#wasr asks
wasr-10 · 2 months
Is it really true that you’re a divine being in a human vessel? *holds microphone to your face*
[sweating profusely]
I- uh- where did you hear that….
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altruist-altair · 2 months
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Welcome mortals to my blog! I decided since the modern era is the best time to manipulate befriend some of you, why not make a connection through somewhat popular social media!
My name Is Altair, I’m the main poster, but Sylvia loves to take my computer… so I guess here she is too
My names Sylvia! I’ll only be here a little~ ;333
We’ll try out best to answer any asks we may receive, so ask away! And if you’re lucky we might strike a deal~
Tags and their meanings! :
#Alt answers - Ask replies!
#Altair art - any random art!
#Altruist - anything lore important
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hauntedaether · 3 months
I wasr abkut to ask if i could say mine instead but in all honesty if you look at my blog youll see it
I love my lame boyfriend olli faggotstump foliefag foliefaggot. Patrick stump's biggest fan
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falklore · 5 years
“I see a capitalist I floor them” had me cackling akdhdkahddh
asdfghjkl direct action is needed
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sadbeautifutragic · 5 years
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coliemoongaming · 5 years
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☾ cute character questions ☽  by pirncessleia
Basically a Get to Know Haeju thingie! 
I know that these are supposed to be asks but I just wanted to do it! :3 
the basics:
name: Haeju Lujan - nicknames - Hae Hae, Hae, Lu, Lulu, JJ age: 21 zodiac sign: A mix of a Pisces and an Aries (can’t really find one that fits her to a T yet) one good trait: Honest one bad trait: Impatient, a little short tempered but chills out after 
one bad habit: Cursing loudly when losing at anything too many times one good habit: Tends to cool off pretty fast and is back to being laidback  one habit they can’t break: Chewing on her lips  one they’ve broken: Not staying up until nearly 5 am  what they’re afraid of: Honestly...not making her late parents proud
their parents names: Suza Lujan and Micheal Lujan  their siblings names: Daichi Lunjan (older bro, also has a wife and two kids) Kids names are Emiko and Hikaru and his wife’s name is Ashanti.  favorite childhood memory: Not super sappy but her grandfather (who was also into video games) gave Haejun her first gaming console which was a nintendo 64 along with several games. She still has it in her apartment in pretty good condition.  favorite childhood toy: Her nintendo 64 (received as a gift from her grandfather) and a cute white build a bear that says “I love you!” when you press it’s tummy.  embarrassing story: Peeing herself laughing while watching on of her favorite simtuber’s getting jump scared while at lunch. In high school.  favorite family member: Her grandfather hands down! She was pretty messed up after he passed when she was 16.  a story about that family member (it’s nearly 3am. Too tired to think of a full story so have a sort of summary of the kind of person that he wasr: Haeju’s grandfather, Koji, was the type of grandfather that stood up for his grandkids and would always allow them the freedom to have fun. He’s one of the main reasons why Haeju loves video games so much since it was a fun bonding experience for them. 
what they prefer:
coffee or tea? Soda! Especially peach soda and black cherry.  showering in the day or night? Prefers showering in the night taking baths or taking showers? Showers! She believes that you are basically washing yourself in the your own filth.  tv or movies? Both! Especially shows that deal with either zombies or monsters.  writing or reading? Haeju prefers to read.  platonic or romantic love? She likes both. Platonic relationships with friends along with a romantic relationship with her new himbo boyfriend.  iced tea or lemonade? Lemonade.  ice cream or smoothies? Smoothies since it’d be easy to either eat/drink them while gaming.  cupcakes or cake? It’s basically the same thing right? Just one is a big cake while the other is mini baby cakes.  beach or mountains? Both! 
song: Sunflower by Post Malone, Conversation by Sionya, Stronger Than You (undertale version), Cat and Dog by TXT, Lil Dork by Yuh Yuh to name a few.  band: She listens to a variety of people, doesn’t really have just on favorite band.  outfit:Baggie hoodie, jeans or sweats, socks and sneakers along with her headphones.  place: Was an arcade that she used to go to alot when she was younger.  memory: Her favorite memories mainly consist of her playing various video games with her grandfather.  person: Her grandfather, Koji or Jiji as she called him movie: Basically every Studio Ghibili movie  show: Supernatural, Z Nation, Big Mouth (she doesn’t care about the haters! That shit is hilarious to her) and various animes. 
