#was gonna give him triangular shirt pockets but i felt like it was enough with the fish pattern and all
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nox-in-a-box · 2 months ago
Wanted to do an extra extra fishy outfit because I give my OCs what I can't have.
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And then this idiot scribbled all over the page.
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drowninginblox · 4 years ago
Thrown into it
Part: 1,2,3,4,5, 6
Part 7- Congrats! You’re living with the protagonist!
We parked in front of a concrete wall, a green sign of characters being the only thing contrasting its pale grey color. A sudden urge of pain makes its way up my spine and to my head, making me grab my hair and inhale sharply. “Hey? Kid you okay?” I hear Mic ask. My eyes water, making me blink a few times. “Y/n? Do we need to go back to the hospital?” Nezu questions. Is that concern I hear? I open my eyes. The head splitting pain fades as I look up at Nezu. “No..no I’m fine..” Where did that come from? Woods turns back in his seat. “Are you sure?” I looked to him only to see something was different. “T-that.. The sign!” I pointed to the green sign in front of us. It was perfect english. “I-I-”
“Yeah.. parking for thirty minutes. So what?” Snipe questioned. “I-I-I couldn’t read that a moment ago..” Nezu observes me while Snipes brings up something I didn't even notice before. “But you speak perfect Japanese.” My eyes widen. “Wait what?” I questioned. Was it just me or was the world spinning a bit? Snipe laughs whole heartedly while Woods stares at Nezu with a look that screams ‘Are they fucking serious?’
Mic keeps himself composed as he lowers his shades. “What do you think we were speaking? English?” I inhale. What is this tom-fuckery? “Call me crazy, but.. yeah..?” 
The group glances at each other. Snipe and Woods just plain confused while Nezu and Mic seemed to be talking telepathically. “Look I know it sounds stupid but. It’s just true. I know better than to lie to heroes.” Mic glances back at me and speaks in something that sounds like gibberish. “Scus?” I mumble just before the pain I felt when I glanced at the sign returns. A groan comes out of my mouth as I hold my head in my hands. My eyes screw shut from the pain. I feel someone touch my shoulder but I shake them away at the pain. “What the fuck..?” 
“Y/n? Y/n?” I hear Mic ask. First calm, but by the second time more concerned than anything. “Screw it, we need to take em back to the hospital.” I hear Woods groan. “N-no! I-I’m fine.” I gasp. The pain gives way to a newfound lightheadedness. Everything feels a bit fuzzy for a few moments, but with every blink my body returns to normality. I exhale. “I..- I- I’m fine. I’m sorry.. I- I don't know what came over me..” I mumble over myself. “Y/n? Do you understand me?” Mic asks slowly. I hum and nod. “Mind telling me what happened?” I blink away a sudden feeling of tiredness to attempt to explain. “You said.. Something in alien speak, my head started to hurt, and then it disappeared as soon as it came..” Mic nods silently. “Do you know what language we are speaking in now?” He looks over his shades to me. “Japanese..? Like before? Even though it sounds english?” Mic looks over to Nezu. “She thinks we’re speaking Japanese still.” Nezu puts a paw under his enormous, triangular head. “Interesting..” Woods turns back in his seat quickly. “I haven’t seen a quirk like this before! I mean- I’ve seen hyper intelligence- but it takes people like that at least a hour to know a language front to back..” Nezu chuckles while shaking his head. “There has to be drawbacks to this quirk.” Snipe comments. “If not then that thing is damn powerful. Imagine the uses.. Infiltration and undercover work would be easy.” Mic punches Snipe’s shoulder with a look of disgust. “That is a child! The hell is wrong with you!” Mic yells seriously. The older of the two yelps from his seat while waving his arms around. Damn the roles have reversed. “What! I’m just saying! And besides, I’m not saying we should actually do it! That's twisted!”  I try to hold back a smile but Nezu notices me. Mission failed, we’ll get em next time. “Anything funny about this situation?” He prompts. “Your staff is full of brilliant idiots.” I admit lightly. “Absolute, bloody, brilliant, idiots. And god do I love them.”
