#water bottles for sale ghana
boxconcept · 2 years
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Are you still looking for the water bottles. If so, you can get the biodegradable, recyclable, and BPA-free montii mega drink bottle, which was designed in the style of a natural object.
visit our website today or call 233249999902 To make a purchase!
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hecatemoon87 · 2 years
A Heathcliff story
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Chapter One - Heathcliff’s Audacity 
It was a crisp English morning, just at the start of autumn. The leaves on the trees were transforming from emerald green to amber oranges, wild reds and bright yellows. It was the beginning of a new season and of a new job for Freya Kristiansen. That morning she had dressed to impress, wearing a slim black business skirt, a lavender formal long sleeved blouse and a pair of black high heels. Her newly bought dark green peacoat fit her snuggly as she walked from her flat to take the tube to downtown London. 
Her new company was a fortune 500 mining corporation called Enheb United. And her new position was entitled Logistics Manager. She was excited, but nervous as she entered the twenty-two storied building that held several floors of Enheb offices. Her first day would be a pleasant experience. Everyone was kind and helpful. The breakroom had free coffee and a daily stocked fruit basket, there were free sodas and bottles of water as well in the fridge. Her office was small, but still had a window view that looked down on a park in the city. Freya couldn’t have been happier. 
As her first week came to an end, she was in high spirits and looking forward to the weekend. All was well until her manager sent her a text asking her to join him in the conference room. Not knowing where the conference room on her floor was, she asked her assistant manager, Melanie for directions. Upon arriving, she could see through the glass that her manager, Edward Grey was seated at the long conference table with another man. Edward, was a silver haired, stern faced individual nearing retirement. But he was very kind to Freya and she liked him. The other man was much younger, possibly in his early thirties. He was handsome with dark hair, almost black and the most enticing lips she had ever seen on a man. When she entered the room both men stood up. She noticed that the younger man had very dark blue-green eyes and a rather intense quality about them. 
“Ah, Ms. Kristiansen, I’d like you to meet Heathcliff Earnshaw,” Edward said. 
Freya silently giggled at the name, it was so old fashioned, yet somehow worked nicely on this man. 
“Hello,” Heathcliff said, extending his hand. 
She took his hand in hers and shook it, finding him to have a firm grasp. His eyes were focused on her, analyzing what kind of character she had. Freya tried to maintain eye contact, she had read in a book that was important in business, but his handsome face made her feel shy and she looked away bashfully.  
“I’m terribly sorry, but I have another meeting starting now. Feel free to get acquainted as you’ll both be working closely together,” Edward said, then left the room. 
Freya stood awkwardly in front of him, thinking of something smart to say. 
“So, do you have any KPIs you’d like to go over? I was hoping to ask you for the sales budget so that way I can compare…”
“Your name, is it Scandinavian?” he asked.
She stopped and frowned, a little caught off guard by the question.
“Yes, I’m Norwegian,” she replied. 
“You’re from Norway?”
Freya did not look Norwegian. She had a smooth dark chestnut skin tone, black hair and hazel eyes. Her father was the native looking one, cream colored skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. While her mother, whose family was originally from Ghana, gave Freya the darker complexion. She was a beauty and along with her pleasant features, her eyes were the most alluring. They were a swirling mix of blue and gold and drew the attention of many men. 
“Yes, why?” she asked. 
Freya was book smart, but at times lacked in the common sense department. She wasn’t aware that he was curious about her origins based on her skin color. He tilted his head just slightly and seemed amused by her innocence. 
“You’re rather sweet, aren’t you?” he asked. 
“Um…thank you?” she said, with uncertainty. 
“That wasn’t a compliment. Being sweet in this industry will be the ruin of you. If I am to work with someone I want them to be sure of themselves and you…you’ll be chewed up and spit out by the end of the month,” he said. 
Freya was surprised by his directness. Although confrontation wasn’t something she liked to engage in, she had learned to handle it in a way that made her most comfortable. And that was continuing to be nice. 
“I assure you, I am experienced. At my last job, I did the same thing for four years. I know what I’m doing,” she said. 
Heathcliff did not seem assured. 
“Darling, at your last job you worked at a very small company. Enheb United is a serious corporation. The pressure at this kind of job will twist your silk panties into a knot so tight that you’ll quit and go back to Norway crying to your mother,” he said.
Freya swallowed nervously, this man was not very nice. And she did not like him talking about her panties. 
“I disagree…” she said, but in a soft unsure voice. 
“Do you? Because it sounds like the first twist has just begun,” he said, smirking. 
Freya was on the verge of tears, but she stood a little straighter and stayed professional. 
“Thank you for your advice Mr. Earnshaw, I’ll keep it in mind. But I do intend to stay here, so if you would kindly send me the sales budget I’d appreciate it. 
Knowing full well he could probably see her tears brimming at her eyes, she turned around and headed back to her office. Once inside, she closed the door and grabbed a tissue to wipe her tears off her cheeks. Seconds later a light knocking came at her door. Freya cleared her throat and put on her best professional voice. 
“Yes, please come in,” she said. 
“Freya? Are you alright?” Melanie asked, opening the door. 
Melanie was of Korean heritage, both her parents had moved to London from Seoul. She was petite, pretty and hot headed. Freya and her had already become fast friends. 
“I’m okay, I just had an unpleasant encounter with Mr. Earnshaw,” Freya said. 
“Ahhhh, the dashingly handsome bastard himself,” she said, coming in and closing the door behind her. 
“Yes, I think he is going to be difficult to work with,” Freya said. 
“Yep, he’s a real peach, but not hard to look at,” Melanie said, taking a seat across the desk. “Anyways, forget about him. What are you doing this weekend?”
“Probably clean my flat, do some laundry,” Freya said. 
“Sure, or you could come out with me Friday night and get drunk?” Melanie offered. 
Freya thought about it and shrugged her shoulders. “Okay, why not?”
Over the next few months, Freya and Melanie were a powerful team. They worked hard and had made some vast improvements to the department. They found more efficient shipping lanes, negotiated with truck companies for lower rates and even set up a portal that allowed customers to check their shipment status online. During this time, Freya started developing a secret crush on Heathcliff. She wouldn’t admit it, but one night while drunk she confessed it to Melanie who had laid on the pressure. 
“Come on, you like him, just say it,” Melanie goaded. 
“No, absolutely not, he’s awful,” Freya insisted. 
