#wanna watch manga u_u
sableeira · 1 year
sometimes I forget that I have creative freedom over my projects and I can put tiny little references to my favorite stories in there
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alienssstufff · 2 years
If you get the time and inclination pls do share with us your beef with the existing zombie apocalypse genre, I have my own feelings about it (I think it overshadows other types of fictional apocalypses a bit too much in most ppl's heads) but I'd love hearing someone else's take on it (and also how you would improve the genre if you like :3 )
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oh ABSOLUTELY it does! One way its probably the easiest type of apocalypses to write abt just cuz there’s already so many and such an established I guess wwww scenario and tropes to it (?) In consequence bc of how ‘easy’ it is, it becomes so damn samey and the zombie apocalypse genre (and apocalypses genres as a whole) gets such bad rep for that reason. [The rest atp is me ranting abt zombie apocalypses specifically those are the ones I have beef with]
When I ask ppl why they don’t like apocalyptic stories most answers is just the amount of carnage that’s in them it’s horrible— to put it better: unnecessary violence in an already terrible world is what they think abt. When people think of apocalypse stories they think of the movies made in Hollywood. Muscular, American white man whos good at everything who kicks ass and saves the world singlehandedly. And the rep for zombie-driven games aren’t any better either… Not saying that stories of kicking ass taking names are ALL bad but most of it is very surface level reasoning as to why . That being said I wish there was more focus on mental health in zombie stories, realisations that the world ended and they’ll never go back to how it was before, instances of the struggles of learning how to adapt to this new way of living. There’s many topics that could be discussed and so many themes that haven’t been fully developed (or done poorly) in zombie apocalypses but seldom media’s deliver u_u
I think the zombie stories that stand out to me the most are the ones that revolve around normal people. There’s an vid essay somewhere that talks abt the success of Train to Busan as a movie, it’s still just as action packed as the ones above but it’s also rly freaking emotional as the characters and cultural themes they represent can hit p close to home for the target demographic. Also I cannot recommend enough Gakkou Gurashi (School Live)! It’s almost never talked about solely cuz of Episode 1 and even now I’m trying to be as vague as I can Please watch that anime/manga you will not regret it.
And finally worldbuilding always a sucker for worldbuilding I need more of it. Not how to stop it but more of How The Hell we fucked up that badly to ended up in this situation. Give me zombie stories of patient 0s, pov scientists fumbling in the lab etc I want THAT. I freaking love the worldbuilding in The Last of Us , such a unique way in designing zombies inspirations from real life (I believe funghi that controls dead ants). That freaking hospital part in TLOU2 will always have a lasting impression on me the environmental storytelling of the flooded hospital and the whole backstory of how the Rat King came to be an amalgamation of all the victims of Seattle’s Patient 0 zone forced to fuse because of the such claustrophobic and wet conditions of the basement OHMYFUCKINGVGG its so well thought out.
Overall my frustrations with apocalypses is just - the amount of untouched potential and themes that SHOULD be addressed but aren’t - to get creative with it. And even without mention of the worldbuilding stories of the average joe like u and I trying to do smth as ‘simple’ as going to the store but there are mental and physical struggles along the way would be fine too - u don’t need to fly a jet and shoot a rocket launcher to make things interesting. Relatability and/or creativity is what I wish.
[this was so fun to think abt anon if u have things u wanna share feel free to shoot another ask I’m all ears!]
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 months
Random ask that may or may not be foreshadowing; if you were to completely drop persona cold turkey, what other rpg series do you think you'd hyperfixate over instead?
Hmmmmmm hard to say.
If it's something I've yet to play then I dunno.
But if it's going back and playing older games I've played the hell out of.....hmmm let's start there I guess:
I like Pokemon, but I'm not gonna compete to be the biggest know-it-all with that franchise (esp with the amount of conflicting info and canons and possibly mistranslations). It's astronomical compared to MegaTen.... (what applies to Pokemon can also be applied to Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh too....)
