#wc: 512
behaneul · 1 year
REFLECTION PT. 2 in which haneul reflects on the spark performance
     honestly, after being told that he should not bother focusing on rapping at all anymore, he’s felt a lot more relaxed in this competition. he knows he’s a good singer and he knows he’s a good dancer, so being allowed to just focus on the things he’s good at to and constantly improve on those things instead is definitely a relief. he has no goal of being a triple threat by any means, so he’s glad to leave rap in his past.
     what was the greatest challenge during this mission? he doesn’t really know how to answer this question, if only because he hadn’t really found much to be too challenging. his only answer, if he was going to be entirely honest, was coming to terms with things himself and needing to accept that he was a singer, despite not wanting to be one. he knew he was good and he had needed some time to decide that it was okay. his brain is still a bit turbulent about this topic and he’s still kind of flip-flopping between different decisions. “i think it was trying to see who’s vocal colour fit which parts the most! we ended up changing some of the line distribution. the end result and not really like anything we started with.”
     you rose ranks since the first episode. how do you feel about your current rank? “i’m pretty happy with it,” haneul answers honestly, knowing that he wasn’t the top boy right now but he was strangely, genuinely okay with it. when he had first auditioned and received his rank, he had been annoyed because he had thought he should be much higher than he was. “i think most of us are ranked pretty correctly, as much as i’ve seen.”
     now? he doesn’t mind. he’s met the other opponents now and thought that there were a few that were really talented and deserved to have those good ranks. he didn’t mind, really. as long as he doesn’t drop or anything. as long as he’s in the top ten (for now), he’ll be pretty satisfied. 
     did you enjoy the team you were on? “for sure! you guys already know seojun and i are close,” haneul says, grinning and he mouths ‘seojun’ at the camera and shoots him a finger heart, not really caring if it was aired. “but i’ve known joomi since we were kids! i think we met in middle school?” he doesn’t go into too much detail, not needing people to dig this information up since he doesn’t remember much from back then but he thinks it’s kind of funny that this coincidence had occurred. “and kou’s a funny kid too. all in all, i’m really happy with how everything turned out with this team.”
     if it were up to him, he would get to just stick with seojun and joomi and kou for the rest of the competition. as unlikely as it is to happen, he would enjoy that a lot. but, even separated from them, he’ll still be looking forward to see what comes next.
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mangocustard16 · 4 months
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genre: fluff warnings: fake diseases, mentions of ER, hospitals, accidents and blood lmk if i missed someting wc: 512 a/n: i really wanted to use the 'spin wheel thingy' so i chose 6 members using this also i have zero medical knowledge so don't come at me with for the medical terms
excited to use all the cheesy pickup lines he learned from the internet
“Doctor! I think there’s something wrong with my heart. It keeps fluttering every time I see you.”
super proud, brags about it everywhere
got a cold and called Hoshi to tell him that he couldn't come for practice cuz he got rhinorrhea
acts like he gains medical knowledge just by being in your presence
loves absolutely loveeesss to introduce you as Dr. Y/N
would cringe whenever he hears you talk about surgery or every time you describe a particular night in the ER
doesn't understand patient privacy, don't get him wrong he respects them
but whenever you tell him about a specific patient, he has to know their name to relate more to the story
brought back a hurt dog so that you could help him heal
"Baby I’m not a veterinarian! Take out the car we need to go to a vet"
you had been out of med school for about three weeks and had applied for different hospitals and hospices but no one had gotten back to you
joshua was very supportive, driving you to all the interviews and buying you meals
As you stared at the floor soaking in the rejection, you felt a little sad and upset when the doorbell rang and the mailman dropped off a mail
you asked joshua to read the mail for you, not having the energy to get off the couch just to read another "We regret to inform you." letter
"Dear Dr. Y/l/n, we would like to first thank you for your application to work at our hospital, we hope you can come by to discuss your working hours by-"
"I'M IN!" You screamed throwing yourself into joshua's arms
he knew that being an EMT was a very emotionally taxing job and that you've to desensitize yourself towards accidents to help the patients
but boy is beyond shocked when he sees you in action
someone had accidentally slipped down the stairs and hit their head
you jumped right into action and called an ambulance while a pool of blood surrounded their head while everyone around you froze 
He would be so happy you were a doctor and that you were so smart 
he would love to see you talk about work and patients and speak about some things he didn’t even get
would be your number one supporter
loves to wear your coat and act like a doctor
"Sneezes, headache, and pelvis pain.... yeah you just have noseadvisitis, there is no cure it just comes with old age byee"
expect lots and lots of fake medical terms cuz he loves to pretend like he knows medicine
everything's fine as long as you are not descriptive about wounds 
urges you to describe your day at the hospital
but grimaces at the mention of blood
finds it kind of weird that you don't smell like the hospital
homeboy always thought that the doctors smelled like the hospital, but is internally grateful that you don't smell like the hospital
is very nosy whenever he sees you studying
"I thought you already passed med school? What are you studying for now"
@kflixnet @k-films@k-labels
taglist⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅: @bangchansbae @haecien @aaniag @aaasia111 @weird-bookworm @gigification @bewoyewo if you want to be added just send me an ask ♡⸝⸝
reblog if you liked !!
