#we also bit said friend who did not bite us but headlocks were pretty common
moonysbxtch0 · 1 year
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Part 9 : A word is a man’s honour
Summary: Professor Lupin confronts you about the prank but during it he also implies some things...
Pairing: Remus Lupin x werewolf student
Warnings : Teasing, sexual innuendos, sexual tension,blackmail( Remus trying to make reader do him a favour ,by finding the latter a Grindylow.)
Ao3 link : https://archiveofourown.org/works/39275319/chapters/117268138#main
"Who do you think did it?" Oliver crossed his legs as he faced you. The common room was pretty empty, only a few students were around, either studying, either chatting with their friends. You , Oliver and Percy had sat on the couch close to the fireplace, enjoying the warmth of the crackling fire.
"Must have been one of theirs." Percy frowned." Whoever did it , they're going to get expelled for sure."
"You think so?" Asked Oliver.
"Professor Snape demanded a meeting with the heads of the houses and from what professor McGonagall told me ,he was pissed and according to her he had every right to be. You know what they had written on the walls?" Oliver and you were waiting for Percy to talk. You knew exactly what he was going to say but were trying to act like you had no idea. Percy cleared his throat then spoke.
"And the quidditch game starts with Hufflepuff ,who always likes to play with class.
Then we have Gryffindor ,brave and loyal who always score.
Let's not forget ravenclaw , whose smartness always leads to a win.
And lastly but not least,yes we have Slytherin,bloodsupremacist little gits ,who always like to suck a bit of dick."
You felt your cheeks heating up,sure that seemed childish but a night before you and the twins found that pretty funny. Slytherin had managed to win a game against Hufflepuff and they had been bragging a lot about it eventhough they played dirty so it only seemed fit to write that on their wall.You had one problem that caused your heart to beat faster and make your whole being feel anxious. Professor Lupin knew that you were somehow related to that and if he as much spoke a word to Snape or Dumbledore,you and the twins would pack your bags and never step foot in Hogwarts ever again.
"I think that's pretty funny." Sneaking on his brother, George put Percy on a headlock and using his fist he rumpled his hair.
"George -" Percy was trying to get out of the headlock but couldn't.
"Percy got no sense of humour." Said Fred as he got in front of his brother, leaned forward and started tickling Percy to the point the latter couldn't stop laughing." Yes, that's how a normal person is supposed to react to that ' poem' ". Laughed Fred as he stopped ticking his brother and motioned to George to stop choking Percy.
"Idiots!" Huffed Percy as he stood on his feet angrily. "Let's go Oliver." The two of them left after bidding you goodnight and George sat on the couch, followed by Fred.
"Pretty funny eh?" Winked Fred. You took a deep breath and threw your head back , resting it on the couch."What's wrong?"
"Professor Lupin knows." You closed your eyes as you exhaled loudly.
"Knows what?" Asked George.
"That I was related to the prank. He asked me to go to his office tomorrow."
"Come on ,you must have misunderstood his words. He can't know,we used the invisibility cloak. Probably you did something that upset him or I don't know..." You pinched the tip of your nose and then faced Fred.
" Oh and Y/N...I forgot to mention but tomorrow I will be expecting you in my office. Something related to your late night walks...is what he said to me a few hours ago. He knows."
"Shit!" They both said at the same time .
Your leg was bouncing like crazy from anxiety as professor Lupin explained the lesson about inferi. You were biting the inside of your cheek so hard that it felt like you would draw blood from it. Your eyes were glued on the professor but your mind was elsewhere... would he snitch on you?After all the talk he said about you being his favourite student he wouldn't be that mean, would he?Wait... everytime he made eye contact with you it didn't feel any different from the normal...maybe he had forgotten. That would be a miracle that you would thank Merlin for every single day.
"That's it for today. " The professor clapped his hands and smiled."Don't forget to hand the essay on inferi in two weeks. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask." Nobody asked any questions and the professor nodded." All right. I truly hope you understood everything. With that you're free to go." He motioned at the door with his palm. Maybe this was your chance...blend with your friends and leave without being noticed. You packed your stuff as fast as you could and hurried to the door ,the second you stepped foot outside the door you heard a voice that made you freeze on the spot.
