#wasnt sure on how to make that same gag w him
asterkomet · 2 months
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Original art by sweepswoop_ on twt ^^
Plus a doodle where BH is nice to flug :3
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motherstone · 4 years
If there was anything character-design wise that you would want to change in an Amulet character, what would it be? :00? As in, for example - what if Emily had a braid instead of her hair down? Character design is fun so y e e- [also I hope you're having a good day- :D]
WHEW, this is such a lovely question. I am not very good at character design i am afraid, but I CAN say something abt kazu’s designs: despite many of his character features are recycled, they are good character designs (rather mediocre and wacky but yes, dare i say it, good) but they are also bad. Good enough and logical enough to do it all simply, efficiently but still recognizable (I would know because I tried drawing the characters as simple as possible once, and I was still able to identify which is which), which is what character design is all about.
He isn’t exactly very good always, though, for starter’s: I FUCKING HATE HIS ARMOR DESIGNS. AT ALL. It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen and although it looks dangerous and mystical. it makes no damn anatomical and practical sense, and a huge pain in the ass to draw. And I’m sure he knows that, and i’m sure i wasnt the only person who sighed in relief that trellis’s armor got damaged in book 5. It’s literally a blessing to anyone who wants to draw trellis ever
I don’t really have much issues over anything else, but i dislike his robot designs but that’s just me. Tbh, I’d wanted him to diversify his facial features more and actually learn how to draw black characters because he sucks at it. And to one of my greatest frustrations, for all of his cartoon style, he is somehow abysmal at drawing expressions. A lot of his works are stiff and rather boring/lifeless that it’s hard to enjoy it. Instead of I dunno, going all out because the cartoon style is a a more liberating style than most, he doesn’t take full advantage of it (I would know because I tried drawing like him and now looking back i wanna gag at my works because I had to unlearn all that crap and I AM STILL UNLEARNING. The damage has been done).
Ok now that i reread all those answers are unrelated to the ask, so uh I’ll try to fix that (altho i kinda indirectly answered this with my recent char redesigns):
Emily: limit her color palette because god she is a vibrant over decorated horror. RED hair with YELLOW cap with CYAN shirt with GREEN pants?? IM GONNA MURDER YOU. Also thicker eyebrows for better expressions:)
Trellis: Give him a blind eye. I honestly am unsure if his monochromatic color scheme is good or bad. Give elf eyes color because ngl only having it as slits is super boring and severely limits its potential variety
Navin: give him an actual outfit that you could immediately recognize as his?? he has the most inconsistent wardrobe in Amulet I dont know if I enjoy or hate it. Also, same face as Emily
Leon: give his snout some depth dear god
Vigo: no offense Vigo but your outfit is boring as all fuck and kills the mood w your hat. How the heck do I rectify this
Riva: make her yellow coat look more like a thicker raincoat. Thicker boots, pants, and gloves ala chemist style and for comfort and maneuverability
Karen; give her red hair I guess?? And change her hairstyle. She looks wildly different from her kids its hard to think she’s the mother
Elf King: a complete overhaul redesign except for the palette because not only his wardrobe is boring, ugly, it ALSO MAKES NO DAMN SENSE. I like the mask concept, but the way kazu designs his clothes throws me in a loop
Max: would it kill him to actually clarify what the color palette his clothes are?? I’M GONNA SHAVE HIS HEAD HIS HAIR IS HARD TO DRAW
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urmomification · 4 years
theres 1.8k words and 9,393 characters of a schlatt au below the cut LMAO
[i was rambling to my friend and this is what came out of it! send me an abt it if u have questions i would love to talk abt it more pls]
(slight body horror/gore tw!!)
slams fists on table rattling any dishes on the table au where schlatt doesnt die of a heartattack and tubbo locks him up to rot basically and his horns grow into his eyes effectively blinding him and chained his hands together and basically a leash on him to keep him from moving around in his cell so he cant do anything to break the horns off before they get too long and one day when technos breaking into lmanberg he gets chased into the prison and loses them in the halls before coming across schlatts cell and schlatts calling out like 'whos there i can hear ur foot steps whos there please someone whos there' etc yk and technos speechless they thought they executed him to keep him from causing any more problems in the country but this is this is just much worse than anything he even thought theyd do and hes standing in front of schlatts cell just looking at him as if hes imagining it he knew lmanberg was bad but holy fuck they just let this man rot in a cell to the point of his own horns blinding him and giving him no aid or way to ease the pain so he makes himself known and schlatt 'ive never been so happy to see, well, hear an anarchist in my life, its good to see- hear you technoblade' and chuckles and blood runs down his face like tears would, few drops landing on his clothes before techno starts trying to get into the cell to take him out of there he cant leave him here sure he was an anarchist terrorist w a murder record but he had standards and now that schlatt wasnt in power he had nothing against him really considering he isnt a citizen of lmanberg so he manages to pick the locks enough to get him out of there, schlatts arm slung over technos shoulder they stumble out of the prison building and as they slowly make their way to the nether portal to get back to technos base, they run into tubbo and quackity, schlatts old right hand men and they try to stop techno bc hes well an anarchist terrorist w a murder record but the glare techno gives them levels them and theyre left staring at each other for a moment when schlatt 'whyre we stopped whos there tech' and techno mumbles 'tubbo and quackity schlatt' and schlatt just furrows his brows as far as he can without sending excruciating pain into his eye sockets before he purses his lips and asks 'are they going to try and stop us?' techno looks back at the other two 'no they wont, isnt that right boys?' tubbo and quackity slink away allowing techno and schlatt to the portal and them going thru, schlatt still silent as he tries not to trip over technos cape or off the ledge of the bridge passing over the lava lakes, they make it to the portal and begin the walk across the arctic tundra to technos house, philza isnt there right now so its just the two of them and techno leads him up the ladder to his room (its not really a room i think its just a bed, a bell and an enchantment table) and sits him down on his bed mumbling something abt being right back and he is with some medical supplies and a change of clothes to clean everything up, they dont talk techno works in silence and when schlatt winces he mumbles a small apology before continuing eventually techno got schlatt as cleaned up as you can get someone w horns in their eyes and a sweater to keep him warm and finally starts asking questions 'how long had u been in there' 'lost count' 'did they bring you food' 'a chests worth at the beginning of the month' techno sighs 'i thought they executed you' 'tubbo chickened out despite me being 'an active threat to our peace in lmanberg' and locked me up a few days after u set the withers loose and dropped off a chest of food once a month and most of them refused to talk to me others couldnt even make eye contact with me, other than the few instances where they said things like 'heres ur food' or 'u deserve this' or 'i cant believe tubbo let u live' i talked to no one other than myself for however long i was in there' techno stands and walks around for a moment before flipping some pages and schlatt can hear him gasp quietly in mild surprise 'what is it tech' looking in the direction he heard techno from and techno says, turning to face schlatt on his bed 'schlatt that was almost 3 months ago' a single beat of silence rings for what feels like forever 'oh. i, i didnt think itd been that long. though it would explain my current predicament' loosely gesturing towards his face 'oh right abt that i have a few questions if ur ready to answer some' schlatt hums and techno grabs a pen and paper and sits next to him in case he needs to take any notes for future reference 'how fast do ur horns normally grow' 'idk just a steady amount my whole life pretty much' 'will they ever stop growing' 'they generally stop growing around 30 and continue to grow more in width than length' 'did anyone who brought u food notice' 'they grow quickly and by the time the person w the third chest came around they were getting close to my eyes but they didnt listen to me, no one did' he sighs looking down at would be his hands 'the odds of both of my horns growing into my eyes and blinding me like this are so low but of course it would happen to me' a chuckle void of any amusement 'because losing my country and my people and my power wasnt enough already' techno stands up 'you had that coming' schlatt actually laughs this time, short and curt 'ok fair, u were the one that took me down afterall' and from then on schlatt lives w techno and phil and eventually tommy and then without tommy (tommy was Not happy when he found out that schlatt was living with techno but he needed somewhere to stay too and techno happens to live in an arctic tundra where only a handful of people know how to get to so he didnt complain too much) and eventually techno saws off schlatts horns at the bend adn removes them from his eyes bc if they kept growing into his head theyd hit his brain and kill him on top of blinding  him and techno gags and almost throws up despite not being sensitive to gore  and gives schlatt a bandanna to cover the holes in his head for everyones sake and once they heal somewhat he can find something else out and thats how they live, schlatt helps with what he can like farming w phil but mostly spends his time learning braille or something so he can read and techno gets him books in braille so he isnt bored or alone like he was in the prison and he feeds him and takes care of him and schlatt is funny and entertaining despite being blinded by something from his own body and the torture it was like to rot in a cell alone for almost a 1/4 of a year and nights when techno gets home late and hes shaken and the voices are bad schlatt will sit behind him and play with his hair and talk abt his own day and rub technos back and in return when schlatt relapses and gets violent and angry techno will wash his hair and read him stories until he calms down and hopefully asleep and no one told him the news that wilbur died so when ghostbur shows up and starts talking to him he treats him the same as he would wilbur bc he cant see that hes a ghost all thats different is his speech pattern and overall personality and one day he says 'ur different wilbur what happened to that, i dunno spark u used to have' and wilbur simply 'im not sure if im being honest a lot abt me has changed since i died, or so im told i dont remember much from when i was alive' and schlatt just 0_0 and then hes scrambling down the ladder and stumbling around the house looking for techno, finding him in the basement working on something and when he gets there hes out of breath and his hands are shaking bc holy shit wilburs not only dead but a ghost and he was just talking to me and he doesnt remember what i did and and and and techno is shocked to see schlatt in the basement and asks whats up and schlatt just 'wilbur died wilbur fucking died tech why didnt anyone tell him and now hes a ghost hes a fucking ghost who lives in ur house and doesnt remember anything he doesnt remember that he blew up lmanberg does he he remembers my name but not anything that i did what hes a fucking ghost techno hes a ghost holy fuck' and technos just standing there like ??? no one no one told him 'yea philza had to kill him after he blew up lmanberg i thought u knew thats why i didnt say anything' oh. 'phil, phil had to kill him?' 'yea its a touchy subject, dont bring it up' and simply goes back to what he was working on so schlatt sits on the ground by the ladder and listens to him work his brain going a mile a minute trying to comprehend whats going on 'would i have become a ghost if theyd chosen to execute me?' 'its hard to say im unsure if theres specific circumstances that contribuite to someone becoming a ghost but theres really no telling' and goes back to working yet again and from then on they fall into an easy schedule of techno going out and doing whatever an anarchist terrorist w a murder record does on ur average wednesday and schlatt stays home reading and organizing whatever he can based on size and feeling and sleeping in windowsills and schlatt greeting techno comes home beaten up and full of new resources and a side of bruises and cuts so he tends to them, getting better at maneuvering and functioning without needing to see then techno making dinner and then curling up by the fire for the night enjoying each others company as they talk abt their days :]
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Darker Stains
Also on AO3 
Being a villain might run in Izuku's family, but that doesn't mean he needs to be the same type of villain as his dad. After all, the world doesn't need another All for One.
But I could do with another Stain.
AKA: Izuku, stubbornly follows Stain around until the guy warms up to him, all while he slowly poisons his gen ed class against the concept of heroes. Iida is stuck in the middle of all of this and finding himself begrudgingly agreeing with the kid who seems too sweet to be a villain.
