#Olive Oil Bottle Cap
yueyimold · 8 months
vinegar bottle caps mold
China multi cavities caps mold maker, offer olive oil cap mold, edible oil plastic closures, vinegar bottle cap mold, cooking oil lid mold, soy sauce bottle caps
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bullet-prooflove · 1 month
Engine Parts: Tyler Owens x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @hunterthecharmer @heylookwhoitis @shakespeareanwannabe
Companion piece to:
The Mechanic - Tyler faces a problem when Boone brings his mechanic ex girlfriend back into the fold.
Rigs -Tyler reflects on history with you
Ford Mustang - Tyler extends an olive branch.
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The garage is a minefield of memories for Tyler, everything from the song on the sound system to Ford Mustang you’re still working on because it required ‘extensive restoration’. The thing had barely been more than a shell before he’d helped you tow it home. Now all it needs is a little more work on the engine and a new paint job.
Four years is how long you’d estimated it would take to fix up if the two of you worked on it together. Even then you were thinking in the long term, and it turns out he was too.
It’s why he bought that ring when he was passing through Arkansas, the one with three sapphires embedded in the silver band because he was paranoid that any stone that stuck out would get caught when you were wrist deep in engine parts. He’d carried it around for weeks, waiting for the right moment and then it was gone in the blink of an eye, swept away by the harsh winds of the tornado that almost killed you both. He wonders if anyone ever found it, if his misfortune gave way to someone else’s happiness.
When he sees you working there inside the garage, your upper body tucked under the hood, singing along to Zach Bryan’s ‘Sun To Me’  it takes him back to the weekends you spent teaching him how to take apart an engine. His thoughts slip to the evenings sat on the picnic bench out back, sipping beers and staring up at the stars, the nights he spent tangled up in your sheets, whispering sweet nothings against your skin.
Time hasn’t dulled any of those memories, in fact it’s sharpened them because Tyler re-lives every detail of your relationship when he’s alone those motel rooms. It’s you he thinks of when he looks in the mirror and sees those scars that linger on his own skin, the ones from the rodeo and the ones that came after.
“Sophie.” He says softly so he doesn’t startle you. “Can we talk?”
You don’t say anything as you use that rag to clean your hands. Instead you open the old refrigerator tucked alongside the work bench and take out two beers, snapping off their caps with the magnetic bottle opener, before drift past him and head towards the picnic table around the back. Tyler follows a step behind, the scent of orange blossoms and motor oil flooding his senses.
“You wanted to talk.” You say as you take a seat on the bench. “So talk.”
He doesn’t know what to say as he sits down, there are so many thoughts, so many feelings riling up inside of him, he finds it difficult to articulate. He should outline the program, tell you the work he’s been up to, explain why they need you on this project but being back here, it fucks with him. It brings back everything he’s spent the past three years trying to shove into a box inside his head.
“You left.” He says abruptly as you raise the beer to your lips and you pause before you set it back down and meet his gaze.
“And you didn’t follow.” You say, shrugging your shoulders. “I guess there are somethings that just aren’t worth chasing.”
Your words, they eviscerate him. They cut like a knife into his chest, tearing out his insides until all he can feel is the agony spilling out of him.
“Is that what you think?” He asks you, his voice raw with emotion. “That it didn’t mean anything to me, that you didn’t mean anything to me.”
You don’t answer and he understands in that moment that he fucked up back then, that he’s been fucking up ever since.
“Sophie…” He begins, his hand reaching out for yours. “Something awful happened to you, something traumatic and I was responsible for that. I…” He trails off, his eyes stinging as he gropes for the words. “I thought you needed a clean break, away from me, from the Wranglers.”
“I left because I didn’t want to chase anymore.” You tell him as his thumb strokes over the hollow of your wrist. “I needed to come home and recover, I wanted you to come with me, to take some time away from it so we could do that together but…”
“But I needed to face it.” He says quietly. “Because if I hadn’t I would have never gone back.”
“I can’t go back.” You tell him. “If I do this, I can’t chase. I’m happy to work with your crew, maintain the rigs either here or out there but I’m not heading into the storm with you.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to.” He tells you, squeezing your hand lightly. “You’d be support only, tailoring the rigs to what we need, ensuring that they can function under intense conditions. Those are the only things that I’d ask of you, I promise.”
It’s his sincerity that convinces you, the intensity in his eyes as he studies your features. He’s willing to try to make this work and you guess you can too because the goal here, it’s so much bigger than the both of you. The project he’s apart of, it saved lives a couple of months ago, it’ll do it again with the right equipment.
“No cameras.” You say as you pull away, your fingers slipping out from underneath his. “You can take videos of the rigs, the workshop, the alterations that have been done. I’ll even coach Dani or Boone to explain it but I don’t want to be camera. It’s taken long enough for the people in this town to get used to the way I look, I don’t need it to be a topic of conversation on the internet.”
His jaw clenches as his eyes linger on the scar. To him it’s a symbol of your resilience, your strength. You took on Mother Nature and you lived to tell the tale. It’s only now that he realises how self-conscious you are, how much of your confidence has been stripped away.
“Alright.” He promises you as he takes a sip of his beer. “No cameras.”
Love Tyler? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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violet-hearth · 2 months
Basic Spell Oils
I should have posted this a lot earlier, but I forgot ..
Oils are a great way to create herbal blends for spell work - oil preserves the scent, taste and herbal matter if stored away from sunlight (you can store in coloured glass) and can be adapted to make infused olive oil or cooking oils for your kitchen witchery, the dress candles, to add to glamour spells, or to make perfume bases.
Basic Recipe Formula:
Essential oils
Carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, sunflower oil, apricot oil etc.
