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No one escapes Movember
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Mal Mal Waram | Kids Song | Sunil Shantha | මල් මල් වාරම් | සිංහල ළමා ගී...
#youtube#Mal Mal Waram @KidsDanceSongsMusic Video Welcome to the Kids Dance Songs & Music channel! We're here to provide your kids with the best d
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SONSAF sends Congratulatory Cable to the New President Elect H.E Abdirahman Mohamed Irro
By Anwar Warame, The Chairman of Somaliland Non State Actors I send my congratulations and prayers to the President-elect, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilaahi (Cirro). I hope that God will grant him the great responsibility that lies ahead, and I urge him to rule his people with equality and justice. I ask the people of Somaliland to stand by the President and give him the opportunity to work. I…
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I took a nap and had a dream that suspectly had the same plot as twisted but in a waramers way. Except at one point someone screams "that is all your fault jafar" and Dylan!Jafar comes out of a room
#and the kingdom was a giant pool in a video game#and my cat was in a cage#it was jfar fault obv#my weird dreams
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Folge 115 auch peak. Ich liebe wie groß die Alola Liga angekündigt wird und wie sie ab hier öfter erwähnt wird, sich die Charaktere hypen etc Ist eine sehr tolle Sache an der Liga
und Guzma waram Start. Einfach coolster Alola Charakter, Plumeria aber auch da und wie er hier mit Bezug auf die Liga eingebaut wird, teils Dialoge aus dem Ziergarten hier eingebaut hat und halt sehr cool rüberkommt. und der Kampf gegen tectass auch gut, da hat sich die Fähigkeit zwar aktiviert, aber doch guter Kampf und das ist ja bisschen wichtig für später
Da waren gute Komponenten bei. ich find auch Guzma von seinen Ausdrücken gut gezeigt und einfach ein cooler dude.

FAST hätte er sich verplappert :D Abe rnoch die Kurve bekommen

dieses lets get high find ich immer noch zu witzig. ich weiß nicht mal wieso, weils ja sowas rap typisches ist, aber rigendwie kommts lustig und cool, dass da für den rap ein eigener dude eingebaut wurde

okay, das TR Motto bzw der Rap gegen Skull immer zu lustig. James VA geht voll ab, der durfte wohl einfach rede wie er wollte und ich find das immer lustig :D

Designwise find ich ja Ruyki ach cool, aber Guzma ist so die Verkörperung. Ich find aber dennoch bisschen sehr spät eignebaut, auch wenn seine Szenen echt gut sind in der Liga

Kampf auch einer der guten. Ich hab den sogar vergessen und war dann bei der Schabelle Folge so 'warte, als nächstes kommt ja noch ein guter Kampf in der Guzma Folge'
Tectass auch echt toll gezeigt wie es den Z Move abwehrt, Aquadurchstoß so mit seinem Schwert nutzt und später in der Liga wird es auch abgehen

