[Tumbling into an old and overly clogged phone does not feel pleasant to Andromeda. Not in the slightest. She’s sure there’s not a single window on here that wasn’t closed. It hurt to breathe. But she needed to talk to this person. She began quickly speaking.]
Alright, no need to lie to me right now. I know everyone in your closed off town is serving some type of Fear. Are you serving the Web?
- Andromeda (@vapor-web)
Shrike nearly butterfingers his phone when he hears their voice coming out of it. He didn't make that call. He hasn't called anyone in days, not since he got the news of Cerise's death. Maybe when he's a little less frazzled, he'll go out, celebrate Hollowville slipping its chains at long last, but for now, he's not talking to anyone. So why is this stranger talking to him?
"...Yes, I serve the Mother of Puppets. Why do you ask? Furthermore, who are you and how the hell did you get my number?"
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superheroauthor · 3 years
Opening Credits
Film and TV
What is the point in opening credits ? 
Do I care who is acting in it ? Not in the slightest !
Do I care who the producer is ? Does not make a scrap of difference !
I only want to know if the programme is good or not and I cannot judge that without watching.
Taking a whole minute to go through all sorts of rubbish that no-one wants to know and that no-one cares about seems to be an ego trip for the makers of the project.
I do not list every main character in my book, before they appear.
Come on TV and film producers. Give me the title of what I am watching and then get on with it. Five or ten seconds at most.
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silveranchor · 7 years
13 Reasons Why
I finally finished watching the show, and let me tell you... what a freaking masterpiece. Amazing cast and amazing script.
I read the book a few years ago (when my depression wasn’t as bad as it later turned out to be) and I absolutely loved it. I read it in one sitting and finished it at 4 am, crying my eyes out. Still, back then I rarely experienced suicidal thoughts and I couldn’t truly appreciate Hanna’s story the way I now can.
Heck, I tried to watch the episodes one after another, but I had to keep taking breaks between each one because they were just s intense. Just watching everything develop hurt like hell.
I really think everyone would benefit from watching the show, but you should be careful. I had to skip a few scenes that were just too triggering for me. So TRIGGER WARNINGS for rape, graphic suicide and self-harm and depression. Take care of yourself while watching.Take your time if you need to. If you get triggered, skip the scene or stop watching altogether. The rape and suicide scenes are extremely triggering and you don’t have to watch them if you don’t want to. I couldn’t and I’m glad I didn’t because I would probably have had a panic attack or entered into a suicidal episode if I had.
Still, the show was beautifully done and just so relevant!! It really makes you think and realize so many things and just... wow.
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Hello dear! I hope you’re feeling well, or better than you did when you came back. Someone came by with pride stickers, and they asked me to give you this one.
[Andromeda motioned to the transgender sticker next to the monitor, before realising that Shrike wouldn’t see it.]
Oh- er, it’s next to my keyboard. It’s the transgender flag. Oh, and do be mindful stepping about here, I don’t want you stubbing your toe on my work!
- Andromeda (@vapor-web)
No, it's - it's quite alright. I actually brought some more parts in from the garage for you to - oh, ow. Shit, I hope that didn't break anything important.
Well, um, tell your friend thank you. I really appreciate it.
I almost put that on the monitor, but that seems...a little bit presumptuous. Think it's going to just go on my water bottle.
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[Constant work was starting to get really annoying for Andromeda. If her day didn’t include yelling at the metal or working in quiet, it would be avoiding it as much as possible. And she decided to avoid the robotics work by teasing Shrike.]
Do you want to know why I was called today? ‘Little pixel’. Why couldn’t you have made up such a fun pet name like that? No, I have to be content with ‘dear’ or ‘darling’, maybe an ‘Andi’ if I’m lucky. Little pixel!
- Andromeda (@vapor-web)
He tips and taps away at his computer, seemingly not at all distracted by the sound of clanking machinery.
"I'm inclined to believe they didn't mean that kindly. And blame the writing, not me. It soaks up all my good ideas, and then I throw them onto paper and try to make money off of it."
Which hasn't been going so well, but it doesn't matter much. It's not as though he needs food in the conventional sense, and this house is more of a luxury. Although, he's gotten more connected to it now that the server room is here. God only knows how or why.
"Speaking of, I did get a couple new bits and pieces that might help your work along. They should be around here somewhere."
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[Aside from the now usual sounds of heavy machinery, the day hadn’t been too abnormal for Shrike and Andromeda. It was nice to relax a little bit after the sleepover. But one little guy wasn’t quite content on relaxing.]
[Salem, Andromeda’s little jumping spider, had jumped and skittered over to where Shrike sat and worked. Salem squeaked up at them, waving his little arms despite the fact Shrike wouldn’t have seen it.]
- Andromeda Salem (@vapor-web)
He smiles down at the source of the squeaking, allowing Salem to crawl onto his hand. He could use a break from writing for a while. The ideas that came into his mind last night seemed much more interesting at midnight than they do at nine in the morning.
"Hey there, little buddy," he mumbles, cooing at it as if it were a baby kitten. "What are you up to?"
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(Ooc: Andromeda’s mod here, does Shrike have any type of digital devices? I’ve seen he has a typewriter, but that was it.)
((I'm inclined to believe he uses very little technology, largely because his eyes don't work, but he does have a cell phone. As a result of his eyes not working, he is immune to Eye-based compulsion, but those with Eye and Web dual patronages can affect him. That seemed pertinent to your interests :]
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