#watching the animated series & sharing posts with my tumblr friends? Endless fun. High point of my week.
knickynoo · 1 year
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s01ep04 "Witchcraft"
Previous episodes linked HERE.
I'm really getting into a groove with watching and posting about these episodes. My brain hardly ever hurts anymore. I am becoming desensitized to the nonsense.
In this episode: an extremely out of character Marty proves why he shouldn't be left without adult supervision ever.
First things first: Some quality time with Real Doc. He's talking about the Salem witch trials and how a lot of scientific principles back then were seen as magic. As he's passionately teaching about the topic, he accidentally puts his fingers into a mysterious, burning hot beaker of liquid.
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I like that Doc is such a brilliant man, yet at the same time, he is. Like this. <3
As he continues his story, he says that he and Marty learned about the witch trials the hard way. (Yay, we get to see Marty! We haven't spent longer than 10 seconds with him in the last 2 episodes.)
We begin with Marty walking through town with a friend named Liz. He's super bummed because he got a C- on a music appreciation test. He crushes up the test into a little ball and throws it away, then catches sight of Jennifer talking to a popular jock and is told by Liz that Jen and Kelp (the jock) are going on a date Saturday night. Marty loses his mind. Here he is confronting a guy who could pick him up and throw him halfway across the country with little to no effort.
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Marty yells at the guy to leave Jennifer alone, "or else I'll cut ya down to size."
"Whose size, McFly? Yours or a normal person's?" replies Kelp. Oooohhh, burn.
Fun fact: this episode gives us the first-ever mention of Marty's middle name! (because Jennifer angrily says his full name after he interrupts her conversation with Kelp) Prior to this, the only mention of a middle name for him is in the original draft for BTTF part II, where it's revealed to be "Hopkins"—after the Mark Hopkins hotel where he was conceived.
I'm quite glad we ended up with Martin Seamus instead. I know that Hopkins is a real name and all, but I just cannot read it without picturing a bunny rabbit. It's the "Hop" part, for sure. I can't help it.
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Marty accuses Jennifer of cheating on him and forbids her to talk to him, not even allowing her to explain her side of the story. And this is where Marty's cartoon character takes his first step away from what I'd consider to be "our" Marty's characterization. I know he's impulsive and hot-headed, but I don't think that movie Marty would be as quick to jump to the conclusion that Jennifer is cheating on him.
Jennifer is not happy, and she pushes him into a nearby fountain.
Real Doc then momentarily interrupts the scene to mention what was going on with him, Clara, and the boys while Marty was busy being weird. We go back to the cartoon and find ourselves in ancient Egypt, where the family is attempting a hasty escape after Verne angered the locals by placing a giant pair of Groucho Marx glasses on the Sphinx. Just as they're about to take off, a spear is thrown at the train, damaging the flux capacitor. As the smoke from the explosion clears, we get another surprise visit from Real Doc! He should interject in these stories more often. I'll include a gif because I love how wild and prone to flailing he is in these live-action segments. He's unhinged. It's delightful.
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Meanwhile, Marty is sullenly riding his hoverboard around Hill Valley, lamenting the tragic state of his life. He's just. On the hoverboard in broad daylight. He is not making good choices today.
As he rides, he also whips out a harmonica to play some blues tunes. And while I disapprove of the dangerous hoverboard usage, I DO approve of Marty knowing how to play the harmonica. I especially approve of him playing it when he's sad and have now crafted a headcanon where our "real" Marty plays it while he skateboards around town sometimes, prompting very bewildered stares from the townfolk and comments of, "Was that kid who just whizzed by playing the blues on a harmonica?"
Anyway, as much as Marty's interaction with Jen falls into the "Not Marty Behavior" category, what happens to him next is firmly in the "Very Marty Behavior" one. In his highly distracted and agitated state, he flies the hoverboard straight into a tree branch, gets spun around said branch like a hundred times, then gets catapulted through the air, across the entire Brown house property, and into Doc's garage.
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LEFT: That unidentifiable circular blur is none other than our dear Marty. He is being whirled around the branch at an alarmingly high rate of speed. RIGHT: Marty sailing headfirst through the wooden door of Doc's garage.