ich will eigentlich nicht auf alles eingehen, weil sie bzgl Guzma paar Dinge eingebaut haben wie das hier zb. Ich finds nur tollen Dialog
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Abril Indígena: Em Porto Velho (RO), MPF promove Simpósio sobre povos indígenas
Evento será em 16 de abril, das 14h às 18h, no auditório do Ministério Público do Trabalho O mês de abril é marcado por mobilizações voltadas à temática dos povos originários. O Abril Indígena, como é conhecido, é dedicado a reflexões e ações sobre os direitos destes brasileiros e a importância de assegurá-los. Em Porto Velho (RO), o Ministério Público Federal vai realizar o Simpósio “MPF e os povos indígenas”, no dia 16, das 14h às 18h, no auditório do Ministério Público do Trabalho (Avenida Presidente Dutra, 4055, Bairro Olaria). O evento terá a participação de lideranças indígenas e representantes de instituições públicas para debater sobre a situação dos povos em Rondônia, suas perspectivas, desafios e pontos de vista. A atividade será composta por dois painéis e terá emissão de certificados aos participantes que se inscreverem pelo link https://forms.gle/AKHYJfd2sSurt74w7. Confira a programação. 13h30 – credenciamento 14h -Painel “Ministério Público Federal e a Defesa dos Povos Indígenas em Rondônia” Painelistas: Rosa Guarasugwe – líder indígena do povo Guarasugwe Lucinara Migueleno – líder indígena do povo Migueleno Leonardo Caberlon – procurador da República e procurador regional eleitoral Caroline de Fátima Helpa – procuradora da República Marco Teixeira – doutor em Ciências do Desenvolvimento Socioambiental, professor do Departamento de História da Universidade Federal de Rondônia 16h - Painel “Povos indígenas e eleições 2024” Painelistas: Maria Leonice Tupari – líder indígena do povo Tupari Francisco Oro Waram – vereador em Guajará-Mirim Wen Cacami – vereador em Guajará-Mirim Caroline de Fátima Helpa – procuradora da República Leonardo Trevizani Caberlon – procurador da República e procurador regional eleitoral Read the full article
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thursday 23rd nov ekadasi guru waram sathya sai birthday 🥳🤗
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Names generated from orc (TES) names, plus English and Scottish surnames, excluding the letter "E"
Abzuuttom Accaikin Aglumga Agrum Aidhaols Akhumza Allow Ammog Anain Anupton Appill Asgan Astmurn Axson Azbur Azham...
Babgon Bacnìll Bagoh Banch Bargdugh Barnarkh Bashand Bashbush Basson Baston Batub Bazashit Bhush Bighath Bisbugall Blaillfhin Blash Blashabbs Blish Blort Bloulow Blousgèin Boasdanton Bodfor Bodich Bogaill Bogduch Bogord Boldolg Bolgara Bookulmoss Borbow Borbrapp Bownion Braildis Brains Brakaz Braklin Brimbubb Brold Brolmay Broory Broth Bruth Buffryam Bulboth Buratul Burby Burgod Burla Burmak Burrison Burson Burza Buzha Cacph Caigg Caighill Calliarn Caolord Cardal Carkh Catha Catrymon Charc Charz Chdars Chros Cliog Cliva Clottonyon Clucark Cluka Cocka Cockravan Cocks Colaxson Colduth Comack Comham Coodrogdul Corlaxon Courburc Coush Cragluk Crawson Crich Crils Croghdard Crogrupton Crold Croth Crundan Cudgdullog Cudstan Cuiblak Càill Cèampson Daington Dalain Dilkin Dillog Dilton Dison Dubhin Dugaak Dulan Dulard Dulgain Dumbarry Dural Durhorth Durza Duthcock Faill Fains Flarkulak Flyfol Frìghfor Gaccòin Gailboury Galfrig Gamull Garmar Garstaff Gaska Ghopart Gikhugdoll Gillaward Gillifin Glakub Glarry Glarth Glaulz Gling Glogol Glomp Glorzogdu Gluch Goornson Gorbag Gorbas Gorghlains Gortharz Gorzorn Gozub Gragrout Grangla Grood Groodfook Gruba Gruzu Gulan Gulgduk Gulmat Gulugton Gulzul