#watermelon rev
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Fun little guy I made about a month ago. Finally had the urge to do silly doodles, whoo~!
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He’s just a happy little head

Why’d they make his head so freaking big?! The poor chap

Also my baby Hakkai. And-

Boom! 💥
#tokyo rev#tokyo revengers#Hakkai shiba#chifuyu matsuno#manjiro sano#mikey sano#WGAT DID THEY DO TO POOR BABY CHIFUFU?! HES GOT A FUCKING WATERMELON ASS HEAD 😭
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all my friends support palestine and will click and share this link to spread awareness
Come to my Lake House (#3)
Jerry bought the cabin on the lake when Abby went into middle school. The following summer, she invited her new Salt Lake City friends out to the lake. That started the tradition of going straight from the last day of school celebrations to the lake house for a long weekend. They’d come busting in through the cabin’s french doors, dropping gym bags and jansports backpacks into a perfect trip hazard pile by the door. Grabbing a slice of watermelon that Abby helped cut up and greet Jerry, who was in charge of the grill, before splitting off to do different lake house activities.
And the lake house itself is surrounded by so many things to do. From looking for newts in the water to trying out the infamous rope swing. Hiking in the forest that surrounds the majority of the house.
Don’t forget the traditional summer games like cornhole and horseshoes. Once Jerry even set up crochet — but he had to immediately return the game for the safety of the extremely competitive friend group.
This tradition continued past high school and college and budding careers. Eventually, Jerry didn’t feel the need to tag along with them and the group continued using the lake house as a place to escape from their corporate jobs and hectic schedules.
A year into your relationship with Abby, you got to see the cabin in all it’s glory. Abby didn’t have to ask you twice when she invited you, as you’ve been craving a nice cool lake for ages, work kicking your ass. You packed your swim gear, your journals, and books to keep you entertained throughout the trip. Abby had spent the drive up to the lake chattering your ear off about all the things she wanted to show you.
She wanted to take you to a cool cliff side view about three miles from the cabin. And the fire pit with the perfect view of the sky above between the trees. She was also just genuinely excited to be with you, playing in the sun. You practically radiated the star. With your silly jokes and pretty laugh. Whenever you guys went hiking, you’d practically be skipping down the trails, playing in the spotlights of the sun along the way. Your face under the light of the bright sun gave Abby butterflies every time. She couldn’t wait to share with you all the sights she loved so much.
The lake picnic happens three days into the trip. Manny, Abby, and Jordan drag Manny’s jet skis into the water. You help Nora carry the basket of sandwiches she painstakingly made for everyone, with specialty diets considered. Everyone had their beers, sodas, and sparkling waters tucked between their legs. There’s a giant wooden raft in the middle of the lake that they were using as base. Once the food is safely put on the base, alongside Jordan and Leah who were gonna swim in the water around it, the jet skis are revved up and the races begin. Manny and Whitney get on one while Nora takes the second. Abby invites you to ride with her and how could you say no?
Once you’re situated, your thighs against hers and arms around her waist, she floors it. She starts with big circles around the lake as she gives you a scenic tour of the greenery around it. But soon after, she’s pulling tricks to make you shriek. She drives by the others, causing waves that rock them. Manny almost takes you both out when he retaliates with his own jet ski tricks. The two of them start to race, with you and Whitney holding on for dear life.
Abby drops you off at the raft before doing a switch around with Leah, who takes the jet ski and Abby goes over to join you. She plops down next to you on the edge of the raft, her legs and feet submerged in the water next to yours. You had collected a bag of chips, one Pepsi and one La Croix before you sat down and you quickly pass the sparkling water drink to her before she even notices it. She thanks you with a simple kiss on your temple.
You both sit there, talking and sunning yourselves until Manny drags Abby off to a beer chugging competition with Leah and Jordan. You and Nora get to properly catch up as you wait for Abby to come back. Smiley and a little buzzed, she does come back and she immediately holds her hand out to you.
“Let’s swim, baby!” You give in once you see she’s not drunk and you trust she won’t drown on you. You guys walk over to the corner of the raft where no one is at and jump into the lake. You do a simple dive but Abby, after waiting for you to pop back up to the surface to watch her, does a running start and cannonballs into the water with a big splash. You close your eyes as the water hits your face and don’t open them until you feel Abby’s hands at your waist.
You open your eyes to see Abby’s own eyes practically glowing with mischief, the blue darker in some places and light in others. You tell her you “love her pretty eyes” and she pinks up, pressing a smooch to your smiling lips. You push away from her to float on your back, the girl doggy paddling next to you until you guys are further away from the raft.
“Hey,” Abby rasps out against the water pushing her around. “Wanna play mermaids?”
You bark out a laugh. “Okay, but I get to be the purple-tailed one.”
Abby laughs, agreeing. “I wanted to be green anyway.”
And like two little girls, you and Abby play mermaids for what feels like hours, swimming around each other and the logs and rocks that coat the river floor.
It is when you’re laughing so hard at her impression of her “pet seahorse” that can’t stop nuzzling up to you for “pets and kisses” that you realize you hadn’t seen any of your friends in a while.
“Wait, Abby? What time is it?”
The girl pulls back and looks at her wrist where her waterproof watch shines the time back to her. “Oh, shit we’ve been over here for two hours?!” Abby’s flabbergasted face pulls a laugh out of you. You kiss her wet pout.
You guys had managed to swim pretty far away from the raft and when you finally get to it, you notice that while the coolers were still on the raft, your friends are gone. You climb onto the raft and look around. The sun’s in your eyes and you have to cup your hand by your eyes to block it out in order to see.
“HELLO??!?” Abby walks around the raft calling for Manny and Nora or anyone.
Finally you hear Manny screaming Abby’s name. You see him on land by the house, waving his arms.
“Where the hell have you guys been?” He yells across the water.
“We were swimming!” Abby yells back. She looks back at you and rolls her eyes.
You see Manny move — his hands are now placed on his hips. “You get your asses over here! Dinner is almost done! Dios mios! No me jodas! I thought you guys died!”
“Sorry, Manny!” you yell back. You then turn to Abby.
“How are we supposed to get back?” You groan. “I’m fucking exhausted from mermaids, but they took the jet skis back.”
Abby scans the area and indeed they took both jet skis back. But that doesn’t deter her.
“I’ll go swim to get the jet ski and then come back and get you.”
Now you normally would say no but you can’t argue the fact that Abby’s stamina is way higher than yours on a good day. You’re exhausted but Abby is still bouncing around, full of energy. She dives into the water and swims to a jet ski. It takes her a quick minute to mount and start it, but soon she’s cruising towards you.
“Thank you, Abs.” You take her helpful hand to climb on behind her. And you wrap your arms tight around her waist to hold on as she drives you both back to shore. Manny is still there, looking exactly like a latina mother irritated with her children. He hands you both towels and gestures for you to follow him back up to the house.
“Thanks, mom!” Abby teases Manny. She just barely dodges his smack aimed at the back of her head and ducks behind you as protection. You put your toughest face on as you guard your girlfriend. Manny laughs at your attempt and rolls his eyes. “That’s cute, sister. Like a rottweiler hiding behind a pomeranian…”
“Aye,” you scold Manny, waggling your finger at him.
“Leave my girl alone. Pomeranians are ankle biters. Which means I’mma getcha!” you put your fists up, punching the air near his face. Manny gets into a defensive pose, bopping around in place like a video game character in create mode, which makes Abby cackle behind you.
“Hey, bitches!” You three turn your heads to the house where Nora is standing in the doorway. “Food is done. Get your asses in here,” she walks back into the house.
Manny straightens up. “Best not keep the cook waiting. She hid the chocolate for the s’mores when I kept asking when dinner would be done.” His face pulls into a deep drown like a scolded child. You laugh and shove him in front of you. Abby shuffles over to walk next to you, placing her arm over your shoulder. You slide your hand around her waist and walk the rest of the way glued to the hip. Manny was inside by the time you both got to the porch stairs. You could hear him reenacting the moment he saw you guys on the raft to the rest of the crew.