A small jar with a dropper or dropper top to store the oil in
Vitamin E oil
herbs to create an infusion
Determine the intention of the oil (love, protection, confidence etc.) and gather the herbs and essential oils that have association (personal or common) with aspects of that intention
Add a few pinches of dried herbs to your bottle
Add a few drops of your essential oil (up to 10% of the bottle)
If using, add a drop of vitamin E oil - this can make it better for skin application and also stops the oil from going rancid from the herbal matters
Add the carrier oil and fill to the top, cap and shake to blend - as you shake you can say a prayer, chant, or focus your energy to charge the oil
Allow to sit for at least a week before use, as it ages it will start to macerate and smell more harmonious.
Date Night Dinner Oil
This is an olive cooking oil to be used in salads, sauces, to spread on breads, or to marinate meats and vegetables in. It is packed full of aphrodisiac herbs and summer spices
Olive oil
Garlic, rosemary, ginger, star anise, and chili
For a quick infusion, add in your oil and herbs into a pan and simmer on a low heat for 30 minutes.
Allow to cool, strain and use within 1-2 weeks
Attraction Oil
The attraction oil combines aphrodisiacs and anti-anxiety herbs into an oil or perfume. The intention is to attract and command attention, to boost your confidence, and as a base for seduction work.
Add your carrier oil to your oil dropper or perfume bottle/roller - for this I’d recommend a rosehip oil, apricot oil or a neutral grapeseed oil.
Turn your herbs into oils either via essential oils or add them dried straight to your carrier oil to infuse: rose, clove, vervain, cinnamon, licorice, nutmeg, frankincense, apple blossom, jasmine, ylang ylang, lavender, cocoa, and/or gingseng - cater to personal preferences and match scents together, I recommend using between 3-8 oils or herbs.
Example scent profile: rose, lavender, apple blossom, vervain, cinnamon, licorice, gingeseng (spicy floral - I’d also add a little patchouli if turning into a perfume)
These types of recipes are where having a grimoire, notebook, or journal comes in very handy! Keep record of what you've tried, what scents match well, what is repellent, what works for you, plan out recipes before hand.
As always, adapt, change, and disregard as you like to suit your personal practice <3
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esoteric-chaos · 8 months
What are Infused Oils?
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What are they?
Infused oils are herbal components or spices placed in a jar of carrier oil like Olive Oil, Grapeseed Oil, Avacado Oil, Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil, etc. Can be used in cooking, herbal ailments and skincare.
Are they essential oils?
No. Short answer, no. Long answer? I'll give you an explanation. Essential oils are distilled using Steam Distillation, Solvent Extraction, CO2 Extraction, Maceration, Enfleurage, Cold Press Extraction, and or Water Distillation. Lotta words huh? It takes a lot of work to make essential oils. Unfortunately, it also takes quite a bit of that plant to make even those tiny 10ml bottles you purchase. Of course, each plant varies. However, it still can lead to a larger environmental impact.
For instance, one pound of essential oil can be extracted from approximately 250 pounds of rosemary leaves, or from 150 pounds of lavender buds, or say 50 pounds of eucalyptus leaves. This is why you see some as more expensive than others. Unfortunately, you can see where the problem lies in plants that are more threatened or endangered. If you must use essential oils, source responsibly (and not from a Pyramid scheme but I'm not opening that can of worms)
Can I use infused oils in my practice?
Yes! Absolutely! All these oil recipes you see for spell oils are exactly that. You can even use the elemental correspondences of the carrier oils you use for spell oils. As an example Olive Oil is traditionally known for the fire element and Coconut Oil is water. The possibilities for your personal correspondence are endless!
Now I'll stop rambling. Here are a few methods I learned to infuse oils in my courses and through self-herbalist study.
Method One:
The Folk Method - The most common
Place DRIED herbs in a clean, dry jar. Leave at least 1 to 3 inches of open space above your herbs to cover with oil.
Fill the remaining space in the jar with the oil of your choice, making sure to cover herbs by at least 1 inch or more. If the herbs emerge above the surface of the oil at any point while infusing, pour more oil on top to ensure the herbs remain covered.
Cap the jar tightly and shake well.
Place the jar in a sunny, warm windowsill and shake once or more per day.
After 2 to 3 weeks, strain the herbs out of the oil using cheesecloth or a mesh strainer. Or you can leave it in but straining is recommended if you are using dropper bottles as it clogs the caps.
Pour into clean glass bottles.
Remember to label your jars with the date, type of oil, and herbs used! You WILL forget! Trust me.
Store in a cool, dark place. The oil may keep for up to a year.
Method Two:
The Heat Infused Method - Quick Infusion
Place herbs in the crock pot or double boiler. Cover with extra virgin olive oil (or other carrier oil of choice), leaving at least an inch or two of oil above the herbs. 
Gently heat the herbs over very low heat (preferably between 100° and 140° F for 1 to 5 hours, until the oil takes on the colour and scent of the herb. Some recommend heating the oil for 48 to 72 hours at a controlled temperature of 100° F. Turn off the heat and allow it to cool. I personally prefer letting it sit in a crock pot for 72 hours as I feel like I get all of the benefits out of the herb.
Once oil is cooled, strain using cheesecloth.
Bottle in dry, sterilized glass bottles. LABEL your bottles with the date and contents before storing them.
Store in a cool, dark, dry place for up to six months.
Best herbs to infuse in oil
There are a countless number of herbs, spices and resins that can be infused into the oil. Please make sure these herbs are free from pesticides and chemicals (not found on the roadside). Dried herbs work best as you don't want your mixture spoiling sooner. Here are some great examples of herbs to use.
Pine needles
Calendula flowers
Chamomile flowers
Lemon balm
Peppermint leaf
Rosemary leaf
Thyme leaf
There you have it! Now have fun and source responsibility.
