#waves lapping
fiona-fififi · 4 months
Suddenly thinking about Buck, after he and Eddie finally get together, accompanying Eddie to his pick-up games every now and then just so he can sit on the sidelines to cheer Eddie on.
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stuckinapril · 2 months
it’s a pretty bad sign that I don’t want to talk to like any of my friends but at least it means more time for books and summer walks and niche interests and Whimsy
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zytes · 10 months
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lumiilys · 2 months
Ed having nightmares about not being able to find Stede anywhere. He’s nowhere in the inn or their little garden. There’s a horrible storm raging outside, the inn is cold and dark and lonely, and Ed can’t tell if stede has been swallowed up by the storm or if a wave got him or if stede was even ever there in the first place! Maybe he was alone the whole time?
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lemnnshark · 2 months
"On Vicky's Facebook, Lapping Wave is a gray tabby tom with dark rippling stripes and amber eyes."
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I imagined him differently, so here's an alternate version
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teathattast · 5 months
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i got your hand, you got my shoulder
you take the lead, i'll follow you around
you'll always have someone to hold you
we'll figure this out
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hyunpic · 2 years
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hyunjin on bubble: hoo swimming at the beach was so much fun
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asexual-spongebob · 7 months
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Happy Pancake Day! Here’s Paani!!!
This a drawing from a series of portraits I’m going to be making of the fish dudes! (shell, peso, Kwaz and Paani) + dashi and tweak
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exocynraku · 1 year
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more trees
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coolcattime · 2 months
Waves Lapping Where the Children Grew: Chapter One
Relationships: Captain Capsize/Sonja Firefoxx
Characters: Skipper Redbeard, Captain Capsize, Sonja Firefoxx, Jordan Captainsparklez
> 1 < - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10
Since she was a child, Capsize has lived with the knowledge that she is cursed. That not long into her adulthood, the kingdom she was born into will fall and her birthday will be marked by her falling into a magic slumber that she can only awake from when she received true love’s kiss. She attempted to flee her fate, to find any way to remove the curse before it triggers. However, the curse has come to pass, and the pirate captain rests on the verge of life and death, awaiting the one who will awake her.
A year has passed since then, Redbeard has not left the island of the home since the curse struck. As he’s able to break the curse himself, he remains guarding his sister from any threats that come for her. Though he attempts to remain strong, the lack of any sign of the curse breaking has left him with dwindling hope.
The year before, her last year uncursed, Capsize feels just as hopeless until she meets a witch that she believes could change her fate.
AO3 Link
Afterwards: Autumn
Redbeard was not a big fan of hero types. That fact had been festering throughout the year, but now it had become concrete in his mind as he found himself once again facing Jordan having the same argument.
If he was being honest with himself, he still didn’t dislike the man. At least, he didn't think it did. But it had become frustrating explaining to the man over and over that he could not break the curse on his sister. Trying once, sure, Redbeard had humoured that mostly out of desperation. He'd tried, it hadn't worked. Everyone else who had tried had gone away and not returned at that point.
Jordan, however, had continued to return month after month. Never with a new plan, always just insisting that he be allowed to try waking her again. And frankly Red was beginning to regret even humouring him the first time. He couldn’t be entirely unsympathetic towards the champion. Most of his desperation about breaking the curse seemed to have stemmed from Lady Ianite’s reaction. But if he was being frank, he didn’t care for the why of it. Capsize was still the person who was cursed. He wasn’t in the mood for the way that Jordan was forming a martyr complex around her.
"Nothing’s going to change Jordan. You can't wake her up," He tried to speak gently, he really did, but it had been a year. A full year of Capsize being asleep. A full year of Jordan turning up at least once every two weeks insisting that he be allowed to try and wake her again. As if he had somehow become her true love since the last time he'd visited.
At this point, his last scraps of gentleness left were hanging by fraying thread. He couldn’t even say the man was good company at this point. Being alone on this island guarding what may as well be a corpse given the lack of process that they had made did leave him carving human interaction. Obviously it did. Yet, that just made having this same conversation over and over even more frustrating.
“Please, just let me try again. It’ll be different this time,” Jordan said. He was not quite begging, though he was certainly desperate in a way that Red found confusing.
