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wormwhisker · 7 months ago
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Misti watir is the cat featured today!
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callmecanceriangirl · 1 year ago
Sabtu, 3 Juni 2023
Buat hidup gue ini sejarah penting, karena gue si paling diem diem aja kalo dikeluarga akhirnya mulai ada pergerakkan memperkenalkan partner kekeluarga. Walaupun belum ke keluarga inti dan keluarga besar, tp ini big movement banget. Hari itu gue ngajak Mas buat kenalan sama Tanteku, salah satu orang paling penting dalam hidup aku setelah Mama.
Ya dibilang ngelangkahin Mama antara iya dan engga sih. Pada dasarnya Mama juga udah tau tentang Mas karena udah sering gue ceritain, tapi Mama tuh pernah bilang kalau dia mau dikenalin kalau gue udah dikenalin ke keluarganya Mas. Jadi ya gue izin ke nyokap, boleh ga kalo ajak Mas ke Tante dulu, dan di iyain.
Sebelumnya gue sama Mas tuh lagi apa ya, diem dieman gitu deh, berantem sih engga cuma ya udah ga chat aja. Terus di hari Jumat tiba tiba dia random ngechat
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Dengan senang hati plus degdegan dong, karena wow bukan gue yang ngajak tapi dia yang ngajak. Akhirnya singkat cerita gue janjian. Walaupun awalnya janjian jam 8 jalan, eh terus dia tiba tiba bilang mau kerja dulu bikin modul jadi berangkat abis dzuhur aja. Itupun abis dzuhur gue udah standby di Stasiun Manggarai dan dia masih belum kelar urusannya
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Bete sih ada ya, apalagi gue anaknya gasuka banget nunggu. Ditambah masih bete aja sama dia beberapa hari belakang ini. Pas ketemu di stasiun ya, jalan biasa tapi agak canggung gitu, karena gue tuh banyak pikiran ini itu sepanjang jalan, takut dia ga nyaman lah, takut Tante dan Om gue ga nyaman lah, atau takut gue yang aneh lah. Sampai akhirnya tibalah kami di apart Tante, dan langsung dibawa Tante main ke pik. Wah makin watir nih gue takut takut dia ga nyaman. Sudah jelas awalnya canggung banget, tapi sedikit-sedikit Tanteku buka obrolan, Om juga ikut nimpalin bercandaan, sepupu aku mau nanya nanya ke dia dan ngajakin dia terus, bahkan sepupu kecil gue kayanya suka banget sama dia jadi apa apa Abang dulu kakak Rika nanti aja katanya.
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Ga pake janjian dan ga sadar ternyata kita pake baju warna hitam
Abis dari Pik kita makan malem, pas makan itu gue liat dia makin nyaman ngobrol sama Om dan Tante. Pacar sepupu gue pun ngajakin bercanda mulu sampe ada momen kita tuh ketawa pecah ga berenti berenti. Mas pun ke sepupu kecil gue nunjukkin afeksi nya banget. Sampe kata Tanteku, si Bimo nurut banget deh sama Drs. Balik ke apart Tante udah lumayan malem ya jam set 10an. Kereta terakhir dari st rawa buaya tuh sekitar set 11. Akhirnya ya gue memaksa Tante untuk ngasih izin pulang (fyi, gue tuh susah banget dapet izin pulang kalo udah disana, bisa dipaksa paksa nginep). Si mas juga dipaksa nginep tapi gamau ya gue juga maunya pulang bareng mau ngobrol kan sama Mas, karena merasa masih ada urusan yang harus kita selesaikan dan diskusikan. Skip part rempongnya, akhirnya pulang bareng pacarnya sepupuku dianter sampe st duri.
Kereta kosong banget, dan baru duduk mulai deh buka obrolan. Dimulai dari nanya gimana kesan kamu ketemu keluarga Tante aku sampe berdiskusi tentang hubungan ini. Gue secara terbuka menyampaikan apa yang masih ngeganjel dan dia mendengarkan banget. Gue selalu suka ngobrol dan diskusi sama dia, karena berasa banget kita tuh udah dewasa udah ga ngegedein ego masing-masing. Sampe ada satu pembahasan yang sejujurnya hampir bikin nangis, gue bilang "Mas, kalau emang kita ga mau berusaha menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan emosi dalam hubungan ini, gue udah ikhlas gausah nikahin gue gausah sama gue" terus respon dia "engga mau ga sama lo kong" terus dia minta maaf, gapake air mata sih tapi kok nyessss banget ya. Nyampe di st Manggarai buat gue transit dan dia pulang karna parkir di Manggarai, tapi kita masih duduk dan ngobrol. Selama di Manggarai ngobrolnya udah mulai santai sih.
Gila gue cinta banget sama ini orang.
Dah ya kita skip lagi part part itu, sampe akhirnya gue pulang lanjut naik kereta ke Bogor. Dan dia juga balik. Jam 12 masih dikereta, dan perkiraan sampe rumah sekitar jam 1 gila kan.