Happy witching!
Want to read more?
On sustainability and impact:
Dangers of essential oils and pets:
Want to check out my other post? Look at my Masterpost
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thebirdhivemind · 4 months
(I am sitting in my room reading when suddenly my aunt walks in. She is shirtless and frowning.)
me, feeling deeply concerned and getting up: Hey, are you okay?
(She doesn't reply. Instead, while making direct eye contact with me, she unscrews the cap of a bottle of kitchen olive oil that I didn't notice she was holding.)
me: What are you-
(She pours it all over her bare chest.)
her: What the fuck are you looking at?
me: I- WHaT
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unholycourier · 6 months
5, 16, 23, 58, 66 for Quinn!
Sorry this took me a bit!! But thank you for the ask yippeee!! 🥺🥺
5. What is their highest skill? Their lowest?
Quinn is very intelligent despite how he portrays himself, as well as super charismatic, so his highest skills lie within medicine, repair, energy weapons and speech and barter! his lowest skills? explosives and guns. he definitely just never bothered to learn his way with explosives, but with guns he’s just like “well it’s not making everyone within reaching distance explode into ashes. don’t want it.” ( he still carries Lucky for emergencies tho. it’s a pretty gun )
16. What is their biggest regret?
Oddly enough Quinn doesn’t have any big regret, nothing that keeps him up awake at night. The closest he has to a form of regret that he thinks about often is that he try to stand up sooner to what he himself perceives as a “pity party” on Boone’s end when he progressively tells him what happened with his wife and the eventual murder of innocent / harmless civilians, which was information rewarded to him by being nice to the same soldiers he’d killed for supplies.
23. How do they feel about physical touch / affection ?
It’s kinda 50/50 with him. Of course, general touch wise, Quinn is fine with it, but will more often than not push people’s hands off of him since he has some self perseverance skill and would like to not be sucker punched ( not that he suspects everyone wants to punch him, he’s just very enemy-making-prone ). If he knows the person well enough, he doesn’t care otherwise. Affection wise, he wasn’t the most physically affectionate to the men he bed when he was frivolous prior meeting his eventual husband. No reason he wasn’t, he just didn’t care to be given he was there for one thing. The one person he found himself actively seeking touch and affection from, as well as returning the favor to, is his eventual husband.
58. Do they believe in luck? Do they have a good luck charm?
Given he is simultaneously lucky enough to evade death but unlucky enough to sustain at least four different instances of head injuries ( and has a whopping in-game state of 2 luck ), Quinn thinks luck is bogus. Which might be hypocritical of him, given his necklace with nightstalker teeth and sunset sarsaparilla bottle cap is sorta a “lucky charm” for him.
66. Describe their eyes
They’re warm like olive oil and sweet like honey, but still they are sharp however not piercing, inviting onlookers forth like the illusion of an oasis is to a man shriveling of thirst. There is a certain unknown wildness to them.
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emilysidhe · 1 year
My favorite side-salad recipe is one I learned from a friend’s mom and it’s one of those incredibly simple recipes that tastes really good, so I thought I’d share it:
Wash and chop one Romaine lettuce head; peel strips off a large cucumber, cut the cucumber into coin-shaped slices, then cut the slices in half; drain one of those tiny, 2.25 oz cans of sliced black olives; and add all of that to a large salad bowl. Then, you’re going to drizzle with olive oil, add 3-5 capfuls of either white wine or white basalmic vinegar (the white basalmic is slightly sweeter but you do want white kind for the sharpness), and sprinkle with garlic salt and plain black pepper. Toss.
This tastes more like what you get at an (American) Italian restaurant than any bottled dressing I’ve ever tried. Make it when you’re having pasta for dinner, or to accompany frozen pizza.
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shivshaktimachtech · 6 months
Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Shiv Shakti Machtech's Mustard Oil Bottle Filling Machine is crafted from top-notch materials, adhering to hygiene standards and facilitating easy cleaning. A Mustard Oil or Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line comprises a series of machines designed for filling, capping, and labeling bottles containing mustard oil or other edible oils. Filling Machine: Equipped to precisely fill bottles with desired quantities of mustard oil or edible oil. Features a conveyor belt system for bottle transportation, precision filling nozzles, and volume adjustment controls. Ensures uniform filling levels and reduces spillage or wastage of oil. Capping Machine: Responsible for securely sealing filled bottles with caps or lids. Utilizes various capping mechanisms (e.g., screw caps, press-on caps, snap-on caps) based on bottle and cap types. Ensures tight and consistent sealing to prevent oil leakage or contamination. Labeling Machine: Applies labels onto filled and capped bottles, providing product information, branding, and regulatory details. Operates with precision and consistency, even at high production speeds. Features may include label applicators, sensors, and controls for accurate label placement and alignment. Application: Food and beverage industry: Used in edible oil processing plants, bottling facilities, and packaging operations for Cooking Oil, Mustard Oil, Soybean Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Vanaspati Ghee, Rice Bran Oil, Sesame Oil, Palm Oil, Mustard Oil, Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil, Refined Oil, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Corn Oil, Olive Oil, Soya Oil, Canola Oil, Safflower Oil, Oil Spray, Avocado Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Nut Oils, Organic Safflower Oil, Palm Oil, Groundnut Oil,  Edible Oil, Vegetable Oil. Geographical Coverage: Shiv Shakti Machtech serves as the Manufacturer and Supplier of Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, and various locations across the country, including Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Ladakh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and West Bengal. For further details, interested parties can contact Shiv Shakti Machtech. Read the full article
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cyanophore-fiction · 1 year
The Thing From Above
Soft sand broke its fall, and the thing from above came to rest in a crater of half-molten glass. The material was soft, still glowing with heat, comfortably molded around its crystalline exoskeleton. Over the sizzle of the cooling glass, it could hear waves crashing.
