#was this for an ask meme i sent and completely forgot about?
iwaoiness · 10 months
Oikawa's problematic phone case
Without any doubt, Iwaizumi is the only person in the world who is able to look so fucking hot in his ID picture without even trying. His golden skin, his hair in that natural state of spiky, his forehead relaxed without any wrinkles, that piercing in his eyebrow that he got in his first year at Irvine and that Tooru still shivers over, his eyes staring at the camera with an intensity in their greenish hue that takes breath away, his lips curved in a small lopsided smile, a shadow of dimple on his cheek, his jaw well marked by the lights, his chin slightly elevated.
Hajime sent it during one of his video calls while telling him about his day; the soda Oikawa was drinking at that moment shot out of his nose when he choked while opening the picture. Early in the morning, he stood in the nearest copy shop to his house to request eight copies, still blushing, heart racing, and ears still ringing from Iwaizumi's deep-playful-stupid-hot laugh and his Do I look so hot that it makes the great Oikawa-senshu this nervous?
One of those copies ended up in his grey silicone case (which actually matched Iwaizumi's, his with a chubby dinosaur drawing in the bottom corner asking What are u doing?; Oikawa's, with another smiling dinosaur hugging the rest of Iwasaurus missing tail, answering Miss you, hug me!), accompanying him everywhere for months along with a small family photo with his parents, sister and Takeru.
However, one night, during an interview on a popular and prestigious TV show, Oikawa completely forgot that he changed his usual cover for a transparent one and took out his mobile phone in the middle of the interview to show the presenter a really embarrassing video of Matias, his friend and San Juan's starting blocker.
And, of course, Tooru's loud and intense fandom erupted the minute they noticed (thanks to damn high-definition cameras that might as well show gaping pores in close-up as reveal a years-long relationship with a really hot athletic trainer) Hajime's photograph on his IPhone case.
Social media was abuzz with dozens of screenshots from different angles, threads about conspiracy theories (Hanamaki's favourite was that Oikawa had the wrong phone and used the phone of a technical member of the programme; Matsukawa's that Hajime was Tooru's older brother), civil wars between fans over who was more right until only a day later it was revealed (thanks to one Suna Rintaro) that the strange boy was Iwaizumi Hajime, the hot athletic trainer of Birtwistle University and the Japan Men's National Volleyball Team.
And there was no shortage of hashtags like #IwaizumiHajime27AthleticTrainer, #LGBTooru, #BiRighToorus, #IwaOi that became worldwide TT and the grotesque rise of followers on Hajime's official account and also Oikawa's own.
"You had to use a fucking transparent case" Hajime speaks when it's finally his turn to come to Argentina. He's sitting on the bed with Tooru propped up next to him, blinking at the memes that continue to pop up on his TL even though it's been a month of what Oikawa's fans have already dubbed IwaOi National Day. "You have a drawer full, full, of ridiculous phone cases and you pick the one that's transparent."
"I already said it was unintentional, Iwa-chan! Unintentional!" Oikawa protests, crossing his arms as he makes a pout that Hajime finds truly endearing. "I'd better have kept the picture that auntie took of you when you were nine years old and got stuck in the cat flap," he mutters, but Iwaizumi hears him clearly and Tooru squeals as a pillow hits his face, nearly knocking him off the bed.
the cute phone case inspired this drabble
as always thank u sm and u can find me on my ao3 🍉
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tenjikubaby · 2 years
you have one (1) new message!
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s62 (+ kakucho) texting/messaging HCs
Rindou: The “whats up” guy
Fair emoji use, texting abbreviations, and slang. Can’t care less about proper capitalization or spelling words correctly unless he really wants you to leave him alone. He can be a bit dry as a texter because he prefers to tell you stuff in calls or in person. Usually takes hours or even days to reply unless you’re special to him (you only need to wait minutes if so). Being an extrovert, I think many people messaging him so sometimes your messages might get buried under everyone else’s, and he’s usually too lazy to check everything. 
Ran: The “Good morning. How are you?”  guy
He wants to sound formal and intelligent over text, so he’s got complete sentences, good grammar, proper punctuation and capitalization even if you’re close. Rare emoji use, and if he uses one it’s only the basic smiley/sad faces because he’s too lazy to check out the other emojis outside that. Would likezone you on Messenger or send you those sparkly gifs and it doesn’t mean anything! He’s just kind of a boomer. Leaves you on read often but that also doesn’t mean anything because he might have a) fallen asleep, b) started zoning out, c) just forgot to reply. 
Shion: The "WHAT" guy
WACKY. Lots of emojis (his favorites are the fire, 100, and devil emojis), abuses Caps Lock, may spam you when excited. Sometimes, you might wake up to 35+ new messages from him, a lot of them different variations of “[NAME] WAKE UP BRO CHECK THIS OUT 🔥🔥🔥” (and it’s just a screenshot of a scammy “Congratulations you won a new iPhone!!” message from a free movie website. He already put his details in.) Reply speed is FAST unless he's in a fight or meeting. Laughs at the memes you send like 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA' because he doesn’t believe in lol or lmao or rofl. He’s quite fun to talk to because his reactions are so enthusiastic and extra. 
Izana: The “yes? 🤯” guy
Heavy emoji user. Uses emojis that sometimes mismatch the tone of his message so he can be confusing to talk to. It’s just one of his quirks though. You’ll know immediately if he likes or dislikes you because if he doesn’t like you, he just sends something like “shut the fuck up 😄”. Doesn’t abbreviate too much, but adheres to proper punctuation and types complete sentences. The type of person to respond to you with pictures instead of typing. (Like, if you ask “Where are you?” he sends you a close-up of his face and just above it you can see the sign of the restaurant he’s about to enter). Likes to send memes and reaction pics as well.  Reply speed is quite slow but doesn't exceed a day. 
Kakucho: The "hello :)" guy
Refuses to use emojis, prefers to just type out his smileys/sad faces. No caps. Abbreviates a lot of words but still uses proper punctuation because he doesn’t want to sound monotone. His texting is quite informal but still very much polite unless you’re close friends (he’ll be less polite then). He apologizes if he took too long to reply to you, which happens every time because Kaku isn’t on his phone much. If it’s really urgent, you’re better off calling him. If you send him a meme, he might not get it because he’s also not much of an internet person (unless you sent something that’s universally funny, to which he’ll reply “haha :D”). 
Mocchi: The "sup" guy
It’s really much better and easier to talk to him in person or just call. This guy’s phone is almost always dead. He plays lots of mobile games and spends so much time on YouTube, then forgets to charge his phone. When he does reply, he sounds so lazy: 1-3 words and little-to-no-effort in continuing the conversation at all. You see abbreviated words and no emojis, punctuations and caps. This is not because he doesn’t like you, but it’s because he prefers to talk to people face-to-face. 
Mucho: The plain "Hi" guy
Sounds way too serious in text. He’s not one for perfect grammar and punctuations in text, but you still feel his seriousness. Another slow replyer—barely on his phone because he actually touches grass. He prefers to talk through call, but when you do call, make sure it’s really important or you’d hear a deep sigh on the other end before he says goodbye and hangs up. Would likezone you just like Ran because these two are boomers deep down. Leaves people on read if he thinks the message is not worth replying to. 
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xo-valxntine · 2 years
Amethyst Eyes II (T. Inumaki)
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part one | part two | part three | bonus
pairing: toge inumaki x gn!reader
synopsis: you and toge have been talking (texting) ever since he stumbled into your clinic all those months ago. you can feel yourself starting to fall for him with practically every text, but will you get to see him again?
tws: angst, aged up characters, brief mention of gangs, character death, mentions of grief & coping with loss (let me know if i’m forgetting something?) wc: ~4,900
a/n: i’m going to be honest i love everything abt this story. y/n & toge are so cute ugh . i was rly feeling this part so it’s quite long~ i apologize for what you’re about to endure i hope u enjoy ੈ✩‧₊˚
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It had been a few months since Toge stumbled into your clinic the second time, and the two of you had been texting practically every day. There were times when you’d text back and forth for hours and then there were times it would take one of you a few hours to respond, but every time you saw a message from Toge you’d light up. Toge was special and he made you feel special. Especially with the way he’d text you good morning and goodnight without fail. In the time you’d been talking, he never once forgot. You’d been happier since Toge came into your life.
“Well you seem extra cheerful today.” Misuzu says, pulling you from your thoughts. She had invited you over for lunch and you could never turn that down.
“What do you mean?” You say as you trace the ring of your glass with your finger. Misuzu smiles at you as she sets your bowl down in front of you. She had made your favorite soup. You give her a nod of thanks.
“Just like there’s something extra special going on with you.” Misuzu says as she sits across from you. “If I didn’t know any better, I would say there’s someone special in your life.”
You almost spit out your soup. Swallowing the contents in your mouth down slowly, you try to regain your composure.
“Not quite sure if I know what you mean.” You say looking down and swirling your soup with your spoon trying to buy some extra time.