The champion seemed to flicker between what seemed like an almost unhealthy need to save Capsize and a blatant frustration that she hadn’t just woken up when he had kissed her. It was not entirely unlike how he had acted prior to the curse. Though, Redbeard was far more fed up with it than he had before.
When she had been awake, she had been able to handle his weird flirting herself. It had been okay for him to tease her a little by suggesting ways for him to win her over. Because it very much wasn’t going to happen and Capsize was very much open about that fact.
Now, though? Now she was unable to defend herself, so he had to do it. And if it was his responsibility to defend her then he wasn’t going to let the champion near her until he actually had any sort of alternative than just trying to kiss her again.
“How could it possibly be different? Have you suddenly become her true love?” He scoffed without fully meaning to. And he didn’t miss the anger that flared on the champion’s face. Frankly, he couldn’t care less. This wasn’t about Jordan.
This was about Capsize. She was the one stuck between life and death in a magical slumber that she could very well never wake up from. And, while he was open to other methods if they were at all possible, there was only one method that he knew for sure would wake her up: true love's kiss. And, whether the man wanted to admit it or not, Jordan was clearly not her true love. He wasn’t her love of any kind.
It wasn’t as if Redbeard had told him he couldn’t help at all. In fact, he’d asked if he could try to contact Dianite’s champion since he and Capsize had always been friends. The thought had been that surely he would know any potential people with an actual chance to break the curse. Jordan had taken the ask as a personal offence.
He was more dead set than he ever had been that he would be the one to wake up Capsize. Hence he had most certainly not contacted the other champion. Redbeard was left with nothing more than a strong feeling of wanting to bash his head into a wall. “She isn’t staying asleep to spite you, you know.”
“She could be. It’ll be just like her,” Jordan said. He looked as if he wanted to say more, but quieted as he received a frankly murderous look from the pirate.
Redbeard fought back against the overwhelming urge to just attack the champion here and now. A single cut from his weapon would banish him away from the island back to wherever he had come from. A gift from Lady Ianite to keep away the worst of those who might come for Capsize.
However, he had the unfortunate feeling that Jordan would use his magical knowledge to figure out a way around the banishment to return. Even if he distinctly hadn’t been using it to research alternative methods to wake Capsize. After all, no matter what argument they had and how he stormed away, the champion always returned wanting to try again.
Jordan took a breath and tried to bite back his frustrations. Lady Ianite was still so worried about Capsize. So clearly it was his duty as her champion to wake the captain. But Redbeard wasn’t even letting him try! Still, before he had set out this time, his Lady had asked him to try and be calmer. So he would try for her sake. “What else am I supposed to do?”
“Go and find Dianite’s champion, like I asked months ago!”
Redbeard received a glare in return for those words. He gave a more than bitter and annoyed huff.
“Or go with the lead with less clues. She’d met someone in the year before the curse, go find her,” He said, beyond exasperated. It was the lead that he wanted the other champion’s help with, because he was sure that Capsize would’ve discussed the mystery woman with him.
Frankly, Redbeard just hoped that the mystery woman was actually real. He didn’t think it was like Capsize to lie. She was a lot more forthright than him, for example. But given that he had never mentioned any details to him about the woman, he did sometimes fear that she had been just making up stories to give him some comfort that the curse would eventually be broken.
But if the apparent hero before him was going to be insistent on not going to find the only man that could possibly have more details for help, then he could go on the wild goose chase for an unknown woman himself.
Jordan’s face turned sour. Clearly the man was about to start complaining again. This time, however, Redbeard was out of patience. “Or don’t look! Figure out how to give the ocean human form so they can have a go for all I care! But you better leave and go do something because you aren’t kissing her again!”
"But I—!”
“Leave! Before I force you to. Don’t come back unless you’re bringing somebody else,” It was hard for Redbeard to keep his voice steady. As frustrating as Jordan’s visits were becoming, he was one of the only consistent presences he had had all year. He didn’t particularly want to forbid him from returning, but the loneliness would hurt less than the frustrations and false hope of the champion.
There was a flickering of different emotions on Jordan’s face. He appeared to be considering continuing to argue. Redbeard rested his hand on the handle of his cutlass. He didn’t want to attack him, he really didn’t, but he couldn’t keep playing this game with him. Thankfully though, Jordan did seem to actually have sense this time.