Earth, then. Somewhere coastal. Reascension wouldn’t be viable for the moment, not this deep down the well. Sidelined.
In its exhaustion, it allowed itself some rest. The sun crept down in the sky until it passed out of view, past the lip of its crater. Warmth took some of the ache out of its limbs, and it contemplated sleep until water began to splash over the edge and pool around it. Instead, it wrenched its talons free, shattering the mold around itself with a rain of shards, and sat up.
“You movin’ down there?”
Either a human’s voice, or a very good mimicry. Sluggish, syllables lurching through heavy air, shaped by soft tissues and teeth. The thing smiled as it rose to its feet.
“Yes,” it answered, forgetting itself. There was a yelp of shock, and it turned to see its visitor hunched over in a folding camp chair, hands clapped over his ears. It silenced its empyrean voice and instead felt around for the atrophied vocal organs in its throat.
“I ap-ol-o-gize,” it said, croaking its way through the words. The Truth allowed it to feel the shape of the human’s language well enough, but physically rendering it posed a challenge.
“No, no, no, you’re fine,” said the man, eyes screwed up in pain. His skin shone with sweat and sunscreen, and a damp University of Florida t-shirt clung to his shoulders. At his side was an insulated lunchbox sitting on a Coleman stove, and a baseball cap shaded his face from the evening sun. “You, uh, angel, huh?”
It hesitated. As all questions do, it emerged from ignorance, but this one came from such deep ignorance that Truth couldn’t resolve the question without altering all that it rested on. The thing from above looked down on the human’s patchwork understanding and saw immediately how Truth would tear him apart. In this case, Truth demanded its own dilution so that the human wouldn’t be destroyed by its touch, but wouldn’t be deprived of it, either. The thing responded as best it could.
“I am,” it said. “And you?”
“Here to say hi. I’m, uh, pastor down at Living Lord.”
“I see. Wh-ere are we?”
“Little ways north of Sarasota.”
“America. Yeah, North America. Tide’s coming in, you should c’mon out of there.”
It nodded, planted its talons in the blackened glass and stepped up onto the beach. Towering above the man, a figure of nested geometries and shimmering crystal, it passed a surge of vibration through its exoskeleton and shook off the last of the glass slag.
“Hey, you’re looking okay. Lemme get this going for you,” he said, stooping to screw a propane tank into the stove.
“What have you brought?” By degrees, the language was growing easier to render.
“An offering. For the Lord, of course, but for you, too, if you want some.” From the lunchbox, he pulled a ziplock bag of flour and a bottle of olive oil. “Don’t know if it’s up to Leviticus, but I hope it works.”
The thing smiled as Truth revealed the nature of the ritual to it. Decontextualized, reconstructed through translation, bristling with imperfections and leaking simple, kindly intent from every seam. Soon, smoke began to rise from the stove, and salty wind bathed its body in that intent. A pleasing aroma. The last of its pain melted away.
“How’s that?”
“Helpful. Thank you for your kindness. Others must have fallen here?”
“Yeah, every so often. On the news sometimes. Something going on up there?”
This question was so broad that a simple ‘yes’ would satisfy Truth, but it would hardly be a meaningful answer. Was there any way to accurately, safely convey understanding to him?
“There is—fighting,” it said, carefully.
“Oh, God. A war?”
“I cannot say more. I wish I could.”
“No, I understand. Not meant to know.”
“For the moment.”
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bikeit · 3 years
Packing: Self-Supported + Hotel Tour
(part 2 of 5) I'm gradually going through past trip notebooks and random Google Docs and jotting down all my packing lists in one place. 
For a week-long ride like Berlin->Copenhagen which is self-contained but involves staying in hotels every night and is not far from civilization, I pack fairly light, since I have to carry everything on the bike and don’t have to carry camping gear or significant food or bike repair tools. This type of trip often involves a few days after the riding in a city, so I want clothing I feel comfortable walking around or going out to a restaurant in.
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A good list for me for what I can fit in two small panniers (in addition to the tools / accessories / etc already on the “always on the bike” list):
(2x) padded bike shorts, to wash alternate pairs in hotel sink each night (3x is more convenient in case one doesn't dry in time)
(2x) quick-dry boxers (also to wash in sink)
(6x) socks
(2x) wool t-shirts to bike + walk in (assuming moderate climate)
(1x) long shorts (to wear over padded shorts, with pockets)
(1x) basic sleeping t-shirt
light gym shorts (to change into immediately at end of ride to “let everything breathe”)
small pack towel, mostly for impromptu swimming stops (since hotels will have towels)
bathing suit (redundant a bit w/ gym shorts)
flip flops
bike cap
rain shell / windbreaker
jeans (wore on plane, then packed away and saved to dress more presentably in the evening or on "city days")
one light + fast-drying long-sleeve shirt
one warmer button-up shirt (worn onto plane, then does dual duty as warmth or "looking more presentable in restaurant")
I just ride in regular shoes that are good for walking as well
Electronics + Paper:
outlet adapter
phone charger + cable
bike computer + microUSB cable
front and rear lights (also microUSB rechargeable)
noise-canceling headphones (a luxury, helps with sleeping on international flight, may skip next time)
larger USB battery pack (enough to recharge everything overnight in case of a hotel without enough working outlets for me + travel partner)
notebook and two pens (having your own pen is frequently useful at border crossings) 
kindle or paper book
passport / ID / vax certificates / etc depending on trip
panniers (ideally with external pockets or ability to ride open-top to hold bulkier items like bottle of olive oil / wine / beer, loaf of bread, etc)
dopp kit
several days of my favorite pick-me-up snacks
safety pins (quick garment repair + clean out debris in phone port), duct tape, zip ties
a few Covid rapid tests
extra ziplock bags
two trash bags (for double-bagging possessions in panniers in heavy rain)
backup pair of glasses
Sometimes I add:
waterproof pants and shoe covers (useful in rain, but I also find they get sweaty easily, and in the heaviest rain I find water still finds a way in after a few hours, and they take up a lot of space). A blog reader suggested looking up "Rain Legs"
full-finger gloves for cold days
other warm clothing as needed, though I find I rarely want legwarmers or other base layers beyond the above
instant coffee / a few teabags, in case of a very basic hotel or airBNB that doesn't provide them or has late breakfast hours
bug repellent
Looking back this seems like a long list, but this all (barely) fit in the two small panniers above, and those panniers fit in the small tote bag below that I used to carry or check them as "one item":
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Eleutheria (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- The Libertess by the people of Olympius
Lulu by the others
Age- 20 (immortal)
Location- Lycia, Olympius
Personality- Outgoing & lovingly rebellious, she's a gorgeous, proud, fearless goddess who appreciates freedom above all things. She's happily single.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess. As the goddess of liberty, her other powers/abilities include limited photokinesis, limited odikinesis, limited pacemiakinesis, & being able to communicate with/shapeshift into any eagle species.