The once arguing trio turns to me with a shocked look. “Hey you can understand us?!” Woods, Mic, and Snipes yell defensively, making me laugh even harder. Nezu glances between all of us with a smile. He probably would have let this go on. “We better hurry or else the Midorya’s will be concerned.” He prompts. We all take a moment to look at each other before following Nezu’s request. I tried to keep it cool but that kind of backfired when I saw the apartment complex that Izuku and Inko lived in. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes. I’m actually going to be living with the main character. I must be a Mary sue. Someone pinch me. I might just make the world implode with a sneeze. “Ey little listener!” Mic called from the front gates. “Are you just gonna let the world pass you by all the time or are you gonna move?” His tone gave off a subtle hint of annoyance but he was patient all the same with me. “S-Sorry! Just.. Never seen a building this tall before y'know?” Okay so that was a lie, but he seemed to believe it. “You from the country or something?” I nod nervously and walk to the group. “You could say that.” He hums along with my response. Soon enough we meet up with the group. 
“Snipe, Mr. Woods? Do you mind giving myself, Y/n, and Present Mic a moment please?” Woods crosses his arms as if he was about to say something but Snipes beats him to the punch. “Sure. Cmon Woods. I need to talk to you about something.” Snipe grabs Kamui’s arm and drags him ahead by a few meters. I chuckle at his over dramatic struggling and complaints. I fucking love anime. “Now then, L/n,” Nezu pulls two envelopes from his pants pocket, both of which were twice the size of his paw. One of them was a crisp, pure white with the UA emblem on it. The other was more yellow, old, and is slightly wrinkled. “Aniken, should I take the white or the yellow pill?”
“What?” Mic asks with utmost confusion, followed by Nezu with a matching look. I tried to brush off my weirdness with an equally confused “What?” Thank god they didn’t question it. Instead giving me a strange look. Nezu took initiative and moved on from my absurdity. “One of them is your schedule, the other is information you must give to Mrs. Midoriya. State that it’s from your parents.” I look between the envelopes and nod. “What about my uniform? School supplies? I’m.. not really made of cash y'know?” Mic smiles slightly. “Oh we know. The government’s got you covered on that.” He gives an enthusiastic thumbs up. I look to Nezu. “So I’m a charity case?” Nezu shrugs. “Essentially.” Damn Nezu. Blunt much? 
Mic chuckles awkwardly at Nezu roasting me alive. “At least until you're twenty. But that’s a worse case scenario. The government is actively trying to find ways to get you back home.” I smile a little at the thought. Back at home this would make one hell of a dream. Maybe even fanfiction if I remember all this. And not get writer's block of course. “Okay.. When do I start?” I ask. Nezu picks back up on the conversation. “The day after tomorrow should be suitable for you, yes?” I take a moment to narrow my eyes. “What’s the catch? I know I have to do work in order to catch up to my peers. The finest hero school in Japan doesn’t let in just anyone.” Mic covers his obvious smile with his mouth. “OOOooo! She knows her stuff.” Nezu smirks. “Indeed. You will need to catch up. So I’ll give you two weeks to finish all the work. Then you can officially start. Think that’s enough time Mic?” The smaller of the two asks. Mic nods “Oh yeah! Plenty of time for this little listener!” I can't help but smile at that. I feel like I’m going on a pokemon journey. “Thanks for believing in me. Not a lot of people do.” I admit. He dramatically gasps “Well that's a damn shame! You’re gonna be great kid. Besides, you have me as an english teacher, and with that quirk of yours you’re definitely gonna get straight A’s for sure.” I look over to Nezu to see his phone suddenly buzzing. He quickly takes a moment to answer it before hanging up on the caller. “I’m sorry to end the moment, but Snipe has reminded me that we are on a time crunch. It is a school night after all.” A long groan echoed through the lot of the complex, making me chuckle.“Oof- yeah you’re right.” The blonde agreed. “I got tests to grade and a lesson to finalize.”  And with that, the three of us began to make our way to complex 2, third floor. As the light breeze ushered us to our destination my mind went back to the idea of staying with Izuku. Should I tell him what I know? He deserves to know. But what would be the repercussions of my actions? Him knowing that he will be the number one hero can change so many things. It could go to his head like Bakugou and complements. He could back out from the pressure. Fuck I cant do it. Too many factors. Maybe Mirio? I could warn him about what happens in season four. Maybe then he could follow his dream, maybe he’ll be the number one hero then. But not now.. I don't know where we are in the story. I know after the sport’s festival, but is Stain still out and about? Has the exchange between Shoto, Izuku, and Tenya already happened?