"Not so quick Y/N." A few students were bumping into you as they passed." Back inside,I will be waiting for you in my office."Soon enough he disappeared from the view and in a matter of seconds you found yourself alone between four walls. Slowly you made your way to his office,the door was open. The professor had sat on his chair,arms folded on his chest,eyes on his watch , eyebrows furrowed.
"Ehm... Sir?" You made your presence known.He titled his head up and locked eyes with you ,a small smile on his face.
"About time Y/N. What took you so long?" He smiled as he licked his lower lip. You didn't speak. It felt as if someone had tied a knot down your throat. Yep. You felt guilty,that was the cause if your inability to talk. "Hmm no words? " He stood up from his chair, rounded his desk and approached you slowly,hands on his pockets." Maybe I can help you find the reason?" As he kept walking closer and closer , on instinct you took a step back. He wrapped a firm hand on your wrist and pulled you close to himself,the back of your hand was flushed against his chest and you could feel the way his heart beat rhythmically. You heard the door close behind you and confusingly stared up at him."I'm not going to bite you Y/N , no need to stay that far." His tone was low and you found it hard to swallow again yet you were sure this time it wasn't because of your feeling of guilt. Something was wrong with your body...you could feel the temperature on it raise a few degrees and your heart was beating fast.
"I wasn't..." Your tone was low and seemed shy. Not like your usual self at all.
He chuckled and flashed you a toothy smile."You weren't staying far or you didn't do something you weren't supposed to?"
FUCK. He definitely knows and he definitely hadn't forgotten." Be more specific about the second part, professor."
"Playing dumb...is that what we're doing?" He manoeuvred your arm , using his hold on your wrist and brought it close to you , smacking you with your own hand on top of your head a couple times , jokingly." Think Y/N , think."
You closed your eyes with every smack and the chuckle he let out made you realise that he found the whole interaction entertaining.This wasn't funny...at all. Your career was on his hands and thinking of a chance that he would snitch on you made you feel nauseous.
"How did you even know it was me?"You locked eyes with him and he smiled. The nerve this man had...
"Let's not forget your accomplices ,the Weasley twins. It's selfish to take all the credit to yourself." It fell like a bomb on you.What in the Merlin's left ball?! How the fuck did he know about the twins as well?!He smacked your head jokingly one more time and let your palm rest there,he still didn't remove his hand from your wrist.
"Fuck..." You muttered.
"Fuck indeed." Your eyebrows raised in suprise. This was the first time you heard professor Lupin cuss." You almost got caught... would have if another professor was on patrol duty."
"Yet we didn't. I got no idea how you figured out that we were involved but you have no proof. Nobody's going to believe you." You furrowed your eyebrows at him and your lips parted. His eyes dropped to your lips and lingered there for a few seconds.
"Are you sure about that?" He locked eyes with you yet again. "I promise you professor Snape is mad to the point he wouldn't mind breaking a few rules and use Veritaserum on you three..." The professor titled his head to his left and had a cocky expression to his face. The worst part is that he's right,Snape would definitely do that and you would get expelled over a small prank.
"Well-" you tried to move your hand from your head because your arm was starting to get numb. His grip was firm so with a smooth flick of your wrist you managed to turn the tables and this time you were the one who had gripped his wrist." Are you going to tell on us?" Your eyes were piercing his whole being yet the professor didn't seem intimidated at all.
"Don't get me wrong,I was a student myself once as well." He turned the tables again and this time he clasped your hand with his and slammed your hand on the door,your body moving with it , completely caging you there.Was this normal? Of course not. You've caused troubles more times than you can count yet no professor tried to be this close to you while scolding you. Mostly because they were afraid of you also because they had boundaries with their students." As a professor however, I'm afraid that I'm supposed to do something." He licked his lips as he stared down on you,the small action making your abdomen clench.
"Do you always scold your students while caging them against a door ,professor?" It wasn't that you didn't like it. You had started fancying professor Lupin since the begining yet the thought of him doing this exact thing to someone else made your blood boil.
