#wayfaringstrangxr: aziraphale
vocesincaput-arc · 1 year
“sanctuary“  - My Crowley to your Azira
send me   “sanctuary“    for my muse ( receiver’s )  to pull yours  (sender’s)  into their house to protect them from an approaching danger /  a bad storm or disaster / etc. [x]
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The demons had come out of nowhere, swarms of them surrounded the two of them almost as quickly as they had appeared. Aziraphale looked around as they tried not to panic before their eyes settled upon Crowley.
They couldn't let the demon get hurt. Aziraphale would do anything to stop that from happening. He looked around again and saw that there was almost a path between some of the demons towards the door to his bookshop.
Without thinking for another second, Aziraphale grabbed ahold of Crowleys jacket sleeve and began to pull him towards the store. Feeling the demons trying to grasp at the two of them, the angel swatted hands away until they were close enough...
Aziraphale pushed Crowley through the doors, managing to close them with a snap of their fingers as they were grabbed and pulled away into the crowd of demons.
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xflashbastardx · 1 year
[ 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 ] : receiver comforts crying sender. - My Crowley to your Azira
Desperation staters | accepting @wayfaringstrangxr
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Aziraphale stood in the doorway of the little room above the bookshop; he'd not expected to find Crowley slumped into a chair with tears rolling down his cheeks. In all their centuries of knowing one another, he couldn't recall the demon ever allowing himself to be seen crying, and the sight of it made Aziraphale's heart twist until he thought it might shatter.
Especially because he suspected he was at fault. After the way they had parted last, he would be more surprised if he wasn't.
In just a few, quick strides, the angel had crossed the room, kneeling so he could better look into the other's eyes. Everything in Aziraphale wanted to reach out to Crowley---to take his hand, or lay a comforting touch on his knee, or cup his face and gently wipe the tears away. But he didn't know if such gestures would be welcome, not after...everything.
"Please, Crowley, don't cry. I can't bear to see you like this."
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"𝘐 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶."
Three little words that had shattered Crowley's heart into a million pieces the second he pulled away from that kiss. That kiss, that he'd worked up the courage to do after finally confessing his feelings again after six thousand years of winning Aziraphale's heart back over again after he'd been cast out of heaven, and he'd been made to forget who Crowley was before the fall, forget how they'd fallen in love in heaven.
Only to be rejected, and for Aziraphale to turn his back on him for heaven.
Eons ago, maybe the prospect of having his angelic status restored, being with him again like this might've overjoyed the former archangel. But now, after experiencing first hand the corruption from both sides, the cruelty, the toxic hierarchy that would never be fixed, seeing how.. absolutely dull heaven had become over millennia? Not now. Being drowned in holy water would've hurt less than this. Less than being rejected by the one person he loved in the entire UNIVERSE more than the stars he hung in the skies himself. It would hurt- But Aziraphale would have to get hurt by them himself to truly understand why he refused to return home, no matter how much his heart ached to.
Any phone calls or any attempted contact from anyone for the next several days and weeks he had ignored- He couldn't. He couldn't do this right now. He just wanted to get drunk and stay drunk for the foreseeable future. It didn't harm his 'human' form as it would mortals, so screw it. He held himself together just long enough to get home before the tears came spilling almost endlessly, grabbing a bottle from the cabinet and slumping to his bedroom, where he proceeded to kick off his shoes, snapping his fingers to where he was in nothing but a pair of black pajamas, and proceeded to get drunk and cry, cry until his chest hurt and he couldn't breathe (not that he needed to), until the feeling of exhaustion and being heavily intoxicated dragged him under.
That was weeks ago.
Or maybe longer- he'd lost track of time, doing nothing but drink and confine himself to his bedroom, feeling sorry for himself. Maybe he would sleep it off for the next bloody century. It was what he always did when they fought, or he was angry or hurt. @wayfaringstrangxr
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wayfaringstrangxr asked: "Would you still love me if I were a worm?" - Aziraphale (slightly drunk)
They had been drinking for the last hour, Crowely more heavily than the angel...as it often went. Lifting his head, while draped along his favorite spot on the sofa, his head turned sluggishly. "What kind of question is that? Would I...still love...you as a worm?" Pausing in between the words slightly. Nose crinkled, "I suppose it's not any better than loving a snake. You already do that. So, yes." Dramatically arms moved about, his glass nearly spilling its contents. "I'd still love you even as a worm Angel."
Taking it a step further, the demon rose to sit up and patted the spot next to him. "You're already a bit a worm, aren't you. A lovely bookworm."
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vocesincaput-arc · 1 year
[ BEG ]:  sender  begs  receiver  to  touch  /  fuck  them. - My Crowley to Aziraphale
*      ―    ﴾  𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠  𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝𝚜  ﴿   :    𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒  𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐘  𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. [x]
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Aziraphale couldn't quite get over the fact that he and Crowley were actually kissing on the small couch in the bookshop. He had wondered what it would be like to experience such a moment many, many times over the long time they had known each other. So much so that he had never even considered kissing someone else.