After somewhat composing himself, a tiny mail truck-looking vehicle appears in the garage and delivers a letter to Marty. The letter contains a "scratch and listen" postcard, in which Doc informs Marty via a pre-recorded message that the malfunction with the flux capacitor has landed him and the family in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. He asks Marty to bring the DeLorean and a spare flux capacitor over to the designated time to help him at once. There's a funny moment here where Marty says to Einstein, "Okay, Einie, we'll take off right after I comb my hair," to which Postcard Message Doc yells, "I SAID AT ONCE!" (recorded messages, tv shows, radio stations, etc "replying" back to something someone has said is one of those tropes that always gets me lol)
Marty and Einie leave immediately for Salem, and upon arriving, Marty is too busy looking at a map to see where he's driving, and the DeLorean crashes straight into a lake and sinks. As Marty is flipping out, preparing for their inevitable demise, Einstein activates the car's floatation device and saves them. Good boy, Einstein. Marty meets up with Doc, and they stop to hear someone giving a speech about being able to detect witches by their "speaking in strange tongues, " having "convulsive fits," and "making devil's music." Remember this for a little later on.
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I like how Einstein is wearing a hat, too.
We meet one of Biff's relatives, Goodman Tannen, and learn that Doc and the fam have been living there for a month. (It took that time for him to analyze the damaged train and build the time-traveling mail truck) Later in the evening, Clara, Marty, Einie, and the boys attend the town social while Doc stays back to work on the train repairs.
While there, Marty wanders away from Clara and is left unsupervised (never a good thing) and gets himself into trouble. He's approached by a flirtatious girl named Mercy, at which point Marty just. Goes absolutely off the rails. He starts moonwalking and twirling around and howling and calling to her and cannot control himself.
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*slaps this in the NOT MARTY BEHAVIOR column*
What is happening here?
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Naturally, Marty is assumed to be experiencing convulsive fits. And, I mean...yeah. Understandable. Mercy then asks Marty to take a walk with her, but he soon discovers that Mercy is Goodman Tannen's daughter, so he turns her down. Mercy is not happy at being told no. She tells her father that Marty made inappropriate advances toward her and spoke in tongues. Goodman is outraged.
Outside, Marty is playing his harmonica, which only makes things worse for him, as the music is considered by the citizens to be the result of dark influences. Marty is accused of being a witch and promptly dragged away by an angry mob. He's put on trial the next day, unanimously declared to be guilty, and sentenced to the water test.
Thankfully, Doc and the gang come up with a plan, using the DeLorean's underwater feature. After Marty is thrown into the lake, Doc rescues him in the car without any of the town's people seeing. They assume that Marty has drowned—thus, making him innocent. They're saddened at having condemned an innocent boy (except for Goodman, of course).
After arriving safely back in the present, Marty goes to apologize to Jennifer. Being wrongly accused of witchcraft has taught him the very valuable lesson of not jumping to conclusions. It turns out Jennifer wasn't going on a date with Kelp; she was just tutoring him. They hug and make up.
Back at Real Doc's lab, we learn a bit about water pressure and how it increases with depth. Doc delights us with a demonstration during which he makes some great faces.
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And that's the end of our episode! I hope Marty is more Marty-like next time. I never want to see him howling at a woman again, thanks. But I did like the scene where he got spun around the tree. Also a good amount of Real Doc content in this one! He's fun. He's a fun guy. Good ol' zany Doctor Brown.
Join me next time to see Doc get thrown to the lions in ancient Rome.
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lettersfromn0where · 6 years
Creator Tag
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2018. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged, appropriately, by my first-ever Tumblr buddy, @disruptedvice - thank you for thinking of me! 
This is a bit tough because every fanwork I’ve ever posted has been written since April. There’s certainly a few stupid oneshots in my repertoire that I’m not proud of, but considering that at the beginning of the year I was petrified of the mere idea of writing and sharing fanfiction, I’m rather pleased with the fact that I managed to do anything at all. So, without further ado, my top five (in order from 5th-1st):
5. remember me, once in a while (please promise me you'll try) https://archiveofourown.org/works/14936669
Short summary: IW missing scene. After Gamora is taken on Knowhere, Peter struggles to accept the reality that she may be gone. There is a letter. It is 100% intentional emotional manipulation, pure and simple, and I’m pretty sure everyone who read this realized that. 
