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melleeefresh · 5 years ago
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#april12 2020 #covid19 #selfisolating #happyeaster eggby @clivealivo #happybirthday 🌟🎂🦄🎈🕷@spydabrown_ card by @clivealivo #birthdaycupcakes🎂 by @melleefresh #springtulips #youngSpyda #happyclown and #tulips Group #celebrate @houseparty or @zoom_video_communications #washyerhands #donttouchyourface #donttouchmytruck #loveyouall ❤️Melleeeeeee❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-5LYG-pMuw/?igshid=2loffenfn220
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warbunnyart · 5 years ago
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Wash yer hands!! I gave my unicorn lady a comeback for this #dtiys by @kathudsonart 💕 Also, I hate that my scanner kills the bright pink colour of the Posca pen I used for the text 😭 . . #washyerhands #kathudsonart #drawthisinyourstyle #artchallenge #coronacantstopus #artistsoninstagram #traditionalart #copicartist https://www.instagram.com/p/B-peDC5Dbbg/?igshid=iwz1ic2esb45
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mdkauffmann · 5 years ago
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Please! #covid19 #washyerhands #isolation #socialdistance https://www.instagram.com/p/B97MlRCD9_C/?igshid=17jkfo5d38wfp
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leoarts · 5 years ago
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Ok @kathudsonart , challenge WASH YER HANDS accepted! 💜😃🖐🖐💧!! #drawthisinyourstyle #drawthisinyourstylechallenge . . #challenge #drawingchallenge #washyerhands #washyourhands #coronaviruspandemic #yomequedoencasa #mequedoencasa #mequedo #stayathome #stayhome #stay #staysafe #staypositive #comic #comicart #color #illustration #illustrations #illustrationartists #lavatelasmanos #lavatusmanos #virus #stayathomechallenge #yomequedoencasapintando #leoarts #leonardopaciarotti #art #artist (en Valencia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B97KQOfKBcN/?igshid=1wacu5b14qllh
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photon-nmo · 5 years ago
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#DrawThisInYourStyle + #WashYerHands challenge created by @kathudsonart #TheArchangelo #archangelocrelencia #artistsoninstagram #procreate #procreateart #procreateapp #procreateartist #chicagoartist #chicagoartists #ipad #ipadpro #ipadart #coronacantstopus #bubblebath #DTIYS #dtiyschallenge (at Chicago, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9x-wP3lzda/?igshid=rct11i6w2ciq
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stitchedbyjessalu · 5 years ago
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Well, at least someone in this house loves laundry 😆 :: If you haven’t heard, CT Sheep and Wool has been cancelled, which is my second show of my spring season to fall...I’ll be working on a shop update for this week, and I’ll be listing my April club/surprise bags ASAP - I’m hoping y’all will be up for some online shopping while you’re stuck home! 🙄😘 stay healthy and #washyerhands :: #minpinstagram #minpinsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #stitchedbyjessalu #ctsheepandwoolfestival #northshoreyarncrawl #coronavirus2020😷 https://www.instagram.com/p/B9vEDjNpYSg/?igshid=180l0z9gvmzxg
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yerlifeguard · 5 years ago
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This place has down what I’ve always wanted to do with their “employees must wash hands” signs. Good on them!!! #washyerhands (at Tybee Island, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B61xvQNpn2n/?igshid=bnrjd9sp6rfw
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keithharingmural · 10 years ago
                                                                                             Rules: When you get tagged the game is to write a note with 85 truths about yourself. After that that you’re supposed to tag 25 people. You also have to tag the person who tagged you. Let’s all get to know each other!
I was tagged by narniaismywardrobe
What was your:
1. Last Beverage: An Arnold Palmer
2. Last Phone Call: I honestly don’t know
3.Last Text: My friend Haley
4. Last Song: Cigarette Daydreams by Cage the Elephant
5. Last time you cried: Last Week
Have you Ever:
6. Dated Someone twice: I’ve never dated someone...
7. Been cheated on: Kinda hard to be be cheated on when I’ve never dated…
8. Kissed anyone and regretted it: No
9. Lost someone special: Family members who passed away before I was born
10. Been depressed: Yeah...
List your three favorite colors:
11. Blue
12. Green
13. Red
In the last year have you:
14. Made a new friend: Quite a few, actually
15. Fallen out of love: Nope
16. Laughed until you cried: Ah, yes
17. Met someone who changed you: For sure
18. Found out who your true friends are: Yes. I’ve lost a few, gained a few.
19. Found out someone was talking about you: I have not
20. Kissed anyone on your FB list: haha no
21. How many people do you know on your FB list: i haven’t checked my facebook in like 40 years
22. Kissed a stranger: NO
23. Drank hard liquor: Sips
24. Lost glasses/contacts: I’ve never needed glasses
25. Had sex on a first date: not even answering
26.Broken someone’s heart: Not that I know of!
27. Been arrested: I don’t go outside enough to get arrested
28. Turned someone down: Once like in 6th grade
29. Cried when someone died: Probably more than I should
30. Fallen for a friend: In third grade... *shudders*
31. Do you have any pets: Two guinea pigs, Eloise and Lucy!
32. Do you want to change your name: I’m trying to decide if I want to go by Jamison or Jamie.
33. What did you do for your last birthday party: Went to go the TFIOS with some friends
34. What time did you wake up this morning: 7:00 AM for school
35. What were you doing at midnight last night: Probably passed out of exhaustion
36. Something you can’t wait for: Marvel movies, FOB concert, SCHOOL TO BE OVER
37. Last time you saw your mother: Like 10 minutes ago
38. One thing you wish you could change about your life:
i dont even know
39. What are you listening to right now: the hum of my computer
40. Have you ever talked to a Tom: People on the internet are creeps
41. What’s getting on your nerves: I guess a lot of things
42. Most viewed webpage: Google and Tumblr
43. Nickname: Jamie, Jameis
44. Relationship status: Single and not ready to mingle
45. Zodiac sign: Gemini (June 19th)
46. College: I’m planning on just going to my large city school
47. Hair color: Red
48. Long or short: Too damn long. Half-way down my bottom.
49. Height: 5′8″
50. Do you have a crush on someone: not currently
51. What do you like about yourself: Ummmm
52. Tattoos: None
53. Right or left handed: Right
54. First piercings: Earrings
55. First best friend: Gabby, neighbor across the street
56. First sport you joined: Horseback riding
57. First vacation: Nags Head, I think?
58. First pair of trainers: don’t remember
59. Eating: Currently eating ice cream
60. Drinking: nothing
61. About to: Post this…
62. Listening to: already said
63. Waiting for: a lot of things
You’re future:
64. Want kids: Yes
65. Get married: Maybe
66. Career: A professional film editor
Which is better:
67. Lips or eyes: Eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: Hugs
69. Shorter or taller: Depends
70. Older or younger: um...
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic
72. Nice stomach or arms: Neither matters to me
73. Loud or sensitive: Sensitive, definitely
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: Medium
Do you believe in:
76. Yourself: about half of the time
77. Miracles: Not sure, it’s a nice idea, though
78. Love at first sight: I do, for sure
79. Heaven: Not sure
80. Santa Clause: Not since I was 7!
81. Kisses on first dates: Don’t really care
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zatransis · 5 years ago
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Three more videos this week! Here’s the first. Link in bio and right here for your convenience: https://youtu.be/jqYUhGAeFak #washyerhands #youtubeartist #quarantinelife (at Sant Cugat del Vallès) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-FeDQcBQix/?igshid=u57rwfu72r74
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