#waut i said one more year
thxnks4themrms · 2 months
Vampy helppp I'm scared for when my schedule comes out cuz if I get stuck in classes w/ my ex I'm gonna kms 😭😭
I’ve unadded all of my old friends / ex or ops or whatever you wanna call them so idfk what classes they have and I’m really stressed I get it with someone I hate sm 😭
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bssaz97 · 4 years
Meeting Xing and Citrine! Part 1
- Rose Household -
Ruby sips on her hot chocolate while her beautiful children and Sister eat their breakfast while sitting with her in their dining room table. Rowan was eating a plate of scrambled eggs and a piece of toast that was smothered in ketchup. Summer sat down besides her twin brother, eating her own scrambled eggs that were drenched in ketchup and a perfectly edible buttered toast. But they both would always drink a glass of milk, something they both could compromise on. Yang had once said that her children had inherited her strange appetite but she thinks she was exaggerating.
Everything about today was going about how it normally would go. Then out of nowhere, a small white envelope appeared and was descending down to the middle of the table. Once it touched down on the table Ruby took hold of the letter and on the front side it read:
“From Bssaz ^U^
The Library
To Rose Xiao-Long Family
Patch Island”
Ruby: “What is that man up to now?”
Summer: “Who’s the letter from Mom?”
Rowan: “Is it from Bssaz?” *leaning forward*
Ruby: “Looks that way, he send us a letter by the looks of it.” *pulls at the seal, opening the envelope*
Rowan: “That’s cool. You think he wants us to do another asking poll? Wait, what if he wants to go on a treasure hunt or something! Or maybe-!”
Yang: “Or maybe we can wait to see what the letter has to say before jumping to any conclusions.” *she said as she ruffled her nephew’s hair*
Ruby: *opens letter* “Lets see. ‘Ahem!’”
Dear Ruby and Yang,
I wanted to write this letter to inform you that I have made arrangements with a friend of mine to have your children go visit your little brother from a alternate universe. In exchange, he agreed to let his universe’s version of you and Yang’s children come visit your lovely home.....
Basically I need to borrow your kids for a few. Thanks!
Sincerely, Bssaz ^U^
Ruby: Wait what?
[Two portals appeared above both Rowan and Summer and suddenly as it appeared it started teleporting them away]
Rowan: “Whoa!” *let out as he was pulled upwards*
Summer: “But I’m not done eating yeeeet!!...” *she cried as she was pulled up as well*
Ruby: “MY BABIES!!” *She cried out in panic*
Yang: “WHAT THE HELL?!” *she raised out of her chair*
After a moment of reflecting of what had just occurred, they take a moment to reevaluate the situation and then exhale in frustration. They knew that the strange being known only as “Bssaz” was a bit of a nutcase so they could only hope that Ruby’s children are safe and sound. Then both sisters perked you when she remembered something said in the letter.
Ruby: “Wait, did he say our little brother?” *she asked confusingly*
Yang: “Yeah and something about me having a kid?”
They both looked to reread and examine cafefully the message on the letter. What they could gather was that they had another sibling and different children from this other being’s universe. However they find there’s a message on the back of the letter for them to read.
P.S. Sorry if I gave you and Yang a bit of a scare. So in the hope of alleviate your worries, the children are safe and in good care in my associate’s, Tanaka, universe. Also yes you two do have a brother there, in fact it’s a Faunus version of Zwei who was born from Summer a few years after Ruby was born. As for the children you will meet, they are Xing Xiao-Long (8-9) and Citrine Rose (4-5). Also when you meet them I would refrain from asking about Xing’s father if you can, it’s a sensitive subject. Well I hope the two of you will enjoy having the two of them over! Also if anyone asks just say they’re distant relatives ;).
Yang: “Great, he couldn’t have said that in the beginning?” *she asked rhetorically*
Ruby: “Waut there’s something else.” *she says as new words appeared on the letter*
P.P.S. In hindsight that probably would’ve been best wouldn’t it. Oh well.
Yang: *rubs her temples* “...Gods are real and the one we got is a dumbass.”
Ruby: “So...when do you think the kids will arri-?”