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Hari yang panjang, menyenangkan sekaligus melelahkan tapi sangat berkesan. Semoga kedepannya semakin banyak hal menyenangkan yang gue dan Mas laluin. Aamiin
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lebensmoode · 1 year ago
Love is Blind
Ini akan sedikit spoiler yak. Dari awal nonton acara dating ini, aing udah punya satu couple favorit. Cewek yang manis, imut, tapi dewasa, plus cowok yang bertampang "badung" tapi aslinya ramah, loving, dan heartwarming banget. Seiring berjalannya waktu, mereka satu-satunya couple yang hampir gak merasa waswas soal hubungan mereka dan masa depan. They truly enjoyed each other company, while pasangan lain sibuk sama kecemasan mereka. Damai banget pokoknya ngeliat pasangan ini, less conflict.
So pria dari pasangan ini tu berambut pirang, dan itu belum lazim mereun ya di jepang. Si cewe agak kaget awalnya pas ngeliat rambut cowo ini, but since he is a hairdresser, si cewe bisa maklum dan gak mengurangi rasa sukanya sama si cowo. But, lain soal dengan orang tuanya si cewe. The woman said that her father was strict and quite conservative. Jadi punya kekhawatiran tuh soal rambutnya si cowo yg pirang, yg bisa jadi akan dicap buruk sama ayah si cewe. On the other hand, si cowo kekeuh gamau ngerubah warna rambutnya jadi hitam. He wanted to show that "this is me" gitu. He wanted to be apa adanya di depan camer nya.
Trus si cowo menambahi keyakinannya itu dengan bilang "I'm more than just my hair color."
Wow 👏🏻👏🏻Di situ gw merasa mengerti and wishing the girl to accept the way he values himself. Dan ternyata si cewe bisa memahami itu, cuma masih watir tentang pandangan orang tuanya aja.
Finally, the day to meet the girl's family came. Trus gw kaget dong. THE BOY COLORED HIS HAIR BLACK OEMJI !!! Trus pas diwawancara, beliau bilang alasannya. "Saya mau nunjukkin kalau saya serius." AAAAAAAKKKK MGNGSS 😭😭😭
Apa ya, even changing your hair color can consider a struggle loh. Padahal harusnya wajar seorang hair dresser punya gaya rambut yg beda dari khalayak ramai. But the boy.... THE MAN set aside his prinsip, his ego, just because he wanted the family meeting to go smooth. Because it could make his girl stop worrying. Because he wanted to keep this girl beside, like no matter what.
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At the meeting, he succeeded. The girl's father had good impression on him. He succeeded showing his sincerity and true self, even tho his hair color was black 🥲
Trus mereka akhirnya meniqa and 3 months after the marriage, si cowo balik ngecat rambutnya pirang lagi DAN RAMBUT CEWE NYA JUGA IKUTAN PIRANG OMO OMO OMO I CAANN'T 🙈🙈 Sweet banget mereka pokoknya dari awal sampe akhir huhu couple goals gak tuh yg begitu tuuuh
Sooo yaaaa aing udah menamatkan serial dating show jepang ini gengs. For me yang akan masuk kepala tiga akhir tahun nanti, yg juga masih having no clue about keyakinan untuk menikah (karena selama ini gw mikirnya pengen nikah itu karena pengen escape from home, gak lebih), yg masih labil soal kepribadian diri sendiri, this show is such a blessing. Lyke, I feel lucky to find this show when I was scrolling on netflix, searching what movie to watch. Banyak pelajaran soal mengenal diri sendiri, memantapkan visi hidup ke depan, dan komunikasi dengan orang lain. I can surely say that this is not all about love. Literally much more than that. 9/10 ✨
N.B: Maybe later I will post some of the thoughts resulted from watching this show, and what value I think has changed my perspective.
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vanilachocolate · 1 year ago
“Saya akan berusaha memastikan mulai hari ini sampai tanggal 8 berjalan lancar. Kita lihat jangka pendek dulu...”
Abis kencan terus lanjut kencan sama dokter sendiri, yang udah terpisah hampir 3 minggu. wkwk. Iya, gara-gara di rujuk ke rumah sakit lain, biar dapet obat yang lebih lagi. Soalnya, obat yg di rs 2 tahun terakhir ini ya udah mentok. Sayang katanya kalau ngga bisa selesai padahal sidang udah di depan mata. 
Tentu pas malemnya dibilang buat dipindah rs tuh sedih banget. Sampe nangis kejer malah. Entah karena apa aja. Tapi ya, yang aku tau kalau aku takut aja. Pindah rs, ganti dokter, ganti obat, itu berarti bakalan kenalan lagi sama obat baru. Padahal sidang udah didepan mata. Udah mengkhawatirkan banyak hal. Karena emang selama ini, selama observasi obat yang udah gtw berapa kali ganti, kenalannya ngga pernah gampang. Ada aja. Selain itu, mungkin sedih juga karena ganti dokter itu berarti harus ngulang menjelaskan lagi. Saking ngga stabilnya dan nangis ngga mau berhenti, sampai izin minta peluk perawat waktu itu. 
Besokannya langsung ke rs baru. Karena walaupun abis nangis nonstop, dari keluar ruangan, sampe di pendaftaran buat ngurus rujukan sampe di parkiran, nangisnya ngga mau berhenti. Tapi, karena aku keren hehehe, masih sempet mampir ke rs baru buat tanya-tanya kalau mau rawat jalan disana tuh gimana. Walau yaa, bawa motornya setengah-setengah ajeg dan ngga. 
