#warframe tagfer
ritasanderson · 8 days
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alcyonsa · 4 months
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eve-be-sleep-deprived · 7 months
More Portraits!!!!
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Dearest Loid and the Mournful Tagfer
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gruvu · 3 months
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Anywho it's late and I am sick so have the sketches of humanized Bird 3 and Tagfer. I ended up in a lobby for an hour to run back and forth to stare at them both instead of using braincells to take screenshots.
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boatswainscall · 6 months
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Don't fucking look at me right now the Cavia hugging feature has me inconsolable irl
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quohotos · 7 months
no i changed my mind
draw Tagfer
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pov ur dr. Entrati thinking you'd be safe in 1999
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I love how it's shown through dialogue that the Cavia + Loid hang out with each other. Bird 3 picks bugs out of Tagfer's fur, and with great enjoyment too. Loid and Fibonacci play Komi. Fibonacci cheats btw. They're just the weirdest little group of buddies.
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saprovores · 3 months
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finally got tagfer so now my cavia collections complete 👍 muy little guys….
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fh755249254 · 8 months
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cammycapri · 8 months
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my gf hates tagfer so i made this for her
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leolithe · 27 days
Tagfer and Bird 3 huddled up behind a chunk of concrete, peering past the rectangular slab to the endless abyss of the Murmur's desert.
Tagfer bit his tongue. He squinted. The thing on the ledge was still there… Still standing... Still alone... But…
Bird 3's long beak entered his peripheral vision, and he whispered, "I thought you said it had big crabby claws and a big weird body and a tiny weird head?"
"I- It does!" Tagfer hissed back. He blinked furiously, craning his neck towards the silhouette on the edge of the cliff.
Bird blinked too. He tried to copy Tagfer's example. His avian neck stretched over the rock as he squinted his beady eyes.
There were no claws. Or a big body. Or a tiny head with weird little spikes on it. The thing on the ledge… looked just like a regular human woman.
Bird blinked again. He peered questioningly at Tagfer. "Ummm-"
"I swear it, Bird. I know what I saw!"
The pair of Cavia watched the lonely figure. A regular human woman… Or was she? Tagfer glared intensely, his stream of conscience running a mile a minute. Am I hallucinating? Has the Murmur's influence gone that far already? Is she one of them? Are we in danger?
Suddenly, Bird 3 rose to his feet, breaking their cover. Tagfer's triple pair of ears flared in panic as he began waddling past the rock - right towards the woman.
"What are you DOING?" he hissed through his teeth.
Bird threw a careless look past his shoulder. "I'm finding out what she looks like up close!"
Tagfer stiffened like someone rang two bells right by the sides of his head. He's CRAZY! He doesn't know what she even IS! What she's even CAPABLE of!
"Bird. BIRD," Tagfer hissed urgently, but to no avail. Bird 3 was already romping up to the lone woman on the cliff.
Tagfer groaned and flattened his ears. He shivered and shut his eyes in a grimace… This was a bad idea. Bird's gonna end up dead in the bottom of that cliff. Fibonacci's never gonna let him hear the end of it. Bird's gonna keep falling and falling because there's actually no floor at the bottom of the Void and he's gonna stay wide awake through the crackling thunder and sandy gusts and it's gonna be all his fault because it always is for some Void forsaken reason.
Do something about him, damn it!
"HeLLoOOO!" Bird squawked at the visitor. Tagfer cringed. It's over.
He kept his eyes shut, waiting for the sounds of a big laser beam or the ear piercing shrieking squawk of a big terrified bird or the wet and chewy noises of chicken giblets splattering across the sand…
But they never came.
Bird 3 kept talking.
"Hey there… Hiya, Miss Lady!" he chirped.
Tagfer pried a hesitant eye open, peering indiscreetly at the pair in the distance.
Bird was standing right next to the woman. And the woman… turned to face him. She tipped her head ever so slightly to the side, looking almost… curious.
Tagfer's jaws parted open. So she COULD see them! The way she waltzed into the Sanctum like a total zombie wouldn't have made him think she could!
Against Tagfer's better judgement, he inched closer to the pair, his little hooves were careful not to clink against the concrete. He unfurled an ear and angled it towards them.
"Say, Miss Lady. Who are you? We've never seen you around before, rark." He clawed his talons across the sand, twisting his head curiously at her. "Umm… Do you have a name?"
The woman paused for a suspicious amount of time. Her entire body seemed to stop moving as they waited for her answer. Weird. Is she making up a name on the spot or what?
"Margulis," she finally answered.
Tagfer snorted. Fancy schmancy name.
"Mar-goo-lis. Miss… Margulis," Bird 3 intoned. With a satisfied 'rark', his voice returned to its usual peppy register. "What're you doing here all alone, Miss Margulis?"
To Tagfer's surprise, "Margulis" smiled. It was a tired smile, made even clearer by the messy black hair that framed her face. But Tagfer could see it - her eyes held a dull shine.
"I'm not alone," she said.
The Cervulite frowned. Is this some kind of spiritual nonsense? Is she gonna start preachin'? Or did the Indifference already take her?
"Oh. You're not?" Bird tilted his head, looking around Margulis as if she was hiding some invisible people behind her. She watched him attentively, letting him poke around her without really... Wait. Are her eyes glowing?! Why are they glowing? Human eyes aren't supposed to do that!
"Well… Rark." Bird settled down and fluffed up his feathers, seemingly satisfied with his investigation. The white glow in Margulis' eyes have disappeared and Tagfer felt like eating his front hooves right from his ankles.
"Still! If you feel lonely, Miss Margulis, you can come and talk to us!"
What?! No WAY!
"There's still a buncha space in the Sanctum, rark! We'd be happy to help you find a cozy spot to rest your legs."
No, we're NOT!
"After all, we want to show you our greatest hos-pi-ta-ler-ty!"
Margulis gave Bird 3 a small smile.
"We shall consider it," she said gently. "Thank you, feathered one."
Tagfer's head was spinning. What in the nine hells did Bird just do?
Tagfer barely registered it as he stared slackjawed ahead. Bird was already walking back towards him, his feathers rippling excitedly. He didn't seem to care about the death glare Tagfer was giving him.
"She looked like Mister Loid!"
Tagfer balked. "What."
"She has long hair, like Mister Loid does. Their clothes are kinda the same because they both have the funny hole in the chest. But she's got a bigger chest than Mister Loid, though. Maybe that's why the funny hole's bigger."
Tagfer blinked.
Y'know what. Maybe all he wanted to do was take a little nap.
He turned around to return to his spot in the Sanctum. Bird 3's footsteps followed closely behind.
"Sure, Bird. Whatever you say."
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ritasanderson · 3 months
Re: Loid and Bird-3 babysitting Stalker's son
Okay... but this leaves the question of how would Fibonacci and Tagfer react to the wee thang
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live Cavia reaction
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werelektro · 6 months
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That's all.
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diffident-drifter · 9 months
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I love the void's wettest, saddest beast
I love him so much
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sacidraw · 7 months
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Have some Valentenno's Day cards, featuring everyone's favourite critter!
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tagfer · 6 months
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The Tagfer is Funded
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