eddie smiling at him as he handed the lost diamond back to him.
Steve sighed heavily. He had met a lot of alphas in his line of work, but none of them had the effect on him that this one did. Yearning didn’t even begin to cover the depth of emotion ripping through him in that moment.
He rolled off the sofa and wandered into the kitchen, his heels clicking on the hard surface. He really should have taken off his shoes at least. He sighed heavily and grabbed his phone from where it was charging on the counter.
He swapped it for his burner client phone. He unlocked his personal phone to see a sweet picture of Vickie and Robin cuddling together on Vickie’s bed.
He smiled at the absolutely giddy expression on his best friend’s face. It also hit him with a longing he didn’t want to name. He could. He just didn’t feel like sobbing in his kitchen on a Saturday night.
Steve removed his shoes, kicking them off to the side so he wouldn’t trip on them in the morning and then wandered to his bedroom, eyes on his phone.
He unclasped the dress and like he told Eddie it would, it slid to the floor in a graceful heap. All he was wearing now was the gold thong he had worn under the dress. He shimmered out those as well.
He then carefully removed the remaining diamonds in his hair and put them in his jewelry box. He paused with the last one. The one he had been hold onto this whole time. Eddie’s diamond.
He went digging through his vanity until he found a small felt bag that had once contained a small bottle of perfume. He put the diamond into the bag and hung the bag on his vanity mirror.
He went to his closet and rifled through it before finding the pajamas he was looking for.
It was a pair of soft, light grey, satin pants and button down shirt. He never undid the buttons though. He pulled on the pants without underwear. He didn’t have the energy to go hunting down a pair just then. Then he pulled the top on.
He flopped on his bed and wiggled happily at the silky slide of the pajamas on his bare ass. He was still scrolling through his contacts, trying to find the right person he could talk to about this. And then he hit on the perfect person.
He hit dial and waited until it rung through. “Chrissy!” he greeted warmly.
“Steve!” she cooed. “How was the gala? Tommy has been raving for months that you got to go and he didn’t.”
Steve chuckled. Tommy wanted to go because his favorite band was Corroded Coffin.
“Senator Lombard was a wet blanket,” he pouted. “Another alpha was just being nice to me and he got super territorial.”
“Bleh!” she hissed in sympathy. “Who was your handler tonight? I heard you gave Robin the night off.”
Steve sighed. “Yeah, she finally asked Vickie out and I didn’t want her to wind herself up and talk herself out of it. Again.”
“Oooh,” Chrissy said. “I get that. She just doesn’t believe what a catch she is.”
“The dilemma of the century,” Steve agreed. “To answer your question, it was Troy who was handling me tonight.”
Chrissy blew a raspberry. “Troy isn’t the bottom of the barrel, but he’s definitely the scum on bottom of the barrel.”
Steve shrugged even though she couldn’t see him. “He did his job, Lombard was put on my pre-check list and he got me home in one piece.”
“So why are you really calling me, cher?” she asked after a moment of silence. “Alpha prostrating is stupid but nothing you haven’t handled before so what’s on your mind?”
He flopped on his stomach and ran a hand through his hair. “You remember I told that the senator was pissed because an alpha was nice to me?”
“Sure,” Chrissy said. She paused for a moment. “Oh! Were they cute? Is that what’s got your panties in a twist? Super cute alpha was sweet to you and now your ovaries are ready to explode?”
“Tommy’s going to kill me,” Steve moaned.
There was silence on the line for a beat too long and Steve pulled his phone away from his ear to make sure the call didn’t disconnect.
“Wait, Eddie Munson was your hot, nice alpha who made your client so jealous and possessive you put him on your pre-check list?” This was said a question, but to Steve it sounded more like a statement. One he couldn’t refute.
Not that he wanted to. Eddie was hot.
“Yeah,” Steve said around biting his thumb. “I had diamonds in my hair and one of them must have fallen because suddenly he was handing one back to me.”
“Oohh...” Chrissy cooed. “This sounds like an ice cream and wine girl talk. I’ll be over in ten, sweetie!”
Steve let out a sigh of relief. “Thanks, babe. See you soon.”
He rolled over on his back and clutched the phone to his chest. He couldn’t wait to tell Chrissy all about Eddie. He kicked his feet in the air as he giggled.
Steve paced back and forth in his front room as he waited for Chrissy to come over. It wasn’t as though she lived far away. She lived like two floors below him.
She was younger than he was by about two years. Like Tommy and Carol everything was happy town with her boyfriend Jason until she presented and was found out to be infertile.
Jason and his parents fought hard to have her put in the Church to be a celibate nun. But thankfully for Chrissy her dad had more sense. Not her mom though. Her mom had gone so far as to drive her to the local nunnery and drop her off.
But after a talk with the Mother Superior and a call to her dad, they made the arrangement that Chrissy would finish up her schooling at the nunnery and then when she turned eighteen she could choose to stay or take one of the other two options.
When Chrissy chose Starcourt, the money was split between the nunnery and her dad.
Money that he then put aside in case she just wanted to walk away from escort business and live her life. The money would be used for whatever she wanted and that included school.
As far as her mother was concerned, Chrissy was still at the nunnery and was just refusing to see her.
Steve thought it was delicious revenge.
The knock came part way through his revery. He leapt over the sofa and ripped open the door.
“Well someone is comfy,” she cooed. As if she wasn’t dressed similarly. She too was wearing fuzzy pjs. But hers were bright pink and had a horn on the hood of the top.
Steve tugged the hood down over her eyes and teased, “And aren’t you the cutest thing?”
Chrissy blushed and pushed on him playfully with her shoulder, her hands were full of ice cream and a bottle of wine.
Steve grabbed the wine. “Cupcake prosecco? Looks yum!”
Chrissy grinned and held up her other prize. “Cookie dough!”
Steve kissed her cheek and led her inside. “You’re the best, sweetie. You didn’t have any plans for tonight?”
She shook her head. “Nope, no clients either.”
Steve reared his head back. “Uh oh, that doesn’t sound promising. Is your handler, Amy not scheduling you right?”
Chrissy shrugged. “I think it’s because I’m nearing the end of my contract and because I have money waiting for me, management is thinking I’m going to bail so they’re trying to stave of the inevitable.”
“Boo,” Steve hissed. “They shouldn’t be allowed to that. Plus, I thought you were staying?”
Chrissy blushed. “I am!” she insisted when he raised an eyebrow at her hesitation.
“Uh huh,” he teased further. “Sure sounds like it from here. You got someone who you want to snuggle up close with when you retire?”
Chrissy ducked her head. “Not anymore.”
Steve was almost to the sofa when that brought him up short. He frowned at her a moment before his face cleared with understanding.
“Don’t say it...” she warned.
He pouted. “But I thought that’s what this was about; us both complaining about our lack of love lives and eating and drinking our feelings?”
Chrissy sighed. “I hate it when you use puppy dog eyes. It’s too fucking effective.”
Steve grinned. “That’s why they pay me the big bucks, baby...” he sung at her.
She giggled and raced him around the sofa to nab her favorite spot on the far left side.
“You cheated!” he squealed. He set the bottle on the coffee table and padded into the kitchen for a bottle opener and two wine glasses.
He popped the cork and poured their glasses. “Spoons!” he said as he was most of the way sat down.
He put the wine glasses on the table and dashed back to the kitchen Chrissy’s giggles fast on his heels. He grabbed the spoons and raced back.
“Tada!” he cheered.
Chrissy set the tub of ice cream between them and dug in.
“So Eddie Munson, huh?” she said around her spoon.
Steve took a large sip of his wine before he he told her about his night. “Like I knew he was hot before now. With Tommy and Dustin both being fans it was hard to not see the guy everywhere.”
“But he’s hotter in person?” Chrissy prompted.
Steve blushed and swirled his drink thoughtfully. “I guess. But he’s so sweet and funny and yeah it doesn’t hurt that his legs look like they could go on for miles in those tight leather pants. That his chest feels out the even tighter see through mesh top he was wearing...”
He buried his head in his hands. “I was lucky wearing scent suppressants is required for each job otherwise the whole fucking gala would have been able to smell my reaction to him.”
“Ooh...” Chrissy said. “I bet you got a little wet for him, too, didn’t you?”
Steve brought his knees up to his chest and scooted away from her.
“Oh my god!” she giggled. “You totally did. This strong, hot alpha made the Steve Harrington wet.”
“I take it back,” he huffed. “You can go away now.”
Chrissy slapped his knee. “I will not! It’s a little...” she pursed her lips trying to find the right word. “Spicy.”
Steve covered his face again. “Oh god.”
“Stevie!” she said gently pulling his hands away. “It’s not a bad thing. I know it’s hard when most of our job is about sex, but babydoll...the fact that you can still have that reaction to a hot alpha means you’re not dead inside, okay?”
Steve sighed. “But I made my client mad at me,” he whimpered.
Chrissy set down her wine glass and moved the ice cream to the table. She scooted as close to him as she could. “No you didn’t.”
He turned his head away from her, but she grabbed his cheeks and gently brought them around.
“You did nothing wrong,” she insisted. “I mean it. Eddie was the host and the two of you were only being friendly. Yeah, you got hot and bothered under the collar for this alpha, but it was up to the alpha you were with to decide how to behave and he chose to be territorial and rude. You aren’t his property. You aren’t anyone’s property, babe.”
Steve nodded. He let out a low breath. “The way Eddie smelled, Chrissy. I had never smelled any alpha like it before. It was warm and spicy in the Christmas way and not the spicy as in a burning mouthfeel way.”
She opened her mouth to reply when he suddenly shifted gears. “So tell me how long you’ve had a crush on my best friend.”
Chrissy went bright red. Scarlet even. “Like forever. Which is decidedly unhelpful. Like I know it’s impossible while she’s still your handler, because Starcourt would never let a handler date a former escort. But she’s so funny and sweet and smart...”
“That you just want to eat her all up?” Steve teased.
She swatted him playfully. “You’re just saying that to get back at me for the wet comment.”
He raised his eyebrows suggestively. She hit him again and he yelped in protest.
Steve picked up his glass and drained the rest of the liquid. He poured himself another glass and held out the bottle for Chrissy, but she shook her head.
“One glass is enough for me,” she muttered.
After a moment of swirling his wine Steve said, “Stay. After your contract is paid in full, Chrissy. Just stay. You love it, even if Robin Buckley was an option, you know you would be happier here than anywhere else. You shine as an escort, sweetie.”
Chrissy picked up her glass and downed the rest of her wine. “Fuck it. Yeah, I’m going to stay. I do love this job. It’s amazing.” She looked at the bottle a moment. “And what the hell, pour me another!”
Steve cheered and emptied the bottle into her glass. She laughed as it almost splashed over the top.
“To being Starcourt escorts for life!” he said as he raised his glass.
She clinked her glass against his. “Here, here!”
They gulped down their drinks and dug into the ice cream again, laughing and talking.
Steve smiled. Maybe tonight wasn’t the disaster he thought it was. He was so glad to have a friend like Chrissy.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @danili666 @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @thespaceantwhowrites @paintgonewrong @mogami13 @beelze-the-bubkiss @croatoan-like-its-hot @retro-vagabond @sani-86 @pansexuality-activated @y4r3luv @dauntlessdiva
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yourimagines · 11 months
Can you Peter Parker x top male reader
I hope this is good, I’ve never done this before 😬 I also didn’t know which Peter Parker you meant so I’ll wrote both off them (sorry for the Toby fans)
Loving you
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Gif is not mine
* Triggers: 18+, smut,
Tom Holland’s Peter Parker
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“Peter!” I saw my boyfriend walking down the streets, he stopped and waved at me, I run up to him. “Hey Y/N, how your doing?” He had his hands in his pockets, looking a bit nervous. “Good, how are you?” “I’m good, thank you.” We both walked through the busy streets. “You have plans tonight?” “No you?“ he looked at me with big eyes. “No, we can hang out, just like last time.” I wiggled my eyebrows. He blushed. “Okay cool, I’ll see you later, I really need to go.” “Yeah sure, I’ll see you later Parker.” He waved me goodbye and walked away with the busy crowd.
I knocked on his door, holding a bag with snacks and drinks. “Hey, come in.” Peter opened the door and stepped aside the let me in. “Hey, thanks.” I walked into the living room, placing the bag on the table. “I brought us some stuff.” “Good, I have some movies picked out.” He held up some movies. “Good, let’s start then.” I sat down on the sofa as Peter moved around to get the movie night started. He eventually sat down next to me. “You’re ready?” He nodded as he started the first movie. I placed one arm on the back of the sofa, making space for him to relax back against me. “What movie is this?” I asked while eating some popcorn. “The nun.” He said while grabbing a blanket. “Since when do you watch horror movies?” “Since now.” He crawled against me and placed the blanket over us. I chuckled as I wrapped my arm around him. “Peter Parker afraid of horror movies.” He slightly pushed me against my chest. “Oh shut it Y/N.”
Peter was hiding his face into my chest. “Is it over?” “No.” The scary part was still playing. “I don’t like this.” “I know. You shouldn’t pick out this movie.” I felt his hands travel a bit down to my stomach. “I’m sorry I thought I could handle it.” I caressed his head softly, going through his hair. “It’s fine, do you want to distract yourself a bit?” He looked up, big eyes looking at me. “Yeah.” “Yeah?” I smiled at him. I nod to my lower part, his eyes went down. “You want me to suck you off?” I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know, I think it’s better for you yeah, the movie is way to scary for you.” I caressed his cheek. He carefully nods. “Okay.” He ducked down the blanket against, I felt him taking my belt off and dropping my pants. My hand went under the blanket, carefully gripping his hair. I felt his hand stroking my throbbing member. “Peter don’t tease.” “Sorry.” I heard his small voice from under the blanket. Then I felt his lips, his tongue twirling around, sucking me. I gripped his head a bit tighter, moving my hips a bit against him. “Oh god..” I moaned out. I felt him talking. “Stop talking, just keep going yeah?” I felt him nod and moved his head up and down. “This is good, keep going.” I pushed it a bit more into his mouth, feeling he has to gag. “Is it to big?” He hummed. “It’s not, it fits perfectly.” My hands went through his hair and over his shoulders. “I’m gonna unload this into your mouth, just keep sucking me.” I grabbed his head and pushed a few times deep into his throat, unloading my seeds. “Just swallow.” He did what I told him and licked everything clean. “Good boy.” He crawled up, strangling me. “Can I come now?” His hips moving against my thigh. I smiled at him. “Keep riding my leg and we’ll see.” I placed my hands on his hips, helping him. He lets out some whimpers. ‘This is going to be a long night.’
Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker
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I was hanging out with my boyfriend Peter, he was complaining about something what happened to him at school. “Then he smashed my camera.” “Who?” “Flash, the dickhead.” He sat down looking at me. “I’m complaining a bit to much aren’t I?” I chuckled. “No, it’s fine, come here.” I opened my arms for him. He smiles and crawls over to me. “It’s all going to be fine.” He placed his head on my chest. “Yeah I know, just a bit frustrated.” “I can help you with that.” He looks up, smiling at me. “Ohh you dirty.” I laughed at him. “Hey, your the one who’s whining.” “Oh am I?” I flipped us over. “Yes Parker, maybe I should help you with your problem.” My hand slowly traveled down to his member, already hard for me. “I don’t like teasing.” “I know.” As I started to make a hickey on his neck. “Y/N…” he moaned softly, his hands gripping my broad shoulders. My hand softly pumped up and down his member while I was sucking onto his neck. “You like this huh.” He nods. “Yeah I do..” I carefully went down on him, his whining became louder as I placed a kiss on his shaft. “Oh fuck.” His hands going through my hair. I chuckled at him, seeing him all whining under my touch. I traced my finger over his hole. “Just fuck me already Y/N.” With that a pulled a finger into his ass. He moaned. “Let me stretch that hole off yours first.” I started to finger him as I teasingly licked his and sucked his throbbing member. “Oh this is good y/n.” His hands travel down my hair to my shoulders and back up. I stopped and looked at him. He whines at me. I grabbed his waist and flipped him over, lining him up, my big tip teasing him against his hole. “Don’t tease me y/n, just di it already….” I bend him over and pushed it in. He moaned out my name. “Oh your ass is good.” I grabbed him firmly by his hips, fucking him good, he starts to moans and whine, gripping the sheets. “So good, you’re so good to me babe.” I started to pace up. “Don’t stop, I’m coming.” He moaned as he sprayed his seeds onto the sheets. “I’m filling you up babe.” I snapped my hips one more time and I filled his hole with my seeds. I took it out as my seeds was dripping out his hole. “Are you still frustrated?” “No.. cuddle me.” I chuckled. “I will but first let me clean you up.”
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thatonebirdwrites · 4 months
Sneak peak from my as yet unreleased fic, Shattered but Whole (this is an excerpt)
EXCERPT (from second part - Unravels. There is also Lena's Tale from The Event and Kara's Tale also in Unravels. A third part Integration is still being written. I'll post full fic at end of month hopefully):
Sam's Tale
Sam places the soup on the coffee table. The lack of sleep burns behind her eyes, partly due to Rory's tendency to wander. She sits down on the sofa and manages a smile for the huddled form under the pile of blankets.
Stubborn and unflinching like steel, Rory has failed to eat more than a few sips of broth for the past day. Frustration boils in Sam, but what can she do? She can't let that emotion show.
So she takes a deep breath to calm herself. Pictures the tidal pools, where her, Ruby, and Lena used to walk on weekends before Lex's escape and carefully crafted lies and manipulations that strangled the leadership of two countries and nearly killed them all.
Sam remembers the fires that raged from the satellite weapon. One blast had incinerated parts of Kansas, burning wheat fields, and destroying the town of Smallville. Then another blast had ripped through downtown Metropolis, obliterating one of the news stations and its neighboring buildings.
