#we all got latios
chisatowo · 2 years
Screaming and crying as I give up my pmd randomizer save with a dialga and celebi as my starters because I forgot to change the settings from default and I'm not puting myself through that
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cantheykillmacbeth · 3 months
couldn’t Mewtwo kill Macbeth under the GC due to being a genderless Pokemon, BPC due to being created by Giovanni and the team rocket scientists, Gio who is male and…. im not sure if we encounter any female scientists and UBC due to…. being creates by Giovanni and the team rocket scientists?
also, couldn’t male-locked legendaries not be able to kill Macbeth if we have no data on their birthing habits?
While we have covered Mewtwo before in its own post, I would like to go into your second question a bit:
There are currently only 7 legendary/mythical Pokemon that are 100% male, being Latios, Tornadus, Thunderus, Landorus, Okidogi, Munkidori, and Fezandipiti. They all have stories associated with things that they did in the past, but none of them really have an explanation as to how and where they came to be in the first place.
One obvious conclusion that one could come to is that these Pokemon (as well as all other unexplained legendary/mythical Pokemon) were created by Arceus at some point; after all, this is canonically the case with Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina, which we have covered before. So, if this is true, then these legendary Pokemon would still apply for the Birth Parent Clause and presumably Unconventional Birth Clause, being created by the genderless Pokemon god Arceus.
Of course, this is just speculation, as there has been no confirmed origin for these Pokemon, and for all we know, Arceus could have had nothing to do with this whatsoever. But right now, it's the best explanation we've got, as Pokemon seems a great bit hesitant to actually give us any of these answers.
So, for now, we're going to count them I think, though it is still very debatable and not confirmable.
Thank you for your submission!
-Mod Anthem
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journalsouppe · 5 months
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Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call!! I actually discovered ordering the game from the UK with shipping was actually cheaper than ordering the American version of the game, there were no major differences that I could tell as they still had the original English voice actors.
I enjoyed this game!! Not my top favorite installment but I still had a great time and loved the new characters. The puzzles were well designed and had nice scaled difficulty and the mini games were really neat too. The Eternal Diva references were so blatant lmfao but I’m excited for Miracle Mask! I was also super exhausted when writing the summary so sorry there’s so many errors and I use the word fun a million times ToT
The Descole and Tea sticker are from JordyDrawsMerch! All other stickers are from Daiso. Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.3
Played: Sp 2024
Port: DS on 3DS
Favorite? Y
Replayable? Y
Recommend? Y
Series: Professor Layton
Emmy and BABY LUKE!!
Ngl im so excited to watch the anime, I love the animation sm
Oh Layton is not taking Claire’s death well at all
I love how animated the background now is!!
Beautiful music as always
Does Clark have the same VA as Dmitri lol
The specter looks like one of those little kingdom hearts guys
Luke’s been a LaytonMobile hater since day one lmao
Luke is especially funny in this game
Layton taking Luke to the black market is so wild
I’m going to fight aunt taffy
Ooo we get to play as Emmy
Holy shit Emmy
Emmy asking if Layton always pokes lamps he sees is making me think he physically touches everything the player taps
The convo with the meowing man???
Based anti-cop npc
Is Hershel gonna get a cask of amantillado’d T^T
The canals are so pretty i like the design of misthallery
Oh i do not like the police chief
Grosky is very funny
Omg the cliff death police cover up reminds me of killer frequency which i just watched a playthrough of
Where’s phoenix when you need him
I love descole’s voice
The story book stories and animations are so CUTE!!
I wonder if Naiya was added to the game to hit at the Eternal Diva
This kinda reminds me of a pokemon movie but I don’t remember which one it was
^^ it was pokemon heroes when latias and latios were caught ^^;
Creepy fucking factory music ToT
Oh dear. I seem to have stepped on a hexagonal spanner
Descole always serving massive cunt
Woah the golden garden is beautiful
Ohh so that’s why Luke was fork life certified in plvspw
I really like these little episodes from others POVS! ^_^
This was such a fun origin story for Luke and Layton. Very much a classic Layton game with world ending machinery and gorgeous environment design. I really liked both Emmy and Descole, there’s a more serious undertone than with Don Paolo as the main villain (even though I do love Don Paolo). Emmy is amazing!! I was afraid she would be sidelined like Flora was but I’m glad to she stands her ground and does what she wants to do. I alos like how we got to go on our own adventure as her to London, she’s a character that doesn’t need to rely on Hershel to solve everything. Meeting Luke was great, loved his blank stare. It was fun seeing his origins and how Clark and Hershel knew each other. I’m curious how the prequels will play into the New World of Steam, especially now that Luke’s family have stories and sprites (unlike in the original trilogy). Loved the ACAB story, v nice to play while I’m still so mad at what’s happening to university students currently. Descole was so fun, I am obsessed with his outfit and personality. Unfortunately I was spoiled on who he is but I’m very excited to learn more. I think similar to Ace Attorney, the fourth installment is that last game in the classic 2D style, which is sad but PLvsPW makes me very hopeful about 3D Layton. The overall story was fun, I really liked the sub plot about the Ravens - that was really fun (i was so tired writing this omfg). I wish we got a little more backstory on the rich guy who died, I feel like there’s more to the story. OO I loved the little episodes, especially the one about Chelmey. They added a lot of fun context and gave more life to the NPCs. Such a fun and classic Layton game, I can’t wait to play Miracle Mask! (And read the light novels). This wasn’t my favorite Layton game but I still really loved it and had a great time and loved the puzzles — that’s all I want from PL!