Instead of a pleasant nudge to get me out of my thoughts, this time it was a jab to the elbow. “Ow!” I look around to see Snipe glaring at me and motioning to the door in front of us. In the doorway was Inko! She had a bright pink apron, her signature skirt and shirt- ah she’s so tiny! She chuckles. “I-I’m so sorry! Bad habit!” I hug myself tightly. “I-I’m trying to break it-'' She shushes me from my rambling with a wave of her hand. “It’s completely fine! My son has the same habit. I think you two will get along well.” Her kind smile warms me a little. “Mrs. Midorya, do you have the paperwork we gave you?” Mic asks politely. “Oh! Oh yes! Come on in let me make you some tea! The work is around here somewhere!” Inko scampers from the door frame and into the apartment. I didn't hesitate to follow her inside. While I was taking my shoes off I couldn't help but notice how lovely the inside was. The apartment looked exactly like it did in the anime all the way down to the T. It was so welcoming and homey. Almost like Christmas but without the decorations. I was planted in the living room when the hero’s finally came in. From what I assume was Inko’s room, she called. “Make yourself at home! I'll get the kettle on soon!” I look over into the comfy living room before glancing over at the adults. “We’re sorry ma’am but we can't stay for long.” Nezu responds just as Inko appears again. “Oh, well if that's the case, will you at least take something with you! You all help Izuku so much and you work so hard as is!” I see her eyes glance over to the kitchen. “I have cupcakes?” I turn to her. “Cupcakes?” My stomach rumbles at the sound of sweets. She giggles “Yes. I didn’t know what flavor you would like so I made chocolate and vanilla. I hope that's alright?” I point to her like a child. “Are you sure I’m staying with her? She’s too good!” Inko chuckles at my truth. “Don't flatter me, I’m nothing special. You go and take one. They’re over on the counter hun.” She called me hun! I’m weak! I clench my heart and shake in my spot. “The world doesn't deserve you!” I say before bolting it to the kitchen. 
After I grab a cupcake I watch from the counter as the grownups talk. Munching through their attempt at hush talk. “Are you sure you’re okay with this ma’am? We do have other applicants.” Snipe starts. “Oh no, it’s fine! Besides, I need some more pep in my step! These old bones need some movement!” She assures with a wave of her hand. “You don't look at day over twenty Mrs. Midoriya!” I call. The group turns to me, Inko’s face a light pink in embarrassment. At least she has a smile on her face. “Oh you-! No flattery in this house!” She retorts. I laugh. “No flattery, just honesty.” 
I glance over at Nezu. It could have just been me but I think his smile relaxed a bit. “We should be off Mrs. Midoriya. I can see they are in good hands.” I get up from my spot and bring the cupcakes over to them. “Her cupcakes are great. You shouldn't leave without them.” I suggest. Nezu sighs and takes one of the vanilla. Over his shoulder he glances at the heroes. “Go on. I’m not gonna stop you!” Mic exhaled as if he was holding his breath all this time. “Oh thank god!” He snatched two and gorged them. “Oh wow.” I comment. Woods jabs Mic in the rib, making him cough on some cupcake. “Hey!” Woods glares at the blonde. “Just because you’re my senior doesn't mean that you have the excuse of not knowing some manners.” Snipe carefully takes one and thanks Inko. Is that a blush I see?  No. Calm down inner shipper. “We best be off now.” Nezu restates and soon  enough the heroes leave me and Inko alone in her apartment. 
