#watching jeno try on different suits and clothes was...an experience
traumainpyjamas · 1 year
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JENO \\ Piacere! JENO in Milan🇮🇹 | FERRAGAMO 2023 F/W behind
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nctstany · 4 years
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⨀ chapter 6 ⨀  Kiss and Run
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Markhyuck {side Renmin} {side Jaeyong}
Summary- There’s always been a rivalry between camp 127 and camp dream but that changes once a newcomer arrives.
Mark Lee was forced into joining a summer camp by his parents since he’s been wasting his last two summers inside away from kids his age.
!Warning! Mark Lee is a hothead !Warning!
The most NSFW content you’ll is like kissing or.....holding hands (maybe something but you’ll have to read it to know)
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Dream and 127 are on the best of terms, mostly it applying to Doyoung since he never had a conversation with them without it involving yelling, to be honest that was the only thing that has changed between the two groups. Everyone acted the same way with friendly vibes and jokes, teases thrown here and there that aren’t to be taken seriously. That’s all Mark wanted. And because of it he’s finally rebuilding his relationship with Jisung and Jeno, talking about old times and sharing new experiences with each other like friends again. During the bonding time Hyuck has involved himself into it too, forcefully....Mark remembers Renjun saying once. He doesn’t mind it to be honest but can be a bit suffocating also...confusing? Whenever they’re just hanging out Hyuck is always right by Mark’s side even they aren’t hanging out with the others, just doing there own thing Hyuck is always right next to Mark.     
“Marky~” Donghyuck called out for the other as he skipped his way to him.
"Fuck-" Mark went on panic mode, speeding his walk the other direction and bumped into someone but then panicked some more. “Doyoung, you got to help me.” 
"With what?"
"Just hide me!" Doyoung looked around and pushed him into the supply closet he just came out of. Just in time Donghyuck came around the corner.
“Have you’ve seen Mark?”
“I think he went to the showers.” Donghyuck nodded his head with a thin smile while he still looked around. Once he was far enough away he opened the door to the closet and Mark almost stumbled out.    
“Guess Donghyuck has taken a liking to you~” 
“Yeah...too much.”  
“Sorry I acted the way I did before.” Doyoung laughed a little. “I just didn’t want the new kid to get picked on.” He walked away before Mark could think. 
"Um...Doyoung!" Mark screamed for the other and planted a big smile on his face as soon as he turned around, "Thanks."
Cold water shocked Mark’s nerves as he turned his overheated body cool. It being his first time taking a swim in the lake and regretting it since it’s so refreshing, he wished he did it sooner. 
“Oh.....you’re the kind of kid that swims with a shirt on.” A sudden voice shocked Mark as he turned around quickly. Donghyuck stood tall looking down at him, a towel rested on his shoulder. Mark remembered his remark and looked down at his oversize shirt that he uses for swimming. 
“Let me self conscious about my body in peace!”
“You shouldn’t be.” Donghyuck titled his head and grinned, “You’re perfect.” 
The gesture made a feeling go down to Mark’s gut and he looked away but Hyuck kept his stare for too long. He always smiles at Mark that way but for some reason Mark can’t handle it right now.  
“Stop looking at me like that! I’m not taking off my shirt.”  
“Suit yourself.” Donghyuck shrugged and pulled his tank top off, Mark’s eyes scanned his torso quickly. Tanned skin and subtle abs made Mark’s skin hot again so he threw himself in the water. When he got back up for some air Donghyuck was went in front of him swimming to hold himself up. 
“Why do you keep following me?”
“This lake is small, don’t get your hopes up.” 
“You know what I mean.” Mark turned away in the water and swam towards the deck only to hear the other right behind him as he pulled himself up to sit on the deck. He looked over to his right and saw Donghyuck grinning big at him. Mark rolled his eyes heavily, looking out into the water and felling the other burn a stare in the side of his face. 
“Do you like me or something?” That one question....made both of their hearts drop. Even though Mark asked it he still held his breathe waiting for a response. 
“That’s funnier than watching you try to swim.”
“I can swim!” Mark pouted and Hyuck stuck his tongue out. “A leaf can swim better.” 
“You’re avoiding the question.” 
“You haven’t asked me anything!” On queue Donghyuck started to turn red and his eyes shifted as he panicked, yelling didn’t help and sitting close to Mark didn’t solve anything.  
“Yes I did!”
“Well ask it more clearly!”
It’s a stupid question anyway, just something to tease the other about. For some reason Mark wants to know the answer. 
“Do you like me Donghyuck?”
“Yes I do!” Oh shit....
“As a friend obliviously! I only just met you almost two months ago, how could I have a crush on you....that’s impossible.”  
“Well duh!” Mark shouted and pushed the other’s shoulder, “That’s what I was asking anyway.” 
A week goes by like it’s nothing and Saturday hit everyone with a little bit of boredom to follow. The camps were silent with everyone in their rooms and the counselor in their offices. 
“You know what we haven’t done in a while~”
“We should have one like last time.” Jungwoo stated with excitement. 
“You guys can have parties?” Mark looked up from his bed and everyone nodded their heads at him. 
“Only on Saturday nights, just have to let the cool counselors know.” 
“Yeah let’s do it tonight, get it out of our system.” 
“Spread the word then!” Doyoung hollered at them as he left the room to do just that. 
Word spread fast and before Mark knew it he found himself at camp XO in the basement of one of the offices. Being in conversations with people he hasn’t met until now and the little voice of social anxiety shouted at Mark in the back of his head. It’s not like this is his first party he’s ever gone to, he’s been to a couple during the early high school years but he had a select few he would stay by to be comfortable. This time camp 127 were the wild ones that Mark never experienced and every other camp was the same. Not to mention that he saw Renjun do a fucking keg stand five minutes ago. 
