#wannabe challenge seo taewook
verovamp · 3 years
Just asking if the account is worth selling? Global server.
I love my account but I was not able to maintain it due to commitments :') Tears of Themis does not require a lot of grinding, while WC is a bit... time consuming
I also have 3 cumulative purchase cards so its probably a bit on the expensive side
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tiedyexuxi · 4 years
Black Mamba | Seo Taewook
Black Mamba | Seo Taewook x Fem!Reader
NSFW, I honestly fried my brain while writing this. This monstrosity was 10 pages in a doc. Also related to the song of the same name by aespa. I also really like Taewook’s tattoos in some of his cards (I’m a die-hard sucker for men with tattoos) so that was the inspiration for this. I guess I’d call this semi-canon compliant but only to an extent, so you aren’t spoiled with something you don’t already know. I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always appreciated. Requests are OPEN.
THE CURIOSITY HAD TO BE EATING her alive. Taewook could see it in the way she would send him curious, side-eyed looks when he was present for her shoots; the way she would edge to the corner of an elevator they shared so she could have a parallel view of both him and the door; the way she became blatantly unafraid of him when her mind was running a million miles a minute, eyes fixated on what she could make out of his eyes and then the tattoo peeking out above the collar of his crisp dress shirt.
She had been doing it for quite some time and he was certain she wasn’t aware she had been caught just yet. He found it highly entertaining to just watch her out of the corner of his eye while she stared: she had the most fascinating tics when she was thinking too hard. It usually started out with a furrow between her brows, the elegantly plucked hairs pulling down only slightly to express the thoughts running rampant in her head; then, it would slowly morph into the slightest gnawing of her cheek or lip depending on which road those thoughts had taken; the real hook was when she had almost decided on something and drew her lip into her mouth, holding it between her teeth until it was sore, deliciously red and bereft of the lipstick she had worn that morning.
It was almost like a game between them--albeit one with an undecided outcome. Taewook had long ago decided that playing the long version would be far more satisfying than anything he could have done in pressuring her to consider him as an option. The goblins who clung to her like their very existence depended on it had certainly thrown a wrench in his plans; after all, they recognized him for what he was: a threat. [Name], skittishness and slightly confrontational behavior aside, did not. It was laughable how in the dark they kept her by their own volition, or at least from Taehee’s side of things. When she came to him--and there was no if, he had made sure of that--Taewook had no intention of hiding it from her. After all, even if she didn’t come to him when her curiosity finally broke her, it would be interesting to drive a wedge between the five of them and watch as the show played out.
But, of course, he had to wait for that. [Name]’s debut was coming up and so all of the attention she had focused on him had been temporarily diverted to the public’s view of her and the occasional scathing review posted in an attempt to ruin the girl’s morale. Taewook, of course, had gotten his hands on the worst of the lot before they had been run. They now sat in a harddrive in a hidden compartment of his desk where no one would ever find it unless he wanted them to. Even still, he had to let some criticism past his tight security to keep up appearances--even if it kept [Name] up all night wondering what was wrong with her to make people hate her so much.
And then, as silent as a tsunami, it was time for [Name] to debut her first serial photos as an official model. Taewook had decided beforehand, on the decision of the board, to secure a small facility where they would invite reporters, high end magazine owners, and even news outlets to survey the model’s skills for themselves. Himself, [Name], several other investors, and a skeleton crew would be housed in the hotel across the street before the event; then, when it was over, they would retreat to a small banquet, and afterwards, retire for the night and wait for the articles to be posted.
It was a perfect plan. It was only fitting that [Name] herself ruin it in a glorious shower of sparks and a climax worthy of the ages.
TAEWOOK WAS DRIVING YOU INSANE. Only figuratively, of that you were certain, but you couldn’t drown your curiosity no matter how hard you tried. Thoughts of Taehee, Yooha, Biho, or Hansol did nothing to sway your wandering mind from Taewook. He was like a permanent, foreboding figure standing in the midst of your brain, domineering every single muse that darted past his greedy fingers. He would snatch them up and hold them in his hands like the leash of a particularly disobedient dog, then rip them to shreds and replace them with something of him, something that became a fixation even in your dreams.
All because of that gorgeous black ink crawling up the side of his neck.
You couldn’t help the way your brain had fixated on his tattoo the moment you noticed it. It had almost been an accident, really, when you became aware of it--like ‘oh, that’s really nice’ had escalated steadily into ‘I wonder if it hurt’ and most recently ‘how far down does it go?’. You had buckled down on your thoughts more after that, almost horrified at the turn they had taken, but you couldn’t stop your dreams no matter how hard you tried.
In the months you had been working for Taewook it had only gotten worse. It went from an innocent curiosity about his tattoo to deliberately admiring his eyes from a side profile, of which you could admit without any shame that it was a good one. Other women had parroted the same thing and so you could persuade yourself you were only repeating what they said back at him, as futile as it ended up being. Even in your meetings, with other people there, you couldn’t really tear your eyes away from him even if someone else was speaking.