Basically, deku is stain's apprentice
Ok less apprentice, more like "kid he cant get rid of"
izuku has afo and is sensei's kid and its kinda been his mission to get stain onside, but he just kinda started staning stain
so he said "love u dad but can i just like, follow this guy" and his dad said "you know what, its good to broaden your villainous horizons" So he makes a deal w stain: the heroes don't have to die, but izuku will take their quirks from them
in this AU izuku can "borrow" a quirk pretty quickly but needs a solid minute of contact to fully take it
izuku goes to ua, hes a gen. ed. student! he's there to get connections/blackmail but he only shows up around 3 days a week because of "family matters" but he’s holding great grades so they haven’t pushed too hard about his attendance. the only quirk izuku is listed as having is minor telekinesis, its all he uses in school but he gets pretty far in the sports festival, all the way to the tournament but has to forfeit his match because he needs to do something
(it was against bakugo. he honestly could have fought it but bakugo would be way angrier not being allowed to fight him so he left a little early)
so bakugo has always been kinda,,, scared of izuku. he lives w his dad, his mum lives in europe or something, bakugo isn't sure (afo told her it'd be safer for her to leave the country because all might vs him would be dangerous. She agreed but asked that he A, look after izuku and B, she be allowed to give her quirk to him as a gift to keep him safe. its izukus favorite quirk) and izuku has always let off a creepy aura. he had a "weak" quirk but did a lot of unexplained things, was too smart etc and his dad was creepy as all hell
bakugo would never admit it, but he was kinda glad he didnt have to fight izuku
Iida doesn’t get the call from his mum until later so he gets his medal and everything.
turns out? tensei was stopped by the hero killers, they don't "kill" people but they do kill heroes, tensei fought, lost and lost his quirk
so everything happens as in canon up till hosu (mirio has ofa) so izuku knows iida a little, was on his team with todoroki (replaced kami, his quirk was great for grabbing headbands). He actually picked iida's team because he wanted to know more about him before they took on ingenium
he wasnt 100% onboard with the removal of ingenium because he wasn't all that bad but he wasn't perfect for stains ideology because he was pretty profit-focused, had no other heroes on team but loads of sidekicks who make lower rates than heroes and give his agency a funding boost and was from a Hero Family so it wasn't super likely he wanted to be a hero just to save people
but he was a nice guy and put his life on the line for people so izuku thought he was pretty ok but stain was sticking to his guns and izuku didn't want the guy dead,,, so he said sure. so, izuku kinda,,, knows iida is going to come after stain. he saw all the people who put in internship forms, he saw where iida put down and put 2 and 2 together. but, thing is? he really likes iida! every time he's met iida the guy has been super nice to him, if a little uptight. during the cavalry battle he even took a hit for izuku he didn’t need to and izuku liked that so he’s trying to steer stain away from where he knows iida is probably going to end up because fuck endeavour and he's in Hosu
(plus izuku wants that sweet sweet fire quirk because he's not allowed to take dabi's)
also: relevant but only just, izuku has a really cutesy villain costume and isn't linked to the hero killer (like, think bunny poncho)
so izuku is wandering around, trying to work out how to lure endeavour into a dark alley and not having much luck because the nomu are L o u d and he ends up getting pushed to the ground and trampled in a person stampede
which he's a little salty about! but, iida, a knight in shining armour, stops his search for the hero killer to help izuku up and ask if hes ok and izuku blushes despite himself because even tho hes trying to steal the number 2 heroes quirk hes a big fan of heroes and iida? pushing all the heroic buttons
so yada yada, stain ends up taking native because endeavour wasnt leaving the crowds and izuku goes over to take the quirk for him and iida shows up
He steps between izuku and stain (assuming stain ment to hurt izuku) and says hes going to get revenge for his brother
and stain just fucking,,, sighs because he can see izuku's blush from here and the kid is all starry eyed over baby ingenium but like, the kid is vengeance-y and that’s not great for a hero, so he thinks the least he can do is rough him up a bit to teach him what a hero should be doing, because he’s trying to make a point more than anything he doesn’t use his quirk yet and tries to explain his point to iida
izuku is sitting off to the side with native and just watching this go down (he,,, may also be stealing native's quirk,, because fuck that guy but thats not the point)
anyway, iida is losing, and pretty badly too because the kid is angry and alone. izuku has finished taking native's quirk, who still hasn’t realized because hes stupid so he hauls iida over his shoulder from where hes a little concussed on the ground and runs off with him, leaving stain to sigh because what has his life come to
izuku talks to iida about stains ideas while patching him up, admitting that he thinks iida's brother was actually a pretty good hero and that stains a little strict. iida cant help but understand stains way of thinking, even though hes mad at himself about it. he tries to ask izuku what he was doing but he just gets shushed
izuku kinda dumps iida on todoroki and runs
(todoroki swears there was something familiar about the rabbit costumed kid)
so, izuku like comes up to iida during school, says he heard ab. stain and that it was really impressive that he did all that yadda yadda, and then leaves, 20 minutes later todoroki sees iida trying to flex his arms and grimacing. iida admits his arms are a little sore but its nbd
during hero training iida collapses a little and ochako runs over, hes trying not to scream because his arms hurt so bad.
he heads to recovery girl and hes? ok? but now also got engines where his brother did? and todoroki and ochako are so lost. todoroki turns to iida and says "i know this is off topic, but didnt your involvement with stain get suppressed from the media?" and iida freezes
iida trying to find this gen ed student but he doesnt really remember izukus name. hes just "green boy w minor telekinesis who knew too much"
i want izuku ducking behind his bestie shinso to hide from the big bad hero student. shinso is ready to throw down for izuku honestly. izuku confided in shinso ab. his villainous quirk and shinso is honestly shaping up to be his righthand man. together they'll show the world what heroes should really be, by tearing the system to shreds
iida is trying to find "green boy". short skinny green boy who hides behind his tall angry friend and is only on campus like, half the week. 
needless to say iida is having some trouble
so iida, honestly losing faith in heroics (in this au, todoroki told iida about the quirk marriage) goes looking for stain
iida: “where is izuku”
everyone in gen ed: 💪🏽👁👄👁👊🏽
iida, now in tears: “what are you  say i ng”
basically in this au izuku has managed to poison the gen ed. kids against heroics. some of them cant stand their teachers anymore, none of them want to transfer, they fake gag when they see the heroics students and some of them have even dropped out but no one suspects izuku because the kid loves heroes!!!
mic is his homeroom teacher
so mic is also the traitor
but hes like,, stupidly in love with aizawa and izuku kinda loves eraserhead so izuku makes his dad promise to not hurt 1a/aizawa so in this au? aizawa doesn't get smashed by the nomu. aizawa was trapped by stains quirk so the guy has tr a u m a but he's not in pain. afo is honestly trying to kill allmight but izuku likes all might so they fight about it but like, a soft fight? and it's disturbing even shigiraki because you should not be lightly bickering over the life of a man
shigaraki s in the corner tears in his eyes because izuku just gave afo permission to “lightly maim him” like goddamn kid what’s wrong with u
stain runs into iida and he's like "god please i dont wanna fight you again the boss' kid will cry" and iida is like ",,, so tell me about izuku" and stain fucking glares at him w such intensity iida is both 1, sure he's correct 2, scared for his life
so stain calls kurogiri and throws iida into the bar and izuku jumps like, 6 feet in the air like a cat and is clinging to the roof but he calms the fuck down and iida is so shook that the only thing he can think to say is ",,, we are too young to be in a bar"
and izuku busts a gut and hes like, crying laughing "you're right we are way too young, why don't we go to another room?" dabi wolf whistles, then has to dodge izuku's now flying milkshake iida n izuku just chat! n iida is a little creeped? because izuku is charismatic and charming and iida agrees with him 100% but he shouldn’t be? he should be nervous or angry or at least a little confused but hes just so charming and bubbly its a little odd. honestly, all the stuff izuku pointed out? iida starts to see how bakugo can get away with acting like an ass but shinso can’t even look at someone wrong without getting set upon
iida is making massive leaps in his training because his quirk has doubled in strength! but, it feels like hes stolen something from his brother
but thats not possible, right? you cant give and take quirks.
of course not
iida starts wondering what midoriya's quirk really is, exactly. he never named it. just said "i can use telekinesis on light stuff" but, he hung around villains and seemed to be respected by them, without any visible training, weapons or strength
and shinso, when prompted, said he empathised with midoriya, which iida thought was an odd word choice?
anyway, iida doesnt feel great during hero training. all might's villain costume feels almost offensive? and the profiling aizawa has them do feels wrong, like making assumptions based off the quirk, not the person. it just feels gross and wrong and he's starting to feel really conflicted. because stain hurt people. izuku hurt people.
but he agrees with them
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jksickfics · 4 years
low blood pressure -Jungkook
Note : this is my first ever fanfiction here , i used to have over 20K books reads on wttpad , now my goal is doing the same here so , hope you like this , and dont forget to send me your requests hehe XD
“jungkookie “
“heyyyyy wake up you lazy “
“I’m tired myself but work is work common”
Taehyung started shaking Jungkook hardly , knowing the maknea was a heavy sleeper
“ya , you better wake up or yoongi’ll beat your ass up “
Jungkook turned to face Taehyung with a pale face and rosé cheeks .
“you look ugly “ Taehyung said joking , ignoring his worried self inside
“thanks ,now can you stand up from me you cow , so I can wash up ?”
Taehyung smiled and stood up , making his way to the kitchen .
Jungkook closed the bathroom door behind him , facing himself in the mirror…he was pale , and looking like a panda with his new dark bags covering his eyes ,
“jungkook common we’re late
Jin knoked the bathroom door before making his way to his room to get ready , making Junkook freaking out for a second .
He was cold …so cold and a bit dizzy with a strong headache …he really want to go back to bed :(
After getting ready , all the members were down in the kitchen , having a quike breakfast , talking about touday’s concert and how good it’ll be , because of the new led lights that bighit choosed .
“…and Jungkook’s part , where we’ll see in it some amazing fireworks …what do you think Jungkook ?”
Jimin said ,trying to get Jungkook’s attention , who was zooned out looking to the floor
Yeah …he’s sick …his body is feeling weak
“jungkook ?”
And that ennoying voice is probably making his hedache going carazy
“w-what ?”
“are you really with us ? whats up with you? “
Jungkook held his head in his hands , massaging his tired eyes .
“I’m tired “
Jimin for a moment lost the control of himself .tirED …they all are TIRED .
“no one asked you to spend hours playing video games you know “
“but I didn’t “
“yes you did , I was going to the bathroom last night , your light was on Jungkook stop lying “
Namjoon looked at the two for a while and tried to change the topic so they wont fight at this early morning .
“it’s okay … I remember last time I only slept 2 hours because of remixing  , this is idols life , you cant sleep once you wanna be a celeb you know “
“yeah I agree”
Said Yoongi and Taehyung
“now let’s get up , it’s late already “
“the car is here”
The ride was silent as hell , every member was cheking his phone , and there was Jungkook , sleeping like a zombie in the last set of tha van behind Yoongi .
as they arrived , everyone took his own backpack , and went inside the Bighit building , for filming the cheography of dynamite . Jungkook was the last one who get out the car , his body was tired , and weak ...he never felt like that before ...that made him think more about how that cheography thing is gonna be ending ...
“no Jungkook ,this is WRONG ,again , three ,two,one, “                                         for the 7th time , they were dancing dynamite ...because of how unfocused Jungkook was , ha was missing the steps , again ,and again , and again ,even his hyungs are tired . They were paying for what Jungkook, was doing ..and that’s totally not fair .
“can we take a 5 break ? Ineed the rest room ?” Hoseok asked , and the dancer nodded .
dramaticly , the rest 6 members fell on the floor ,complaning hos tired they were , and offering each other watter bottels .
Jungkook’s vision blureied for a second , and he couldnt even catch his breath .he sat on the floore , with his hands shaking , covering his pale sweaty face .He really wish if someone of the members was takking care of him ...he never liked being babied , but now he’s so weak . and the members are angry at him ...they wouldnt ever care . 
his stomach turned , and breths going crazy shallow .
As the members were loudly talking ,Jungkook let out and a loud gagg ,makking all the eyes on him .                                                                                                 Namjoon was the first one who reacted , he ran to Jungkook , kneeling down to be the same level as him , so they can make eyes contact .
“Jungkook ? Gonna get sick ?” he asked , not even sure what was happening to the poor boy , all that Namjoon know by taking a quick good  look to the maknea , is that Jungkook wasnt fine at all .
Jungkook gagged for the second time ,  reatching ,but nothing was really comming out .
“hey , you need to tell me what’s wrong so i can help you” Jin said , giving Namjoon an opened watter bottle , so he can wet the dizzy boy ‘s face , helping him gaining more consciousness .