Dragon Ball.......Tbh I'm not that into fighting games, maybe if I ever get a Legacy of Goku 4 fkjdlajf; Gimme some good RPG DB games and I'm down (I have Kakarot and the Legacy of Goku games tho)
There's really no plot/character/story analysis I can do on the Tony Hawk games.....
I like DMC and Nioh, but I feel like those games and fandoms are more focused on the gameplay mechanics....plus they aren't exactly easy games to just "kick back and enjoy" I have to really concentrate which is draining...... (more so Nioh than DMC, but I'm more invested in Nioh than DMC so that's an issue TT0TT)
I love Assassins' Creed, but even I know the amount of content I'd have to hard core consume (between AC and AT LEAST Watch Dogs......oof). Just thinking about it might explode my brain. u_u
Love Rule of Rose, but other fans have dug deeper done everything with it. So there's nothing for me to really bring to the table.
.hack.....maybe I could get back into that? My knowledge is mostly in the novles/manga I've read tho. ("But Silly! Isn't that technically a fantasy game?" I mean.....yes but it's modern day chars playing a video game. I dunno I always found that idea novel alongside 'oh people are dying' mystery. It's why I watched SAO because it reminded me of .hack! ....I'm not getting into SAO tho >_>)
Most heavy fantasy.....probs not likely but not impossible. The thing with Persona/Megaten is that they usually have a very "grounded in real life" kinda vibe going on. Which was nice because it felt like less stuff I had to memorize to understand the world. Plus it was more of a vibe I liked..... (but I'll mention some of the well known franchises....mostly cause they are the ones with the most entries to get into)
Love KH but I don't really wanna deep dive into it (I think the writing was best in KH1 and CoM, I think Sora's char has really devolved over the games, and I hated 3D and KH3). I am keeping an eye on KH4 and maybe even Verum Rex (which I'm pulling for us to get, outta all the FF games, FFvs13 was always one I was super interested in).
FF.....I'll play them, but I'm not that invested into them. (12's ok, 7's ok, 7R's ok but I need to finish those three first.... I liked 15 even tho it was messy, I hate 13 with a passion, I should try 10 cause it reminds me of Destiny Islands. 15 and 10 are the best contenders for me to be invested in tbh).
Tales of...... tbh Xillia always interested me the most. I should go through my backlog......I'm like halfway through Arise so I should probs pick that back up.
Maybe I should try Ys? Or finish the Trails of/Legends games I have too, tho I'm not very invested in that that.
Atelier series.....I should finish the games I have of that....then again....it's related to Mana Khemia right? I actually played and liked the first game of that (I sucked at it so I don't think I finished, that and I think I got P4 within that year so that ended up consuming me not long after)......I should give Mana Khemia another chance.
Oh there's also the Lunar series......I was always interested in that after I was graced with the game Lunar Dragon Song as a kid. :'D Weep for me yes, weep. I know. u_u IYKYK
I like Harvest Moon/Story of seasons.....but not enough to like...deep dive into stuff.
I mostly play Slime Rancher for the gameplay loop than the analysis too tbh.....
Far Cry 5 is a heavy contender. I did get lucky, outta all of the FC games....at least this one not only got a direct sequel with New Dawn (even tho it deals more with the Highway men than the cultists *sobs*), it also got a tie-in DLC with FC6......plus I got that novel, and the little bit of supplementary material. The issue, which is a double edge sword....is that it ends there. There's a lot of side content I could probs find and dissect, but once I find it all it ends.
At least with Persona, I can expect the world to keep going and expanding (either it's main continuity or the larger continuities in general). FC I'm not sure.....they might have diff timelines but no in an interactive way like MegaTen does.....
I guess I can try a swing at Mind=0, Tokyo Xanadu, Caligula 1/2, or Monark. Both with finishing and attempting to hyperfixate....but they just don't hit the same. Plus I run into a similar problem as with FC5....it's pretty much it when it ends (and unlike FC5, I doubt those games have as much content).
