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MALLARD (female) - Composition Wednesday
© Erik McGregor - erikrivas@hotmail.com - 917-225-8963
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"Hey Goose! I brought you a bunch of grapes. They're hella bomb, thick and juicey. I googled it and Google says geese like grapes, so I thought I'd treat ya!"
The goose quickly waddled its way forward with a small honk of thanks before it paused, happy to wait patiently for its newly discovered treasures.
Milo was an ally to the waterfoul and he would be treated as such.
#ic#ic!ask#ic!answer#holygroundscafe#honkhonk : goose#verse : honk#ooc: you can practically hear me and my brain highfive over 'waterfoul'#ooc: (bcus 'foul waterfowl' was also fun but this was more fun)#ooc: my brain gave up after I thought of that and you can fuckin tell omg#put it in the queue#gif warning#flashing gif#flashing warning
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Me in 15 years, clearly drunk with power only available to an underpaid city employee:
"My Foul Creatures of the Night, demolish that suburb and replace it with a nature preserve and build a train station to connect it to the larger city"
The 72 construction workers I found in rural Nebraska: "Hey, we aren't waterfoul, Jeremyhas a magpie as his fursona, not a duck"
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hOrnithology for Beginners

On Ao3
Next chapter
I know I said it was a one shot but I lied. I think it will be 4 chapters.
Marco X Reader, no use of "y/n." Fluffy fun.
Summary: You spend your days waitressing, using all your free time working to become an ornithologist and hunting poachers. You meet and befriend a rare mythical bird, with clear intelligence and astounding beauty. At the same time, an annoying group of pirates are docked at the island. One of them with a stupid haircut keeps trying to charm you, but you hate pirates and especially this one. He’s persistent - can’t he just leave you alone so you can hang out with your new Phoenix friend?
Marco isn’t sure what to do - you love him in his phoenix form, but you hate him in his human form. It's a tough spot for birds and bird watchers alike.
I think that it could reasonably be assumed that the mythical Zoans are not the only of their kinds. They are the just only humans who can turn into mythical creatures. Rob Lucci is not the only leopard, Jack isn’t the only mammoth, Yamato isn't the only kitsune, etc. For the purposes of this story, there are more than one of each mythical creature, but only one Devil Fruit user who can turn into one. So reader isn't totally off that it is a phoenix, she just doesn't know it's The Phoenix.
You tightened your apron ties and scanned the patrons coming in for the lunch rush. Looked like the usual groups - some tourists, some bird watchers, some locals. You didn’t see any obvious waterfoul - your punny code word for pirates. One of the reasons you kept this shitty job was that it gave you a good peek into everyone coming and going on the island. Your island was famous for its stunning bird migrations. It was the southernmost island before the longest landless stretch of sea in the Grand Line. Flocks of birds would often rest at the island in preparation for the long journey to the next set of islands. It was also a wonderful location to try to spot rare and mythical birds. You’d seen a few and captured their essences in your sketchbook.
Unfortunately, waterfoul weren’t interested in capturing images. They wanted to catch and kill rare birds for easy money. Poaching was a huge problem on the island, one that you frequently fought against. It was your personal crusade to try and stop as many poachers as possible. You’d caught some others - a few Marines, some local boys - but the primary offenders were almost always waterfoul. You carefully watched when crews came to the port, listening for signs that they were going to look for avian treasures. It usually took a week for log poses to set, so you had a good chance of seeing anyone suspicious. You didn’t care to keep track of any specific crew or pirates - they were all the same. Same arrogance, same swaggering attitude, same cocky assurance that they could do anything they wanted to with no repercussions. You hadn’t met any halfway decent pirates, and you didn’t think you ever would.
Satisfied that you wouldn’t have to worry as much today, you began your shift. It was grinding your soul to shreds being inside and talking to customers when you could be spending it outdoors, watching and drawing birds. But you needed to make money to afford art supplies, new ornithology books, and poison for your dart tips. So inside you stayed, taking orders from idiots who didn’t know if the mashed potatoes were mashed or fried. After a grueling shift, you were finally able to leave. You chucked your apron into the dirty bin and left immediately, turning down your coworkers requests to hang out as a group after the shift ended.
“C’mon, you never hang out with me. Let’s go grab a drink,” Etta said, giving you puppy dog eyes. Etta was your work BFF, and your only real friend on the island.