At the time, Sam had been making dinner when the flash of red swept across the sky. Next came the booms and the brief quake, then the horrid silence before the sirens started up. Most channels in town had gone off-air, but those from one state over functioned fine. It relayed images of the destruction, and how the Claymore satellite turned toward space again. Sam had started packing immediately, while she did everything she could to keep Ruby distracted.
Then hours later, Lena had called.
Sam won't ever forget how her voice whispered Sam's name over and over in a pained, panicked way, as if Sam was the rope she held tightly to keep from falling. In the background, she had heard booms and white noise. At first, she feared Lena had been near the epicenter, only to learn she was instead on the other side of the country. And the booms were just thunder.
Sam runs a hand through her hair. Stress and anxiety hangs like a shawl, the intense rush to reach National City still sizzling in her limbs. She should have returned sooner, before this tragedy.
“Rory,” Sam says gently. Grief coils in her chest when Lena's face turns to her, only for Rory's wide green-blue eyes to meet hers. As always, the haunted expression breaks Sam’s heart a little more. “It’s okay. I’m not angry. I’m just worried. Eating will help you feel better. So how about a few bites?”
Tentatively, Rory reaches out to prod the spoon in the bowl. It swirls the ingredients in little whirlpools.
For Rory to front this long? Without any sign of Kieran or Lena? Worry joins Sam's grief and exhaustion. It's been two — possibly three if she counts the night of Supergirl’s rescue— days with no sign of the others.
“We had to. We had to end the cycle.” Lena's words said so brokenly.
Sam isn’t a fool. Lena/Kieran killed Lex and burned the evidence. She still doesn't know how this came about or why it transpired in Northern California.
Will burning it all be good enough? Should she devise alibis just in case? This really isn’t her purview — Lena is the strategist or Jack. Sam is more of the ‘wild ideas and toss at wall to see if they stick’ person.
Advice definitely needed, but who to call?
Sam taps her fingers against her knee and teases her mind for solutions. How would Jack or Lena approach this? Systematically. Sam is decent with math, but she's never been able to keep up with those science geniuses.
Systematic she can do. She unlocks her phone to peruse her options.
Alex Danvers, FBI agent, who likely knows what they need for alibis. Can Sam trust Alex not to align with her job and bring in Lena?
The news this morning documented Supergirl's fight with Lex and the liberation of the alien power plant. Catco released the first part of a three-part article that exposes of Lex's megalomania and genocidal plans. Kara really outdid herself with that piece.
The tide favoring Lex shifts slowly. No, she can't trust anyone associated with the government. Not until Sam has definitive evidence they won't turn on Lena or Supergirl still.
Fine, whose next?
Kelly Olsen, Lena's therapist. Or soon to be ex-therapist due to Kelly dating Alex Danvers now. Due to Lex's brief reign of terror, Kelly and Lena — as far as Sam knows — hadn't had time to find a suitable replacement to continue Lena's work on integration.
Kara Danvers then? A rather naive journalist, who apparently is Supergirl's alter ego. Or maybe Supergirl is Kara's alter ego. That stormy night Supergirl rescued Lena confirmed they are one and the same.
Lena adores Kara, but her words that stormy night: “Did you know Kara is an alien?” had held a layer of pain.
Sam sighs and rubs her temple. The only other number she has is for James Olsen, who she doesn't trust farther than she can spit. He may have dated Lena, but he'd never truly let go of Lena's last name. Sam wishes she'd never pushed Lena to try, but that was before she understood the depth of Lena's feelings for Kara.
The clink of a spoon echoes softly in the sterile apartment. Rory still hasn't attempted food. Only swirls and swirls, the whirlpools sink into the depths of the cup and reveal bits and pieces of vegetables.
Sam watches and blinks back tears. Jack would have known what to do. He'd likely be mobilizing alibis and lawyers already, but he lay in a coma, trapped since the nanite catastrophe that destroyed Spheerical Industries. A memory Sam tries to avoid. Kieran and Rory had fronted for weeks after that disaster.
“Lena,” Sam whispers, “I know you're in there.” She reaches out to brush black hair from Rory's face. “How would you or Kieran handle this?”
Rory glances at her, her eyebrows scrunched as if in thought. Her other hand lifts from under the blankets and forms the sign for ‘endure.'
Yes, Sam knows Rory is the one that endures. Helplessness seeps through her limbs. She looks down at her phone and flips through the contacts again with her thumb. One by one names trickle by until she stops at Kara Danver's name.
“I’m going to make a phone call,” she tells Rory. “When I get back, I want at least some of this soup eaten. Then we can watch your favorite show. Or maybe play a game?”
Rory tilts her head, and her face contorts — wrinkles in forehead, scrunched eyebrows, flared nostrils, slight grimace, and sucked in cheeks — a sign of a possible switch.
Sam holds her breath in hope.
The expression fades, and Rory tugs blankets tighter around her body. One hand grips the spoon again and forms the whirlpools once more.
Sam lets out her breath. “Promise me, you'll eat? Otherwise, no games later.”
Rory narrows her eyes but reluctantly nods. Sam will take that as progress.
Standing, she glances at her daughter, who sits curled up in the armchair by the sofa. Her latest book — a science fiction novella about nonbinary monks and robots — lays open in her lap. Ruby's fingers crinkle the page right before she turns it.
Sam marvels for the millionth time how much Ruby looks like her. Only her nose and thicker build gives any hint of the worthless father.
Her baby, the reason for much of what Sam does. Today, Ruby's hair curls down past her shoulders, still damp from a shower, and her brown eyes scan the pages of her book. She looks up at Sam, her eyebrows furrowed in worry.
“Keep an eye on her, Rubes. I’ll be on the balcony.”
Ruby gives her a thumbs-up. She knows the drill. In a way, she and Rory act as sisters, which puts Sam in the weird-ass role of mother figure when Rory fronts.
So very different from the best friend role Sam holds for Lena, and the nebulous more than friend role for Kieran. All aspects that leaves Sam in a strange limbo of not able to ever confess her feelings.
Outside, the wind blows cool, the taste of salt off the ocean. Sam leans against the railing and struggles to hold back her tears. Is this disaster the one that finally breaks her best friend?
Sam had promised herself long ago to make sure Lena was never alone wih Lex, and yet, three days ago that exact scenario played out while Sam was stuck in Metropolis. She'd been there for the past three months fixing a major production and accounting mishap, which meant Ruby temporarily enrolling in the school in the interim.
Convenient that such a mishap happened just when Lex strolls back into Lena's life. Sam rubs her eyes and slumps against the railing. The mishap she repaired had been sabotage, that Sam knows, but she can't scrounge up enough evidence to confirm by whom.
Even though in her heart she's positive it was Lex's way to separate her and Lena.
To isolate Lena slowly. Like he always does.
Sam can't ever forget the moment she learns of his abuse. During the initial merger, years ago, Lena had been sitting in her office after a meeting with Lex. Sam only came by to drop off her report, but what she found alarmed her. Lena's expression had been twisted in what looked like pain. Her red, chafed skin and the red mark on her left cheek ignited a deep need to protect in Sam.
Yet she'd failed. All their work to free Lena from the Luthors shredded by Lex. The urge to scream and rip apart the world seethes in Sam.
At least Lex is dead. The fucking bastard. But it should have been her hands that did it. Not Lena's.
She rubs away her angry tears and pulls out her phone. Thumbs through the unlock and hovers over Kara's name. A number she's had since the worldkiller crisis ten months ago. That time of horror is where Sam finally understood viscerally the amnesiac episodes.
Sam stands in an alley. Her boots are muddy, and her head stuffed with cotton. Her breath catches in her throat, her lungs raw. Her body feels not her own, like a puppet on strings. She looks down at her hands, the grime under her nails unfamiliar. Her stomach twists in knots, her head aches, and she wants to curl up and weep.
How did she get here? Where is she?
Fog coils in her mind and sizzles with lightning. The air charged with apprehension despite the cloudless night glaring down at her.
Memories seep through slowly: She was skating on a rink with Ruby, who easily kept pace with her. Sam had turned to skate backward and make faces at her daughter. Typical pre-teen response of rolled eyes, but the hint of a smile gave away Ruby's amusement.
She'd just turned to skate forward again when a ringing started in her ears. Ruby passed her, while Sam's vision fogged over. Whispers crept into her ears: let go, let go.
Dark woods loomed then, while the fog tugs her from the fluorescent lights of the indoor rink. Bare branches curved like hands that reach for her, until darkness coats her mind and body. Freezing cold slithers through her.
Only to wake here, in an alleyway, alone.
Terror ignites.
Where is Ruby? She digs through her pockets but finds nothing. No phone.
Wait, why is she in khakis and navy blue button-down shirt? Where is her jeans and T-shirt she'd been wearing skating?
Why is one of her sleeves caked with blood? But she has no wounds.
Ruby. Her feet jerk into motion, and she sprints from the alley.
Car engines and horns assault her ears. She’s a block from L-corp. Definitely phones there to borrow. She dodges through the slow, meandering traffic, and ignores the driver's curses and car horns.
She bursts through L-corp’s doors. To the left is the security desk, where a lone guard reads a magazine, his only light a small lamp. The rest of the building is dark except for the fluorescent lights near the elevators and stairs. Sounds of traffic fade into a faint roar, only interrupted by the crinkle of pages.
Shadows stalk across the foyer, like the woods of her nightmares. One shadow forms the figure of a woman, red eyes aglow. She takes a step backward, her breath caught in her throat and her stomach bubbling with nausea.
“Ms. Arias?” the voice cuts through her frozen terror. The figure vanishes.
Sam turns to see a plump, older man at the security desk. His hazel eyes look up from his book, his mouth in a confused grimace.
“Are you all right?”
No, she most definitely is not. She can't let it show. Breathe, she tells herself. Four, eight, twelve, sixteen, twenty… she counts until her hands stop shaking. “Bill," she asks, slowly, "can I use your phone?”
“Uh, sure.” He turns his desk phone around to face her.
Sam dials Lena’s number. Her fingers tremble despite her attempts to calm down.
To her relief, Lena picks up after one ring. “This is Ms. Luthor speaking.”
“Lena, oh thank god you answered," she clutches the phone, almost in tears at her familiar voice. "Please, where are you? Where is Ruby?”
“Sam?” Relief floods Lena’s voice. “Sam, I’m at the office. Where are you? I can—”
“I’m coming upstairs.” Sam hangs up and sprints for the elevator. As the elevator ascends, she paces back and forth, terrified and nauseated. Her body aches from head to toe as if she’d been in a fight, but she has no memory of the past few hours — days?
It's been two months of horrific nightmares and amnesiac episodes. One month of trying to hide it all under a veneer of practiced poise.
Shadows play across the elevator walls, and one sneers like a face of a demon. She jerks backward, her back hitting the wall. Whispers in a language she can't quite distinguish sinks into the dark. Strange symbols form on her arms, and she tries to rub them away to no avail.
The metal of the elevator forms a face with red eyes.
No. No, no! She hits the buttons on the elevator desperate to escape. The elevator shivers and clanks. Horror stalks her.
"Four, eight, twelve," she says, out loud, desperate to calm herself. "Sixteen, twenty…"
The elevator doors open to darkness, except for a red light at the end of the hall. No, she can't enter that. The doors shut, and she slumps to the ground, her arms around herself. The doors open three more times, and each time she's met with a gloom so deep, she swears she can hear the creaking of branches.
She’s never been more terrified in her life. For these episodes to increase in severity, for them to now impact her daughter? Sam wants to scream and rip herself to shreds.
The fourth time the doors open, light cascades into the room. She throws herself into the precious light. Scrambling to her feet, her boots pound against the tiles as she sprints down the hallway, past a conference room, past Jess' empty desk, and finally to the door of her office.
She tugs open the door, her breaths sharp and agonized.
A figure sits at the desk, the glow of a tablet across her porcelain features and glossy black hair. A fluffy scarf wraps around the woman's neck, her jacket open to show a shiny red shirt that is far too reminiscent of blood.
Recognition sparks. Lena. It's only Lena. Relief stops her mad dash. “Where’s Ruby?”
“Sam! Thank god you’re okay.” Lena sweeps to her feet, her Irish accent faint, which means it’s Lena fronting. Kieran always has a heavy Irish brogue. She takes a few hesitant steps around the desk, but pauses a few feet away. Her concern etched into her perfect features. “Ruby called me right away. I took her home. I — I thought I’d check the office again in hope you’d return here. Like you had the other times.”
“Oh my god.” Sam turns away and presses her hand to her forehead. “How could I do this to her?” She throws her hand down and starts to pace. “What if I’d been driving at the time?”
Her imagination unhelpfully provides a vivid image of a crash and a bloodied body. Bile rises in Sam's throat.
Lena holds up her hands as if to placate her. “She’s safe, Sam. She did the right thing by calling for help.”
Right, help. Good. Emergency plan enacted. Yet Ruby never should have needed it.
Sam takes a deep breath and turns back to Lena. “Was she scared?”
Lena’s shoulders droop then, but the tension in her body shows in her creased brows “Yes. We all are.” Cautiously, Lena approaches her, one hand still upheld. “Do — do you remember anything?”
Sam shakes her head. Whispers, shadowed woods, and fog provides no clues. “No. No, I don’t. Same as always.”
Lena tugs at her fingers. “Ruby told me about the other times.”
Sam stares at her, unable to fathom at first Lena's meaning. “She doesn’t know,” she says, finally. “I — I haven’t told her yet.”
“She’s a smart kid. Had a time-line of dates, times, and places —”
“You told a twelve year old that her mother is sick with a illness no one can diagnose?” A coiling horror mixed with anger shudders through her body. No, Ruby can't know. “Seriously?”
“Sam, she already knew.” Lena holds up her hands again, as if to ward off Sam’s anger. “I simply reassured her that you didn’t abandon her. That we’re looking into this.”
The world sears in sudden frigid cold. It weaves into her bones, as dark grey fog coils. Let go, a whisper curls into her ears. A face forms in the mists, skull with no eyes, and hands reach up from the ground.
Bare branches leer over her like clawed hands. She staggers backward, only to hit the desk.
She’s back in the office. “What — what…” Bile burns her throat.
Lena stands on the other side of her, her arms around herself, and a haunted look in her eyes. She blinks and drops her hands to her side. “Sam? Are — are you back?”
Sam slowly backs up until her legs hit a chair. She lowers herself, shaken.
“Sam? Did you just have a blackout?”
Terror throttles her breathing, her gasps sharp and pained. Nodding, she shivers and grips the chair.
Lena holds up her hands as if to calm her down. “You don’t remember anything you just said?”
Tears blur her vision. She shakes her head. “I need help,” she whispers. Something more than therapy, more than Alex’s MRI and CT tests. Something that can dig deep into why these episodes happen when it’s never happened prior.
“Sam, do you trust me?” Lena drops to one knee next to Sam’s chair, and gently grasps her hands.
Sam clings to Lena’s warm and grounding touch and nods.
“Let me run some tests. You’ll have to stay in the basement lab for the night.” Lena bites her lip and looks down at their hands. “If I’m right about this, you’re in grave danger.”
Dread weighs heavy on Sam. “Whatever is needed, do it.” If anyone can find what’s wrong, it’d be her best friend. The person who understands amnesiac episodes, the one who is a genius with biology and engineering — the person Sam trusts and loves more than anyone else in the universe. “You’ll watch Ruby?”
“Of course. She’s in a safe place right now, and with someone I trust to keep an eye on her.”
Her words help only marginally; Sam can’t help but worry for her daughter. To not be able to see her? Out of fear of what she might do in an episode? The tears escape despite all her attempts to hold them at bay.
“I promise you I’ll figure this out. We’ll find the cure together.” Lena wraps an arm around her shoulder, while her other hand rubs her thumb over Sam’s knuckles. Exactly the same way Sam does during Lena’s panic attacks or amnesiac episodes. Oh, how the tables have turned.
True to her word, Lena sets her up in a medical bed in the basement lab and runs the battery of tests. Her best friend says very little, her entire focus on her work — like always when she hyperfocuses.
Needles used shimmer with a hint of green and leave a weird ache after. Hum of machines scan her insides, and the tool to scrape a sample from inside her mouth feels cold and unnerving. The only words spoken are gentle but short explanations of each procedure.
She knows Lena does it to try to calm her.
Nothing will calm her. Not until they know the truth.
Sam wonders if feeling shattered or scared is how Lena is all the time. If so, how does she cope? Admiration for Lena’s strength and resiliency floods Sam. Lena’s spent a life like this, while Sam falls apart after only a few months.
“This last test relies on you sleeping.” Lena stands a few feet away, her hands clasped in front of her. Her accent has stayed faint these last few hours, which means Kieran hasn’t fronted once. “Do you think you can sleep?”
Sam rubs her eyes. “Maybe. I’m exhausted enough.”
For a moment, Lena stands silently, her expression contorts almost in pain. She takes in a sharp breath, and her shoulders straighten, her posture rigid. A switch.
“Then rest.” Her best friend steps up to the bed, her accent a thick Irish brogue, where each word is pronounced slowly as if she tastes each one. That signals this is now Kieran. “We will watch over you.” She gently kisses Sam’s forehead and smooths back her hair.
Sam aches to hold her and be held in turn. Instead, she grasps Kieran’s hand. “Can — can you really cure this?”
“Not me, luv,” Kieran says, tenderly. “Lena can. She has a plan. We just need more data.” Her hand continues to stroke Sam’s hair, her other tightly holding Sam’s left. “Close your eyes now, and I shall sing you to sleep.”
Of Lena’s many parts, Kieran is the only one that can hold a tune, and she sings an Irish ballad. It ripples over Sam and encases her in warmth. She finally drifts to a dreamless sleep.
When she wakes, her head aches, her vision blurry, and her shoulder hurts. She reaches up and realizes there’s a device there, but she can’t quite see what it is.
“Lena? Kieran?” She’s not sure who is fronting for her friend.