.hack might be a heavy contender.....
I am very Avatar-pilled atm....and I'm going through those games. Which was something I meant to do like 10 years ago during my last hyperfixation on the franchise (but I think I got distracted by PQ1 jklsdfj;). So maybe expect a small deep dive on those? Platinum's Korra will probs reign supreme for me tbh klfdjsa;f
Hmmmm I've heard good things about Suikoden......same with Phantasy star, Chrono trigger, Mother/earthbound.....maybe actually finish FE 3Hs......
Tldr; I dunno. At least game wise. Other media (either exclusively a diff format or one that's multimedia'd)? That's a bit more easier/open ended. (I'm juggling Atla/Korra, Addams' Family, and Naruto like a lil' court jester, we'll see how this goes)
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uniformbravo · 3 years
can somebody read my mangas to me like a bedtime story thanksx
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thefloatingstone · 4 years
Where do you reccomend to pirate sailor moon? You've made me wanna watch ^^
Oh my oh my! This is a very no-no question!
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Honestly, I am obligated to say that all 5 seasons have been released on DVD and Blu Ray and are easy to find on Amazon etc etc and that doesn’t help people like me where amazon doesn’t deliver!
You can also IN THEORY watch them on the VIZ website? But again that’s not something I can access from my country!!!
There’s probably also an official youtube channel where you can legally watch the episodes or something I don’t fukken know because apparently I’m not allowed to do things legally.
SO! Other places you can watch Sailor Moon if you live in an ass-crack country like me and literally cannot access it legally despite being willing to u_u
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For the 90s anime!
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This is the most iconic of the Sailor Moon media! And the one most people know and are familiar with. It’s usually the first thing people think of when they think of “Sailor Moon”. There’s 200 episodes spread across 5 seasons (the first season, R,S, Super S, and Sailor Stars)
This site has all episodes both dubbed and if you scroll down a little you get the subbed versions as well.
DO NOT WATCH THE DUB!!! This is the original 90s dub and it’s.... not good....
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as well as
You can also find torrents of the show. I haven’t updated my files in a long time but there’s probably been a Blu Ray version uploaded somewhere. I recommend checking Nyaatorrent
For the movies!
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If you want to starts with the 3 movies instead just to see if you’d like the show, none of them are as good as the show but it’s how I first got into the whole thing so they can’t be THAT bad! The first one is the most iconic but the second movie (S) is probably acknowledged as the best of the three. They’re kind of disconnected from the show so you need to know very little going in and it doesn’t spoil anything in the show itself nor do you need to watch the movies to watch the show.
You can find the movies subbed here
For the manga!
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The source material that most adaptations are based on (although most modern versions tend to rely a little more on the 90s anime as... let’s be honest... the anime had much better ideas in a lot of places) There are several places where you can find the manga, however, unlike a mass manga website, I recommend a Sailor Moon specific site which will have given much more care to the translation of the material.
The best place I’ve found is the ever reliable Miss Dream
For the Live action series! (PGSM)
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I was a fool for ever thinking the live action series would be bad just because the effects are terrible and the CG is laughable and they made Luna a plushie. It’s turning out to be a GREAT version of the story! I wouldn’t start with this one at all, but I really do HIGHLY recommend checking it out because it’s writing and characters are far better than they have any right to be in all honesty.
PGSM has never seen an official translation.
You can find fan subbed episodes at both Miss Dream as well as Sea of Serenity. They have different translated versions of the show so you can pick which one you like. (I’m watching the Miss Dream subs but I’m following a blog whose watching the Sea of Serenity subs and both are good)
For the Crystal Reboot!
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I actually don’t recommend this one, but I’m gonna mention it anyway because it DOES have its fans. (but again... I... I don’t recommend this one at all X’D)
It’s only done the first 3 seasons of the story and honestly only season 3 is considered passable to me. Season 4 is gonna be released next year as a movie (or 2 movies? It’s unclear).