“I can’t, I’m going to try to catch -”
“The next bird migration, I know. But there’s always a bird migration on this island, that’s the deal here. You can see one tomorrow, the next day, next month, next year even! But there’s only one 2 berri marg night per week…besides I heard there are some hot new pirates in town.” She waggled her eyebrows at you, while you pretended to barf.
“You know how I feel about pirates. But I do wanna hang out. How about this? Tomorrow after our shift I’ll buy you a margarita, even if it costs more than 2 berri.” You really did like Etta so you compromised - one night out would be OK, you probably wouldn’t miss much. She stuck her tongue out at you.
“Fine, but you can’t flake out. If you do, I’m leaving you to do side prep all by yourself. Think of all those lemons you’d have to cut.” She rolled her eyes, but it was a plan. You were truly excited - she was the first friend you’d made since you were a child. People often told you that you were “intimidating,” or “prickly,” or “difficult,” which was all just code for “bitchy.” You didn’t care - you wanted to be yourself, not try to dull your edges for people who wouldn’t like you either way. So you were happy to be friends with Etta, who liked you despite your “poor attitude” (as your boss called it).
You changed out of your work clothes and into your hiking gear, taking your day pack with you. This is what you liked most - going into the wild to watch for birds, especially legendary ones. You walked down to the forest edge and started on a well trodden path. It didn’t take you long before you had diverged from the path and were going rogue. You’d never see anything really good on the tourist paths - people were too loud and startled the birds away. Besides, you’d been on the island a long time now and you knew the best places to wait and watch.
You picked your way through the dense forest towards the hidden waterfall. It was your slice of heaven on earth. It was secluded enough that you’d never seen anyone else there. The area surrounding the waterfall was more open than the forest floor, making it easy for camping overnight. The water was always cool and clear, wonderful for swimming on a hot day. The waterfall wasn’t terribly large or loud, bringing a pleasant sound of rushing water. There was an alcove behind the waterfall, large enough for three or so people. Leafy trees lined the banks of the river the waterfall fell into, bringing shade on hot days. It was your happy place, where you retreated both physically and mentally when stressed. Today was no exception.
You reached your destination and put your pack down on a familiar flat rock under the shade of a tree. You took out your pencil, sketchbook, and binoculars and started your stake out. You were already mentally tallying the different bird cries you heard. So far, nothing out of the ordinary, just local birds trilling. You also delighted in the ordinary - you enjoyed seeing the same species day after day, learning more about their habits and manner of living. You were sketching a local starling that was imitating the sounds of transponder snails - pretty well, actually - when all of a sudden, your ears perked up when you heard alarm calls. It wasn’t a call for mobbing - when smaller birds would form a group to ward off a predatory bird. These were definitely alarm calls - short, high pitched, loud cries to warn their flocks that a predator was near.
You were excited, this was great news for you. Hearing these calls meant that something big was coming your way. It might be a more common predator, but maybe not. You’d seen a lightning Secretary bird once that caused the exact same alarm cries. You’d barely caught sight of it before it was gone. Another time, the cries alerted you to an ice Roc perched in a tree a little farther down the river. You’d carefully stalked the bird and were able to get a few sketches of it done before it flew away. Those were the rarest ones you’d ever seen, and you were hoping for another.
Straining your ears listening to the bird cries, you grabbed your sketchbook and followed them towards the source. You crept along as quickly as you could deeper in the forest, silently walking on the sides of your feet. The cries weren’t quieting down, meaning the predator was still in the area. Scanning, you inhaled a gasp as you saw the apex predator at hand. Perched on a branch overlooking the river was a phoenix. A blue fire phoenix, with dark blue almost purple accent markings that made it look like it was wearing glasses. You could barely remember to breathe in its presence.
You stood there agog with your mouth open until the bird moved slightly to shift its feathers. You opened your sketchbook and drew quick sketches of it before you missed your chance. You jotted notes of the colors, wanting to remember exactly what it looked like. Seeing the phoenix was like seeing a god in the flesh. It was a blur of blue flames, ending with wisps of yellow. The movment of its body was like watching the waterfall, endless and yet each moment fleeting at the same time. You could scarcely believe that you were able to see one, much less sketch it. You must have been making too much noise because it looked straight at you despite your hiding spot in the brush.
You weren’t worried about it hurting or killing you - that would be an honor. Well, not really, but you typically found predatory birds disinterested in humans. You kept on sketching even though your hands were shaking. The bird cocked its head to the side and continued to watch you. It almost felt…awkward, like you had intruded on a private moment. After a minute or so it seemed to have gathered whatever information it wanted and flew away. Even watching it leave was magnificent, tail feathers like a chain of golden coins dancing in the wind. When it finally left your sight, you exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding. That was almost orgasmic for you. You rushed to pack up your things so you could go home and sketch with detail and notations before you forgot anything.
