#wanna put him in a spray bottle and shake him around
haoven · 1 month
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im so obsessed with this photo you don’t understand
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denim-mixtapes · 2 years
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And I know it's just a phase, you're not in love with me, but if you wanna piss off your parents, baby, that's alright with me.
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!Reader Word Count: Just over 15k Summary: Dreading going home to strict parents over Thanksgiving break, your good friend Eddie Munson offers to tag along and pretend to be your boyfriend to get under their skin and take their focus off of you. Over tense dinners and pointed conversation, you seek comfort in his closeness, blurring the lines between fact and fiction. (Based on the song 18 by Anarbor) Warnings: NSFW 18+ SMUT, Minors DNI or I'll stub all your toes. Tense family dynamics, strict/overbearing parents, idiot friends to fuck buddies, teasing, fingering, oral (both f & m receiving), squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, forced orgasm if you blink, unprotected sex (DON'T DO THAT, STUPID), an stupid amount of pet names (baby, sweetheart, princess, sweet thing) instead of Y/N. I think that's it but lemme know if I missed anything!
[Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] <- Coming Soon! [AO3]
a/n: I meant to post this on Thanksgiving, but it...got away from me as you can tell from the word count. Sorry for the delay and for the long lead up before the actual smut but I hope yall enjoy!!
The first time you met Eddie Munson, you threatened him with pepper spray. 
Okay so maybe it was actually hair spray, but the threat was there. 
He had walked into your dorm room unannounced, and in a moment of panic you completely forgot you had a roommate that could potentially have visitors. All you knew was that you were alone in your dorm, and then without any preamble or warning, there was a mysterious man with long hair, dark features, and wrapped in leather letting himself in. 
And he believed you at first, he really did, held his hands up in defense and stepped back out into the threshold with wide eyes and an apologetic ramble. Until he noticed that your trembling hand was not clutching a can of mace, but a travel sized bottle of Aqua Net, shaking just as much as you were. 
He couldn’t help but laugh. 
He still stayed back, knowing that you were not his intended target and surely you must be nerrvous, but dropped his hands to lean on the door frame, his whole body shaking with laughter. Despite your initial fear, his humor was contagious. The once intimidating man who stood tall and broad was hunched with laughter, his eyes wrinkling around the edges when his smile widened. You couldn’t help but soften and lower your arm, chuckling a little (albeit nervously) along with him. 
“Yeah, killer,” he laughed, voice low and smooth, “put that thing down before you hurt someone. Or worse, make ‘em crispy.” 
“I– panicked,” you admitted, defeated. Then, standing taller again, trying to keep your defenses strong, “but what are you doing walking into random girls' dorms?” 
“Uh, Buckley,” the stranger pointed to your roommate’s side of the room. “Robin Buckley? She lives here, right?” You nodded. “We’re friends, I’m meeting her for dinner and she told me to come on up when I got here. She said you’d be in class.” 
Huh. You’d have to talk to her about warning you before she let just anyone walk on in unannounced. 
“Canceled,” you mumbled in explanation, then gestured to Robin’s bed. “Uh I guess I won’t make you sit out in the hall. You can wait for her here.” 
A wide, toothy grin spread over his features and he approached you with big, thankful eyes shining under the fluorescent overhead lighting. A hand outstretched, he replied, “appreciated. ‘M Eddie.” 
And so began a blossoming friendship. Over the rest of your freshman year, Robin introduced you to more of her friends. You didn’t have trouble making your own friends, per se, you had a few classmates who you would grab lunch with between classes and a couple study groups, but the people your roommate introduced you to just clicked with you. You heard all about her girlfriend Nancy, though she was off in Boston at Emerson, so you only ever spoke to her when Robin had her on speaker phone. Everyone else just kind of came along naturally. You were attending school far from home, but within reasonable distance from Robin’s hometown of Hawkins, so even though Eddie and her best friend Steve weren’t attending college anywhere, they often found themselves on your campus to bug your roommate (and by proxy, you). 
By the end of your first year at school, you were confident you were part of their crew, and you were happily signing up to room with Robin once again the following year. 
Which is what brought you here. 
You’re laying in bed, feet thrown up against the cinder block walls and your head hanging over the edge, Robin mirroring you on her own bed. Steve has long since gotten dizzy and sat upright next to Robin, and Eddie called you all ridiculous from the get go and chose to lay on your bean bag chair between the three of you. 
“What the fuck am I gonna do,” you moan, scrubbing your hands down your face in defeat. 
“I’m sure it’ll be okay, babe,” Robin assures, though you know she is just blindly trying to comfort you. 
“Okay,” Steve leans forward, elbows on his knees and squints at you. The effects of Eddie’s special cookies are hitting all four of you hard, all of you lazy and sluggish and a little less cohesive than your usual state. “Explain to me again what the problem is? It sounds like your mom just wants you home for Thanksgiving.” 
Sitting up slowly and trying to ignore the head rush you get from being upright once again, you gripe, “that is the problem. I went to school across the country from home for a reason. I’m already going back next month for winter break and I want to be there…as little as possible. So I was hoping I could work through Thanksgiving break like last year.” 
“No dice?” Eddie asks from his spot on the floor, even though you swear you’ve gone over this with all of them three times by now. 
“No,” you grumble, “last year I worked in the caf, so it was no problem, they were open all break for students staying on campus This year–” 
“The library closes over break.” Robin cut you off to supply. 
You only nod pitifully, slumping back into your stack of pillows with a hmph. You’re aware that you’re being dramatic, but you’ve grown accustomed to your life away from home. Away from watchful eyes and curfews at 19 years old and sharp comments about your wardrobe that honestly, could be much, much worse. The last thing you want to do is return home and be treated like a child again. 
Eddie’s fingers wrap around your ankle comfortingly, but he hits a ticklish spot and you kick at his hand lightly, laughing all the while. 
“Home is really that miserable, huh?” He asks quietly. Not prying, not judging, just pondering. 
“I have a dad who still treats me like I’m seven and a mom who keeps trying to set me up with members of her church in hopes that they’ll ‘lead me back down the right path’…what do you think?” 
Your three friends mumble a series of one word replies all at once. “Yikes.” “Barf.” “Christ.”
The conversation moves on after that. Robin and Steve arguing about Back to the Future, something they always seem to go back to when they’re high. She told you once that they saw it in theaters the first time they smoked together, but the way that neither of them could keep a straight face told you there was more to the story. You half listen, grumbling to yourself and counting the browning ceiling tiles above you. 
Your mattress dips and you look up to see Eddie grinning at you behind a curtain of hair, sitting cross legged on the spot next to you. 
“What?” You ask through a laugh, eyeing him briefly before going back to the task at hand, the ceiling tiles. 
He nudges you with his knee, trying to get your attention. “You know what you should do?” Your response is no more than a hum adorned with a question mark, but it prompts him to continue. There’s a gleam in his eye when he goes on, “somethin’ wild. Show up at home with a tattoo or bright purple hair. Or a tongue ring! Something to push their buttons and shock ‘em a little.” 
Eddie Munson always has a way of turning your mood around. His joy is infectious. If he’s laughing, you’re not too far behind him, and it’s always been that way. Likewise, he’s quick to follow when you dissolve into giggle fits, his demeanor and pose always mimics yours, just like now when he ends up on his back beside you, legs dangling sideways off the edge. 
You end up passing ideas back and forth for a few minutes. 
“Teardrop tattoo,” he says, snorting. 
“A pentagram.” 
“You could shave one side of your head.” 
“Or my eyebrows.” 
“Get tattoos where your eyebrows used to be. Something classy like…hail Satan.” 
“Or Daddy’s girl,” you sputter, unable to hold back the raucous laughter any longer. 
Eddie joins you, practically cackling with how sudden it is. “I think that’s it. That’s the one.” 
And then it hits you. Something still just as shocking as showing up with a tattoo, but much less permanent. It’s right in front of you, it has been the whole time. You sit up suddenly enough to get Steve and Robin’s attention and grin wildly down at Eddie. 
It’s his turn to mumble out a soft, “what?” enraptured by your sudden intensity.
“I think I’ve got something better. Something that won’t cost me hundreds of dollars or my future chances at employment.” 
“Go on,” he urges. 
“You come home with me.” 
From the other half of your room, Robin and Steve shout their confusion in unison, but Eddie just sits up to mirror you, mischief etched in his smile. “How bold of you, sweetheart. You know, I’m surprised it took you this long to ask.” 
“No- shut up,” you laugh, shoving at his shoulder lightly. “I’m serious. You just told us earlier your uncle has to work on Thanksgiving. Come back to my parents with me. You’ll get a home cooked meal, all the fixings, really, my mom goes crazy. I mean this with all the love in my heart but if I bring home a guy like you?” You giggle, “my dad’ll lose his shit.” 
“You flatter me,” he chuckles. Then, smirking, “you askin’ me to be your fake boyfriend, sweetheart?” 
“I– yeah.” 
“Hell yeah,” he nods, “I’m in. When are we leaving?” 
Robin throws a pillow at you, missing terribly but still getting your attention. “What the fuck just happened?” 
As promised, as soon as your last class on Tuesday let out, you loaded up your car and headed to Hawkins to pick up your boyfriend-for-the-week. He’s waiting for you outside his trailer, leaning heavily against the stairway railing, ankles crossed, cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. He doesn’t have much by way of luggage, just a tattered olive green backpack hanging off of one shoulder that he throws in the back seat alongside your prim camel colored leather duffel bag. 
When he slides into the passenger seat he leans into your personal space, drawing out his greeting with a smug smile. “Hi, darling.” 
“Hey,” you greet, palming his face and lightly shoving it away. “You ready?” 
Eddie Munson practically pouts at you. “What, no hello kiss?” 
“Can it, Munson,” you chide before shifting your car in gear. “You’re not on the clock yet. We still have a four hour drive before you’re officially the boyfriend.” 
“I’m just saying,” he shrugs, “it’ll be a hell of a lot more believable if we have a little practice beforehand. I mean- we’re going to have to put on a show, right? A good actor doesn’t go in blind. They run lines. Rehearse. Don’t want you freezing up in shock when I plant one on you in front of dear ol’ Dad for the first time, do we?” 
He’s leaning into you again, speaking with a kind of intensity only Eddie can, and it makes you shake your head. 
“Okay, well, I’m kinda busy driving at the moment. I’ll get back to you at the next rest stop.” 
The first stretch on the open road is spent concocting a story. How you met, how long you’ve been together, things that might come up in conversation. Something not far from the truth, so that you could keep your stories straight, but embellished a little where you needed to. He supplies the story for your first date, dinner at a diner and live music somewhere on campus. You raise him dinner at a dive bar and listening to cassettes in the back of his van. He calls you diabolical. 
At your first stop, about an hour in for gas and snacks, he offers to drive until the next stop and you pass him the keys with a soft smile and a hurried kiss to the corner of his mouth. It’s fleeting, over before it’s even started because it stuns him, and you skip away to the passenger side feeling way more smug than you have any right being. 
“Who were we worried about freezing up, again?” You asked over the roof of the car, ducking at the last second when he throws a balled up napkin at you. 
For this portion of the drive, you take the opportunity to get to know one another. Favorites and firsts, pet peeves and guilty pleasures. Some things you knew already after a year of friendship, the little things like favorite bands and movies, but you knew you needed more than that to be a believable couple. You learn that he loves the smell after it rains and that even though he hates raisins, he loves cinnamon raisin bagels because they remind him of his Uncle Wayne. He learns that your favorite color changes with your mood, about your irrational fear of revolving doors, and the exact number of blankets you absolutely need in order to fall asleep (though he had his suspicions, he’s seen you make your bed before). 
Over your game of twenty questions, his hand wanders from the wheel to the gear shift, the movement subtle because he’s always talking with his hands, and eventually it lands hesitantly on your thigh. You pretend not to notice, but bite back a smile and catch yourself flushing in the reflection of the window nonetheless. 
After another hour or so of driving you make him pull over for a bathroom break and offer to take the wheel again when you’re done. You make to take the keys from him, but he’s quick to hold them over his head, just out of reach. 
“Hey!” You complain, now your turn to invade his personal space to try and steal the keys back. “It’s my car. Let me take over!” 
You’re suddenly hyper aware of how close your faces are when a slow smirk spreads over his lips. “Now, baby, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I made you drive when I’m right here, fully capable?” 
“Damn, Munson.” You snark, “we’ve been together all of two hours and you’re already trying to turn me into a passenger princess?” 
“Maybe I am.” His free hand wraps around your waist, landing at the small of your back to pull you just a little bit closer, closing the gap between you. You let out a small yelp of surprise that Eddie quickly swallows, his lips landing on yours harder and more insistent than the last kiss you shared. Your shock wears off quickly, leaving you leaning into his embrace with a happy hum in the back of your throat. Just as he swipes his tongue over your bottom lip, you’re made aware of your surroundings when a passerby clears their throat. When you pull away and catch a glimpse of his face, you’re certain you’re going to have to get used to that damn smirk. It seems to be his natural resting face since you asked him to do this, and god if it doesn’t suit him. “I kinda like that term,” he mumbles, emphasizing the new pet name as he ushers you around to the passenger seat, repeating it back into your ear with a hushed breath, “princess.”
You’ll have to get used to all the blushing too. 
With a lead foot and a hand absent-mindedly tapping along to the radio on your thigh, Eddie manages to shave a half an hour off the rest of the drive, and before you know it and without another rest stop, you’re directing him off the highway and through the cozy streets of your small hometown. You managed to give him a run down on all of the relatives he could possibly meet this weekend. Who to watch out for and who to actually play nice with (really, it’s just your parents to look out for), names and how they’re related to you as if there would be a quiz at the end of Thanksgiving dinner. Hell, knowing how overprotective your parents are there very well could be. 
It’s silent when he pulls into your parents driveway and cuts the engine, so quiet you fear he might hear your heart beating rapidly against your ribcage. Staring down the house, the walkway seems to stretch out longer than you remember. Your heart leaps into your throat. 
“Hey.” Squeezing at your knee where his hand is still resting, Eddie’s voice is sincere. When you turn to look at him, his eyes are soft, encouraging. He lets his head rest back against the seat with a thump and smiles. “I know I’m here to piss off your parents, but I’m still your friend, too. I’ll be right by your side all weekend, if it ever gets too much, just say the word and I’ve got you, okay?” 
You’re not sure where this burst of sentiment came from, but you’re grateful for it. His words wrap around your heart and squeeze, and you blink back the tears they bring. Though you’ve had fun planning to torment your family, there was still a weight on your chest every time you thought about going home and Eddie, ever observant, could tell. 
“Kay,” you say softly, mouthing an even quieter thank you. Then, leaning across the center console, you brighten up. “Run lines one more time before the big scene?” 
It’s a bold request, a little selfish, partly because you want to stall a little longer but frankly, you just want to kiss him again in the safety and comfort of your car. Where it can be just that, a kiss. You want another moment all to yourself without the watchful eye of your family, and without the obligation of having to prove something.
He kisses you lazy this time, hands framing your face, lips dragging slowly against yours like he has all the time in the world. Like he’s stretching out this moment so you don’t have to face the next one. Your eyes flutter shut and you reach for him clumsily over the console, clutching onto the lapel of his leather jacket like he was going to float away if you didn’t. 
You don’t want to admit it, but you could get used to kissing Eddie Munson, charade or not.
When you part ways and reluctantly make your way inside, Eddie insists on carrying both your bag and his own. You try to argue but he has none of it. You let yourself in the front door and call out a greeting. 
Christmas music filters in from the back of the house alongside the smell of your mom’s famous baked spaghetti. “In the den!” Her voice calls out from the same direction as the music. Toeing off your shoes, you gesture for Eddie to follow you through the halls and into the den. It’s the picture of your childhood, exactly as you remember. Your dad is hidden behind the newspaper, houseshoes propped up on the coffee table. In her armchair facing away from the door, your mom is curled up with a book, reading glasses perched on the end of her slender nose. She feels your presence and greets you without looking up. “Hi honey! Give me just a second to finish this paragraph and I’ll get up, give you a big hug.” 
Eddie’s presence is solid against you, warm, and his firm hand at the small of your back is a constant reminder that he’s there within reach. You try to speak up, to introduce him, but your throat goes dry, and soon enough your mother is tossing her book on the coffee table and standing to greet you. 
“Sorry honey, I – oh, hello!” She’s shocked, clearly, but still keeps a polite, tight smile. “Who’s this?” 
Prompted by her comment, your dad folds down one corner of the newspaper to glance up at you. His poker face isn’t as great. You can see the glare flash across his features before he folds the paper and stands. When he says hello to you, it's with a bright smile and a tight hug, but the second he addresses Eddie, his demeanor chills again. 
“Guys this is Eddie,” you introduce, reaching behind you to take his hand. The words feel clumsy on your tongue, but you manage to play off the stutter as nerves. “My boy– my boyfriend.” 
You could hear a pin drop. 
In the silence that follows, you begin to rethink this entire plan. You suddenly feel so small, back in your childhood home and under the intense stare of your parents (though your dad’s eyes are definitely more trained on Eddie’s every move than your own). But you didn’t come all this way and drag your friend all this way to back down now, so you take their stunned silence as an opportunity to turn in Eddie’s hold and grin at him eagerly, mouthing the word showtime. 
He takes his cue, cupping your cheek in a warm palm and dragging you toward him to close the little distance between you. It feels different this time, like he has something to prove. He’s insistent, leaning into you hungrily and nipping at your lips with a wicked chuckle under his breath as he retreats. He stands at full height again to finally address your parents. 
“Thanks for having me, sir,” he quips, and he salutes, actually fucking salutes, much to your father’s outrage. Then he turns a charming smile on your mother, “ma’am.” 
His kill-them-with-kindness attitude and sickeningly sweet fake politeness has you biting back a laugh, but nobody in this room is paying an ounce of attention to you. 