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littlemixed · 6 years
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i’m a little late but i just wanted to say thank u to the people who made 2018 lovely for me!! 
@flowersgrowback @joanfoarc @comeinwiththesnow @ialmostdos @iwishyouwouid @babyangelshawn @weemmagooutofstyle @enchxnted @theswiftreputation @ofrunningfoxes @starsthatshines @madeurmarkonme @ownheartbeating @ididscmethingbad @craziers @worthwilefight @lastpaqe @clouthood@treachreous @tearupmyreputaticn @nliallofficial @iaalmostdo @inshadesofgrey @hugeselenatorswiftie @lovesmelikebrandnewstarlight @thatonedollar @winetaylor @jakeperalta @tidepod-taylor  @marvelblyes @carriefish-er @enchanteds @youareeinlove @dancingwithourshandstied @andialmostdo @streamlm5 @spendsmychange @gotalktoyourfriends @thrwll @salutetome @salutewarrior @inmycoldarms @aimlocked @drugismybaby @thelasttime @spoookyswift @hashbrownswift @wasred @bleachellataylor @dancinroundtheroom @wasneverworsebutneverbetter @lightheartedjoke @anotherdrama @lockingthegate @flourishandblotted @evianslily @backupbaby @kingdomlightshined
i love u guys and i hope i get to know more of u in 2019!!! feel free to drop by my ask or inbox whenever <3
also im so sorry if i missed anyone, im running on like 4 hours sleep + i’m a dumb bitch!!!
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sparkswift · 5 years
🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨ Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
This is so cute u guys I love @queen-olivia-benson
I’m lazy so I’m just gunna tag ppl?
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wasr-10 · 2 months
gives u a little head pat. you are an incredible thing made of stardust.
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altruist-altair · 3 months
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Welcome mortals! The mighty Alya Altair is at your service!
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Some info about the amazing angel! :
Name: Alya Altair
Pronouns: She/They/Hir/It/Hy
Sylvia’s prns: She/They
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Some info about this blog:
All in character messages will be either blue or red, anything in white is OOC! (unless I forget LOL)
My main account is: @wasr-10
Tags and their meanings! :
#Alt answers - Ask replies!
#Altair art - any random art!
#Altruist - anything lore important
Pfp art by Maetheellen on picrew!
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- NSFW accounts
- Endo/“sysmed”/mixed origin systems
- Over attached Fictives
- IRLs/DAs
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southasians · 6 years
fave blogs ??
Hello, I am so sorry for such a late reply, but I finally got my laptop back today!! I’ve gotten this ask a couple times before, and I always struggle to answer it. But I’ll list a couple blogs I can think of at the top of my head, @sexanax, @sexating, @asswhole, @fairycosmos, @f-reska, @punkpaki, @pennyroyalprincess, @qafqazigf, @redefining, @sunbathe, @tsunamijonny, @utokyu, @whatblackparadise, @mangosundaze, @1chandni, @bronzedwoc, @sadbrowngirlclub, @sadslavic, @tasmitasmi, @vedaranii, @rasmalaiclub, @utokyu, @sixalha, @lovergirl, @brownandwhat, @apprehensivegiraffe, @cubisms, @wasred, @touch-of-honey, @a-gorgeousmess
I’m pretty sure I’m missing a lot of blogs, but I tried to include as many as I could! If you really want to find more of the type of posts I have on my blog, just follow the blogs I reblog from. I feel bad that I can’t include everyone, but there’s just way too many people I follow, lol. 
Thanks for the ask!!
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yoekko-novels · 3 years
[To Touch The Skies] (#008) - Whispers
"Hey… who are you guys?" Hybrid says, leering into the robe as his eyes are nearly blinded by the light, almost dislocating his neck to do so.
The robe that was illuminated in an orangish-yellow light began to decay slowly as Hubrid continued speaking to them.