“You wanna go get changed?” Abby quietly asks. You nod and follow her up the stairs to your shared bedroom. She grabs her clothes from her bag and chivalrously goes into the bathroom to change, allowing you to have the bedroom to yourself. Making do without a shower, you put on a sweatshirt and shorts.
You’re sitting on the bed, putting on socks when Abby comes back in. She’s wearing her go to track pants and the thrifted harley-davidson shirt you bought her months ago. It has holes in the collar and along other seams, but it’s soft, light, and has a picture of a half naked lady sitting on a motorcycle. So safe to say it’s one of Abby’s favorite shirts. She joins you, putting on her own wool socks. You both get up to head downstairs but she stops you in the doorway.
“Hey, wait,” she pulls you towards her until you're close enough for her to lean in and press a long kiss to your lips. You smile into it and tug Abby even closer.
She eventually pulls away and you watch her lick her lips. Her cheeks are rosy red. She doesn’t say anything, just scans her eyes all over your face.
“You good, baby?” you ask, playing with the hairs at the nape of her neck, comforting her without hesitation.
“Yeah,” Abby coughs. “I’m just, like, really gay, sorry.”
“What?!?” you squawk out. The snort that she pulls from you is embarrassing but the way Abby’s face is so serious makes it come out of you. “You're dumb as hell! God, I love you.”
“Aw,” Abby cooes. She brushes a finger along the apple of your cheek. “I like you too!”
You roll your eyes at her smirk. “Shut up!” you joke, shoving her shoulder back. She barely moves, her stance planted.
“Hey! I was kidding! C’mere! I am sorry baby!” Abby apologizes. “I love you so so much!” She kisses your temple repeatedly.
You can’t help but pout at how fast you are able to forgive her, jokes aside. You’re a fucking sap for her.
You guys head back downstairs and into the dining area where everyone is devouring Nora’s gourmet tacos. There’s a spot for you and Abby saved, with empty plates waiting. The cups are filled with something non-alcoholic that sits in a glass jug next to your place mat.
“Damn, Nora,” Abby comments when she sits down. “My plans for my dinner seem subpar to yours.”
Nora smiles. “Shut up. But thank you. I’ve made these a few times already and they hit every time. So please, y’all, eat it up!”
The rest of the table cheers unanimously and then they settle back down, eating and enjoying the company around the table as the sun sets. It turns into twilight, then dusk, before everyone finally disperses from the table. Since tonight is Jordan and Leah’s turn to do dishes, Abby invites you to sit outside with her. The stars are bright out here and you take a moment to look at all of them in the sky. Abby takes that time to look at you.
“Do you know any of the stars?” She asks
You continue looking upwards. “I wish but no. You?”
“Nah,” she clicks her tongue. “I was honestly hoping you’d know.”
You laugh at her response, looking away from the sky. Abby’s holding back a smile when you look at her. She points over your shoulder.
“We have some chairs over here.”
There are lounge chairs sitting on an overlook of a small cement patio and campfire area. Abby tells you about building the fire pit a few summers ago with her dad. She sits down on one and before she even has time to say something, you nudge her thigh with your knee.
You look positively bashful. Abby’s thankful for the lanterns surrounding the area that alight your face for her. “Can I sit with you?”
“Of course, yeah, c’mere,” Abby scoots a bit back on the chair and spreads her legs so you can sit between them. You eagerly settle in against her warm chest. It’s not too hot or cold tonight — perfect summer night weather. She wraps her arms around your shoulders. Goosebumps arise on her skin where your hands run down her arms until you bring her forearms up to your chin, encouraging her to snuggle closer. Abby smiles into the back of your head and she tightens her arms around you. You both lay there, Abby pressing random kisses onto your head and you respond to them with kisses of your own to her arm.
“Thanks for coming up here with me. I know it can be a bit overwhelming with everyone but I’m happy you’re here,” Abby says into the night. You lean your head back so you can look up at Abby. She looks down at you, instinctively closing her eyes when you put a hand on her cheek.
“Thank you for inviting me. I’ve been having a lot of fun. It’s nice to see the crew… unleashed.” You shoot her a wry grin. Abby knows exactly what you’re referencing as she was also witness to Leah and Manny’s rock, paper, scissors turned arm wrestle turned into actual wrestling over who got to have the big inflatable dragon. Apparently, Abby had told you, they had to take turns because this wasn’t the first inflatable those two fought over but it is the only one that still inflates.
Abby leans her head back, groaning. “God I was so embarrassed when they did that!”
You snort. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t know,” Abby shrugs, looking sheepish. “I wanted to impress you with this trip and there goes my best friends fighting over an inflatable floatie.”
“What are you talking about?” You move your entire body 90 degrees around so you can look at her, your legs now swung over one of Abby’s. There’s an exasperated but extremely adorable expression on your face. “I love your friends. They are your family. And they’re funny as hell. You have to come camping with my family — we get crazy on the river. Just you wait,” you hum, looking up at the sky.
Abby slyly leans closer to you. She can’t help the grin that grows on her face. “Yeah? I’m going camping with your family now?”
You look over at her and smile. “I mean yeah, my family already invited you without me even asking. It’s going to be twenty of us so you better be prepared for that whole circus,” you tease. Abby shares your smile. She’s met some of your family but only in short bursts. She met a few of them before you guys even started officially dating. They loved her as much as she loved them. “Just be prepared for the fly fishing because it’s a requirement while camping with us.”
Abby scoffs. “Don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll catch the biggest fish.”
You cup her cheek and bring her face closer to yours. “I’m sure you will, baby.” You coo. You lean forward and press your lips against hers in a slow kiss. She keeps you there with a hand on your neck, nudging your lips open with hers, your tongue enthusiastically meeting hers. You can’t help the moan you let out that vibrates against Abby’s lips, encouraging her own moans. It’s deep, slow, and full of love as she keeps you firmly tethered to her. When you finally pull away, it’s to look at Abby’s pretty face in the flickering lantern lights.
“Did you know,” you start. Your hand is still on Abby’s cheek and you take the time to delicately brush your thumb against the apple of her cheek. “That you are so fucking pretty?” You lean in to kiss her freckled cheek. The smooch is exaggeratedly loud in order to bring a laugh out of Abby. She pretends to lean away from you but is secretly enjoying the attention you give her face as you lay kisses all over her face, repeating “so pretty�� under your breath after each kiss.
You continue to smooch her face until she is giggling so hard that you can’t stop smiling at the sound, which makes keeping your lips puckered very difficult. You reluctantly pull away, taking the time to brush loose hair from Abby’s face. Her giggles subside and she watches as you comb her hair back.
The stars and tree line behind you give Abby a view she could stare at all day, your soft expression as you look at her warming her more than any bonfire could. This is exactly what she wanted when she invited you to come up here with her. You, her, the stars, the soundtrack of a summer night floating around you. No work, no appointments. No other distractions besides her best friends, who adore you and have no problem leaving you two alone to enjoy your time together. No real interruptions for an entire week. And Abby is going to take full advantage of the full week to love on you as much as she can.
She presses a kiss to your cheek. “C’mon,” she gestures for you to go back to your earlier positions, your back against her front. You both spend the rest of the evening sharing kisses and inventing random constellations out of the stars above you.
#🏕️ 🧜♀️ 👩❤️💋👩🌌🇺🇸#the format is a little wonky but i’m gonna blame the internet and not my formatting skills <3#abby anderson x reader#abby anderson#abby brainrot era#mads’ headcanons#abby anderson fluff#the number game#number 3
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Love Game (Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader) [Chapter 25 : Confession]
(A/N : This is your theme song with Toji)
"What the hell, Toji?!" you groaned, covering your eyes with your pillow as Toji's loud knocks on the door rudely interrupted your much-needed sleep. "Why are you waking me up on my day off?"
Toji peeked through the crack in the door, smirking. "Wanted to wake you up for brunch, lazy bones." he said, his voice teasing.