Thank God.
The rage in your father’s voice is unmistakable, the heat of it pours from him in waves when he responds. “I would say it’s my pleasure but I don’t remember inviting you, son.” You’re afraid to look too closely, but you’re almost certain the vein on his forehead is fit to burst already and you’ve only just arrived. 
“Honey,” your mother pipes up, putting a calming hand on her husband’s arm, though you can hear the strain in her voice as well. “When you called and said you were bringing a friend who had nowhere to go for the holiday I…well I thought it was going to be Robin.” 
“Oh, no,” your lips press into a line, and without thinking, you reach out for Eddie’s hand for support, breath hitching at the bite of cold metal from the various rings he’s always sporting. “Her family is big on holidays. Never miss one. But…” Giving Eddie’s hand a tug to pull him closer to you, your other hand comes up to rest on his shoulder, giving it a gentle pat for good measure. You ham it up, laying your head on his shoulder with a dreamy smile as you continue. “Eddie’s only family is his Uncle Wayne, and he’s going to be workin’ a double on Thursday. I couldn’t just leave him behind with a frozen TV dinner for Thanksgiving of all days.” 
Though strict, you know your mom isn’t made of stone. She can’t resist a sob story and she’s a sucker for any holiday, so despite the concern in her eyes and a husband fit to start screaming any moment, she smiles and nods. 
“Of course, honey,” Her voice softens, though her guard is still up. She turns her pointed smile on Eddie and gestures to the door, “the guest room is already made up for you, and it would be a shame to spend the holiday alone, so we’re happy to have you, Eddie.” 
The sound you make is somewhere between a scoff and a laugh. “Mom! That’s hardly necessary. I’m an adult, I’m perfectly capable of sharing a bed with my boyfriend.” 
Eddie quirks an interested brow at you but you roll your eyes in dismissal. 
It’s not that you want to share a room with Eddie. If you’re being honest, you haven’t really put much thought to the sleeping situation. It only makes sense that he would take the guest room…but you also know that if the goal is to get under your parents’ skin, this is the way to do it, so you give a petulant whine and a huff for good measure. 
It’s your father who speaks up this time, pushing forward and deliberately between you and Eddie to break your embrace as he makes his way toward the stairs. “Absolutely not,” he doesn’t look at you as he speaks, only stops near the door to pick up both of your bags and continue up the stairs. “You are nineteen, just barely. That may make you an adult on paper but you are still my child and a guest in this house so you’ll do as I say.” Passing your childhood bedroom, he drops your duffel at the door with a scowl and moves two doors down to the guest room where he throws Eddie’s knapsack even harder onto the bed. “And we don’t know this punk from Adam. You’re lucky we’re letting him stay at all, so be grateful for what you have, which is only two doors separating you.” 
Ever the peacemaker, your mom steps in and clears her throat. “What your father means is that we would just both be more…comfortable if – for this trip – Eddie stayed in here. Right, Dear?” 
Your father sighs, “yes, yes, that’s exactly it.” 
“Anyway,” she tries to move past it, like she always has, sweeping his anger under the rug and trying to move on before there can be any more unpleasantries. It’s one of the things you hated most about being home, the fact that she so clearly agreed with most of his conservative and overprotective views but tried so hard to make it seem like she was on your side. She moves in to give you another tight hug. “We’re so happy you’re here, honey. Dinner will be ready soon, why don’t you two get settled in and then meet us in the dining room?” 
You thank her softly and a little insincerely, and the pair of them retreat back down the stairs, allowing you to let out the breath you’ve been holding. 
“Jesus Christ, I get what you mean.” Eddie Mumbles, and you only groan in agreement, falling gracelessly onto the edge of the bed with your head in your hands. The bed dips as he joins you, and soon enough you’re both laughing softly at the absurdity of the situation. “Hey,” he nudges your shoulder with his own, “you’re killing it.” 
“Hardly,” you snort, “I feel like I’m a kid again. It just…this all sounded fun in theory but I forgot how small they make me feel.” 
“All the more reason to keep on keepin’ on. C’mon, I want to see how many more times we can make that vein in his forehead pop.” A reassuring arm wraps around your shoulder and shakes you lightly until you let out a soft laugh. “There she is! Nice touch demanding that I stay in your room, by the way. Really! If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you actually wanted me to.” 
“You’re an idiot,” you giggle, standing up and stretching out your tired limbs. “Come on, let’s go eat.” 
The rest of the night goes rather uneventfully. It’s tense, for sure, but the initial shock has worn off and by the way your parents are acting, you’re certain they managed to sneak in a drink each while you were upstairs. The conversation over dinner is mostly focused on you, how your semester is going and how much you like your job. You ask them about their careers, about family members you haven’t seen in a while. Eventually your mother’s need to be seen as polite prompts her to include Eddie in her questioning, but she keeps it mild for now, asking how he liked the drive to your hometown and if the food was to his taste. 
After dinner your mom offers coffee and a movie, but the long drive and your early alarm for school this morning are an easy enough excuse to retire early and get a good long night’s sleep before the rest of your family arrives tomorrow. 
When you part ways in the hall at the top of the stairs, he stops you with a hand on your wrist and a mischievous grin. 
“What?” You laugh, looking down the stairs, “You want a goodnight kiss now, too? They’re not watching.” 
“Here,” he replies, reaching for the back collar of his tattered Black Sabbath t-shirt and pulling it over his head effortlessly. He hands the shirt over to you and gives it a little shake, “wear it down to breakfast in the morning, yeah? It’ll drive them crazy.” 
You thank him as you take the shirt from his hand and smile, trying your best not to let your eyes linger on his exposed skin, pale and littered with tattoos, some you’re just now seeing for the first time. With a blush and a shake of your head, you bid him goodnight and retreat to your bedroom. 
The morning of Thanksgiving brings another early wake up call, but it’s hardly a surprise. Holidays have always been this way, up at the crack of dawn and helping in the kitchen all day since you were old enough to snap green beans. It’s not all bad, some of your best memories are with your mother and aunt in the kitchen. Cooking together almost made you forget how unbearable it was to be home. 
It goes as it always does, the two of you still in your pajamas, getting the more annoying and time consuming prep out of the way before anyone else wakes up. When your dad joins you in the kitchen, already fully dressed and sporting a tired scowl, you make the coffee while your mom pauses to throw the breakfast casserole she’d prepared the night before into the oven. You’re like a well oiled machine, and you work together so well that she almost doesn’t notice your choice in sleepwear. 
“Honey, why don’t you go upstairs and change into something a little more appropriate?” She suggests coolly. “I can hold down the fort until Aunt Ellen gets here.” 
“Aw,” you pout softly, pouring your own cup of coffee. You know why she’s urging you to change, and it makes you want to push the issue even further. “But we always stay in our pajamas until Grandma’s on her way! Even Aunt Ellen brings her comfies to cook in and a change of clothes for dinner.” 
“You and I both know that is hardly your typical sleepwear, dear.” Your father grunts from behind the morning paper. 
Although she bristles at his blunt choice of words, your mom looks at you with concern, clearly agreeing with him. 
You only huff, watching the creamer swirl as you pour it into the darkness of the mug. You’re about to respond when a pair of warm hands wrap around your waist from behind, making you jump. 
“I think you look killer,” Eddie chuckles at your surprise, his head nestling into the crook of your neck to press a kiss just behind your ear. “Y’wear that thing better than I do, Sweetheart.” 
Head bowed, you roll your eyes at his theatrics but hug his arms closer around your stomach, turning in place to wrinkle your nose at him, a hint of jest in your tone when you greet him. “Good morning, baby.” 
His eyes flick past your shoulder to your parents to be confident they’re looking (of course they are), then with another dark laugh drops his head to greet you with a feverish kiss. It’s too much for a simple good morning, utterly indecent the way his tongue slips past your lips without permission, and his hands drop to your hips to turn you further into his embrace, until one of your parents – you couldn’t care less which one – clears their throat and startles you apart. 
Your face is hot when Eddie smiles brightly, hitting you with a wink and a cheerful, “mornin’.” He mumbles a soft, “gonna go for a smoke, be right back,” into your ear, and then louder, calling over his shoulder as he walks toward the front door, cigarette dangling from his lips, “smells delicious already, ladies, I can’t wait!” 
You’re feeling quite smug at their stunned silence, until the door slams behind him and takes the breath from your lungs with it. You grip the mug so tightly your knuckles turn white, and the quiet from behind you turns deafening. 
It’s your mom that breaks it first, talking in a hushed tone that she must think you can’t hear, despite only being a few feet away. 
“He smokes?” 
“Are you surprised?” Your dad quips, “look at the kid. I’m surprised you can’t smell it on him.” 
“Oh, come on. Don’t be cruel. I’m just as unhappy about this as you are but there’s no reason to be rude.” 
That’s when you jump in, the scoff on your lips is almost as natural as your breath. “You guys know I’m right here, right? You are being rude, both of you.” 
“Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry.” Her voice is more patronizing than remorseful. “But truly, what is it that you see in that boy? He seems nice enough I suppose, but he’s not what I would have hoped for you at all…and he’s so crude.” 
That’s exactly what I see in him, you think, the ability to get under your skin. 
“And what would you have hoped for me? Hm?” You press, arms crossed over your chest and hip cocked against the counter. “Some ivy league robot who only cares about your approval? Who I have nothing in common with? Why does it matter?” 
“Oh, well, I–” 
The phone on the wall wails, cutting her off, and a glance at the clock tells you that it must be your aunt calling to say she’s on her way. 
“Saved by the bell,” you mumble as she goes to answer the phone, then spit, “I’ll go change so I don’t embarrass you.”
Back in your room, you decide there’s no point in changing twice, so you pull out the outfit you’d packed for dinner. It’s rather mundane, just a corduroy skirt and an oversized sweater, something you’d normally wear to a family gathering, but the skirt is quite a bit shorter than you’re used to wearing, and instead of the modest tights you would usually pair with this kind of outfit, you opted for some plush over the knee knit socks. 
You take your time getting ready, feeling slightly guilty for leaving Eddie to his own devices downstairs, but he’s a big boy, he can handle himself. You need a few extra moments to cool down and collect yourself before more family shows up. 
There’s a soft rap at your door as you’re finishing up your makeup with a thin layer of lip gloss and you sigh. 
“I’ll be down to help in a minute!” 
Except it isn’t your mom on the other side as you’d expected. Eddie’s voice is gentle when he calls, “It’s me.” 
You let him in with a soft, apologetic smile. “Hi.” 
“Hey,” he smiles, looking appreciatively up and down your form. “I take back what I said earlier. This look is killer, you look great.” 
You brighten, flushing at his praise and taking in his own change of outfit. Nothing fancy by any means, just like you suggested when he asked about dinner attire. The same torn black jeans he wears often, a threadbare and bleach stained Metallica baseball tee, and his signature battle vest overtop. Hair clearly adp purposefully untamed, he’s decked out in his usual accessories. Thick, heavy rings on his fingers and a black bandana stuffed in his pocket, he’s even gone the extra mile and smudged a little eyeliner on his water line. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t pull it off. 
“Thanks,” you breathe, playing with the cuffs of your sweater absent-mindedly. “You look…disheveled.” 
He laughs at your choice of words, but takes it in stride, doing a quick spin and taking a dramatic bow as you laugh along with him. “Thank you, thank you, I’m only following your expert direction.” 
The neck of your sweater scoops low when you sit on your vanity stool to zip up your boots, slipping off of one shoulder delicately, and Eddie’s gaze burns as it follows the movement. He doesn’t try to hide the fact that he’s staring as he perches himself on the edge of your bed, his lopsided smile only growing when you giggle out a soft, “what?” 
“I have an idea,” he beckons you toward him with a jut of his chin, “come here.” Though you furrow your brow in confusion, you cross the room to stand in front of him. Instantly, his hands reach out to take yours and hold your arms out wide so that he can take another good look at you. You pretend not to notice that his gaze lingers at the bare skin of your thighs on display, then pauses again at your exposed shoulder. He tugs on your hands until you’re even closer, standing between his legs with a curious look in your eye. Hands dropping to your hips, he noses at your neck, breath tickling your delicate skin as he continues,  “you know what might make this outfit even better?” 
“Better?” You question, reaching to tangle your hands in his hair, knowing exactly what he had in mind. “Or just more scandalous?” 
Eddie’s lips ghost against your skin as he says, “darling, who said it can’t be both?” 
It's cruel, you think, as latches onto the soft skin just over your pulse, nipping lightly and then soothing the sting immediately with his tongue. Cruel that this is all an act, that your friend Eddie Munson wouldn’t be adorning you with love bites if it weren’t for this stupid plan to piss off your parents. Cruel that you can’t separate fact from fiction as he sucks a deep bruise into the flesh just above your collarbone and your grip on his hair tightens, an involuntary whimper caught in your throat. 
He pulls back to admire his work, pursing his plush lips with an appreciative hum. One hand leaves your hip to rest on your neck, thumb pressing into one of the fresh bruises there, pride shining on his face when the action makes you shudder. 
There’s no way he doesn’t notice how red you’ve gone but he doesn’t mention it, only smiles brightly and ushers you toward the door with an encouraging, “break a leg down there, kid.” 
Only then do you realize the commotion downstairs. The boisterous voice of your Aunt Ellen as she helps your mom in the kitchen, the sound of thundering footsteps as her kids play tag in the halls they definitely shouldn’t be running in. 
Eddie keeps a tight hold on your hand behind you as he follows you down the stairs, but you’re squeezing his right back, suddenly even more nervous now that some of your extended family has arrived. 
Your heart pounds through greetings, through quick hugs and happy hellos and nervous introductions. It hammers in your chest even harder when Eddie’s hand slips down to rest on your ass as he politely chit-chats with your uncle. This is the plan. This is what you wanted. So why are you so nervous? It doesn’t calm down until some time later, when your cousins convince Eddie to join them outside for a makeshift game of hockey in the iced over driveway. Your dad and uncle sit in the dining room chatting over scotch, while the rest of you return to cooking. 
“So Eddie seems nice,” Aunt Ellen says with a smile while you peel potatoes with her at the kitchen island. There’s no sarcasm in her tone, no ulterior motives. It seems as though she means what she says, and it's a comforting contrast to the harsh words and sideways glances you’ve been getting from your parents. “You two kids meet at school?” 
Outside the window, the hockey game has dissolved into a snowball fight, your younger cousins ganging up on a solo Eddie. You realize you’re staring, zoned out as he easily picks up the youngest to use him as a human shield, unable to stop yourself from smiling as your cousin giggles and brings Eddie down with a smashed snowball right to the face. You can practically hear his dramatics through the window as he mimes a wounded heart and dramatic battlefield death. 
“Kinda,” you hum, shaking yourself from your daydream and smiling back at her softly. “He went to highschool with my roommate, Robin. Their hometown is a lot closer to school than here, so I got to know a lot of her friends pretty early on.” 
You try not to elaborate too much, but your blush betrays you.
“You had it bad, huh?” She teases. 
“I…might have developed a big dumb crush pretty quickly.” Not entirely a lie.
“Well it must have worked out well for you, huh? Seeing as he’s here and all.” 
“Yeah,” you chuckle, “Mom and Dad aren’t too thrilled about it.” 
She shrugs, wrinkling her nose at you and leaning in to whisper, “to be honest, this could be good for them. They need to loosen up a little, maybe this’ll push ‘em in the right direction.” 
You snort, “you’re telling me.” 
“You could make it a little easier on them though,” she chuckles, gesturing to her own neck not-so-subtly, “maybe show them his good side before you try to intentionally rile them up.” 
Rolling your eyes, you throw a potato peel at her and shake your head. You had the feeling going into this that if anyone was going to find you out, it would be your aunt. Though much to your relief, she seems to still believe you’re actually together, so maybe you can keep the act going through the rest of the weekend. 
She gets pulled away when her cell phone rings, most likely your Grandma calling to ask your parents address despite the fact that they’ve been hosting thanksgiving here since you were born, and in the blink of an eye her seat is taken by your mom. Her arms are folded on the table in front of her, ignoring the pile of potatoes that still need to be done and eyeballing your own paring knife pointedly until you slow to a hesitant, confused stop. 
“Honestly, young woman, I don’t know what’s gotten into you.” She scolds, voice hushed but harsh as ever. 
With a roll of your eyes, you answer, “if I didn’t think you’d kill me I would say you know exactly what’s gotten into me.” 
“Enough!” She looks over her shoulder to ensure that her outburst wasn’t heard and that your aunt is still occupied. God forbid anyone realize she’s experiencing any emotion that’s less than pleasant. “I don’t care how much you care for that boy or how you act at school but right now you are back under our roof and you’ll carry yourself with grace.” 
“No buts.” She hushes to a whisper as your aunt approaches again, “now go put on some makeup or a turtleneck before Grandma gets here or your father notices, because I assure you he would not be nearly as kind as I.” 
“Yeah,” your chair makes an awful screeching sound as it scrapes against the floor as you stand. “Because you’ve been so peachy keen.” 
Halfway through Thanksgiving dinner, things are going swimmingly. Eddie seems to get on great with the rest of your family, which somehow only seems to upset your parents even more. He talks music with your uncle when he comments on his tee shirt, and compliments you and your mom on the cooking no less than five times, thanking her profusely for the meal, and chats excitedly with your cousins about DnD when they ask about the tattoo of a D20 on his forearm. They’re all eating up his attention, but your parents only sit in silence, observing. 
It isn’t until your grandma asks him about school that you finally get a reaction out of them. She had unknowingly uncovered the ace up your sleeve without either you or Eddie having to bring it up and you’re downright thrilled to see where this goes. 
You’ll have to thank her later. 
