#we also had a big volleyball game and i ran away from the ball which cost us several points and the overall win
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You probably suck at some things, we all do, but you are PEAK you, and nobody would want you any different
oh im very bad at a lot of things, honestly some of the commentary i get online is goofy because in everyday life i am commonly bringing up the rear in terms of skill and general function. like not in an endearing way, but in an awkward and uncomfortable sort of way for sure. Its the whole "online viages do not represent the real, interactive self" speil deal there. for specifics I am comically bad at pretty much any physical task, like in a "you could not have imagined someone being able to be that bad" sense.
but at this point ive accepted that whatever flavor of freak i bring to the table is going to be what its going to be, good, bad, awkward or otherwise
#i remember going to axe throwing with friends and i couldnt even throw the axe halfway to the target#and when i tried to join the department softball team i had a hard time even holding the bat up#and i got pelted with softballs since i couldnt catch them and had insane bruises all week#at some point we were playing a game of catch and the football hit me square in the neck#something to that effect actually happened multiple times ive had many head/jugular shots#we also had a big volleyball game and i ran away from the ball which cost us several points and the overall win
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Study Sessions & Troublemakers
Summary: You and Kyotani shared a few classes, and if he wasn’t the worst then, he was also on your brothers college volleyball team. He was constantly teasing you for being a “goody two shoes” that was until your brother and his best friend volunteer you to tutor the hothead and you prove decide to break some rules.
Warnings: college au Kyotani x fem!reader, a lot of plot (im so sorry, i got carried away), rivals to lovers??, oral (m&f receiving), protected sex, slight praise, mentions of ex!Tanaka, mentions of flirty fuckboy Issei
Authors note: This is part of @crybabycrisis Honeymoon Avenue Lost a Bet collab! This was my first time writing full on smut and I’m super happy with how this turned out! Also, a big shout out to @thetempleofnyx for beta reading!
w/c: 9.8k+
Shit I’m going to be late! You were in a panic as you began sprinting towards your apartment just off of campus. You were supposed to bring your brother lunch for his break during his practice today, but it seemed as though today was just not on your day. Your lecture ran long, you had to run some errands for your professor all the way across campus, and of course you had to run into your ex just as you were ready to rush home to drop off your school bag and pick up your brother's bento. You had just reached the door to your shared apartment when your phone began ringing. You didn’t bother to check the caller I.D, already knowing who it was.
“Where the fuck are you? You’re never late and we start warmups in five minutes. Did something happen? Do I need to kick someone's ass?” Haji questioned over the phone. You rolled your eyes at the over protectiveness. He was right though, since you started taking classes here just a year after him, you were always on time to attend every practice and game your brother's team had to show your support.
“My lecture ran late, I had to run errands for my English professor, and I ran into Tanaka. I’m home now dropping off my bag and grabbing your bento, I should be there in like ten to fifteen minutes.” You rushed out, phone held between your shoulder and ear as you put down your school bag and switched your school work into a smaller tote, also packing Haji’s lunch and getting ready to leave again. Your brother huffs over the call and lets you know to just head straight to the bleachers when you get to the gym. As soon as he hangs up, you make your way out the door, making sure to lock it and begin your walk back towards campus.
As you arrived at the gym, you could hear the squeaks of sneakers and the occasional thud of a ball hitting the floor. Entering the big double doors, you waved to a few of the team members that called out to say hi and made your way to the bleachers like your brother had told you. You never really paid too much attention during practices. You only really came for moral support for your brother, even if he didn’t necessarily need it. You began pulling out notes from your two morning classes in hopes to get some studying in before the team went on break.
Down on the court, the guys were getting ready to switch positions and sharing little side conversations. Most of which, Haji was not happy about. “You know Iwa, if it wasn’t for that dumb rule you had, I’m sure everyone on the team would be going after little [name]-chan.” Oikawa chimed, resting his elbow on Haji’s shoulder. Hajime grumbled for his best friend to shut up before staring daggers into the rest of his teammates before he looked over towards you, sitting peacefully doing your classwork.
“Every single one of you knows, she’s off limits to you guys, I don’t know why you keep talking about her like you have chances.” Hajime turned on his heel and got into position.
“Why are you so adamant on her not talking to us?” Issei began to question, getting into position next to Hajime. “You’re so overprotective.”
“I’m not overprotective,” Hajime grumbled. “I just don’t trust any of you fools around my baby sister. She can talk to anyone she wants to that’s not on this team.” and as the coach blew his whistle for the boys to start the next set, the conversation was brought to end.
It was finally the end of practice, you finished your notes and homework just as the last set was beginning, and chose to cheer on your brother. Now that you were making your way down the bleachers towards your brother, you could tell he was a bit more irritated than he usually was when practice ended. “Everything okay, Haji? You look like you want to murder the guys more than usual today.” You joked as you handed your brother the extra water bottle you brought.
Before your brother could even get a word in, Oikawa, his best friend, and your bonus brother, as you called him, wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “Oh, Iwa-chan is just mad that the whole team thinks you’re such a cutie.” You rolled your eyes as Oikawa began to poke at your cheek.
“Well it’s too bad my brother would beat their asses if they tried anything, now, isn’t it?” You gave a smirk towards Oikawa, and stuck your tongue out towards your brother. It was such a stupid rule, but you could understand why he made it .
The first time you attended one of Haji’s games. It was right after your breakup with Tanaka, and you really just wanted nothing more than to forget about him and support your big brother. At the end of the game, you joined the team for their victory dinner at Oikawa’s request. What neither Oikawa nor your brother were expecting, was for almost every single one of their teammates to try and hit on you.
“I swear to God, if any of you so much as touch a hair on her head. I will end you.” Haji was always super protective of you, not that you minded, he wasn’t too overbearing, he just didn’t want you to get hurt. You did just get out of a bad relationship, and you were finishing up your first year of college and still getting the hang of things.
That didn’t stop you from flirting back with a few of his teammates though.
Later that night, when you and Hajime made it back home, Haji wasn’t exactly the happiest about the events at dinner. “Listen, I can’t, and won’t, stop you from living your best life. It would be hypocritical of me. But please, promise me you won’t date or even hookup with someone on the team? The last thing I need is to have issues with one of them if they ever hurt you.”
“Fine, but that also means all of my friends are off limits as well. Deal?” You had no issue with your brother's request, because it could go both ways and you also didn’t want to have to choose between your brother or friends in case of a messy situation.
“Easy. Deal.”
Still, you loved to pick on your brother for making the rule. Your attention was soon brought to someone entering the gym before your brother could chew you and Oikawa out. Oikawa, suddenly taking on the role of captain seriously and removing his arm from your shoulder turned towards the newcomer to address him. “Mad Dog, you missed practice again. Next time I’m not sure I’ll be able to talk Coach out of benching you.” You eyed the tall blonde, inching closer to your brother. You could already feel your irritation growing and he hadn’t even said a single word yet.
You didn’t hate him, no, but you strongly disliked the man in front of you. He constantly got in trouble, and he was always causing some kind of issue in the two classes you shared together. You also couldn’t stand the way that he would always tease you when the team was over to hang out with your brother.
“Yeah, well he’ll probably bench me once he realizes I’m failing my math course anyways. So where is he so I can speak with him?” The blonde practically snarled at Oikawa, and you truly didn’t understand how Oikawa put up with his nonsense most of the time. You couldn’t help the snort that came from you as you tried to hide your laughter. Kyotani whipped his attention to you and you immediately shut up. “What’s so fucking funny to you?” he snapped.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe if you actually showed up on time and paid attention in your classes, you wouldn’t be failing.” You snapped back towards him.
“Listen here Princess, just because I’m not a goody two-shoes like you, doesn’t mean I don’t usually do well in my classes.” You physically cringed at the stupid nickname he gave you and were ready to quip back at him when you were cut off.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to punch him in the face, or cry and talk your way out of the suggestion, but what your brother said left you feeling betrayed. “[Name], you both share a math class, right? Aren’t you at the top of your classes, why don’t you tutor him?”
“Absolutely not!” Both you and Kyotani answered at the exact same time. You couldn’t believe your brother would really come up with such an insane idea.
“Please [Name]-chan? We really can’t afford one of our best players to be benched! Plus you’re planning to be a teacher anyways, it’ll be good practice!” Oikawa was back at your side, now giving you the puppy dog eyes. You huffed and crossed your arms. You really were not about to be guilt tripped into having to tutor the delinquent. You began to walk away, not acknowledging any of the three men as you made your way towards the doors. “I’ll get Baldy to stay away for at least a month if you do this for me!” Oikawa spouted out before you could get too far. That made you stop in your tracks.
You slowly turned on your heels, a signature Iwaizumi glare directed towards Oikawa, your brother, and then Kyotani before looking back at the man that grabbed your attention. “And how exactly do you expect to do that?” you questioned. Oikawa smiled and clapped his hands.
“I’ll take that as you accepting to tutor Mad Dog. Now don’t worry about how I’ll work my magic and just make sure my opposite hitter will be able to play in our game next month.” You were ready to strangle the pretty brown haired man, along with your brother, but you were desperate to keep your ex at a distance. You looked back towards the man you were being subjected to spending your free days with for the next few weeks and scowled.
“My next free day is Thursday, Haji will let you in the apartment.” And with those being the last words you spoke, you left the gym to head back home, not even waiting for your brother to follow. You knew that having to spend time with Kyotani would be insufferable, but Oikawa had a point. At least you could log the hours you tutor him as community service hours.
Thursday finally rolled around, and you were dreading your day already. You currently were cleaning off the table in your living room and trying to get everything you needed for studying. You also decided it’d be a good idea to have snacks set out in case Kyotani was anything like your brother and Oikawa when it came to studying.
You were just finishing up when your brother yelled to you that Kyotani was there. You quickly looked down at what you were wearing, a hoodie and a pair of short shorts. You decided since you were staying in your own home that you wouldn’t have to change. So you sat down on the floor in front of your table and grabbed a blanket before opening up your notes to get started. “Okay, I’m in the living room!” You called back out to him. Seconds later, Hajime and Kyotani entered.
Kyotani barely even looked your way as your brother was telling you both that he had to leave for work and to try not to kill each other. You could already feel your nerves going haywire. You’ve never been left alone with Kyotani, and he was a menace to you as is when others were around. You let out a small “Love you, see you later” to your brother as he started walking away before turning your attention to the mean blonde. “Well, let's go ahead and get this over with.”
Kyotani gave a stiff nod as he walked to the opposite side of the table and set his bag down before plopping himself on the floor across from you. You began pulling out the recent notes from your shared math class along with your books, and he mirrors your actions. The tension was killing you, but you bite your tongue and tried to do what you could to just get this study session over with. When you looked at Kyotani, he was already looking at you, the slightest tint of pink on his cheeks as he muttered something.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear what you said?” You furrowed your brows in confusion and tilted your head. He let out a deep sigh before looking away and repeated himself in an annoyed tone.
“I’m having trouble with the entire course. So I don’t know where you want to start?” You say up straight, kind of shocked that he was actually serious about something for once.
“Oh! Well, let’s start with comparing notes and go from there!”
If there was one thing about Kyotani, it was that he was stubborn as a bull. The session started out great. He was listening to everything you said, you shared notes and he copied what he didn’t have, and he wasn’t being a complete asshole to you. At least for the first hour. Once you both started on the worksheets, everything went downhill. Kyotani refused to listen to your help when you told him he was doing something wrong and he started to just leave problems blank. You were looking over some of his equations when you noticed a few of them were still a bit off. “Kyotani, you missed a few-”
“For the love of god, would you stop your nagging on whether the equations are right or not?” warm brown eyes glared at you through a set of long lashes, and it took everything in you to try to remain calm.
“I’m supposed to be helping you so you don’t get benched. I’m just trying to do my job in helping you not fail.”
“I don’t need your charity.” Those were the words that finally made you blow up. You had tried helping him for the past half an hour of trying to understand where he was making mistakes, and he just wasn’t listening. You finally had enough.
“You know what, I didn’t even want to help you. I’m simply doing this because my brother and Toru asked so you wouldn’t be out for the next game or even kicked from the team, which you agreed to do. Yet, here you are, not even giving a damn that someone is trying to keep you from failing because you’re too stubborn to accept any help!” You were out of breath by the time you finished ranting and all Kyotani did was stare at you with a blank face the entire time.
As soon as he realized you were done, he made a fake pout and asked in a condescending tone, “Awe, is the Princess frustrated that things aren’t going her way?”
“Get out.” You started packing up your things, letting the infuriating blonde know that you were done for the day. He grabbed his things, simply just shoving them in his bag before getting up and walking himself to the door.
“I’ll see you in a few days Princess. You wouldn’t want to let your dear old brother down by refusing to tutor me now would you?” There was that damned name again, and the teasing was back. Reminding you exactly why you couldn’t stand the man. Thankfully you heard the door shut and you let out a deep breath. You’re going to make sure you remember to give Haji and Oikawa a piece of your mind for making you put up with Kyotani these few weeks.
It’s been a month since you started tutoring Kyotani and while, thankfully, he was improving, every study session ended up just like the first. He was insufferable, and you were really starting to regret giving up your free days to spend time with him. But Oikawa kept up his side of the deal, and you’ve barely even seen your ex around campus, and you’re kind of hoping it stays that way. You were sitting on the bleachers as you watched your brother's team practice for their game in two weeks. With the game coming up, it just reminded you that you only had one last study date with Kyotani, which was tomorrow, before your next exam and for him to hopefully be able to play, or all your hard work would have been done for nothing.
You have to admit, watching this practice, Kyotani really was one of their strongest players. He was a little rough, but it made sense for him and it worked to get everyone else worked up and try their hardest to keep up and win. And the way he spiked the ball down, there was almost no way anyone could receive it. Wait, what am I saying? Why the hell am I praising the bastard? You shook your head trying to clear your mind as you continued watching the guys practice match. You looked at the other side of the net, the other half of the team doing all they could to go up against Oikawa’s serves and Haji’s and Kyotani’s spikes. Your eyes immediately fell onto Mattsun, who was already sending a smirk and wink your way.
You could feel your face heating up immediately, but played it off and rolled your eyes. Mattsun made some stupid remark towards your brother that made him look up towards you before he yelled at Mattsun “Go near her and I’ll make sure you can never have children.” You weren’t entirely sure what was said, but by your brother's reaction, you could only guess. Next thing you knew, Kyotani was sending the ball straight for Matsukawa’s face, which ended up making him land on his ass and receive a bloody nose. You watched everything go down in shock as the rest of the team had to to keep Kyotani and Mattsun separated when Mattsun tried to go after Kyotani. The blonde simply said “My bad”, and acted as though nothing even happened.
After the incident and the coach making sure no one was seriously injured and that things wouldn’t escalate, Oikawa made the decision to end practice. You ran down the bleachers just in time for Haji to let you know that he’d meet you by the door after he changed. As soon as he was out of sight, you saw both Mattsun and Maki making their way over to you. Already expecting their antics, you called over to them. “Waiting for my brother to leave before talking to me? He must really make you guys tremble in your shoes.” You teased them. Maki laughed while Mattsun just smirked before replying.
“Nope, I would just rather have an uninterrupted conversation with a pretty lady. Is that so bad?” Rolling your eyes, you knew exactly where this was going.
“Trying to ask me on another date? Because if that’s the case, the answer is still the same and I doubt you want another hour long talk with Haji.” You laughed. Mattsun looked over your shoulder and his face dropped from his confident smirk to a hard scowl. Maki decided to answer this time. Nodding behind you as he did.
“I think his biggest issue would be your new boyfriend joining your brother.” He let out a chuckle. Boyfriend? You were confused as to what he meant, until you turned around and came face to face with Kyotani, who was having a staredown with Matsukawa. You choked on your own spit at what Maki was insinuating.
“No, no, no! Kyotani is not my boyfriend! Are you kidding, we’re constantly at each other’s throats. I'm putting up with him to help you guys out for your next game!” Maki was losing it over you trying to explain things, while Mattsun and Kyotani continued their little staring contest.
“Well he was quick to react when I said your name down on the court.” Mattsun looked towards you, finally breaking eye contact with the blonde behind you. You could feel your face heating up, and you weren’t sure you wanted to know, but you asked what he meant anyway. But, instead of getting an answer from Mattsun, you were dragged away from the arm by Kyotani. You tried pulling your arm free, but it was useless. He didn’t let go until you both had made it outside of the gym.
“What the hell was that for?” You yelled at Kyotani when finally released your arm. He just stared at you before he finally turned around to begin walking towards what you assumed was his next class for the day. “Hello! I’m talking to you!” Kyotani finally turned around, just as your brother was leaving the gym. “Maybe ask your brother what was said before flirting with the team playboy.” Without another word, Kyotani stomped off, leaving you to stand there absolutely dumbfounded until Hajime caught up with you. You didn’t have it in you to reply when he asked if you were ready to go home, just nodding your head and following beside him.
It was your last study session with Kyotani. Neither of you said a single word to each other since he showed up. Quietly exchanging the notes and working on your assignments. You still weren’t entirely sure what exactly happened yesterday. Haji refused to talk about it, and you weren’t going to ask Mattsun or Maki after yesterday either. Oikawa wasn’t much help since he just told you to ask Haji just like Kyotani did.
Needless to say, your mind was elsewhere, and you didn’t realize how badly you were spacing out until you felt a flick to your forehead. You winced and brought your hand up to rub between your brows as you glared at the blonde across from you. “What was that for?” You pouted. Kyotani gave you a straight face before sighing and pushing his notes aside.
“Your head’s in the clouds, Princess. I’ve asked for your help twice already and you didn’t reply. You also got number 9 wrong.” You looked down at your paper, looking over the question when you realized he was right. You let your head drop onto your arms on the table and took a few deep breaths before finally sitting back up.
“I’m sorry, I’ve just had a lot on my plate. What did you need help with?” You were ready to get this tutoring over with. You knew neither of you liked spending this much time with each other, and you wanted to have your free days back to partying or hanging out with friends. But Kyotani didn’t budge. He was still staring at you, like he was expecting something. “Hello? You’re staring.”
“He told Maki that he wanted to see if you were a pillow princess.” Kyotani said bluntly. You choked on your spit and looked at him like he had three heads.
“Excuse me?” You yelled. Kyotani let out a soft chuckle at your reaction. Not one of those teasing laughs you were used to, no. A genuine one, although it was soft, it was still real.
“I knew Iwaizumi wasn’t going to tell you. I figured that’s what you’re over there daydreaming about.” Still in shock, you didn’t know what to say.
“Is that why you spiked the ball at his face?” You questioned. Kyotani was quiet for a few minutes before he said anything.
“Yeah. But don’t think it was for you. I just hate guys who talk about women like their achievements to be unlocked.” After he answered you, he pulled his notebook back towards him and started back on the assignment. You felt your heart skip a beat and you face warm knowing that it was Kyotani of all people who defended you.
“Who knew you actually had a heart?” You teased with a genuine smile. “Thank you, I really appreciate it.” Kyotani only replied with a grunt before asking for help and continuing the study session.
Not even a full hour into studying, even after the little ‘heart to heart’ if you could call it that, you and Kyotani were back to getting on each other's nerves. One small comment about him being dramatic for slamming his book shut after not understanding the last topic you had to go over. Now here you are arguing over who was more dramatic over the smallest things.
“You’re calling me dramatic, but just last week you had a full on breakdown for getting a C minus on your english exam!”
“WHA-? I’m going to kill Haji for blabbing.” You pouted. Kyotani sat back with a victorious smirk, and you wished nothing more than to smack it off of him.
“You’re such a goody-two-shoes. I mean seriously, who cries over a C minus?” Great, now he was mocking you.
“It wasn’t just because I got a C minus. I had a lot going on that day and the grade was just a breaking point.” You explained. “And I’m not a goody-two-shoes. Just because you never see me have fun or go out, doesn’t mean that I don’t at all.”
Kyotani leaned forward. His arms crossed on top of the table, the silver chain he was wearing came untucked from his shirt and dangled freely, and his face became way too close to your own. “I never said you didn’t go out or have fun, but when was the last time you broke a rule? One that actually got you into some deep ass trouble with someone?” You swear his voice dropped an octave. You wanted so badly to look away, but the heat was rising to your cheeks as you just stared back into his honey brown eyes.
You didn’t know how to answer him. Partly because you haven’t gotten into serious trouble except for one time, in highschool, and partly because of how close he was to you and the way your thoughts were betraying you at the moment. So instead, you remained quiet while he stared you down. “That time you and Iwaizumi snuck out your second year of highschool doesn't count either, since it was his idea and you just had to follow.” He was smirking now, and damn you wanted nothing more than to wipe that look off his face. “Let’s make a little bet, Princess.”
You know you shouldn’t, you really did, but you also wanted to prove him wrong so badly. “What do you have in mind?”
“If I ace my exam, you have to do something that will, or at least could, get you into some big trouble. Cause a fight, steal something, stir some things up with a frat or sorority. I don’t care who you piss you off, but it can’t be anything stupid.” Kyotani finally pulled away from you and leaned back to where he was sitting. You felt like you could finally think straight and breathe. You took in what he said and let it process for a minute before answering.
“Only if you ace the exam?” Kyotani nodded. “What’s at stake here if I win or lose?”
“Winner can pick their prize after they win.” After taking another minute to think it all through. You stuck your hand out across the table. Kyotani let out a low chuckle before bringing his hand to meet yours. “I hope you’re ready for next week.”
“That’s if you can even pass the exam.”
The crowd was on edge as everyone watched the two teams go back and forth as they kept tying at match point. You debated on even going to the game seeing as your brother was playing against Tanaka’s team, but Haji promised that if things got to be too much, that you could leave whenever. So, there you were as you watched the two teams battle it out for the win. Everyone was giving their best and you could see both teams were growing tired. It wasn’t until your brother received the ball, sending it flying just over the net before it dropped right out of anyone’s reach, that you had finally let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Match Point.
It was Kyotani who was serving next, and while you hoped that he would win the last point, you also couldn’t help but think of the bet you both made. Especially when it had been almost a week since he aced the exam.
You waited in anticipation as your professor announced that all the exam scores were in and posted online. As soon as the lecture was over, you made your way towards the back of the room where Kyotani sat and waited for him to tell you whether he failed or passed the test. When you reached his seat, he didn’t say anything. Taking his dear sweet time packing his things so he could head to his next lecture. “Well, did you pass or not?” You were annoyed that he was ignoring you, and you worried that all of your hard work tutoring him was for nothing.
“Oh. Yeah, I passed.” He said calmly. You breathed a sigh of release, well that’s good, at least all of your tutoring didn’t go down the drain, you thought. “In fact, I aced it.” Kyotani had an evil glint to his eyes as his smile grew, and suddenly, your train of thought went to one thing only.
Oh fuck.
Kyotani dropped his phone on the table in front of you, the screen on his class grades, the exam grade being at the very top right under his overall class percentage. Sure, you didn’t want him to fail. But you also didn’t want, nor expect, him to ace this exam. You could feel all of the blood drain from your face, as everything finally set in. You took a deep breath, already knowing what was to come. “So, when does my side of the bet start then.” You kept your voice low, almost sounding bored. Really you were just trying to hide any panic that could give you away.
“Starting tomorrow. That gives you a week. If you still haven’t done something crazy come the day after our game, then I win.” You didn’t even bother answering Kyotani, simply nodding before turning and walking home. You needed some serious down time to be able process and prepare for this bet.
You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard the final whistle. Looking at the scoreboard, you saw that your brother's team had won. You stood up to cheer them on, more specifically to cheer Haji on. You sent him a text letting him know that you were going to leave early before the traffic got bad and so you could get ready early for the party that he and Oikawa had planned. You knew that since they had won, that you probably shouldn’t drink tonight in case you needed to take care of a drunk Seijoh Uni Volleyball Team.
How did you end up crying in the bathroom with one of your closest friends, well that would be all thanks to your brother inviting your ex’s team to the party as well. Why did he do that? You weren’t sure, but you did know that you were going to bitch him out over it tomorrow morning when he was hungover and felt like he was hit by a truck. For the time being though, you were just trying to make yourself look presentable before going back to the party. Your friend rubbing you back and telling you how you didn’t need to cry over a stupid man and how you should go out there and show him what he’s missing.
You straightened out your top and turned towards your friend, hugging her tightly and thanking her for being there for you before you both exited the bathroom. The house was crowded and the music was loud. Thankfully some of the guys helped move any expensive and breakable things before anyone else showed up into your room closet for the night, because you were not looking forward to the cleanup tomorrow.
You made your way to the kitchen to grab a drink, figuring one or two wouldn’t hurt you just to calm your nerves. Instead you were met with Tanaka and Kiyoko kissing on the counter. You really didn’t want to cry again, really you had no reason to. It’s not like he ever cheated on you, or even treated you badly. In fact, he was a great guy. Maybe that’s why you were so upset over the breakup even a year later. Because it was so sudden, and when he got with Kiyoko only a few weeks later, you knew he didn’t feel as strongly for you as you did him.
You didn’t still have feelings for him, but seeing him still made you miss the times you shared together and reminded you exactly what so many people would tell you throughout highschool, that you would have to be perfect to ever be enough for anything. And while you knew that wasn't true, and Haji would fight anyone who ever said anything like that to you, those words affected you more than you would like to admit. Leaving you to your exact position right now. Trying to hold back tears and ignore the two in front of you, instead of grabbing alcohol like you originally planned, you grabbed water, hoping to to sneak off into your room for the rest of the night.
As you were turning the corner you bumped into a familiar short haired blonde. Great, just what you needed, you thought. “You’ve been crying?” He asked, looking at you. You rolled your eyes, really not wanting to deal with him or having the chance of that damned bet, that you already knew you lost, popping up into conversation. You did your best to ignore him and continue walking to your room, pulling out a key to unlock the door, but before you could enter and close it, a hand grabbed yours, stopping you. Turning around, you were met with Kyotani’s hard glare and honey brown eyes. “Did something happen? I know Iwa is way too drunk to deal with anyone if they fucked with you.”
“No, nothing happened. Except the fact that my dumbass brother decided it would be a great idea to invite my ex and his new girlfriend over.” You were dripping with sarcasm and attitude when you answered, and to your surprise, Kyotani laughed. A genuine cheerful laugh. It was a nice sound, but you were too caught up in your own emotions that it just annoyed you even more. “I don’t see how that’s so funny.”
“Because I’ve never heard you genuinely call Iwaizumi any names outside of joking around. Who knew the little Princess had it in her.” Kyotani was still letting out small chuckles as he answered you. You decided it was better to just leave things at that, and turned to go into your room. What you didn’t expect was for Kyotani to follow you in.
“What the hell are you doing?” clearly he didn’t get the memo that you wanted to be alone, and plopped his ass down on your bed.
“Thought you could use some company. Plus, I hate drunk people and it’s too loud out there.” You let out a dry laugh at his answer.
“You mean you’re going to willingly hang out with me?” Kyotani shrugged his shoulders and pulled out a pack of UNO cards.
“Oikawa won’t let me leave, so it beats being stuck out there with everyone. Plus you’ll probably just cry all night if you're left alone.” You squinted your eyes, glaring at him before you sat on your bed, leaning against your pillows and headboard across from Kyotani, and snatching the cards from his hand as you shuffled and dealt the cards. Might as well make the best of a shitty night, you thought to yourself. Besides, he was right, anything beat being out there with everyone else or staying in your room alone crying over your ex.
Three rounds of UNO later, and things were going how they always go with Kyotani. You two were going back and forth arguing, thinking one of you was cheating. “There’s no way you got dealt all of the wild cards two games in a row!” You accused. Kyotani rolled his eyes and showed you his hand, proving that he really did have a handful of wild cards.
“Well it looks like I did, Princess.” You threw your cards down onto the bed, declaring that you were done playing the card game. Crossing your arms, you huffed out a breath.
“What is it with you calling me that damned name?” You never really knew why he called you that, but you did know that he always used it when he was teasing you, and you hated it.
“I don’t know. Maybe because it just suits you.” Well that answer caught you off guard. “Plus it pisses you off.” And that’s the answer you were expecting. You both sat in an oddly comfortable silence for a few moments, just listening to all of the chaos that was happening just outside of your door. Your mind wandered to the bet, and you knew come tomorrow morning that Kyotani would be telling you what he wanted for winning, but you were grateful that he hasn’t brought it up tonight like he has the rest of the week.
“You know, ‘Kawa is probably drunk enough to not notice anything if you still wanted to leave.” You side eyed Kyotani as you started picking up the cards from your bed.
“Yeah, probably.” He didn’t move. You raised an eyebrow at him, standing up to hand him the cards and to tell him to leave so you could change into some more comfortable clothes.
“Okay. Well, then leave. I’m ready to change out of these clothes and relax.” Kyotani smirked and leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees.
“Then get dressed.” You rolled your eyes, visibly getting annoyed.
“Haha, very funny, Kyotani. Now leave.” You turned and headed towards your closet, hoping he would get the hint and just go. Apparently, luck was not on your side.
“Make me, Princess.” You whipped around, facing Kyotani as you watched his smirk grow larger. Through gritted teeth, you hissed out at him.
“Kyotani Kentaro, I swear to God if you-” He stood up and started making his way towards you, cutting you off.
“What? What are you going to do if I don’t leave?” fed up with his bullshit, you reeled back your hand getting ready to hit him. Before your hand could make contact, his hand caught your wrist. “Ooo, getting feisty now aren’t we.” You both stood there, not moving a muscle or saying a word. The tension just growing with each second that passed until you couldn’t handle it anymore.
“Either leave or kiss me dammit.”
Kyotani dropped his hand from your wrist, opting to place it on your hip as he pulled you closer, his other hand reaching up towards the side of your face as his lips crashed onto your own. His lips were soft, and tasted faintly like cherries, and you hated to admit that you were liking this. You threw one hand over her shoulder, the other taking a hold of his shirt and pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. Your whole body felt like it was erupting into flames, and you couldn’t help but want more.
You knew you should pull away. You knew that you were breaking yours and Haji’s number one rule for each other. You knew that everything about this was wrong. But you didn’t care.
Your lips parted slightly, giving Kyotani the invitation to slip his tongue past. The hand on your waist tightened as he walked you both backwards, his knees hitting the bed. He broke off the kiss as he sat down, looking up at you out of breath, and you embarrassingly whimpered out at the loss of contact. “Please tell me you haven’t had anything to drink tonight.” You shook your head, and before you could even get out that you only drank water, you were being pulled into his lap.
“Let me know right now if you want to stop, because I'm not sure I'll be able to stop myself if you don’t” Kyotani’s eyes darkened as his hand found their way to your hips and he pulled you back in to make out. And you were positive in that moment right there, that you have never been turned on more in life than when he said that. His fingers were digging into your hips hard enough that you would have to check for bruises later.
It wasn’t long before he made his way down to your neck, leaving the softest little love bites against your skin as he did. Your hands made their way to the back of his head, your fingers treading through his soft hair and pulling him closer. You couldn’t stop the quiet moan that escaped your lips as he softly bit down on the base of your neck. You grind your hips harder into him, feeling him grow harder with every little movement and that urged you to keep going. Kyotani let out a hiss as you ran your nails down from his hair to the back of his neck, silently begging him to keep going.
He pulled away from your neck, hands leaving your hips and moving to your thighs, squeezing at every inch of them. His hands felt so big and warm against you, and you wanted to feel more of him. You wanted him to run his hands all over your body, exploring every inch of you so you could just soak in his touch. You tugged on the collar of his shirt, wanting him to take it off, wanting to explore his body as much as you wanted him to explore yours. Kyotani let out a soft chuckle, giving your thighs another squeeze. “So impatient. Go on, Princess, take it off for me.” His voice was deep, but it lacked the roughness it usually holds whenever he would speak. You squirmed where you sat on his lap, feeling yourself grow turned on more and more, but you wasted no time reaching for the bottom of his shirt and pulling it over his head. As soon as it was off, you didn’t bother to hide that you were checking him out.
You slowly ran your hands back up his stomach and chest. His skin was hot and soft to the touch. You always knew he was muscular, but he also wasn’t ripped. He didn’t always look like much with the hoodie and large shirts he would wear everyday, but seeing him the way he was now? You didn’t want to look away. As you felt up his chest, you could feel the way his muscles rippled under your touch, and the slight goosebumps he was gaining from your touch. He let out a small groan, softly trying to lift his hips to meet yours. “You’re killing me here.” He sighed, head falling back and eyes falling shut as you continued to take your time feeling him up.
“Then do something about it.” You whispered back to him, too scared that your voice would crack if you spoke any louder. To Kyotani, your voice sounded sultry and inviting, almost begging for him to just break you. You could feel the way your slick was soaking your underwear, and your stomach was filled with butterflies just begging to burst out. He sat back up, his arms wrappingaround your waist and pulling you against him.
“Don’t have to tell me twice.” grabbed the bottom of your shirt, practically ripping it off of you and throwing it across the room. His hands ran up your sides as he looked you up and down, face going straight to your chest as he began to leave small open mouthed kisses on the top of your breasts. You heard him mutter a quiet “Fuck” as his hands began to grab at you again. You were trying your best to get some sort of friction between the two of you, trying to press more and more into him. You needed more contact. You were beginning to feel selfish, you just wanted more and more as things kept progressing, and you could feel the way Kyotani was straining in his jeans.
You pushed away from Kyotani and dropped down to your knees. Kyotani giving no objections, and leaning back onto his elbows. His cheeks were flushed and his breathing was heavy. You almost forgot that this was the man you would constantly get into petty arguments with on the daily. Looking up at him now, his face a slight shade of pink, pupils blown wide and eyes hooded, lips slightly swollen from your previous making out. Maybe it was just because you were horny, but damn you’d be lying if you didn’t find him sexy at the moment.
You rubbed your palm over the crotch of his jeans, trying to get comfortable with what you were about to do. Kyotani’s heavy breathing keeps you focused on his face, trying to gauge his reaction. You finally moved to unbutton his pants and pull them down his thighs, letting out a small giggle at the sight of his boxers. You couldn’t help it when you’re looking at one of the biggest troublemakers you know wearing bright blue puppy patterned boxers. Kyotani’s face turned a deeper shade of pink, and he rolled his eyes at you, muttering how he wasn’t expecting to get laid tonight. You focused back onto what you were getting ready to do. You slowly began to pull the waistband of his boxers down, feeling yourself fill with anticipation and excitement.
Once pulled down, Kyotani’s dick was already leaking precum. He wasn’t huge, but he definitely wasn’t small either. He was maybe around six to seven inches, and he had a decently thick girth. Wrapping your fingers around his base, you could feel that he was a bit heavy in your hand. You gave a few experimental pumps, Kyotani’s head falling back as he let out a soft sigh. You leaned in closer, your mouth watering as you saw him reacting to your touch. You brought his pale, pink tip to your lips and kitten licked, hoping to get him to react some more. When he let out a pleased groan, you took him into your mouth. He felt big and you were positive that you couldn’t take him all, but with the moans he was letting slip out, you sure wanted to try.
You wanted to make him feel good. Wanted to make him moan louder. You reached a hand up to cup his balls, but as soon as you did, he pulled you off of him. When you looked up at his face, he looked like he was about to break. “If you keep going like that, I’m not going to last any longer.” You felt your chest bubble up with pride, but it didn’t last too long when Kyotani helped you stand up and started taking off your pants, your underwear going with them. His hands sliding up you back and unclasping your bra next.
You let out a little yelp as he pulls you onto your bed, climbing on top of you as he does. He looked down at you with an unusually soft expression for him, and it took everything in you to not hide behind your hands. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“God damn you’re fucking gorgeous.” Without giving you a chance to process his words, Kyotani leaned down and attached his lips to your nipple. His mouth was warm, and the sensation immediately had you arching your back and letting out a high pitched whine. His hand came up to roll and tug on your other nipple, making sure both were getting attention. The way he was playing with your tits made your thighs clench together, trying to gain any amount of friction that you could. “Kyo-“
“That’s not my name, Princess.” Kyotani all but growled against your skin, cutting you off. And god help the way that made your pussy clench.
“K-Kentaro, please, need more. Please.” You whined.Your cries going straight to Kyo-, no, Kentaro’s dick. He groaned at the sound of his name rolling off your tongue. With one last nip at your breast, he slowly began to leave a trail of sloppy kisses going down your torso. Goosebumps rose on your skin as the cold air hit each one as he made his way down. When he finally reached between your hips, he looked up at you through his lashes. He took his hands and hooked them around your thighs, pulling you closer to his face.
He kept eye contact with you as he slowly pried your thighs open and threw one of your legs over his shoulder. You were growing flustered more and more as every second passed that he looked at you. Finally breaking eye contact and looking between your legs were free of his gaze. You could have swore you saw him drool as he used his thumbs to spread you open. Your slick, already dripping out as you’ve been waiting to be touched.
“Such a pretty pussy.” His voice was quiet, almost like he was talking to himself, but the whimper you let out was pathetic, your hole clenching at the compliment as you tried to move away from his intense stare. “Stop moving, Princess. ‘M gonna make you feel good.”
Kentaro licked a long stripe up your slit. He wasted no time in getting comfortable between your legs. He took his time in trying to commit the way you taste to his memory. Swirling his tongue around your clit and every so often sucking softly before going back to burying his tongue inside of you. The sounds you were making were nothing short of pornographic, sounding foreign even to your own ears. When he brought his hand around your thigh to rub circles onto your clit as he ate you out, you felt the knot in your stomach form instantly. Your body temp was rising rapidly and your hands flew to Kentaro’s head, your thighs practically holding him in place as you started to buck up onto his mouth, chasing for a release.
“‘M gonna come, Ken-, Kentaro.” Your hiccuped as you tried to warn him. He let out a chuckle, the noise sending vibrations as he lapped at your juices, and with one last, hard, suck to you clit, you felt that knot in your stomach snap. A huge wave of euphoria flowed through your body, as your thighs released Kentaroi’s head. He began to litter soft kisses along your thighs as you came down from the high.
When your breathing finally started to even out, you couldn’t help the little giggles as the kisses he was leaving were tickling a bit. Kentaro bit the inside of your thigh, hard, causing you to let out a small yelp. “Ow! What was that for?!”
“To leave a mark.” He stated as he began to pull himself back up towards you. “And don’t get too comfortable, I’m not finished with you.” He pulled your thighs apart once more, lowering his body to meet with yours. Your lips met in another heated kiss as you felt his dick run along the wetness of your pussy. Your whimpering did nothing but make him want to continue teasing you, and you started to beg for him to give you more. Your hips, constantly moving to meet with his for contact.
Your hands ran down his back, feeling the muscles in his shoulders every you’d drag your nails across them in the hopes of trying to rile him up.
Kentaro took your lip between his teeth and tugged a bit before leaning down to your ear. “Be a good girl for me and maybe I’ll let you cum again.” You felt the butterflies in your stomach again as Kentaro whispered those words to you, and as you tried to close your buck up your hips for more friction, he sat up and pushed them back down. Leaning down from the side of your bed, he grabbed his jeans, pulling a condom out from the front pocket.
“Thought you weren’t expecting to get laid tonight?” You repeat your earlier words to him. He ignored you, opening the package and rolling the piece of latex over his length. Once he was sure the condom was on the right way, he grabbed your thighs, pulling you close so he could line himself up with your entrance.
He grabbed his dick and gave himself a few pumps before he slowly started to push into you. His face twisted in pleasure, brows furrowing and eyes rolling as he stretched you out. The moan he let out as you squeezed him went straight to your pussy . “Fuck, Your so tight.” Kentaro hissed out through clenched teeth. He slowly inched his way deeper with you clawing at his shoulders the whole time.
When he finally bottomed out, he leane down and kissed you again before leaning up and lifting your legs over his shoulder. You could already feel the exhaustion you were going to experience at the end of all of this, but you didn’t have the time to care as Kentaro began to pull back out slowly only to slam back into you. The pace he set was fast and each thrust left you out of breath.
For once you were thankful for the loud partying happening just outside of your door, because your room was filled with the sound of skin hitting skin and mixture of moans and grunts from you and Kentaro. A light layer of sweat forming on both of your bodies. Your hands gripped the sheets hoping for any sort of stability with Kentaro’s rough thrusts, that all too familiar feeling forming in the pit of your stomach again. You repeated his name like a mantra with every thrust.
Kentaro brought his thumb to your clit, rubbing circles with just enough pressure to bring you closer to the edge. “Good. Fucking. Girl.” He growled In between each thrust, and that was all you needed to let go. Throwing your head back onto the pillows and practically screaming out his name, your vision blurred and you felt heat all over your body. Kentaro worked you through your high, chasing for his own release. When you finally came back down to earth, you could notice the slight stutter in his hips.
He dropped his head watching his dick disappear inside you. It didn’t take long for him to thrust into you one last time, stilling inside you as he panted like a dog in heat, his moans being some of the prettiest sounds you’ve heard. Once he calmed down, he pulled out and took off the condom, tying it before tossing it in the garbage can at the end of your bed.
Sitting up, you pulled your blanket and covered yourself up watching Kentaro as he pulled his underwear on. You started feeling a little insecure after everything, expecting him to just leave without saying anything and acting like this never happened. But you were taken by surprise when your light was switched off. He pulled the blanket from you and threw his shirt over your head, and you knew it was his shirt because it was big and smelled like him, before climbing in next to you. “So, are we going to talk ab-“ you were grabbed by the waist and pulled down against his chest.
“No, we’re going to bed now, Princess.” He grumbled. You let out a small laugh as you answered back with a simple,
“Good night, ‘Taro.”’
“What the fuck is going on?!” Well, you certainly weren’t expecting to wake up to an angry Haji this morning.
Wait. You shot up from your bed to see your brother and Oikawa standing in your doorway. Next to you, the oh so infamous blonde troublemaker was lying in your bed with an arm across his face. “Can we not yell first thing in the morning? And I fucked your sister. That’s what’s going on.” Your jaw dropped, eyes going wide, and you could feel all the blood drain from your face as Kentaro answered so bluntly. Your brother was fuming, it may not have been noticeable to anyone else, but it was to you. He gave you a long, silent glare before storming off back to his room and slamming the door.
Oikawa remained in your doorway, looking like was trying to not break into a fit of laughter before letting you in on what he found so funny. “So not only did Iwa-chan break his promise, but you did too? That’s just golden.” And he left closing your door as he did.
Well, at least he couldn’t get too mad at you since he also slept with one of your friends. You flopped back down onto your bed next to Kentaro. Once you were back next to him, he sat up on his elbow to look at you.
“Congrats.” You gave him a look of confusion, urging him to continue. “You won the bet.”
You stared at him for a split second before bursting into a fit of laughter just like Oikawa did before he walked out. As he watched you, Kentaro grew a small smile on his face. “Too bad I’m not letting you pick your prize.” You calmed down and looked at Kyotani, once again with confusion, but also intrigue.
“Oh yeah? And why’s that?”
“Because your prize is me. I’m taking you on a date.” He didn’t give you a chance to answer as he leant down to kiss you before getting up and pulling his pants on. “Get dressed and give me back my shirt when you're done. I’m going to try not to get murdered by your brother.” Once he left your room, you couldn’t help but lay in your bed for a few minutes thinking to yourself.
Who would’ve thought a stupid rivalry fueled bet would have led to me hooking up and going on a date with Kyotani Kentaro.
© all works belong to kenmas-lil-housewife. please refrain from plagiarizing any of my works and do not repost or copy onto any other sites.
#DinnerParty#lost a bet collab#Kyotani#Kyotani smut#haikyuu smut#hq smut#kyotani kentaro#haikyuu kyotani
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inarizaki x f!manager
this is part of a hcs series, let me now what team you want next <3