Lulu's main abode is a stunning ivory and marble mansion in the state of Lycia. The front door is made out of Imperial Gold with the symbol of a lit torch engraved on it. In the backyard, the country's flag waves proudly perched on a 50 ft. Imperial Gold flagpole. She also spends time at her loft apartment in the Little Sparta neighborhood of New Olympus. She has a pet- a pegasus named Iria, who's her usual mode of transportation.
A notable piece of jewelry she always wears is a simple white gold necklace with a diamond encrusted phrygian cap charm (which is another established symbol of hers). It was given by Zeus during her induction ceremony.
A go-to drink for her is a medium macchiato made with coconut milk from The Roasted Bean. She also likes the popular coffee shop's caramel latte & peach-passionfuit splash. She also likes ultra fizzy champagne punch, lemon-lime soda, pineapple mimosas, sparkling water, & cream soda.
Lulu's favorite holiday is Olympius' Independence Day. Festivals take place in several states. She oversees the BIG parade in downtown New Olympus complete with celebratory sequined phrygian caps for the parade goers! She herself hosts her annual Freedom Ball at her mansion in Lycia- ending the night with the burning of a wooden statue of Kronos.
Being an immortal deity, Lulu's old enough to remeber how it was before Olympius came to be. The country was called Titanius & the practice of slavery was legal, among other atrocities and human right violations. She often cries when she thinks about the past.
She loves expressing herself through make-up, particularly eye makeup! Heavy shimmering eyeshadow, graphic liquid eyeliner, colored faux eyelashes, and adhesive face jewels. Some of her favorite products to use is the Aqualish waterproof gel eyeliner in the color "Cerulean Cove", Olmorfia's chromatic liquid eyeshadow (her faves being the colors "Molten Midnight" & "Chrome Caviar") and The Grace Aglaia's brand of face jewels.
For other work Lulu is a contributing writer to The Oracle newspaper as well as Modern Olympus, Kytheiria, and O Dianooumenos. She also models for/endorses White Lily Gallery (has a gold plated name necklace of her own), Olive Visibly (loves the daily moisturizing oil mist), Euryphaessa, Stella Ferrea, Olmorfia, Momentum, Vita!, & Diamond Ave.
She loves using the Luxuria shimmering body oil in the shade "Rose Gold."
She likes the turkey & bacon sandwich (with extra melted white cheddar cheese) on tomato basil bread along with a small kakavia soup from The Bread Box.
Lulu has just released her debut parfum simply titled Theria (from her name). The fragrance is clean and simple- a blend of subtle citrus notes of mandarin orange & bergamot combined with a delicate bouquet of vanilla orchid, lily, and magnolia. A 1.7 fl. oz. bottle sells for 100 drachmas.
In the pantheon she's friends with Aoide (goddess of voice & song), Ekecheiria (Keke) (goddess of truce & armistice), Homonoia (goddess of concord), Méli (goddess of bees & honey), Agon (god of sports & contests), Aerin (goddess of the ethereal), Phaenna (goddess of jewels), Nike (goddess of victory), Athena (goddess of wisdom), some of The Muses- particularly Calliope (muse of epic poetry), Clio (muse of history), & Terpischore (muse of dance), Dike (goddess of justice), Arete (goddess of virtue, valor, & excellence), and Alke (goddess of courage). Lulu's official mentor was Elpis (goddess of hope).
Lulu dislikes Alala (goddess of the war cry), Adikia (goddess of injustice & wrongdoing) as well as her daughter Dysnomia (goddess of anarchy & lawlessness), and Kakia (goddess of vice & moral wrongdoing) to name a few.
Even though he gets a bad rap in the pantheon, she does respect Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning) and the role he played in gaining the realm/country's freedom.
Lulu's recently become a vocal supporter of the MGM movement.
Some of her favorite desserts include roxakia, nai wong bao (steamed custard buns), and the powdered donuts (filled with fig jelly) from Hollyhock's Bakery.
In her free time Lulu enjoys mountain climbing, cloud surfing, cliff diving, chess, football (soccer), checkers, roller skating, volleyball, tennis, going to museums, swimming, reading, playing video games, and doing make-up.
Some of her favorite meals include zhaliang, soy sauce chicken stew with white rice, moussaka, and païdakia (roasted lamb chops) served with potatoes.
"The ultimate luxury is freedom itself."