"This tastes like shit!" Johnny hollered out from the kitchen that Mark stood by. He went in the kitchen to see Jungwoo looking at Taeil with a pout on his face. "You told me it tasted delicious."
"I didn't want to hurt your feelings." Taeil shrugged with a small smile at Jungwoo. Mark laughed a little at the two and continued to drink whatever the other made. Nothing but pure alcohol hit Mark’s tongue and he pulled a face from the sourness.  
“Guess you’re all a bunch of babies that can’t apprentice good alcohol.” 
The night went on and Mark can’t memory the number of drinks he had, all of them tasted sour. The music getting louder and a light buzz traveling throughout his head. Spending most of the night dancing and drinking all at the same time can really wear you out. As everyone continued that Mark found the nearest place to rest and lucky for him a spot on the comfy couch was opened. 
“So are you enjoying yourself?” Mark’s eyes opened lazily as he stretched out, giving a little smile to Donghyuck as he moved over for so could sit. 
"As much as I think I can." Mark said. 
Silence poured out between them, well quiet between them since there's loud music and people screaming off their drunk asses. It didn't stop until Mark saw how close the other got to him on the couch, basically in his ear. 
“Can I kiss you?” Maybe it was the alcohol hitting him like a truck, since he doesn’t really do it like how he smokes, that he blindly looked over at Donghyuck’s face and nodded like he didn’t even hear the question. So he was shocked when the other pushed him into the couch with a deep kiss as if they weren’t in front of a handful of people. Blaming the alcohol still, Mark wrapped his arms around Donghyuck’s neck and sunk deeper into the couch. Donghyuck dominated quickly by pushing his tongue in and exploring Mark’s mouth. Burning sensation filled in their lungs every piece of clothing feeling too tight. Bodies getting warmer and certain areas feeling neglected. Once they pulled away from the dragged out kiss, heavily breathing and staring into each other's eyes, Donghyuck was the one to leave the embrace with uneasy eyes. 
"Oh- um….that was um fuck. Bye!" 
Donghyuck turned into a different person, nervous and frustrated as he walked the other way, leaving Mark with messy hair and swollen lips.  
Well others got shit face Taeyong kept to himself on the couch, looking expensive as always when he actually tires for events like this. Sitting pretty in his tight white short sleeve and plain skinny jeans, with rips stopping just in the middle of his thighs. Nothing tops the black choker around his neck with a little X danging from the middle, which the accessories was Yuta’s idea. It was a routine during these little parties, just impress no one in particular and that was getting boring fast for him. So boring that he excluded himself fro the party and went upstairs to a random room that was empty. He just walked back and forth in it, looking at the shelves filled with books and little pictures of past camps.  
“Thought I’ve find you here.” The sudden deep voice didn’t shock Taeyong physically enough but in his head he was screaming once he realized who it was in the room with him. He looked over at Jaehyun with a smile and continued to look at the books, his heart racing when he felt the other get closer.  
"You're pretty." Jaehyun smiled slyly and Taeyong giggled slightly, pushing the comment away. "And you're pretty wasted."
“Nah...I’m sober, if I was drunk then I would have grabbed you by the waist like this.” Jaehyun slid his arms around Taeyong and pulled the other close, putting his mouth up to his ear, “And pushed you up against this wall and called you hot as fuck.”  
“Jaehyun.” It came out as a pathetic warning once Taeyong felt the other’s hand creep up under his shirt. 
“Don’t...” Coming out almost has a moan that brought a smirk to Jaehyun's face. Challenging his ability more as he slowly went up his chest and twisted the left nipple. Taeyong lifted his head up with his mouth open, moaning softly. 
“I was just saying what drunk me would have done....in this moment.” 
“Don’t you want to know~”
“Even if I showed you instead?” 
“Jae-” The name was swallowed into a kiss, soft whimpers leaving Taeyong’s mouth as the kiss picked up and hands came in contact with each other’s bodies. Jaehyun’s hands go directly to Taeyong’s sensitive spots that make him turn into a wiggling mess. Heavily breathing into Taeyong’s ears as he grinds down right in between his legs, that were casually pushed open during the kiss. Taeyong pulled away and used his hand to cover his mouth while looking away from Jaehyun, who was burning a deep look into the side of his face. He met the glaze with his own look of being hot and bothered, big sparkly eyes looking directly at Jaehyun. Your eyes are my only weakness. 
“Jaehyun...p-please.” Pleasure ran through his body as he grind down on Jaehyun's. The other didn't hesitate in unbuttoning their pants to release both of their erections. Taeyong squirmed again making Jaehyun look up just to be pulled into a deep kiss. Pre-cum came out both of their cocks as Jaehyun grabbed them and started to pump. 
"Ah~ fuck." Sweet and slow that had them gasping in the kiss. Jaehyun found the rhythm in it, more and more pre-cum covering their cocks. It wasn't long until they were both grinding down into the feeling too. Leaving each other's kisses to focus on the feeling below. 
"Jae-" Taeyong swallowed down, "Can I cum?" Then Jaehyun's hand lost its rhythm, fast and tight around both of their cocks. The loudest moan of the night exploded out Taeyong's mouth, gripping onto the other's arms and arching his back. Burning knot inside him, he let go with shaky legs and Jaehyun pinned him against the wall to keep him up. Taeyong's sound and face after releasing took a big part in Jaehyun's orgasm. 
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