okay so actually you ended being the manager because the girls volleyball team had already closed the application time
so you you were really looking forward to it and omg you were so sad about it
after being rejected, you were just peacefully going through the gym and you heard laughter from a bunch of guys
you recognized kosaku since he was in your class and waved at him.
and so, they were talking about getting a manager since this team is pretty much a lot to handle
and so since kosaku knew you were hard working and that the first idea that popped out oh his head was that if you wanted to try out.
kita respectfully introduced himself and asked if you were willingly try out 🥺🥺🥺 like what a man 🥺🥺
and mostly because the twins having fangirls always made this process kind of difficult, so instead kita and aran wanted to make sure it was someone who at least was trusted by one of them
and not to brag but bestie you are gorgeous
so it was a win win
atsumu refused to this because as the jerk he usually is, he said that he didn’t need any help
that son of a bitch
he was being soooo petty mainly after you said “oh don’t worry kita, idiots are not my type”
osamu fell in love with you ❗️
and aran
and suna
and well the team.
and so, looking at the other court where the girl vbc was training you said that it was something.
every! single! practice! is! chaotic!
but somehow you managed them so well
atsumu is still trying to prove that he doesn’t but oh boy he is the first one to requiere your help
you better believe this guys are your simps and are constantly competing over someone who a year ago could never imagine they had
your attention? the best way to prove each other they were superior
in away games, god bless the idiot that wants to even dares to try to do a move on you
they are lowkey intimidating
not but seriously
specially and surprisingly kita and aran
son como esos niños mamones fresas que de cierto modo les tienes miedo
this team? over the moon for you
and tbh, they were so grateful for you, you did a lot for them that they started to feel some kind of embarrassing how before they wouldn’t know how to do basic stuff like cooking for camps, labeling they jerseys correctly, searching for new equipment like they love you
anyways that however was kinda sus to them
it all started when somehow you learned so quickly, and the technical stuff was not hard to understand as to others
surprisingly the first one to notice was suna
you could have said something but tbh
you still look forward to play volleyball like more seriously even as a hobby
you’d rather be dead than telling your team that’s what you wanted because
a) they could think you only joined to learn volleyball and not help them
b) you had your pride, you want to be recognized by your own merits rather than “of course, they are inarizaki’s manager if they weren’t they could have never been this good”
so you still played volleyball but hid from them
there was a gym nearby where constant tournaments were held
you were a ghost because knowing damn well your boys could go there at any moment you decided to take some precautions
like nickname and position was everything they knew about you
your teammates loved you, so they respected your private life, and it was kind of cool
but what you were not expecting is that for some reason, omimi had followed you one day bc you forgot something after practice.
being a friday it meant for some weird reason you always rushed out
“sus” suna says everytime
so he catches you going out to the gym and maybe, he thought, you were just going to workout or see someone
bye you broke him
and so he tries to process it normally
key word: tries
and here we are him being interrogated by the team incredulous to his words.
ay first they interrogated him being overprotective by the fact that he was spending more time with you but when he tells them what he saw god dammit
they loose it when they find out.
and so, tsumu says something that everyone agrees with him for the first time
“let’s go and spy”
“i swear to god if y/n finds out...”
“shut up aran, unless you want to make it obvious and reveal our identity dumbass!”
“tsumu, the disguises are awful”
“come on kita not you too!”
“what if”
“akagi shut up all of you agreed with the idea”
“osamu you suck”
and so there they go. trying to find you in the sea of people at the entrance, not having a clear view yet, they only search for the navy blue and white uniform that omimi described to them when he saw you.
and then almost as if it was the gods plan, they started hearing whispers of people around mentioning the arrival of one of the most popular teams out there.
“come on what the big deal-” suna started saying, however your figure appeared and he instantly turned into a babbling mess.
as well as the rest of inarizaki vbc.
osamu had to double check to assure himself that it indeed was you, beautiful as ever, walking alongside your hot and apparently talented team.
minutes later, they were standing in the bleachers as quiet as they could. they spotted you.
“A SETTER” atsumu jumped of his seat and had to be scolded by aran who was also surprised by the position you were going to be playing.
“wasn’t expecting that” ginjima talks saying what everyone was currently thinking.
behind them was a couple of guys, who apparently did not know how lower their comments.
“the setter is kinda cute” “wow look at that” oml please even aran who was the voice of reason had the urge to punch them in the face.
still they decided to just focus on your game who has now been started. and even tho they wanted to not do it, they couldn’t help analyzing you and your moves in the court. it was natural, well because they were players and very good ones it’s inevitable for them to compare and to study the way you played more than anything.
they were not expecting you to be this good. almost everything in your technique was polished, your tema work was remarkable and god bless your ability to read the blockers.
but there was a moment when they just saw the panoramic view of your skills. atsumu could see your tired expression, the sweat on your body, he just knew you were feeling now the adrenaline of the last moments of the set.
still you yelled a “we will take it” and then, with the others team hope hanging on a thread, the ball came to your libero, which perfectly passed the ball to you.
there was greed in your eyes, so scary that kita for a moment feared for the other team.
and it was when you did the setter dump that your whole team stood up in pure shock.
who were you and why were you hiding?
sadly the boys screamed way too loud which lead to you, after you made the last point and give the history to your tema, lifted up your gaze and saw a bunch of idiots wearing hats and everything in between.
suna and tsumu ran the fastest in the team directly to the gate, and the with a bunch of losers behind them,
because after everything you were there arms crossed and a murderous look in your eyes.
“IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE Y/N” “osamu shut up!”
they, once you made sure to pinch each and everyone’s ears, starred bombarding questions on how did you managed to learned that and why you did ikr tell them
“come on guys, in school i’m already looked down at just because it’s you! so could you imagine me being a inarizaki student trying to move without your name?”
kita forced them to shut up and aran felt a a kind of guilt
as week as everyone else
“don’t worry y/n, we know now what it’s like to not being your own author.”
and so, they just told you how proud they were.
“maybe we are jerks but y/n we are your jerks, and over there or respect to you has just grown up”
suna the says “you’ve been there all of the time for a while now, i guess it out time to return the favor”
and so ever since then they alwaaaaays try to be at your games
like pls once the referee said one of your serves was out and from the bleachers he screaaaaaaamed, he claims that it was definitely in
kita always gives you some food after a game or practice
talking about practice
even if you are there for being a manager they always try to, at least half an hour before ending practice, they have a quick game with you playing alongside them or just including you in their repeats etc
and goooood bless once again anyone who tried to look down at you.
because after being constantly on you games ofc people started recognizing them as the inarizaki power house
if they heard someone relying your talent on them pls make sure they five them the coldest look ever
like ‘nah bro i dare you to say that one more time’
*knive eyes*
even some girls attend your games trying to flirt with them
you know what they do?
they brush them off and say “sorry, my type is y/n” suna says and the are 😳
pretty much everyone does this
come on even aran
inarizaki best boys 🥺🥺🥺
#inarizaki#inarizaki x manager#haikyuu x reader#hq x reader#inarizaki x reader#suna x reader#osamu x reader#kita x reader#atsumu x reader#atsumu imagines#hq suna#suna imagines#inarizaki manager#hq headcanons#ginjima hitoshi#akagi headcanons#aran ojiro#aran x reader#inarizaki x y/n#osamu headcanons#iwaizumi x reader#karasuno#bokuto x reader#suna headcanons#haikyuu hcs
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ello!! may i have some headcanons of Akaashi, Iwaizumi and Kuroo being protective and jealous over their crush?
Kuroo, Akaashi and Iwaizumi jealous and overprotective over their crush
oooh yess, i hope u enjoy! thank u for the request :)
Warnings: Slight cursing, suggestions and violence
I think it would be prettyyyyy obvious when Kuroo has a crush on you. All his teammates know, except for a certain tall half Russian Japanese boi. I mean we know Lev can be quite slow in certain situations. And his fellow team members can’t help but cringe and worry when Lev makes any careless advancements towards you
And you’re pretty surprised when he doesn’t feel the sharp glares being shot at from Nekoma’s captain every time Lev gets a little too close for Kuroo’s liking.
One day you casually visit the team, because you love to see your two middle school best friends practice and just love spending time with the volleyball team. Every time though, Lev gives you a big ol’ bear hug, squeezing your sides, missing the dirty glares from Kuroo and the worried expression some of his teammates wore.
Kuroo doesn’t like it one bit, it’s almost like Lev’s taunting him by swaying you side by side in his arms. Usually it would result in Kuroo just threatening to double his drills, and when Lev does not listen and continue to tease you Yaku comes to the rescue and kicks his ass.
But today was different, the bedhead captain felt more agitated today. Maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, maybe the tapping of Kenma’s game console has finally gone to his head who knows. All that matters is that Kuroo had no hesitation marching towards your side.
“(l/n)-chan! you’re so small and adora- AAAH”
You stare with wide eyes as Kuroo rips Lev’s grasp from your arms, a vice grip on the silver-haired male. A gentle smile is painted on Kuroo’s face that juxtaposes the tightening death grip.
“Oi, Lev? Aren’t we practcing now?” Kuroo’s baritone was low, his smile twitching ever so slightly as his hand grasps impossibly tighter on Lev. An inaudible gulping sound is heard from the wasian as he nods and struggles to make out his words.
Kuroo gives Lev one last menacing glare that stabbed straight down to Lev’s soul, practically impaling his heart so bad he wanted to scream in fear. The captain allows his libero to take over the situation, Lev shouts in panic as Yaku drags him away. You wipe sweat off your forehead and pray for the dude.
You raise an eyebrow towards Kuroo, his face has an unreadable expression and you struggle to make it out. No words exchanged, only his signature, sly smirk that made you weak at the knees and Kuroo was soon long gone, back to practice.
After practice is over, you walk home with Kenma and Kuroo. Light conversation is traded between you and Kuroo, Kenma preoccupied with his games per usual.
“Hey Tetsu, what was that all about with Lev?” You three reached your first stop in front of your home. Kuroo stops in his tracks, and peers down into your eyes deeply. That handsome smirk makes way onto his attractice face once again before quickly planting a chaste kiss on your forehead, your face turning a bright shade of red that matched your school uniforms.
“You’re cute (y/n)-chan”
Akaashi would not give many hints in both having a crush on you and whenever he gets jealous so good luuuck.
It can get pretty frustrating, but there are some moments.
Like that one time you were paying a lot more attention to Bokuto than you usually do. You had no ill intentions, you were just fed up that none of your signs were being read or ignored by Akaashi.
“HEY HEY HEY! I AM THE BEST!” The spiked ball hits the ground and resonates within the gym as you clapped and cheered
“Good job Bokuto-san! You really are good!!” That was the third time you praised Bokuto this practice session and for some reason it made the setter’s blood boil slightly, complex emotions were tunneling throughout his mind and body. Even Bokuto had a light dusting of pink on his cheeks as he stutters out his words, making Akaashi even more agitated.
Of course, Akaashi is known to be good at hiding his emotions, which was why his irritations went unnoticed and you continued to pay more special attention to the loud spiker much to Akaashi’s dislike.
When walking home with the pair, you felt a slight tug on your sleeve that lightly pulled you towards a being. Your gasp was covered by Bokuto’s usual self praise as you realize the tug was from none other than Akaashi. You felt your face heat up a bit. Akaashi continues to grasp his hand upon the bottom of your sleeve, silently moving along and acting normally except for the sudden contact he had on you.
Whenever you found yourself straying away from the dark haired setter, you felt him immediately tug you back towards himself in attempt to keep you as close as possible without being too noticeable. You giggled lightly at his child-like behavior. How cute, you thought to yourself.
Eventually you arrive home safely and glance towards Akaashi, his eyes downcast avoiding your eyes. A giggle left your lips once again and you bid the volleyball players a farewell. It’s moments like these that remind you why you liked the silent setter, and it catches you off guard not knowing said setter felt the same, if not stronger towards you.
An absolute tsundere, he acts so outwardly when he’s jealous but denies strongly about his feelings towards you
His best friend being naturally flirty did not help at all, if Oikawa makes any sort of gesture indicating he wanted to date you oh believe me don’t be surprised when you feel the wind of a violent volleyball flying towards the pretty setter’s head
Or a slap to the face, a punch on the head, a kick on the butt, more inanimate flying objects depending on the situation
During lunch? A spoon or tray. In class? A notebook. The ramen shop? An empty bowl. Walking home? A tree branch.
Iwa also has some really bad excuses
“O-OIKAWA’S JUST DUMB!” You and Oikawa can’t help but snicker at Iwa’s bright red face and harsh, stammering tone.
However, there are more serious times in which case Iwaizumi will not hesitate to throw punches for you.
One day you headed out the volleyball gym to go fill up the boys water bottles. On your way to the faucet, you were stopped by a two of the delinquents of the school, both immediately commenting and feeling you up. You were pushed up against the wall, whimpering, empty bottles dropping creating a loud clattering sound.
“Awwh she’s scared, ahh get a load of this! You’re gonna be fun to play with doll~” You cringe at their words and attempted to push them away, yet to no avail as they laugh at your attempts of escape. Suddenly they were off of you.
Iwaizumi sucker punches one of the guys in the face, his back faces you as he protectively stands in front of you ready to pick a fight. Gasps were heard from around as the delinquents tsked and ran off. Iwaizumi yells after them almost chasing after them but you grab onto his arm, asking him to stay with you with pleading eyes.
Hajime’s intense gaze softens upon looking deeply into your (e/c) eyes and he quickly looks away with a light red shade on his cheeks. You thank him with a light peck on the cheek, laughing as his face grows even redder.
#kuroo x reader#kuroo tetsuro#akaashi x reader#akaashi keiji#iwaizumi x reader#iwaizumi hajime#haikyuu!!#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu#hq#haikyuu x reader#kuroo tetsuro x reader#akaashi keiji x reader#iwaizumi hajime x reader#oikawa#haikyuu imagines#bokuto
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little bundle of sunshine — ushijima wakatoshi