The faint trails of tears, yet to evaporate, lingered on Peter’s face for all his attempts to disguise them as he turned the sheet of paper in his hands, reluctant to open it for fear of tainting something so precious. He paid no heed to the ever-shifting starscape racing past the windows, trying not to risk being caught in tears as he thought of the moment, on the way to Knowhere, that Gamora had pressed the letter into his hands.
“In case…” She said, but trailed off, neither wanting to confront the sentence’s inevitable end.
“No,” Peter had protested, voice thick with emotion. “You won’t-“
"It’s just a precaution,” Gamora had tried to reassure him, but even she knew her tone was entirely unconvincing.
Peter had kept the letter with him every moment they’d been apart, hoping desperately he’d never need to open it but unwilling to part from it lest it be lost along with –
No, he told himself, feverishly, with all of the desperation his worry-worn mind could muster.
Commentary: This one was not what I’d consider to be my best-written piece, but it was certainly (from the way people reacted) one of the most emotionally impactful. Any fic that gets you multiple angry comments from people claiming you made them cry has to be at least somewhat of a favorite, right? This one was, oddly enough, based on an anime, “Your Lie in April.” I’m not an anime person, but YLIA is about a violinist, so as a violinist I had to watch it, and it BROKE MY HEART INTO A MILLION TINY PIECES. *Spoiler* one of the key moments in the series comes after the protagonist’s death when she leaves a letter to the boy she was in love with for him to read after she dies, revealing things she couldn’t while she was alive. That idea of the posthumous letter, translated to the GOTG-verse (and the fact that I sobbed my eyes out while rewatching the clip where said boy reads the letter), made its way into my mind and wouldn’t leave. And that is why I had several very angry people cursing at me in the comments. 
And to whoever commented “f*** you”: I’m honored.
4. meet me in this broken place https://archiveofourown.org/works/15646347
Short Summary: post-IW, during the (hypothetical) events of Endgame. My Damaged Babies, Peter and Wanda (Maximoff), both of whom lost significant others during the events of IW, find solace in the fact that they both know the feeling of losing everyone one holds dear. 
They don’t want to imagine a world without the ones they love, but – even with their teammates working around the clock, making and discarding endless plans to save them – they realize now that maybe their good fortune had been exhausted by their own returns to life. They are left with no choice but to venture blindly into a bleak future without the ones whose sides they never thought they’d leave.
“What are we going to do?” she asks, too weary to conceal her worry.
“I guess…we just have to keep going,” he says numbly, but it’s plain as day that he doesn’t believe a word out of his own mouth.
“What is there for us in a future without them?” she asks, rhetorically but not entirely so, and plays with the hem of her jacket. It’s frayed with the trauma of the past days, looking about as battered and torn as she feels.
“Don’t know.” He shrugs. “I wish I still knew how to hope that I’d see her again.”
“Isn’t that the problem, though?” she asks, pursing her lips in painful irony. “None of us knows how to hope for the best anymore. We try to fix things, not believing that anything we do is going to work.”
He ponders her statement, turns it over in his mind – it is their problem, he realizes. They are working tirelessly towards an end they all believe to be futile. Yes, they’ve accomplished three-quarters of what they set out to do. But it doesn’t feel like a figure to celebrate when the other quarter of the equation determines the fate of the people they cherish most.
Commentary: this is essentially a super depressing slice-of-life fic. I chose it because A) Wanda Maximoff is the love of my life and I loved writing her, and B) I think the writing in this is just about the best I’ve seen in any of my work. I like the way the prose came out here - the melancholy tone lends itself well to the style in which I write, if that makes any sense, even if at points the excess of run-on sentences and overlong prose becomes rather tired. I was proud of this one. (Not super popular, but it always seems like it’s the super trite stuff I don’t think was good that gets comments while the ones I like are unnoticed. Heh...) 
3. I Guess It’s Half Timing (and the Other Half’s Luck) https://archiveofourown.org/works/14775470/chapters/34172447
Short Summary: high school AU. Peter’s a jock, benched with academic ineligibility until he can get his grades up. Gamora is the type-A star student in charge of the peer tutoring program that may be Peter’s only hope of playing in the State Championships. You can probably predict the ending...