“Yeah, well, I’d fuck him,” Melanie said, bringing a beer bottle up to her lips. 
“You would?” Freya asked. 
Melanie was just like Heathcliff, said exactly what was on her mind and didn’t give a damn what other people thought of it. Freya was jealous of that fact, she wished she had more nerve. 
“Hell yes, I mean, have you seen that man? And his lips? Oh, he is a wet dream,” Melanie said laughing. 
“Okay…yeah, I kinda like him,” Freya relented. 
“I’ve seen you get all hot and bothered when he leaves your office, you are crushing on him something hard,” Melanie teased. 
It had been six months since Freya joined the company and although the pressure was on, she had her team to help her through the heat. All that nonsense from Heathcliff of getting her panties in a twist was far from her mind. She had gotten to know Heathcliff well enough to learn how to dance around his little tantrums. For the most part, he remained civil and there were interesting times when he even showed a gentler side to Freya. 
It was a Wednesday and Heathcliff was late to a meeting. Freya had needed his confirmation on a request for three days now so that she could present some data to upper management. Catching him opening the door to the stairs, she joined him and tried to keep pace as he climbed down the stairs. 
“So, would you say that your quota for quarter two was fully met? Your data suggests otherwise…” she said, her heels clicking on the stairs as they went down. 
“Yeah, it was, it was. I forgot to update the bloody spreadsheet,” he said. 
Freya was about to ask for an updated spreadsheet, but as her foot came down on the landing, her heel twisted and she started to fall. If Heathcliff hadn’t been next to her she would have hit the floor hard. But with a quick reflex he shot his arms underneath hers and caught her mid fall. As Freya’s initial shock faded away, she soon realized she was in the arms of a man she was highly attracted to.  
“You alright?” he asked. 
Her body was pressed up to him, she could smell his cologne, feel the bulges of his muscles and the heat of his body. She had always thought he emanated a type of sexual magnetism that she had never been able to fully describe. It was at times subtle, tickling her senses and at other times radiating off him in waves, wearing on her inhibitions. At that moment, it was the latter. She gazed up at him, his dark blue-green eyes penetrating her hazel ones. Freya struggled to find the words, feeling like every aspect of her face was giving away her feelings for him. 
 “Oh, yes. I am, I’m sorry,” she said, carefully pushing off of him. 
“I’ll send you the update, I’m late to this blasted meeting that’s been rescheduled three times,” Heathcliff grumbled and he disappeared out the door. 
As a few more weeks passed, Freya was beginning to think he wasn’t such a bad person. That was until she opened an email on Monday morning to discover a meeting had been called. She read the agenda and she bolted up from her desk and shouted. 
Melanie came over to Freya’s office and leaned on the doorframe. 
“Yep, I saw it. Heathcliff must be on his period,” Melanie said, rolling her eyes. 
“Why? Why, why, why? He’s been so good these past few weeks!” Freya whined. 
“That’s just him, he is a moody baby. Look, it’s going to be alright. He literally has nothing against us, he just wants to look important,” Melanie said. 
The email’s agenda was formally requesting that upper management review the Logistics department “gross operational negligence” over unacceptably long transit time. That customers were very unhappy and liable to turn to a different company if the matter wasn’t resolved immediately. Freya knew that to be true, but it wasn’t their fault. It was supply chains all over and she could easily prove it. Nonetheless, she was nervous as Heathcliff had been working for Enheb United for five years. He brought in more money than all the sales managers combined, so he had clout. 
The meeting lasted close to an hour and was not unlike the courtroom dramas Freya had seen on the telly. Heathcliff was tossing out accusations one after the other. Freya stayed calm on the outside, though inside she was being wrecked by her nerves. She had created a presentation and printed off the slides for everyone in the meeting. The slides showed the data of her team’s progress and a thorough explanation of why transit times were longer and her forecast of when things should return to normal. 
In the end, the meeting was pointless. Management just told Freya to keep up the good work and that her and Heathcliff needed better communication so that misunderstanding wouldn’t happen again. That last part she could fully agree on. 
After everyone filed out of the conference room, she marched up to Heathcliff and glared at him. 
“What was that all about?” she said, folding her arms. 
He seemed surprised that he had gotten a rise out of her. He could see that her cheeks were flushed from frustration and anxiety. 
“You look rather pretty when you’re bent out of shape,” he said, casually putting his hands into his pockets. 
He was acting like he hadn't just thrown her under the bus five minutes ago. 
“You…you have a serious problem,” she said. 
But she immediately felt guilty for saying something so mean. 
“Perhaps,” he said, mulling over her remark. 
His eyes locked onto her and Freya desperately tried to maintain eye contact, but even after all those months with him, she still couldn’t out match him in a staring contest. She glanced away and walked over to her things and started packing them in her bag. Heathcliff watched her carefully, his eyes trialing over her curves, his thoughts wandering through all the sexual positions he’d like to put her in before speaking. 
“Have you heard about Edward?” he said, walking over to stand by her. 
“Yes, he is retiring,” Freya said, not looking up. 
“He is…and his job, Vice President of Distribution and Operations, will be available soon,” he added. 
“I know, I will be applying,” she said, finishing up with her bag and facing him. 
“As will I,” Heathcliff said, a devilish grin smeared on his handsome face. 
Freya blinked. She hadn’t thought of other candidates vying for the same position. In her eyes, she was the most qualified, even if she had been working there for only seven months now. 
“You aren’t….you aren’t qualified,” she said, trying to challenge him. 
“In what? Logistics?” he scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. “I know this company in and out, I understand how to budget, set KPIs, initiate improvement processes and more importantly, I know how to negotiate,” he said. 
“You mean you know how to manipulate people,” she said.
She surprised herself by saying that out loud. A cold wave of anxiety washed over her, she hated being rude even if it was justified. 
“Oh? The kitten finally shows her claws,” Heathcliff said, smiling. 
“I’m…I’m sorry, that wasn’t kind of me. I just…um…good luck with the position,” she said, trying her best to get out of that room as quickly as possible. 
“Come now, Freya, it was just getting good,” Heathcliff teased as she left the room. 
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boxconcept · 2 years
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The best water bottles for sale in Ghana from The Box Concept are made of durable materials and have a one-handed easy open/close on top of the cap. This means that when travelling or in your handbag, you won't have to fiddle with the cap all the time just to get your drink from inside the bottle. To shop now visit our website.