Pas ketemu dokter baru, dapetnya yang enakan. Bahkan bisa ngobrol dengan lancar. Sebenernya, sama dokter biasanya ngga usah cerita semua, nanti cape. Walaupun awalnya aku cuma cerita jangka pendek, tapi ya akhirnya cerita terus sampe kebelakang. Tentu dapet obat baru. 2 biji. Pagi, malem. 
2 minggu pertama yang lagi fase depresi tapi tetep maksain diri buat pergi ke kampus minimal. Karena kalau ngga saya pasti mikir mo mati mulu. Belum lagi, efeknya tuh bikin sakit kepala. Karena masih bisa ditoleransi yaa, masih bisa ngapa-ngapain. Pernah karena sakit ya, cuma bisa senderan di kursi, atau kalau masih di kos ya, tidur aja. 
2 minggu abis kontrol pertama di rs yang baru, akhirnya dapet dokter lain lagi. Emang udah dibilangin di rs yang sekarang bakalan dapet dokter residen, dan dokterku bakalan langsung ngobrol sama mereka terkait kondisi aku. Tapi dokter yang baru nih ngga enak. Bete aku juga sepanjang kontrol tuh. Terus ditanya lagi yg udah-udah. Yaa, aku maklum sih, tapi ya disatu sisi, aku males juga kalau harus sama dokter baru terus. Tapi, masalah sakit kepalaku tuh dikasih obat baru, Jadi obatku nambah lagi. 
Ketidaknyamanan itu tuh ya aku sampein ke dokter aku. Karena emang dikasih nomer beliau pas dirujuk ke rs lain. Yaudah, akhirnya beliau nyaranin ketemu beliau lagi tapi harus pake umum. ngga bisa bpjs. Yaa, setelah mengobservasi diri sendiri dengan obat baru, akhirnya mutusin ketemu beliau aja. H-6 sidang. Karena ya, waktunya udah sempit. Tapi, aku ngga bisa kalau teler tiap hari. Atau bawa motor aja tuh ngga bisa sadar sepenuhnya karena agak agak ngantuk yang ngga bisa tidur itu lho. 
Ngeri-ngeri sedep sih, ketemu poli psikiatri pake umum ehehe. mengingat pertama kali sampe abis 500 ribu, jadi watir juga. Tapi ya, aku mikir demi sidang (semoga) baik-baik aja. Akhirnya pas ketemu beliau, beliau jelasin kalau ngga perlu semua obatnya diminum. Harusnya yg “ini aja.” Obat baru incerannya beliau yang emang “pas” buat aku. 
Terus biar istirahatnya bener jadi dibekelin obat racik buat seminggu. Yaa, obat yang kalau dibutuhin aja diminumnya. Mayan sih beneran bisa istirahat dengan benar. Dan bangun tidurnya ngga kaya zombi apalagi sampe kesiangan terus. Dan paling penting, aku tuh sadar bawa motornya juga. Tapi ya itu, harus diusahain banget bisa tidur 7-8 jam. Bahkan minum obat yg baru disuruh lebih cepet dari biasanya. 
Pulang dari rs malem itu tuh agak sedih juga sih sebenernya. Tapi ya, mau gimana lagi. Besok udah senin. Mulai hari ini mulai berasa cemasnya mikirin sidang. Kalau ada yg ngga nyaman dikit di badan jadi khawatir juga. Yaa, mengingat mau semhas malah gastritis :’)
Wish me healthy and luck <3
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just-miru · 2 years ago
also also watir melom,,,,,,,,,, 🍉 limon,,,,,,,,,, 🍋 pinabble,,,,,,,,,, 🍍mangi,,,,,,,,,, 🥭 cocknut,,,,,,,,,, 🥥
strawbebbie………. 🍓 blubberrie…….. 🫐 oraneg……… 🍊 peeache…….. 🍑
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best-lirik-lagu · 3 months ago
Lirik Lagu Di Sawani - Leony
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oddevan · 3 months ago
Anyone know if I can use Watir or Selenium to have my command line tool use Safari to generate a PDF? (Chrome might be ok, but I need to check if it avoids splitting paragraphs like Safari does.)
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helptheheart · 3 months ago
Hey-yoo. *awkward laugh*. Ik I havent posted in a while, not that anyone really cares. I have a little to talk about though. Lets start with what happened on sunday. So I was working sunday. I work in a pub, and we sell in house-made sausage rolls on weekdays; since I started working weekdays, I've started having to sell the sausage rolls. So I completely blanked and forgot what day it was when someone asked for a sausage roll, and we don't do them on sundays. I said 'yeah of course' put it through and the ticket came down from the kitchen because they were asking about it. I owned up, and said it was my mistake I don't know where my head's at right now and Ill go let them know that I fucked up and that they have two options to fix it. They could ether have the item removed from the order and given a full refund, or have the item replaced free of charge. they ordered another soctch egg. so that was sorted.