Honestly, you were surprised he hadn’t caught you yet. But a niggling feeling in the back of your brain told you that he had noticed--you just didn’t know what to do about that and so you wiped it from your mind entirely, but the idea lingered and morphed into something else, something as equally as disturbing: he had noticed, but why wasn’t he saying anything about it?
You didn’t share your thoughts with the goblins. They were, after all, vehemently opposed to Taewook even being in your general vicinity. You almost wished you had a female friend to gush to about your issues, but before you could even find a reason to wonder why, your debut was already upon you.
You were thrown into a whirlwind of photoshoots, interviews, and even ad campaigns. Taewook, throughout all of it, remained on the sidelines, content to just watch--observe?--and let you make a mess of everything yourself. At least, that was what you assumed he was doing; Taewook’s motivations were still a mystery to you. He was like an itch you just couldn’t scratch no matter how hard you tried. He was, in short, an enigma, and that made your curiosity even more fixated on him, consequences be damned.
But your mind just wouldn’t let go of him, not even while Taehee occupied you during the banquet, wondering if you were going to come home with them or stay and mingle among the masses a little longer. You knew it didn’t sit well with him to leave you alone with Taewook in the same room, but you had assured him you would be fine and that if it came to it, you would have a room in the hotel with a lock on it. He didn’t seem all too pleased, but Hansol had pulled him away and they had left with excited farewells to you. You weren’t sure what had been so urgent to pull them away; Yooha hadn’t been very interested in the banquet, only you, but you had been monopolized for the better part of the night and he had been getting tired the more people came up to him to ask for his name and modeling agency.
And so you were alone for the better part of the night until everything was quietly wrapped up around one in the morning. Not once did Taewook approach you in the six hours it took to let everyone get what they wanted and you weren’t sure if that disappointed you more than the goblins had left so early.
“You must be dying in those heels,” one of the staff told you as you walked across the street with her to your hotel. There was no way you were riding a bus home in a thirty thousand dollar dress dripping with diamonds and swarovski crystals, much less in the killer heels they had put you in for the night. “How did you survive?”
“Barely,” you joked, but you knew it was because your mind had been elsewhere. Namely, on Taewook.
He had dressed to impress in a sharp suit with a tie designed to match your dress. How much of that had been forethought and simple coincidence escaped you; but you couldn’t help but notice him whenever he socialized with other high society people, smiling politely although it never reached his eyes. You had thought, almost smugly, that whenever he did smile at you, it did at least reach his eyes--and he had a nice smile, that much you could appreciate.
You were on a downward spiral the entire walk to your hotel room. You didn’t even have the energy to ridicule yourself for the thoughts you were having, or even blame Taewook’s magic--this was all you, and that was a fact you couldn’t deny.
You found your room easily enough. The skeleton crew had put your name on the door hook, but as you fished for the key in your purse, you eyes strayed to the other doors in the hallway. There were only two others but both were suites like your own, and only one had a name on it: Taewook. There were little lights on the locks that indicated the room was occupied, and his was lit up with green. You had to physically stop yourself from walking to the door with a quick pinch to your arm.
With a relieved sigh, you opened your door and kicked off your heels. Your toes sunk into the plush carpet, feeling oddly off balance, and you wormed your way out of the expensive dress and took the first struggle free breath you’d had for the night. You put the dress back in its cellophane bag and began wiping off the makeup, taking off the jewelry, and taking a quick shower so that you felt like yourself again.
You took a few minutes to post your pictures of the night on Wannabe, almost cringing at the likes that popped up the second you posted them. In a few of them, Taewook was in the background, but oddly enough his eyes were focused on you in every single one. You hadn’t even noticed he had been looking at you; he was always around other people and speaking to them.
“Huh,” you mumbled to yourself, bringing a lacquered nail between your teeth as you scrolled through the rest of the pictures in your camera roll. Sure enough he was looking at you in each one, almost peculiarly in a position where he was able to see you clearly over the heads of the people he was talking to. You hadn’t even realized he was that tall; but then again, you were never that close to him to find out. “Weird.”
You turned off your phone for the night and plugged it up to replenish the depleted battery. You thought about watching television, but the moment you laid down on the hotel bed you were hit with the image of Taewook’s face--and it wouldn’t go away. You screwed your eyes shut as hard as you were able until you were seeing fuzzy stars, but it wouldn’t go away. Your cheeks flushed hot with blood when you sat up, hair slightly disheveled, and stared into the mirror of a vanity. You just knew if you went to sleep you’d dream of him, and you couldn’t take that tonight.
So you took matters into your own hands.
You were knocking on his door before your brain had time to catch up with you. You didn’t even care that he was about to see you in your pajamas, plain as they were--you wanted him to stop bothering you in your dreams and every waking moment so you could actually get some rest for once.
When he opened the door, all of your irritation left you in a rush as your eyes darted over his face. He had probably just had a shower, judging by the way his hair was slightly damp, but he didn’t seem as remotely as tired as you were. In fact, he looked almost like he was alive, his eyes taking on an interesting glint as he took you in, standing at his door in your t-shirt and almost indecently skimpy shorts. You almost wanted the floor to swallow you up because all of your words had left you.
“[Name],” he said, a note of genuine surprise in his voice. You almost forgot how deep it was and it rattled you down to your core. “I would have thought you were asleep by now.”