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freyaphoria · 9 days
well, we all know if Yeo has a really pretty face and smile so how about he put that pretty smile while pulling Y/n's nails one by one😵‍💫
When you sent this request yesterday, I screamed and thought about it all night. IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER IDEAS SIMILAR TO THIS, PLEASE SHARE WITH ME OMG U R GENIUS!!!!
Nine Left
tw: yandere yeosang, blood, pulling nails, mentions of vomiting, restrains(rope), u r in basement, failed escape attempt, glass cut
wc: 512
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"Right or left?" He opened the drawer behind you, you couldn't see much behind you since you were tied to the chair and you couldn't see what he was doing.
When he came in front of you, he raised the pliers in his hand and showed them to you. "Do you know what this is?" He looked very happy. It's like you're in the most normal place in the world and doing the most normal thing.
"Hm? What is this?" You tried to move back a little as he moved closer to your face. “Pliers?” You said quietly. He jumped into the air with excitement. "Yes! Pliers! You clever girl." He rubbed the tool against your face. "So do you know what this is for?" You looked at the tool hovering over your cheek. The dried blood stains on it made you sick to your stomach. “To pull things out of place?” You spoke hesitantly. You thought if you answered he would pull that thing off your face.
"How smart you are! I wish you had used that smarts of yours before you tried to escape." He was right. Trying to escape from him was a bad idea. It was a mistake to break that small window and try to escape from there and get stuck in the frame with glass pieces cutting your everywhere.
He untied your hands that were tied behind you, placed them on the armrests of the chair, and tied them tightly. "Now, which hand did you break the window with?" You were trying to get out of the ropes by writhing in place, but he tied them too tightly. "Yeosang, I'm sorry! I wasn't in the right mind-" He giggled. He fucking giggled.
"Yes, I know you're not in the right mind. So let's restore your mind with a little pain, shall we?" He forcibly opened the index finger on your right hand straight out. "No! Please! I won't do it again!" He chuckled again. "Yes, you won't be able to do it again once all your nails are removed." He had such a happy expression on his face that you wondered if you were dreaming and he was painting your nails instead of removing them.
"Because you didn't tell me which hand you broke the window with, I'm going to remove the nails from both of your hands." You tried to move your legs as far as the ropes would allow, trying to kick him. "If you don't want me to pull out your toenails, hold your legs still." He suddenly became serious. "Wait! I won't- AGHH!!!!" You screamed as he ripped out your nail. He lifted the tool and looked at the nail trapped on the tip of the tool. "Hehet! That was easy." There was blood everywhere and if you looked at your hands any longer you would vomit.
While your head was spinning in pain, he straightened your middle finger. "Nine left." You looked at him with tears streaming down your face. If you could, you would punch his beautiful and perfect face.
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s0ft-d3cay · 1 month
Gleams of Blue and Gold
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Leon Kennedy x Male Reader | So, I may have bought and played Resident Evil 2 and 4. Anyway, I want to cuddle and give infinite forehead kisses to his man. <3
Warnings: none, just adorable cuddling and kisses on the couch!
WC: 512
A gentle hum of the TV played in front of them, a dwelling glow of the sun soon dipping behind mountains of nature. The glow emitting over two individuals, one curled up to a warm side while the other held an arm around the other. An embrace both had craved for far too long. Rumbles of breathing and shifting closer were the only indication of the men being conscious.
The blonde had just gotten back from a draining mission, ending up with him clasping over the other man in exhaustion. The man had offered to run him a bath, but Leon couldn’t be bothered to leave the comforting presence that was Y/N. "I’m not going anywhere until my cuddle meter is maxed out…" He'd muttered, earning a rumbled chuckle. That sound alone made Leon’s stress dissipate, his heart swooning as he nuzzles closer. Clinging in search of that familiar warmth he’d missed, melting to the embrace.
The mind-numbing feeling of Y/N’s fingers running over his scale and through his hair, he hums as his body goes limp. The sensation of being the handsome man’s center of affections had his icy blue gaze flutter closed. Aches and incessant pains in his body slowly eased away by Y/N’s soothing touch, reverting back to a state of internal bliss. From before he had left, Leon swore Y/N was some kind of witch when this happened. He remembered the other man had giggled before calling himself a 'warlock of lovin’.
Leon outwardly hummed at the memory, unable to stop the growing smile on his face. The sound alone had Y/N perk up, his eyes hovering over the blonde. "Remembering something?" The man asked, gaze carefully moving over his face, recognizing his partners telltale expression. Y/N’s eyes take in the man’s softened features, that grimace from earlier now only small indent of wrinkles over his face.
"Hmm, just thinking about you…" Leon then grasps the other man’s neck, pulling them to a shared kiss. Their joined lips brushed in sync, a press of eagerness blooming as Y/N’s tongue glided over the blondes. The sweet sensation of honeysuckle hummed through their vein collectively, a radiant feeling soaring over each other.
Pulling away the other man airily giggles, eyes cascading over Leon’s heavenly expression. Hands and fingers trailing overheated fabric surrounding the blonde's waist, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing circles through the cotton. "You’re always thinking about me.." Y/N replied, a loving sigh releasing from his chest as he smiles.