“Hm.” Misuzu eyes you carefully. “Tell me about the lucky person.”
Your thoughts are immediately consumed with Toge and you can’t help but smile.
“His name is Toge. He’s really sweet.” You say before taking another spoonful of soup.
Your mind flashed back to his good morning text from this morning. It ended up being one of those memes with a cat, a bunch of hearts that had “good morning” typed across it. He sent lots of different memes, some of them cute like the one from this morning and some of them were completely stupid, like the one he had sent you yesterday. It was a picture of a cat that looked like it was meowing, but it had been over edited to make the cat look like it was screaming. Despite calling him a “dummy” and telling him how unfunny it was, you laughed. Toge was constantly making you laugh with his memes and his dumb jokes. The two of you constantly traded jokes back and forth. Your mind flashes back to one of your conversations.
i’ve got a question for you
What is it?
why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side
shut up and ask why
I can’t shut up and ask why at the same time :p
Okay, okay
Why did the chicken cross the road?
to get to the idiot’s house
I think the original joke is funnier
knock knock
Who’s there?
the chicken.
I bet you think you’re real funny
i know you laughed
okay, okay your turn
Okay, you have to answer every question with one word answers. And no asking questions because you’ll ruin it.
What’s the opposite of always?
What’s the opposite of coming?
What’s the opposite of from?
What’s the opposite of take?
What’s the opposite of me?
What’s the opposite of down?
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(b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b
Got you!
i hate you .
<( ̄︶ ̄)>
i’m not talking to you anymore .
You know I’m hilarious.
Wait Y/N are you actually mad? You haven’t replied in like five minutes (ಥ﹏ಥ)
It was just a joke don’t be mad ;(;:(:(
i’m not mad you dummy
i just can’t believe you rickrolled me again
I’m just good like that ;)
Through texting Toge you learned quickly that he was a complete goofball. It was total contrast to how he had been when you first met him, so serious and quiet. The last few months you had become fond of Toge. You looked forward to seeing his good morning texts and hearing about the silly things from his day. You liked Toge a lot. There was something about him that ?, every fiber of your being. You knew what was happening, but you weren’t going to admit it. Not yet.
“Well, he must be really something special. He’s got to be to keep up with you.” Misuzu says, pulling you back into reality. “When can I meet him?”
You spoon more soup into your mouth, so you have a moment to think before answering.
“I’m not really sure.” And that was the truth. “Toge’s a teacher and he’s quite busy with his students.”
It was all true. Toge had finally told you he was a teacher, one night when the two of you were telling each other about your days. At first you thought he was joking, because what teacher stumbles into a clinic coughing up blood? You made a joke about him being in a gang again, but Toge insisted he was in fact a teacher and you shrugged it off, not bringing it up anymore.
“Ah, okay. Well I would love to meet him.” You nod as you finish up your soup.
“I’ll see what I can do.” You say honestly. You hadn’t seen Toge since the night you gave him your phone number. You never pushed it, but you did really want to see him again. Especially since it had been so long since the two of you saw each other.
“It’s so nice to see someone taking care of you. You do so much for others, Y/N. You really do deserve the best.” Misuzu says. You quickly become embarrassed and change the subject.
Misuzu and you spend more time talking about different topics and then you take the time to help her clean up. You’re putting the dishes away when you notice Misuzu wincing as she moves.
“Is there something wrong, Miss M?” You ask, turning to face her. She shakes her head and waves you off.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m just old now.” She says. You watch her carefully and notice she’s wincing more.
“Are you sure? You could come down to the clinic and I could just take a quick look at you.” You say. She waves you off again.
“I’m okay. Now come here. There’s something I want to show you.” She says gesturing you over to the couch. You follow and sit next to her.
“This is something, I’ve been keeping for awhile. I’ve been waiting to give to you. I think it’s finally the right time.” Misuzu says rummaging through a basket. She pulls out what looks like a scrapbook and sits down next to you.
“Is this what I think it is?” You ask carefully, taking in the scrapbook. Misuzu nods.
“Probably that and more. I’ve been collecting pictures of you since you were just a little thing. I’ve been piecing it together since the first time I met you. Not only does it have pictures of you, but all the stories I told you, all your favorite recipes. It’s all here.” She says tapping the book. You feel your eyes beginning to fill with tears.
“Oh, Miss M. That’s beautiful. Thank you.” You say giving her a hug. The tears begin to fall as you're holding her. You don’t ever want to let go, but eventually you do.
“Here, let me show you a few of my favorite parts.” Misuzu says opening the scrapbook.
The two of you spent time going through the scrapbook, reminiscing over all the different moments you spent together. Different moments in your life. It was made to perfection. You were sad when you finally had to leave so that, Misuzu could get her rest. You wanted to go over every single detail about it with her, but the two of you could do that another time. Until then, you propped up on your couch examining each page. You’re finally snapped out of your trance when your phone buzzes.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
I haven’t heard from you all day. Everything okay?
You let out a small giggle and reply.
all good. spent the day with Miss M and she gave me a scrapbook with pics from when i was little
Toge replies immediately.
Little y/n? I bet you’re adorable. Care to share?
You shake your head, but flip through the scrapbook. You knew just the picture to send him. You were in Misuzu’s kitchen while she was teaching you how to make rice balls. How coincidental had that been? Toge loved rice balls and there you were making them. You quickly snap a picture and send it to him.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
Just like I thought: adorable. Bet the ones I make taste better though :p
doubtful, i’ve been making them since i was six
I, Toge Inumaki, hereby challenge thee Y/N to a riceball off
challenge accepted
don’t go crying when i win
The only way you’ll win is if I let you
not possible, i have a secret that makes them taste amazing
Care to share?
maybe one day
I’m looking forward to it ♡
You sit for a moment, fiddling with your phone in your hands. You wanted to ask him the question that had been tucked away at the back of your mind since the last time you had seen him, but things had been going so well and you didn’t want to ruin them by bringing it up.
can i ask you a question?
Of course
Your fingers hover before typing.
do you like talking to me?
Absolutely not.
I just spend all my free time texting you because I hate talking to you
That was sarcasm btw
I love texting you. Talking to you is the best part of my day. I’d spend every second of the day talking to you if I could. You’re really special Y/N. Special to me.
you mean that?
Every word.
i wanna see you again
Toge doesn’t reply immediately, like he normally would. Instead you watch as the typing bubble pops in and out of the chat. After a few minutes you get a response.
Are you being serious?
You contemplate for a moment. You and Toge had been texting back and forth playfully since that fateful day. The two of you had even been flirting now and then. He had taken a hold on you in the last few months. If you were being honest, Toge had, had a hold on you since the day he stumbled into your clinic. Of course you wanted to see him again. You type your reply without hesitation.
For awhile there’s no response. You don’t even see the chat bubble indicating that he’s typing show up. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you see the typing bubble show up and then a message.
I’m not sure if I can do that.
You felt a part of your heart break as you read over the words. Once. Twice. Three times. You hadn’t even realized your eyes were filled with tears until you felt them on your thumbs. You go to wipe away the tears on your face, but it’s pointless because they keep falling down. The tears were staining your phone and you did your best to wipe them away.
After you send the message you turn off your phone and then everything that's been building up hits you all at once. You’re crying. Choking on sobs as you’re trying to make sense of what you had just read. I’m not sure if I can do that. The words danced throughout your mind over and over again. There was something about those words that hit you. Part of you had known there was no guarantee you’d see Toge again, not with him being secretive about whatever it was he was hiding. But you still held out hope that maybe, just maybe you’d be able to see him again. That message just served as confirmation that it wasn’t going to be possible to see him again. All that time you had spent growing close to him felt pointless. All the different conversations you had together flooded your mind and you only cried harder. You wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to give yourself a sense of comfort, but your head drifted to thinking about Toge wrapping his arms around you. You buried your face into your blanket and just cried, and cried, and cried.
The next morning you awoke with a throbbing headache. You rub your temples, trying to soothe the pain when the memories from last night come rushing back. Oh right. It hadn’t just been a nightmare. You shake your head, trying to push the memories away, but you’re reminded of the pain from your headache and wince. You sigh and make your way to the bathroom, so that you can take some pain medicine for your head. You take the medicine and sit on the floor waiting for it to kick in. Once the medicine finally kicks in, you move to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water. You chug it down, starting to feel a bit better. Your thoughts drift back to the night before and Toge’s words. I’m not sure I can do that. You had known there was no certainty in seeing him again, but you had let yourself hope. And part of you still had hope. It wasn’t like he had said absolutely not, I never want to see you again. He had just said he was unsure, which still hurt, but not as much as no. You were starting to feel better about the situation. Maybe you had overreacted. You’d text Toge later to talk about things more. Your head feels like it’s starting to clear and then you look at the time. Your eyes widen.
“Shit. I’m late.” You mutter to yourself. You move quickly to get ready and you’re out of the door within ten minutes.