“It's Lena.” Lena looks up from the desk, where several papers are scattered along with a tablet and a laptop. She gives her a faint smile. Dark circles line her eyes. Likely barely slept. Typical of her. “How do you feel?”
“Achey. What — what is this?” She taps the device.
“Precaution.” Lena stands and walks closer, only to stop a few feet away. “I — I have good and bad news.”
“Surely not as bad as the world ending?” Sam jokes.
Lena doesn’t laugh nor does she smile. Her eyes narrow instead. “I reviewed our data and the timeline of your episodes.”
The seriousness in Lena’s stance, the faint wisp of her accent, and the pain in her tone makes it clear that Sam isn’t going to like her next words. She braces herself.
“Your episodes align with when Reign appears.”
Sam jolts upright in shock. “No. That’s crazy.”
Lena frowns. “The data I’ve taken has provided proof. I suspect when you left on your trip ‘to find your origins,’ you were possessed. The time and date of that correlates to the timing of Reign’s cult leader escaping prison.”
Sam shakes her head. There’s no way.
“Let me show you then.” She picks up a remote and turns on the television. It plays a segment from a news report of a murder. “Two months ago you report a black out. Reign appears and kills three robbers and leaves an odd symbol all over National City. The same symbol the cultist gave Kara during her interview exactly two weeks before your ‘trip’ happened.”
Sam can’t believe her ears. She shakes her head again.
“A week later, you have another black out.” She hits the remote and another news segment appears. “Seven people killed at a warehouse. Their bodies mutilated.”
“Lena, why are you doing this?” Sam stumbles out of the bed. “You — you can’t— I get squeamish whenever Ruby asks me to kill a spider. Why — how — there’s no way I’d ever kill those people!”
Lena sighs. “I don’t think you did.”
“So what, I’m like you? Split personality now?” She snaps as she starts to pace. A weird energy tingles through her, and the area where the device is aches.
Lena takes a shuddering breath. “Sam, that’s —” She turns away and fiddles with her tablet. “Is that really what you think of us?” she asks quietly.
“No!” Sam put her head in her hands. “No, it’s not at all. I — I don’t know why I said that. You’re absolutely lovely. All of you.”
“Sure.” The flat tone to her voice hurts to hear.
“Lena, I mean it!” Sam drops onto the bed. “I’m not thinking straight. My body feels weird, and my head hurts, and — and I’m scared. Do — do you have dreams of dark forests with mists that whisper frightening things when you switch?”
Lena’s head shoots up, and she stares at Sam.”No, I don’t. I thought you said you don’t remember anything.”
“I don’t. But when — when I got angry at you at the office, I — I was briefly there, and, god, it sounds crazy, doesn’t it?”
“No, it doesn’t.” Lena picks up the tablet and types something into it. “That’s valuable information.”
“Do you know what’s wrong then?” Sam needs answers. Some sort of tangible goal, not this nebulous grey.
“I think Reign is possessing you,” Lena says, bluntly. “When she fronts, you lose all awareness. Your DNA essentially rewrites itself. None of my alters rewrite my DNA. Believe me, I tested myself to verify. It’s likely the Reign cultists targeted you, but what they used to cause this, I’m still researching.”
Sam stares at her, shocked.
“Please, Sam, understand, I wouldn’t tell you this if I wasn’t sure.” Lena’s words are sharp, firm, but her hands tremble, her eyes red-lined as if she’s been crying.
“This is ridiculous.” Sam starts to pace. Her body vibrates with energy, and she feels ill. Like her stomach’s acid eats through her intestines. Looking at the TV makes it worse. “I’m going home to Ruby.” She turns and walks straight into a wall. Startled, she stumbles backward. There’s nothing there.
She reaches out, tentatively, and her fingers bounce against an invisible field. “Lena, what the hell? Let me out!”
Lena shakes her head. Tears shine in her eyes. “I — I can’t. You asked me to help you. This is the only safe way.”
“No!” Sam slams her hand against the field. “Let me out, Lena. I want to see my daughter.”
“Until I find a cure, no.” Her voice shakes, but she holds her chin defiantly.
“So this is how it is?” She has the urge to lash out, to draw blood. Energy jolts through her, and her vision blurs further. Whispers of a fog curls around her mind and body. “Lena Luthor holds her best friend hostage —”
Lena breathes in sharply. “Sam, you asked me to help you.”
“I didn’t ask to be held in a cage!” Sam shoots back. “This was supposed to be just tests.”
Lena closes her eyes and turns away. Her shoulders shake, and her expression contorts. A sure sign she’s fighting against a switch. “I need to check on Ruby.” She takes the tablet and leaves.
The door clangs shut behind her. Silence envelops Sam, and with it, shadows plague her periphery. The light flickers. Fear swiftly replaces her frustration.
The TV still plays news segments. A desk with a monitor and keyboard sits under it. Distract. Must distract, otherwise the shadows creep closer, and the eerie sense of being watched looms larger.
She switches off the TV and settles in the chair. Clicking the start menu, she finds only generic games and a word processor. No internet connection and the clock is hidden. Meaning, she has no clue of the date or time.
Turning, she slams her fists against the forcefield, but it doesn’t budge. She grabs her chair and hits it against it again and again, but still nothing. It stays firmly there. Trapped.
A scream erupts from her throat, and she throws her body at the field, only to slide to the ground in a fit of panicked weeping. Claustrophobia claws through her, and she desperately wraps her arms around herself. Taps her shoulders again and again until the soft beat of her hands transforms the panic into a quiet, anxious simmer.
She thinks through all the years she’s known Lena, and nothing implies a trajectory to this situation. Her blackouts is the new data-point, which means, Lena doesn’t trust her as long as she has them.
Sam doesn't trust herself as long as they keep happening.
She rubs away her tears. Decides to focus on Aikido exercises to pass the time. Thinking about her situation only induces more panic, and she needs to try to stay calm for when Lena returns.
Hours pass. Or maybe minutes. Time flows unsteadily, the buzz of monitors her only sound. When her muscles tire, she plays solitaire and later a generic racing game. Finally, sleep slithers up her spine, and she manages a nap.
When she wakes, Lena sits at the desk again. This time a picture frame lays on the desk by her tablet. “Good morning,” she says with her boardroom voice, a carefully modulated and emotionless tone. “Have you thought about what I’ve told you?”
“Lena, please, don’t play games with me,” Sam pleads. Being alone messes with her mind, and she fears the silence. “Let me go home. I told you, if I killed people, I’d remember.”
Her fingers tap against the tablet. “Amnesiac episodes would not allow you to remember such things.”
“Then give me a better explanation than, ‘hey, you’re a supervillain in your spare time,’” Sam snaps. “Aren’t we family, Lena? Locking me up like this isn’t cool.” Frustration tingles through her limbs, and the urge to lash out bubbles through her. “I guess the saying is right,” she says.
“What saying?” Lena frowns.
“Ask an oncologist what's wrong, they'll say cancer. Ask a pulmonologist, they'll say asthma. Ask a Luthor…” The words freeze on her tongue. What is she saying?
No, no, she can't finish that thought.
Fury radiates from Lena’s eyes, her fists clenched, and her accent is nearly nonexistent. “They'll say Supervillain?” she finishes for Sam. “Maybe on some deep level you do know.” Her voice is cold, deadly almost, as the most unnerving alter of all comes to the front.
Sam shakes her head. “No, no, I didn't mean —”
“Let’s take a look, shall we? How about Morgan Edge, the bastard who tried to poison a city for profit.” Angry Lena walks back and forth by the edge of the forcefield, while her thumb punches the remote.
The television turns on behind Sam to a news segment of the attack on Morgan Edge.
“What I wouldn’t give to see how that played out.” The sneer on Lena's face looks foreign.
Sam scrambles to her feet and backs away, only to hit the other side of the forcefield. “What — what — no.”
“Or what about Supergirl? What did it feel like to connect your fist with something that solid? That powerful?” Another news segment appeared on the screen, where Supergirl falls motionless from a great height. “Or those men?” A third one flashes into view that depicts entrails and mangled bodies. “You tore those men apart. Ripped their limbs from their bodies.” The fury in her voice accents each verb with deadly accuracy. “Did you delight in their deaths?” Angry Lena steps closer, her stormy eyes boring into Sam.
“No!” Sam clenches her fists. Her whole body vibrates, and she feels like she’s about to explode. “Stop this! I just want to go home to my daughter!”
“As if I’d let you near Ruby again,” Angry Lena snarls. “How did it feel living in that house with her day in and day out? When you could easily snap her in half with your bare hands?”
“Stop this!” The energy rattles through her bones, rises up toward her head, and she feels frantic. Something terrible looms, and she can’t stop it.
When Angry Lena speaks again, Sam fails to comprehend. Her words trigger a flare of pain that rips through Sam’s body, catapults her mind into a frigid, grey fog.
Her feet slide on rocky soil.
Branches creak but there is no wind.
Shadows coil in her periphery, whispers caress her ears. Let go. Let go.
Misty hands brush against her ankles. She kicks them away and staggers backward, only for her hand to hit something soft and moist. She screams and jolts her hand away. Her feet slip on the gravelly soil, and she tumbles into a ravine. She curls up with her hands above her head and whimpers.
“Four, eight, twelve,” she counts, just like she did many times with Lena, “sixteen, twenty...”
The coldness abates, the fog fades, and light warms her eyelids. Pain burns through her body. She gasps and opens her eyes to find herself flat on her back.
Around her, the bed has been torn in half. The desk shredded. The monitor is ripped apart, and the television swings back and forth on its cords. A video plays. She watches the last bit of Angry Lena's cruel words, then the monstrous change ripples through Sam's body.
Not-Sam unleashes heat vision and tears apart the room with her bare hands.
Terror freezes her, her eyes wide. Metal snaps off the bed and hurls at the force field. It shimmers brightly. Lena ducks behind her desk in the video, and that sours Sam's mouth with bile.
She leaps forward to stab at the TV’s buttons in desperation. “Turn it off, turn it off!”
The television goes silent.
“We — we needed you to see it for yourself.” Lena’s voice whispers, pain in her voice. “And we didn’t know how else to do it. You — you weren’t listening. I’m sorry, Sam.”
“All those people…” Sam crumples and breaks into tears. Her hands are coated in blood. How can she ever face her daughter again?
The forcefield flickers and drops on one side, while Lena springs to her side. “Sam, Sam, it wasn’t your fault.” She wraps her arms tightly around her shoulders and presses her forehead against Sam's. “You weren’t in control. When Reign fronted, I got samples of her DNA, okay? And knowledge is power. We’re going to get you through this, okay?”
Sobs cascade through her body. She doesn’t know for how long she cries, but Lena rocks her gently. Kisses her temple, and strokes her hair.
Her voice changes to the thicker Irish brogue of Kieran. “It’s okay, luv. It’s okay. You’re not alone in this. We understand. We can cure this. Lena has a plan, and I’m sorry we spoke so harshly. It won’t ever happen again.”
Sam clings to such frail hope. Slowly, her sobs slow. She shivers and pulls back. “Kieran, you — you can’t be in here with me then. Not — not if I could turn into Reign.”
Kieran brushes hair from Sam’s face and cups her cheek, her eyes a turquoise color instead of Lena's usual emerald. “We know the risk.” She pulls out a phone and gently places it in Sam’s hands. “Call your daughter. We’ll clean up.” She kisses Sam on the forehead, and stands with a sad smile.
The affection in Kieran's voice takes the breath from Sam. For a moment, she stares up at her best friend, the part that has stayed fiercely loyal to Sam, and always touches her with such reverence.
Kieran doesn’t just love her as a friend, but perhaps more than one.
But Sam can never act on this realization, not with her complex roles in Lena’s life — Lena’s best friend, this nebulous more than friends with Kieran, the almost motherly role for Rory, and the grounding role for Angry Lena.
Her current state mars her roles, darkens her impact, threatens to sever their connection. The hurtful words they hurled at each other fade to a dull ache. Instead, Sam holds back a sob of grief. Her roles in Lena's and Ruby's lives define her.
Without them, who is she? How can she be useful to anyone?
She looks down at the phone and sags against the wall.
Kieran pushes out the shattered bed and desk. Sweeps away the glass and metal. A new bed she rolls into the enclosure.
As she works, Sam unlocks her phone and stares at the number for Ruby’s emergency phone. What does she even say? Grief lances through her, her heart charred by the horrors.
Her best friend finishes and pauses at Sam’s side. “Call,” she says, quietly. “You need to hear her voice as much as she needs yours.” The thicker accent is gone, and Lena’s deep emerald eyes meet Sam’s. She reaches out to gently trail her fingers along Sam’s right temple. “I’ll be just outside the enclosure, okay?”
Sam nods. She waits until the hum of the forcefield activates before she finally speaks. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. “I shouldn’t have said what I did earlier.”
“It’s okay, Sam. We’re sorry too.” Lena sits down on the other side, her tablet on the ground next to her. “We understand how scary this is. But a cure is possible. Whatever the cultists did, we can undo, okay?”
Sam shudders and tries to believe Lena, but her hope is fragile. Her mind keeps spinning back to the news segments, to the deaths by her hands — even if she wasn’t the one fronting. Images of entrails clog her thoughts.
No. Think of anything else. She takes a shaky breath and lets it out slowly. Thinks instead of the softness of Lena's hands against her face.
And the smile of her daughter as she eagerly shares a story from school.
Precious grounding moments.
She finally hits the dial button.
“Mom?” Ruby's voice shakes at first but then steadies. “Is it you?”
“Hey Rubes, it’s me. I wanted to check in on you.” She doesn’t dare tell her where she really is. In case it puts her in danger.
“Mom, are you okay? Is Aunt Lena with you?”
“Yes, she is. And the truth is, I am sick, so I have to stay in the hospital for a little while longer. But I don’t want you to worry about me.”
“Can I come see you? I miss you.”
“Oh baby, I miss you too.” The tears flow harder, and she chokes back a sob. “But you can’t. It may be contagious, and I can’t risk you. Aunt Lena will be by to check on you, okay? And I’ll be home as soon as I’m better.”
It feels so futile. So banal of a promise. She can’t bring herself to lie further.
“But Mom, can't I just put on one of Lena's special hazmat suits? I'll be good!” Tears mangle part of her words, but Sam understands.
“No, you need to do what Aunt Lena says is best. She's good at what she does, okay? She's helping me too. I promise you, we'll get through this, okay?”
Ruby's sobs echo in Sam's ears. “Mom… I love you, okay? And maybe we can do a video call instead?”
No. No, she can't let Ruby see her in this state. “We'll see. I love you, Rubes. Love you so much. Be good for your Aunt Lena.” She hangs up before Ruby can say another word.
Lena speaks then. “Don’t worry about Ruby. I’ll take her to —”
“Don’t tell me where she is,” Sam interjects with a strangled sob. She looks up to see Lena fighting tears too. “Not until I’m cured.”
Lena nods as a few tears escape. That Sam can’t bear. To be the cause of it? She hides her face against her knees and curls up against the wall. Sobs broil down her body.
Behind her, Kieran’s Irish brogue sings a haunting tune that wraps around Sam, soothes her pain, until her sobs fade to ragged breathing and counting in multiples of four.
The next few weeks is torturous. Sam's hold on reality untethers as her sense of time and space evaporates into a haze of pain and fear. A war of fluorescent lights versus seething grey fog. They learn that the place Sam's mind goes is an alternate dimension related to the possession.
Waking from that dimension leaves Sam in a cold sweat. She leans against the forcefield with Lena leaning against the otherside. "How do you deal with this daily?" Sam wipes away her tears. "I — I don't know how to move forward. Not with — with that monster inside me."
"Acceptance of the truth is the first step," Lena admits. "I always had Kieran. They wrote in our shared journal and signed the entries. But to learn of new alters? Practice acceptance. You're already good at it."
"How can I accept that a blood-thirsty killer is inside me?" Sam whispers. "I never want to hurt anyone."
"It's not about accepting their actions, Sam. It's about accepting that they exist. You don't have to nor should you accept what they do." Lena shifts to press her hand against the forcefield. "Look at me, hun."
Sam turns and meets Lena's green eyes.
"My alters are me," she says, quietly. "We may have split into separate parts, each of unique in a way, but they are still me. But Reign is not you. Reign was forced on you. Accept she exists, but resist her control. This is your body."
"How do I do that?" Sam presses her hand over Lena's, the forcefield separating them from feeling the other's touch.
"You do it with me often. Ground oneself in the present. For you, ground yourself in your body. In your senses." Lena taps her ears and above her eyes. "It may feel like a fight, but you are strong." She taps her leg and tilts her head, her accent still the light one of Lena. "Since you go to that other dimension, try focusing on your body and how it feels. Imagine each sense, the height and weight, and clothes. Imagination is a powerful tool."
Sam ponders Lena's advice and wonders if she can pull it off while terrified out of her mind. Maybe if she practiced enough? "Can we go through this as an exercise? To practice?"
Lena smiles, faintly. "Sure."
They spend the next two hours practicing, and make it part of their daily activities. Each practice session, Sam feels a little stronger, more like she might actually be able to pull it off if she gets trapped in the other realm.
A week later, Lena attempts to capture data during Sam's times in the alternate dimension. One day she accidentally causes both Sam and Reign to manifest in that terrifying forest.
Branches curl toward her, and whispers coil around her. Shivering, she turns and freezes. An exact copy of herself stands a few feet away, clad in black, except her eyes are red. They shine in the dark fog.
She dives behind a tree.
“Sam, do you truly think you can resist me?” the words slide off the other's tongue like poisoned honey.
One second Reign is several trees away, and the next she's at Sam's side. Her hands reach for Sam's shoulder.
Sam throws herself backward. “Don't touch me.” She strives for bravado. Grabbing a stick, she swings it desperately.
Reign stalks her, moving unnaturally fast. One moment on Sam's left, the next on her right. Fog billows around her like monstrous wings, and the air charged with sparks of black lightning. Trees creak despite no wind. The cold leeches away Sam's energy.
