#wanted to show off my costume. but also im shy. so pretend im just throwing this at you and running away
wuntrum · 11 months
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as a wise man once said. groovy
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noona-clock · 5 years
Perfect Plan ❤🖖🎃
Hi there ♡ if you still accept Halloween request, could you pretty please do one with Sungjin from Day6? Like y/n and him like each other but they're really shy about it, so rest of guys somehow help them get together on Halloween party? Like they would somehow tell everybody that she likes him and she would be embarrassed but he would find her and some fluffy ending? Idk, I hope it's not too specific or anything. Anyway, THANK YOU for your amazing writing always and have a nice day 💞
I’m on it, anon! I’m going to tweak the plot just a little bit, I hope you don’t mind!
Genre: AU/Fluff
Pairing: Sungjin x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Words: 2,264
Author’s Note: This is based in @cramelot’s Delivery! and my Keep The Change world.
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“I told you, we’re fine,” you assured your roommate, Becky, for probably the sixteenth time.
“Yes, but fine does not equal in a relationship,” she retorted. “You two have been seeing each other for over a month but you still don’t call him your boyfriend!”
You almost rolled your eyes, and you would have if you didn’t - on some level - agree with her. “We just... haven’t talked about it! We like each other, we’re happy, we’re both busy with work. Do we need to make it official?”
Becky pursed her lips at you, and you’d been friends and roommates for so long that you knew what she was going to say.
“I need you to make it official for my peace of mind. I have a boyfriend, and I want you to have a boyfriend, and you kind of do, but I just --”
“I know, I know,” you chuckled. And, just for the record, you had known what she was going to say.
“I have the perfect plan,” Becky said, her eyes getting wider. “Brian is throwing a Halloween party next weekend. Jae told me about it -- Sungjin is closing the restaurant for the night so they can all go. If he hasn’t asked you to go with him already, I bet he will soon.”
“...Okaaaaaay,” you replied expectantly, waiting for her to continue with this so-called perfect plan.
“You ask him to be your boyfriend at the party!”
You blinked at her, your lips curved into a very confused, very humoring smile.
...That was her perfect plan?
I mean, it wasn’t imperfect because the end result would be Sungjin as your boyfriend, and how much more perfect could you get?
But... still.
The plans you had devised for her when she was crushing on Jae the Delivery Guy (who had now been her boyfriend for several months) were way more elaborate than just “Go to the party and ask him to be your boyfriend!”.
Oh, well. You knew it had come from her heart, and that’s really all that mattered.
“Okay, you got it, Chief,” you finally replied with a soft chuckle.
Becky let out a squeal of joy as she beamed and clapped her hands in delight. But then she cut herself off and reached into her pocket for her phone.
That meant she was about to text Jae... and that was your cue to leave.
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Later that evening, after the restaurant had closed, your phone lit up as it always did because Sungjin was calling you -- as he always did.
“Hey, Handsome,” you greeted, your lips pursed in slight embarrassment. You guys weren’t the kind of couple to be all cutesy and PDA-y, but you still liked to show your admiration and affection for him every once in a while. Especially if you were in a particularly good mood, and tonight... you were in a particularly good mood. For reasons we’ll discuss in just a bit.
“Hey,” Sungjin replied with a bashful chuckle. “Sorry -- Hey, Beautiful.”
“How was --”
“Wait, before we start talking,” your not-quite-boyfriend interrupted. “Brian’s having a Halloween party next weekend, and I was wondering --”
And now it was your turn to interrupt.
“Yeah, Becky told me about it,” you told him.
“Damn it, Jae!”
“I know,” you laughed. “And trust me: you’re not the only one who says that around these parts.”
Sungjin’s soft, breathy laugh filled your ear, and your heart clenched because you desperately wanted to see him right now. And you knew, in just a few minutes, you would desperately want to see him even more.
“So, you’ll go? To the party? With me?” Sungjin asked, his amused tone now sounding a bit more nervous.
“Of course,” you assured him with a wide grin. But then, just like his tone had changed, so did your smile. Your lips faltered just a little bit as your nerves took over. “Actually, uh -- Becky has come up with this little plan to, uh -- well, she thinks we need to make this -- make us official, so she’s been plotting with Jae to make things, like, more romantic than a typical Halloween party so it’ll be -- anyway, I think we should make a plan to foil their plan and just become officially boyfriend and girlfriend right now.”
And cue the longest exhale you’d ever breathed because you had managed to get everything out in one fell swoop.