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ugh-yoongi · 9 months
bts as pokémon trainers
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rewatching the anime so naturally i have some Thoughts. this is going off the gym leader style, where they specialize in one type, but free to share your own!
seokjin — normal trainer. no one has more ditto energy than him. they may not be the strongest, but this is a trainer that’s just vibing with his friends. lives in a port town, definitely owns a boat. would be a water trainer but feels bad catching the fish and not putting them back. team: snorlax, porygon, eevee, aipom, teddiursa, chansey. secondary type: water.
yoongi — ghost trainer. i think out of everyone he’d appreciate the beauty of the pokémon tower the most. he’s elusive himself, but also really gentle, and i think ghost types would be drawn to that kind of energy. team: haunter, mimikyu, misdreavus, sableye, (alolan) marowak, greavard. secondary type: steel.
hobi — fairy trainer. everyone thinks they’re just cute, but fairy types are also really powerful, and if that doesn’t describe hobi idk what does. like jin, not out to be a pokémon master. probably runs the daycare. team: togepi, swirlix, sylveon, jigglypuff, gardevoir, snubbull. secondary type: ground.
namjoon — grass trainer. easy. definitely more of a professor/researcher and less of a battle trainer. thinks battling is too violent, just wants to spend all day under a tree with his buddies. team: bellossom, ivysaur, vileplume, deerling, treecko, exeggutor. secondary type: bug.
jimin — electric trainer. i always say jimin and i are a lot alike, so it’s with affection that i say: short fuse. definitely a battle trainer and probably a gym leader, but within the first few towns. would probably love to mentor all the kids who just got their trainer licenses. team: jolteon, ampharos, luxio, elekid, rotom, electrode. secondary type: fire.
taehyung — ice trainer. the winter bear himself. seems cold and unattainable (even though we know better) so he’s definitely an elite four member. obviously from lumiose city. only the best for him. team: glaceon, articuno, lapras, arceus, cubchoo, cloyster. secondary type: psychic.
jungkook — dragon trainer. the main character, the ash ketchum of this journey. a little cocky at first but has a big heart and is always willing to learn. he’s going to be the pokémon master and no one’s going to stop him, even if it takes 25 seasons. team: dragonite, rayquaza, garchomp, koraidon, zygarde, latios. secondary type: fighting.
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Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Laito [09]
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ー The scene starts in the entrance hall of the Violet Manor
Yui: The inside of the manor’s in a much worse state than I expected...
Laito: Ahーah, the door’s been broken. I guess we can thank Ayato-kun for that? Who’s going to fix this, I wonder? 
Yui: ( It definitely won’t be Laito-kun, that’s for sure... )
Azusa: Eve, Laito...!
Yui: Azusa-kun!
Azusa: Are both of you unscathed...? 
Yui: Yeah, we’re fine. How about you...?
Azusa: I’m alright as well...The two of them left right away once they realized that you were gone...
Yui: I see. I’m glad you’re safe and sound...
Azusa: What about you, Laito? You didn’t seem to be feeling well...
Laito: All good! Seems like the fresh air really helped.
Azusa: I see...But don’t push yourself too much, okay?
Laito: Heeh...How kind of you to look out for me like that. As to be expected of my ‘big bro’~
Yui: ( Eh? Big brother... )
Azusa: Yeah...Family is important after all...Of course I’d be worried about you...
Ah...There’s something I need to tell you two.
Laito: Yes?
Azusa: Carla and the others have returned. 
When Carla heard about Ayato-san and Kanato-san’s attack on the manor...It got him thinking. He wants all of us to gather together and hear him out.
Kou and Subaru went out to look for you two, so they’re absent right now, but I’m sure they’ll return sooner or later...
I’ll go tell Carla that the two of you made it back safely, okay...?
ー Azusa leaves again
Laito: ...I see. He really lost his memories, huh? Calling me family.
Yui: Is that why you addressed him as ‘big brother’ earlier?
Latio: Yup, exactly. I figured I’d see it for myself. By the looks of it, the others as well...
Fake brothers...Huh?
Yui: ( I wonder what he seems to be pondering about...? )
Laito: ...Say, Bitch-chan? Shall we go back to my room for now until Kou and Subaru get back?
You must be exhausted after everything that went down, no? Let’s rest up a bit.
Yui: Ah, good idea.
As soon as we arrived at Laito-kun’s room,
we fell into a deep sleep.
For Laito-kun, it was probably the backlash,
of retrieving his memories. 
While for me, I believe it was the sense of relief,
which ended up hitting me hard.
I completely lost myself,
in the first comfortable sleep I had gotten in a long time.
ー The scene shifts to Laito’s room
Yui: Zzー... Zzー...
Laito: She’s sleeping so defenselessly. ...I guess she finally let loose.
You were trying your hardest all by yourself this whole time, weren’t you?
So, I’llーー
After resting up in our room for a bit,
Azusa-kun came telling us to come,
in a hesitant manner.
Apparently Kou-kun and Subaru-kun,
had made their return.
After quickly making ourselves presentable,
and rushing over to the living room,
the others had already gathered there.
With a stern expression on his face,
Carla-san addressed us in a solemn toneーー 
Carla: I was aware that the Orange House had been investigating our manor, however, I did not expect them to directly attack us.
Kou: For realー I was shocked when we came back and our door had been destroyed. 
Azusa-kun was in a state of panic and both Eve and Laito-kun were nowhere to be found. 
Laito: It all happened so suddenly, running was the only thing on our mind. Right, Bitch-chan?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Azusa: Thank god you’re both safe...
Subaru: ‘Thank god’, my ass. What if those bastards come for us again?
Carla: There were only a small number of people involved in this conflict. On top of that, they chose to attack us directly.