"Can't help it, you just…spoil me too much with your perfect presence." The blonde's words pausing through his embarrassment of honesty, heart pounding within his chest at the simplicity of their hold and kiss. Beyond his crazed mind of past horrors, he kept every thought, every memory, and feeling of you within. Separate its own little chest and lock, safe with his heart as his Y/N was.
"I can’t help it when it comes to you, I always wanna spoil you." Y/N’s warm gaze of adoration trails over you as he muttered, a soft blush grows over the man’s cheekbones.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own the rights of any of the characters I write about, all the rights go to their respective creators.
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sierra-r-a-e · 1 day
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I have been absolutely CRAVING writing these past few weeks, so enjoy this little thing I wrote to quench my thirst!! ✦
MommyKink!Choso x fem!Reader
MDNI under the cut
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Choso always looked so pretty, no matter what he was doing. Whether he was sitting there staring off into space or doing some sort of task— but he looked especially pretty when his lengthy cock was stuffed down your throat as he writhed in pleasure. His head was thrown back and he tried to keep his eyes open to look at you as you sloppily sucked him off. He looked down at you with lidded eyes, moaning and whimpering as if having neighbors were a foreign concept to him.
Seeing you kneeling between his legs, your mouth stuffed full of his cock, and your lips shiny with spit has him absolutely reeling. His mind was clouded with pleasure as he fisted the couch cushion, trying to keep it together.
A dark blush coated his cheeks as he begged, "Please, please don't stop, 'm so close~" You continued to suck him off, desperate to see him fall apart right in front of you. He held your hair up in a makeshift ponytail— just as you had taught him to do. Taking him as far down your throat as possible, then bringing your head back up to swirl your tongue around his ever-so-sensitive tip.
That's when he said it, "Mommy please, you're gonna make me cum~!" You moan around his length, heat immediately rushing straight to your core, making your knees go weak. You never knew that one word could have such an effect on you, yet here you are.
You pull off him with a soft 'pop', continuing to jerk him off with your hand. "Fuck, please call me that again-", you say breathlessly, looking up at him with hazy eyes, then going back to sucking him off just the way he likes it.
Hearing your plea nearly sends him over the edge, absentmindedly tugging on your hair, he whimpers out one more "Mommy, please~" Hearing that come out of his mouth has you over the moon. You moan around his cock once more, the vibrations sending him tipping over.
He finishes with a loud moan of your name, his hips involuntarily thrusting up into your mouth as he rides out his high. You swear that you could've came just from listening to the sounds he makes, or watching his eyes roll back into his head from the overwhelming pleasure he felt.
After pulling off of his now softening cock, you take a moment to catch your breath. You swallow every bit of his release as he stares down at you with both love, and lust.
"So, what was all that about, hm?" You ask in a teasingly, trying to get a reaction out of him. He immediately avoids eye contact and looks down, a pink color beginning to coat his cheeks.
"Aw, I'm just teasing," you say slowly standing up to press a kiss to his forehead. "I actually really liked it." You continue, moving to sit down beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. Little did you know how much your comment affected him— in the best way.
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Wc: 512
Thank you so much for reading!
This is the first thing that I've ever written and posted, so bear with me if it's absolutely atrocious. (´•̥ ᵔ •̥`)
Divider credits go to @ saradika-graphics
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jellijin · 3 months
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love and strawberries .ᐟ
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୨ৎ in which you and yujun go on your weekly friend date ! and end up as a little more than friends ... ୨ৎ bestfriend!yujun x fem reader ୨ৎ warnings : a bit of crying, food mentions ୨ৎ wc : 512 ୨ৎ rora's notes : friends to lovers my fav trope hehe ^-^ this was fun to write + this is HEAVILY inspired by this post, go show it some love!! ୨ৎ
10 minutes, you thought to yourself. 10 minutes until yujun comes to pick you up and you're still standing in front of your closet, as if waiting for it to pick an outfit for you.
you and yujun have been going on friendly dates every week for almost a year now, why does this time feel... different? anxiety begins to form in your chest as you rush to get dressed, having to look your best for him. wait, what? since when do you care about how you look, especially around yujun, the guy who makes you feel the most comfortable? you wonder what might've changed, when suddenly, your thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.
he's here.
you sprint to the door, opening it to see the boy holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers, with rosy cheeks and his signature shy smile. "hi..! are those for me?" you mutter, an equally embarrassed smile on your face. "yeah.. thought you might like them, you know!" his grip on the bouquet grows stronger as the both of you begin walking towards your usual spot, the park where you met for the first time.
you remember it like it was yesterday. how you sat there, crying your eyes out behind a tree after your ex partner dumped you, how yujun rushed to you, offering to buy you ice cream to cheer you up, and how your heart fluttered when he spoke. his voice sounded like one an angel would have, and his face was just as ethereal. you still blush when you think of this day.
yujun lays the picnic blanket on the ground, making sure all the food he prepared was in place before taking a seat next to you. as usual, the two of you began eating and chatting, about everything that happened in your lives from the last time you hung out. you grab a strawberry and eat it, as you feel his hand next to your mouth, wiping away the sweet excess liquid and placing it in his mouth.
you freeze. the thought of an indirect kiss with him makes your cheeks heat up, just as much as your heart. your shy gaze meets his, and you feel as if you could drown in his eyes. their brown color, and the soft gaze of his that makes you feel oh so comforted, so safe. he really is beautiful, you think.