When you arrive at your clinic you notice Mr. and Mrs. Yamada standing outside. You’re confused, because you know they didn’t have appointments today. In fact, you were only supposed to have patients in the afternoon today.
“Oh there you are, Y/N.” Mrs. Yamada says.
“Morning Mrs. Yamada. Is there something going on?”
“Everyone’s been trying to get in touch with you and no one could. We were all worried, so we came here.” Mrs. Yamada says. You were still confused.
“I’m sorry, Mrs. Yamada, did something happen?” You ask. You watched as her face fell.
“You don’t know?” Their eyes were on you and you were starting to panic.
“Know what?”
“Miss Misuzu passed away last night.”
It felt like a building had just been dropped on you. You weren’t sure if you had heard correctly. You must have a strange look on your face, because they were looking at you with sympathy. You could feel the pain starting to wash over you.
“T-t-that’s not possible.” You mumble. “Y-y-you’re l-lying. I just saw her yesterday.” That was right. You did just see her yesterday. You had a lovely afternoon together. She made you soup, you helped her clean, and she gave you the scrapbook. That had all happened yesterday.
“Y/N, sweetheart, I’m sorry, but she’s telling the truth. It was late last night, or early this morning rather.” Mr. Yamada says, stepping forward.
They were lying. They were both lying. Misuzu was fine. You saw her yesterday. You had lunch together, you helped her clean, and she gave you the scrapbook. You think about how she had suddenly invited you over for lunch. How she was wincing when she was moving around.
“I’m just getting old.”
That’s what she had said, but she wasn’t that old, was she? The thoughts are racing through your head. She had given you the scrapbook and— The realization is like a second building being dropped on top of you.
“This is something, I’ve been keeping for awhile. I’ve been waiting to give to you. I think it’s finally the right time.”
She knew. That’s why she had invited you over. That’s why she had given you the scrapbook. Why she had taken the time to go over the memories with you. Your legs become weak and you can tell you’re about to collapse.
“N-no.” It’s so soft, you’re not sure if it’s more than a thought. Your legs finally collapse and you’re sobbing. “No, no, no.” Mrs. Yamada leans over and gently rubs your back.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.”
Mr and Mrs. Yamada were kind enough to take you back home and make sure you got in all right. You couldn’t even open the door yourself because your hands were shaking so much. ? had to open the door for you. You had calmed your crying in front of them, but when you were sure they had left, it all came tumbling back out. Misuzu was gone and not coming back. You’d never hear her voice again. Those thoughts only made you cry even harder. You cried and cried until you felt hollow.
The arrangements for Misuzu ended up falling to you, because she had no living family. Even though you weren’t blood, you did consider yourself her family. She cared for you like no one else did. She was always there when you needed her. And now she needed you to handle this for her, so you did. She left ? and you would made sure everything was the way she wanted it. It was hard, but you made it through somehow. When the day of the funeral came, you didn’t cry. You held it together long enough to share your favorite memories with Misuzu and somehow held it together as people gave you their condolences. Maybe it had something to do with the hollow feeling. What were the stages of grief again? Whatever they were, you weren’t sure which one the hollow feeling inside of you belonged to.
A week had gone by since the funeral service. You had spent the majority of the time thumbing through the scrapbook she had given you. You took the time to look at every picture and every description she wrote. You read over every story and recipe. Again, again, and again. You’d do anything to have more time with her. You were supposed to have more time with her. You knew you were. Something about the way Misuzu left didn’t feel right. Despite being told she had passed away in her sleep peacefully, you didn’t believe it. Misuzu was healthy, and you knew she was because you were her doctor. She was still supposed to have more time and you were saying that as her doctor, not as her self-proclaimed daughter in denial. You push the thoughts away, not wanting to think about it anymore. You turn your attention back to the scrapbook and your eyes land on the picture of you making rice balls. Suddenly, your head is filled with images of his blonde hair and violet eyes.
Toge had been texting you nonstop since that night and you hadn’t replied to a single one of them. When you had finally calmed yourself down after finding out about Misuzu’s death, you turned your phone back on so that you could figure out what the necessary arrangements would be. When you turned the phone on it was flooded with missed call notifications from people in your small town, most likely from when they were trying to let you know about Misuzu. You cleared the notifications away and your attention was captured by notifications from him.
rice ball enthusiast ♡
I’m sorry.
Good morning! I hope you have a lovely day
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
I think I might’ve just seen a frog in a cherry blossom tree? Think I might be hallucinating
How was your day?
Y/N are you okay? I’m worried.
Are you mad at me for last night?
I’m sorry, Y/N. I promise I’d come see you if I could.
(Attachment: 1 Image) (it was a picture of a cat looking at a phone screen sadly)
Please, I just want to know you’re okay.
Goodnight, Y/N. ♡
You wanted to text him back. You really did. Tell him that you forgave him. Explain to him that at first you were upset and that you had turned your phone off, but you had slept and just wanted to talk to him about it some more. You wanted to explain to him that the reason you hadn’t reached out sooner is because you had gotten bad news and couldn’t be bothered to turn your phone back on. You wanted to tell him about Misuzu’s death. How it had completely shattered you and how you hated having to go through this alone. You wanted him to comfort you in a way only he could, even if it was just from his words and stupid little memes. But you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. Instead, you never replied to him or any of the texts after that. For the most part, they were similar. He still said good morning and good night without fail. And then every now and again he’d send you a video he found funny or text you about a part of his day. You read every single text and watched every single video. You just couldn’t bring yourself to reply to them.
It has been two months since Misuzu had passed and you were finally starting to come to terms with it. The scrapbook had a lot to do with it. She had left a piece of herself with you, a constant reminder that someone loved you for you. You cherished it. You had even made some of the recipes she had left you. Some of them were ones she had taught you before, others were ones she had made you but never taught you how to make. You found comfort in the meals and noted how great it tasted, but it would never be quite like hers.
After her passing, it had taken you about a month to get back into the clinic. With the arrangements and coping with her death, it just wasn’t a priority at the time. This meant there was a lot of work for you to do when you got back, but you threw yourself into it and the clinic was now back to where it needed to be.
“Hey, Rin, how are you?” You ask.
“Good! Mom says I’ve gotten a whole five inches taller!” He says eagerly bouncing. You pretend to look at him surprised.
“A whole five inches? That’s awesome! Come on let’s measure you.” You reply. His mom smiles at you and you lead them towards the back.
“How are you doing, Y/N?” Rin’s mom asks as you’re checking his vitals.
“I’ve been good. Thanks for asking, Mrs. Fujita.” You say. And it was the truth. You were good. For the most part anyway.
“That’s good to hear.” She replies at you smiling. You smile back and then continue with her son’s check up.
“All right. You’re all good to go.” You say and pull out the stickers you keep for the kids. “You did an awesome job today, man. Go ahead and choose one.”
You watch ad he ponders over his choices carefully before selecting one.
“This one!” Rin exclaims holding up one of the ones with a race car on it.
“Very good choice, my friend.” You say laughing at his eagerness. You turn to his mom. “Thanks for bringing him in. He’s all good to go. If you need anything else just let me know.”
Mrs. Fujita thanks you and Rin gives a wave as they exit the clinic. You slump over once they’re out of sight. Despite feeling better mentally, you weren’t feeling the best physically. It felt as if something was wrapped around your torso and your shoulders felt heavy. At first you didn’t think much of it, thinking it was just your body’s way of coping with grief, but when the feeling continued, you decided to get yourself checked out. Everything came out normally, no cause for concern. That eased you worries a little, but the feeling had remained. You weren’t in pain, you were just feeling a lot of discomfort.
You spent the rest of the day updating patient charts and going through your files. You’re sorting the last of your files when you hear your phone buzz on your desk. You didn’t have to look to know who it was. Reluctantly, you pick up the phone and look at the notification.
rice ball enthusiast
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It was a picture of a kitten that looked like it was screaming with the text “Text me back. I miss you.” on the side. You let out a sigh and lock your phone without replying. He hadn’t stopped texting you despite the fact you hadn’t replied to him. You weren’t upset with him. You really had forgiven him the very next day, after he told you he couldn’t see you. You believed him when he said he’d come visit you if he could, but you wanted to put distance between the two of you. You didn’t want to keep falling for him and become attached. Especially not when you were so consumed in your grief over Misuzu. You hoped that he would stop texting you, but you still received good morning and good night texts. He kept sharing his favorite memes and videos with you and sharing details about his day. You watched every video and read every word. It was like he somehow knew you still saw his messages, despite having your read receipts off. Eventually, however, the messages did stop and you hadn’t heard from Toge in over a week.
It was late and you were leaving your clinic. You were going to lock the door when you got the strange feeling someone, or rather something was watching you. You check your surroundings to see if there’s anything around and see nothing. You try to shake the feeling, but you can’t. You eye your surroundings one more time before deciding it would just be best to go back into your clinic. Maybe whatever it was would go away and you could go home in a little while.
