sanguineswallowsong · 16 days
Ask me things guys plspslpslpslpls i love conversations im so normal and i ONLY bite when asked i swear i promise insaear i linky pomrpimse
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1alchemistart · 3 months
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so i am now caught up with skip and loafer. hi JKSDFKLFSDKL
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lesbianviolet · 1 year
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fallout on the brain
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breadcrumbshitpost · 1 month
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sorry guys I'm suck at drawing small things 😓😓😓
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iamsofuckinggay · 6 months
Lighting practice part 1
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fishcop · 9 months
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Based off of that one across the spider verse scene and the season 2 finale :))
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bbaycon · 9 months
In america, I found that some people called them chocolate croissants
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They are not french enough if there never had been the pain au chocolat controversy THERE
Plus lil doodle
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chiimiraa · 5 months
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okayyy so it's been a while and I'm not sure how this'll go but I've been wanting to do this for so long- I don't want to be scared of posting stuff I'm interested in
I know designing enasonas and making ena fanart is usually my thing but I also wanna branch out a little with other types of character design
uhhhgffhffhc hi rain world fandom-
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mossy-paws · 1 year
It’s his first day be nice to him
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Rivulet officially works at Wawa now, please be kind to him it’s his first day and he’s trying his hardest.
god I love this so much XDD, anyways here’s the original image! I just converted it to fit with the meme!
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this is probably what lil buddy sees right?
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we noticed the selfie we took at the splatoon meet kinda looks like some splatoon promo art so i redrew it in my splatoon artstyle :3
cosplayers: green inkling, shiver, capn (thats meeee :333)
alt color versions and also the speedpaint video under cut!
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flash warning for the last 2-3 seconds of the video (i was messing around with filters)
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yourcrazyboyokris · 2 months
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squabbykitten · 2 months
Manifesting a bigger butt and hips 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 send me your energy guys
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meltedwax87 · 2 months
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Okay so im just gonna art dump
Also i know i said i would stop posting images in just their image w/o being altered but i highly doubt they would actually do that to mine and i also never really fact checked it so😛
Btw warning theres horror riv, i dont think its that scary but it can be for some people so!
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fruttymoment · 11 months
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iamsofuckinggay · 5 months
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Cupid wearing fur bc why not
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sisile · 1 month
Paa paa pawww was wa wa waaaaaaa
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