“Oh, uh, no ma’am.” Eddie chuckles. Confidence puffs his chest as he grins knowingly, stealing a peek at your mirrored expression from the corner of his eye. “Wouldn’t you believe it, I’m shit at school?” He pauses for everyone to balk at his bold wording. “Who would’a known, right? I’m the picture of a 4.0. Anyway, to answer your question, I just graduated in June, so I’m taking some time to focus on my band.”
His age had already come up in conversation, so it was only right for your uncle to assume, “oh, well, well school isn’t for everyone. What’s important is that you made it through. What was your degree in?” 
You clear your throat uncomfortably, ducking your head to hide the smile threatening to break out. 
“High school, actually,” Eddie snickers, “took me three senior years, but I did it!” 
Silence takes over the room once again, even shocking your extended family. You could hear a pin drop, and you do hear your dad choke on his turkey. 
Acting oblivious to their shock, you prompt, “tell them about your band, baby.” Giddy smile plastered on your face, you reach out for his hand and address your family again, “they just booked a consistent gig! How exciting is that?” 
“I’d hardly call Tuesday nights at the Hideout exciting, but you gotta start somewhere, right? Plus,” he drops your hand in lieu of resting his on your thigh, his grip warm and familiar. Turning another wily smirk on you he adds, “we’ve got at least one fan who won’t miss a Corroded Coffin show. That’s what counts, right?” 
Leaning across the table to pester you more quietly, your mother hisses, “I thought you had study group on Tuesdays.” 
“I do!” You defend, “we just…meet at the Hideout.” 
In reality you’ve only been to one of Eddie’s shows, the first one at the Hideout that they played as a tryout, and you had a damn good time. But you do have a study group that meets on Tuesdays, regrettably not at the Hideout but in the common area of your dorm building and even more unfortunately, right when Corroded Coffin is about to go on.
 You can’t stop yourself from smiling at their shock. Every little thing he or you say to surprise them makes it a little more amusing. 
Last night their anger felt overbearing, casting a shadow over you, made you feel small. But the more you catch them off guard, the less they say, and the more you want to laugh at the surprise and disgust in their eyes.
Dessert brings pumpkin pie, coffee cake, another round of drinks, and more inquiry from your aunt. She even managed to slip Eddie one of her husband’s beers, much to the disapproving glare of your father.
“Eddie,” she hums, grinning at him over the rim of her wine glass. “Were your ears ringing earlier? We were gossiping about you.” 
“Oh yeah?” He asks, a sly smirk and a raised brow pointed your way.  He leans back in his chair, right hand reaching out to rest once more on your thigh under the table. He tilts his head even further toward you, “all bad things, I hope?” 
“Aunt Ellen was asking how we met,” you smile sweetly, licking away the remnants of cool whip on your dessert fork. 
His eyes darken as they follow the motion and his hand creeps higher, pinky finger stroking at the hem of your skirt absent-mindedly as he speaks. You fight to keep your breath from getting caught in your throat at the cold bite of his rings against your flushed skin. “Oh I see,” he hums, then, his attention snapping back across the table, cutting through the tension you both just created, “did she tell you how she tried to hairspray me to death?” 
“She didn’t,” your grandma exclaims, “please do tell!”
“So I’m planning on meeting my good friend Robin for a nice meal, right? Sounds like a nice evening! Except…”
You try to stay engaged in the conversation, to tell your side of the story, you really do– but the weight of his hand high up on your thigh is distracting. It’s hard to focus on much else, especially when he kneads gently in time with his elaborate storytelling, his thumb caressing the rolled hem of your thigh-high socks and stroking the skin just above it. 
Why, you can’t help but think. You’re the only ones seated on this side of the table, and sheltered from view by the tablecloth. There should be no reason for him to be touching you like this when there’s nobody to see it happening. You wonder if he knows there’s no point, but then his hand creeps even higher and his fingertips slip under the edge of your skirt and into the crease where your thighs press together. This time you can’t stop the stutter in your breath and he notices, smiling at you wickedly, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He knows it’s affecting you, and even worse he’s trying to get a reaction out of you. 
But he just keeps on talking, stealing the show.  
The story of how you met melts easily into the previously fabricated story of your first date, and so on. The stories just keep flowing. That’s the thing about Eddie, he could be reading you the instruction manual for a toaster, but the way that he tells stories is captivating. The way he speaks of your first date, and then of your first anniversary (something you hadn’t discussed on the drive, but damn it if he wasn’t quick on the draw with it) has your family on the edge of their seats. Your aunt listens with glee, but your parents are horrified at the thought of him taking you to a dive bar for dinner or staying overnight in your dorm. Whether they like it or not, he knows how to command a room. 
When things start winding down, after goodbyes are said to your Grandma, you’re rescued from having to do the dishes when your cousins talk you into a game of Monopoly. Eddie picks your favorite piece, but relents quickly when you send him a pout and opts for the thimble instead. 
“So what are you, a $100 on Free Parking family, all taxes on Free Parking family, or a boring family?” Eddie asks, digging out the loose bills in disarray at the bottom of the box.
“Better,” you hum, “you boys know where the stash is, d’you mind?” 
Your cousins laugh, the eldest pulling a bag of halloween candy out from under the coffee table you sit around. “Already on it, cuz.” 
Watching as he dumps a few pieces into the middle of the board, you grin. “Perfect.” 
After a rousing game (where Eddie absolutely made fun of your candy pot right up until he landed on Free Parking and won it), your extended family starts to pack up to make the hour’s drive home. You say your goodbyes, Aunt Ellen whispering a reminder to go easy on your parents into your ear when she hugs you tightly. Eddie high fives your cousins as they pass, and shoots them a devil horn gesture as they make their way to the car. You swear you hear your dad mumble under his breath about him corrupting them, but bite your tongue. 
You barely made it back to the den to start cleaning up the board game when the knock comes at the door – their car won’t start. It’s cold and it’s dark and without hesitation your mom offers them shelter for the night. 
“The boys will have to sleep on the pull out in the den,” she muses quietly, thinking out loud. “It’s not much but they’ll be comfy there. Ellen, you guys can take the guest room.” You crack a smile as she keeps talking, mentions that your dad and uncle can take a look at the car when they’ve had a good night’s sleep and the sun is up, and Eddie catches your eye with a mirroring grin. 
“I’d be happy to look,” he offers, drawing both your parents’ attention. They’d forgotten about him in their plan. “I’m no professional, but my uncle and I have lifted parts from enough junkers to know my way around an engine.” 
Your mom looks between you and the boy next to you, brow drawn together in concern. “Oh, I’m not sure that’s the best–” 
Cutting her off, you rest your hand on Eddie’s elbow and smile saccharine, “that’s so kind of you, Eds, thank you.” 
He knocks your hand from his arm in favor of wrapping it around your shoulders, curling your body into his side and kissing your temple with a loud smack! His grin is downright smug when he says, “looks like I’ll be bunking with you after all, huh, Princess?” 
“Lucky me,” you mumble, turning away quickly to hide the rapidly forming flush in your cheeks. “Um, hey, can you help my dad with the pullout? It sticks. I’ll go change the sheets in the guest room.” 
“You got it, baby,” he smiles good-naturedly. “Where can I help, Dad?” 
As you walk away, you can hear the exasperation in your father’s voice as he informs the boy that it would be in his best interest to call him Mr. or Sir, and you can’t help but giggle at the stuttering response Eddie gives. 
You’ve tossed Eddie’s bags into your own room and stripped the sheets from the guest bed by the time your mom meets you in the guest room with fresh sheets. You quietly make the bed together until she speaks up. 
“I’m sure you find yourself so lucky to have gotten what you want,” she muses, tucking in the top sheet on her side of the bed a little more harshly than necessary. “But under no circumstances does this mean you can take advantage of my kindness. I was not about to let our family go without a place to stay for the night so you may have found yourself sharing a room but I expect no funny business.” So casual in her cruelty, she emphasizes where she needs to but otherwise her voice is calm. 
“Right,” you snort, “because the mood is so perfect with my parents down the hall and aunt and uncle in the next room.” 
“I’m only saying, that boy is changing you. You’re acting so differently since you brought him ‘round and I-” 
You cut her off, throwing the pillow you just put a new sham on back onto the bed violently. “I care about that boy,” throwing air quotes when you repeat her words, “and if I’ve changed, it’s only because he showed me what it’s like to be cared for in return!” The words flow from you freely, without much thought. You’re reacting with what you know will hurt right back, but you’re also speaking from the heart. Even just being friends with not only Eddie, but Robin and Steve as well, has built your confidence and taught you plenty about love and support, even if it was just platonic. 
Her voice drips with condescension when she replies, “Honey. Do you truly think a boy like that has good intentions with a girl like you? He drinks, he smokes, he’s skipping college and doesn’t have a job because he’s in a rock band for Pete’s sake. I’m just worried about you. Guys like that only want one thing.” 
With your back to the door you don’t notice Eddie approaching, and he hovers just outside the door and out of your mom’s view. He doesn’t want to eavesdrop, but he could hear your shouting match from downstairs, and he wanted to be close by if you needed a comforting word or pep talk.  
“What’s that, Mom?” You argue, arms crossed tightly over your chest. “Sex? Who’s to say we haven’t gone there already? And what could you do to stop us from fucking all night tonight? We’re both adults. We could go at it for hours, under your roof, right down the hall from you and technically all you can do about it is kick us out. Oh well!! We’ve got a car and a couple hundred bucks between the two of us, we could swing a motel for the night. The point is, it could happen anywhere, so wouldn’t you rather know that I’m safe at home and not sharing a wall with drug addicts and prostitutes down at the Motel 6?”
She’s silent for a long moment, both of you unmoving and staring angrily at each other. 
“...You’re not actually going to have–”
“OF COURSE I’M NOT, Mother,” you groan, “and do you think I would tell you if I was!? God, I knew bringing him here was a mistake. Don’t worry, we’ll be out of your hair first thing in the morning. I’m not going to bother staying the rest of the weekend in a house that makes me and my boyfriend feel unwelcome.” 
Suddenly very reminiscent of your high school days, you stomp away with an exasperated groan, brushing past Eddie in a fury and you couldn’t even begin to care in the moment to ask how much he’d overheard. You were hot in more than one sense of the word, livid at your mother’s attack, blood boiling at the fact that even she – who has always been more lenient and quick to defend against your father – could think so lowly of Eddie without even giving him a chance. You know that’s the point. You know you brought him here specifically to get a rise out of them, but God, this was so much worse than the stunned silence and speechless stuttering you were expecting. 
With every step closer to your room, the need to get out of this damn outfit gets stronger. Despite your aggravation, every brush of your skirt against your thighs brings your mind back to dinner and Eddie’s curious touch, the gentle squeeze as his fingertips brushed at the crease of your crossed legs, the casual nonchalance as he kept talking even though he knew exactly what he was doing. 
It's annoying, really, how easily he infiltrates your thoughts and without even trying distracts you from your rage. Only, now he’s all you can think of as you slam the bedroom door and rifle through your suitcase. By the time you start the shower, you’ve moved past wondering why he was touching you like that when it didn’t benefit the plan, and when you strip down and step under the steaming spray you’re more than curious how far he’s willing to take this. You have to admit after shouting about how much sex you were going to have with him tonight, you’re starting to wonder how much of a possibility it could be.
Would he actually touch you? Let you touch him? He was eager to paint your skin with possessive marks earlier. Was he just that committed to the bit, or did he really just want to? 
Would it be so bad if he did? 
As much as you want to draw this shower out, slow, careful caresses of your skin as you touch yourself the way you imagine a certain guitarist might, you decide it’s not the best idea with a houseful of family. Soon enough you’re toweling off and feeling less angry than before, though no less frustrated. 
When you make it back to your room, there’s an open copy of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons and a weathered journal laid out on your bed, suggesting that Eddie had been hiding out there, however he’s nowhere to be found. You manage to get your hair most of the way dried by the time he comes back in, the faint scent of smoke and fresh snow billowing behind in his wake. The stick of a lollipop he won in your game of Monopoly earlier juts out from between his lips. 
Smiling softly in greeting, you expect him to beeline back to his notes, but to your surprise he turns your way and leans one hand on your vanity. The other comes to rest under your chin, urging you to look up at him. He smiles back, bigger, encouraging. His lips are tinted pink from the candy and he even nods a little when your own smile grows, as if he could tell that your first wasn’t that genuine. 
“Y’okay?” He murmurs, thumb stroking absently at the sharp of your jawline. “It’s been fun messing with them, but that screaming match must’ve been a lot.” 
“Yeah,” you mumble, “I’ll get over it, but are you okay? You were the one she was insulting.” 
He waves off your comment casually, a wrinkle in his nose and the hint of a laugh in his voice. “I’ve been called worse, and in her defense, we are trying to make me look bad.”
“I guess, but I still didn’t like hearing her speak about you like that,” you chuckle and stand, scooting the stool back in order to wrap him in a hug. After a brief pause, you mumble into his neck, “... and thank you. For checking in.” 
Eddie’s hands squeeze where he holds your hips fondly, and he pulls away from your embrace just enough to get a good look at your face. His eyes shine beneath his furrowed brow, impossibly deep brown in the low light of your room, they search your face for any hint of distress, and when he’s confident you’re telling the truth, only then does his gaze land on your lips. You swallow thickly, blink slowly, try to convince yourself you’re making this up. He pulls the lollipop from his mouth, slurping obscenely as he does.  There’s nobody around! He has nothing to prove! So then why is he leaning in? Why do you let him, and lean up onto your toes to close the gap? 
Quiet takes over the room as Eddie’s eyes fall shut, followed quickly by your own. You gasp gently, but lean into his kiss eagerly, the hand around his shoulder reaching up to tangle in the mess of curls at the base of his neck. His lips meld with yours, working you over in a deep and tender kiss that makes your stomach flip. It’s soft. Familiar in a way you wouldn’t expect. 
It might be your favorite one yet. 
He tastes distinctly of cherry and leftover tobacco, lips sticky with sugar and oh, so delicious. 
When he breaks the kiss he doesn’t go far, lips traveling to press sweetly at your temple for a fleeting moment. 
“What was that for?” You ask, breathless. “There’s nobody else around?” 
Eddie hums, “maybe I just felt like it.” Taking in your choice of pajamas, he grins even wider, “kinda like you just felt like wearing my Sabbath shirt again, I’m sure. Did you mean what you said back there?” 
Stalling, you pluck the candy from between his fingers and take a moment to savor it. Sure, it’s a little bit of a tease, the way your tongue darts out to lick it salaciously before taking the whole thing in your mouth with a soft hum, but it’s payback for both times he’d gotten you worked up earlier today. By the look on his face, payback is a bitch. 
“How much did you overhear?” 
“Oh, you know…” his hand trails up the length of your forearm, enveloping your own, only to take the sucker back from you and toss it into the bin, forgotten already. “Just the part about us going at it for hours.” Hands on either side of your face, he crouches until he’s fully in your space, lips just a hair away from your own. “How it was going to happen no matter what.” You feel his smirk more than you actually see it, and your breath gets caught in your throat. His hair curtains around you, tickling at your neck and shoulders.This can’t actually be happening – right? His thumb drags lightly at your bottom lip, “that we were gonna fuck all night?” 
“I– I didn’t know you were there.” You stutter out, afraid to admit anything more than that. 
“...Tell me to stop and I’ll stop.” 
You don’t. Instead, you find yourself falling forward, colliding once more in a clumsy kiss. You stand slowly so that he doesn’t have to crouch, never once letting your lips leave his. It’s an intoxicating contrast to the last kiss, all bruising pressure and teeth and tongue and desperation. He licks into your mouth without asking permission, though you would have given it freely anyway, and his hands creep downward on your body, caressing your waist and falling to rest on the swell of your hips, squeezing gently. When you surge up onto your tiptoes to kiss him deeper, he notices the wobble in your legs and shifts, hooking his hands on the backs of your thighs and lifting you to rest on the edge of your vanity. You gasp in surprise at his boldness, at the strength you didn’t know he possessed, and break the kiss in the process. 
“You know, I was hoping you weren’t all talk,” he beams with pride, taking in the sight of your bite swollen lips and chest heaving with ragged breath. Placing a hand on either side of your hips, his head drops to mouth hungrily at your neck, giving the same attention to the opposite side he had earlier, pulling at the neck of your stolen tee-shirt to suck another bruise into your collarbone. In between passes of his tongue and nips at your sensitive skin, he keeps talking. Eddie Munson does not know when to shut up, not even now. “Been wanting to get my hands on you since we met,” he mumbles into the hollow of your throat, you can feel another smile pressed to the skin there, “somethin’ about being threatened by a sweet little thing like you…” working his way back up to find your lips, he basks in the small noises coming from the back of your throat. “...really does it for a guy.” 
“Oh yeah?” You tease, hooking a finger in the collar of his shirt and tugging, but before you can continue the thought, the vanity beneath you gives an awful creaking sound under your combined weight. Giggling, near mortified, you bite your lip and shift your eyes toward the bed, “you wanna…?” 
“Thought you’d never ask,” he jokes in return, helping you down from your perch and crossing the room. He shuffles up toward the headboard, pulling an old teddy bear from under him when he leans up against it and raises his brow at you. 
Taking the stuffie from his hands to throw it across the room with a soft glare, you settle into his lap comfortably, one knee on either side of his hips. His hands land on your own hips and pull you closer to him roughly with a soft, amused huff. He kisses you like it's his last chance, hands firm on your hips holding you in place where you can feel his cock, half hard with interest pressing against you. 
You kiss him for what seems like hours. For all you’re concerned it could have been. Eddie consumes you, the scent of smoke and leather engulfing you and invading your senses. It’s a scent so perfectly Eddie, with a little sweetness and a little bit of something dark, just like how he kisses. Sweet pecks and soft caresses of his lips against your jawline immediately followed by lewd, wet passes of his tongue and sharp, stinging bites. He kisses hard and messy, unabashed, fingers squeezing at the meat of your ass and pulling your hips harder into his.
