#waterfall vs agile
synergytop · 7 months
Project Development Methodologies – Agile Vs. Waterfall | SynergyTop
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Dive into the world of Project Development Methodologies with our latest blog at SynergyTop! 🚀 Explore the dynamic comparison between Agile and Waterfall approaches, uncovering the pros and cons of each in the realm of project management methodologies. 💡 Gain insights into choosing the right methodology for your projects. 🔄 Stay ahead in the development game with SynergyTop’s expert analysis. Read more at SynergyTop and elevate your project management strategy!
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marrywillson · 1 year
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Agile methodology is a flexible and iterative strategy that allows teams to quickly adjust to changing project needs and deliver high-quality solutions in less time. In software development, agile is frequently utilized.
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emma-johns · 1 year
Agile Vs Waterfall Methodology: Which Is the Best for Your Project?
"Choosing the right project methodology is key to success. Delve into the battle of Agile vs. Waterfall methodologies and find out which one aligns best with your project's unique needs. Unlock the power of efficient development and make informed decisions to propel your project forward." https://jumpgrowth.com/agile-vs-waterfall-methodology/
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sohailshaikh360 · 10 months
Choosing the Pinnacle: A Guide to Selecting Optimal Mobile App Development Services
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I. Introduction
In the fast-evolving digital era, mobile applications have become indispensable tools for businesses and individuals alike. However, the success of a mobile app heavily relies on the expertise and efficiency of the development services behind it. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to assist in the judicious selection of mobile app development services, ensuring the realization of a robust and successful application.
II. Understanding Your Project Requirements
Defining Project Scope
Crafting a successful mobile app starts with a meticulous definition of the project scope. This involves a detailed analysis of the desired functionalities and features, considering the unique needs of the target audience.
Platform and Technology Considerations
Choosing the right platforms (iOS, Android, or cross-platform) is pivotal. Additionally, selecting appropriate technologies and frameworks that align with the technical requirements of the project is crucial for its success.
III. Assessing Development Expertise
Portfolio Examination
A thorough review of the development company's portfolio is essential. This involves assessing past projects and industry experience, gauging the diversity and complexity of their work to ascertain their expertise.
Client Testimonials and Reviews
Client testimonials and reviews provide valuable insights into the reputation of a development company. Understanding client satisfaction levels, project management efficiency, and adherence to timelines is imperative.
IV. Development Methodologies and Practices
Agile vs. Waterfall Approaches
Choosing between Agile and Waterfall methodologies involves understanding their impact on project flexibility and adaptability. Selecting the most suitable approach is critical for seamless development.
Quality Assurance and Testing Procedures
The development company's approach to quality assurance and testing is paramount. Rigorous testing for functionality, security, and user experience ensures a polished and reliable final product.
V. Cost and Timeline Considerations
Transparent Pricing Models
Understanding different pricing models, including fixed, hourly, and dedicated team arrangements, is crucial. Ensuring transparency in cost breakdowns and anticipating potential additional charges is part of prudent decision-making.
Project Timeline Projections
Establishing realistic project timelines is essential for effective planning. Discussing milestones, deliverables, and potential setbacks ensures a clear roadmap for project completion.
This guide equips decision-makers with the insights needed to navigate the multifaceted process of selecting mobile app development services, laying the foundation for a successful and impactful mobile application.
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allaboutmarketing4you · 10 months
Kanban, Waterfall, and DevOps  are three different approaches to project management and software development. Here's an overview of each concept: 1. Kanban: Definition: Kanban is a visual management method for software development and knowledge work. It originated from manufacturing processes in Toyota and has been adapted for use in software development to improve efficiency and flow.
Key Concepts: Visualization: Work items are represented on a visual board, usually with columns such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done."
Work in Progress (WIP) Limits: Limits are set on the number of items allowed in each column to optimize flow and avoid bottlenecks.
Continuous Delivery: Focus on delivering work continuously without distinct iterations.
Advantages: Flexibility in responding to changing priorities.
Continuous delivery of value. Visual representation of work enhances transparency.
Use Case: Kanban is often suitable for teams with variable and unpredictable workloads, where tasks don't follow a fixed iteration cycle.
2. Waterfall: Definition: The Waterfall model is a traditional and sequential approach to software development. It follows a linear and rigid sequence of phases, with each phase building upon the outputs of the previous one.
Phases: Requirements: Define and document project requirements. Design: Create the system architecture and design. Implementation: Code the system based on the design. Testing: Conduct testing to identify and fix defects. Deployment: Deploy the completed system to users. Maintenance: Provide ongoing support and maintenance.
Clear structure and well-defined phases.
Documentation at each stage.
Predictable timelines and costs.
Disadvantages: Limited flexibility for changes after the project starts.
Late feedback on the final product.
Risk of customer dissatisfaction if initial requirements are misunderstood.
Use Case: Waterfall is suitable for projects with well-defined requirements and stable environments where changes are expected to be minimal.
3. DevOps: Definition: DevOps (Development and Operations) is a set of practices that aim to automate and improve the collaboration between software development and IT operations. The goal is to shorten the development lifecycle, deliver high-quality software, and foster a culture of continuous integration and delivery.
Key Practices: Continuous Integration (CI): Merge code changes frequently and automatically test them.
Continuous Delivery/Deployment (CD): Automate the release and deployment processes.
Collaboration: Promote collaboration and communication between development and operations teams.
Advantages: Faster delivery of software. Reduced manual errors through automation. Improved collaboration and communication.
Use Case: DevOps is suitable for organizations aiming to achieve faster and more reliable delivery of software through the automation of development, testing, and deployment processes.
