#warmly life
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warmlylife · 8 days ago
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months ago
it's the worst when 19th-century or earlier antique wooden furniture was actually painted white originally
damnit I came out to have a good time being a hater of McKartlynnes everywhere who go ham with the chalk paint and call it Shabby ChicTM and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now
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onlyzhuyilong · 2 months ago
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Zhu YiLong with his former Granting You A Dreamlike life colleague Kevin Kam-Yin Chu (he played Xu Xingcheng) at Paris Fashion Week.
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borathae · 1 year ago
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Compilation of Tae hugging his brothers like 🥺THAT🥺
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ahollowgrave · 1 year ago
11. Blood at the corner of your mouth.
It is not your blood at the edge of your mouth. Not your blood that your tongue swipes from the corner of your lips.  Not your blood whose coppery tastes lingers between your teeth. 
But he fucking deserved it.
Sister Kindness has you tucked under her arm as she, to use her words, books it. Something she must not do often because she huffs and puffs her way through the crowded Shaded Bower. And though some call out ‘Sister’ to her with warm recognition she does not stop ‘booking’ it. (Sister Kindness would have you know that she is perfectly in shape for a woman of her age. She was ‘huffing and puffing’ from the extra weight of carrying you, thank you very much.)
She slows when the westshore pier appears around the corner and then she steps off the main path and sets you down. Kneeling to be something more like eye-level, she pulls a Roegadyn-sized handkerchief from the depths of her habit. Wetting a corner with a flask pulled from a separate, equally confusing pocket she begins to clean the blood from your face.
Sister Kindness’ hand is firm where it grips your chin, holding as little of you as possible. For once the contact does not send you recoiling. Perhaps it is the way your rage has left you as quickly as it had flooded you, leaving you feeling drained of everything else as well. Now that the moment has passed you tremble and, to your horror, you can feel a well of tears rising to fill that empty space.
“Was a helluva bite, darling girl,” Sister Kindness’s voice is quiet as she tilts your head to the light, searching for any blood she may have missed. You focus on her creek colored eyes and swear you feel their waters lapping at your ankles. Her smile is sudden but woozy around the edges; she is just as shaken. "Reckon he'll have a scar, too. Bet he lies about who gave it to him." ‘He’ was an elezen man -- maybe a merchant but likely not, as Sister Kindness did not know him -- with a face as sharp as his ears and a smile that spoke of too much confidence. And you had hated him on sight. His crime was making Sister Kindness uncomfortable and his mistake was not being aware of his surroundings. 
It does not take much pressure to break skin. 
Pleased with her work, Sister Kindness rises and disappears the handkerchief away. Handing you the flask, she instructs you to take a sip, swirl it around your mouth, and spit it out. There is some confusion about what 'swirl' means but, eventually, she is satisfied with this too. “Well, we didn’t get what I came for but we’ll be headed home all the same. Come now, before the ferry leaves without us. We will, ah, not be telling the abbess about this.” You don’t know if she means the bite or the trip to the city. 
You don’t ask.
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Thank you for the ask, Anon! ][ Sensory Prompts ][
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stigmateo · 1 year ago
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not what i normally post but north carolina’s hockey team, the hurricanes, is hiring an entry level software dev to help build an analytics platform in python and they’re considering remote applicants! so idk if any of u are in compsci and into sports this seems really neat
link to the tweet and link to the job application itself
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dawnedon · 1 year ago
kalos fans we won
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 6 months ago
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warmlylife · 15 days ago
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typhra · 11 months ago
there's many things to learn about you!!! what's your favorite animal? 👀
UWAH (⁠´⁠⊙⁠ω⁠⊙⁠`⁠)⁠!Perhaps so...
As for fav animal... It's pretty hard to say... Probably snakes! And then all sorts of other reptiles :3 they look so cool... I even have a pet snake!