"Hey! Hey!" Hubrid shouts as they do their best to ignore him with cold sweat dripping down their miniature foreheads.
"Ignore him and he'll go away, just focus on the mission-." Hybrid reaches into the robe and pulls out the two sprites that'd been talking.
"What the-." The sprite cries out as he sits in the closed palm of Hubrid alongside his friend.
The two sprites look at each other in confusion as they stare into the robe looking at the two faces they'd despised more than anything before being dragged out.
'This kid uses magic, doesn't he? So how is he touching us?' The two sprites thought as they looked at each other with their fear growing and bewilderment showing.
"Who are you!" The sprites say in utter awestruck as they begin trying to struggle free from Hubrid's iron-tight grip to no avail. He eyed them down with wonder as he tried to remember the lessons he'd learned from Druchess.
Hubrid smacks his head in an attempt to remember their names. "You guys are… melons? No, wait you guys are oranges!" Hubrid says with confidence as he stared at them with their faces nearly reaching his eyeballs.
"Rijal! Ignore him and start draining him of his magic!"
"Alright, Bigal!" The two of them stick their needle-like tails in Hubrid as it pierces his skin and they bin to steal his magic energy as their tails begin to bulge from the amount of power being sucked away.
"Rijal, Bigal, did you guys know Druccshess? Yoou wasre inside oaf hies rove." Hubrid says as he begins drooling, nearly assaulting the two sprites with his saliva.
"Looks like we were worried for nothing Rigal, this guy isn't as tough as I thought he'd... be?
Hubrid slobbers as he lifts the black-winged humanoid figures towards his mouth as he began to crunch. The two of them screamed out in pain but it was too late for them. The moment Hubrid had his magic drained, he saw the sprites as cockroaches, which to him was a good meal.
"Foob!" Hubrid cried out in joy as it was the first time he'd eaten in a while. As he swallowed and with a gigantic gulp, he felt his senses returning
"Where did those felons go?" Hubrid wondered as a strange aftertaste lingered in his mouth.
Suddenly, more voices were heard coming from the cloak.
"Help us! Help us!" A tiny hoarse voice of a female could be heard whimpering inside of the robe as the light that encumbered them began to fade slowly.
"Be quiet! With those sprites gone we can finally escape on our own!" The tiny voice of a man says hushedly despite his loud tone as chains began to clank and struggling was heard only for it to end with a large huff and an awkwardly long pause.
"Help us! Help us!" The voice of a man is heard again, this time joining in with the cries of the female.
Hubrid quickly darts his hands into the cloak and reaches around, as he continues digging he feels himself being pulled into it, eventually entering inside of it to see a library that could dwarf even the great library of Eruna. Hubrid looked around in awe, scouring the library, and glancing swiftly over the abundance of books surrounding him from all angles. He dashed around merrily at the large expanse of books, he'd finally begun to feel true warmth, not the facade of warmth that the robe usually gave him as it covered him head to toe.
The oak bookshelves piqued Hubrids interest, he'd always wondered where Druchess had gotten his wide variety of books from. Whenever Hubrid would ask, Druchess would give some petty excuse to him such as "Knowledge dwells inside of all of us," Hubrid touched the books with both hands outspread as he flew across the ground like an eagle with its arms outstretched searching for prey.
The bookshelves appeared to look endless as Hubrid continued running down the isles taking book after book off of the shelf. Lights shined so brightly Hubrid had thought he'd found himself outside of the cave while sleepwalking. Hubrid continued down the isles, knocking book after book off of the shelves as he heard more strange voices calling out to him. The cries of the fairies were nearly ignored as Hubrid began skipping around the library in joy, with this abundance of books he could learn anything he wanted.
Hubrid begins sniffing around the library as the two fairies stood in front of him malnourished and weak. He continued inhaling air through his nose as he walked closer to the fairies, the two fairies looked at the disgruntled appearance of Hubrid and began planning for the worst.
"Damnit! Hey! Get us out of these chains!" The struggling voice of a male is heard once again, this time without the exaggerated high-pitched voice.