The reboot was supposed to be a manga-accurate adaptation rather than the 90s show which did a lot of its own thing (for better and worse). However, poor animation quality, weird changes to the story, and making the girls lose a lot of their personality and turning Usagi into someone who is more a damsel in distress than anything, it’s not a great version of the story. I’m only mentioning it out of obligation tbh.
Although apparently Season 3 isn’t so bad. But still :/
You can watch the official release on Crunchyroll
You can also find subbed episodes at the bottom of
as well as
For the Stage Musicals! (Sera Myu)
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The Stage Musicals are a funny thing, being not canon to any of the other versions. Sometimes they tell stories from specific arcs in the manga, sometimes they tell story that don’t feature anywhere else, sometimes they’re about the Sailor Senshi fighting Dracula and Adam’s first wife Lilith who want to turn the world into vampires. Dude I don’t even know XD
I wouldn’t recommend starting here either, as these are more like fun bonus content than anything else.
HOWEVER, the Musicals have something that none of the other versions had, which is “La Soldier” which all Sailor Moon fans are required by law to lose their shit over.
(La Soldier is BRIEFLY in the anime but it was not used to its full potential)
I don’t know if they newer musicals still use La Soldier tho.
You can find fansubbed versions of the Sera Myu shows at Miss Dream
And Sea of Serentiy
Sea of Serentiy has the more detailed break down of the musicals by year, distributor, and theater/idol group.
I am the least knowledgeable about Sera Myu so I’ll have to leave that over to them. Little to no Sera Myu shows have been released with official subs.
There is also the ice show but that’s been delayed to next year because of the... troubles.
And there’s a bunch of other stuff too like the SNES game and drama CDs and stuff but I think that starts getting off topic.
I know this is a super long explanation to a simple question but I wanted to be thorough because although the 90s anime is generally the go-to, there are people who prefer other versions more.
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faun-buns · 4 years
i’m going thru my old old anime merch to put it into storage n stuff. does anyone wanna buy all of my black butler stuff? i never rlly had that big of an interest in it but my mom did so she bought me a bunch of stuff when i was in middle school hdkdndnf i have the first 5 volumes of manga, a ciel plushie, a grell plushie, a sebabasian plushie with bunny ears, ciel and undertaker funko pops, a pocket watch, and ciels ring. it’s all super old and dusty, and i live in a home with 2 smokers so the plushies and books will smell like smoke. with proper ventilation the smell will go away but there’s a bit of yellowing too
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i’m thinking $25 for all of the books ($5 each), $10 for each of the plushies (i got them for $30 each and when i google them a new one costs $25 so mine would b cheaper since it’s used + smoke damage), $5 for the pocket watch, and tbh i’ll just give the ring and funkos for free since the ring was already so cheap to begin with and i don’t rlly know anyone who actually wants funkos anymore HDKDBDB i already have everything to go in a medium flat rate box so shipping will be like. $13 or something. should get to u in 1-3 days. i hope that this is all reasonable;; i have a few other knick knacks from other shows and stuff i can throw in for free if u want!
other than dusting things off, i haven’t actually properly cleaned anything like i have with the other stuff i’ve sold. i’m not rlly equipt to clean fabric stuff like plushies other than washing them but my washing machine smells like cigarettes so it’s probably best for me to just leave them be
total price including shipping would be $73 but i’m willing 2 negotiate u_u i’m selling the FULL LOT only!!! tht means i’m only selling all of it at once to one person. i’m taking payments with paypal, and u must be comfortable with giving me your address. shipping to US ONLY!!
pls dm me here or message me on discord @ faun#1212 if you are interested!!! i reply faster on discord but either is fine! thank u in advanced !!!
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dra-aluxe-oldblog · 6 years
Tag game
Yeap, another tag!! :D So here we go!!!