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loveandthings11 · 2 years ago
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Bonus 4x05 💗:
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Ken going to Waystar for his first day as CEO 1x01 / 4x05
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oneshortlove · 1 year ago
Sending you so much love Mimi, people should give you more love
🥺😭Kiwiiii 💞💗
This was so nice to wake up to! Thank you so much kiwi🌷🌹!!! Sending you so much love in return💝💖 You deserve as much love and care as you have given me, possibly even more! (The heavens look to you for a better understanding of what a beautiful human can be and can achieve)
Thank you so much kiwi, if I could describe my love in simple words I would, but none would ever perfectly describe how much love and care I feel for you💗
I hope you have a beautiful day and that the world treats you with love and respect💜💙
Giving you so many hugs🫂🤗!!!
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ephemeralove · 2 years ago
(Strangely enough, his is not the first page in her journal. It comes after not only Kris, but Rody, Luke, and Gordin -- all of the original members of the Seventh Platoon (chronology separates Cecille from the others), as though she had been putting off writing it as long as she could. As with Kris, the page has turned soft at the corners, though it retains more of its original crispness toward the middle. It gives the impression of a page looked at often, but with great care.)
Marth Marius Lowell. 19. January 21st. Prince of Altea. King of the United Kingdom of Archanea
(Then, made to fit between this and the rest of the page:)
He and Kris are attending The Officer's Academy in Fódlan. Summer... Blue Lions
Hero of the War of Shadows. Slayed the Shadow Dragon and the Dark Pontifex. Has a great number of allies, including Emperor Hardin and Empress Nyna. Supposedly adept with the sword and quick on his feet. Known for bringing friend and foe alike beneath his banner.
(Beneath this is a great mess of ink; under the light, there are many slight grooves in the paper's surface and some warping at odd points here and there, indicative of some blotting and words very ferociously scratched out. Some grooves are jagged, but most are crisp and in line with the box she drew later to cover up the words more cleanly. Some other, smaller blots nearby only just spill past the edges. If you happened to be someone who knew your knight well, you might just be able to imagine her panic at how 'unsightly' the great mass of dark ink looks on the page, judging by the way she tried to 'save' it by attempting to turn it into a cute cat. Unfortunately, it is still very obviously only a cat-shaped box, and a mildly ugly one at that. Its fluffy tail devolves into a despondent squiggle at the end -- a poignant conclusion to a harrowing tale of a girl who tried and failed to cross something out in pen.)
Haven't gotten to meet him. Well-spoken from afar. Well-liked. The people in his service are kind. Met him today. Just as well-spoken as he appears. Kind. Reassuring. Asked us to become royal guards. Somehow gained his trust... ...Kris was really happy. Together... ...I don't want our training to end.
(The next line is written a bit heavily, though for once the writing is immaculate, bereft of any inkblots and the hesitation that portended them; it is clear she took great care to write it well.)
"Until now, you've only followed orders, never thinking for yourself. But that's going to change now. You will think for yourself, and find your own answer. That is my punishment to you." Atone with my life, not my death.
(Following this, as seems to be the norm for her journal nowadays, she has made note of various things. Predictably there are likes and dislikes, as well as gift ideas... but if one were to turn the page, they might find a smattering of ideas humbly scrawled toward a bottom corner of its back-- chief among them being simply the word 'tactician?')
Similarly to Kris, Marth is a singular existence to Katarina as well (it's almost like those guys are two halves of the same whole or smth...crazy), though he occupies a much different place in her heart. There's a part of her that essentially reveres him for not only allowing her to live, but forgiving her and welcoming her back home after everything. Not only this, but he has always held fast to his ideals, has always stood for what he believes is right, and treats others with such kindness and empathy -- in many ways he is a paragon of the person she wishes she could have been. Most importantly of all, however, is the punishment he gave to her. That was the point in which she knew he understood her and wanted the best for her. He understood her, accepted and forgave her, but he did not absolve her of her sins. She recognizes full well that his punishment was delivered in such a way that she might grow, and it touches her more than she can put into words.