You squinted at him, your vision blurry. "You're an asshole, you know that?" you grumbled, sitting up in bed, disheveled hair and a mess of blankets around you.
"You look like you've been run over by a truck, but hey, brunch is on me, so get dressed and let's go." Toji said, smirking.
"I need more time, Toji. I need to take a shower first." you said, rubbing your eyes.
Toji rolled his eyes, "Come on, you just need to wash your face and brush your teeth, and you'll be ready to go. You're not that bad." he said, his tone dismissive.
"I look like shit, Toji. Why would you want to parade me out in public looking like this?" you asked, gesturing to your rumpled appearance.
Toji's eyes roamed over you, and he gave you a once-over. "Nah, you look fine. Besides, you're beautiful as hell, no matter what you look like." he said with a cheeky grin.
Your cheeks instantly flushed red, heat creeping up your neck as you looked away from his gaze. "Don't act all nice and sweet out of nowhere, Toji," you said with a roll of your eyes, trying to hide your embarrassment.
"Get a move on, Y/N. I'm not waiting all day for you to get ready." He said, throwing your towel at you before pushing you towards the bathroom. "Ten minutes, and I mean it. I'm not joking around."
You huffed, but obeyed, entering the bathroom and shutting the door behind you. You heard Toji's footsteps moving away, muttering something about giving you some privacy.
[8 minutes later]
You emerged from your bedroom, smoothing out your dress, feeling surprisingly confident. Toji's jaw dropped, his eyes wide as they roamed over you.
"Wow, you put an effort into looking good for me today, didn't you? And you even took a shower!" he said, his tone teasing. "You're usually a slob when you're not working. I'm impressed. "
"I'm not dressing up for you, Toji." You shot back defensively, crossing your arms.
"Sure, sure. Just admit it, you look good, and you know it." Toji just grinned, grabbing your wrist and pulling you along with him.
You playfully tried to struggle, but he held on firmly, leading you to his car. "Wait, where are we going?" You asked once you were settled in the passenger seat.
"I'm taking you to an all-you-can-eat restaurant in Dogenzaka. I hear they have a great brunch buffet, so we're gonna pig out today." Toji replied, starting the engine.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help the smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "You're such a glutton, Toji."
He winked at you, revving up the car, and driving off towards the promised land of food. "And you need to eat more." He retorted, laughing, clearly enjoying the banter.
As soon as you stepped into the restaurant, your eyes widened, your pupils dilating at the sight of the endless array of food in front of you. "Toji, this place is a dream come true!" you exclaimed, your voice full of excitement.
Toji chuckled, watching your reaction. "Looks like I made the right call bringing you here, huh?" He said, patting you on the back.
You were like a kid in a candy shop, grabbing foods like fried rice, sausages, eggs, pancakes, and fruits, stacking them onto your plate. Toji watched you, raising an eyebrow.
Toji laughed, shaking his head. "Slow down, you're gonna get indigestion." He warned, watching you fill your plate with various dishes.
You glanced at him, your cheeks flushed, but you couldn't help but smirk. "I'll be fine, Toji. I can handle it." you said, biting into a juicy slice of watermelon, the juice dripping down your chin.
Toji shook his head, grinning. "You're something else..." he said, taking a seat beside you, grabbing a plate for himself. "But I guess that's part of your charm." Toji quietly thought to himself, staring at you with a smile.
"Man, that was delicious. Thanks for bringing me here, Toji." you said, giving him a grateful smile.
"Anytime, Y/N." Toji replied, "So, any plans for the rest of the day?"
You tilted your head, thinking for a moment. "Not really, just gonna relax at home. But I'm bored. How about you? Do you have any missions lined up?"
Toji shook his head, "Nope. Nothing scheduled for today. I'm free as a bird."
"Well, since you're free, how about we go to the arcade?" you asked, your eyes sparkling with excitement. "I haven't been there in forever. I bet you're good at fighting games, right?"
Toji almost choked on his water at the suddenness of your invitation, his face flushing a deep shade of red. In his mind, he imagined the scenario playing out, and yes, it did seem like you'd be mistaken for a couple if you went to the arcade together.
He managed to recover and wiped his mouth, smiling sheepishly. "Arcade? Sounds like a plan. I'm pretty good at fighting games. I can teach you some tips if you're interested." Toji replied, trying to play it cool.
You grabbed Toji's hand and started pulling him along, your excitement getting the better of you. "C'mon, let's go! I want to play Street Fighter!"
Toji, on the other hand, felt like he swallowed a swarm of butterflies. His heart was racing, and his palms were sweating. He felt like a teenager on a date, but he tried to act as if nothing was happening.
You led Toji to the arcade, still holding his hand. "This place looks fun!" you exclaimed, your eyes wide and bright, taking in the sights and sounds around you.
"Alright, Toji. Let's see how good you are. Chun-Li vs Ryu. On!" you said, selecting your character.
Toji grinned. "Watch and learn, Y/N." he said, starting the match.
At first, the match was close, but Toji's character seemed to have a knack for dodging your attacks. After several rounds, you were losing, and your frustration began to show.
"Damn it, Toji! How are you so good at this?! I'm going to beat you next time!" you exclaimed, slamming the joystick with a huff.
Despite losing, the two of you continued to play, taking turns and having a blast. You even tried your hand at other games, from rhythm games to shooting games, and Toji was surprisingly good at them all.
"Man, I never knew you were this skilled in gaming, Toji." you commented, leaning against the machine, exhausted from all the playing.
"Well, I do have a lot of downtime between jobs, so I fill it up by playing these games." he explained, giving you a mischievous smile. "Plus, I'm competitive by nature, so I tend to practice a lot."
After a long day of gaming, Toji suggested a break, and the two of you stepped outside, the cool breeze hitting your faces. You followed him, intrigued by the sudden change. As you walked further, you found yourself at a seaside boardwalk.
"Toji, where are we going?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
Toji grinned, pointing to a small ice cream shop. "Let's get ice cream, and we'll watch the sunset from the bench over there." he said, nodding towards a secluded area with benches.
You smiled, agreeing. Then a few minutes later, you sat down next to Toji.
"Thank you. This is a nice way to end our day." you said, taking a bite of your ice cream.
"No problem. It's always nice to enjoy the sunset." he replied, gazing at the horizon.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" you asked, gesturing to the sky as the sun slowly disappeared below the horizon.
Toji nodded, his gaze shifting from the sunset to meet yours. "Yes, it's beautiful." he whispered, staring at you.
You felt your heartbeat quicken, and your cheeks grew hot. You looked away, breaking the intense stare.
"So, um, thanks for today, Toji. You made my day." You said, trying to change the subject and break the tension.
Toji's eyes lingered on you for a moment before he looked away, "No problem. I'm glad I could make you smile today." He replied.
You smiled, relieved that the mood had eased. "I owe you one, Toji. For the brunch and the arcade. Next time, I'll return the favor."
Toji chuckled, "Next time, I'll expect a spa day, okay?" He teased, trying to lighten the atmosphere as he finished his ice cream.
You laughed "You know what, Toji? You're starting to creep me out. Did you see God or something? You're being way too nice today. It's a little unsettling." You said, trying to joke around. "I mean, it's not meant to offend you or anything. I'm just saying, you're usually not this kind."
"Why? Are you getting butterflies whenever I treat you nicely?" He asked, teasing you, making sure to emphasize each word.
You rolled your eyes, trying to hide your embarrassment. "No, I'm not getting butterflies. I'm just surprised, that's all. Usually, you're too busy being an annoying dickhead to care about anyone's feelings."
Toji couldn't help but laugh at your comment, his eyes crinkling at the edges. He leaned in, gently tousling your hair before pulling back, "Well, I'm not an annoying dickhead all the time. Sometimes I can be a nice guy too, you know."
You pouted, but you couldn't help but snicker. "You're still an annoying dickhead most of the time, but I'll give you this, Toji. Today, you redeemed yourself a little." You said, crossing your arms, but your tone held a fondness that betrayed your words.