What came out of your mouth made you want to cry out of embarrassment. “I want to see your tattoo.”
Taewook blinked at you for an almost infinite amount of time, staring you down--out of shock or bewilderment you didn’t know--and then visibly relaxing right in front of you. He leaned against the door frame and propped the door open with his foot, crossing his arms across his chest.
“You know, I was wondering when you would ask.” You had to swallow the spit that flooded your mouth when his lips quirked up in a half smile. “You certainly seemed interested in it.”
“Can I see it or not?” You demanded hotly. You couldn’t let yourself back out now. Your pride wouldn’t let you.
That little half smile turned into a smirk. “Testy.” He opened the door wider and stepped aside, jerking his chin towards the darkness of his room. You watched his throat bob with the movement. “Come in. I can’t very well show you in the hall.”
You walked inside without giving much thought to it. You honestly really should have, but your embarrassment was fueling your bravado, and no matter how hard your brain was trying to press the issue that you were, in fact, entering the proverbial lion’s den, you couldn’t ignore how hyper aware you were of him as he shut the door and followed you deeper into his hotel room.
His was a perfect mimicry of yours, except most of his lights had been cut off and a desk was situated against a floor to ceiling window that had a breathtaking view of Seoul and the moon above. You made your way to the window without realizing, staring up at the sky with a look of wonder. You didn’t even hear Taewook slip into his desk chair and turn to face you.
“Why do you have a nice view and I don’t?” You asked, mostly to yourself, but hadn’t realized you’d spoken aloud.
“The workers chose the rooms. Not me.” His voice was unusually soft. “Do you like the view?”
You shrugged and turned to him, cupping your elbows in your palms. “It’s nice. So, the tattoo?”
He laughed, then, an addicting sound. It was almost… pleasant. Taehee’s warnings were ringing around in your head, but you didn’t have the courage to face them right now.
Taewook tugged at the buttons of his silk night shirt. Your stomach dropped as each button fell away and the fabric parted to reveal strong shoulders, defined pectorals, and well kept abdominal muscles that tapered down into a powerful ‘v’ between his hips. He shrugged off the article of fabric and tossed it on the desk and with it out of the way, you could see how far the tattoo went.
It was an intricate design of roses, or what you had seen poking out of his shirt, but beneath there was a snake coiling around the stems and accented with falling petals that were in color and not grayscale like you had assumed. The snake looked almost lifelike and you stepped forward before you even realized, wondering if the texture of the scales would be an illusion or real snakeskin under your fingers. Then you paused, eyes darting up to meet Taewook’s, hand outstretched towards the side of his throat.
“By all means.” He reached forward and grabbed your wrist, tugging you the rest of the way to place your cold palm gently against the tattoo. You stood between his legs now, knees pressed against the leather chair and legs brushing the inside of his thighs. “You may touch it.”
Heat crept up the back of your neck. He didn’t let go of your hand and instead kept tracing interesting little circles into your wrist, and you gently followed the lines of the tattoo, tracing each petal and leaning closer and closer to find the lines that were almost obliterated by shadows. You didn’t even realize how close you were until his hair was tickling your temple.
You leaned back at the realization, not far enough to part completely with the tattoo but to look at his eyes, to see his face. His eyes were heavily lidded and half shut, lashes casting shadows onto his face from the moonlight. Those eyes reminded you of a lazy predator, content to lay and wait, and you felt his fingers on your wrist solidify into a strong grip. You almost pulled away, but found that you couldn’t--you were ensnared by his eyes, your fingers pausing over the skin of his tattoo.
“Taewook?” You whispered, a breath in the room.
His lips were on yours before you had even conceived the notion of pulling away.
You had imagined kissing Taewook before, just like you had Taehee, Biho, Hansol, and Yooha. Each of them, in your mind, had a different way, a different feeling they gave you.
You weren’t expecting the savage way he devoured your lips. Savage, and yet thorough, tongue swiping against the raw skin of your bottom lip, teeth grazing the flesh ever so softly but never biting, never brutalizing the skin. You couldn’t help but respond, your free hand coming up to rest lightly on the bare skin of his chest, your other hand darting up and into the hair at the nape of his neck, almost surprised by the softness. What surprised you even more was the way he released your wrist and dug his fingers into your hips, lifting you into his lap in one smooth motion, nestling your legs between his thighs and the arms of the chair, pinning you in place.
A bolt of white hot lightning shot down your navel and left you tingling when the dark haired male shoved his hands up your shirt to draw his fingers on the skin above the waistband of your shorts, each touch feeling like electricity, like fire sundered with sparks. When you made no move of pulling away, your hand fisting in his hair, his kisses became more violent, teeth drawing harsh lines down the swell of your lip. When his tongue entered your mouth it was because you let him, unable to prevent a small moan escaping your throat when his hands traced higher to the smooth curves of your breasts. You were almost painfully aware that you weren’t wearing a bra right then, having forgotten all about it, and could almost envision his hands through your shirt, hands taking a firm grip just underneath them and providing a mimicry of support. His thumbs traced sweeping lines over the flesh, never quite touching your hardened nipples, mimicking the movements of his tongue in your mouth.
