#wdym kim died? youre obviously thinking of another series!
jays-nook · 4 years
some angsty headcannons because im still not over the ending of The Shipper ASDHDSDHS 😭😭
- imagine Way stitting alone in a bar or something after a rough day at college in LA and hes just drowning himself in alcohol trying to dull the pain and the loss he's feeling and to drown out the voices in his brain telling him to join Kim in the afterlife, to go to him, to see him earlier than planned, to be with him and to do all the things they wanted to do together when he was alive.
- imagine Khet one day being in this blissful moment where he just forgot that Kim was no longer alive and that he was all alone in their house now, so he just barges in on Kim's room with this smile on his face ready to greet his brother and to be met with his usual response, and instead finding an empty room, left untouched after the funeral, a thick layer of dust already settling on everything in it. so Khet just closes the door again and slides down onto the floor and just sobs, his heart is aching from the pain, and he's just wishing he could live in that blissful moment forever. he's wishing for a second chance, to go back in time and fix the rifts between him and Kim, to fix the RC Plane together, to fix everything that was broken.
- imagine Way coming to school a few days after the funeral, he enters his classroom and puts his bag in its designated spot, choosing to ignore the empty spot next to him, the label with Kim's name on it staring at him, burning holes in his brain, reminding him of what he’s lost. he sits at his desk, rests his head on his forearms, and looks around him. he looks at the class, the students, the windows, everything. he's looking around when he sees Kim, or the ghost of Kim. its him, he's right there walking towards him! but deep inside Way knows that his brain is merely playing tricks on him. Way knows that its because he's so tired since he hasn't been sleeping ever since he found out the truth about the body-switching fiasco, the truth..about Kim. Way keeps looking at his first love as the distance between them gets shorter and shorter, and Way can't help but smile once Kim becomes fully visible to him. he keeps smiling and looking until 'Kim' sits next to him. Kim's bright smile on his face is both a familiar and heart-wrenching  sight, its a reminder of why Way fell in love with Kim, and a reminder of what he cant have. the ghost looks into his eyes, and mouths "i love you", his eyes softening even further with every passing moment, the small dimple in his cheek making an appearance, Way goes to say the words back, tears filling his eyes, but the bell rings before he can do anything of the sort,  the bell rings, and the ghost of Kim dissappears. leaving Way with the harsh slap of reality. Kim is gone. Kim is GONE and there's nothing Way can do about it.Way is alone, with no one there to joke around with him, to tutor him, to call him an idiot whenever he does something stupid, to take care of his injuries whenever he gets beat up from his dad or Off and hs gang. Way has no one. 
- imagine the reactions of Kim's parents once they hear about what happened. imagine their faces after they see Khet's red eyes and tear streaked face and hearing about how their son died because of an Angel of Death who couldn't do her job properly.  imagine the strong emotions they would feel after finding out Pan amd all that she did in their son's life and body. what would they feel? would they be angry? sad that they never got to say a proper goodbye? would they blame themselves for not being there more for their sons? for not trying harder to spend time and to talk to Kim? to use up every second of their time with him? imagine them coming back home and grabbing Khet in a group hug while they all cry together. Khet would sit them down, give them water  they finsihed crying, and answering any questions they had, him calling Way halfway asking him to come over to help him clear up everything else that he might have missed. imagine Kim’s parents just hugging Way and thanking him for always being there for their son, for loving and caring about their son, for being his friend, for doing what they couldnt do as parents..
- imagine Way traveling the world searching for a place or person to bring him comfort like Kim did but never finding it. hes searching for someone to love him and understand him like Kim did. but he doesn't find them. because the only person he truly loved and who loved him back, was Kim. but Kim is gone. (credits to @sarawatiness for this one!!!)
- imagine Way one day, thinking about all the different "what ifs" his sleep deprived brain could come up with. what if Way confessed sooner? what if Way realized that the Kim he was spending time with was not HIS Kim sooner? could they have been able to come up with a way to save Kim? just...what if? what if Kim didn't die? would Way and him get together? would they go on dates? have their first kiss together? graduate together? go their separate ways in college but still manage to stay together? reunite every summer and spend every second of it together? is that what would have happened? is that what they could have had?
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