Gurnt Habradd Hagdarp Hagron Hagrushuk Hains Hamoll Hardwoord Harga Hikholph Hildson Hinsby Hitmacatt Holain Holazgug Hoparr Hordans Hormanks Hothratt Hount Houth Houthag Howartt Hozog Hozusly Hrìosha Hulboran Hulga Humps Hunyung Hurly Hutch Ildrath Jagrans Jaquazgran Jashag Johol Jourashain Juslay Kharsond Krosbulg Lagdol Lagdurs Laghog Laibbs Laickit Laikham Lainson Lakkroin Lannag Lapson Laton Lauddoll Lawargokk Laytson Lharbar Liddin Lisapp Logbakh Lookins Lorlis Loway Luchroggub Lurch Lurlytt Luthorbai Luzga Luzguk Lytowmarth Macall Maccag Macclack Macdhay Macdhub Macgh Macgill Macild Macill Macillwort Macily Mackway Macmharrag Macmhna Macmhuk Macph Macran Macsh Macsup Maidh Malton Manach Mancy Mandlins Mannigh Maray Marboillf Marwill Marzobga Maturzarby Maugakin Maxton Misby Mityn Mogukas Morkh Morrikh Mudson Muhlaga Mulub Muntung Murbild Murushaka Muryl Musad Mèing Nahga Naigha Navow Noguzgraid Nookhison Noridor Nuchazh Ogatt Olintald Olton Oodin Orard Ornarcous Orthoza Oruazgood Orzgookh Orzogra Oston Othin Oushakh Paccòirgol Paduk Paltock Parry Pauck Pipton Piptow Poodbard Porzbanott Pothazogu Priarz Primbris Primfissh Pristan Prumps Ragornugh Rhast Ridgar Ridnimon Rilling Rimog Robin Roblanash Roggs Rogrodwall Roodagoth Rooddison Roodon Roosh Rooss Rothamun Rottingway Rulogrul Ruzogubh Saaga Salrow Sgalinglam Sgrasan Sgruingill Shadsmall Shking Shnabbsh Shoom Sikhamill Siots Skington Sloman Slozos Smanch Smignum Snagrott Snaick Snarots Spock Spoppard Staington Standin Stashrosh Stingh Stinnd Struisalg Stugbuck Stulash Stwinndson Suthinks Swhix Sylam Tagan Taington Talraag Tarnus Tatugdus Thogzu Thout Thyton Timon Tisdag Titham Tittysh Tizzag Tiùbhitt Tonds Tonfor Tongham Tonshadan Torzord Trick Trighaw Tritby Tritch Trourd Tualsotham Tuntron Turos Tyjos Ufarr Uglow Ugulgat Ulloll Umzod Undarf Urapp Urburling Urlas Urzord Usham Ustagrains Vaugu Vorth Vushbrosh Walmowlian Waram Warlansham Warlig Warmach Warus Waynd Whitarr Whith Whithratub Wichag Wington Woodan Wooddik Wooddin Woodway Woors Woorwor Worgdal Yargaraft Yarry Yazgarnars Yourson Zozmanch Zubhàin Zuggild
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The high effort version of my girl
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Lillian Gish and Percy Waram ''Life With Father'' promotional photo
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Ministry of Fear (1944) Fritz Lang
July 11th 2022
#ministry of fear#1944#fritz lang#ray milland#marjorie reynolds#carl esmond#percy waram#hillary brooke#dan duryea
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ලැබුනෝතින් වරම් | Labunothin Waram by Shanuka Ekanayake
ඈත දුර කාලෙන් එහාදෑස බොඳ කරනා කතාතාම ඉඳහිට කියවමි මෙමාහීන වන් මතකේ පුරාපාරවයි හිත රෑ දිවාතාම මේ හිත අවතැන් වෙලාදෑසම රිදවා මාආ දුරත් මැකිලාමේ හිත තවමත් හිඳී බලා ලැබුණෝතින් වරම්ආයෙත් හැරෙනු නම්ඔය පපු තුරුලේ නැවතෙන්න තිබුනාමොහොතක් හෝ තවත්අප හට දුන්නා නම්තුරුලට ගෙනම සමුදෙන්න තිබුනා රෑක තනියම නැවතිලාමතක ළඟ නුඹෙ රුව සොයාපාලුවෙම මම සක්මන් කළාආයේ නුඹ නොයෙනා නියාතේරුනත් තිත නෑ තියාආදරය තව ඇති ලිය…
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SONSAf sends Congratulatory Cable to the President Elect
By Anwar Warame, The Chairman of Somaliland Non State Actors I send my congratulations and prayers to the President-elect, Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilaahi (Cirro). I hope that God will grant him the great responsibility that lies ahead, and I urge him to rule his people with equality and justice. I ask the people of Somaliland to stand by the President and give him the opportunity to work. I…
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