*Knock! Knock! Knock!*
The sisters look at one another and then towards the door. After having a silent agreement, they both walked towards the door and opened it.
On the other side stood two little children, a boy with grey hair and lilac eyes who was holding the hand of a little girl who had blonde hair and silver eyes. The resemblance was immediately noticeable, save for the boy’s hair color but it did raise some questions in Yang’s mind.
Yang: *internally* (“Oh boy this is gonna be a confusing one.”)
Ruby: “Um, Hi there! You must be our new guests that we’ve been told about. It’s nice to meet you!” *she lowered herself to the ground, going instantly in to Mom mode*
Citrine: *whimper and hides behind Xing’s leg*
Xing: “Wow. You look...almost exactly like Aunt Ruby.” *the young boy stared in genuine amazement*
Ruby: “Xing right? I know this is...more than a little weird for you and Citrine here but I am happy to meet you two. I also hope that we can come to consider ourselves family to you as well.” *she smiles at her nephew from another world, offering her right hand to him*
Xing: *stares at her hand* “...Aren’t we technically family already though? You are still technically my aunt I don’t think going to a new universe changes that.”
Ruby: “Huh... I suppose you’re right. So would you two like to come in, I can make both of you some sandwiches if you’d like.” *she said with her motherly tone*
Citrine: “Um... Can I have mine with strawberries too, please?” *pokes her head out from behind Xing*
Ruby: “Of course sweetie, anything you’d like.”
Citrine looks at her Mommy’s look-alike, then she begins to smile. She looks up at her cousin tugs on his shirt.
Citrine: “Xing, you want sandwiches too?”
Xing: *shrugs* “Why not?”
Ruby: “Great! Please come in.” *offers her hand to the boy*
Xing: “Thanks, auntie.” *takes her hand with his prosthetic arm*
A/N: This here is a special collab between me and @tanakaclinkbeard that’s been in the making for the while. Basically it has our RWBY Kids visit our individual AUs where they’ll meet different versions of their family. I got both Citrine and Xing, so that means Rowan and Summer are over at Tanaka’s AU.
Will they be ok? Probably.
Craziness inbound? Guaranteed.
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ak47stylegirl · 5 years
Sick Days - Chapter 7
Okay, chapter 7 is here!😁 And poor Allie, I am not kind to him...😅 Also felt like I needed to clarify, this fic is a part of my Normal Au. 
I just love the boys being so domestic and caring for each other, there’s something so cute about it! 😄
The Past Chapters can be found here 
Virgil POV
Scott’s eyebrows creased in worry as he straightened up “Allie, what are you doing out of bed?” Scott asked, walking over to their sick little brother. 
Alan was visible breathing out of his mouth, looking so severely congested and stuffed up. His face was really pale with a slight feverish flush on his cheeks, little droplets of sweat sitting on his temples like a crown of sickness. 
Alan’s eyes were red-rimmed and watery, giving him that look of having just cried. They also had that unfocused, feverish ‘I’m not really with it..’ look that could be partly from the medication or the fever that plagued his little brother or maybe both...
But the thing that stood out the most was Alan’s little red button nose... the kid’s nose looked so irritated and sore, glistening with moisture as thick gunky snot flowed out of the kid’s nostrils.
The only thing halting the flow was the fact that Alan was constantly sniffing, each little sniffle crackling with wetness as the flow got worse the longer the kid put off blowing it…
“Come on, what’s the matter, sweetie?” Scott asked gently as he crouched down in front of Alan, stroking a bit of hair out of the kid’s eyes “Why are you out of bed? I thought you were sleeping..”
“I...I he-heaud a car dribe in....” Alan mumbled softly, sounding really congested, his voice having that classic bad cold sound of a blocked nose and sore throat. 
All in all, he sounded just so miserably sick...
Alan rubbed at his nose, swaying on his feet slightly. “I...I wauted to-ugh..” Alan sniffled, his nose starting to twitch and flare with an awful itch “-to see w-whuo..it..i-it w-w-wa-” Alan sneezed wetly towards the ground, nearly kneeling over from the force of the sneeze, unable to cover in time...
