#was expecting more of arlecchino ngl
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yan-fairy · 1 year ago
just finished the fontaine archon quest and i have THOUGHTS
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marvel-starwarsfangirl · 5 months ago
Natlan Archon Quest 5.1 Thoughts and Theories
Compared to the last archon quest, this was a major step up for me in all aspects. There was a sense of grandness to it all, especially with the music and animation. Also, I'm so weak for Capitano you guys. His voice 😍🥵 alright I'll stop. But my Capitano agenda is far from over.
Spoilers below
Boy oh boy did I enjoy seeing everyone rally together to fight the Abyss. And the Abyss I felt was a pretty legitimate threat. (side note: i'm glad they didn't make us wait for the next patch to see the actual battle). The map was consumed by Abyssal power, reminding me of that one Enkanomiya event. And people died. You'd get to sites with people and everyone would be gone. It was lowkey chilling and Genshin really has stepped up in terms of how dark it wants the story to be. Chasca's sister, Chuychu, didn't make it. Their final words to each other were really heartfelt and it was sad to watch them say goodbye.
On a much lighter note, the cutscenes of Mavuika and the six heroes using their powers was soooo freaking cool, especially with the music. Side note, I'm glad they didn't shove the Traveler in as the final hero since this wasn't their fight technically. I loved seeing Mavuika use all her abilities and create that giant starburst thing in the sky to fight the Abyss. It gave me major Endgame vibes ngl. I was having a blast. This quest also made me really love Mavuika. She cares so deeply about her people and home that she'd sacrifice herself to save it all. It's a heavy price, but she's willing to pay it. Aside from Mavuika's selfless nature, she also looked epic when she fought the Abyss in the sky.
The new characters in general I really enjoyed, especially Ororon. I do like his design and I love how his voice tone changes from serious to almost childish when talking to Citlali. And his lore is really fascinating since he has an incomplete soul. Citlali gives me major Faruzan energy, but she has a beautiful design and she's pretty relatable imo with her awkwardness. I liked her a lot. Xilonen had a lot of charisma imo. Although I haven't figured out how to use her on the field during her playable segments.
And Capitano. My gosh did this man become very interesting. Not only is he Khaenri'ahn, but apparently his face is rotting from living for so long AND he knows Dain. He's a lot more tragic than I initially expected, having lost everything and everyone to the cataclysm. And out of all the Harbingers, alongside Childe (maybe Arlecchino with the HoH), he's definitely one of the more altruistic ones. His methods were extreme, but at the end of the day, he wanted to save Natlan, having lost so much already. Capitano was willing to put aside his own pride with his plan and listen to Mavuika's, helping her and the others defend their home. He even gave her all his soldiers to have for reinforcements. He's not driven by evil the way Dottore is or is vengeful to a destructive degree like Scaramouche. He's honorable and driven by the pain of his past. Vengeance too probably, but he didn't wipe Natlan clean to save it.
The lore was also fascinating. To talk to the Lord of the Night was really cool and I loved getting to know more about Teyvat as a whole. Btw, the "sky is fake" claim is finally proven true.
Overall, I was very satisfied with this Archon quest and could honestly watch a whole show on Natlan trying to fend off the Abyss. It reminds me of the Long Night but significantly better executed on almost all fronts (music still slapped).
Going forward, I definitely think we will see Mavuika die but either it won't be in the typical way or she will return in another form like Furina. Given how she's playable, Hoyo will find the loophole. But yeah, Mavuika will have to pay a heavy price. And it appears Capitano will as well. He still has his "final foe" to face and Ronova apparently sent him on his journey. Of course, the price for messing with death your own life, which Mavuika will have to pay. It seems like whatever Capitano is asking of the Lord of Night also will either lead to his own demise or some sort of demise. Either way, both characters are going to be facing a heavy price. I'm really excited to see the final face off with the Abyss and what will become of both Capitano and Mavuika.
