#watcher pungence
Pungence (and Skyzm) are Watchers! My Watcher lore is convoluted, but basically they're the multiverse police with a cult problem. They got offered to become one in... Season 2? 3? Pungence threw his brother back to Hermitcraft when Bdubs left (Season 5/6) and is all around a menace. Personal headcanon is that Skyzm caused the Moon Crash (even if the theory EX did is cool).
In addition, EX is a robot X made who's currently possessed by a— you guessed it —Watcher! He's not the Watcher, to clarify. He has his own sentience. He's just... -gestures to jeff the minion-
Thanks for reading! ^^
Ooh, former hermits being watchers reminds me of the ending of evo, like returning to being one of the viewers!
and im plural, so hearing a sentient robot being possessed by something else sentient just makes me think of mundane things like one eating the other's dinner
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hermitcraft-shifter · 6 months
Inactive Hermits, especially Hermits who weren't active long, are great because that means you can add whatever headcanons you want without necessarily contradicting canon! Alternatively, active Hermits who have little to no canon lore mean you can cherrypick their behaviour and actions.
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hermette-historian · 3 years
Yo Wynne what incident?? I'm not really a Hypno Watcher what happened gimme that deep lore
Quite frankly, I'm not entirely sure what the self-proclaimed Pranksters thought was going to happen when they dispensed a fire charge into a very wooden house with fire tick ON.
The idea was to scare Hypno by having him trip the trap when he entered through the front door, which would dispense a fire charge and then immediately a bucket of water to put it out. No damage except to Hypno's poor heart.
But-and I cannot emphasize this enough-you do not test a trap in a wooden house with live fire until you are absolutely sure the timing is perfect.
I'm not entirely sure either Skyzm or Pungence had ever touched redstone prior to this incident, nor that they ever would again afterward. They triggered the trap themselves, and less than five minutes later the house that Hypno had spent two weeks painstakingly working on was naught but smoking remains of broken glass.
Contrary to popular belief, this didn't actually trigger Hypno immediately leaving the server. He made amends with the pranksters and did put out several more episodes afterward, eventually taking a hiatus from S2 for what we believe to be entirely unrelated reasons.
However. This became "the incident" for the lasting impact that it left on the server and its fans. Obviously, soon afterward firetick was turned off (I don't know how soon or if this was even the straw that broke the camel's back, but it certainly contributed). But more importantly, this wasn't the first time a base had been burnt completely to the ground as part of a prank (see the Agency's attack on GenerikB, although technically GB did set the fire himself) and it can certainly be argued that it played a massive part in drawing the hard line between pranks and griefing that we see on Hermitcraft today.
In many circles that remember it, the burning of Hypno's base is referenced as the point at which friendly fire becomes not-so-friendly. Unfortunately for some it also sours the memory of Skyzm and Pungence as members, and they both took their leave from Hermitcraft before the end of S2 (only returning briefly partway through S3 before leaving completely). They were good people. Funny people. Everything they did was with the best of intentions. And learning experience though it was, it sucks that this is what they are remembered for.
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hermitcraft-shifter · 6 months
BUTCHER VANITY by Vane Lily is c!Pungence's theme song. No, I will not elaborate. (I will elaborate and that's a threat.)
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hermitcraft-shifter · 6 months
Was the Jeff The Minion/Midas/Dionysus roleplay situation ever addressed by Pungence?? Like, I know there was a message from Jeff to Pungence warning him about the artifacts/gold he... stole(??) because something something curse of Midas something something Dionysus and that fan animation of Jeff the Minion possessing/torturing Evil Xisuma through dreams, but did it just... peter off? I wanna know because I've just taken and ran with it where Midas was a Watcher who tested Pungence and Skyzm as potential Watcher candidates (or really, vibe checked them) when they saw them steal Hypno's gold that one season, and when they passed and were asked to join, they went 'hell yeah'.
Someone please ask me about my worldbuilding. I beg you.
Maybe also update me on things because I've just been stitching together my own canon for years now and things get muddled—
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