Soon you had to part for breath, taking deep gasps of precious air. Taewook continued his assault down your jaw and throat, lips dragging a fire hot trail wherever they went, and soon you could feel the hard pulse of heat settle between your legs, itching for friction. You knew you should have gotten up the moment Taewook found that sweet spot where your throat connected to your shoulder, but you didn’t--Taehee’s warnings completely left your mind. Because this, this was what you had wanted, on some level, as wrong as it was. As evil as they persuaded you he was. As bad as you knew he was.
A high pitched whine had Taewook smiling into the hickey he was sucking onto your neck. “Such a pretty sound. Sing more for me.”
His hand trailed down from your breast and followed the lines of your stomach to rest lightly on the ribbon holding your shorts up. He united them with one quick movement, lips moving to capture your nipple through your shirt. The sparks that erupted throughout your body at the warm, hot contact of his mouth on your flesh, your shirt the flimsiest barrier between you, had you stifling a moan.
“Don’t hide your voice from me.” Taewook’s mouth moved against yours as he spoke, fingers tracing down between your legs over the fabric of your shorts. Your nipple had been abandoned, a damp spot cold against your skin, but you didn’t much care when his fingers pressed against your lower lips with enough pressure to have you wanting more. A desperate whine left your mouth when he refused to move his fingers. “Good girl. Give me more of those.”
“Taewook,” you gasped, moving your hips slightly to gain friction against his fingers. You weren’t even embarrassed by the rush of wetness that he could probably feel. “Please…”
“Please what?” He goaded lightly, lips latching back onto your neck. “Tell me what you want.”
“Please…” You swallowed the words when his fingers moved, finally, dragging across your clit through the fabric. Your hips jerked to follow them, desperate to ride his hand, but his other hand came down and stilled them. “Please touch me. Please.”
You couldn’t stand it. All of the warnings had completely left you until you were focused on one thing: Taewook.
“Your wish is my command.”
You weren’t expecting the way his hand darted up the leg of your shorts, or the way he pushed aside your underwear to sink his fingers into your wet warmth. Your legs almost buckled, but with nowhere to go between his legs and the chair, you had to steady yourself with your hands on his shoulders, fingernails digging crescents into his back. He moved his fingers in hypnotic movements, palm pushing against your clit with every blissful rub of his fingers over your slit. He allowed you to move your hips with him, riding his hand like you would your own, except this--this felt so much better than your own hand. The delicious grind of his callouses against the tiny bundle of nerves was getting you closer and closer, a tight ball building behind your navel.
Your gasps in his ear became faster, louder, higher pitched--and then he stopped.
Before you could angrily pull back, he was already moving you. He pulled his hand out of your shorts and hoisted you up by the back of your thighs, fingers digging red welts into the flesh. You wrapped your legs around his hips on instinct when he stood, burying your face in his shoulder and unable to resist putting marks of your own on him. Your hips moved on their own volition, finding the hardness of his cock pressed against you and rolling into it between the short distance from his desk to his bed.
“Shit.” His curse was light in your ear when you ground against him, wet enough that he could feel you through the thin silk of his pants. “Fucking--[Name].”
You were tossed on the bed unceremoniously, but you couldn’t bring it in yourself to care. He ripped off your shorts and panties in one go, not even stopping to admire the glistening, wet view of you under the moonlight, all ripe and ready for him to devour.
Then your legs were over his shoulders and his face was pressed between your legs, finding your clit almost instantaneously and sucking so hard you were seeing stars. You weren’t even sure if the moans were yours, as wanton and desperate as they were. He slipped a finger inside you, curling it against your walls and touching that spot just-so that you dug your heels into his back hard, tossing your head back with a hard roll of your hips against his mouth and fingers.
He didn’t seem to mind, judging by the groan he let off that had your thighs clamping down on his head, and soon you were gone, your orgasm hitting you with the force of a train. The next one crept up on you like death in the night, ripping through you faster than the last one, Taewook working you masterfully with his fingers and hot mouth. Soon you could barely scream, voice hoarse and faint, and only then did he rise from between your legs, lips glistening with your slick. You couldn’t help the pang of arousal that was almost painful when he licked his fingers off one by one and then leaned down to kiss you.
“Taewook,” you moaned breathlessly against his mouth, legs coming up to wrap around his hips. You settled your hands on his shoulder blades, the taste of yourself on his mouth more than you could take. He was rock hard against your thigh and you rolled your pussy against him, gasping at the friction as his head caught your engorged clit, him groaning in your mouth. “Oh, please…”
You didn’t have to beg this time. He fisted himself with his hand, rubbing his cock between your folds to wet himself, bucking his hips with every movement. And then he was pushing into you, the arousal overpowering the slight pain of losing your virginity. Your fingers caught in his skin and dragged dark red lines down his back, coming back up when his fingers found your clit and began rolling it between his thumb and index. He filled you to the brim, enough that every shallow thrust had you seeing white spots. His hands came up to grip onto your hips and you replaced his hand with your own, fingers darting down to feel him slide into you with a harsh thrust that knocked the breath out of your lungs.