synopsis: you and your daughter surprised ushijima by watching his volleyball game
pairing: dad!ushijima x f!reader
genre: fluff!! timeskip :))
word count: 1.4k
a/n: ahHhHhh i’m sorry if this is like ?? because it is my first time posting this kind of fic, so pls don’t judge me HAHAHHAHAHAHA
“Hello! Good morning.” You greeted the guard before walking to the daycare that was near your workplace.
You walked into your daughter’s classroom and you see her sitting quietly on a chair, observing her other classmates.
She’s just quiet while swinging her little legs because her feet don't reach the floor. She hugs her backpack closely to her lap and put her head on top of it.
You knocked on the door to excused your daughter and just smiled at the teacher and greeted her.
The five-year-old who looked more like her father glanced up to you, and a huge smile plastered on her face.
“Mommy! Mommy!” She called running towards you with a piece of paper in her hand. She presented it to you as you knelt to be on her height.
“Wook! I drew dada!” She excitedly said while swaying her body left to right and you take the paper from her hands and rubbed her head with your other hand.
“You’re good! It’s amazing, baby.” You looked over her with her big dark olive-brown eyes looking up to you. “Want to go watch daddy play?” You asked, already knowing her answer.
A big smile came onto her face as she jumped up and down, “Yes!” She always loves watching her father play and cheering for him.
Ushijima often jokes about having another one soon, so he can have a whole cheering team because you both get always baby fever whenever she’s around which is always.
You stood up and put out your hand for her to reach, “let’s get changed first, and then we’ll go.” She grabbed your hand as you got her backpack and headed to the bathroom to change.
You changed her school uniform to a volleyball jersey with Ushijima’s number on it and some shorts, fixing her hair to make it pigtails. You then changed quickly into jeans and a t-shirt with his number too.
You walked out and headed to your car. She easily goes to her car seat with excitement and because of your busy schedule, you don’t get to watch every game, so Ushijima would be surprised to see you and your daughter watch his game today.
You pulled into the parking lot of the venue, you made sure to look out for your daughter so she wouldn't run across the street because sometimes her excitements overboard.
As you walked in, the venue was already filled with many fans and visitors as the teams were about to play. You held your daughter firmly on your hip so you wouldn't lose her as you walked to find a seat in the front.
When you already settled on the front row, your daughter looked around for her dad and you pointed him out to her as they were all on the side, warming up and doing their drills.
“Daddy!” She screamed, waving up her two hands.
Ushijima stopped warming up and looked around, recognizing his daughter's voice. He didn’t know you were coming today and it was kind of a surprise. “Daddy!” She yelled again, this time he glanced towards you with wide eyes and smiled.
Standing up and walking over, “Dad! Wook!” She pulled out her jersey to show him. He smiled and pinched her cheek and kissed her forehead before reaching over to pick her up from you.
“My cheerleaders came here to support me?” he asked and looked at you.
She giggled and leaned more into him. You always wonder why she’s more a daddy’s girl when she always spends time with you.
“I got off early and we couldn’t waste this because everyone is looking forward to this game and we wanted to be here to support you.” You reached over and ran your fingers to your daughter's hair as she snuggled to her dad.
You felt almost everyone's eyes are on your family, “plus, she loves watching you play.” As you converse with Ushijima, many flashing lights are directed to you and your daughter.
Ushijima put her head on his chest to shield her from the cameras, he looked up over to you and smiled.
“What about you?” He teased, looking at your shirt because of his jersey number.
You smiled and moved closer to him, “you know that I have admired watching you play since you’re in high school. That's why we have this ray of sunshine.” He smirked, recalling what it would do to you to watch him play.
“Besides, it's been a while. I must show everyone this beautiful baby.” He chuckled and kissed your forehead.
“I have to go now. Cheer for me okay?” He asked and you and your daughter nodded.
You took her back in your hands as she held on to you, “wuv you daddy. Play well..” she blew a kiss with her free hand.
You could see how his heart melted because of his expression. Your daughter has that effect on everyone she meets.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” He replied, smiling before walking back to his teammates.
The game went on and intense. Schweiden Adlers had no problem beating their opponent and watching your husband play gives you different feelings and emotions. Every time you see him play, you fall in love all over again.
That’s the reason why your daughter was brought up to this world so soon. You just have no self-control when it comes to Ushijima.
After the game, you walked down the stairs, getting the usual looks of awe for being the wife of the one and only Ushijima Wakatoshi, you just smiled at them, and your daughter waves and smiles at them confidently. Some people noticed your daughter and look at her with amusement because of her cuteness.
Once you were downstairs of the gym, she wiggled her way out of your arms and ran towards her dad with open arms. He didn't notice her coming until she hugged his legs.
Some of the other players were looked so confused, except for Ushijima’s teammates as to why a child was hugging his legs.
He turned around and picked her up, getting her to giggle as Hosiumi tickled her. “Daddy did good right?” You asked, letting everyone hear as you walked over to your family. Almost everyone gasped and looked shocked.
Being a private person, Ushijima doesn’t bring it up unless you ask or talk it about him. “Yeah! Dada did so well!” Reaching up to pinch his cheeks and hugged his neck.
“I’ve never seen Ushijima-san being like that.” You heard a player whispered to his teammate.
“Uncle Yama and Iumi..” she tried to reach out for Kageyama but he just smiled and pointed to Hosiumi who looks excited to take her.
Your daughter reached for Hosiumi who happily took her. Once she was on his arms, Ushijima pulled you close to him.
“How was my performance, love?” He said softly for you as you smiled, moving closer to his arms.
“Hmm.. perfect as usual.” You replied, hugging him as he kissed you softly.
“Of course, you were watching and our ball of sunshine.” You felt your heart being contented to have this kind of life.
Ushijima’s arms snaked on your waist, closing your eyes, he kissed your forehead.
“I’m so happy today...” he trailed off and smiled. You felt your heart racing, it feels like you’re in high school again.
“Uh, Ushijima-san,” Hosiumi came up to you both with your daughter sitting on his shoulder, holding his hair up.
You laughed because her hands are playing with Hosiumi’s hair. Carefully, Hosiumi handed her to you as he also went to leave with his other teammates.
You put her on the ground and play with her for a little bit. Ushijima went to his locker and someone came up to you, he’s someone who kept looking at you earlier from the stands.
“Hi! Are you supporting someone?” He looked at your daughter as she plays with the volleyball.
“Yeah, Schweiden Adlers.” You replied and then smile over your daughter who’s now trying to dribble the volleyball.
“You look very pretty. Is she your sister?” You stayed quiet, thinking if he doesn’t know about you being married to Ushijima.
“No, she’s our daughter.” You didn’t notice Ushijima walking over to your daughter to pick her up before he came up to you.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know.” The guy cowers away and just walked away.
Ushijima turned towards you, “I’m sorry.” You smiled and hold on to his arm.
“It’s okay.” You took your daughter from Ushijima’s arms and she snuggled on your neck.
He leaned over to kiss your daughter’s forehead, “let’s go home.” He gently said and kissed your lips.
a/n (take 2): if you read this, i just wanted to say congrats!! HAHAHAHA jk but thank you for reaching at the end of the story <3 i hope you liked it 🥺
#ushijima x reader#ushijima fluff#ushijima imagine#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu oneshot#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu fluff#ushijima headcanons#wakatoshi x reader#ushijima x female reader#haikyuu!!#haikyuu#haikyuu drabbles#haikyuu fic#haikyuu short story#haikyuu hcs#haikyuu fanfiction#haikyuu ushijima#haikyuu imagines
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Chapters: one. ~ two. ~ three. ~ four. ~ five. ~ six. ~ seven. ~ eight.
Wordcount: 2.4k
Summary: Being with Miya Atsumu is like chasing a storm - equal parts exhilaration and danger. After all, it’s impossible to tame a storm.
AO3 Link here
Masterlist here
Their daughter enters the world squalling, tiny and pink and bloodied and somewhat wrinkled but healthy which is all that really matters), and Atsumu’s eyes widen before immediately filling with tears when the doctor places her in his arms.
‘You did amazin’, darlin’ he whispers, running his finger against their daughter’s cheek reverently. ‘She’s perfect’.
‘Make sure you count ten fingers and toes before you say that’, she manages to say before dropping her head back into the pillow, bone weary from her labour, and he laughs through his tears.
They name her Shino, which means stem of bamboo. She reasons that if their daughter is going to take the Miya family name, she should in fairness have a name that represents her side of the family – and besides, she’d always been drawn to the whimsicalness of the tale of the bamboo cutter, but thought naming her baby ‘Kaguya’ might be a little on the nose. Atsumu’s grandmother isn’t terribly pleased, but her stoic father bursts into tears when they tell him, and immediately sends over a crate full of toys carved out of the bamboo from their family’s ancestral grove.
The press has a field day when MSBY’s PR team releases news of their marriage and Shino’s birth, but thankfully the full weight of the team’s PR machine manages to twist the coverage to repackage Atsumu’s image as a wholesome family man, so the articles remain relatively positive. Still, they’re forced to sit through a number of photo shoots to keep the press happy, and she shudders at the office gossip she knows she’ll have to face when she returns back to work.
His teammates crowd to greet Shino when she brings her out for one of their matches for the first time. Atsumu presents Shino proudly to his teammates - ‘look at what I made’, he demands, dangling her in his hands so they can ooh and ahh over the little girl - ‘ I learnt it from one of those kiddie cartoons I watched at night when she wouldn’t sleep!’ he tells her later when she scolds him for the precarious hold.
She has to shoo Hinata and Bokuto away when they try to hand Shino a volleyball, the ball looking comically big against the baby girl. Sakusa stands at a respectful distance away, but hands her an adorable onesie in MSBY’s black and gold, wrapped carefully in plastic. The corner of his eyes crinkle behind his mask when he tells her it’s so Shino can support them properly at their next game.
‘Aww, Omi-omi! I always knew you liked me deep down inside’ Atsumu crows, bouncing on the balls of his feet and clapping his hands.
‘You’re insane to marry him’, Sakusa tells her, refusing to even acknowledge Atsumu’s tomfoolery.
‘Maybe I am’, she grins, warmth furling and unfurling in her chest.
Despite her initial fears, Atsumu falls head over heels for Shino, and continues to allow their baby daughter to wrap him around her tiny finger. He wakes up without complaint for night feedings, spends nights pacing their little apartment coaxing Shino to bed, and straps her on his broad chest for what his pronounces ‘daddy-daughter’ adventures during the off-season when she’s away during the day for work. On weekends, they bring Shino to the park to watch the birds and the clouds in the sky, to the aquarium to watch the fish in the sea, and to the museum to marvel at dinosaur bones from a distant past.
It’s at the museum that Shino says her first word, sitting between Atsumu’s legs in the museum sandbox, digging her chubby hands in the sand in search of fake fossils.
‘Say that again’, Atsumu laughs wetly, pressing kisses to the top of their little girl’s head.
‘Oto-san!’, Shino crows, the look on her face so reminiscent of Atsumu’s expression whenever he’s pleased with herself that she’s torn between feeling pride at her precocious little girl - and horror that she’s going to have her hands full with a mini-Atsumu.
‘You’re daddy’s little girl, aren’t you, princess?’ Atsumu says proudly, and Shino claps her hands as he cuddles her close to his chest. He later tries his level best to empty out the museum gift store of toys to commemorate the day and she has to slap his hands from tossing in ‘just one more toy’ into their checkout basket.
‘Are you happy, ‘Tsumu?’ she asks him later, after they put Shino to bed.
‘Why wouldn’t I be?’ he asks with a puzzled frown. ‘I have everything I need.’
‘Just checking’, she replies, her doubts forgotten when he tugs her into bed.
For Shino’s first birthday, both their families squeeze into their apartment to celebrate by strapping a giant piece of mochi that Osamu made to her back, a tradition to rid young children of any impurities. Atsumu nearly trips over himself trying to capture a photo of the auspicious moment Shino falls over on her butt, and showers kisses on her proudly when she does not cry.
They also carry out the erabitori ceremony, setting in front of Shino several objects symbolising the various paths she might choose in the future. Aside from the common items like an abacus, writing brush or books, her brothers insist on including a knife (sheathed, of course), earning raised eyebrows of Atsumus’s family. Osamu tosses in a kitchen spoon and Atsumu naturally places a volleyball right in the center of the spread.
‘Cheatin’ pig’, Osamu mutters when Shino ends up picking the volleyball (attracted by its bright colours, he maintains), but Atsumu ignores him, tossing the little girl in the air in delight.
‘Darlin’, come take a look at this! Kageyama-kun’s playing his first game in Rome, and it looks like - I can’t believe this, why does his technique look better than before?! What - is the water he’s drinkin’ overseas magic or something? How’s he getting so good?’
‘Tsumu, could you keep it down? I just got Shino to bed, and I really need to finish the work I didn’t have time to do ‘cos I took over her pick-up today’. She replies wearily, typing furiously at her laptop.
‘Sorry. I’ll pop over to chat with ‘Samu then, be back late!’
She nods distractedly as she hears the door click behind her back.
‘I can’t believe I screwed up so badly at practice today’ Atsumu grouses, chin propped up on the wooden countertop of Onigiri Miya in between mouthfuls of food. ‘I kept missing my serves, and then that asshole Omi-omi dared to laugh when I ran around trying to get my head back into the game –‘
‘Tsumu’. Osamu cuts in, setting another onigiri in front of him. ‘As much as I want to listen to you complain about your no-good, very-bad day, could’ya help your poor wife out a little bit?’
‘Thanks ‘Samu’, she musters the energy to give him a distracted smile, juggling a bowl of rice porridge she’s trying to persuade Shino to eat and preventing said little girl from smearing rice grains all over the place.
Atsumu plops Shino onto his lap, and continues talking over her head. She takes the opportunity to stuff her face with food – glorious food, and doesn’t notice when he maintains a sullen silence as they walk home.
A hush ripples across the stands like a tsunami when Atsumu gets substituted midway during the last set of the match. She isn’t surprised, not when he started playing badly during the set – there was a little kid that screeched just as he was about to serve, and he’d hit the ball way out of bounds. That had been the start of his downward spiral during the game – his dump shots got picked up, his blocks weren’t quite on point, and worst of all – he’d somehow managed to misjudge the timing of a toss to Hinata-kun, the ginger haired spiker looking confused when the ball missed his hand.
He’d stormed off the court the minute the referee’s whistle sounded, frustration and anger written all over his face and she’d made a beeline for the locker room, tucking a sleeping Shino into her carrier. She can hear him yelling (at himself, most likely) and the distinct sound of flesh hitting metal, and is about to burst in to comfort him when Sakusa steps neatly in front of her to block her way.
‘Sakusa-kun’, she greets him, eyes darting towards the door.
‘Miya-san’, he nods at her, face already hidden behind his usual mask. ‘I don’t think it’s a good idea to disturb him just yet.’
She opens her mouth to object, but Meian Shugo, the team’s broad shouldered, good natured captain, plants a hand on her shoulder to gently steer her away. ‘It’s not a pleasant sight when he’s in a funk’, he tells her quietly. ‘Let us deal with it, we’re used to him. Do you need me to call you a cab?’
‘He’s my husband – I should be the one to deal with him’ , she wants to say – but doesn’t, because Shino jolts awake and starts to wail. ‘It’s fine’, she does say, hushing her little girl. ‘I’ll hitch a ride home with ‘Samu instead’.
She meant to stay up to wait for Atsumu, give him his usual kiss and listen to him talk about his day, but she’s out like a light when her head hits the pillow (it’s been a long day, in her defense) , and she has to leave in the morning for work before he wakes.
‘Everyone has their off days, but you’re an incredible setter, you know?’ she does tell him that night over dinner. Shino squeals and smashes her hand into the bowl of food.
‘Of course I am’, he frowns at her, almost as if he thinks it’s odd for her to even feel the need to say that, and turns away to ruffle Shino’s hair.
She waits by herself in the lobby of her office building for five minutes before she gives in to her impatience and calls him.
‘Tsumu? Weren’t we supposed to meet for lunch today?’
‘Oh shit – I’m sorry, doll, I promised Hinata-kun that I’ll come in for extra practice today. I’ll make it up to you some other day, ok?’
She sighs through her nose. ‘Ok – have fun dear’, she replies reluctantly, and he ends the call before she can say any more.
She can feel the gaze of her colleagues on her back, and plasters a smile on her face before marching off to her favourite dessert place, comforting herself with a box of mochi. She buys an extra box for Osamu (they had a specialty flavour just for the season, and she knows he’s been dying to try that) , and drops it off on the way back home.
Atsumu complains about only getting one piece of mochi when Osamu sends him a picture of her gift – she can imagine him gloating even though the picture is unaccompanied by any text.
‘You don’t even like chestnut!’ she scolds Atsumu, and he sulks.
‘Tsumu! Could you come help zip me into my dress?’ she calls, checking her watch impatiently. The babysitter should arrive in five minutes to take care of Shino for the night while they’re away at the team’s annual gala party.
‘Yknow’, we’d get there a lot faster if you hadn’t sold your old scooter’, he tells her, as he steps into the room, immaculately dressed in his best suit.
‘I told you – it’s not practical to keep a scooter around when we have a young child’, she answers, already weary of a conversation they’ve had multiple times before.
‘I’m just sayin’, he says lightly. ‘Oof – sorry, darlin’, the zip ain’t budgin’.
‘But it fit perfectly fine the last time I wore it’, she frowns.
‘You must’ve put on some weight’, he says absently, the heat of his hand burning on her hip even after he walks away.
‘Tsumu, seriously? I told you yesterday morning that we’re out of milk powder and diapers!’ she growls into her phone, cramming her way onto the subway. ‘Fine – whatever, you go for training, I’ll deal with it myself’, she ends the call, dropping her phone like a hot stone into her pocket.
She runs to the supermarket during her lunch break, cursing herself for wearing heels instead of more comfortable flats, picking up two packs of diapers, a double can of milk powder, and a pack of wipes on discount - all things Atsumu should have picked up last night, but he claimed he was too busy with training and club events to pay attention to a simple errand like this –
She’s so lost in her thoughts she doesn’t notice when her foot misses the curb and lands on her knees in the dust, the contents of her bags spilling onto the road. There are scores of people on the street but no one stops to offer their assistance, so she ignores the searing pain to pick her precious supplies up before they’re lost in the crowd.
The blood from the cuts on her knees drips down her calves, and she limps her way back to the office.
‘Trouble in paradise?’ Yuna-san asks with a curious smirk on her face when she heads back to her seat, eyes red, knees wrapped with white bandages.
‘No, nothing like that’, she answers the office gossip, keeping her voice deliberately light.
Atsumu only grunts when she asks him that night how his day went, kneeling down to greet Shino with a hug.
‘Won’t be stayin’ for dinner, got a team event at night’, Atsumu calls out to her, one foot out of the door.
‘What? You should’ve told me earlier, I’m already halfway through preparing dinner’, she shouts back, hacking at the vegetables on the chopping board with a vengeance.
His only reply is a slam of the door, which startles Shino enough to cry. In her hurry to get to her daughter, her hand on the knife slips, and she cuts open her hand.
The space beside her remains empty throughout the night, and she falls asleep pretending the only pain she feels is from the bleeding gash on her hand. She’s so exhausted she does not wake until her alarm rings, not even when the surge of rain overnight batters her windows and water floods the streets.
#haikyuu!!#hq#haikyuu#haikyuu imagines#hq imagines#haikyuu writing#hq writing#haikyuu angst#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu romance#haikyuucreations#haikyuu x reader#hq x reader#miya atsumu#miya atsumu x reader#miya atsumu x y/n#atsumu x reader#atsumu x y/n#miya osamu#inarizaki
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fear of losing
pairing: exboyfriend!oikawa tooru x fem!reader genre/s: angst, pining, some kinda fluff word count: 2k warnings: mentions of inferiority complex (both reader and oikawa), mild swearing, reader passing out from over exhaustion synopsis: you never realised that hurting oikawa tooru meant hurting yourself.
lowercase intended.
oh, god. you hate him. so much.
so much that you refuse to loop your arms around oikawa tooru’s neck when he carries you, bridal style, across the hallways of aoba johsai high school. you’re only half conscious, but you use every bit of consciousness to stay limp in oikawa’s arms, as if making it harder for him to carry you; as if he would give up on carrying you and leave it up to someone else. as if.
it’s as if you hate that he still cares about you. and it makes you feel so utterly shit because you’ve spent so much time shutting him out, yet he welcomes you in his arms, his heartbeat fast in your ears.
he still cares, huh?
it’s all a blur until you wake up to the smell of antiseptic solution and a hard mattress underneath you. the white light is bright in your eyes, which doesn’t help with the painful ache in your temples. your throat is dry, your limbs weak. you turn to your side, body crawled up in a little ball. you feel small. somewhere in the room, you hear dialogue between the nurse and a familiar male voice nearing you, and you debate with yourself whether or not to keep your eyes closed or sit up.
“oh. she’s awake.” too late.
the nurse calls your name and you have no choice but to get up and rub your temples. it still aches.
“she passed out during fifth per-”
“during maths. fifth period.” you throw a glare at oikawa, and he takes a step back. when the nurse asks you whether or not you’ve been eating or sleeping properly, you only attempt to answer.
“it’s exams next week.” the nurse only raises a brow, and you’re told that answer’s not good enough.
“i like to revise. and it’s not like i’m going to pull all-nighters during exams. i’m not that stu-”
“you shouldn’t be pulling all nighters, l/n. not at your age, at least.”
you stop yourself from scoffing at her words, and your eyes roll ever so slightly in annoyance when the nurse goes to get some vitamins from the drawer. oikawa sees it, and makes a mental note to rephrase the nurse’s words to you once you’ve swallowed the vitamins.
your eyes flicker over to oikawa, eyebrows furrowing at how he isn’t leaving. rather, he’s sitting on the chair opposite of the bed, and as you set down the glass of water, your mouth dries up again, this time not because you hadn’t drank anything for twelve hours, but because you’ve seemingly forgotten how to talk to oikawa tooru.
when the room is quiet and the nurse goes back to clicking on her desk, oikawa stirs. “when was the last time you slept?”
“i’ve done this before, i’m fine.”
“you’re not answering my question.”
there’s a cracking silence that strikes the room. “i told you, i’m-”
“no. how long?”
“i still eat regularly, so it’s-”
“one day? two days?” his voice is soft, but firm, too firm, that you can’t take it.
“since monday.” you mumble, but you know he can hear. it’s thursday afternoon. you tuck your hair behind your ears, eyes downcast, not ready to meet his disappointment.
oikawa stands up halfway before he sits himself down again. his laugh is dry when you hear it. “you finally broke.”
your voice quiets down, but you force it out. “how are you any different?”
oikawa stirs in his seat once more, as if he’d been well aware of how he overworks himself, too.
“how are you any different when you need a fucking knee brace when you play? how are you any different when you can’t seem to catch a motherfucking break, but you still act like you’re above it all?”
“this isn’t about me!” oikawa grips the sides of his chair, holding himself back. he wants to storm off, because he knows what you’re about to bring up, but he stays back.
“no. it is. you don’t have the right to talk to me like a little child because we are the same. and i know that because you and me, we both know that we,” and you voice starts cracking, “that we- we are never going to be-”
“stop it.”
“we will never be... there.” you curve your words a little, not wanting to feel the pain yourself.
push him out, push him out, you tell yourself. it doesn’t matter if you hurt yourself, as long as he’s gone, you think. you don’t want- no, you don’t need him to care for you. all he’s going to do is treat you like some spike for his ego, as if saying, look here! this person can’t hurt me!
you look back at oikawa, and his head is turned away. his arms are folded as he slouches on the chair, his uniform rolled up to his elbows. you hear no response.
“that’s enough,” he speaks, and you feel the tears prickling in the corners of your eyes. they’re hot against your skin, and as they threaten to come out, your neck feels itself warm up with the rest of your body. you’re frustrated. so, so frustrated that it makes your blood boil. so, so frustrated that you can’t even look at oikawa because he’s your reminder that there are people who can get into class 6 without trying as hard as you did.
now that the tears are falling, your hands fly to your face, embarrassed that you’d dare to cry. it’s a sign of weakness, isn’t it? you believed that tears were better released on stuffed pillows and thick duvets, not in front of people who would, eventually, see you melt down, peeling away layer by layer.
and you can’t stop crying. your breathing is fast and you don’t think you’ll be able to come back for seventh period, so you fold your knees into your chest, as if curling yourself up into a ball meant disappearing from the world, even if it was momentary.
but you find that you can’t disappear even when you’re so tired you feel like you could stop breathing, because there’s a dip in the mattress and you find yourself leaning into oikawa’s side, craving anything more than the feeling of hot tears down your cheeks. his right arm wraps around your side, rubbing up and down the top of your arm. your mind travels back to the end of your first year, where you had first seen oikawa tooru in all his inglorious glory, laying limply against the gym wall, volleyballs scattered left and right. it was a time when you had barged into the gym, asking if you could stay there for a little while since all the teachers had locked up the other classrooms. you remember he looked surprised - offended, almost - but you paid him no attention as he practiced hundreds of rounds and you revised tens of times.
it was also the first night he walked you home, even if your houses weren’t near each other. one night after another, oikawa was the boy you shared big small talk with on sidewalks and asphalt platforms. it was him, almost every day. oikawa became well acquainted with your taste in music, and he’d take it up on himself to hum to each song on your playlist as he walked you home, one of your earbuds in his right ear with the other in your left ear. you, on the other hand, made friends with most of the volleyball club and the cheering squad due to your frequent attendance at his volleyball games. you had even learned how to do an underhand volleyball serve, and you remember oikawa’s stifled laugh as you knocked the ball into the ceiling and onto your head. he was sweet.
and it seemed like you two worked out - really well. one day, your late nights at the gym turned into an early afternoon after class, where he came up to your desk and asked if you wanted to “go together”. you found that it had been a date after he kissed you at your doorstep, and you took his hand when you found out you wanted to kiss him again.
but screw him, right?
yeah, screw him and his group of fangirls. screw him and his soft smile. screw him and his know-it-all-i’m-so-much-better-than-you petty personality. you’ve convinced yourself you hated him because stress and a fear of losing built up in both of you to the point that you two had thrown at each other words as poisonous as mercury. that was the catalyst of the end of it all. and you feel even worse now because you are crying on oikawa’s shoulder two weeks after your “breakup”; two weeks after you told him things made to hurt him.
oikawa stays in silence, running a hand through your hair as you grab onto his school button up for dear life. he’s hardly seen you cry before, but in this moment you feel like oikawa is the only person that you’d let yourself be so weak to. you hate it, but you start to think about oikawa for once.
the brunette’s feet swing back and forth, and soon, yours are too, following the nonexistent rhythm of his legs hanging off the elevated mattress.
you feel your sharp grip on his shirt loosen into softer edges, your arms coming to hug the entirety of his torso instead. you know you’re going to walk around with swollen eyes for the rest of today and maybe even tomorrow, but you couldn’t care less now that the tears have finally ran themselves thin. you breathe steady.
oikawa doesn’t stop the hand in your hair or the swinging of his feet, but he turns more to face you, meeting your glossy gaze. it’s when you look into his deep eyes that you find kindness and care, something you’ve overlooked far too many times.
you don’t want to hear his voice, or see his face, or ever interact with him ever again. but right now you can’t help but tear down your own walls just to end up in his arms because the truth is that you miss him, so, so, so much.
the pads of your fingertips shake around his middle and your cheeks start to rise when oikawa takes his other hand in yours in a slow movement, and, surprisingly, your fingers intertwine with his. it’s a wave of relief oikawa doesn’t know how to describe, feeling like nothing and everything at the same time.
your head presses against the wet patch on his shoulder, and you take a deep breath.
“can i walk home with you?”
oikawa’s hand in your hair freezes for a moment before it travels down to your waist, keeping you close to him.
“rice balls on me?” his voice is low, almost like a whisper.
your eyelids are heavy enough to give up on staying awake, drawing themselves like magnets. but you manage a nod and a positive hum as you unknowingly drift off on his wet shoulder. you think you’re calmer now, your mind going blank, finally, temporarily, as you let aside your pride for today. frankly, you’re still embarrassed and scared and nervous, but there’s always something unmistakeable about oikawa’s care.
it makes you feel like maybe, just maybe, you don’t have to stay up all those nights or score full marks on everything - the same way oikawa felt his aching muscles soothe when you’d drag him out of the gym late at night. it makes you feel content, and oikawa can see it; a slow smile planted on your face as you finally fall asleep.
#hq x reader#hq#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu!! x reader#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu angst#haikyuu#haikyuu!!#oikawa toru x reader#oikawa tooru#oikawa x reader#oikawa tooru x reader#oikawa toru imagine#oikawa angst#oikawa fluff#oikawa#oikawa tōru#aoba josai x reader#aoba johsai#seijoh#seijoh x reader#haikyuu au#haikyuu!! angst#haikyuu!! fluff#oikawa toru scenarios#oikawa scenarios
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Star Wars Fun in the Sun Submission
This fic was written for @starwarsfandomfests “Summer Fun in the Sun” event. This event was really fun to participate in and I’m glad I joined in. I was given @anaisonfire to write for and chose to write some fluffy Jangobi for you with some bonding between Jango and the clones and Obi-Wan and young Boba. I hope you enjoy!
Find it on AO3 Here
The sound of the waves lapping at the sand of the beach and the feeling of warm sunlight against his bare skin had Obi-Wan almost dozing in his chair. It had been so long since he could just relax like this and soak in the beauty and sensations of a place instead of worrying about an attack but the war was finally over. A lucky break had come from Fox who had nearly faceplanted onto the council room floor in a combination of his haste to speak with them and complete exhaustion. He had overheard a conversation between Dooku and Palpatine revealing his plans and had recorded it on his helmet cam, giving the Jedi evidence against the now exposed Sith Lord. Dechipping started as soon as they located what it was Palpatine was talking about and within the month, the head had been cut off the snake. Without Palpatine’s funding, a lot of previously Separatist worlds returned to the Republic begging for another chance. Dooku was backed into a corner and he knew it, so he had willingly turned himself into the Jedi council, giving up information on Grievous that led to his capture and the droid army’s shutdown. Things still weren’t perfect. The flaws of the Republic were more obvious than ever. The corruption ran deeper than before. The Clones still didn’t have the rights they deserved.
“What has you frowning like that, cyare? We’re supposed to be on vacation.” Jango’s voice interrupted the downward turn his thoughts had taken and his lips turned up in a warm smile.
“Just thinking about the mess we are not supposed to be thinking about while here. The usual.” He said and Jango snorted when Obi-Wan looked over to soak in the sight of him. Despite seeing his face repeated a million times in the war, none looked quite as handsome as Jango’s own scarred appearance to him.
“That’s fair enough. I keep worrying about Boba.” Jango admitted looking out over where the 212th and 501st were all playing volleyball or splashing in the water or laying in chairs like Jango and Obi-Wan just soaking in the sun. Obi-Wan sighed. Boba was another issue they would have to figure out a solution to. Well, not Boba himself, but how to integrate him into the rest of the family.
“Where is he now?” Obi-Wan asked when he didn’t see the boy in question.
“Inside the hotel room moping. I left him some books to read that I thought he might like so hopefully he’s curled up with one of those at least. I wish I knew how to make it better. I suppose just time with the mind healers for all of us. Watching who he thought was me get their head cut off is not the sort of trauma that goes away in a few months.” Jango murmured rubbing his face and Obi-Wan reached out to squeeze his hand.
“I have to admit it was a big shock to all of us when Dooku revealed you were alive and that the person Mace killed had been one of the clones he had kept personally for purposes such as that. I’m just glad that you survived and that Boba had been able to be located and reunited with you.” He said seriously. Jango nodded.
“If Aurra weren’t already dead I’d kill her again for poisoning him to think I’d want him risking his life that way. I just want him happy and healthy.” He said, squeezing Obi-Wan’s hand back. The relationship that had somehow started between them, since Jango was recovered from where he had been imprisoned and had started helping fight for the clones and clean up the mess that he helped make, was the biggest surprise of all. Obi-Wan had always assumed that Jango was a cold heartless person to have made all the clones and treated them so indifferently, however he had realized that the opposite was in fact true. Jango cared greatly for the clones but he had been just as much a prisoner in Palpatine and Dooku’s schemes as they had and he had distanced himself to protect them from being targeted due to Dooku thinking he might use them against him. Finding out Jango had also been implanted with a rudimentary version of the chip also explained a few things and allowed him to be pardoned for the attempted hit on Padme. Of course, a lot of it was still on Jango’s shoulders and he was doing all he could to rectify his actions. Somehow in all the working together to help the clones, Obi-Wan and Jango had become close enough to the point that even Boba and Anakin had been calling them a couple behind their backs. Now they really were.
“Vacations don’t work well when we just lay around and let ourselves worry about things. How about we go join in on the death ball game the boys are playing instead?” He offered and Jango chuckled, kissing his cheek.
“That sounds like a great idea. Just don’t complain when my team crushes you.” He said getting up and waving over at Cody.
“Wait a minute! Cody is my commander! He’s going to be on my team!” Obi-Wan quickly hopped up to follow and get integrated into the teams. Obi-Wan ended up on Rex’s team while Jango had cockily gained Cody’s choice, Cody giving Obi-Wan a fake-apologetic smirk.