Stay focused. Sam adapts her breathing to her Aikido training, her stance to a loose defensive one. This time her swing hits Reign in the chest.
Reign snaps the branch like a twig, and darts forward to snag Sam's throat. She's slammed against a tree. Red eyes bore into her. Whispers from the broiling fog chant, let go, let go.
No! She can’t leave Ruby. Or Lena.
She knees Reign in the stomach. The grip loosens enough for her to twist and perform a throw. Gasping in air, she stumbles backward. Her body — she needs to imagine what her body feels like. As she runs from Reign, who is staggering to her feet still, she pictures how her legs feel while running in the real world. How her muscles pump, how the fabric of her clothes rub against her skin, the way her hair falls across her neck and back, and the sweat that dampens her hair's roots.
She trips and falls through the ground and into the soft blankets of the medical bed. She's back in the forcefield room, far from Reign. Sam weeps and curls up, the fire in her veins pulses from the device on her shoulder. “No, no, don't do that again, Lena.”
“What happened?” Lena presses her hand against the forcefield, but she doesn't lower it or come closer.
“I was there with Reign.” Sam shudders. “God, that monster. You got to stop her, Lena. Please.”
“Oh crap.” Lena drops her hand to her side. “I — I got a sample of the enzyme causing the change just now. While you were passed out. I think I can synthesize a cure from it.”
Sam clings to the first good news in weeks. But like all good things, the very next day, the world erupts into chaos.
Two aliens rip apart concrete and metal and break into Lena’s lab. Seconds later, Supergirl and three others teleport into the room in a flash of red light. In the ensuing fight, Sam loses control.
She crashes into the nightmare realm. Mists seethe over her, and this time she can’t find her way back to her own body. Claw-like branches leer over her, whispers to let go tug at her ears, and the ground heaves like it breathes.
Desperate, she stumbles to her feet. Faces form in the mists and dive at her. She ducks and runs.
She trips over something soft. Turning, she gasps and jerks her leg off the body. A Korean woman lies there, her face locked in a silent scream.
Sam gasps and scrambles backward. Slipping, she tumbles down a ravine and into a cavern. Flickering blue light shimmers in its depths. One hand against the wall, she stumbles forward.
Turning a corner, she stops in shock. Black woman carves words into the sandstone rock. Names, places, but other words make no sense. Over and over, she carves and mutters incoherently.
"Hello?" Sam tries, but the woman doesn't respond. She only carves and shivers.
That’s when Sam sees firsthand how this realm eats away memories. Tears down the mind, until there is nothing left but to die.
She doesn’t know how long she’s there. But soon the whispers and growing pain starts to eat into her too. Her mind grows foggy, her memories slither away like oil.
She keeps the other woman company but struggles to remember why. Finds her own sharp rock and carves her name, Ruby's, and Lena’s along with anything else she can remember.
Faces form in the mists, and whispers slither like hands across her shoulders. She shivers and carves until her hands and arms ache.
The woman coughs, shakes, and freezes with glassy eyes. Sam watches in horror as the woman ceases to breath and tips over as if frozen solid. Mists coil over the body, faces form in the shadows, and mist hands sweep over the body.
Horror spikes, and Sam scrambles deeper into the cave. Near bubbling pools, one clear and one muddy. The walls of the cave close in on her.
Sobbing, she carves the names over and over. Figures coalesce, familiar until their faces twist into snarls, their eyes empty sockets. She huddles closer to the rock wall, ducks her head, and digs her rock deeper into the sandstone.
Her nails start to bleed, her palm raw. Still she carves.
A voice calls out her name. An almost familiar one. “Sam?”
She keeps carving. It’s another phantom. Another to distract her from her task.
“Sam. Sam, it’s me.” Gentle hands turn her face.
She looks into emerald eyes. “No — not real…” She tries to tug free, but this one is solid unlike the others. Fear curdles through her. She’s too weak too fight. Now they’ll kill her like the others.
“Sam, please, I really am here.” The green-eyed lady strokes her cheek in a familiar, almost calming way. “Count with me, okay? Four, eight, twelve, sixteen…”
“Twenty, twenty-four, twenty-eight…” Sam murmurs. Slowly, a memory surfaces of her doing exactly this with someone she loves. The name peels back. “Lena. You’re Lena.”
“Yes.” Lena embraces her. “Yes, it’s me.”
“But you — you’re not real.” Sam clings to her and a sob clogs her throat.
“I am. I really am.” Lena cards her fingers through Sam’s hair. “Supergirl and her friends helped me reach this place. She’s here with me, see?” She turns to look back, her arm still tight around Sam’s shoulders.
Two people stand behind Lena. One in a red cape with a red and blue suit. The other dressed in black with red hair cut short. Both familiar but the names escape Sam.
“Hey Sam,” the red-head says. “Remember me? We hang out a lot with your daughter. Gone clubbing a few times. You can drink me under the table.”
“Alex.” More names and memories bubble through the fog. “Supergirl?” She looks at the caped hero.
“Yeah, it’s me.” Supergirl smiles sadly. “Lena found a way to help you, but we need to find Reign first. We got to capture her. Go back to your body and signal us.”
“I — I don’t know how.”
“Hun, you do,” Lena says fiercely. “Just like you’ve always done for me when I’m lost in the fog.”
“Fog…” Sam struggles to remember, but the memories dance just out of reach. “What — what did I do for you?”
Lena breathes in sharply. She gently brushes Sam’s hair from her face. “I’ll teach you like you taught me. Count and breathe with me. Feel your body, use all of your senses.” She resumes counting. “Thirty-two, thirty-six, forty…”
Sam closes her eyes and leans her forehead against Lena’s shoulder. “Forty-four, forty-eight, fifty-two…” The multiples of four ground her, centers her breaths, and she feels a faint tug in her mind. She smells the air, feels Lena's touch against her skin, the weight of clothes on her body. As she continues to count with Lena, that tug grows stronger until it broils over.
She breaths in sharply and finds herself in a large cavern. On either side of her, two woman clad in a grey and black suit similar to her own chant in an unfamiliar language. Beyond them stands two people dressed in black robes with hoods, but they stand silent, eyes closed.
Energy seethes from the Reign-like women’s hands and her own. More sparks fly into the well in the center of the room. To her horror, with each pulse, the well burrows deeper, the bottom almost out of sight.
Quakes shimmer outward from the well, but the energy roots them. Meanwhile, the cavern itself shakes at each pulse, and a few stones fall near the hooded figures. Behind her, she sees a control panel with a blue crystal glowing in the center of it.
A memory surges through the simmering fog in her mind. That’s the same crystal she’d found when she went to speak to her adopted mother. It came from a pod in her mother's garage. Attackers had descended on them like rabid coyotes. She'd defended her mother, until a song ensnared her with pain. A dark fog blinded all her senses. She’d been trapped in a shroud of whispers, until she woke the next day in her bed at home.
Fury ignites. Lena is right yet again. Cultists did something, and it relates to that damn crystal.
It takes all of her strength to jerk herself out of the energy circle. Sparks sear across her skin.
She throws herself at the control panel, just as the two hooded figures call out in anger. She tugs it free. The energy currents flicker and go dark. She smashes the crystal against the console.
Howls of fury screech behind her. She’s ripped away from the panel, thrown across the cavern, and slams into stone. She stumbles to her feet, angry and desperate to stay in control.
The other two aliens attack, and she blocks their punches. Falls into her defensive stance. Throws one with a breath throw, and the other she dodges. Beyond them, the hooded figures start to chant, a harsh discordant melody. Black fog rises from the ground.
Sam knows she’s running out of time, but if she’s to get the signal out, she has to take out these assholes first.
She blocks their punches and tosses one of the Reign-like woman into the console. Strength beyond what she's ever felt burns through her, and she rips apart a rock to slam into the first Reign-like woman. She slumps against the broken console.
The second one catches her by surprise and slams a fist into her head. Sam stumbles, only to get another punch in the gut. She gasps and falls to her knees.
Dark fog curls around her legs.
But her body is still in the transformed state. She lets out a roar and ignites the heat vision. It slices through the cavern’s roof, burning through to the sky above.
The other Reign-like being punches her, and she skids across the ground. Her heat vision sputters to a stop. Another kick spends her spinning, and she lands far too close to the hooded figures. The dark fog coils around her, suffocates her breath, but dammit, if she’s going out, then she’s taking them with her.
She hurls herself into the hooded figures. One raises a hand, and she bounces against a shield.
Their feet still connect with the earth though. She digs her fingers deep and tugs upward with all her strength. The ground splits and the hooded figures shout. One tumbles into the pit, and the other snags a rock, holding on for dear life.
A chant sounds behind her. The remaining Reign-like asshole and sings a grating melody that bleeds into Sam's consciousness, like a worms burrowing into her flesh.
She can feel her consciousness start to slip away. She’s running out of time.
Desperate, she gathers the last vestiges of her will and rips up the ground and hurls it into the pit. The remaining figure falls screaming. Energy shoots upward, and the cavern shakes. Rocks slam down atop her. Her vision blackens.
She tumbles through the earth and hits the misty cavern of the nightmare realm. But no one is there. Lena and the others are gone. Shadows leer, lights flicker like sparks, and the pools behind her broil with wisps of light.
Terror threatens, but Sam grabs a rock and slams it against the sandstone. Ruby needs her. Lena needs her. She must hold tight to hope. Let it fuel her and burn away the memory-consuming fog.
She resumes her carving, and hours — days? — later violet energy sears into the ground around her. Pain rockets through her, and she screams in agony. Her cells rip and reform.
She’s thrown backward, through the earth, and slams into cold tile. There she shudders against the ground, spent.
“Sam?” Lena’s sweet voice, the one with the wisp of an accent, breaks through her exhaustion.
A warm blanket falls across her body. Sam blinks upward to see Lena holding a beaker stained with a black liquid. Relief surges at the sight of her beautiful face and emerald eyes.
“Do — do you have some Tylenol?” Sam manages a faint smile.
Lena drops to her side in relief, the beaker falls, and rolls under a half destroyed table. All around her lies the remains of a wrecked laboratory, and there, seated crosslegged near them is a cape-less Supergirl. She sights Alex and two others she doesn’t recognize sorting through the rubble.
“Sam.” Lena wraps her arms around her. Her warmth a balm to the cold that still clings to her from the nightmare realm. “God, I’m so glad you’re back.”
“You did it then?” She feels weak, shaky, but whole. Like a massive weight been lifted from her shoulders. “Destroyed Reign?”
“Obliterated her to dust,” Supergirl says, softly. “All thanks to Lena’s genius and a fancy, magical rock that hurt like hell to touch.”
“We couldn’t have done it without you, Sam,” Lena protests. “That signal you sent worked.”
“You stopped the cultists too,” Supergirl says, proudly. “Found them unconscious in that energy well. And you knocked out Reign. Made capturing her easy.”
“She did get feisty during the administering of the antidote,” Lena adds. She smiles tentatively, but her eyes still shine with a deep worry and sadness. “but we handled it.”
The tears in Lena’s eyes hurt to see. To know that Sam — even if it was some creepy alien possession using her body — caused that hurt? How much did it hurt her daughter too? How will they recover?
She wants to go home and hug Ruby, to reassure her that she’s back for good this time. To return to being just a CFO for Lena’s company. Back to her singleton self — as Lena often calls her.
But first, she wants to wipe away that worry from her best friend’s face.
“What can I say?” Sam jokes. “I just got that killing punch.” Her joke falls flat, and she ends up in tears instead. Who is she kidding? She can’t ever go back to the way things were after this. Her hands are stained now, even if it was another entity that used them for evil.
Lena holds her, gently rocking her. “Let it out, Sam. You’re safe now.”
“I’m so sorry,” Sam whispers. She clings to Lena and huddles under the warmth of the red cape. “All this horror? All those people dead?”
“Hey, that wasn’t you.” Lena strokes her hair. “Don’t take on the crimes of another.”
“She’s right,” Supergirl says, gently. “Reign was forced onto you against your will. You are a victim. A survivor in this. And in time, you will heal. Take it in steps.”
Sam takes a shuddering breath. Those words are ones she’s often said to Lena. What had once been abstract prior, now blossoms into a deep understanding. Lena may not be trapped in a nightmare realm when other alters front, but the pain and fear that amnesiac moments cause? Sam understands now.
And now she can do better. For herself, Lena, and Ruby. To find a new path forward.
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jukipptx · 1 year
not smut, but suggestive??? just so you know 😉😘 this one is so me coded, it’s almost smut but as if your best friend was narrating to you her first experience ever??? ok here i go 🥶🥶🥶
ok so you’ve been dating renjun for almost a year now, it’s been like 9 months, so renjun was starting to get desperate to the point of crying, but he would neeeever tell you because he was afraid that you would be scared and run away and never talk to him ever again. but you oooobviously noticed, he was a man at the end of the day 🙄🙄🙄 so you could not only tell, but you could sometimes feel 😵‍💫 his desperation. you could tell on the way his kisses became more passionate, the way he was using his tongue 😋 the way he would hold the back of your neck with such need, the way he would pull you to his lap and 😵‍💫 move under you 😵‍💫 his breathing got all troubled and stuff, he even moaned on your lips once. it was so obvious renjun omg!!!! so at this point you were only waiting for him to break. you were sure he would sooner rather than later, but he just didn’t. he was strong for sure!!! so you started to take the matter into your own hands.
you invited him over to “watch a movie” laaaaate at night, you put on your shortest thinnest pajama shorts and some perfume before he arrived, looking the cutest he’s ever looked. you almost felt guilty because he looked so cozy and ready to sleep. when he arrived you were already waiting for him on the sofa with the popcorn, a blanket and everything, so you just signaled for him to sit next to you. he took off his shoes at the door and started waddling towards you 😭😭😭 (renjun i’m so sorry, i know you’re trying to act all cute and innocent, but)
“come sit baby.” you patted on the place next to you. and he did, he threw himself and rested his head on your shoulder. you wasted no time though…
“what are we watch-“ you kissed him to cut him off. he opened his eyes suuuuuper big, but eventually kissed you back. he also noticed that you were kissing him deeper that usual. “baby” he mumbled in between kisses. “baby, baby, stop.” he pushed you lightly, but you were not stopping. you wrapped your arms around his neck and started to slowly get on top of him. you pulled his hair slightly because you knew that would be enough to get him going. he sighed on your mouth and you couldn’t help but smile. “stop!!!!” he broke the kiss and threw his head back. he put the back of his hand in his forehead as if checking if he had a fever 🙄🙄🙄 and then fanned himself with his hand. “baby, you need to stop, i’m going crazy” he held onto your shoulders and shook you a little.
“you can go crazy.” You started kissing again and he moaned into your mouth. he held onto your waist, it seemed like he was about to give up, but there was still a little bit of shame inside him. he broke the kiss again and held your face with both of his hands.
“are you sure?” he whispered almost. his eyes still innocent but with so much desperation on them already.
you didn’t answer, you just shifted on top of him, trying to get comfortable, but that made his eyes twitch and close and he gulped and had to take a deep shaky breath. he was getting so horny omg 😫😫😫🙈🙈🙈 he held onto your waist to stop your movement.
“stop playing with me and answer. it’s not funny” he was trying to get so serious, but he couldn’t. you could see his chest rise and fall rapidly. his cheeks were this pretty shade of pink, his lips were all swollen and wet, and his hair was so messy already 😭
you didn’t answer, you just started kissing him again. he couldn’t stop gasping and trembling. gave him a little peck on the lips, then one on his jaw, just to tease him, then on his earlobe, and that’s when he couldn’t hold it anymore.
“i’ll take that one as a yes.” first thing he did was he removed your claw clip from your hair, then he took your face in his hands, this time more harshly, running them through your hair afterwards, and started kissing and biting and licking your mouth 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 he went to your neck next, but he regretted that so much because that’s when he actually went crazy omg 😳 it didn’t feel uncomfortable to you, it felt sooooo good, but the kisses on your neck made you shift and move and squirm on top of him, which you know… it gave him some sort of friction which he definitely needed. he was moaning more than you, and you thought “hmmm weird, i’m the one being kissed” but the evident bulge on his pants gave you the answer slalandmsoaoandbd 😫🥲🥶🥶🥶
so you stopped moving for the sake of innocence and love and respect, but you were surprised when he held onto your waist and moved upwards himself.
“don’t stop please” he whispered in your ear, he was almost whining. “you did this on purpose, didn’t you?” he was pulling on the waistband of your tiny shorts, desperately trying to put his hand inside. you took his hand and brought his fingers to your mouth because you kneeeeww what was about to happen so yeah. he threw his head back once again and closed his eyes tightly. you brought his head back just to make him watch you lick his lips. he then, in between gasps and shaky breaths, kissed your cheek so adorably???? like why???? you chuckled and then you let go of his fingers.
you got close to his ear, shifted once again on top of him making him groan, loudly this time because he couldn’t hold it in. “yeah, I did it in purpose.” he just gave you a cheeky smile before you know, going absolutely crazy maniac sexy starved frustrated mode.
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mcufan72 · 2 years
Please give it back to me
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Loki x fem! Reader
18+?/fluff/some jealousy/some arguing/some angst/adult themes/reader needs to get a little louder ...and fluff. No books or other items got harmed!
Two days.
Two days now.
For two days you were searching now. You were absolutely sure where you had seen it for the last time, yesterday in the morning. But it wasn't there anymore. You had looked for it in the whole apartment: in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bedroom, in the bathroom…you had looked for it in every corner, cupboard, closet, in the wall of bookshelves, even in the fridge but you hadn't found it.
