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#NOOOOOOOO#watatable volume 3. tsukutabe volume 5. im. so sorry. oh dear. oh my dears.#cant even put the hairdryer on them bc my cats are hiding from workmen and i dont want to scare them out of my room 😭#bright side. bright side. this is an opportunity to but second copies of them hashtag support yuri series.#hgggh#meposting
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Daily Journal - 11 Jun 2024 (Tuesday)
This is the daily journal entry for the 10th day of June in 2024. The Daily Picture Theme is #Wind. Featured photo was taken on top of Mount Watatic of Ruby the terrier being blasted by the wind. “Our pasts define us, yet memory is untrustworthy. By keeping a journal, I can capture those memories when they’re still reasonably fresh. Journaling helps me keep a narrative of my life. It keeps me…

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Okii 💖 may i ask where wu are
I wope wu enwoy wur watation💗💗💗
Currently at the Graceland guesthouse waiting to go to Graceland!!!
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Names generated from German forenames and minerals, excluding the letter combo "Te"
Abied Achmium Adendocago Admiocon Akenbrax Akhardia Alannart Alegerle Alemut Alfer Aline Allar Allin Alliny Allum Alsaussido Altale Aludia Alvank Amalum Amandine Amasel Amicine Ammopret Ancleph Andin Anephomaca Aninnio Anorpar Anthorle Anthuprid Apind Arear Argans Arone Arpicime Arton Ashia Astrom Aulase Aurie Ausacarar Auson Avinzarre Axena...
Babweng Bachlf Bainamelsa Ballothik Bayal Beild Benotonith Benthena Berboepine Berium Bicers Bichann Blödieierl Blödiotas Borde Borton Botrenini Bownle Branna Bremer Bridic Bridika Brina Bromar Brossotra Buelastine Burasse Busilphar Cabotripp Cactierna Cadkericum Cadot Cafgato Caluorcer Candra Cantheline Caubard Cauxipum Celda Celifer Ceromerip Cerronine Cervalda Channolin Charline Charne Chble Chertin Chimo Chiophine Chlose Chorihen Chröck Chröhne Cleatchry Cober Cocadmunn Cocham Colazzony Colgorfves Condia Coparl Coria Cromitz Cuparma Cusia Degen Derma Djetase Dmolia Dolucald Dumedried Dusse Edane Edialtfre Edriana Elierl Emarin Emuth Epigneph Ertad Estoid Eudagne Eudde Evikama Evine Ewsotalc Fangeb Fanietibne Farca Felamson Felatja Ferbere Fereck Ferina Fermary Ferne Ferse Fluck Flumar Flunyx Flurahnium Fluron Foren Foschle Fralan Framorpe Franth Freaus Frenja Fridelaurd Gadellum Gadiania Gardiantz Garmon Genin Geoch Gerine Gerna Gerparand Glaramine Glingerene Goniceyer Grain Grandium Grelinorne Groco Groseetin Gugine Gunne Haberlend Haerg Halied Hamin Harlear Harlen Harpelewen Hausto Hedam Hedereer Hellia Helscla Henavold Henia Hergerano Herston Hesuela Hildon Hilip Hosch Hosper Hospoph Huart Hulgoeld Hurbene Hyarca Hyldon Hylle Hypine Illingwola Imagne Imosmueric Instra Ionsdoclia Iopennas Irorolann Jachyl Jadowige Jenath Jenbenin Jerert Jerimo Jetrosel Jiamanole Johaucorud Jolose Joradke Jorlearle Jorph Jossmetil Jupenic Jurbertz Kahcosph Kaideld Kastine Katlavede Katone Katowlin Keldine Kerbert Kingretaik Knorthum Kolene Krasid Kratartard Kroxen Kuntatora Kuringer Kurne Könertz Ladotine Lagne Larsar Larud Lasselmin Laubia Lauximich Laxen Leekt Lismardia Lordia Lullurtzin Lütord Maeslan Magne Malaspid Malia Manaine Manger Mania Mantoihard Manyllinna Mardiosco Mardtisco Marmar Marodus Massie Matonne Mckino Mcoekköne Mebar Medevid Melin Mellum Merneschal Merromene Mertz Mesine Mespum Metine Mettonaid Milhelang Miliverine Millingben Molluorma Monalwille Monne Morad Morichry Motig Movdonsto Mus-petone Naldon Nespaldel Niniumck Niummolf Nococarger Nonoharpe Notiner Nseilum Népord Olinel Olinz Olybdia Omium Opharroodo Oseine Otona Pabar Paivane Parpen Paseifetil Pataine Patorthoph