This time when he kisses down your neck, he doesn’t stop at your neckline. He pulls at the shirt collar, carelessly stretching it past the point of no return in favor of uncovering more and more of your unexplored skin. Cold fingers prod at the skin of your lower back, making you squeal and grind harder against him, heat pooling in your center. 
Your position is making you hyper aware of just how wet you are, your panties sticking to your lower lips with it as you rut against his clothed length. Your hand stays firm on the back of his neck, nervous and unsure how far to take this, but Eddie clearly knows what he wants, his own hands exploring. Not an inch of your body goes unnoticed as he caresses you, light fleeting touches here and there followed by rough, possessive hands, kneading at your curves hungrily. He’s taking his time learning what makes you tick. Thumbs brush featherlight over pebbled nipples through the worn material of your shirt, drawing another breathy moan from your lips. Though he grins in satisfaction, looking up at you with a mix of admiration and provocation. 
“Careful,” he murmurs, gaze falling on your chest as he seeks out the hardened buds again and pinching, cocky smile only growing at the responding whine you let out. “Don’t want anyone to hear you, pretty thing. Or did you forget where we were?” 
Not one to go without a fight, you grip his jaw and turn his face back up toward yours, “shut up and put your mouth to good use, baby.” 
He smirks at the pet name, capturing your lips once more and turning you both until you’re laying back against the mattress. Eddie hovers over you, staring, eyes raking over you briefly before he makes his way down your body, stopping at the waist of your sleep pants with a happy hum. He traces the elastic teasingly before hooking in and pulling them down, tossing them out of the way carelessly. You press your thighs together when he does, and he tuts disapprovingly, thumb caressing the crease between your thigh and hip. 
“Aw, sweetheart, you’re not gettin’ shy on me now, are you?” He teases, gently coaxing your legs back open, chilled air hitting the damp cotton and making you shudder. Lowering himself so that he’s eye level with your clothed cunt, he smirks, “that’s what I thought.” 
You expect him to rid you of that layer as well, but he doesn’t, not yet. Instead, he noses at the growing wet spot, inhaling deeply and giving a dramatic, gleeful sigh. He’s not so cruel to keep teasing you though, quickly mouthing at your pussy through the thin material of your panties. The added friction is unbearable, pleasure settling low in your belly as he licks broadly at the wet spot with a low groan, pointed tongue finding your clit surprisingly quickly. Pulling back briefly, he admires the way that the material clings to you, now wet with your slick and his saliva, the soaked cotton hides nothing. He murmurs something about “isn’t this a pretty picture?” and reaches out to touch you, fingers stroking over your clothed cunt in a rough drag, but the way your blood is rushing in your ears you barely hear him. 
When he finally peels the ruined panties off of you, you prop yourself up on your elbows to get a good look at him between your legs. His hair’s a mess, disheveled by your hands running through it, bangs pushed back from his forehead from his efforts. His lips are kiss swollen and red from the cherry candy, pulled back tight over an eager grin. He licks his lips, eyes glittering as he stares down at you, utterly enraptured. He looks at you as though you were his last meal, like you were the most delectable treat, and it makes your stomach flip.
He dives back in, tongue gliding between your lips easily and circling your clit once, teasingly, before retreating back down to your entrance. With a huff and a repressed squeal, you drop back onto the bed, hand flying to tangle in his hair as he tongues at your hole eagerly. Nose bumping your clit with his efforts, he laps at your juices until you’re whining for it, a weak little “please,” falling from your lips. Any other day he would tease you. A quipped please what, what do you need? But he senses your desperation and relents. 
“So wet, sweet thing,” he chides, reaching out to drag two fingers through your dripping folds and pushing them into you without warning, forcing the air from your lungs. You bite your lip in an effort to keep quiet, only letting out the softest whimper when his thumb joins in, rubbing at your clit lazily. “Tell me, are you always this eager?” 
“When some asshole’s been teasing me since dinner, yeah,” you quip, throwing an arm over your eyes to hide your embarrassment. 
“Oh, I’m an asshole?” Eddie asks, scissoring his fingers and leaning down to lap at your nub, suckling lightly until your thighs tremble and your pussy clenches down on his fingers. “Do you even know what you were doing to me at dinner?” His pace quickens, fingers drawing obscene, wet sounds from your cunt as he pumps them faster. Resting his head on your thigh to watch as his fingers disappear in and out of your dripping entrance, he continues, “The way you were lickin’ that fork clean after dessert should be illegal. Had me wonderin’ what else you could do with that tongue, I just had to level the playing field.” 
He strokes at that spot deep inside you right as his lips wrap around your clit once more and you swallow a groan. 
“Fuck, Eddie,” you whimper, hips moving on their own accord, canting down to meet his eager ministrations. “Right there.”
He almost sounds pitiful as he coos, “I know, baby, I know.” 
He continues to work at your g-spot, languid, repetitive strokes that bring you closer and closer to the edge each time. Pressure builds in your pelvis, an unmistakable ache in your limbs as you tense up. He can tell you’re close, the fluttering of your walls around him and thighs caging his head in firmly. If he minds, he doesn’t let on, only doubling his efforts and adding a third finger as he thrusts back in. You’re getting close, but words are hard to find when he’s smiling so pretty at you and those long, thick fingers stroking deep within you with a come-hither motion. 
“Eddie, I’m– fuck, you gotta–” 
“That's it, Princess,” he encourages, leaning back on his heels to get a good look at you. Your whole body flushed, his tee shirt rucked up on your chest, your fingers curled in the bedspread beneath you. With his fingers still buried inside you, he reaches out with the other hand to abuse your clit, quick, messy back and forth motions that are absolutely maddening, just on the edge of too much. “C’mon, sweet thing, come for me.” 
There’s nothing you can do to stop your body from obliging, bearing down as your orgasm rips through you, your release coming from you in waves, splashing over his hands and the bedsheets between you. Your fingers go numb as you white-knuckle the bedspread, toes curling and mouth hanging open in a silent scream as he works you through your orgasm. 
Though he gives your oversensitive clit a much needed break, to your dismay, he doesn’t let up on fucking his fingers into you, gazing down at the mess you made in awe, a lopsided grin on his face. “You didn’t tell me you're a super soaker, sweetheart. What a pleasant surprise.” 
“I–” you try to interject but gasp at his unrelenting fingers. “I’m not usually.” 
You’re too embarrassed to admit it again, so you only shake your head, flushing even deeper under his scrutinizing stare. It’s all too much, you’re oversensitive and spent already but god that doesn’t mean you don’t want more. 
“Please,” you start, reaching for his wrist to still his motions. You aren’t above pouting when you say, “let me return the favor.” 
“Uh-uh, sweetheart,” his grin is downright evil, “not yet…I wanna see you do that again.” 
You weren’t sure that was possible. Hell, until a few moments ago you didn’t even know you could squirt at all, let alone twice in a row. But he’s determined, and he’s already kept you teetering on the edge since your first orgasm, so it doesn’t take much. He speeds up again, hand curling to cup your cunt with his efforts, and the slick slip-slide of your previous release gives him the perfect traction to continue the onslaught of attention to your overstimulated clit. Your hips can't decide whether they want to twitch away from the attention or grind down into it, ultimately going with the latter, much to Eddie’s satisfaction.
Ducking his head, he sinks his teeth into the swell of your inner thigh, relishing in the way the pain makes you clench around him yet again. 
“You got another one in you,” he encourages, “I know it.”  
And he’s right.
The coil in your belly has been threatening to snap as soon as the last orgasm dissipated, his constant attention on your g-spot enough to send you over the edge again, but it’s not until his lips latch onto your clit one more time, the delicious drag of stubble against your inner thighs a whole new sensation, that you let loose. Gripping onto fistfuls of his curls again, you take note of the wild growl the action draws from him as you spill onto his tongue, your release puddling under you and soaking into the sheets. 
“Shit, Eddie, stop, I–” You pull at his hair lightly to get his attention, “s’too sensitive.” 
Despite your complaint, he grins happily and crawls back up your body, taking the hem of your shirt with him and pulling your last bit of clothing off of your body before capturing your lips in a deep, languid kiss. The distinct taste of Eddie, of tobacco and sugar and your own release is intoxicating, and you sloppily make out with him until you can no longer taste yourself on his tongue. You can’t help but giggle as you pull away. 
“You still with me?” He asks gently, damp fingers brushing through your hair, though you have no energy to care about the mess. 
“Yeah,” you mumble, “just needed a second.” Reaching down to palm at the achingly hard bulge in his pants, savoring the moan he swallows, you tease, “I feel a little underdressed, here.” 
“By all means,” he hums, turning to fall on his back beside you, a cocky smile dancing on his features, “be my guest.” 
You follow suit, sitting up to straddle his lap again, lifting the hem of his shirt up and over his head. Peppering his skin with the same attention he showed you, you take your time nipping and sucking and adoring his newly exposed skin, appreciating your favorite mark (an angry looking, deep purple bruise forming just above his demon head tattoo) with a bitten lip and smug smile. He looks ruined and you haven’t even touched him yet, not really, and you take pride in the way his head lolls against the headboard, eyes heavy-lidded and crinkled from his smile,  pupils blown as he watches your every move. As you rake your nails down his chest (an act that pulls yet another deep growl from within his chest), you cant your hips down against his. The drag of denim against your bare pussy is almost too much, on the brink of both pleasure and pain in your overstimulation, and the way that it makes you shudder has his cock twitching with interest. 
Scooting down his legs, you lay between them lazily, twirling your finger around the button of his pants and savoring the impatient noises he’s clearly trying to hold back. You decide he’s been too kind to you already to deserve anymore teasing, so you make quick work of unzipping his jeans and freeing his aching member. He helps you shuffle them, along with his underwear, down his legs and as soon as you get a good look, your mouth starts to water. Flushed at the tip and weeping, it’s the most enticing thing you’ve ever seen. 
Leaning in to catch the bead of precum on your tongue, you moan at the earthy taste and let your eyes fall shut. Eddie swears above you and that only eggs you on, reaching out to take his length in one hand, you give it a long, broad lick from base to tip and around the head before taking it into your mouth, reminiscent of the way you’d enjoyed his lollipop earlier. (If you’re being honest, you much prefer this to candy). 
“Shit, sweetheart,” he groans, leaning up on one elbow to get a good look at you and burying his free hand in your hair. “Just like that–look so perfect like this.” 
He babbles as you suck him off, an incoherent string of desperate phrases that all circle back to one common theme – how good you look with his dick in your mouth. His praise goes straight to your throbbing core, more slick dribbling from you with every word. You find yourself clenching down on nothing, feeling suddenly empty without Eddie’s thick fingers there.
You pull off of him with a satisfying pop, beaming with pride as your hand works him over in your absence. 
“Do you ever shut up?” You tease, cupping his balls lightly with your free hand before ducking to take one into your mouth. 
He chokes out his response, “not often,” sighing as you take him back into your mouth, your tongue running over the thick vein that runs up the underside of his shaft. “But you’re gettin’ close… Get up here.” 
Pulling you off of him by the hair, he urges you back up the length of the bed. Propped up against your mess of pillows at your headboard, he pulls you back to hover over his lap and drags the head of his cock through your wet folds teasingly. Capturing your lips again, he licks hot into your mouth, positioning your hips square over his waiting member, but leaving it up to you to seal the deal. 
You sink down onto him slowly, inch by thick, delicious inch, savoring the stretch and the slight burn that comes with it. Even with proper preparation, he’s big, and fills you to the brim when you finally settle into his lap, his cock fully sheathed inside you. 
Drawing a shaky breath, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your forehead to his, all sweaty bangs and shared breaths. He gives you a moment, pressing a gentle kiss high on your cheekbone and lingering there until you thread your fingers into his hair again and give an experimental roll of your hips. Both of you share a groan, breathing each other in as you slowly start to move. 
It's like a dance; you push, he pulls, moving together like you’ve rehearsed this a million times. You feel impossibly full as you bounce on his cock, lewd, wet sounds coming from where you’re joined, and the pressure builds in your stomach once again. 
Eddie’s hands fly to your hips, guiding your movements and holding you in place to fuck up into you without restriction. Unable to hold back, an involuntary moan tumbles from your lips and you fall forward, biting into the crook of his neck to stop yourself from making any more noise. He hisses at the sting and his hips stutter, but if he’s more affected than that he doesn’t show it. His hips continue to piston up into you, his cock forcing tiny little hiccuping noises from your throat as you clamp your eyes shut. 
“Yeah baby,” he encourages, pulling your hips down for a particularly harsh drag, the wiry hair at the base of his cock tickling at your clit from the force of it. “Y’can’t stay quiet, can you? Even now?” Reaching between you, he circles your still sensitive nub with his middle finger, kissing you to swallow the sounds you make as he spreads two fingers over your puffy lips, prodding at the taut, stretched hole where he thrusts up into you.  “Christ, if you sound this fuckin’ pretty when you’re trying to keep quiet I can’t wait to hear you when you aren’t holding back.” He speaks low in your ear, his voice impossibly deep and his words go straight to your core, zapping like static over your skin. “You’d like that, huh?” He prompts, tugging at your earlobe with his teeth, “wanna make you scream my name.” 
You lift your head to kiss him, if only to shut him up, and whimper into his mouth, eyes screwed shut, but give him what he wants with a soft whine of “Eddie,” against his full lips. 
“I guess whining will do for now. Look at you, messy thing,” he’s unrelenting on your clit now, swift, circular motions made jagged by his stuttering thrusts. He’s just as close as you are, if his jerking motions and labored breathing tell you anything. “You gonna come on my cock? C’mon sweet thing, I wanna feel you.” 
“I don’t– I can’t, ‘s too much,” you babble, lost in the way his cock drags over your inner walls and the insistent swiping of his fingers at your clit. It’s so good but it’s all too much, and you’re certain if you have another orgasm, it’ll be the end of you. 
The hand that isn’t buried in your cunt comes up to hold your chin, forcing you to look at him as he says, “sure you can, baby, c’mon,” then after a surprisingly tender kiss pressed into your lips, he demands through lidded eyes, “come for me, princess.” 
Even if you didn’t want to, your body obeys, the pleasure licking up from your core and spreading through your limbs like fire. Your skin burns, your cunt spasming with the force of it, and when you force your eyes shut, forehead pressed against Eddie’s in exhaustion, you swear a tear leaks out. 
He groans, the fluttering of your walls triggering his own release, pulling you into a hard, toothy kiss to dampen the sound he makes. He pulls out just in time, splattering your stomach with his seed and already you’re mourning the loss, feeling impossibly empty but sated nonetheless. 
Your mouths hang open against one another, sharing damp, hot breaths for a few moments as you come down from your high. 
“Fuck,” you sigh, rolling off of his lap to lay beside him, a delighted little chuckle falling from your lips. 
“My sentiments exactly,” he muses, turning on his side to brush the mess of your hair behind your ear. With a kiss to your temple and a soft, “wait here,” he rolls away, pulling on the first pair of pants he can find (which just so happens to be your pink snowflake pajama pants) and looks both ways before stepping out of your room and toward the bathroom. 
As you wait for him to return, you can’t help but return to your thoughts from earlier. 
Would he touch you? 
Would you really mind if he wanted to?
Fuck no. 
What does this mean for your friendship? 
Fuck off, don’t worry about that right now. Enjoy the moment. 
Soon he’s back with a warm washcloth that he uses to gently clean you up, taking care around your sore, red center, and then mops up his spend with a surprisingly delicate touch. In the other hand he has another fresh set of sheets, which he holds up with a snarky smile. 
“When your legs work again we can change these out,” he teases, “seeing as you ruined the ones on there now.”
Running a hand down your face, you blush. Even after everything, you blush at his remarks. “Shut up.” Giggling, you hop down from the bed and pull on his discarded boxers and the now stretched out Black Sabbath shirt before helping him change the sheets. 
In the end, you decide that it’s not worth it to finish out the weekend at home and set an alarm to get up before any of your family. It’s far too early for either of your liking, but it’s a necessary evil. 
When the car is loaded up and you drop into the passenger seat, it feels natural when Eddie’s large hand lands on your thigh. The sun is just starting to rise in the rear view mirror, and you’re eager to get a move on, but not before properly thanking him. 
Leaning over the center console, you press a kiss to his cheek, then again to his lips when he turns to meet your affection. You sigh, a dumb smile plastered on your face as you breathe your first full breath all weekend. “Thank you, Eds.” 
“Hey,” he chuckles, squeezing your thigh happily, “I’ll help you piss off your parents any day.” One more longing kiss, his lips sliding against yours without urgency, without anything to prove, just an exchange of affection between two maybe-more-than-friends who don’t have any roles to play anymore. He bites your lip as he pulls away, winking, and throwing the car into drive. As he drives away he laughs again, fixing you with an adoring stare. “My little showstopper.”
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Hair Dye Extravaganza
(Hello, this may suck but bear with me as this is the first Tokio Hotel I have done so far! Please tell me if you would like more Bill or Tom in the comments!)
Requested: No
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"Hm?" Bill hummed as he heard his name, walking in the doorway to the bathroom to see you with boxes in your hand.
"Wanna help me dye my hair?" You asked, looking at him through the mirror as you got the bottles ready.
"Sure, what color?" Bill nodded with a smile, taking the bottle and shaking it as you showed him the box.
"Just fixing up my old one." You shrugged, Bill gesturing for you to sit down on the edge of the tub as he put on gloves.
"You made a great decision coming to me." Bill joked with a smile, pulling the glove band to make a slapping sound in his wrist.
"I regret this already." You sighed, Bill shushed you before he squirted the dye on your hair, his eyes widening as he put too much.
