heybeachvilla · 1 year
Tobias Grau's Falling Water Lamp - Eine perfekte Mischung aus modernem Design und natürlicher Schönheit!
Entdecken Sie den Zauber der Falling Watet von Tobias Grau in unserem Ferienhaus in hey Beachvilla. Lassen Sie sich von dem faszinierenden Spiel von Licht und Design verzaubern, während Sie sich in der gemütlichen Umarmung unserer Oase am Meer entspannen. Erleben Sie die perfekte Mischung aus modernem Design und natürlicher Schönheit, wo jeder Moment so hell leuchtet wie die Falling Water.
Gewinnen Sie hier weitere Einblicke: https://hey-beachvilla.de/blog/falling-water! 
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mtg-epsilon-butterfly · 6 months
Ravnica: The 38th District
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Despite its unassuming nature with few notable locations; The Dimid controlled districts are hubs of information and research. Littered with libraries on all subjects the dimir guild has expertly woven themselves into the 38th’s society; all the while they collect information and secretly pull the strings of not only the 38th, but Ravnica as a whole.The guildhall is known as The Underclock, where Mistini, the guild’s sphinx keeps a of nexus of Doomsday clocks for districts of interest. The four faces closest to Mistini’s chambers represent the 1st district, 10th district, the 38th district and a district whose identity is hidden, only two minutes till midnight. While the existence of the underclock is shrouded in mystery, high level dimir operatives oftentimes find themselves here during their missions, as it has become a hub of Dimir operations.
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Moving on to the main civilian hub of the Dimir Guild, the Lamplight District. The district gets it’s monacor due to the Crescent Rock Prison Complex, This Azorius controlled Prison was constructed to shield the district from the sun. This effect has caused the district to be in a constant shadow, and subsequently develop a Horrible infestation of duskshell crawlers This compacted district houses most of Dimir’s civilian population. Don't be mistaken, although this is a tightly compacted civilian area doesn't mean Dimir doesn't have its operations held within plain sight. Libraries, stores, and even the birds themselves all work as spies keeping a close eye on anybody within the 38th. Under the surface of the lamplight district is a large portion of Undercity. This area was previously azorius territory and thus is a large network of bridges and waterways now known as The Waterlamp District. This has allowed the district to become quite the pain to traverse for those unfamiliar with its complex layout. The entirety of the Lamplight and Waterlamp districts are butted up against the golgari necro-district of Hangulg which emerged and swallowed a chunk of the district about thirty years ago. While the two gilded districts dont necessary get along, the larger enemy is the Azorius Senate who built a complex of prisons hovering over the districts. Until the fall of the Crescent Rock Prison Complex the two guilds have vowed to cooperate.
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Leo Copers
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nazmibelge · 6 years
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Deniz feneri #waterlamp #waterfalls #ig_baoli #ig_club #ig_phototag #ig_bnw #ig_photooftheday #ig_fotografdiyari #ig_sunrisesunset #ig_travelerworld #ig_sunsetshot #ig_streetclub #ig_nature #ig_shotz_bw #ig_turkey #monochrome #monochromatic #bnw #bnw_street #bnw_photo #bnw_life #bnw_photographer #bnw_greatshots #bnw_perfection #bnw_photography #fotografgrubu #fotografkritigi #nazmibelge
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peterevonuk · 11 years
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Water Lamp
Glass, Water, Salt, Direct current, Graphite, Brass
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