We take some time getting to know each other at the dining room table. And true to form, Inko was just as sweet as she is in the anime. Apparently she’s also into American culture and late night dramas. Wouldn't have pegged her for that kind of stuff but the surprise was pleasant. “You’re really great at baking Mrs. Midoriya!” I exclaim while taking our plates to the sink. “Oh- thank you! I’m happy to know someone besides my son likes my cooking.” Oh right.. I should probably ask about Izuku. “Oh right-! I forgot to ask about your son! What’s he like?” This is gonna be interesting. “Oh well, he’s a little shy but once you get to know him you'll see who he is.” Right on que the door opens. “Mom! I’m home!” I hear that iconic voice followed by the front door opening. “Oh Izuku! In here! The exchange student is here!” Something falls and Izuku yells. “I-Izuku?!” Inko begins to get up only for Izuku to call back. “I-Im fine mom!” I glance over at Inko and back at the hallway. Izuku eventually walks into the dining room. “W-Where are-” 
Inko motions to me. “Izuku, this is Y/n L/n, they will be staying with us. They’ll have the guest room.” Izuku’s eyes fall on me. As mine do the same for him. He was still in his school uniform. Pants baggy, tie dishoveled, shoelaces untied, the imperfections out weighed the perfections in his uniform. No wonder the hot mess energy he was radiating was all the more powerful. I can't help but smile. “You must be running around a lot.” I smirk in attempts to break the tension. He jumps a little at my sudden remark. “O-Oh! Um.. y-yeah. The school is pretty big so..” He trails off into silence. Silence that lasts a whole minute. I bite my lip. “Sooo uh.. I saw you at the UA sports festival? You won the first round! I was so smart of you to take off a chunk of the robot and use it for the later portion of the race.” His face flushes a bright pink. “O-Oh no! I bet anyone would have thought of that if they were in my situation!” I chuckle. “Dude that's unique to you! Noone can replicate that now without bringing you up!” He goes and scratches the back of his head. “Y-yeah.. I guess you’re right.” I hear Inko let out a sigh of relief. 
“Now that you two have met, how about we get you settled Y/n.”
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belladonnaandulriched · 4 years ago
the artist | chapter thirteen
I didn't dare tell Chris about what went down in that room afterwards. All I had was the painting Joey wanted me to make, and he had asked me to make it for him. My fingers caressed over his bare chest and down onto the one button left undone. His skin felt smooth like velvet: soft sun kissed velvet complete with a little bit of that coarse dark Italian hair. I imagined a quintet of red feathers blooming out of the chest of the painting. I imagined doing the same picture but under my digital drawing pad. A few times I flashed a glimpse over at him and the genuinely pleased expression on his handsome dark face. At one point, he leaned closer to me and lingered before the easel to see it for himself. He loomed closer to me to show me more of his chest and his fine collar bones, to which I grinned at him. "What'chu doin', slinky boy," I teased him as I cleaned off the brush with the towel. "Wantin' to drink ya down," he replied with a mischievous smile on his face. "You're a bad boy," I said to him; I moved my hand back from his chest to move a lock of hair behind my ear. The corner of his mouth lifted up even more towards the side and he nudged a curl of inky black hair back from the side of his neck. "I've been a real bad boy, y'know," he retorted in a low voice. "I want you to take a look at this," I gestured to the painting before me, "and I want you to tell me—" His skin smelled so soft and sweet, like he had just stepped out of the shower. "—I want you to tell me what you think of it." He turned his head just a bit, just enough for a good look at the painting of him I had made. I made sure his curls were rich and dark as they draped over his shoulders, and I made sure his skin was as gentle and delicate as it felt underneath my fingers. "Nice touch with the feathers," he remarked. He turned his head back to me to better show me the warm bloom in his face. "An' I like how dark you made it, too. Very metal. Very temptin', too." "I'm almost inclined to stay the night here," I confessed to him. "You know, the pandemic coming back and whatnot." "So we could sing to Bob Dylan and make a bunch of paintings?" he teased me. "Would you sing to Mr. Dylan?" I challenged him. He ran his tongue along his bottom lip and gazed right into my eyes. Those dark brown irises felt like molten dark chocolate, as sinful and decadent as anything, and yet he swallowed me whole. He cleared his throat. "Early one mornin' the sun was shinin'," he sang to me in that soulful voice of his, "I was layin' in bed, wondrin' if she'd changed at all... If her hair was still black..." He gazed up at the crown of my head. "Her folks they said our lives together, sure was gonna be rough. They never did like Mama's homemade dress and Papa's bank book wasn't big enough." I felt my heart swell inside of my chest. "And I was standin' on the side of the road," he raised his voice a bit and in turn it filled out to this real rich sound; I glanced down to find his slim stomach filling out underneath his shirt from his controlled breathing. "—rain fallin' on my shoes, heading out for the east coast. Lord knows I've paid some dues—gettin' through—" He closed his eyes. "Tangled up in blue," we sang in unison. He opened his eyes and bowed his head out of modesty, to which I giggled at him. "The blues are a good fit for you," I told him. "I can always seem to find that within me," he confessed. "That sense o' melancholy, y'know?" "Definitely—I can see us going places with it, that's for sure. You guys play while I paint and draw, and I'll give you guys some of the dues I make." "Would you really?" He raised his dark eyebrows at that suggestion. "Really," I said. I lowered my hand to the one resting on his knee. "I know what it's like to be anxious and not know where anything is going. I know what it's like to be hungry and helpless. It only makes sense to me to pay my dues back to you guys. Get this place going again—I don't know what to do about getting you back home to upstate New York, but to get this place moving and bustling again as an art gallery is a start." "An' we can have our shares, too." "Right! I can do my thing and so can you guys. It works on paper—we just have to get the actual thing moving now." I peered about the tray of the easel for something to write with. "Do you have a pen on you?" I asked him. "Do I have a pen on me?" He raised his eyebrows at me. I giggled at him when I realized what he was getting at. "You know... somethin' to write with." "Oh, that! Nah, I'm afraid I don't." "I'll be right back," I vowed to him. I climbed to my feet, and rounded him, and I made my way towards the door. I got probably three feet when I heard Chris' voice there at the end. "Holly! There you are!" He had stripped his mask off and kept it underneath his chin. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Here I am. What's up?" "Holly, I will give you—" Chris paused with his teeth pressed upon his bottom lip. I could feel the pensiveness. "I will give you twenty dollars to kiss Lars for me," he finished. I squinted my eyes at him. "Double or nothing, and I'll throw in a bit of tongue." Chris continued to nibble on his bottom lip. "Besides, where did all of this come from all of a sudden?" I asked him. He peered behind him to the big front room, where Will and Lars had congregated in to converse about something. Chris then returned to me and reached into his pocket for something. "I got this for you," he told me in a low voice, "well, Will helped me get it, but he told me to say it was from me because... well. You know." "No, I don't," I confessed to him. He cleared his throat. "Anyways, here." In the dim light, I made out the sight of a pick-shaped pendant dangling at the end of the red and black chain. It was about the size of the pad of my thumb and a bright, almost neon reddish orange color. Splatters of blue and green decorated the front and back of it: I held out my hand so I could take a better look at it. On the front face of the pendant, it read "official artist" in black engraved lettering. I gasped at the sight of it. "Thank you," I whispered to him, to which he winked at me and showed me a warm little smile. "We do what we can in a time like this," he assured me, "especially when it comes to the girl I like." I curled my fingers around the pendant and held it to my chest, right above my heart. I felt my face grow warm. I then put the chain around my neck, right underneath my hair, and then I linked it up and let the pendant rest atop the triangular shape of my shirt. "Do you have a pen or something to write with?" I asked him. "A pen? I think so. Let me look..." He turned behind him to the end of the hallway, and he called for Will and Lars. Joey cleared his throat behind me; I turned around right as he slunk past me with his fingers holding the collar of his shirt together. He showed me that shy little smile, complete with that sweet warm blush across his face. During the pandemic, we had to stand six feet apart, even indoors. But it was quite the relief and the interesting change of pace to touch him and feel him while I painted him. I showed him a wink as he stepped around the corner. "Holly—Holly—look over this way." I turned back to Chris as he handed me a little dark blue ballpoint pen for me. "Oh, thank you!" I declared, and I doubled back to the room to sign the painting. I rested a hand on the seat of the stool to support my weight. For some reason, I pictured Chris right behind me with his hands resting on my hips. It was only another month before we could do anything off the rails. I scribbled the word "Hollywood" onto the bottom of the canvas. I examined the painting while still keeping my hands on the top of the stool. Joey was so sensual and lush, very much a gorgeous boy and the perfect model for me. I knew Chris proved to be quite the model for me, but Joey was in a whole other ballpark altogether. I let my eyes scan the bottom of the painting, where I had painted the bottom buttons as undone so his belly was kind of exposed. I nibbled my bottom lip at the thought of Chris posing nude for me. I thought about him doing that for me on my birthday. I made a mental note to suggest that to him at some point. I stood back upright and tucked the pen behind my ear. I reached for the top of the painting to stretch it out on the table behind me. I turned my back to the door, so I was caught off guard by the sound of a gentle knock on the door. I whirled back around to find Dave making his way into the room here: he had removed his mask and traded it for a ball cap atop his head. "All the plants are at their highest, Dave," said Stone from the hallway. "Okay, good!" Dave declared. "What's up?" I asked him. "We made it so the next order is going to the next one in line from Joey," he explained to me in a low voice. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "We're gonna give him some fake ones and give the next one on the waiting list following him the real ones. It'll be a swap of sorts." "Who's next on the list?" I knitted my eyebrows at him. He rubbed the roundest part of his chin in repose. "I forgot to write it down," he confessed to me in a low voice. "But I can assure you that darling Joey will haveta pick something else to find his way to your heart." I stood before the painting there on the table so it lay out of his line of sight. I wondered if Dave was too little, too late here, and Joey had already found his way inside here. He did however, eye the pendant around my neck and he ran the tip of his tongue along the edge of his teeth at the sight of it. "Who gave you that?" he asked me. "This?" I fingered the pendant. "Yeah." "My mom." "That's badass." "Yeah, I'm... kind of a mama's girl." "I'm real close with my mom, too," he added with a toothy grin, "and she always supported me in my endeavors, too. And I can assure you that, since I'm as close to my mom as I am, in the meantime, Mr. Bellardini will have to find the path to your heart if he wants you." He winked at me and doubled back out to the hallway, which in turn left me alone there with the painting on the table. I was lying to the boys, but it was only because I wanted both Chris and Joey. I also had a bet now with Lars.