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perfectirishgifts · 4 years
The Clean Beauty And Wellness Gift Guide
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/the-clean-beauty-and-wellness-gift-guide/
The Clean Beauty And Wellness Gift Guide
For beauty and wellness gifts that transport you from a lockdown shower to a spa or a meadow of flowers, here are a few options that come close—at least for a few fleeting moments. In addition, many of these brands are cutting down on plastic waste, giving back to communities in need, and redefining what beauty really is all about—all good things to pass on as a gift.
All Good’s new Lip and Cheek tint’s are versatile and part of the company’s move to a plastic-free … [] beauty routine.
California beauty company All Good came out with a zero-plastic beauty kit that has all the essentials. In addition, they debuted this fall, a new line up lip and cheek tints in recyclable glass pots. The botanically derived ingredients are combined with clean mineral pigments and SPF 15 non-nano zinc–that is reef friendly–for a perfect blend of beauty and sustainability. 
Shampoo bars cut down on the need for plastic bottles. Plus, they often pack more punch in a … [] longer-lasting bar.
A 100% plant-based formula and in recyclable cartons, these shampoo bars actually work. If you’ve tried washing your hair with a bar of soap, it can lead to mixed results. But a new lineup of companies such as Each & Every are producing a modern era of shampoo bars that are effective and eco-friendly. Made with no sulfates, parabens, phthalates, silicones, synthetic dyes or synthetic fragrance, each bar is sizable and will last longer than the average shampoo bottle (which is primarily water).
Fleur & Bee skincare is cruelty-free, made with botanicals, at an affordable price point, and … [] aspires to be carbon neutral.
Too many options overwhelm you at the drugstore? Are other brands too pricey? This new skincare company wants to marry vegan, clean beauty with affordability. All products are priced under $30. Founder Matthias Hug put them to the test, seeing how this simplified beauty regime would deal with adult acne. It worked — just as well as pricier options on the market. Made with vegan botanicals and free of potentially irritating ingredients like parabens, sulfates, and artificial fragrances, Fluer & Bee products are manufactured in a lab that runs on 100% wind energy and the company aims to be carbon neutral by 2021. In addition, they donate 1% of all sales to Days for Girls, a nonprofit women’s empowerment organization that distributes menstrual hygiene products to girls in need who would otherwise miss school.
Clean beauty brand’s holiday offering is available for a limited time.
A clean beauty brand for the makeup and skincare lover. The Sunset Kit has some of the Ilia’s best offerings in a curated selection — and ready for travel (in a post COVID world). Set includes two full-sized clean favorites and two minis; an idea way to dip into the world of clean beauty. Ilia already uses recycled aluminum, glass, and responsibly-sourced paper, and is pushing for better packaging materials for the beauty industry. As one of the early adopters of clean beauty, founder Sasha Plavsic has been on a decade-long journey, passionate about fusing skincare with modern-day cosmetics in an eco-friendly manner.
Shea butter cream from Ghana.
For dry cold windy days, shea butter is a thick, emollient cream with an endless list of uses and cherished in West Africa where it stems from. This one, by Ten Thousand Villages, celebrates the shea butter’s native roots in Ghana where its hand-harvested from shea trees and thoughtfully packaged in a ceramic container, decorated with recycled glass beads made by local artisans. Tea tree and lemon-scented, this versatile cream can be applied to dry, flaky problems or rubbed into your legs and arms after a shower for smooth limbs all winter long.
Wildwood Candle Co.’s fragrances are inspired by the trails in Forest Park, Portland, Oregon.
Kylie Antolini, proprietor and founder of Wildwood Candle Co., is an avid trail runner, Portland resident, and candle-obsessed connoisseur. She brings all three together with Wildwood Candle Co., named after the trails in Forest Park, a municipal park with over 70 miles of single track trails to explore, in Portland, Oregon. It is her goal to be able to give back by donating at least 5% of profits to the Forest Park Conservancy. The Forest Park Conservancy plays the most important role in maintaining the ecological health and soft surface trails of the park. Each scent represents the names of trails that connect to Wildwood, or are an attraction within the Forest Park acreage. If you cannot get outside this holiday season, you can at least take in the scents of the Pacific Northwest with its crisp winter air, and the smell of freshly fallen fir needles.
This sampler kit, which actually comes in a pouch right now, has all their signature scents to … [] choose from.
If you have a friend that is a scent-lover and fragrance nut, send her this sampler kit by Zents featuring their entire range (and maybe a gift card so she can get a full-size bottle of her favorite?). Inspired by the his travels to India after a car accident that left him in pain and injured, Cord Coen learned ancient healing practices, which included the power of fragrance. Given Coen’s experience in India, Zents mixes beauty with service and is committed to paying it forward. The company curates seva (selfless service in Hindi) to support a host of organizations: to increase access to healthcare through Project C.U.R.E; to teach mindfulness through the David Lynch Foundation; to care for the environment through IDE; to support the arts through Playing for Change; to protect the animals through Animal Welfare Institute; and lastly, to integrate eastern healing techniques with western medicine, The Urban Zen Integrative Therapy (UZIT) Program by Urban Zen Foundation
A liquid lip balm that leaves lips looking luscious, but is free of problematic chemicals and … [] potential irritants or parabens.
Instagram favorite brand Saie (pronounced as “say”) has brought together beauty industry executives to create a clean beauty brand that’s affordable. If you’re looking for stocking stuffers, their moisturizing balm is a favorite, leaving you with a universal pink tint that can polish off any natural look. Their packaging is made with recycled plastic, and is recyclable — yes, we know the challenges with recycling. So Saie has partnered with TerraCycle to get back empty tubes at their end of life: when you’re finished with the product, send them an email. They’ll mail you a shipping label to recycle the materials properly. And the company is working on improving this process further.
A go-to eye shadow palette with warm hues that are elegant, long-lasting, and ideal on a variety of … [] skin colors.
Created by co-founder and CEO of Bluemercury Marla Beck, who looks after the growing network of Bluemercury stores around the country, which specialize in clean beauty and wellness, LuneAster is their in-house brand. With vitamin-infused, paraben-free formulas, the brand describes its collection as “minimal effort, maximum impact makeup.” The Golden Hour palette brings everyday nudes, pinks, and peachy tones together for a versatile set that will suit a variety of skin colors. Classic, long-lasting, and an elegant palette that any lady would love to add to her collection.