While it is very much possible that those two came up with the idea for an attack themselves, rather than it being a direct order from Ruki...
Either way, I take this as a declaration of war. Let us go make quick work of those nuisances of the Orange House.
Yui: No way...!
Kou: The Orange House, huh? Honestly, I think Ruki, the oldest brother, will be the most difficult to deal with.
Subaru: Don’t be pissin’ your pants now! You just gotta show them who’s boss, no matter who your opponent may be!
Azusa: Everyone...Be careful not to get hurt, okay?
Yui: ( Carla-san has decided to actually make a move... )
( I can’t watch quietly as they wage war against Ayato-kun and the others...! )
→ Convince them (🖤)
Yui: Carla-san, won’t you reconsider!? Fighting is not the correct thing to do right now!
Carla: Your opinion is irrelevant. I am the one who makes the decisions.
Yui: But...
Laito: Lay it off. Carla’s word is law after all.
Yui: Laito-kun...
( But at this rate, Ayato-kun and the others will...! )
→ Keep quiet (♡)
Yui: ( Carla-san is serious about this. He actually wants to attack them. )
( Whatever I say right now, it’d be pointless. I can only keep quiet... )
Laito: ...Your expression gives it away. Come on, you have to act normal.
Yui: ( ...! Laito-kun... )
Yui: ( Right. Laito-kun has retrieved his memories. I’m sure he’ll help me out. )
( I hope I’ll be able to ask him for advice once we’re alone... )
Kou: Hmー? Did something happen with you two?
Yui: Eh? W-Why do you ask?
Kou: I mean, you’re looking at him so passionately. 
The two of you seem awfully close as well. Did something happen when you were being attacked by the Orange House?
Yui: ( H-He’s sharp... )
Laito: ...What a sinful man I am, attracting such passionate stares from the ladies~
Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to give you my full attention later.
Yui: ( L-Laito-kun!? )
Subaru: God, could you please not spout that bullcrap? Even Eve’s disgusted by it.
Oi, in what world do those two seem close?
Kou: Huh? Did I just imagine it?
Yui: ( T-Thank god...Seems like they won’t question it any further. )
Carla: Enough with the trivial chit-chat.
I want each of you to get everything ready to launch our attack on the Orange House. 
Laito, do not let Eve out of your sight under any circumstances. 
Laito: Rogerー You can leave Eve in my hands while you guys focus on the fight with the Orange House.
Good luck kicking their ass, okay~?
Yui: Eh...?
( I can’t believe he’s saying that when their opponent is Ayato-kun and the others...Those aren’t his true feelings, right? )
ー The scene shifts to Laito’s room
Yui: Haah...I was so nervous. Thanks for earlier, Laito-kun.
Laito: Hm? What do you mean?
Yui: You know, you covered for me when Kou was suspicious of us, remember?
Laito: Rather than covering for you, I just genuinely felt happy with the passionate look you were giving me~
Some things are more exciting when you’re being watched, no?
Yui: I don’t think so, I can say that much...
Laito: Oh geez, can’t you play along? We’re finally all alone, so let’s mess around a little~
Ah, could it be...You’re waiting for me to jump you? In which case, I better live up to your expectations~
Yui: N-No! I’m not waiting for anything!
( He’s still his usual self despite everything we were just told. )
( ...No, I’m sure that deep down, he wants to do something about it as well. )
( Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun are his brothers after all. )
Laito-kun, about earlier...
Laito: That you want me to assault you? Geez! So you’re in the mood for that after all.
Yui: N-Not that one! What Carla-san told us.
At this rate, they’ll get into a conflict. ...No, they might even fight to the death.
We have to stop everyone somehow...!
Laito: Ehー? I don’t see the problem?
Yui: ...Eh?
Laito: We don’t lose anything from Carla going to attack the other Houses, right? We should just let them do their thing.
Yui: B-But...Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun are in danger as well, you know!? Subaru-kun as well!
No, if it turns into a fight with the Scarlet House as well, then even Shuu-san and Reiji-san might...
Laito: I’m sure they’ll be fine. Shuu is surprisingly strong and even Reiji or Kanato will pull through at times when it truly matters.
Ayato-kun and Subaru-kun are combat-oriented, as you should be aware of, so they’re used to getting into fights.
You’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about.
Yui: But...
Laito: Not・to・mention...We’re Vampires, remember?
It takes a lot to kill us, so it’ll be fine.
Yui: Maybe, but...
( Is Laito-kun okay with it? Even though his own brothers might get hurt... )
Laito: More importantly, right now...
 ー He approaches
Laito: I finally got my memories back, so let’s spend some quality time together.
Yui: B-But, I just can’t sit here and do nothing when a war is about to break looseーー
Laito: Ehー? You don’t like getting affectionate with me? What a shocker...
Yui: N-No...! I don’t dislike it, if anything...
( I nearly admitted it out loud... )
Laito: If anything, what? I’d love to hear it directly from your mouth?
Yui: Uu...Like I said, now’s not the time for thatーー
Laito: How do you feel about my touch?
Yui: I-I like it...
Laito: Well done~
Yui: ( I can’t, he’s messing with my head. )
( Still, he might be glad to have his memories back, but to say such things at a time like this. )
( What has gotten into you, Laito-kun...? )
Laito: I better give you a reward for actually saying it out loud.
Yui: ( Ah...He’s holding me in his arms... )
Laito: ...Say, how would you like me to reward you?
I’ll give you whatever you want, whether it’s a sweet reward or a painful, pleasurable one. 
Yui: ( His breath tickles against my ear... )
Laito: Fufu, look at you blushing and squirming around...
You really are sensitive, aren’t you? ...Phewー...
Yui: Hyaah!