"Bill, what did you do?" You asked, trying to look back at him, moving your head as some dye slipped off your head and onto the floor.
"Trust the process." Bill grabbed your head, moving it to face away from the mirror and dye on the floor.
"Ow- Asshole, you're pulling my hair." You slapped his arm from where you could, the boy laughing as he dodged your attack as he ran his fingers through your hair to get the dye in.
"It'll look good after, trust me." Bill messed up your hair, styling it with the dye in it to make a mohawk as you sat there.
"You're making knots!" You yelled, laughing at Bill as he took off his gloves. 
"How long do we wait?" You asked, Bill looking on the back of the box as you put your head over his shoulder to see.
"Shit, that's cold." Bill jumped away from you, when you put your head on his shoulder the dye from your hair had touched his neck.
"It's in my hair, I know it is." You shook your head, Bill pushing your face away with his hand.
"It says thirty minutes. We can wait that long." Bill nodded, reading over the directions.
"Your hands are stained." You noticed, Bill looking at you confused before he looked down and saw his hands, despite being gloved, were now dyed to match your hair.
"How do I get this out?! My hands look like a goddamn explosion." Bill ran his hands under the water, trying to scrub off the dye as you laughed at him.
"Have fun." You waved over your shoulder, a towel around your shoulders as you walked over to your room to annoy Tom while the dye went through.
"You're drowning me!" 
"Shut up and let me do my job!" You and Bill bickered, you were leaning over the tub as he sprayed your hair with the hose-type shower head.
"It's cold! It's cold!" You yelled when the water suddenly turned cold, reaching for the knob to turn it hotter.
"You're gonna burn yourself and you'll be the one to drown." Bill grabbed your arm, practically wrestling with you to get the dye out.
"Close your eyes and hold your breath." Bill ordered, noticing as the dye seeped over to your eyes.
"What-" you tried to look at him before you were stopped as he sprayed your face with the shower head.
"You're trying to fucking murder me!"
"I'm not!" 
Tom walked by the bathroom, the door open so he could see inside.
He gave you both barely a glance, walking past before he abruptly did a double take at his brother water-boarding you.
"What did they do?" Tom asked, laughing as Bill tried to get the dye out of your hair, making the water turn colored as you almost entirely soaked.
"They won't stay still." Bill said as you guys looked up, Tom had to stop and try not to laugh at the sight of you completely soaked and sitting between his brother's legs.
"The dye! The dye!" Bill yelled as some dye got on his pants, panicking and spraying your hair, forgetting you weren't leaning over the tub.
"Yo! You'd suck as a hairstylist!" 
Tom closed the bathroom door on you guys, standing there for a moment and contemplating before ultimately deciding to leave you guys be.
"This better?" Bill asked as he stood beside you, your eyes closed as he blow dries your hair.
"Considering you almost killed me, it is." You shook your head at Bill, the oncoming headache about to be killer.
"I did great though. It looks nice." Bill smiled, kissing the side of your head as he ran a brush through your hair and dried it.
"It better, considering what I went through." You said, sitting there almost impatiently as he finished drying your hair.
"It looks nice. Look." Bill smiled at his work, helping you stand up and giving you a mirror he used to do his makeup with.
"Hey, it actually does." You nodded, smiling at yourself in the mirror as you ran your hand through your newly dyed hair.
"See? I do a great job." Bill smiled, hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek.
You smiled, pulling your head away from him as he tried to get you to come back, grabbing your sides to get you to laugh.
"Your methods are questionable, Bill." 
"But they get the job done."
You guys then stopped, freezing as you heard a yell come from the bathroom.
"What the fuck- who did this too the bathroom?!"
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starl3ght · 2 years
141 + more with a reader that sleeps a lot
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A/N: I’m back from the dead, haha Melanie Martinez kinnie. I have a cousin that sleeps till 3 in the afternoon like wtf😨 I live for these men. They’re fine as fuckkkkkkk I loved making this
Requests are open and follow for more <333
Simon “Ghost” Riley
• He won’t be worried that much about you
• Maybe you’re just tired so he lets you do your own thing
• He respects you and what you just do around the house so he allows it
• But notices how you nap like every 3 hours a day and he gets concerned
• You just drop wherever. The couch, the living room floor, he found you outside in the grass one time.
• He throws a blanket over you each time and rubs his temple wondering what he’s gonna do with you
• “Love, you know this isn’t healthy right?”
• You had just woken up from your 4th nap.
• You look at him with your puppy eyes
• “But I’m tired”
• Don’t melt his heart, it makes him weak.
• “Trust me you’re gonna regret it, now up you go.”
• He’ll throw you over his shoulder and makes you do some random activities for you not to fall asleep.
John “Soap” Mactavish
• Might do the same thing but not much as you.
• He thinks it’s weird that you just close your eyes and stay dead for a few hours
• Might wake you up for fun
• He likes seeing you angry
• He sprayed you with the bottle one time. That wasn’t a good thing to do let’s just say.
• But seriously he is a bit concerned for you
• So when he walked into the literal, pitched black living room with the tv on and opened the blinds to the sunlight you hissed like some savage cat
• He only looks at you with a weird look
• “Jesus…alright, up and at em love.”
• You’ll just throw the blanket over your face again
• Ok, that’s how you wanna play it? He can play that game too
• He’ll grab your legs and drag you off the couch
• “No Johnny” you’re hugging a pillow against your face and he keeps dragging you “Not letting go that easy love. Now up.”
• He’ll pick you up putting your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck
• “We’re going out, dunno where but you’re done with your hobby for today bonnie”
• You went to Starbucks together( ˘ ³˘)♥
John Price
• Concerned as any parent would be
• Limits your sleeping time
• Has his alarm on his phone to wake you up
• “Love rise and shine, well technically it’s 4 in the afternoon so…”
• You’re still dead.
• He’ll stroke your face to wake you or just come back to existence💀
• Kisses your forehead and shakes your shoulder gently
• If you wake up he’s not letting you go back to sleep
• “You ready to stay up now love?”
• You violently shake your head no but he takes you to the living room so you can watch tv or read a book
• He needs you to be more active🤷‍♀️
• Might consider taking you to a doctor but tries to help you first
• Watches your sleeping habits well
• If it’s insomnia he’ll comfort you in his lap as you rant on about your sleeping issues
• He’ll make you sleep at the same time as him and takes you out to keep you busy or distracted.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
• Honestly it’s ok with him
• He just doesn’t like it when it happens for like a week straight
• 2-3 days is alright him because it’s a long tiring week so.
• When its 5 times every day he’s not allowing it
• Feels bad for waking you up
• “Baby?”
• You’re still in the world of dreams
• “Love, it’s time to wake up now”
• He uses that sweet soft voice you love so much
• But you won’t wake up
• He doesn’t know what to do that he might consider calling Price for help
• When you do wake up and look at him with your eyes with bags under his heart melts
• You must be having some issues
• He’ll make you sleep early so you’re ok for the next day
• He’ll take care of you, trust me
Alejandro Vargas
• Future husband mode activated
• Worries that waking you will get you angry
• But remembers it isn’t healthy
• So he uses your weaknesses to wake you up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
• Mans kisses the crook of your neck and strokes your hair
• “Mi amor…wake up for me” That deep sweet voice he’s got for you
• You shift around in your sleep and open your eyes
• You just go to the bathroom and go back to the couch to sleep again
• He’s standing there frozen🧍
• “Ahora si, wake up mi vida.”
• He picks you up and that’s when you wake up
• You’ll slap his shoulder from anger
• “There we go…”
• He takes you to the bedroom and gives you a reason to be tired if you know what I mean🙂✨🌹
Rodolfo Parra
• He loves you too much
• He’s very worried for your health
• “Mi vida por favor, wake up.”
• You just won’t budge
• Worries a bit much now
• Like what if you’re staying up all night and he hasn’t noticed and so you sleep all day
• But that if that wasn’t the issue he would calm down
• You just sleep…like a lot
• Considers giving you melatonin for the night and taking you out the next day to have your energy
• He always gently touches you and when you wake he’ll give you something to eat
• He’s literally like a parent having to take care of you
• Will help you with your habits
• Won’t wake you up
• He’s scared
• Like what if you’re so peaceful and he upsets you from waking you up
• But reminds himself this is for your own good
•If you fall asleep on him then may he rest in piece.
• He’s not getting you off of him anytime soon and not easily
• Will nudge you shoulder hoping you open your eyes
• “Schatz??”
•You’re still sleeping. Are you even breathing??
• “Please wake up” oh now his voice is anxious
• “König what are you doing, it’s 8 in the morning”
• Wtf is wrong with you👁👄👁
• “Umm, meine liebe it’s 2 in the afternoon actually…”
• You reach out your arms like a baby wanting to be picked up
• So he does
• Picks you up gently as if you were the most fragile thing
• “Geliebte I think we should talk about your habits my dear.”
Alex Keller
• This mf let’s you do whatever you want
• He only gets curious when you’re in random places napping
• That’s when he realized it’s weird that you sleep a lot
• “Baby, you should’ve been awake 3 hours ago. It’s already 9 pm ”
• He’s literally standing in the living room and you’re on the carpet floor with a blanket over you
• Bro reaches for the blanket and throws it across the room and you wake up whining
• “Alex stop, let me sleep.”
• He gives you an almost offended look
• “It’s already been 5 years, it’s time for you to rise. Now go eat something”
• Drags you to the kitchen and makes you eat
• Now when it’s time for bed you don’t wanna sleep
• He’ll make you either way and holds you to his chest so you can’t escape
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justfangirlstuffs · 5 months
For Your Thoughts
Weighty thoughts continue to plague you. While out on a walk, you get another visitor who has plenty on his mind to share. (Takes place after So Much More.)
You x Sea Slug Sun wordcount: 3030
Sea Slug AU belongs to @scarredlove
Hello, mortification, you're old friend. A friend you were currently shaking hands with as you sat on your bed, Moon hovering over you, with Sun standing there holding your spray bottle as he observed the pair of you with his gleaming, opalescent eyes. You normally kept it on hand to cool yourself off if need be, but Sun had decided to use it to squirt his brother like he were a misbehaving cat.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Moonie,” Sun said, setting the bottom back on your desk. “You just seemed so distracted I wasn't sure how else to get your attention."
Moon's sharp teeth were bared in annoyance. Whatever moment Moon had been trying to build was effectively ruined by his brother's appearance. His antennae twitched as he glowered at Sun with sour petulance. "Well, you've definitely got my attention now. Is that what you wanted?"
"Indeed... you didn't tell us you were going to visit our old friend." Sun's tone was sweet but the undercurrent of irritation was glaringly apparent. He subtly wiped his hands over his robes. "We were... worried."
Moon's gaze narrowed slightly. "Oh, you were worried? How sweet of you," he replied sarcastically, sounding anything but grateful. "I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that you were worried I'd mess up something, right?"
Oh, gosh.... the tension was unbearable. You glanced between the pair of them and hurriedly spoke up. "Um... it's fine. Everything is fine.” You sat up, scooting away from Moon to put some distance between the two of you. “Moon, thank you for coming to visit. Though... it is getting late and I should probably sleep soon."
Moon glanced at you, his eyes softening as you thanked him, and you could tell he was trying his best not to act upset. "Aw, are you kicking me out?" he asked with a playful smirk, clearly hoping to lighten the mood before he left.
You gave a weak laugh, feeling the tension lighten some. "I don't wanna keep you from them," you said, giving Moon an excuse to leave so he could sort things out with Sun. You carefully pulled your hand away from his. "But... thanks again. It really meant a lot."
He stared at you as you slipped your hand away. For a second it seems that he had something to say, almost like he wanted to pull you back. But then he sighed, slowly leaning back.
"Yeah...you're welcome," he said softly, standing up from the bed.
"Sorry for the intrusion, pearl," Sun said, shooting a bright smile your way. It sounded like he was apologizing on both his and Moon's behalf. "I promise I'll find some way to make it up to you next we meet."
Before you could tell him that it wasn't as big of a bother as he made it out to be, Sun began shepherding Moon towards and out the window from whence they came. They were speaking to each other in their own language, and even though you couldn't understand the words, you could tell they were arguing. A frown was plastered on Moon's face - you could hear his voice, slightly raised but barely so. Once they were gone, you heard the window being closed and then silence. The only sound in the room was you, the sounds of you inhaling and exhaling.
You got up from your chair then walked over to the window. The window that was now closed and the window that separated you and them.
Dammit... you missed them already.
The next day passed both agonizingly slowly and swiftly. You spent a few hours applying for jobs, but when it came to your spare time... well, you had tried to do things. You'd already done most of the chores around the house earlier that week. You thought about all the things you wanted to do, yet you could never quite motivate yourself to get started. Like being stuck in quicksand or a tar pit.
It was getting late in the day and you had decided to take a walk on the beach, just to do something. Just so you could trick your mind into believing that you had done something, accomplished something. You bullied yourself into putting on clothes and leaving the house. Once you were outside, the idea of taking a walk came easier. Like, you were already outside so may as well follow through.
Roughly ten minutes later you were walking along the shoreline. It was close to the golden hour, and most people had gone home or back to their hotels due to the evening chill. Being outside, with the smell of the salt and sand, and the breeze on your face, you felt a little calmer.
Or at least you had, until a voice spoke up from right behind you. “Greetings, pearl!”
You hadn't expected sudden company. Although perhaps you probably should have. It still scared you though. Enough to where you jumped and cursed out loud, very loudly. Whirling around, you caught sight of Sun emerging from the frothy waves, glistening with droplets of sea water. He easily shook them off like a spray of tiny diamonds.
He laughed as you scolded and cursed in the evening, his wide smile bright and infectious. "I must say, it's always such a pleasure to witness your reactions. You always look so cute, the way you jump at the most trivial things." He stepped closer to you, completely undeterred by the glower you were leveling at him.
"It's not trivial when you sneak up out of the water like that," you griped. "Give me a dang heart attack why don't you?" Despite the initial irritation of being caught off guard and jump scared, you were actually.... relieved to see him? Was relief the right word? Content? Whelmed? …Happy? You pulled out your water bottle to take a drink.
Sun smirked and chuckled softly, looking at you with bright and sparkling white eyes. His aura was relaxing and calming. "Well, it's all for the charm, right? The element of surprise. It gets you all riled up, your... heart starts beating so fast..." His grin widened as he continued in a more teasing tone. "You could say I make your heart... skip a beat."
You nearly choke, coughing as a burst of guffaws erupted from your throat. "I cannot believe you actually just said that, oh my gosh..." You continued to giggle, covering your mouth to stifle the noises. Wow... this was the second time you'd laughed this month. Like full on laughing. It felt so wild. Like tasting your favorite treat for the first time in months.
Sun beamed as he watched you giggle. You didn't know it, but oh, how he loved it when you laughed. The sunset was just as beautiful as the sound of your giggles, and to experience both at the same time was truly a treat.
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I say something funny?" he asked with a sly grin, leaning in a bit closer so your cheeks flushed from his nearness.
"No, no, not at all," you said, taking a deep breath to compose yourself. "So... were you and Moon able to clear the air?" The last time you had seen them, Sun had seemed really upset by the fact that Moon apparently had snuck out to see you without letting his brothers know.
Sun chuckled under breath but didn't respond immediately as he gazed out towards the sea, looking thoughtful. "It was a bit messy, but overall... yes." He finally looked back at you, his pupils disappearing as his bright eyes absorbed the fading sunlight. "Moon was forgiven. Not that I could stay mad at him... but let's not talk about that silly drama for now. I'd much rather hear about you," he said, adjusting his robes as he spoke.
While you were happy to hear that things weren't rocky between the two, when Sun suggested talking about you, well, you immediately shied away from the idea. "Oh, things are... you know.... fine."
Sun tilted his head slightly, his eyes studying your behavior as the frills surrounding his face twitched slightly. "Are they, really?" he whispered, leaning closer. "You seem quite... distant, as if something is bothering you."
"Nothing interesting has been going on with me," you insisted. "What about you? What have you and the others been up to all these years?"
"Nothing interesting?" Sun repeated, his gaze attentive, studying yours. "Don't lie, I know when you're lying. What's wrong?" he asked, folding his arms across his chest.
You sighed heavily. The real answer was: a lot. Too much. But maybe you could just start small. "I haven't been sleeping very well," you confessed. "I'm exhausted, like all the time."
"You look it." Sun nodded, looking at your face, at your tired, sleepless expression, and the dark circles under your eyes. "What's been keeping you up? Bad dreams, perhaps?"
You shook your head. "Insomnia, it's a disorder that makes it hard to sleep. I've been dealing with it for a while now." It was a side effect of the medicine that you were on but he didn't need to know that for right now.
"Insomnia..." he murmured, nodding slowly. “That sounds difficult. You do seem to have a mind that constantly thinks things. Overthinks." His rays twitched and his next words sounded almost sad. "Can't sleep when your head is filled with thoughts."
You gave a weak laugh, dragging your nails through your hair. “Ain't that the truth? Most nights my head feels like... like a tide pool, where the sediment is getting constantly stirred up. The water is always cloudy, nothing was clear. Just a murky mess.”
"There, my friend. Exactly. You said it yourself. Your head is too crowded, too noisy. Mind's a mess, right? Can't sleep when your head's a messy mess." His hands smoothed over the ruffles of his robes. "What usually goes inside it? Do you think a lot about something or nothing at all?"
"Hey, how about we talk about you for a bit?" you suggested, fidgeting back and forth restlessly. You appreciated that Sun was trying to understand but you just weren't in a good head space to discuss it right now.
"Me? Really? You want to know about me?" He looked genuinely surprised at your question before his voice turned teasing again right away. "You really want to know what I think all day?"A tiny, coy smile played around his lips.
You managed a smile in return. "Sure, that'd be a great place to start. Penny for your thoughts. Or maybe a seashell since I don't have a penny right now. But I'm pretty sure I could find a seashell if you give me a few minutes."