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kruppxreader · 8 years ago
Party Like it's 1985
Prompt: "ok so you just turned 21 and after a nice birthday with family and friends your mom takes you out to "a bar" but its like this place thats 80s music funkytown theme all the time and its populated by people who were 20 in the 80s. of all the people you end up meeting is benny krupp. you take a fast liking to him and while getting as drunk as possible in a night you try to dance with benny and lead him on along to a bunch of cheesy but hard 80s bops. 100% inspired by "does your mother know. yeah your mom knows she thinks its cute, because shes as drunk as you" I absolutely fell head over heels with this prompt like wow... I tried to get it as close as possible and I hope y'all have fun with this because I sure as hell did 👌 - "What do you think, dear?" You and your mother sat across from each other at a high top table. It was your 21st birthday, and your mother knowing you had a taste for the 80's whether it was style, fashion, music, etc., had surprised you by taking you to the only place she could think of that would fit your particular personality quite perfectly. "This is absolutely crazy, but I kinda love it!" You exclaimed. The bar was enveloped in neon and retro triangular designs. Whitney Houston blared from the DJ stand as older women clad in bright patterned leggings, denim jackets, messy ponytails and bright make-up jived across the holo-tiled dance floor with older men in acid wash jeans, parachute pants and t-shirts. It was quite a sight to behold. "Here, lemme get you something from the bar. I hear they have a great blackberry martini here!" Beamed your mother as she pulled out her wallet from her purse and headed off towards the bar. Meanwhile you found yourself entranced by the scenery. The bright lights, the music... you found yourself swaying to the beat in your seat. Just them you noticed a larger man sitting alone at one of the high tops just across the dance floor. He looked a bit out of place in his khaki pants and tucked in collared shirt, like he had just gotten out of a lousy day at work and came here to try and have a good time. However it didn't look like it was working.. Just as the final chorus to "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" finished, your mother returned with two very large martinis in hand. "There you go, doll. Happy birthday!" She said clinking the glasses together and placing one of the drinks in front of you. "Thanks, Mom." You smiled and took a small sip of the new drink. It tasted sweet and felt warm running down your throat. It was strange at first, but you easily got used to the new sensation and soon worked your way halfway down the glass. "That's the way!" You mother nodded as she too sipped at the strong sweet liquor. You glanced up from your glass across the dance floor once more at the man. "Hey Mom. I'm gonna go make a request to the DJ quick." You smiled and hopped off your chair, taking your martini with you. "Alrighty, love! Have fun!" Your mother dazily waved as she took another long sip from her drink. You weaved your way through the dance floor, rocking your hips with each step as "Uptown Girl" started to fade in. The man look down at his wristwatch and sigh, resting his head in his hand. "Hey there." You rested a hand on his table, causing him to perk up from his forlorn trance. "Is everything alright?" A grimace immediatly shot across his face and he quickly averted his eyes from you. "It's none of your business." He grumbled. You shrugged. "Alright then. Can I at least buy you a drink?" Suddenly the man's expression changed. He raised an eyebrow, glancing back at you. "You what?" He said. "I said I want to buy you a drink." You smiled and raised your glass. "If you don't want to think about it, then drink about it! That's what my mother always says, anyway." You noticed the corner of his mouth turn up slightly. "Alright then. I guess one couldn't hurt. But let me pay for it." He said. You shrugged again. "Fair enough. My name's Y/N." "Benny" He said. "Benny Krupp." He held out his hand for you. "Pleasure to meet you, Benny." You said shaking his hand. "Mind if I join you?" Benny glanced over at the empty, lonely seat across from him. "Hell. Sure. Why not." He gave in, gesturing to the empty seat. "Thanks." You made yourself comfortable on the tall, jazz patterned hightop chair. "So what do you do for a living, Benny?" Benny sighed, brushing back his toupee, knocking it slightly out of place. "I'm