"Mission accomplished." Toji said, giving you a thumbs up. "Now, I'll go back to being an annoying dickhead tomorrow. You've been warned." He teased.
"Whatever." you said, dismissing his threat with a wave of your hand. But after a pause, curiosity got the best of you, and you turned to face him. "Seriously, why are you being so nice to me lately, Toji?"
Toji hesitated for a moment, his expression serious. "Do you really want to know why?" he asked, looking directly into your eyes.
You considered his question for a moment, then nodded. "Yes."
He let out a breath, looking away before meeting your gaze again. "Are you sure?"
You nodded again. "Yes, I am."
Toji's voice was soft, but his words hit you like a ton of bricks. "I like you, Y/N." He said, his gaze fixed on yours.
You blushed bright red, stunned by his confession. Your mind raced, trying to process his words. "What... what did you just say?" You stuttered, looking away, embarrassed.
Toji shrugged, standing up from the bench, his hands shoved into his pockets. "I said I like you, Y/N. Does that need clarification?" He asked, trying to sound casual.
You looked back at him, your cheeks still burning. "You... You like me, Toji? Like... romantically?" You asked, your voice barely audible.
Toji nodded, "Yes. Romantically. And it has been a while already." he admitted, avoiding eye contact.
You stared at him, trying to wrap your head around his confession. "Wow... I don't know what to say."
"One month. Give me one month, and I'll make you fall in love with me." he said, locking eyes with yours.
Your blush deepened, but you shifted your gaze, trying to deny it. "I'm never going to fall in love with you." you insisted, feeling nervous.
"Alright. I'll change that." he said confidently.
Toji turned around, glancing at you over his shoulder. "Let's go home. It's getting late." he said, trying to break the tension.
Once you arrived at your apartment, Toji helped you out of the car, being the gentleman he claimed to be. You thanked him, moving past him to unlock your door.
You spent the entire night tossing and turning, your mind reeling from Toji's confession. You couldn't believe he liked you, and you couldn't believe that you, in turn, felt butterflies in your stomach at the idea.
In the end, you fell asleep, dreaming of a future where you were happily in love with a certain Sorcerer Killer.
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
End Of Chapter 25 🥀....
@meowforluv @miizuzu @geniejunn @scorpiosugar @barelylivingirl
#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen fanfic#jjk fanfic#jjk romance#jjk smut#jjk#toji fushiguro x you#toji fushiguro x reader#toji smut#jjk toji#toji fushiguro
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「 ₊ ☆ ゚ bae ganghee, she / her, cis woman 」 INCOMING TEXT: omg hv u met YOO JIHA of the NARIZA BOIS yet ? they’re one of the crew’s street racers n actually go by CHERRY. the twenty - five y/o is typically seen hanging arnd coyote casino. allegedly they’re frm seoul, south korea n hv been w/ the crew for THREE YEARS. wtvr. just watch out for them, k ? ttyl !
𝐚𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 ...
glittery eyeshadow and yesterday's mascara, the sound of an engine revving in the dead of night, cardboard boxes of memories with the words do not open scrawled across them, watermelon flavored bubblegum, bedazzled gas station lighters marked with a j, the drunken feeling of connectedness underneath the neon lights of a nightclub, the first thunderstorm of the year, the fear that gnaws when you feel somebody losing interest, butterflies in your stomach when you take things too far, tying cherry stems as a party trick, the sound of police sirens feeling as familiar as a lullaby, loose cigarettes and a switchblade at the bottom of a metallic pink shoulder bag, still tucking cash underneath your mattress in habit, the headrush when you realize somebody wants to kiss you, sticking your entire head out the window of a speeding car, the tinkling sounds of a slot machine, nightmares of being back in your childhood home .
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 …
click here !
𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 …
# 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙤𝙣𝙚𝘬𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘢
( click for recommended paired reading ) TW: very brief mentions of organized crime, guns, blood, and death. it comes quickly, the moment jiha's parents are knocked off the idealistic pedestals of childhood in her mind. she never knew her mother — there was no goodbye letter to cling to, no stories passed down from her father, just a resounding emptiness where the woman should have been. and her father ... a revolving door of strange men with guns hidden under their waistbands, with loud voices and even louder screams, with blood dripping across kitchen tiles and soaking into hardwood floors. my daddy the doctor was replaced by something too big for a little girl to wrap her head around, but still, jiha knew. while her older brother was pulled under the tide of the lifestyle of a back alley doctor ( doctor graves, they called her father ), it seemed like all jiha did was stay as far away as she could from that world. she hated being home and the thought of witnessing somebody's dying breath, hated the metal glint of her father's operating tools. distractions came easily when there was no one setting rules or watching her every move the way most parents would have. she found camaraderie with the neighborhood kids, feeling solace at the sense of normalcy their company provided, though periodically that solace was wiped away once concerned parents scolded their children for befriending the reaper's kid. it was easier in her teenage years; love opened up a world of possibilities for her, and she all but lived at the skatepark or her boyfriend's house at fourteen. the crowd she fell into was questionable, at best, but what else could be expected? only criminals could stomach the daughter of one. at fifteen her world is flipped upside down when her father gets arrested. jiha was terrifed she might lose her brother, too, with all of gunwoo's involvement, but the relief she felt at his perceived innocence was shattered by the forced lifestyle change. shipped away to an aunt who never wanted them and far from the familiar chaos of seoul, jiha and her brother found themselves in the countryside with unfamiliar and stifling rules to follow. it was an odd time for jiha, who felt some relief being away from the childhood home haunted by the men on her father’s operating table, yet stifled by the overwhelming loneliness she felt being away from everything she’d known for fifteen years. while her brother escaped the monotony for street races in the city, jiha's own journey behind the wheel began with cruising down empty country roads toward what felt like the edge of the world at that time. driving was an escape, but her brother had made it into a way to earn money. every bill sent in her direction was hastily shoved underneath her mattress. she'd find a way out, jiha told herself, the sentiment getting more desperate once gunwoo left for japan. that's when she started frequenting his old stomping grounds, the circle consisting of the wrong type of crowd one she couldn't shake ( much to her aunt's distress ). she was still just a kid in those days, seventeen and hungry in a way that the racing scene knew how to nurture. want to try driving? words she'd never forget, even if her first race is a blur. it didn't take much to draw her in after that — a compliment from the racer she was seeing, and the rush of adrenaline she'd spend the rest of her life chasing was enough.
# 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙩𝙬𝙤𝘭𝘰𝘴����𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴
she's nineteen when her world shifts again, familiar but different. the brother that had been growing increasingly distant up and disappeared from her life. it's then that jiha can't stand even the briefest talk of family, the word ringing synonymous with abandonment in her head. she's still racing, but there's a desperation even the toughest of tracks can't stifle stirring within her. when she overhears a conversation about gunwoo leaving to the states, jiha doesn't waste much time before she follows to the first place she thinks to look: los angeles. she's more stray dog than girl that first year, curling up at the feet of the first person to show her just the right amount of attention, ready to bite the hands whoever calls her good girl tells her to. she has no concept of crews or rivalries, naturally falling into the orbit of whoever she fills her time with, mistaking loyalty to a team to mean loyalty to her. jiha actually stops racing cars for a bit, sidestepping into a new world of motorcycles and sport bikes. higher stakes, they tell her, as if that wasn't exactly what she was searching for, like her eyes didn't light up for it. she was a star on the path of explosion, but that wasn't what it felt like. so what if she had been left behind? she could convince herself it didn't matter in the moments she could've died scraping the pavement in a daring turn, or when she was going so fast it felt like her heart was ready to leap out of her chest. but old cycles can't seem to let her go — in fighting with the crew she'd surrounded herself with resulted in the familiar sting of abandonment. people she thought cared to stay by her side would leave again, the thrill of the race forever the more appealing option, no matter what the cost. whispers of a racer in miami going by reaper find her at a vulnerable time. and perhaps it's sentimentality, clinging hard and strong since girlhood, refusing to burn out and die that has her packing her bags again.