There was this old lady that ordered a soctch egg from me, I asked her where she was sitting she said she was sitting outside, I told her that was grand and Id bring it out to her when it was ready. A few minutes later she's back at the bar asking about it, someone asked if I served her I said yes, they asked if she ordered an egg I said yes, they asked if she paid for it I said yes. the lady ordered an egg with me and she paid for it. But the watires just couldn't let it go, she kept checking with me that she did actually pay and that she did order with me, because the old lady was confused and started saying that she ordered with the waitress instead of with me, the only bar-maid. But that stressed everyone out, so I went sort of non verbal, and because everyone was stressed every little thing was a piss take, and it was my fault. so obviously by default they should all be pissed at me. I don't take it very well. I don't take the stress of other people being upset with me very well, especially not when I consider these people my friends. So obviously I started crying. Now, I don't really like to let my self cry in public. or really at all, there's always this little voice in the back of my head, telling me that I'm embarrassing myself,.and that crying sint going to help when I fuck up. so I don't like to cry often. and when I do feel like I am going to cry, I hold it in the best I can. Im kinda proud to say that when I am able to hold it in my eyes get missty at best a few times and then I tell myself to get over it cause I'm being dramatic. This wasn't one of those times. One of the other bar people,Romeo. if you remember him. He sorta tried to comfort me, and explain that he wasn't pissed at me, and that it wasn't my fault. that we all fuck up, and I'm still in training so its expected of me to fuck up like this sometimes. And really, he thinks its the other persons fault (the other guy on the bar) he asked him to swap with me when it got buissy so I wouldn't get too stressed out and so they could get the rush done with, but he was too buissy playing pokimon go, in the bar back area to come do his job. which led to me fucking up. Romeo, sent me out for a brake so I could go calm down. I think I let my self cry for 20 minutes, before I decided that was being dramatic.
and that was the sunday stress.
But my new problem. it might of been either suaturday or sunday night. I think It was Saturday night.
I told my brother about H. and how he and I... messed around.I told him everything, within reason. because, I wanted to give that ginger bell end his shirt back, and we all know that H isn't going to answer me if I text him. and when I gave the shirt to my brother and said. 'give this back to H' he asked why. I said because it was his, and obviously the flood gates of questions opened up. "why do you have his shirt?" "why cant you give it back yourself?" "when did you get his shirt?" and I actually think that was all the question. I expalend all. I told him that H gave it to me around the start of last moth when I went round his, that he told me to keep it, (which idk to me sounds like bf behaviour but apparently he give out his shirts like an std to all the girls) I told him I couldn't give it back because H just isn't talking to me anymore. because I blocked him, I stuck to my story of it being an accident and I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL. I also told him how, H took my innocence. I mean yeah sure I gave it to him, but talking to people bout it makes me think that I did it so he would stop bringing it up. My brother knows about my asexuality, infact I think him and my sister both knew about it before I did. and he agreed and said H could of picked a better person to try and get with in that way, because, It either I have a very specific type because Im not into people that way, or I just truly am asexaul and its just never going to happen like that in my head. My brother told his girlfriend lets call her flower. Flower is mad at H. which I think if pretty fun and cute of her to be mad at him. He also told his best friend, who is the whole reason I even met H in the fist place. My brother, lets call him River, said that that the whole time he was telling his friend, he was in mouth opened shock. and said the same thing river did when I told him "Your telling me that 'sadgirl' (not gonna put my real name) lost her virginity?" I mean I think its pretty funny at this point, its been a whole month since I did it, and Ive talking about it a lot with my friends, and on here that I'm comfortable with the idea and the fact that I did. But I'm not gonna lie. I was super nervous at first to tell river, cause I thought he was gonna be mad. He wasn't, and he said he just thought it would be someone different, someone better for me than H. I agreed obviously, but I cant just ignore that fact that Im in to gingers.
So me and river were talking last night, and he said he cant stop thinking about what he's gonna say to H when he gives the shirt back, and he cant wait to see the look on his face when he does. I don't think its gonna be anything to write home about but I would love to see the look on his face too, just to know if I actually meant anything to him. Which lets be honest I really didn't did I? But both my brother and Roemo think the real reason H isn't chatting to me, isn't because I blocked him (accident or not) its because he's embarrassed. which I think is funny, so I'm also choosing to think he's embarrassed. Let me tell you the soul reason I think he's embarrassed. One I did cum. Two, I was also kinda just existing there, like I said in the post where I talked about it, it just felt like filling a hole, so I wasn't very vocal about it, it also didn't last very long. So I guess if I was a guy I would be embarrassed too. I was pissed off after we did it for 2 reasons, one I lost my headphones. (I found them later in my bag) 2 as mentioned I did get to finish. so I kinda just sat there with a sour look on my face. He asked me twice if I was okay after, at that point in time I was more miffed about the fact that he got me all worked up, for NOTHING. But I couldn't just like tell him that right? I couldn't just look him In the eyes and go. "I didn't cum, so I'm a little disappointed" rIGHT. so I just said I was upset that I lost my headphones. (which I found what like three days later in my bag under my portable charger T-T)
BUT NO ANYWAY, BACK TO WHY I WANTED TO WRITE. I JUST WOKR UP IT IS 2:38 PM. I HAD A DREAM ABOUT HIM. it was nothing spicy, I've never actually had a spicy dream about anyone I know. But the dream basically what it was, I went to his house, but before I could like knock on the door, he opened the door, cos he ordered a pizza, he took the pizza's in then stood at the door looking at me. instead of talking like normal people, we texted. I don't remember a lot about what was said but I do remember, he put his hand on my cheek, and gently rubbed his thumb over my cheek. I REMEMBER TEXTING "fuck is that about. you wanna ignore me and then you touch me like that, like you still wanna chat to me,"
and in the dream, he apologised to me. which he never actually has done. Im not sure, if that what I subcontously want. If I want him back in my life or if I just want a real emotional intelligent apology from him. For all the emotional stress he put me though, for the presser he said he wasn't putting on me to have sex, but I knew it was the only thing that was gonna keep him around me, and then he just did chat to me. and this was before I blocked him. Maybe I do just want an apology, from him, telling me that he's actually sorry, for how he made me feel. He never once actually tried to understand how I feel, it was only ever about how he felt. How he wanted to have sex, while I as an asexual person didn't really care about it. I did it to shut him up and because I was curious. He kept hyping it up so I wanted to see if his game was as big as his talk. It wasn't. I could of done a better job myself in 5 minutes. I guess, all I want is a simple sorry. But its not something Im ever going to get. Not from him, or any other ass whole. I just want a sorry, from him. Sorry for making you feel somewhat important to someone for the first time, and then ignoring you. But that's all I'm gonna write rn bc I might have a brake down and istg this boy has gotten me in my feels too much.