The champion turned on his heel and stalked off towards the docks. Under his breath he was muttering what were likely more complaints about himself and Capsize. Redbeard rolled his eyes as he stopped paying attention. He gave it a month before he came back, if he was lucky.
Redbeard turned back to the building he was standing in front of, the ruins of his childhood home. Actually, though that description was accurate, it always felt like he was underselling it. Because, when he said something like that, most people pictured some pirate haven, not the ruins of a castle he currently stood in front of. But he had preferred it that way. The kingdom was gone, he never really wanted to be reminded of how they were runaway nobility. Now, however, his surroundings were a constant reminder of that fact. Of all they had abandoned.
Before the curse, neither of them had been back to their home in close to a decade. Since the two of them had stolen away in the night in a desperate attempt to help her escape her fate. Though in retrospect it hadn’t been successful, he still remembered the smile that Capsize had worn that night.
She’d woken him up with such a bright look in her eyes. She already had a bag packed and a ship that she wanted to steal. She was practically bouncing as she whispered her plan. They’d go and find Lady Ianite, they’d travel to the ends of the earth if needed. He was willing to go with her, of course he was. But when he’d asked his only question as to why exactly they were going to find a goddess, his sister had looked at him with a far too wide smile and said that Lady Ianite was going to break her curse.
He had never questioned if she thought that the goddess could break the curse with her powers, or by the intended method. Even once they arrived, he wouldn’t have been able to guess. Given everything, he supposed it didn’t matter as she hadn’t been able to help via either method. She had immediately tried with her powers and attempted further methods once the curse had actually triggered, but apparently whatever enchantment had been used for the curse, it was more powerful than even the gods.
As for love, well, it was undeniable that something had formed between the two, but it was not love in the way that the curse required. Though the goddess had still tried and looked heartbroken when all her attempts had failed to awaken Capsize. Since then, she’d done so much for him to try and help, it was only thanks to her that this place was in any way liveable. It was still very much a ruin, but it was far better than it had been when he’d arrived back to find that the worst had happened.
Given her efforts, the inside looked a lot nicer than the outside. Not quite the way he remembered, but still far nicer than anywhere he really suited anymore. Whenever strangers came, there was always the look of confusion when they first saw him. They were all people who had just heard of the curse by rumour or legend, thinking that they could appear and break it and gain an easy way into nobility. They always expected an unguarded princess. Not a pirate captain being guarded by a crew member.
If that general shock didn’t annoy them enough, him questioning them typically did. He thought that asking them basic questions about his sister was fine enough given that they were presenting themselves as her true love, but he supposed that was the thing with heroes. Always pleasant right up until you questioned them in any way.
He always dreaded the idea that one of them would actually succeed. He knew that Capsize would prefer to sleep forever than to have someone that thought of her as a princess wake her up.
As he walked through the empty halls, he breathed a small sigh of relief as he felt Jordan’s presence leave the island. He could always tell when someone was somewhere on the island. It was a power gifted to him by Lady Ianite to better protect Capsize. After all, there was no telling who could show up and what their intentions would be. It was a strong enough feeling to wake him if he was asleep. Well, it didn’t have to, Lady Ianite had shown him a way to activate and deactivate the power, but he couldn’t bring himself to turn it off.
Until Capsize was awake, he could do this. An ever-present guard for her. His own, self-inflicted curse.
Because technically, there was nothing stopping him from leaving this place. He could leave at any time if he so chose. But someone needed to stay here with her. If not, she’d be left at the mercy of anyone who appeared. Better he took the role of guard than Jordan.
Sure, maybe the isolation was getting to him. But even if he had to guard her for the rest of his life, it was still a better fate than Capsize’s. So, he would stay here until someone found a way to break the curse.
Even though he knew nothing would’ve changed, he still could only feel a dull disappointment as he entered Capsize’s bedroom to find her still sleeping.
It was the bedroom of a princess in all its finery, looking exactly the same it had on the night they had left as teenagers. Except Capsize wasn’t the same at all. She’d never been the most stereotypical princess. Frankly, even without the curse Redbeard assumed she would’ve run off eventually, but Captain Capsize was completely unrecognisable from the girl she had been growing up.