“You can’t even hold onto your lightsaber and you expect me to think you can keep a ball?” He teased with a lot of clones’ ‘ooo’s surrounding them.
“Oh it’s on now, my dear, you’ve made a grave mistake.” Obi-Wan had said, moving to huddle with his team. In the end, due to a non-Force use rule, the teams were evenly matched and the game never really got far in either team’s favor. They were all just having fun wrestling a ball from each other and trying to get it to the opposite team’s goal. Eventually, they all decided to split the difference and go change in Anakin’s room so he had to deal with all the sand instead of the losing team’s when they broke for lunch.
Jango managed to convince Boba to come out and join them for the meal and Obi-Wan smiled as the boy enthusiastically told his father about something he had been reading about snails. Seeing the difference in the way he acted when he had thought he lost his father compared to now was a shock. With Jango’s love and support, it was like looking at two different people. Although, the older bitter Boba was still in there and came out around the clones as shown when Cody sat beside Obi-Wan and started to chat causing Boba to quiet and withdraw.
“Can I go to the tide pools and look for the snails once we’re finished here, buir?” Boba asked and Jango nodded.
“Of course. Just be careful.” He agreed and Obi-Wan perked up at the perfect opportunity to try to bond a little with the boy.
“If you don’t mind, I’d love to come with you Boba. There are lots of little creatures there I’d like to see. Plus those bioluminescent snails sound really fascinating.” He said making sure to show he was listening to what Boba was saying by repeating some back.
“I guess it wouldn’t be bad to have you along. You can probably use your Force thingy to find them more easily.” Boba agreed after a moment of thought and Obi didn’t bother correcting him that the Force didn’t work that way. They quickly finished up the last of their meal and Boba led Obi-Wan towards the rocky area where the tide pools resided. Jango had declined in joining them with a knowing look at his Jedi and made an excuse of needing to call and check in on some work.
“Do you like ocean animals a lot, Boba?” He asked, trying to start a conversation to which the boy shrugged.
“I like all animals. There are so many planets with so many different ways for them to evolve and so many little differences even in species that are mostly the same. It’s cool to see what new things I can find out on each planet my buir and I visit. He used to make it a game we’d play together.” He admitted kicking a rock to splash into one of the little pools of water.
“Jango loves you a lot. You know that him helping the other clones doesn’t change his feelings about you, right?” Obi-Wan asked him and Boba grunted.
“I didn’t invite you to have you try to pick around in my brain. Now get to using your Jetii magics to find me some glowing snails or go back to making dopey looks at my dad and let me do my thing.” He grumbled and Obi-Wan rolled his eyes but did his best to feel around them to try to see if he could connect to any of the animals and figure out where the snails could be if they were even there at all.
While sensing the creature’s minds he felt them all diving deeper from what he figured was fear of the two humans encroaching on their homes however suddenly there was a faint rumbling and he gasped when Boba went barreling right into his stomach knocking him back into one of the ponds just in time to keep him from falling into a hole that opened up under where his feet had been.
Boba groaned as they both picked themselves up, equally soaked. “Dang it. Buir specifically told me not to fall in, now he’s going to laugh at me,” he whined.
“Thank you. I’m not even sure what just happened.” Obi-Wan confessed glad he had been in beachwear already, unlike Boba who was trying to wring out his t-shirt without removing it now.
“The rocks here aren’t round and solid like on most beaches. They’re flat and shift around with the tides as well like plates. It was in the book. The change in temperature at different points in the day causes the water currents to shift and then they move. I saw the fish diving and the rock around it start to move. I might not fully like you but my dad does, so letting you get trapped in a hole and drown seemed like the wrong move.” Boba said, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his shorts awkwardly.
“Well, I appreciate it nonetheless. It seems your extra reading saved my life.” He said with a chuckle, stroking his beard out of habit. “It would have been a shame to live through a whole war only to die to a little water and rock.” He said and Boba snorted but relaxed.
“The great Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi done-in by a change in tide while on vacation does sound like a great holonet headline.” He teased and they both continued their search for sea snails a little more carefully, eventually catching a few in a bucket to bring back and show Jango and the clones. Things weren’t perfect, but as Obi-Wan curled close to Jango’s warm chest that night, he found he was okay with that.
#Star wars summer fun in the sun#Star Wars#Jangobi#Jango Fett#Obi-Wan#Young Boba Fett#Marshal Commander Cody#The Clone Wars#Fandom Event#Fanfic#Fluff#my writing
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Set Up My Heart Pt. 9
PT.8 - PT.9 - PT. 10
College volleyball player!Johnny Suh x reader
Fluff and angst
Synopsis: Ever since that fateful day Sophomore year of high school, Johnny Suh had been an insufferable thorn in your side. Once you made it to college you thought the two of you would never have to see each other again. That is, until a sudden school transfer has the entire university buzzing.
Warnings!!!: Mentioned divorce and adult topics. Some strong language. Please don’t read if any of these make you uncomfortable or may be detrimental to you.
We’ve been seeing Y/n’s story in college, but how did she and Johnny become so combative with each other? Will Johnny’s high school story tell all?
Second half to Johnny’s side of the story.
“Nervous?” Johnny asked as he leaned over the wall separating the court from the bleachers.
Y/n grunted as she continued warming up, “Why would I be nervous?” A ball flew her direction as the opposite team started on warm up drills. She swatted it back toward the girl who chased after it. “I’ve been to a state championship before."
Johnny shrugged, "But with a completely different team, with a completely different record. Plus, this time you’re going against said team."
Y/n set the ball to herself as she mulled over Johnny’s words. Johnny couldn’t help but watch her. If they asked him, she was the strongest player on the team. A true all team player. It wouldn’t matter where they placed her, Y/n would thrive in any position, "I don’t think that’s going to be a downfall for us. If anything, that makes me more confident.”
“Oh,” Johnny raised an eyebrow.
Y/n grinned, “I may have moved schools, but they didn’t change teams.” She gave him a slight wave as her coach called everyone in. He sighed as she ran away. He had full confidence in the team, but something didn’t sit right with him. Why were you so confident? Did you know something about RVHS that maybe no one else did?
Johnny watched as the RVHS team sent looks to his school’s team. More importantly, he noticed that the glances landed on Y/n a majority of the time.
“It’s going to be an interesting match,” Kun slid into the seat next to him. “RVHS has been undefeated for the past 3 years.”
“They are a foundationally strong team,” Johnny nods as he watches the teams serving balls across the net. “But they don’t take risks. They only play well because the opposing team plays well.”
“Meaning,” Kun handed a camera over to Johnny.
“Meaning, that when they come across a team that doesn’t always play to perfection,” he took a picture of the net trying to focus the camera correctly. “They can’t make strong plays, which then leads them to not being able to convert points."
"So,” Kun hesitated. He tapped his pen against the notebook sitting in his lap as he watched the court. “We actually have a chance at winning.” Johnny nodded his camera clicking. “All because we play less fundamentally?"
"Not just because of that,” Johnny flipped through the pictures he’d taken. “but also because we are able to take fundamentals and convert them into scrappy plays."
"What? How?” Kun furrowed his eyes at Johnny. Johnny set his camera on Kun’s lap shrugging before standing and stating he was going to the bathroom. Kun looked down to see a picture of Y/n shining up at him. She smiled at the camera through the net. He grabbed the piece of paper sitting on the bench next to him. If they were going to win, then everyone was going to want to know about the prodigy that is, Y/n.
He held his breath as the ball came down the side of the net. The setter lunged for it getting it in the air so the libero could set it to the outside hitter. Johnny felt a little disgruntled. The play was messy, but in a way that could have worked to the team’s much needed advantage. Had they set it up for Y/n or the libero to kill there is a higher chance that they would have won the point. Instead, the volley continued.
The fourth set of the match had Johnny on edge. He could see the tension stirring through both teams. RVHD had won the second and third set, but SJHS had won the first and now had a two point lead and was about to take the fourth. Johnny had watched the entire time trying to write down and follow plays as well as take some shots. RVHS was playing just how he thought they would. With precision and not taking unnecessary risks. It seems that SJHS was following their lead, and it wasn’t working greatly for their benefit. A cheer went up from his bench as SJHS scored the final point. Johnny cheered as he watched the score change and teams switch courts. Whoever won this set was going to be named state champions.
Johnny glanced over at Kun staring at the court, “It’s going to be a miracle if we pull this off.” He scratched a note onto the paper sitting in his lap.
“There’s still a chance,” Johnny noted. “If we can take this set then we win.”
“What are the chances we take this set?”
He watched as the team captains were called back to the refs stand. The clock read 3 minutes before the next set. “If we start playing like we should then,” Johnny plopped down in his seat, “If we were playing to our ability and strengths, we would actually have a chance of winning. It doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.” He watched as the teams settled on their respective sides of the court. Johnny trailed off and the stands went quiet as RVHS’s setter served the ball. “They are really going to have to find something deep down inside of them, fast. Skills alone are not going to allow them to win.” He scoffed as RVHS put a second point on the board.
Kun shrugged his eyes not glancing away from the court, “It’s hard to believe that we could come so far after all the years of never even making it to the final tournament.” He tapped his fingers on the bench watching as SJHS scored a point and was finally moving up on the scoreboard.
Johnny narrowed his eyes, “Are you feeling okay?” He tilted his head trying to get a clear view of Kun’s face.
“Yeah, why,” Kun jolted as Johnny came into his line of view.
Johnny shrugged, “You just seem a little jittery. Is the game that exciting to you?” Johnny glanced at the court noticing that SJHS had caught up to RVHS at 5 points for each team.
Kun crossed his arms across his chest, “I’m just trying to figure out how we got this far. Just because we got Y/n L/n? She is a great player, but a team is only as strong as their weakest player. So it doesn’t make sense. Plus, nobody even knows why she transferred here.”
Johnny frowned at him, “At this point, I don’t think that matters right now.” He couldn’t help the way his words came out harsh and short, “Y/n has obviously become a big part of the team and pretty much everyone at school likes her.”
“I didn’t say that she wasn’t,” Kun hissed. “I’m just saying it’s weird.” He rolled his eyes, “Let’s just watch the game.”
Johnny let out an exasperated sigh and tried to focus on the game. The teams were in a 30 second timeout and Johnny could see the heated discussion coming from SJHS’s bench. Y/n had her hands on her hips listening as the coach was waving his clipboard around. The ref blew the whistle as the time out ended and the teams were back on the court. Johnny narrowed his eyes as he watched Y/n say something to the setter. The setter looked confused and apprehensive, but nodded along to whatever she said. Johnny felt himself getting antsy as the ball was served to the other side of the net. With a score of 10 to 11, there was desperation to make up those points and win this set.
He held his breath as the opposing teams setter dove for the ball but missed it as it hit the outside line. SJHS only needed 5 more points to go to take the set and win the state championships. He would be lying if he said that he wasn’t surprised that the next 2 points came easy. RVHS had seemed to give up. They were not moving as fast and they hesitated before making an attack. Another point was scored off a deep float server, and excitement rose in his chest, they were going to win this set, they were going to win the State Championship.
The ball flew over the net and the opposing team finally made an attack. Y/n dived for the ball and watched as it shanked away from the setter. Johnny pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as the outside hitter set the ball up to the center of the front row. The outside and opposite attackers jumped at the net as the setter hit the ball over the net. The other team scrambled as it shot towards them, landing at the corner before bouncing out of the court. Johnny was on his feet as he listened to the ref announce game point. He watched as the setter moved to serve the next ball. It flew over the net with precision, but instead of landing on the floor or shanking off an arm. RVHS’s libero delivered the served ball directly to their setter. The middle hitter was in the air before the ball left the setter’s hands and they sent the ball over the net, trying to convert the point.
SJHS’s opposite hitter dove for the ball as it clipped the tips of the blockers fingers. “It’s up. Go ten!” Y/n backed up the court as the setter drove the ball to the middle of the court.
Johnny’s breath caught as she jumped through the air. The ball connected with her palm before shooting back across the net. The team dove for the ball putting it up in the air before the SJHS defense sent it down just out of reach of RVHS’s front row.
Johnny jumped up with a cheer as the ref called the point and the teams dispersed. He watched as the teams shook hands before turning to cheer or slouch back to their locker rooms. He grabbed his camera snapping pictures of the excited team. His lens landed on Y/n as a teammate scooped her up in a hug. He could help but grin at the sight as his camera clicked. Her eyes looked up and again her gaze caught his through the lens. Johnny snapped another picture before pulling the camera down and sending her a thumbs up. She smiled at him before jerking her back head towards the locker room. She gave a motion that said 15 minutes and he nodded in agreement.
“Well this was unexpected,” He couldn’t stop smiling as he turned to where Kun was sitting. He froze as he noticed Kun, along with all of his stuff, was gone. “Kun?” He glanced around the stands not seeing the shorter boy anywhere. Gathering his things he rushed out of the gym and down the hall. He wandered the halls for 5 minutes before moving back towards the locker rooms.
Voices met his ears as he turned the corner to the back hallway. “Her parents were going through a nasty divorce. She was talking to lawyers every week, sometimes multiple times a week. Her mother was the one making all the money. Her dad was laid off from his job and spent all her mom made on alcohol and porn.” Johnny’s eyes widened as he saw Kun standing across from a shorter girl. Her hands dropped to rest on her hips the letters RVHS flashed down the dim hall. “Her mom got custody and the two of them moved here to get away from her dad.”
Kun nodded as he scribbled down words on his pad of paper, “That’s it? What about Y/n’s volleyball career? Did any of this affect the season last year.” Johnny leaned closer as Kun’s voice dropped off.
“None that I know of. Y/n was always a private person. She never spoke to us about her home life. I don’t even think she had very close friends,” the girl sighed obviously done with the conversation. “It doesn’t really matter. Ask her about it if you’re so curious. Make sure you don’t mention my name.”
“Of course,” Kun closed the notepad. “Thanks for your time.” she gave him a nod before turning into a room behind her. Kun sighed and walked down the hall towards Johnny. “Oh,” he stopped as he came face-to-face with Johnny. “Hey, going to get some comments from the team?”
“Yup,” Johnny fiddled with his camera. “It should only take a few minutes.” Kun nodded before stepping around him.
“Great try to get your articles to me by Monday evening so we can release them on Wednesday.” Kun called from his place down the hall.
Johnny sat outside the room. He could hear laughter and excitement from inside the room. He heard the door click before it was pulled open and laughter spilled into the hall. “I thought you said 15 minutes?” He teased as he stood from the bench watching as Y/n slipped out of the room. He glanced down at his watch, “It’s been 17 minutes.”
“I’m sorry that you can’t be patient,” she grinned at him as she combed a hand through her hair.
Johnny smiled back as he pulled out his small pad of paper, “I’m on a tight schedule. You see, I have to interview this girl that just led her team to their first state championship in over 5 years. I don’t see why it’s so important but.”
“Get on with it, Suh,” you give him a light shove before sitting on the bench he had just stood from. “What do you need to pick my brain about?”
“You were great out there,” he threw her a smile before clicking his pen and resting the tip on the paper. “I just need some remarks on the game.”
Y/n leaned back against the wall, her head tipped sideways to watch him write, “I’m really proud of the team first of all. We worked really hard this year to make it to the state championships. I am so lucky to know all of them and to be able to grow with them. Every team is unique and has their own stories and personalities. I am blessed to have such an open and welcoming community with these girls. Initially we did not fit together very well. Coming from a team that is very fundamentally based to a team that really does play to have fun was such a big change. I didn’t enjoy it at first, it was all so new, but the team really helped me out!”
Johnny nodded along as he tried to jot down her words as she spoke them, “Great! And then do you have anything to say about the tournament or the game?”
“I really loved playing all these great teams. They all worked so hard and played so well. I look forward to competing against them again.” She smiled at Johnny as his hair flopped in his eyes. Johnny would have never thought that having to write for the school paper sport section would make you two closer. Both had been skeptical when Johnny started to follow the team around to games, but the two found that it worked to their favor as they started to work on Chemistry together and eventually other classes. Johnny helped Y/n with english, while Y/n carried his geometry grade. The two fell into a rhythm outside of school, but in school, peers would think the two hated each other. “My dad tried to call again.” Her voice changed tones. It went from happy to timid. “He left a message saying that he wanted to see me and congratulate me on the state championship.”
Johnny closed his notepad, “Would you like some advice? Do you need me to talk to him?”
She shook her head, “Just sit here until the team comes out.” Johnny nodded leaning back to rest beside her.
“ With a Successful Season, Volleyball Prodigy Turns Out to be a Fraud” by Qian Kun and Johnny Suh
Johnny had to reread the sentence over and over again. “What the hell is this.” He turned sharply to the editor sitting at the large table sitting at the front of the computer lab. “I never allowed you to put my name on this.”
Kun glanced up to peer at Johnny’s screen, “Oh we were running out of room on the sports page. Between your article on the volleyball tournament, Wooyoung’s on the soccer tournament, and my own summarizing the two seasons we had to condense. So we took bits and pieces from each article and made four articles. Two on the tournaments and two on the season summary. So some of your articles replaced mine.”
“But why didn’t you tell me,” Johnny pleaded with him. “And how did you even come to this conclusion. Absolutely nothing I said ever pointed to that and I didn’t give you permission!” Johnny could feel his face heating up as spoke to Kun’s uncaring figure.
Kun glanced at him through the glasses perched on his nose, “Johnny, this story is what the paper needs. It’ll get people reading and we can get permission to do the paper again next year. I thought you of all people would want this.” He sighed as he shuffled a couple papers next to the computer screen, “Besides the teacher approved it. If they thought that it wasn’t okay they would have said something.”
“Kun,” Johnny threw his hands up. “We both know that they don’t care about the student body. They are just trying to look out for themselves. If this comes back to bite us, you know they will throw us under the bus.”
Kun didn’t look up at him, “That’s not going to happen.”
“We are spreading false reports.”
“No, we are telling people the truth.”
“About someone’s private, personal life. We can’t do that, Kun. She never agreed to sharing that information.
“She did,” Kun gave Johnny a once over. “She shouldn’t have told a reporter her secrets if she didn’t want them told. It’s our job to find the skeletons hiding in people’s closets.”
“I can’t believe you,” Johnny spun as he heard the small voice. Y/n stood in the doorway to the lab her phone clutched to her chest. Her eyes shone with unshed tears, “You were using me for some shitty story in a HS paper.” Her face darkened as she stormed into the room, “I trusted you. I told you things that no one else in this school knew, and you turned and blabbed it for the entire school to see.”
“Y/n I never-”
“Save it,” she held a hand up. “You’ve said your piece. You’ve said what you think loud and clear. You twisted my words. Made me sound like a stuck up bitch. ‘Y/n spoke briefly on the season stating, “Every team is unique and has their own stories and personalities. Initially we did not fit together very well. Coming from a team that is very fundamentally based to a team that really plays to have fun was such a big change. I didn’t enjoy it.” Y/n showed contempt for her teammates and school as a result of her parents recent splitting and her forced departure from RVHS.’ Believe me I get the message.” A tear slipped down her cheek, “I hope your happy and you get whatever fucking promtion this article was for.” Johnny reached for her arm as she pulled away from him. “Don’t you dare.” She sent a glare at him before turning out of the room and storming down the hall.
Sadness and anger coursed through Johnny as he turned to Kun, “Take my name off of that article, now.” Kun rolled his eyes as he watched Johnny race out of the room after Y/n.
Jonny had almost caught up to her when a group of his teammates stopped him. They had agreed to a friendly tournament against the girls volleyball team. They said that the competition would be fun and that it would boost student morale. Johnny didn’t feel convinced and he tried to listen as they told him about other events they were trying to set up. He glanced around trying to find Y/n, but she had disappeared and so did his chance to make things right.
The cafeteria was busy the next week as the school buzzed with gossip, drama, and the upcoming student council events. Johnny was trying to weave his way through crowds of students as he searched for the table his friends were sitting at. As he caught sight of them he felt a body run into his as his tray flew up landing square in his chest.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Johnny looked up into the eyes he had been wanting to see all week. Y/n stood in front of him, hands raised with napkins sitting in them. Her eyes hardened as she realized who she ran into. “Here,” she shoved the napkins into his hand before spinning on her heel and walking away.
Johnny followed after her, “Wait, Y/n, can you let me explain.”
“Explain what, Johnny?” She turned to him, fire in her eyes, “Why you used my story for your personal gain? Why you let me think that you actually enjoyed being around me? Why everything I told you in confidentiality was just stewing for the enjoyment of our peers? Why you let me start to like you?” Johnny gaped at her as she yelled at him. “I don’t want to hear excuses. I don’t want to hear an explanation from you. Any respect I had for you, is gone.”
Johnny felt anger course through him as she spewed words at him. She never let him speak. She thought she knew what was going on, but she didn’t. He did not work so hard to get Kun to let him release a new article refuting the previous statements, for her to yell at him and doubt his actions towards her. “You’re right. You won’t listen so I won’t talk. We’ll just forget all about everything that happened before. You are a stranger to me.” His voice was cold and his words clipped.
“Perfect,” he could see her walls grow higher and higher. She turned away from him and stepped up to her own table. “Just so you know,” she turned to look at the food staining his shirt. “Food isn’t a good look for you.” Johnny scowled as she rolled her eyes and turned to her table of friends. He brushed the food off his chest before turning away from the table, turning away from Y/n. If she didn’t want to listen to him, he was done trying to make her. His heart gave a tug as he glanced back and she stared back at him, but instead of her face falling into a small smile it tightened into a familiar glare.
@beyond-gethsemane, @lanadreamie, @michplusb @qianinterprises @stayctday @jaxminskale @infnteen @nanascupid
*Reposted from previous blog*
#johnny scenarios#nct scenarios#nct 127 scenarios#johnny fluff#johnny angst#johnny x reader#johnny suh
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tenya iida x fem!reader
[a/n: he’s so cute hehehe 🥺 here’s my first Iida fic, it’s your basic summer trope but...I simp for this man on the daily, I was a little sad to see that there aren’t many Tenya fics out there so I took it into my own hands, this is slightly self-indulgent but other than that, he deserves some love so uh yeah, enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-]
Class 1-A just couldn’t take the heat anymore so they begged and begged and begged until Aizawa finally gave in and planned a class trip to the beach.
Today, the girls decided to head to the mall and buy some new swimsuits since wearing the very non-flattering school issued swimsuits would be absolutely terrible. You had gone along since you didn’t really have a swimsuit, you had one from back in middle school but it hadn’t fit you anymore. So far, they had all been able to find one they liked except you. You had been to countless stores but hadn’t really found one that caught your eye but the girls insisted on going to one more store so you could look around. As you looked around, you had started to doubt that you’d actually find one. That doubt was realized when all the ones you had tried on were the wrong size.
Once back in the dorms, Momo had offered to make you one. An offer that you gratefully accepted. You had searched online and showed her what type of bathing suit would be ideal. After thanking her 100 times or so, you had gone down to the kitchen.
“Oh (y/n), You’re back. How was the mall?” I don’t think Todoroki realized how loaded that question actually was. He and Midoriya seemed to have been just chatting, eating snacks. Iida had been making some tea.
“Uhh well it was great, the girls were able to find some bathing suits.” You sat down across from your two friends.
“Is someone wrong? It doesn’t sound like you had a good time?” The freckled boy asked carefully
“I had a good time. It was nice to hang out with the girls but I’m just a little tired.” He nodded understandingly, Shoto had grabbed the packet of pocky and held it out to you in a silent offering. You giggled and accepted the offering, he nodded in approval when you took two of the strawberry flavored biscuits. You had joined their conversation about which pro hero had the best costume, a cup of tea was placed in front of you. Looking up, Iida offered you a small smile before sitting besides you and contributing to the discussion about All Might’s costume. You blew at the surface of the drink before taking a sip. It was black tea sweetened with just the right amount of honey and a bit of milk. You blushed at the fact that he remembered how you liked your tea. Too distracted in your thoughts, you nearly jumped out of your seat when Midoriya called you out.
“You agree with me (y/n), right?” Your eyes widened before you cleared your throat. Iida’s heart started to pound when he could see the mischief in your eyes.
“Well why are we even bothering to discuss All Might’s costume when Endeavor’s is clearly the best. Todoroki. Thoughts?” He had been friends with you long enough to know that you were just pulling his leg.
“Well, as much as I see your point. Why don’t we talk about how Kamui Woods has the worst costume.” Your jaw dropped.
“Okay now wait a second.” He knew that he was your favorite pro. “That’s a little much when someone like...”
Iida gave his 2 cents here and there but he enjoyed seeing you giggle and smile while joking with the other two. He couldn’t really explain why but his heart would pound harder any time you asked for his opinion or the butterflies in his stomach would go wild when you smiled.
Finally, the beach day came. Everyone had woken up bright and early to make sure everything was ready and loading everything onto the bus when it had arrived.
“IF YOU AREN’T IN THE BUS BY 9AM, WE WILL LEAVE YOU HERE! OH YEAH!” Aizawa cringed from beside Present Mic as he made that announcement. That meant that there was half an hour before you guys would leave. You nodded, amazed at the fact that you could hear your teacher while he was still outside. You finished packing your bag before getting changed into your swimsuit, standing in front of your mirror and scrutinizing your reflection. It was nothing to do with the swimsuit itself, Momo had done an amazing job. You were just...insecure. It was a one-piece with an opening at the stomach. It looked cute when you had seen it on the model online but on you, it seemed wrong. It made your thighs look like they were bulging out of the material and the pudgyness of your stomach seemed to be accentuated. Sighing, you pulled on your shorts and tank top before making your way out to the bus. Aizawa crossed your name off the list before you boarded and took a seat beside Ochako. Midoriya and Iida in the seats behind the two of you and Shoto and Tokoyami in the row in front.
Thankfully, the ride to the beach was only about an hour and a half long. Everyone unloaded the bus, as instructed by Iida. The beach was relatively empty so it gave you guys the abilities to claim a huge spot for the entire class. 1/3 of the class had instantly stripped down to their swimsuits and ran to the water. While the rest had set up the tent, some chairs, the volleyball net, or their personal umbrellas. You had offered to share yours with Tokoyami since it was big enough and he didnt seem too keen for on being in the sun too much. Even then, he had still peeled off his shirt and was sat on his towel in nothing but swim trunks as Dark Shadow had made an appearance and started to play with the sand.
You had sat down criss cross on your towel, book in hand. You had put it down from time to time to watch your classmates laughing and having fun. Midoriya had approached the two of you and asked if you guys had wanted to join their volleyball game. You had accepted the invitation but Tokoyami had politely declined. You were on a team whith Shoji, Shoto, Denki, and Shinso. Ochako, Midoriya, Iida, and Sero were on the other team. Mina, Tsuyu, Aoyama, and Momo were watching on the sidelines, cheering for both teams of course.
Halfway through the game and you all took a hydration break but you were starting to feel the heat. Quirks were allowed so with that and the fact that your quirk had to do with fire meant that your body ran warm.
“Are you okay (y/n)?” Shoji asked as he handed you a bottle of water. His question caught the attention of the others as they noticed that your cheeks were a bit more flushed than normal.
“Yeah, why don’t you change into your swimsuit?” Ochako asked, head tilted to the side.
“I-I have it on but well...” you sighed, deciding to be honest. “I’m just a little s-self conscious.” You looked away, slightly embarrassed as the words left your lips.
“Aww (y/n), no!! You’re super cute! Come one, I bet you look great!” Mina grinned encouragingly. “Plus, the girls have seen you pretty much naked before so there’s no need to be shy.”
“Mina!” There were calls of embarrassment from both the boys and the girls.
“You do have a point...” you mumbled to yourself. You walked off to the side and started to unbutton your shorts. All the boys had looked away to give you your privacy. (because they drink their respect women juice every morning)
“O-okay. D-done.” You nervously announced as you handed your clothes to Mina.
“See! I was right!”
“W-whoah! (Y/n), no disrespect but you look hot!” Denki smirked, nodding appreciatively. As the others had started to compliment you, no matter how hard Iida tried to restrain himself, he couldn’t stop his eyes running over your body. More specifically, your thighs. The way they slightly strained against the material of your bottoms made him blush. He couldn’t help but glance at them once the game had started. The way they flexed when you had gone to bump the ball or the slight jiggle they had when you ran for the ball. Don’t get me wrong, Iida likes you for you. Your personality, your kindness, and your intellect were very attractive to him but your body was a definite plus.
Your team had won the game and while Mina, Momo, and Tsu were congratulating you, Mina caught a glance at Iida. He had looked at you, eyes softened, and a blush on his cheeks before looking away.
“Ooh it looks like you’ve caught the eye of mister class rep.” She teased.
“W-what? Mina stop m-messing around like that.” You stuttered, her previous statement was making your heart want to burst.
“It’s true though! Don’t you have a thing for him too?”
“Well yeah but-“ you were cut off by her calling him over.
“Hey Iida! What do you think of (y/n)’s swimsuit? It’s nice right?” Oh how you wished the earth would split open and swallow you whole.
“Y-yes, I do. It’s very flattering (y/n).” His answer made your heart do somersaults. “May I o-offer some advice?”
“Oh uh yeah, sure.” You were a bit confused but wanted to see what we had to say.
“As a young hero, you work hard every day to get stronger and make sure you can be the best hero possible. You should be proud of your body because it’s the fruit of that hard work and well...because you look r-really beautiful. Regardless of what other people may say.” His sudden confession made your eyes widen but before you could respond, he had run off while shouting at Bakugo about the dangers of grilling without proper supervision.
Throughout the day, the girls teased you about your crush on the class rep. Currently, you were drying yourself off after having been in the ocean for a bit. You had wanted to confess to Iida. You had been slowly gathering the courage to do so, the other also helping hype you up.
“Hey uhm Iida. Would you maybe want to get a smoothie with me? From that place up the cove?” You were fiddling with your fingers.
“I would be glad to accompany you (y/n).”
So the two of you had gone off to get some smoothies. Chatting about trivial things as you waited. He had opted for an orange and carrot smoothie while you went for the simple mango smoothie.
“So uhm, before we go back. I h-have something to tell you...” he motioned for you to continue as he sipped at his smoothie. “Right. Well I just-well I...” you sighed, taking a calming deep breath before continuing. “I like you Iida, like uhm r-romantically. I have for a while now and I just thought I’d let you know.” He was silent, still sipping at his drink while processing your words.
“Well that’s a relief. I’ve been figuring it out over the passed couple of days but I have romantic feelings for you as well, (y/n). And seeing as the both of us seem to do relatively well in our normal studies and our hero studies, I could see that balancing a relationship with schoolwork should be relatively doable.” His words stunned you.
“Wait so does that mean-“ You really we’re at a loss for words.
“Yes. It means that I would like to pursue a relationship with you. As boyfriend and girlfriend.” The turn of events made you very giddy with happiness.
“C-could I hold your hand, Iida?” You asked nervously as the two of you walked back. He chuckled and nodded, taking your hand in his.
“I can do you one better.” He had leaned down, noses inches away. “If you’ll allow me to?” You nodded, closing your eyes and leaning forward to close the distance. Lips moving together, it was inexperienced but sweet and soft nonetheless. Both of you a blushing mess as you pulled away. The rest of the class cheering from a distance as they watched the exchange.
Later on that night, during the bonfire, the both of you sat next to each other. Having already changed into some sweats to protect yourself from the cold, he had let you wear his navy blue hoodie since you were still shivering. He hesitantly wrapped an arm around your waist, relaxing when you had moved closer and snuggled up to him. He watched with a soft gaze as you joked around with Shoto and the others and partaking in eating some s’mores. The way your cheeks puffed up as you gave him a tight lipped smile, mouth full of the concoction of gooey marshmallows and chopped made his chest feel fuzzy and warm.
Even as he held you close, as you nuzzled into his chest because the ghost story Tokoyami was telling was a little too scary for you, he still couldn’t believe that you had reciprocated his feelings. The girl that he had his heart set on since the second week of school was now his girlfriend. It was times like these that made him expect the unexpected.
gєиєяαℓ тαgℓιѕт (open): @ohbois-biggay-bnha
#tenya iida x reader#Iida x reader#bnha x reader#mha x reader#i wish i could cuddle with tenya at a beach bonfire :(
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► now playing...