Paucanine Pecquelin Peioddel Penase Pettimes Pettus Phanic Phofferson Phord Pidime Pigil Pilvand Pintz Pisia Plaramme Plenta Plenz Plitz Polia Poumblesse Psene Purina Pyrene Pyric Pyrogahil Pyron Pääkke Quordimolf Randido Reauronse Rhophlf Rhord Rhous Ricrozipp Rihyl Robise Rocameyka Rolin Rosse Roxenicine Ruber Ruiloclitz Runope Ruticoach Saber Saferud Sahlornhyl Sambiclarg Sangon Sanotta Santheido Sarbessa Sarne Schesl Schewer Schrosel Scocobrud Scolle Sebhucold Segeta Selmazus Sevine Shana Silher Sinosith Sioke Sitrune Spend Stanzektz Stillane Stilly Stone Strianna Strost Sumat Suthesl Suthodibio Tantincyne Tarise Thontzeud Thopp Tolig Tover Trich Trierne Troper Trouger Tsine Tudober Tyuyald Ucord Ulesum Umospia Uthan Utner Uweet Uwelk Vaner Vanhya Varna Vaufto Vinar Vivia Vorbermax Walismara Watat Welagher Welina Wellord Wheld Whilivedt Willas Wolephand Wollybas Woodo Wüstimonyx Xankding Xantan Xelad Xoniumma Zarch Zawst Zinicosa Zontiase Åkellacola
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drink some water, my friend. it is time
what if i refuse
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Cat-sat this past weekend and went to some nice spots
#I did it I saw the fucking nu-Little Women view#Which…I have seen before but it has been many aeons#pix#pers#It was NOT above freezing when I arrived at Watatic lmty
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- Janus @fictive-explosion
dunno what this says but i’m making pasta do you want some
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...long I stood and looked down one as far as I could to where it bent in the undergrowth... - - - #nature_perfection #nature #ferns #vsco #thenortheastcollective #naturalmassachusetts #35mm #sonya7ii #robertfrost #morning #trail #woods #hiking #watatic #moodygrams #igersmass #usaphotogang #sonyalphasclub #strapsbyelroobs #sonytribe #shotsfired #justgoshoot
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Mt. Watatic, Massachusetts
#watatic#massachusetts#cairns#rocks#hiking#summer#clouds#sky#nikon#team nikon#nikon d3200#photography#outdoor photography
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A Cathedral in the Pines and a Pond in Fall Colors
The Cathedral in the Pines and a Pond in Fall Colors

Greeting my fellow leaf peepers! We have had storms (several), and we had had snow, and we are still running around looking for the fall colors. I’m back again at work till Sunday and then I’ll go out again and look for some fall colors.
Ashburnham Massachusetts, Watatic Pond
Lisa and I drove 181 miles and drove from Salem, up through Ashby Massachusetts, up to Rindge New Hampshire, and…
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Went on a beautiful hike this weekend. Soaked up the sun, got lost in the views and took in the mountain air. I now understand how people are in love with the mountains 🏔
#mine#hike#hiking#aesthetic#autumn#fall#october#foliage#leaves#mountain#mountains#mount watatic#new england#massachusetts
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#mt watatic#mountain#view#blue sky#cloudy#nature#photography#nature pics#mother nature#aestehtic#hiking
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Thực đơn giảm cân 1 tuần 3kg bằng nước mía
Thực đơn giảm cân 1 tuần 3kg bằng nước mía
Nước mía được coi là loại nước uống rất phổ biến để giải nhiệt giải khát trong mùa hè. Tuy nhiên nhiều ý kiến cho rằng với độ ngọt lớn, hãy thử tìm hiểu sao xem tại sao nước mía có thể cho bạn thực đơn giảm cân 1 tuần 3kg nhé.
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#Sữa yến mạch thực dưỡng giảm cân Watate#thực đơn giảm cân#thực đơn giảm cân 1 tuần 3kg#thực đơn giảm cân 1 tuần giảm 6kg đây#Watate
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