Answer 30 questions and tag 10 people you want to know better
I was tagged by mi tocaya @lloronadeazulceleste :3
Nickname(s): Alex, Ale, Alexsdragon (only on Deviantart)
Gender : Female
Sign : Sagittarious
Height : 1.57 cm kinda (I’m not sure, last time I check was 6 years ago)
Current time : 14:29 pm
Favourite band(s): LINKIN PARK forever u_u
Favourite Solo artist(s): Umm... Mystery Skulls I guess
Song stuck in my head: The Greatest Show (from The Greatest Showman soundtrack) I’ve been hearing a lot of circus music for a project I’m working on :D Also, that movie is so awesome!!! xD
Last movie I saw : Antman and the Wasp.The after credits scene killed me ;_;
Last series I watched : The Leyend of the Three Caballeros. We need a second season!!! And an official release on this side of the world!!! >:c
When I created my blog : September 2016 I think
What do I post: my art: drawings, fanarts, comics. I usually reblogg some shitposts, art tips, art from other artists, and some other things :D
Last thing I googled : Angels of Slaughter manga español. I readed the whole thing yesterday ._. I loved the game
Do I have any other blog : nope, this is enough for me right now x’D
Do I get asks : not very often, but yeah, sometimes :3
Why did I choose my url: You could say it’s my artist nickname. Dra. is shortening for female doctor on spanish, I chose it because I used to study medicine some time ago. And Aluxe means goblin or elf on maya dialect. I don’t really relate myself with that creature, but my family use to say I’m like one because I’m always on my cave (my room). Also, it sounds similar to my name Alex.
Following : 159
Followed by : 2,680 I love so much guys ;w;
Average hours of sleep : Right now... I’m not sure. Like 4 or 5 hours I guess. I’ve been having some troubles to sleep. I might have a little insomnia ._.
Instrument: I took some piano lessons years ago, but I forgot almost everything. So... none?? I wanna learn to play the violin tho.
What I’m wearing: A gray old shirt and short jeans
Dream job: To make a living as an artist. Drawing comics about my own stories. Working as concept artist, specially for videogames :)
Fav food: Italian food :3 Specially pasta with tons of cheese -w-
Last book: The Bane Chronicles from the Shadowhunters series by Cassandra Clare. Why are you so lovely, Magnus?? x’D
Top 3 universe I want to join : Oh man... I don’t know!!! There’re so much worlds I’d want to join!!
I’m tagging: Everyone!! Feel free to do it tagg anyone you want xD
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Denise’s 200 follower bias
((Hello all! A week or two or three ago, I hit 200 followers! Which is a FUCKING FORCE! I never thought I’d even reach close to 100, much less make it to 200! So, I’m gonna do a blog event for this? I’ll put a link to some information on that right HERE. Also, as a side thing because I appreciate all of you, you can message me (whether or not you’re on this post idc)) if you want and I can screencap + resize icons for you to add your psd onto (unless you want me to slap a border on there idk I can do it if you want) so you don’t have to do the screencapping… whatever. I’ll only be doing manga and comic icons tho because I can easily just scroll through and lightshot them bitches faces hdjsdgsk. Hmu u_u Either way, 200 is a good number and so I shall do shit for me and for you! first, I have my BIAS LIST!))
((I’ll the put the link to the event HERE as well lmao))
@wildxplosion mah boi Rosina over here dealing with me since November of 2017 she deserves a fucking medal man. We gotta start talkin more often like we used to u_u Anyway, I love your boom boy he is amazing and you are so good at writing I just hnnnnnnnnng..! ily so much booboo.