Hubrid turned to face the fairies and they met eyes on an equal level, Hubrid was shrunk when he entered the robe making him the same size as the fairies. The fairy on the right was chained to a wall, bound by her feet and hands by a rusted, corroded chain, her hair was a light bluish color, and her eyes the same. Her eyebrows frowned at the sight of Hubrid staring at her on the wall as she sat there in little clothing with bruises and scratches covering her body head to toe. The Red-haired fairy next to her began to bargain. He looked similar to the female fairy but with manlier features and his eyes matched his hair color.
"Hey, kid! Get these chains off of us and we'll give you-."
Before he could finish talking, Hubrid had already broken the chains from their links freeing both of them from their internment. The rust cracked away from the chains as the three of them coughed from the rust-infused dust that littered the air around them.
"Are you guys felons?" Hubrid says in confusion as he scratches his head as his other hand trembled with excitement. He'd heard of the fairies, Druchess told him of the war that took place between fairy and sprite long ago, he was told about how they could go into different worlds and planes of existence, he looked around the library once again as books flooded his eyes and wondered if he was in the world Druchess had told him about.
"No! We were kidnapped by those sprites ages ago! Why'd it take Regil so long to send someone for us and why'd he send a kid-." The fairy looked on, realizing that Hubrid was missing his wings, the trademark symbol for a fairy. He examined Hubrid wearily as he gestured to the blue-haired fairy to attack.
She attempts to attack but hardly manages to summon a small droplet of water from the magic she'd begun summoning, her body faltered as she was too weak to even fight and the single water droplet was gobbled up by Hubrid as he dashed across the room so it would not be wasted. He slid underneath her as the water droplet fell to the ground and slurped it up as it made connection with his mouth.
"Do you have food too?" Hubrid says as he eyes down the fairy standing above him as he lay at her feet while letting out a huff of relief from the water he'd drank.
"By the way, what are your names?" Hubrid says as his mouth drool left his mouth as he stared at the two of them with what appeared to be delusions.
The two fairies looked at Hubrid with fear drawn over their faces. They had no idea what a man like Hubrid would do with them, and neither of them could use their magic or wings to defend themselves or run away due to their prolonged imprisonment.
"... I-I'm Barry… and she's… … Mwopy…" The fairy says while lingering on every word he speaks.
"But the voice inside of my head told me you were Arry and she was Mwop… maybe it was lying to me," Hubrid says with innocence as both Arry and Mwop looked on in shock.
"... I guess so," Arry says as a drop of sweat somehow manifests on his head despite his lack of hydration, Hubrid walks up to him and licks it off of his forehead calmly as Arry stood still.
"Oh! You guys aren't felons, your fairies! Where is this place that we're in?" Hubrid says as he heard a whisper in his head.
"You guys got caught by the oranges…" The voice whispers to Hubrid once again, "I mean the sprites right? Where'd they go?"
Hubrid perks up as he hears the voice speak to him once more.
"I did?" He says in confusion as he coughed up a bone, making the two fairies jump back in shock as a wet slimy substance covering the bones hit the wooden floor with a wet thud as Hubrid continued looking at the fairies.
"Okay," Hubrid says in determination as he stares at the fairies as he heard the voice beckoning him towards the fairies.
"I'll do whatever it takes!"
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t0mat0-pot4to · 7 years
#JayDickWeek2017 Day 5: Bruised and Bloody
Yeah, yeah. Hella late. I know. I'm a disappointment. Yup.
Guess I'm not responsible enough. Oh, I already knew that.
I know I can do better but I just can't right now.
If there are mistakes. Note that my first language isn't even English.
Dick saves Jason.
>>Team A, do you copy me?<< Oracle's voice sounded shaky through the line, as if she had seen a ghost or something similar. Her call was answered quickly by both teams, whom noticed her tone.
"What is it Oracle? Oracle?" Nightwing asked before anyone could even say a word. His body tensed which wasn't good as he was jumping from rooftop to rooftop. He felt the news were bad and grew anxious at the wait. "Oracle?" He called once more before someone pulled his arm to stop him.