This cleanser not only does its job, it also transports you momentarily with its hints of rosewater … [] and jelly consistency.
It’s almost been a decade since founders Alexander Kummerow and Julia Wills started concocting natural skincare solutions in their Seattle kitchen and posting them on Etsy as a small business. As the years have progressed, their formulations have improved resulting in a crowd-favorite, the Pink Cloud Cleanser, which removes makeup, cleanses the skin, but is also low-foaming, non-stripping, and has a heavenly scent. It’s 30 seconds of luxury to start or end your day. Packed in a glass bottle, it’s a beautiful addition to your bathroom countertop as well.
Hero Skin Care Kit. Try a little bit of everything from the Organic Pharmacy range.
Thought a bit more on the pricey side, Organic Pharmacy is one of the UK’s most well-known clean beauty brands, started 18 years ago. This Hero Skin Care kit brings together all their best-selling products into a luxurious gift. This holiday season they’re also partnering with the Prince’s Trust, which has an initiative titled Women Supporting Women, in an effort to create a stronger community and better resources for vulnerable women in the UK. In 2020 and 2021, 10% of profits will go to this initiative.
French cay stones used in the shower help with exfoliation.
These artfully-designed clay stones will make you feel like you’re at a spa. Made to help with exfoliation and circulate blood flow, they’re a meditative way to spend a few extra minutes in the shower each week. If COVID has left you missing the occasional indulgence of a spa, these beautiful creations will transport you and leave you feeling smooth and refreshed. The skin-smoothing stones are artisan-made in the South of France and come in two sizes for face and body.
From Entrepreneurs in Perfectirishgifts
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zerohungerghana · 4 years
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Golden Drop Cooking Oil - Retail Price 1 Litre Bottle - GHS 14 1 Litre Sachet - GHS 10 500 Ml Sachet - GHS 6 5 Litre Gallon - GHS 50 #GoldenDropOil #GoldenDrop #CookingOil #MadeInGhana . In order to raise funds to run our operations beyond depending on donations and funding, we have developed an enterprising strategy to sell: Ghana grown Foods to support the Ghanaian Farmer Ghana produced Mineral Water and Sanitary Items to support the Ghanaian Producer Via the #ZHGOnlineStore which’s sales profits supports our operations. 70% administration and 30% donations Help us to help those in need. _______________________________________________________ DONATION CHANNELS * Products/Nonmonetary Donations, Contact Awo @myzawo On +233 (0) 249 267 112 * Mobile Money Donations: MTN - 0540 122 720, Dzidzor Ami Senanu @dzidzorr , Reference ZHG with Your Name * Bank Deposit in Ghana: Account Name: ZERO HUNGER GHANA, Account Number: 0100191581900 Bank: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, Branch: INDEPENDENCE AVENUE BRANCH ________________________________________________ Zero Hunger Ghana (#ZHG) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization contributing to the wellbeing of the #Vulnerable (mobilised beneficiaries) in society (#Ghana, West #Africa) by: * Giving them access to safe, healthy and nutritious food; reducing hunger using a proven human centered model. * Donation of water and other essential relief items * Sensitizing them on important and current issues * #Empowering them to drive their own developmental agenda (Grooming community development leaders) * Empowering other individuals to be part of impactful #CommunityDevelopment * Driving projects to tackle #FoodInsecurity, promote #Sustainable #FoodProvision and to empower #SelfDependence * Livelihood #Empowerment - training for youths in the #Community * #FoodWaste management, #FoodHygiene and Food #Nutrition training * Training in small-scale Agriculture _______________________________________________________ A #CharisJadlen #SocialImpact Project and a #ThinkMahoganyCSR  #ZeroHunger #EndHunger #EndPoverty #WorldHungerDay #WorldFoodDay #ZeroHungerGhana #SDG2 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAcqoknppCz/?igshid=1o690l1k6xrt8
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Warm Regards, 
Subhash Jain
Phone No.: +91-9425917486
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fleckadventures · 7 years
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We are almost at the end of our time in India. Thinking right back to the start, planning and packing felt pretty daunting. It was hard to anticipate what we would need for 5 months away from home! So, I wanted to share some of the things we have brought with us that have found to be so useful - things that just make life a little bit easier when you’re in a strange place where sometimes,  lots of things are just that little bit harder.
Surge Protector                                                                                                    If you are taking a laptop and you don’t want it to get fried by an errant voltage, you’ve got to pack one of these, even if it seems bulky to pack. When you are abroad there is often only one or two working sockets in a room - and with this you can have all your electrical charging at once without having to ration between devices. 
Earplugs It is noisy in India! I can honestly say I haven’t had more than a handful of unbroken, full nights sleep here. Temples play music at all hours. There’s no rule on using your car horn after dark. Those cute chirpy birds can be super annoying when it is 4:30am. We actually had these posted to us by David’s parents, because we couldn’t handle it any more. So, be prepared - bring earplugs and give your mind a chance to rest.
Toothbrush Cover When I was in Bangladesh I learnt that cockroaches like to feed off toothbrushes at night. How gross, right? Travelling means sometimes having a higher tolerance for gross stuff. But spend £1 on a set of covers and you never need to worry about this problem.
Tiger Balm This is great on insect bites, heat rash and pulled muscles. It’s also David’s favourite smell. Way nicer than those ammonia based bite reliever sticks.
Packing Cubes It seems kind of stupid to spend money on smaller bags to pack your clothes in when you already have a suitcase, right? Wrong! These are great. These let you fit more into your case and organise it so you won’t be searching arm-deep in your bag trying to find a pair of socks.
Cotton Make Up Wipes  Travel light! Be friends with the environment. India has enough rubbish already. Let go of the daily make up wipes and go to the Reap and Sew Market, buy a pack of these soft cotton squares. They work great and take up less space in your bag.
Fast Drying Towel These are always on sale in camping shops. So - save yourself so much hassle. Proper towels are bulky and don’t dry quickly, especially in humidity, and then they smell and all the stuff in your bag smells too. These towels fix all those problems. 
Washing Line                                                                                                         I always take this stretchy line when I’m going far. It’s pretty self explanatory what it is used for, but sometimes you don’t have a good option for drying your clothes or maybe you do have a washing line on the roof but monkeys like to jump up and pull it all down. 