"y/n..?" he breaks the silence, his lips curling up into a small grin. gosh, i wanna kiss you so bad, you think. out loud, unfortunately.
with a gasp, your lips intertwine. his lips are just as soft as you imagined, with a slight taste of vanilla to them. your hands wander around his body, eventually resting on his shoulders, as his hands hold onto your waist. the moment goes on for what feels like hours, until he breaks the kiss, gasping for air. "does that mean you feel the same or..?" you question, cheeks all flushed and a lovesick gaze in your eyes.
"what do you think?"
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venusacrossthestars · 5 months
Fast is Not Enough
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Formula 1 masterlist
angst- ◇
fluff- ♡
new- *
personal favorite- ☆
most popular- !
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barbies ♡! WC- 1.1k
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Doughnut Holes ♡ WC- 6k sharp or dull ♡ WC-1.7k putt-putt♡ WC-1.3k open or closed ♡* WC-512
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'What You Waiting For' ♡ WC- 764
I <3 Australians ♡☆ WC-2.4k
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right person, wrong time? wrong person, a fine time. ◇ WC- 2.2k Your Hands in Mine ♡☆ WC-1k Carnival ♡☆! WC-923 losing him was blue ◇ WC-600
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a choice I don't want to make ♡◇☆ WC- 10.2k
a choice I can live with (pt2 of ^) ♡◇ WC-10.1K
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rollercoaster rookie ♡ WC-725
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more drivers and works coming soon
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astrasae · 1 year
them having a crush on you!
featuring: Lo’ak, Neteyam, Kiri, Tsireya, Ao’nung.
warnings: none
wc: 512
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He isn’t really obvious with it. You wouldn’t easily notice that he has a crush on you.
He gets nervous whenever he is around you, but tries so hard not to act like a weirdo.
Jake noticed it before you actually. He tried to convince him to open up, but failed eventually.
He looks into your eyes often. He gets lost in them.
And whenever you guys lock eyes, he immediately looks somewhere else.
He loves holding you so his hugs are the best.
Comforts you when you feel down. Holding you close.
This boy protects you. Really. Doesn’t care what happens to him. He won’t get any sleep if you are not safe.
He is obvious. Like really obvious.
His siblings tease him everyday about his crush on you. even his parents noticed it.
Physical Touch is his thing. Always holds your hand, doesn’t care if there’s people around, hand on your back, around your waist.
He adores you, finds you cute, hot, attractive…
He does not look away when you guys lock eyes. You can see the hearts in his eyes.
Loves being around you. Always has a Loves hearing your voice.
Tells you how he really feels about things. No lies.
Cares about your safety and well-being.
He will protect you at any cost.
He has weird sings. One day he acts sweet another day he acts like he hates you. But deep down he really likes you. Just trying not to be obvious.
He’s flirting with you whenever you are in the same place. And sometimes he will tease you too.
Loves touching you. not in a creepy way. Always has an excuse to touch you.
Cares about your safety.
Always has your back when someone says something bad.
He is really happy when you are around. You make him happy.
He loves everything about you tho.
She is really good at hiding her feelings. She’s a pro.
She’s comfortable with you.
She tells you everything, her feelings, her thoughts…
Acts annoyed when her siblings tease her about her crush on you. But deep down, she’s blushing.
She feels safe when she’s with you.
Hugging and cuddling whenever one of you feel sad or tired.
Neytiri noticed her crush and talked to her about it. She finds it cute.
She doesn’t try to hide it.
She knows she really wants you but scared to admit it.
She loves helping you. She’s always there for you.
Physical touch. Yep, hand in hand, holding your waist, playing with your hair or braiding your hair…
She’s really cute. She makes you bracelets, she collects you the best seashells.
Or brings you your favorite fruit.
Loves swimming. Never gets tired of swimming with you.
She has the biggest crush on you so whenever you are looking at her eyes, she gets all happy and smiley like a child.
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a/n: hii! I’m here with a headcanon again. They are easy to write for me. Anyways I hope you liked it! Make sure to tell me if there’s any mistakes.
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bluethunderbombpop · 1 year
American Dreamy*
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Title: American Dreamy Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Reader Summary: Cody shows Y/n the perfect ending to an incredible night. Minors DNI, 18+ Warnings: smut, oral (f receiving) R WC: 512
Y/n thought Cody looked like a dream sitting across from her. He had pulled out all the stops to celebrate their time alone together. Y/n knew that WWE would have taken up a lot of Cody's time, but it had done even more than that in the long run. He was hurting in ways that he hadn't at AEW. Y/n had to watch as the true bounds and limits of Cody's body were found and pushed. Wrestling had never really been something that Y/n was interested in doing herself, but she had always loved the sport. She had spent years around wrestlers as a creative writer and had heard their complaints about what certain matches did to their bodies.
"I want to thank you for being so patient with me," Cody said as he grabbed onto Y/n's hands. Y/n's heart started to beat wildly in her chest as Cody knelt down in front of her. He placed his hands on her knees, and Y/n knew what was coming next. Cody opened his mouth to ask if it was okay, but Y/n beat him to it.
"Please." Y/n hadn't expected her voice to be so breathy. Weeks and weeks of conflicting schedules had made it hard for Y/n an Cody to see each other. Y/n could barely remember the last time that they had a night together, much less one where Cody had done this. She wanted to squeeze her thighs together for friction, but Cody was holding her legs open.