He was rough but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. His hands were tight, bruising fingerprints into your hips, and you could feel them blooming on your thighs as his pace grew faster than you could keep up with, chasing his release, and you somehow felt yourself coming with him, shuddering as the final wave swept through you as softly as a caress.
Taewook caught his breath, softening inside you, and reached up to push his hair away from his face. His eyes weren’t black, like you had thought, but such a deep brown that it devoured his pupil. He looked down at you, breathing hard, almost as if he was waiting for you to instantly feel the regret and leave.
You didn’t.
“[Name]?” He inquired softly, almost confused when you reached up and tangled your fingers in his hair, dragging his head down to your level. “Are you alright?”
“Never been better,” you replied, your voice a rasp, and you kissed him sweetly, pouring all of the emotions you harbored for him into that one kiss because, goblins and gods be damned, you wanted him.
You kissed until the sun rose, casting him in gentle light, and even then, you refused to move, too warm and comfortable and wrapped up in him to care. He was almost like a snake, refusing to part from you, legs entwined with yours and you couldn’t tell where you ended and he began.
The marks on your skin remained, a permanent reminder as you finally were forced to retreat to your room to retrieve your phone, and even when Taehee and the others came to walk you back home.
It was almost curious when you woke up late the next night, a text from Taewook lighting up your screen. You sat up, casting a glance to the door that you knew was locked, and opened the text with bated breath.
You could barely hold in a horrified breath.
Taewook had attached an image of his back and the grisly lines you had gouged into him with your fingernails. They were still livid and looked to be bruising slightly. Underneath that was a single line: ‘You’re quite vicious when you want to be, aren’t you?’ Judging by the smirk you could see in the mirror in front of him, he wasn’t angry at all. Smug, in fact. A little too smug.
You snapped a quick photo of the enormous hand shaped bruises on your hips, each finger imprinted in ghastly detail upon your skin. You sent him to it and captioned it: ‘And you like to leave your mark, don’t you, you snake?’
His reply was almost instantaneous. ‘I think I like my marks on you. Perhaps I should add more.’
You bit your lip and, with one last glance to the door, replied. ‘Maybe you should.’
‘You know what to do.’
And so you did.
Into the night air, you whispered his name.
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sserrafeim · 2 years
“I need him” honey he’s not even real
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yoohaluvbot · 3 years
who the fuck do i have to talk to for this man to get his own route in the main story
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Just Like Lovers
Taewook x Reader | dubcon | kidnapping | dark | nsfw
I can’t resist a villain who’ll do whatever it takes to get what he wants. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it.
You open your eyes, and the world spins. You screw them up tight again and press your face against the cool fabric, groaning softly.
What the hell happened? The last thing you remember is walking home in the twilight. Your body feels like it’s on something soft. Did you get sick and one of the boys put you to bed?
A vaguely familiar voice speaks from across the room, slow and deep. “You’re awake.”
You open your eyes again. You’re less dizzy, but the world is fuzzy like you’re wearing someone else’s glasses. The room is in half-light, and something seems strange about it, but you can’t put your finger on what.
“Who’s there?” you manage to say. Your body feels floppy, and too heavy for you to move.
Someone’s sitting in a chair at the end of the bed, one long leg crossed over the other.
You screw up your eyes and peer at them. “Taehee? Is that you? This doesn’t feel like my bed.”
The figure gets up and saunters toward you, not the way you’d expect Taehee to hurry over to you if you’re ill. You feel the mattress sink as he sits on the bed beside you. Your body rolls toward him and your arms are too heavy to stop yourself.
“Where are we?” you ask, blinking to try and clear your vision. “I feel…strange.”
Taehee looms closer in your vision. It must be Taehee because you can see his dark bangs, white shirt and the familiar black choker around his neck.
His breath fans your faces, as if he’s just inches away. “Poor baby,” he murmurs, and then you feel something soft drag over your mouth. Lips. Taehee kissed you?
“What--?” you pant, because something electric has passed through you at the touch of his lips.
His hand slides beneath your blouse and caresses your ribs. Unable to stop yourself, your back arches up to meet his touch, hot sensations bursting through you.
A voice whispers in your mind to accept this, to give into it, but this is so unlike Taehee. His other hand reaches between your legs and strokes your bare inner thighs. Your head rolls back and you moan as tingling explodes in your clit.
“Ah…Taehee…What are you doing?”
He doesn’t answer, but your heart is pounding now. Even though you’re more turned on than you’ve ever been in your life, you know something’s wrong and you fight through the fog. Slowly, your vision clears, and you gaze up into a familiar face.
That’s not Taehee.
It’s a man who appears older, more calculating. Taewook Seo, his hair rumpled like Taehee’s and a choker around his neck. Like he’s impersonating the goblin.
“Hey, there,” he murmurs, smiling his lazy half-smile at you.
A smile you’ve thought about a hundred times late at night. Conceited. Secretive. And, not that you would admit it to anyone, sexy.
Taewook is dressed in a white button-down shirt and black pants, as if he’s come straight from the office and shrugged out of his jacket. His sleeves are rolled back revealing muscled forearms. The shirt is open at the throat, revealing a hint of his chest.