- pairing. kageyama x female reader
- warnings. slight angst, slow burn, swearing
- genre. best friends to lovers
- a/n. not a fan of this fic, but i also wrote this while my writers block was in full swing </3
- word count. 7.7k+
- key. y/c = your country
your first day at kitagawa daiichi junior high was already a disaster. after being late for your first class by ten minutes, to trying to find your club room in the maze of hallways. you clutched the schedule given to you by your homeroom teacher, frantically looking at each sign above the classroom doors. you cursed under your breath, deciding that maybe it would be alright if you missed your club. after all, you weren’t really interested in joining a club. the only reason you believed that you should was to meet people so that you weren’t totally alone.
but the truth was, you were alone. you had just moved from y/c, and you weren’t even completely fluent in japanese yet. you cursed yourself for not listening to your tutor better, and not being able to find your damn club. you eventually gave up on searching and walked to the front of the school to switch your shoes. you exited the building, only to find yourself come face to face with a boy with jet black hair. he clutched a volleyball in his hands, and he was wearing a jersey. neither of you spoke first, resulting in an extremely awkward first encounter.
“do you need help finding your club?” he questioned, stepping closer to you. “o-oh, yes! wait, actually, no. i’m not joining a club. i was only going to in order to meet people, but i would much rather go home.” he nodded along in understanding. “are you new here?” in response to his question, you bowed quickly to him while introducing yourself, “yes, i’m an exchange student, l/n f/n. this was my first day of school in japan.” he paused for a second, before looking your figure up and down. you felt your face heat up under his intense but interested gaze. “what country are you from?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. you couldn’t help but feel a smile grow on your face at how this boy resembled a puppy. “y/c. i moved here for family reasons, and i’ll be going to high school here too.” he smiled, “that’s cool! uh...i have to go to volleyball practice now, i’ll see you, l/n!” he began to jog away. you waved and watched him, until he stopped and turned around. “by the way, my name is tobio kageyama! it was very nice to meet you!” your heart swelled. you smiled as you began to skip happily in the direction of your home. did you just make your first friend?