The sky being fake caught my eye specifically because the edges of the hole and the void are reminiscent of the power used by the unknown god in the beginning of the game. Could the unknown god reside out in that void? Did she have a hand in creating Teyvat? Is Teyvat even a "real" world or is it something else entirely? So many questions. I look forward to getting answers and I love the small detail of the hole being covered by smoke. it would cause mass hysteria if one moment, you were fighting for your very home and then another bombshell about the sky being fake is thrown at you.
My only major nitpick is that the Natlan archon quest is almost beat for beat Fontaine's with some exceptions of course.
You got:
big existential, life threatening event that has been steadily building up for years and years
a Fatui harbinger who offers aid because they got their own stakes in this (said Harbinger is also Khaenri'ahn)
the archon has to die because they used powers that are kinda taboo
there are minor incidents prior to the actual existential event
said event has been known about by the archon for hundreds of years and preparations have been made
the day is saved by the archon (or dragon) flying up into the sky and using their awesome power to save everyone
supporting characters die protecting others (Silver and Melus you were the real ones)
The archon quest is still fantastic, but the overall formula was very similar. (it was also weird to not hear Kinich or Kachina but I get the reason).
Anyways, what did you guys think and are you excited for the next chapter???
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tabibitto · 2 years ago
Hey sweets<3 can I request hcs of Beidou (and Arlecchino if you write for her) finding out her s/o is the lost Princess of Khaenri'ah?
Hey Darling <3 Such a unique request I hadn’t expected myself to write about two of my favorite lesbians (fanon) yet BUT thank you for bringing me the opportunity to. I hope you like it :)
[ request ]
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Ship: Beidou x Feminine Reader, Arlecchino x Fem Reader
CW: angst, comfort, fluff, mentions of death, slight Yandere in Arlecchino's
Notes: Dude ngl my dumbass misread and thought it said oneshots not hcs and i was balls deep into a story when i went back up and was like welp. Shit. LMAODNEKENE
Although the Captain of the Crux Fleet is one of the most accepting and understanding people you know, telling her was giving you so much fucking anxiety
You’d lied to her about your origins, contradicting your promise to be Honest to her
You loved the cute nicknames she had for you, but you couldn’t stand being called her princess anymore with all the conflicting feelings in your heart, plaguing your mind when she used it at night
The time of day that allowed your mind to wander too far from your sanity
It wasn’t a surprise, but a huge weight off your shoulders when you told her your past
Crumbling to the ground of your shared bedroom as she followed suit, cradling your sobbing form in her arms as you babbled incoherently about your trauma
How you were meant to protect your people as Beidou did hers, yet could do nothing but see everyone and everything you knew burn to the ground
you were powerless against the divine holiness of Gods
And you hated yourself every day for it
Constant reminders of your responsibilities as Monarch, the random surges and lust for power and righteousness when you gave orders
Anything from how to deck the ship or the pirate’s positions on the battlefield. You felt that power, it made you feel good. For that short moment you were the Princess of Khaenri’ah, rightful heir to the Khaenri’ahn Throne. Rightful queen of the godless humans and protector of your realm
Yet looking around you..
Ah, right, you were any other person now. Simple and common as the people you protected
Once, at least
Beidou listened to every word, and when you were done, wiping tears away to look at her carefully, you could see the sadness and tears in her own eyes
She understood you, she felt your pain and it made you cry more
From that day forward, she was more gentle and patient with you when out and about in Liyue or Inazuma
Beidou paid more attention and realized the way you looked longingly and sadly from a high point on land downwards into civilization and realized you were reminiscing
And you were eternally grateful to her for all the times she brought you back to the here and now, with her. Not the fire and blood of 500 years ago to a people you could only remember, and nothing more.
She would make your days special and happy, nothing had to be grandiose or fancy, simple things like giving you a massage, breakfast in bed etc
She always did, though the captain made an effort to show you how smitten she was every chance she got
Because unknowingly, that night as she held you protectively as if you would too burn away, she made a promise
That she would do everything in her power to ensure you wouldn’t loose her, and the people you loved
She would protect your kin and take extra precautions when on land
Beidou could not handle to see you so destroyed
She wouldn’t allow it. It would be too much for you
So for as long as you gave her with your heart, she would nurture it until one day she would be too old in comparison to your eternally cursed, young and unwithering complexion to take care of you
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You were number 2 of the Fatui Harbingers. Quite a High rank, and somehow higher then that of The Knave.