#mktmarketing4you #distributionchannels #HoshinPlanning #Leanmethods #marketing #M4Y #lovemarketing #IPAM #ipammarketingschool #Kanban #ContingencyPlanning #virtual #volunteering #project #Management #Economy #ConsumptionBehavior #BrandManagement #ProductManagement #Logistics #Lifecycle #Brand #Neuromarketing #McKinseyMatrix #Breakevenanalysis #innovation #Facebook #icebergmodel #EdgarScheinsCultureModel #STARMethod #VRIO #7SFramework #gapanalysis #AIDAModel #SixLeadershipStyles #MintoPyramidPrinciple #StrategyDiamond #InternalRateofReturn #irr #BrandManagement #dripmodel #HoshinPlanning #XMatrix #backtobasics #BalancedScorecard #Product #ProductManagement #Logistics #Branding #freemium #businessmodel #business #4P #3C #BCG #SWOT #TOWS #EisenhowerMatrix #Study #marketingresearch #marketer #marketing manager #Painpoints #Pestel #ValueChain # VRIO #marketingmix We also left a video about Lean vs Agile vs Waterfall | What is Lean | Difference between Waterfall and Agile and that could help you. Later we will leave one about Kanban:
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pegasus-parfait · 1 year
⚝ Changes regarding Episode 12 of Hirogaru Sky! Precure
As I said before, I really disliked Episode 12 of Hirogaru Sky Precure. Being an important episode regarding Kabaton and the Undergu Empire, for the sake of my roleplay of Sora/Cure Sky, I'll change a few things of this episode. These changes I'll consider my "canon" and use them during my roleplay.
First of all. This episode will be split in two episodes. The "training episode" and the "fight episode".
I'm strong!!! Cure Sky VS Kabaton - Part 1
Kabaton is alone, saving Undergu Energy and regarding what the ruler of Undergu Empire said about being his final chance. He trembles with fear and curses the Precure for his misfortune.
Later, Sora and the gang went to the shopping district to buy a few ingredients that Yoyo-san needs for some experiments she is doing. Mashiro says "Where do we find these kind of ingredients around here?"
Kabaton appears before them and challenges Sora for a final battle. Differently from the episode, Mashiro and Tsubasa say they'll fight alongside her, but Sora refuses. "This is something that started between me and Kabaton. We'll end this and you'll leave Princess Ellee alone if I win."
They later discuss if this is the best thing to do and Sora says they have no other options. "We must do anything to protect Ellee-chan, even if it is something dangerous!"
Sora goes with Mashiro, Ageha and Tsubasa to the mountains just like happened in the episode. (I think that's the only part I really enjoyed about the episode XD)
This episode had a lot of jokes regarding Sora's training that really bothered me. She went there to train her body, mind and spirit for her final battle against Kabaton and that's what she does. During three days, she trains hard while Mashiro, Tsubasa and Ageha supports her. I'll scrap the entire sequence of "Lord of the Mountain and Waterfall" jokes and I'll replace with Ageha planning different trainings to improve what Sora lacks. Tsubasa and Mashiro decides to take part of this training as well, saying it will be useful for future events. Mashiro trains her stamina, Sora her ability to decide things quickly and Tsubasa his agility while on the ground.
After the training reaches its final day, they celebrate with a barbeque. Sora eats hamburger for the first time and she LOVES IT. After eating, Mashiro and Tsubasa says that they supports Sora's decision, but this battle is not only hers. They also are fighting to protect Ellee-chan and she needs to rely more on them as well. Sora agrees and apologizes for being selfish in such a hard time. Sora decides that they'll fight as a team. The episode ends the next day. They are returning home and Sora is looking towards the sky, decided to win this battle. It also shows Kabaton with an angry face, saying he is ready.
The Final Showdown!!! Cure Sky VS Kabaton - Part 2
Before meeting Kabaton, Yoyo prepares a complete breakfast for Sora and the others. Sora meets Kabaton and announces that everyone will take part of this fight. Kabaton teases her, saying "You finally admit to be scared of facing me alone Gwahahahaha!! It doesn't matter, I'll defeat you anyway!"
Everyone transforms and Kabaton uses the Undergu Energy to power-up! He enters his "Bestial Form": A dark aura surrounds his entire body, big fangs appears from his mouth, he becomes more muscular, the hair on top of his head grows, claws appear from his fingers and the jewel on his forehead begins to glow. Dark clouds appear and turn the entire sky black. The Undergu Empire ruler is watching the battle.
They have an intense fight, Kabaton resists several attacks from the team and most of them has no impact at all. Ageha is watching from afar with Princess Ellee. They use everything they learned during their training, but they still have trouble to land strong blows. After Princess Ellee sends her power to them, the team is able to come with a strategy and defeat him for good.
"It's over Kabaton! As promised, leave Princess Ellee alone and retreat!"
4. Lightning begins to crackle above them and thunder to roar. Kabaton starts trembling and sweating a lot. He is frozen in fear, looking toward the dark clouds. Sky notices this and asks herself why he is acting this way. He seems... scared.
"The Undergu Empire... doesn't admit weak people. That's why I act tough all the time... to protect me from..."
"Kabaton! You disappoint me! It's your final chance to prove your value!"
5. A mysterious voice echoes through the entire battlefield. The jewel on his forehead glows red and Kabaton screams. He now turns into a giant Ranborg, losing control. His eyes are red and he is screaming and attacking everything around him, destroying the entire place. After a short battle, Sky and Prism purify him with Updraft Shining, reverting him back to his usual form.
"The weak has no value in the Undergu Empire! Begone!"
6. The ruler of the Undergu Empire brings Kabaton to the clouds and sends several strong thunderbolts to punish Kabaton for his failures. He closes his eyes, waiting for his demise. Sky summons the Sky Mirage and use it to block the attacks.
"Kabaton!! I'll save you!!!"
"Precure... Do you dare to defy me?"
She sends more bolts. Prism and Wing appears, blocking several of them as well. They position themselves around Kabaton, protecting him from her.
7. "This is not the last time we'll meet, Precure! Be prepared!"
The voice disappears and the dark clouds vanishes. When they finally land on the ground, Kabaton asks why Sky and the others protected him, despite being their enemy.
"It was the right thing to do. A Hero must protect everyone from danger!!"
Kabaton is moved by Sky's determination and finally realizes she is, indeed, a true Hero. Kabaton smiles and quickly disappears after Sky went to her friends' side. The jewel on his forehead cracks, freeing himself from the Undergu Empire's hands.
8. The episode ends with Sora and the others talking about the Undergu Empire and vowing to protect Princess Ellee-chan from them.
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x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
//I think this still needs some work, but I think it's a better conclusion for Sky x Kabaton arc. The final part of the episode was too rushed and the Undergu Empress didn't punish Kabaton for his failures, giving up too quickly after Sky protected him.