Laito: Your shoulders twitched just now. Did it feel that good? 
Then I’ll do it from this side next...Phewー...
Yui: Nn...
Laito: No need to hold back like that. Let me hear your voice like you did earlier.
Your sugary sweet moans, that is...Nn...
Yui: Nn...Ah...
Laito: ...Nfu~ Such lovely cries.
I wonder what kind of sounds I can get out of you if I kiss you here? ...Nn...
Yui: Ah...Nnh...
( He kissed my nape next...I have to be strong now, but my head keeps spinning more and more... )
Laito: Fufu...You’re making different sounds now, nice.
But the place where you want to get kissed the most...has to be your lips, right? ...Nnh...Nn...
Yui: ...Nn...Phew...
( I know we shouldn’t be doing this but...I can’t help but give in to it... )
Laito: Just surrender yourself. You don’t need to rack your pretty brain over anything, okay?
Yui: ( His voice sounds far away... )
He showers me with kisses,
always as if he was trying to prevent me from speaking up.
I cannot get a grasp on his true intentions,
as he told me we don’t have to pay mind,
to the situation revolving Ayato-kun and Kanato-kun.
Is he certain about everyone’s safety?
Or perhaps...
He simply does not care...?
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pokemon-ash-aus · 9 months
Been meaning to ask. Can u tell us more abt Indigo's future partners? I been curious abt them, like how are their personalities like and if they started dating all together or one of them came later and stuff
Okay okay okay so-
Hades- Obstagoon.
Hades is the fall first, figure stuff out later type of mon. He's smart but emotions drive him more than anything. He loves with his whole body and heart.
He is broader than Indigo, so often times it looks like he can completely tower over him. But he actually is only like 6' or so tall. Taller than the average Obstagoon, but still short as all fuck.
He and Indigo were an Iten First vefore Kalani
Kalani / Tios - Latios
So Latios met Indigo first, We all been know this. The circumstances of his survival are still unknown.
And he is in so much denial. He and Indigo got a long much better than Ash and Kalani. Just okder brothers protecting their younger siblings, But they just connect more with how willing the other is to save their respective siblings.
By the time Indigo and Ash leave, Kalani can admit to maybe missing his friend.
It's obvious to EVERYONE but Kalani.
He only admits to wanting to see Indigo when a pair of other Lati's swoop in to relieve them of their duty.
By this point, Hades and Indigo are an item, so Kalani is the third wheel that has his heart crushed before he realizes it.
And Indigo is conflicted.
But guess who isnt :)
It takes Hades a bit- mostly cause Kalani refuses to interact with him. But when they finally hang out, Hades falls HARD for Kalani and outright tells indigo.
"i want him with us" and thus the eventual wooing of Kalani begins!
Again it takes Kalani awhile to admit he even likes Hades and it spirals cause how do you like two people!????
Its really funny.
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silvereyedzoroark · 1 year
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Latimas AU - Losing Control
Its host was resisting, the Dragon Pulse it just fired only had half the energy output it should have had, as the possessed Eon Pokémon made another attempt to down the White Latios that was preventing it from carrying out its Master's plan.
Said menace was continuing to outmaneuver it, rapidly switching directions or just suddenly dropping like a lead balloon to dodge attacks. All the while it wore a consistent smile that annoyed the spirit greatly.
I'm going to wipe that stupid smile off its face!
As it fired another Dragon Breath, which frustratingly missed as the White Latios somersaulted around the attack before launching its own attack Luster Purge. A bright ball of light shot out of its body like a small sun before exploding into a flash of white light, temporarily blinding the spirit as it took damage from the attack. As it tried to blink away the stars in its eyes, it was not prepared for the second attack which was getting punched in the jaw.
I thought Latios didn't know the move Sucker Punch!
It was thrown backwards, almost doing a barrel-roll, before righting itself. It growled, fury building in its body, it was a Tear of Giratina, while a mere fragment of the Distortion God, power and soul, it was still 10x more powerful than this creature!
~You should give up, my brother loves winning more than anything, also-~
Suddenly the right wing jolted at an odd angle and the Distortion parasite found its host body spiraling downwards towards the ground at a breakneck speed.
~This is a multibattle, your fighting me too~
The world was spinning and the spirit tried not to let itself get dizzy as it struggled to regain control. It felt like fighting over a steering wheel, its host body holding tightly onto the other half as they continued to fall.
Idiot, we are going to crash!
~That's the idea~
The white Latios shouted behind them, startling its host enough that the spirit felt its mental grip loosen, giving it the opportunity to take back control and just managing to only hit a couple of tree tops as it ascended back into the sky towards the white Latios.
Building the energy up in its throat for a point blank Dragon Pulse, the spirit was caught off guard again as it was suddenly punched in the face with its own claw, knocking it to the side and sending the attack way off target.
Why? WHY! Are you doing this!? Why are you resisting! you should be thankful to have been made a vessel of Giratina's Wrath!
The spirit mentally screamed as frustrated tears started to pour. It was a fragment of a God and these Latios were making a mockery of it!.
Didn’t know how to end the short story prompt but it also just felt right to just end it their…but yeah I’m attempting to do some art/word prompts, while I am recovering from being ill I really want to do some creative stuff for myself, but I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up, but it's good to practice more of my writing/story skill I guess.
I know the word prompt for this meant to be for a more angsty story, but my brain just went in the opposite direction and was like, what if the evil spirit possessing someone was losing control of their host instead? 
So in my Latimas Au, there's a thing called the Tears of Giratina, fragments of Giratina’s soul that will attempt to possess other Pokemon, and for this writing prompt Lati-Ingo is unfortunately got one of these soul parasites.  