“i’m d-dizzy “ “so dizzy and - and ..oh god i ...cant breath   “
Jungkook managed to say , hand pressed hardly on his right side ,breathing rapidly .making Namjoon panicing . Jungkook was leaning on Jin’s shoulder ,with his second freezing hand honding his hyung’s finger as it was his life line .is Jungkook allergic ?or that’s because of their diet ? what if Jungkook has a random heart deseas ? Namjoon was lost , looking at the poor Boy sitting o the floor .
an ambulance arrived after a few minutes , the paramids started checking Jungkook out , while the other members were regretting being mean to him all day . 
Jungkook ended up getting hooked up with an iv and an oxigen mask  for almost 2 hours , sleeping on the stidio ‘s coach ,getting guarded by Taehyung and Jimin .he opened his eyes ...he’s feeling abit better ...finally he can breath probably .
“Kookie you really made me worried “ Taehyung screamed ,hygging Jungkook tight ,while jimin rubbing Jungkook’s now warm hand .
“how are you now ?” he asked , looking for some good replies .
“i’m better ...dizzy still ,but ,i’m better “
“ya ,you’re awake you freak ? you passed out because of low blood pressure ...why you’re overworking yourself ? to mke us worried about tou ?” Jin joked , but Jungkook lowred his head , feeling sorry for the members .
“hey it’s okay , you’re good now , and that’s all matters right now “ Namjoon changed the topic .
“Now ...who wanna a huge bowl of ramyeon ?” 
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asexualzoro · 4 years
What's your headcanon for the tma avatarsonas? 👀👀
youre my only ally on these seas
since there are more entities than there are strawhats, i decided not to overlap. if i did, most of them could be the Lonely. i tried to go for both scared of and drawn to / have worked towards 
Luffy: the Desolation! for one, being made of hot wax is basically the same as being made of rubber, right.... also, a lot of Jude Perry statement about becoming the avatar of desolation felt very Luffy to me in how much of it was about thrill seeking. (and theres the bit about. killing people who had a lot to live for...)
Zoro: the Hunt! figure that predator or prey thing is... basically similar to his outlook on becoming the world’s greatest swordsman
Nami: the Slaughter! mostly bc that’s basically what working under arlong was... being both terrified of and serving violence
Usopp: the Spiral! the throat of all lies and all that... 
Sanji: the Vast! i know the flesh could also work given its ties to... cannibalism... but i refuse to give him the flesh. vast, tho, w it also being the fear of how insignificant we are... felt relevant to both his time starving on that island and to his powerlessness on wci. both scared of the wideness of the sea when it strands between him and salvation, but also searching for a sea of his own... look its a stretch but it works
Chopper: i originally put him down as Corruption for obvious reasons but a friend of mine made a good argument for the just-off-humanity of the Stranger and thinking back i quite like that one too
Robin: Eye! her whole thing is pursuit of knowledge even if that knowledge destroys her. thats Eye. also that gag in older One Piece fics about Robin Knowing everything... Eye powers. tho... her df could also be flesh, i guess
Franky: he probably gave me the most trouble? Flesh, maybe, but honestly, im really not sure... i unfortunately do not stan Franky hard enough to have a good answer
Brook: the Lonely lol. all the strawhats could be lonely given its most of their biggest fear but i think it goes especially to him. esp given it happens to manifest as fog. tho honestly he could easily be, uh, almost all of them on his own.
Jinbei: the fact this man has a scene about how he is literally fearless made him the other hardest so i put him as Dark for the sake of irony
Vivi: the Web! tho she may be most afraid of the slaughter and you could make the same argument she spent time working for it as i made for Nami, i think Crocodile and BW had an extra bit of manipulation and pulling strings behind the scenes to put Vivi at Web instead. plus, she uses string-themed weapons...
(also, luffys brothers, who i wasnt worried abt overlap for: Ace = Desolation (tho more of a victim of it...) and Sabo = Stranger) (and YES part of the reason im assigning Sabo as Stranger is for Wish and how similar the facestealer is to a Stranger monster. what of it)
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dbzebra · 4 years
☕️ OH YKNOW WHAT AT THAT NOTE? Talk about that dbs broly movie cuz yknow. That’s a hot topic of the ages that folk feel particularly really strongly about
ooooh ive been waiting for this one. We watched this together on discord so you know my general feelings but Im happy i got this ask lol.
putting this under read more cause it gets long 
The new movie that everyone seems to love and adore.... that I dont. It was a pretty middle of the ground, meh overrated af movie. Not bad, just nothing special. I enjoyed watching it sure, but not something I have an inkling to return to anytime soon if ever. It was just ‘there’ for me. 
First, I’ll say the good stuff. The visuals looked really pretty. Nobody was THAT out of character of the existing cast (save for the ending), which i feel weird to have to even mention it as a positive, but nothing really stood out to me as a defining moment for the little cast we had besides Goku’s “youre not a bad guy, i can tell” or w/e. SUPER SAIYAN 1 IS STILL GOAT. It looked soooo good in this movie i wish we couldve kept it the whole time instead of Blue. But i will say, Blue looked much better in this movie than the series. The darker-blue with the lighter blue eyes was a nice change from instead of the ugly bluish-green the series did. Also the aura looked better. Backgrounds like the ice area and even Planet Vegeta were amazing. Action was great too. little Bulla was cute. The OST i liked (the chanting really grew on me) and Blizzard is a banger i love that song. Oh and the aritisic license they took for the fusion scene with the reds and blues spiraling together was great
Anyway thats all the positives I have lmaoo
This film includes Minus and I already went in depth on why I hate Minus with a passion and why it’s the worst thing to come out of modern Dragon so yeah moving on. But the fact that they devoted screentime to Gokus backstory which ultimately served no purpose to the story of the film and couldve been used more valuably elsewhere. 
I said the action was good, and it was, but it almost too good. At times it was so fast to tell that was going on and really lessened the impact for me. Like when they went into the other dimension or whatever, Gogeta went blue and Broly went LSSJ (idc if the name is different name, itll always be legendary SSJ to me lmao) so ast it was a blink and you miss it moment. like what? those moments shouldve been given even a little bit of focus. 
Next the cast. Goku and Vegeta. AGAIN. snorefest. no Gohan, Piccolo is just there to show them the fusion, Goten and Trunks are still kids and look like babies (and Pilaf gang is with them which is another can of worms), no Android 17, who the series established as one of the top 4 fighters on Earth. 
Do we get any of that? Nope. Just the two Blue and Bluer fucking again and again I. dont. care. anymore. Their dynamic is so boring and played out id rather watch paint dry. It was fun in Buu Saga, hell it was even fun in GT, but DBS constantly forcing this dynamic and Vegeta as the second Main Character needs to fucking STOOOP. Toei and Toriyama has no idea how to further Vegeta’s character because theyre stuck in this infinite loop. 
Vegeta doesnt want to help Goku, he mentions Bulma and/or Trunks, Vegeta blushes, and then he decides to help. THAT HAPPENED LIKE SIX TIMES IN DBS ALONE. It happened in Buu saga as well, but it organically worked cause it was the first time but Bulma and Trunks were ALREADY DEAD/ABSORBED. The look on his face wasnt blushy or pouting for a gag, dude was legit shocked. I rag on Vegeta but he had some legit great moments in the early arcs and later parts of Buu Saga. Anyway im off track. They repeat that same exact character moment OVER AND OVER. cant tell you how many times we had “my Bulma, my bulla, my Trunks, my cabba” in the Tournament of Power alone, and this movie is no different.
Then we have Broly. ohhhhhh boooy Broly. if you can even call this version of him Broly. His backstory is kinda the same as original movie 8/Broly LSSJ, but its more tragic becuase according to most fans, if youre background is a sobstory, that equals better character. NO. sure it could, but that trope was so worn out so long ago I hate it. “waaa his life was bad, hes not a bad guy” bruh i dont care thats not Broly. just make an OC if you wanna do that. but nope. gotta use the marketing! (More on that later)
People like to criticize Z Broly as “he hates Goku cause he cried” or “all he says is Kakarot” which both are false. On the first point, Broly is a psychopath. He was stabbed as an infant and left to die along with Paragus cause he was too powerful. Then that same day Planet Vegeta explodes practically on top of them. The rest of his life hes basically either being controlled or on a rampage. So that one moment of peace is “ruined” by Goku in a sense cause he subconsciously associates that with Goku. On the second point, Broly was already mentally unstable and then nearly dying, getting caught in the explosion of a SECOND PLANET and then being frozen for seven years will fuck anyone up in the head. Z Broly in the original movie was sadistic af and he had a lot of memorable moments and lines that werent just screaming Kakarot, that Second Coming made him infamous for. 
New Broly is legit a man-baby. People talk about old Broly having no personality and this new version having a deep character, but I dont see it. He acts like a child when hes with Cheelai and Lemo and then once the fighting starts he doesnt say a single word but yell. SOUND FAMILIAR?? But he gets a pass because the canon police says so right??? fuck off. New Broly is boring. Im tired of trying to make the Saiyans into ThEyRe noT aLl BaD sEe The SaIyAns ArE AcTuAlLy GoOd!!!11111 ugh i hate it. keep Broly a psycho and keep Bardock a prick. even that guy that went with Buzz Lightyear I mean Paragus was a sweet guy who couldnt fight because of course he was. At least they kept Paragus being a prick when he killed him. Tho his death was lame. 
Cheelai’s overrated af. Shes just green bulma lmao. and the fact that they included the “big soft-spoken man gets mad and saves girl from drunk lowkey-rapey pervert” trope just had me roll my eyes like dude stop. Lemo was fine? Nothing against him but didnt do much for me either.
FUCK. FREEZA. i went over this one before too so ill be quick with this as well. I hate hate hate the fact that they brought him back not once but twice in DBS, but even worse that they left him alive to do whatever tf he wants including going back to mass murdering people and expanding his army again. Goku and Vegeta just LET HIM LIVE. Why tf did they go all out and attack Broly, but not Freeza? when one of them was fighting Broly th other easily could have taken out freeza but nope we need a token villain like Joker or Skeletor cause unoriginality. Even at the end, Gogeta does a full power blast to wipe Broly tf out, but when Freeza tries to kill Cheelai and Lemo (two innocent people, feelings on them aside) Gogeta basically just shakes his finger like nuh-uh! dont do that! and then he flies off. Just let this mfer die already im sick of seeing his ass. FUCK I HATE IT SO MUCH GFGFFGFGFGF
Lastly this movie is legitimately Dragon Ball Fanservice The Movie. 
Gogeta vs Broly, which the games have been doing since fucking 2003, is the main point of this film. Theres no originality whatsoever. Minus is discount Father of Goku special, and then its a mashup of Broly LSSJ and Fusion Reborn (both of which are superior movies imo). This creatively banrkupt shell of a franchise cant think of anything new, so they legit remake an old movie, through in fusions because that sells like hotcakes, and make the animation pretty because thats all that matters.
Imo, this movie, like 99% of Super, is all flash and flair but no substance at all. At least this movie looked nice. unlike the show. 
ok thats all i got lmao
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bug-beveridge · 5 years
Morning, Pumpkin! NSFW
First fic!
Beetlejuice/female reader.
You were not known to be a heavy sleeper. But with all the tidying around the house you had to do the night before, this was a very well deserved rest.
Beetlejuice was the first to notice your unusually long slumber. Even with the golden morning glow bathing your face, you had not woken. Had not even stirred! Intrigued, he found and studied your sleeping form; the way your chest rose and fell with each breath, your arms folded on top of your stomach, and your delicately parted legs beneath the covers. A sort of voyerism, this was. Perhaps a little creepy? But it ignited ideas in him that should probably not be put into practice. But he’d never gotten the chance (or permission rather) to see you this close up and he definitely thought he deserved to. It’d been months since you two met, months. You were past formalities by now and surely you wouldn’t mind it! Right?