So, I'll consider this as the final battle of Sky and Kabaton. I hope all of you like it. Please, don't reblog this post. It's part of my portrayal of Cure Sky in the Precure RP Community.
Thanks for reading <3
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
hey, i've been reading your Cisco-related Flash fics, and what struck to me as impressive is how you implement the mentions of tech so well. i've run into trouble into writing scenes, where Cisco might have to tinker. 🤧🤧🤧 i know this is by a long-shot, however, do you have any writing advice on how to add tech as part of a scene??? or like wording on how tinkering works?? idk just basic tech stuff i guess. thank you and sending good ~~vibes~~ your way!
Cisco tinkering is definitely fun to write, but I'm not exactly sure how to describe my process for writing those scenes. But I'll give it a shot anyway.
So Cisco's tinkering with tech in fics usually fits one of two scenarios when I'm writing. Either it's to give him something to do in the scene since Cisco's definitely someone who likes to keep his hands busy. Or it's a specific tech I plan to use for plot reasons, so it gets threaded throughout the fic. That way Cisco's brilliant ideas to save the day don't come out of nowhere.
If its the former, then I'll usually just pick something we know he's worked on in the show. The quickly forgotten Boot Tech (how useful it would have been if perfected instead of forgotten after the S2 finale), updates on the suppressant tech (the cuffs, Caitlin's snowflake necklace), the weather wand... I don't really have to go too much into detail on it, but it can be fun to poke at canon a bit for all the things Cisco develops that never show up again once their original use in the plot is over. Sometimes I just have him working towards perfecting something that didn't work as expected. Other times I have ideas for alternative uses for the tech that can be fun to mention.
I've also been a Star Trek and Stargate fan for a long, long time. So I've learned technobabble from the two scifi series that did it best. ^_^
Though, really, watching Sam Carter (SG-1) and Rodney McKay (Stargate: Atlantis) spout technobabble is a great way to learn how to make made up science blend with real science to sound relatively believable. Stargate (SG-1 particularly) was pretty good about grounding their made up science in real world concepts. Definitely having obsessively watched those two shows has helped shape how I write Cisco now that I'm in the Arrow verse fandom.
When I have Cisco's tech being used in a specific way for plot reasons, however, I definitely have to know ahead of time what the tech is for. If I'm going to make, say, the Rainbow Raider the villain of a story and have him experimenting with new applications of his powers - messing with emotions other than anger - then I'd have Cisco pull out the device they originally used to combat Rainbow Raider's powers to work on upgrading for the new scenario. That way it still works when they need it. Then I can throw in things like, maybe it gets pulled out of mothballs and immediately tried on one of RR's victims but it doesn't work. Cue drama. :D
I think some of the development process I put in there comes from what I know about tech development from a software side of things. Since I'm a software engineer, I know how different types of design and development models work. Waterfall vs agile vs... anyway, I won't necessarily ever name the dev model being used, but it'll influence how I write Cisco's development process and it'll differ based on when he's working with a team, vs one other person, vs on his own.
Having Cisco collaborate is especially fun to do. Cisco starts off as a particularly brilliant mechanical engineer and by the time he leaves the show he's become very much a multi-discipline scientist. He does so because he learns so much from the people he collaborates with - or competes with, as the case may be. Cisco's knowledge of sonic technology and acoustical engineering improves due to his exposure to Hartley's Pied Piper gear. He learns bio engineering from his many collaborations with Caitlin. Harry being rather multi-disciplined himself, often pushes Cisco to have more confidence in himself and reach beyond his comfort zone.
So I'll pick who he's collaborating on based both on when I want a story to be set, how AU I want it to be (Hartley joins Team Flash? Harry doesn't leave post S2?), and what kind of tech is being developed for the plot (improving the amnesia inducer they used on Barry? that calls for Caitlin).
A story that I've been wanting to write is Cisco mentoring Chester while Chester creates tech that - predictably, I admit - saves Barry out on the field at the end. We never really got the mentor/mentee relationship between them expanded on the way I'd been hoping for when it became clear Chester was a permanent addition to the cast. The story hasn't happened yet because I haven't really fleshed out what the technology they're working on will be. I'm probably overthinking it a bit at this point, but I want it to reflect where Chester's at mentally during the story - his struggles with self doubt and learning to be more assertive, generally showing why Cisco felt so comfortable leaving Team Flash in Chester's hands when he eventually leaves. (So it's intended to be canon compliant and set before Cisco and Kamilla leave for Star City.)
I don't know how useful my rambles have been, but I hope this helps.
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thecertexpert · 3 days
Leadership Strategies for Managing Complex Projects: Guiding Teams to Success
Managing complex projects requires a unique blend of leadership, strategic planning, and adaptability. These projects often involve multiple stakeholders, intricate timelines, and significant risks. Successful leaders must employ various strategies to navigate these challenges and deliver results.  
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In this next part, we are going to discuss about the differences between traditional and AI powered project management  
AI vs Traditional Project Management: Key Benefits and Differences 
Traditional Landscape in Project Management 
Traditionally, project management has been centered around well-established methodologies such as Waterfall, Agile, and Lean. Project managers focus on tasks like planning, scheduling, and resource allocation, often relying on tools like Gantt charts, spreadsheets, and project management software.  
While these methods have been effective, they often require significant manual oversight, leading to inefficiencies, missed deadlines, and budget overruns. 
AI in Project Management 
AI is transforming the project management landscape by automating routine tasks, providing predictive insights, and enhancing decision-making. With tools powered by machine learning, predictive analytics, and natural language processing, AI helps project managers anticipate risks, optimize resources, and improve communication within teams. By doing so, AI reduces manual workload and enhances project accuracy and efficiency. 
Key Advantages of AI Integration 
The integration of AI in project management yields numerous benefits, including: 
Benefits of AI in Project Management 
Task Automation – AI automates scheduling, reporting, and assignments, saving time. 
Predictive Insights – AI anticipates risks, delays, and cost overruns based on data. 
Resource Optimization – AI improves resource allocation by analyzing workloads. 
Enhanced Communication – AI streamlines updates and reporting for better collaboration. 
Risk Management – AI spots risks early, enabling proactive solutions. 