His mouth pressed kisses along the inside of her thighs as he pushed the skirt of her dress up her legs. Cody teasingly ran his finger along Y/n's center over her underwear. Y/n shuddered as he pressed his knuckle a little harder against her clit. Cody glanced up at Y/n as he placed her legs over his shoulders. Y/n let her eyes flutter shut as she felt his mouth press against her cunt through her underwear. Her head fell back as she let out a small moan as Cody teased her.
"Fuck," Y/n moaned. She heard the sound of fabric ripping before she felt Cody press his tongue against her. He lapped at her cunt as he tried to taste every bit of her arousal that he could. Cody pulled Y/n's hips forward so that his face was completely buried in her. Y/n closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the feeling of his tongue pleasuring her. Everything in that moment was perfect, and Y/n only knew that she wasn't dreaming because she could still feel her body teetering on the edge of an orgasm. She wasn't sure if he knew it or not, but Cody was playing with her, constantly pulling back right when Y/n was about to cum. Y/n wasn't sure how much longer she could hold out, and her limits were reached fairly quickly, leaving Cody to sit between her legs with her cum glistening on his lips.
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ynsvnte · 4 months
Till the Seasons Die: 29. Soo..you’re mine now?
Warnings: kissing, hugging, crying
Wc: 512
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You sat on the sofa scrolling away on your phone waiting for Sunghoon to get here. That’s when you hear the doorbell start ringing, so you get up from the sofa and start walking towards the door. You see a figure standing there, but you get a closer look and see it’s Sunghoon. You open the door to be met with Sunghoon holding flowers, specifically your favorite flowers, in his hand.
“What’s this for?” You asked. Looking at him surprised. Why would he bring flowers? Nothing special is coming up..
“Can’t I get pretty flowers for a pretty girl..” Sunghoon said while smiling. You started blushing, but looked away hoping he wouldn’t notice. “I-I umm never mind..” you grabbed the flowers from Sunghoon saying a small thank you. Before placing it onto the table nearby. “You aren’t going to put them in a vase?” The question aback. “Oh yeah, just not right now..” Gosh! Why do I have to be so awkward? You thought. “Oh okay..” you walk back to the sofa and take a seat.. Sunghoon follows shortly after.
“Are you really here to hang out?” You asked him. Sunghoon seems surprised since you aren’t a very straightforward person. “Actually no…” No? So why was he here? Could it be..? No.. or yes maybe. You were losing your mind.
“So why are you here?” You ask softly, hoping that you don’t sound rude. “I have a very important question to ask you.” Question..don’t be delusional now. But who knows. “And what is that question?” It seems like an investigation with all the questions you’ve been asking him. Sunghoon looks down and sighs while playing with his fingers before speaking. “Please don’t allow this to change anything we have..” why was he pleading…? Now you are more confused than ever.
Sunghoon spoke up once more. “I’m here because I want to ask you… I want to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend…” GIRLFRIEND WHAT??!? You aren’t going crazy, right? Your breath hitched due to you being shocked. Sunghoon had a worried look plastered on his face.
“You want me..to be your…” you couldn’t say the last part. “Girlfriend? Yes yn, even when we broke up I regretted that decision. I tried moving on from you going out dates but that didn’t work. You were always on the back of my mind..” So all this time Sunghoon had the same feelings about you just like you did with him.
“Sunghoon..” words were getting stuck in your throat. “Yes.. I wanted to be your girlfriend..” you said while nodding your head. Sunghoon smiles at your response. He gets up and goes to you pulling you into a hug.. “thank you, thank you for giving me a chance again…I love you..” You hugged him back.. you were in tears, while Sunghoon was also crying.
A moment of happiness. Sunghoon grabs your face and kisses you. You respond to his kiss. It’s been way too long not having him in your arms. And now here you are. Him in your arms.
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Synopsis: Yn and Sunghoon were past lovers well known in the modeling industry. But unfortunately they parted ways...yn being yn can't lose those feelings easily..neither can Sunghoon. Maybe there's still a chance or not..after yn makes a tiny mistake
Taglist: closed
Taglist: @euncsace @firstclassjaylee @beommii @be0mlvr @mrchweeee @kissezfornamjoon @beomieeeeeeeeeeees @babyy-bambii @neruishoon @seunnimg @yyawnjun @mnxnii @sleepdeprivedline @pharaways @nxzz-skz @hiefisch @wolfietara @sungookie @electrobutterfly @kill4jl @natsukee @minfolio (bold can’t be tagged)
© ynsvnte copyright 2024
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plentyoffandoms · 3 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ Christian Cage Masterlist
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: panic attack.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @lunarwritesthings
Requested by anonymous. Hope you like it.
WC: 512
Jay - Christian Cage
I was talking with Nick when Adam came running up to me. "Jay, she needs you." Was all he needed to say for me to take off behind him.
He had already placed her in a room, away from the other people, backstage, but he knew it was time for me to take over. He closed the door behind him.
I called out her name for her to focus on me, but her eyes stayed on the ground.
I knelt down in front of her, letting her know what I was doing. I didn't need to startle her.