Filter Water Bottle                                                                                                 I have to admit, I was nervous to start using this. Getting sick when you are abroad is the worst and drinking contaminated water is the most likely way you’ll catch a bug. But these ‘Water-To-Go’ bottles have been tested by the London School of Tropical Medicine, and they really do work to filter out viruses, bacteria and all sorts of tiny gross things. You will also look like a confident travel boss filling up your bottle from the village well or train station tap. 
Hand Sanitiser                                                                                               Don’t get sick. Use this all the time. Pretend you are on a ward being monitored for hand hygiene compliance. This stuff - a gift from our Australian pals - is the nicest sanitiser. It smells like Eucalyptus and Mint! The brand ‘Thank You’ is a social enterprise that helps fund clean water sanitation. We will definitely be ordering this online before we travel again! 
Shea Butter                                                                                               Toiletries take up so much space in a bag! And once you arrive, usually you can get most soaps and shampoos locally. I bring this small tub of organic Shea butter and it works as moisturiser, make up remover and after sun. Plus, Carishea products are made and distributed in the most ethical way possible - I’ve seen the factory in Ghana and Scotland, and I can’t think of a company that has a more sustainable vision.
Lush shampoo                                                                                                       I can’t testify to Lush’s ethics, but I first used their shampoo-tins in 2008 and I buy one every time I go on a long trip. It saves so much space compared to shampoo and condition and it won’t leak in your bag. It also works if you run out of soap to wash your clothes.
Eye mask I love my eye mask so much. I love anything that helps me sleep better. I don’t care that it might make me look weird. If I am on an overnight plane or flight, I’m putting this on and dozing away.
Headphone adaptors These are David’s gadgets and they are super useful. You will no longer have to use poor quality spongy headphones on the plane. With these you can connect your own headphones. Then using the 2:1 adaptor, you can both listen to a podcast or watch a film at the same time.
Padlock Boring but such a tiny, useful thing. We use these to latch our bags to the railings on sleeper trains, and sometimes to lock our doors in hotels. Better safe, right. 
Hopefully if you are embarking on any kind of international adventure, this might come in use! I’m also keen to hear what other people’s travel essentials are - so if you have any, let us know!
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connorrenwick · 4 years
5 Eco-Friendly Sunglasses You Can Feel Good About Wearing
It’s the middle of summer for many of us which means we need to protect our eyes from the blazing sunlight. Instead of selecting basic frames, we dove further to look for cool brands that make eco-friendly sunglasses out of materials like recycled plastic bottles, old skateboards, discarded marine plastic, cork, and reclaimed wood. Since these materials have minimal impact on the environment, and in most cases, help clean it up, they’re great options to choose from so you can feel good about wearing them all year long.
Roeper Classic Black + Dark Gray Sunglasses by Genusee Genusee has taken a negative – an overabundance of plastic water bottles caused by the Flint water crisis – and turned it into a positive – creating eyewear made from the surplus. Instead of using new materials, they upcycle 15 water bottles, all collected in Flint, Michigan, to make each frame thereby closing the loop, reducing the amount of bottles being thrown out, and creating desperately needed jobs in the hard-hit city. The Roeper frame is a classic round shape with a keyhole bridge that will work on just about any face shape and size.
Recycled Wooden Skateboard Sunglasses by SKRP Based in Ottawa, Canada, SKRP handcrafts a line of sunglasses made from 100% reclaimed skateboard decks. Each unique frame features layers of colored maple wood veneer from old skateboards that you know have seen some things in its previous life being ridden. The boards have been collected by Canadian skate shops, ski resorts, and US and Canadian distribution and manufacturing companies, and then acquired by SKRP who helps keep them from taking up space in a landfill. The sunglasses come in a classic shape, leaving the color and pattern choice up to you.
Surf 06 by Sea2see Another place with a massive plastic issue are our oceans which are becoming more polluted by the day. Luckily brands like Sea2see are doing something about it. The Spanish company works with fishing communities in 27 ports in Spain and 10 coastal spots in Ghana who collect discarded marine plastic, like fishing nets, ropes, lines, and bottles. The waste is then turned into plastic pellets that becomes their eco-friendly handmade eyewear. The Surf design is a universal style that’s available in a handful of frame colors.
Owl with Cork by Ballo Ballo is a South African brand that set out to hand make gender neutral sunglasses out of recycled offcuts and other sustainable materials, including cork, hemp, and wood. They work with local crafts people to create the cork frames, which are also flexible and lightweight, and they also float so if you drop them in the ocean or pool, they’re easily found. The Owl cork frames are available in a choice of four types of lenses: UV400 Brown, Grey Polarized, UV400 Grey, and Brown Polarized.
Israel Maplewood Repurposed Wood Sunglasses by SOLO Eyewear San Diego-based SOLO Eyewear uses repurposed bamboo and recycled plastic to construct their line of handcrafted eyewear. The eco-friendly company saves hundreds of pounds of unnecessary plastic from being produced every year by utilizing these used materials, which also prevents them from ending up in a landfill. SOLO is also committed to restoring eyesight by donating 10% of their profits, which so far, has restored vision for 13,000 people in need of eye exams, eyeglasses, and surgeries. These Israel Maplewood sunglasses are made from reclaimed wood and named after one of the countries the brand has helped provide vision care for people in need.
From The Shop
Roeper Classic Black + Dark Gray Sunglasses
Owl with Cork
>>> To shop more sunglasses, visit the Design Milk Shop here! <<<
Through September, we are donating 1% of the Design Milk Shop sales to The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Click here to read the Design Milk Mission for our commitment to donations, diversity, equity, + anti-racism action.
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2020/07/08/5-eco-friendly-sunglasses-you-can-feel-good-about-wearing/
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boxconcept · 4 years
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If you are a parent and always worried about child need then never forget to buy montii mega drink bottle for him/her. It is a safe and durable water bottle that satisfies your kids' thirst at any time. Check out our infographic if you want to know the benefit of carrying water bottles for kids. Visit us at  www.theboxconceptghana.com
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Pioneering Black Women in Europe’s Beauty Space – WWD
Shockwaves are reverberating around the world, across all societies and industries, including beauty, due to George Floyd’s killing in May.
The reactions take many forms — perhaps the most palpable being demonstrations. As anti-racism protests rip through the U.S., so, too, are they making a mark in Europe.
In France, for instance, thousands of people demonstrated in Paris last weekend. On June 13, they took to the streets in response to Floyd’s killing and the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as to long-standing domestic tensions between police and people of color.