"Only the ones I like." His thumb was forming patterns on your wrist. The way his eyes darkened made the animal inside of you go feral. Full moon still needed a few more days so the fact that she was coming to surface so soon wasn't a good thing.
"I wonder who's going to leave faster from this school. Me, because you rat me out to Snape or you, because one day one of these other students you like does something innapropropiate to you and of course given that you're the adult, you're the one that gets fired."
Your tone reeked of jealousy and you didn't like that at all. Why? You've dated Oliver and he was popular around here ,all the girls threw themselves at him yet never once did you feel jealous. Oliver would even flirt with them once in a while to get a reaction out of you but you never got jealous.When it came to the man in front of you on the other hand ,you couldn't even hide this ugly emotion.The professor let out a dark chuckle that electrified your whole body. Oh the effect this man had on you.
"I think we both know that you're the only student I like." Now, this sentence had many meanings yet you didn't want to misinterpret it and make a fool of yourself. Hold up...this could be your escape card. He had told you a few times that you're his favourite student so you could use that in your advantage." But my question is, would you be willing to get me fired?" Heis voice dropped a few octaves lower and he leaned closer to you,his nose brushed against yours for the shortest moment. It felt like a spark of fire was lit in the center of your chest then in a matter of seconds a huge wave of fire engulfed your whole body. He didn't just say what you thought he did?! Sure , if he was down for it...so were you..." Just joking, no need to be that terrified." He leaned back and smiled.
"I-" I wasn't, that's what you were going to say but he stopped you before you could say anything.
"We've moved completely out of topic.Back to me doing something about what you did two nights ago."
He let go of your hand and created some space between the two of you.He ran his hand through his hair and scratched the back of his head. The first thought you had ,was to grab him by his tie and kiss him like it was the last day on this earth. He was so handsome,his messy hair and that expression on his face made it very hard to control yourself,yet you didn't. You didn't have the balls to. Plus he did say that he was joking,you didn't want to make a fool of yourself and add more things to get you expelled.
"Does that something involve you telling Professor McGonagall what we did and at the end of the day me and the twins pack our stuff and leave?"
One thing about professor Lupin is that he was the most confusing person you've ever met. You were good at reading people yet you've never been able to read him. He nodded in refusal as he smiled.
" Nothing of the sort. I think we can come to an agreement. You run a small errand for me and I won't say a word about you being involved in that prank." Something reeked in here and this time it wasn't your jealousy…
"What kind of errand?"
"You see , I'm quite busy this weekend and ..."
"No can do this specific weekend." You stopped him.
"Is that so?" He put his hand on the left side of his chest and gripped his shirt " It pains me to tell poor ol' Minerva that the ones who pissed Severus so much were students from her own house. She's not going to take it well."
"You play dirty." You furrowed your eyes at him and gave him a stare filled with annoyance.
"You've got no idea just how dirty I can play to get what I want Y/N." He stared at you and his eyes did that again, change their colour from blue to a shade of gold. It was futile to try and convince him to change the day of his errand so with an eye roll you asked.
"What do you need me to do?"
"I need you to find me a Grindylow."Was he mental?! A fucking Grindylow?!
"Those things live on the lake. How do you expect me to find you one?"
"I am sure you will manage. " He folded his arms on his chest and smiled.
"I think I would rather get expelled than die..."It was worth the attempt to play this card.
"Well ,in that case pack your bags and let me accompany you to the train station." He caught his lower lip between his teeth as he grinned. Out of everyone on this school... not only did you fancy the one person you could never have but you also fancied the biggest jerk to live.
"Sometimes I really question myself if it was truly a good thing that you came to teach here this year." You rubbed your eyes in annoyance." I'll do it." You locked eyes with him again.
"Pleasure doing business with you." He put his hand for you to shake and you gritted your teeth before clasping your own with his.
"I can say the same as long as you stay true to your word." You gripped his hand as hard as you could yet he showed no indication that he was in pain whatsoever.
"A word is a man's honour." He had a hint of laughter in his voice as he spoke." See you around,Y/N."