Here are the key differences that AI makes in project management: 
Key Differences 
Manual vs. Automated – AI reduces manual effort by automating routine tasks. 
Reactive vs. Predictive – Traditional methods react to problems; AI predicts and prevents them. 
Basic Data Use vs. Advanced Insights – AI processes more data for deeper insights. 
Static vs. Dynamic Resource Management – AI continuously optimizes resources. 
Human-Driven vs. AI-Assisted Decisions – AI supports decisions with data-driven recommendations. 
In essence, AI makes project management faster, more efficient, and more proactive compared to traditional methods. 
With a clear vision, the next step is to develop a robust project plan that outlines the scope, schedule, and resources required. 
The successful integration of AI in project management hinges on the following critical strategies in this section we will discuss that. 
10 Enhancing Strategies for Complex Projects 
1. Establish Clear Vision and Goals 
A clear vision provides direction and purpose for your team, ensuring that everyone understands the project's ultimate objectives. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to articulate this vision and set clear, measurable goals that align with the project’s purpose. 
How to Implement: 
Communicate the Vision: Regularly communicate the project’s overarching goals to your team, stakeholders, and partners. Ensure everyone understands the long-term vision and how their contributions fit the bigger picture. 
Set SMART Goals: Develop Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals to provide a structured roadmap for the project. These goals will serve as benchmarks for success and guide the team’s efforts throughout the project lifecycle. 
Consider certifications like the Certified Project Director (CPD) or the PMP® Certification by PMI to enhance your skills in creating and managing project visions effectively. 
2. Develop a Robust Project Plan 
Complex projects require a detailed plan outlining the scope, schedule, resources, and risks involved. A well-crafted plan serves as a blueprint for execution, helping to keep the project on track and ensuring that everyone is aligned with the project’s objectives. 
How to Implement: 
Break Down the Project: Divide the project into smaller, manageable tasks or phases. Assign responsibilities and set deadlines for each task to ensure progress is made consistently. 
Leverage Project Management Tools: Utilize project management software like Microsoft Project, Asana, or Trello to create detailed timelines, track progress, and manage resources. These tools can help you monitor the project’s status in real-time and identify potential bottlenecks before they escalate. 
You might also consider the Certified Agile Project Manager™ to learn more about agile practices that aid in creating flexible and effective project plans. 
3. Build and Empower a Strong Team 
Your team is your most valuable asset in managing a complex project. Building a team with the right skills, experience, and attitudes is crucial. But it’s not enough to simply assemble the right people; you must also empower them to take ownership of their work and make decisions. 
How to Implement: 
Hire for Skills and Attitude: Focus on creating a balanced team that brings diverse skills and perspectives to the table. Look for individuals who are not only technically proficient but also adaptable, collaborative, and resilient under pressure. 
Foster Autonomy and Trust: Empower your team members by giving them autonomy to make decisions and solve problems within their areas of responsibility. Trust them to handle tasks without micromanagement, which can foster a sense of ownership and accountability. 
Building and empowering a strong team requires strategic hiring and cultivating an environment of trust. This approach ensures that your team members feel motivated and responsible for their contributions, leading to higher engagement and overall project success. 
Additionally, as AI becomes more integrated into project management, ensuring your team is equipped with relevant AI skills is critical. Pursuing AI certifications in project management can enhance your team’s ability to leverage AI-driven tools and data, improving efficiency and decision-making in complex projects.  
This combination of empowered teams and AI expertise will be key to staying ahead in the evolving project management landscape. 
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Use the coupon code NEWCOURSE25 to get 25% OFF on AI CERT’s certifications. Visit this link to explore all the courses and enroll today. 
4. Maintain Open and Transparent Communication 
Effective communication is critical for managing complex projects. With numerous moving parts and stakeholders, it’s essential to keep everyone informed and aligned. Open, transparent communication helps prevent misunderstandings, reduces conflicts, and ensures that issues are addressed promptly. 
How to Implement: 
Set Up Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular meetings with your team to discuss progress, challenges, and any changes in the project. These check-ins provide an opportunity to address concerns early and keep everyone aligned. 
Use Multiple Communication Channels: Different team members may have different communication preferences. Use a variety of communication channels, including emails, video calls, instant messaging, and project management platforms, to ensure that everyone receives important information promptly. 
Consider earning the Certified Communication Professional™ to develop your skills in managing communication across various channels and stakeholders. 
5. Adapt and Stay Flexible 
Complex projects are often unpredictable, requiring leaders to be flexible and adaptable. Unexpected challenges, changes in scope, or external factors can all impact the project’s progress. Effective leaders can adjust their strategies and pivot when necessary to keep the project on track. 
How to Implement: 
Embrace Change: Be open to change and view it as an opportunity for improvement. When unforeseen issues arise, assess the situation objectively, consult with your team, and develop a plan for moving forward. 
Implement Agile Practices: Agile methodologies can be particularly useful for managing complex projects. Agile encourages iterative progress, continuous feedback, and adaptability, allowing teams to respond quickly to changes and adjust their approach as needed. 
The Certified Agile Professional™ certification can provide you with insights into effectively applying agile methodologies to your project management strategies. 
6. Prioritize Risk Management 
Risk is inherent in any complex project. Identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks early on is essential for minimizing their impact on the project. Leaders must be proactive in managing risks and developing contingency plans to address potential issues before they arise. 
How to Implement: 
Conduct a Risk Assessment: At the beginning of the project, identify potential risks and evaluate their likelihood and potential impact. Use this information to develop strategies for mitigating risks and responding to them if they occur. 
Create a Contingency Plan: Develop a contingency plan that outlines how the team will respond to various risks. Ensure that everyone is aware of this plan and understands their roles in executing it if necessary. 
To strengthen your risk management skills, consider obtaining the Certified Risk Management Professional credential. 
7. Encourage a Culture of Continuous Improvement
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Successful leaders understand that there is always room for improvement. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, you can encourage your team to innovate, learn from their mistakes, and find better ways to achieve project goals. 
How to Implement: 
Encourage Reflection and Feedback: After completing major phases of the project, hold retrospective meetings to reflect on what went well and what could be improved. Encourage open feedback and use these insights to make adjustments for future phases. 