Her loyalty to him is absolute -- unbreakable (ironic as that may sound). Part of this is because in some ways, he's the means through which she acts out her atonement: the person he is to the world is precious and irreplaceable, just as his ideals guide those around him to be better people, and guide the people of Archanea as a whole toward light, toward hope. He is fair, kind, and just, and never misplaces his heart. For this alone he is exceedingly worthy of her respect and fealty, but the other part is that... well, he's her friend. Err... Sort of. Never in a hundred thousand billion trillion years would she ever dare to say that because how dare she! But for what it's worth, he really is. He is one of the first people she thinks of in all things not because he's her liege, but because he notices the small things about her and knows when to mark them with worry or with a smile; because he teases her sometimes, and though she panics so easily and never knows how to react, it makes her happy that he does; because he is kind and good to her; because he and his Altea are her home.
She adores him and does her best to protect him and his ideals, though her vision of protecting him involves taking on the more painful or unsavory burdens if she must. It might be ironic or just downright foolish, but she would make use of all the worst parts of herself to cut away even just a few thorns from his path; she can rest easy in this conviction because she knows he is the sort of person who would never ask her to. And that's why she would.
He's also notably pretty much the only person aside from Kris that she might truly relax around, though that takes a little more work as she's rather conscious of their stations and always does her utmost to afford him the proper respect. (She is opening up more to people such as Caeda and Kurthnaga of late though!) [waves my hand] All those typical knightly factors definitely come into play, but in the end, she's very attached to the way their relationship is now, which is definitely, absolutely not akin to a friendship. >vo)v
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nero-neptune · 1 year ago
still watching manhunt. there's something about seeing black people in shows or movies set in the 1800s. there's this mix of sadness and anger i always feel bc the fucking unfairness makes me sick. and if it's something set the south? then i know that members of my family i'll never know would've experienced that. it would've been All they ever knew.
i always say "i'd hate to live back then" (bc um! i would!!), but i have to remember that they still lived. they had lives, despite the shit they had to endure. at the end of the day, the very fact that i'm alive means that plenty of my black ancestors existed and lived their lives while black in america (the american south, at that). through slavery, emancipation, segregation, integration, and on and on. so idk. i'm sure there were many different things in their lives that made their lives worth living. if nothing else, it was a life. and i doubt they saw their lives as some endless hopeless tribulation.
anyway, manhunt's a good show. got me pondering shit lol.
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bluedabadeedabadie · 1 year ago
I am like a cornered animal, most of the time. There's a billion things you can point to and say "Ha! That's why!". The why('s) doesn't matter. What matters is that I am mortified of speaking to people more often than not. It also means that sometimes I want to offer help but the mere thought of accidentally offending said person in some way or coming off as comical makes me brush off actually asking.
And yet.
And yet when I see an old person crossing the street I sometimes walk close to them, as to ward off any vehicles. I try to be discreet about it but I still cross a little bit faster so the cars see me and slow down, I still try not to do it too fast as to keep some kind of pace until we've both crossed the street and I can continue on my merry way.
I still sometimes get over myself and stop someone to ask if they need any help if I pass by a person that seems a little faint.
I still stop to look at a kid coming back from school on their own when my own route back from school crosses theirs, making sure there's a grown-up around or that they cross the street safely or that they are not lost.
It's small things like that which I don't think anyone notices and that as far as I am concerned probably make no actual impact. But I still do them, because it feels right. Even if a part of me claws from the inside that it's not my place and no one would care if I did ask, if I was more vocal, if I did more, if I did less.
Which brings me to my first day of school. I was coming back from a small shop downtown, when I noticed a woman struggling to cross the street. She wasn't that old either but the traffic in this part of town specifically comes straight from hell. I mean, seriously, it's *insane*. So I gathered all my courage and asked her if she wanted to cross the street together, framing it as her helping me, mortified of the kind stranger thinking I was implying she was too old to cross the street by herself.
And we did, me taking the lead at first and trying to avoid eye contact as if it was the plague. I nodded, afterwards, still anxious as all hell because people? I don't know how to interact with them. And because I felt embarrassed - what highschool student would need help crossing the street like a little kid? (As you might've guessed, I am a very anxious person) Do you know what she did?
She smiled at me and thanked me. No ridicule, not being weirded out of this random stranger approaching her, nothing.