Those under its control experience their physical features changing. First it's slow, like what Lati-Ingo has got going in this pic, but eventually the possessed Pokemon will become a Giratina fusion unless they are able to break free from the possession.   
These Tear's of Giratina seem to have a bit of their own individuality, but still act out the will of their master Giratina. 
Tear's of Giratina are used to help Giratina interact in the physical world, as Giratina can't leave the Distortion World at the moment thanks to Arceus. But It found a way around the Arceus blockade by splitting up bits of its soul that are small enough to leave the Distortion World.
But they need to find a host quickly after as they can’t survive in the psychical plain for long, also they can’t just pick any host, if the Pokemon is too weak to handle the power of the fragment, the Tear and host will just die. So it needs to find a strong Pokemon that can handle a piece of Giratina’s soul, hence poor Lati-Ingo was targeted as a host.
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ohthehypocrisy · 27 days
Pikachu, Psyduck, Duraludon, and the case for NFE (Not Fully Evolved) Pokemon for Pokemon Unite.
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The Pokemon Unite Championship Series has come and gone, congratulations to everyone who made it to the big stage. As a casual player, however, I'm a bit more interested in the trailer teasing the next three pokemon coming to Pokemon Unite.
The first one coming soon is Armarouge, the counterpart to Ceruledge. Both of them evolve from Charcadet, but can only do so through an evolution item exclusive to a specific version of the game. This is par for the course, as plenty of pokemon have parallels between them, like how Latios and Latias can only be obtained in either Pokemon Ruby or Pokemon Sapphire, or how you can only get a Cranidos or a Shieldon in either version of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. This also applies to the available pokemon in Pokemon Unite, though a lot of them are missing their contemporaries.
Like, Sableye has been in the Unite roster for a while, but its counterpart, Mawile, has yet to make an appearance. Trevenant is also in the game, but there's no sign of Gourgeist. Buzzwole and Pheromosa are from the same dimension, but only one is playable. And that's not even without going over the EX pokemon having to fight solo. I mean, what is Zacian without Zamazenta, or Miraidon without Koraidon?
Ok, I'm digressing, but I think I've made my point at how we're getting a pair of pokemon pals on the roster at long last. Hopefully the collection is filled out soon with more acquaintances reuniting with each other on the roster. Gotta catch 'em all, right?
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And then there's Darkrai, a long time fan favorite from Gen 4. You know how it goes with these kinds of pokemon, the shadowy, edgy, demon-like monster attracts all the typical quarry, but it helps that it got its own movie.
What's more interesting to me is how Darkrai, along with many other pokemon on the Unite roster, also had a spot in Pokken Tournament. Normally there'd be minimal correlation, but eagle eyed fans of both games would recognize that there's some shared animations between the two.
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There are other examples, like Garchomp's Dig being 1:1 in how it is animated, or that Pikachu's Volt Tackle is functionally identical in both games, but the big idea here is that the Pokken Tournament roster is slowly being integrated into Pokemon Unite.
If that theory is true, then there are several pokemon very likely to be put into Pokemon Unite within the games lifetime, that being the likes of Empoleon, Sceptile, Weavile, and Suicune.
That even includes long shot ideas like this guy.
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Now's the part where we talk about Psyduck and NFEs in general. NFE stands for Not Fully Evolved and it is a technical classification due to the item Eviolite only working on NFE pokemon. But that's neither here nor there, because the real headscratcher is how Psyduck got into the game instead of Golduck.
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A big part of it is popularity, something Psyduck and Pikachu have in spades over their superior forms. It also helps being the favorite pokemon of Junichi Masuda, one of the founders of Game Freak and Pokemon in general. However, not being able to fully evolve limits your potential on the battlefield in Pokemon Unite, but given Psyduck's characteristic of constantly being plagued by headaches, the Supporter role was a shoo-in for the doofy duck.
Psyduck being in the game opens the door for other NFE pokemon to join the roster. The reason we're looking at this now is because Pikachu, having been in the game since launch, was guaranteed a spot on the roster due to its mascot status. It's also the status quo that Raichu gives the spotlight to Pikachu in all things related to pokemon, so no love lost there.
I do need to mention Duraludon real quick because its status as an NFE pokemon in Pokemon Unite was entirely coincidental. It gained an evolution in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, during the Indigo Disk expansion which was released several months later after launch. Before that, Duraludon was a standalone evolution when it was revealed back in Pokemon Sword and Shield, and no one would have guessed that it would gain an evolution so soon. It's not like the Unite devs could've known, they're a separate company in a different country away from Game Freak. You may have been banned from Little Cup, Duraludon, but you're still an honorary NFE in Pokemon Unite.
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Anyways, more NFE pokemon joining Unite is a matter of supply and demand. There are NFE pokemon out there that have their fans, but are they loved more than their evolutions? Are there enough NFE pokemon out there that have a shot at the Pokemon Unite roster?
I already mentioned Croagunk before, so let's go over its odds. While most NFE pokemon that reached the peak of popularity reside in Gen 1, Croagunk is a special case in that it seems to be liked more than Toxicroak. Now, I like both, but if it were up to me, I'd choose Toxicroak over Croagunk. I'd be fine if the latter got in over the former. I understand the appeal though, as something about its lax demeanor made it popular enough that it got into Pokken Tournament as DLC.
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In Pokken Tournament, its fighting style revolved around randomness, with random effects happening through some of its moves, or random items being thrown out, or even utilizing random debuffs and buffs to its benefit. In Pokemon Unite, it would most likely be a Supporter with a gambling gimmick, having the potential to deal high damage randomly, but would most likely debuff the enemy with poison and hindrances.