You were scrolling on your phone, waiting for the eery feeling you had to go away, but it didn’t. It only got progressively worse as did the heavy feeling on your shoulders. You were ready to go home and relax, but with the eery feeling getting worse, you couldn’t bring yourself to leave. Instead, you decide to put your phone down and gaze out the window. Your eyes are met with nothing but darkness and you’re about to turn away when something catches your attention. Your eyes widen and you’re not completely sure you can trust them. You blink several times, thinking maybe it was just your imagination and the sight in front of you would go away, but no. There was a woman fighting what looked like a car-sized purple lizard. And they were moving closer and closer to your clinic. You quickly back away from your window and go to the back of your clinic to hide. You curl up in a corner in the back room, trying to convince yourself this wasn’t real. Any excuse you could think of came to your head. Maybe you were tired. Or maybe you hadn’t eaten enough and—
You’re pulled from your reasoning when the windows of your clinic burst. The windows burst with such force that the glass had scattered all the way to the back room you were in. A strange noise filled your ears, along with the sounds of slashing.
“Dammit. Just where the hell is that guy?” You hear a voice say. You could only assume that it was the woman from before. You hear footsteps along the shattered glass and the strange noise continued as did the sounds of the slashing.
“I see you finally decided to show up, Toge.” The woman says. You freeze. Toge? She couldn’t possibly mean—
“Don’t move.” You hear an unfamiliar voice say. You listen as the slashing continues.
“Dammit, Toge. Just finish it already.” The woman’s voice says.
“Explode.” Toge, you assume, speaks. Following that, you hear a loud splattering noise. There’s a few moments of silence before the woman speaks again.
“Well, we’ve done what we needed to do. Ready to go?” “Salmon.”
Your eyes widen and your mind flashes back to that very first night.
“Can you speak?”
It was him. But that couldn’t be, it didn’t make sense. It wasn’t possible. It wasn’t real. None of this could be real. You had to be dreaming. You must’ve fallen asleep while doing paperwork and were dreaming. You try to wake yourself up.
“Wake up, wake up.” You whisper to yourself. “Wake up. It’s just a dream.”
You were so in your thoughts that you barely noticed the sound of footsteps until they froze.
“Did you hear that? Is someone here? Gojo said—hey where are you taking off to?”
You hear footsteps rushing around and you want the the floor to open and swallow you whole. It was your dream right? That could happen, you were control. You keep willing the floor to open, but it never happens. The footsteps that were running had now stopped and you could feel eyes on you. You force yourself to look up and you’re met with those mesmerizing amethyst eyes. It really was him.
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You must be 18+ to interact with Alastor or any of my muses for that matter. Hazbin Hotel is a cartoon for adults and this blog will contain content not suitable for children. I am 21+ and I don't feel comfortable roleplaying with minors. Trust me, I will be checking.
That being said, please have your age/age range somewhere on your blog that is visible to mobile users. I am always on my phone and if I can't see your age, I'm going to assume you're a minor and block you. You can message me privately if you don't feel comfortable stating your age/age range publicly but if I suspect that you're a minor and/or you're lying about your age, I'm blocking you.
No non-RP blogs beyond this point if you please! If you're a hub for RP blogs, that's fine but otherwise, no personal blogs please. Also not blank or porn blogs. Personals (unless connected to an RP blog (s)), Blank and Porn blogs will be blocked on sight.
If your personal blog is connected to an RP blog at all, please have that stated somewhere or message me to let me know. I don't want to block a potential writing partner by accident
Don't harass me about responding. I will block you. I have ADHD and depression so muse is a fickle thing for me as is motivation. I may drop threads by accident because I lost muse or forgot to respond. So, if there's a thread you want to continue and it's been more than a week, send it to me!
If we're writing together, please please please please please please please please please give me something to work with! If I can't work with what you sent me, I can't respond. If I can't work with whatever it is you sent me, I'm going to ask you ONCE to fix it. If I still can't work with it, I'm going to ignore it. If it continues, I'm blocking you.
That being said, PLOT WITH ME!! I do so much better with a thread if we've plotted it out beforehand. This is especially true with starters and memes, think carefully before you send me something. If there's a specific context for that meme or that starter, TELL ME! I'm not a mind reader, guys!
As I said, I prefer plotting in general but plotting is 100000% REQUIRED if your muse is an OC. If I don't know your character, Alastor doesn't either.
Do not reblog shit you're not involved with. This is the single most annoying thing in my opinion and I will block you SO FAST if you do this. If it doesn't concern you, leave it alone. I don't care if y'all interact with my OOC posts/Discussion posts but please don't reblog shit that doesn't concern you. Headcanons can be reblogged by MUTUALS ONLY.
Don't Godmod. This portrayal of Alastor is MINE and I am more than capable of writing him. If you think you can do better, make your own Alastor but let me write mine, ok? Ok.
Please, for the love of everything unholy, do NOT write in first person, chat speak, chat style or script style if you're interested in writing with me. I can't work with it and it's a HUGE pet peeve of mine. No offense to those who enjoy it, I just can't do it. If this is the only way you plan on writing, move along.
This Alastor is Demisexual/Demi romantic. I feel like he has a more masculine lean in terms of attraction but that doesn't mean ladies are completely out of the question.
Ships you can expect to see are RadioDust, RadioHusk, RadioHuskerDust, RadioStatic (Alastor x Vox). Don't like? Don't interact. I'm not a fan of Charlastor, sorry! I'm open to other ships though!
Keep One-Liners to a minimum please!
There will be blood, gore and other disturbing content. If any of that bothers you, Alastor may not be the muse you want to play with. I am not changing my character for you, sorry about it.
If you disrespect me, my muse (This doesn't count if it's IC) or my rules on my blog, I'm blocking you.
Feel free to message me OOC!
If I Block you, DNI WITH MY BLOGS! Don't bloghop and harass me about it. LEAVE ME ALONE!
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nimuetheseawitch · 7 months
I don't remember if I sent an ask for the ship meme or if I just thought I should do that and forgot lol. So just in case: Beejhawk and/or Hawkeye/Charles
Beejhawk: I ship it
1. What made you ship it?
Honestly, at this point, I don't remember. It doesn't help that I probably saw the whole show a dozen times before even considering shipping anyone, so any one moment would forever be influenced by every other moment. I do quite enjoy the "remind me to kiss you in the morning" line though.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Right now I'm on a serious kick of loving it when people are being oblivious idiots about their feelings, and I like that kind of dynamic for them: BJ being unaware of what his feelings actually mean and Hawkeye being very into preserving BJ's marriage and completely ignoring any possibility that BJ could have feelings for him.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
They're actually kind of bad for each other (or really, BJ is bad for Hawkeye). Don't get me wrong, I love them. I love them being a messy, dysfunctional disaster that either can't survive a return to the States or never gets off the ground (or doesn't get off the ground until they're old and finally get their shit together). But they are a hot mess. BJ is an asshole. Hawkeye is literally going insane. They aren't able to fix each other's problems because the problem is the war.
Charhawk: I don't ship it.
1. Why don’t you ship it?
To be fair, I'm not against them. I will entertain the ship. But it's just not one I seek out. I think a big part of it for me is that I would need Charles to come a lot farther politically to make me happy with him and Hawkeye together. Yes, Hawkeye and Charles see eye to eye on many things and can respect each other, and because it's the later seasons, Hawkeye's politics are worn down, but their world views are still so fundamentally in conflict, and that's hard for me to get past.
2. What would have made you like it?
I guess I kind of answered that? When I've read it and liked it, Charles has come a long way and gotten away from the politics of his family. I do think we see him change a lot in Korea, but in GFA we see how he struggles with acknowledging how he's changed, especially as he's facing reintegrating into Boston society. So I guess, for me, Charles needs to leave his version of Boston behind.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Sons and Bowlers is a fantastic episode, and Charles can still be a great friend through fundamental differences of opinion. And I very much see the appeal of the ship. And god, I love David Ogden Stiers.
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spider-phoenix · 1 year
Finals where kicking my ass, so the trans!atsv headcanons will be coming out a lot later than expected, I'm still working on them though so don't worry !!
In the mean time, I made some silly little insta profiles for a few of my favourite spiderverse characters !
side note, do we have a name for the spiderverse cinematic universe? Outside of the MCU, I know they're part of it but I want something to refer to the spiderverse plots specifically. ITSV, ATSV, and BTSV all refer to their specific movies, and spiderverse is annoyingly long for my ADHD brain to type out. Maybe we could call it SVCU, for "spiderverse cinematic universe"?
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Spider-Gram, the multidimensional social media platform for spider-people of all kinds. Owned by Miguel, mostly run by Lyla.
Peni Parker
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models fashion in her spare time, not for money she just likes trying on cute outfits. Outside of that she posts a lot of pictures of Spider and any cool landscapes she comes across.