Promote Learning and Development: Invest in your team’s professional development by providing opportunities for learning and growth. Encourage them to attend workshops, pursue certifications, or participate in training programs that can enhance their skills and knowledge. 
Certifications like the Certified Continuous Improvement Manager can help you develop a culture of continuous improvement within your organization. 
8. Lead by Example 
Leadership in complex projects isn’t just about managing tasks; it’s about inspiring and motivating your team. By demonstrating the qualities you want to see in your team—such as resilience, adaptability, and a strong work ethic you can set the tone for the entire project and inspire your team to follow your lead. 
How to Implement: 
Model the Behaviors You Want to See: Show your team what it means to be committed, flexible, and solution-oriented. When challenges arise, demonstrate a positive attitude and a willingness to find solutions, rather than dwelling on problems. 
Be Approachable and Supportive: Make yourself available to your team and create an environment where they feel comfortable coming to you with concerns, ideas, and feedback. Your support can make a significant difference in their motivation and engagement throughout the project. 
Consider pursuing certifications like Certified Leadership Excellence to refine your leadership skills and effectively lead by example. 
9. Celebrate Milestones and Successes 
Complex projects often span long periods, and it’s easy for team members to become fatigued or lose sight of the end goal. Celebrating milestones and successes along the way can boost morale, keep the team motivated, and reinforce the importance of their contributions. 
How to Implement: 
Recognize Achievements: Publicly acknowledge and celebrate when the team hits key milestones or achieves significant accomplishments. Whether it’s through a team meeting, an email, or a small celebration, recognizing their efforts helps build a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. 
Provide Positive Reinforcement: Continuously offer positive feedback and reinforcement to your team members. This helps maintain momentum and encourages them to stay engaged and committed to the project’s success. 
Certifications such as the Certified Recognition Leader can equip you with the skills needed to foster a culture of recognition and positivity within your team. 
10. Keep an Eye on the Big Picture
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Amidst the complexity of managing day-to-day tasks, it’s crucial to keep sight of the big picture. As a leader, your ability to balance the details with the overarching goals of the project ensures that you’re moving in the right direction. 
How to Implement: 
Review Progress Regularly: Take time to step back and assess the project’s overall progress. Ensure that it’s still aligned with the overall vision and goals. If necessary, make adjustments to keep the project on track. 
Stay Connected with Stakeholders: Maintain regular communication with stakeholders to ensure their expectations are being met. By keeping them informed and involved, you can avoid surprises and ensure that the project stays aligned with their needs and priorities. 
Certifications like the Certified Strategic Project Leader can help you strengthen your ability to focus on both the details and the big picture of complex projects. 
Managing complex projects is a multifaceted challenge that requires strong leadership, strategic planning, and adaptability.  
By implementing these leadership strategies establishing a clear vision, developing a robust plan, building a strong team, maintaining open communication, staying flexible, prioritizing risk management, encouraging continuous improvement, leading by example, celebrating successes, and keeping an eye on the big picture, you can guide your team to success and navigate the complexities of any project with confidence. 
These strategies will not only help you manage the current project but also strengthen your leadership skills for future endeavors. By continuously refining your approach, learning from your experiences, and staying adaptable, you’ll be well-equipped to lead your team through even the most complex and challenging projects. 
For professionals looking to take their leadership skills to the next level, certifications such as AI CERTs AI+ Project Manager™ can provide valuable insights and credentials to enhance your leadership journey. contact us to schedule a brief meeting 
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harsh225 · 14 days
Breaking Down App Development Costs in Europe: Key Factors to Consider
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When planning to develop an app in Europe, understanding the associated costs is crucial for project budgeting and long-term success. Various factors impact the final price, from design and app development to post-launch support. Here’s a breakdown of the key considerations:
1. App Complexity
Simple Apps: Basic functionality with minimal design features (e.g., calculators, content display apps). Development costs are typically lower.
Moderately Complex Apps: Involves APIs, databases, and enhanced UI/UX (e.g., social media or e-commerce apps). These apps are more expensive due to integration needs and complex functionalities.
2. Location and Expertise of the Development Team
Western Europe: Countries like Germany, France, and the UK have higher development rates due to the high cost of living and developer expertise. Hourly rates range between €70–€150.
Eastern Europe: Countries like Poland, Ukraine, and Romania offer skilled developers at more affordable rates, typically between €30–€70 per hour, while maintaining a strong tech infrastructure.
3. Technology Stack
Native Development: Developing separate apps for iOS and Android increases costs, as two development teams may be required.
Cross-Platform Development: Using frameworks like React Native or Flutter allows building one app for both platforms, reducing time and costs.
4. App Design
Custom vs. Template Design: Custom UI/UX design tailored to your brand is more expensive but delivers a unique user experience. Template-based designs reduce costs but might lack differentiation.
Motion Design and Animations: Advanced animations or interactions can significantly raise the design costs.
5. Development Time and Management
Project Timeline: A project with a tight deadline might incur higher costs due to additional resources needed to meet the timeline. Flexible timelines allow for more iterative development, potentially reducing immediate costs.
Agile vs. Waterfall Methodology: Agile development tends to be more cost-effective in the long run due to its iterative nature, allowing for adjustments based on feedback. Waterfall is more rigid and could lead to higher costs if changes are needed later in the process.
App development costs in Europe are influenced by several factors, from the technical complexity of the app to the region where the development team is based. Whether aiming for a premium custom app or a more cost-effective solution, carefully weighing these factors can help optimize your budget while ensuring a successful final product.
Read more: https://nectarbits.com/blog/cost-to-hire-developers-in-europe/
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amyrasheldon · 28 days
Explore the key differences between Agile and Waterfall methodologies to determine which approach best suits your business needs. Understand the pros and cons of each to make an informed decision for your software development projects.
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nitiemily · 1 month
Choosing the Right Embedded Software Development Services for Your Project
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In today's rapidly evolving tech landscape, selecting the right embedded software development services is critical for the success of your project. Whether you’re working on a groundbreaking IoT device, an advanced automotive system, or a next-gen consumer electronics product, the quality of your embedded software can make or break your project. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you make an informed decision and ensure your project’s success.