You were so unhappy that you had lost it, it was a catastrophe and as if it wasn't enough, Loki hadn't spoken to you for two days now. He seemed to avoid seeing or meeting you. It wasn't that you saw each other every minute of a day, you both had your responsibilities and work to do but the evenings and nights belonged only to you and Loki. It was always the best time of the day when you both cuddled up in your bed under your snuggly blankets, skin to skin and talking and laughing together and enjoying some passionate lovemaking. Every night you fall asleep in each other's arms but last night you didn't sleep. Not only because you had lost an important treasure it was also because of Loki's absence in your shared bed. It just makes your desperation worse.
Why didn't he want to see you anymore? What have you done wrong? Today you met him in the hallway during your teatime break and the only thing you got from him were some despising looks and he just went past you. But you needed to talk to him, it was urgent, very urgent.
After you had finished work you returned to your shared apartment and looked forward to a hot shower and some food…and a clarifying conversation with Loki. You needed to know why he was so pissed off and why he didn't sleep together with you in the bedroom. You entered the living room and found him sitting on the sofa, reading a book. He didn't even look at you or said hello.
"Good evening, Lo baby "
" — "
"Can we talk, please?"
" — "
Loki put his book aside and pulled something out of the pocket of his jeans and slammed it onto the table, giving you the evil eye. He took his hand away and you saw what you had been looking for for the last two days. You were overly happy when you saw it.
"Oh thanks to the Norns, you have found it, you have no idea —"
"Since when?"
"When what?"
"When did you stop loving me?"
"Loki! Seriously? I never stopped lov—"
"Or is there another man?"
"Don't play coy with me, princess …since when? Tell me!"
"I don't know what—"
"Don't make a fool out of me, do you really think I wouldn't find out?"
"I beg your pardon? What are you talki—"
"Stop it! Why y/n? Why didn't you tell me? Don't you remember what I said to you the day I married you?"
"Of course, I do, how could I forge—"
"And yet you did it!"
"I did what? I just—-"
"You pulled it off your finger and you just left it! Without further thinking!"
Loki rose from the sofa, took your wedding ring off the table and held it in front of your nose.
"At our wedding, I begged you to never put it off your finger without my knowledge and if yet you do it, our relationship would end."
You wanted to take your ring from his hand to put it back on your finger but Loki made it vanish with a twist of his hand.
"Please give it back to me, Lo, I was just—"
"You don't need it anymore...obviously. I haven't removed mine from my finger for a single day, it's the sign of my never-ending love and devotion for you and you know how important it is for me that you are wearing your ring, you're mine and this ring is one of the signs for the fact that you belong to me …"
And he talked and talked and gradually you got mad because he didn't give you a chance to explain everything to him.
"DAMN LOKI ! " you slammed his leather-bound book onto the table with a loud bang to get his attention.
"SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME… you stubborn God of why-should-I-listen-to-my -wife-and-in-general-I-do-what -I-want!"
He stopped talking immediately and crossed his arms in front of his chest, releasing an annoyed huff.
"Okay…I'm listening."
"Do I have your attention now?" you asked him, more quietly again.
"Are you sure?"
"Have you finished throwing tantrums?"
"Hm, yes."
"Are you sure?" you teased him.
He nodded.
"I need your words, hubby !" and you smiled mischievously at him and closed the distance between you two.
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Fine! First of all, I assure you, I'm still in love with you and there's no other man, absolutely not. You are the love of my life and nothing will ever change that. Am I understood?"
"Yes, my Lady!"
You wrapped your arms around his neck and looked up at him.
"Second, I had to pull the ring off my finger because it was swollen and hurting. Is this acceptable to you?"
"Yes, … but why was your finger swollen?" He furrowed his eyebrows in astonishment.
"Did you get hurt?" Loki wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him, his voice full of concern now.
"Tell me, love, why did you pull it from your finger?"
"As I said, my finger was hurting from the pressure and I forgot to put it on again because I got so excited after I had taken the test…"
"Test? Excited? About what?"
"Oh, ahhmm…about my pregnancy, and I wanted to tell you about it immediately but forgot to put my ring on again and I couldn't find you and when I thought about my ring again, I returned to the bathroom and it was gone…I felt so bad about it, I looked for it everywhere…"
"Oohh, okay so you had looked for me, I came home, I couldn't find you but I found your ring in the bathroom and put it into my pocket…because I thought you wanted to leave me and…wait what?...wait…what did you say?" he asked, his eyes widening.
"What do you mean, Lo?" A bright smile appeared on your face.
"Test? Pregnancy? You are…?" he said breathlessly when the realization hit him.
"Yessss, I am!" and your smile got even brighter.
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely, we become parents, Lo!"
He made you wrap your legs around his waist and whirled you around, you both laughed with joy and he set your feet back to the floor.
"Do you need anything…ah...a blanket…ah a cup of tea…ahh...a massage…no no a warming bottle…" and he ran around like a scared chicken.
You couldn't stop laughing while your husband ran around like this to make you feel comfortable.
Lo, Lo..please stop…I'm fine, I'm just pregnant, not ill " and you still laughed heartily.
He came back to you and pulled you into his embrace again, feelings of guilt written on his face.
"I'm sorry love, I just want to make everything perfect for you now…I'm such a stupid, stubborn idiot sometimes, am I?"
"You are."
"I should've talked to you instead of drawing a false conclusion."
"You should've done it, yes!"
"Will you forgive my inappropriate and stupid behaviour, my love?"
"Under one condition!"
"Which one?"
"I want my wedding ring back…please."
"Of course my love, I'm so sorry. How could I doubt your love for me?"
He held his open palm in front of you and in a shimmer of green your ring appeared in his hand.
"Do you still love me?" he asked you quietly.
"You sweet adorable man. Of course, I still love you. I love your stubbornness, your jealousy, and your possessiveness and I love you for everything else that makes you my Loki. My love for you is unwavering !" and you pressed a tender kiss to his lips.
He placed your wedding band back to your ring-finger. It was a little bit tight now but it still fit.
"Would you allow me to wear it on a necklace if necessary?"
" Of course, my wifey or I'll keep it safe for you until it fits again" and he kissed you long and passionately.
"And I'll take good care of you and our little one, I promise. You have no idea how happy I am " he said gently and a tear escaped his eye.
Sometimes he could be such an idiot and you knew he felt bad about it. And yet you loved him infinitely and Loki was so in love with you and so proud to have you…and soon a baby too.
I hope it's still okay to tag you 😌
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armywriter · 1 year
Pairing: BTSmember!reader x Jungkook
Genre: Smut
Warning: desperate reader, cocky Jungkook, dirty talk, dumbification, reader gets called whore and doll, fingering, p in v, doggy position, oral (fem. receiving), creampie, squirting
Living as a celebrity isn’t as nice as everyone thinks. You have paparazzi following you everywhere in public, that’s why I prefer just staying inside in the dorm of my group BTS. The boys and I were close friends and loved doing things together but also letting each one having their own space. We all got back from practice late tonight, at around 11 pm. Ever since this morning, I just couldn’t help but feel intensely horny. You don’t really get any chances to get laid when you can’t get out to meet other people.
Most of my members already took a shower by now and went to bed, but I tried to keep my thoughts busy by scrolling through my phone for a while now. I sat on the sofa in the living room, occasionally squeezing my legs together like I’ve been the whole day trying to get some friction. Checking the time to find out it was already 2 am by now, I figured I would just go to sleep and it would be gone by tomorrow. I was wrong. I couldn’t even make it till tomorrow because the hornyness kept me up all night long. I squirmed around in my bed, turning around for the ninth time in a row. I was feeling so hot that I only wore an oversized shirt from Jungkook by now, which I stole while doing the laundry. Jungkook… how would he be in bed? Definitely a dom… and how would his long fingers feel ? I felt my pussy clenching around nothing as my thoughts wouldn’t stop. How could I imagine something like this about my bestfriend?
Another ten minutes had passed, as I couldn’t hold on anymore and not a single thought could stay clear. I stood up from my bed, opened the door of my room and went down the corridor to Jungkook’s room. I knocked lightly on his door and entered his room shortly after. The moonlight peeked through his window onto his bed. I knew that Jungkook didn’t sleep with his shirt on, but I’ve never actually saw it. It was breathtaking and I swear I was shaking from my needs by now. “Hey Jungkook, I just had a bad nightmare could we maybe cuddle together?”, I lied to him just to get some warmth. “Sure, hop in”, he answered as he held up his blanket so I could get under it with him. I slipped into his bed and cuddled into his stomach as we laid in spoon position.
We both stood still for a moment, I eventually closed my eyes in hope to fall asleep soon. Suddenly, Jungkook started to slowly stoke my upper thigh, going all the way up to my bare ass. He kept on drawing circles on my butt and I was everything but asleep. I let a slight moan slip out of my mouth, as his hand went up to my boobs and around my hard nipples. “Oh I know you like that. Is that what you need baby?”, Jungkook whispered in my ear. “All that squeezing your legs together, are you really that desperate?”, he said. If I wouldn’t be that horny, I would be embarrassed about what was happening right now. But all I could answer with were some quiet moans. “Jungkook… please”, I managed to let out. “Please what? Want me to fuck you really good? Needy whore”, he said in his low voice.
Not far after, his hand moved down to my ass again. He smacked it for a bit, but then started to caress my inner thighs. My skin was burning by now, I felt the need to explode. I muttered out some gibberish, a mix about “please” “need you” and “jungkook”. When his fingers finally met my throbbing clit, I let out a low moan. Jungkook behind me was laughing about how desperate I really was to react to such a small touch. “Oh doll, I’ll destroy you tonight”, Jungkook laughed low. His movements were slow until now, but everything suddenly happened so fast. The next moment I knew was two of his thick and long fingers pumping in and out of my pussy at a high speed while his other hand drew harsh circles on my clit. I was going dumb by now, eyes rolling back at the feeling of pure overstimulation. I let out almost pornographic moans as jungkook laughed at my fucked out state, finding it cute. “Jungkook… close”, I screamed out. He stopped everything he did and moved away from me. I was left confused as he ripped the orgasm from me. I looked at him with a confused expression, still out of breath.
He smiled and laughed at me: “Oh no, did my doll not get her orgasm, hm ? I told you I am going to destroy you tonight. Get on all fours now”. I obeyed immediately arching my back. Jungkook got rid of my and his clothes as I whined for him. He lined up his dick with my hole as he slipped in in one smooth movement, my dripping wetness making it easy. He immediately went into full speed, hitting every spot just perfectly. Spit came out of my mouth as I couldn’t keep myself together. Jungkook started to circle my clit again and I came in less that three seconds, but he didn’t stop there. I kept on creaming his dick as I felt another orgasm building up quickly. It felt different and much more intense. “Is my whore going to squirt for me? Come on coat my dick really good”, jungkook moaned out. It hit me like a truck, my juices getting everywhere. I could only see stars and all noises around me seemed to be silent. It took jungkook just a few more pounds bevor he pulled out of me.
He turned me around and I laid flat on my back. I didn’t even see him going down on me again. This time, he slurped all of my juices from my pussy. The feeling hurt a bit because of the overstimulation, but once he was satisfied he stopped. “You taste so fucking well doll, get a taste”, Jungkook said while letting me taste myself on his tongue through a kiss. He took a few strands out of my face and asked: “Is my baby now satisfied? Did so fucking good”. I couldn’t get out a single word, being too fucked out. “You won’t believe how many times I’ve imaged you just like this, so freaking pretty my doll.” Finally I could sleep tight next to the person I loved.
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ficclings · 2 years
Lost - Chapter One
Next Chapter
- Group: Stray Kids
- Reader doesn’t not have a name!
- All members will appear in this fanfiction! Do not worry.
- Minors do not interact. This fanfiction will have graphic depictions of violence and other adult situations. This is also a mixed fiction of Apocalypse and Hybrid AUs. The reader in this fanfiction is a Female and therefore has female pronouns. 
Tagged: neohyxn
- I have not invested myself in fanfiction writing in quite a while so I’m very nervous about this...but I hope you enjoy.
If you want, you can donate.
    🕸️   It took everything in her body to not trip over the cracks in the pavement outside of her apartment building; her throat burning from both the cold and the amount of breathing she was doing as she raced towards the door.
Hands shaking as she struggled with the rusty lock, her ears pricked upward at the noise of a blood-chilling shriek, and she knew that they had spotted her again.
She was getting sloppy on her supply runs and even though she knew this, she wasn’t exactly known for having the best balance even standing still, let alone grabbing supplies from the blood-stained shops.
Letting out a small cry of relief, the door finally came unstuck, and she slammed the door shut; turning around just in time to see a small group of people slam their bodies into the thick glass door.
Their eyes bloodshot, their mouths always open and drooling, all of them agile despite whatever their human health state was like.  
“Fucking arseholes,” she whispered as she tried to ignore the groaning and the screaming that was just behind a single glass door.
Dashing up the stairs, she kept her apartment key ready in her hand, anything to just be a little safer that much quicker.
“I am alive,” she called out, her breath halting for a few seconds as silence followed her announcement.
“You sound terrified,”  
The deep voice made her flinch and she turned to see her best friend sitting up on his elbows, his eyes narrowing on her face and taking in her shaken form.
“Why didn’t you wake me?” he jumped over the back of the sofa and quickly gathered her up in his arms, “safety in numbers,” he added pulling back so he could look her in the eyes.
“Felix, you were sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake you up,” she replied feeling a little bashful under his gaze, “it’s been so long since you had a good night's sleep and I’m not going to wake you up for every supply run just because you think you’re okay when you clearly aren’t,”  
She pouted when Felix chuckled and pet the top of her head with affection, enjoying the softness of her Dalmatian ears.
“You’re right,” he agreed surprising her quite a bit and she tilted her head to the side; the two of them making their way to the seating area, “lay with me?”  
Felix helped her move the heavy backpack she was carrying and held his arms out to her, knowing fully well that she would never be able to refuse such an action.
“Evil,” she mumbled before quickly joining him on the sofa, head buried in his chest as a blanket was thrown over them.
“Maybe so but you love me,” he giggled at the scoff that was replied and he squeezed the hybrid just a little bit more out of sheer love for her, “I’m glad you’re safe,” he added quietly as he heard a loud scream coming from a floor above them.
Must be Miss Lorn’s boyfriend...finally turned Felix thought with a shudder as the screaming continued a little more before it slowly became quiet with a loud gurgling.
“Me too,” she whispered gripping the fabric of his shirt for comfort, “maybe...maybe we should barricade the door today,” she added upon hearing the rather disturbing scrambling of hands scratching at the floorboards from above.
“I’m on it,”
Even though the world had gone to shit, the internet seemed to still be working.
Only on select days of the month it seemed but working none-the-less.
Felix had been trying to get in contact with his best friends ever since things really started to go downhill; she could see his heart breaking every time the phone calls cut short or when they simply weren’t even working.
She had only met one of Felix’s friends and that was a man called Han Jisung.
An introverted man who was shy and anxious a lot of the time but bloomed the second he was comfortable with you.
She always had had a soft spot for Han and had enjoyed his company very much whenever he’d visited Felix, the two men extremely close thanks to their birthdays being one day apart.
She had assumed that Han would’ve been the first one he would try to get in touch with but apparently there was another man from Australia that he was the closest too.  
“Still nothing?” she asked quietly as she eyed Felix, who was leant over his laptop with a very exhausted expression on his lovely face, “Lix?” she pushed gently when silence followed her question, and he looked up slowly with a sad shake of his head.  
“I don’t even know if they’re safe,” he whispered trying his very best not to cry, “Channie-hyung is tough but his kindness is the thing that will get him in trouble...people will take advantage,” he closed his laptop and rubbed his face harshly; leaving red marks on himself.
“Minho-hyung is tough and no nonsense, but playful and kind...I guess he’ll be the one who would be around the longest,” Felix picked at his nails, and she knew that he was just talking to vent out his anxiety; so, she stayed quiet and nodded, “Changbin-hyung and Hyunjin-hyung live together, so I think they’ll be alright but Changbin is loud and a hot-head sometimes,” he pulled at his thick brown locks, “Hannie....” he seemed to be particularly stressed when talking about the slightly older man.
“Hannie is smart, and I think his anxiety benefits him...he’s not that great with social situations unless we’re with him so I think...I think he’ll be hiding in his home or with Channie-hyung...they’re super close,” he took a deep breath and turned to look at her for the first time since his ramble.
“Seungie and Jeongin are the youngest of our friendship group but I believe that they are together, I hope they’re together,” he whispered, “I believe they’ll be okay but they get overwhelmed easily and I just don’t know what to do!” he finally broke down in tears and she rushed towards him; pulling him into her chest and stroking his hair as he sobbed into shirt, gripping the back of it so hard she thought it would rip.
“I will help you find them,” she squeezed him tightly and kissed his forehead when he eventually looked up, “I will find them,” she knew it was giving him false hope, but she couldn’t stand to see the utter distress upon his face.
“I don’t want them to be hurt,” he whimpered as his face turned a bright shade of red due to his crying, “I love them,” he bit his bottom lip nervously before smiling ever so slightly when she bumped her head against his affectionately.  
“I know you do,” she replied looking at the front door at the sudden sound of screeching, which caused them both to bolt towards said door just in case they had to hold it shut once again.
“How are they still in the building?” Felix shook his head, voice still wrecked because of his crying.
“I don’t know, I thought I had gotten rid of them all on this floor,” she eyed the peephole and felt her stomach drop at the sight of them running down the halls; clearly on the scent of something and she hoped it wasn’t one of the poor pets in the other apartments.
“Might be newbies,” Felix sighed heavily, “I still think it’s to do with the water around here,” he added making her shrug.
“Could be, I haven’t been using any water for drinking that didn’t come out of a bottle,” she confessed, “bad for the planet but so is this virus,” she continued making Felix laugh.
“Same here,” he confessed as they moved away from the door and back towards his bedroom; shutting the door behind them.
A rule the two of them had come up with in case their front door was knocked down during the night, they would still have a barrier between them and the zombies.
Sleeping together was also another safety rule they’d made as they’d be able to 1. hold the door better with two and 2. have more chances to fight the zombies off if, God forbid, they got in.