He reaches beneath your skirt and hooks a finger into the waistband of your underwear. You gasp as you feel them being drawn down and off your legs. 
Taewook pushes your skirt back, and though you fight to keep your legs together, he hooks one of your thighs around his hip and slides between them.
“Let go of me! What are you doing?” You try to push against the mattress so you can sit up, but your limbs are jelly. There’s nothing you can do to stop him looking everywhere he wants to.
“So pretty. Just like I imagined.” He trails his index finger down the seam of your pussy, his touch light but sending shooting stars through you.
Your head arches back again and your hips lift against your will, revealing yourself to him even more. He’s making you respond to his touch when you don’t want to.
Not that you haven’t thought about it late at night.
But it never happened like this in your head.
“Where am I? Why can’t I move? What have you done to me?”
Taewook brushes tangles of hair back from your flushed face and smirks down at you. “I guess you can’t move because you don’t really want to. We’re at my place. Don’t you remember asking to come home with me?”
“I would never.” You were walking along in the twilight and then…a dark car pulled up beside you. One of the doors opened and you saw Taewook sitting in the back seat in his dark suit, holding out his hand.
Telling you to get in.
And then you see him touching your hand and doing what he asks.
“But I said I didn’t want a ride,” you whisper, staring at the ceiling. Trying to remember. “Didn’t I?”
Taewook braces a hand by your head and leans over you. “You’re just as beautiful as your pictures,” he murmurs, brushing his mouth over yours again. His hips press against your sex in slow, pulsing motions.
Desire for him bursts through you, and you can’t tell how much is his magic and how much is you.
You rip your mouth from his and turn your face away. “Let me up and off this bed. You’re disgusting.”
He smiles and gestures toward the door. “Go if you want.”
As you try to move, your limbs flop around like you’re a puppet and he’s cut your strings.
“Screw you,” you whimper, tears forming in your eyes. “I hate you.”
“Don’t say that,” he tuts, gently pressing his lips to the tear tracks at the corners of your eyes. “I only want to make you feel good. Don’t you already feel better than you ever have?”
Taewook’s sultry voice in your ear is short-circuiting your senses. You go limp as he kisses down your throat. He pushes your shirt up to expose your bra, and his hungry gaze falls on your nipples, which are tight beneath the lace fabric.
“Can I take this off you? Thank you.” Without waiting for your reply, he tugs your shirt down your arms and throws it on the floor. Then he reaches beneath you to unclasp your bra. All his movements are slow. He undresses you like a lover, his intention written all over his flushed face.  
You can’t even cover yourself up. He’s doing whatever he likes.
Finally, he undoes the zipper on your skirt and pulls it down and off your legs.
He breathes hard as he sees you naked before him, his hands holding your hips, and then sliding up to cup your breasts and massage your nipples with his thumbs. “So beautiful, baby.”
You stare in fascination at his hands squeezing your breasts. He reaches for the buttons on his shirt, and you whimper as you watch him undo them and shrug out of it, revealing broad, muscular shoulders and a strong chest.
“Taewook, please, don’t. Why are you doing this?”
Maybe he doesn’t even need to do it like this. You might have let him kiss you if he’d just asked. Asking doesn’t seem to have occurred to him.
He pretends that he hasn’t heard you as he unzips his pants, pulls them and his underwear down his hips and off his legs. Between your spread thighs you see his hard length, thick and veiny with the ridge of his cock pressing against your clit.
His dark gaze flicks up to yours. “Because I can. Because I want to. I plan on stealing your heart, but that doesn’t mean I have to wait to take the rest of you.”  
“This is how you win a girl’s heart?” you ask, but he ignores you and moves down the bed, his face between your thighs. You suddenly realize what he means to do and your face floods with heat. You try to squeeze your legs closed but you can’t.
“Let me taste you a little.” He drags his tongue up the seam of your sex and then delves between the folds, searching for your clit. He finds it and sucks it noisily into his mouth, his eyes closed. His tongue works you mercilessly, until you’re swollen and aching, hot waves of pleasure pounding through you.
“You’re heaven, baby,” he groans. “You’re all wet for me, too.”
You squeeze your eyes shut in shame, trying to ignore what he’s doing to you. But you are wet, and you can’t help but feel every tantalising flick of his tongue and cry out when he spreads you open with his fingers to delve into your opening. Your feet rest on his broad back and his hair is falling into his eyes.
This isn’t supposed to be what your first time is like, with someone who knows too well what he’s doing and doesn’t give you even one second to breathe and catch up.
Taewook sits up and takes his length in his hand, fisting himself up and down. You’re transfixed by the sight. He plants his free hand by your head smiles breathlessly. “I could be down there for hours, but we don’t have all night. I don’t want to hurry through the main event.”
He drags the tip of his cock up and down your sex, making it glisten with your slipperiness. Both of you are enraptured by the sight, you with horror that’s verging on awe. His cock is too big and swollen, and he means to get all that inside you.
You breathe in sharply, struggling to move again, but you can’t. “No, Taewook, wait—”
The blunt tip of his cock slides against your entrance and pushes inside you. Just the tip, and he groans, a long, luxurious sound of a man who’s finally getting what he wants.