Understanding Your Needs
Before diving into the sea of available development services, it’s crucial to clearly define your project requirements. What are the key functionalities your embedded system must have? Is it real-time processing, high security, or perhaps low power consumption? Identifying these needs early on will help you find a development partner who specializes in the specific areas essential to your project.
Evaluating Expertise and Experience
When assessing potential development services, experience and expertise are paramount. Look for providers with a proven track record in embedded software development. Check their portfolio to see if they’ve successfully handled projects similar to yours. This can give you insights into their capabilities and whether they have the necessary skills to tackle your unique challenges.
Assessing Technical Skills
Embedded software development is a specialized field requiring deep technical knowledge. Ensure that the development service you choose is proficient in relevant programming languages and platforms. Familiarity with real-time operating systems (RTOS), firmware development, and integration with hardware components is essential. Verify that they have experience with the specific technologies and tools your project will use.
Consideration of Development Methodologies
The approach to development can significantly impact your project's timeline and outcome. Different services may use various methodologies, such as Agile, Waterfall, or a hybrid approach. Agile methods, for instance, offer flexibility and iterative progress, which can be advantageous if your project requirements are expected to evolve. Ensure the methodology aligns with your project’s needs and timeline.
Communication and Collaboration
Effective communication is vital for a successful partnership. Choose a service provider that values transparency and maintains open lines of communication throughout the development process. Regular updates, clear documentation, and responsive support can make a huge difference in keeping your project on track and ensuring that any issues are promptly addressed.
Quality Assurance and Testing
Embedded software needs to be robust and reliable. Inquire about the quality assurance and testing processes of the development service. Comprehensive testing, including unit tests, integration tests, and system tests, is crucial to identify and resolve issues before deployment. A rigorous QA process will help ensure that your software performs reliably under all conditions.
Security Considerations
In today’s digital age, security is a top priority. Ensure that the development service places a strong emphasis on security best practices. This includes secure coding practices, regular security assessments, and compliance with relevant standards. A focus on security will help protect your project from potential vulnerabilities and threats.
Support and Maintenance
Post-launch support and maintenance are often overlooked but are critical for long-term success. Discuss the support options available with your potential development partners. Ensure they offer ongoing maintenance and can address any issues that arise after the software is deployed. A reliable support plan can help you manage updates, bug fixes, and enhancements efficiently.
Cost vs. Value
While cost is an important factor, it shouldn’t be the sole consideration. Instead, focus on the value the development service brings to your project. Sometimes, paying a bit more for a service with higher expertise and better support can save you money in the long run by avoiding costly delays and issues. Evaluate the overall value, including quality, expertise, and support, to make the best decision.
Cultural Fit and Collaboration
The success of your project also depends on how well you collaborate with your development partner. Look for a service provider that aligns with your company’s culture and work style. A good cultural fit can enhance teamwork and ensure a smoother development process.
Making the Final Decision
After evaluating all these factors, you should have a clearer picture of which embedded software development service is best suited for your project. Take your time to weigh the pros and cons of each option and make an informed decision. Remember, the right partner can significantly contribute to your project’s success and innovation.
In summary, choosing the right embedded software development services involves a thorough assessment of your project needs, the expertise of potential providers, and the quality of their support and methodologies. By focusing on these key areas, you can find a partner that will help you achieve your project goals and deliver a successful outcome.
Feel free to reach out if you need further guidance or have specific questions about selecting the best embedded software development services for your project. Making an informed choice will set the foundation for your project’s success and ensure that your embedded software meets the highest standards of quality and performance.
To Know More About embedded software development services
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lompocwinefactory · 1 month
how to choose the best web development company in India?
Choosing the Best web development company in India is crucial for the success of your online presence. With India’s vibrant tech ecosystem, there are numerous options available, each offering a variety of services. Here are some key considerations to help you make the best choice:-
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1. Define Your Requirements
Project Scope: Clearly outline the features and functionalities you need for your website.
Budget: Determine how much you are willing to invest.
Timeline: Establish a realistic timeline for project completion.
2. Evaluate Experience and Expertise
Portfolio: Review the company’s portfolio to assess their design and development capabilities.
Technologies: Ensure they are proficient in the latest technologies relevant to your project.
Industry Experience: Check if they have experience in your industry or similar projects.
3. Check Client Reviews and Testimonials
Online Reviews: Look for reviews on platforms like Clutch, Google, and LinkedIn.
Client References: Ask for references and speak directly to previous clients about their experiences.
4. Assess Their Approach to Web Development
Development Process: Inquire about their development methodology (e.g., Agile, Waterfall).
Communication: Ensure they have a clear communication process and regular updates.
Customization: Check if they offer tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.
5. Quality Assurance and Testing
Testing Procedures: Ask about their testing protocols and how they ensure the website is bug-free.
Performance: Ensure they optimize for speed, security, and user experience.
6. Post-Launch Support and Maintenance
Support Services: Verify if they offer ongoing support and maintenance after launch.
Training: Check if they provide training for your team to manage the website.
7. Cost vs. Value
Cost Breakdown: Request a detailed proposal with a clear breakdown of costs.
Value Proposition: Compare what you get for the price; the cheapest option is not always the best.
8. Cultural Fit
Work Culture: Ensure their work culture aligns with your company’s values.
Time Zone Compatibility: Consider the time zone differences and how they might affect communication and deadlines.
Choosing the best web development company in India involves thorough research and careful consideration of various factors. By clearly defining your requirements, evaluating experience and expertise, checking reviews, and assessing their development approach, you can find a partner that aligns with your vision and goals. Remember, a successful partnership is built on clear communication, quality assurance, and ongoing support, ensuring your website not only meets but exceeds your expectations.
Kus Software provides end-to-end services in the web domain ranging from design, development and customer support to search engine optimization.
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walterassociates · 2 months
Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Project Management Framework
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Implementing effective project management frameworks can significantly enhance supply chain resilience. This blog explores five practical ways to boost supply chain resilience through the strategic use of project management frameworks.
Effective supply chain management requires robust project management frameworks that can adapt to dynamic environments. By integrating these frameworks into broader business strategies, organisations can achieve seamless coordination across departments, suppliers, and customers.
This integration fosters a holistic approach to business growth, where supply chain resilience becomes a cornerstone of overall business success.