“Wha -- hold on a -- did --” Sungjin stammered, and your heart began to thump with anxiety.
“I know we’ve been seeing each other for a little while, and I don’t really feel like we need to establish labels, but --”
You heard Sungjin take a breath before cutting you off -- in the best way possible.
“Yes,” he said, his smile very apparent in his voice. “Yes, of course. Let’s do it.”
You hadn’t expected him to say ‘no,’ of course, but it was still a weight off your shoulders to hear him say ‘yes.’
“I mean, if anything, it’s a chance to take Jae down a peg or two, right?” you chuckled.
“Yes, but that’s just a nice side effect,” Sungjin assured you. “And... sorry if it sounded like I was freaking out just a second ago. I wasn’t. You just caught me off-guard is all.”
“Better to catch you off-guard when it’s just us instead of at the party next week,” you pointed out, keeping your tone light to distract from how relieved you were.
“This is true. I... I have been meaning to ask you about it, I just --”
You shook your head even though he wasn’t there, your brows knitting together gently. “No, it’s okay. I really don’t mind. I wasn’t, like, worried or anything. Becky’s just been on my case --”
“And Jae on mine,” Sungjin interjected.
“And she’s my roommate --”
“He’s my delivery guy--”
“It would just make my life a lot more--”
“If we just made it official!”
“Exactly, I totally understand,” Sungjin finished.
You were glad the two of you were on the same page! Not that you ever thought you weren’t, but still!
“All right, then!” you said with a content sigh. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
Tomorrow was Friday, and ever since you and Sungjin had started seeing each other, he always left work early on Friday so he could eat dinner with you, Becky, and Jae at your house. It had quickly become one of your favorite traditions in the history of ever, and it was pretty much always the highlight of your week.
“Tomorrow,” Sungjin affirmed, and you could just imagine him nodding and smiling in that earnest way of his.
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“I thought Jae was dressing up as Darth Vader?” you asked as you adjusted the red crown on your head. 
“He is,” Becky affirmed.
“So... why are you dressed as someone from Star Trek? Darth Vader is Star Wars.”
“You know I don’t watch those movies,” your roommate scoffed with quite the unpleasant frown on her lips. “Too much fighting. So, I figured if he’s too stubborn to change his mind, I’ll be too stubborn, too.”
A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you shook your head to yourself. The two of them were something else, that was for sure. Darth Vader and a Star Fleet officer for Halloween. What a pair!
You couldn’t really say anything, though, because you and Sungjin had decided not to dress up in couples’ costumes, either. Sungjin had wanted to be a grim reaper, and you couldn’t convince him to dress up as the Grim Reaper from Goblin. You had simply shrugged and decided on pretending to be a member of Red Velvet from your favorite music video.
And you had to say: you looked fantastic.
“So,” Becky needled after pinning her communicator badge to her blue uniform. “When are you going to ask Sungjin?”
“Do I have to share everything about this plan with you?”
“Well, yeah!” she cried in response. “I came up with it!”
A smirk tugged at your lips and you lifted one shoulder in a very casual shrug. “I don’t know, when the time is right, I guess.”
“You won’t do it when I’m not around, right? I want to at least be there to celebrate with you afterward!”
“Becky,” you laughed. “I don’t think Brian lives in a mansion.”
“You know what I mean!”
“Yes, I’ll make sure you’re in the vicinity,” you assured her, feeling just a little bit guilty for basically lying to her. But if you told her that you’d already asked him last week, your whole plan would be ruined.
“Good,” Becky beamed, smoothing down her bangs one last time before skipping over toward you. “Ready?”
“Aye aye, Captain,” you nodded.
“Ooh, Captain,” Becky crooned with a delighted wiggle of her shoulders. “I like that. I’ll make Jae call me that all night.”
“Yeah, and you know he’ll make you call him the Dark Lord or whatever.”
Becky immediately rolled her eyes. “He’s already texted me -- multiple times -- that he will only answer to Supreme Commander tonight.”
“Oh, good god,” you murmured.
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You had only been at Brian’s house for less than an hour, and Jae had already tweeted out a picture of him and Becky in their costumes. 
We’re from two different universes, but somehow we make it work.
“Somehow?!” Becky had cried, distressed. “Uh -- don’t you think that ‘somehow’ would be love?!”
“It’s just a caption!” Jae had defended, pulling up his Darth Vader mask so she could hear him properly.
Sungjin had simply nudged your side gently, and the two of you had turned around to hide your laughter as Jae and Becky had continued on with their squabbling.