So, are there any other NFEs that can join Pokemon Unite? Well, for one, Meowth has a fair shot, having been in just as many episodes in the anime as Pikachu. I actually made a case for Meowth for Pokemon Unite a while ago, though I made my opinions clear that I preferred Persian instead. Also, a frail Supporter that was reliant on its ability to hinder the enemy is something that is typically difficult to balance. I mean, look at Sableye, having once been feared for its invisible tomfoolery, now underwhelming when it appears in a Unite Match. There's gotta be a fine line in making tricky Supporters fun and fair for everyone. And what does Meowth bring to the table?
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As it is themed around good luck and good fortune, a gambling gimmick may also be utilized for its moveset. Since it is well known to use the move Pay Day to fill its trainers pockets, perhaps it could augment an allies Score Pocket by filling it with points or boosting their scoring speed. Although, if Meowth were to take the spot away from Persian, maybe it could take on the Speedster role and throw coins that deal random damage and capitalize on its good luck. Of course, it's odds are even at the beginning of the game, but with more move upgrades it could lean into a very lucky lightning bruiser to make up for its low defenses. (this bit is inspired by @reefs-n-relaxation comment on my Meowth for Pokemon Unite post.)
Beyond these two, I don't really know of any other NFE pokemon that they could possibly add. I mean, maybe you could throw in niche picks like Spheal or Smoliv, but do we really want to see the Supporter archetype cluttered with NFEs? I'm not sure we'll be getting anymore after Psyduck releases, but hey, I'm happy to be proven wrong.
What about you? If you've read this far, maybe you have a favorite NFE that could join Pokemon Unite. I'd love to hear about it.
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dagdasoneandonly · 1 year
Be Careful What You Wish For | Astral Projection | Astral memories | Steven Stone | Self Insert
So this all started with a wish gone wrong, and Deoxys going haywire.
I wished... for Steven and I to be eternally in love, on the Litleonid Shower viewing when Jirachi showed up. however you have to pull a wishing tag, and I did that.
A meteor from space containing deoxys struck us and the wish.. reversed but we didn't feel its affects yet.
Jirachi didn't grand my wish and yet I had pulled the tag.
it happened when Regirock, Regice and Registeel went haywire after I awakened them with Steven, he was holding a water stone and... He became sealed away in a barrier embued with the water stone's energy. I tried using my Firestone that was also embued with the Regis' energy but no such luck.
Latios and Latias arrived stat. They told me that a pure soul was needed to break this barrier. So.. in a way I had Steven for "eternity" just.. not in the way I thought I would.
I blamed myself. I said that I already had what I needed, why did I make this stupid wish? A huge be careful what you wish for moment. I wanted to atone for this. But Jirachi can't undo it as he sleeps for a thousand years.
I cried and cried, what did I have to do to make up for this? I hated myself so much.
Latios and Latias said that first I would have to find Deoxys as he caused this, then find the Regis, and then... get the Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald stone. The latter I did not have.
I had to do various rituals: Get a Pokemon that connected the sea and earth (Swampert) Sky and sea
The stars and the ocean.
Sky and sea = Rayquaza
stars and sea = Starmie
I got those Pokemon and fought deoxys in space, I took his little red nucleus and fused my own soul with it... thank fuck it worked
And I should add, this process took an entire 5 years.
It was a matter of trial and error. I was mad at myself for having been the reason Steven got sealed away for so long.
I found the Emerald Stone in Kanto, deep in the Sevii islands.
Latios and Latias saw the purity in my actions and used the soul dew to break the seal that the Regis made. - I had to defeat them and catch them first of course. It was no fault of their own.
It should also be added that because of this cosmic mishap - my soul also became trapped in a vortex void caused by Deoxys.
So my soul alone could not open it.
We finally managed to unseal Steven afterwards...I rushed over to hug him and he did the same to me. Crying how much he had missed me. I missed him too. I felt angry that I caused this but he didn't get mad at me.. He said mistakes happen.
And.... much to our surprse, Jirachi appeared in front of us and said the wish wasn't really granted so he didn't technically sleep for a 1000 years.
So it looks like.. my wish did come true in the end.
It was later found out that Aqua Admin Shelly was responsible for this mess, let's just say uh she's.. shipwrecked now.
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sammydem0n64 · 8 months
My ultra beasts are all deranged bc we got
-Eldest sibling willingly caring for their severely ill parent who has manic episodes that often involve physical abuse and yet they refuse to leave their parent's side bc of all the love and devotion in their heart as well as the hope that one day their parent will get better
-The one who found three orphaned siblings abandoned by their elder brother so she decided to play father to these kids and be the best parent everrrr despite the fact she is in fact an illegal alien in the sense that she is in fact a literal alien. and also illegal
-The one who is embarking on a quest to reunite with their siblings with the help of one of Aloha's tapus that winds up being toxic yuri bc oh goodness we are meant to be mortal enemies only helping each other due to circumstance oh we hate each other but we are still GL
-The one who is still trapped within Ultra Space trying so damn hard to create technology out of the few resources they have to open a portal so they can reunite with their family and is slowly going mad because of the isolation and continued failure
-The one who just took up being a simple bamboo farmer within Paldea losing hope of seeing their family with each passing day
-The one who became a samurai for one of Johto's royal families who is lowkey being flirted with by the family and doesn't process it bc Kartana (dude only uses Kartana's name as a pronoun) just wants to stab things
-The one who started a traveling circus to find their family and perhaps apologize for being an asshole to their siblings for the past few centuries
-The one who is also in the traveling circus bc they reunited by accident and is. Well. An amalgamation of various smaller lifeforms into one homunculus but dw abt it
-The second youngest who also takes care of their parent who is only here bc they know without them their eldest sibling would surely be beaten to a pulp since they have the only ability that can successfully soothe their parent during their episodes even though they yearn for a life of adventure and pizzazz
-Latios and Latias. Bc I thought it'd b interesting
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Get Ash Ketchum therapy challenge. Seriously, this kid has died, has seen legends fight and try to tear apart the fabric of reality, may or may not be eternally ten years old (though no one else ever ages, so who knows-), and really does try his best… People are just pissy he isn’t Red or something- And! Don’t get me wrong, I love Red, he’s fun (though my favorite Adventures character will always be Yellow… Love my gender nonconforming daughter), but Ash is his own brand of special.