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🍄‍🟫 IL MATTARELLO. CAMAIORE. VOGLIA DI FUNGHI? Ieri sera, voglia di funghi e su consiglio, abbiamo deciso di provare per la prima volta "Il Mattarello", situato nel paesino di Torcigliano. All’arrivo ci ha accolto una splendida terrazza panoramica, con tavoli ben disposti e un’atmosfera molto gradevole e rilassante. Il menù non è scritto, ma recitato e descritto a voce. Come antipasto propongono gli affettati di Cerù di Gombitelli abbinati ad alcune chicche calde selezionate direttamente dalla cucina che variano in base alla stagione. Noi, avendo un’insaziabile desiderio di funghi, ci siamo orientati su un primo e un secondo, ordinando: - Maccheroni ai porcini (Pasta fine e delicata, con un perfetto equilibrio di sapori) - Gnocchi alla parigina (Gnocchi avvolti da una ricca besciamella, gratinati al forno insieme ai porcini. Un piatto goloso e appagante) - Tagliata con due cappelle di porcino. (Funghi orgasmici) - Pollo fritto (Croccante fuori e succoso all'interno, con una frittura asciutta come poche volte, vedi foto) Ad accompagnare il tutto, una bottiglia di Bolgheri. Una particolarità del servizio è che tutte le portate vengono servite al vassoio, offrendo così la possibilità di assaggiare ogni piatto ordinato e condividere i sapori con i commensali. Servizio gentile , con un oste preparato e presente ai tavoli senza mai risultare invadente. Una menzione speciale va fatta all'ottima bottiglia d’olio, un presidio Slow Food, disponibile al tavolo e perfetta per esaltare ogni portata. La spesa finale? Eravamo in due 40 € a persona limoncello compreso. Grazie del consiglio. Ottima scoperta. 🇬🇧 Last night, craving mushrooms and following a recommendation, we decided to try "Il Mattarello" for the first time, located in the small village of Torcigliano. Upon arrival, we were greeted by a beautiful panoramic terrace, with well-arranged tables and a very pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. The menu is not written but recited and described aloud. As a starter, they offer Cerù cured meats from Gombitelli, paired with some warm seasonal delicacies directly selected from the kitchen. Having an insatiable craving for mushrooms, we opted for a first and second course, ordering: - Maccheroni with porcini (Fine and delicate pasta, with a perfect balance of flavors) - Gnocchi alla parigina (Gnocchi wrapped in a rich béchamel sauce, oven-gratinated with porcini mushrooms. A delicious and satisfying dish) - Tagliata with two porcini caps (Mushrooms were orgasmic) - Fried chicken (Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, with a perfectly light frying, rarely seen. See photo) To accompany it all, a bottle of Bolgheri. A unique feature of the service is that all dishes are served on a platter, allowing everyone to taste and share the flavors of each ordered dish with the other diners. The service was kind, with a knowledgeable host who was attentive at the tables without ever being intrusive. A special mention must be made of the excellent bottle of olive oil, a Slow Food presidium, available at the table and perfect for enhancing every dish. The final bill? We were two, 40 € per person, limoncello included. Thanks for the recommendation. A great discovery. 👉 Ristorante Il Mattarello 🎯 Ristorante 📍 Via Sandro Pertini 4405 Camaiore (LU) ☎️ 0584 951147 💶 40 € a persona 🍷@follower
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shopezone · 1 month
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Glass Olive Oil Dispenser Bottle & Oil Sprayer Bottle 2 In 1 for Kitchen Cooking, Auto Flip Cap, 18oz Black
About this item
【Oil Dispenser & Oil Sprayer 2 in 1】Our oil dispenser provides a dual function design, which can pour or spray oil, llowing you to switch between the two with ease. Experience a novel design concept for 1 product with multiple functions
【2 Oil Spray Modes】our oil bottle has two fuel injection methods. If you gently press the metal key, the sprayed oil will be cylindrical. If you press the metal key quickly and repeatedly, the sprayed oil will atomize. Two oil sprayed methods can meet your cooking needs in various situations.
【Easy to Use】Press "Open" or "Lock" to turn on or off the oil pouring function. Press the metal button at the top, and oil mist will spray out. The metal filter at the end of the suction pipe avoids the possibility of blockage during fuel injection. The flip design and large caliber bottle make storage and dumping easy.
【Trusted Materials & Easy to Cleaning】Our olive oil spray is made of food grade glass, which is completely non-toxic,odor-free, BPA-Free. Just wash with clean water and brush. If spray bottle straws or nozzle is blocked, you can use low-concentration alcohol or wine to clean it
【Lifetime Warranty】We are committed to providing you with excellent customer service and reliable cooking companions. If you have any dissatisfaction or encounter any problems, please feel free to contact us at any time. To ensure that you can trust our products in the coming years, we offer a lifetime warranty and a full refund without asking any reason.
mor info: Click Here to buy this produt
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palamidasoliveoil · 2 months
Why Glass and Tinned Olive Oil Are Healthy Choices
There are numerous olive oil brands in glass bottles claiming to be the best. At Palamidas, we trust your discernment and prioritize your family's health. We offer only the finest quality olive oils, ensuring you find exactly what you're looking for. Stay connected with us like the cap to a glass bottle, and discover why Palamidas stands apart.
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Why should I buy Glass bottle of Palamidas olive oil?
There are many other reasons in our Olive Oils due to which most of the people first choose Glass bottle olive oil for cooking. If you also buy Glass bottle olive oil then you will get many benefits.
We at Palamaidas prefer to store our Olive Oil in Glass Bottles because it keeps the quality and taste for a longer period of time. And by keeping it in a Glass, no outside chemical gets mixed with the Olive Oil, due to which it remains absolutely fresh. And by this we are capable of giving you a better and hundred percent pure olive oil.