She has the most followers becuz she has actually interesting content with her fashion shit, and none of its pervy she's a teenager who likes clothes don't make it weird. She doesn't do suggestive shit just genuine fashion or styling types.
Spiderman Noir
His username includes the earth he comes from becuz he's a professional.
his story is just rubix cube shit, he owns a bunch of different kinds. Posts are mostly Peni, his honorary adopted child.
He didn't write the description on his profile, Hobie did. I headcanon then as best friends aka Hobie annoys the shit out of him and he's completely fine with it. He only follows Peni + Hobie ofc.
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Gwen Stacy
When writing her description I was going to change it to something else because the joke was super dumb, until I realized that it totally fits her character.
She follows a ton of people but doesn't post so doesn't expect to be followed back. Miles, Hobie, and Jess are her three followers.
She doesn't follow Miles back because I feel like it fits with the whole premise of the second movie, and Pav was going to follow her but couldn't find her page and never bothered to ask about it.
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Pavitr Prabhakar
He follows all his friends plus some, except Gwen for reasons stated above and Miles-1610. He was following Miles at some point, but 42 removed all three of 1610's followers for shits and giggles once, Pav never noticed.
He posts the most out of all of them, lots of memes honestly but sometimes pics of his friends. He's not technically "part of" the band, because he doesn't play an instrument or anything, but he helps them write songs and shit so it still counts.
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Miles Morales (e-1610)
Hobie Brown
posts dumb pictures of himself (and often Pav) that get sent in their group chat as well as cool pictures of himself that he says he only spent a min taking when he actually spent at least 3 hours on the setup alone.
he's following the following people ;
Miles - 1610
Gwen Stacy
Pavitr Prabhakar
spider-man noir
Margo Kess
Peni Parker
Mayday Parker (- run by MJ + Peter, they only post photos where her face is covered by her hat)
the following people follow him ;
Miles - 1610
Gwen Stacy
Pavitr Prabhakar
spider-man noir
Peni Parker
Mayday Parker
Peter B. Parker
+ 3 random spider-people who think he's cool
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Miles Morales (e-42)
isn't verified because Miguel runs the app, followed all his friends but only Hobie and 42 followed him back. Was following Gwen but unfollowed her when he was the only person she wasn't following, becuz he's petty like that and they're still fighting.
He only has two posts because he didn't know the app existed until recently (everyone conveniently forgot to tell him until Hobie spilled the beans, Pav genuinely thought he alrdy knew about it)
the people he's following because I spent forever counting this out and you deserve to know ;
Hobie Brown
Gwen Stacy Mayday Parker
Pavitr Prabhakar
Peni Parker
Peter B. Parker
Spider-man noir
Margo Kess
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doesn't post regularly, when he does it's just cool pictures of himself.
Only agreed to match with Miles so he would shut up about it. He def pretends to hate him but he's also the only person that he follows back.
Mayday, Jess, Margo, Miguel, and Lyla next ??
I loved making these and have ideas for more characters so if you guys wanna see them shoot me an ask !!
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
Sangyao for the ship game?
WOW I forgot I decided to do this meme, I am so sorry for leaving you hanging, anon!! (and also to the other people who sent me asks, I will get on those now) so:
ship it 👍
but as with most of my non-xiyao ships, I don't think I sail this particular one the way lots of other sangyao shippers do, since 1) I think there is very little canon support for it, and 2) in all of my non-jgy ships, I can never divorce jgy from his feelings for lxc. so even when I ship jgy with anyone else, he still loves er-ge best, and that is bound to be something that not everyone is here for.
that said, here are my answers to the other questions:
1. what made me ship it?
it was their vibes in cql, I think! I loved how quick meng yao was to throw himself between wen chao et al. and nie huaisang during the cloud recesses reception in episode 4, and how nie huaisang immediately shrank back behind him. because he trusted meng yao to take care of him--meng yao, who may or may not even have a golden core at this point, has not been raised among cultivators, but who nevertheless on pure instinct places himself in harm's way to protect chifeng-zun's easily flustered didi. in the novel, it was all of the gifts that jgy showered on nhs after he becomes jin guangyao, and how much joy and delight nhs seems to derive from his visits, as well as receiving such thoughtful gifts from someone who seems to actually understand his interests. I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't a little 👀 over the possibilities of what these two often underestimated men could accomplish if they were given the opportunities to do what they do best and support each other while doing it. (well. jgy would probably do most of the supporting, but I won't throw nhs totally under the bus in that department).
2. what are my favourite things about this ship?
this is another area where I expect my answer is not going to be super popular among some other sangyao shippers, but whatever, here goes. probably what I find most compelling about this ship is that, no matter how attentive and loving and devoted to meeting nhs's needs as jgy is, nhs will always know on some level that in jgy's heart, there can only be lan xichen. and given the darkness I think is absolutely present in nhs's heart even before nmj dies, I think there is a lot of potential for gothic horror-romance there. tl;dr this is not the ship I reach for when I want to indulge in some happily-ever-after vibes, even when I am hoping to use a romance between the two as part of a canon-divergent fix-it.
aside from that downer, I do like that nhs as a person is just extremely hands-on and tactile with how he interacts with others. in a sangyao ship, I imagine this was something that shocked jgy to start with, but I can also see it being one of the things that he comes to cherish most about their relationship. because nhs just doesn't care about the world's perception of him, and it does not occur to him to be too concerned with the world's perception of jgy either. he wants to drape himself dramatically across his san-ge and beg for help with these wretched grain tariffs, and no one is going to stop him, and as much as this probably exasperates (and frightens, on some level) jgy, I don't think he would give that up easily.
3. is there an unpopular opinion I have about this ship?
y... yeah. lol. a lot of them to be honest. I do not vibe with the idea that jgy would ever have chosen to do nhs harm prior to figuring out that nhs is behind the complete destruction of his whole life, and so when I see jgy being cruel to nhs physically or emotionally in fic, I smash that back button. I also don't think that a happy ending for jgy involves becoming nie-furen (or nie-er-furen, if nmj is still alive) anymore than I think he would be happy as lan-furen, and while there's far less fic for this than there is lan-furen, I still just sigh when I encounter even fanon speculation about it. jgy isn't a lan, and he isn't a nie--he's a jin, and I think while nhs is blind to a lot of things, he would not be blind to something like that.
wahoo, better late than never!!
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dadvans · 1 year
Starz4ever ????
ah, i forgot to answer a few of these! since ao3 is down, let me finish doing them.
(For the WIP Meme) (Asks Open)
this was essentially going to be a sidgeno AU where geno decides to go into porn to spite his ex who said his penis was average
this fic will probably never be finished, so you can access the full google doc here.
Sid smiled up at Zhenya as the others went their separate ways. “You look nervous.” “Yeah, maybe little bit,” Zhenya admitted. His whole stomach was in his throat all of a sudden, sinking into the quicksand reality of the situation. This was the guy who was going to suck his dick. Thinking about it even for a second sent a nauseating pang to his gut, like getting the air knocked out of him.  “Totally normal. C’mon, follow me, we’re gonna go up to the next level for a bit and get you a robe and touched up. Fair warning, if it isn’t already, they’re probably gonna wax your taint before you get on camera, but don’t worry: it mostly feels great,” Sid said, pulling him toward the elevator.  “Wax my what?” Zhenya asked, but Sid just winked and pressed the button for the elevator, which creaked down slow through the grated door. “So, Russian, huh?” Sid said as they got in the elevator. Was that a question? Zhenya pointed at himself. “Me? Yeah, Russian.” “Oh man, I went to this great Russian place down on Nostrand last week. Do you know it? Here,” Sid said, fishing for his phone in his robe pocket, The tie around his way came a little bit more undone in the shuffle, but Zhenya had a feeling that Sid didn’t notice or care. Zhenya could tell by the easy way he occupied space that he was probably just as comfortable naked as he was wearing something. The robe was probably more annoying than anything to him.  He leaned into Zhenya as the elevator jerked upward. Their arms touched, and Sid held his phone between them, scrolling through photos of Russian small plates; pickled fish and thick cut onions, potatoes seven different ways covered in herbs, salads with questionable amounts of mayo.  “Where is this?” He almost grabbed Sid’s phone away from him completely. All the pictures looked homey and familiar. “I’ll have to ask my friend the name of the place, but there’s like an entire neighborhood, I figured you might know,” Sid said. He let Zhenya keep holding his phone. “The food was great though. I ate so much I was worried I couldn’t shoot for like, a week.” “Russian food’s best,” Zhenya agreed. He kept scrolling through Sid’s pictures. There were more plates of food, a live video of a dog in a park that played over and over if Zhenya held his thumb against the screen, a picture of a long waterfront leading toward the hazy silhouette of the city. The elevator shuddered to a stop, and Zhenya kept scrolling, right onto a picture of Sid taking a naked selfie in the background. “Oh!”  He tried to scroll through it, but there were twenty or so more, just differing shots capturing the light on Sid’s fat ass facing toward the camera, the cut of his stomach as he twisted around to face the mirror with his phone in hand. Zhenya hadn’t been paying attention before, but Sid’s ass was huge; he was currently lifting up the loft elevator door, and his robe was easily a few inches shorter in the back than it was in the front. It was almost embarrassing that he hadn’t noticed.  “Oh, shit, sorry, did you hit the nudes? My bad,” Sid said, taking the phone out of his hands. “I should’ve warned you, but it kind of comes with the territory if you stick around porn people long enough. You okay, bud? Didn’t scar you?”   “Not scar, but like, wow, Sid,” Zhenya said, looking down again. He’d trained a handful of guys who had fought and dieted and dedicated themselves to getting the kind of tone Sid had, and for some it was just impossible. “Huge.” “Thanks,” Sid said. He was smiling.