@embidoesrp-bnhaarchives you are an amazing human being and I love you your and her art is v good and I love all of your blogs even though I haven’t written frequently with all of em. I love our ship so bad I just scream and die all the time but this is fine it’ll be fine I’m :) I should put more effort into trying to interact with your other blogs because I love all of your muses u_u remind me to do that sometime
@lowkeyunhinged gud frond Sorrell who I just had a ten-minute conversation with to figure out your name sifudjd its fine lmao. Anyway I haven’t talked to you as much as some other people but ily anyway and think we should talk more u_u Rokku is such an interesting character an I love them an I love your Tamaki an I love that I can bounce verse an au ideas off you an you’re just nice u_u so here you are :)
@dckuu BAMBI-SAMA I LOVE YOU AND I’M GONNA WALK TO PA FOR YOU OKAY DON’T FUCKING DOUBT ME u_u Real talk tho, I actually love your villain Midoriya and tho I haven’t gotten much interaction in with them yet I love the twins u_u and I always feel v blessed to be able to talk to you u_u and I also feel blessed that we can be friends ya feel? u_u ily so much okay okay good talk.
@heroxdeku hello hi I love you you are so worth my time and your Midoriya is a Good Boi:tm: aight yeah. I hope you find more interactions coming your way an you get a good tumblr rp experience u_u if you ever need help with anything hmu I might be able to provide assistance.
@charredeyes I love your Bakugou A Lot:tm: and although we haven't made much interaction yet I feel like he and September can have a Nice Friendship:tm: u_u as we watch that thread crawl by veeeery slowly sorry about that btw afatdhfk. I'd like to start talkin to you ooc if that's alright? I like formin friendships and Good Bonds:tm: with other muns I feel like it makes everything easier ya know? Anyway. Ty for noticing me an dealing with my slow replying ass u_u
@xforall UH CHERRY I LOVE TOSHI SO MUCH and the school verse is mmmMMMMMMMM GOOD 👌 SHIT 👏 RIGHT THERE yeah? Your headcanons aways go into such depth, explaining things that I would have never even thought about u_u Keep doin what you’ve been doin booboo ily again
I’m gonna add some other people that I haven’t interacted with much and those I should really talk to more and if you do have smth you wanna do pls come and tell me u_u kick my ass okay
@wcrkshcp , @thelxinoem I love what we have so far even if it’s only a little u_u, @panicsprey we gotta talk more booboo, @barricr we should plot tbh, @sparks-for-hire i cant wait to write with you fam, @resilizuku , @quirkless-wonder
that is it for now u_u i love each and every one of you these are all just urls i can think of off the top of my head rn jcujdigd
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kofee · 7 years
tagged by @josay - thank you!! it was fun reading yours :^) tagging: @kvet // @ohlevi // @tdorki // @tsukis // @reigenly // @ecruzm // @iosakisaka // @kasbrekker // @setsunae // @psychohelmet // @kishou you guys don’t need to do it if you don’t want to ofc~~
5 things you can find in my blog - reblogged art - quotes - anime *obv* - photography - some bts here and there
5 things you can find in my room - bookshelf filled with manga - korean skincare products lol - japanese anime magazines *cringing* i don’t wanna sound like a weeb - nascafé instant coffee (i keep it in my room so my brother won’t use it) :9 - electric hot water bottle cause i can’t sleep without one 5 things I always wanted to do let me add: but never did - study architecture - come up with an original story - have a planner (i’m def gonna get one for 2018 tho) >:-) - have an art dedicated blog (for my art) but i’m lazy af and i don’t draw that often - have a dog!!! preferably a litol salty chihuahua 5 things that make me happy - cloudy & rainy days - love it when the sky is grey - purchasing stuff online & getting them in the mail - cats - cAts !!! - meow 5 things I’m currently into - Woman of Dignity !! (kdrama) it’s amazing - watching morning news lmao - Suspicious Partner’s osts - denim jacket + black jeans - r/asianbeauty (sub reddit) 5 things on my to do list - finish studying for my exam // 3 books to go through u_u 18 days left - buy books for my next uni classes - watch Duel (kdrama) - clean my room before uni starts - sign up at the goddamn gym (i’ve been wanting to do this since 2014 lmaoo) motivation where u at 5 things you might not know about me - i’m second year Master of Science in Engineering, Civil Engineering. the name sounds cool, the major not as much - i love korean skincare products! love purchasing them online but i’ve been spending wayy too much money on them lately >:-( - i speak 4 languages, 3 of which fluently (arabic, swedish & english). the 4th is french (not as fluently). i would love to learn japanese and/or korean! - i’m very calm & quiet irl and i don’t open up to people easily which leaves me with no friends most of the time lmao - i love jimin, v & jin a lot 💕✨
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
Comic buff with a thought, I notice the P5MM art and composition is more striking and closer to p5's art and style than the other manga, which is fine, but kinda... flat. (I find myself thinking there's something missing when I read it, then I look back at P5MM and I notice how there's more clever paneling, imagery, and stylistic choices akin to the games in it (like that one goro panel ya had a rant about) and I realize what's missing) That could be why P5MM is brought up more, just a guess. I dunno how you feel about all that though, I'm curious.