Part 10 : https://www.tumblr.com/moonysbxtch0/742142713346113536/505
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Deadlines Alt End 1
Deadlines Alternative End 1: Hideyoshi His POV
It was around the time Mitsunari excused himself for the third time to go and find some other source for his ravenous researching that I noticed that the girl was no longer in the restricted access section. Where did she go? It hadn’t been that long since I looked over was it? I put down my own book and decided to stretch my legs. It was a mystery to me how Mitsunari did it. Prolonged periods of time sitting in one position played havoc with my circulation and I found I had to keep moving around to avoid painful leg cramps.
I moved away from the table and walked around the room a little. That was when I saw her. She was sitting by the window surrounded by papers, a few different pens and highlighters near her right hand on the tabletop as she scribbled line after line of text. I did think it before a little when I saw her blushing, talking to Mitsunari and me but she is quite pretty.
I don’t know how long I stood there watching her. The light of the sun catching her hair that tumbled over her shoulder where it had fallen loose from her messy bun. I was entranced by the look on her face. She was deep in concentration but she had the most adorable look on her face every time she tried to work out something. Her expression changed and she got a little crease on her brow and bit her bottom lip while she processed the next step. I guess I was staring too long because she noticed me.
“Did you want something?” She asked politely but I had seen that look on her face before. The frustration, the tiredness… every time I had looked in a mirror during my second year.
Ever since I had received my scholarship to the university I had been so desperate to prove myself and my worth that it took Nobunaga and Masamune to drag me out of the study halls to force me to sleep. I understood that sometimes what drove you to keep pushing your limits was sometimes more than just achieving a good grade. It was the feeling of value and being valued. But as much as I understood that I still could not avoid feeling the need to try to help when I saw someone struggling. Or my own desire to see someone relax more instead of working themselves closer to the edge of their limits.
“No sorry I was just wondering if there was anything I could do for you.” I schooled my face. I probably failed to mask 100% of my concern because she looked a little like she felt guilty for causing concern. She’s sort of even cuter when she looks troubled.
“I’m not sure there is anything that can be done, to be honest. I mean all the work has to be in my own handwriting and my own words except for the direct quote stuff.” She shrugged giving me a sweet lopsided smile.
“I see your problem. But you have been hitting the books solid since you got here I’m a little worried you might be pushing yourself.” Man, Hideyoshi even you think this sounds like your just meddling.
“HAHA, you sound like my Mum.” Her laugh was musical. The corners of her eyes crinkled as she smiled broadly. Her Mum?
“I’m sorry. I know it’s none of my business I… I  should leave you to get back to it.” I was feeling a little embarrassed. Truth be told it wasn’t the first time I had been told that I reminded someone of their mother. It always made me feel a little ticklish.
“Erm Hideyoshi?” I heard her hesitant voice behind me as I turned to leave and stopped in my tracks to look at her again.“Thank you. It’s really sweet of you to care so much.” She smiled and I lost myself for a moment. Showing a guy a face like that. What are you even thinking?  Reaching out my hand to her I put it on her head. I felt her tense up but she relaxed almost immediately afterwards.
“No problem. Just take it easy ok?” I gave her one of my best smiles I could, trying to ignore how much she made me feel. It’s strange I hardly know her in fact, I only met her today and yet I can’t seem to leave her alone.
I went back to check on Mitsunari who was already submerged back in his own little world. He always did that. Give the guy a book he just zoned out and nothing could break his concentration. That was how my afternoon passed. Quitely, peacefully, the sounds of pages turning and pen scratching across paper. Observing two people, one dear friend and one curious girl who appeared out of nowhere but managed to capture my attention and concern all the same.
It was the day after most of the exams for the end of the year had happened. We all had gone out to play a game of basketball at the local park. Masa had practically been bouncing off the walls in the dorm and Yasu was talking about putting tranquillizers in the food to try to calm him down. In the interest of keeping the peace and getting some fresh air, we all agreed a game was in order.
“What is with you man seriously?” Masa threw the ball hard at my chest and I let a small grunt sound out as I barely caught it.
“I don’t know what you mean.” It was true my mind had been elsewhere. I couldn't get the girl from the library out of my head. Since then I had seen her on campus looking tired and it had worried me. I really wish I could have done something even then to help her.