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444names · 6 months ago
Names generated from the pinned post of this blog and common snake names, excluding the letter sequence "snake"
Abowsboa Accatentas Accushipese Achattorks Acking Adifin Againg Agaraing Agenes Allosera Almviperns Alsnang Ambileadd Ametive Anake Andad Annost Annottie Anythark Araine Arfboa Artely Asculack Ascusin Ascusitting Asellot Ashem Asing Asondviper Assaycat Atchwhi Atcome Ateda Ateds Atelf Ately Athey Attleast Avida Aviper...
Bactrame Bamootto Beateyed Bersiondere Bility Bilksnack Billo Black Blacle Blacte Blangbraint Blasibillit Blike Bling Blistor Blity Blonmon Blorene Blownwatop Blunt Boaccang Boackink Boarionake Boarte Bowboover Bowsboa Bradder Bradif Bralowed Bratelf Brognot Brosed Brots Browed Buser Bustigen Cango Carrean Cassanter Castic Cated Catenjoy Cater Cateyed Caties Catorns Chands Chaver Chene Chicon Chictradder Chingcobra Chnost Chnot Cobract Cobracted Cobraineds Cobrall Cobrand Cobrat's Cobrate Cobrathipe Cobrats Cobratsnam Cobrof Cobroner Cobroter Cobrots Cobround Cobrow Comes Comly Commolly Comptemake Comslachenu Conake Consiond Coreheall Cothorm Coutuff Crout Crowser Dasay Datime Deanythicit Despviper Dewsboa Dewsbout Doingnosink Doink Dommolf Doner Donsinsing Donumbiner Donunbefoll Droundviper Drown Dwariallike Dwaycas Eaddeart Eadder Earts Enown Entents Evera Exple Expletenjoy Explus Feetie Femake Femearier Ficon Filetera Filit Fingnose Foldn't Foleasenake Follost Fords Forest Forionacks Forkov Forks Forre Forsegme Freespeople Freseter Frofilds Fromesnan Frown Frowsbox Fucke Genake Genterce Gentnosener Gents Get's Goint Goppitviper Gosept Goseve Gosing Gradder Grastres Gratemba Gratoot Greals Greasombill Greed Grone Grownwater Hadde Hatic Hatingviper Headdear Hearoppet Henewsbow Heyely Hicomprowe Hinpurcome Hognot Hogrestut Honacting Honake Honer Hoper Hostork Howboa Howed Icany Ichatch Icusin Idedviper Idlyreent Ifilet Ifing Inewsent Ingenta Istcobra Itvipeonake Jushmask Jusing Jusird Keens Kinds Kinput Leatch Leattormam Leting Lishviper Listain Logno Logratai Loned Lownwards Maing Mainpurs Mamberse Mat's Matilter Matter Meged Menew Miling Milyin Moccaus Molder Mollostop Moned Moner Mound Moundviper Muder Mudsnal Nakeed Nakeedsnal Naken Nigersnam Ninight Nosinge Numba Nunce Nuncon Ollike Onsion Ourcorns Owbown Oweribiling Parper Patedadded Pater Pates Pecatincif Perper Pethan Piester Piper Pithemilet Pition Planake Poet's Poettly Ponedashead Ponmonack Poper Posecon Posser Posssay Postint Preept Premiling Profierns Proweed Prowight Prowse Pyther Pythi Queebrowcon Queetion Rackmater Racon Raing Ramenta Rasculer Rateds Rater Rather Rattiont Rattly Rattoopera Reant Reartded Reebrattin Rentesname Ressysnam Restasid Ribbefor Ribinbe Rionake Rubbe Rubbecom Rubber Rubberted Rudad Rulartder Rulet's Rulit's Ruliting Sagenjoy Sagenmamole Sameopheyed Samon Sanake Sandburead Seative Seept Segme Selyrest Separter Setiverts Sibileself Sidera Sintask Smoop Somes Sommon Somple Sompreed Sompt Sondboa Sonedsnamba Sormoccaus Souggeds Sounciall Sount Sounter Sounterher Sountnoutor Sourch Sourrough Sours Spesely Sping Spviper Stcher Storseve Sugge Suggenumba Sugger Sught Sundation't Sweelly Terher Thaing Thang Thattlyres Thaven Thecit's Thelf Thent Thickmates Thiliong Thindoinber Thogreas Thong Thsnang Tormake Tratersine Tredviper Treherboa Trigh Trivat Trldesesep Twindat Twing Twining Twitire Upletion Varrow Vipsnamba Wandaddes Warnst Warrop Warry Wataing Water Wathogre Wathong Wathop Wathustchon Watime Watireant Waycant Weelyre Whaver Whicomes Whinguagop Whinput Whint Whiper Whips Whistive Whit's Wilionunt Wilis Wincobrat Woles Woreenu Worry Worte You'reed You'reen Yough Youll Youllon Younbefork Yound Youplesnam Youre Yourry Yoursion Youts Zeboa Zebrown
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peeppom · 8 months ago
Top 10 Web Automation Tools for 2024: Your Path to Learning Automation
In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, automation plays a pivotal role in streamlining processes and improving efficiency across various industries. For aspiring professionals looking to delve into the realm of automation, mastering the right tools is crucial. Here, we present the top 10 web automation tools for 2024, each offering unique features and capabilities to aid in your automation journey.