# 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝘮𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘪
it's 2004 when she starts over. miami marks a shift in her life, one that has her revisiting what made her fall in love with racing in the first place — cars. when the nariza bois find her, she's not the lost puppy she was in los angeles. the hunger to prove herself, her reckless abandon, the reflexes she'd picked up from racing motorbikes, all of it adds to her appeal. the bonus? her brother's racing for the rodani prowlers, and there's nothing jiha wouldn't do to see him lose. you're alone in this world, remember that. the mantra she whispers to herself before bed, the one she tries so desperately to remember and expect, lest old wounds eat away at her completely. but three years is a long time; like ivy, the hope crawls its way over her, the feeling like maybe she could belong here growing louder and louder each day. it's only natural, searching for the family she never had in the crew she surrounds herself with, though jiha would never admit it. you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 & 𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐬 …
jiha's been on a bit of a #Personality journey. when she was younger and had first gotten into racing, and especially after her brother's abandonment, it was like there was a void inside of her she couldn't fill with anything ( and boy did she try ). it's actually how she earned herself the alias CHERRY; a comment on how she was pretty on the outside, but there was something darker lurking underneath. she was a people pleaser to an insane degree, meaning she'd do absolutely anything someone who was giving her just enough attention asked. definitely not the healthiest person to date, or befriend, even despite jiha wanting to do anything to make other people happy and want to stick around. definitely got herself into some messes back in los angeles ( wanted connections perhaps? 👀 ) the way she was acting when she lived there.
she's definitely mellowed out in the last few years! still has very real abandonment issues that like to manifest in all her relationships ( platonic or not ), but at least she's aware of them now 😭 aside from all that jiha really is easy to get along with. she's bright and bubbly, if not because of everything heavy she's experienced in her life so far. the anger towards her brother she used to misplace is now very much only directed at him, which kind of gave her a freedom to figure herself out in a way? if that makes sense. i think she feels like she wasted so much of her time fixated on it that nowadays she just wants to enjoy herself and find happiness in whatever way pleases her.
she's a daredevil! has no real sense of self-preservation, although she's been lucky so far and hasn't really needed to develop it. is that one friend you're happy to join in on their chaos until you get into a situation and realize woah maybe she's kind of crazy actually ... doesn't often put others in danger, though, or at least not on purpose.
is also that one friend that does NOT know how to be alone. when she's seeing someone, she has options b, c, d, e, f, all lined up and ready to go. a serial dater, a shameless flirt, and a commitment-phobe to the highest degree which is insanely hypocritical of her considering she's slashed tires for being ghosted before.
the only thing she likes more than a race is a party. a frequent clubgoer, but that's more because she looooves to dance than because she wants to be sloshed 24/7. does in fact enjoy getting sloshed, though, when the occasion's right ( and it often is! it's miami in 2007, after all ... )
she's a blackjack dealer at the coyote casino 😎 i imagine they tried to recruit her to be a bottle girl at first, because she was always hanging around and looking cute, but she got upgraded pretty quick due to how much customers liked her energy. definitely loves a gamble herself ( hello roulette ) but likes betting on races even more.
what she hates? losing. at absolutely anything, no matter how trivial. she's not the type to blow up and cause a scene, but every failure does in fact feel like the absolute end of the world since she still harbors that desperation to prove herself. is prone to falling into old habits when she's feeling the sting of a loss, particularly the version of herself lost and angry with the world, but she's usually quick to snap out of it. if you acknowledge this she will act like you're crazy and imagined it #gaslight because she's embarrassed😔
is amazing in an emergency. there's not much that could make her panic, or even really worry. doesn't scare easily, considering the things she grew up seeing and hearing.
extremely reticent to talk about her past, especially when it comes to family. the topic of her brother gunwoo is the biggest sore spot of all, and a grudge she very obviously carries, even if she's not so ready to confess the details of it. still, one of the items of clothes you'll see her sporting, even more than the nariza bois' jacket, is a worn leather one her brother left behind.
absolutely hates the beach yet owns more bikinis than fit in her wardrobe. these are also part of her usual daily attire ( mainly a bikini top in lieu of a real one ), much to the dismay of many a miami restaurant. she's got a phobia of deep water, especially the ocean, and only now warmed up to the idea of swimming pools in her twenties, although she never learned how to swim.
a chronic smoker since she was probably twelve and bumming cigarette butts off the ground with the rest of the neighborhood hooligans. is constantly saying she'll quit, but no one ever really believes her.
drives a pink ferrari f40! some of the cutesy fun mods are the heart-shaped steering wheel and heart-shaped tire details. as for everything else, well ... she spends a lot of time at nariza auto, and gives the mechanics free range to experiment and deck the shit out of her car. one of her favorite things about joining the nariza bois has been how much passion they have for the actual cars and all the things you can do to them. jiha will listen to any one of the nariza bois geek out about mods any day.
her racing style is that she doesn't really have one. truly, every race couldn't be more different from the last for jiha, which both impresses and frustrates the shit out of her teammates. on one hand she's unpredictable; and it makes whoever she's racing against struggle to prepare themselves for what she may or may not do. on the other hand, not everything she does works 100% of the time. sometimes she'll lose catastrophically — but the freedom is what makes the wins worth it.
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 …
watch this space ... i fear i've written a novel so maybe i'll update this later but here are some very very loose ideas: regulars at her blackjack table ( bonus points if they belong to the rodani prowlers ), people who knew her in her la days ( for better or for worse ), people to fill the sibling sized hole in her heart ( bonus point for older brother figures, especially if they belong to the nariza bois, and double bonus if they have some sort of beef with her actual brother ), hookups flings situationships exes ( and lots of them ... lord knows she's been in miami long enough to have a roster ), a roommate or two ( im on my knees begging ), friends, enemies, ... frenemies ? ( hello doomed romeo and juliet coded friendship with someone from the rodani prowlers ), anything and everything you can think of! u will see way more specific rambly plot ideas once i enter ur dms ... and that's a threat 🔪
#fast.intro#im so late pls dont percieve me but also do percieve me i spent sm time on this damn intro .. KSDWBDKWDKDWD
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watermelon cherry ghost town fantasy
oneshot / Remus and Barty / mature
(in dedication to greenvlvetcouch's "remus listens to yung lean" and "remus and barty kissing" agendas)
He stands on the edge of the curb, wrangling down his mind with both hands, wrestling it and wringing it out of all delirium because he’s already high as shit, and Remus is gonna be sober, and he’s gonna be severe and leaden with that presence he carries around like a medicine ball, some unshakable aura he has that Barty can’t seem to quite pin down, or bother to want to try to.
The wind picks up slightly, and Barty shivers against it, shoves his hands into his hoodie’s pockets, squeezes his legs together. He looks out at the street, watches a man drag around a recycling bag full of cans. It’s the only sound for miles, it seems, the aluminum clanging, the scuffle of old boots, and just when Barty’s about to maybe finally make haste to the corner store, he hears it.
The resounding sputter of Remus’ old ass, ugly ass grey 2005 Toyota Corolla, revving around the corner, emerging like a majestic, galloping horse. One headlight illuminating the way, the other, busted, a black eye on the facefront of the ol’ girl, flickering slightly as Remus abruptly brakes in front of Barty– and it’s like a goddamn cartoon, the way it screeches, spits out smoke and exhaust, coughing up a storm when Remus leans over and rolls the passenger’s window down.
There he is, the man of the hour.
Barty approaches the car, hands still sheepishly shoved into his pockets. He bends down slightly and peers in.
Remus looks at him, eyes disinterested and full of overwhelming objectivity.
Barty tosses his chin up. “Oh, good, you’re smiling.”
Remus makes a sound, kind of like a snort. “I’m sorry sir, I don’t have any change.”
#your honor theyre both cunts#i have awakened the vision like a frankenstein monster#remus and barty kissing to yung lean its specific you get it or you dont#idk what their ship name is fuck#barty crouch jr#remus lupin#marauders#my writing#or#grims writing#yeah thats good#oh shit they dont have a ship name#wow boys this is a fresh batch#this is like my magnum opus#ive written two books but like they dont compare fr.....#mine#barty x remus#lol
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Why there are separate Oscars for sound mixing and sound editing?