the principal for Jerome Horwitz Elementary." He said begrudgingly. You shook your head. "Ah, that's gotta be stressful. All those kids. It must be hell." You finished off the last of your martini. You began to feel your head becoming a little light. That must be the alcohol kicking in. "Heh. Hell doesn't even begin to describe it." He grumbled. You smiled and rested your hand on the table across from his. "Well how about this. Tonight you are not a principal. You are a guy out to have a good time with no worries about work or hell kids. Now let's go get you a good, stiff drink." You then took him by the wrist, pulling him out of his seat and guiding him over to the bar. A few drinks later Benny was probably the most relaxed he has ever been in his life, slumped in his chair with a wide goofy grin across his face as he shared stories of his terrible, horrible school endeavors. "I swear to God, I spend my whole damn life at that school and what do I get? My house destroyed with toilet paper." He laughed, gesturing his beer towards you. "Never trust kids, Darlin'." "I hear ya' loud and clear, Benjamin!" You wiped a tear from your eye from laughing so hard. You had lost track of time and how much you had consumed, but there was one thing you did know in your inebriated state: Your favorite song was playing and you HAD to dance. You quickly got down from your chair, taking Benny by the wrist again. "Woah, what's happening??" He retorted, sliding down from his seat. You smiled wide, softly tugging him towards the dance floor. "Come on! I love this song!" You exclaimed. You swiftly guided him to an open spot towards the middle the floor, surrounded by groups of swaying and swinging 50/60-somethings. Intertwining his fingers in yours, you began swinging your hips to the beat, moving your feet rhythmically back and forth where you stood. Benny watched your feet intently as he struggled to keep up with your pace. He stumbled for a moment or two, but no feet stepped on just yet! "Here, try this!" You lifted his arm over your head, making him spin you about as you came around to place your hand on his shoulder. Reflexively, you felt a hand on your hip as he brought you closer. You and Benny couldn't help but smile and laugh. It felt like nothing else in the world mattered anymore. You two were having the time of your lives. "So what is a person like you doing in a place like this?" He bantered. "It's my birthday!" You replied. "My mom brought me here to celebrate." You gestured back at the table where your mother was heavily flirting with one of the waiters. "Seems like she's got her night sorted out, eh?" Benny chuckled, spinning you about once more. You shook your head and laughed, bringing yourself closer to his body. You pressed your chest against his, feeling the shared heat from his and your intoxicated, flushed faces. Benny looked down at your face, smiling and brushing the hair from his toupee back. "Heya, Y/n.. Thanks for helping me get my mind off things tonight." He said. "I really appreciate it." You looked back up at him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "It was no problem at all, Benny-boy." You teased. "If you ever feel the need to get your mind off things again, just give me a call." You flashed him a wink as you went back over to the table to scribble your number on a napkin for him, placing it comfortably in his shirt pocket. His face lit up, cheeks burning red as he peeked into his breast pocket. "R-Really?" He said baffled. You nodded placing your hand on his shoulder. "Absolutely. You're a pretty neat guy, Benny." You said sweetly, softly running your hand down his arm. "I'd love to get to know you more." Just then you heard something crash from across the room. Looking over, you see your mother had accidentally toppled one of the tables, spilling her glasses all over the floor. "Oh, god... I think I should get her home." You said anxiously. You turned back to Benny, who looked a little distraught. "I hope I can see you again soon. Maybe you can come by the school someday." He said, wrapping his hand around yours. You nodded. "I'll bring lunch. How's that sound?" There were stars in Benny's eyes as he released your hand. "Th-That would be great!" He stammered. "Perfect! I'll see you soon then!" You quickly gave his cheek another quick peck before turning to go scoop up your drunk mess of a mother, leaving Benny alone, grinning dreamily in the middle of the dance floor. "See you soon then, Y/n."
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