#water levels are the worst : miranda vanderbilt
biteyourcrush · 4 years
@royalreef Continued from Here
During a quieter moment, her mom had called them Ghost Pipes.
Delicate, stark white little things streaked with just a hint of pink- they clashed with the dangerous aura Aaravi tried to give off. So she started wearing cloaks- hoods to cover the flower crown sprouting from her temple, like an olive wreath around her head. The masses growing around the sides of her neck like a collar- and the occasional blooms along her shoulders and waist.
“They feed off the parasites,” Her mother would say. She knew so much about plants- which ones cured, which ones did not. The duality of the pharmakon- remedy and poison, wrapped up in one. And the Ghost Pipes were the bane to fungal menaces everywhere- at least the damnable plant was enough to ward off that annoying couple constantly trying to bring others into their parasitic fungal fold.
And that’s about the only thing she’d thank the flowers for. They brought more anxiety than their alchemical properties were said to cure- the universe was a liar, sometimes. It lied to her mom.
Who’s to say it wouldn’t lie to her?
So Aaravi banished the thoughts of soulmates from her head- she had no time for such flights of fancy. Always training, raiding, forging her next weapon, looking for the next job- precisely the reason she’s found herself the guest of one Miranda Vanderbilt. The princess needed an assassin- go figure. She could use the challenge.
To no avail, Aaravi yanked her hood down further over her head, but the flowers had been stubborn lately- poking out along the fringe, seeing someone she hated in every reflection. The “spring court” look was certainly not one she was a fan of.
The door to the meeting room creaked, sunlight filtering through ocean casting odd shadows over the occasional mote. Aaravi hadn’t had the chance to go to many nautically themed dungeons, but this blew them all firmly out of the water- pun unintended. But it wasn’t the scenery that caught Aaravi’s eyes as she entered- no, her head had two very different statements in mind.
The princess of the sea- a creature at home in the water, was covered in Saguaro Flowers. Across Miranda’s arms in patterns Aaravi knew in an instant matched the thousand tiny scars she’s collected in a lifetime of training to hunt monsters- pouring out of Miranda’s open-back dress in a way that matched the three parallel cuts that ran long across Aaravi’s own back.
After a lifetime of avoiding it, her soulmate had finally found her. And in a blind panic, Aaravi’s heart nearly stopped in her chest. 
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
@royalreef​ continued from here
The moments it took Miranda to consider felt like epochs. For a solid moment there, the only thing Aaravi could hear was the thrumming of her own blood in her ears, and the rhythmic pitter-patter of her own heart.
She had faced monsters- actual factual, giant deadly beast type monsters. Creatures that would make most peoples’ blood run cold. And she challenged them with gusto- running in blade first and with a war cry on the winds, with nary a second thought.
And this. This was the thing that scared her to do. To play a simple game with a girl who, in spite of the many excuses she had tried to tell herself, she was pretty sure liked her as much as she didn’t want to admit she liked her back.
It was agonizing. Overthinking and doubting every action that lead up to this moment all at rapid speed. Her heart was so damn loud in her chest- god was she dying? Was this what dying felt like? Jesus Fuck-
Then finally she had her answer.
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Oh. Fuck she actually-
Holy shit.
Aaravi’s eyes followed as the princess drew out the thin, sweet stick. She swallowed- forcing the lump in her throat down as she took a step closer, her neon green eyes matching Miranda’s blues with intensity.
“I would love to.”
She leaned forward, and her teeth held fast onto the other end of the Pocky.
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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@royalreef​ pestered: And in the fish butts, almost instantly sticking to Aaravi's side. Definitely going to need someone to lean onto, and there's a bottle of water in their hand. Freshwater, of course, Miri's well-aware of that difference by now. Worried cheeps aren't even attempting to hide, while they do their best to make it a bit easier. "Here, take it easy, please? Perhaps sitting down would be a good choice?" 
@yog-shagal​ pestered: You doing okay Aaravi? You can stop the game now if you’re not
Also @atropaanimus​ and @godnanime​ for good measure
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“I’m not a ffffffffuggin’ coward,” She slurs a little- and attempts to stand, immediately realizing that’s not a great idea. Seated she will remain.
“I’m FINE, I’m fiiiiiiiine, stop treatin’ me like I’m.... a fuckin’ baby or whatever...”
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“Girl, c’mon... we all got limits. Listen to your datemates-”
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“I’m NOT- fucking- shut up! Heugh...”
That "heugh” was definitely from a little bit of drink making its way back up her throat- quickly suppressed.
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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Alright, time to put on her big girl pants and help her GF.