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You must be 18+ to interact with Adam or any of my muses for that matter. Hazbin Hotel is not intended for children and I am over the age of 18. I do not feel comfortable writing with minors. I check every blog that interacts with me.
Adding on to the previous rule, please make sure your age or age range is visible to mobile users. I do not have a desktop, I access Tumblr from my phone, so if I can't see your age, I'm going to assume you're a minor and block you on sight. If you'd like to message me privately to let me know you're 18+, that's fine too but please make it known that you are not a minor bc I will block you and if I find out you lied to me about your age, I will definitely block you.
Do not harass me about responding. I can understand being excited for a thread but I have a life outside of roleplay, as I'm sure most of us do. I also have depression and ADHD, inspiration is a fickle thing for me and I tend to drop threads without warning because I meant to respond and forgot or I just can't formulate a response. If it's been at least a week, feel free to poke me and we can talk about it.
Do not, and I mean do not, reblog my threads or anything else that doesn't concern you. This is the absolute quickest way to piss me off and get you booted from my blog. If it's a discussion post, obviously that's meant to be replied to and reblogged but if it's a thread or something that is personal to MY portrayal, don't steal it. You can reblog my Headcanons if we're mutuals but if we've never interacted, don't reblog my shit.
Adam is a misogynistic piece of shit and he's going to act like one. I don't condone anything he says or does, obviously he's a prick. Don't come at me if he says something out of pocket to your muse. However, if it's too much and it bothers you, let me know if I need to tone it down a little bit. I won't completely erase his personality but if he gets carried away, let me know.
That being said, I am not Adam. We are definitely not the same person. Do not treat me like him. Muse ≠ Mun
I am open to shipping! I have no idea what Adam's sexuality could be and I can't imagine anyone wanting to be shipped with him but if you want to date a gigachad, go for it
If you're planning on writing with me, please, please, please, please, please with sugar on top, for the love of all things unholy, give me something to work with. Plot with me! Especially if you have an OC.
I love OCs but as I previously mentioned, you are required to plot with me if you're going to throw your OC at Adam. I prefer plotting in general, especially since Adam is a character we don't really know much about and obviously if he doesn't canonically know your character, I don't either. Please plot with me, I promise I don't bite. Adam might though 😏
Think carefully when you send me things. If there's a specific context for the meme or starter you sent me, tell me. If I can't work with what you gave me, I'm going to ignore it or ask you ONCE to fix it. If you still continue to send me things I can't work with, I won't interact with you anymore.
If I block you, don't go to my other blogs and ask me why. If I block you on one blog, that obviously means leave me alone. DNI.
Non-RP blogs are not welcome here. If you're an anchor for a RP blog or blogs, that's fine, but if your blog isn't affiliated with the RPC in any way, do not follow me because I will block you. And RP hubs, make sure you make it known that you're attached to an RP blog because I might block you by accident 😅
I cannot STAND first person, script style or chat style RPs. Nothing against the people who enjoy writing them, I just can't do it. It's a personal pet peeve of mine, so please, if you're going to only write in that style, move along.
Do. Not. Godmod. This is my blog and my muse and I am more than capable of writing him. I have been in the RPC since I was 8 years old, I have 15 years of writing under my belt, I think I can handle it. If you think you can do a better job of writing my muse, make your own blog, but do not try to take my character from me.
When I post an open starter, I'm looking for interaction with that muse. I don't post them just because. Every time I post a starter, it gets likes but very rarely do I actually get interaction. That annoys the hell out of me. If I post a starter, it meant to be replied to. I don't care if y'all like it, but please, for the love of God, if you like it, reply to it! That's what it's there for!
Feel free to chat with me OOC, I promise I'm not mean. I'm just tired of not having my rules followed :p
That being said, follow my rules and we'll get along fine. Disrespect me and I'll block you. Plain and simple.
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
This is such a random thought but you guys seem to enjoy random thoughts, here are some thoughts about how I think some of the drivers message/call you:
Charles is texting you every second of every day. And honestly it’s almost never important stuff. Like he won’t tell you that he’s missed his flight, but he’ll send you five messages about the coffee he bought while wait it for his next flight.
And he’ll send you random thoughts too and random pictures!! You’re always getting sent pictures of Carlos at terrible angles and also random selfies. You don’t have to response to all the messages, but Charles just adores sending them so much.
He also always wants at least one FaceTime a day. He doesn’t care if you’re not presentable or are busy. That’s perfectly fine!!! He’ll happily just come along! Like yeah you’re on a run, so? You have signal! He’ll send you data if need be, just let him come along!! Often you’ll be busy cleaning or ironing and then FaceTime Charles and he’s so happy!! He loves catching up with you.
So yeah, messages are for random thoughts and then near constant FaceTimes. He manages to be needy when when you’re not in the same country as him.
(Oh and nudes of course. He’s supposed to massage you if he cums, but uh… he just sends you pics of his cock instead, has zero issue with that or any concerns the pictures might leak.)
Lando is a chaos messenger, absolute chaos. He sends pictures more often than he sends messages. Like you’ll message him and ask where he is, and then he’ll send a picture of the meat section at the store instead.
He’s not the biggest fan of FaceTime, but he loves just calling you. If he can’t sleep, he’ll call you and then you’ll chat with him until he falls asleep. He’ll fall asleep on the phone call actually, and it’s quite common that you fall asleep too and then you both wake up the next morning still on a call with each other.
Really he’s just a little gremlin who communicates via memes and pictures and emojis and you must simply learn to speak Lando.
George texts with full sentences and punctuations and says things like “Oh crickey!” and “goodness gracious”. He also doesn’t understand emojis aside from thumbs up, smiley and heart. You sent him the 🥺 emoji once and he literally asked what you were trying to say.
But bless, he tries. He also sends you memes incorrectly, like in the complete wrong context. But it’s very very entertaining and you love him for it.
He’ll also send you pictures of his schedule every day because he always wants you to know what he’s doing and where he’s at so that you know when he won’t be able to respond to you.
And he’ll send you a full voicenote after every race telling you all about it. Sometimes they’re over 20 minutes.
In conclusion, he’s lucky he’s cute.
Lance is quite possibly the worst texter in the history of texting. Seriously, he’s atrocious.
You learn pretty quickly that him leaving you on read isn’t because he’s upset, it’s just because he’s lance and that’s what he does.
He LOVES calling though. He’s terrible at expressing himself over text and he’d much rather call with you. In fact most of his messages are just “can we call?” or “when are you free to call?” because he does not do texting. Nope. Horrible at it.
And it’s so odd because he usually hates calls too? With everyone else, he’ll withstand texting so that a call doesn’t need to happen but with you? Texting is evil and he must call. He’ll call over the most stupid shit.
He forgot what coffee beans you want from the grocery store? Call. He wants to know what time you’re leaving to the airport? Call.
But it’s okay because he’ll also catch up with you and genuinely loves calling with you.
He’s just a little shit about answering messages.
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mrsvelez · 1 year
Just a Dream
(This is my first time doing this, I apologize for any grammar mistakes as English is my second language!)
You really didn’t know how this happened. It was beyond your comprehension how your real life seemed like a dream. You hold on to your suitcase as if it’s the one grounding you, a sacred link to confirm reality, that this was in fact your life. The feeling of an out of body experience was interrupted by the nice SAT agent saying,
- hope you have a fun time at Miami, girl!
- Gracias… thank you!