“Not too much already, is it?” he murmurs, brushing his mouth against yours. “I’ve got you nice and relaxed, so you just lie there and enjoy it.”
You’re only relaxed because you can’t move. Taewook grips his cock again and pushes further into you. Heat and a flicker of pain burst through you, and then it’s all delicious heat as he sinks deeper.
Then he pulls out and runs his fingers up and down his wet cock, slippery with just the faintest hint of blood. Your blood. Your innocence. Obliterated by him.
He makes a satisfied sound deep in his chest. “I thought you were a virgin. I hoped you were. All for me, baby. Always.”
He lines his cock up against your pussy and drives inside of you. You reach up and grab his shoulders, mouth open and breathing hard as he thrusts deep and pulls out again. Then deep into you again, filling you up with his heavy length.
He bites his lower lip and smiles at you as he moves, the muscles of his belly rippling. “You’re so perfect baby. I could play with you all night, but you want to come, don’t you? You want me to fuck you properly so you can release all that pent-up energy on my cock.”
You’re too overwhelmed by the sight of him to speak. By the feel of him invading your body, over and over, and the heady sensations that are rippling through you.  
He kisses up your throat and murmurs in your ear, “I’ve got you, baby. You just focus on my cock pounding that pretty pussy of yours.”
Taewook reaches down between you and swipes your clit with the pad of his thumb. You moan louder, and feel the last of your composure start to break apart as he rubs your clit in time with his thrusting cock.
“You know what the best part is?” he says in your ear, his deep voice almost a growl. “I haven’t been using magic on you for the last ten minutes.”
Your eyes fly open and see your hands resting on his shoulders. Your legs wrapped around his hips. Your body doesn’t feel like rubber anymore, and your limbs are under your own control.
With an angry cry, you dig your nails into his back and drag them across his flesh.
Taewook hisses in pain and delight. “Yes, mark me up. Give me something to remember you by.”
You’re pinned down by his cock and his weight on you and mesmerised by the sight of him sliding in and out of you. Your core is slowly tightening up and you can feel that you’re on the brink of something earth shattering. If you push him away, you might never feel this way again.
“You want me, baby?” he asks, thrusting even faster than before. “You want me to keep going?”
You pant without thinking. “I hate you. I hate you so much. I’m going to—I’m going to—ahh!” Your words are lost in a long wail as your core clamps around his cock and white heat and pleasure explodes through you.
Taewook pushes your knees up to your shoulders, spreading your thighs wide and fucking you recklessly, selfishly, taking what he wants now. His dark brows are drawn tightly together and his teeth are grit. His whole body suddenly goes ridged and he groans, pushing himself almost unbearably deep inside you.
Breathing hard, he looks down at you, and his lips curve into a smile. His cheeks are flushed and his chest is lifting and falling. He looks magnificent. One of your ankles is twined and your hands are gripping the sheets.
“You’re incredible, baby. I could feel you come. Your pussy is so strong.” He gazes down at where his cock is still lodged inside of you, and you see the shimmer of his cum start to leak out as he moves back and forth.
Slowly, he withdraws, and your legs slide against the mattress, boneless again. You haven’t caught up with the world and what’s just happened. You don’t want to, either. You want to stay here in this warm cocoon and enjoy the residual sparks of your climax. On the other side of that is dealing what just happened.
There’s no way you’re ready for that.
Taewook smooths back your hair and kisses your damp brow. Then he gets up and saunters away from the bed. He disappears for a moment, and then comes back wearing a white bathrobe.
“You can go in a minute. Put your clothes on.” He takes a seat in the armchair at the end of the bed.
Feeling hollowed out, you slowly pull your clothes on, aware that Taewook is watching you with laser focus.
You perch on the end of the bed, trying not to look at him. The robe open down his chest. The black choker making a mockery both of you and of Taehee.
“What are we waiting for?” you ask, but he just goes on staring at you.
A few minutes later there’s pounding on the front door. Taewook lifts his hand and makes a gesture, and the door crashes open.
You hear two frantic voices calling your name.
A moment later, Taehee and Yooha burst into the bedroom. They take one look at you sitting on the bed with your hair disheveled, and they lunge for Taewook.
Taehee’s white-faced and furious, and Yooha is yelling. “I’ll kill you. What did you do to her?”
Taewook looks past them to you, still relaxed as they grab the neck of his robe.
His lips curve into a smile. You’re sharing something intimate. Like lovers. If you don’t do something, Taehee and Yooha really will kill him.
“Nothing happened,” you whisper, and Taewook cups a hand around his ear, still smirking. You take a deep breath and say louder, “Nothing happened.”
Taehee and Yooha turn to you and stare.
“Taewook is screwing with you.” You wince at your choice of words. Screw.
Unable to bear their stares any longer, you get up and hurry down the hall. You just want to be gone from here and in your bedroom alone.
The boys follow you out. You can feel their reluctance as you near the front door. You stand outside and wait for them. Taehee comes out and places a hand on your shoulder, asking if you’re okay. You’re too ashamed to even look at him.