On your way back, the only thing on your mind was the phoenix. You thought about its elegance, its restrained power, its understated intelligence. It was the most striking bird you’d ever seen out of the thousands you’d cataloged. You thought more about its coloring, trying to think of the exact shades of blue and yellow you’d use to describe it. But now that you thought about it, seeing a blue fire phoenix was peculiar. Everything you’d heard about phoenixes depicted them as yellow bodied with red accents. But not much was known about any legendary bird so perhaps this one was rarer or maybe hadn’t been discovered yet. It had some kind of marking on its chest - but unfortunately where you were standing obscured your ability to see the marks directly. The glasses markings were a little funny - almost like a spectacled owl. It did give the phoenix a distinctive and distinguished look, like a scholar or a doctor. You were practically skipping with delight towards your home, thinking of all the little details you wanted to remember.
The next day, you went to work with a smile on your face. Not even the sight of waterfoul in your section could dull your mood today. You’d spent hours sketching and coloring drawings of the phoenix you’d seen, writing every possible memory you had down to preserve it forever. Etta wasn’t in yet - she was starting a shift staggered an hour after yours- but you’d have to tell her about it when you saw her again. Smiling, you walked to the table of waterfoul getting your pad out to take their order. As you got to the table, your smile dropped and your bitch face turned on. You set it to extra sour just for your own fun.
You looked at the assembled men - you saw two stupid hairstyles, two stupid hats, and one well...there was nothing stupid looking about the last man. He was absolutely gorgeous with black glossy hair set in a classic style and incredible geisha style makeup. Whatever, even if he was good looking he was still a pirate. The man with the stupidest hairstyle smiled warmly at you, like he knew you. You dropped your neutral face into a frown.
“What do you want?” you said in a flat tone.
“Aren’t you supposed to greet customers with a friendly welcome?” said stupid hairstyle two with a smirk. You wanted to dump a cup of water on his pompadour. Or maybe soup.
“Of course! Whatever would you like today, my fair patrons?” you replied in an overly sweet and simpering voice. You even curtsied at the end to hammer the point home. The point being - fuck off. As soon as the words left your lips, you went back to frowning. Pineapple Hair looked at you curiously.
Cowboy hat laughed and said “I’ll start with three steaks, rare. And a beer.” Pineapple Hair, Pompadour, Twirly Mustache and Glamor Man also placed their orders. When they were done, you turned on your heel and went to put in their orders. You attended your other tables and customers, servicing them all while thinking about your phoenix.
After a while, you saw Etta enter through the staff door. Before she could get to the floor you quickly pulled her to the kitchen. You both spoke excitedly at the same time.
“Guess what - “
“Guess what - “
“You go first,” Etta said, listening intently.
“I saw a legendary bird last night! It was everything I could have ever dreamed of! It was absolutely incredible…I can’t wait to show you the sketches.” Etta was one of the only people you showed your drawings to. You loved the art of drawing but felt self conscious about your ability.
“That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you,” Etta’s eyes lit up. She always liked when you shared your ornithology information with her and dutifully listened to some of your ramblings..
“What’s your news?” Maybe 2 berri margs were available again tonight?
“So I went out to the bar last night and met someone for a little fun. They’re in town until their log pose resets. I was talking to them for a while and mentioned that you are a real bird expert, not like the shitty tour guides who don’t know anything.” You narrowed your eyes. This wasn’t heading in a direction you liked.
“He’s actually interested in beetles, not birds. But I said that beetles are an important part of several bird’s diets,” she said, hedging around something.
“That’s true, you’ve been listening to my rants,” you said, still on guard. There was something she wasn’t saying and you had a feeling you weren’t going to like it.
“So I might have volunteered you to come on a double date with him and his friend birdwatching and looking for beetles,” she said in a rush while starting to steeple her hands in a begging motion.
“What aren’t you telling me? There’s more to it than that.” you asked suspiciously.
“Uhm. Well, the thing is. They’re pirates -”
“Etta! Oh my god. I knew it was something -”
“No, no listen! Listen. They seem actually nice and reasonable. The one I met yesterday, Ace, was so sweet and hot! I really like him.”