"Calm down Nightwing." Batwoman's demanded, frowning at him. The others caught up in a blink, neither paying attention to the call but to the oldest of them. They felt it. Something bad happened.
>>I need Red Robin back here. There was a call, not long ago. Nobody said anything. It had static, a lot of it.<< She explained giving the main details. Her voice was confident again, but the worry touch was still there.
"Ok. Red Robin is on his way." Nightwing glanced at the far silhouette of his younger brother heading south to the lower buildings. Below them, the sound of a powerful motorbike roared to their south.
Although Oracle kept talking, Nightwing wasn't listening at all. The oldest just stared at the vehicle avoiding other cars, then at his sibling leaping from the rooftop landing perfectly seated, then he got the controls turning it to the direction it had come from. It reminded him of someone, who he couldn't quite recall at the moment.
>>Copy. It's everything okay over there?<<
"We had worst nights."
>>There's another attack. I'm sending the location right now. Be careful.<<
Nearly an hour passed since Red Robin had left. Nightwing couldn't quite brush the feeling of worry of him. It followed him and was present at every movement he did. Every punch he threw, every kick he send. Every single movement he did from place to place. The others knew he was anxious by the way his body tensed so often in so little time.
Once they were out of the warehouse, they stayed o the rooftop to overlook at the busy streets of their home city. Neither said anything. Neither wanted to say anything. What could they even say?
Few minutes passed before there was an entry call. With a single button they all answered.
>>There's no time for chit-chat. Listen up, everyone.<< They were greeted by Oracle, who was more serious than ever.
>>We tried tracking the call. It came from one of B's gadgets, one of the old ones. Location, west warehouse near the chemical factory from...<< Red Robin's voice went silent all of the sudden. Everyone attentive. A gasp was heard from the other side. >>Oh my goodness! It wasRed Hood!<<
>>Huh...I think...<< The sound of keyboard keys. Taps. Silence. >>Ok. Ok. Listen up. Wait! Where's Nightwing?!<<
Red Robin's sigh was loud to get everyone's attention.
>>Team A, there's a robbery in North side. Split up. Location is send to your vehicles. Team B, stay on the call...<<
Nightwing was in a motorbike, heading to the location the team send. He knew it wasn't the exact direction, but knowing Red Hood he wouldn't require a lot to find the place. His mind was like a blank paper, with his Robin successor's name filling it. He wasn't even thinking about him. He only repeated the name again and again. No images no memories. Only the name.
>>Nightwing? Answer me you idiot. Nightwing!<< His younger brother claimed, demanded. The oldest could hear everything but he struggle to talk to him. The background sounds like Oracle typing, videos or his brother's grunts. >>Nightwing...Please.<< He pleaded, now with a softer and quieter voice.
"I'm sorry." He apologised, finally pressing the button. He could almost hear him sobbing and it made him mad. Mad that he is causing his brother to worry about him. "Tim...?" Gently he called, his grip in the handgrip was harder as he started to be frustrated at himself.
>>Just tell me why are you doing this. B just came back from the J.L. meeting and I need to explain this to him.<<
"I...I haven't seen him in so long...He is in trouble, I can feel it. I know it." His brother listened at every word, not interrupting. "What you and Babs tried to tracked down is an old tracker. Back when he was Robin, B gave it to him. I used to have one too. It isn't accurate, because it was design that way. So before a mission it could be drop somewhere near. It has a control which you keep. Press a button and the thing sends a shock to the cave. Since it's old, you can't track it well."
>>Hum, yup. B just confirmed it. He went to search old gadgets to see which one it is.<< He younger gave a pause, like he was choosing his words. >>You still haven't answer my question completely. You haven't seen him in a while, we haven't either. Tell me what's the fuss about.<<
"You are going places kid. You lack social skills but as a detective, you nail it." Laughter from both sides we heard.
>>You are so easy to read.<<
"Then can you tell me why I'm doing this?"
"Found the places. Doesn't look old nor abandoned. Might looking up so info' for me?" His bike was near, one block away out of enemy sight. Without much struggle he climbed up the nearest high place, which was the factory. Some guards were outside on the entrance, some below him inside the closed factory. Disguised with the shadows and the dark. His presence went unnoticed by any of the bad guys or so he thought.