Even when you two began dating, you hadn’t revealed to her why
She, by strength believed to be stronger then you and depending on who you asked, would tell you who was more cunning
The only person who knew of your origins was Her Majesty The Tsarista and Pierro, Number 1 of the Harbingers
It wasn't like you had to tell Pierro, he just kind of already knew
How could The Jester forget the Harlequin who ruined his original plans for Khaenri'ah
Who he had blamed on bad days for the destruction of his nation
You only silently took his anger, you understood it
But Pierro Also knew that you only had so much say in political power
This unspoken beef between the old man and her girlfriend was... unfathomable to her
I mean sure she was not one to like him to begin with but to witness firsthand his distaste for you was...fucking weird
Weather it be lack of skill in digging into your past or because she didn't have the balls to do that to one human she cared about you would never know
Arlecchino decided to put it aside and ignore it, you hadn't told her the truth because ain't no fucking way Pierro just has a bone to pick with the Harbinger a rank below his for no reason
In all Honesty, sometimes she wishes she never found out
It didn't make her love you any less
But it made her weaker
A word that hadn't been in her vocabulary since her joining of the Fatui
She was known and disliked by Childe to have no permanent loyalty to anyone. Her promises and honesty wavered towards whoever benefited her more
Yet when it came to you, she would be the one to act a clown to make you happy, and keep you safe
So when You pulled Arlecchino aside one day after an argument with Pierro who was across the coffin of your fallen friend, La Signora, the fair lady
Arlecchino could not stand it and demanded you he honest with her
To which you responded, more like screamed for her to get out of the cathedral. Though your face was hidden from the rest, she saw your look that meant for her to go somewhere else in order to get her answers
You spoke quietly but with determination
"I am The Lost Princess of Khaenri'ah. I was first in line to my family's throne. I both failed in my duty as monarch and protector of my nation."
She stared at you with wide eyes, her hands curling into tight fists.
"Pierro dislikes me because he believes it is my fault for the loss of our people, i won't blame him. But he too, did not succeed in convincing my father to change the order of things in order to survive. He can't blame me for everything. If I, his daughter and first heir got neglected what did HE think he was gonna do?!" You yelled angrily
Taking a deep breath you apologized and Arlecchino pulled you close after ensuring no one could see you
Oh yeah, your fruity relationship was a secret
not because of homophobia, the fatui could care less who was the Fuckee of choice was to Arlecchino
She just knew that someone would pull some dumb shit in order to either piss her off or for personal gain
The only collective thing anyone in this damn group agreed on was disliking The Balladeer, besides that it was a free for all deal
which meant someone here could harm you to gain acess to Arlecchino's secrets and weaknesses and have no repercussion
a curse and a blessing as a result of absolute authority from the Tsarista to The Fatui
From then on and like never before, Arlecchino would make sure you would not be in danger
Like ever
She held your hands more tightly when you walked down the hall or in public
The Knave pulled your hood closer to your cold-bitten pink cheeks to disguise your beauty
Arlecchino was more on the defensive side when Pierro even dared to look at you the wrong way
You were untouchable and precious
only for her to have and love
Her pretty princess, her only true queen as much as she would have to say otherwise in the presence of the Cryo Archon
You were hers and she was yours
Everyone and everything else could burn to the ground
A thousand more nations could be smothered into dust and Arlecchino would not care as long as you were by her side
and no matter which you were promised to, she would whisper in your ear sweet reassurences that it wasn't your fault. Nor your intention
weather you were the sweet and caring type or as cunning and ruthless as her, she looked at you with a set of wings and a halo upon your pretty head
Hypocritical yes
But as long as your smile warmed her cold days and your safety was most ensured
The world itself could burn down, she held her own in the palm of her hands each night she held your face to her own
As long as her world was safe, nothing else mattered
No one else mattered
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