#watched the mandela catalogues LIKE A FOOL
e-vultures · 2 years
whyyyyy every time do I think I can watch visual horror and then be alright when I try to go to sleep the next night aAAAaUURGHHHhHhh . lights: on. teeth: clenched. every single muscle in my body: un believably tense I Am In Hell
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leatafandom · 1 year
theres like an spn crossover with Mandela catalogue and gabriel spn is actually Mandela gabriel and also it's angst
Hello, my dear!
I actually hadn’t heard of the Mandela Catalog and to be honest analog horror freaks me out. The analog horror and false gods totally are what give me the creeps the most and oh it did not disappoint. So one, thank you for giving me this wonderful new show to discover and scare myself shitless with. I love it. I only watched the first one which, yay, it was the Gabriel one. So so good and freaky just *chef’s kiss* thank you again for mentioning it. I'm kinda just gonna assume you're sending an ask about fics, but I will completely look for anything written about this because I love this idea. I honestly love this idea so much my brain came up with two musings. Thank you again for the awesome ask ❤️
In my head, Gabriel here is both SPN Gabriel and Mandela’s Gabriel. I did use some lines directly from both Overthrown and Changing Channels.
My foolishness will be my legacy, 
If there is a god… please help me
The words were etched into his grace and echoed with every call of his name, they all had fallen prey to him. So many humans were fooled so easily begging to change their decisions, their choices, and their end. All calling out for a God that had left them eons ago.
He’d be at this for years. There to draw on their fears and hopes and watch as they called for the father that had left them all. He was so close to what they wanted, what they expected. It was so simple to be something else, to hide his fallen form and be close to them. 
The two vessels weren’t any different, the game hadn’t changed. Tricking the humans that so easily believed his well-spoken lies had always been simple and illusions had become just as easy to bring to the world as it was to sow his deceit. Humans weren’t worthy after all. 
He didn’t think them differently, even as they failed to kill him and he watched them leave with wrath and contempt. He didn’t care how fun it was to play with them, how interesting they may have been. They would ruin his game. Either of his brothers coming to this plane, the plane that had been his for far too long would ruin it. Despite himself, he followed them, hunted them, and tried to deter them, but humans are foolish. He’d known for centuries of their weakness and they were no different.
“Where'd I screw up?” 
It had finally happened, his game would end and so would everything else. 
“Mostly it was the way you talked about Armageddon.”
“Meaning?” His voice was filled with irritation, eyes roving the circle that had trapped his slinking form and contained his human shape. 
“Well,” the shorter hunter smiled, shrugging his shoulders as he narrowed his eyes on him. “Call it a personal experience, but nobody gets that angry unless they're talking about their own family.”
“So which one are you? Grumpy, Sneezy, or Douchey?”
When his favorite brother’s vessel spoke again, his eyes narrowed on him. The lips he had become so used to twisted into a sneer when the parallels of his kin didn’t drop their glares. 
It had been centuries since he needed to speak the name. His presence had always been enough to drive the humans he played with to their own conclusions. Enough for him to be anyone that suited him best for his trick. 
“Gabriel, okay? They call me Gabriel.” 
He preened at the response his heavenly name brought the hunters, pleasure rising at the incredulous twist of Dean’s brow and the hitch in Sam’s voice. 
The pause in the taller vessel’s words brought a wider grin to Gabriel’s human features, his contained form twisting with laughter and amusement. They were still fools. 
“The archangel?”
The twisting too wide grin didn’t fade, laughter echoing in the ether. 
His game was over and he was guilty of so much more than just how he had twisted the name given to him by his absent Father. He had been the fool thinking the humans- these humans could be taught and overcome what Gabriel knew to be fate. It would come, they would come to his new home and ruin it before he was done playing with his Father's favorites. It was the part of them that wormed in his grace that wanted his brother once more, his family. It was foolish, to long for something so buried and lost amongst the echoes of time and screams. 
When he saw him, it was foolishness that brought him to Lucifer’s blade. Foolishness of humanity, of destiny, and longing. They were still so foolish, but he had spent too much time here. The vessels so much like mirrors to those he had forgotten had ripped something inside of him. Bleeding an idea within the fallen celestial, a need to be seen rising from the depths of his blackened grace. 
He had seen and been their weaknesses for far too long and listened to well to the men he had tracked. He had learned to like this world, his game, their imperfections so ready to exploit. He was foolish he thought as he looked into his brother’s matching darkness that twisted with ire at being refused once more. 
My foolishness will be my legacy, if there is a God… please help me.
The words were etched into the burnt outlines of his wings on the rotting floor and echoed throughout the ether.
I hope you enjoyed it! I also had another little musing that I thought I’d share. More of a swap-out situation that takes place between Sam getting his soul back and season 13.
They think they know him…
The hunters are so clever,
But they are fools.
Sam couldn’t keep the question or hesitance out of his voice. His eyes roved over the familiar vessel before him. His feet shifted, unconsciously moving closer to his brother beside him watching the grin that should have been as familiar as the short vessel before them was. 
Dean didn’t budge from his spot as his eyes narrowed on the archangel whose smug smile wove over his smile. “You lived?” His fingers clenched on his blade. 
“You doubted it?” Gabriel’s brow raised, arms crossing over his chest as he watched them. 
“For fucks sake,” Dean hissed glaring at him before turning around and walking away, waving a hand behind them and dismissing the celestial for Sam to handle. “Dude, no.” If Gabriel was back the events that seemed to mimic a trickster made sense and Dean hadn’t dragged himself out of the bunker for this. “I’m going to get something to eat.”
The taller Winchester huffed, his head snapping to Dean as his brother walked away before looking back to Gabriel who was chuckling and shifting on his feet. Questions spun in his mind as he looked over the vessel that hadn’t aged nor changed in the years since they saw him last. Sam’s fingers went to his palm, squeezing it roughly as he blinked rapidly. He swallowed when the grin nor the archangel vanished. 
“You’re here…”
Gabriel blinked at the shadow of misguided hope that lingered in the disbelieving voice. His eyes fell on the taller Winchester, his grin fading for a moment before returning with blinding strength. “‘Course, Sam. I’m much more than an archangel after all.”
Humans are so easy. 
So willing to believe,
To be deceived.
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limelocked · 5 months
Watching wendigoons video on the mandela catalogue like haha you can’t hurt me you fucking fools I don’t believe in Jesus
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moonami · 3 years
Do you like analogue horror stuff, and have you ever watched the Mandela Catalogue on YT? Your OC Rhoea (The Outsider) kind of gives me the vibes of an alternate (who is basically some sort of creature who takes the form of others to try and blend in to society) 👀
I like analog horror stuff, although I had only seen The Walten Files
(- //v// -u) or at least that's how it was until today, And also sorry but the inspiration for Rhoea's monster hand was the Anime/Manga "Jigoku sensei nube" but after reading your question I decided to watch all the whole mandela catalogue series and I found the lore quite interesting, especially everything related to "Sus gabriel", I'll take what I've learned as inspiration for my fake hetalia game called "Reddish Afternoon" which has a horror theme.
I'll also use the way "Sus Gabriel" fooled everyone, as inspiration for Fork and outsiders in general.
And also thanks for "recommending" me this series now i can understand this meme:
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