“Ohmyfuckinggod. Pirates? Etta they’ll probably kill us and take our stuff if we go to the woods with them. Or worse.”
“No! They’re like, high ranking pirates, so you know they have to be good.”
“That is not at all what that means.” You crossed your arms, and waved at the little window in the kitchen door that looked into the dining room.
“Look, there’s shitty pirates out there right now. They’ve already annoyed me and it’s only been like half an hour. Think about what a few hours would do to me.” Etta looked out the window.
“Oh, actually he’s right there! Isn’t he hot?” Etta ducked down so he couldn’t see her.
“Who? Which one?” You really hoped it was Glamor Man, but he didn’t seem outdoorsy. You looked at the table where Cowboy Hat was asleep face down in his food. Could you drown in peas?
“The one wearing the cowboy hat, that’s Ace. Isn’t he just so fine?” Of course that was the one she liked. He was something alright. Etta was practically drooling. Ace was too.
“Etta, as my only friend, I have to tell you-”
“Please please please please please please -”
“I really don’t think this is a good idea and I really don’t want to go on a double date with -”
“Please please please please please - I’ll take your shift tomorrow so you have two days off in a row! It’s the weekend too! Just come out with me tomorrow with these guys, please!”
You sighed. You didn’t want Etta to get herself killed, and two days off was very appealing during busy season. You could go camping overnight and see if the phoenix ever returned.
“Fine. But we’re going on the popular trails and I will absolutely not be kissing any pirate. And you have to roll my silverware tonight.” You barely even cared who you were set up with so you didn't bother to ask. You'd find out tomorrow anyway.
“Thank you thank you thank you!!” Etta squealed and hugged you tightly. You gave a small smile, knowing you’d made your friend happy. And looking for beetles did actually sound like fun. Who knew pirates liked bugs?
#marco x you#marco x reader#op marco#marco the phoenix#op fluff#one piece fluff#op sillies#portgas d ace#just marco things
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(Hatemail) You are too silly of a goose
Bruh????? You deny my waterfoul status??? Jail for mutual! Jail for mutual for one thousand years!
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Ahhh more cute stuff with the moots thank you for the tag @inhales-agressively

This is so me actually 😂
You can do one here!
Some VERY low pressure tags ♥️: @duckbills-and-waterfoul @ipleadbritney @starbeaning @dreamfyrefairy
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I can't believe what im about to say
but I'm starting to get the appeal of Malenia bossfight. I've watched countless hours of people struggling against her in challenge runs etc. that I actually remember all of her combos, I managed to survive waterfoul dance a couple times. I get it I get it.
I love tall women with dex builds and I guess I got much better at ER since my first and second playthrough.
I feel like my issue with her was the fact that I like playing a bit risky or even trade. There's no trading here, it's way harder than Lady Maria but has the same "dance of death" vibe.
#and backhand blades are goated#flame art infusion with 60 fth and 50 dex#very quick and responsive and the fire actually causes mikro staggers#don't get cocky tho#Rellana is also on my "to master' list#Elden ring#scarlet mommy
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nine people I'd like to know better
thank you @hellish-cleric and @klkirbles for the tags!
last song: hey boys and girls by evermore. love me some kiwi music fr
favorite color: mmmm blue. or black.
currently watching: tomato playing content warning. orrr rewatching scooby doo mystery incorporated
sweet/savory/spicy: savoury ez
relationship status: have a boyfriend i think. idk. i forget sometimes. polyam and in love with most people (as an aroace) (dont question it) (i know im not).
current obsession: oresama teacher!!!!!! and danhausen. and my bg3 durge. nd bloodweave. many such things
last thing you "googled": '72 mg concerta' lmfao big plans B)
tagging: @eightertrek @feycorvus @aiam-maianaise @calovera @waterfoul
@irlpatroclus @shixen @ovibovid @pepsi-maxwell
(no pressure to do it. also if you wanna do this but haven't been tagged, pretend i tagged u and do it anyway!)
#tag game#i cant remember if the ppl i have tagged had already done it either. if so. i am sorry boss#idk why its not tagging some people properly either hewp
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sometimes you are dealt a bad hand, a set of days that turn into weeks of dry and unyielding sameness. but one day, something changes. you make a plan, find a way to push a date and time and place together with someone. when you find a way to break free of the cycle of sameness, you may find a lightness waiting for you. this is to say, i am made brave by the love of friends. by a day spent watching waterfoul and fish in an algae filled lake, meandering around a rose garden, and playing with a puppy named cinnamon, finding that when i stopped fussing with it—my haircut finally looks just right.