I mean really, how many other people repeatedly take in Pokémon that have been abused, neglected, or abandoned, and are willing to put up with the consequences that will have on said Pokémon, ranging from lashing out at him despite him having done nothing to earn it (Charizard, potentially from some form of insecurity) to what seems to be intense PTSD episodes (Infernape). And! People whine and bitch about him “abandoning” his Pokémon, but meta reasons aside- They wanted to go? Primeape wanted to win that fighting tournament, why would Ash trample on that dream? Why would he prevent Pidgeot from protecting a flock that needed her help so much? Why would he stop Goodra or Greninja from protecting places and Pokémon they care about, places and Pokémon he knows need them? He wants to be strong but strength isn’t the end all be all for him, he wants his Pokémon to be happy above all else!
Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn whether or not he’s the strongest, he’s certainly one of the kindest people in the entire damn franchise. I will die on that hill.
I feel like a lot of the hype/praise around Red comes from nostalgia. Like yeah, he has a reputation as a very strong trainer, but so do other characters... like Cynthia. I personally don't feel much hype around him aside from "Oh, it's Red, this might actually be a tougher battle". I didn't grow up with those games, so I don't have any kind of connection to Red. Technically speaking, Ash is my Red.
I may not be Ash's biggest fan, he's annoyed me a few times (evolve your Pokemon dude), but I don't hate him. And can I just say the Sinnoh League was absolutely rigged? The anime is more lore-based than the games, why was Tobias (was that his name) allowed to bring a Darkrai, Latios, and presumably more Mythical/Legendary Pokemon to the League battles? That's a significant and relatively unfair advantage over other contestants, and it felt like a cheap way to make Ash's journey continue.
Dude, I literally remember Ash having a death/near death streak in the movies alone! Like the movie about Victini, this dude almost froze and suffocated to death in outer space! Give my boy a break! And you're right, if we wanna talk about being considerate of Pokemon's feelings, Ash is right there. He is by far one of the best examples of treating Pokemon as sentient beings with their own choices. Like, how many people can say they'd be that chill about their Pokemon wanting to leave? How many people can say they'd LET them leave?
Put some respect on Ash's name.
(This is also off-topic but am I the only one who got upset they didn't use Hop in the anime? I remember my friend showing me Goh and I got so upset.)
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smilingperformer · 2 years
Today's episode was so good, BUT ALSO, we got screenshots for final episodes, and ep titles.
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Ep 9, "Rocket Gang's counterattack" involves ALL Rocket 'mon that are at Rocket HQ and them making a grand plan to catch Satoshi's Pikachu. HIGHLY likely this is the final ep involving them.
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Ep 10 is about Satoshi & Latias (ep title is "Satoshi & Latios"). Could be a catching ep, could just be bonding. Latios being in title might imply just bonding and helping Latios out.
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Ep 11 is "Rainbow & Pokémon Master". Literal translation of the title. Strong strong chances of this involving Ho-oh. Summary shows THIS is where Shigeru shows up.
Sources are Oricon articles that I BELIEVE are based on official press release.
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mxstball · 7 months
"Zinnia-- happy Palentine's Day,"
It is a greeting that comes with a somewhat awkward embrace on the heroine's end, no thanks to the gifts in both hands. And whatever has she bought her on this day? Why, a bouquet so deliberately put together-- of gracideas, white jasmine, and the flower matching the lorekeeper's namesake in a red hue--, as well as something a little more lavish. A bolo bracelet, white gold with a diamond from a certain Diancie in its centre, surrounded by a halo of clear gems and, of course, a few emeralds in the cardinal directions.
"I don't know if this is really your style, but... what I do know is that you deserve to be spoiled today especially."
"Happy Palentine's Day to you too, love~"
Honestly, a part of her forgot that people celebrate today. Here she thought that she had the jump on Serena by getting something. Unfortunately for her, it appears that Serena was not one to forget. It's a good thing that her Reshiram next to her was holding her gifts. Zinnia accepted Serena's gifts -- a bouquet of flowers from gracideas to white jasmine to zinnias, as well as a fancy bracelet with a diamond, clear gems and emeralds.
"This is--woah." Zinnia was speechless for a while. While it wasn't typically something her style as she's not the fancy type, she was definitely going to wear it more often than she usually would for something like this. Zinnia was bright red in the face for a moment as she tried to come up with the words to say what she wanted to say. "Th--thank you. I... I don't think anyone other than my dad has given me something so nice before. I'll cherish it forever."
After a hug to her love and a quick smooch, it was now Zinnia's turn.