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Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
"Hey, baby girl. Focus on me, okay?" I cupped her face with my hands, waiting for her eyes to focus on my face, but she never did. She was staring off to the right.
Okay, this is going to take a bit more than her, just focusing on my face and voice.
"Okay, baby." I said softly. "What are three things you see?"
It took her a bit to answer, but the moment I heard her say, "Door, gymbag, bottle." I knew we could get through this together.
"Good, baby girl, good. Now, what three sounds do you hear?"
"Your voice. Adam's voice." He was talking loudly in the hallway, but that is okay. "Music." Even I had to focus on hearing the music, but there was some there.
"Now, move three body parts for me." I let go of her chin as she moved her head side to side. She held up her arms over her head and moved her fingers in front of my face.
"Take some deep breaths for me. You know how we finish this off."
I did it with her.
We both breathed in deeply for five seconds, held the breath for five seconds, and breathed out for five seconds.
We did that until I she hugged me. Muttering how sorry she was. I stood up at this point, with her arms still wrapped around my neck, and I took her spot and sat her in my lap.
"You have no need to ever be sorry, my love. You help me when I am in need, and I you. Now, what do you need now?" Sometimes she wants food, a nap, a cuddle.
"Just hold me a bit longer until you have to go out there."
"Of course, baby. Whatever you need."
I didn't leave her until Adam opened the door, letting me know that I about half an hour until it was show time.
He found the two of us sleeping. With her in my lap, and my arms wrapped her, holding her to chest.
He took a photo and then woke us up.
"You go and get ready. I'll take her to get something to eat."
"Okay, baby. I gotta go. Buy whatever you want. It's on me." I kissed her until Adam cleared his throat, reminding us that he was still there.
But I just kissed her a bit longer, ignoring my oldest friend as he talked over us. Her and I smiled into the kiss.
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mangocustard16 · 9 months
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genre: fluff, headcanons warnings: petnames, i love you's, skinship, wonwoo's is suggestive and yeah :c wc: 512 a/n: these are just fluffy headcanons about cozy and loving moments that each seventeen shares with their s/o as they wake up in the morning
Seungcheol would wake up with a content smile on his face, feeling you snuggled against him. As he gently brushes a strand of hair away from your face and plants a soft kiss on your forehead. His mornings often start with whispered "I love you's" before you pull him back in for just five more minutes
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Jeonghan would wake up with you tangled in his arms, your legs over his torso. Which will more often than not prompt him to claim for a sleep divorce but he loves you too much for that. He just simply loves the feeling of your warmth and often spends a few extra minutes just holding you close.
Joshua is the definitely the first to wake up in your relationship. He would watch you sleep peacefully, your chest slowly rising and falling, giggling if you say anything in your sleep. He loves to surprise you with breakfast in bed, carefully balancing a tray with your favorite morning meal and a handwritten note expressing his love just for you
Jun would wake up when he feels you trying to snuggle even closer to him. He'd absolutely love to tease you about your morning hear until he sees his own reflection.You would have turns choosing a song to play for your alarm, setting the mood for the day. Sometimes, You might even have a mini dance party in bed.
Being hoshi's partner meant waking up to him playfully? tickling you or him humming a soft tune as he got dressed fo his day. He'd convince you to do morning stretches, sometimes followed by an impromptu dance-off in your pajamas
Wonwoo and you would usually start your mornings with a hot steamy session. You'd savor lazy mornings in bed, occasionally dozing off for a few extra minutes of cuddles before starting your day.
Being woozi's partner meant waking up at odd hours of night to the sound of him softly playing a melody on his guitar or piano, cuz he got somehow inspired in his sleep. You'll have to drag him to bed and convince him to continue his work in the morning.
You might wake to a very excited dokyeom playing with a sogo or just him cuddling the life out of you. In either case your mornings would be filled with laughter and playful banter, setting a joyful tone for the rest of the day.
Mingyu loves to enjoy leisurely mornings in bed, sometimes watching movies or planning their day together. You would share sweet morning kisses and giggle about your dreams before gyu insists on making breakfast together, which usually turns into a playful food fight
Minghao and you would often wake up entangled in each other's limbs, sharing warm cuddles and soft kisses. You'd have a routine of having tea time together in the morning, bonding over your shared passion for discipline, well routines are formed to be broken right? so you just stay in bed
You would often wakes up to him singing in the shower or humming to a tune, of a show you've been watching. You would enjoy making breakfast together, with Seungkwan occasionally adding a dash of humor to the recipe by creating funny-shaped pancakes.
You'd often wake up with your legs tangled together, making it difficult to distinguish where one ends and the other begins. On the days your schedules are not packed you'd spend your mornings snuggled up, scrolling through memes or reading each other amusing tweets to start the day with laughter
You'd wake up to the sound of your alarm clock, which dino sneakily changed the tune of. You'd engage in a morning workout routine together, pushing each other to stay healthy and active, which almost always ends up in a tickle fight
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kurasthetic · 1 year
17:01 - Vere I
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has; fem reader ("you" pronouns used, referred to once as "girl")
OPPORTUNISTIC;; Vere always has a sly word or several up his sleeve. (wc: 512)
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The further you get from Eridia, the faster the life drains from the land surrounding you. Lowtown is already dreary and bleak in most areas, but at least there are human footprints and stray scraps of garbage, signs of civilization. As the buildings get more sparse, the bare trees get more spindly, and creatures turn from familiar to monstrous, you can almost feel the small security bleeding from your person. The outskirts are a dangerous place, and yet you return to them again and again.