>>Not much. Built back in 1989. Its purpose was to store the factory's merchandise and materials. Since the faculty, where you are currently hiding, is still functioning so is the warehouse.<< It didn't take long before images send by him were projected in from of Nightwing. >>But it's common to find some thugs wondering around this place. So you might as well expect anyone. Probably Black Mask, he's Hood's main target.<<
The oldest looked around him. There was a lot of movement inside. Also flashlights and unclear screams. He waited a few seconds before double checking the bag where they'd take medical stuffs. Ever since missions started getting tougher, precautions were to be taken.
>>The other teams are quiet busy. So, this are B words, in and out mission. Get in, get Jason and get out. No playing around. He will be there soon.<<
"Loud and clear baby-bird."
Tim was right, when is he ever wrong? This are Black Mask's men. It makes total sense that Jason is here...somewhere. Tim is gone sorting out some of the other teams so I'm on my own in this.
What was I even thinking? Jason won't be happy to see me.
Then why would he...used that? Maybe...No. No. He wouldn't joke whit us like that. He isn't like that.
Concentrate Grayson. This is not the time.
A glass roof, what a disadvantage. The ventilations are my only hope then. Movies. Movies teach so many good ideas for spies.
If only this place wasn't that old, I wouldn't make so much noise. Hopefully they are dumb and think that there are rats. If not, I'm doom.
"Where's that dips* hiding? I swear when I find him."
"Shut up. Hear that?"
"You are crazy. Let's move."
People say I'm a lucky guy. Guess they are right.
Somewhere, in one of the five main rooms is Jason. And somewhere, in the same five rooms I am. Should have ask for a map.
If I beat them up, they'll know someone is here since I don't think Jason is capable right now. My only mission is to find him and take him out of this crappy place. Should be easy...I hope it is.
This place is creeping me out. How is this not closed yet? Or renew? Or demolish? If it weren't for the blood stains and bodies I swear this place would have looked the same. I could have been in a room round and round and not notice. That could happen.
In the fourth room, near big boxes, I heard a faint cry. I knew it was him. But where exactly? The room was the darkest and nobody was here. Yup. Black Mask's men are dumb or they don't know about this room.
Still in the shadows, I reached for him the best I could. No flashlight. Great. Wish I was a bat right now. I need their senses so bad.
I found him, laying on his back with his arm covering his upper body, just below the rib cage. Eyes closed and constant panting. Cuts and wounds in his body showing in his ripped clothes. The leather jacket was next to a near box and covered in blood. His clothes weren't much difference. It was worst than I thought. Worst than any other day we'd meet.
I didn't say anything. It was quiet and it'll be better that way. Making no noise, I knelt next to him pulling the medical bag over my head. He felt me and grabbed his gun in response. I was in better shape and he was too tired.
"Shhh, it's me." I whispered, hoping I could start helping him soon.
I don't think he'd heard, his guns was still in his hand. As gentle as I could, I grabbed his guns taking it away from him. That's when he got up, quiet harshly and a loud groan escaped his lips. I held him tight, as he was already falling to his back again.
"Jason. Quiet please. I'm Dick, listen to me. I want to help you."
He was calm now, on his back still silent crying. It hurt me seeing him like this.
"It's okay, Jay." I whispered, and I wanted to believe it too.
Bigger cuts and wounds clean, and bandaged. Since I didn't and couldn't stitch the cuts, it probably stings. The other wounds and cuts weren't so important but I still cleaned them. I didn't know if he had any broken bones, but I guessed he did since he could hardly move any part of his body. He had lost so much blood I didn't know how he was still awake.
Although he was in this condition, I was surprised he dragged himself to safety and didn't leave a trail behind.
More cries.
Tears were in my eyes, threatening to come out. The fight to hold them back was hard. But somehow I managed to not cry, yet.
I felt the pain in me.
My hands started to shake. One more thing to do. His face. Fresh and dried blood painted in his face.
I still don't know how I didn't cry...I was devastated but he was still alive.
Still there...
...with me.