Selenium: A household name in the world of automation, Selenium is widely used for web application testing. Its versatility, support for multiple programming languages, and extensive community make it an excellent choice for beginners and experts alike. learn selenium from online
Playwright: Developed by Microsoft, Playwright is gaining traction for its robust automation capabilities across different browsers. With support for multiple programming languages and a user-friendly API, Playwright simplifies the process of automating web interactions.earn Playwrightfrom online
Puppeteer: Built by Google, Puppeteer is a Node.js library that provides a high-level API for controlling headless Chrome. It excels in tasks such as web scraping, automated testing, and generating screenshots of web pages.
TestComplete: Offering a comprehensive set of features for automated testing, TestComplete supports both web and desktop applications. Its intuitive user interface and extensive support for scripting languages make it a popular choice among automation professionals.
Katalon Studio: Ideal for both beginners and experienced testers, Katalon Studio provides a powerful yet user-friendly platform for automated testing. With built-in keywords and scripting capabilities, it simplifies the creation and execution of automated test cases.
Cypress: Known for its fast and reliable testing capabilities, Cypress is a JavaScript-based testing framework designed for modern web applications. Its real-time testing and automatic waits make it an excellent choice for continuous integration and delivery pipelines.
Appium: If mobile automation is on your radar, Appium is the go-to tool. It enables automated testing of native, hybrid, and mobile web applications across different platforms, including iOS and Android.
Ranorex: Offering a comprehensive set of tools for desktop, web, and mobile application testing, Ranorex simplifies test automation with its intuitive interface and robust scripting capabilities.
Watir: Short for Web Application Testing in Ruby, Watir is a Ruby-based testing framework that provides a simple and flexible way to automate web interactions. It offers cross-browser testing capabilities and integrates seamlessly with other Ruby gems.
Robot Framework: Known for its simplicity and extensibility, Robot Framework is a keyword-driven testing framework that supports both web and desktop automation. Its plain-text syntax and modular architecture make it easy to learn and use for automation projects of any scale.
Learning any of these top web automation tools can significantly enhance your skill set and career prospects in the field of automation. Whether you're a beginner looking to get started or an experienced professional seeking to expand your toolkit, mastering these tools will undoubtedly open doors to new opportunities and challenges in the dynamic world of automation.
So, why wait? Choose your tool, dive into the world of automation, and embark on a rewarding journey of learning and growth.
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foxiebites · 10 months ago
The Past
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"I saw my earlier selves as different people, acquaintances I had outgrown. I wondered how I could ever have been some of them." - Roger Zelazny, The Courts of Chaos
Bandung, 27 Januari 2003
Tangis pecah di dalam ruangan serba putih itu, tepat ketika jarum pendek menunjukkan pukul 7 malam. Manusia baru telah lahir ke dunia, seorang bayi laki-laki yang kemudian diberi nama Arkan Dzimar Giandra.
Namanya Arkan.
Diambil dari bahasa Arab, yang berarti anak laki-laki kuat. Dzimar, kehormatan diri. Dan Giandra, nama yang diambil dari nama sang Ayah; bisa juga berarti seorang yang pintar dan punya kehidupan makmur. Nama yang didapat dari orang-orang tercintanya; sang ayah dan sang kakek.
Arkan tumbuh menjadi pribadi yang ceria, bibirnya mudah melempar senyum kepada siapapun yang melihat. Kehadirannya di bumi memang dimaksudkan untuk membawa tawa bagi sekelilingnya. Arkan yang cerewet. Arkan yang aktif. Arkan yang menggemaskan. Dan Arkan yang...berambut keriting. Waktu itu.