Vere seems to feel...entirely different. In fact, you'd go as far as saying he's practically skipping ahead of you, an irritating smile firmly in place as he deftly picks over the more solid spaces of ground. His shoes are barely stained, a stark contrast to the thick layer of mud caked to your soles. Where he dances to the beat of his rattling chains over puddles, you slip in them, stopping frequently and hoping the ground doesn't force your feet from underneath you.
At least the chains and the slick suction of mud are the only noises you have to deal with, rather than focusing on deflecting stray flirts and malicious taunts. Vere always seems to be in a slightly better mood when he accompanies you to visit Ais, a fact that is as relieving to you as it is offensive. Anymore, you've learned to just sigh and take your victories where you can find them. It's a good thing that Vere bothers to keep his pace somewhat matching yours - although, you suppose, he wouldn't be a very good guard against the soulless if he left you in the dust.
No serenity can ever stay with you, though. Soon your quiet ambivalence is wiped away and replaced with a sudden shot of adrenaline racing up your body. You let out a strangled yelp as you slip in the mud, sliding down before you can catch yourself. Vere quickly twists around, but he stops in his tracks and watches you go down. The cold seeps through your clothes, thick and heavy against the fabric. You can hear the wet squelch as your hand search for purchase and only squeeze mud through the spaces between your fingers.
You sit there for a moment in shock, blinking at Vere. A beat passes, and the entirety of the outskirts falls still...until a derisive grin takes over and he flashes his fangs, sharp as his wit.
He laughs and laughs, with his head thrown back and an arm across his stomach as if it hurts, as you slowly stand. Mud drips from your legs, your clothes, your fingertips, dropping wetly at your feet. You do your best to glower at him, knowing it could never affect him, especially not with a splash of mud on your cheek.
"Oh my," He finally says breathlessly, as soon as there's enough space between his chuckling to actually get the words out. "I had no idea you were such a dirty girl."
The moment your face falls into annoyance, he takes up his laughter once again.
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kpopjust4u · 1 year
February Filth Fest - Day 12
Post Date: 12th February 2023 Pairing: Seonghwa x Fem!Reader Content: Smut - Nipple Play WC: 512 TW?: Back-upDancer!Reader/ Idol!Seonghwa/ Nipple play - licking, biting, caressing/ Penetration (Unprotected)
February Filth Fest Masterlist                         Prompt list
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The crop top shows the outlines of your breasts, both nipples pierced and you're confident and happy with them, but you're not the only one loving them.
Throughout practice, Seonghwa struggles to keep the focus on the practice, looking at your reflection in the mirror as you stand beside him, eyes grazing over the top's tightness around your chest, noticing the small details of your piercings, salivating at the mouth.
You don't know how you've ended up in his room after practice, but you seriously weren't complaining. Of course, if you get caught, that'll be a huge issue to deal with but your mind is fogged with the overwhelming sensation of Seonghwa kissing down your neck, hands grabbing at your waist, pinning you down onto his lap.
"Seonghwa-" You cry out quietly into his ear, making him growl against your neck, his clothed boner pressing hard against your clothed core, making you wet from just that alone.
His growling and neck kissing just add to the lack of control you have at this moment.
Just from moaning his name like that, your clothes have been discarded, lazily thrown onto the floor and taking your place back on his lap, bouncing on his cock as he stares at your bouncing breasts, licking his hungry lips.
The kisses trail from your neck, down to your chest, tongue swiping over one nipple, making you moan his name in a high-pitched tone.
"Fuck, they're extremely sensitive too," Seonghwa purrs, lips brushing against your nipple before his tongue flicks at the bud once again.
You were beyond sensitive, more than he could ever imagine and he was going crazy over it.
Whilst one nipple gets all the tongue's attention, the other is being caressed with his thumb, cupping your breast at the same time.
You thought you were going to be able to cum there and then with the alternation of his tongue and thumb over each nipple. That along with your arousal pooling at the base of his cock as it caresses the perfect spots inside of you, you're barely holding on.
With eyes rolling to the back of your head, you're struggling to keep a steady rhythm, and Seonghwa notices, lifting you to lay you down onto your back, perfect access to both your cunt and your breasts, one hand and tongue on your nipples.
The other hand is over your abdomen, thumb pressing and circling a figure of eight whilst he makes long and deep strokes into you.
The lewd sounds of your arousal at your core whilst he fucks you deeply, his moans against your nipples and your cries were enough to be heard from head office.
"Seonghwa-" You choke in a whimpering screech, eyes rolling to the back of your head as the more he plays with you, the more your climax comes to hit you, harder than a brick.
"It's okay, doll. You've got this, cum all over my dick and hands for me," He whispers on your nipple, the bud caught between his teeth, pushing you right over that edge.