While the glitz and glamour of the Oscars may be associated with the A-list actors and breathtaking visuals, the unsung heroes of the film industry work their magic behind the scenes. Enter the wizards of film sound design, the maestros who manipulate sonic elements to create immersive experiences that transport us into captivating worlds.
At the Academy Awards, two distinct categories honor these audial architects: Sound mixing and sound editing. In this blog post, we’re going to explore why these two categories differ, uncovering the artistry behind each and the vital roles they play in bringing movies to life.
Unraveling the distinction between sound mixing and sound editing
You might think that sound mixing and sound editing are interchangeable terms. But hold on: there’s a lot of difference between them, and we’re going to break it down for you.
Let’s start with sound editing. This is the nitty-gritty, down-and-dirty work of capturing and creating every single sound effect that you hear in a movie. Whether it’s the sound of a car engine revving, a sword being unsheathed, or a monster roaring, sound editors are the ones who make it happen.
Sound editors are like audio detectives, always on the hunt for the perfect sound to match the action on screen. And let’s not forget the fun part of their job: creating brand-new sounds from scratch. Sound editors are like audio wizards, conjuring up bizarre and otherworldly sounds that have never been heard before.
Now, let’s move on to sound mixing. Sound mixers take all the individual sound elements that the sound editors have created and blend them into one harmonious soundscape. Think of them as audio chefs, carefully selecting the right ingredients and spices to create the perfect dish. They adjust the levels, the panning, the EQ, and all sorts of other fancy-sounding stuff to make sure that everything sounds just right.
So, in a nutshell, sound editing is all about creating individual sounds, while sound mixing is about blending them to create one beautiful sonic masterpiece. Both are crucial to film sound design, and both require a unique set of skills and expertise. It’s like comparing apples and oranges. Sure, they’re both fruit, but they’re different in taste, texture, and appearance.
The intricacies of sound editing
Sound editing is like a treasure hunt for the perfect sound effect. Imagine a scene where a character is walking through a forest. The sound editor would have to capture the crunching of leaves underfoot, the rustling of branches, the chirping of birds, and the whisper of the wind. But wait, what if there’s a bear in the distance? The sound editor would have to create the sound of a bear growling, even if they’ve never heard one in real life. It’s like a game of audio charades where the sound editor has to use their imagination and creativity to create the perfect sound.
But it’s not just about capturing or creating the sound effect. The sound editor also has to manipulate and process the sound to fit the scene. They might add some reverb to make it sound like the action is taking place in a large space, or they might EQ the sound to emphasize a specific frequency. It’s like baking a cake: you can have all the right ingredients, but you need to mix them in the right way and bake them at the right temperature to get the perfect result.
And let’s not forget about the fun part of the job: creating new sounds from scratch. Sound editors are like mad scientists, always experimenting with new techniques and tools to create sounds that have never been heard before. They might record their voice and manipulate it to create a monster’s roar or use a watermelon to create the sound of a head being smashed. It’s a job that requires imagination, creativity, and a willingness to think outside the box.
But it’s not all fun and games. Sound editing is a time-consuming and detail-oriented process. A single sound effect can take hours, if not days, to capture, create, and process. And when you’re working on a big-budget blockbuster, the pressure is on to create a sonic landscape that’s both immersive and believable.
The craft of sound mixing
So, what exactly is sound mixing? Well, sound mixers are the maestros of the auditory realm, taking all the different sound elements (dialogue, music, sound effects) and blending them. They’re like the master chefs of audio, creating a delicious auditory feast for our ears.
But it’s not just about throwing all the ingredients into a blender and hitting the mix button. Sound mixers have to delicately balance each sound element, making sure that the dialogue is clear and intelligible, the music swells at just the right moments, and the sound effects pack a punch without overpowering everything else.
Just imagine a scene where our hero is having a heartfelt conversation in the middle of a bustling city street. The sound mixer would have to make sure that the dialogue is front and center, so we can hear every word our hero utters. But they also need to weave in the sounds of car horns, footsteps, and distant conversations to create a realistic urban ambiance. It’s like a juggling act, keeping all the elements in perfect harmony.
And let’s not forget about the spatial aspect of sound mixing. Sound mixers use their audio wizardry to create a sense of space and depth. They can make sounds move from left to right, from front to back, and even make them swirl around your head in a mesmerizing audio dance.
But here’s the real magic of sound mixing: it’s all about the emotions. Sound mixers are master manipulators of feelings. They use their craft to enhance the mood of a scene, whether it’s through the haunting melody of a horror movie, the triumphant swell of a superhero theme, or the tender notes of a romantic ballad. They take us on an emotional rollercoaster ride, tugging at our heartstrings and making us laugh, cry, or jump out of our seats in fear.
Celebrating the differences between sound mixing and sound editing
Now that we’ve explored the intricacies of sound mixing and sound editing, it’s time to appreciate the unique contributions of each discipline. While both categories are vital to film sound design, the Academy Awards recognize their distinctions by honoring them separately.
This division allows for a more nuanced recognition of the specialized skills and creative processes involved in each field. By celebrating both sound mixing and sound editing, the Oscars shine a spotlight on the individuals who dedicate their talents to shaping the sonic landscapes of our favorite films.
Film sound design is a captivating blend of technical expertise and artistic creativity. Sound mixing and sound editing, although different in their objectives, work in perfect harmony to create immersive auditory experiences that transport audiences into the heart of the story.
While sound editing focuses on capturing and crafting individual sound elements, sound mixing blends them to achieve a balanced and cohesive soundscape. For that reason, both disciplines deserve recognition for their unique contributions to the cinematic experience.
So, the next time you sit back in a movie theater or cozy up on your couch for a film night, take a moment to appreciate the artistry of film sound design. Listen closely to the whispers and roars, the subtle nuances and thunderous crescendos.
Behind every sound, there are dedicated sound mixers and sound editors who bring their passion and expertise to create a symphony that enriches our cinematic journeys. The Oscars may have separate categories for sound mixing and sound editing, but together they form an extraordinary partnership that elevates the magic of the movies.
Content source: https://rianhunter.com/sb/why-separate-oscars-for-sound-mixing-sound-editing/
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🚨 Urgent Help Needed 🚨
Hello friend 🍉🇵🇸,
I’m Esraa Mounes Al-Kafarna, a mother from Gaza. My youngest needs milk, and my other child requires treatment for a skin disease. The conflict has made survival extremely difficult 💔.
Your support can save their lives. Any donation, big or small, makes a difference.
Please donate and share: [https://gofund.me/e6cd83a9]
Thank you for your kindness.
Esraa Al-Kafarna
Please stop ✋🚨 you're the only hope to save a child😔😭
My name is Esraa mones, and I am a mother of two young children. One of them, under the age of five, urgently needs milk, while the other requires treatment for skin diseases.

Please donate and/or replog 🥺😭 🇵🇸
Please consider donating. If you can't, a simple reblog of my page's content can make a difference.
Vetted by @gazavetters , my number verified on the list is ( #64 )🍉🇵🇸
#911 abc#bucktommy#cats of tumblr#free gaza#gaza genocide#gaza strip#gaza#gazaunderattack#halloween#stanford pines
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YOUR MUSE’S AESTHETIC. sent by @inflame 🤍
TASTES. pepperoni pizza. funyuns. coca-cola. lucky charms, eaten straight from the box. ice-cold pabst blue ribbon beer. buttermilk pancakes with a side of bacon. cup noodles. orange julius. tortilla chips and guacamole. perfectly ripe pineapple chunks. frozen meals. black filter coffee. watermelon-flavored chewing gum.
SMELLS. body spray, boyish and obnoxious. ammonia and acetic acid, courtesy of a meth lab. smoke, sweat, and burnt sugar, lingering long after.