The truth is, you hope this isn’t JUST fun. You hope it is heavenly, magnificent, life changing, incredible, painfully amazing weekend. After all, this is the first and last time you plan to travel to meet a “stranger” to have a weekend away. The dream really started weeks ago when you got a notification on Instagram. Probably one of your besties tagging you in another almost too inappropriate meme. But it was actually a message. HOLY SHIT. It was a message from him, Christopher Vélez. WHAT!!? You had almost completely forgot how a few weeks maybe even months ago you sent a drunken racy message to him, saying all the things you want to do to him… and he read it? And answered it? A few polite and funny DMs happened here and there, but then the more you texted the more you wanted from him. One day, you asked about a call but both of your schedules were off, so naturally you thought this wasn’t real, you were a victim of catfishing! Christopher had no option but sending you a video of him laughing at your less than classy written outburst, accusing him of not being THE Christopher Velez. After you received the short video, you lost your mind, screaming and jumping in your bed. Once you were able to recover your breathing, a twisted but delicious idea came to your mind. I would like to come and meet you at Miami, if that’s ok with you. Your whole body was shaking once you pressed sent. The three dots showed up almost immediately. How about next weekend? You heard your jaw hit the floor, and started making all kinds of planning. As an independent woman, you wanted to pay for all your expenses, but he insisted on covering the hotel room for 2 nights. Hotel room? As in 1? must be for me, of course you thought. But your subconscious was already playing some kinky scenarios in your sleep. Repeated images of endless possibilities of limbs, mouths and skin intertwined were abruptly interrupted by an alarm reminding passengers to keep track of their belongings and not to trust strangers. You took one look at your suitcase and laugh about its content - it would be pretty embarrassing if a stranger stole it and look at the skimpy content. Well, maybe not all strangers but, you know…
Looking around, seems like nobody noticed you squirming on your seat trying to alíviate the expectation building between your legs. You licked your lips one more time and grabbed your phone to play some music, maybe some Taylor Swift? On shuffle? First song - I Knew You Were Trouble. Skip. Why is my playlist already playing mind games on you? Then, Dress. Skip again. This feels personal. Next song, Death By A Thousand Cuts - ok, at least a humbling melody, preparing you for this experience to be over. It’s going to be a long flight…
The minute the plane touched ground, your heart moved from your chest to your mouth. There were no brain cells left, just pure unhinged lust. Your libido guided you to the closest restroom to get out of your comfy traveling black outfit into a silky slip on red dress, that you bought at the mall the next day after your decision to “visit” Miami. Your hair was looking somehow bouncy man’s voluminous but you were sure the city heat will be merciless, so you arranged it in the best possible way. Some make up on and you took one last breath as a respectable, decent woman. This weekend, I’m a hoe. Christopher Velez’s hoe.
It’s was almost like a checklist going on in your head so you could feel remotely like a functioning adult: get an Uber. Are you breathing? Open the door and take a sit. Yes, yes, thank God for good weather. No, I’m not from Miami. This is the hotel, thank you. Elevadores? Gracias. One foot in front of the other. Take a deep breath. Knock on the door. Checked the number. Are your feet still on the ground? Yes, no floating away. Check down at your boobs, yes they still look great. No need to check your heart beat, you can feel it pounding in your chest, in your ears, in your…
Feeling completely exposed, looking for security cameras around the hallway as if you were about to commit a hideous crime. An eternity went by until you heard the door unlock. Your knuckles white from your hand being in a tight fist. Seeing Christopher there, right in front of you and within reach at the door made your knees weak, and God knows what kind of grin was on your face, but you could feel the heat crawling up your cheeks.
- hola mami - he said as he gestures to come inside the room. You can feel your heartbeat skip a beat.
- Hola - you’re not sure if it was a word, a sigh, or a prayer.
- como estas? How was your flight?
How could he be so casual about this? His arms go around you to give you a hug, right arm above you shoulder and left arm around your waist. You do the same, feeling the tightness of his chest and taking in his intoxicating scent. Musky and almost sweet. You feel your underwear getting moist down there. Christopher pulls back a little and smirks at you, probably your already have a the horniest facial expresión known to human kind. You let go of the hug after staying in his arms for a second too long.
- quieres algo de tomar? Agua?
You place your suitcase by the closet and walk into the room. Remembering to be fully present in this adventure you choose, you gather all self control you have left to turn on your toes, give the biggest smile matching his, and say as innocently as possible, yes please, thanks! You’re so proud of yourself being able to articulate more than two words. Your breathing is almost too loud, as if you just climb the stairs to get to the 15th floor.
Christopher hands you a water bottle from the mini bar, and when you reach out to it you intentionally touch his fingers. You’re shaking. Sparks fly. Whoa. You forgot what water was for, and put it back on the table next to you, making you both bursting into laughter for the silliness of the situation. Christopher takes a step closer to you and says:
- está bien si no quieres agua, guapa, yo no me enojo.
He’s close enough to touch your forearm, sending electric waves EVERYWHERE. Your mind plays dirty on you and you say with a wink:
- pero no estamos aquí para tomar agua!
Christopher smiles back with his thousand dollar smile, looking up and down on you and says:
- Con ese vestido, se me ocurren muchas cosas mas que podemos tomar.
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yourubersawcrit · 10 months
I've been divinely inspired to send asks to others, so here I am. You've sent me some asks about my thoughts on Invincible, so it's about high time I send you some myself. I want to hear all of it; your favorite characters, least favorite characters, thoughts, predictions, the works. Feel free to rant, as I am actively encouraging it. :))))
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So! I'll do my best to write my rant as best as I can. Disclaimer for spoilers of the fourth episode of S2 if you haven't watched it, just in case, heh.
First of all, I learned about the series' existence by that meme at the top of this post a friend sent on a chat group we had; he drew fanart as well! After that, some users of another server wanted me to draw a character on that meme pose Omni-man was doing that showed his ass while kneeling —I believe it's still on my art sideblog—.
I wanted to watch it on my own, yet upon realizing I needed a Prime account, I decided to watch it with my parents. The first time I tried, it was night time, and they fell asleep before finishing episode one, which, in the context of the series, it was the best possible outcome for them. In my case, I watched all of it; it was just nice to have a more realistic approach of a young superhero and a family!
And that change of tone? Delightful! I gasped and enjoyed all the graphic details, as well as how much the GotG were hurt upon realizing Nolan was killing their colleagues, their friends.
Time passed, and I forgot about the series until I made my parents watch the Meet the Team videos, to then take advantage of their willingness so we could finish the series.
And oh boy, they did enhance the experience.
I still remember when Debbie said that Nolan was going to come home later for lunch, to then hear a small chuckle from my mother. A little bit of context should be provided, so I'll do that. My father works for the Navy here, and as consequence, he tends to go to other cities or board ships for days, weeks, even months, as well as working late; it has been normalized.
Watching a 17 year old guy wanting to be more than he was able to ever think possible as a 17 year old kid at the time was fascinating, if not sometimes painful. And now Mark is in college, heh. Yeap, the show hit home a few times, more than necessary.
What can I say about S1 overall? It was amazing! The sort of murder mystery tone it got was great to follow since we knew the who, not the why; and watching how Debbie was more and more sure about her theory was entertaining yet heart-stopping, as she was the only person capable of confronting Nolan and getting away with it. She worries me still, I want her to get her catharsis so she feels better; please writers, Debby deserves to be happy. She reminds me of my mother from time to time.
It's interesting how in the comics she is a housewife, yet in the series they decided to give her some agency and make her have a stable job, which may be the reason why they live in that house on the first place! She said “Get out of my house!” for a reason.
Mark, oh Mark. Watching him get physical and mentally damaged was such a journey that I enjoyed until I began caring for him just as with Debbie. He reminded me of another character that I deeply love, Kiana Kaslana, based on the fact that both characters were compared to someone related to them, as well as kept fighting for humanity although there were many reasons to stop doing so; also they are deeply traumatized.
And if the series' writers decide to follow the arc that Mark had in the comics, I may not survive. I'd implode from all the implications of it. TL;DR, let my guy be happy!
Nolan, ah Nolan. My partner thought he was going to be my favorite character, but Mark's existence takes the first place for sure. This man is so fascinating, being one of the strongest beings yet a complete insensitive dum dum goofball at the moment he has to express his honest feelings and thoughts thanks to all those years of Viltrumite indoctrination.
I hope he stops using Mark as a punching bag for his internal struggles. Looking at S1 episode 8 and S2 episode 4, he grabs his son as a ragdoll and yells at him as if that would convince Mark to be by his side? And the way he's feeling empathy now, hahah you fucker, have deep emotions now! It would have been preferable back on Earth, though. I wonder if the other Viltrumites will commit the execution or not.
I like most of the secondary characters, William is on thin ice, though, since he's uncaring of remembering Mark hurtful mistakes he's done, it doesn't seem William is joking sometimes, which confuses me since both characters are good friends and should know what may be a negative memory to the other.
My girl Amber is doing well! Good thing the writers realized that making her get mad at Mark based on his superhero life was not the best idea, resulting in Amber being more understanding on S2.
Eve is isolating herself, and her father kind of pisses me off because the story is quite vague in trying to prove if he's right or just trying to be more realistic, I'm referring to the incident he showed Eve that was wrote on the newspaper.
And the way they convey the concept of being more akin to someone you once saw divine, now showing its true colors, realizing you may go through the same path while everyone else acts if you already were that person, who brought nothing else but pain. It's wonderful.
It's an amazing show that has the privilege of being one of the few that made me care for the characters and their journey. Let's hope it ends with a bang when the time comes.
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sweeterthanmydreams · 10 months
Desperately need to motivate myself to get words written but cannot. be. arsed.