There she lay in her long blue coat and loose shirt. A mess of curls silhouetted her head like a halo. She had the piercings and tattoos and scars that she had gained over the years. She looked almost exactly like she should, except for the fact that she hadn’t opened her eyes in a year.
She was alive. Her chest still rose and fell as she drew breath. Her heart still beat. But she was closer to death than life.
When he had first arrived back here and found her, Lady Ianite had come alongside him. After being able to wake her with the intended mention, she had attempted to use her power to figure out the curse, to untangle it and break it by any other means. She hadn’t managed to do so. But she had discovered just how deeply woven the curse was.
She wouldn’t age, wouldn’t need anything to remain alive. Given how terrified the goddess had seemed by the sheer extent of the magical blinding, Redbeard wondered if she was even able to die. But that was something he didn’t dare question out loud as he did know what to know the answer.
However, though she certainly was alive, she didn’t look it. Frankly she looked near dead. He didn’t know what had happened that night. How she got back here and what had happened before the curse had finally struck. But whatever had happened, it had left her with a nasty wound on her neck that she certainly hadn’t had that morning. Even now, it still looked fresh and painful.
Looking at her like this, it just left Redbeard with a numb hopelessness. Mostly just because it was entirely unfair. She had so much left ahead of her. She had always looked so alive once they had left, once she had been exploring the oceans. She’d been so determined to break the curse so she could just keep sailing. So why had her fate been overwritten so she was stuck just awaiting a saviour? Why could absolutely nothing overwrite the magic of the sorcerer who had done this to her?
He laughed bitterly. If he ever met the bastard who started all this, he didn’t know if he’d kill them or imprison them so the job could be finished by Capsize. A thought to consider another day. After all, today was special even if it just felt like a terrible reminder.
He grabbed a bottle from near the unlit fireplace. It was autumn now, still just warm enough that he didn’t need to light it. He didn’t know if Capsize could feel the cold in her current state, but he wasn’t going to risk the potential that she did.
He took a good swig of the alcohol as he slumped down next to the bed. It was some fancy bottle he’d found in the basement, the kind of thing his parents would’ve lectured him for even looking at. However, he couldn’t even really taste it. He just felt numb as he tried to drown his sorrows.
It was their birthday. One full year since the start of the curse. The first birthday in their lives where he and Capsize wouldn’t share a word with each other. If he didn’t drink, then he might just fall into despair.
So drank he did.
As the sun set, the alcohol did not numb the pain of the fact that even after a year no progress had been made on waking her. It did not silence the terrible lingering thoughts that he could never shake that they would never figure out how to break the curse and this was how Capsize would remain the rest of eternity.
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asherenjoysart · 4 months
Ive been playing wuwa for a bit and I have a few. Opinions. I guess. Take these all with a grain of salt Im not the most through the game.
1. When will Scar be playable. I love him (platonically. Im lesbian. If he was a woman though… things would change.)
2. Obtaining materials to buy the thing you use to pull on the Gacha (I forgot the name) is a bit difficult but it’s fine!!! It’s worth it for Encore!!!
3. Both rovers look lesbian. I know male rover is a male (obviously) but he looks like a butch. What if transfem male rover…
4. If I had to choose a character to kiss it’d be Yangyang, without hesitation.
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drama-glob · 5 months
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Since it's Mermay and typically mermaids are going to be found in the ocean, why not post this blanket I made a little while ago that's meant to resemble a crashing wave? Hope you like how it turned out! ^_^<3<3<3
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tariah23 · 4 months
It’s just the fact that Gege isn’t usually THIS straightforward and hasn’t been for a long time….. Whenever he does one thing, that thing usually tends to turn out to be even more ridiculous then what it first appeared to be in the first place, ja what I’m saying. Like every time. Please…..
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eggfeather · 1 year
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lapping wave, running fox, strong pounce
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deejadabbles · 1 year
Okay but you know that one time the 501st boys went to 79s only to find out that its "ladies' night" and Jesse dared Fives to do something crazy to get the attention of the women at the bar. Cue Fives getting up on the table and basically doing a striptease to Kool and the Gang
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theloveinc · 1 year
Do you ever think abt the fact that Bakugo likes mountain climbing and hiking and shit and just realize you’d never be able to keep up with him
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