Plus, they were just scared to be by themselves.
“Have you tried to call them?” she moved to his side on the bed and cuddled up with her arms locked around one of his, chin on his shoulder.
“I think using phones is going to be pointless,” he puffed a big sigh out, “fucking thing hasn’t been able to connect a call in about,” he paused, “three-four weeks,”  
This news came as a surprise to her as Felix hadn’t even mentioned this to her.
“Three-four weeks?!” she gasped, and he nodded, “oh Felix,” she almost cooed at his saddened expression, her fingers gently brushing his hair from his face so she could look at his dark brown eyes.
He, in turn, looked back at her feeling quite hopeless, his head pushing forward so their foreheads were together.
“I have you,” he whispered closing his eyes, “so it’s not all bad,” he felt his face flush red at the sudden confession, and he moved away from her, eyes darting to the grey carpet of his room.
There was a short silence that followed his statement.
She would be lying if she hadn’t picked up on a weird atmosphere surrounding the two of them lately; not that she hated the feeling, but it was just a little strange.  
Felix was always a touchy person; often pulling her into cuddles for most of the day or just petting her ears as she curled up beside him, kissing her forehead or cheek whenever he felt particularly soft.
But recently the cuddles had become longer and tighter, the kisses had become more frequent, and his lips lingered.
Even she had become aware that she was also being a lot more affectionate with Felix; even brave enough now to kiss him back on several occasions.
She considered the man a forever packmate, even though she didn’t have a pack in the first place.
Maybe she was confusing simple pack-love with romantic love? She wasn’t too knowledgeable about Hybrid pack lives, having been brought up with a Human family since birth.
Shaking her head furiously, startling Felix in the process, she cleared her throat and threw herself down onto the bed, pulling the covers over her body.
“We should get some rest, we need to go on another supply run soon,” she faked a yawn and made sure to face away from him as she tried to figure her thoughts out but still pushed backwards as Felix joined her, arm thrown around her waist protectively.
It was annoying that her tail was wagging.
Fucking traitor!
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
So, this is another self indulgent personal story I'm posting before I can change my mind. It's been a year since I got my Vash the Stampede plushie, and I just adore him! I'm also one of kids who grew up watching Toy Story too many times. Whoops
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I Just Want To Give Her More 
Plush!Vash x Reader (like a toy story au)
I sat inside that plastic for a long time. Moving from place to place, never being opened. Warehouse, to storage, to a store. I was placed within a dark bag, and was shipped off. I was in the mail once again. I could hear that I was placed into a metal box. A mailbox, perhaps? Waiting once again, I hear the box open, and a hitched breath. The bag is grabbed, and the thudding of talking on wooden stairs is heard, excitedly humming as a door opened and closed. The bag was opened to a bright light. I was pulled out of the bag to see a young woman though the second layer of plastic bag. She opens the plastic bag that has held me captive for so many years, and her smile widens as she brings her thumb up to my cheek.
"He's a little smaller than what I was expecting, but he's still perfect." She whispered to herself. I was perfect? She took a pair of scissors off of the table next to her and gently removed the tag from my hand, and the plastic ring from my hand. 
Nowadays I sleep exclusively between her breasts. Pinned between her and a Squishmallow she has dubbed Dr. Curt Conners. Occasionally she will pet my thin hair, cradle my head with a single hand, and she still caresses my cheek with her thumb. I hear her heart race, and she whispers "Oh Vash, you're so perfect." As she is undoubtedly reading the Manga I'm from, or some fanfiction. We've watched the anime together in bits and pieces. I can see why she likes me. 
She wakes up early, even before the sun can. She gives me a kiss on the forehead, sets me aside on a pillow, and strokes my cheek before stumbling out of bed to start her day. She gives me a smile or a wink if she isn't able to give me a verbal "I'll be home later, Vash! Love you!"
When she changes clothes, she usually does so in her room, where I'm nearby. Usually facing away from me, I can't help but look. She's beautiful. The way her hair sways, the little jumps she does as she puts pants on, the curving of her waist when she takes her shirt off, all contribute to her beauty.  When she turns around, no matter what part of the process, she makes eye contact with me, giving me a knowing smile. I'd probably die if I ever admitted that I had been watching. 
I just want to give her more. That's what I think to myself every day when I sit with the other plushies in the small bins on the floor next to her bed. She's so kind, she truly loves me (even if it is just who I was designed after), and I can tell that she wishes so badly for me to be real. I can almost hear her heart ache, and her breath hitch, late into the night when she squeezes me tightly. She lightly whispers my name, sometimes wishing that the spiky haired man in the red coat were really there. 
But she is not always so sad. I love to see her dance around the house, music playing through her headphones, occasionally belting out lyrics to the songs she's listening to. The food she makes always smells delicious, but as I am inanimate, I can't eat. I would eat anything she made if I could. We watch other anime together. Usually curled up in the sofa chair in a blanket, I watch as I'm cuddled under the blanket with her, and facing the screen, not that I'd complain about the content. She plays video games. Ones that aren't necessarily too complicated or competitive, and usually have a good story.
We have so much fun together, and I'm… not even real. I can't interact with her. Talking, cuddling, laughing, I can't do any of that. She deserves more. I want to be The Humanoid Typhoon for her. I want to be six foot tall, not ten or so inches. I want to tell her that her food is a delicacy. I want to say jokes to make her laugh, I want to hold her in my arms. I want to pet her hair and run my thumb along her cheek. I want to give her kisses on her forehead, even more so, her lips. I can tell she is loved. Friends, family, and even co-workers. She talks on the phone, and I see her messages. But she's still so lonely. A person as wonderful as her deserves to be loved by the guy I'm modeled after. She deserves that much. 
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laxmiree · 2 years
[CN] 5th Anniversary - Lucien (Prologue)
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a story that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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✧ 5th Anniversary Event | Prologue (you’re here!) | Creative Workshop | King Fuk Street | Wonderland | Star Plaza | Final Day- Heart Rain Lake | Roast! | Truth and Dare Pinball Machine | Random Event tidbits
Translation under the cut~
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It was late at night, and I was leaning on the sofa under a blanket, reading a magazine.
Suddenly, the sound of a door opening slowly came from the doorway, and I was so happy that I quickly ran towards the door.
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MC: Lucien, welcome home~
After opening the door, I hugged him, who was covered by the cold wind.
At the end of the year, Lucien's ongoing research work was coming to an end, and he was particularly busy during this time of the year.
But after being "kidnapped" by me, he now obediently goes home to sleep every night.
Professor Lucien, who never knew how to take care of himself, seems to be changing little by little.
At that moment, a soft voice rang in my ears.
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Lucien: Outside is so cold today, nothing like home.
Lucien: So it's better to be here.
I glanced at the clock on the wall - 23:58 - and squinted pretentiously.
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MC: Then why didn't Professor Lucien come back earlier?
Lucien: I know saying that I'll come back early next time is a cheap tactic.
Lucien: But I'll try to do that, and after today it won't be any later.
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He raised his hand and rubbed my nose. His brows and eyes were curved, which made me laugh too.
MC: I'll remember that. So, I hope Professor Lucien will abide well.
When Lucien finished showering, it was nearly one o'clock.
The only thing left in our bedroom was a small night light, and the yellow light lulling us to sleep.
But we didn't lie down. We just enjoyed the short, quiet time that belonged only to us.
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MC: Lucien, do you feel the year seems to have passed in the blink of an eye?
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Lucien: Mmm, but doesn't the fact that time passes so quickly prove that we are living life to the fullest?
MC: No matter how full you are living, you can't be completely filled with work. Like, compared to the end of last year-
MC: You were not as busy at the end of last year as you are now.
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Lucien smiled and mindlessly stroked my palm.
Lucien: That's because I've been working on a critical project report, so I've spent most of my time on it.
MC: Is it about some major development in brain science?
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Lucien: Hmm… In all seriousness, it's difficult to categorize this topic, and this year is just the fifth year of this study.
Lucien: Therefore, I intend to make a summary report.
I blinked in curiosity, slightly stunned.
MC: Five years? 'Five' is a good number!
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Lucien: (chuckle) Indeed, I also feel the same way.
The corners of Lucien's lips still held a smile.
Lucien: Although it took a lot of time to review and organize, I enjoyed the whole process.
Lucien: I was also a little nervous because it was so important, and I hadn't studied the topic in depth before.
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MC: Oh? So there is a question in this world that can defeat Professor Lucien~
MC: If there is anything that needs help, I will certainly be willing to help! For example, those that are not relevant to the field.
My pretend bravado did make him laugh. Lucien pondered for a moment and then gently blinked his eyes.
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Lucien: I truly need your help.
Lucien: After all, it was too dull to stay in the office and write this project report, so I wanted a change of scenery.
Lucien: Would you like to accompany me?
MC: Absolutely!
Lucien: Then we're leaving tomorrow.
MC: Huh?
I was stunned for a moment and realized what was going on.
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MC: Have you already thought about where you're going tomorrow? Is it possible that Professor Lucien knew I wouldn't say no, so he decided to preempt me?
Lucien took my hand and interlocked our fingers.
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Lucien: So, are you going to reject me now?
MC: If you ask me that, maybe I can try to refuse…?
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Lucien: Even if I'm going to be sad and end up looking at the subject report anxiously by myself, will MC still attempt to reject me?
He pursed his lips, looking so heartbroken that I couldn't help but smile and rub against his neck.
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MC: What should I do? Even if I know Professor Lucien is acting, I still can't be heartless.
Lucien: Indeed, nothing can be done. I have to make it difficult for you.
Seeing that he remained calm, I could not help but squeeze his palm angrily.
MC: Hum, so where exactly are we going tomorrow?
Lucien: I heard that there is a themed event called "Love World".
Lucien: I thought it might be helpful for my project report.
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MC: Wow, this "Love World" event is so lively. There are people everywhere!
MC: But a place like this… Is it really suitable for you to prepare your project report?
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Lucien: Rather than the environment, I think the person beside me is more important.
MC: Oh? I had no idea I had the power to influence the world of brain science.
Lucien: I don't dare to make a judgment on that, but I know that MC can easily influence me.
Lucien: With her smile, for example, or with her casual remark.
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MC: (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ Professor Lucien has been guilty of trying to "make fun" of me again.
Lucien: Then, I'll stop here. After all, action speaks louder than words.
Lucien: Now, why don't we go to the hotel and check in first?
Lucien: I have booked a garden view suite. I'm sure you will like it.
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After putting all my luggage away, I looked around the room, and my eyes fell on the "Love World" guidebook on the table.
Even if the map is smaller in proportion, it is easy to see that the area is large. And each theme area has a corresponding cartoon icon, which gives a very lively visual.
The guide booklet also contains detailed information about the random events that will take place in the park at different times of the day.
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MC: Lucien, look, these areas will have a parade performance tonight.
MC: This "Love World" event seems to be much more eventful than what we've had in the past…
As soon as the words fell, I suddenly thought of something and held up the guidebook and shook it at Lucien, who was changing his clothes.
MC: I suddenly have a very reasonable guess-
MC: You're probably worried about missing out on some celebration, so you're staying here while preparing your project report, right?
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Lucien: Well, that does sound reasonable.
He figured out my concern, smiled, and rubbed my hair.
Lucien: I really need a change of environment for my project report, so this lady should have nothing to worry about.
Lucien: I think I can be more efficient this way, and we won't miss all the fun activities.
Lucien: In the long run, it's a win-win decision. What do you think?
MC: ...Is it true that sometimes a different environment can stimulate the brain to generate new ideas?
Lucien nodded approvingly, took a scarf from the suitcase, and put it around for me.
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Lucien: It seems that student MC now has a lot of insights about brain science.
Lucien: So let's go for a walk before we prepare the report.
MC: Hey, don't you need to take care of some project-related matters first?
Lucien: There is no need to rush. Let's just take our time.
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
Hmmm for the happy hour, how about "keep me warm" with Todoroki and another character of your choice? 😊❤️
So this is kind of longer than intended, but the story was so cute I couldn't restrict it to just 400 words. Also went with a rarepair for this one! I felt like writing Jirou, so here you have her with Todoroki on a cold winter night. ^^
If the howling wind and frantic, whirling snowflakes outside the dorm’s windows weren’t an indicator that the prefecture was currently in the middle of the worst winter storm it had seen in years, the fact that the thermostat inside couldn’t keep up certainly was.
Todoroki was sitting on one of the couches in the living room reading when Jirou entered, pulling him from his fictional world back into the real one.
“You okay?” he asked, noticing the way she hugged herself as she moved closer, eyes darting to the sliding doors that he’d slid the curtain back from to watch the storm. He’d thought it was beautiful in its own haunting kind of way.
Jirou shivered, looking around the immediate area. “It’s so cold. I can’t sleep. Are there any extra blankets down here?”
“Um…” Todoroki glanced around, too, though he knew full well there weren’t any. “I’m not sure if we have any extras on hand somewhere. We could ask in the morning.” She shivered again – a clear sign that she was already struggling to make it through the next hour, let alone several – and he gestured for her to come closer. “Here, sit by me.”
She gave him a little smirk. “Are you going to keep me warm?” she asked, but did in fact walk around the sofa to join him, sitting on his left.
In response, Todoroki summoned a small flame into his palm and held it towards her, returning her smile. “I’m surprised you’re the first to ask, honestly.”
“You’re an angel,” she told him, scooting closer to the warmth, brushing against him. “Sorry, is this too close?”
“No,” he replied. “Just don’t burn yourself.”
“Better than the alternative.”
He huffed a laugh, settling back in to his seat, book tucked under his leg.
“What are you reading?” she asked.
“Nothing,” Todoroki replied.
“Liar. I saw you reading something. What was it?”
“Just a book.”
Jirou gave him a quizzical look, then smirked at him. “What’s the matter? Is it dirty?”
“What?! No!” he cried, flame sputtering as a physical reflection of his surprise. “It’s just…it’s nothing.”
Feeling much more like herself now that she was warming up, Jirou poked him in the ribs. “Come on, you can tell me. It can’t be any worse than the things Kaminari reads.”
Todoroki giggled, too ticklish to hold it back, and the fire sputtered again. “Don’t! It’s nothing, really. Just…”
This time she used both hands to tickle him, making him put out the fire to grab her in self-defense, the palm that had been holding the flame nearly burning her skin. She yelped, pulling back, then redoubled her attack, laughing along with him. “Just tell me, Todo!”
“Okay, okahahahay! It’s a gihihihihirly book!” he squealed, squirming under her tickling fingers for a few moments longer until she let up and grinned at him.
With a resigned, embarrassed sigh, he pulled out the book and offered it to her. She flipped it over and beamed at the cover. “A manga version of Pride and Prejudice?! That’s so cute!”
“Don’t tell anyone, okay?” he murmured, clearly uncomfortable. “It’s just…”
“It’s totally fine to read whatever you want, you know,” Jirou said matter-of-factly, handing the novel back to him. “But if you promise to keep me warm, I’ll promise this can be our secret.”
Relieved, Todoroki recalled the flame and made it even bigger, inviting her to snuggle close to him. “It’s a deal.”
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coffeecat1983 · 1 year
Down the Road pt 5 (Mario movie fanfic)
After a while, Tony left to go get pizzas from Punch Out Pizzaria, and Arthur went to the kitchen and began putting together a brownie mix. Tony said he'd get some from the store down the street, but Arthur insisted on making them fresh. Knowing better than to argue, Tony gave in. As Arthur worked, Marie came in. "Everything okay out there?" he asked. "All good, the boys seem to be enjoying the movie." Arthur could hear the TV as Down Periscope played. He and Tony had a special collection of comedy films and had been waiting to share them with their nephews, and it seemed to be working. Mario was laughing and Luigi's occasinal softer laughter could be heard just under his. "At least something's going right tonight." he muttered, putting the pan in the oven. As he set the timer, Marie snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against his back. Arthur placed his hands over hers, enjoying the quiet moment. The calm was soon broken as the front door opened. "Chow time!" Tony called out. Marie and Arthur joined them in the living room where Tony placed three pizza boxes across the coffee table. "We got one half green pepper, one half red," he nodded to the boys before pointing to the next box. "A veggie and half plain cheese for the ladies of the house," he winked at Marie, "with sausage and mushroom for us," he motioned to Arthur and both grinned as Mario made a pretend gagging sound, mumbling about pizza "being ruined by mushrooms." "Kid, you don't know what's good for ya!" Arthur said, grabbing a slice. Marie scolded him over not getting a plate, and taking her pizza, headed for the bedrooms. "Bria and I are having a picnic in her room so you boys can watch your goofball movies." she said. "Be sure to save us some brownies." In the middle of the next movie, as the group enjoyed the brownies that were still warm from the oven, Tony's phone buzzed softly. Arthur watched and saw his face fall as he read the screen before tapping out a reply. Another buzz, and Tony quietly tucked the phone back in his shirt pocket.
"Still talking. Really don't want the boys to hear this, Papa is involved now & mad at Gio. Both don't know about you. I'm keeping that secret. Will probably take one more day to get this smoothed out, will let you know." "Do you want me to come over? The boys are okay here." "Not yet.I'll come by when Gio is at work tomorrow. Love you all."