Choosing a Project Management Framework
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Choosing the right project management framework is essential. Consider factors like organisational culture, project complexity, and industry norms.
Options include Agile, Waterfall, Lean, and Hybrid methodologies. Evaluate each framework based on its compatibility with supply chain operations and overall business goals.
Benefits of Project Management Frameworks
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Implementing a project management framework offers numerous benefits:
1. Enhanced Efficiency
Clear processes streamline workflows.
2. Improved Communication
Stakeholders are on the same page.
3. Risk Mitigation
Issues are identified and resolved promptly.
4. Adaptability
Frameworks like Agile enable quick adjustments to changing circumstances.
Best Practices for Project Management Frameworks
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To maximise the benefits of a project management framework:
1. Stakeholder Engagement
Involve key stakeholders from the outset.
2. Clear Goals and Objectives
Define project scope and outcomes clearly.
3. Regular Monitoring and Reporting
Track progress and address deviations promptly.
4. Continuous Improvement 
Adapt and refine the framework based on lessons learned.
Project Management Frameworks vs. Methodologies
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Differentiate between frameworks and methodologies. While a framework provides structure (e.g., Agile), methodologies (e.g., Scrum) are specific approaches within a framework data governance. Understanding this distinction is crucial for effective implementation.
Key Elements of a Project Management Framework
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Key elements of a robust project management framework include:
1. Roles and Responsibilities
Clearly defined roles ensure accountability.
2. Project Lifecycle Phases
Structured phases guide project progression.
3. Communication Channels
Open lines of communication foster collaboration.
4. Feedback Mechanisms
Regular feedback loops facilitate continuous improvement.
Boosting supply chain resilience through effective project management frameworks yields several key benefits for organisations:
1. Risk Mitigation
Enhanced resilience allows businesses to proactively identify and mitigate risks within their supply chains.
By implementing robust project management practices, organisations can anticipate disruptions and develop contingency plans, reducing the impact of unexpected events such as supplier delays, market fluctuations, or natural disasters.
2. Improved Adaptability
Resilient supply chains are flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances. Project management frameworks like Agile enable rapid adjustments to evolving customer demands, regulatory requirements, or technological advancements.
This adaptability ensures that businesses can maintain operational efficiency even in turbulent times.
3. Enhanced Efficiency and Cost Savings
Efficient supply chain management driven by project management frameworks leads to optimised processes and reduced operational costs.
By streamlining workflows, eliminating inefficiencies, and minimising downtime, organisations can achieve significant cost savings while delivering products and services more competitively.
4. Stakeholder Collaboration and Communication
Clear project management frameworks facilitate effective communication and collaboration among supply chain stakeholders.
When all parties are aligned on project objectives, timelines, and responsibilities, coordination becomes smoother, leading to improved relationships with suppliers, distributors, and customers.
5. Customer Satisfaction and Brand Reputation
A resilient supply chain ensures consistent delivery of goods and services, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
By reliably meeting customer expectations, organisations can strengthen their brand reputation and gain a competitive edge in the market.
6. Strategic Decision-making
Project management frameworks provide actionable insights through data governance and business intelligence.
By leveraging data analytics within supply chain operations, organisations can make informed, strategic decisions that optimise inventory management, procurement strategies, and resource allocation.
7. Continuous Improvement
Implementing project management frameworks fosters a culture of continuous improvement within supply chain management.
Through regular monitoring, evaluation, and adaptation of processes, organisations can identify opportunities for growth and innovation, driving long-term success and sustainability.
In conclusion, leveraging project management frameworks is instrumental in enhancing supply chain resilience. By adopting these frameworks, businesses can optimise processes, minimise risks, and adapt swiftly to changing market conditions.
Choosing the right framework, following best practices, and understanding the nuances between frameworks and methodologies are essential steps toward achieving a resilient supply chain.Implementing project management frameworks aligns with broader business integration strategies and promotes growth consultancy.
It facilitates data governance and supports business intelligence consultancy efforts, ensuring holistic management approaches. Embrace project management frameworks as a cornerstone of supply chain resilience, enabling organisations to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.
Source: Project Management Framework
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vabroapp · 2 months
Project Management Methodology: Agility vs Tradition 🤔
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techfeedblog · 2 months
How to Integrate QA into Your Development Lifecycle for Maximum Impact
In the competitive world of software development, ensuring high-quality products is paramount. Quality assurance is not just a phase in the development process but a crucial aspect that should be integrated throughout the lifecycle. Proper integration of QA can lead to robust, reliable, and user-friendly software, ultimately contributing to the success of the project. This article will guide you through the process of integrating QA into your development lifecycle for maximum impact, focusing on the role of software quality assurance services.
Understanding Quality Assurance
Quality assurance is a systematic process that ensures that the software product meets specified requirements and standards. Unlike quality control (QC) and testing, which focus on identifying defects, QA is proactive, aiming to prevent defects by improving processes. The key principles of QA include defining standards, continuous improvement, and ensuring compliance with those standards.
Planning and preparation
The first step in integrating QA into your development lifecycle is planning and preparation. This involves setting clear QA goals and objectives that align with the project's requirements. Identify key stakeholders, including developers, QA engineers, project managers, and clients, and define their roles and responsibilities.
Choosing the right QA methodology is crucial. Whether you opt for Agile, Waterfall, or a hybrid approach, ensure that it fits your project's needs and facilitates effective QA integration.
Integrating Software Quality Assurance Early in the Development Lifecycle
Integrating Software Quality Assurance early in the development lifecycle is vital for catching defects when they are easiest and cheapest to fix. This is often referred to as the "shift-left" approach.
Requirement Analysis Phase: QA should be involved in the requirement analysis phase to define acceptance criteria and review requirements for testability. This ensures that the requirements are clear, complete, and testable, preventing ambiguities and misunderstandings later on.
Design and Architecture Reviews: During the design phase, QA can ensure that the design is testable and adheres to standards. This includes static analysis and code reviews, which help identify potential issues early in the process.
Developing a Comprehensive QA Strategy
A well-defined QA strategy is the backbone of successful QA integration.