The giddy demon fell to his knees beside you and, ensuring you were still asleep, peeled the covers from your legs with a pair of trembling hands. Trembling in anticipation! And he peeked between them with a squint of intrigue, admiring the gentle outline of your... y’know, against the fabric of your underwear. The slight ‘w’ shape. Many-a-cunt he had seen and yet they still confused him.
It didn’t take long for his desire to take over and so he dove a hand forth to drag your underwear down your knees and off your legs, until it was dangling freely from one of your ankles, therefore granting him with a sight that would serve as masturbation material for the next millennium to come. By now, you were fully awake and fully aware of his ministrations on your body. But you still pretended to be asleep out of sheer interest in where this would lead. He studied your pink flesh, the few curls at the top and, with a trembling hand, even ran a finger across them. Y’know, for the shits.
Beetlejuice, with his beady eyes and now neon red hair, continued to study that place between your legs for what seemed like an eternity. He felt the curvature and the slight dampness of you with needy fingers. The vulnerability of it all consumed him. What was stopping him from taking you right there and then? He was a demon! It wouldn’t even be the worst thing he’d ever done! And yet...
He shook his head, pointed teeth protruding from his mouth as he grasped you sharply by the waist and flipped you over with your ass held in the air. He didn’t care if it woke you up, he was far too desperate now. And with the same urgency as before, he buried his face between your legs, dragging out a long lick across your pink slit with a heavy cackle that enraptured you both.
You gasped at that, clenching a fistful of the covers, and asked, “What are you doing?!”
But of course, you were not against it.
He palmed himself below with his free hand, rubbing the firmness of it through the fabric, even watching as a slightly-green wet patch began to form in time. And still he kept his mouth on you, licking and letting his warm breath loose on your most intimate part.
“What a fuckin’ jackpot!” He laughed, an ugly chuckle leaving him. You peeked her eyes open for a minute when you assumed he was distracted and felt surprised at how red his hair had became. Cute. Until of course, you felt yourself being hoisted up and thrown clumsily onto your front, your backside only inches from his face. You quickly felt a long, soft mass line that region, and as much as you wanted to combat the sensitive feeling, that would probably only spur him on. Not that you were objecting..
”Cut it out, BJ!" You cried out with a giggle, trying to wiggle your hips away from the attention of his tongue, but that only seemed to make him even more committed. Perhaps that was enough for you to feel generous and grant him what he so desperately wanted. "Man up and put it in, won't you?" You spoke, a hand reaching between your bodies and grabbing his length tight, tugging and leading it to your entrance. He seemed pretty dumbfounded at that.
“What, you’ve been begging me all this time and now that you’ve got it, you’re acting confused?”
His behaviour changed like a switch in response. If this were a cartoon, you were sure you’d see his pupils taking the shape of hearts. He quite literally pounced on top of you and you huffed at all his weight being dropped at once, but it wasnt anything you couldn’t handle. Especially since you felt a prodding beneath. He tried to enter you once, without avail, twice, and it took a painful push at the wrong hole for you to sigh and take matters into your own hands. Once guided to the right place, Beetlejuice gave out a noticeably long thrust of his hips which sent you halfway to the Netherworld. He wasn’t particularly long but he was generously girthy and filled you in all the right places. You were surprised it even fit!
Ecstatic, you threw your head back in a combination of pain and pleasure, seeing stars and yet there was a burning ache within, an ache that was reduced to a small pinch and even faded with the next couple of pounds. Beetlejuice, on the other hand, seemed to be loving it. There was a quick array of emotions on his face, switching from pleased to concentrated to simply gone.
“Yer’ a fuckin’ wild card, god,” and he slapped both hands on your hips. Soon after, he began to quite literally hump you with very poor skill, both arms folded behind his head, in the air, in the form of a relaxed slouch, simply enjoying your effort with a smirk on his face. For a demon who’s been dead for a millennia, you’d expect him to know how to play a woman like an instrument by now. Apparently not.
“All for me, huh, pumpkin?” He said breathlessly as he began a sloppy, uneven pace, trying to match your gaze but even Beetlejuice himself, in the flesh, was now blushing in your grasp! His hair a hot shade of pink as he pumped you with newly-found ambition, and he even dropped his head on your shoulder. In your ear went the most absurd of moans, ranging from breathless grunts to a... dog, howling? That was Beetlejuice!
You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his face close to yours, pressing your lips to his and shoving your tongue past them, until you broke the kiss to whisper in his ear,
"Shut up."
You pushed him back so he was flat on the floor and climbed top of him, unclipping your bra and letting a pair of breasts spring out. Once you’d guided him back in, your hips began at a desperate fashion, up and down, fucking him relentlessly. The combined sounds of your moans and his grunts filled the room, and your cute little face could not possibly show any more emotion. As bad as he was, you had a lot of free time, a LOT of free time.
"Fuck, keep going!" Your hips picked up the pace again, and your body glistened with sweat as you began to chase that sweet release, slowly but surely. A few more rises and falls of your hips and it was in your grasp. His shit-eating smirk did not even falter!
Something akin to electricity rushed through you, and as your hearing was reduced to a bout of ringing, you didn’t know if you were screaming his name or incoherent words. Soon after it came to a still, and yet you were not drained. Simply basking in the afterglow.
"Look me in the eyes when I fuck you, you tool." You spat, grasping his cheeks to make sure he was looking right at you. Still bouncing up and down on him. You wanted to make him as dishevelled as he had done to you. You wanted to see him writhe and convulse with all that you had to offer.
He laughed with his arms sprawled at either side of him, followed by a punctuated moan whenever your hips met his. “I can see all your nose hairs from down here.” He added with a cackle as he set his hands upon her hips again to fuck you as cleanly as he could from below, his own knees giving out slightly and a concentrated look forming on his face. Eventually he threw his head back, defeated, and simply let you do your job. It was difficult to fuck someone when all their weight is on your pelvis!
“Yea, you keep goin’ Y/N, keep going!” He babbled with lidded eyes as jesus personally walked him up the staircase to heaven. Jesus being your cunt. He laughed at that mental joke. “Where d’ya want it?” He spoke, unbuttoning his own shirt so that he, too could expose his breasts just like you had earlier. For the comedic factor. And he wasn’t exactly skinny, so there was definitely some mass there!
“Ten dollars to see and double to touch!”
"They're almost bigger than mine." You pouted, a frown lining your lips until you kept going again, speeding up more, "Anyway, I'm broke!" You giggled, your hands flat on his legs for support and using the curvature of his cock and hips as a guide. To him, seemed pretty good at this. Then again, with all the stuff you can order online nowadays...
You kept going like that for a solid minute, until you noticed from his expressions and uneven pace that he was close. So you got off of him, dropped to your knees and quickly latched your lips around his cock again. this time not holding back, and fitting the whole mass down, tears filling her eyes and gagging, but she did it, got off, and started back at it, sucking and stroking it relentlessly, stimulating the tip with all she could, creating a suction and wrapping her tongue around it, and as he was finally about to burst, she pulled her mouth off and started stroking him manually.
"Make it a lot, Mr Ghost." You said, voice thick with lust, until you felt him throb and empty himself at your command, spurt after spurt of fluorescent seed draping over your hand and rolling down your wrist. He panted, dead and defeated.
Satisfied but in the mood to be a bitch, you lifted your ‘glazed’ hand and wiped it across his gob. He jerked, confused, and you added,
”Please wake me up like that more often.”
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planetbass · 5 years
toons?? Toons?????? Pls tell me about ur toons
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heads up,, this boutta be long as fuck!
well,,, if you insist. first of all yes it is a kin thing and no i shan’t elaborate (unless you specifically want me to, then i shall).
so! i have 3. first up… mayhem mania!
mania is a toon that loves mischief and causing problems on purpose. just pure chaotic bastard. but they are very valid and have a big heart which they use to love their friends/found family so goddam much. until some shit happens later on, for a loooong time they don’t realize that like. they forgot an entire portion of their life. to their knowledge, they n the bros have existed for as long as they can remember. but actually ! there’s like. at Least a couple years of their life in toontown prior to that that they forgot about. basically they were pulled through a tv (by swing), dropped into toontown, and forgot their entire life prior to toonification and couldn’t properly retain memories, so they ended up forgetting a lot of their life without realizing it. whoopsie! they end up remembering, tho, after some series of events.
can’t forget the emotional angst, tho! their entire self worth relies on the approval/acceptance/love of others, so on their own they have no idea how to be happy. mania be like feels unwanted all the time! mania the funny talkative jokester not allowed to be sad so will stay in house for days when sad and mute! mania be like i will invite myself into situations and then feel bad about doing so but no it will not stop me from continuing to do that bc i have a desperate need to feel included so it is just a never ending cycle ! coinciding w some events previously mentioned, they get better tho :’)
but they love gags, tend to break the fourth wall a lot, gives everyone nicknames (ex. shortstop, buzzer, pinball, etc), and loves to be as irritating as possible. anvils are their favorite, and their trademark. arson’s also quite fun. think… spencer shay energy. 
well, that’s enough of that. now onto heartie! this one requires a lot of lore for context, so it’s gonna be long.
heartie is an artie. artie stands for uh *goes to look* “artificial replaceable toon-adjacent intelligent entity.” basically “artificial” toons that’re made for specific tasks and filler pieces (testing (possibly life threatening) gags, musical performances, janitor, selling stuff at disney kiosks, personal butler, etc) that have roles based on a poker chip in their neck! (kind of like a computer chip). they are all numbered and referred to only by “artie” or their numbers, unless given a nickname by their owner. they all have the same general appearance, but are slightly different depending on their roles and can be customized for specific look if wanted. arties are made in factories - and that’s where my heartie comes in! heartie is ARTIE#010, the Head Artie of the main artie factory. he runs the place! his nickname is originally hartie, bc h.artie (for head artie). he’s a little bigger than regular arties (who are in general quite small) bc 1. he’s Head Artie, and 2. he’s an earlier model, which are bigger in general. 
arties generally don’t have a lot of freedom. depending on who they’re ‘owned’ by, they have varying levels. heartie didn’t belong to any particular person, more that he belonged To The State. or the company itself, that is. so he had a lot of freedom - when the factory closed, he had his own house that he went home to (v unusual!). however, arties were starting to defect - as you. imagine they would eventually being what they are. this kind of Freaked Out the powerful toons, so what they did was limit them more! so arties couldn’t leave their required workspace. so heartie was stuck in the factory. eventually, when arties were still defecting en masse, they kicked heartie out. can’t trust one of ‘em to be making ‘em, can ya? since he didn’t actually do anything wrong they didn’t recycle him (which is a Whole Other Can Of Worms), but just. fired him? they didn’t really care what he did as long as he wasn’t in charge of the factory. so heartie was left without a purpose/job. eventually he became acquainted with other defected/abandoned arties and became the artie/toon repairman! and his name was changed to Heartie bc he was no longer head artie. someone also gifted him a heart patch that he put over the old company logo on his overalls. 