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NORTHERN SHOVELER (spatula clypeata) - Composition Saturday
© Erik McGregor - erikrivas@hotmail.com - 917-225-8963
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Day 3 of @xeeble' Faketober - Fiend
Waterfoul (Flying/Fighting)
It's a lovely morning in the Chevis region, and you are a horrible goose.

[click here for my faketober tag!]
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Malenia's Curse
Warning: This is an 18+ story with very uncomfortable or even disturbing topics
(Warning 2: This story is very terribly written)
Her figure was slim and plump, yet her skin was filled with a magical rot the Scarlet Rot and it's power addicted her mind to it.
But with it came a consequence it had ripped her body each moment closer to death, yet it had given her a gift it gave a child.
It changed her body, her skin was cleared and her sight returned while her breasts plumped out heavily as her dress tightened out.
Her lips we're ruby red and eyes of emerald it returned her beauty before it rotted her out, happiness returned once more today.

(The arms are incorrect and I don't who made it)
Strolling through a canyon, replacing her arm since it didn't fit on anymore so she forged a new katana to replace once lost.
Breathing in all that she missed, the winds and beautiful flowers as tension in her stomach had welled up tighter than before.
Her only good hand reached her belly, a kick pressed her womb's wall and she jumped in clattering gold around her body.
Tears welled in her eyes, her heart beating within her head the realization of readying herself for motherhood as she smiled.
Her dream of being a mother was saved, grateful and humbled she took in all the gratefulness and took each step proper.
Nine months out, alone behind the bush gripping her blade when a tarnished had intruded in and she announced herself.
"I am Malenia, blade of Miquella I have never known defeat."
Windfully dashing towards the warrior and perfoming her master technique, a katana waterfoul dance as they defend by shields.
The Goddess of rot was parried perfectly, seemingly effortlessly casting a fire spell burning her belly and unborn child.
"Unkindly fool! Mnnaagghh! You dare strike ny unborn child, now you've gone beyond what is acceptable tarnished!"
Rising high and slammed the ground the tails of rot rose they struck her womb with a greatblade and a gush of fluid ran beneath her dress.
Her thighs throbbed as she stood withstanding contractions biting into each other, her rival ran towards her and pinned her down.
He cuts her dress open and pierced the woman through her womb, and galloped in her womb he slid deep into her cervix and felt a slimy and hard head press his penis.
But he went on and forced the baby back in as her belly jostled and throbbed, he lifted her up and sat her on his penal head.
Wrapping his arms around her belly, he tightly squeezed her belly as she screamed and gasps in intense pain he pulled out and kicked her bump before running away.
Hours had passed and rain began to pour, she only began to crown as she gasps and pushed out and inched her baby forth.
But by desperation she went extreme and grabbed the head and pulled out the head, trembling from soreness and pain.
Slowly pushing each huge shoulder, blood rushed over as the rest slipped out in her weakened state collapsing.
Her mind flashed with memories and regrets she apologizes under her breath, before her vision went black soon awakening.
Millicent laid a swaddled boy on her chest suckling off her nipple, she weakly spoke.
"W- who ar- are you?"
"Hi Mother, seems like I have a new sibling don't I? He's adorable not gonna lie."
She chuckled it off, staring into the night sky as her mind went of the future of her child.
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so so cruel and evil ghat i am Alone on these rocks. the air is growing colder and it’s so thick with salt i can taste it, i can hear the trickle of water and the churchbells and the bay is as still as glass, i see flocks of waterfoul and jumping fish and i have money to buy snacks at the 7-11 and pretty shells in my bag, and yet. and yet
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hOrnithology For Beginners, Chapter 2

on Ao3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter
You have to suspend disbelief for this story - just enjoy the ride. I really wanted Ace to be in it, so don’t think too hard about the timeline. This is just silly fun.
I learned a lot about birds writing this.
Since you and Etta were going on a double date the following day - against your better judgment - she released you from your promise of going out to the bar that night. You watched as she flirted with Ace after he woke up from his mid-meal nap, laughing at something he said to her. She pointed at you, indicating you were the friend in question for tomorrow’s activities. You wanted to flip them off, but you didn’t want to get in the way of Etta’s fun. So instead you waved once and almost smiled. That would have to be enough. Only Etta and Ace waved back.