As to be expected from a party with Brian as its host, the food on the refreshment table was plentiful and delicious. Of course, he had brought mostly food from Sungjin’s restaurant, but there was also Halloween candy, chips and dip, popcorn -- usual party food.
“Are you having a good time so far?” Brian asked as you approached the table and grabbed a plate.
“Oh, definitely,” you grinned. “It’s always a good time when those two argue over a Tweet.”
Brian’s eyes shifted toward Darth Vader and the Star Fleet captain, his lips quirking with amusement. “Just wait until one of them brings up a meme --”
“Well, then maybe you should have taken me to the Area 51 raid and just left me there!” you heard Becky declare.
“And there we go,” Brian sighed, sounding very satisfied with himself.
You couldn’t stop a laugh from bubbling up in your throat, and then you felt Sungjin’s presence at your back. Before you could turn around to smile at him and request a kiss, Jae joined you.
“Are girlfriends worth it?” he asked, half-joking and half-serious. “Apparently, they get mad at you for not taking them to Area 51. Who knew?”
“I want no part of this,” Sungjin replied immediately.
“You’re lucky you don’t --” Jae began, clapping a hand on Sungjin’s back.
“Jae!” Becky hissed, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
“Oh -- whoops --” Jae murmured. He took his hand back and plastered an innocent smile on his lips. “Never mind!”
“Actually,” Sungjin said as he moved to put an arm around your waist. “I am lucky because I do have a girlfriend.”
Your cheeks warmed, and you leaned into him -- your boyfriend -- with a shy smile pulling at the corners of your lips.
“Aw, really?” Wonpil piped in, now standing next to Brian. “You guys are official?! Since when?!”
“YEAH, SINCE WHEN?!” Becky insisted.
“Since last week,” Sungjin answered casually.
“What?! Why didn’t you say anything?!” Brian asked with a chuckle. “Congratulations you guys!”
“What?!” Jae lamented, his tone conveying both his astonishment and annoyance. “Last week?! But -- what about the plan? Becky’s Perfect Plan?!”
“Yeah, what about my plan?!” Becky echoed.
You smiled at your best friend, doing your best to put every single happy emotion you felt in your eyes as you looked at her. “We came up with our own plan.”
“Well, that’s just offensive,” Jae retorted as he put a very protective arm around his thwarted girlfriend. “After all we’ve done for you.”
“Shall we duel, then?” Sungjin offered, holding out his grim reaper scythe. “Where’s your lightsaber?”
“Oh, you’re on, dude,” Jae answered without hesitation.
As the two of them stepped off to another part of the room, Becky stepped over to you with a sigh.
“Those would be our boyfriends,” she said, nodding to them as they began to fight each other with their costume weapons. Apparently, she had already gotten over being upset, though you knew that was because she loved you too much and was far too happy for you.
“Yep,” you sighed, watching as Sungjin pretended to try and slice Jae’s head off with his scythe. “Those would be our boyfriends.”
And then you looked over at her with raised eyebrows. She turned to you, matching your expression almost identically.
“What have I gotten myself into?” you asked.
“Something... pretty great,” she answered, her lips curving into a smile. And then she leaned over and put her arms around your shoulders, pulling you in for a brief hug. “Really great, actually.”
And you knew she was right.
So long as you and Sungjin never fought about Tweets and used memes in your arguments...
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haespoir · 6 years
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honestly, i’d like to start this post off by saying thank you!!! never would i have thought that i would ever reach over 100 followers,,, so the fact that i’ve hit 1000 followers seems so unreal to me,, so thank you guys! for supporting my writing and dealing with my nonsensical rambling!! 
with that being said: in honour of reaching 1000 followers, i’ve decided to start a little series on my blog. i’ll be writing for five main groups: nct ( all units ), loona, twice, red velvet and the boyz. these are my favorite groups to write for though i’ve really only ever written publicly for nct. 
i’ve complied a list of 60 aus ( most are from this masterlist and i’ve just chosen the ones that i like ) and 20 songs so just pick one and send me a request! note: most things will be written in bulletpoint and this post will serve as a masterlist for everything! 
example requests: 
“competitive au #1 w doyoung?” 
“angst song #2 with sana?” 
if a prompt is taken, it’ll be bolded with the name of the idol next to it! i’ll also include who requested it uwu basically, it’s a first come, first serve type thing! you can also request more than once!
ok with that being said,,, have fun! 
