salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Monday! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at The Mishnock Barn, the schedule this Monday: 7-8 Beginner Line Dance Lessons, then 8-9 Intermediate Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn . Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/908237973024184/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBrNB_kHMk5/?igshid=18fct4eo13ui1
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creativemigration · 4 years
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SPACESHIP EARTH is the true, stranger-than-fiction, adventure of eight visionaries who in 1991 spent two years quarantined inside of a self-engineered replica of Earth’s ecosystem called BIOSPHERE 2. Creative Migration is thrilled to partner with NEON (@neonrated) to host a virtual screening of Matt Wolf 's (@mattpwolf) new film. Get streaming access + more virtual events starting at 12:01am EST on May 8th! Check link in bio for details or write us! The experiment was a worldwide phenomenon, chronicling daily existence in the face of life threatening ecological disaster and a growing criticism that it was nothing more than a cult. The bizarre story is both a cautionary tale and a hopeful lesson of how a small group of dreamers can potentially reimagine a new world. #spaceshipearth #creativemigration #neonrated #mattwolf #virtualscreening #environmental #sustainability #visionary #onlinestreaming #watchfromhome #staysafe https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2bfGDlCiJ/?igshid=1e97n6jux0gn2
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a-bobby-buck-promo · 4 years
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Hey - I just came across something that I think you'd love. I just registered for it. It's called #TheWorldProsperSummit™, April 24 & 25 - all online! Check it out. Go to: https://upvir.al/ref/nB37768328/ It's a LIVE Virtual event with #JackCanfield, #RaymondAaron, #JoeVitale, #MarkVictorHanson, #MariSmith, #BobProctor, #LoralLangemeier and more. 19 World Leading Experts in the areas of #wealth, #success, #mindset, #business, #relationships! It's 100% #FreeEvent designed to help you #THRIVE & #PROSPER in times of global turbulence. It's a live & #VirtualEvent so you can #WatchFromHome and ask questions and interact live with all the experts. #ACRAWLB4UWALK #A_BobbyBuck_Promo #The_BobbyBuck_Show_Live #The_BobbyBuck_Show_Podcast #2020_Healing_N_Building Contact: 888.406.2876 https://www.BobbyBuck.com Email: [email protected] Thanks For Supporting!! Go Fund Me https://www.gofundme.com/f/abobbybuckpromo https://www.instagram.com/p/B_XhAJJH2ef/?igshid=peemffl85el4
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camxnoel-updates · 4 years
Showtime: "@Noel_Fisher is looking out for you. Join our Shameless #WatchFromHome celebration and share your favorite moments using #WatchFromHome."
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Hank 😍
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1791thinkshop-blog · 8 years
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Congratulation Oracle Team USA on winning race 5 and 6 both today in Portsmouth England! @oracleteamusa #portsmouthamericascup2016 #RacetoBermuda #bermudaamericascup2016 #bermuda #keepthecup #ac45 #45f #imisstheac72 #Spithill I believe in you brother #wishiwasthere #semperfi #semperfly #watchfromhome (at Portsmouth Uk , England)
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salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Tonight! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn , the schedule this Friday: 7-8 Partner Lessons, then 8-9 Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at Mishnock Barn. Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/186473046032847/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBoHQDXn7gF/?igshid=jv7gc0579z0b
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salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Tonight! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn , the schedule this Monday: 7-8 Beginner Line Dance Lessons, then 8-9 Intermediate Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at Mishnock Barn. Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/617769112422656/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdM4sqnOyN/?igshid=gn6ejk3v80by
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salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Tonight! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn , the schedule this Friday: 7-8 Partner Lessons, then 8-9 Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at Mishnock Barn. Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/637751717068010/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBVbrQeHCKa/?igshid=16um0icdpts68
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salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Tonight! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn , the schedule this Monday: 7-8 Beginner Line Dance Lessons, then 8-9 Intermediate Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at Mishnock Barn. Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/637751717068010/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBLKWBDn1CF/?igshid=cdf12gqce8sx
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salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Monday! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn , the schedule this Monday: 7-8 Beginner Line Dance Lessons, then 8-9 Intermediate Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at Mishnock Barn. Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/637751717068010/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5Xw5-HpFN/?igshid=jyy7za8kvh0n
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salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Tonight! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn , the schedule this Friday: 7-8 Partner Lessons, then 8-9 Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at Mishnock Barn. Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/637751717068010/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAxfZoxnPfE/?igshid=ctgr18pclj7g
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salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Monday! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn , the schedule this Monday: 7-8 Beginner Line Dance Lessons, then 8-9 Intermediate Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at Mishnock Barn. Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/637751717068010/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAlq6Mcnjl9/?igshid=zh7sjjcb5dpd
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salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Tonight! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn , the schedule this Friday: 7-8 Partner Lessons, then 8-9 Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at Mishnock Barn. Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/637751717068010/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfVlquHE1k/?igshid=zqjkmmh4jytz
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salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Monday! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn , the schedule this Friday: 7-8 Partner Lessons, then 8-9 Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at Mishnock Barn. Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/637751717068010/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAS7-evHHid/?igshid=1okex9eeex7hw
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salkellypromotions · 4 years
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Tonight! Join @classic_country_frankie & Regina of @liclassiccountry for a watch party of Dan Albro at @themishnockbarn , the schedule this Friday: 7-8 Partner Lessons, then 8-9 Line Dance Lessons Go to Frankie Spano’s Facebook page at 7pm ( https://www.facebook.com/frank.spano.106 ) to Join Frankie & Regina’s Watch Party with Live Line Dance Lessons from the One and Only Dan Albro at Mishnock Barn. Long Island is Welcome to Join as Dan shares great new choreography. Forget the world for a while, join Frankie & Regina and learn some new dance moves from Dan Albro, or just sit back and watch. Either way, escape with us. https://facebook.com/events/s/frankie-reginas-watch-party-wi/637751717068010/?ti=icl #liclassiccountry #mishnockbarn #frankieregina #danalbro #virtuallessons #coronacrazy #cabinfever #chatwithus #longisland #togetherapart #inthistogether #thewarehouseli #linedancing #countrymusic #watchparty #watchfromhome #escape #salkellypromotions (at The Mishnock Barn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CANbwX-Hi2y/?igshid=1dhck7wqb3h9j
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