Tumbuh kembangnya yang juga turut disaksikan sang nenek dan kakek karena tinggal dalam satu atap yang sama, neneknya, yang kerap disapa Enin, punya satu panggilan kesayangan untuknya; Aling atau Anak Galing (bahasa Sunda; keriting). Namun memang dasar bocah, lidahnya yang cadel itu tidak bisa melafalkan huruf L dengan sempurna.
"Namanya siapa, kasep?"
"Itu ditanya Ateu, namanya siapa?"
"Awing ateeeu."
"Namanya Arkan tapi dipanggilnya Awing sama neneknya."
Masa kecil Arkan dihabiskan di Kota Kembang bersama Ayah, Bunda, Enin dan Abah. Ketiadaan saudara membuat Arkan kecil sering menghabiskan waktu bermain dengan Abah, di lapangan, di halaman rumah, di ruang TV. Abah seolah tidak pernah kehabisan akal untuk membuat cucunya yang satu ini bahagia.
Pribadi cerianya terus bertahan, hingga satu kejadian pahit yang sebetulnya ingin dikubur seumur hidup menghancurkannya dari dalam.
Kelas 2 SMP, adalah kali pertama Arkan turut serta menunggu di dalam gedung pengadilan untuk putusan sidang cerai kedua orangtuanya. Tidak pernah sekalipun terbersit dalam kepala si Anak Galing itu untuk mempunyai orangtua yang tidak utuh, namun di sinilah dia, memegang erat tangan Enin yang wajahnya tanpa ekspresi dan bertanya-tanya apa yang akan terjadi pada hidupnya setelah neraka ini usai.
Hidupnya hancur, tentu. Tidak ada lagi Bunda yang menyuruhnya memotong bawang, tidak ada lagi Bunda yang berteriak tiap pagi, "AWING, BANGUN! SHOLAT SUBUH!", tidak ada lagi Bunda yang memarahi ketika dia berlama-lama di kamar mandi. Di bawah atap rumah asri itu tinggal tersisa Ayah, Enin, Abah, dan Arkan sendiri.
Hidupnya berubah getir. Arkan Si Tukang Ketawa di sekolah, menjadi Arkan Si Pemberontak. Hingga lambat laun, roda hidupnya perlahan kembali naik. Terimakasih pada Abah yang menceramahinya 2 jam berturut-turut tanpa henti, dimulai dengan pertanyaan, "ai aa teh arek nepi iraha kieu wae, a? Teu watir ka Ayah, Abah sama Enin, gitu? (Aa tuh mau kayak gini sampai kapan, a? Gak kasihan sama Ayah, Abah, sama Enin, gitu?)"
Pertahanan dirinya hancur, Arkan menangis hingga terlelap di pelukan Abah. Detik itu juga, dirinya bertekad untuk mengembalikan puing-puing yang tersisa; membuka lembaran baru dan kembali jadi Arkan Si Tukang Ketawa.
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phonegap · 1 year ago
Selenium: Implicit vs Explicit Waits
In today's web development landscape, AJAX techniques dominate, leading to the asynchronous loading of web elements at different intervals. This asynchronous behavior often poses a challenge when it comes to locating and interacting with elements. Failure to locate a dynamic element in the Document Object Model (DOM) can result in the dreaded "ElementNotVisibleException" exception. Selenium WebDriver comes to the rescue with its built-in wait mechanisms, providing a solution to this issue. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the two types of waits offered by Selenium WebDriver: Implicit Waits and Explicit Waits.
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Understanding Implicit Waits: Patience in Element Discovery
Implicit waits in Selenium WebDriver are borrowed from the Watir framework and serve as a mechanism to instruct the WebDriver to wait for a specified duration while attempting to locate an element. Implicit waits are primarily used when elements are not immediately available in the DOM. Once set, the implicit wait duration persists for the entire lifespan of the WebDriver object, unless altered again. This valuable feature allows Selenium to patiently wait for an element to appear on the page before throwing an exception.
Implicit Waits Behavior: A Closer Look
Let's explore various scenarios to understand how implicit waits behave:
When No Default Implicit Wait is Defined for a Non-Existing Element: In this scenario, where no default implicit wait is defined for finding a non-existing element, the WebDriver immediately reports the absence of the element.
When a Default Implicit Wait is Defined for a Non-Existing Element: If a default implicit wait is set, the WebDriver patiently waits for the specified duration before raising an exception if the element is not found.
Altering Implicit Wait for a Non-Existing Element: The implicit wait duration can be modified at any time during the WebDriver's execution. It waits according to the new duration when searching for non-existing elements.
Altering Implicit Wait for an Existing Element: Interestingly, even if the implicit wait duration is altered, the WebDriver swiftly locates an existing element, resulting in no wait time. 
Understanding Explicit Waits Precision Timing for Element Interaction:
Explicit waits are a powerful feature that allows developers to specify conditions that must be met before proceeding with code execution. Unlike implicit waits, explicit waits are defined for specific elements or actions, providing fine-grained control over element interactions. WebDriverWait, in combination with ExpectedConditions, is the core of explicit waits in Selenium WebDriver.
Common Explicit Wait Conditions
Selenium WebDriver offers various built-in explicit wait conditions, making it easier to handle different scenarios, such as waiting for elements to become clickable, visible, or to meet specific test conditions.