01. [ younghoon | anon ] “love letter” jinsoul and kim lip 
02. “push and pull” kard
03. “rumor” kard 
04. “lady” exid
05. “see saw” gowon and chuu and kimlip 
06. “walkin’ in time” the boyz 
07. “hard to love” bol4 
08. “destiny” lovelyz 
09. “we were in love” t-ara and davichi 
10. “dont recall” kard 
01. “hi” lovelyz
02. [ donghyuck | anon ] “walk u home” nct dream 
03. [ heejin | anon ] “what is love” twice 
04. [ jaemin | anon ] “shine” pentagon 
05. “imagine” bol4
06. “nevermind” jeong sewoon 
07. “real man” the east light
08. [ doyoung ] “a girl like me” gugudan 
09. [ yuta | @jenofanclub ] “heart attack” chuu 
10. “the day of confessing my love” jo kwon 
roommate aus
01. friend of a friend needs a place to stay before they get evicted
02. my roommate fell nd broke their arm in the shower,,, what do i do
03. [ yeri | @najaeminclub ] new roommate cooks for the first time and almost burns the house down
04. overheard you singing in the shower you sound angelic 
05. [ doyoung | anon ] your clothes ended up in my laundry and now im wearing your favorite tshirt 
enemies to lovers au 
01. you’re a jerk barista who purposely screws up my name when i order 
02. [ jihoon | @lovejihoonie ] you saw me crying and you weren’t supposed to,, why are u trying to hug me 
03. you come to the restaurant i work at and choose me as your server every time just to annoy me nd i can’t do anything or i’ll get fired
04. [ yuta ] look i know we haven’t said anything nice to each other for years and this is a bit sudden but can you hold my hand and pretend to be my partner for the next few minutes cause my ex is coming over and i can’t be on my own for this so lets just pretend we aren’t mortal enemies okay? omg, you’re saying nice things about me and your arms are around my waist and my heart is pounding in my chest and oh god no out of all the people i could crush on why you?
reincarnation aus
01. [ jaehyun | anon ] i meet and fall in love with you in every lifetime at the same age but your age is always different so it never works out and for the first time i’m meeting you when we’re the same age and i’m horrified that i might fuck this up
02. [ doyoung ] i skipped like four cycles of reincarnation and i know you’re pissed at me for leaving you all those lifetimes but it wasn’t my fault please please will you take me back
03. [ yukhei | anon ] i don’t know how to tell you this but the reason you didn’t see me in our last reincarnation cycle is because for some fucked up reason I was reincarnated as your dog
04. [ taeyong | @najaemini ] we keep reincarnating as people who speak different languages and it’s kind of pissing me off because i can never initially confirm if it’s you but at least i keep learning a bunch of cool new languages each lifetime
height difference aus ( specify who is the tol nd who is the smol pls !! ) 
01. [ jacob | anon ] you were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help
02. [ jeno | anon ] we’re both baristas and sometimes i have trouble reaching for things and i show up to work one day to find a personalized stool with hearts and my name on it i hATE YOU 
03. we’re in art class tgt and i just opened a cupboard to find a tiny person (you) squished inside and you just looked at and said “shh i’m hiding” we’re on the bus and im really not trying to take up your space im sorry i just have rlly rlly long legs 
04. [ juyeon | @jenofanclub ] you’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious
05. you’re super short and i’m sorry but it’s really really cute whenever you try to reach that book on the top shelf here lemme help you- oh no don’t be embarrassed, your face is all red and you’re even more adorable now i am going to die
competitive aus
01. [ jaemin ] we’re both ‘team leaders’ at a summer camp for little people and you may be hot but goddammit my collection of twelve-year-olds are going to beat yours into the dust
02. i used to be the best baker in the neighbourhood but then you showed up at Mrs Appleby’s 80th birthday with a stack of brownies which almost gave me an orgasm my honour is at stake and im going all out for the next event
03. [ renjun | @najaeminclub ] a mutual friend invited us to their laser tag party and we’re the last two alive on opposite teams and goddammit if im going down you’re going down with me
04. you’re going to be at the halloween party and you’ve won best costume for the past three years but this year i am wearing the best costume ever if you defeat me i will eat my - wait you actually look really cute when did you turn hot what the fuck um
05. [ donghyuck | anon ] we’re always making stupid bets like ‘bet you can’t drink this whole bottle of BBQ sauce’ but then you did and now you’re sick and i feel really bad here let me look after you
06. did you actually just blue shell me on our date you fucker
college aus 
01. [ momo | anon ] excuse me, I know we don’t have assigned seats in college, but I’ve been sitting in this one for eight weeks and it seems you’re in my spot
02. [ lucas | anon ] bless the spring semester stage combat class for practicing on the North Lawn, because watching my crush get sweaty and worked up while pretending to fight people really Does Things to me, okay
03. i was abroad last semester and forgot to fill out the housing form, but your old roommate dropped out so hi, hey, how’s it going, I guess we live together now
04. both of us turned up at the wrong room for this lecture but don’t know where its meant to be 
05. [ lucas | @najaemini ] we live in halls opposite each other and i keep seeing you changing through your window 
witch aus 
01. listen, i know im new at this and all, but you screeching at the top of your tiny frog lungs isn’t going to help anyone, is it????? don’t you dare croak at me in that tone
02. [ jeno | anon ] we’ve been friends for years, so are familiars are really good friends with each other too. nd recently, while we’ve been doing witchy stuff, i’ve noticed that our familiars are growing extremely close and being affectionate towards each other. that’s weird because like our familiars are supposed to represent our subconscious and that’s not how we feel about each other at all… right?