Things went well overall until it got late and the uncles unfolded the sofa bed while Marie got clean sheets and blankets. Mario was chatty, exchanging jokes about being folded up in the bed in the morning. Luigi remained quiet; his eyes held a haunted exhaustion. After wishing their family goodnight, both bros took turns getting ready for bed, with Mario first. Arthur and Marie went to their room, Tony meanwhile was in kitchen making a cup of tea. He was also listening in, making sure the boys got settled. There were soft limping footsteps in the hall that went to the living room. Luigi had changed and went to climb into bed, but Mario stopped him. "Lu, your braces." he gently pointed out. He dug into the overnight bag and pulled out the soft night braces, handing them to his brother. Luigi accepted them and sitting on the edge of the bed, slid one on and began tugging at the straps, quickly becoming frustrated. "What's going on, it won't fit right." he said. Mario took a look. "Heh, wrong leg," he pointed out. "Hang on." Before Luigi could protest, Mario was in front of him, helping him put on the braces and carefully pulling the straps. "Not too tight, right?" he asked. "They're good. Thanks Mario. Guess I'm too tired to think right." Mario gave him a hug. "Hey that's what I'm here for." Leaving the kitchen, Tony stood in the doorway. "Okay, the light over the sink is gonna be left on, we all use it like a nightlight," he explained. "G'night you two." "Goodnight, Uncle Tony." the boys chorused. "Remember, either of you need me, my door's open all night, got it? Even if it's just to talk, come get me." He made sure to lock eyes with Luigi as he spoke. A mix of 'sure' and 'thanks' were the replies. Retiring to his room, he changed and tried to settle in to read, but found he couldn't focus. Before he knew it, it was well past midnight and he was still up. Getting up, he quietly went down the hall and peered into the living room. In the low light coming from the kitchen, he could just make out that Mario was holding Luigi while his little brother cried. The two were talking, but it was too low for him to make anything out. Giovanni, you really don't know what you've done to your boys, he reflected.
To be continued....
By "CC"
(sorry for the multi-posts, remember my pieces are available in long format on Ao3)
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j-a-nuary · 2 years
Date Roulette: Seunghyun
Intro Week Start Seungri Week Start Daesung Week Start Taeyang Week Start Previous Next
I woke up to unfamiliar sheets, pale gold sunlight, and a view of the city center.
And not Seunghyun.
Typically that would not have been a concern, except that I had fallen asleep to television background sound, sofa upholstery, and warm hands on my back.
Sitting up, I immediately reached under my shirt to fix my bra. I was glad that Seunghyun seemed to maintain respect for certain boundaries, but the metal digging into my side momentarily made me wish he hadn't.
After settling my clothing to be at least bearable, I got up and started sneaking around. If my own headache was anything to judge by, I felt that I could safely assume that Seunghyun was also hungover.
As silently as I could, I slipped into the common area. I was on a hunt, a stealthy predator, slinking unseen so…
"Finally awake?"
I jumped so hard that I fell.
"You are like a fucking cat," I complained, slowly clawing my way up from between the loveseat and sofa, "if you're trying to kill me, just say so."
Seunghyun smiled, obviously amused by my misfortune. He walked towards me, pausing to place a mug down on the table, and held a hand out to help me up.
As if I'd give him the satisfaction of accepting his help first thing in the morning.
Ignoring his hand, I pushed myself up using the armrests of the furniture instead.
"Your tea is in the kitchen," he blithely informed me. He took a seat on the sofa, pulling out his phone.
It rankled me, his completely on brand composure. Unbothered, hydrated, reading emails or whatever on his phone.
His eyes lifted to me. He hummed in a questioning tone, lifting his mug to his lips.
I flopped onto the loveseat, letting my legs dangle over the armrest. I hooked my neck over the opposite armrest, looking at him at an angle. I tried my best to look cute.
"Can you go get it for me?"
His eyebrow twitched, hinting at his impulse to quip, but he reigned it in. He breathed a small laugh then, shaking his head as he placed his mug onto the coffee table. Standing, he pocketed his phone and let a hand brush over my hair as he stepped past me.
"Of course, baby."
After finishing my tea, I took a quick shower. It was less of a shower and more of a rinsing off the thin layer of sweat that had accumulated in my sleep. I was planning on taking a full, longer than absolutely necessary, bath when we got back to Seoul.
A chill slid down my spine when I thought of that. Despite being an entire adult, an old sense of apprehensive guilt settled over me. It was the sort of feeling I hadn't felt since I had gotten in trouble for finishing fights in high school.
We had disappeared. We had responsibilities, of a sort, that we had severely neglected. Even Taeyang and I had stayed on camera for the full week, and we had literally planned out how to fake enough roll for the show. Seunghyun and I had simply left.
Then again, what was the worst that could happen? They kick me off the show? That actually sounded like a relief.
Still, old habits die hard, and I was the all time champion of beating myself up.
"Did I do something wrong?"
We were about an hour out from Seoul when Seunghyun broke the sleepy silence of the car.
"Hmm?" I blinked slowly, trying to pull myself out of the semi-sleep I had fallen into.
I had reclined my seat and tugged his spare jacket over myself in place of a blanket. The air in the car was warm enough that my head was firmly planted in the clouds of sleep.
Seunghyun hummed, and I could hear the leathery squeak of his hands gripping the steering wheel tighter.
"Earlier," he started, "when I wanted to touch you…"
His words petered out, but he didn't have to finish the sentence.
About five minutes into the drive home, he had casually tried to loop his hand through my arm. It wasn't a bad thing, and was actually endearing in a way. But I had shrugged him off and asked him to please not touch me.
"Ah," I slowly returned the seat to an upright position, "sorry. I should have explained."
"You don't have to," he rushed to reassure me, "I just want to make sure I didn't do something without realizing."
I allowed myself a moment to sweep my eyes over him before answering. Once again, I found myself caught off guard by this little show of kindness. Twisting in my seat, I faced him a little more directly, letting my head tilt to rest against the headrest.
"I'm sorry," I sighed.
He gave me a brief glance. Somehow even that was endearing. It was such a short look. Clearly he didn't want to take his eyes off the road for too long, but he still wanted to keep the conversational connection. It was sweet.
What the hell am I thinking?
"You don't need to apologize," he mumbled to me, but towards his steering wheel.
"I should have explained though," I protested, "sometimes, for no reason, I just don't want to be touched."
I could see him relax.
"Oh," the faintest hint of a blush settled across what I could see of his cheeks, "I get it. I do the same thing sometimes."
"I'll be back soon," Seunghyun squeezed my hand.
"How much trouble are we in?" I asked, holding on tightly.
"Not we," he lifted my hand and pressed his lips to it, "I said I'd take responsibility. Don't worry about it."
"No," he shook his head. He released my hand and nodded towards the house, "just wait for me. Everything's going to be fine."
I sighed, but could see that there wasn't much point in arguing. Steeling myself, I pushed the door of the car open and headed up the front walk.
I had expected to be set upon by Daesung as soon as I entered the house, but I was instead greeted by silence. Straining my ears, I was fairly certain the house was empty. There was no electric screech of televisions or monitors. There was no hum of fans, computers, or ventilation. There was… nothing.
It creeped me out a little bit. The house felt abandoned.
"I'm home," I called out.
I was greeted by silence. It was exactly what I wanted, and dreaded.
Despite knowing that I was alone, I tried to be as quiet as possible as I moved through the house. The tension of feeling like I had done something wrong still clung onto my shoulders, tugging the muscles tight.
As soon as I was safely in my room, I dropped my backpack onto my bed and started shedding clothing. As I had planned this morning, I was now on a mission to sink into the oversized bathtub and try to turn off my brain.
I paused, designer shorts - a new gift from Seunghyun - halfway down my legs. How was I going to turn off my brain?
If the house had been a bit closer to where the crater formerly known as my apartment was, I would simply put off the bath until I could go to Minsheng's studio and force some student or other to spar until I was exhausted. But we weren't, and the train and bus ride would sorely cut into my time. I slowly stood up, resecuring the shorts around my waist. It appeared I would have to take a less healthy route.
I looked at the shirt I had unceremoniously dropped onto the ground. Sure, it was a little wrinkled now, as linen was so inclined to do, but the economical part of my brain demanded I put them back on. There was no point in putting on a clean shirt before the bath. That would just be me creating more laundry for myself, and I would only be wearing it for another half hour or so.
Shirt on, wallet dug out of the backpack, and a Pokémon covered bucket hat later, I was back outside. The sun was bright, but not glaring, shining high above a few puffy white clouds. It lent the day a feeling of being inside a child's drawing.
As if conjured by the very thought, an orange cat poked its head out from an alleyway.
"Hi baby," I called out. I slowly bent my knees, crouching to get closer to the cat's level. Digging deep, I tried to summon every ounce of Disney Princess vibes that I could manage.
Apparently it was an adequate amount.
"Hello hello," I babbled as the cat approached me, "aren't you just a sweet baby?"
The cat chirped at me, slinking under my shins and winding between my feet. In an attempt to get the cat used to me, I let one hand hang loosely near my ankles.
Within five minutes, I had the cat crouching on my shoulder as I continued my way towards the corner store. I had no idea what my plan was once I got to the store, but for now I had a cat and that was all that really mattered.
The cat made a curious mrrp in my ear as we walked.
"Just a bit further," I explained, "do you want anything from the store?"
I was rewarded for my conversation with a half purring snuffling directly into my ear.
"Of course," I continued, "chicken or fish?"
Even though I didn't hold onto too much hope that the ginger tabby would actually wait for me outside the store, I picked out two little bags of treats. Chicken and fish. Only the best to fuel my Disney Princess animal companion daydreams.
Treats tucked safely into a little plastic shopping basket, I stared at the variety of drinks that were available.
I thought about trying to be picky, but the very idea made me feel even more drained than I already was. Spotting chamisul fresh, I grabbed two bottles and headed to the cashier. We barely exchanged looks as I was rung up. For a second, I could pretend the last month hadn't happened.
The cat was gone when I stepped back outside.
Back in the house, back in my room, back in the too-big tub, I sprawled out in water that was maybe just a little bit too hot. Steam floated across the surface of the water, whirling and sliding as I disturbed it by bringing the rim of one of the bottles to my lips. It was a potent combination, alcohol and hot water, but that's why I had chosen it.
Now glad for the silence of the house, I hooked the back of my head against the lip of the tub. Humming out a relaxed groan, I tried to let my shoulders loosen. Once they felt like nothing, I worked my way down my body - mentally checking my muscles for tension and trying to release them. The words of an ex, a massage therapist, came to me.
"You hold a lot of your anxiety in your ass and thighs."
There was probably a joke in there somewhere, since he had been an ass that was obsessed with my thighs, but it had been true as well. Kneading the heel of my palms into the sides of my legs, I struggled to relax.
Done with the bath, head still swimming from the heat and alcohol, I pulled out my phone. Opening my messages, I hesitated. The fuzz in my brain put me in a wanting sort of mood, but I wasn't feeling quite bold enough. Settling onto the seat by the vanity, I decided to take the scenic route instead.
To: Zico I want to message Mino.
From: Zico Then why are you messaging me? ㅋㅋㅋ
To: Zico Because I'm unsure of my feelings. And if I message Mino I might be leading him on.
Just like messaging Daesung the night before, I watched typing bubbles pop up and disappear for a moment. I sighed, traipsing into the kitchen to grab one glass full of ice, and another full of water. My phone finally dinged with a new message while I was walking back to my room.
From: Zico I'm in a tough spot now. Should I tell him that you're not sure?
From: Zico I think he already knows the reality of your position.
I may be a lot of things, but I'm not a bubbler. Carefully setting aside the water glass, I filled the ice glass with the rest of the soju. I considered the message, mentally processing my response before letting my fingers touch the screen again.
To: Zico I care about him enough to not want to hurt him.
To: Zico But the reality is that, right now anyway, I may end up dating one of the BigBang members.
To: Zico Of course, it could be that everything happening on the show is even more fake than I know.
A message popped up from Zico, but I was on a roll and kept typing anyway. I may not be a bubbler, but I was definitely a multi-texter.
From: Zico Who do you think you would date?
To: Zico Maybe the show will end and I'll never hear from any of the members again.
To: Zico Maybe I'll never hear from you and Mino again too.
To: Zico Maybe my life will reset to factory settings.
To: Zico I'm scared of being forgotten.
Having finished my ramble, I answered his interrupting question.
To: Zico It's not Jiyong, if that makes you feel any better ㅋㅋㅋ
From: Zico I don't think you'll be forgotten. Not by Mino.
From: Zico And I like having you distract me sometimes too ㅋㅋㅋ
From: Zico Ah, your taste has gotten better then.
From: Zico Seriously, who is it?
Sipping the iced alcohol, I thought about being honest. No. That wouldn't help anything.
To: Zico Wouldn't that be a spoiler? What if you sell our messages to Dispatch?
From: Zico If I wanted Dispatch's money, I'd sell Mino's texts about you ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
From: Zico If you message him, he'll send me one like "Ah! Hyung! She messaged me~~~"
From: Zico Does that answer your question? He'd be happy to hear from you.
From: Zico Just be honest with him.
To: Zico Okay okay.
To: Zico Thank you Zico-yah~♡
From: Zico 🤢🤢🤢
From: Zico Save it for Mino
I snorted to myself and switched to my chat with Mino.
To: Hugeboy Mino
To: Hugeboy Mino mino miiiiii~
Perhaps predictably, his answer was fairly quick.
From: Hugeboy Noonang~♡
From: Hugeboy What have I done to deserve such a cute greeting? \(★ω★)/
To: Hugeboy I was just talking to Zico about you
From: Hugeboy (。ㅜ ω ㅜ。)
From: Hugeboy You should just message me
From: Hugeboy Hyung is weird
To: Hugeboy Are you jealous~~? I just wanted his advice
From: Hugeboy I can give you advice too ʕ •̀ ω •́ ʔ
Briefly, I thought back to high school flirtations. Me and my partner-to-be saying things like "so, there's this person I like… kind of reminds me of you…"
Since I had already opened with something cute and a little childish, why not continue?
To: Hugeboy Okay okay
To: Hugeboy I'll ask you too
To: Hugeboy I want to message this guy that I've been flirting with but I'm having a difficult time figuring out my exact feelings
To: Hugeboy I'm in this situation where I'm supposed to be dating these other guys, and the one I want to message is kind of forbidden
From: Hugeboy I don't know if I can be impartial
I snorted at that. At least he was honest.
To: Hugeboy I trust you to do your best for me ♡
To: Hugeboy Sometimes I don't know what I feel about any of them
To: Hugeboy I think I like more than one person and that feels like I'm cheating even though I'm not exclusively seeing any of them
From: Hugeboy |・ω・ʔ
From: Hugeboy Well…….. if I were one of those guys……
I breathed a sigh of relief that he was at the very least indulging my technique of addressing by avoiding.
From: Hugeboy I'd be a little hurt that you have feelings for someone else at the same time
From: Hugeboy But I also know that you can't control that
From: Hugeboy I think it just means that I have to try harder to prove myself
From: Hugeboy …… if I was one of those guys……
How pragmatic. I wondered what hidden stores of maturity were hidden under Mino's emoticon covered exterior.
To: Hugeboy But wouldn't you get mad? Or feel like I was playing with you?
From: Hugeboy Noona
From: Hugeboy No jokes okay?
From: Hugeboy I know about the show
From: Hugeboy I know the whole point of the show
From: Hugeboy It would be more surprising if you didn't feel anything for any of them
From: Hugeboy Do I like it? No
From: Hugeboy But without the show I would never have met you
From: Hugeboy So I'll take the bad because the good is worth it
From: Hugeboy And if you do end up marrying Seunghyun
I snorted again. I had been planning on letting him finish his entire monologue but I couldn't leave that alone.
To: Hugeboy Omg
From: Hugeboy I'll go to the wedding and be happy for you
To: Hugeboy I'm not going to marry Seunghyun
From: Hugeboy Okay but my point is the same
I bit my lip, considering what he was saying.
To: Hugeboy Are you alone? Can I video-call you?
Rather than a typed response, I got an incoming video request. Accepting it, I discarded pleasantries.
"Are you being serious or are you just saying what you think I want to hear?"
Mino's laughter crackled through my phone speakers as his smile swayed in and out of frame.
"Ah, noonaaa…"
"I'm being serious," I exaggerated a pout towards the camera. "Tell me the selfish thing that you think I shouldn't hear."
"Okay, okay," he let out a small grunt as he flopped onto what I vaguely recognized as his sofa.
"The most selfish thing I think about the situation? Hmm…"
He ran his fingers through his hair, then shook his head to fix his bangs.
"Just tell me," I whined.
"I want you to quit the show," Mino chuckled, "is that selfish enough?"
An indeterminate amount of time after Mino had to leave the call for some appointment or other, I was lazily lounging about in the stolen hotel robe. The unmistakable sounds of three to five adult men arriving at once started creeping through the house. Groaning, I rolled onto my stomach, stretching and mentally preparing myself for whatever was about to come.
I heard the familiar shuffle of Taeyang pass by my bedroom door, followed by the creak and click of his own door.
My eyes were drooping dangerously near to napping when a soft knock landed on my door. Three knocks.
Not Seunghyun then.
"Come in," I called out.
As expected, Daesung poked his head into my room.
"Can I come in?"
Rolling onto my side, I couldn't help but laugh at his asking a question I had essentially already answered.
"I just said come in," I smiled up at him.
"Yeah," he took a hesitant step into the room, "but you could have just meant the doorway."
I squinted at him for a second. He looked… shy? Nervous? It was hard to place the exact emotion.
He cleared his throat, dropping his eyes after meeting mine very briefly.
Ah, pitiful and guilty.
"I'm not mad at you," I sat up, tucking the robe a little tighter around myself, "if that's what you're worried about."
"I didn't think you were," he muttered. He stepped into the room properly, closing the door behind him. He sagged against the door, still obviously feeling a bit… something.
"But I've been wrong before," he clarified, "I just…"
I shuffled to the edge of the bed, leaning forward slightly to look up at him.
"You just…?"
His shoulders fell, relaxing slightly before he lifted his arms towards me.
"I missed you."
I grinned, allowing my mouth to fully indulge in a smile from a time before self-consciousness. Resting my elbows on my knees, I tilted my head as I looked up at him.
"You really are spoiled," I said in a hum.
"I'm sorry," he sighed heavily, "about everything."
"It's okay," I shrugged. "You promise you didn't know?"
He licked his lips, a nervous tic.
"It's not so much that I didn't know as it is that I didn't think of it."