weeks passed, and you and kageyama have only gotten closer. it turns out he was in your class, and he sat in the back row. occasionally, during lectures, you would turn around to see kageyama with his deep blue eyes already on you. this routine would continue, with you turning around and waving to kageyama everyday. each time, he would smile and wave back.
during lunch breaks, the two of you stayed in your own seats, too nervous to approach the other. one day, a small group of girls approached your desk and asked if you wanted to eat lunch with them, to which you agreed. you were finally forming a solid friend group, and you couldn’t be happier.
you kept this routine of waving to kageyama during class and eating lunch with your friends, until one day kageyama approached your desk instead. “c-can we eat lunch together?” he asked as he stared at his shoes. you instantly picked up on the nervous tone in his voice, and giggled to yourself as you watched kageyama furrow his eyebrows in concern. “o-only if you want to. i know you usually eat with your friends but i was just wondering i-if we were friends? you always wave to me in class.” he mumbled.
“do you want to be friends with me?” his head shot up to look you in the eyes at your question. “yes!” he responded with a little more enthusiasm than he hoped to. you laughed as you told him to pull up a chair. luckily, your friends saw exactly what was happening, so they decided not to interrupt.

some time passed, and you and kageyama continued eating lunch together. sometimes you two ate alone, and sometimes your other friends joined, asking kageyama about his upcoming practice match. he explained excitedly that he was learning how to serve from his senior and captain, oikawa. none of you knew exactly what he meant, but you congratulated him nonetheless. upon leaving school to go home, you and kageyama parted ways, with him leaving to go to his match. you apologized for not being able to watch, as your family wanted you home in time for dinner. he explained that it was perfectly fine, and that there were many more opportunities to see him in action. you two smiled at each other before parting ways, both of your faces growing red in colour.
this routine carried on for months, and you were completely satisfied with it. you were finally able to convince your parents to let you stay and watch kageyama’s match against shiratorizawa junior high. as soon as school ended, you told the ravenette you would be there right as it started before sprinting in the direction of your home.
you stared at your reflection in the mirror, satisfied with what you had changed into. you were now wearing what you deemed as your cutest outfit. you believed this to be a big deal - going to your first volleyball game. okay, maybe going to watch a couple of guys struggle to keep a ball from hitting the ground wasn’t what you were anxious for. it was the fact that you desperately wanted to impress your best friend of almost a year. you wanted kageyama to see you that way too, and you couldn’t help but want to speed up that process. you waved to your parents as you bolted out the door, making your way to the gymnasium of kitagawa daiichi.
upon arrival, kageyama’s eyes instantly found your figure. you were standing shyly at the doorway, not wanting to enter yet. he couldn’t stop the goofy smile that began making its way onto his face as your eyes found his. you two smiled at each other for what seemed like hours, the other not wanting to move. you felt yourself drowning in his eyes, but you never wanted to get out. you concluded that this was far different than any crush you’ve had in the past. you yearned to be around kageyama, even if you felt suffocated by his presence. you constantly tried to elicit any sort of validation from him, even if it was something as small as understanding a math equation. tonight, you were hoping for a compliment, even something as small as ‘you look nice.’
you watched the game take its course, or more specifically, you watched kageyama’s every move. you were amazed at how easily he passed the ball to his teammates. whenever kitagawa scored, he turned to where you were sitting and pumped his fist, with you pumping yours in response.
the game carried on for what you believed to be hours. each time the gap in scores increased, you found yourself sweating profusely, and you could tell kageyama was growing nervous with each second.
you stood up to clap along with the others sitting in the audience as the members of the kitagawa daiichi volleyball team bowed in front of the bleachers. it was an unfortunate turn of events, with shiratorizawa junior high taking the win. you stayed standing while all of the other audience members filed out of the gymnasium doors, waiting for your chance to run up to your friend. you listened to the announcements and watched as someone, who you believed to be the captain of the team, received an award for the best setter. you quickly became confused as that same captain continued turning around to yell at kageyama. what was he doing? you stood in disbelief as the chocolate-haired male pointed at kageyama accusingly. even if he was sobbing, you could still very clearly hear the words he said to him. “and tobio-chan! i don’t know where you’ll be headed after this, but i’m gonna crush you. so you better be prepared.”
you didn’t even realize that your mouth was hanging open with your jaw practically on the floor until kageyama turned to look into the stands. instead of looking dejected from his senior’s nasty comment, he looked as if he was determined. you knew that spark in his eyes - you recognized it from when you went to watch him practice one day.
he stood at one end of the gym, with a volleyball balanced on the palm of his hand. his eyelids closed slowly as he breathed in through his nose. he exhaled the air through his mouth, opening his eyes to stare directly at the ball. while swinging his arm behind him, he simultaneously tossed the ball in the air in front of him. you watched in awe as he ran forward, arms swinging behind him to propel himself upwards into the air. the palm of his hand made contact with the ball, sending it hurtling forwards. both of you watched as it hit directly into the net.
he sighed in defeat, using the collar of his jersey to wipe the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead. you jogged to pick up the ball, handing it back to him. “you’ll get it this next time, kageyama.” he nodded as his eyes filled with determination as if he were hitting the ball the first time again.
the walk home to your house was silent with kageyama deep in thought next to you. “i’ll win next year. and when we’re third years. i’ll win for you, l/n.” you snapped your head to look at him, your gaze meeting his soft expression. “i know you will, kageyama.”

throughout your second year of middle school, kageyama seemed to be acting distant. not only this, but you couldn’t help but notice how he wasn’t around you as often. kageyama was no longer eating lunch inside now, instead he made a routine of heading outside to practice setting his volleyball he always carried with him. you knew he was only doing it to practice, but you couldn’t help but feel your heart ache.
“kageyama really ditched you again today? are you alright with that, f/n?” one of your friends coming up to your desk with her bento in hand asked. “i guess. i mean, he’s only practicing for volleyball, it’s not like we never talk anymore.” you shrugged it off. “if you’re sure, i guess it’s alright then. i mean to me it just feels like volleyball is the only thing he’s ever thinking about. it’s like he doesn’t care about his friends. not that i’m saying he doesn’t care about you! i’m sure he does! it’s just,” she carefully calculated the words she wanted to say next, “are you sure you want to like him when he’s only thinking about volleyball?”
you knew she was only looking out for you. you two had only known each other for a little over a year, but you already put all of your trust into her. one particular sleepover with a group of girls left you wanting desperately to confess to kageyama already. the three girls inquired about your crush, not expecting it to be the ‘volleyball idiot’ as they labeled him. they weren’t trying to get you to stop liking him, but the complete opposite. they dropped hints everyday that you had a crush to see if he would respond. instead of seeming interested or jealous, he simply turned to you and wished you good luck.
“i like him, sure. but i’m not going to act on it anytime soon. it’s just a small crush.” she shrugged in response, not wanting to push any further. “do you know where you’ll be going to high school?” your friend questioned, taking a bite of her food. “i have no idea. i have a few options, but i’ve heard some of the entrance exams are crazy hard. i have no idea what i want to be when i get out of high school, so i might as well go somewhere with decent academics.” she nodded along. “well, we’ve got one more year to go! maybe next year you’ll tell kageyama that you’re in love with him!” she began making kissy faces while clasping her hands together. you laughed at her as she continued to act out a silly confession scene. as the bell rang, you watched kageyama enter the classroom again, volleyball tucked under his right arm. you sighed as you wondered if this next year was your last year being able to see kageyama.

soon enough, it was your last year at kitagawa daiichi. your friend group had added a few new members, making your previously smaller group of four a group of six girls. what you weren’t expecting, however, was for one of your best friends to begin acting cold towards you. kageyama’s whole demeanor began to change drastically upon entering your third year at kitagawa daiichi.
no longer was he the kind, easily-impressed boy you met for the first time two years prior. now, he was described as a ‘tyrannical king.’ the first time you heard this was as you were walking down the hallway. you passed a boy with spiky hair that seemed to stand straight up on its own. alongside him was a boy with flat hair, which was parted down the middle, framing his face.
“he’s going insane. i don’t think i can be on a team with him much longer. i just want this year to be over so i don’t have to see that tyrant kageyama anymore.” upon hearing his, you stopped in your tracks. kageyama? a tyrant? that wasn’t right. kageyama was sweet and gentle, not cruel. you desperately wanted to get to the bottom of this, so you could prove those boys wrong and defend kageyama’s name. approaching your friend, you asked if she wanted to go watch the volleyball club’s game. she hesitated before nodding, not wanting to be the one to tell you the true nature of kageyama’s behavior.

your jaw was on the floor - and it wasn’t a positive type of shock. your friend covered her mouth and rubbed circles into your back with her palm as you watched kageyama yell at another one of his teammates for the umpteenth time that day.
“move faster! jump higher! match my tosses if you want to win!”
you jumped as his voice suddenly boomed throughout the gym. your friend gasped in surprise and quickly went back to rubbing circles into your upper back. “should we just leave? that was the fifth time you’ve jumped today, f/n.” you were quick to shake your head, “i want to see if they win. i know kageyama can do it.” you had hoped maybe it was his nerves getting under his skin, or maybe the fact that he simply had a bad day.
watching the rest of that game could easily make its way onto your list of worst things you have ever had to go through. kageyama never stopped yelling at his teammates, resulting in his coach pulling him out of the game at one point. nearing the last few points of the game, you watched intensely as kageyama went to set the ball, only to connect it to no one. no one wanted to receive his set. you watched with bated breath as the ball seemed to fall to the floor in slow motion. you glanced at the rest of the players who seemed to just stand there, unmoving.
however, the sting in your heart wasn’t caused by either of those things. the fact that not even once kageyama glanced up into the bleachers to lock eyes with yours caused you to rethink your support. what were you doing? were you really supporting someone who just didn’t want it?
you waved your arms to get kageyama’s attention, only to watch as he sneered at you. you felt your throat tighten, and tears threatened to fall from your eyes as your best friend of three years, not to mention your crush, simply didn’t acknowledge your presence.
the truth was right in front of your face - tobio kageyama didn’t need your support anymore. he was flying solo - a king who didn’t need a queen.

you dressed yourself in karasuno’s uniform, while mentally preparing yourself for what was about to come. both you and your best friend from middle school were attending karasuno high school, while the other friends in your group dispersed to go to different schools. not only were you nervous going into your first year of high school, but you were also nervous to see a few familiar faces. one of which was your very own friend - or rather, ex-friend - tobio kageyama. the same boy whom you met on your first day of school in this country. the boy whom you developed a massive crush on throughout your months of hanging out almost everyday. the boy who seemingly dropped you to pick up the title of ‘king of the court.’
to this day, you hated that nickname. you still carried a sliver of hope that kageyama had changed, that he realized his mistakes and worked to better himself. you knew kageyama would join the volleyball club, so you made sure to stay far away from the gymnasium.
of course, not everything works according to pre-made plans. walking into your classroom, all you wanted to do was turn on your heel, head straight for the office, and ask if you could switch classes. sitting at a desk in the middle of the room was none other than the tobio kageyama, ex-friend, ex-crush, and newly proclaimed tyrant of volleyball.
the bell rang while you were glued to your spot. the teacher attempted to slip in behind you, announcing to the class to find their assigned seats. luckily for you, your seat happened to be in the last row. all you had to do before lunch was sprint to your friends’ classroom and not be seen by kageyama.
you were distracted the whole lecture, not listening to a word the teacher uttered. all you could manage to focus on was the back of a certain ravenette’s head. had he grown taller? before you could spiral into a slew of unanswered questions, the bell signaled the end of english, meaning it was now lunch break. you slid out from under your desk and unzipped your bag to grab your bento as quickly as possible, hoping to not be seen by kageyama.
“l/n?” before you could take a step out of the door, a deep but familiar voice pulled you back into the classroom. turning around slowly, you were met with kageyama’s piercing blue eyes. holy shit he did get taller.
standing face to face with him, you remembered just how intimidating kageyama was. except this time, he looked even more so. “h-hey, kageyama.” you internally smacked your head for stuttering.
“uhm,” he furrowed his eyebrows, an action that made him look as if he were angry about something, “h-how are you doing? i haven’t seen you since last year,” he mumbled. you took a breath in as you gathered the courage to have a conversation with your old friend, “i’m doing well, how about you? are you still playing volleyball?” you cursed yourself as you let slip the exact thing you didn’t want to talk to him about. what if he hates you for asking him a sensitive question like that?
“oh. yeah i’m still playing. i was actually going to turn in my form to join the club after school. d-do you want to catch up?”
you cursed yourself once more as you felt your heart rate pickup at his offer. you hated this. you hated that you still liked your friend who changed with the flip of a switch.
“y-yeah, i’d like that.”
most importantly, you hated that you could never say no to tobio kageyama.

“-and then hinata actually hit it with his eyes closed. isn’t that dumb? hinata is such a dumbass.” you chuckled as kageyama went back to angrily sipping his milk carton. it’s been exactly one month since the first day of high school, and you and kageyama have worked hard to rekindle your broken friendship. he expressed his sorrow for throwing away such an amazing and supportive friend such as yourself, and tried his best to make it up to you. you two ate lunch everyday, with your friend occasionally joining you two. in the middle of eating, kageyama would always ask if you could toss the ball to him. of course you agreed, wanting nothing more than to see your crush smile while doing the thing he loved most.
“we have a practice match against aoba johsai coming up. wanna come?” you stopped tossing the ball to yourself, processing his question. “do you want me to come?” you asked quietly. he looked up to the sky, as if he were deep in thought. “i do.” you smiled brightly - honest to God it was one of the most genuine smiles you’ve given someone in a long time.
“i’ll be there!” he nodded. you didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up with a familiar hint of determination, something you haven’t seen in a long while. you felt your heart rate pick up as kageyama approached you. it wasn’t until he was standing directly in front of you when you released a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. he stared down at you, the faintest hint of a smile growing on his face. “i’m happy you’re here at karasuno with me, l/n.” your face exploded in a multitude of colors, resulting in you becoming a stuttering disarray of words. “y-yeah,” you stared at your shoes while raising your fist to lightly punch his stomach. he chuckled as you flattened your palm against his abdomen. holy shit, he’s rock solid! you didn’t dare look up at his face as you quickly pulled your hand away, apologizing for the inappropriate contact. he laughed as he assured you that he didn’t mind, his face turning a bright pink.
these next three years were going to be extremely difficult if you didn’t get a hold on your feelings now.

the air in the gym was extremely thick. you watched as a certain chocolate-haired male walked into the gymnasium with his team following right behind him. you noticed as the boy, oikawa, - your senpai from kitagawa - was seemingly taunting kageyama from the opposite side of the court.
throughout the match, kageyama never once yelled at any of his teammates, however, a certain redhead was the only exception. the whole gym went quiet after said redhead served the ball straight into the back of kageyama’s head. both you and your friend sat in the bleachers with -your hands over your mouths, waiting for kageyama to begin yelling. two other boys on the team began laughing, with one of them cupping his hands around his mouth yelling, “nice headshot, man!” kageyama turned around slowly and began making his way towards the smaller boy, who was now shaking. you were surprised he hasn’t pissed himself yet, you know for sure you would have. with the way kageyama was approaching him, you figured he would be done for. the boy began shaking his arms around, yelling for kageyama to hear him out.
“just wondering...” kageyama began calmly. the redhead nodded quickly, “yes?” “why are you so intimidated? why are you so nervous? is it because the opponents are tall? is it because this is your first practice match?” you waited with bated breath as kageyama began lifting his arm behind his head. “there’s nothing scarier than hitting a serve into the back of my head. is there?” the two of you gasped as he smacked the back of his head. “then get back to normal, jackass!” he yelled. your friend turned to you with a face of confusion and worry as you began laughing. “h-how is that funny? he just yelled at his teammate!” you took a deep breath, contemplating your next words. “kageyama’s talked to me about him before. i’m pretty sure they’re friends.” your friend nodded.
“i think he’s changed.” you turned to study your friends face, and you noticed how her expression was one of surprise. “i just want you to be careful. i don’t want to see the two of you drift apart again,” she sighed, scratching her cheek. “i promise we’ll be okay.” she nodded at your assurance.
kageyama glanced up into bleachers, watching as you smiled with your friend. he got back into position, still staring at you. “hey king, stop drooling over her. she’s gonna get freaked out,” tsukishima teased him. “i-i’m not drooling! and stop calling me that!” kageyama exclaimed, his ears turning red. “whatever you say, king. it’s creepy though, both of you keep staring at each other but you’re so oblivious. she clearly likes you.” kageyama froze in his spot as he glared at tsukishima. “she doesn’t,” kageyama muttered, his face only growing redder. tsukishima simply rolled his eyes at his teammate’s oblivious nature.

the game came to a close, with you and your friend jumping up and down congratulating karasuno on their win. kageyama watched you, his stomach doing somersaults. his heart was full of pride and excitement as he watched you shake your friend’s arm, waving to kageyama. he pumped his fist out towards you as you reciprocated the action.
you and your friend ran outside to grab your bikes as you waited for the team to file out of the gymnasium. as soon as you spotted kageyama, you dropped your bike and ran to him and gave him a hug. “congrats, kageyama!” he nearly dropped his bag as you threw yourself on him. he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into your hair. you felt your cheeks warm up as you finally let go of kageyama. “sorry, i was just happy that you won.”
“you can hug me anytime, l/n.” kageyama looked down at you smiling. neither of you cared about the fact that there were a few eyes on you, and neither of you succeeded at calming your racing hearts.

for the next two months, you continued going to kageyama’s volleyball matches. the ones you couldn’t attend, you texted kageyama good luck and apologized for not being able to make it. over the course of those two months, kageyama’s anger seemed to dissipate completely. he no longer yelled at his teammates like he did during your third year at kitagawa. instead, his teamwork and his trust have been restored almost to its full potential.
on the day karasuno lost to aobajohsai, kageyama was feeling especially down. you invited him over to watch a movie to take his mind off the loss when it turned into something completely different. you two sat in the main room of your home, talking over the television. his body language screamed that he was uncomfortable talking about this topic, but he explained everything anyway, saying that it was time he finally explained himself. the question that sparked this serious conversation was simple; why did he become so angry and distant during your third year?
“do you remember oikawa? our senpai from kitagawa?” you nodded your head, allowing him to continue. “i looked up to him. he was an inspiration to me, and i always wanted to do everything he did. he…he didn’t like me. in fact, one time i asked him to teach me how to serve and he almost hit me. that was, until iwaizumi-senpai stopped him.”
“he was really that jealous?” you asked out loud, mainly to yourself. “jealous? i-i don’t think he was jealous. i think i was just annoying.” you turned to face him, “you’re not annoying, kageyama. you only wanted to learn how to serve and he should’ve taught you, being your captain and all. it seems to me that he had an inferiority complex.” there was a beat drop before you turned back to look at kageyama. the face he had was one of pure confusion. “inferiority complex?” you talked with your hands as you explained, “it means he felt like he was useless compared to you. he felt he had to be show-offish in order to appear dominant over his kohai.” he nodded his head, and placed his pointer finger under his chin. “he felt useless? but he’s amazing. sure, he’s a major jackass now, but he was my main source of inspiration back then. i wanted to be just like him.”
“i understand that. but you know what i think?” he turned towards you, tilting his head to the side. “i think you’re amazing now, whether he helped you back then or not. you’ve changed so much, kageyama. honestly, i never would have expected to become such good friends with you again.” there was a moment of silence shared between the two of you as he processed your words. “you think i’m amazing?” he questioned under his breath. you nodded slowly, allowing him to let your words sink in. “i’m sorry i pushed you away, l/n. i hated how i acted back then. i hated that people called me the king. it’s almost as if i was living a completely different life during that time. but now, i’m really glad you wanted to be friends with me again.” you gave him a small smile and you raised your hand to chop his head. he winced and rubbed his head as you laughed, “of course i wanted to be friends with you again, dumbass. after all i...” you trailed off. did you want to say it now?
“l/n?” kageyama raised his eyebrows in concern. you didn’t even realize that a few minutes have passed. “what?” you waved it off with your hand when he asked what you meant, ignoring the heat growing on your cheeks. the movie ended, leaving you two in another few minutes of uncomfortable silence. “d-don’t you need to be home? it’s already…” you trailed off as you searched for your phone, “eleven.” kageyama thought for a moment before standing up and stretching. you didn’t mean to, but you’re glad you looked when you did. as kageyama stretched, you saw the tiniest bit of his toned stomach. does he have a six-pack? you ignored the heat on your face and began to stand up, leading kageyama to the door.
“hey, l/n?” you looked up from your feet to look at kageyama, who was about to slide the door open. “yeah?” you watched him shuffle around, raising your suspicion. “i have a training camp in tokyo in a few weeks, so i’m not going to be able to hang out then. sorry.” you couldn’t help but drop your shoulders, which kageyama picked up on. “b-but i’ll be training for the interhigh nationals! s-so you can come watch me there...if you want to.” you chuckled, putting your feelings behind you so you could reassure your friend that you’ll be there. he nodded and pumped his fist. “i’ll train extra hard for you, l/n.”

soon enough, the tokyo training camp came to a close, and you anticipated kageyama’s return.
you were just eating breakfast when kageyama texted you saying he was back in miyagi, and you called him. “hey kageyama! how was the training camp?” his groggy voice came through from the other side, as well as hinata’s excited voice, “i’m exhausted. we had a barbecue before coming back, so that was nice.” you hummed in response.
“so what’s next?” you questioned while taking a bite of your food. “next month we’re going to the interhigh national tournament. you’ll be there, right?” you stopped chewing, “kageyama, you know that’s in tokyo, right? how am i supposed to get there? d-don’t get me wrong! i want to cheer you on, it’s just-” you were cut off by a grunt and some yelling coming from the other line.
“l/n? it’s hinata! join the team as a manager! you’re friends with yachi, right?” this was true, you and yachi became friends a little while after karasuno lost to aobajohsai. even yachi asked if you wanted to apply to become a manager after seeing how often you hung around kageyama.
“i-i could apply, but do you guys really need a third manager?” there was some arguing on kageyama’s side, but hinata managed to answer you, “i’ll ask coach! hey coach!” he yelled. you winced when hinata began screaming.
“s-sorry about that, l/n.” you laughed as you picked up on the annoyance in kageyama’s voice. “l/n? do you actually want to become a manager? that would be nice, then you could come with me to tokyo.” you couldn’t help the way your heart began skipping beats at the thought of being able to travel with kageyama to cheer him on. “only if you want me to, kageyama.” kageyama didn’t hesitate to answer, “i want you to.”

the day before the karasuno volleyball team left for tokyo to compete in the spring interhigh nationals was the day you were officially welcomed on the team as a manager. all of the boys were welcoming, yet you found yourself cowering away from two boys in particular. one of which was even shorter than hinata, and the other looked like a delinquent. you quickly grew accustomed to these boys when they promised you they would protect you from any unwelcoming eyes. yachi had asked if you wanted to sit together on the bus there, much to kageyama’s dismay.
hinata noticed kageyama’s change in demeanor, and was quick to question the latter. “kageyama, are you disappointed that l/n isn’t sitting next to you?” kageyama snapped his head to stare down at hinata, “w-what the hell are you talking about, idiot! i’m not disappointed!” kageyama reached down to grab onto hinata’s head, but he dodged. “aww, kageyama’s jealous!” hinata danced around and mocked him in a singsong voice, and kageyama’s anger boiled over. “i’m not jealous!” he yelled, causing the gym to go silent. both you and kageyama made eye contact with each other before he stormed out of the gym.
you stayed glued to your spot, before yachi tapped you on the shoulder. “do you want to go after him?” she questioned. you nodded before handing the water bottles in your hands over to your blonde friend before jogging after kageyama.
you found him sitting on the steps leading up to the club rooms, with his head resting on the palms of his hands. “hey, grumps.” kageyama’s head shot up causing his eyes to meet yours. you squatted in front of him, causing a red tint to make its way onto his cheekbones.
he always knew he liked you, but he had absolutely no idea how to handle those feelings. he’s had plenty of crushes on girls before, but none of which were as amazing and intriguing as you. he would even go as far as admitting that he was in love with you.
“what do you want?” those words came out of his mouth far more aggressive than he was hoping, and he winced as he watched your expression change. “i-i was just wondering if you were alright,” you sighed, standing up. “if you don’t need anything, i’m gonna go back. the team is waiting to start practice.”
he stood up quickly, “w-wait!” you turned around, tilting your head, “h-how do you tell a girl you like her?” you turned fully around, failing to hide the disappointment in your tone, “you just say ‘i like you.’ it’s easy, you simpleton.” he argued, “but it’s not! i-it’s so hard. it’s so hard to see someone you like everyday and not be able to tell them. i think she’s so gorgeous and funny - she’s the girl of my dreams. a-and i’m such an idiot for not being able to be around her without wanting to hide!”
at this point, there were tears threatening to fall from your eyes. what kageyama was saying, basically, was that his crush wasn’t you. because in order for him to see you that way, he would be too shy to be around you, which was the complete opposite of what was happening at this moment.
“look, kageyama, i don’t know what to tell you. i’m dealing with my own crush right now.” the words that came out of your mouth made kageyama feel a pang in his chest, one that he could only assume was jealousy. “hinata was right, i am jealous.” after saying that, he walked past you, leaving you to wonder what the hell just happened.

the bus ride to tokyo was an utter disaster; with you sitting next to yachi as kageyama sat next to hinata. both yachi and hinata noticed the awkward tension in the air, and fought to make it dissipate. “how about a game! we could play cards!” hinata offered. “dumbass. do you even have cards?” kageyama rolled his eyes. “i don’t,” hinata sighed. hinata continued offering things to do, and each time either kageyama or tsukishima shut him down. during the trip, you couldn’t stop yourself from glancing at kageyama, who wasn’t even giving you the time of day. what did you do to make him so angry? eventually, five hours passed, and the karasuno volleyball team made their way into the tokyo metropolitan gymnasium.

both matches concluded, with karasuno winning against both ohgiminami high and kakugawa high, the team climbed back onto the bus. as soon as everyone settled into their seats, the air was instantly thick again. hinata had rescued kiyoko from an encounter with the captain of johzenji’s volleyball team, who told hinata he was excited to play against karasuno in the upcoming spring tournament. other than that mishap, neither you nor kageyama have made a point to talk to each other. you cheered him on from inside your head, hoping whatever kageyama was ignoring you for would dissipate soon.
you helped kiyoko and yachi with things that you clearly weren’t even interested in doing. what was the point of joining the team as a manager if the one person you joined for was ignoring you? you sighed louder than you meant to, gaining the attention of your friends. “l/n, i’m sure kageyama will come around sometime,” kiyoko broke the silence as yachi nodded along. “i just don’t understand what i did. kageyama told me he liked someone and that he couldn’t even stay in the same room as them without wanting to hide. i guess i shouldn’t have given myself false hope. it’s clear he doesn’t like me.” yachi and kiyoko exchanged knowing glances. the situation was clear as day to both of them; kageyama was trying to put his feelings for you aside. your two friends didn’t feel the need to meddle, and they told you they figured it would be solved in a few days.