03. [ seulgi | anon ] i borrowed the broomstick you keep in your wardrobe, and while i was cleaning up some lint; it suddenly shOT UPWARDS AND SMASHED INTO THE CEILING WHILE I WAS STILL HOLDING IT AND IT WON’T STOP MOVING GET ME DOWN FROM HERE I SWEAR TO GOD.
ghost aus ( in which one person is a ghost ) 
01. the neighbours asked one time if I had any roommates and i said no and they just looked really confused because they can always hear me shouting or talking to someone. yea, my neighbours think I’m crazy now, so thanks for that.
02. we’ve been arguing for a solid hour about whether Amelia Earheart actually died when the plane supposedly crashed; i don’t care if you met her one time when you were in purgatory. that doesn’t make a difference!
03. my ghost is really temperamental so i sometimes just scream “FUCK OFF” at it really loudly. it quietens down after that.
04. i’ve become so used to all the weird shit that happens in my house that when i invited people over and you were just throwing books around in the hallway, i completely forgot that they aren’t used to it like i am and now they just ran out of the house screaming. 
05. [ johnny | anon ] you’re a ghost and you scared me so much that i died and i literally rose out of the floor two minutes later as a ghost, now we’re stuck together for eternity and now i’m gonna beat your ghost ass.
you know them but you don’t know them aus 
01. my friend can’t stop talking about how they want to set me up with their other friend so we start texting each other and they’re hilarious but shy about meeting and ALSO there’s a cute bike delivery guy who brings my mail at work and winks at me whenever i sign for a package 
02. [ sana | @jenofanclub ] i’m obsessed with a food blogger who writes about cheap ways to be gourmet in your 20s and i flirt with them over comments but they never post pictures of their face and ALSO there’s a really cute grocery bagger at the store down the street who teases me and always asks to join me for dinner and i definitely want to say yes
03. [ jaehyun | @jaehyunclub ] there’s an overnight IT person at school who always answers the phone when i call about a problem with my computer and i totally have a crush on their voice and their exasperation and ALSO the bakery down the street is always running out of my fave scones and the adorable person behind the counter can’t hide their amusement and i think it’s super rude but also super cute 
04. [ lucas | @najaeminclub ] my boss is always telling me how perfect her son would be for me and she promises he’s coming to the next holiday party and don’t worry he’s heard all about me too and ALSO there’s this dude i slept with once a couple of months ago and sometimes he still sends me dick pics when i ask him to at 3 in the morning cause seriously dude’s got a good dick 
05. our kids are bitter rivals and the only time we ever meet is when we’re both called to the principal’s office and whatever maybe i think you’re kind of cute but your kid’s a monster and ALSO someone keeps buying the last everything bagel at my favorite coffee shop 2 minutes before i get there in the morning and has heard about my plight and has started leaving me bragging notes about it 
06. [ changmin | @lovejihoonie ] i hired a dog walking company and i’ve never met the person who comes to my apartment but they leave me really cute notes and they give my dog presents and i kind of love them because my dog does and ALSO one of the artists at this gallery opening is hella cute and i want them to paint me like one of their french girls
??? aus
01. [ jacob | @lovejihoonie ] im calling to cancel our date bc im actually in the er right now, sorry,,,, i mean,,, i guess u can come here,,,, bring me fries 
02. we’re both meant to be going on blind dates with other people but we sat down at the wrong table and got our hopes up
03. a scary-looking person who unintentionally makes kids cry and a daycare volunteer meet at a children-filled park
04. [ sunwoo | anon ] you’re infamous for being an asshole nd i had to sit next you in class. turns out you’re kinda nice one-on-one. 