*exhale* OKAY. so for his ACTUAL PERSONALITY LMAO. he’s a very caring and lovely guy. he knows a lot about arties and is a great handyman! he’s friendly n charismatic but also just like A Normal Guy. he also sounds like fix it felix but with less of a southern twang. after being forcibly defected he becomes more impulsive/off the rails, but not in a bad way. just in a ‘no one can tell me what not to do anymore’ type of thing.
mkay. Finally we get to dawn. if the artie thing wasnt weird enough for ya, well, now we’re gonna talk about Gods. 
basically for some reason toontown has Gods. dawn is one of em, some sort of goddess of the sky. she has a light pink, rose-gold hair, long and wavy. she has freckles of stars across her face. and!! wings!! big white wings. i don’t have a drawing of her yet unfortunately. i tried to yesterday but was about to lose my mind bc it was hard lkdjfjd
i don’t really know yet what it was she Did (i’m thinking of like. similar to the role of Victory/Nike?) but i know for sure that she was Gay. her parter is iris, god of the rainbow. iris created the concepts for the toonbros and most of the toons i think, and also eventually gave color to toontown! 
but basically a. whole slew of things happened and dawn ended up sacrificing herself to save/heal iris, who was basically the god equivalent of bedridden and dying. another god (pinny, who took care of the garden, where each flower represented a soul in toontown and all the alternate universes), took what was Left of dawn after healing iris and put her into a flower and planted it. dawn was reincarnated as a mortal in toontown! her name is summer and i don’t remember much of what happens with her. but eventually iris found her and reminded her of everything, and iris gave up being a god to live as a mortal with summer/dawn. they get married and live out a wonderful gay life as toons.
i made that complicated as shit!!! so if u have any specific questions…………. feel free to ask jdfljdkf tho! probably send em to @mayhem-mania!! that’s m toon blog
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myheroaizawashota · 6 years
I'd totally die if you could write aizawa x reader something really wholesome. Like the reader confessing their love and saying that he is a good man And it ending in cuddles and just some fluff stuff. (Sorry if it's not very specific/sucks)
[Ugh I actually LIVE for this kind of thing so, aha no shame in asking for it lol. Honestly just thinking about writing this one made me tear up and gag becusse it’s disgusting how much love I can actually write about this man...(plus I think sometimes aizawa needs to hear these things from time to time) ]
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Your heart pounded in your chest as the heels of your shoes clicked with each step you took down the halls of U.A. Normally you didn’t feel such a jittering in your chest when walking around the building, but today was a little different. This would be the first time since the USJ incident you’d be seeing Aizawa. It was crazy to think that stubborn emotionally detached grump of a man made your heart accelerate this much just in anticipation. Shouta wasn’t typically the kind of man one warmed up to. He was distant and the brunt force of his words could be taken as some by vicious and cruel, even uncaring....but you saw another man behind that facade. You knew there was a caring, more kind nature to him that not many were blessed with the knowledge of.
That’s why when you had heard about the attack on the USJ, it broke your heart to pieces to know what had gone down. The more in-depth details of the incident had been kept on low and low as per requested by the principal, but from the details you had gathered from your fellow colleagues Aizawa among was one of the few severely hurt. You didn’t know much of his condition, all you knew was that he had went down fighting for the safety of his students.
You could just remember when Yamada first told you the details of the fight. Your body stood there numb as a laugh shook through your chest. Though you were laughing, tears had began to gush from your the ducts of your eyes, the laughter becoming sobs as your viciously rubbed the ball of your palm into your eyes “that sounds like Shouta...” You couldn’t hold yourself together in that moment. While you wanted to be mad and upset, your body’s natural reflex was to laugh. As much as the man would complain about his students, and complain about their irrational tendencies and over enthusiastic voices, you knew he cared for them as if they were his own children.
You shook your head, clearing the thought from your mind as approached closer to his class room. You had texted him earlier to make sure it was fine you were stopping by. You knew being out for a day or two after the incident really pushed his lesson plans back a bit, and you didn’t want to get in the way and cause any further detrimental effects on his students learning. Even though he has responded with a very ambiguous consent, you still couldn’t help but maybe think you should just come back another time. What did you really plan to say to the man? Sorry you got your ass kicked, but I’m glad your okay.
You stopped in front of the door of classroom 1-A hand hovering on the door knob as you debated over weither or not knock first. Your brain always tended to go a bit goofy when you were around Shouta...it was sad to say the least. Yamada would constantly jab jokes at the soft spots you held for the solemn teacher of the first year hero students. Often times he’d just chant very juvenile things whenever Aizawa was in an ears shot, though for Yamada, an ears shot could be half way across the building. “Y/LN AND AIZAWA SITTING IN A TREE-“ “if you so much as finish that sentence I swear your a dead man walking” “Oooooh relax, im just joshing you around y/n! Besides killing me doesn’t seem very plus ultra of you.”
It wasnt just apparent to Yamada however, apparent most of the staff knew you held an unusual fondness for Aizawa. Some thought it was sweet you were able to find something to love about the other, most thought you were just wasting your time. It was sad just how obvious you were about your feelings and yet it seemed as if the other still couldn’t pick up on your feelings. With a trembling hand, you took a step back from the door hoping to escape unnoticed...but that ship was soon to sail. As you moved to turn around, your heart clenched as you heard his voice on the other side of the door, almost sounding agitated with your indecisiveness. “Are you coming in or not? When you said you’d stop by I didn’t think it would be just to stare at my door.”
Wildly your heart began to thrash around your chest in panic as you tried to formulate a response, any response, though the best you could muster up was the strength to crack the door open. With a heavy chest you pushed the door just enough to slither into the room, eyes freezing as you fixated on his body....you’d never seen him look so...vulnerable. You couldn’t help when the tears began to freely stream down your cheeks as you moved closer into the room. “Aren’t you just a sight for sore eyes, huh?” You couldn’t help the soft smile that tugged at the corners of your lips as your eyes made contact with his body. You weren’t happy to see him like this, not in the slightest, but for some reason you couldn’t help but smile. Maybe it was the knowledge of seeing him alive or maybe the fact that you always smiled when you were anxious, and especially when you were around him.
The sound of your tears settled in the under tones of your voice, but if anyone could pick up on them, of course it would have to be him. “Why are you crying?” He asked in his typically monotone voice, you immediately becoming self conscious of your actions.
Frantically your hands began to wipe at your face sniffling softly as you gave a nervous laugh “how do you know if I’m crying or not you jerk...you can’t even see my face”
His body stiffened in his chair, and simultaneously you began to feel worse. “I can hear it in your voice y/n...plus I can still see past my bandages. It wouldn’t be very practical if I couldn’t now would it...”
You couldn’t help but snort after his retort, you moving closer to your friend sitting yourself on the edge of his desk. “I’m sorry...it’s just...when i was told what happened, I didn’t think to prepare myself to see you in this bad of shape. I knew the injuries you sustained were pretty bad but....” you paused your hand trembling as you moved to push the bangs that fell in his face just far enough back to clear the view of his eyes . “I-I didn’t think it’d be this bad” you whimper the tears once more falling. The smile you’d been holding onto dropped at the same time your hand did, your body shaking as you cried. The sight of him like this hurt your heart and you couldn’t bare to look at him.
This time, it wasn’t as subtle that you were crying. He may not have shown it but most certainly he didn’t care to hear you in so much agony. “I asked you before and you didn’t answer me, I’m going to ask you again. This time please answer me.” His tone was a bit more pressing, the edge in it making you flinch backwards. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you, it was just...he sounded so aggravated with you, and that wasn’t what you wanted at all. “Why are you crying Y/N”
It took a minute for you to answer the question...honestly you didn’t know how to at first. The only thing you could think to do was ramble, ramble endlessly and quickly. “B-because...I was so worried for you Shouta! When Yamada told me what happened, I just couldn’t help myself. I cried uncontrollably like a giant toddler... I was so scared that the last time i saw you would be the last time i saw you.” Your words were coming out uneven as you frantically sobbed, your body shaking. “You’re always so quick to think logically in every situation, but how come in the one situation you should have been the most logical about, you decided to act like a giant bone head!”
Aizawa was taken aback by your tone, his body language changing as he listened to you sob. If you could only see his face under those bandages you’d see the grimace spreading across his lips. It pained him to see you so upset....he wanted to interject but before he could you were already back to spouting nonsense his way. “I know you had students to defend and i know you’re not the type of person to just stand by when the stakes are high, but you could have died out there! And I wouldn’t have been able to tell you any of the things I’ve been so afraid to say!” You your sobs mixing in with laughter. “I w-wouldn’t have gotten the chance to tell you how much you infuriate me sometimes when you act like you don’t know I care about you! I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to tell you that I adore the way your lips pull into a pout when you fall asleep while your grading papers in the lounge! I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to tell you that I love the feeling I get when I’m standing next to you and you casually let your pinky brush against mine and act like it was an accident, even though I swear every time you do it I can see you smiling.”
You were a nonstop mechine of tears and nonsense in this moment. The whole reason you were so devistaed by the entire thing was because you loved this man, and the thought of your entire world being ripped away from you without giving you the chance to even let him know he was your world ate away at you. You worked to steady your breathing as you moved to rub your face into your elbow, also attempting to muffle the sobs that were coming out far to quickly for you to stop. “I-it’s selfish of me to worry about all the things I wouldn’t have been able to say to you over the safety of your students, but what was I going to do if you would have died out there before I was able to tell you how much I love you Shouta.”
There was a silence in the air as you both sat there. Neither of you knew what to say in this moment and it was evident. You just sat there mortified, that this was how you finally confessed your feelings to the other, and that he had no response towards any of it. Finally it came time that one of you broke the thick silence that settled between you two. “You talk to much...” shouta responded standing to his feet. Your heart broken into pieces as he said those four words, crushing the hopes that their would be just a minor bit of reciprocation to your feelings. Your head hung as you whimpered out the remainder of your tears. “I was going to say all of that in under five words.” He hummed.
Your head whipped around, watching as the other gently wiggled his arm free of their sling, you cringing as he hissed out in pain. “What are you doing you silly man? You’re going to hurt yourself...” you sniffled.
With a low grunt his arm dangled, he struggling to rest it against yours. You couldn’t see his hands through the casts, but you knew exactly what he was doing. The edge of his bandages gently carcasses your pinky, as he let out a sigh. It was different then most of his other sighs, this one sounded relieved. Rubbing your eyes you watched as he let his head rest against yours, nuzzling himself as close as he could without causing himself any more physical pain. “I guess since you went first I’ll have to sum this up in under six words then...I love you too y/n.”
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just-homo-thingsxd · 6 years
Sensual (Finale?)
Vlad's clothes were now off except for his briefs which left very little to your imagination. Your clothes were tossed off to the side as well. This whole situation still felt like a dream. In bed with someone who you've grown close to this past month or so. Vlad stood with his arms around you, keeping you tightly against his body. Of course this meant that his lower half was also pressed into your stomach. There were several times you shuffled just a bit, and that movement caused his shaft to bounce a bit. He kept your lips pressed against his. He had lost his restraint it seemed. Not that you could blame him. Never have done this before you wanted to experience it all, and the teasing and gradual build up would make anyone eager. His hands were tightly gripped at your rear, spreading them and groping roughly as well. Vlad's breathing had become more ragged and deep. Given how he was forcing you against him his hot breath made your body tingle. Being that the situation had made your whole body sensitive at this point. After another brief moment of your lips and mouth being pressed against the larger males he finally split it.
"Heh. Sorry about that. Let my horniness get the better of me for a bit. How about you remove the last bit of your clothing? Similar to mine it definitely isn't hiding much."
You'd never done anything like this. Not in real life at least, just in your head. Reluctantly you slowly slipped out of your briefs and tossed them to the side. Now completely nude against Vlad your cheeks immediately burned, and you started to sweat even more than before. His eyes wondered downwards and he gave a soft growl.
"Not bad (Y/N) not bad at all. Certainly bigger than I expected."
You felt that familiar heat of embarrassment rise up through your body again as the large male spoke. You were packing a 5.5 inch shaft, definitely not small but not too large to be a bother either. Rather abruptly his hand reached down and grasped the tip and gave a soft squeeze. Taken aback you let out a moan and leaned your head against the males chest. He seemed rather pleased as he grunted, and wrapped one arm around you once again. He held you tightly against him as he laid back on his bed, bringing you down with him. You lay over top of him. Your shaft was pressed against his abs before you brought yourself up. Your arms were holding you up on the sides of him, and your knees were also on each side of him. Something was throbbing against your rear, and slowly grinding up and down. He still had his underwear on, and he kept one hand on it. Slowly creeping closer to the entrance with a finger. 
"W-wait a moment."
His finger immediately stopped and retracted a bit. He looked up to you, concern was written all over his face. You were a bit overwhelmed at how fast he was moving, but you understood why he was. You were so certain of how much you wanted him up until this moment. Even though Vlad had been so sweet, and understanding up to this point you could only hear that malevolent voice in the back of your head as Vlad got closer to that area. You hadn't taken notice, but you were biting your lip pretty roughly. It took Vlad to pull your head down towards his with a soft kiss to snap back to reality. With closed eyelids and a guilty heart you kissed him back. After a few moments he took his lips away from yours and looked up to you.