“So, let me get this straight. You’re eligible again, but you still wanna spend every single afternoon at tutoring?” Rocket shook his head, sincerely disappointed. “You’ve got it worse than I thought.”
“Yes and no,” Peter vaguely defended himself. “I mean, yeah, she won’t talk to me any other way, but I’ve realized something, too.”
“This oughta be good,” Rocket snickered. “What, do ya suddenly feel called to be a brain surgeon or something?”
Peter fixed him with a nonplussed gaze. “Why would I want to do that? I can’t even get a shot without losing it.”
Rocket rolled his eyes. “I mean, do you think your future depends on your grades all the sudden? Little late for that.”
“No, but now that I’ve realized I can do better, it should start aiming higher-“ he started to explain.
“…because Gamora only dates guys who care about school,” Nebula finished for him, walking up with her usual inopportune timing.
“Dude! How and why are you always sneaking up on me?” Peter shuddered. “It’s creepy!”
Nebula shrugged. “I pride myself on my timing.”
“Oh, so this is what that’s about,” Rocket cackled. “You’re hilarious. You fall for the smartest girl in your class and all the sudden you decide you’re going to be on the honor roll or something?”
Commentary: this fic. Ohhhh, boy. It was a bit of a trainwreck, but oh, how I LOVED writing it. It’s a light, fluffy high school rom-com mixing my own relentless fixation on academics with excessive melodrama, a very, VERY OOC Nebula, and a million vague tie-ins to the movies that I’m fairly certain no one noticed. “Half Timing” is not, in my opinion, fantastically written (witty at times, mind-numbingly cheesy at others), but it was endlessly fun to write, and I loved the ending. Plus, it’s the reason I became friends with @disruptedvice, who had MANY feelings about the New Year’s scene. MANY. (She was 37% of the reason this fic was so fun to write.) It spawned three unnecessary sequel oneshots and was a productive start to a summer which I spent primarily writing fanfiction and studying for the SAT. This one’s on here for the nostalgia and the fact that it was so central to everything else I’ve written, not for literary merit, but it is and will always be dear to my heart.
2. So Many Things Unknown https://archiveofourown.org/works/14632275/chapters/33818142
Short Summary: Soul World Mantis feels. A half fix-it.
Peter didn’t need to hear his name to know it was him she called to, and exactly who was calling and why and where he was and – He turned. Mantis saw Gamora’s eyes widen, filling with tears, almost beginning to go to him before stopping herself again, for reasons Mantis did not understand. For a while the two simply stood, perhaps thirty feet apart, saying nothing and staring across the distance at each other as if they were not sure of the reliability of their eyesight.
And then she broke into a run, and they were in each other’s arms, and Mantis could not hear everything they were saying, but she knew from the way their shoulders shook that both were crying, and she thought she heard a faint “I love you” and she knew they both said something to the effect of “I thought I’d lost you” and “I’m here” and repeated it until they both finally believed it was really happening, and something inside her felt suddenly warm and whole.
She had seen her share of unfair endings in the last couple of days. Untold numbers of young, gifted, and truly good people had been taken long before their times. Countless others had lost the ones they held dearest, some forced to watch. The future of the universe looked rather bleak; half of her friends were trapped in some sort of afterlife in a rock that had started a war, and the rest were scattered across the cosmos. But she knew, in that moment, that it would not stay this way. They would find a way out of here, and they’d stop this and make everything right again. Mantis was surer of this than she had been of anything before. Optimistic, perhaps, she knew; but she felt this time that her instinct could not be proven wrong.
This, too, would pass.
It had to.
Commentary: my first posted fanfic and the lovely @marypoppinswasmyfatherbitches‘ favorite, I almost didn’t post this. I was deathly afraid of writing fanfiction for years and it took the trauma of IW to make me realize how many stories I had to tell, if I’d only allow myself. I was overly cautious when I wrote this, terrified of writing someone OOC or setting the story at an unrealistically fast pace, and I didn’t think it was much good, but I posted it anyway...and here I am. Some of the sweetest comments I’ve ever received were about this piece and though at time the progression of events is a bit ???, I think it was a decent start. “So Many Things Unknown” was where it all started, and though it’s not my favorite thing I’ve written, I’m proud that I was able to get it out there. 