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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@royalreef pestered: fuck it. boss battle AND reverse boss battle from both aaravi and hex :3
Miranda Vs Hex-
The Hunter's Curse, assuming control
Miranda vs Aaravi-
The heiress, left to grieve
Hex vs Miranda-
One lone curse in an underwater horror land
Aaravi vs Miranda-
For the Knight, when the Princess is the Dragon
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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“... Holy shit, Miranda.”
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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Anonymous Pestered: "I love you. I should be able to say more, but that's just it. I love you. Nothing more is needed, because that fact alone is heavier than anything else I could tell. It scares me, honestly, the ultimatum and finality of it, the danger that that fact alone brings. You feel like home in a way my real home never did, like safety and warmth, and I fear what might happen to you because of it. I don't want my touch to bruise, I don't want my presence to mean slaughter. But I don't know what else I would be. I was named for ruin, and I never want you to know that ruin." 
Anonymous Love Letters
Aaravi wasn’t dumb. Honestly, even with how much she wanted to deny it early on, she could tell pretty immediately who this was from by now- there was no downplaying the thrill in her heart as she read those words.
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“I’m not... good. With words. The whole ‘being sociable’ thing is still pretty new to me, and... I don’t think I could ever find the right ones to truly explain what I’ve grown to feel as we’ve gotten to know each other.”
She feels like home to her. Like safety- and that’s everything Aaravi wants to be. Despite the name, the bloodline of the Slayer had one prime responsibility above all else.
To protect. To guard and cherish the most important people in her life.
“I know what it’s like to live a life ruled by fear- and I refuse to let that choice be made for me. I know that it’s dangerous, I know that every step forward is going to be tougher and tougher.”
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“But I love you too, Miranda. And I think that’s worth fighting for.”
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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@royalreef​ pestered: Miri thinks it's... Very silly, really. She keeps chastising herself for it, but... There's a thought in her brain that refuses to go away. That maybe Aaravi needs something lighter, something cute and affectionate in her life. That she's had far too little of it, especially when she needed it most, and a little bit of extra care would help.
The big gift bag ( a hunter's pack, top of the line, with some truly impressive inventory space, as Miranda doesn't believe in half-assing even the presentation ) waits there in Aaravi's locker for her, little handwritten tag clarifying that it's to her, from Miranda.
And inside... No weapons. Maybe a disappointment, but Aaravi knows Miranda would be happy to buy her any weapons she could possibly want. Instead, there's several treat bags, filled with different candies from the Merkingdom. Sweets, in every conceivable flavor, baked into the shapes of fishes or rolls of gummy rope or hard candies made to look like polished gems.
In a different compartment than them, there come the soaps next. Fine things, where the bottles alone were a small fortune. Bubble baths delicate enough to handle gills and yet still leave skin smooth, lotions with a lulling, comfortable fragrance, body wash that would leave someone smelling like a luxury for a week on its own. Things to caress hair and body in love and gentle care, the finest that Miranda could find.
But the last gift is what's important to Miranda. It's nothing grandiose. Nothing spectacular. Just a stuffed animal, modeled after the leviathans in the deep, big enough to hug to sleep. A cute smile is sewn into its expression, stuffed fangs poking out while button eyes echo that sweetness. Gently weighted and strong, while still made with soft material finely patterned with scales. If she checks, there are even some markings, made with a glowing thread. A big ribbon tied around its neck holds a letter - "I thought you could use something gentle, to make up for lost time."
Aaravi was, of course, a little hesitant upon seeing something unfamiliar in her locker- though Miranda’s thoughtfully placed gift tag helped ease her nerves pretty quickly. Aaravi was just about done putting the finishing touches on her own gift for Miranda as well- she’d have to make sure to get it to her in time.
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The soaps and candies were both wonderful- Aaravi herself had something of a sweet tooth she tended not to talk much about, and the sweet and subtle fragrances were perfect for her own heightened senses. Even the bag itself was great- Aaravi was certain she had mentioned she was saving up for purchasing this exact model in passing. What adventurer didn’t want extra inventory space, indeed.
But perhaps the thing that struck her the most was the plush leviathan.
It was definitely cute- even for a monstrosity of the deep- with the goofy little fangs and the sewn-on smile. She felt texture of the embroidered scale pattern as she ran a thumb across its surface, before reading the letter.
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Eyes flick from the words, back to the stuffed creature itself, and to the words again. With great care, she tucks the letter into one of the bag’s many pockets, wrapping both her arms around the creature of the deep and breathing in softly for a moment. Making up for lost time.
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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The power of word salad has now caused Aaravi to imagine Miranda as a grizzled middle-aged witcher. She'll be in her bunk.
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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Well that was a sure fire way to get Aaravi feeling STABBY. She's loaded for bear and ready to hunt the most dangerous game.