Sun chuckled, his bright eyes shining with amusement. "I'll wait as long as necessary for the sea shell."
You smiled, finding some solace in the fact that you'd managed to make him smile. You dug your heels into the damp sand as you rocked back and forth. “I'll find you a really good one, promise.”
His body shifted towards you as he hummed thoughtfully. "Well then, what do you want to know? My thoughts? My fears?” As he spoke his hand slowly, almost cautiously came into contact with yours. It was such a delicate touch, just a light brushing of his knuckles against yours. Yet it sent a tremble through you. A weird, delightful tremble. He looked like he wanted to hold your hand, but something was stopping him. “My desires?"
"What are you thinking about right now?" you asked curiously.
Sun smirked, his eyes locking on yours again, watching you and your movements. "Right now?" he asked, pondering the question. His eyes were almost hypnotizing in the evening light. "I'm... thinking about you. Your company. The way you move, how your hair sways with the wind. How light the sand is around your feet, how the sun looks in your eyes." He sighed, a long and wistful sigh. "I'm just thinking about you, thinking about us, about right now."
You were admittedly taken off guard by that. Like... wow. Were those... were those butterflies in your stomach? You weren't even sure how to respond. You were too busy preoccupied with how hot your face felt against the cool evening air. "Ah.... that is quite a thought. Worth two sea shells at least." Oh my gaud, why am I like this? You thought.
Sun giggled, feeling positively delighted. He was unsure if his teasing was going a bit too far, but he couldn't resist seeing your reaction. Your cheeks were so pink now, like two fresh roses planted on your cheeks. Seeing such an adorable sight made him positively giddy. The way you played with the air, trying to look casual and relaxed, he had to suppress another laugh, his eyes sparkling brighter and brighter.
"I would have to buy a full beach to pay for the seashells I owe you for how precious you look right now."
You spluttered a few incoherent noises before turning fully away from him so he didn't have to see the red splotch that was your face right then. "You can't just say things like that unprovoked. Are you trying to end my life?"
"But you're adorable when you're blushing like this. Did you look in the mirror recently? Your beauty is enough to kill a man." His voice was soft, his gaze was warm and playful, his expression was amused, but he was genuine in his compliments. "Let me see your face again, pretty pearl. Please."
"Stop it," you said softly, covering your burning face with your hands. "If you're just fooling around, please stop." Because there was just no way he could truly feel that way. Not when you felt like such hot garbage.
Sun paused, he looked at you and realized that you were serious. Your blushing expression, your face that was heating up, and your attempt at hiding it; he could tell that you felt insecure and thought less of yourself, and he decided that he can't just let it be. Not when he genuinely saw you as an extraordinarily charming and beautiful person.
"I'm not fooling around," he spoke, his bright eyes locking on yours as he reached forward with trembling fingers. Carefully but firmly, he removed your hands from your face, keeping them trapped between his own as he stared at you seriously.
"Y... you're just saying all this because we were friends all those years ago. But I'm not that person anymore." Gods, how you wished you could be. Things felt so much easier than they did now. You had missed Sun and his brothers dearly and desperately. But that didn't change the fact that they didn't know you anymore and you certainly didn't know them as they were now.
Sun's expression softened for a second keeping a light but firm grip on your hands. "That's the thing. I can see that you've changed, I can see that you don't see yourself as beautifully as I do. But you're still the same person. Yes, time changes everyone, it's inevitable, but that doesn't mean that your core is different. So I know you might not see how lovely that core of yours is. But I can see it clearly, and you better bet that I'll keep reminding you."
Don't cry, don't cry, just.... just take the damn compliment. You take a very, very deep breath, until you thought your lungs might pop, and then exhaled slowly. "I missed you all, a lot. I thought about you so much..." You had never stopped blaming yourself for them getting lost and separated from you.
"I missed you too," Sun spoke softly, as your breathing slowed down, he finally felt like he was getting through your shell. Your fear. Now was the time to push a little, but not be too overbearing. He squeezed your hands with his, but he didn't move any closer. He wanted to make you comfortable with being this close, to feel safe by his side.
"Did you miss us all equally?" he asked suddenly, curiously, as he kept waiting for your answer, your breath. His eyes were sparkling with curiosity again.
You gave a snort and looked up at him. "Sun, really? I never played favorites with you back then, I'm not gonna start now."
"Oh, really?" he snickered, his grip tightening only slightly but enough for you to notice. "You never showed any extra fondness for any of us? Or maybe... extra fondness for one of us?"
You rolled your eyes, slipping your hands away from his, but you couldn't help but smile fondly as the memories started trickling in like a clear water spring. "Still the little attention whore I see. Except not so little anymore."
"Ohhh... You've noticed how tall and handsome I've gotten?" He straightened up to his fullest height, the red spots on his chest gleaming in the waning light, his grin widening. "Now I'm a big attention whore. Positively huge, even!”
You laughed so hard you were clutching your sides. At least he was self aware.
Sun chuckled along with you, enjoying the moment, the two of you laughing together. He was so happy to hear the sound of your mirth, that you seemed to become more relaxed than before, and the way your dimples flashed when you laughed. It all served to make this moment even more beautiful.
"Gods, I'm so glad I've found you again." His voice was soft, the look in his eyes warm and gentle, he paused before speaking again, looking away and scratching the back of his neck. "I hope you still feel the same way about me?"
Honestly, you felt so much lighter than when this conversation started. And it was true. You had missed them, and you were grateful you'd found them again. Just as you opened your mouth to answer, from out of nowhere, an octopus came flying and smacked Sun in the face, clinging to him.
After getting over your shock, a quick glance around and you spotted Moon's gleaming red eyes lurking in the shallows.
To be continued...
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sadhours · 4 months
infected boys 2
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billy hargrove x steve harrington
cw: 18+ minors dni, first person pov, internalized homophobia, smut, tommy hagan/billy hargrove, oral sex
summary: billy makes a move, steve doesnt feel the same way
read on ao3
“Show at The Hideout,” I tell him, fucking with my zippo.
He’s sitting on my bed, back against the wall and ankles hanging over the edge of my mattress. Looks sad.
“Can I tag along?” Steve does his best impression of a puppy dog. Big eyes. Pouted lips. I narrow my eyes at him from over my shoulder.
“It’s not really your scene,” I inform him, reaching for my bottle of Aquanet to spray some finishing touches on my bangs. “It’s a metal show.”
Steve groans, I can see him kick his feet like a toddler in the mirrors reflection. Makes me smile, turning to him completely as he knocks the back of his head against my wall, “I’m bored. Please.”
I put my hand on my belt as I keep smiling at him. Steve wants to spend time with me and that realization is pretty exciting. He looks at me with furrowed brows, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
I laugh, loud and my chest rumbles with it, “‘Cause you’re eighteen and throwing a fit like a petulant little brat.”
“I don’t even know what that word means,” Steve rolls his eyes and kicks his feet again for good measure, “Just let me come with. There’s nothing else going on tonight.”
I scoff, “It describes you perfectly. You got a fake ID to even get in?”
Steve’s face flushes, “I’m kind of too known around here to have one. But I’ve gone there before. They serve me.”
I turn back to the mirror, picking up my cologne and splashing a bit on my fingers before dabbing it on my neck and chest, “Hard to imagine you at a place like that.”
He shrugs, stands up from the bed and wanders behind me. Snatches the cologne out of my hands and brings the bottle to his nose, “This stuff smells as cheap as it is.”
I scowl as I tug it out of his hand, “Not helping your case here, asshole. Besides, I get compliments on it. You gotta rely on your daddy’s bank account to get chicks?”
I know it’s not true, ‘cause Harrington’s as pretty as they come. And to chicks, it’s all about the hair and Steve has the best head of it in this shit town. His bimmer helps too, I’m sure.
“No, but it helps,” he rests his chin on my shoulder as he looks at my reflection in the mirror. My face reddens from it and I know Harrington can see it. Makes my whole body tense and I get the urge to push him off but I don’t, because I can feel his breath fanning against my neck as he says, “C’mon. Lemme come. I’ll buy your drinks.”
I chew on my lower lip, stare him down in the mirror because this feels like a come on but Steve’s straight. There’s no way that’s what this is. If it was, he’d grab my waist and he’s not so… what the hell is he doing? Finally, I gather some fucking self control and shrug his chin off of me.
“Fine, Harrington,” I groan and wind my elbow back to knock him in the chest, “You’re such a whiny little shit.”
He grunts from the impact, steps a couple of feet back and rubs his chest. Then he’s smiling and I kinda wanna hit him again.
“Can’t wear that shit, though,” I say as I reach for my pack of smokes, pinching a cigarette out and perching it between my lips. “You look like an ad for the fucking Gap.”
“That’s where I got this shirt,” Steve admits, looking a bit ashamed as he peers down at his striped polo.
Shaking my head, I light my smoke and then walk back to my closet. Scan for options for the guy. For some reason, I really can’t imagine him in a button up. So I settle for a worn black shirt. One I usually work out in, tug it off the hanger and toss it at him. Next, is pants, I’d rather be dead than be caught with a guy in khakis. Black Levi’s I never wear, mostly ‘cause they got a gnarly hole in the ass but that fits for tonight and for Steve. So I toss them at him too before I look down at his feet. Nikes.
“What size shoe are you?” I ask him.
Steve looks like he can’t remember. I confirm it as he sits on the edge of my bed and takes his shoe off, folds back the tongue and looks at the label. Does his mom do all his shopping? How does this man not know his shoe size?
“Uh, 9 and a half,” he says.
“Huh, me too,” I say, suspiciously as I grab my Chucks and hand them over. “Alright, wear that and you can come with.”
“Is this really necessary?” Steve asks with a raised brow.
I blink at him, completely serious as I say, “I’m not walking around with you wearing an outfit your mom picked out. It’s a metal show, Steve. You can’t wear khakis and a polo. I’d have to kick your ass. Keep up my cred.”
Steve makes a face as he takes off his other shoe and then moves to unbutton his khakis and yeah, okay, I’m watching. “What cred do you even have? The fuck does that mean?”
I lean back against my dresser, eyes still on him as he stands and peels his polo off midst wiggling out of his pants. I look at his chest hair. Part of me jealous I can’t grow that much and the other part of me turned on by the tuft of hair. I cross my arms, “I got plenty of cred. People respect me.”
His eyes roll dramatically as he steps into my jeans. His thighs don’t fill them out like mine do but as he turns to pick up the black t-shirt, I notice his ass does. God, it’s gonna make the tear in the jeans bigger. The shirts baggier on him. I’m built thicker than him. Steve doesn’t work out like I do. He goes on runs but doesn’t lift any weights. He sits back on the bed to put on my converse.
He stands and his hair is coiffed too perfectly. And I do something I shouldn’t, because it makes me feel hot with arousal but I snake my fingers into the thick hair and shake it around, messing it up. I like the way his hair feels. I wanna pull it. So I do, to be a dick but Steve hums and when I pull back we just look at each other, blinking and silent.
“We should go,” I mumble out.
“Uh,” he clears his throat and nods, “yeah.”
We take separate cars to his house, just ‘cause I wanna drive and Dad’ll bitch about Harrington leaving the BMW there. So he parks in his driveway and runs over to my car, slides in the front seat and looks at me with a wide smile. Like a fucking golden retriever waiting for a treat. Steve’s excited I let him tag along. It’s pretty cute but I reach over and shove his face.
“Stop looking so happy or I’ll kick you to the curb,” I grumble, “At least try to fit in.”
“What? Metalheads don’t smile?” Steve quips back with a sarcastic frown.
I grab a cigarette and perch it on my lip, light it with my zippo and mumble around the filter, “Nope.”
When we get there, they ask for my ID but let Steve in with no problem. Makes me scowl at him as they fasten the paper wristband on him and then we immediately head to the bar. Take a pair of shots and clink our beer bottles together. I drag him into the crowd as the first band is coming out. The singer screeches into the mic, loud and shrill and it hits me right in the chest. This kind of shit makes me feel something. The guitars wail alive, followed by bass and drums. Has me bouncing on my feet and rocking my head back and forth. Distracts me from the preppy boy who begged to follow me tonight.
The crowd sways violently with the music, pushing Steve and I with it and I grip tightly onto my beer, try to gulp some of it down but Steve gets knocked into me and I spill it down my chest. But I don’t care. I’m buzzing and jumping along. Head banging with the best of ‘em.
Then Steve’s hand is clenching my shirt and his lips are against my ear as he yells into it, “It’s really loud.”
I look at him like he’s stupid because really, the hell did he expect? “No shit, Sherlock!” I yell back and watch as Steve’s face scrunches up in a wince as he gets knocked into again.
And this is fucking stupid, because I feel bad. This isn’t his thing and as much as I’m enjoying myself, I can tell Steve isn’t and I want him too. So I grab onto his shirt and pull him out of the crowd and out of the bar. Into the parking lot where people are just hanging out by their cars. We toss our now empty beer bottles and walk to my car.
“Sorry— that’s like, insane in there,” Steve mumbles and looks ashamed, or guilty?
“Told ya, pretty boy,” I lean against my car and spark up another smoke, “Not your scene.”
“Yeah… that’s for sure,” he sighs and leans next to me, “I should’ve brought my car.”
“Nah,” I shake my head and pass him my smoke, he takes it and his fingers are shaking as he brings it to his lips. “We can go find some other trouble to get into. Nice and quiet for you, pussy.” I grin with the insult, so he knows I’m joking.
“The quarry is always quiet,” he mumbles out, crossing his arms and I nod slowly, taking the cigarette from him and rounding the trunk of my car.
“Let’s go, then,” I tell him.
And we spend the rest of the night at the quarry, until the sun comes up. Just shooting the shit and laughing at nothing. Steve lets me crash at his place.
Tommy’s basement is musty as hell. Don’t think his mother’s been down here since he turned 15 ‘cause he leaves his porn stash out along with a roll of toilet paper and a bottle of lotion. Funny, Dad doesn’t want a fag for a son but he’d still whoop my ass if I ever left out of my skin mags. I mean, it don’t take much for him to whoop my ass but the irony ain’t lost on me.
Steve’s busy which is the only reason I’m even at Tommy’s. He’s leaving for college soon. It’s a wonder how he got in somewhere but Steve didn’t. I didn’t even try. Dad’ll only let me attend the community college or a trade school. If I can’t leave Hawkin’s then there’s no point in going to school. At least Steve’ll be stuck here too.
“You been brown nosing Harrington a lot,” Tommy says as he watches me roll a spliff. I’m bound to get a headache, the weeds dry and I spent ten minutes picking out stems from it.
“You sound jealous,” is all I reply with. Tommy’s got a real hard on for King Steve. And he’s absolutely shit at hiding it. Brings him up in like ninety percent of conversations.
Tommy scoffs, crossing his freckle covered arms over his chest as he kicks his feet up on the coffee table. Knocks off his bottle of lotion but doesn’t move to pick it back up. “Yeah, right. Guys’ fucking lame, now. What the hell do you guys even do?”
I pout as I glance at Tommy, make my eyes as wide and sorrowful as I can muster, “Sad you’re not invited? That it?”
“No. Steve doesn’t even party now,” Tommy huffs, “I’m sure he’s fucking boring.”
“Can you go like one day without talking about Harrington?” I bite back, “Swear to god, you’re like obsessed with him.”
“You bring him up a lot too,” Tommy mumbles and then we both sit there silently like a couple of idiots. But it’s like Tommy gets it or something because he sighs and says, “oh” all dejectedly.
So now we’re two pathetic fucks in love with a straight boy who has no fucking clue. And we both know it.
“What do you guys do?” Tommy asks, quieter than before.
I frown, licking up the side of the rolling paper before sealing the joint and bringing it to my lips, “Nothing.”
I light it, close my eyes as I inhale and tilt my head back when I exhale. The weed tastes old but it’s Indiana. Never as good as the shit back home.
“We get stoned, we get drunk, we play basketball,” I list off, “Sometimes we watch movies. He doesn’t like scary ones. We’ve watched Terminator like a hundred times.”
“Steve and I used to do that,” Tommy sounds sad so I hand him the spliff. He takes it and can’t make eye contact with me.
“He’s fun,” I say.
“Yeah,” Tommy sighs.
We silently smoke the spliff, sip on our beers in between. Harrington’s heavy on both our minds. I feel all gooey inside thinking about the fucker and from the screwed up expression on Tommy’s face, I know he’s bitter. Butthurt and jealous. Bogarts the joint like a fucking asshole and I keep having to remind him to share. Even if it’s his weed. I rolled it. Tommy can’t roll for shit, told me Harrington would do it for them. I get it and I almost feel bad for the fucker. Steve’s dreamy. He’s good company. He’s all I can think about— he’s all Tommy can think about and that might be more pathetic than me. ‘Cause these fucks have known each other their whole lives. And when Steve talks about Tommy, it’s like he feels sorry for him. But Tommy’s nothing but wound up anger when it comes to Harrington. Anger that Steve didn’t like him back like that.
“You seen Harrington’s spank bank?” I ask, curious if they did what he and I did.
Tommy smiles fondly, sinks further into the couch as his cheeks swell and ruddy, “Yeah. Helluva collection. I was with him when he got his first Playboy. Snatched it from his dad.”
“It’s so organized,” I reply softly, thinking about how my stash is pathetic compared to the both of them. Because I’d rather look at dudes and Tommy is fine with cranking it to women.
Tommy laughs, “He bookmarks his favorite pages. It’s kind of creepy.”
I chew on my lip, wishing Harrington was. Wish he was a fucking faggot, degenerate like I am. Like Tommy is.
“Speaking of,” Tommy sits up, squeezes his knees with his hands and asks, “Wanna put on a tape?”