Alan shivered, his little arms wrapping around his middle with a whine, a tear slipping down his cheek...
“Oh, sweetie, come here…” Scott sighed softly as he lifted Alan into his arms, holding the kid in a gentle embrace. “That was only Virgil and Gordon getting home, you really should have stayed in bed..” 
Alan sniffled, his head was resting against Scott’s shoulder, his eyelids flickering between open and shut. The kid was looking so tired and sleepy, he was surprised the kid had even woken up in the first place… 
Alan’s tummy gave a sickly grumble, sounding so painful that he had to wince in sympathy as his little brother groaned with a little sicky burp and cough. Oh, Allie...
“Virgie?” Alan's eyes briefly meet his own, the kid’s eyes watery and red, looking so terribly sick. The kid tried to suppress a cough but it only made him cough more...
”Hey kiddo..” he smiled softly at Alan, gently caressing the kid’s cheek, “Scotty told me you weren’t feeling well, so I brought some fresh lemons to make you a nice hot honey lemon drink for your throat...” 
Honey lemon was something their Mother or their Grandma used to make them when they had colds or sore throats, it was really soothing and comforting...
“I can make you one right now if you want?” 
Alan shook his head with a little groan, coughing roughly into his fist. “Tu-tummy feels too...ugh-” Alan's tummy felt like that was the perfect moment to painfully grumble, making Alan whimper and bit his lip, the kid going an even paler colour than before...
Scott frowned deeply, looking down at Alan in concern and so much worry. Just as Scott was going to open his mouth to say something, Alan’s nose decided to have a tantrum as well, leaving the kid a snotty, sneezy mess. 
Alan’s bottom lip was starting to tremble...
“Oh, baby, come on, let me clean you up kiddo…” Scott spoke softly as he sat down on one of the kitchen’s barstools, “Virgil, can you pass me that tissue box?” 
“Sure..” He nodded as he spotted the unopened tissue box Scott was asking about on the kitchen counter near the window. He ripped it open and placed it next to his brother, “Here you go…” 
Scott nodded in thanks as he grabbed a couple of tissues, Alan cradled in his big brother’s lap like a little baby. Alan was often mistaken for a toddler by a lot of people, the kid was just unusually small for his age...
Scott gently wiped Alan’s damp red nostrils with the tissues, cleaning up the thick snot that was oozing from the kid’s nose as gently as he could, trying his hardest not to irritate Alan’s already really sore, really sensitive nose.
But it didn’t matter how gentle Scott was being as anything would irritate Alan’s poor little red nose right now, which started to twitch before an explosion of a sneeze burst out of the kid. Followed by another forceful sneeze and then another sneeze and another...Ten wet, drippy and messy sneezes in total, leaving snot and tears streaming down Alan’s face.
Scott caught most of it in the tissues, which was soaked to high heaven now, but some had escaped, spraying Scott’s arm and the air around them. Little droplets of cold virus left floating in the air…
Alan sniffled, wet and damply as he collapsed back against Scott, an expression of absolute misery on his face. 
He noticed out of the corner of his eye Gordon standing in the hallway entrance, his eyes wide with concern and worry. His school bag hanging off his shoulder as the teen debated what to do...
He sighed softly, “Come on, Gordon, homework..” He nodded to the dining room table as Scott cleaned Alan up, “tell me what you have to do, and I’ll see if I can help..” 
Gordon nodded, bringing his bag over to the dining room table, not even fighting him on it like he usually would...Gordon’s still slightly wide eyes lingered on Alan, who had started crying in Scott’s arms. 
The poor kid could only handle so much...
“Is he going to be okay?” Gordon asked him quietly as Scott bundled Alan up in his arms, carrying the sick seven-year-old to his bedroom. “I don’t think I have seen Alan that sick in...in forever..” 
He sighed softly, squeezing the thirteen-year-old shoulder. “He’s just not very well at the moment, Gordy..” He took a seat at the dining room table next to his little brother, “now come on, what homework do you have?” 
Gordon’s eyes lingered on the hallway for a second before looking at him, “The worst in the world...” Gordon said as he dropped his head against the table with a dramatic sigh. 
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