Protesters took a knee on June 9 in the French capital and held eight minutes of silence in memory of Floyd. This came following two days of marches against discrimination throughout the nation.
Over in Rome’s Piazza del Popolo, or People’s Square, on the morning of June 7, hundreds of protesters participated in eight minutes of silence honoring Floyd. A few hours later, hundreds in Milan voiced their anger against systemic racism, holding signs reading the likes of “How many weren’t filmed” and “Not one more.”
There have been other protests in Italy, as well as a major swell of solidarity in European countries such as the U.K. and Germany in recent weeks.
Concurrently, all businesses are honing in on diversity — or their lack thereof — and beauty is not exempt. Globally, the industry is looking to actively hire more Black employees, and many beauty retailers are committing themselves to increasingly stocking brands launched by racially diverse executives.
In Europe, there is a growing number of pioneering Black female entrepreneurs in the beauty space. Here is a look at a few.
  Cofounder: Rebecca Cathline
Brand: Ma Coiffeuse Afro
Launched: 2016
Headquarters: Paris
Rebecca Cathline  Cyrille George Jerusalmi/Courtesy Photo
Positioning: Cathline recognized that most women of color in France do not have access to a salon specializing in their type of hair. So she and Emmanuel Derozin, chief technology officer, launched the Ma Coiffeuse Afro application to help Black and mixed-race women easily book stylists for at-home appointments and learn about products meeting their needs.
Her platform, which involves more than 300 stylists available daily, has built up a significant following, especially among Millennials. To date, Ma Coiffeuse Afro has 130,000 users and 172,000 Instagram followers, while its site counts around 10 million page views in total and 360,000 monthly views.
The brand has also recently expanded with a product range, introducing in October 2019 In Haircare, vegan ingestibles billed to help grow and fortify hair. The product was co-created with Ma Coiffeuse Afro’s community. A bottle of 60 capsules is priced at 29.90 euros.
The Ma Coiffeuse Afro app.  Courtesy Photo
Sold in: The app service is available in France, while In Haircare is sold there and in Senegal.
Up next: In Haircare is to be introduced in the Ivory Coast before being rolled out elsewhere in Africa. The brand is also preparing other launches, such as in the U.K.
  Founder: Nomshado Michelle Baca
Brand: A Complexion Company
Launched: 2018
Headquarters: United Kingdom
Nomshado Michelle Baca 
Positioning: Defined by its founder as “an eco-luxury African wellness and clean beauty solutions company for BIWOC living within the diaspora and across Africa,” the skin-care brand celebrates African-native holistic practices passed down through generations. It centers on the concept of Ubuntu — the belief that people exist in an eco-community in which humans, animals and the natural world share a holistic and sacred bond.
The brand’s product is a powder made from the Moringa Oleifera plant, which boasts antioxidant and multivitamin properties, and has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its antiviral, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory benefits. It’s applied as a face and body mask or used as food supplement. Do-it-yourself beauty and food recipes using the plant are available on the brand’s web site.
The Organic Moringa Oleifera Beauty Superpowder retails at 30 pounds for the 3.5-oz. format and 50 pounds for the 8.8-oz. size.
Sold in: The product is available in the U.K., Europe and the U.S.
Up next: Launches in July will include a hair-and-body product, as well as an at-home product. The second release of the brand’s signature natural supplement for Black, indigenous and women of color will be available this fall, and A Complexion Company is to enter Africa and Australia by yearend.
  Founder: Kelly Massol
Brand: Les Secrets de Loly
Founded: 2009
Headquarters: Paris
Kelly Massol  Adrien Beaucheix/Courtesy Photo
Positioning: Massol set out to produce products for naturally textured hair after having learned about plant-based ingredients from her grandmother and launching a forum in 2005 through which she was in touch with more than 15,000 women to find out about the composition of their daily hair-care products.
After creating DIY products, Massol launched her own line comprised of items containing 98 percent natural ingredients, replete with a suggested four-step routine of how to use them. The range includes shampoos, conditioners, styling products and accessories. The average price for a Les Secrets de Loly product is 17 euros.
From Les Secrets de Loly.  Courtesy Photo
Sold in: The brand is carried in about 500 sales points, including online through Les Secrets de Loly’s own e-boutique, its showroom in Paris’ 12th arrondissement and other locations across France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, the U.K., Canada, Senegal, Martinique and La Réunion.
Up next: Les Secrets de Loly is in the midst of rolling out to hair salons — it’s entered 100 since February — and will pursue further international expansion in 2021.
  Founder: Abbie Oguntade
Brand: Freya + Bailey
Launched: 2019
Headquarters: United Kingdom
Abbie Oguntade  Courtesy Photo
Positioning: Freya + Bailey’s goal is to help customers manage the damaging impact of stress, air pollution, UV radiation and other modern-day realities on skin radiance and vitality via natural and vegan skin-care products. These are also formulated with calming, therapeutic aromas meant to destress minds as well as skin. Mindful packaging, online skin consultations, charity initiatives and a carbon-offset program are also part of the label’s ethos. Prices for the wide range of face and body products run from 11 pounds for cleansers to 50 pounds for face serums.
From Freya + Bailey.  Courtesy Photo
Sold in: Freya + Bailey is in the U.K. and Europe via online stores. The brand’s e-commerce platform ships worldwide.
Up next: In addition to upcoming product launches in the wellness space, the brand will soon roll out in brick-and-mortar stores in United Arab Emirates and in John Lewis department stores in the U.K. in December.
  Founders: Liha Okunniwa and Abi Oyepitan
Brand: Liha Beauty
Launched: 2017
Headquarters: United Kingdom
Liha Okunniwa and Abi Oyepitan  Courtesy Photo
Positioning: The sleek natural and organic skin- and home-care brand blends West Africa’s rich plant and traditional heritage with English aromatherapy. The result is vegan formulations contained in recyclable and reusable packaging.
Standouts include jars of Nigerian or Ghanaian Shea butter to be applied as multipurpose moisturizers for all skin types on dry areas, stretch marks and scars, and can be used as a base for DIY natural cosmetics. There’s the Idan Oil made with cold-pressed coconut oil into which a tuberose flower has been immersed, which can be used for facial or body treatments as well as a leave-in conditioner. The Queen Idia candle made of coconut wax is blended with notes of geranium, lavender and hibiscus. Prices for the line range from 15 pounds to 39 pounds.