I look at him, breathe slowly. How do I tell him this shit? Do I even have to? I just wanna jerk off to Harrington these days. I’m not gonna get hard from a straight porno.
“Nah, Tommy,” I shake my head and ignore how rejected he looks. The weeds giving me a headache. I just wanna go home suddenly. But dad’s there and I can’t be stoned in front of him. So I gotta wait until the high wears off.
Steve’s parents are away for a weekend. He asks me to spend the night. Says he rented some movies from the video store. But when I actually get to his house, he’s got a record on. Some pop music. He’s got a bunch of juice, fruit, alcohol and cups on the counter. Sways his hips with the music as he cuts up a lime. I’m sure he’s gotten an early start with the booze. Face flushed like it gets when Steve’s drinking. His hair falls down in front of his face and he shakes his head to push it away. The suns lightened his hair, these lighter strands highlighting the thick chestnut locks and fuck, I love it. He’s pretty. Smiles at me as he shakes his hips, I get an eyeful of Harrington’s ass as I round the counter. It’s shockingly fat compared to the rest of him. I rest my elbows on the counter as I look over at the mess he’s making.
“You trying to be a bartender, Harrington?” I tease, looking up at him as his cheeks swell with a smile.
“Something like that,” he slurs, only slightly though. His eyes look so green from the sun shining in the kitchen window. It’s gross. It’s disgusting how fucking cute he looks. Wearing a plain white t-shirt and his retired Hawkins High gym shorts. I wonder if he’s been in the pool today. The red in his face might be a sunburn and not the tequila.
“Wanna try one?” he offers, sliding by me to retrieve ice cubes from the freezer. I get a whiff of him as he passes by and my eyes almost roll back. Steve’s fucking rank but in the sexiest way. What the hell was he doing before I got here? How did he work up so much of a sweat?
“Sure. What have you been doing, Steve?” I ask, chuckling softly, “You smell like a dirty gym bag.”
A dirty gym bag I’d risk getting Athlete’s foot on my dick rutting against.
“I went on a run!” Steve explains, eyes wide and happy as he starts dropping ice cubes in a coup glass. “It was nice, really got a great runners high.”
“Had to take a shot of tequila to come down?”
Steve’s eyes narrow at me, “Billy, if you’re just gonna judge my lifestyle choices, you can go back home.”
“I’m teasing you, pretty boy. Gimme a shot,” I make grabby hands at him, “Lemme get on your level.”
Steve pours me a shot, but pours himself one too. We cheers before we take them. Mama Harrington buys good tequila. Doesn’t leave a bitter taste in my mouth, barely burns down the throat. Steve finishes mixing my cocktail and I hum as I sip it.
“Might have a career ahead of ya, Harrington,” I tell him honestly. “It’s good.”
“I just made it up,” he babbles off an explanation of how he’s made the drink and I’m full of this overwhelming feeling. I wanna kiss Harrington. I wanna pin him against the counter and kiss him stupid. Wanna shove my nose in his armpits and feel him all over. God I’m so disgusting. This is bad. This is so bad.
“Shut up, I don’t care,” I seethe, looking at his lips. They’re so pink and pretty.
“Oh… okay,” Steve visibly deflates.
I fucked up. He was excited about this and I ruined it because I’m fucking gay for him. And mad that I am. I down the cocktail and set it down, “Got any beer?”
“Yeah, in the fridge,” Steve waves his hand and starts to clean up his mess. Brings the dishes to the sink and doesn’t look at me.
I walk over to the record player and turn it off, I know Steve doesn’t own anything good so I’d rather not listen to music. Then I go and pour two more shots, “C’mere. One more shot and we can watch that movie.”
Steve obeys me, still looks all deflated when he stands before me and holds up the shot glass. We down them and stand there, just looking at each other. He looks like a puppy dog. He’s pretty. He’s handsome. Hate how much I like the fucker. But he’s just staring at me. And this ain’t some pissing contest. We’re friends now. So I’m stupid because I think Steve wants to kiss me too.
I lean in, grab hold of Harrington’s waist and crash my lips into his. And fuck. Fuck. Oh shit. I’m kissing Steve. I’m fucking kissing Steve. His lips are soft and… and they’re not kissing back. But he’s not pulling away so I keep kissing him. Try to slip him some tongue and that’s when he pushes me back.
“Oh, Billy…” his eyes are all shiny, “I’m… I’m not gay.”
I close my eyes, take a deep breath and the idiot keeps babbling on.
“But I’m okay with it! Robin’s gay and she’s my best friend! I’m okay with it, really!”
I don’t say anything. Open my eyes and look at him briefly, before I head for the door. Ignoring the way I can feel the tequila. All I can feel is the rejection and the fact I just outed myself to Steve. I slam the door behind me, not looking back before getting into the Camaro and driving off.
I don’t see him for a week. Not until I’m dropping Max off at the arcade. And he’s out front with his gaggle of kids. Smiling and laughing with them. He even waves to me when I pull up but I pretend I can’t see him. I tell Max I’ll be back in a couple hours.
Spend most of my time with Tommy and the fucker can tell something’s up.
“Something happen between you and Harrington?”
“Yeah, he’s a fucking loser,” I mumble, playing with my zippo and pouting. Harrington is a loser. A cute, handsome fucking loser.
Tommy claps his hand on my shoulder, “Glad you see it, now.”
I see it the same way he does. We don’t mention how we were both rejected by the guy. Not a single conversation about how we’re in love. How Steve is pretty and grand and still the fucking King. How a guy like that can never really lose the title. I’m fucking sad about it. Lay awake at night, kicking myself for kissing Harrington. For thinking he was fucking flirting this whole time. I call him. Every fucking night and when his sleepy voice picks up, I slam the phone back on the receiver.
“Yeah,” I mumble. “Such a pussy.”
Tommy sucks his teeth, shakes his head and tells me, “You should’ve met him before Nancy. She really changed him. Carol worshiped Steve. Ya know how hard it is to get Carol to worship you?”
“What? He eat her out?” I ask, rolling my eyes and Tommy’s body stiffens. Oh. Steve did, Steve absolutely ate Carol out. Heather wasn’t fucking around. He got the whole vagina owning graduating class.
“Heather wasn’t lying,” I scoff and laugh. “Fuck that guy. Weak for some mediocre pussy. Nancy isn’t even that hot.”
“She’s not hot at all!” Tommy raises his voice, jealousy taking over him. It’s kind of cute. I bite my lip. If I can’t have Steve, maybe a fun time with Tommy’ll do.
I knock my ankle into his, “Hey, let’s put on a tape. I’m bored.”
Tommy moves fast, scrambles to slam a VHS tape in the VCR. It’s in the middle, stopped whenever Tommy came. A couple, in a backyard. On a blanket on grass and the guys eating out the woman. I think of Steve. Assume Tommy did too.
I scoot over, thigh flush against Tommy’s once he sits back down. I put my hand on his knee, smooth it up his thigh and turn to look at him. Tommy’s cute. I like his freckles and his lips. So I lean in and kiss the corner of them. He’s quick, moving his head to capture my lips in his. Tommy lets me know he’s desperate with his mouth and I haven’t really kissed a guy since I was home and I.. I hate that I prefer it.
I kiss him deeper, slip him some tongue and squeeze his thigh. The fucker moans into my mouth, sucks on my tongue and turns his body so we’re facing each other. I reel back so Tommy can lay against the armrest and I crowd in between his thighs, cup his jaw as I keep kissing him. Grind down against him and he’s grabbing handfuls of my ass. I’m getting hard, trying not to imagine it’s Steve under me.
He writhes against me, it’s heady. Makes me feel powerful. Wonder if I’m the first guy Tommy’s fooled around with. Can’t imagine him and Steve doing this because it turns me on like nothing else. I pull back and ask him, “You and Steve kiss?”
“Once,” he whispers, pulling me down on him closer. Rolls his hips up.
“You watch him eat Carol out?” I ask.
“Uh huh,” he nods, smoothes his hand up my back and pulls me back down for another kiss. “Jerked off while I watched,” he mumbles into my mouth.
My hips jerk forward on their own volition. I bite Tommy’s lip and pull his hair, eyes on his when I ask, “You ever suck dick?”
“N-no,” he stutters out.
“Want to?”
I pull back and sit against the cushions, “C’mon then.”
Tommy sinks to the ground between my legs, fingers fumbling with my buttons but he manages to get my pants off. Bats his eyelashes up at me, like he’s seen Carol do, I think.
I knit my fingers in his hair and roll my hips up, “Suck my cock, Tommy.”
He groans, it’s low and guttural and I help him get my underwear down. My cock springs out, excited and leaking at the promise of another man’s lips around it. He grabs it, hard. Squeezes the base of it and I moan, letting myself relax. Tommy won’t tell anyone. He can’t admit he did this.
Tommy’s lips are pretty and pink as they wrap around the head of my cock. I’m met with the warm wetness of his tongue. Rubbing against my head. It’s ten fold better than a woman. Tommy’s cute and I forget about Steve for a while. It's easy to be into this. I grab another handful of Tommy’s hair and coax him further along my cock. Groaning when I do and he returns it, voice vibrating along my cock and I feel it in my sack. Can’t help but jerk up at his face, pushing further down his throat.
His hands grab my thighs, lets my hand guide him up and down. Keeps blinking up at him. I don’t last long. Shooting down his throat and he gags with it, spitting my spunk over my cock as he pulls off of it.
“Stand up,” I tell him and he listens. “Get your dick out.”
Tommy’s all dumb, struggling to get his jeans and underwear down to his thighs and I sit up straight as he gets his cock out. I wrap my fingers around the base, hold him steady and get my lips on him. Suck at the head, keep squeezing the base, not allowing myself to imagine Steve because then I’m really gonna suck his cock. And Tommy’s a lot smaller than Steve. But his freckles go all the way down to his cock and I dig it. Think that’s cute. I give him the best fucking head he’s had. Swallow his cum and then feel disgusting after. But the high’s worn off and I have to pick Max up.
Steve’s still there when I get there. I hold his eye contact this time. Flip him off when he waves.
“Why aren’t you hanging out with Steve anymore?” Max asks once we’re a block from the arcade.
I snort, light up a smoke and exhale it right in the little brats face, “None of your fucking business, shitbird.”
“He asked how you were doing,” she mumbles, body almost completely facing the passenger door. And she says it so quietly I barely heard her.
And alright, that’s a strange feeling in my stomach. I just laugh though and for some reason, I tell her, “Dude’s such a fucking faggot.”
But maybe I’m talking about myself.
Max doesn’t say anything else.
There’s Steve. A woman on his arm. Why he took her to this diner is laughable. I’m in a booth with Carol and Tommy. We make eye contact as him and the blonde sit down. Steve’s facing me and I can see the back of his date’s head. Her perms cheap and the bleach has fried he hair. Steve wears a striped shirt. His eyes don’t move past me or his date. Won’t look at Tommy or Carol but we all meet him with shit eating grins. Ready to fuck with him.
“Harrington bringing his date here instead of Enzo’s?” Carol cackles, “Oh, how the mighty have fallen.”
“Fucking pathetic,” Tommy agrees.
I frown and pick up a handle of fries, “Harrington knows a cheap whore when he sees one. Picky with daddy’s mastercard.”
Carol and Tommy giggle and I stretch arms over the back of the booth, eyes locked on the pretty ones that belong to Harrington. Chewing rudely on the fries as I formulate my next move. I’m gonna fuck up his date. I just have to figure out how.
I feel the bitter sting of jealousy as I stare at the mess of permed hair taking Steve’s attention. Can’t help but think he’s into blonde curls and how mine are natural and not from a bottle. His body language is anxious. Eyes keep darting from the slut to me. I lick my lips before smirking, showing him my teeth. I wanna walk up, slink into the booth beside Harrington and kiss him filthy. Grab his junk and make out with him in front of this bitch. Hate her because she has something Steve wants. And I’ve been staring at my dick in the mirror, pissed it’s not what Steve’s into.
I light a cigarette, suck on it harshly, hollow my cheeks out. Wonder what he’s been saying about me to his posse of preteens. The jealous and anger bubbles up so much I find my feet stalking over to the couple. I do sit beside Steve and get a good look at this bitches face. It’s pretty. I haven’t fucked her and I wonder if I could steal her out from under Steve right now.
“Hiya, doll,” I wink at her before stretching my arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Nice date?”
She looks stoked, eyes like stars on Steve and I grip his shoulder, pulling him closer as I turn my head to face him, “Why wouldn’t it be? He has it all. Great hair, pretty face and the richest parents in this shithole.”
“I’m having fun,” she giggles out, eyes locked on Steve fucking Harrington. And why wouldn’t they be. His skins clear, bright and so soft. I wanna lick his face as I look at him too.
“I bet you are,” I smirk, move my hand to the back of Steve’s head and card my fingers in his hair, “Maybe he can bring you home and show you his freak porn collection.”
“What?” The girls face falls.
“Oh, yeah. Big ‘ol tub of it. Organized very precisely,” I tell her, unable to hide the grin spreading across my face. I tug on his hair. He looks pissed. “He uses sticky notes as his bookmarks. Man jerks off like the IRS is gonna come audit his spank bank. Huh, Stevie Boy?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Steve mumbles.
“He’s being humble. Must’ve spent a fortune on the collection,” I say as I use my grip on his hair to shake his head. I move my hands to the table and lift myself up, “You kids have fun, now!”
I walk back towards Tommy and Carol and sink back down in the booth, watching as Steve’s date rushes away from their table and the lanky boy follows,
“What did you do?!” Carol squeals, cheeks fluffy and swollen from joy.
“Told her about his killer porn collection,” I say, reaching for my glass of coke with a satisfied smile.
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jai-lovely · 3 months
Withered Evelynn
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Warnings: blood, flesh, abandonment(Merle), Walker, gore, tell me if I missed any!
Chapter 4!
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.•.Tag gone wrong.•.
The feeling of fingers brushing through her hair disturb her from her dreams.
The blue tent was warm, and smelt like febreze mixed with sweat. Evelynn rolled over on the air mattress to see that it was her brother beside her. Evelynns yawns sitting up, rubbing her eyes to help herself wake up, "hey sleepy head" Gillian says as he brushes her bed head out of her face. The young girl looks over at him, her face puffy with sleep, "hi" she said quietly. Gillain smiles at her, before standing up as much as he could in the tent, "it's a warm day, so wear sunscreen and a hat, and Evelynn I mean it, put on sunscreen" he says putting his hands on his hips, acting like a tv show mom. 
"I will promise" the girl says looking up at him, Gillian nods before stepping out and zipping the tent closed.
The knots in her hair were deadly, every little move she would make with the brush would pull on her brown locks, making her whine. Evelynn throws the brush on the air mattress with a groan filled with frustration, before crawling over to her backpack resting against the blue fabric of the tent. 
The day where they were packing to leave the city, Evelynn just packed everything that she always uses daily, including; a hair brush, tooth brush, overalls, a few of her favourite striped shirts, coach smiths hat, deodorant, underwear, socks, her whale shark named; spot, and hopefully her detangling spray.
Reaching into the pink bag, the girl feels around, stopping when she feels a familiar bottle, she quickly pulls out the detangling spray and does a silent cheer, clutching the bottle in both hands.
As she grabs her hat putting it on her head, she looks over to the sunscreen. With a groan she grabs the sunscreen putting it all over her face and arms, before stepping out of the tent into the hot sun. Adjusting the overall straps on her shoulders, and looking around for her brother, only to see him standing with Glenn talking with him. 
Sighing she begins walking to a little spot in the shade. Her overalls being a little too big, causing them to drag on the ground, but she couldn't care less, all she wanted to do was sit in the shade, to protect herself from the hot sun.
Evelynn sits in the dirt, alone, drawing random stuff into the earth using a stick. Her mind wanders off, as she jabs the stick into the dirt.
Evelynn thinks about how much the world is like the movie 9, the one with the little dolls and they have to live, and try to defeat killer machines, but instead of killer machines, Evelynn got dead people coming back to life. 
A nudge on her shoulder broke her out her thoughts. She turns her head to see Carl standing behind her, "why are you alone?" He asks, Evelynn looks up at him shrugging "didn't wanna bother ya and Sophia" she says jabbing the stick into the ground.
Carl frowns, grabbing her hand pulling her off the ground, "come on!" He says loudly, before she can say anything, they're running past everyone in camp, headed to a little spot by the trees.
Eventually they run into Sophia and stop running, "wanna play hide and seek tag?" Carl asked the two girls, a big grin on his face, the girls nod, "not it" Sophia says putting her finger on her nose. Evelynn wastes no time putting her finger on her nose, only for Carl to do it after her.
The boys nose scrunches up, "No i'm not it! Evelynn did it after me" the boy says flaring his arms around, Sophia shakes her head at Carl, as her way of saying 'don't be a poor sport'. 
With a huff from Carl he turns around giving the girls a chance to run. Evelynn quickly takes off to the direction of a few tall trees. Her footsteps come to a stop though. There was a deer running in the woods, its beautiful antlers standing high, golden brown fur shining in the sun's glow. 
"Ready or not! Here I come!" Carl yells as he begins running around. Evelynn looks away from the deer, not wanting to disturb it, she runs the opposite direction, only to see Carl chasing Sophia to a little huddle of trees, she runs over with a big smile on her face, her shoes hitting the bumpy rocks underneath her, but stops as she sees Carl and Sophia stop in front of the huddle.
Evelynn quickly walks up to them "guys why aren't you playing any-", she pauses "more.." her voice gives out as she stands between Carl and Sophia. 
The deer she saw earlier, the beautiful golden brown deer, now laying in a bright red pool of its own blood, with a walker kneeling over it, gnawing on its flesh.
"Dad!" Carl yells backing up from the scene in front of him, "mom! mama!" Sophia shrieks running back to camp.