"I'm sorry.. I know 100% I want to do this with you, but it just..."
He put a finger up to your lips and warmly smiled.
"Don't fret. I understand. I'm sorry if I pushed you too fast."
You knew, if you did this right now that it would help you. You trusted this man with your life, and you knew without a doubt that he wouldnt do anything you weren't comfortable with. How could you not be intimate with him? No one else was like him, not even your father cared about you as much. If there was anyone to let yourself trust, it was Vlad King.
"My minds made up. Vlad, I want you to fuck me!"
This only earned a laugh from the man. From which made your body sweat from embarrassment.
"W-why're you laughing?"
He shook his head and looked up to you.
"Never heard you be so straightforward. You caught me off guard. However.... if that's what you wish. Allow me the pleasure to do so."
Your body tightened once more, but you nodded. You had let your fathers actions rule your life long enough. It was time to get back in control. Even if it's just something like this. It's important to start small. Which also happened to be the opposite of what you were really doing. Starting off big and thick. Oh well not everything can line up perfectly.
Quickly you caught your breath and gripped his shoulders tightly. His finger was tracing around your hole. He spoke in a soft and coaxing tone.
"Relax.. we aren't gonna get anywhere if you wont even let a finger in.."
You knew he was right. So with a deep breath and a deep exhale your body loosened up a bit. Then you felt it, and trying to remain the composure you had left he slid in with little difficulty. He kept it there for a moment before pushing in one knuckle to the next. It was much different than the last time. It felt so uncomfortable going in, but when he pulled back a bit. It made your body tingle with excitement. Growing eager for what the main event would feel like.
"You doing okay? You've certainly loosened up, and by the look of this guy.. I think you're enjoying this."
He pressed his index finger against the tip of your shaft. The sensation while amazing made your body tense up immediately from how sensitive it was. With you practically clinging to his finger he pulled back a bit which sent that same blissful pleasure through your body. Biting your lip and exhaling sharply to stifle the moan that almost escaped.
"Seems I've found a sensitive spot of yours. Maybe I can hit another real soon, make you moan out my name."
You felt completely embarrassed with what he was saying. He was completely right though. If the buttons were pressed you would most certainly be moaning out his name and other embarrassing things. Though if it was with anyone else you'd try to hide it, but with Vlad you didn't care. He could hear your most dirty thoughts and he'd still love you just the same. Maybe you'd spill a few. You weren't a crazy kinky guy. Mostly vanilla sex turned you on. However, the few kinks you had could certainly be alot. While it may be uncomfortable for you, it wasnt only about you in this. It wasnt entirely obvious if he was a kinky guy other than dirty talk which seemed to slip out whenever you did something he thought was cute.
"You'd like that wouldn't you? What sort of dirty things are you thinking of? I'm sure most involve me in you, huh? Maybe you dream of the other way around..?"
"Nuh-uh. With you I've always pictured myself on the bottom."
"So you've been thinking of this before now.. what a naughty man."
He was certainly quick that's for sure. You'd never guess it but it seemed this stuff was second nature to him. Perhaps from past experience, or maybe this was simply a side of him he kept hidden. Either way it didn't matter at the moment.
"Geez. You've certainly got a silver tongue. On you Vlad. I never would've guessed."
"How about you get on all fours and present yourself to me? Then I'll show you what else this tongue of mine can do."
There was no winning against him. He always had an answer it seemed. That didn't sound like a bad idea either though.
"F-fine. If you insist."
"Oh, I do. You've got quite the hot ass. Since we've been hanging out more it's something I've always noticed."
"Tch. Is that so? Maybe you'll have to behave yourself if you want it so badly."
"You say that now, but you'll be giving in far before I do. I know we both want each other. You in particular seem eager. After all, a moment ago you were about to let me eat your ass, no questions asked."
He wasnt wrong. You did want him, and badly. You slid off his finger and flipped yourself around. His face in front of your rear, and your face in front of his shaft. Definitely more intimidating this close up.
"Oh man. You want to 69? Yes, please. Don't get lazy down there. He could use some attention after all this teasing."
You simply nodded. You had really strung him along for a little bit now. It was time to get down to the serious business. Granted. This was your first time sucking a dick. So who knows of itll be recieved well or not. At least you can say you tried?
After a moment of simply gawking at how big and girthy he was. You stuck your tongue out and brought it up to the tip from the base. Earning you a shudder from Vlad. As well as a soft moan, and he wasnt wasting time either. A familiar yet unfamiliar feeling of a finger entered you once again. This time it felt more easier. You licked around his tip and your hand grasped his base. Opening up rather wide you let yourself go down on it for as long as you could till your gag reflex kicked in. About more than half. Not bad for a first time. You slowly began to bob your head up and down. Taking it slow till you found a rhythm, then stroking him similarly to said rhythm.
Vlad was letting out more deep moans and grunts as he took his finger out and you felt what you assumed to be his face and tongue now pressed against your rear. The wetness of his tongue was something you had to get used to, but it didn't feel bad. Just uncomfortable a bit. Then he spat a whole glob and worked it in with his finger. Even with spit it was amazing how easily you practically sucked his finger in. Becoming less and less painful and more rewarding. Each time felt better than the last, but it left you craving more. This hunk of beef's meat above all else. While it took a moment to notice as your attention had been focused elsewhere. He had managed to get another finger in. Opening you up more with the help of his spit.
He patted your back and you stopped sucking for a moment.
"This might seem weird to you, but can you get off me and continue to blow me on your knees?"
Without saying a word you happily obliged to his request. Getting up off of him you got down on the floor at the edge of the bed. He let his legs hang off as he looked down at you. His face was bright red and he was breathing deeply. You set yourself up in front of him now, and he placed his hand on the back of your head. You started off the same, licking at the base and tip before opening up and beginning to suck again. His grip on the back of your head tightened, though he made sure it wasn't enough to hurt you. He let out a sigh as he suddenly pushed you down further than you could take. Gagging slightly you looked up to him with one eye open. His face was to the ceiling and he continued to pant and breathe heavily. He definitely was enjoying this, and it could be worse. You kept both your eyelids half open as you unhinged your jaw and relaxed the best you could. It was during this time you realized just how muscular this man was. He was thick and beefy for sure. All over that front side was pure beef, definitely your type. Then again he was more than just a hook-up. Or a one night stand. 
As you got lost in thought with how lucky you were to meet this man he must've looked down and he let out a loud moan. Pulling you back slightly you felt several thin ropes of warm liquid. It didn't seem thick enough to be cum, and now he was panting heavily.
"D-damn, that was close. Your face was perfect, perfect mixture of cute and attractive. Nearly drove me over the edge."
You gulped it down and took yourself off his rod. 
"Didn't know I had that effect on you. You need a minute to catch your breath?"
He nodded and leaned back. Finally being able to catch his breath. You took the time to climb back up on him. Laying on top of him with your chest against his. You laid on those pecs and felt how fast his heart was racing. Though it slowed down after a moment of you on him. His arm wrapped around your waist while his hand found its way onto your rear.
"You ready for this? I can't guarantee It'll be painless. I'll be gentle though, so don't worry about that."
You had a knot in your chest. You've gone this far, but now of all times you became unsure if you were ready. Vlad must've noticed as he simply planted his lips against yours and brought you into a kiss. His hand that was on your rear found its way up to your chin where it held on to it. Scratching rather softly and sweetly. While your nervousness persisted you found it neigh impossible to say no now. Besides, it was something you wanted as well if not more.
"Give it to me, big boy."
"If you insist, little man."
Vlad grabbed his shaft and aimed it up towards your rear. You used your hands to keep it spread open wide. He ran his tip across your entrance. Before softly beginning to push it in. It felt much more thick than just his finger. Even two of his fingers were easier than this, but despite the pain you took deep breathes and relaxed. Making it much easier on Vlad to shimmy his way in. 
"Deep breaths, take it easy boy. Give it a minute and it will feel great. Remember what I said earlier? I'll find your other sensitive spot."
Even during moments like this he found a way too embarrass you. Though he wasn't just saying it to say it. He was pushing in more while he spoke. Distracting you from the pain that followed. 
"I'm eager for it.. I'll be honest."
He gave a grunt and pushed in a bit more rough now. Almost fully in.
"Damn right. I told you, you're gonna be moaning my name by the end of this. Listen, you don't cum till I tell you alright? So you better endure the pleasure."
It felt weird having Vlad say things like that, but you were obedient to his demands. You would hold off your climax till he told you it was alright.
"A-alright. I'll try."
"God. You're adorable, you know that?"
"I-I've been told."
"By who?"
"You only, of course."
"That's how it should stay. You're mine, (Y/N)."
You got a tingly feeling inside when he said that. He said it sternly, and it felt like he meant it with all his soul. There wasn't a doubt in your mind that he cared deeply enough for you to say something like that.
"Always, Kan."
He smiled a wide and toothy grin as he looked up to you lovingly. 
Now that he was fully in you could tell what he meant by he couldn't guarantee it would be painless. It was a searing pain that hit deep. Then again that was due to his size. You were tightly clung to him, both inside and out. Arms around his neck you continued to try and stay relaxed. While on the inside you could feel every bounce and throb his shaft did. He started to pull out a bit, and it felt much more pleasureful than when he went in. Then he thrusted back in quickly. Which was a mixture of both feelings. He did this a few more times before he started to become fluid in his movements. His hips started to move to the left and right slightly as he would go in and out. His execution of his promise was certainly amazing. Everywhere he hadn't been sent waves of pleasure up through your body as he explored. With a sudden, but precise thrust up you felt a huge burst of pleasure traveled through you body much more quicker.
"G-gah! V-Vlad.."
"Heh, found it. Now let me hear you beg for it. You wanna feel it again don't you?"
"O-of course I do! Kan, please do it again."
"That's a good boy."
As promised he thrusted up into that spot once again, this time more roughly which only made the pleasure more intense. This time you let out a loud moan as you tightened up around him. Both inside and out. 
"That's what I like to hear, you want more right?"
"Y-Yes! Kan please, I need it."
His movements had grown stiff once he found your spot, but now his fluidity came back to him.  Thrusting in and out pretty quick and deep now. He kept you guessing with every thrust as some weren't deep enough for the main pleasure, but it also made it even more rewarding when he was gracious enough to hit it. You moaned out over and over. It was an odd feeling, but your own shaft had grown so overwhelmed with pleasure that it almost felt numb. You didn't feel like you were close, but with all the stimulations going on at the moment there was no time to think and pay attention. Vlad however was a bit more easier to read. He was going in hard and fast. Making dirty sounds as his thighs slapped against your ass. He suddenly hilted himself against your spot as he let out a deep groan.
"Your so damn tight. It feels great (Y/N)"
In between pants you responded.
"I-I never knew stuff like this was possible to feel."
"Lets try a different angle. Get on your back on the bed spread your legs in the air."
Though you were pretty bashful about showing off your body like this. He'd already been inside you so it doesn't get more intimate than that really. You did as he said and turned your face away from him.
"Mmh. Looking good there."
"J-just keep going please."
He pulled you up a bit so your ass was completely open to him. He then thrusted right back in full. Catching you off guard you let out a rather loud moan.
Immediately he stopped and you covered your mouth. 
"Told you it would happen."
He then continued to thrust in and out. He must've been able to tell how embarrassed you were as he let it drop rather quickly. Vlad got his rhythm back up and from a different angle it felt similar, but your spot was much easier accessed. He leaned down over you. Showing just how flexible you didn't know you were. Your eyes met his and he quickly brought his face down to kiss you. Not that he let up his thrusting, but it made your heart throb a bit. Being this intimate with him. It didn't last long. He panted, all of his breath hitting your neck which felt especially sensitive right now.
"I'm getting close, boy. I can't keep this up much longer. If you need to cum, you're allowed to now. Also.. am I pulling out or..?"
In all honesty you had forgotten about that little bit, but you still didn't feel the need. 
"K-Keep going Kan, I don't care if you pull out, do whatever feels natural It's worked so far."