I just sat there. Sorting the last things from the bag before turning to see him. He hasn't said a word since I came and I didn't know if I was grateful or not.
I saw some lights shining our way but the boxes did their job to cover us. Voices coming in and out. Heavy boots and shotguns. If I could just take a sneak peak of all but I knew I couldn't. Not with a Jason still trying to recover.
The blood lost was something I couldn't do anything about.
Did I do it right?! Is it a good idea keeping him there?! Should I have got him out of here?! Can he walk?! Can he even stand up?!
I rushed to his side, check his pulse and heart beat. Both slow.
Could it be I did wrong?
"Dick?" He called, bringing me back to earth. He was trying to sit up, to which I helped. I wasn't confident so I didn't let go. Couldn't. If he felt?
"Yes?" Now my voice was shaky. I was scared I'd made a mistake. I didn't know what to do anymore. I needed help.
"Thanks for...humm...savin' me..." He sounded so tired. Was I losing him?!
"Stay with me, please. Everything will be alright, okay? Just stay with me." I didn't want to loose him...It will be my fault if he does...
"Don't be such dramatic. You and the others ain't gettin' rid of me that easy." I couldn't think straight. Not with the thought of him d...No. No. I wasn't loosing him. I was not....Please...
"Don't play with me...I'm scared."
His eyes opened wide. Why was he surprised? Was it something I said?
"Scared? For?"
"I not want to loose you. I love you. I love you and I dont want you to die. Not today. Not tomorrow." The tears were still there. I don't think I can hold them back any longer. "I want to grow old with you. I can't see myself without you."
He was shocked.
Of course.
Ever since he came back as Red Hood our relation was pretty much trash.
Constant fights and who know what else we did to each other.
Of course.
He was a criminal. That was the way things were supposed to be. I didn't think we had...I didn't think we could have anything...
He was quiet. No answer from him.
I heard explosions of the next rooms. Guess our ride is here.
"It's B...I'll go help him or something. Stay here..." He didn't look at me. "Stay back. Soon...Soon things are going back to normal...Just forget what I told you...Pretend it never happened."
I knew it.
I knew he wouldn't...
I messed up bad.
"Do you ever shut up?"
His lips are soft and cold.
He kissed me and I held back. I was too shocked to respond.
His eyes locked with mine, now he waited for an answer.
This guy...
This guy is going to drive me crazy.
"So? Wanna take me home? My body is still sore."
"Shut up."
I leaned forward, so did he. Our lips meet half way, forming a sweet short kiss. I felt alive. Emotions burst out like bombs of colours.
He was a tease. I could tell by the way he kissed me. The way he smiled when we separated. The way his eyes stared at me down.
"What 'chu say Golden Boy, take me home, help me recover. Then date me to a date. Or a movie. Or even have a wild night. Either works."
"You are such a jerk."
"You wouldn't love me any other way, would you?"
When did he...? Is this even my Jason?
"You've lost a lot of blood."
"Yup. Like if I was drunk." He paused before relaxing again in my arms. I didn't know what he was playing, and I didn't know how I felt about it. "Maybe I'm freaking out because you were my teenage crush." I'm glad to know, kind of?
"Was I?" I smiled, playfully at his words. I never knew I could be his crush.
"Who's the tease now, huh?"
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jonismitchell · 5 years
Sunflower, cloud, cashmere, halo! :)
thank u bb!
sunflower: have you always lived where you do now?
nope :)
cloud: favorite thing to learn about in school?
literature or politics
halo: what is your star sign?
cashmere: do you scare easily?
it depends!
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cottaterra · 5 years
Akdhskdhd your tags on Jon snow
jon....what have they done to you :(
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I swear @taylorswift needs to have a session with people who ask why? I have so many questions about how things work. @madeurmarkonme @danijenks @tshifty@wasred @nliallofficial ...anyone willing to risk “ popularity.” Like are we all seeing the same TN and TSMerch malarkey, or is it just some of us? Do most of you like being encouraged to join events by TN, only to be ignored for the 500th time? You really want to pay $250 for vinyl and $60 for shirts? I can’t live like that. Gas and food are a luxury for me sometimes. WTF?
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