05. i let you cheat with my answers on a test and then you got the highest grade possible nd now you owe me a HUGE favour.
06. i just got bowled over by your huge-as dog in the park nd now you’re profusely apologizing while trying to hold your dog off 
07. [ kun | anon ] i kind of naturally spoil people and like taking care of them, you’re always getting sick in class / feeling down in class nd omg i think the teacher ships us???
08. [ yuta | @najaemini​ ] you always like to make me embarrassed by leaning in too close or hitting on me, but i’m used to it now nd one day i decided to retaliate
09. [ ten | anon ] ok so when we were little i accidentally mentioned that i had a crush on you but i always thought you didn’t hear me because you just looked at me weird and never commented but now we’re in high school and omg you just introduced me as your boyfriend/girlfriend/datemate wtf we never discussed this!!!
10. [ donghyuck | anon ] why are you so clingy people will think we’re dating- i know we are but you’re the one who wants it to be secret you moron!
11. [ taeyong | @najaeminclub ] i understand that you’re my bodyguard but that was a freaking FRISBEE not a nuclear bomb jesus christ- hey why are you still on top of me and why have i not noticed how beautiful you are? 
12. you’re so perfect and i’m in love with you but i’ve never actually met you and you keep avoiding meeting up, so i called nev and max to help me figure out whether or not you’re catfishing me
13. [ irene | anon ] you had a party and i got really drunk and stole your toaster, so i showed up the next day to return it and you were really hungover so i made you breakfast (but i burnt all of it)
14. [ jungwoo | anon ] you have dimension-jumping powers and you’re mad that literally EVERY OTHER VERSION OF YOURSELF is dating ( insert idol ). then ur idol asks u out and is confused when u screams ‘FUCKING FINALLY, JACKASS!’
15. [ hyunjae | anon ] i suggested we play spin the bottle so i could kiss you, but now everyone else is kissing you except me :/
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A Real Prince Charming.
warnings: self-doubt.
pairings: prinxiety-romantic could also be read as platonic. and paltonic moxiety.
word count: 1,587
gifs not mine
tag list: @321angst @lostin--translation @ajumbleofwords @friendlyinternetmeerkat @zadi-jyne @yourdailysunshine @love-sanders-sides @musicphanpie-b @demonickittykat
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Virgil was never bothered by the black and white world he lived in. Many found their soulmates around the age of ten through thirteen. Seeing as Virgil was nearing his 25th birthday, far longer than normal to have met his other half, he had accepted that he just wasn't meant to have a soulmate.
  Many pitied him, offering sympathies and condolences when the subject came up. Everyone thought that Virgil's uncaring attitude towards solemates was just a facade, and that he was dying on the inside from being alone. Virgil always had rejected this, insisting he was fine.
  Roman was a hopeless romantic from the day he was born. By age five he began to daydream about how or when he would meet his soulmate. He wanted something different than the others. He didn't want the cliche story of meeting in class one day. But then, as everyone else found their partners and he didn't, he began to regret that wish.
  On his fifteenth birthday he told his mother he gave up, he was fine with the monochrome life he lived. Even though he told everyone he was fine, he began to grow insecure at the thought that he didn't have another half. His senior year, he joined drama and threw himself into it with a passion. If he couldn't express his love to another, ten he could at least portray his feelings on stage.
  “Patton, please! I don't want to go.” Virgil complained loudly from his bed. Virgil had had a nice night planned. Pizza rolls for dinner, then hours of Netflix in his warm bed. He had been deciding between rewatching Parks and Rec or The Office when the older man showed up on his door step waving two tickets to the local theater production of Cinderella and demanded he go.
  “No” Virgil had said before turning and walking back to his room and crawling into bed.
  “Get up you're going! You have to get out more if you ever want to find your special somebody." Patton was Virgil's best friend since childhood, and the only one who hadn't given up on finding Virgil's soulmate yet.
  “You're going to this play, Verge.” Patton said, his dad voice at full power.
  Virgil sighed knowing he couldn't fight Patton. He would give in the second he gave him the puppy dog eyes. Sighing loudly again, more for effect than any actual protest, he stood from the bed and walked to the closet to change into something more suitable for being around other people. Patton clapped his hands in excitement, barely giving time for Virgil to get his shoes on before dragging the younger of the two out of the house.
  Roman's insecurities always made him a tad nervous before he performed, but tonight was so much worse. He was so nervous he was almost sick. His friend Logan took notice almost instantly.