“Oh come on. You don’t have your head in the game at all. What is it? A girl?” Masa had his moments of being very observant and also very blunt. Clearly, this was one of those moments.
“There’s a girl?” Mitsunari asked innocently as he looked around. This got a chuckle from most of us and an eye roll from the resident expert in sarcasm.
“There’s always a girl when he is involved.” Ieyasu sighed and raked his hand through his blonde hair. “It’s so apparent its no wonder Captin Obvious over there noticed it.”
“And what is that supposed to mean? Masa gave Ieyasu a little playful shove as he laughed trying to pull him into a headlock.
“Hey, now that’s enough.” Nobu laughed whilst he cast his usual spell over the guys causing them all to regain some composure and settle down. How does he do that?
“Thank you.” I said relieved. I know it was a common problem that everywhere I went on campus I seemed to have a crowd at some point hindering my movements. But the way they talk about it, I shudder to think what others must think of me.
“Yeah Nobu’s right you shouldn’t just assume it’s a girl.” Mitsuhide spoke up from the sidelines as he came closer. As a group, we had all been together since High school. Mitsuhide had his moments of being nice. He isn’t always so bad sometimes he is a really supportive friend. “It could just as easily be a guy. I hear the guys on the track team have their own little fan club developing for our dear sweet little Yoshi.” Mitsuhide reached out to pinch my cheek and I quickly ducked and knocked his hand away. Or not… what a jerk!
Our game continued until it started to get late. Masa said he wanted to cook in the dorm kitchen for us all but then got a call about a party. So he changed his mind and decided that he wanted to go crash it. Nobu and Mitsuhide were both on board with that plan. Yasu mumbled something about going to make sure Masa didn’t attempt to dive from someone's balcony like an idiot again. Mitsunari had a tutoring job so he made his excuses and left.
As much as I would have liked to go and keep an eye on them all, I also was not feeling up to it at all. And that was why I was now downtown about to go into a McDonalds to grab some fast food. If Masa saw me now he’d probably kill me. But food is food and I can’t be bothered with cooking right now. I grabbed my order of chicken nuggets and fries, small cup coffee and sat down at a table. It was sort of busy in here tonight. I guess most of the students had the same idea for dinner.
“...Thank you.” The polite soft voice of a familiar female managed to find my ear over the general buzz of human activity around me. Looking up I saw her, the girl from the library… [Name].
“[Name]” I called out to her as she was looking around for somewhere to sit. I have no idea why I just did that. I suppose it was to ensure she didn’t get in a situation where she was hit on by some creep because she was alone. “Care to join me?” Wait that didn’t make me sound like one of the creeps did it?
While I wondered about how I appeared she smiled gratefully at me as she took a seat opposite me then laughed. “Oh my gosh, we have the same meal.” I looked and she was right. Nuggets, fries and coffee. It made me smile to think we were eating the same food. Like a couple… wait what? I laughed along with her and we passed the time with some small talk. I found out she was looking into work at a museum over the holidays. It was just in the gift shop but she really wanted to learn about preserving the paintings. She’s so genuine and so bright.
The more we spoke the more I found myself lost in her eyes. I liked the way she played with the fries between her fingers as she told a story. How she licked the salt and ketchup from her lip after taking a bite. It was nice hanging out with someone that wasn’t poking fun at me as one of the guys or one of those girls that seemed to turn up out of nowhere in pack formation. Yes, this is something I could get used to. I wonder what she would say if I asked her out?
On the way back from the party Mitsuhide was the first of the trio to notice the curious pair sitting in the local fast food joint. He smiled as he nudged Nobu on his shoulder and pointed out the couple.
“Well well, it appears that when Yoshi says he isn’t up for partying what he meant was we aren’t his type.” Mitsuhide joked and Nobu just laughed.
“Hey what’s the big deal I thought we were going to hit that Italian place on the way back?” Masa who had been walking slightly ahead of them came back and then followed their gaze to see what was holding them up. “Oh Yoshi is never going to hear the end of this one.” He said with a smile that threatened to split his face in two.
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