It was busy in the restaurant, so you didn’t get a chance to tell Etta about the phoenix you’d seen. You were constantly thinking about it, hoping it was still on the island. It probably wasn’t, but a girl could dream. Your shift ended and you headed back home to pack some camping gear for the night. Since you didn’t have to work the following day you could indulge in camping out near the waterfall, one of your favorite things to do. You packed up quickly, making sure to grab your blowgun and poison tipped darts. With waterfoul on the island, you wanted to be prepared in case someone got any ideas for a quick cash grab.
Trekking out to the waterfall, you were scrutinizing the landscape for any errant phoenix feathers that may have fallen. They were said to have healing properties when ground up into medicine, but you just wanted to keep it in your collection. Unfortunately there were no phoenix feathers, but you did find a nice tern feather specimen that you tucked into your ponytail for safe keeping. That was enough to make you happy while you set up your camp.
You hadn’t eaten dinner yet, so you pulled out the fresh fruit you’d cut up at home. You needed to eat it first since there was no refrigeration outdoors. Opening your container of pineapple, you popped a piece into your mouth and you hummed contentedly. Pineapple was your favorite fruit, dessert, breakfast, lunch and dinner all rolled into one. You ate as much as you could without getting mouth sores.
You were munching heartily when you had the feeling someone was watching you. You swiveled your head but didn’t see anyone, or hear anything. You put one more piece into your mouth and set down the container. You slowly reached for your blowgun, preparing in case of trouble. As you grabbed it, you felt a rush of wind behind you. Turning to look, you broke into a huge smile. The phoenix from yesterday was perched in a nearby tree, perhaps 5 meters away. You admired it silently for several moments, watching its blue flames flicker.
You couldn’t believe your good fortune. It was astounding that the phoenix had stayed on the island and that you’d gotten to see it twice. You were reaching for your pencils and sketchbook slowly when the bird gracefully flew down and sat near you. You didn’t move - you didn’t breathe. It meandered over to you, looking interestedly at the pineapple.
Marco POV
He knew he’d seen you somewhere before. He hadn’t realized the charming woman from the woods yesterday was the same as the surly waitress in the restaurant. The work uniform was part of the reason he hadn’t noticed, your hair slicked back into a severe bun and wearing the same apron as your coworkers. But it was your attitude and demeanor that made you unfamiliar to him even though he’d met you before. Out here you were relaxed, free, and full of life. You smiled easily and delighted in the nature around you. You were beautiful in an unconventional way - like your features had been perfectly balanced to make you alluring. Even when working, it was clear you were pretty but it was tempered by your…temper.
In the restaurant you seemed like you’d rather be eating glass than working. You had no patience for him and his brothers especially, practically throwing their orders on the table and stomping away. Marco was used to not getting a warm reception at some islands - some civilians were hostile towards pirates - but with you it seemed to be more than the usual distrust. He didn’t think they’d been there before, so he wasn’t sure what was irking you. He didn’t take it personally, there were good reasons why some people didn’t like pirates.
You had spotted him in his bird form the previous evening as he relaxed from a long day. Though he often favored a hybrid form for fighting and day-to-day activities, he felt more rested when he shifted completely - either to human or bird. He had been sitting and enjoying a moment of solitude away from his boisterous family when he heard you rustling in the forest. You were astounded at the sight of him, like he was the sun and you a moth drawn to him. He had briefly watched you draw his figure - you were quick but precise with your lines. It was an accurate and flattering sketch, one he would have normally asked for. But hearing his “voice” when he was in bird form was jarring for anyone who hadn’t experienced it and he didn’t want to scare you. So he enjoyed the moment and flew away, leaving you with a fond memory.
Something that was convenient about being an infamous pirate is that Marco rarely had to introduce himself. Not only was he a Whitebeard Commander, but his Zoan fruit made him a memorable personality on the seas. Surely you knew who he was by the emblem on his chest and well…that he was a phoenix. Though, if you did, you would have probably warmed up to him and spoken to him at the restaurant, he thought bemusedly. Well, seeing this you again was a nice surprise. Your friend had spoken highly about your ornithological knowledge to Ace, assuring him you were the best birder on the island. He wanted to see what you’d do when faced with a legendary bird - maybe your curiosity would trump your dislike.
You were eating and humming to yourself, watching a tanager hunting for food. You looked peaceful and serene, enjoying the evening’s fair weather. He watched you for a few minutes until the hairs on the back of your neck alerted you to his presence. You reached for a blowgun, at which point Marco decided to make himself known. Even though it wouldn’t hurt him there was no need for violence. He made enough movement for you to track him and watched as you stared up at him adoringly. The look you gave him was a mixture of awe, reverence, and naked joy. He wouldn’t admit it, but he always enjoyed when people stared at his bird form. Who doesn't like to be appreciated now and again? He kept himself from preening under your gaze.