I think I'll make my goal finishing typing up the material I have, then adding 3000 words to the end of it to account for hitting par on Tuesday. I really wish I hadn't been sick at the start of this month, so I could have gotten rolling sooner. =.=
Things fell apart last Saturday, me thinks, when I was trying to squeeze a puzzle out of my brain for the last leg of the dungeon. It went well in the end, and I came up with a puzzle in the end, but it was a whole 24 hours of panic and brain rot. I think I forgot to turn off "oh-god-I-need-to-finish-designing-this-dungeon-before-six-so-I-can-run-it-and-it's-noon-and-I-still-haven't-slept" mode once I no longer needed it.
Also spent all of last night finishing Rigel for when the next DM takes over on Saturday (we have a cool rotational system in which DMs break larger campaigns into arcs so we can all take turns) which is a big plus for task completion but boy howdy. I thought it would take a few hours, but it actually took all night and I still haven't settled on a hair color for him.
I think I'm going to make big goals for writing tonight be: 1) everything is typed up 2) 3000 new words written before midnight & 3) 3000 more new words written after midnight. If I hit point two before midnight, I'll allow myself to finish my Heather's Surprise illustration (it just needs a background & it's complete!) but if I hit point two after midnight I'll wait until I finish point three. I'd love working out Rigel's design to be an incentive, but I can totally see myself getting carried away and losing track of time.
(There's also an oc ask meme I was thinking of using as an incentive, but I'm not yet sure how I want to go about that so I'll save it for tomorrow. I'm thinking each character sent is a word sprint of a finite length & each so many words I complete in the time allotted is how many questions I can answer. Still gotta roll this one around.)
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studentofetherium · 2 years
Hello. I am the person who sent you and your friends several messages earlier today that I was worried I was becoming a nazi and was begging you folks to kill me before I did. I want to explain why I did so, both as an admittedly very inadequate apology, and as an attempt at helping you and your friends find closure. I understand there is no excuse for how I bullied, retraumatized and terrorized all of you.
It is great if you consider me an antisemite and hate me forever, for indeed someone like me deserves such treatment. I have seen your posts describing me as a gross, pathetic loser, and I understand that you are completely right.
A few months ago, I became addicted to Arknights and spent 1000s of dollars on it, only stopping when my parents took away my bank account access. As such I began to view the game and Hypergryph and Yostar as evil, fascist, ableist, and antisemitic.
I became somewhat obsessed with trying to tell other people how bad it was, and convinced that Reunion was heroic, but the first two times I published essays about this I had to delete them because people called me a terrorist and braindead for supporting Reunion and not liking the game. This initially hardened my conviction that Arknights was ableist antisemitic pro-slavery propaganda.
Coincidentally, I have severe autism and ADHD, and due to being bullied by teachers in elementary school I have had severe anxiety, depression, and self-loathing ever since, considerably aggravated when I was beaten by a police officer following my first suicide attempt at the age of 15 and institutionalized for 4 days following my second attempt at the age of 16.
I say this not as an excuse, for there can be no forgiveness for my heinous actions, merely to help give context.
Last night I had nightmares about my daddy attacking me and couldn’t sleep very well, so I forgot to take my antipsychotic medications in the morning. I also had a somewhat stressful doctor appointment in the morning. When my third attempt at criticizing Arknights was somewhat poorly received, mommy says I had a self-loathing psychotic episode.
As I read in your essay that you mentioned you were Jewish, and I figured that the worst possible way to treat a Jewish person is the way a nazi would, and I misinterpreted you as defending Rhodes Island, I figured that Reunion, and by extension myself, must be nazis, and Rhodes Island, Hypergryph, Yostar, and the gacha gambling companies I had previously hated must be antifascist good guys.
This does not make much sense to me, since I was previously a socialist and thought that corporations and capitalism supported bad things like fascism and antisemitism, but I now understand I was wrong. By sympathizing with Reunion, I accidentally set myself on the path to becoming a nazi.
Since I have seen lots of memes that nazis deserve death, and I agree with those memes, I tried to start searching for ways to kill myself. Unfortunately I am too cowardly to jump out the window again, and could not break my skin with a kitchen knife, so I felt I had no choice but to ask people on the internet to come shoot me.
I attempted to apologize profusely in these posts, but I understand now that this was merely attention-seeking. Again, I am sincerely sorry, although I understand these words ring hollow, and indeed are an abuse tactic, unless I actually make good on them and kill myself. Please rest assured that I will continue trying to do so beneath my parents’ notice.
While my mommy has insisted over and over again that I am not a nazi or an antisemite because I do not hate Jewish people, I now understand that even calling myself those words permanently and irrevocably turns me into them. And nazis, of course, a category which I unwittingly have become part of, are hateful antisemitic genocidal monsters.
While I have never been very religious, I will now dedicate the rest of my life to finding redemption for my sins by committing suicide or finding someone willing to kill me, in hopes that God will forgive me for the crimes I have committed against an innocent ethnoreligious group. I am not currently aware of any methods I could use to successfully commit suicide, or any ways I could get someone to kill me, but I will at least continue to search for them until I either succeed or die of old age.
As long as I search, I hope I will no longer pose a threat to the safety of you or any other Jewish people.
Though I know it is asking far too much, I must try to humbly request that you post this to share with your followers. I have seen them making memes about me being an example of the alt-right pipeline, and since I suspect they are correct in this, I would like them to understand why I became trapped as a Reunion nazi so that you and your friends may more effectively protect yourself from me and nazis and Reunion members like me.
Please wish me luck as I embark on this final journey to atone for my unforgivable sins. Oh, and my mom doesn’t want me to die, so please don’t tell her either. Thank you for your time.
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oolathurman · 2 years
For the kisses ask meme, your favorite kiss prompt with your favorite ship??? I'm sorry this isnt specific...there were so many to choose from 😅
kisses ask meme that i completely forgot about oh god
25, 'Hello Kisses' - Davi (they/them) and Xyraan (she/her). (these two are besties and fwb)
this is gonna be a sort-of sequel/continuation to this (tw sexual assault implications).
Davi sits on the railing, shaking their leg, looking around impatiently. Her flight is late. And the hutt that owns this particular spaceport didn't think to fix the stupid screen that shows updates of when arrivals were actually arriving.
They've gotta get her home. They can't protect her from a sith but damn if they aren't gonna make sure she feels safer than being on the same goddamn planet as that one.
Shit. Where is she. She hasn't answered any messages. She usually upgrades to those flights that allows for free transmissions (on the Nice Sith's money, of course) but they weren't sure if she would've done so for traveling on such short notice, so there's no way to tell if she can see the seventeen messages Davi's sent since she took off.
There's a slowly growing trickle of transients making their way through the spaceport now, and Davi hears the click of heels in the crowd. If it were anyone else coming to pick her up, they wouldn't have recognized her -- gone was her glow, the way she'd draw people in with her presence, with her confidence. But Davi's known her forever. And Davi recognizes her, even when she feels like shit, even when she'd rather be crawling into a little hole to hide away from something she'd much rather avoid.
And well, this time, their apartment was the little hidey hole she needed.
"Xixi!" they call out, and she looks up. Davi jumps from the railing and starts running to her, and she picks up her pace as well as she can with her luggage in tow.
The two collide, arms wrapped, Xyraan starting to cry fresh tears, and Davi's kissing her lips, her forehead, her snotty cheeks. "It's okay, I gotcha, you're gonna be okay," they murmur, running a hand through her hair. "You're gonna be okay, 'kay babe?"
Xyraan laughs in spite of herself -- the two never could stop calling each other 'babe'. What a weird fucking joke to have between childhood friends.
"Hi, Davi. I missed you."
"Missed you too, Xixi. Let's get you home."
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For the fic ask game: 💫,🍉(idk if this one applies! But you're welcomed to skip also!!!), 🎀, 🎉!
And also: 🫂🫂🫂🫂 (i realized too late I forgot to address the hugs you sent!!! So i gib hugs back)
...whoops i forgot about this
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
when people say i made them smile 😭😭
🍉in what ways has writing helped you process trauma and/or navigate through your own life?
this is funny but (not rly trauma or anything like that), ive been told many times that indulging into these hobbies (not just writing) is cringe, so embracing the things that make me happy and help me relax in spite of those comments feels amazing. something like that meme "im cringe but im free"? but plus recognizing it's never been cringe at all : ) of course it's not just that but it's something i got reminded of now, i think it's a part of the journey of loving yourself, even!
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
oh im actually very much inlove with my works!! if noone gives them love, i have to make sure *i* do, they're like my children.... of course everyone has their moments of feeling insecure, but i try to believe the kind people who compliment my writing - they went out of their way and spared time to share their opinion, it would be rude to assume they're not genuinely thinking what they say!
-> ask game (you’re never too late to this!) | answered: 🧿 🕯️ 🌈 ; 🦋 🌻 ; 🎈💞🪄 ; 💌💎🍭🌿💥
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