He smirked and he went faster than he had before. Now steadily pounding into you. It must've felt better than he imagined as he started to slow down and become pretty rough. Now slamming his weight against yours he let out a grunt before completely pushing against you as he forced himself even deeper and let out a guttural moan and you quickly felt yourself fill up. Either he had been pent up, or he just naturally shot a lot. After a long moment of catching his breath he pulled out and as did his cum. It was definitely an odd feeling to say the least.
His attention turned toward you and quickly shifted.
"You still gotta cum, eh boy?"
You'd practically been leaking pre this entire time like a faucet, but your shaft was still in that numbish state so it hadn't occurred to you. 
"Want me to suck you off?"
"N-no that's alright. J-just a hand?"
He nodded, somewhat pleased. He still needed his breath and he couldn't catch it as well if he was down on you. When his meaty hand made contact with your shaft you immediately felt a surge of pleasure almost overwhelm you. It was sudden enough to make you have to stop and catch your breath from leaving your lungs.
"I see, you haven't touched it at all so it's hyper sensitive with all that's happened. You'll definitely cum quickly."
You hadn't paid much attention to what he said. He now had your shaft gripped and you eagerly awaited for him to stroke. Though he had a different idea as he let go.
"You already made it clear you don't wanna be on top. Which is fine, but how about you try this." 
He got on his back and motioned for you to get on top. You did so, pretty confused.
"We've gotta shower anyway. So it's only fair if we both need to clean up, right?"
Still confused you nodded.
"Maybe I can change your mind on topping. For now, try this."
He pushed his pecs together and looked up to you with a dirty grin.
"Don't mind my face. I'll catch whatever comes up here. So do what I was doing to you, but between my chest. That's an order, boy."
It felt strange to do something like this. Regardless you placed your shaft between his pretty large pecs and began to thrust back and forth. It only took a moment before you were holding the urge to release. You used you hand to put down over top of your shaft to keep it from going up, naturally. Between his smooth pecs which felt heavenly and the pleasure from the main event. It only took a moment before you couldn't hold anymore and with a loud moan of Kan's name let yourself shoot onto his face and chest.
After showering you laid in bed clung to this mans side.
"That was amazing."
"Heh, yeah it was, because I got to share this experience with you. There's no one else I could imagine being this intimate with, (Y/N)."
Your heart melted a bit when he said that. Simply looking down at you with that same genuine toothy grin.
"I love you. I get the most pleasure just from being with you. Your smile, your personality everything about you is everything I could dream of and then some!"
"I don't know. Hearing you moan my name says otherwise."
"Don't ruin this you goober. I'm serious here."
His lips met yours for a soft, yet passionate kiss.
"I love you more Y/N. I feel the same way."
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kadywicker · 6 years
inifnity war spoilers ahead please leave now if u dont wanna see em
you had WARNING
anyway heres a rough outline of my thought process thru the movie from what i can remember 
a dude walked in wearing a justice league shirt and it was the biggest power move of the evening
rip heimdall u truly were the hottest bitch in the mcu
i already saw the spoilers that loki died but im still in mourning. my chaotic twink son :( also him tearing up when thor was getting tortured was like, possibly, one of the worst things to happen to me this evening. and his “you will never be a god” and “we will see the sun rise again yet, brother” like i’d rather be dead.
wheres valkyrie you fucking bitches
i know marvel has been trying to make me care about pepper and tony for like.... the entirety of the mcu and in theory i enjoy it but in reality i just heavily do not care
walked into this w out watching dr strange bc i refuse to so seeing him was very unpleasant for me :/
the second that one fuckin... servant of thanos guy showed up that tony called squidward i just burst into fucking laughter bc oh my fucking god. he looks like one of the star wars prequels aliens. i didnt know how i was supposed to react to that??? what the fuck????? kin? 
at least this time tony attempted to get peter away from the fight ig??? also like okay i kno its a running gag but did the russos have to make peter reference old movies like what 3 times in this movie and once in their last one like please..... Please. its done. its over! 
look...... look. look! look. i have made MULTIPLE posts on this website about how ugly i think chris evans is. especially when hes got his weird short, spiky hair. ive made this very VERY clear. i thought i was clear on this, myself. but let me tell u the fuck what when steven grant rogers showed up covered in complete darkness and caught a spear that moves at the speed of light w no hesitation and then stepped out of the shadows i only had one thought: please raw me
also i still dont care about wanda and vision but did wandas accent get slightly less bad or is this just exposure
drax’s reaction to thor was um. Me. also it was this scene that made me realize that ppl saying that the russos reset thor to his previous characterization and that he was nothing like ragnarok thor i....????? hm???? idk i thought he was p in character from what we saw in ragnarok? like did u all expect him to be super light and happy go lucky immediately after his entire planet died and his brother died too like. what.... did u Want. hes still not as grimdark as dark world and he still has the ragnarok vibes but w added “Lifes a Fucking Nightmare So Im Going to Joke Until Someone Murders Me :)” which is just honest to god me, so
oh also in an above part when tony pulled out a flip phone to call steve the dude next to me loudly hissed “what? a fucking flip phone-?” and his wife shushed him. i wanted to lean over and inform him that it was the phone from civil war and if hed been paying ATTENTION he wouldve known that
things arent going to be in much order after this bc im tired and its all a big jumble in my adhd brain but thats okay. its been 6 years and i still couldnt tell u the entire plot of the avengers, so.
tbh the effects in this movie were really fucking gorgeous like.... all the different planets’ scenery was so goddamn beautiful. like idk how to spell it so im not gonna attempt but the planet that gamora died on was literally so fucking pretty i was stunned into a silence what the FUCK was that beautiful nonsense
not enough steve and bucky interaction bc marvels personally out to get me, a known gay
i cant believe buckys a fucking goat farmer like ohfa sdfhadof ?????? just let the man feed his goats in PEACE 
didnt love the whole “thanos really loved gamora” bit but like it makes sense ig. if thats what he thought love was? altho that definitely doesnt mean she loves him or shouldve ever forgiven him bc uuuh Yikes. anyone w abusive parents knows that kind of possessive, overbearing love. and it might be some fucked up twisted form of it but it aint good.
but whoever they casted as baby gamora was spot on? 
when red skull lifted his hood i literally whispered “oh my god” and the lady next to me started laughing at me. 
also while there was a good amount of fighting i rlly appreciated that it wasnt All Fighting and just there to show off that they had cool special effects. like.... it was mostly story and for someone who doesnt give a shit abt action sequences it was v relieving that i didnt have to parse through 2 and a half hours of watching someone do cool but impractical stunts 
man idc abt wanda and dont like mcu natasha bc of the actress but when that chick was like “youll die alone” and natasha said “shes not alone” and then kicked ass i rlly just. hm. thats lesbian.
anyone else agree that when strange said mournfully that there was only one outcome and then said that giving up the time stone was the only way, its basically just telling us that this was all planned and it Will work out fine bc he knew that this was the one path that would lead to them winning. like..... im at least 99% sure thats whats going to happen, here.
steve and bucky may have said 2 sentences to each other but steve reaching out to grab a handful of buckys ashes w a stricken look was literally the worst moment of my entire life and i plan to sue marvel for emotional damages bc that was fucking terrible and i cannot BELIEVE they made me watch that idc if bucky comes back im fuckin pissed
also thats literally every team iron man member to realize that the accords were bullshit and if its 2018 and u still think the accords were right/a good thing i honestly do not know what to tell you
fuckin..... im lookin at captain marvels powers and shes cool and all but hows she gonna save all this........ now im even more curious abt what her movies gonna bring like ???? hello??????
also the only time the theater clapped or cheered was when steve showed up and literally same
i know all the dust ppl r coming back but alsof uc kin......... that was brutal
idk i dont have much 2 add im very sleepy but
i liked it a lot and im excited for the next movie. there were some things that i thought were in poor taste but like..... thats what i expect from every marvel movie, so. im pleasantly surprised by how good this was. idk why but during it it kinda like.... it had the same vibes as return of the king????? like i dont know Why but it has a very.... lotr movie feel to it. but w the staple marvel jokes. idk how to feel about that. i think its good? im not sure. get back to me in a few days after the movie highs worn off and if i still like it then its got my stamp of approval. 
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musubiki · 6 years
I had a thought the other night. How do the Sevii Islands play into Leaf's story? If I remember correctly, a lot of this side plot happens after beating the E4, and given Leaf leaves not long after beating them I was curious. I hope you don't mind me asking!
no prob!!!!
actually, leaf leaves about a year after beating the e4 (so one year there and 2 years abroad to make for the 3 year timeskip)
(im deadass i havnet played in the sevii islands for a while but ill try to post what i remember)
the main thing about the sevii islands for leaf was that. thats where green ran away to after he was beaten at the indigo plateau. after prof oak expressed his very clear disappointment and green having to. stand there and listen to his grandpa praise leaf on how she got there. he. fucking got on his pidgeot and left. 
no one knew where he went and he was missing for weeks. daisy got worried sick and during this time leaf got in a fight w/ prof oak and scolded him about the way he treats green because “He’s nothing like what you seem to think he is” 
and she’s right. prof oak is just bitter and scared that green would turn out the way Agatha did
side note backstory headcanon real quick: prof oak and Agatha were rivals when they were young. they went to the same school and were best friends and rivals just like green and leaf
and Agatha actually loved him but he didn’t see her that way because. he thought she was too obsessed with power (she was) and didnt like the way she treated her pokemon (it wasnt horrible, but she only really used them as tools to fight and he thought it was wrong)
so when he found his future wife (greens grandmother) she became angry and bitter and it strained theyre relationship a lot. eventually they just. hated each other 
so the reason why prof oak was always scolding green and “why dont you treat your pokemon nicer” and all that.,. shit he told him at the league.,.was because of that history he had
growing up he kind of projected onto green what agatha was (even though he was never really like that) which was why he was always discouraging him from becoming champion and why they had kind of a tense relationship when green went on his journey
so after prof oak was like. scolding green at the league. (i forget what he was saying something about how he was disappointed in him. even though he made it this far. all by himself. same as leaf. and he treated his pokemon fine.) leaf went to talk to him about this and that’s what sparked the fight + leaf learned the whole backstory™ from both him and agatha previously
so she scolds him on it. because. hes wrong and green really isnt like that. he loves his pokemon and the prof was wrong to treat him that way. so she tells him that shes gonna bring green home and when she does he better fix his attitude because by god green does not deserve this
and shes right
so daisy talks to bill, asks him if hes seen green. he tells her he heard he might be down at the sevii islands. so daisy begs him to bring leaf there to find green. and he says sure. on the condition, I get 3 boxes of oatmeal cookies
and shes yeah, sure, fine, whatever you want. so bill takes leaf to the sevii islands (hes always on the ss anne. he probably has like free tickets for life [thanks lance]) 
she finds green there. hes still pretty depressed but. he lowkey helps the older people that live there. when he first sees her its like this mess of emotions because. its leaf. (and this is post saffron keep in mind so hes still confused and messed up about how he feels about her) so hes. happy, angry, sad, proud, everything. luckily she convinces him to talk and though hes a mess, his tone comes out bitter
theyre like. probably in mt ember or something when this al happens bc no one else is around. she asks him to come home, he replies why should he when no one wants him there anyway. his gandpa hates him, he says, and shes probably rejoycing too that hes finally out her way and. here we go. they have another fight.
though its less like a fight and more like shes getting him to finally vent out everything hes been holding in because fuck. he always acts so tough and strong but he does still feel things. and hes the one yelling and angry and she just. keeps her voice soft and calm because. he is at this point. the weakest hes ever been (and ever will be until…..things……………..)
and so they fight about why he left, and how he cant stay there. and how daisy misses him and is worried. and how prof oak doesnt hate him, they just need to talk about it. and how she doesnt hate him, and she never did. and hes. shocked by the last part. and its just a deep and kind of sad talk between them and also. the point where green sees her more of a friend than a rival.
and at the end of this hes sitting down and hes like. not even angry or depressed hes just fucjifnd sad and disapointed in himself and he thinks hes disapointed eveyone and leaf just. hugs him around his neck. tightly. and hes caught off gaurd. hes just sitting there with his hands awkwardly hovering. 
and she tells him that they all miss him. and theyre all worried for him. and he hasnt dispointed anyone. and that everyone is proud of him and everything hes done. and that. shes proud of him. and she wants him to come back with her and hes just.,., “.,…////..//./..,.” 
and he finally. hugs her back. and. burried his face in her neck and. just melts into her. and they stay like that for a while and hes. happy shes here for him so he decides fine, ill come home. because fuck it, i cant run from this forever. might as well get it over with. fuck. its worth it if i can maybe get more moments like this, he thinks
and then of course. bill comes in. and inturrupts. and “Oh there you guys are- oh.” because THEYRE STILL LIKE. IN AN EMBRACE. 