SIGHTS. ridiculously oversized clothing. xbox controllers. a sky so blue it seems limitless. methamphetamine-induced hallucinations. stained motel sheets . a beetle crawling along the sidewalk. old sketchbooks. crumpled dollar bills. a customized license plate. impudent grins. sparsely freckled shoulders. an empty mattress on the floor. grimy, graffitied walls. a tattooed hand drumming against any surface. lipstick-stained cigarette butts. bullet holes. pre-paid phones. debauched house parties. a strip of aluminum foil. children’s toys. a scrawny silhouette, shaking and shaking and shaking.
SOUNDS. incessant vocal fry. slurred sentences. the rev of an engine. a message left on an answering machine. stomach-churning sobs. the spark of a lighter. cypress hill’s discography. filler words. explosive confrontations. a gunshot echoing through the night. the music used in sonic games. a kid’s joyous laughter.
SENSATIONS. the familiar tingle of tears before they begin to fall. a pool of warmth upon being praised. breathing in quick, shallow bursts. the thrill of a risky escapade. skin that’s softer to the touch than you might’ve thought. recurrent episodes of hyperthermia. a chemically stimulated heartbeat, hammering triple-time. reeling from a ferocious punch. the kind of self-loathing that swallows you whole.
THEMES. searching for purpose in all the wrong places. doglike devotion. love and loss. non-normative masculinity. a bottomless pit of guilt. growing pains. an addict’s drive to destroy himself. lack of agency. hunger for approval. refusing to go down without a fight. chains and collars. bearing the burden of your father’s sins. a deep desire to be good against an environment that punishes goodness.
0 notes
Swifties in Hell
Shannon was in presale for Eras Tour tickets, frantically clicking the mouse and refreshing the screen on Ticketmaster as Samael loomed like an omen in the background.
“FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUUUCK,” the redheaded biology student said, sweat a sheen on her freckled face as seats were claimed, and she was ten thousandth in line. “We’re never going to get Taylor Swift tickets for us and the guys, Samael!”
Samael peered down the long, bent and hooked length of his nose with eyes that burned like the red fires of Mordor. “Beelzebub will be so disappointed. His favorite music is whiny spoiled blondes complaining about their whorish Millennial dating debacles.”
“Oh, shush, Sam, you love ‘Shake It Off’ – holy shit, WE GOT THEM FOR US AND THE GUYS!!!”
“Woohoo. I want to die.”
She jumped, screaming, and tackled Sam. “We’re going to D.C.. to see TAYLOR SWIFT! I’m throwing a Swiftie party in the Hellopolis BASEMENT tomorrow, and you all HAVE TO COME.”
“Can I claim the fourth.”
She smothered him with kisses. “My dream!”
“I thought I was your dream, Shannon.”
“I mean, I love you, Sam, but Taylor Swift is like the female Messiah.”
He cradled Shannon in his arms, kissing his girlfriend. “You mean a white woman Shai Hulud, a sandworm infecting Zoomer and Millennial girl brains and making them spend their life savings on pink tacky vinyls and bimbo-branded merchandise.”
“Alexa, play ‘Shake It Off,’” Shannon said without skipping a beat.
The lyrics came on, and Samael could not stop his demon tail from thumping along in time.
Shannon grasped his black tail, then began to suck on its pointed heart-shaped end.
Samael moaned, bucking into her. “I am not fucking to Taylor Swift – oh fuck, take me here you scarlet harridan, on the floor like a rawdog bear.”
“As you say, Matty Healy.”
Shannon was dressed like a Tortured Poet, beret on, white paper-covered dress with fresh ink, a typewriter in the basement office, pale pink cupcakes with illuminated poetry icing she had baked, an ice cream cake with a picture of Matty Healy, and she had forced Samael to wear a red scarf.
“Welcome, everyone, to the Swifties in Hell party!” Shannon, eternally nineteen due to Samael forcing his heart in black alchemical larceny on her, proclaimed to the archdemons. The usually sere, black, bone covered, and gore spattered dank basement had been painted pink, with balloons, a Taylor Swift cutout, and pink mood lighting. She had sprayed Bath and Body Works vanilla bean perfume over the myrrh and rot.
Asmodeus was chagrined, a succubi hooker on his arms, her triple red tits blushed with bruisy kisses: “Um, Shannon, what is this exactly?”
Beelzebub was drinking a watermelon Whiteclaw Shannon had filled the cooler with, instead of their usual blood wine and hell beer. “Tasty. Girly shit. But tasty.”
Lucifer checked the cake, then helped himself to some. “I think Shannon’s forcing us to another concert. Samael, your outfit is gay.”
“I’m apparently John Mayer.”
Shannon was busy making candy bead friendship bracelets with Asmodeus’ naked hell prostitute, Batsheva. She ignored them.
“Omg, Bat. I love Cornelia Street to!”
“But girl,” Batsheva said. “The way Joe Alwyn did her dirty.”
It was not very easy fitting thirteen foot tall, clawed, multiple headed, insect and beast appendaged demons into Capital One Arena, but Shannon made do. They had floor tickets.
“She’s very peppy,” Lucifer observed as Taytay played guitar and danced in a sparkly uni and go go boots.
“I’d rather be at Falling in Reverse,” Samael sighed, smoking like a chimney, now dressed as Travis Kelce, Shannon in his lap, bouncing along.
“Oh shit, this is GOOD. Go Taytay!” Asmodeus hooted.
Beelzebub was swapping spit with a Swiftie twink.
Finally, ‘Shake It Off’ came on. Energy swelled in the mesmerized crowd, and Samael felt rhythmic, feral white girl energy enter his ancient, blackened bones.
“Oh god, I get it. I GET SWIFTIEMANIA. SHE IS THE FEMALE MESSIAH!” Sam cried, having a white girl revelation.
The demons cried and danced. Shannon rode Samael’s shoulders as they got up to totally G-rated debauchery, candy bracelets on, phone lights swaying, screaming and crying
Demonic Swiftie
It was the best night, so far
Of Samael’s
#samael#eve#taylor swift#lucifer#fanfiction#crackship#is it bad all i listen to is ttpd popular monster dio and midwest princess#do other satanists write shitfics#bee might be into it but lu would wear the bracelets#dumb oc shit
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Oh! Oh okay hang on. I'm gonna pick a wip to be each of these.
Rain falling, page turning - death story, because of the endless waterfall that brings souls "down" to the afterlife, and because of the storykeeping of the score
Crashing waves, screeching seagulls - pirate story, obviously. need i say more?
Soft chanting, footsteps on stone - summon story, because of the rituals used to summon spirits, and because we're in a city, with stones
Birds chirping, joyous laughter - oh golly, which of my wips is just happy? Watermelon story, after Maisy isn't sad anymore
Clashing metal, booming voices - Mercenary Story, mayhap? There's s lot of fighting bandits, being in cahoots with rebels, blowing stuff up, spying, infiltrating, etc.
Engines revving, horns honking - idk. closet I've got is train story and that takes place on a train. or city story, but we're usually in quieter parts of said city
Urgent whispers, a clock ticking - could be thief story. once they're actually thieving it's always on a time limit
Desperate sobs, tolling bells - I'm going with rain story. fire magic poisoned land, elemental unbalancing
Glass shattering, wood splintering - castle story. all sorts of things are happening in a castle under a curse inhabited by various personages under curses
Fire crackling, goblets clinking - could be romance story. historical fiction and all that
Wing through the trees, crows caw - magick story, I'd say. lots of trees and birds and magick afoot
Electronic beeps, mechanical whirs - uh. automaton story?
