#was planning on having Ingo already kidnapped when emmet went looking for him lol but nah i want there to be a chance for emmet to fuck up
sningo-prompts · 2 years
A series of events!
-Ingo returns to the future, as a hisuian sneasel
-Emmet finds him, takes him in, finds out who he is, all par for the course
-until it’s made public knowledge that subway boss Emmet has a hisuian sneasel
-and one superfan looks down at their johto sneasel and thinks to themself, ‘hmmm…’
So, they aren’t the best trainer. They mostly have their Pokémon for show, right? So this sneasel is a bit neglected and a bit listless and doesn’t really care when it’s trainer goes to a ton of effort to get it looking like a hisuian sneasel
It’s not *perfect* of course, I imagine Emmet wouldn’t let the press get any super clear shots of sningo. But it’s pretty damn close
And they take their diy hisuian sneasel into the gear station like ‘check this out!’ and they get a ton of attention, almost immediately get in over their head
From here ive got a couple branching paths of ideas. Maybe station employees see what’s happening and confiscate the sneasel, thinking it’s sningo. Sneasel is deposited with Emmet— Ingo isnt there for whatever reason, and Emmet ends up very worried that Ingo’s lost himself/his sense of identity before picking up on the differences and deciding that this poor Johto sneasel is His Now. (Or the very least it’s the stations)
some shady folks have been hanging around gear station hoping to get their hands on sningo, and in the commotion both the fake and the genuine article get snatched by two different groups.
Emmet goes after the wrong one.
Im so tempted to use Jasmine Spencer for this lol. Maybe at the end ill put a little bonus of her.
So Emmet and Ingo are indeed famous so they probably do have fans who just take things a little too far. So one fan decided to dye their sneasels fur to match what few photos could be found about Emmets. This fan (im a call her Madison)so Madison of course isnt the worst battler, i mean you cant even meet the twins without on the battle subway if you suck at battling. Shes never been good enough for that though lmao. But she is a regular at the station and the staff knows she’s trouble. She has lets say a record with sneaking into places shes not supposed to be. So she probably has better pictures of Sningo than the press. Thats how she ended up doing such a great paint job. Im sure there are pokemon safe dye and what not that she can use though ill leave that up to you if she does it the face away. Once happy with her work she sets to taking her sneasel to the station to show it off. Of course she uses a pokeball to transport her sneasel so its pretty easy to sneak it in. If people saw her walking around town with the sneasel she never would have made it all the way to the station after all.
Her goal? Why do this? Well she wants to get close to Emmet so having a rare pokemon like his is her plan. Once at the station she releases her sneasel and starts ranting about how it came to her. How the sneasel picked her. Must be what happened with Emmet. They are chosen for something… together. The press are eating it up!! Asking her question after question but she wasnt ready for all this. She just wanted Emmet to notice her and to be closer to him. Now theres a crowd and they are all hounding her. The station staff quickly get to her and take her to a staff room. Somewhere private for questioning idk. Someone goes to get Emmet while they wait. The station staff know at this point that Ingo has been turned into a white and purple sneasel so they arent buying her story. They know how Emmet and Ingo got back together so they know everything shes saying is false. They try to confiscate the sneasel from her to which she just returns it to its ball. Right when Emmet walks in. Oh snap!! All Emmet has seen is this chick catch his brother. He walks up to her, giving off vibes of death, and just holds his hand out. Not a word said but the moment she looks up into his eyes all she knows is fear. She hands him the pokeball to which Emmet quickly releases the sneasel. Kneeling down Emmet asks if they are alright. The sneasel just looks confused. Thats not How Ingo reacts. Grasping the sneasels shoulders Emmet is almost to tears. The sneasel doesnt respond to anything. Just looks blankly at Emmet. The station staff see Madison out and leave to give Emmet a moment. Emmet tries anything and everything he can to jog Ingos memories but nothing is working. When Emmet has a full on break down the sneasel tries to comfort him but its all wrong its not how Ingo would do it and it makes things worse. He feels like hes lost Ingo again. Hes alone again. No not again he cant do this again. Where does he eve start. Then when hes cupping the sneasels face he sees it. A small spot where the dye didnt cover. He quickly looks the sneasel over. Upon a closer inspection he can see it now. This isnt Ingo. This is just a normal sneasel. Oh the relief is so overwhelming he cries all over again hugging the sneasel close. Oh thank god.
Once he calms down a bit he can start thinking rationally again. If this isnt Ingo then where is Ingo? Drying his face he reclaims his composure and calls the staff back in. He informs them what he has found out and has them help him search the station for Ingo. They check all his usual nap spots or hiding places (sometimes the station can be overwhelming to Ingo and he needs a little safe spot to calm down). Finally finding him oh Emmet has had a day. Hugging his brother close Emmet probably cries a little bit again. Ingo is so very confused. That is until he is brought the the staff room where he sees a similar looks sneasel. Big oof Ingo gets excited to see one that survived and rushes to it. Asking all sorts of questions. What a let down for him too. So they really are all gone. Nothing left of his lady after all. He let himself have hope again just to find it was a trick. Emmet hates seeing Ingos disappointment. Emmet explains the situation to Ingo. Well now Ingo understand Emmets desperation earlier. When they go to confront Madison it turns out she just fled. Leaving her poor sneasel behind. Someone on the staff quickly volunteered to look after the sneasel. Of course they pick up Ingo by mistake. Who quickly yelps out. A cautious laugh as they set him back down. A glare from Emmet which leads to rapid fire apologises. Though by the end of the day no real harm was done at least. At least till the next day that is... DUH DUH DUHHHHHH ~~~~~~ ok so im gonna make this a two or three parter post i think cause my phone is almost dead and i suck at typing on my computer cause i type to fast and cant really get the proper punctuation in. plus i make a lot a lot of errors. but i do plan on making the bit about  the sneasels getting nabbed dont worry! went back and forth on what to call the new sneasel. we had Jefferson we had Simon, we had Franklin, Fletcher, even Bingo came up. i dont think im sold on Danny tbh but if yall come up with something better please feel free to send em in causei can always change this post to fit the new name
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