  “Ro, you look like Snow White are you sure you’re fine?” he asked. Roman nodded.
  “I’m fine, it's just nerves.” he lied. Logan looked suspicious, but nodded. It was too close to show time to argue now. He made his way over to the sound booth, leaving Roman alone to prepare for the opening scene.
  Patton had insisted that they get there early to have a good seat. They arrived nearly half an hour early and the crowd in the lobby only added to Virgil's distaste for the situation. Patton chose a seat close enough to the front that he could see, but his anxious friend wouldn't be in the center of any cast member's focus.
  They sat at the end of the row so that nobody would be directly next to Virgil and if he needed he could leave without a fuss. They had only been sitting in their seats for five minutes and virgil was already uncomfortable. He felt as if he had a large rock sitting on his lungs, and he could barely breathe.
  He thought about telling his friend they needed to leave, but before he could speak the lights dimmed and the play began. Despite his best efforts to focus, Virgil felt his attention slip from the show. Around the ballroom scene a nagging feeling began urging Virgil pay more attention to the stage. It was hard to tell from the stage but the Prince looked pretty good. Virgil continued his silent admiration of the royal figure on stage until their eyes met for just a split second.
  Virgil's world exploded. Suddenly he could see the color of the red sash crossing the prince's chest. Whipping his head to the side, he could clearly see the blue of Cinderella's dress. Turning to Patton revealed that his friend's hair was a darker brown than he had suspected.
  The rock that had been on his chest grew, breathing became even harder, panic setting in. Thoughts flooded his mind, ‘He's on stage, how will he know it was me?’ flashed in his head followed by ‘But what if he didn't see anything?’ The rock was crushing him now, he had to leave. Standing, Virgil ran from the theater and out the building.
  Roman still felt that sick feeling in his stomach when his cue came. He was supposed to say a few lines then look towards the audience, but the urge to look before his cue was nagging in the back of his mind. When it was finally time to look, he scanned the crowd. A habit he had formed long ago in hopes he would see his soulmate. It never worked but he always did it.
  Roman held back a gasp as he made brief eye contact with a member of the audience, and suddenly everything changed. He quickly averted his eyes from the crowd, trying hard to finish the scene but he had forgotten everything except the startlingly bright brown eyes of his apparent soulmate. He stuttered out what he thought was his line before quickly looking back at the crowd, only to see the person had left their seat and was running towards the exit.
  All at once Roman's doubts over so many years hit him hard. ‘They left because they didn't want you! Why would they want you?’ The moment he was off stage he ran to Logan.
“Take my place!” he said, ripping of his mic, leaving his confused friend behind.
  Patton raced out of the building after his friend, worry clouding his eyes.
  “KIDDO! WAIT UP!” he yelled.
  When virgil finally stopped running, he leaned on a building, sunk to the ground, and buried his face in his knees. Patton came to a stop beside him slightly out of breath.
  “What,” he gasped out. “What happened?”
  Virgil couldn't think of a way to tell his friend what was wrong. Everything was happening too fast and he blurted out the only thing he could think of.
 “Pat, your shirt's blue”
  A gasp left the older man's mouth. He quickly sat, pulling Virgil into a hug.
  “You saw your soulmate.” Patton whispered. There was a moment of silence before Patton's words sank in. Nearly crushing Virgil, a now very excited Patton suddenly yelled, “WE HAVE TO GO BACK!”
  The sudden loud noise caused Virgil to jump, and his friend quickly lowered his voice
  “Sorry kiddo.” patton whispered.
  “But we have to get you back to meet them!” Patton exclaimed, his vpice quickly rising as the excitement built again.
  “Patton...” the broken sound of Virgil's voice caused the worry to return.
  “What if he didn't see the colors? What if he's my soulmate but I'm not his?” he asked, looking to his friend.
  “Pat, i've seen black and white my whole life! I convinced myself that I wasn't made for anybody and now that I can see colors I can't pretend anymore. Patton I don't know what to do! I'm scared..." Virgil's anxiety fueled rant trailed off as tears began down his face.
  Patton had no answer, he just held his friend and gave him time to calm down.
  Roman had left the theater building still in his costume, not even caring about the multitude of weird looks he got. He walked down the street, mind running a million miles an hour.
  ‘Why did they run when they saw me?’ he wondered only for the negative voice from before to reply with ‘why wouldn't they run when they saw you?’