Under the cut cause it gets long cause of pictures:
I am very big on art style and visual presentation. I do actually judge a book by it's cover (manga, game, movie, show, yadda). If I find something pleasing to my eye I'll read it.....even if the contents are trash. Domestic Girlfriend is one, horrible manga (didn't finish, was holding out for Momo, aka best girl, and getting closure for her....then I bounced). Didn't watch the anime (didn't need to I was way ahead in the manga I think), but I know that opening is wasted on it. ldskfjaf Don't invest your time into it, it's not worth it, you would probably learn better morals from P5.......probably. But yeah I found the art style pleasing enough to try it out (I's not amazing by any means, but I like looking at it....or did.....that writing man....dat was bad ;w;).... *waves hands vaguely in air* yeah.
Fun fact, it's why I got into Persona. I happened across an ad for P4 on the PS2 in the Gameinformer magazine, it showed a screenshot from an animated cutscene plus one of the fully body art for the chars and I was like "Yes this is my jam!" (which only doubled down when I read what it was about, and it was a murder mystery and the article also talked up "the mystery of the glasses" which fakldjsalkfs yeah). So yeah it really clicked for me.
Tbh it's why I'm probably going to get back into freaking Bleach, and it's why I got into it and Naruto over One Piece (I don't think I'll ever read ON I'm sorry). Tite Kubo has sexy art what can I say? Can't trust a thing that man writes now but eh. It's also the reason I read a lot of Shojo (and now Yuri) manga, cause their art style is usually what I find very appealing (even if I've read the same gd shojo love story just by a different name for the 1000th time, give me the flowers and sparkly eyes! they are my life blood!)
And I've mentioned I really like Saito's art style. I've (attempted) to color some of his pieces on top of animate some manga frames (most of which I haven't actually published......I...I should....get around to finishing those up....haha...aha....haaaa). I really like his art, it's pleasant. But even with good art, I can still see past it and see what BS it's peddling and it can hamper my enjoyment of it. If I don't look at the context of the scene or the words on the page, I can be down with it. But when I'm reading.......I get annoyed. I balk at anything with Goro. I guffaw whenever Makoto's on screen (cause Saito nails her from P5, she acts useful but really she's useless but the narrative views her as useful it ironically makes her useless......it's the weirdest thing I've ever witnessed >.>). Like Saito really.....gets P5 it seems, down to it's flaws even (tho he can actually make the good parts of P5 shine, or at least parts that P5 failed to execute....execute in a way). But he also makes the flaws.....shine that much harder for me.
Now the Reg manga? it's nothing special art style wise, in fact it starts off VERY wonky, and while still wonky, has gotten a lot....better/cuter (esp Ryu). Not like shojo cute just.......I wanna squish their wittle faces cute (at times when it's not serious).
