#watching with Jessica
jessicamdawn · 2 months
The "We Are" Couples and Kids
Tan and Fang adopt a baby girl. The first time she cries when Fang is the only one home, Fang panics and calls Tan for help. Tan talks him through checking the reasons she's upset and, in a few minutes, she's happy in her father's arms.
Fang is the parent she takes her first steps with, and the one she curls up with to take a nap or watch a movie. Tan is the one who hypes her up, makes eating food she doesn't like or doing things she doesn't want to do into a fun game.
She's a loud girl, but she's proud and confident and pursues her dreams without hesitation.
Even into high school and college, Fang is the parent she is most comfortable going to with personal problems--not because she doesn't trust Tan, but because Fang is less likely to suggest truly outlandish solutions.
Phum and Peem adopt a ten-year-old boy. He's rough and angry at being abandoned, and the guys wonder if they made the right choice a lot in the first year. But Phum understands where he's coming from and talks to him a lot, and Peem's general calm and security comfort him as much as it ever comforted his friends.
He learns to paint from his dad, but Q teaches him to play guitar and Toey teaches him to skateboard.
He gets a lot of penguin-themed gifts from Pun every time they meet. He stops being scared of dentists and doctors because they always go see Chain.
Tan and Fang help him find ways to get his anger out that isn't punching, and trust him to babysit their little girl.
Mick and Matt buy him video games and play them with him. Beer teaches him to cook, since neither of his dads are very good still.
The kid has more family than he knows what to do with, and it's comforting, and it's warm, and he loves every minute of it.
Pun and Chain don't adopt kids. They adopt animals. Or, Pun keeps finding hurt animals on his way home from work and, as long as they're not a wild animal, Chain never has the heart to tell him no.
They end up with cats and dogs named Emperor, King, Gentoo, Humbolt, and Rock--all after types of penguins, obviously. They are the most spoiled pets any of the friend group have ever met, since Chain and Pun spend more money on them than the others do on their kids.
Q and Toey don't adopt, but love being uncles to everyone else's kids (or animals). They buy their niblings gifts, babysit, take the kids to events and theme parks. The others tease them for spoiling the kids rotten, but they just stick out their tongues and spoil the kids a bit more.
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autismmydearwatson · 5 months
Every time I watch Dune I forget about it but I'm foaming at the mouth over how Paul has a vision of himself as a powerful, respected, divine figure with millions worshipping him and he just says "Somebody help me"
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lesbiandarvey · 8 months
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this was a confession of love btw
SUITS → 3x01 “The Arrangement,” dir. Christopher Misiano
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15-lizards · 7 months
Imagine you are Lady Jessica. You’re bred and trained all your life to help create the prophesied “savior” of the world. In a mix of your own pride and love for the child’s father, you bear that savior. But it’s too early. Those who trained you say he is not the one. And because of it he’s in danger. You then must travel to a place that only wants to kill you, and nearly succeeds in the process. The only way to live, the only way your son lives, is to ensure that the prophecy becomes true. That your son really is that savior. So you do, you make it true, because it has to be true. You force fate. He doesn’t die. Hundreds die. Then thousands. Now millions. Your son is not only alive, but the emperor of the known universe. Worshiped like a god because you made him a god, and did it so well you convinced yourself of his divinity, his prophecy. He is near mad with every possible future laid before him, regrets and blood stain his hands. But he is alive. Wasn’t it all worth it? Was it?
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aimeegbbs · 1 year
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#trying to manifest that your fave is canonically queer
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widowkills · 4 months
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“I should have married you”
(credit: ★ ☆)
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unipacas · 1 year
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some gwens from this week 🥺 🤍💙 im so glad she got a bigger role in this movie!!!
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Wanna know why I don't like Peter B.?
Because when Gwen was actively forced into homelessness in front of him, he literally didn't help at all. And then it gets framed on JESS.
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Gwen asks for help. And Peter says this:
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Jess asks him to stop talking.
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And from this moment forward, Peter makes no effort whatsoever to help Gwen.
Mind you. This is AFTER Miles' escape. After the whole 'shocked Peter' gif. Peter knows Miguel is willing to get violent.
But that line is his only attempt to help.
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Even as he watches Gwen be fully restrained and physically forced into the machine. He stands there and watches.
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He doesn't try to web her. He doesn't try to stop the machine or talk to Miguel. He stands there in silence. Watching Gwen get sent home to a universe he knows she is homeless in.
And the movie just lets him. Despite the fact he's known Gwen longer than anybody in this room.
Instead, Jess is the only mentor at fault. We're told to blame her.
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During this scene we never pan to Peter, standing there literally motionless as Gwen gets dragged away. He's not panicking, or trying to talk Miguel out of it. We're just expected to absolve him of blame.
It's Jess' fault. Jess is her 'failed mentor' - despite the fact that Peter has known Gwen longer, is shown to have a better relationship with her, and we're given no reason as to why he wasn't her mentor to begin with.
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Jess says this, and we're supposed to judge her for it. While Peter said nothing at all. At most he made a joke and then shut up when he was told.
Jess might've believed she couldn't help Gwen - but what was Peter's excuse? Standing there and watching this happen? He doesn't feel the need to do anything, say anything, or even leave the room.
For him, watching this is fine. And Gwen NEVER confronts him about it.
We're not supposed to blame Peter for letting Miles and Gwen down, repeatedly.
Even when Gwen is being physically forced into homelessness in front of him.
We're told to blame the black woman when the white man who has known Gwen longer literally stands beside Jess motionless.
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Had Hobie not left Gwen the watch - We're left to assume that Peter would've just... let her be homeless in her dimension.
He watched her get sent home, said nothing, then went home to his wife and kid to ponder whether or not he was a bad mentor.
Not if Gwen was okay. Or whether he should go check on her????
That's NOT OKAY???!!!! THAT'S TERRIBLE!!!!!!! And this is the man we're supposed to be routing for? This, the dude who shows NO signs he was even gonna go and check on Gwen? The dude who lets child abuse go down in front of him TWICE and he just stands there blinking? That's our Peter Parker?
And I'm supposed to be thrilled to have him on the team??? Despite the fact Gwen had to come TO HIM. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND???? Gwen doesn't see a problem with that?????
I'm supposed to be happy he's here? Forreal???
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Oh joy. Thank you so much, Humbling Reality Spider-man. We love you.
I hate Peter B. ALL MY HOBIES HATE PETER B. (Not a typo)
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grassoftunnel · 19 days
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sckh-visualarchive · 11 months
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holyviolence · 1 year
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WATCHED IN 2023: Their goal is to accumulate great personal wealth. It can only be achieved by injury to others. They can cause suffering, sickness, and even the death of those who, for whatever reason, offended them. 
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jessicamdawn · 2 months
Enjoy some memes I made in a BL writer discord about why We Are (2024) works so well.
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fishareglorious · 1 month
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dearest horror-enthusiast menaces <3
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Gwen had to say “will you adopt me” to Jessica Drew when they first met because any other dialogue option would have had Gwen being Extremely Gay at her and they could only get away with so much queercoding
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snikt111 · 11 months
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nexilu · 5 months
Fanfic idea: Stanford!era where Sam is severely hurt and unconcious in the hospital. Jess thinks that, even if Sam never wants to talk about them, his family should be aware of the situation. She remember the time Sam told her that he had a brother named Dean, so she take his phone and scroll trough his contact list until he find Dean’s number. She take a deep breath before calling…
A few hours later, Jess see a worried man rushing in the hospital searching for his little brother.
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