#washing away my sins//illumina
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angel-of-light · 7 months ago
-> Illumina walked into his alternate self's temple, heat creeping onto his face as he used his wing to cover it. Ah yes, he remembers how stupidly impulsive he had acted the last time he was here. -> @the-silent-graveyard
Illumina is taking a nap near the waters of the feeding ground. He's been exhausted at random times, wanting to do nothing but sleep. Birds seem to surround the sleeping deity, either eating the left over bird seed or sleeping with him. His feathers twitch when he feels a diffrent pressance enter the temple.
His eyes open but he doesn't want to get up to check who it is.
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angel-of-light · 6 months ago
Illumina seems nervous. His wing folding in on its self as he looks down at the tiny deity.
“if…I were to…disappear what would you do?”
“Icedagger…you’re not my Icedagger but. I must asketh a question..”
Huh? What is it?
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avvenfra · 5 years ago
A Christmas Tale
Oh happy day (oh happy day) Oh happy day (oh happy day)..
When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed) When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)…
He washed my sins away (oh happy day) Oh happy day (oh happy day)…Un uomo.
Solo. I passi sul marciapiede umido… il vento gli smuove i capelli lunghi e bianchi. Stringe il bavero della giacca di pelle. Gli occhi sono persi. Lunghi, protesi nel vuoto.
Oh happy day (oh happy day) Oh happy day (oh happy day)…
Giorni felici, giorni di Natale. Ma il male non aspetta, non riconosce giorni e notti e ore o momenti. Il male ti tocca, e nemmeno ti guarda. Perché il male non odia. No, affatto. Ci vuole amore, per odiare. E il male di certo amore non ne ha. Il male è indifferente. A lui non servono gli occhi, e nemmeno le labbra. Lui non sente. Ha solo le mani. Ti prende le cose più preziose che hai. Veloce. Rapace. E ti lascia vivo… perchè tu possa morirne, senza nemmeno riuscirvi.
Oh happy day (oh happy day)...
When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed) When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)…
He washed my sins away (oh happy day)
L’uomo ha le iridi spalancate. Ha finito la luce. S’è spenta quel giorno in cui. Quel giorno. E poi tutti quei giorni, uno dietro l’altro. Guardare soffrire è peggio, molto peggio. Mille volte. E tutti i giorni dopo, e poi quelli che sono e lui non sa cosa saranno. E vorrebbe il male in sè, vorrebbe. Ma no, no. Il male prende e ti lascia per terra, a guardare chi soffre che ti spacca il cuore.
Oh happy day (oh happy day) Oh happy day (oh happy day)...
E’ Natale, giorni felici. Giorni in cui hanno lavato il peccato dalla tua anima, lasciando un alone indelebile. Giorni di sorriso e canzoni, e torrefazioni di amori in polvere, da cuocere e sorbire come un buon caffè del deserto.E’ Natale, e tutti sono felici, 
Oh happy day (oh happy day)…
L’uomo incassa la testa fra le spalle. Le mani in tasca le sformano in cerca del calore per sopravvivere, perchè il Natale deve essere per forza. In verità non c’è scelta. Il Natale deve. E’ l’unico modo in cui si trasforma, si ricrea, si reinventa nel giorno dopo.Si allontanano, i passi. L’ombra s’allunga. Rientra e striscia su scale, fino alla porta. E il bianco illumina il nero. Quell’uomo.
Vede sua figlia. Torna a sorridere. Sempre.
Oh happy day (oh happy day) Oh happy day (oh happy day) Oh happy day (oh happy day)
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angel-of-light · 6 months ago
🐍 👻
"Do you even know where we're going?"
"Of course we fucking do..! We just- uh..."
"Yeah, you don't. Why don't we just... retrace our steps & try not to get into anymore trouble? I have somewhere I have to be tonight.."
"Okay...okay..! Fucking hell.. just give us a moment to-"
There was golden blood along the path....too much blood. It looked like someone was murdered... the blood trailed to a bush. White feathers accompanied the blood and some flowers. They looked more on the exotic side...
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angel-of-light · 7 months ago
-> The king had remained in the same spot while cradling his sleeping brother, gently stroking the deity of light's hair as he waited for him to wake up. - @peaceful-inpherno
Illumina groans as he slowly opens his eyes, he was dazed with tiredness and doesn't notice whose arms he is in. His wing flaps a bit as he finds the warmth of Firebrand comforting and snuggles into him more.
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angel-of-light · 3 months ago
It seems the deity of death was back in business! He was walking along, carrying a little tupperware container of- soup? He was carrying a little tupperware container along with his briefcase full of medical supplies.
-@post-justice [Ghostwalker]
Illumina was cleaning up the temple. It looked messy with…party decorations? On one of the garden tables there was some leftover cake that some birds were perched near, curious.
Illumina looked…holy he looked different. He wasn’t in a sling anymore or bandages but…he looked worse for wear. He no longer had that long luscious hair…it was very jaggedly cut short, like someone took sissies and just went at it.
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angel-of-light · 7 months ago
-> The king touched down within his brother's temple, carrying him over to one of the many pools and slowly setting him down within the water. "There you go, Illumina... I know how much you like to soak in the water." - @peaceful-inpherno
Illumina whines and grabs onto Firebrand's sleeve. Sure, he did like soaking in water, but the sudden change in temperature from Firebrand's hot aura to the cold waters of his temple made him jump.
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angel-of-light · 6 months ago
-> The prince stepped towards a familiar temple, staring up at it silently before entering, unmasked eyes gazing around.
- @stargazers-paradise
Illumina was sitting near the feeding grounds. He looked...better. Happier...or, maybe on the outside. Without looking back the deity addressed Stargazer.