Like when it comes to Reg Manga these are the two pieces that have appeared in it that I feel kinda hit the P5 mark in terms of style:
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(look at Mona, coming into this world like the pustule that he is 8U)
Which isn't much, but it's something. At least Reg's AOA is better looking than the anime. 8U
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But I dunno, as the chapters go on, the Mangaka allows for more cuter expressions, and I just like their neat:
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(btw I colored that page)
I dunno, it's not as overtly cutsey as Saito:
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But they are still charming in a more simple way (without out having them go full chibi), it subtle but it gives it flavor. "Silly why are most, if not all those pics of Ryu and Anne?" I dunno guys maybe you should ask them how their backs are doing, cause they're the ones who are carrying the Reg manga when it comes to this! 8U
Tho I do think the first ch or two of Reg does a better job capturing P5's feel than the rest of the chapters, I think the mangaka is just.....bogged down by exposition and the game's BS that a lot of text on their pages so it almost reads like a novel:
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ALots of text, not the most dynamic of framing with the panels. It's kinda eh. I haven't really read the manga past the 2nd dungeon tbh (I mean......as the residential #1 Makoto hater, I think that's fair.....that I'd start to zone out during my least fav dungeon....and then continue zoning out during my 2nd least fav dungeon askfdjaflk)
But during the first two dungeon arcs, I liked how.....bad the PT were at thieving, I liked how green they were. It was obviously a learning process. I also like some of the fight choreo (Saito did the best hand to hand one in the series in P4U's Yu vs Sho....which I actually animated....spoiler.....no I have no released that...my dumbass wants to tempt fate and see if I can redo it in color even tho it took me 4 days non stop to get that animated in just black and white.....but I am a fool so alas 8U). I mean it's not mind blowing, but it was simple and decently thought out, which is more than I feel like we usually get (esp with the anime shows....or at least P4/5's).
But I think what draws me in is....it's lack of P5 style. P5 style has them being still oh so cool despite being new at everything. It's tired me out. P5's how identity is style. It's....style over substance (gonna rile some feathers with that....Cvit(?) vid title). But P5 is overtly stylish, to the point it......weighs on me. Drags me down. Tires me out. I don't think they're cool, I'm bored with it. Ironically, Reg manga lacks that, which......def would make someone (and me usually) give it much of a passing glance. It's very basic I guess. But.....consider me, being in P5 hell, surrounded by all it's nausea inducing stylishness, sees a small break in the hellish hurricane to see.......normalcy. It kinda makes me connect better with the kids (kinda, it's still P5).
They feel like normal kids, trying to do their thing (sometimes trying to look/act cool and failing), and.....it's just the absolute antitheses to P5's brand......and I think that's why I like it. KLFJDSAFLKJA;
Anyway, who knows, maybe when I catch up on Reg in english and re-read MM with the official translation I might change my mind about a few things, or at least how I rank them. But for post length sake, and my sanity sake, I think I should keep the anime and mangas out of the "Which entry do you hate least" post......because I should just make another post where I go into both mangas as well as compare and contrast the anime! :D I'm just delaying some insanity for later haha....
Wait.........I just remember Day Breakers exists......and I liked it....still do....don't have much issue with it. Well shit, that is probably the one entry I hate the least. fklsdjfalkjdfkla;jsL;FJljsfdlskafaj *sobs* nO NO, I committed, and that's just a sad loophole. fdklsajflakfj *sobs* I still need to the game thing, cause let's be honest, the games are where it counts.
So right now my ranking for manga/anime is:
Daybreakers>Reg manga> MM>>>>>>>>>>TV Show Anime and it's OVAs (may the burn in the hell fire from which they spawned)
Oh, one last thing, forgot to put it in but I dunno where to put it now. I like how the manga tones down the pervyness some:
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I mean Ryu is a fellow monkey. u_u .......but it's for the best I don't have to see his ape expression. ;w; (iirc the pyramid scene was a lot shorter/faster, but that's by the grace of reading and books rather than animation I suppose).
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