He later realized you weren’t going to do anything unless he initiated. Maybe you didn’t know how to act around a transformed Zoan Devil Fruit user? Marco saw you were eating pineapple and tilted his head, asking for silent permission to have some. Your mouth opened into a perfect circle, and you spoke softly.
“Please, go ahead. Have as much as you like.” Marco nodded his head in thanks and ate a few pieces from the container. Good pineapple. While he was eating, you started drawing him again. This time you had brought more colors and were sketching smaller areas of his figure. You were watching him intently and sketching as fast as you could. You were very talented, he thought, both in terms of anatomical accuracy as well as capturing the essence of his spirit. He finished off the last of your pineapple to his dismay. Marco realized he hadn't eaten dinner yet and was still hungry. Oh well, maybe he’d see you another time. He prepared for flight.
“Would you like more food? I have plenty.” For once, Marco didn’t have anywhere to be immediately and a free meal was always welcome. He inclined his head once more. You scrambled to get him food as quickly as you could - he could get used to being treated like this.
“I’m not sure what you prefer to eat but you can have whatever you’d like.” You set out a veritable buffet in front of him - meat, vegetables, fruit, rice, bread. He was spoiled by Thatch’s cooking but yours was tasty as well. He ate until full and trilled in gratitude. What a pleasant evening this had turned out to be. You were still furiously sketching, now working on a drawing of his wings. He looked over at it and as a thank you for the dinner, spread out his wing for you to get a better look. You gasped and reached out your fingers on autopilot as if to stroke the downy feathers. At the last second you yanked your hand back, probably afraid he would dislike the touch. Marco stood patiently, allowing you to draw his wings and smaller feathers.
“Thank you,” you said. It was simple but full of genuine emotion. You drew silently for a while, referencing his body every few seconds.
“What’s that symbol on you? Some kind of sigil? I didn’t get a good look at it yet” you said, talking to yourself. Marco turned and faced you so you could see the Whitebeard symbol adorning his chest. OK, now you’d have to put two and two together, especially since you’d seen his and Ace’s prominent tattoos over lunch. Besides, Whitebeard had one of the most recognizable jolly rogers in the world.
“I know what that is. That’s the Whitebeard jolly roger.” See, you figured it out. Soon he’d shift back into his human form and see if he could charm you now that you understood. Maybe you’d be more receptive to him now.
You scowled and spoke like acid burned your tongue. “I can’t believe Whitebeard would maim such a beautiful creature with his disgusting jolly roger.” You looked mournfully at Marco. “I’m sorry. He’s an Emperor, and really strong, I could never fight him. But I would do anything if you need help.”
Could birds sigh? It really sounded like the phoenix had sighed. You felt so bad for it, knowing that some shitty pirate had harmed it. It was an intriguing thought though - how had he done it? To your knowledge, the phoenix should have been immune to that kind of damage. But you had no doubt that pirates had enough nefarious weapons to hurt even the strongest of birds. The bird gave you a look of… exasperation? It exhaled once and flew off into the dusk. You still held your breath - no matter if you saw the phoenix daily you’d appreciate its beauty every time.
Marco POV
Marco seldomly fought with any of his siblings. He didn’t need or want to - his generally relaxed attitude meant he didn’t care about the petty squabbles of daily life. However, that morning he had grabbed Ace with a taloned leg and thrown him to the ground. Even though Marco had the most seniority on the ship, Ace had the most experience with being a little shit.
Marco had volunteered to be the second man on the date to everyone’s surprise. They had all agreed you were pretty but it wasn’t enough to sway their opinions on your attitude. Ace had cornered Deuce and was trying to coerce his friend when Marco offered to tag along.
“I’ll be your second, yoi” Marco said, allowing Deuce scurry away from Ace.
“Really? Why? I mean, thank you, but why? Etta and her friend are hot but her friend seems…bitchy.”
“I met her friend yesterday and the day before actually. She can be very enjoyable company.” Marco did not include the part where you thought he was only a bird.
“Are you sure? She’s a looker but I think she’s only looking for birds….ooohhhhh.” Ace’s brain finally caught up. “So did you show her your bird form? Did she lose her mind?”
“She saw it yoi.”