Test Plan and Test Cases: Develop a detailed test plan that outlines the testing objectives, scope, resources, schedule, and deliverables. Create test cases for different types of testing, including unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing. Prioritize test cases based on risk and impact.
Automated vs. Manual Testing: Both automated and manual testing have their place in the QA process. Automated testing is ideal for repetitive, time-consuming tasks and can be integrated into the CI/CD pipeline for continuous feedback. Manual testing, on the other hand, is essential for exploratory testing and scenarios that require human judgment. Select appropriate tools for automation to enhance efficiency.
CI/CD Integration: Integrating automated tests into the CI/CD pipeline ensures continuous feedback and rapid issue resolution. This approach allows for frequent releases with high confidence in the software's quality.
Implementing Software Quality Assurance in the Development Process
Software quality assurance should be an integral part of each phase of the development process.
Coding Phase: During the coding phase, unit testing and code reviews are essential. Unit tests ensure that individual components work as intended, while code reviews help identify potential issues and improve code quality through peer feedback. Pair programming can also enhance code quality and foster collaboration between developers.
Integration and System Testing: Integration testing focuses on verifying the interactions between different components, while system testing ensures that the entire system works as a whole. End-to-end testing is crucial for validating the complete workflow from start to finish.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Engaging end-users and stakeholders in the UAT process is critical. Their feedback helps identify usability issues and ensures that the software meets their needs. Incorporate their feedback into the development process to improve the final product.
Monitoring and Measuring QA Effectiveness
To ensure that QA activities are effective, it is essential to define and track key metrics and KPIs.
QA Metrics and KPIs: Common metrics include defect density, test coverage, test execution rate, and mean time to detect and resolve defects. These metrics provide insights into the quality of the software and the effectiveness of QA processes.
Continuous Improvement: Use retrospectives and feedback loops to analyze QA metrics and identify areas for improvement. Implement corrective and preventive actions to enhance the QA process continuously.
Challenges and Best Practices
Integrating QA into the development lifecycle comes with its own set of challenges, such as resistance to change, lack of resources, and time constraints. However, following best practices can help overcome these challenges.
Collaboration and Communication: Foster collaboration and communication between development and Quality Assurance teams. Regular meetings, shared tools, and open communication channels can bridge gaps and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
Training and Skill Development: Invest in training and skill development for QA engineers and developers. This ensures that they are equipped with the latest tools, techniques, and best practices.
Industry Standards and Frameworks: Leverage industry standards and frameworks like ISO and CMMI to guide your QA processes. These standards provide a structured approach to quality management and continuous improvement.
Integrating QA into your development lifecycle is essential for delivering high-quality software that meets user expectations and business goals. By involving QA early, developing a comprehensive strategy, and fostering collaboration, you can achieve maximum impact from your QA efforts. Leveraging software quality assurance services can further enhance your QA processes, ensuring that your software products are reliable, efficient, and user-friendly.
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Enfoque de producto VS enfoque de proyecto
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El enfoque tradicional de gestión de proyectos mide el éxito de un proyecto por cumplir 3 variables: alcance, tiempo y coste. Es decir si entregamos el alcance deseado por el cliente en el plazo acordado y coste deseado entonces el proyecto ha sido un éxito. El problema de este planteamiento es que no se tiene en cuenta si ese alcance entregado crea o no valor al cliente. En definitiva que puede que se entregue la funcionalidad que quiere el cliente pero le es útil? alguien la está utilizando?. Lo ideal es adoptar una mentalidad de producto donde se este entregando valor en cada sprint o en cada entrega. Voy a describir cada uno de los enfoques para que se entienda un poco mejor.
Enfoque de proyecto
El éxito de un proyecto viene dado porque se entregue el alcance deseado en el prepuesto y tiempo acordado. -El Gestor de proyecto gestiona las tareas y personas del proyecto. -El conocimiento se comparte a medida que avanzan las fases del proyecto. -Se usa Waterfall generalmente.
Enfoque de producto
-El éxito se mide fijándonos en las métricas del negocio: tasa de retención, ingresos, ahorro de coste. Esta integramente asociado a que el producto genere ingresos y guste al usuario -Despliegues a producción frecuentes con el objetivo de recibir feedback de los usuarios que utilizan la aplicación. Amazon al día hace varios despliegues con pequeñas nuevas funciones. -Énfasis en la visión y objetivos del producto ,con lo que conseguimos mas creatividad y gastar menos tiempo en informes de reporte. -Uso de Scrum y la mentalidad agile ,de hecho las funciones que solía hacer el Product Manager en el enfoque de producto son absorbidas por tres roles :Scrum Master, Product Owner y el Equipo de desarrollo. Muchas empresas se encuentran ante este dilema, utilizar un enfoque al proyecto o al producto pero la realidad de hoy en día es que si es un producto para el mercado es mejor el enfoque a producto. Si es un proyecto interno de la empresa o para la administración publica lo mejor es comenzar con enfoque al proyecto y en mantenimiento enfoque al producto. Una situación común puede ser aquella empresa que ha desarrollado un software propio pero que da servicio a partners y le ha ido bien pero cuando a querido escalar se ha dado cuenta que es imposible. Todas esas funcionalidades que sus clientes B2B les iba bien cuando han querido crear un producto más global se han encontrado con una gran deuda técnica. En definitiva algunas veces tenemos que eliminar funcionalidades que gustan a nuestros socios para que el producto sea viable y escalable a medio plazo. Otro problema que he visto es en las consultoras de software ,son meras fabricas de software donde realizan el producto que quiere el cliente, utilizan Scrum y practicas agile, pero en el fondo no entregan valor solo entregan un software . Estas empresas utilizan Scrum pero tienen enfoque de proyecto no de producto pero en los contratos solo se pide la entrega del producto con unas funciones ,en un tiempo y coste y como mucho el mantenimiento pero en ningún momento se habla del éxito del producto en el contrato, la consultora cobra tenga éxito o no. Las consultoras deberían aportar valor realmente y que en el contrato una parte de los ingresos esté vinculado al éxito del producto ,para que realmente no se haga lo que diga el cliente sino lo que realmente aporte valor al cliente en su nicho con su producto. Si te ha gustado este artículo ayúdame compartiéndolo en alguna red o suscríbete a mi Newsletter. Read the full article
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