There had only ever been Crowley in his mind.
So the fact that they were now kissing.... well, he would possibly call it what he had over heard younger generations call making out... the fact that they were doing that, made the angel feel as if the every fibre of their being was buzzing with the most delicious sensation Aziraphale currently believed he could ever experience.
"Crowley...." the angel found himself murmuring into the kiss as his hand unknowingly rested upon the others leg. A small sound that might have been a moan escaping against Crowleys lips as he shifted closer. Aziraphale felt as if they could stay like that for hours until....
"Touch me...."
Normally such words would be completely innocent but given their current activity and the sound of the demons voice, even Aziraphale could tell that he meant... more. More in a way that made the angels body tingle in ways that he had never imagined before.
"Crowley, I..."
I don't know how, I don't want to disappoint you...i'm afraid...."
There were so many things that the angel wanted to say, but no words would come as the hand upon the others thigh squeezed slightly.
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vocesincaput-arc · 1 year
💍 - Crowley LOL
Send me ‘💍’ for our muses to wake up married after a night of heavy drinking [x]
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It had been a long, long time since the angel had gone to sleep straight after drinking so heavily with Crowley. Usually they would sober themselves up first before calling it a night. But, for some reason he would not remember anything of their night before.
Aziraphale groaned and placed a hand upon his hand as he shifted in the bed that was not his own. Slowly waking. They frowned as they became more and more awake despite it hurting. There was something cold and metallic upon their hand.
With a small, muffled groan, Aziraphale forced his eyes open to look at his hand. When he saw the metal band on his finger, the angel immediately sobered up and quickly sat upright.
"What on..." Aziraphales eyes were wide and he glanced around quickly and realised that he was not alone in the bed. Seeing Crowley beside him, he reached out and began to try and shake him awake.
"Crowley.... Crowley...." He called, panicking slightly as he stared at the ring.
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vocesincaput-arc · 1 year
'shivers' - From Crowley to Zira
Send 'shivers' for my muse’s reaction to your muse trailing their fingers down my muse’s spine. [x]
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Aziraphale was stood before his desk, both his coat and waistcoat neatedly placed over the back of his armchair as he went through some paperwork. The fact that he wasn't wearing his waistcoat would usually be uncomfortable to him. But given the heat that had overtaken London that day, it was far from his mind.
The angel was lost in thought and hadn't heard the demon approaching him. When the fingers began to trail down his spine, Aziraphale gasped. Almost shuddering as they passed between where his wings would appear.
"C-Crowley.... wh-what are you...."
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vocesincaput-arc · 1 year
[ 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 ] ― sender strokes receiver’s hair - Crowley to Zira
🌙  *  ―     𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐒
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The angel had been relaxing on the couch inside the bookshop alongside Crowley. Glass of wine in one hand that he had been sipping at slowly. He wasn't talking, neither of them were. Just simply enjoying the company as they always did.
Aziraphale was lost in the moment when he suddenly felt fingers on his hair. Inhaling sharply at the surprising touch before exhaling a slow wavering breath and then swallowing. The feeling sending a shiver down his spine.
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vocesincaput-arc · 1 year
“I’m here- I’m here, now” - Crowley to Aziraphale [or my Aziraphale to your Crowley up to you <3]
My muse had been kidnapped and tortured for the past week send “I’m here- I’m here, now” for your muse to save them. [x]
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It would have been obvious to Aziraphale that Heaven wasn't being honest about making him Supreme Archangel for the reasons they gave but Metatron had done something to him with the coffee which had been infused with a powerful miracle. The angel was heavly influenced by Metatron's suggestions in their mind as he spoke to Crowley.
Once they were up in Heaven, the influence over Aziraphale began to slip. He began to ask questions before hands were placed upon his shoulders and they were forced to their knees. The angel began to practically demand an answer to what was happening when Metatron placed his hand upon Aziraphales head. Causing it to tilt back as his eyes glowed a shining white. The process to change his being into what they wanted began.
Sometime later, he awoke in small empty room with white walls and no lighting. As he looked slowly around the tiny space, his eyes widened when he realised that there were no thoughts in his mind beyond the small room. No memories of who or what they were. As the panic set in, he shuffled around the room (not able to stand in the small space) and tried to find an exit. Hands shaking whilst they tried to find something, anything, beyond the small, dark space.
Breathing came quick as he pulled himself back into one of the corners, knees up against their chest. They had no idea how long they were in the room, dozing in and out of restless sleep before suddenly being awoken by a sound.
Someone had entered the room and was speaking to him.
