neolxzr · 1 year
how did yoy start like aira and hiiai??
(sorry in advance if i start talking forever)
i think with aira i have a bit of a thing for the idol who is an idol lover character (my best love live girls were ruby and hanayo) so as soon as he started gushing about idols my heart was stolen immediately!! and i think some of the earliest posts i made about him on tumblr when i first started to love him were like posts about how much meta comedy potential he has as a character LOL like you have a guy who literally reads fanfic about his coworkers right there thats like comedy gold to me. and i love his design and his mannerisms and is AIIIRAAAAABU and his voice and he got me inspired to start drawing enstars!! and over time i just continue to get more and more attached to him hes like a little brother to me. also he has self esteem issues which is like 1) relatable and 2) oh my god dont say that about yourself my beloved i love you so much i would kill a man for you. he like activates the protective instinct in me like i dont even know what it is i just see him and think that i need to protect him with my life
and i think reading main story is what really got me to love hiiai!! i love hiiro's unabashed affection for aira and aira's little tsundereisms and i love how much theyre there for each other through everything!! alkaloid is such an interesting protagonist unit because they were like made to be the 'new trickstar' or made to be the underdogs who win through sheer determination and taking risks but they dont end up being that way at all. and i think seeing hiiro and aira work through everything thats happening and grow together as idols is really really neat :) and THERMOMETRY oh my god hiiro being vulnerable with aira and aira telling him that he needs him and ouugfuuhgfbuegfdfds i think both of them have some abandonment issues they need to deal with actually. i think i have a thing for ships where its like i could never ever hate you and i will never leave your side and ill be there with you through everything no matter what happens. you know
maybe that says something about me and im not going to read into it ANYWAY i love aira and i love hiiai theyre everything to me thank you for giving me the opportunity to rant a little anon <3
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