And our goal is not just to give you a better Olive Oil, we also have a goal to give you a class and standard. Buying a Glass Olive Oil will make you look even classier, more elegant and sophisticated. And we do not only think about our business, we also think about the society. So that the environment in which we live should also be safe.
For this reason, we prefer to sell our products in glass bottles. Glass bottles are more eco-friendly and can be recycled repeatedly. When you run out of olive oil, you can repurpose the glass bottle for many other uses, such as storing other liquids for an extended period.
Storing olive oil in a glass bottle helps maintain its nutritional value over time. This ensures you can enjoy high-quality, nutritious olive oil for an extended period. Some may worry about the risk of storing olive oil in glass, but in reality, it actually facilitates easier transportation.
By storing olive oil in a glass bottle, it remains securely sealed, preventing any external flavors from mixing in. The glass acts like a protective barrier. Unlike many companies that use plastic bottles to cut costs, our choice of glass ensures the purity and safety of the olive oil.
Changes in climate can often affect olive oil due to fluctuations in external temperatures. However, our priority is to offer you premium Palamidas olive oil in high-quality glass bottles, ensuring consistent quality and protection from external elements.
Why do people Love Palamidas Tinned Olive Oils?
If you prefer tinned olive oil, you can enjoy many benefits. Palamidas is renowned not only for its glass bottle olive oil but also for its tinned olive oils. Tinned olive oil has been a cherished part of our Turkish tradition for years. To cater to customers who appreciate culinary tradition, we proudly offer tinned olive oil alongside our glass bottle options.
For optimal health and well-being, there's nothing better than Palamidas olive oil, whether in glass bottles or tins. Whether you choose glass or tin, it's your responsibility to enhance your family's meals with high-quality olive oil.
For more information, visit our website at www.palamidas.com to learn about our range of olive oils.
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thebanyo · 3 months
Transform Your Castor Hair Oil: Benefits and Tips
Castor oil has long been heralded as a miracle ingredient in the realm of hair care. Its rich, viscous consistency and potent nutritional profile make it a favorite among those seeking to enhance hair health, promote growth, and improve overall hair texture. This guide delves into the myriad benefits of castor hair oil, provides practical tips for its use, and offers insights on how to maximize its potential in your hair care routine. Whether you're dealing with hair loss, scalp issues, or simply aiming for shinier, stronger hair, castor oil can be a transformative addition to your regimen.
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Understanding Castor Oil
What is Castor Oil?
Castor oil is a vegetable oil derived from the seeds of the castor plant (Ricinus communis). It is rich in ricinoleic acid, a type of fatty acid known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. This makes castor oil a beneficial ingredient not only for hair but also for skin and overall health.
Types of Castor Oil
Cold-Pressed Castor Oil: Extracted without heat, preserving the oil's natural properties and nutrients. It is considered the purest form and is ideal for hair and skin applications.
Jamaican Black Castor Oil: Made by roasting the castor seeds before extraction, resulting in a darker, more viscous oil. It is particularly popular for hair growth and scalp health.
Hydrogenated Castor Oil: A solidified form of castor oil, commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products.
Benefits of Castor Hair Oil
Promotes Hair Growth
Castor oil is renowned for its ability to stimulate hair growth. The high concentration of ricinoleic acid helps increase blood circulation to the scalp, providing the necessary nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles. This promotes healthy hair growth and can help reduce hair loss.
Strengthens Hair
The fatty acids in castor oil, particularly omega-6 and omega-9, nourish and strengthen hair strands, reducing breakage and split ends. Regular use of castor oil can lead to thicker, stronger hair over time.
Moisturizes and Conditions
Castor oil's emollient properties make it an excellent natural conditioner. It penetrates deep into the hair shaft, providing intense moisture and leaving hair soft, shiny, and manageable. It also helps to lock in moisture, preventing dryness and frizz.
Treats Scalp Conditions
The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil make it effective in treating scalp conditions such as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and scalp infections. It soothes irritation and reduces inflammation, promoting a healthier scalp environment.
Enhances Shine
Castor oil imparts a natural shine to the hair, enhancing its overall appearance. It smooths the hair cuticle, reflecting light and giving hair a glossy, polished look.
How to Use Castor Oil for Hair
Scalp Treatment
Preparation: Warm a small amount of castor oil by placing the bottle in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes.
Application: Part your hair into sections and apply the warm oil directly to your scalp using your fingertips. Massage gently in circular motions to stimulate blood flow.
Duration: Leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes, or overnight for a more intensive treatment. Cover your hair with a shower cap to prevent staining your pillow.
Rinse: Shampoo your hair thoroughly to remove the oil. You may need to shampoo twice to ensure all residue is gone.
Hair Mask
Ingredients: Mix castor oil with other beneficial oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, or argan oil. You can also add essential oils like lavender or rosemary for added benefits.
Application: Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair, focusing on the ends. Comb through to ensure even distribution.
Duration: Leave the mask on for at least 30 minutes, or up to an hour for deeper conditioning.
Rinse: Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and condition as usual.
Leave-In Conditioner
Preparation: Mix a few drops of castor oil with a lightweight carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil to reduce its viscosity.
Application: Apply the mixture sparingly to the ends of your hair to seal in moisture and prevent split ends.
Styling: Style your hair as usual. The oil will add shine and reduce frizz without weighing your hair down.
Hot Oil Treatment
Preparation: Heat castor oil and a carrier oil (such as coconut or olive oil) in a microwave-safe bowl for a few seconds until warm.
Application: Apply the warm oil mixture to your scalp and hair, massaging gently.
Duration: Cover your hair with a shower cap and wrap it in a warm towel. Leave the treatment on for 30 minutes to an hour.
Rinse: Shampoo and condition your hair thoroughly to remove the oil.