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Nightmare Horror Bar Prague
5. 05. 2024
It's definitely the most beautiful and scariest bar I've been to. It's the opposite of a traditional pub, as it's an underground bar filled with nightmarish decorations. The stairs down are dark with fading red lights and horror movie posters. Disturbing music and strange sounds are playing in the background. When we go downstairs, we see a premises full of figures from films. The pub has lots of tunnels and looks small, but there's a table for everyone in the corner. Laura, Ada, and I chose a large table next to 'Evil Dead 2'. Next to us was a figure of Ash Williams with a chainsaw instead of a hand, with a possessed cassette spinning next to it and a Necromicon book behind a glass doorframe. Next to us across from the corridor, horror movie trailers were flying on the projector. Everywhere I looked, there were spooky decorations. Of the other wax figures, there are also Chucky, Freddy Krueger, Leatherface, Pinhead, and Regan from 'The Exorcist'. Inside, even more posters, red lights, and loud rock music. The names of the drinks were a reference to the films, and the glasses had stickers again with horror movie characters on them. The drinks were delicious, I particularly enjoyed two - the 'Chainsaw', which is white rum, lemonade, strawberry, and mint, and the 'Reanimator' which is vodka, liqueur, and pineapple juice, and was served with watermelon liqueur in a syringe. My friends and I had only agreed to have one drink, but we got so revved up that we sat there for a couple of hours. I found the place by accident and we had such a good time. Of course, after drinking we laughed like fools, confided in each other about our relationship problems, or reminisced about funny situations from our past. It's a special end to a ladies' night out in an atmospheric pub.

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🌹 'Bachelor' Winners: Epic Update! You Won't Believe!
Rachael Kirkconnell: A Rollercoaster Romance 🎢😄 Ah, reality TV love stories – where roses are handed out like candy on Halloween, and emotions flow faster than a water slide at a water park. But let's talk about Rachael Kirkconnell and her whirlwind journey on The Bachelor with Matt "The Confused" James. Cue the dramatic music and grab your popcorn, because this tale is juicier than a watermelon on a summer day. The Finale That Left Us Scratching Our Heads 🌹🤔 So, there they were, Matt and Rachael, in the grand finale of The Bachelor. The suspense was killing us like a suspenseful TV show usually does. And then, plot twist – Matt decided not to pop the question. Can we get a "what the heck" emoji here? 🤯 The twist was so sharp, even I got a paper cut just watching it through my screen. Antebellum Party Shenanigans 🎉🏛️ Hold on to your monocles, folks, because here comes the drama train. Rachael had a little party throwback to the good ol' days of antebellum charm. Yeah, you heard that right – a plantation party. Now, I don't know about you, but my idea of a good time isn't dressing up like I'm headed to a Civil War reenactment. Naturally, photos of this peculiar shindig surfaced faster than a beach ball at a Nickelback concert. The internet erupted, and Rachael found herself in hot water hotter than the tea you forgot on the counter for two days. The Apology Tour via Instagram 📸🙏 But wait, Rachael had an idea: Instagram apologies! Not just one, but two – because one heartfelt apology just wasn't enough for a plantation-themed party. It's like trying to put out a forest fire with a squirt gun. Nice try, Rachael. The Heart-to-Heart with Matt and Special Guest 🌹🎙️ So, they all sat down for the big talk – Rachael, Matt, and the special guest star, Emmanuel "The Relationship Judge" Acho. Things got more intense than a game of Monopoly with a sore loser. Rachael's face showed confusion, like when you find out your favorite snack got discontinued. She spilled, "When he first called me to end things, my initial reaction was I was very confused. I was very blindsided. But once that initial reaction went away, I thought about, you know, how strong I thought our relationship was." The Rollercoaster Rides Again! 🎢🔄 Just when you thought the rollercoaster was over, it revved up again. They split up but then got back together, like a flip-flopping drama duo. They confirmed their reconciliation in the ultimate "take that, rumors!" fashion – by being spotted together. Seriously, if I had a dime for every time a celebrity confirmed something by simply walking out of a Starbucks together, I'd be a millionaire by now. Love and Rumors: A Day in the Life 💑📰 In a stunning twist, they revealed they've become so immune to breakup rumors that they treat them like mosquito bites – an annoying itch that eventually fades away. Rachael eloquently put it, "I get it – because we’re together so much so whenever our schedules don’t line up or whenever we have our own things going on, I get where people come from." And get this, even Matt's own mom has taken up a part-time job as a relationship detective. She's like, "Where's Rachael?" whenever Matt shows up without his other half. Newsflash, mom: people have lives, even if they are on TV! So, there you have it – the rollercoaster love tale of Rachael and Matt. From antebellum parties to Instagram apologies, this story has more ups and downs than a pogo stick championship. Just remember, folks, if you ever want to navigate the maze of reality TV romance, bring a snack and a good sense of humor. It's gonna be a bumpy ride! 🍿🎢😄# Rachael Kirkconnell: A Rollercoaster Romance 🎢😄 Ah, reality TV love stories – where roses are handed out like candy on Halloween, and emotions flow faster than a water slide at a water park. But let's talk about Rachael Kirkconnell and her whirlwind journey on The Bachelor with Matt "The Confused" James. Cue the dramatic music and grab your popcorn, because this tale is juicier than a watermelon on a summer day. The Finale That Left Us Scratching Our Heads 🌹🤔 So, there they were, Matt and Rachael, in the grand finale of The Bachelor. The suspense was killing us like a suspenseful TV show usually does. And then, plot twist – Matt decided not to pop the question. Can we get a "what the heck" emoji here? 🤯 The twist was so sharp, even I got a paper cut just watching it through my screen. Antebellum Party Shenanigans 🎉🏛️ Hold on to your monocles, folks, because here comes the drama train. Rachael had a little party throwback to the good ol' days of antebellum charm. Yeah, you heard that right – a plantation party. Now, I don't know about you, but my idea of a good time isn't dressing up like I'm headed to a Civil War reenactment. Naturally, photos of this peculiar shindig surfaced faster than a beach ball at a Nickelback concert. The internet erupted, and Rachael found herself in hot water hotter than the tea you forgot on the counter for two days. The Apology Tour via Instagram 📸🙏 But wait, Rachael had an idea: Instagram apologies! Not just one, but two – because one heartfelt apology just wasn't enough for a plantation-themed party. It's like trying to put out a forest fire with a squirt gun. Nice try, Rachael. The Heart-to-Heart with Matt and Special Guest 🌹🎙️ So, they all sat down for the big talk – Rachael, Matt, and the special guest star, Emmanuel "The Relationship Judge" Acho. Things got more intense than a game of Monopoly with a sore loser. Rachael's face showed confusion, like when you find out your favorite snack got discontinued. She spilled, "When he first called me to end things, my initial reaction was I was very confused. I was very blindsided. But once that initial reaction went away, I thought about, you know, how strong I thought our relationship was." The Rollercoaster Rides Again! 🎢🔄 Just when you thought the rollercoaster was over, it revved up again. They split up but then got back together, like a flip-flopping drama duo. They confirmed their reconciliation in the ultimate "take that, rumors!" fashion – by being spotted together. Seriously, if I had a dime for every time a celebrity confirmed something by simply walking out of a Starbucks together, I'd be a millionaire by now. Love and Rumors: A Day in the Life 💑📰 In a stunning twist, they revealed they've become so immune to breakup rumors that they treat them like mosquito bites – an annoying itch that eventually fades away. Rachael eloquently put it, "I get it – because we’re together so much so whenever our schedules don’t line up or whenever we have our own things going on, I get where people come from." And get this, even Matt's own mom has taken up a part-time job as a relationship detective. She's like, "Where's Rachael?" whenever Matt shows up without his other half. Newsflash, mom: people have lives, even if they are on TV! So, there you have it – the rollercoaster love tale of Rachael and Matt. From antebellum parties to Instagram apologies, this story has more ups and downs than a pogo stick championship. Just remember, folks, if you ever want to navigate the maze of reality TV romance, bring a snack and a good sense of humor. It's gonna be a bumpy ride! 🍿🎢😄 Read the full article
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Watermelon Mango Smoothie
Rev up those blenders because we’ve got a spectacular, simple Smoothie Saturday recipe to launch your weekend with a pop of probiotic goodness. Loaded with nutrient-dense fruit and a double-dose of Lifeway Kefir, this attractive smoothie features two layers of flavor, perfectly balanced like a delicious summer fruit salad. Cultured Dairy: The Nutrition Benefits You […]
Read more: https://lifewaykefir.com/recipes/watermelon-mango-smoothie/
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june :) my bestie who is so messed up
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