And she knew. She knew what I was trying to do and appreciated it. She smiled at me.
I guess what I am trying to say is- you don't have to apologize for existing. And do little good things! Some people will appreciate them, others won't, third won't know. But we all have a little bit of good in us and this world needs all the good it can get. And you don't have to feel the need to apologize for simply co-existing with others, even if you don't know the person or you don't know how to communicate properly or every little thing your brain comes up with.
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readwritealldayallnight · 4 months ago
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, who from the moment he laid eyes on you, has only ever referred to you as his wife
You, this sweet little thing, running through the halls on base one day when you turn a corner and nearly run headfirst into the Lieutenant, who’s walking alongside Soap
“Oh! Sorry about that, sir.” You told him, never slowing down in your hurried pace as you snuck around his large frame and continued down towards whatever you were evidently late for
The only reason his gaze had followed your retreating form, was that unlike everyone else, you had met his eyes when you spoke, even smiled warmly up at him
That one smile and he was done for
“Who was tha’?” The sergeant had questioned, seeing Ghost’s attention still fixated on you.
“Think that was my wife.”
“Yer what?!”
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, who makes it a point to let everyone know that you are in fact his wife
Well, everyone apart from you apparently
He would certainly never abuse his position as a Lieutenant, but some new recruit had the audacity to whistle at you as you walked by? Well 100 laps around the base don’t exactly run themselves
Another soldier saved you a seat next to him in a briefing? He can enjoy scrubbing toilet seats for the next week in that case
Someone actually had the bollocks to ask you for your phone number? Perfect, he needed a volunteer for demonstrating hand to hand combat to the recruits, medics on standby of course
By the time he properly introduces himself to you for the first time, it’s understood by everyone else around that you are, for all intents and purposes, Mrs Riley
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, who listens to you tell him your name in a voice that resembles music to his ears, hardly bothering to remember your last name, seeing as it’ll be changing soon enough anyway
“You can call me anythin’ you want, love.” His deep, gravelly voice had sent shivers down your spine, cheeky smirk widening beneath his mask. “So long as you call me, that is.”
By the end of your first date, (you were sitting alone in the dining hall and he wordlessly joined you what do you mean this isn’t a date) he’s wondering if you’ll insist on a ceremony or if he can sweep you away to the nearest courthouse and make this official, slipping a ring onto you finger and himself into you
You had laughed when he put his number into your phone and named himself ‘Husband’, certain that the man was only messing with you, some kind of hazing that you apparently weren’t aware Lieutenants played on the new communications hire, but it was only fair seeing as he’d saved your contact under ‘Wife’
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, who is over the moon every time you play along, even if he knows you believe you’re only playing
“Ach, thanks Lt. Just what I needed.” Soap said, seeing Ghost’s approaching form enter the common room, holding a steaming cup of tea in each hand
“S’for my wife. Get your own.” The older man gruffly replied, sliding the mug onto the side table next to where you’re curled up on the couch, reading a book
“Aw, thank you honey.” You giggled, smiling up as him with an expression he thinks would taste even sweeter than honey if he were to run his tongue across your upturned lips
“Happy wife, happy life, sergeant.” Ghost shrugged, ignoring the other man’s pout, landing next to you and reaching an arm behind you across the back of the couch
“God, maybe I really should keep you.” You’d laughed, reaching a leg out to dig your socked toes into his muscled thigh, teasing him
Grasping your foot into his large, strong hands, he began massaging it, uncaring that you were only two of the many people in the common room, not when you looked at him like that, smiling together as though you truly were nothing more than a married couple
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, who surprised you one day, insisting he needed your help with something crucial off base, and drove you to a local shopping outlet to look at none other than dresses
“Is there some sort of party happening?” You’d questioned, confused out of your mind
“Suppose you could consider it a party.” He’d answered, leading you through the many racks of dresses, you noticed were all, very conveniently, white
“Now while you’re lookin’ through dress sizes,” he’d added, taking your left hand in both of his. “You know your ring size? Got my own shoppin’ to do ‘round here.”
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