I considered his words, leaning back on my palms now.
"I think that's sort of the same thing," I was basically just thinking out loud, "at least neither one is done with malice."
"Pet," Daesung finally, firmly, met my eye, "I would never. I swear. I… hmm…"
I watched him curiously, waiting for an explanation of why he had cut himself off. He wasn't being terribly forthcoming though.
"Go on," I prodded.
"I was just going to say," I could see a blush creeping up his face, "I would never record anything like that…"
He blinked a few times, then shook his head. His hair was loose, not particularly styled. The motion of his head made his bangs fall into his eyes, offering him a sort of barrier while he finished his sentiment.
"Unless it was something that we both agreed to."
"I'm just saying!" He was trying to sound exasperated, but a self-effacing sort of smile was creeping across his face.
"There's a time and a place," he explained, "and a conversation, for things like that."
"I bet you wanted to listen to it," I bounced my eyebrows at him in a mockery of suggestiveness. "Chul said it sounded pretty good."
"I was there," he shrugged, cheeks deepening in hue, "you definitely sounded good."
I laughed, flattening myself down onto the mattress. After a few seconds, I let out a big sigh.
"I admit that I kind of freaked out."
"Mm," he hummed, "Seunghyun told me."
I popped my head upwards, shooting him a skeptical look.
"He did?"
"Yeah," Daesung grimaced, "he told me I was stupid for not thinking of it, and that I could have caused a major scandal."
"If Chul wasn't so very," I shrugged, letting my head drop back down, "Chul, then yeah."
I shut my eyes, tired of seeing, "that could have been a massive issue."
"So we're okay?"
Lifting one hand, I blindly waved for him to come closer.
A slow shuffling sound later, I felt the slight thump of his legs hitting the side of the mattress.
I waved my hand more insistently.
I heard him let out an amused puff of air, then felt the mattress dip next to me. Keeping my eyes closed, I wormed my hand around until I found his. Looping my fingers through his, I tugged on it slightly.
My reward was feeling him lay next to me. I reached across my body to pull him closer.
He laughed again as he arranged himself. Head on my shoulder, arm around my waist, one leg resting slightly on my own.
I bent the arm he was resting on to run my fingers through his hair.
"I think we're okay."
"Good," Daesung mumbled into my neck. There was a pause, and then…
"Permission to flirt?"
I laughed.
My allowance was rewarded by his hand slipping under my robe and just… laying there. It wasn't so much a flirtation as it seemed to be a self-soothing cuddle move.
"That was somewhat more tame than I expected," I pointed out.
"I'm tired," I felt his arm shift, most likely from a shrug, "I was worried about you for the last few nights."
I didn't laugh so much as I let out a brief puff of air.
"You said Seunghyun is safe though."
"Yeah but what if something had happened?" He squirmed next to me, eventually propping his elbow against the mattress. Resting his head on his hand, he looked down at me with a look that made me soften, but feel incredibly nervous at the same time.
I resisted the urge to push him away, knowing that it was a trauma response and that I wasn't actually in danger.
He explained his anxiety.
"What if you got in a car crash?"
Another puff escaped me.
"A car crash involving any of you boys would be national news immediately."
"Okay," he nodded, "what if some crazy fan tricked you or took you?"
"Tricked me?" I questioned.
"Yeah," Daesung's eyebrows curled down his face, "are you telling me that if," he shrugged again, "I don't know. If someone told you that they needed help, would you not go with them?"
Looking up at his worried face, I felt my impulse to flee lessen. Craning my neck upwards, I missed his lips but still managed to kiss his chin.
"The only people who would ask a foreigner for help would be another foreigner or a cult member trying to recruit. I would probably reach out to the police or something."
He leaned down to press his lips against mine, before leaning away and frowning deeper.
"Don't try to distract me."
I grinned. Distracting him seemed like a fine idea. Rolling onto my side slightly, I tried to weave my way to lay my lips against his neck.
He forged ahead regardless.
"What if they said 'oh my child is in danger, come quick'? You…" he faltered when my teeth scraped against his skin.
"Yo… you try to seem cool a-and tough but I know you wouldn't be ah… ah fuck… able to walk away."
I hummed, deciding to push against him with my hand.
His body resisted for a second before he laid back flat.
Shuffling onto my knees, I followed his motion. I was able to keep my mouth approximately on his neck, as I swung one leg over his body.
"P-ehh…" His use of the nickname morphed into a stifled moan as I bit down a little harder on his shoulder.
I sat up and just took him in.
A few twisted strands of hair splayed across his forehead. His lips were parted as he scrunched his eyes shut, and I was hit by a fleeting moment of jealousy. In a similar position, my own somewhat bucked teeth would be showing, but his mouth revealed nothing but a flash of sweet salmon pink when his tongue flicked forward to wet his lips.
"Pet," he half-hummed the word out, "I just told you not to distract me."
"Mm-hmm," I bent down and briefly tapped my lips against his, "and before that you asked for permission to flirt."
I laid another quick kiss, this time against his cheek.
"I'm kind of getting mixed signals, Dae."
He drew a deep breath and let it out through his nose before opening his eyes and responding.
"Did you miss me?"
He raised a hand as he spoke, pushing back the hair in my face. As if it was the most natural conclusion in the world for the motion, his fingers swooped down and brushed against my cheekbone, eventually landing on my lower lip.
I parted my lips, teasing by biting the tip of my tongue between my teeth without truly interacting with his hand.
"Was I supposed to miss you?"
Daesung groaned, dropping his hand to the mattress and pouting up at me.
"Now who's sending mixed signals, pet?"
I smiled at him, gripping the belt of my robe and making a point to be obvious while playing with it.
"Dae," I started.
"Now, be honest with me, okay?"
His hands slid, half flirtatious, half reassuring, up my thighs.
"Of course, pet."
"And I won't be mad if you say no…"
He smiled up at me, squeezing my legs slightly.
"Just ask me, pet. You can ask me anything."
I nodded, putting on what I hoped was a playful pout.
"How would you feel about having your hands tied to the bedpost while I rode you?"
There was a beat of silence. Then his hands tightened on my legs and he used his legs to push his body somewhat diagonal across the mattress. Once he was satisfied with his position, he dropped his hands from my legs and slid them above his head, gripping one of the corner posts.
"How could I ever deny you, my pet?"
I shot him a bright smile.
"Good to know."
I climbed off of him, undoing the knot that kept the robe secured around my body. Turning away, I spoke again.
"Now I should probably get dressed," I walked into the giant closet, "I'm really being pretty lazy today."
I heard a strained groan behind me, but Daesung didn't complain.
I was in a skirt and bra by the time he joined me in the closet. Internally, a battle raged between my desire to continue teasing him and the urge to simply bend over the accessory case in the middle of the closet.
I glanced at him. His eyes seemed to be tracing over the lines of ink that littered my body. The urge to bend over got the upper hand for a moment.
"Yes?" I smiled at him, but turned my attention back to my shirt selection. My heart wasn't in the search though.
"I know I have permission to flirt," he stepped closer, slowly crowding into my space, "but permission to touch?"
He was close enough that I was able to lean back against him. Doing so, I reached up and slid my fingers into his hair.
While Daesung cleaned himself up in the oversized bathroom, I finally finished getting dressed. Or re-dressed. Technically.
The skirt was abandoned, having already played its part for the…
I checked my phone. 16:42. The skirt had played its part for the late afternoon.
Sitting on the stool by the vanity, I checked my phone.
There was one message from Zico. A screenshot of his chat with Mino, accompanied with the caption "I told you".
The image showed a series of excited emoticons from Mino, followed by two screenshots of my own messages to him.
From: ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡ Mino Mino miiiiii~
From: ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡  I trust you to do your best for me ♡
were visible, followed by Mino saying "im so fucked" and several more, now heart filled, emoticons.
I couldn't help but laugh at Zico's response to him at the bottom of the image.
"A little respect for your very single hyung please"
Moving on from that, I opened a message from Seunghyun.
From: Seunghyun Dinner?
I heard the bathroom door open behind me. Typing out a reply, I listened as Daesung approached me from behind.
To: Seunghyun What time?
I felt his hand ruffle my hair.
From: Seunghyun I can be ready in ten. Do you need more time?
"Hmm," Daesung's hand fell to my shoulder, squeezing slightly, "leaving me for your fiance so soon?"
"Shut up," I tried to imbue my words with the power of my eye roll.
To: Seunghyun I'm all set, as long as it's casual. Half an hour?
"Ah, pet," Daesung whined, "and here I was convinced I was special."
From: Seunghyun Okay.
"Dae," I laid my phone on the vanity and turned in my seat, "you know I'm not g-"
I was cut off by his lips descending onto mine.
"I'm teasing you," he mumbled against my mouth, "I don't mind, pet."
I hummed, just letting myself enjoy the feel of his kiss. After a moment, I couldn’t help but poke a little fun at him. Pulling back, resisting the slight pull of his hand at the back of my neck, I smiled up at him.
“You only don’t mind because of your fantasy of being the other man.”
Daesung laughed, standing up straight and raising his hand to his face in an embarrassed gesture.
“Aha, you know me too well, pet.”
“You two are like a coin,” I stood from my seat, reaching up to ruffle my fingers through his hair lightly.
His eyebrows flicked together for a moment, and he tilted his head.
“What do you mean?”
I shrugged, somewhat distracted by the smooth feeling of his hair against my fingers.
“You like being the other man, and he claims he doesn’t mind sharing.” I frowned, still focusing on the silky sensation in my hand, “though, I have no idea if he exactly likes it, you know? The same way you do.”
Daesung was quiet for a moment. Then a moment longer than that. I dropped my eyes from his hair to meet his gaze.
His eyelids were fluttering softly, and there was a blush spreading across his cheeks.
"Does it feel good?" I didn't bother holding back my smile.
A small hum and a nod were the only answers I received. After a moment he shook his head and pulled away from my hands.
"Wait…" he shook his head again, "what did Seunghyun say?"
"How about katsu?" Seunghyun suggested.
We had decided to go for a walk and figure out dinner along the way.
"Honestly, and I don't even know if this is a thing here," I started, turning to walk backwards as I spoke, "but for some reason all I can think of is a salad bar."
He reached out to take my arm, directing me around another pedestrian.
"A salad bar?"
It was a little hard to tell if his tone was one of confusion at the concept or at my having a salad craving.
"Yeah," I nodded, "you go and there's bowls of different salad mixes," I made circles with my hands as I spoke, "and then all the different toppings," I made a sprinkling motion with my left hand over my right's flat palm, "and you make your own salad."
Seunghyun’s entire head rocked back as he laughed.
"I know what a salad bar is," he said, "I just figured you haven't really eaten all day. I thought you'd want something more substantial."
I nodded, spinning again to face forward.
"You might have a point. But I haven't had a chance to work out lately, so I'm trying to be mindful."
He made a sound of understanding from behind me.
I felt his hand slip into mine.
"Also I just like salad," I shrugged, "as long as it's interesting."
"Okay," he agreed. He tugged on my hand to get me to stop for a moment.
Turning to face him again, I saw his phone in his other hand.
"Let me search for salads nearby."
After dinner and walking back to the house, Seunghyun sat on the floor of my room. He leaned back against the side of the bed while I tried to remember why I had even bought charcoal in the first place.
"You okay?"
I wasn't sure if Seunghyun was asking about me, the singular entity, or about me as pertaining to… literally everything about my life at that moment.
"I'm okay," it was true enough regardless of the unspoken details of his question.
He nodded slowly, careful not to disturb his pose too much.
My sketchbook wasn't supposed to be full of anything that meant anything. Poses weren't really the point. Still, I appreciated the gesture.
"How much trouble did you get into?" I asked, half out of curiosity and half just to fill the silence of the room.
"Not much," he shrugged, "I just told a version of the truth."
"Which version?"
"I told them that I had wanted to come clean with you about my past scandals," he smiled softly.
"I see…" the smile was small - self contained enough that it didn't deform the rest of his face. I could have easily capture it with some brief strokes, if the inconsistent black stick in my hand didn't tend to smudge so much.
"And of course I didn't want to do that on camera," he explained, "that would pressure you into accepting me. I wanted you to be able to be honest in your reaction."
"Ah," I nodded, working on copying the crease of his shirt now, "so you lied."
Seunghyun adopted a humorously offended expression.
"Where's the lie? I told you about my scandal," he dropped his pose and started moving. "I wanted you to be comfortable without cameras," on his knees now, he shuffled towards me. Once close enough, he took the sketchpad out of my hand. Path clear, he rested his head against my knee, sideways, staring at nothing, "and I always want your honest reaction."
"Hyun," my fingers fell naturally into his hair, "how can you talk about honesty when you know it didn't happen that way?"
He hummed, closing his eyes as my fingers worked over his scalp.
"Mmm… that's why it's a version of the truth."
We stayed there for a while, just soaking up the soft skinship.
"Yes, Hyun?"
He shook his head from my hand, turning his head to look up at me.
"Will you kiss me?"
His tone was… off, somehow. Like he wasn't making a request, he was asking a question.
"What?" I probed for more information.
"I mean," he made a grumbling hum sound before continuing.
"I think I'm always the one kissing you. I always start it."
He shifted his head, turning so that his chin rested on my knee now. Looking up at me, he huffed.
"That's fine, if that's what you prefer. But I feel like maybe I've been pressuring you too much."
"I mean," I shrugged, brushing his bangs from his face, "you do propose to me at least once a day."
He pouted. Honest to god pouted. Like a scolded child.
"Baby, that's because I want to marry you."
I let my hand sweep down to cradle his face. Tucking a fingertip or two under his jawline, I gently pulled. He followed my unspoken command willingly, fumbling slightly as he rose to securely kneel before my seat.
I wanted to say something quippy. Something playful, and maybe a little bit mean. Nothing came to mind though.
Instead, I leaned forward and down. Holding his chin in my palm, I pressed my lips to his.
A sighing moan escaped his throat. He sagged slightly in my grip, seeming to melt into the kiss.
Pulling back, I swiped my thumb over his lips. His eyes stayed closed as his mouth fell open at the sensation.
"Are you satisfied now, Hyun?"
His eyebrows drew together in a frown, but he nodded.
I kept my hand on his chin and lifted the other to trace a finger over his brows.
"You don't seem satisfied."
His eyes slowly flicked open, a small pout forming on his lips.
"Marry me."
"Hyun…" I knew I didn't need to finish the thought.
"I know, I know."
That pout still rested on his face, luring me in.
I pulled his chin towards me again. This time, I pressed a bit harder against his mouth. The sound he made was somewhat strangled, stuck in his throat with surprise.
It did something to me. I tugged at his lower lip with my teeth.
That managed to pull a surprisingly high pitched noise from his throat. Less of a moan and more of a whimper.
I felt him tug back, and against my instinct I let him go.
"Baby, I-"
Nope. I recognized the tone of his voice. That overthinking tone. The self-denial tone. The tone he used the night of the fire.
"Shush, Hyun," I pressed my lips to his again, just briefly this time, "I thought you wanted me to kiss you."
"I do," he whined, "but y-"
I quieted him again, using another kiss to derail his train of thought.
My own train of thought was a heated argument. Thoughts of what Daesung and I had done in the closet earlier served as fodder for both the argument for continuing, and the argument for stopping. My… situationship with Mino also flit through my mind.
But again I reminded myself that I was not truly bound to anyone. I am single. I haven't said anything to anyone that might make them believe otherwise. I have been explicitly honest with ev…
Seunghyun whimpered again, breaking me out of my mini crisis.
I pulled back slightly, looking down at him.
"You okay?"
He nodded before tilting backwards, out of my reach. Landing somewhat in a sitting position on the floor, his chest heaved dramatically.
"I'm fine," he reassured me. He swallowed hard before continuing.
"I should go."
He didn't move.
"Why's that?" I leaned forward as I asked.
"Because…" he faltered as I kept moving closer to him, "well…"
I slid off the chair, knees landing on either side of his tangled legs.
"Do you want me to stop?" I asked as I crawled closer to him.
He shook his head, eyes trained on mine as I invaded his space.
Finally near enough, I sat myself in his lap and again placed two fingers under his chin. Dipping forward, I paused before kissing him again.
"I think you might like me."
I didn't give him a chance to respond, pressing my lips to his and listening to him whine again.
For a second, I thought he was going to pull away again. But his hands anchored themselves against me, one on the back of my neck, the other on my back, as he moved. Tugging slightly, he pulled me down along with him as he laid flat on the floor.
Probably about twenty minutes later, there was enough of a break for me to sit up again.
I resisted the urge to slip my fingers under his shirt.
His hands ran up and down my forearms, nails lightly scratching my skin.
"Yes baby?"
"You should probably get going."
His hands paused, then resumed their action.
"You'll have to get up first," he smiled as he said it. A joke of some kind.
I nodded and stood up. Leaning forward, I offered him my hand to help him up.
He gripped it easily enough, and was soon standing next to me. He turned and looked at me, mouth parted as if he was going to speak.
He didn't say anything.
Somehow, despite all of our talks and touches and everything else lately, the air grew rigid with awkwardness between us.
"Was that…" I started, faltering under the pressure of the building tension, "was that okay?"
"Ah," Seunghyun nodded, slipping into one of his many personal, "I guess that's why you won't marry me."
I tilted my head, waiting for him to continue.
"That's okay," he smiled at me, teasing, "the awkwardness will fade."
He leaned forward, our roles well and truly reversed now.
"I think you should kiss me more often," he grinned, "baby."
"Oh my god," I groaned, pushing his shoulder, "go away."
He caught my hand, wrapping his other arm around my waist.
"Yes," he softly nodded, "that was fine, baby."
Seunghyun pressed his lips against my cheek before speaking again.
"I'm sorry for joking."
"It's okay," I mumbled, wishing I wasn't blushing.
"I still want you to marry me," he tilted his head, trying to meet my downturned gaze, "no jokes."
“Shut up.”
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