1. Take What I Took and Give It Back to You 
Short Summary: Mantis feels, 5+1 style. That is all. 
She can’t see it. Mantis has never been an influencer; she’s simply in the background, where she’s always assumed she is meant to be. But perhaps that – sensitivity, a sort of gentleness – is what she brings to the team that it lacked before, she concludes.
She is an empath, after all, and a powerful one. Most of her teammates possess the emotional intelligence of lumps of metal. Mantis thinks, liking the idea more than she admits, that maybe she’s helping to shape those metal lumps.
After all, hearts are malleable, she thinks. They don’t stay the same.
Sitting in the kitchen once again, staring into her beloved mug, chipped with four years of wear, Mantis smiles.
Commentary: and now for my all-time favorite. I rarely think well of my writing, but I was SO incredibly proud of this one. As an ex-homeschooler who grew up relatively isolated and still does not “understand the intricacies of social interaction,” I’ve always connected to Mantis more than any other Guardian; if I had to pick, she’d probably be my favorite character in the entire MCU canon. So I love writing her. It makes me feel as if I can get inside her head in a way I can’t with the other Guardians. In addition, the 5+1 format was a perfectly-suited framing device for the story I wanted to tell, and I’m pretty sure I exhausted a year’s worth of pretty lines on this story. I feel like I risk sounding arrogant, but when you genuinely love your own writing, you have to embrace it - that’s VERY rare. As soon as I saw that I’d been tagged for this, I knew that this would be the story I ranked as my favorite. 
Thank you SO much for the tag, @disruptedvice! Tagging @bevioletskies and @marypoppinswasmyfatherbitches. 
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
about me as a writer
I was tagged by @oiivkawa <3 Thanks so much, this was super fun!
Tagging: @emeraldwaves @ivyfics @calmgeyama @ohoholyshit @yatatsukki and?? anyone else who wants to I guess lol, I feel like most ppl I know how been tagged ^^ 
I’m putting my responses under the cut as well bc I know myself lmao, my responses can be long af ^^’’
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean? bleh I have two usernames, and both stories are embarrassing LOL I’ll go with my actual ao3 name though I guess?? When I was in middle (?) school I used to watch the anime HOTD, which is like...awful first off. It’s borderline hentai, shitty fanservice, the whole thing (don’t ask me why I watched it, bc who knows, the music was A+) but my favorite character’s name was Saya, and her servants would call her ladysaya, so that’s the explanation for that ha. I put the x in front because I used to be obsessed with x men and all the marvel/dc animated series, so it felt appropriate pft. Man, even talking about this brings back so many cringe worthy memories lmao forgive me. 
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (Bookmarks/ Subscriptions/ Hits/ Kudos) for Haikyuu!! it’s definitely Slipping Underneath, and for K Project it’s There You Are <3 
3. What is your AO3 profile icon and why did you choose it? It’s Semi! The reasoning for this is because I have 3 fav Haikyuu!! characters: Tsukishima, Oikawa, and Semi. So I just try to distribute my love evenly tbh lol. I have a Tsukki icon on here and discord, Semi for AO3, and Oikawa is on my phone case ^^ 
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters? ahhh I have several but I’m not aware if many of them have tumblr?? A lot of people who comment on every chapter of my multichapters are very special to me, I love them all! Ofc on here there’s @emeraldwaves @ivyfics @momomirasaki124 @uselessvalshit @starjem and then I have my other fav supporters @serviceace @caelestisxyz and @urikawa-miyuki  <3 
5. Is there a fanfic you keep going back to read again and again? Ah damn there are so many lmfao, I have a lot of fav fics and I don’t want to make this post super long. Please check out the rec posts I’ve done here and here ! Or also message me for specific types of fics <3 I will say though, one fic I always go back to read even though it’s been YEARS is a kyoukao fic by potionwine! 