As Yooha comes out of the front door, you see Taewook behind him, smiling that secretive smile.
He catches your eye, and he winks.
He turns, and as you watch, he drops the robe from his shoulders and saunters naked back down the hall, the red nail marks you scored into his muscular back clearly visible.  
You grab the front door and pull it closed before the boys can see. Hiding what you and Taewook did. Hiding your shame. All hell will break loose if they see that.
The three of you drive home in Taehee’s car. Yooha tried to get in the back with you, but you pushed him away. You curl around yourself, trying to hide from the world, but the moon keeps peeking in the window at you, reminding that you can’t hide what you did from Taewook. You wonder if he’s standing at the window in his apartment right now.
If you’re both staring at the same moon.
Just like lovers.
Thank you for reading!  You can send requests for fics to my ask box. At the moment I’m writing for Wannabe Challenge and LoveUnholyc. Find all my finished fics here.
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blep-kisses · 4 years
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Why do they have to make the villains so attractive?
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Please, there's almost no Wannabe content. 😭 When you're taking in requests could you do Hansol's reaction to getting homemade chocolates from MC? But the catch is that MC accidentally somehow added salt into the chocolate.
Omg thank you for submitting this ask. Send more wannabe challenge content, I’m BEGGING you!!!!!
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Hansol’s eyes pop out of his eye sockets. You made him these delicious chocolates? Cupid shot an arrow straight through his heart-- and he hasn’t even tried the chocolates yet. Maybe it was his sweetness that inspired you to make these chocolates in the first place. His eyes twinkle as he examines each chocolate, feeling his mouth water. Before he inhales them in one sweeping motion, he engulfs you in a big hug and tells you that you’re the absolute best.
But when he takes a bite into his first piece, Hansol nearly chokes on the delicacy. He tries to mask his surprise with a grin and a thumbs-up, but he starts coughing. “Can you get me a glass of water?” He sputters as his eyes start to water from the sheer salt content, feeling the salt sucking out the moisture from his tongue.
After chugging down three glasses of water, Hansol has managed to reset his palette. When you look at him expectingly, he’s at a loss for words. He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, but the only person who could enjoy that much salt in anything is Taewook Seo.
Since he can't lie, he tries his best to spin his confusion in a different direction. “The chocolates look amazing! But, uh, are you trying a new style with salt instead of sugar?”
You frown at the comment, snatching the chocolate from him. "Hey! I didn't mean it like that, I just wanted to know whether you were trying something new," Hansol exclaims.
Your face sours as the usual sweetness is replaced with an unpleasant savory taste. Somehow, it tasted worse than Taehee’s herbal chocolates (which were a nightmare of their own). Hansol laughs at the sight of your face, handing you a glass of water. 
Then, the two of you start laughing at your culinary blunder. He asks you how you manage to swap the sugar and salt, but you’re not too sure yourself. He cracks a few salt jokes, but ultimately praises you for your efforts at making something sweet. Besides, Hansol really appreciated the laugh from the whole debacle.
Before you leave, he'll take your hands. "Hey, don't feel bad about the chocolates. You're all the sweetness that I need," Hansol says with a cheesy grin on his face.
"So does that mean you won't mind if I eat all these gummies by myself?" You hold up a back of the lasted-edition watermelon gummy bears.
"Hey, I didn't mean it like that! You better share them with me!"
At the very end, he ends up keeping all the candies so that he can prank his friends. His current target? Yooha-- that stupid fox has a such a smooth tongue that keeps stealing you away. Maybe a little salt could help with that.
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verovamp · 4 years
Please, I started playing Wannabe Challenge because my friend showed me photos of Seo Taewook and now I'm going crazy because there's not much of his contents anywhere 😭😭😭😭
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Also, anyone know which chapter in Dream will this appear? Is it an evolved evermore of him from Dream?
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sserrafeim · 2 years
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sserrafeim · 3 years
i think it was very cruel to give taewook one (1) route in dream garden and then nothing else
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yoohaluvbot · 3 years
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yoohaluvbot · 4 years
— ch. 10 spoilers ahead
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Oh crap he’s really sexy and possessive and he’ll do whatever it takes to get MC. This is my catnip 🔥🔥🔥
If I write a fic for him will people read it it will be dark and dubcon sorry not sorry
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Vampire Taewook, come to mama 🧛‍♀️
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Wraye is there an event where you can hear taewook’s voice? Someone said childe’s voice actor is his 💀 I’m SCREAMING
Not an event but you can hear Taewook’s voice in the game! It’s very deep and sexy, I love it. Go to the first chapter of the Vampire AU in Dream to hear him.
I don’t have any confirmed sources for this but I’ve seen people talking about how he’s the KR VA for Childe. I play in English though so I’ll not hear him in game. I’ll check out a video.
I also saw someone say he’s voicing Eater in LoveUnholyc. I don’t remember hearing his voice in game yet but.....
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I see everyone hopped on that Taewook train real quick huh 👀 lmfao AS THEY SHOULD
Too right nonny, we’ll stop thirsting over the villains when they stop making them hot 🥵
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I want to know why his tattoo appears in some cards and not others and seems to change. And SR/SSR evermore when.
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