  He was so consumed with his thoughts, he didn't notice the two figures sitting against the wall until he tripped over their out-stretched feet. He was barely able to catch himself from a rather less than princely faceplant, before a voice not unlike that of a concerned father called out “Oh my, are you okay?”.
  “Yeah, i'm fine!” Roman replied, sitting up and brushing off his costume. It was another few moments before Roman looked up to see a very familiar face.
  “It's you!” he gasped, nearly throwing himself at his very startled soulmate. He felt his other half rest his hands on his waist to hold him steady. In a different situation, Roman might have felt awkward practically sitting on a stranger's lap, but he couldn't look into those eyes and feel anything other than pure joy.
  “Hello, I'm Roman. And i've been waiting for you my whole life.” he said quietly, looking absolutely awestruck.
  “Im Virgil." His shy, cute, wonderful, soulmate responded, looking up at him with a small smile.
  "Well then Virgil, thank you for bringing color to my world."
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gfwatch · 7 years
How abooout Mercy, Sombra and Widow (separate) doing a perverted couple costume with their s/o just for laughs?
im not creative when it comes to costumes, so im sorry :c also it got a little questionable at the endmercy’s a sexy nurse and you’re a doctorsombra’s a lion tamer and you’re the lionwidowmaker’s a police officer and you’re the convict
Mercy is really bad at trying to keep a straight face. She’s blushing, embarrassed, but it’s definitely better with you. She loves the idea of doing a couples costume, but she still gets kind of shy when it comes to walking around in the nurse’s outfit. She tries to enjoy it. You seem to like it, and Halloween only comes around once a year! Anything for you, dear.
She blushes hard whenever someone points out your costumes. She’s embarrassed, but says “thanks” to every compliment the two of you get. She tries not to react too much, but is having fun anyway! You do realize that I’m the one with the doctorate, dear. She jokingly pouts at you.
She jokingly drills you on medical-related questions. Do you know what this is? This is the antecubital fossa. You sneeze into this. She’s laughing the whole time. She takes particular joy in pretending that she’s mad when she really isn’t. She can’t be mad at you. You’re way too adorable.
If you want to take a picture with her, she’s going to be super shy about it. She’s showing off way too much cleavage! She crosses her arms, ending up accentuating her cleavage. She blushes hard looking at the picture, but keeps it for memory’s sake. Don’t worry, dear. We’ll play doctor later.
Sombra’s having a Time running around as a lion tamer with her whip. You’re the lion, naturally, and she’s really enjoying her time, running around the area as a lion tamer. HEY. YOU GUYS ARE GETTING KINKY OVER THERE. She’s harassing everyone showing too much PDA. YOU WANNA BORROW THIS WHIP? YEAH, THAT’S WHAT I THOUGHT.
She grins whenever someone points out the costumes. She’s totally not milking the situation at all. She’s cheerful the whole time. She just wants to hang out with everyone, and likes going up to Widow in particular. Hey Widow. What tricks can you do? She flicks the whip and runs away.
She laughs a lot and makes sure that you stay with her the whole time. Can’t have my kitty running off on her own. She boops your nose, grinning. You look precious like that. My cute little kitty~ Want to play with this yarn…? She throws it on Reaper. GO GET IT KITTY! She pauses. SHIT. She’s running.
If you want to take a picture with her, she positions herself. HEY BABE! She clips a collar around your neck with a leash. She’s awful, but great at making you laugh. She tries to keep a straight face. Nah, it’s not an innuendo! It’s a trick, babe. She laughs. Tricks like that comes later, babe.
Widowmaker is dying inside. She’s trying not to laugh or react in any way. She glances away, and tries to be deadpan the entire time, rather than trying to look like she’s doing this on purpose, or for literally any reason other than you. You’re all under arrest. She has a megaphone and everything. She’ll use it if anyone bothers her too much. She loves it.
If anyone comments on her or your costume, she’ll give them a deadpan expression and speak. You’re under arrest. She cuffs you to her. I’ve got to keep close watch on you, love. She kisses your cheek when no one is looking, but otherwise pretends to drag you everywhere with the cuffs.
She loves the way you look in orange. She gently touches your head and musses your hair. Aw, darling… I’ll let you go free by the end of the night… If you manage to steal as much candy as you can without getting caught. She gives you a little wink, pretending she didn’t say anything. Good luck, my little prisoner.
If you want to take a picture with her, she demands that you pose accordingly. She slides her baton up your stomach, to your chin. Keep acting like that, and I’ll have to use force. She gives you a wink. She keeps a photo of that moment forever. It’s her second favorite moment.
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