“yachi, you and kiyoko were so wrong,” you whined, leaning your head on your blonde friend’s shoulder. “i know, l/n, i’m sorry! we honestly didn’t expect him to keep pushing you away.” you looked up to study her face, only to be met with a frown. “it’s okay,” you sat up, stretching your arms over your head. “at least this is the last game for the qualifier.” she nodded along as kiyoko came to sit next to you. “hey, l/n. how are you feeling?” she handed you a water bottle, “i’m fine, i guess. i’m not as devastated as when it first began, but it still hurts a little.” she hummed in agreeance.
the game carried on, and you found yourself unable to peel your eyes away from kageyama. by the time it was the fifth match, you were practically biting your nails off from anxiety. karasuno was able to surpass johzenshi, wakutani, and seijoh, but this was a completely different story. the tension was practically suffocating.
on the other side, kageyama was at his wit’s end. he dug himself a hole, and he was desperately trying to climb out. he started this problem with you, his first real crush, and he had no idea how to cut it off. he so badly wanted to run over to you and tackle you into a hug, but in order to do that, he needed to apologize. this game was especially taxing on him, as his main goal was to make it to nationals. the first step in his plan to apologize to you was to make it through this game and win for you.
the score was close, with both teams having won two sets. Either team could win the last set and walk away winners or losers. during a time out, kageyama walked straight towards you, allowing himself to say at least a few words to you. “hey,” he began. he watched as you jumped at the sound of his voice and turned around slowly. “h-hey.” there was a moment of silence before you reached down and grabbed a water bottle, handing it to him. “you’re doing great out there.” he nodded while bringing the bottle to his lips, keeping eye contact with you. you shifted uncomfortably, feeling stupid for thinking he was actually going to talk to you. kageyama placed the water bottle back in the holder, and leaned down to talk directly into your ear. “can we talk when we get back to miyagi?” your eyes widened at his sudden confidence, “y-yeah,” you nodded. “do you w-want to come over?” he pulled back to look at you, nodding his head. “okay,” you whispered. the sound of a whistle broke both of you out of your staring contest, and before you could say anything else, kageyama was already jogging back onto the court.
you couldn’t stop the tears that flowed from your eyes as you watched both teams line up at opposite ends of the court, bowing to each other. medals were being passed out, and you watched as kageyama bent down to let the woman slip it around his neck. determination filled his face as he held the medal in his palm, and he whipped his head around to look at you. wiping tears from your face, which you were sure looked quite awful, you smiled and slowly pumped your fist, with him pumping his in return.
anxiety began gnawing at your stomach the closer the bus transporting the karasuno volleyball team got to miyagi. you glanced over at kageyama, who was already fast asleep. you chuckled as you noticed just how angry he looked as he slept.
there was a comfortable silence as the two of you walked through the suburbs of miyagi. kageyama yawned for the umpteenth time since getting off the bus and you couldn’t help but chuckle, “tired?” he hummed in response, not saying anything.
as soon as you slid open your front door and began slipping your shoes off, your stomach fluttered with anticipation. you motioned for him to go ahead into your room as you slipped into the bathroom, checking your reflection. as you walked into your room, you smiled to yourself as you noticed kageyama sitting in his signature spot.
each time he came over to your house, he always chose to sit far away from your bed. from the first time he came over during your first year at kitagawa daiichi to now. he sat in his spot, twiddling his thumbs. “no need to be nervous, kageyama. this isn’t the first time you’ve been over here,” you teased.
when you didn’t hear a response, you turned around only to come face to face with kageyama. he stood in front of you, worry etched onto his perfect face. he slid his hand down your arm down to grab your hand, “l/n, i really need to tell you something.” you felt your heart flutter, and your mouth opened, but no words came out. you nodded your head, allowing him to continue.
he grabbed your other hand, “i feel...awful. i ignored you for no reason for two whole months because...well because…i was nervous.” he continued, “i shouldn’t have lashed out at you then...i guess i’m still the same stupid king i was in middle school.” you quickly shook your head, squeezing his hands. “kageyama, you might not know how to express your feelings, but that doesn’t make you a king. that makes you human.” you looked down at your hands and brushed your thumbs over his knuckles.
“i-if i’m a king, then...i want you to be my queen.” you shot your head up to watch his face grow red in color. there was a minute or two of silence before you whispered, “what?” he grumbled, shifting his weight from one foot to another.
“w-what i’m saying is...f/n l/n, i really really like you.” his eyebrows furrowed together as you began to laugh from shock. “oh my god, kageyama,” you snickered, causing him to attempt to pull his hands out of your grasp. you pulled his arms around your waist and wrapped yours around his neck. “when did you become so romantic?” you questioned, your eyes shifting between his eyes and his lips. “i had to look up how to confess online since you failed to help me,” he grumbled. you let out a loud laugh at his statement.
the two of you watched each other for a few minutes, both of you too cautious to try anything. like how the moon affects the tide, kageyama began pulling you in, allowing the two of you to brush lips. he closed the rest of the gap, smashing his lips against yours. you felt kageyama shake against you, and he accidentally hit his teeth against yours, causing you to groan. he pulled back, with an apologetic look on his face.
“looks like the king should look up how to kiss too,” you teased. he grumbled while rolling his eyes, “hush up and let me try again. i’ll show you exactly how a queen should be kissed.”
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Pink Chains
Pt 4
Punk! Kyotani x Bubbly F! reader. Aka my favorite cliche trope. It lives in my head every second of the day.
Kyotani owns a grunge /punk apparel shop after leaving the Sendai Frogs after a incident with the Black Jackals. He designs his own clothes and hires Oikawa & Iwaizumi as his employees. Everything goes smoothly for awhile, till you walk in; pink dress, big smile , and bubbly personality. His whole life stops in that moment.
Tags / @kozushiki . @zopzoop. @haikyuu-but-low-iq . @mochababes. @milkbreadcat. @derpeedoo . @galagcica
Kyotani closed his store down early like he said he would and went to the beach with his friends for some volleyball. It was a little hot and not too crowded. No one ever had to worry about buying a volleyball because Oikawa kept one in his car ‘just in case he needed it’. Mattsun met up with the three telling them Yahaba would be here in a few minutes too, Kyo was still on edge over what happened to you this morning and the night before but he needed to get it together when Yahaba got here.
“ ou Oikawa! When you gonna let me ink you?” Mattsun asked from the sand, he was sitting with Iwaizumi.
“What?!” Oikawa caught the ball Kyo tossed to him and out a hand on his hip looking at them with disgust. “And ruin this flawless skin?!”
“Ill hold him down” Iwa told his friend.
“What? No . Iwa chaaaaannnnnn”
“Sounds good to me “ Mattsun pretended to get up. “Ive got my kit on me”
“ NO NO NO” Oikawa dropped the ball running to the water only to be chased by the two and tackled into the ocean.
Kyotani pulled his shirt off rolling his eyes, ‘fuck its hot ..”
“Been awhile Mad Dog “ said a voice from behind him
Kyotani was about to get in the water to help harass his friend when he heard the voice, his chest twitched and he glanced over his shoulder to see Yahaba standing next to all of their towels and cooler, he had on a pink shirt with tan shorts and sandals. Kyotani tossed his shirt to his towel going over to his old teammate looking everywhere but at him. He just needed to explain himself, explain hes trying to be better, tell him about you..
The only noise was his friends yelling and splashing in the background so no one knew he was here yet.
“Well? I canceled a meeting because Mattsun said you wanted me to join you guys for volleyball”
“How is.. Being a lawyer”
“Pretty good, is that all?”
Kyotani rubbed his sleeve looking up at the sun till he saw spots and had to look away, “ not really..”
“Well can you tell me? Im a busy person and i promised Mattsun id do one game with everyone”
“I got my brand off the ground.” Kyo finally said, still not meeting his eyes.
“ uh huh,” he took his phone out to check messages
Dammit Kyotani come on.. Its just Yahaba.. It shouldn't be so -
“Apologize to Bokuto yet?” he asked, texting this time.
Kyo finally looked at his friend with big eyes. “No, i , have not had the chance and i… “ he made a fist and rubbed his back feeling the sun on it start to burn. “ … im scared ill lash out again”
Yahaba stopped texting to look up at his friend. “..scared?”
“I have .. someone i want to hold on to and if they see me like that i.. “
“Someone? You mean what i think you mean? Someone is interested in you?”
“Came into my store.. Yahaba you would not believe it unless you saw her, ask Iwa and Kawa and Mattsun. Look im.. Sorry for how i was in highschool, really. Im trying to start over since the Sendai Frogs and keep a low profile,im trying to be better. I just want my friends there with me.”
Yahaba sighed tossing his phone on a towel and pulling his shirt off. “ fine fine.” he picked the ball up tossing it to Kyo “its all good, now lets play some volleyball”
It was a good afternoon for everyone at the beach; Kyotani had all his friends around him and everyone was cool with one another. They played a few games of volleyball and Yahaba teased Kyo about his little girlfriend wanting to know everything about her. Iwaizumi was relieved everything worked out for Kyo, he really did want to be better. Oikawa had someone else to tease now besides Kyo and Mattsun was spending his time drawing new tattoo ideas in the sand on his towel.
Kyo was sitting with Yahaba watching Iwa and Kawa toss the ball back and forth for a bit, it was almost time to come pick you up. He took his phone out to send you a message but decided on a video instead, it started with the camera on Iwa and Kawa, then drifted to Mattsun and his idea, then to Kyo and Yahaba.
“ ill be there in a little bit sweetie” he smiled and Yahaba snatched his phone.
“y/n chan!!!”
The happy boy got up running off with the phone with Kyotani chasing after him.
Meanwhile you were in the library doodling between studying. Kio and Yukio had not bothered you much and you just wanted to leave and be with Kyo. during the day one of your professors gave you a flyer about an upcoming Gallery and wanted you to participate in it but you needed to come up with a new design and concept. Some doodles were scribbled out and some had question marks next to them.
“Hmm.. something,... new….” while you were browsing the web your phone dinged and you saw you had a video text. You pressed play and squeaked instantly at the video. It was so cute! Seeing Kyo run around and laugh made you feel really good. The video ended with Kyo tackling Yahaba into the sand and Iwa and Kawa and Mattsun dog piling them. Kyo snatched his phone and panted at it with a smile. “Im on my way sweetie” he said before it ended.
Quickly you shoved your notebook into your bag and hurried out to the main hall to walk to the exit. A lot of of other people were leaving too and you could not walk any faster to get by them. Yuiko and Kio spotted you after leaving a class and decided to follow you out close behind.
“That boyfriend of yours is bad news” Yukio said.
“Who just hits another person for no reason?” Kio added.
It sent shivers down your back and you pulled on Kyos jacket to hug it and try to walk faster.
“Do you ..? hear that? A man said.
“It sounds like .. screaming?” added a woman
“No its more.. Like music but ? is that even considered music?” most of the people in the hall rushed to the exit and you couldn't help but chuckle at what you heard. It was the song Matssun was playing in his shop.
“We are gonna get kicked off the campus,” Oikawa said, closing the car door.
“I think that's the plan.” Iwa said waving awkwardly at some women walking by them.
“So are you gonna tell me which one she is or do i have to figure it out?” Yahaba ask Kyo, who was leaning on the hood of his car with his hands in his pockets. “You can figure it out” he told him, a little smug.
Mattsun sat down by Kyo nudging him. “Not a typical friday for you”
Kyo shrugged his shoulders. “ i wouldn't want it any other way”
You had finally made it outside and politely pushed by some people to see Kyo and his friends, the music was coming from his car and he had brought everyone with him to come get you.
You couldn't help but squeal and run over to him leaving the two girls behind you clueless. Everyone you passed watched but you did not have a care in the world.
Yahba looked up from his phone and nearly dropped it. “No. no way man. Shes the OPPOSITE of you?!” he looked at Kyo who had a huge smile on his face, “ HOW THE FUCK!!!” he looked at the others then you again.
Everyone shrugged with asmile and you ran over between Kyos legs wrapping your arms around him letting out a giant sigh of relief. Kyo squeezed you very tight and you did the same. Everything was better now.. Having Kyos arms around you, his scent lingering off of him, his heart beat against yours.. Everything was okay now.
“Hows my happy girl?” he asked pulling back , his hands falling to your hips rubbing lightly.
“Super good now!!!” you jumped hugging him again.
“I..--i ..” Yahaba was speechless.
“Sweetie this is Yahaba, he was also on our team”
“Nice to meet you!”
He got red in the face and Iwa elbowed him a few times while Oikawa teased him.
“So whos been giving you a hard time y/n?” Mattsun asked standing up and stretching, giving the students a evil eye.
Kyo pulled you too him and you pointed to the two girls holding each other. “Uhm, they were but what are you gonna do ?”
“Oh no, not me.”
Kyo pat your hips and you stepped back so he could get up. He rubbed his sleeve and made his way to the two scared girls. Kyo leaned down to their level looking them over.
“Uh..we …” they both tried to say.
“Leave my girlfriend, alone.” he told them both
“ O-OKAY!!” they ran off and Kyo went back to you and his friends giving you a kiss. “Ready for the zoo sweetie?” he kissed you again and pulled your giggling body close.
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Can you do one where mc 3 meets Saeran at a volleyball game ?
Mc 3 meets Saeran at a volleyball game
Hey there, I believe that Saeran meets MC 3 for the first time there, right? I hope so because I wrote it like that now, RIP XD
So, I tried to keep it as much as possible to the original story line so I hope you like this One Shot! Please tell me about! And please, dear Volleyball players, don’t be angry at me if I described the game wrong, lol.
In Germany we actually have to play different games ( like Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball and such ) but I never were one of the students who cared much about that so, yeah, I suck at it actually XD But now enjoy!