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"I got you something, too. I... 'unno if it's anywhere near as fancy as this but--" Zinnia turned to Shiro and gave the Reshiram Serena's gifts so Zinnia could get hers from the dragon. Once she had them, she gave them to Serena. There were four things: a bouquet of flowers -- a mixture of white lilies and bright gracidea flowers. They seemed extremely fresh -- and three statuettes. The first was of the Eon Duo, crafted through smooth stone and meticulously painted. They seemed to be flying around each other and forming a heart shape. The second was of Ho-oh, seemingly perched on a tower. The detail in the feathers and beak seemed just right. The final statuette was of Xerneas, made through meticulous detail both in stature and in color. They all were extremely colorful, bright, and faithful to their real-life counterparts. "Dad, Lacey, and I worked really hard to make these because we'd thought that you'd like them. Lacey and I thought of the Latios and Latias thing and thought it was really graceful and cute, but Rayquaza was strangely insistent on making a Xerneas and a Ho-Oh one. Said something about how fitting it would be. So, we made all three for you. Hope you like them."
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Can I interest you in some legendary ships for bingo?
Mewtwo (G1) x Silvally/Type Null Mewtwo (G5) x Red Genesect Mewtwo (G1) x Deoxys Mew (G1) x Mewtwo (G1) Mew (G3) x Lucario Moltres x Entei Articuno x Suicune Articuno x Lugia Lugia x Ho oh Rayquaza x Latias Latias x Latios (As regular Pokemon not siblings!) Latias x Cresslia Darkrai x Cresslia Shaymin x Giritina Zekrom x Reshiram Palkia x Dialga Xerneas x Yveltal Kyurem x Zygarde Sungaleo x Lunala Necrosma x Arceus Necrosma x Giritina Grovyle x Celebi
Sorry if these are too weird for you or too many... you can just pick the ones you find appealing if there are too many.
Fun Fact: I don't ship at least five of these, I just added them for fun.
Gonna be real with you chief, I didn't ever think about most of those nor care or see anything, so for the majority it is :
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Less numerous there also the ones that canonically hate each other and fight whenever they meet like Dialga and Palgia (and Groudon and Kyogre unlisted here) and sorry but Latios and Latis will always feel related to me lol
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But for some reason I always got romantic tragic complicated edgy vibes from Darkrai and Cresslia (especially with how that one movie depicted Darkrai as not even evil but misunderstood for his looks and powers). My interpretation of them sure would be depicted like that in my own Pokémon Mystery Dungeon story fanfic I had in my head since childhood
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And Grovyle x Celebi made me cry so much it was so cute and OH GOD WHEN THEY ARE DYING BUT HAPPY THAT THEIR DEATH WOULD SERVE A GOOD CAUSE AND NOT BE IN VAIN AND THEY ARE TOGETHER AT LEAST (...I admit Dialga then resurrecting them felt... anticlimactic, like Eugene resurrecting in Tangled. Guys it's ok we CAN have romances that end in death resorting to the easy way with magic fixing ruins it sometimes because now I no longer feel anything when I know all is fine the next scene) BROKE ME A BEAUTIFUL WAY
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dragontamer05 · 10 months
I love Zacien and Zamazenta I do however I do think having an England based Region and these two different princes there was an interestingly missed opportunity of having a
Lion and Unicorn.
Now I know the obvious reason is well we already had Solgaleo which true but also like
Gen 3 - Rayquaza a dragon (also Latias and Latios)
Gen 4- Space / Time Gods that are also technically kinda sorta dragons.
Gen 5- All Dragons
Gen 6 Zygard is a sort of a serpent dragon
Point being we've had a lot of Dragon / Dragon-like or inspired legends. I think if one got creative enough with the design having back to back Lions wouldn't be that bad
Especially if you went really stylized / loose on the design using like medieval art and depictions for inspiration and going less realistic.
Just the whole idea of
The Lion and the Unicorn fought for the Crown (Technically being England and Scotland)
That and both are just very iconic symbols with royalty and certainly what I think of more with England/UK more then Wolves.
Also come on much as I love Rapidash how is something as iconic as a magical Unicorn not been a Legendary or Mythical- okay there's Keldeo I admit but that's about it.
There's all kinds of myths and legends all over the world having to do with Unicorns.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Me: “So you see, Psychic types used to thrive because of their superior coverage.  Things like Slowbro inexplicably getting Flamethrower as a Water type, or Starmie getting electric moves, compounded with Gen 2 giving us the Elemental Punches as TMs, and basically kicked open a ton of options for Alakazam and Hypno.  Then Gen 3 kinda continued that but made the punches harder to access in Emerald, and you had Mewtwo, who you just gave Flamethrower, Ice Beam, and Thunderbolt to, and it would sweep the entire Pokemon League by itself with like no resistance.  But then Gen 4 came along and introduced the physical/special split, and we lost the punches, and absolutely nothing came in to fill that gap.  We got Shadow Ball, but that didn’t help against the Dark and Steel types that now completely walled us.  All we got was Focus Blast, and that’s only 70 accuracy so like that’s not going to hit anything.  And by Gen 5, they gave every Fighting-type a Dark move as coverage, and a lot of the time it was Sucker Punch which had priority, so Psychic types couldn’t even reliably kill their own food anymore.  And their solution to making Fighting types kind of overbearing was to introduce Fairy-type.  But hey, Fairy is weak to Poison, so Poison types are back!  Surely now Psychic will matter!  Except not really because Ground-types exist.  And at this point we’ve entered the era where Latios and Latias’ Psychic-type was considered an active hindrance because the type was so bad.  And sure, Gen 7 kinda salvaged it with Tapu Lele and Psychic Surge for competitive, but like...the entire type shouldn’t hinge on one Pokemon’s ability to set a field effect, you know?”
Wife: “...are you okay?  This seems like a lot.”
Me: “I mean, considering what I feel is a pretty blatant persecution complex, no.  There’s a reason I take everything as a direct attack on me personally.”
Wife: “So that’s it.  I finally know who hurt you.”
Me: “They took everything from me.”
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