Avoiding the Mixing of Implicit and Explicit Waits
One critical aspect of working with waits in Selenium is avoiding the simultaneous use of both implicit and explicit waits on the same WebDriver instance. Mixing these two types of waits can lead to undefined behavior, making predicting the exact waiting times challenging. In scenarios where explicit waits are required, it's recommended to refrain from using implicit waits to ensure predictable behavior.
Selenium WebDriver provides two essential tools for handling asynchronous web elements: Implicit Waits and Explicit Waits. Understanding when and how to use each type of wait is crucial for efficient element handling in your automated tests. By mastering these wait mechanisms, you can ensure your WebDriver scripts smoothly interact with dynamic web pages, enhancing the reliability and robustness of your automated tests.
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vanilachocolate · 1 year ago
Kemarin sempet khawatir karena yaaa, ngelamar kerja kebanyakan dari jobstreet. sisanya kirim email karena tau dari linkedin. Watir aja kenapa belum ada yang tembus sama sekali. Apa yang salah dll. Terus sempet kaya yang "yaudah sih, dulu toh kamu dapet kerjaan pertama bahkan pas kamu ngga ngelamar, ntar kalau rezekinya ya ngga kemana walau daftarnya lewat mana aja."
Tapi yaa tetep ya, kepikiran mah ada.
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heart-ache-club · 1 year ago
Hari ini aku nangis.
Karena ternyata mama tau kalo aku ini baik banget sama orang lain😭
Aku kira mama gatau aku gimana sama orang lain.
Teuing sih emang dari semenjak nyampe ke Smd bawaannya pengen mewek dan ngerasa gak ada yg ngertiin pisan diri urang😂 watir.
Fuck y’all, i love myself!!!!
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nadaelmalkey · 2 years ago
The Palace of the Prince Mohammad Ali
i knew that the prince grew up with a passion for science, so he attended high school in Abdeen and then traveled to Europe to obtain a higher degree at Hyksos High School in Switzerland, followed by Terzianum School in Austria. At his father’s request, he focused his studies on military sciences. He returned to Egypt after his father’s death in 1892. He was known throughout his life as a wise man who loved literature, the arts and sciences and had a thirst for knowledge. This certainly explains how he managed to build such a magnificent palace
if you are planning to stay in Cairo there are 2 Days Trip from Alexandria to Cairo where you will see the great three pyramids of Giza and visit the Egyptian museum and the citadel of Salah el Din. we will take you from Alexandria port to see Cairo and Alexandria Tour from Alexandria Port and show you the great pyramids and the grand Egyptian Museum and sightseeing. it is not everything you can also experiment Cairo Tour from Alexandria Return to Port Said you will see giza pyramids and the grand citadel of Salah el din and take in a Nile Cruise back to port said to back your home. and there is an addition with Pyramids and the Nile Tour from Alexandria in the famous Giza Plateau where the monarchs of the Old kingdom built their sturdy massive tombs and the Nile tour from Alexandria and to provide you with more information about the modern culture and the amazing history of Egypt. let's move to the sightseeing of Alexandria where Day Tour to Alexandria from Alexandria port you will visit the library of Alexandria and we will stop at the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa and end the day with a walk along by the Alexandria corniche. and you can a Half Day Tour to Giza Pyramids With Camel Ride and you enjoy the sun and the all Arabian activities found there. when we mention Cairo we should mention the Grand Egyptian Museum and Pyramids Tour from Alexandria Port and we will pass by the pyramids too. there is also Wadi el-Natrun from Alexandria Start your trip to Deir al-Paramus, the oldest and in many ways most remote of the remaining 4 monasteries and then we will take you back to your Alexandria port and you can try El-Alamein Tour from Alexandria where you will see the war area which was in the second alamein war and from that the area took its name. but if you want to see a visit to the great pyramids and egyptian museum and a camel ride in Giza and a visit to the citadel of qaitbey and the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa you should book Cairo Alexandria Tour from Alexandria Port. let's fly to Sharm el Sheikh shore Excursions where you can experience the Ras Mohamed Snorkeling Trip from Sharm El-Sheikh Port and discover what is hidden inside the sea. Safari Trip to Colored Canyon from Sharm Port in this trip you will have the opportunity to see one of the most attractive spots in Egypt. Driving through Wadi Watir ( one of the most impressive landscapes of the Sinai Peninsula connecting Nuweiba with Nakhl. it is not the only attraction in Sharm there is also Sharm El-Sheikh Museum Tour from Sharm Port The last pieces that the museum received were 10 artifacts from the King Tutankhamun exhibition returning from abroad, after having achieved great success in its stations abroad, which began in 2018. and don't miss the famous place there Mount Sinai Saint Catherine Tour from Sharm el Sheikh Port. and finally the Shore Excursions from Safaga Port where you can enjoy Luxor Day tours from Safaga and see the most famous landmarks and Tour to Dandara and Abydos from Safaga Port You will be transported to visit the Abydos temple, the ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris (The Lord of the underworld)is buried there. 2 Days to Luxor from Safaga where in the first day you will enjoy the red sea attractions and in the Second you will explore Luxor or try Overnight Tour to Luxor from Safaga Port and stay the night there. there is also Hurghada Snorkeling from Safaga Port and Red Sea Diving From Safaga Port.
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