From Liha Beauty.  Courtesy Photo
Sold in: Liha Beauty is carried in countries around the world through the brand’s own e-commerce and via stockists, including Net-a-porter. The brand’s top markets are the U.K. and U.S.
Up next: A facial range will launch in fall. There is to be a further expansion into the U.S., as well as a ramping-up of the brand’s the e-commerce platform and its direct-to-consumer approach.
Liha Beauty will be looking to secure a second round of funding, after an initial round closed last year.
  Founders: Kindja Muongo and Christel Djimtoloum
Brand: Andjou Cosmetics
Founded: 2018
Headquarters: Brussels
Kindja Muongo and Christel Djimtoloum  Courtesy Photo
Positioning: The founders aim to provide high-quality beauty products to African consumers.
“I was on a trip to Congo and met with a group of women who told me how hard it was to find quality beauty products for them,” said Muongo. “I created a Facebook page to open a conversation around this topic, and very quickly, our audience grew to thousands of women, who were telling us about the lack of skin-related cosmetics in their city.”
So she and Djimtoloum chose to launch the brand with one product: Matifying Liquid Foundation, which is water-based with zinc powder and allows for buildable coverage.
At launch, more than 10,000 women were on the product’s waiting list.
The foundation comes in five shades, with the 30-ml. bottle selling for $25.
Le Fond de Teint Liquid Matifiant  Courtesy Photo
Sold in: The Matifying Liquid Foundation is found in Senegal, Ivory Coast, Congo, Congo DRC and Cameroun.
Up next: Andjou Cosmetics is expected to expand into Nigeria and Ghana, and to introduce another product by December.
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iayisi-blog · 5 years
For Sale: 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾 An Operational Mineral Water manufacturing Company Factory for sale at Uptown, Nsawam. 2. Dimensions of land and buildings Total size of land: 18,800 m2 Size of Factory with warehouses: 2,300 m2 Size of Administrative building: 700 m2 Buildings, Boreholes, Land, Fencing, Production room, Office equipment Total invested and spent amount: 4,300,000 USD Approx Assets were purchase for about 1,937,543 USD. Value of current production materials: 701,675 USD Approx. . 1 Generator Cummins 300 KW 25 335 2 Production line to produce 6,000 - 9,000 bottles per hour Buildings, Boreholes, Land, Fencing, Production room, Office equipment License to use and sell Iodine liquid in West Africa Company Bus Hyundai County 2 Man Diesel Trucks Truck Mercedes Damler Renault Duster automatic Renault Duster automatic Renault Duster manual For viewing and further discussion, kindly call: +233-505696228 or email via [email protected]. Agency terms apply. Thank you #gaziproperties #properties #commercialproperties #returnoninvestment #investment #corporate #banks (at Ghana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PyAFWhngV/?igshid=qznixiejg2i
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parshvaexim · 5 years
Manufacturers, Suppliers and Exporters of Olive Oil caps in Vatican City, Moldova, San Marino, Andorra, Faroe Island, Gibraltar, Liechtenstein, Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, Aland Islands, Kingdom of the Netherlands
Our Major Marketes are Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus,  Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, China - Hong Kong / Macau, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Congo Democratic Republic of (DRC), Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, Gabon,Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, Greece, Grenada, Guadeloupe,  Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Italy, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea), Korea, Republic of (South Korea), Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan), Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico,Moldova, Republic of, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar/Burma, Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Republic of, Norway, Oman, Pacific Islands, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovak Republic (Slovakia), Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Netherlands, Timor Leste, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks & Caicos Islands, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States of America (USA), Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (UK), Virgin Islands (US), Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe Please visit our web site at https://www.parshvaexim.com/ for more information. 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Our Major Marketes are Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus,  Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, China - Hong Kong / Macau, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Congo Democratic Republic of (DRC), Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, Gabon,Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Great Britain, Greece, Grenada, Guadeloupe,  Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel and the Occupied Territories, Italy, Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire), Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Korea, Democratic Republic of (North Korea), Korea, Republic of (South Korea), Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan), Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico,Moldova, Republic of, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar/Burma, Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Republic of, Norway, Oman, Pacific Islands, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovak Republic (Slovakia), Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Netherlands, Timor Leste, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks & Caicos Islands, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States of America (USA), Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (UK), Virgin Islands (US), Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe Please visit our web site at https://www.parshvaexim.com/ for more information. Warm Regards, Anurag Jain Skype: live:parshvaexim Email: [email protected] +91-8770617673
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netbuzzafrica · 6 years
Voltic Ghana builds US$6.5 million new plant at Akwadum
Voltic Ghana builds US$6.5 million new plant at Akwadum
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Voltic Ghana, a subsidiary Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (CCBA), has built a new US$6.5 million plant at Akwadum in the Nsawam/Adoagyiri municipality, bringing its total investment in the country over the last five years, to US$26 million.
The plant has the capacity to produce 24,000 bottles of purified natural water every hour.
Country Sales and Marketing Manager,…
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zerohungerghana · 4 years
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Vaettel 500 Ml Mineral Water - Retail Price Pack of 16 bottles - GHS 12 #VaettelMineralWater #VaettelWater #DrinkingWater #BottledWater #MadeInGhana . In order to raise funds to run our operations beyond depending on donations and funding, we have developed an enterprising strategy to sell: Ghana grown Foods to support the Ghanaian Farmer Ghana produced Mineral Water and Sanitary Items to support the Ghanaian Producer Via the #ZHGOnlineStore which’s sales profits supports our operations. 70% administration and 30% donations Help us to help those in need. _______________________________________________________ DONATION CHANNELS * Products/Nonmonetary Donations, Contact Awo @myzawo On +233 (0) 249 267 112 * Mobile Money Donations: MTN - 0540 122 720, Dzidzor Ami Senanu @dzidzorr , Reference ZHG with Your Name * Bank Deposit in Ghana: Account Name: ZERO HUNGER GHANA, Account Number: 0100191581900 Bank: STANDARD CHARTERED BANK, Branch: INDEPENDENCE AVENUE BRANCH ________________________________________________ Zero Hunger Ghana (#ZHG) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization contributing to the wellbeing of the #Vulnerable (mobilised beneficiaries) in society (#Ghana, West #Africa) by: * Giving them access to safe, healthy and nutritious food; reducing hunger using a proven human centered model. * Donation of water and other essential relief items * Sensitizing them on important and current issues * #Empowering them to drive their own developmental agenda (Grooming community development leaders) * Empowering other individuals to be part of impactful #CommunityDevelopment * Driving projects to tackle #FoodInsecurity, promote #Sustainable #FoodProvision and to empower #SelfDependence * Livelihood Empowerment - training for youths in the #Community * #FoodWaste management, #FoodHygiene and Food #Nutrition training * Training in small-scale Agriculture _______________________________________________________ A #CharisJadlen #SocialImpact Project and a #ThinkMahoganyCSR  #ZeroHunger #EndHunger #EndPoverty #WorldHungerDay #WorldFoodDay #ZeroHungerGhana #SDG2 https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQ4gjbJ9uF/?igshid=15uapp1ltgdo3
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givemetap · 7 years
Do You Want to Empower African Women? Give Them Access to Clean Water.