Someone who he didn't know.
"Wh-whoever you are, please... please leave me alone!" he cried whilst trying to back further into the corner.
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xflashbastardx · 1 year
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Demon Aziraphale & Aziraphale - closed starter for @wayfaringstrangxr
Zi was sprawled across the biggest and most comfortable chair he could find in the back room of Crowley's shop, legs dangling over one arm and head resting against the other. The angel had had to pop out for a bit and had asked him to keep an eye on things; which, of course, to Zi, meant sitting in the back, making himself coffee and reading until Crowley returned.
He'd not been gone five minutes when he heard the door open and close.
"Back already, Crowley?" he called, not bothering to rise from his extremely comfortable seat. "Did you forget something?"
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xflashbastardx · 1 year
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@wayfaringstrangxr - continued from [X]
Crowley was tired of Aziraphale saying how nice he was, how much he was up for good deeds. He could get into so much trouble if hell knew that. He grab hold of Aziraphale's coat and pin him on the wall, their noses brushing. "You have no idea of what goes on in my head, Angel." He snarls. "All I think are bad deeds, all day, every single time. Bad, bad, bad-" Crowley stops talking once he realizes Aziraphale isn't paying attention to a single word. "You're not even listening, are you?"
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No, he really isn't. He can hardly help it---it's so distracting, having Crowley this close. It makes the angel's heart pound, his face flush, and his thoughts race. Heaven help him; he shouldn't be thinking this way, certainly not about a demon.
And yet...
"I---" Aziraphale's gaze darts down to Crowley's lips (and he wonders, not for the first time, how they would feel pressed against his own) and then back up to the eyes hidden behind dark glasses.
"I-I'm sorry," he fumbles to compose himself, to shake off the thoughts he knew he shouldn't be having in the first place. "I didn't mean to---that is, ah...I meant to listen, I just..."
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protectxthem · 1 year
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@wayfaringstrangxr asked: "Will you marry me?" - My Crowley to your Azira
Send me "Will you marry me?" and I'll generate a number from 1-30 to see how my muse responds. | Accepting
“I didn’t think you wanted that.”
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Aziraphale shuts his book, looking at Crowley with a tilt of his head. He stands up, putting his book on the chair he was just sitting on. "Are you sure you want that?"
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xflashbastardx · 7 months
[ HIPS ]:  sender  pulls  receiver  in  closer  by  the  hips. (My Crowley to your Zira)
NSFW Starters
The way Crowley took hold of his hips was a bit unexpected, perhaps, but it was certainly not unwelcome. Aziraphale dropped his ledger on the desk and let himself be guided closer to the demon, his hands coming up to rest on his chest once he was close enough, and he smiled up at him with a knowing twinkle in his sky-blue eyes.
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"Well, hello to you, too, dearest."
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protectxthem · 11 months
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@wayfaringstrangxr asked: Do you really think you can change anything in Heaven, or are you just running from your feelings for Crowley? - To Azira
unprompted asks/ask my muses questions | Always Accepting
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Aziraphale is quiet as he looks down. He fidgets with his bowtie and looks up slightly. "I really do think I can change things in Heaven." How dare they assume he was running from his feelings for Crowley. Okay so maybe he was, but his main focus was trying to change things in Heaven.
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protectxthem · 1 year
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@wayfaringstrangxr asked: “It’s nothing.” - Crowley to Azira
Your muse comes home covered in bruises. Send me “It’s nothing.” for my muse’s reaction. Or reversed: My muse comes home covered in bruises. Send me “It doesn’t look like nothing!” for my muse’s reaction. | Accepting
Aziraphale fidgets a bit, playing with his bowtie as he looks at Crowley. "Oh, Crowley. It's not nothing. You're covered in bruises." He frowns, moving closer to the demon. "Look at you." He speaks, reaching for Crowley's hands. "What happened to you?"
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protectxthem · 1 year
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@wayfaringstrangxr asked: “We’re married.” - My Crowley to your Zira
Send “We’re married.” for my muse to wake up in a future or alternate reality where our muses are married. | Accepting
The sun shining through the window isn't what woke the angel up. No, no. It was the stickiness of a toddler's finger poking his nose. Blue eyes snap open as the angel lets out a groan. "Go find your father." He mumbles, weakly waving the child away.
"Daddy told me to go get you, while he made breakfast." The toddler replies slowly so he doesn't stumble over his words. Even though he had a bit of a lisp, Aziraphale could still understand him.
Aziraphale sighs softly and loudly before he sits up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He is dressed in pajama pants and nothing else. He grabs a shirt off of the floor before he stands up, carefully plucking the toddler off of the floor, after putting the shirt on.
"Crowley?" He calls out as he walks out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen. The child giggles and sticks his thumb in his own mouth as he bounces a bit in Aziraphale's arms.
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