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked? I consider myself pretty picky, but I do read a LOT of fic, so I have a decent amount of both ^^ About 187 bookmarks, and 16 fic/author subscriptions! 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most? Probably college?? even though I know that’s super broad, and all kinds of different AUs can be based in college but that’s how it is lol. I think that’s because I honestly don’t like redoing AUs?? I like experimenting and making up really weird shit and original scenarios as much as possible. Though, I’m sure you can find apparent trends across all my fics ^^ 
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? haha...I have 76 user subscriptions, 436 general fic subscriptions, and 792 bookmarks. I don’t even know how that’s real lmao I feel so blessed that so many people enjoy my writing <3 
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!) not really honestly, if I have an embarrassing or indulgent idea at this point, I just write it lmao idc but there are lots of types of fics I am scared to write just bc I don’t know if I could do them justice heh....
10. Is there anything you’d like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc. yes lmao updating better would be something I’d LOVE to improve on ; ; Also writing action scenes too fff fuck action scenes
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often? Uhhh I’ve dabbled in both but yeah, more often than not I stick to more popular pairs just because I need content to motivate me pftt
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day? 50! 
13. How many stories do you have saved in/ with your writing program? Like WIPs? ffff WIPs...maybe like 4 or 5 at this point, including multichapters, and wow that’s actually not a lot, usually I have a ton and I’m drowning in them loool
14. Do you write down story ideas or just keep them in your head? Both...I usually just keep things in my head, but if a fic starts giving me issues, I like to plot it out
15. Have you ever co- authored a story? Nope, but I’d really love to at some point with a friend! 
16. How did you discover AO3? Uh I honestly don’t remember loool I think one day I sorta just saw that no one was using ff anymore and I was like ‘aight’ 
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3? Not really lmao, I mean...my siren au does pretty well, but otherwise my fics get kinda slept on -shrug- it is what it is 
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers? lol i do not
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write? Well I’ve always loved to write so no, but @brynne-lagaao is a big reason I started writing sarumi fics back when I was in K fandom! And nowadays in the hq fandom, a lot of amazing authors really push me to keep writing ^^ 
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author? don’t be afraid to write and write whatever you want basically lmao I know it can be daunting if you think your writing skills aren’t matching up with other authors, but the best thing you can do is practice, practice, and eventually you will see results! Also read a lot, reading other ppl’s stories really helps, and above all, just have fun with it! 
21. Do you plot out your stories or do you just figure it out as you go? I try to have a basic plot (beginning, middle, end) because I used to just DIVE IN to stories and it was awful lmao I need some sort of guideline, even if it’s small
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do? yes ofc, but I honestly try not to dwell on them because they’re not worth it. I either ignore or delete in most cases
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (Action, smut, etc) action and smut are never easy for me lol
24. What story(s) are you working on now? well right now I’m working on two secret santa fics for iwaoi, as well as my two kurotsuki multichapters! I am also trying to write kacchako as a x-mas present for a friend lol
25. Do you plan your new projects before you finish your current ongoing story(s)? ha yeah, it’s a bad habit but I have no self-control
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself? I do not! I just try to write at least a little bit each day if I can, but there’s never a word minimum I try to reach ^^ 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started? oh 100% lmao comparing some of my old fics from even a year ago to my fics now is eye opening 
28. What is your favourite story that you have written? Shaking in My Skull for sarumi, it’s also the longest fic I’ve ever written and it holds a special place in my heart ; ; For kurotsuki it’s gotta be Let My Love 
29. What is your least favourite story that you have written? fuck me, Pencils and Paper LOL it was an earlier sarumi fic of mine and I just...hate it. I’m not even gonna link it LOL 
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years? Still writing fanfic most likely, maybe some original stuff (I hope!)
31. What’s the easiest part about writing? lmao nothing, writing is super hard work, sometimes even just thinking up ideas can be difficult, then there’s actually writing and making the ideas come to life, and don’t get me started on editing lmaooo writers are my heroes 
32. What is the hardest part about writing? Finding the motivation, at least for me. I struggle sometimes with it because I’ll have the time and inspiration but depression just kicks my ass every time fff
33. Why do you write? For me it’s super therapeutic, I love the satisfaction of putting hard work into an idea you love and finishing it, and the high that comes with that. Plus sharing the story with others and getting positive feedback is a feeling that can’t be beat. I’ve always loved writing, I love how the possibilities are endless, and I hope I never stop <3 
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