“Then why was she so mean-spirited yesterday? Maybe she doesn’t like phoenixes?” Ace mused.
“No, she likes the phoenix. A lot.” Ace thought about Marco’s words for a moment and broke into a mischievous smile and barked out a laugh.
“She doesn’t know!! She might be the only person on the Grand Line who doesn’t know you’re The Phoenix! Oh my god this is too good I’m gonna go tell everyone right now, that’s so funny.” Ace ran away to run his mouth. Marco was fast but Ace with gossip was like lightning on earth. After chasing him down in hybrid form, Marco grabbed Ace and shoved him down onto the deck with a talon.
“Don’t. Say. Anything. Yoi.” Marco said as he held down a still-laughing Ace. Marco closed his eyes. It would be wrong to claw his brother. And useless.
“Just don’t. Let it be.”
Ace was still giggling but finally agreed. The truth was that Marco liked seeing you with your guard down when he was in bird form. You were sweet, kind, intelligent, and beautiful. He wanted to see if you would show him that side of you when he was in his human form too.
The next morning there was no phoenix but you did get to enjoy some solo birding before your social obligation. You trekked around, sketched some newly arrived birds, and went swimming in your waterfall. The only stain marring your perfect day was the thought of the upcoming double date. You wished Etta had just asked you to play tour guide for her and Ace - but you knew she was not-so-subtly trying to get you to “have some fun.” For her, you’d tolerate whoever for a few hours. And you’d keep your dart gun close by too.
Unfortunately time passed and you headed up to the main path for the date. You saw Etta from afar and waved to her. She was wearing shorts, which you had told her not to do. They made her ass look phenomenal but weren’t suited to the activity.
“Hey! Are you ready?” Etta clearly was excited. You weren’t going to rain on her parade, you’d be on good behavior.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” you said neutrally. “Hey, listen, you should wear long pants. You look incredible right now but there’s tons of ticks and berry bugs out there. I have an extra pair, do you want to switch?” You unzipped your pack and took out an extra pair you had.
“Oh yeah, thanks, I forgot compl - oh, look! There’s Ace! Ace! Over here!” She waved at Ace who spotted her. He smiled a thousand watt smile and waved back. You could see why she liked him - he was exceptionally cute. Not your type, but you could imagine him dropping panties all up and down the Grand Line. Along with Ace was another pirate - the Pineapple one. He looked calm and half awake. Fine by you if he passed out before you all set off.
“Hey Ace! I was just -uh - I need to change into long pants. Give me a moment? I’ll be right back.” Etta grabbed the pants and went to change over in the public washrooms.
“Hi,” you said. You were going to be nice, not conversational.
Ace didn’t seem to mind. “Hi! I’m Ace, this is Marco,” he said, gesturing to the tall man beside him. “We’re Whitebeard pirates. Thank you for taking us out to look for beetles, it’s kind of a silly hobby of mine.” You frowned when he said Whitebeard pirates, thinking about that poor phoenix getting marked.
“Beetles are a fascinating species and they provide a lot to various ecosystems,” you said. Talking about birds and associated topics would be an easy way to seem cordial but not provide any personal information.
“Yeah, my younger brother is really into them and I keep a record of what I see so I can tell him when we meet up,” Ace said, pulling out a small weathered notebook.
“Would you mind if I took a look?” you asked with genuine curiosity. Since he traveled around to different islands, it would be interesting to see what he had found. Ace handed you the notebook and you flipped through it with care. He had fairly good descriptions and accompanying drawings. You were able to identify many of the beetles he had listed and told him about some of the species he’d seen. He was paying attention, to your surprise, and was asking about a rare hercules beetle when Etta returned.
Etta came up and looked Ace up and down. “Oh, we didn’t tell them to wear long pants. Do you think they’ll be OK?” she asked you.
“Oh yeah, no problem. Marco and I won’t have any issues because we’re…” Marco gave Ace a pinch on the neck. “Uh, we are..used to it. We’re used to it, we uh, go outside all the time.” Ace was obviously lying - and poorly - but whatever. If they got ticks it wasn’t your problem. Time to look for beetles.
#marco x you#marco x reader#op marco#one piece x reader#reader x marco#misunderstandings#birdwatching#marcowatching#op fluff#op sillies
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This was so fun, never done one of these, thank you @ipleadbritney ♥️
She looks just like me 💅🏼
You can make one here!!
No pressure tags! @duckbills-and-waterfoul @starbeaning @dreamfyrefairy
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