#washed up dilf era dalinar is coming with it
isdalinarhot · 2 months
There will be feasting and dancing when kowt comes out this year I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me
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isdalinarhot · 10 months
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this is both old and not great art but I’m posting it anyway because I thought about it and started crying a little bit. Call the ooc police I’ll have sex with them
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isdalinarhot · 5 months
assuming that washed up dilf era dalinar goes through about half a bottle of violet a day and assuming that they get new wine once a month I really do think another reason Gavilar is a stinky bastard man is that he is purposely ordering as little wine as humanly possible. Like come on man you are the richest guy in Alethkar you can get 50 bottles of wine once a month. wow Roshar months are long. Anyway fuck this guy
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isdalinarhot · 1 year
washed up dilf era dalinar fucking gets it. if someone were to come into my apartment right now with some booze i too would start hugging them and crying and losing my goddamn mind
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isdalinarhot · 2 years
If Dalivani had gotten together from the get go they both would have spent their 20s-40s being happier people but Navani’s unconditional love for Dalinar means he never would have stopped and gone “is killing people indescriminately……… bad?????” which means he’d be doing worse and worse stuff with impunity until Rathalas (where Navani would not die because she isn’t a peacemaker the same way Evi is and would Not go into town to warn people), at which point there’s like a 50% chance everything would come to a head and the weight of Everything He’s Done would suddenly crush him and we get the washed up dilf era but with a supportive spouse OR he just continues living his life guilt free like Sadeas did because he does not value human life. Either way, no nightwatcher, no cultivation, MAYBE he gets sober and really into the way of kings after Gavilar dies but maybe not. I think this is how Dustbringer Dalinar wins, and that could be. Uh. Very interesting, considering the Dustbringers’ connection to Taravangian!
If Evi and Gavilar had gotten together everything would have sucked for both of them so severely that it’s not even a fun thought exercise to think about, it just makes me sad. But it might actually be better for Evi because she’d be. Y’know. Alive during present day.
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