Tags: @scuzmunkie, @ateezreactionsandscenarios, @whatudowhennooneseesyou, @trashlord-007, @fanfictrashlord-007, @icyllic, @atinytinaa, @toxicccred
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captainaikus · 2 years
Hii! I was wondering if you could make an AU about Rin or sae Itoshi dating an S/O who is a model? If you have time ofc! TYSM! I love your work! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
wc : 512 warnings : none, not beta read. pairings : rin x reader The start of your relationship wasn't a very pleasant one when he had attended one of your fashion shows, staring at you dead in the eye as you came to a stop in front of him on the runway, teal eyes boring into yours as he clicked his tongue. You were just some dumb model. Walking out of backstage, you had managed to overhear him in a conversation with his manager. "It was your stupid idea to make me go to some downtrodden fashion show when I had plans to practice, Now get me home. And if you're not here in thirty-" he went silent, clenching his jaw as his hand came to a rest on his waist. "I don't fucking care if the hotel is an hour away. You brought me here, you get me the fuck back. Are we clear?" he said with finality, ending the call. Running a hand through his hair in exasperation, he turned back to see you, now dressed in a more simple attire, wearing jeans and a shirt. You stared at him, taking in his features in more closely. White shirt under a formal suit accompanied with a waistcoat. Pants that stuck well to his thighs. Formal shoes that seemed to make his toes pinch at the tip. He looked uncomfortable. "What?" he snapped, feeling your stare on him. reaching into your bag, you pulled a pair of keys, shaking it in the air when you held it up to him. "Need a ride?" "Last thing I need is a ride from a dumb model." "Last time I heard, your hotel is an hour away and you're wearing formal shoes... not very comfortable are they?" you asked, looking down at his shoes as he glared at you. "I might be a dumb model, but I know some things." The ride to the hotel was a silent one, the only sounds that of other vehicles on the road outside or the music playing in your car. Stopping in front of the hotel, Rin begrudgingly got up from his seat, closing the door of it hard. "Thanks." was all he said, walking towards the revolving door the hotel. The next day you found coffee with a note in your changing room. 'Consider this payback.' His gifts are lavish, buying you new dresses and shoes. Another strong point of your relationship would be shopping sprees. Considering this man has a good choice of clothing, he takes his time, analyzing the material of clothing and color coding.
As your relationship started to evolve, Rin also became a part of your career, hesitant to take a picture with you at first; but eventually giving in, For the media you seem to be the perfect couple with you sitting straight in a cashmere sweater and jeans, one leg crossed over the other; Rin sitting next to you, elbows on his knees, hunched over in a grey sweater and tanned pants, capturing the shot of the both of you in your newly purchased home, the caption; 'Power couple of the year'.
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jungwnies · 2 years
📱 : ♡₊˚𓂃⠀◟ making a tiktok with BTS
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synopsis. doing a tiktok dance with bts ! genre. fluff , slice of life , requested ! wc. 512 !
author's note. request by anon, short and simple but hopefully this was good <3 !
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,, ❥ ꒰୨୧ ・ — namjoon (남준)
namjoon would learn the dance to the tiktok but it’s definitely not the best. he wouldn’t be opposed to making a tiktok. he has you pinky promise you’ll keep it in the drafts because his dancing wasn’t necessarily up to par. pov that one time he did some really dumb dance on weekly idol 😭 (hopefully you guys know what i’m referencing to.)
,, ❥ ꒰୨୧ ・ — seokjin (석진)
like namjoon his dancing was a little goofy and he wasn’t taking the tiktok seriously. but he would honestly love making the tiktok because it makes him feel a little younger </3 he would show you a dance and tell you he wants to do it ,,, he’d end up fucking it up but it’s okay because he’s jin
,, ❥ ꒰୨୧ ・ — yoongi (윤기)
he would know the dance like the back of his hand and do it very lazily with not much effort; but somehow he managed to make it look so effortlessly beautiful and put together 😃 (wish i could do that) he wouldn’t mind filming the tiktoks but he gets tired of them eventually and takes a break from tiktok dancing for like three months
,, ❥ ꒰୨୧ ・ — hoseok (호석)
so energetic, he knows the dances and makes them look really groovy. he’s really fun to do tiktoks with because he can do all of them without messing up and they’re just really fun and fresh ig? hobi knows what he’s doing and he’s about to eat your ass up in that tiktok no one can outdo the doer 🤌
,, ❥ ꒰୨୧ ・ — jimin (지민)
like hobi he’s going to eat you up if you ask him to make a tiktok with you. he knows the dances but once he sees the final thing he gets embarrassed and wonders why tf he just did that. he enjoys them in the moment but looking back he gets all flustered because everyone is hyping him up in the comment section; it does take a little convincing to get him to make another one.
,, ❥ ꒰୨୧ ・ — taehyung (태형)
agrees immediately; he knows the dance to an extent but once he’s actually doing the dance for the tiktok he forgets and starts doing something random. honestly he blows up for his randomness but also because he’s an idol. he will always be down to make tiktoks even if they’re not what the standard is supposed to look like.
,, ❥ ꒰୨୧ ・ — jungkook (정국)
honestly it takes a little convincing from jk too because he’s pretty introverted. he would prefer making the funny tiktoks and doing meme-y things, he prefers cracking jokes and doing things to laugh but if you really want to make a dancing tiktok he will eventually give in and do the dance SHYLY with you. gets flustered immediately after but then he also gets more comfortable and ends up making a whole bunch of dancing ones on his own and posting them.
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do not steal, copy, or repost my content/work on any websites. do not translate
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