"Keep your grubby mitts OFF of her-"
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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@bestconqueror​ pestered: Dahla is just... watching the whole affair, for a moment, seeing if the others can take care of her... but, hearing her continue to be too stubborn to admit defeat, the ox demon huffs and stomps her way over, not waiting to listen to any more of it before she scoops the drunken slayer from her heap. "You've had enough, and you're going to sleep. As is everyone else in this room." Whether they follow along or jump on her back, she's taking 'Ravi to bed. No arguing. 
@royalreef​ replied: You know the fish princess has it bad when they aren't even that concerned about potentially getting vomit in their hair. Miri honest to god just wants to make sure 'Ravi's okay, and if that means some hurt/comfort, well, they're perfectly fine with that!
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“Pfffffff- what are y’all, a buncha cops? The fuckin.... fun police? Wee-woo, wee-woo~”
Pretty biting commentary, coming from someone limply slung over a big buff blue demon’s shoulder.
@atropaanimus​ pestered: 🥃 "You can blame Hex for bringing it up, but I'm curious: would you date me?" MILO NO. 
“Fuckin.... got eyes, don’t I?” she says as the group of them are lead towards Aaravi’s bedroom by the ever responsible Dahlia- the decor is honestly not as spartan as one might have thought. She’s got a few gaming posters, plus plenty of weapons hanging on her walls.
Hex snickers a bit- perfect. Aaravi deserved to have some fun with people, and hey- if it took a little meddling from them, that was absolutely fine. Hex loved to meddle!
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“The truth come out- does Aaravi is gay for all her friends? The answer absolutely will not surprise you. A-that’s all, folks!”
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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“anonymous” asked: 🥃 + Did you hear about what Miranda was like when she was a freshman? What do you think about it? Were you there?
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“No, I wasn’t- I actually started at Spooky High fairly late, compared to everyone else, even if I am 22. Miranda was already kind of a standard fixture at the school by the time I had been enrolled.”
“And honestly? I didn’t really pay much attention to her at the start. That damn vampire and- eugh, I mean Damien and Liam were kind of... more immediate threats, in my opinion. I just kept some earplugs on hand, just in case.”
Obviously things had changed regarding that now, as Aaravi swirled her shot glass around, contemplating taking another one just to have an excuse for her reddening face.
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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Aaravi stares at her illicit box of forbidden Pocky, before glancing across the cafeteria at Miranda.
Fuck. Dammit. Shit. Come on do it you coward.
Nope. No, she’s not going to do it. She’s just going to stand there, staring intently and gripping a box of Pocky with force.
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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@royalreef​ pestered: Three whole days. Three days without hide nor hair of Miranda, with the most being her older sister briefly passing through the hallways, not intending to stick around for long. Not even picking up her phone either, every method to talk to her gone totally silent. Until, with an almost understated notification, two texts arrive for Aaravi. [ txt: ] Fns'sh bjsk'ew, where are you? [ txt: ] I have to talk to you, I must speak with you now, it's dire, I'm scared.
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Hex barely had time to register that Aaravi was heading out the door, the middle of their “Friday Night Bachelorette Time” interrupted by the slayer’s sudden exit.
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“Wha- bring home some burgers at least? ‘Ravi? Raaaaaaaaviiiiiiii!”
Hex would have to deal without burgers for the night. Like a god damn ninja in the night, Aaravi was leaping from apartment rooftop to rooftop near beachside Monstropolis- cloak flapping in her wake as she ran as fast as she could. Damn it, she should’ve taken that driver’s ed course.
[txt:] omw dont worry im almost there
[txt:] whats wrong talk to me im here 4 u
[txt:] bringing my sword do u need my sword im bringing it anyways
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biteyourcrush · 4 years
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@royalreef​ pestered: Well, most of the arrangements were in order. Back at the castle, everything was set up, but there was one last thing on Miranda's mind... Something that she had to set in order. "Ravi?" Accent was hidden less and less in these final days, with Miranda practically purring and nudging up against the slayer's side like a cat. "Would you... Perchance like to join me, for a week? There is a very dear, very important festival for my people coming up, and... I truly want you to join me for it. I would love to share it with you, together." 
Aaravi was clearing out her locker for the break- she had actually started using it outside of as a trap for unwary monsters as of late, because god damn once she started actually going to classes there sure were a lot of books she had to lug around. And yeah, her +STRENGTH was pretty beastly, but still.
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Miranda was... inviting her over? To her home?
A bolt of ice-water flashed through her veins, considering all that she was starting to glean about the Merkingdom- especially after hanging around with Miranda more and more often. But that brief fear was immediately smothered by determination- how the hell would Miranda feel having to face that alone? Norah was always going on about channeling her violence into protection for her friends, and well...
...Now she actually had friends worth protecting.
A small, but determined smile formed on Aaravi’s face.
“Well, I didn’t have any plans- yeah, let’s party up!”
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