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If you live in a Western country, you’re familiar with how the feminist movement is changing society. This has led to women standing up and speaking out to defend their rights. They’re asking for more leadership roles in the workplace and compensation based on their skills, not their gender. Some women want to split household and child rearing obligations with their partners. And others want the freedom to behave as they wish without societal pressure.
Women empowerment starts at a much more basic level in the poorest regions of Africa. It starts with having access to basic human rights such as food, water, and proper sanitation. It’s hard to believe that today some 663 million people around the world still don’t have easy access to clean water. And an astounding 2.4 billion don’t have access to proper sanitation, clean and private toilets. Although water scarcity affects everyone, women have their own particular set of challenges.
How Does Water Shortage in Africa Affect Women?
In remote villages in Sub-Saharan Africa, women are mainly responsible for household duties and taking care of their family. It’s also their responsibility to secure water for their families. This task – of getting water - is often so simple for us; we just walk to a faucet and, boom, WATER. But for women and girls in these remote villages, it’s a lengthy 3.5-mile walk to get water. That’s longer than a 5K race course! It gets even more challenging during drought periods when the water table level drops. Women, then, have to dig deeper, travel to further streams, or make several trips in one the day.
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This time spent collecting water prevents girls from attending school full-time. Even when they get to school, the lack of water compromises the quality of their education. Currently, 43% of schools in Ghana don’t have access to water. As a result, many students get dehydrated in the intense heat, which reduces their ability to concentrate. In many schools, girls and boys share toilets. That exposes girls to sexual harassment, humiliation, and rape. Not to mention the embarrassment and self-consciousness. Any girl would agree that being watched by your classmates while you’re in the bathroom is mortifying. Girls face even greater challenges at school during their menstrual period. Period pads are expensive in rural African communities, causing girls to look for alternatives such as rags, leaves, newspaper and even mud. These methods are neither comfortable nor effective, often causing embarrassing blood stains. Many African cultures ostracize, mock and humiliate women during their periods. As a result, girls usually miss up to eight school days during their period. Sadly, many of them drop out of school right after reaching puberty. In Ghana, 20% fewer girls are completing primary school compared to boys. This has further consequences for them later in life. Better educated women are healthier, have higher earning potential, and are more active in the formal labor force. They also provide better healthcare and education for their children. Clean water in schools increases girls attendance and a shot at a better future. That is why we recently funded a clean water project at a school in Wa, Ghana.
How Does Access to Clean Water Change African Women Lives?
When water is easily accessible, everything changes. Girls have more free time to attend school, learn, and play with their friends. Mothers can use their little available time to engage in income generating activities, such as soybean farming and Shea butter production.
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Clean water also improves people’s health. No longer will they have to settle for the low-quality water that gives them diseases such cholera and dysentery (which is a fancy word for diarrhea). Clean water enables women to cook more nutritious food and adopt better sanitary practices. They are also able to develop better hygiene habits and teach their kids about hygiene as well. As a result, the rate of malnutrition and water-related diseases decrease drastically, and women can spend less time taking care of sick family members. Having access to clean water means that the 675,000 people who die prematurely from polluted water diseases get a chance to live.
Easy access to water and private toilets improves the well-being of women. They can go to the bathroom at any time without the fear of being seen, ridiculed or harassed. They can drink enough water during the day, which reduces their risk of contracting urinary tract infections (UTI) and increases their productivity.  Knowing that clean water is readily available reduces the anxiety of women, as they don’t need to worry if their family will have enough water or will get sick from the polluted water.
Water really does change everything!
For the past 6 years, we've been funding water projects in Africa through the sales of our bottles. For each stainless steel bottle we sell, we give 5 years of access to clean water to a person in need. One of our main criteria for selecting a project is that women are involved in the management of the water well. This is done by electing women onto a water committee whose job it is to ensure the that the water borehole continues to work.
Being part of the water committee enhances a woman’s role in her community and her sense of self. She becomes an ambassador of the benefits of clean water for families and the community. She gains an active voice in decision-making processes, formerly dominated by men. She is empowered and empowers others towards a better, healthier future.
Every woman deserves the chance to live up to their full potential. In rural communities of Africa, that means giving them clean water. With water, women are able to live better lives, have healthier families, and contribute economically. They might even start asking their husbands to do the dishes every now and then...
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donhill44 · 7 years
maybe the op of that water post WAS talking about places where water isn't cheap or easily accessible, or even places where they get water from a tap but it's not necessarily clean? idk just playing devils advocate bc u kind of jumped down somebody's throat on that one and "making money" off of water might've referred to like, say, people that benefit $ from withholding water from the poor or disadvantaged.
If A Place-Has Clean Water - It’s CheapDoesn’t Have Clean Water - They Don’t Have Clean WaterIt’s not like when the poor 3rd world boy wakes up to go get water to boil, he wishes that he could afford the man’s bottled water down the street. That man doesn’t exist. He has to go get water to boil it or he doesn’t get any water to drink.Let me show you how little bottled water cost in places where they do have clean water. Some places are poorer than others and thus water is (normally) cheaper. Zimbabwe $2.75Vietnam $0.50United States $1.75 Australia $2.84Canada $1.92Afghanistan $0.49Syria $0.40India $0.32China $0.66France $1.07Germany $0.67Ghana $1.00Jamaica $1.44Mexico $0.92Nigeria $093Sweden $2.29Plus, no one really makes that much off water anyways-In 2009, Fiji Water had $85 million in sales.In 2016, Apple posted revenue of $50.6 billion.In 2013, Burger King made $1.1 billion in salesA normal 7-11 single store owner in 2005 made $900,000 in sales
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