,,Unnie! You did so well!’’ a little girl said as she ran towards me, the newcomer who I welcomed three weeks ago. Ever since then, she was clingy, something that didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all. Instead, it made me more than happy. She quickly gave me a bottle of water as I gulped the fresh water. My throat was burning from the game I just had. The opponents were good, really good, but we could still win this match. It was something that made me so proud of myself, and of course, my team. I was panting and sweat was dripping down my forehead as I stopped drinking the water. The long red hair was still in the way, even though it was tied up. ,,Ya, Mc! Well done! I’m sure we’ll win now!’’ my coach approached me, putting her arm around my neck as she looked at me. I was actually sticky from my own sweat, which made me a bit uncomfortable, but it seemed as if she didn’t care at all. It was something that made me once again realize how lucky we were to have her as coach. ,,I didn’t do it alone,’’ I said with a big smile and looked at my team who just played with me. They did so well and just like me, they also were out of breath, gasping for air after they drank the cold water someone gave them while I talked to the coach.
,,But you’re the leader!’’ one of the players said as she closed the bottle. I smiled at my team. I was so happy that I had them. They were my motivation and my support. Back then, I was the diva in school. I luckily never bullied anybody. My ,,friends’’ back then couldn’t bring me to do the cruel things they were doing, but I wasn’t a nice girl either, until my coach nagged me one day. She was a total stranger to me when she approached me one day as I laughed about somebody further away from us.
,,You wouldn’t be able to survive a day in the real world! I hate girls like you!’’ she said, hurting my feelings, even though I didn’t know her back then. And so it happened that I wanted to show her how strong I was. I was going to survive in the so-called real world, away from all the people who made me feel strong back then. Three years later, I became the best player in volleyball and even the leader of the strongest group in Seoul.
,,But, Unnie, did you get yourself a boyfriend?’’ the little girl next to me asked with a puzzled look on her pretty face, making me follow the direction she was looking at. A young man with white hair sat in one seat, looking away immediately as he saw me looking at him. ,,No, I don’t know him…’’ I mumbled and looked back at my groups who looked concerned out of the blue. ,,Maybe a stalker?’’ someone said. ,,Maybe just a fan?’’ I laughed, not wanting to make such a fuss out of the situation. But before we could have a deeper talk about the mysterious young man, we were called back and a new game began. ,,Okay, girls, let’s do a short volley to decide who will serve,’’ I said and began to play.
We all knew that the loser game would now serve for the duration of that game, but none of us were concerned since we were good in the previous game. We knew what we were doing and honestly, I believed that we had the win in our hands already. The brown haired girl from the opposing team began to serve, taking her shot from behind the end line and choosing an underhand shot. We all observed the ball as it grazed the net. I was quickly there to block the ball, however, it never reached our side, falling down on the floor at her own side again.
I stepped back as I watched them. I figured out their problem quickly enough. Their team itself was down because they were stressed, maybe even scared of the leader or coach, even though the players themselves were good at the game. I knew what I was talking about because I was like that too at first. I turned around to my friends, my team, and smiled at them ,,Let’s keep giving our best, fighting girls!’’ I laughed.
As I turned around my gaze once again, I met the gaze of the white haired man. His eyes were fixed on me. Maybe he was even smiling at me. I felt my face blush as our eyes met. Was he really just a fan? But I never saw him here before either, so, who was that man? I couldn’t keep thinking about it since another serve was being played. This time they chose the upper hand shot. I was the opposite hitter so my position was in the back left corner of our court and scoring points was mostly my part, of course, with the help of everyone on my team. The ball flew towards us as the blonde newcomer, who was named Seri, was our server and passed the ball with an underhand bump. She was so good at this. I’d never seen a player with such a good controlled manner or such a minimal arm swing. The ball landed back on the other team’s side. This time, the server on the other side hit the ball even harder. The only way I could prevent the ball from hitting our court was spiking, making me run for my life and jump as my hand hit the ball, making it fly over the net. My swing was so powerful that no one could hold the ball, making it hit the floor, giving us winning points.
The game ended shortly afterwards, my team screaming in joy as they came to hug me. Once again, I was surprised by how lovely they were since they hugged me, even though I was so sweaty. My eyes quickly searched for the white haired man, who stood up with a smile and walked down the stairs, apparently making his way to the exit.
,,No, don’t go…’’ I whispered and followed him with my eyes. ,,So he is your boyfriend!?’’ my coach laughed and looked at me. ,,Follow him!’’ she smiled and hit my back, making me stumble forward. And so, even though I didn’t know him, I followed him, outside where the cold air hit my face, making me shiver.
,,You!’’ I called him, making him finally turn around to me. His eyes caught me, making me stop moving. ,,Who are you…?’’ I asked him, my voice was trembling even though I didn’t know why.
,,I… I’m someone who needs you. I would love to explain it to you if you’d like,’’ he softly said. His voice made my heart jump in happiness. He had the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. The man approached me and stroked my cheek.
,,I need your help. You’re the only one who can help me. But you now need to win your game, so Mc, go back there and win. I will wait for you in that car. Will you be willing to come with me? I’ll bring you to a wonderful place,’’ he whispered. At that time I didn’t know why, but I just agreed.
,,Actually, my game ended. I can come right away if you need me,’’ I mumbled. He smiled at me, making me blush once again. ,,I would be more than happy to take you with me right now,’’ he said, touching my long red hair. I gulped and began to tremble when he took my hand, leading me towards the car.
At that time I still didn’t know what fate would await me as I followed the mysterious man.
28.04.2021// 21:27 MEST
#MC 3#Mc meets saeran at a volleyball game#saeran choi#mystic messenger saeran#mm saeran#saeran x mc#saeran x reader#mystic messenger#jumin han#zen hyun ryu#hyun ryu#yoosung kim#jaehee kang#saeyoung choi#luciel choi#jihyun kim#mysticmessenger#mystic messenger mc#fanfiction#fanfic#mm fanfic#Headcanon#Mm headcanons#mystic messenger headcanon#one shot#mystic messenger one shot
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Haikyuu Boys Watching Their S/o Play A Sport
Includes: Iwaizumi Hajime, Kuroo Tetsuro, Daichi Sawamura, Bokuto Kotaro, Oikawa Torū
Side note: I literally typed this out when I was half asleep…
✐ Iwaizumi H. (Boxing)
Usually after school, you would go visit your boyfriend and watch him play volleyball, however today was different. You had boxing training to attend to and you expected your boyfriend to understand—“Y/n isn’t here?”—“it’s probably because of her training,” Iwaizumi thought to himself as he continued practice. That’s when an idea clicked in his mind. That’s also how he ended up waiting for you, in front of the place you train at. He was there to pick you up and let you know in advance. However, the longer it took for you to get done, the more bored he got and the more curious. Curious about how you trained and what you did. So out of curiosity, Iwaizumi peeked through the window, just a peek. That’s when he saw you wearing boxing gloves and repeatedly punching a punching bag with no remorse. Just watching you made his skin crawl because he knew that you were capable of doing that to someone. —More minutes passed and you were finally done with training. As you clocked out, you were met with your boyfriend’s smirking face—“I saw you train for a split second, who knew that my significant other could be so scary,”— smiling out of embarrassment, you hid your face. “Awh- Hajime,”
✐ Kuroo Tetsuro (Basketball)
“A basketball game?” “Who’s playing?” Kuroo asked you, who was rubbing your temples—“I am Kuroo,”—That’s how Kuroo arrived to another school’s gym. He was asked by you to see if he was willing to watch you play. Obviously he couldn’t say ‘no’. Taking a seat on the bleachers, he waited for the game to start, once it did, his eyes never left you. You were one of the point guards and easily one of the star players of the team. As your team scored their points, Kuroo would always be supportive and cheer a lot. However, his cheering soon stopped when he saw you and another player from another team staring intently at each other. A glare plastered on your face as you huffed and walked away.— “oh shit, she’s mad,” was Kuroo’s first initial thought. As the game continued, he noticed how more aggressive you were being and how you weren’t taking anyone’s shit anymore. At the end of the day, your team won and you got rewarded a kiss on the lips from your boyfriend. —“you looked hot when you were mad,”— “kuroo wtf”
✐ Daichi Sawamura (Soccer)
Daichi was proud to have you as his s/o. A person who played soccer and even was the captain. There was something you two related in, being captains. Though, there was always one con in you two being captains— it was that you guys barely had time to hang out. It was a miracle that Daichi even had the time to watch you go practice for your upcoming game (which he can’t make it to). So now here was Daichi, watching you practice and taking charge. He could even feel his cheeks heat up when he saw you looking right back at him. He noticed how observant and confident you were, it almost made him feel as he wasn’t doing as well as a captain for his own team. Once practice was over, you ran over to him and gave him a huge hug— “Dai! I saw you watching me, I love you!”— “you looked so… amazing out there,”. Looking at your boyfriend confused, you titled your head. —“is anything wrong? Your tone sounds off,” you asked him, making him feel embarrassed. “I just saw you and thought that maybe, I’m not fit enough to be a captain. You looked so confident and looked like a leader, it made me think to myself, am I really enough?” — Daichi has never opened up as much as he did right now to you. Holding his hand, you smiled. “Daichi, I look up to you so much, you are just enough, if not more for your team. They need you just like you need them,” you then kissed his cheek and hugged him.— “Idiot boy, cant you see?”— Daichi smiled and hugged you back even tighter. “Thank you”
✐ Bokuto Kotaro (Softball)
A softball girl? How did he even manage to pull someone like you. That’s what he would always tell himself. It was just a normal day at his house when suddenly, Bokuto’s doorbell got rung. He wasn’t expecting any visitors so her approached the door cautiously. Slowly opening it, he cause a glimpse of your smiling face. When he fully opened the door, Bokuto started to scan your body (not weirdly). You were in your softball uniform with black, eye black on your cheeks, finishing up your look with a visor and shades sitting on top of that. —“Hey Bo, I wanted to stop by before my game for good luck,” you grinned as he grinned back. —“I want to watch you play,” — “you can come! Yeah c’mon!”. Now while you were on the field, he was on the bleachers, watching you like he said. He watched as you fielded the ball and as you were up to bat. Before you would go up to hit, you would glance over at him and wink which made his mind go crazy. Lately though, you have been struggling on the plate. Sure, you still got on base but barely. Right when you went up to hit this one last time, you gave Bokuto a slight smile with a peace sign. As you got up to the plate, the only thought you had was Bokuto. You didn’t even care if you got a lame hit or struck out. Your only goal was to be in his arms again. —Clank— the ball went flying to the outfield and you were running like a bolt. You rounded second, already passing first, and soon made it to three. When you were declared safe, you got up and dusted yourself off. You then pumped your fist and looked over at your overly happy boyfriend who was pumping his fist too. Something in you made yourself think how were you so lucky to get someone like him.
✐ Oikawa Torū (Gymnastics)
You were everywhere. On magazines, in people’s conversations, even on a special person’s mind. Oikawa Torū’s mind. You were always present and he couldn’t get you away, not that he didn’t want you off his mind anyways. Oikawa has been to a few of your gymnastic meets and every time he was there, he saw some type of guy flirt with you. He knew you were pretty hot but he didn’t need a lot of guys coming at you like you were out there, single. It made him jealous but Oikawa’s pride got the best of him. However, one day, he had to swallow his pride. It was the day of your biggest gymnastic meets and you wanted Oikawa to come, and he did. —“Everyone watch as L/n F/n does her routine,” the announcer announced as everyone paused their conversations to watch the person before them. Oikawa watched as you winked and smiled at the crowd before doing whatever you had to go. Flips, kicks, even turns were put on before the audience. The flashes of cameras were present and you were even on the big screen. Oikawa watched in amazement as the show was put in front of him. However his amazement was cut short by a duo of guys whispering to each other. —“she’s hot,”—“she looks good in that outfit of hers”— “let’s get her number afterwards”— At first, Oikawa was oblivious to the comments the guys made, but when they saw them walking away right after your routine was finished, Oikawa knew he had to step in as his duty of being your boyfriend and for his sanity. As he followed the duo, he watched back as they slowly approached you. He didn’t want to step in just yet. —“you’re very pretty,” —“we saw you out there, wonderful job,” — you felt practically invincible. Is this how your boyfriend was treated after his volleyball games, you thought to yourself. —“So can we have your number Babe?”— relaxing your face muscles, you glared and crossed your arms towards the boys. They were THOSE type of people. —“I have a boyfriend,”— “who said he had to be around?” One of the guys asked making you wanna just walk away, but you didn’t.—“it was really nice meeting you two!” You faked smiled. “I’ll be on my way now… bye!”— you tried to scurry away from them but you were stopped by a hard grip on your wrist. Turning around, you saw the boys glaring at you— “c’mon Baby, just your number, nothing severe… that is unless you want it severe,”— “back off scumbags,” Oikawa glared as he pushed the boys away and grabbed your hand. “Lay another hand on her and you will be seeing another tomorrow,”— the random guys were surprised to be caught in such a private place, it was away from everyone and they thought they could get away with it. As they groaned and walked away Oikawa checked if you were okay. —“I’m fine Torū, thank you,” you sweetly smiled as you hugged him. —“I should have stepped in as soon as they were asking for your number, stupid of me,” Oikawa joked as he grabbed your hand. “C’mon, your done right? Let’s go out on a date, just you and me~”
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perfectly perfect | choi soobin (1)
part of the arcadia academy series
↳ Pairing: Choi Soobin x Reader ↳ word count: 1.6k words ↳ rating: G ↳ genre: Highschool!au, Jock!Soobin, mostly fluff, white prince!Soobin,,, also Soobin lets himself get dragged around a lot, tsundere!Soobin but nothing that’s too much to handle ↳ series: Arcadia Academy
(please also read “Competition,” Arcadia Academy’s Yeonjun series by @soobindigo and “Personal Best,” Arcadia Academy’s Beomgyu series by @bffsoobin 💖)
High school festivals were, generally speaking, a big pain in the ass. Especially when you’re the one in charge of your class booth, and already had five classmates flake out on you in favor of another booth.
That was what led to a very frustrated Y/N arriving at the massive volleyball court in the middle of a very important volleyball match she could care less about, marching around the bleachers and looking for a certain blonde-haired girl.
“Hana,” Y/N called as she approached the girl adorned in Arcadia High paraphernalia and holding a hand-made Go Pumas! Go Soobin! banner. “I’ve been looking all over for you. We’re supposed to be fixing the booth right now. What are you doing here?”
The blonde-haired girl sheepishly turned to Y/N.
“I guess Mr. Namjoon forgot to tell you,” the girl sighed. “I bailed out. I have to fix the booth for the drama club. Sorry,”
There was a loud noise—Arcadia High’s team scored another point.
Y/N flinched as the crowd around her erupted in cheers.
She never understood the hype around sports, much less the athletes.
Around her, girls waved home-made banners around with different names and designs—she even saw someone raise up a Mollang doll at some point.
To Y/N some things are more important—for instance, fixing this booth for her college transcript to look spotless.
“Screw this,” Y/N sighed as she moved near the doorway, where there were less students.
She passed by a girl standing idly by the bleachers, making her mutter under her breath.
“Seriously, why won’t these fangirls stay in one place?” Y/N groaned as she passed by.
She phoned Mr. Kim, her eyes trained on the court and did their best to follow the ball despite her lack of knowledge on the game.
“Sir, I—“ Y/N sighed as the horn sounded, another score going to the home team—Arcadia High.
She flinched at the loud screeches of the volleyball team’s fangirls.
On the court, a tall black-haired boy, the one and only Choi Soobin, sent the crowd a wide smile.
The screams got louder.
“Dear God,” Y/N groaned.
“Ms. L/N, are you at the regionals?” Mr. Kim asked, surprised. “I never knew you liked Volleyball,”
“I don’t, sir. I don’t even like sports,” Y/N replied, sighing. “but Hana does, and she just informed me she just quit the booth,”
“Oh yes, she informed me during homeroom,”
“Sir Namjoon,” Y/N ran a hand over her face. “I need a stable partner. She’s the fifth one who quit. Is there anyone you can give me that wouldn’t bail?”
“Let’s weigh our options,” Mr. Kim hummed in thought. “How about—Oh, Choi Soobin came to me earlier asking for extra credit. He needs it for his sports scholarship application for college,”
Y/N’s eyes widened, looking over at the court as Soobin flawlessly set the ball with a gigantic smile on his face.
“Sir, I don’t think he’s the right fit,” Y/N declared. “He will not give his all to the project,”
“Ms. President, please be reminded that we are very short on time,” Mr. Kim replied curtly. “Besides, he’ll take it. He needs the credits,”
“I have to go, Ms. President. I have a PTA in 5 minutes,” Mr. Kim interrupted. “Meet me at my office tomorrow with Mr. Choi,”
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Y/N pulled her phone away, gaping as the line went dead.
The game was at its peak—seeing as the captain Choi Yeonjun was arguing with the referee on-court.
While the rest of the spectators from Arcadia High worried and fretted over the captain of the team, a girl amongst the rest of the volleyball team was cheering and laughing at the said boy. Weird.
“Choi Yeonjun, foul.” The speakers blurted out.
Yeonjun stomped his way out of the court and to the benches, muttering angrily to himself.
“This is gonna be a long game,” Y/N whined to herself, groaning as Soobin took the ball in his hands with a smile and served.
“Arcadia Pumas win 3:2 sets. Congratulations to our regional champions!”
Y/N groaned, standing up and dusting her skirt off and picking up her school blazer—which she shed off at some point in between the games.
She made her way down the bleachers and joined the crowd of giddy teenage girls trying to approach the volleyball team.
“Soobinie, congratulations!”
“Yeonjun, it’s okay! We still won!”
“Beomgyu, you looked so cool today!”
Y/N wanted to barf.
What was so special about the volleyball teams? They were just boys.
Sure, they were attractive and athletic and hot. They had the tendency to go shirtless sometimes when they were on a break during practice for some weird reason. They were nice to look at.
But they were just boys.
Y/N huffed as she pushed her way through the big crowd and made her way towards Soobin.
Choi Soobin—the volleyball prince and co-captain.
While his other co-captain, Yeonjun, had the reputation of being an arrogant, hot-headed asshole, Soobin was the complete opposite.
He goes around the school with a giant smile and talks softly, always accepting gifts and compliments with a gentle voice that pulls the girls in.
He was the boy every girl wanted—the smart, kind type of boyfriend you’d like your parents to meet.
He was princely, so princely that he was constantly surrounded by girls trying to get his attention—just like now.
“Soobin,” Y/N called as she reached the tall boy.
The said boy turned to her and smiled, tilting his head. His eyes narrowed into slits, seemingly smiling at her as well.
“Thank you,” Soobin chuckled, bowing his head slightly at her before turning his back on her to thank another girl.
“What?” Y/N blinked in confusing, shaking her head as she pulled on the back of his jersey. “Choi Soobin!”
He turned back to her and smiled again. Before she could talk, his back was in front of her once more.
Perhaps it was because he was so adamant on ignoring her that she finally snapped.
“Hey, Soobin,” Y/N hissed, pulling on his arm. “I’m talking to you!”
The girls stopped fawning over Soobin to glare at the girl who was so hell-bent on getting the volleyball prince’s attention.
Soobin turned back to her, his wide eyes blinking and a dumb-founded smile on his face. “Yes?”
“I was talking to you,”
“Oh,” the boy replied, smiling widely. “You were going to congratulate me, right? Thank you!”
“No,” Y/N groaned as the boy furrowed his eyebrows.
“Why is this nerd talking to Soobin?” She could hear the whispers going around. “I know, does she think he’ll date her when she looks like that?”
Y/N cleared her throat.
“Mr. Kim Namjoon sent me to get you for the extra-credit thing you asked him earlier.” Y/N said, glaring over at the girls who were gossiping off at the side.
Soobin’s eyes widened in surprise, his mouth forming an ‘o’.
“Oh, yes. That,” Soobin nodded, smiling again at the crowd of girls. “Sorry, guys. I gotta take care of this,”
A chorus of “It’s okay, Soobinie,” and “Good luck, Soobin!” replied to him.
Y/N winced. Ew.
As the crowd dispersed, Soobin faced her again with another smile.
“So, what about the extra-credit?”
“You have to help me fix the booth for the summer festival,” Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair.
Soobin blinked.
“Oh,” he smiled again. “What was your name again?”
“Y/N,” She glared up at the boy. What was his business being so tall? “We’re classmates, I’m the class president!”
“Are we?”
“We’ve been classmates for four years!”
“Right,” Soobin chuckled. “Y/N. I’m sorry, but, uh, I can’t help you with that.”
Y/N chuckled too, frustrated beyond belief.
She gave him a smile.
“Right,” she grasped his wrist sweetly. “I don’t think you have a choice here, buddy,”
Soobin’s smile was wiped off his face.
“Wait, what—“
Before he could continue, Y/N pulled him out of the court.
“Woah, woah, wait!” Soobin said, pulling back as the doors closed behind him. “You are unusually strong for your size,”
Y/N turned back, glaring at the boy. “Are you calling me short?”
“No,” Soobin shook his head. “I mean sure? You’re not an athlete, I didn’t think you were this strong,”
“Just because I don’t play sports doesn’t mean I’m weak,” Y/N snorted to herself, turning back to him. “Come on, we have to go,”
“Fix the classroom for the festival?” Y/N replied in frustration. “Did you not hear me in there or is that brain of yours just a deflated volleyball?”
Soobin only smiled. “Right,”
“Let’s go,”
“See, class president, I can’t,” Soobin explained. “I’m the co-captain of the volleyball team so I have our fundraiser to take care of,”
“That’s great,” Y/N replied, raising her eyebrows. “Except I don’t care. I’m the class president, and the adviser said you do this or no credit,”
Soobin’s smile dropped, his eyes closed as he let out a frustrated sigh.
“Look. I’m packed. Just let me go,”
Soobin crossed his arms. “I thought Lana was in-charge,”
“Hana, yeah. Her.” Soobin nodded, a frown on his face.
Y/N was almost shocked—she didn’t know the volleyball prince could frown.
Nonetheless, she shook her head.
“She quit,”
Soobin’s eyes lightened up, smiling sweetly at the girl once more.
“Oh, can I quit?” He asked. “I’d love to help but I’m really packed,”
Y/N returned his enthusiastic smile.
With another irritated smile, Y/N took his wrist and pulled him away again—Soobin whining behind her.
Of all the things she’s heard about him, Y/N never thought the volleyball prince could be so annoying.
#txtwritersnetwork#txt#txt au#txt high school au#txt volleyball au#txt imagine#txt series#txt fic#txt fanfic#jock txt#txt scenario#soobin#soobin au#soobin high school au#soobin volleyball au#soobin imagines#soobin series#soobin fic#soobin fanfic#jock soobin#high school tutors#high school soobin#soobin scenario#txt x reader#soobin x reader#choi#yeonjun#yeonjun au#yeonjun imagine#yeonjun scenario
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BNHA Chapter 302 Spoiler Thoughts: Y’all Need Therapy
Part 2 of the story that started last chapter and THINGS GOT WORSE!!! I’m crying through the pain. There’s a lot going on in this one. Lots of guilt, lots of abuse, lots of crying, but thankfully some gleam of hope at the end. A broken family can heal. This is a step in the right direction. Though, I’m already seeing the BNHA fandom going up in flames because everyone’s playing the blame game. I hope I don’t end up accidentally stepping on that landmine after posting this. Here we go (thoughts are based off summary translations by @redandblonde420 on Twitter and panel images are from @BKIS2327 on Twitter!):
(OP Note: Please don’t DM me with your complaints about my opinions on the Todoroki Family matter. It’s bad enough that this storyline has people getting pissed off at each other for taking different sides. The last thing the BNHA fandom needs is more conflict amongst ourselves.)
Chapter 302 picks up where we last left off. Enji and Rei managed to stop Touya from attacking Shoto (it’s not explained how) and the whole family except from them are asleep. Enji tells Rei that he doesn’t want any of the kids anywhere near Shoto anymore in fear that they would try to harm him. Enji also fired a servant because he was so busy at work and he asks Rei to not let Touya out of her sight. The other reason why Enji won’t watch over Touya himself is because Enji’s presence would only be a constant reminder of the hero world to Touya. While Enji thinks he’s protecting Touya, Rei says he’s just running away. A few things here:
1. I get not wanting Touya anywhere near baby Shoto since he did try to kill the tyke. Touya was pretty much bent on his hatred for his little brother at that point that even seeing him stroked his dangerous jealousy. But, I don’t know about Fuyumi and Natsuo. Neither of them showed any hatred towards Shoto (and still haven’t as far as we know). They’ve shown no signs of violence or anything that would imply wanting to hurt Shoto. So, why keep them away too?
2. This is probably going to be the start of me getting shit on by the fandom, but I think Enji and Rei are both right. We saw in the last chapter that Enji did legitimately care for Touya to the point where he tried to convince him to leave his ambitions of being a hero primarily so that he would stop hurting himself. Just Endeavor being there is a reminder of the hero world. Which would only provoke Touya more. And Endeavor can’t just leave his job; he was the #2 after all. At the same time, Enji is running away from the problem by not trying to talk to Touya more and helping him to control his flames at least. He was trying to save Touya from himself, but he was also ignoring the real problem.
3. Side note (and because I just 💙 Shoto), the manga panels show baby Shoto sleeping on his little bed with a frosty snot bubble coming out of his nose 🥺! Not only is it adorable, but it seems like Shoto had his quirk since he was very young.
Time skip 5 years later! This is back when Shoto was being dragged along by Enji while watching his siblings play ball WAY back in Shoto’s Origin chapter what a throwback, Horikoshi (Season 2 Ep. 10 in the anime; I think Chapter 39 in the manga)! Fuyumi is 12 yrs old, Natsuo is 8 yrs old, and Touya is 13 yrs old. So, that confirms that Touya is 1 year older than Fuyumi, Natsuo is 4 years younger than Fuyumi, and Shoto is 3 years younger than Natsuo since Shoto was 5 then. God, they looked so cute back then! I’m honestly amazed how freaking TALL Natsuo is at 8 YEARS OLD! He’s taller than Fuyumi here and probably Touya. Someone put this kid in the Haikyuu!! universe and teach him volleyball! He’d be great, I know it!
We see a few panels of what is basically a remastered version of what we saw during Shoto’s Origin story. Shoto really wanted to play ball with his siblings, but Enji wouldn’t let him 😭. I know Natsuo and Shoto try to play ball in present day in the 5th(?) light novel. Natsuo plays it properly, but Shoto accidentally smacks the shit out of it 🤣. It’s a very bittersweet scene and I suggest you guys read the translations of it if you can find it. *AHEM* Anyway while Shoto is looking at them with sadness, Touya is looking back at Shoto with malice in his eyes. Touya clearly still hated Shoto...
Next, we see Touya trying to talk to Natsuo in bed. While he admits that he was wrong for trying to attack Shoto, he thinks Enji is to blame as well. Ok, Enji lit Touya’s figurative flame, but Enji did not attack Shoto. That was all Touya’s doing. Had he listened to his father and not been so driven to jealousy, he wouldn’t have attacked. Enji did a lot of things, but he did not provoke that attack.
Natsuo was too tired to listen to Touya talk, so he suggested that he talk to Fuyumi instead. Touya thought that Natsuo was the only one who could understand and he didn’t talk to Fuyumi because “all the women in the family were no good”. OKAY, I don’t know if this is straight up sexism or something else, but goddamn Touya. That is-, that’s not okay. At all. Respect women pls, my dude. Hell, Fuyumi and Rei probably would’ve been a good people to talk to back then.
One day, Touya is trying to leave the house probably to go train again. Rei tries to convince him to play with his friends instead, but of course Touya refuses. Because Rei feels shackled to her marriage, she wants Touya to look at a world outside of heroism so he can be someone he really wants to be. This is basically what Enji told Touya before and Rei’s echoing his words. And they are right, but Touya’s too driven to really think of anything else.
Touya gets mad and starts insulting Rei. He says because his mother sold Rei to Enji, she’s conspiring to all of this. Touya’s losing his mind and Rei’s scared of him. I want to point out that one translation I read say that Rei’s mother’s side of the family was actually poor so Rei was actually bought via money like I remembered. But, that doesn’t mean she intended to hurt Touya.
Next panel reveals that Touya was born between Jan. 1st and April. 1st. We know Dabi’s B-Day is on Jan. 18th based off his profile page. Though, this could be a lie for all we know. The guy’s still a big mystery. Anyway, Touya’s fire is growing stronger and finally turns into that iconic blue fire. When his emotions are heightened his flames get more powerful, but he starts crying too. Enji learns of Touya’s secret training and gets mad at him again. Touya just wants to prove that Enji was right for creating him. Touya’s gone completely insane at this point. The fire that Enji lit could not be put out. It was too late at this point.
And the abuse... JFC... Enji was mad at Rei for letting Touya train and he abuses her (looks like he hit her). Little 5 yr old Shoto steps up and tries to stop his father from hurting his mother. Fuyumi and Natsuo are hiding and crying, and Fuyumi is covering both their ears. Rei reflects that she chose to be married to Enji and she truly thought she could have a family full of laughter. Th-this just hurts. No emoji can express how awful this situation is. Enji looks like a monster in these panels (we still don’t know exactly when the abuse started, but I think it was either after Touya tried to kill Shoto or here when Rei failed to stop Touya from training). Shoto’s crying and yelling at Enji to protect his mom. His siblings too if you think about it. Even back then, Shoto was a hero even when he really shouldn’t had been.
The present goes back and forth with the past here. Touya waited for Enji to come see him train, but he never came. Rei also ignored Touya even though she knew of his problems. Touya was truly alone on that mountain. And here’s where Rei’s blame comes in. She was a good mother, I think. But she did ignore Touya when he needed her most. She kind of ran away too.
Back to Dabi, he reminisces of how he faked his own “death” back on that mountain after Enji didn’t show up. He didn’t know how to stop the fire because Enji only taught him to increase the fire. Touya started a whole wildfire. The whole place turned to ash. Enji tried looking for his son, but was devastated when he couldn’t. Gotta say, these panels are brutal. Like, Tenko Shimura’s Origin chapters were dark, but this is a different kind of dark.
Back to the present. Enji says that after Touya “died” he didn’t know what to do other than to focus on Shoto (the panel shows a dark figure of Enji looming over a sad Shoto similar to that image of Overhaul looming over Eri because she wasn’t saved yet). Rei got more disgusted just seeing Enji and she started seeing his shadow when she saw her kids, specifically Shoto and Natsuo (maybe because Natsuo is more built like Enji?). Fuyumi and Natsuo blame themselves for not doing anything and thinking things were okay even though they knew what was going on. Natsuo still blames Enji of course because Enji started this all. And I can’t say that Natsuo’s wrong, but Enji doesn’t shoulder the whole blame. And yeah, Fuyumi and Natsuo were still just kids when this happened, but a little extra push from them could’ve helped. It’s just the “It’s my fault” game with the Todoroki’s except for Shoto.
Natsuo’s taking a big hit here. He was closest to Touya and if Natsuo took more action to help Touya, Dabi probably wouldn’t have been born. Touya could’ve even treated Shoto to some soba 😭. That’s a nice thought, Natsu, but we all know what did happen in the end.
So, Rei concludes that everyone is shouldering some blame towards their family’s problems and that it isn’t completely Enji’s fault (this I agree with). Even so, Rei says that his family would still help him get back up even if he fell. Coming from Rei, the woman who was abused and put in a mental hospital, this is saying A LOT! We saw some of this back in the Pro Heroes arc (Endeavor Vs. High End), but here it’s said out loud. Even a family as broken as the Todorokis can still heal.
Rei then calls Shoto the family hero as if it weren’t for him going to UA, making friends, and taking action to repair his family, then none of this would’ve happened. There’s a page that shows present day injured Shoto at the center and that iconic “IT’S YOUR QUIRK, NOT HIS” scene from the Sports Fest. in the background. TDDK or not, this is such a damn good throwback! I love everything about it. Again, Shoto’s the family hero, but Izuku’s the true hero in all this. If he didn’t meddle with Shoto’s family problems, then Shoto and his family would still be a broken mess. Izuku might as well be an honorary Todoroki at this point 💙💚
Endeavor is still crying hard (the man’s literally shook) and Shoto finally speaks (his speech bubbles are shakey, so his voice might be raspier than usual). Shoto talked with Rei about how he plans to face Dabi on his own. Rei said “no”. Shoto concludes that everyone’s going to help stop Dabi, including Enji. The panel shows Shoto LITERALLY REACHING OUT to Enji!!! His face shows that he’s still kind of reluctant, but this is a sign that Shoto’s is close to forgiveness. He’s not there yet and he can turn back whenever he wants. But, this is Shoto’s choice and I’m so freaking proud of him. I love this ❄️🔥 boy so much, guys 💙😭!
The final panel shows Haws and Best Jeanist outside of Enji’s hospital room and they heard pretty much everything. Very similar to how Bakugo accidentally eavesdropped on Shoto and Izuku back in the Sports Fest haha! Neither of them look mad or sad, but more contempt I think. Massive problems in the Todoroki family that’s lasted over 20 years is finally being fixed. Shoto rebuilding his relationship with his family was good, but THIS is a big step since it’s not just Shoto taking action. It’s the whole family.
Wooo... I think that’s it. Again, the Todoroki Family storyline is one of my favorites in the BNHA series. Probably the most controversial and dividing, but still damn good. I feel bad for everyone in this family. Everyone but Shoto feels some kind of blame and ultimately they are at fault here to some degree. The biggest ones are obviously Enji and Touya himself. Rei’s also a big reason why things went wrong (she really could’ve helped Touya more), but not NEARLY as much as the big two. Shoto’s the only one who isn’t at fault at all yet he’s still willing to step up to the plate to help his family. Again, I love this kid so damn much 💙! I’m sorry if I missed any details btw. I might make edits to fix them when the official release comes out on Sunday.
TL;DR Version of Last 2 BNHA Chapters:

#My Hero Academia Spoilers#Boku No Hero Academia Spoilers#MHA Spoilers#BNHA Spoilers#MHA 302#BNHA 302#Enji Todoroki#Endeavor#Rei Todoroki#Dabi#Toya Todoroki#Touya Todoroki#Fuyumi Todoroki#Natsuo Todoroki#Shoto Todoroki#Shouto Todoroki#Todoroki family#keeping up with the todorokis#this family is a mess#just a big ol' mess#they need therapy#all of them#each and every one#I'm glad they're trying to fix themselves though#it's a start#Todoroki#Todorokis#Spoilers#Spoiler thoughts#my thoughts
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