AND LEAF BLUSHES AND PANICS AND TRIES TO PUSH GREEN AWAY but green is. no. his arms are LOCKED around her . he aint ready for her to leave him yet. bill can fuck off
eventually they go back to the ss anne to head home and green is. still green. so hes like you know what. im gonna use this situation to my fullest advantage. because he really liked that hug. and he. acknowledges the fact that. when hes close to her like that its. nice. 
so that night fnhjdfj forgive me folks. he goes to her room to hang out. and shes like yay!!! hes getting back to normal!!! thank arceus!!! and theyre chilling on her bed like. watching tv or talking or something. and hes probably using her lap as a pillow hes a spsidl spoiled fucking brat. and when it comes time for him to leave and go back to his own room hes like. how about i stay here instead
and shes like,,.,., what.,.. ?
and so he pulls this bullshit pitty card shit (i hte him) about how hes sad (hes not anymore) and he doesnt wanna be alone (big fucking liar) so he wants to stay therw tih her. and at this point hes like fuckingnjfkd cuddling up to her and shit and shes “U-uhh..i d-….don’t…know if this.,. uhhh” shes a blushing mess, mind you
and fyi, hes been thinking about saffron like., 90% of the time ever since it happened. he cant get it out of his head. ever
so he has his like arms wrapped around her waist and his head resting on her belly and hes. fucking. (i HATE HIM) giving her these like puppy dog eyes????? AND SHES WEAK ALREADY. AND HE ADDS THIS SOFT LIKE “Please, Leaf?” 
so shes ok,. fine ,,.,.. and he immediately goes back to his shit snarky self and adds something along the lines of “I knew you’d come around/give in eventually/couldn’t resist me” and shes blushing and stuttering and a total mess and hes just grinning and teasing her he loves her reactions and. theyre back baby.
meanwhile. pom is happy. the gang is back together and vee is pretend gagging. pom punches him
when they get back to pallet town, leaf brings green to talk to prof oak. and the talk actually goes good. prof oak tells him his whole story(he’d never told them before) and apologizes for the way hes acted. and hopes that green would consider like. spending more time together. and hopes he can forgive him(ofc its yes. green loves his gramps despite everything)
he tells green that leaf is one amazing girl
green blushes because HAHAHAAhahhhaha ye. a h… she is.,…………..fuc k../
from this point the mew/two adventure/subplot takes off 
and bill gets his cookies too. she only made him 2 boxes and he writes her an official comlpaint letter
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #12: "FUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoooouuoock me." - Maynor
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Well. Looks like Bryce wasnt trust worthy at all. I can only have annabelle but we dont talk too much. I need to win immunity or my ass is gone next.
I definately need to win this immunity if I want to regroup. A even bigger fire in me wanting to play even more aggressive. Ive been passive. Now I dont really care who goes. Except for Annabelle ❤️. Im going to try and throw wrenches in their plans and try to get someone from their side out.
I’m on 230. Idk what my goal is going to be but i think im going to stop around 2pm so i can go back to 1 before 5pm deadline comes. I really need to win this immunity. 😰
Update. I am now at 500 for the number. Its barely noon. Idk if i should keep going or start to go back down to one. I just hope im the furtherest from everyone else. I would die if i dont win.
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I feel so terrible. like that Nathan vote was the hardest thing I have had to do in this game so far. He betrayed my trust a lot. But I really got along so well with him. And Nathan deserves better. Ugh. Like Brian and I literally feel gross. And now I have to do damage control with Anna and make it seem like a last minute switch when actually it was me being a terrible person and plotting all round against one of the nicest players ever. I'm feeling rough and this season is getting really tough.
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Well I am still here! I am honestly shocked that I am, but I will TAKE it gladly! Maybe I will stop being the target now cause nathan is gone (we shall see though, I feel like Bryce and brian are now HATED by Maynor and Anna) which will be nice. I now have the lovely (....) distinction of having the most votes cast against me in celestial history. and ALL Since the merge started lmao! I really am a magnet for votes huh. I feel good, might have to be rude to someone to get a target off my back though so uh maybe bitch boi matt will make a return at some point? We shall see
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its so awk trying to talk to annabelle bc 1 she doesnt talk to me but more importantly idk what to say like. she feels betrayed but sharkys the one who threw nathans name out NNN she should be glad if it were up to me shed be in ponderosa right now ASFKJADSHFKJS. idk like i literally just forced a convo with her so i could confront her about leaking to sharky and she just ghosts. i want DRAMA. i want TEA. and yet nothing. maybe instead of doing the most i should be doing immunity but counting is literally so anxiety inducing and daunting JKHDAFSDKJFHKJ. anyways 6th is cute too
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FUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuoooouuoock me. I got to 626 to pay my respect to Stitch and i mess up gojng down from 323 and put 321. I never wanted to cry so bad. I wanted to scream into the void. I cant even with this challenge. I restarted and back at 404. Its 1:25 and deadline 5. Hopefully itll be enough time.
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OK, so I definitely won't win immunity, but I tried to do well!  I don't think my submission will be good enough, but I can hope and pray it is!!  I don't even know if I fucked up, but I don't think I did... so hopefully 317 is the number for me!!
In other tea time news, Nathan... ya... um... when you see this I want you to truly understand how heartbroken I am at what happened.  I knew with all the strong-minded gameplay and trust you had in me that we would've been final 2 given the chance, but I also think that what threw me off was Annabelle's constant tea spilling at Sharky and the fact that your closest allies (aside from myself) were her and Maynor, who I like but have little to no actual game relationship with.  In addition, your desire to take out Matt every single round of the merge?  Wig.
I also found out Bryce was the other Matt vote during the merge vote... so... wow I'm powerful....
According to me and Bryce's plans in this game, ideally, Sharky will go this round... but after sending home Nathan last round, my whole ass heart is on some different shit.  I just feel like me doing that would be another rough ass round, and I don't think I could handle it.  It was easier when people like Nick, who annoyed me on a game level, were the names being thrown out, especially with how cocky he was... but now I'm like... wow, these people?  Amazing.
I think Sharky winning immunity wouldn't be too bad because then I can finally push Annabelle out and won't have to worry about her, so I'm banking on that!  I don't wanna ruin Bryce and I's plans in this game, I just feel more confident sitting with Sharky than like anyone else.
I also think my relationship with Maynor is so much better, and I can actually work with him further down the road.  He sketched me out a lot in the past, but I really think it's a solid ally for me if I can get him passed this round.  Annabelle or Sharky are the ideal targets, but I'm really feeling an Annabelle vote this round.  I may not be in the best spot for immunity this round, but I know I'll have my A-game on and ready next round, so I'm READY.
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I was doing so well in this challenge. I had like 900 and I screwed up. Now I'm feeling the pressure. And I keep messing up. Now I've got less than 3 hours to make it up and hopefully finally win something. Brian told me he did not do well. And I don't want anyone else to win because it will limit our options going forward.
I'm over it. I screwed up HARD. And now I have like no time to recover. I'm over it.
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I decided to go back to 626. And at 2:41pm i was able to get back down to 1. Im happy but i really hope that was enough because if it wasnt then im going to cry. I really want to win this. Stitch my favorite please give me luck. 🦑
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last round was so risky i hope it doesnt just get me 6th. i tried to get together with anna again and i think we are but maynor not so much which sucks but as long as brian is real with wanting to keep me i should be good imagine if it was fake and he wasnt really taking me to the end NNN adsjkfhadskj the gag of the season? but ugh sharky really wants me out again like maybe get a clue and stop.
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That was upsetting. But Bryce did really well so I applaud him. Its most likely going to be me tomorrow night. It sucks but i can at least try and see if i can find a way to stay.
There is some hope. Annabelle and I want to make it a tie with Matt. And when its rock time, Brian or Sharky hopefully get the odd color and they are sent home. Thats the only play right now that I think can save me. I have to rely on Bryce who i dont trust at all anymore. But kind of have to if i want to survive tomorrow.
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i'm down for some mutual destruction this vote. I hope that this pays off or it could totally fuck me over but it is what it is if this works out i'll take this as like a win for nathan and i'll  be in a much better spot i think. wish me luck <3
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Im convinced annabelle is like a marine biologist or something with how much she loves sharky! i just want him out KFJASDHFKJ i love being pushy jk i literally hate it but i just want him out its not a lot to ask and i feel like im getting played idk but at this point my loyalty is to brian so if he betrays me its like w/e NNN just hoping itll work out maybe i comp my way into a losing finalist spot... anyways i just got into dear evan hansen again so love that renewed obsession
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The Fajita Fellas are actually a solid alliance. I know I've been skeptical of Bryce in the past but I'm actually starting to trust him which is cool. HOWEVER it's also an issue because if I'm going to keep trying to save Anna it's only going to get harder. I'm hoping this vote will be easy squeezy. I told the FF that Maynor is easy and least likely to have an idol. They seem good with that. So...we'll see.
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I am very nervous for tonight. I am 2 of the options for Sharky, Brian, and Matt to do. Annabell and I are throwing each other under the bus to them. But our plan is to vote Sharky and hoping have Bryce with us and cause a tie. And on the revote hope one flips on Sharky or we go to rocks. And hopefully Matt or Brian get the rocks.
The vote is me tonight. If plan goes according to it should be 3 vote sharky and 3 vote me. Im really hoping they flip on sharky or that Matt or Brian get rocked out. 🤞🤞🤞
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So this vote seems so simple, its like kinda amazing for once. Last tribal had so much deceit and lying to get Nathan out and this tribal is like. so. quiet? you could literally hear a pin drop. Maynor and Anna seem like they have legit given up trying to get further, with both apparently voting for the other. How quiet it is is making me slightly nervous, but I do know that if i do somehow leave i am very proud of my game I have played. and I will have the same placement as Standrea so like nothing could be wrong with that huh?
The vote ties, 3 votes Maynor and 3 votes Sharky.
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Im died. It worked but now here is hoping for matt or brian to flip. Im scared n excited.
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bro... wtf. Can I say I am mad at Bryce? no not really I saw this coming from a mile off, hell even from the other side as the Atlantic. so like mad? nah? Its just... making me so sad. Like I REALLY DO NOT want to go home, i've been through too much to get to this point. But like,... I REALLY love sharky as a person. Like, I love him loads so this is a REALLY hard decision. Fuck my life I don't know what to do
I HATE REVOTES. SO. MUCH. i AM REFUSING TO TELL ANNA ANYTHING cause i like know she will immediately run to sharky and if I am to flip I am gonna tell him first not let him hear via Anna cause that is fucking SHADY. she's just pissing me off tbqh and its just like??? at least be cordial and get off invisible for fucking once
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i think the plan worked? it was so awk trying to talk to matt i felt bad but i hope he understands he said he did so! and like... idk its just so hm idk idk. hm. like brian and matt both prob gonna flip wooh. matt said i played well so maybe i did like i tend to never think i played well but maybe i did but maybe hes just lying so KJFSDHJFA wooh
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It’s almost about that time. 20 more minutes. I am very nervous. I hope that Bryce and Annabelle stick with me and hope Matt or Brian flipped if not then at least go to rocks. Im really hoping that this move works. But this final 6. I ❤️ Annabelle. ❤️ Sharky. ❤️ Brian. ❤️ Bryce. ❤️ Matt. They are all awesome.
Brian is rocked out.
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