"Holla Lief. Thou are either lost or looking for me. How may i assisteth thee Prince of the stars?"
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angel-of-light · 7 months ago
"You." - @the-silent-graveyard
The deity is submerged in the waters of the temple's main chamber. Fish swimming around him suddenly scatter. The birds become agitated when the alternate version of himself enters. Illumins notices this and rises. Water is expelled from his body as it fell in the surrounding waters.
He went to the edge of the pool and crossed his arms, laying his head on them while his lower body was still submerged.
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angel-of-light · 5 months ago
-> The serpent deity poked their head into the familiar temple, hunched slightly and looking around. "Big brother...?" - @darkness-sees-all
Illumina was leaning against one of the trees in the feeding grounds, surrounded by a bunch of different birds. His arm is still in that sling and his feathers still torn.
He seemed to be napped but one of the cranes was pecking and messing with his hair, causing him to stir.
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angel-of-light · 8 months ago
"Lumi....? Lumi...!" -> The deity of darkness traveled through their brother's temple, a sinking feeling in the pit of their stomach. "Lumi!" - @darkness-sees-all
Illumina curiously opened his eyes slightly. They are lidded and his vision is blurry, Gods he wish he didn't go meet other versions of himself now...
He groans when he hears Darkheart’s worried voice. His heart starts racing, not wanting this Darkheart to see him like this. He tries to get up out of the water, but he falls right back into the water, losing his strength. The splashed echoed through the temple... great...
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angel-of-light · 6 months ago
Life isn't fair...is it?
As the evening went smoothly following all of this. The others had a clear warning from Firebrand's great yelling. Oddly, Illumina felt confident enough to approach the others. The conversation with Ghostwalker was uneasy. Getting to meet his nephews was interesting, and Windforce was a great talk. Together, they comprised. Clearly since Firebrand pushed her but its still a way to bond nonetheless.
As Illumina turned to grab a drink from the table, a familiar but terrified face materialized….Darkheart;
“Lumi! So good to see you once more, beloved brother!
"We just got the most fantastic idea! We reasoned we ought to make up! Put everything behind us!”
The smile of Darkheart grew to be quite terrifying. Illumina found himself shocked. His fluffed feathers in what he could only describe as utter delight! Oh he has long yearned for this!
His feathered tail wags and his eyes go bright. Though his body language suggested enthusiasm, Illumina lacked a smile.
"Even our dear friend Venomshank wants too! He is waiting in the courtyard should you like to join us. Little intoxicated, he still has right thinking!"
Though to the God of Purpose it was true, Darkheart seemed rather happy and...sweet. It was practically unsettling. Luminina...He had no idea he was succumbing to the biggest scheme Darkheart had ever developed.
"Yes! Wouldst love that more than anything!”
Two hurried went to the courtyard outside. Leaving Windforce and Firebrand to mingle among themselves. Not one other person observed except Ghostwalker. Still not interested, he chose to leave the dinner early. Darkheart was followed mindlessly by Illumina. The courtyard was dark; the path lights barely illuminated it. Illumina also liked the insects and flowers overtaking the space. It was always his favorite place in the main temple…
Once Illumina looked up Darkheart was gone. A few times he peered about calling Darkheart's name, then heard a snarl. Illumina sprang and quickly turned to face the sound. Venomshank on all fours…feral without his mask. Oh dear; he was beginning to lose it. He was reminded of his experience 200 years ago. Venomshank was ruthless when feral...No; it was not his fault. Still, it was terrifying nonetheless.
"Oh dear brother, did you really think we would let you return this way?"
Darkheart's voice resounded across Illumina as though from a chasm. He stayed fixed on the coming wild Venomshank. The wild deity lunged and golden blood splashed against the pavement…
"Life isn’t fair, is it?”
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angel-of-light · 8 months ago
"How. How are you...."
You can sense something looming, & whatever it is, it's angry.
"We got rid of you. Why are you here....why..."
He perks up along with his feathers. He feels uneasy and honestly terrified. The pressance is familiar but diffrent at the same time...unable to make it out.
He lifts himself up from the ground, leaves sticking to his robes, and looks around.
"Got rid of me?"
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angel-of-light · 8 months ago
Footsteps can be heard in the main part of the temple. It looks hesitant as it walks through the temple, murmuring, "I don't think he put me at the right temple, but sure... Send me here..." He makes a quiet huff as he eyes the other beings in the room, feeling very uncomfortable. "This isn't even the right Illumina.."
(ooc note: my apologies if this doesn't make sense! been wanting to interact but couldn't make sense of how,)
An assortment of different birds fill this area, some have made it their home. The floor is a pond of water that goes as deep as the ankle of your foot and small black fish and other little creatures swim in it. Cranes were eating small black fish while others flew around.
Illumnia is seen sitting in that water, the birds and critters seem to surround him while they listen to him hum a melody.
The melody stops when he hears footsteps of a stranger enter his realm.
"Wherefore has't thee ent'r'd mine own domain? art thee looking f'r assistance?"
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angel-of-light · 8 months ago
shit... dont die on us now Illu! especially not by the hands of That Bitch you just fought!
Illumina is laying in a pool of water stained with his ichor...his body is sore and limp...there is no response but he's alive...for now
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angel-of-light · 8 months ago
You ok after that. Illumina?
There is silence till Illumins burst out of the pond in the Golden Room. He immediately collapsed and panted. His whole body is going limp. Golden ichor fell from his head and torso and into the pond, painting it yellow. His eyes are heavy, and he chokes on some of his ichor.
His thoughts are rampant, he regrets even going to see other versions of himself now. His eyes close slowly as his breaths get slower...
Yeah no...he's dying
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