Tips for Maximizing Castor Oil Benefits
Consistency is Key
Regular use of castor oil is essential to see noticeable improvements in hair health. Incorporate it into your weekly hair care routine for the best results.
Combine with Other Oils
While castor oil is highly beneficial on its own, combining it with other oils can enhance its effects. Coconut oil, olive oil, and argan oil are excellent companions, providing additional nourishment and improving the oil's spreadability.
Use Heat
Applying heat to your castor oil treatment can help to open the hair cuticles, allowing the oil to penetrate deeper into the hair shaft. Use a warm towel or a heat cap to maximize the treatment's effectiveness.
Be Patient
Hair growth and repair take time. It may take several weeks or even months of consistent use to see significant results. Be patient and persistent in your application.
Patch Test
Before using castor oil extensively, perform a patch test to ensure you don't have an allergic reaction. Apply a small amount of oil to your inner arm and wait 24 hours to check for any signs of irritation.
Avoid Overuse
While castor oil is beneficial, overusing it can lead to product buildup and potentially clog hair follicles. Use it in moderation and ensure you thoroughly cleanse your hair after each treatment.
Addressing Common Hair Concerns with Castor Oil
Hair Loss
Castor oil can help reduce hair loss by strengthening the hair roots and stimulating growth. Regular scalp massages with castor oil can improve blood circulation, providing essential nutrients to the hair follicles.
The antimicrobial properties of castor oil can help to combat dandruff and soothe an itchy, flaky scalp. Mixing castor oil with tea tree oil can enhance its effectiveness against dandruff.
Split Ends
Applying castor oil to the ends of your hair can help to prevent and repair split ends. Its moisturizing properties seal the hair cuticle, reducing the likelihood of split ends forming.
Thin Hair
For those with thin or fine hair, castor oil can help to add volume and thickness. The fatty acids in castor oil nourish the hair strands, making them appear fuller and healthier.
DIY Castor Oil Treatments
Castor Oil and Aloe Vera Gel Mask
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons castor oil, 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel.
Preparation: Mix the ingredients in a bowl until well combined.
Application: Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair, focusing on the roots and ends.
Duration: Leave the mask on for 30 minutes to an hour.
Rinse: Shampoo and condition your hair thoroughly.
Castor Oil and Egg Hair Mask
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons castor oil, 1 egg.
Preparation: Beat the egg and mix it with castor oil until well combined.
Application: Apply the mixture to your scalp and hair, covering it with a shower cap.
Duration: Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
Rinse: Shampoo your hair thoroughly to remove the mask.
Castor Oil and Yogurt Scalp Treatment
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons castor oil, 2 tablespoons plain yogurt.
Preparation: Mix the ingredients until smooth.
Application: Apply the mixture to your scalp, massaging gently.
Duration: Leave the treatment on for 30 minutes.
Rinse: Wash your hair with shampoo and condition as usual.
Castor oil is a versatile and powerful addition to any hair care routine. Its numerous benefits, from promoting hair growth and strength to moisturizing and conditioning, make it an invaluable tool for achieving healthy, beautiful hair. By understanding how to use castor oil effectively and incorporating it into your regular regimen, you can transform your hair and address a variety of common hair concerns. Whether used alone or in combination with other natural ingredients, castor oil has the potential to significantly enhance the health and appearance of your hair. Embrace the natural power of castor oil and enjoy the journey to stronger, shinier, and more resilient hair.
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selairfone · 5 months
- apply olive oil/ baby oil and let it sit for 1-2 hours
- divide hair into six sections
- lather shampoo throughout the hair length in first section
- start massaging with scalp massager
- detangle section while still lathered with shampoo
- after finishing one section, split it into half and coil them to form twists
- after finishing each section, rinse hair with the twists still in
- shampoo again with the twists still in, making sure you’re massaging your scalp (with hands)
- undo each twist and condition sections thoroughly
- detangle each section again and retwist
- after each section is completed, wear a cap and stay with it for 20 mins to 1 hour
- rinse thoroughly
- use a microfiber towel and let it sit for 5 mins
- use another one and let it sit for 10 mins
- start applying black seed oil to roots then massage while spreading it out in a praying gesture
- loose ponytail with silk scrunchie after
- after rinsing conditioner, apply leave in conditioner in sections (don’t be afraid to stretch out hair)
- follow up with a gel
- brush a section of hair with a detangling brush and rake fingers through hair
- for stubborn hairs, soak section in water again and apply a lot more leave in and gel
- after brushing then raking, start finger coiling each piece which is separated
- wrap hair with a cotton t-shirt, while head is upside down
- blow dry with it facing down, coldest temperature
- in some instances let it air dry
- start applying black seed oil to roots then massage while spreading it out in a praying gesture
- heavy weight product for thick hair
- normal moisturizing ingredients for low-medium porosity hair
- clarifying shampoo to exfoliate hair and remove oil build up
- do not be afraid to apply lots of products
- add more water and product on roots
- don’t break gel cast to ensure hair definition lasts longer
- always deep condition
- stretch / recoil frizzy pieces with water or product after hair dries
- Johnson baby oil
- Kerastase clarifying shampoo
- Camille rose algae renew deep conditioning
- Black seed oil
- Unbrush detangler
- Twist curl gel
- Hair spray bottle
- shampoo every week, if you can’t it’s fine
- clove / rosemary water before shampooing (after spraying or applying, rub it in and massage lightly)
- add leave in conditioner to hands and rub it from the top all the way down to where natural hair ends
- moisturize each hair part with black seed oil and rub it in and massage lightly
- bring down the rest of the oil to where natural hair ends
- spray roots with water and conditioner mix
- massage scalp then cut the braids
- remove the braids
- gently separate any knots or build up near the roots
- spray the mixer to the taken down part and detangle
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