Evelynn freezes looking at the flesh eating monster. The deer, who was once living and breathing, now on the ground in the hands of the dead. She feels her chest tighten, her palms get sweaty and her breathing quicken. The walker turns to look at her but as soon as it stands up, a pole hits its head, making it fall on the ground.
Evelynn is quickly pulled away by her arms and spun around to see her brother crouching in front of her. "Eve are ya okay? Ya ain't bit?" Gillian says frantically lifting the girls arms before dropping them and turning her head to check her neck, "I'm okay" she breathes out putting her hand on her chest "Im alr'ight".
Gillian looks at her, his eyebrows creased with concern, before quickly standing up and pulling the girl towards his side, to hold her there.
"Son of 'a bitch, that's ma deer!" A voice yells, the younger Dixon coming out of the forest, into Evelynns field of vision. "Look at it, all gnawed on by this," he stops himself, " Filthy, disease-bearing,, motherless proxy based!" Daryl yells kicking the carcass of the walker with each word, Making Evelynn cringe with disgust.
Dale raises his hands “calm down son that's not helping", Daryl raises his head to the old man, eyebrow twitching. "What do ya know'bout it old man, why don't ya take that stupid hat, and go back to 'on golden pond' huh" he growls, making Evelynn look up to her brother, mouthing 'what's a golden pond', Gillian shakes his head, rubbing her arm.
"What do ya think? Do ya think we can cut round this chewed up part right' er" Daryl says gesturing around the chewed up meat with his knife. 
"I wouldn't risk that" Shane says, putting his hands on his hips, making Daryl sigh "damn shame".
Suddenly the walker starts to silently move its jaw, despite it being decapitated, no one seems to notice except Evelynn, so she waves her hand slightly to get Daryl's attention before pointing at the walker.
Daryl looks at her, his expression the same as before, but then noticing her pointing to the walker. "Come on people what the hell" he says before raising his crossbow and shooting the walker in the head, "it's gotta be the brain, don't yall know nothin".
Daryl puts his crossbow back over his shoulder before walking away, his heavy boots hitting against the gravel below him.
"Merle! Get yer ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrel! Let's stew' em up!" Daryl yells walking up to the middle of the campsite by the fire pit.
Only to stop himself and look around for his older brother.
"Daryl, just slow up a bit, I need to talk to you" Shane says walking up to Daryl using his serious cop voice. "Bout what" the younger Dixon says, putting his rope of squirrels over his shoulder, and adjusting his crossbow.
Shane looks around, seeing others nodding at him urging him on, "About Merle.. there was a, there was a problem in Atlanta" he says his hands on his hips, "he dead?" Daryl asks.
Shane shakes his head "we don't know", this makes Daryl scrunch his face up, wiping his eyes with his fingers, "he either is or he ain't!" He yells, swinging his arm towards the cop.
The whole group stood behind Shane, including Evelynn, who was holding her brother's hand.
She couldn't imagine what it would be like to be alone without Gillian, not knowing if he's dead or alive.
Evelynn hears Rick, Carl's dad introduce himself  to Daryl, but she can't help but let her mind spiral, what if Gillian were to disappear? What would she do, she would be all alone, with no one. Evelynn subconsciously squeezes her brother's hand tighter, making him rub the back of her tiny hand with his thumb, watching the scene in front of him unfold.
The sound of struggle and gravel moving makes Evelynn look back up to the people in front of her.
Her eyes widen seeing Daryl in a chokehold by Shane, Rick standing in front of them both.
"I would like to have a calm discussion on this topic, do you think we can manage that?" Rick says putting his gun away, only being met by silence "do you think we can manage that" he repeats trying to get a confirmation. "Hmm?" Shane says trying to get Daryl to answer, "mhm yeah" Daryl grunts, making Shane let him go.
The archer quickly gets off his knees pushing himself away from Shane, grabbing his crossbow and putting it back on his shoulder "what I did was not on a whim, your brother does not work well with others" Rick says in a calm voice to not alarm anyone.
T-dog quickly steps up beside Rick, "it's not Rick's fault, I had the keep, I dropped it" he says putting his head down ashamed. Evelynn can't help but frown a bit, T-dog is a nice guy he wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone, even Merle.
"Ya couldn't pick it up?" Daryl questions raising an eyebrow at him, "well.." T-dog began "I dropped it down a drain" he says kicking the earth underneath his feet, "if it's supposed to make me feel better, it don't".
T-dog nods before speaking "well, maybe this will, look I chained the door to the roof.. so the geeks couldn't get at him, with a padlock, it's gotta count for something" he says rubbing his hands together.
"To Hell with all yall! Just tell me where he is so I can go get'em!" Daryl yells, swinging his arm at everyone as he paces. 'He likes swinging his arms a lot,' Evelynn thought as she watched everyone.
Lori stepped up looking at her husband "he'll show you, isn't that right?", Rick looks at her, nodding in confirmation, "I'm going back" and with that ending the conversation, Lori stomps back to the Rv, even though she's the one who basically recommended it.
Evelynn sits on a camping chair, the rough fabric surprisingly not too uncomfortable, she sits there watching the whole group gather around a truck, getting ready to go get Merle.
 Out of the corner of her eye, Evelynn sees a figure walking towards her, adjusting her hat, she sees Carl walking up with his hand behind her back.
"Here" Carl says handing Evelynn a flower, it was a simple daisy. "What's this for?" She asks him, reaching forward and taking it in between her fingers, Carl looks at the big group of people, before back at the young girl in front of him, "I saw how upset you were, y'know, when my dad came back, and, I don't know, I just, felt bad I guess" the boy shrugs at the end, looking at the ground before back to the flower in the girls hand.
Evelynns eyes start to sting, as she looks down at the flower in her hands, rolling it in between her fingers, "thanks Carl" she says quietly, not looking up at him.
Carl frowns, "I didn't mean to make you upset," he says, still looking at the girl. Evelynn shakes her head at the boy's statement "ya didn't".
Carl just nods before looking back at the group, "I'll talk to you later, see ya Evelynn" the boy says before walking away from the girl, to his dad.
Evelynn just continues looking at the flower in her hand, ignoring the harsh footsteps approaching her.
"Think he likes ya" the voice says from behind her. Evelynns eyes widen as she turns in the chair to see the man behind her.
Daryl looks at the small girl before looking at the group arguing by the truck, "no he don't" the girl says looking at him. The corner of Daryl's mouth twitches up for a second, but he quickly refrains himself from letting it happen anymore. "Whatever you say kid, whatever ya say" he says before walking past her beginning to walk to the group. 
"Wait!" The young girl says loudly, catching the archer's attention, "hm" he grunts, not angrily, but a sign that he's paying attention, "I'm sorry bout yer brother, I can't imagine being in yer shoes" the girl says from the chair, playing with her hands.
Daryl's eyes soften a bit while looking at the young girl, he's noticed the bond between her and Gillian, it's definitely a lot better than his and Merle's, but he's seen how much they rely on each other. "Thanks kid, yer wise for yer age" Daryl nods his head at the girl before turning back around and walking back to the group.
Daryl and Eves first interaction!
Feeling a bit Evil, you guys aren't ready for the next chapter 😛
Feedback is appreciated!
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Thank you for reading Withered Evelynn
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eddieschains · 2 years
Can you do “not so tough now” with Joseph?
i had so much fun writing this 🤭 i hope you like it!!
TW// 18+ (minors move along), RPF (don’t like it, don’t read it), barley proof read, Joe is kind of an asshole, sub!Joe, control kink??, dry humping, p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), let me know if i missed anything!!
Not So Tough Now, Are You?
“Hey babe?” You heard Joe call from the bedroom while you were in the bathroom getting ready.
“Yeah?” You respond, standing in the doorway.
“Jack asked if we could pick up a bottle of champagne on our way to the party, I guess he forgot some.” He’s standing in front of the mirror tucking his shirt into his pants before giving himself a couple sprays of cologne.
“Well I have a full bottle in the liquor cabinet if you wanna just bring that.” You walk towards him, helping him smooth out his sleeves.
“Okay yeah that’s perfect.” He turns around to give you a peck on the lips. “You almost ready beautiful?”
“Yeah let me just get my shoes on. Wanna warm up the car?” He nods, grabbing his keys before exiting the house.
This was the first time you would be meeting his school friends. You’d met his close group of friends before, but these guys were more of acquaintances so you’d never got a chance to introduce yourself.
You pull up to the driveway and take notice of how nice the house is. The alumni from his school must do very well. You weren’t too nervous, considering Joes other friends were absolute angels, you didn’t think you’d have much to worry about.
“Hey Joe!” His friend greets you at the door, pulling him in for a hug before moving his eyes towards you. “Who’s this pretty thing?”
Wait. Has Joe not mentioned you before?
“Oh this is my friend Y/N.” Friend. So that’s how tonight’s gonna go.
“Hi. So nice to meet more of Joes friends.” You shake the man’s hand, your teeth gritted together.
He ushers you two into the house to say hi to the other attendees. You look up at Joe with fire in your eyes, but he ignores you. You leave him to grab yourself a drink from the kitchen while he mingles in the living room.
“So you gonna tap that or what?” You overhear one of his friends say, motioning to you.
“I already do.” He laughs, sipping the beer his friend handed him.
“I bet she lets you throw her around, huh? Pretty thing like that you’d have to.” You hear his friend laugh, glancing over to see him look you up and down. Is Joe going to say anything? You feel like a piece of meat standing in this kitchen waiting for the wolves to attack.
“Oh don’t worry guys, I am very much in control when it comes to her.”
Oh my fucking god. He was gonna pay for this later. You decide to walk over to the group and have a little fun before tearing into Joe for the way he was speaking about you.
“Hi guys, i’m Y/N nice to meet you.” You smile as you see all of their faces drop. “What’re we talking about?”
“Oh just school.” Joe responds, avoiding eye contact.
“Yeah? Tell me, what was Joe like in school?” You inquire the rest of the group.
“Oh he was like top dog. Always fucking bitches and was just the toughest guy i’ve ever met.” One of his friends responds, obviously not sensing the tone in the room.
You look to see Joe giving him the eyes, secretly telling him to shut up. “Tough guy, huh? Yeah that sounds like Joseph.” His eyes whip over to you. You know he despises when you call him by his full name. “Hey, Joseph, i’m getting pretty tired. Can we head home soon?” You ask with an eyebrow raised. He nods as you walk away to throw away your drink.
You grab his keys and wait for him in the car, not wanting to hear what else he has to say about you just for the sake of looking cool. You see him walking down the driveway and you bury your head in your phone.
“Baby i’m so sorry. I didn’t think you’d hear all of that. But you know, these guys they’re…”
“Pigs?” You ask, not looking up from your phone.
“I guess that’s one way of putting it.” He responds, putting the car in gear.
“So you decided you also needed to act like a pig so they’d respect you?”
“No no, I should’ve never said those things. I’m not like them I promise.” You mumble a mm-hmm in response.
The rest of the car ride home is silent. Nothing but your thoughts invading your psyche. You never would’ve thought of Joe to be the type to act differently with his friends, but if he wanted to put on the tough guy act, then so be it.
You jump out of the car as soon as he parks it, running inside before he can try to convince you to talk before going inside. You knew he was going to take him time before coming inside, trying to think of what to say to you to calm you down. But all that was on your mind right now was some version of revenge. If he was going to tease you, you were going to give him a taste of his own medicine.
Throwing your clothes off, you begin rummaging through your lingerie drawer. Trying to find a piece that’ll make his head spin. You finally settle on a lacy red piece, with garters to add even more spice.
You wait in the bathroom until you hear him walk into the bedroom. You hear the plop of the mattress as he lets out a loud sigh and you start to feel bad. But, now wasn’t the time to make him feel better. He hurt you, and you were gonna make him pay.
You step out of the bathroom and immediately jump on top of him, legs on either side of him pinning him to the mattress.
“Honey what are you do-“ You press your fingers to his lips, shushing him.
“No talking unless I say so, got it?” He nods, a confused look on his face. “And no touching either.” You say as you pin his hands above his head.
You begin to grind down on his lap, his eyes falling shut. You were never in control like this when it came to your sex life, and even though you had just started, you were loving it.
You reach one of your hands that isn’t holding his wrists down to caress his cheek. Lowering yourself to kiss him from behind his ear, down to his collarbones.
“So what was it you were saying about me earlier? How you were always in control?” You nibble on his earlobe, earning a deep groan from him.
“I’m sorry baby I- shit. I didn’t mean it.” He pleads.
“Well you may be used to taking control, but tonight it’s my turn.” You growl in his ear, moving your hips quicker on top of his growing erection.
You begin to undress him slowly. Starting with his shirt, kissing and sucking on his chest and stomach along the way. He wiggling and squirming underneath you, desperate for you to pull him inside of you. You then move on to his pants, moving even slower. Painfully slow, for the both of you. You know you’d much rather just sink yourself on top of him, but he needs to pay for the events earlier in the night.
Once you finally rid him of all of his clothing, his fully hard cock springs up, hitting the inside of your thigh. You have to hold back a moan, not wanting to let go so quickly. You continue to grind your clothed pussy on top of him, and you can feel your wetness pouring through your underwear.
“Please baby.” Joe moans from beneath you.
“Please baby, what?” You spit.
“Please just fuck me, I can’t take it anymore. I’m sorry, okay?”
“Hmm doesn’t sound like much of an apology to me.” You respond, kissing right above his pelvis.
“I’m sorry, I really am. I was a dick and shouldn’t have treated you like that. Please I need to be inside you right now.” He continues to beg as you let out a light chuckle.
“Aw look at you. My poor baby’s just begging me to fuck him isn’t he?” You lower yourself one more time to place a sloppy kiss on his lips. “Not so tough now, are you?”
Joe responds with nothing but please please please as you lift yourself off of him. Standing on the side of the bed as you remove your own clothes even slower than his. He watched while he’s whimpering and panting, waiting for you to make contact once again.
Once you’re fully naked, you wrap your legs around him once again. You grab his cock and start toying at your entrance, sliding it back and forth gathering your slick with it.
“Remember, no touching.” You remind him as you fully sink yourself down on him, moaning as he fills you up. “Fuck.”
Your hands lay on his chest, pushing into him as you slowly move your hips back and forth. You had gotten yourself so worked up, you were sure you could cum right then and there. But you hold it, wanting to wait until he was begging you for his own orgasm to reach yours.
“Does that feel good baby? Your big cock inside my tight wet pussy?” You moan on top of him.
“Faster, please baby.” He begs.
You tap him on his chest, “Uh-uh. I make the rules. But since you asked so nicely…” You begin to move your hips faster, his happy trail hitting your clit adding to the sensation. Joe is a moaning mess, biting down on his bottom lip so hard you were worried you were going to see blood soon.
His hands are still sat above his head, wiggling as he fights the urge to touch you. You almost forgot the rules you gave him, so you grab your breasts in your own hands and start squeezing and kneading them.
“You wish you could be touching these tits right now don’t you?” You take your nipples in between your fingers, rubbing them between the pads. “Wish you could be sucking on these, huh?”
That was Joes final straw. He lifts his upper body to yours, his mouth immediately finding your tits as he sucks harshly on the round buds.
“Fuck! Joe, I-I said no touching.” You moan as your hands instinctively find the back of his head.
“So what’re you gonna do about it?” He smirks. You don’t respond, relishing in the feeling his mouth is giving you.
Once he’s done with your chest, his hands each for your hips. He lift you up and bounces you back down on to him over and over again until you lose the strength to hold yourself up right. He wraps his arms around the small of your back as he fucks into you from below.
“Oh my god Joe, Joe don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Feels so good.” You moan, letting your head fall into his neck.
“Look who’s begging now honey.” He laughs. You’re enjoying the feeling too much to scold him.
You feel your orgasm fast approaching as you squeeze yourself around him.
“Gonna cum baby. You gonna let me cum, or do I have to ask permission?” He asks, sarcasm coating his words. You look up from his neck, giving him permission with your eyes.
A couple thrusts later, you feel his warm ropes of cum coating your walls which only pulls your own orgasm from you. You continue moving your hips on top of him, allowing both of you to ride out your highs.
Your hands reach for his cheeks, pulling him in for a kiss. This time it’s more passionate, fueled by love instead of control.
“I love you but if you ever speak about me like that again we’re going to have serious problems.”
He giggles lightly, a remorseful look setting on his face. “Deal.”
102 notes · View notes
Curl Routine (Calum Hood)
Summary: Calum doesn't know how to take care of his hair and curlyhaired!reader helps him out.
Calum Hood x girlfriend!reader
Warnings: FLUFF, pre-established relationship, reader has curly hair.
Only like 700 words lmao
No mention of gender or pronouns!
Not Edited.
"Are you gonna do your hair?" You asked, leaning into the mirror to fix your mascara.
You and Calum were heading to a party. Nothing too fancy. There were no tuxes or gowns, but it definitely wasn't a time for sweatpants and a hoodie.
"It is done," he responded, eyes glued to your reflection in the mirror while he stood against the wall behind you.
"Is not," you countered, your eyes moving to meet his in the mirror.
"Is too," he replied quickly. You stepped back from the counter and turned around to inspect his 'done' hair. His hands immediately found their usual spot at the dip of your waist.
"It's not even wet, Cal. Did you touch it?" You questioned, fingertips gently running through the frizzy, strands that weren't sitting right. From your personal curly-haired experience, it looked like he hadn't refreshed his hair at all since he washed it yesterday morning.
"I don't need to wet it, it's fine," he mumbled, hands slowly sliding across your waist to pull you closer. You bodies were flush against each other, the familiar warmth making you want to ditch the party and cuddle in bed all evening.
"No, you've gotta fix'em up. See how mine are defined?" You asked, shaking your head full of curls. Your hair was something you'd worked hard on embracing in the past few years. It had slowly but surely recovered from some pretty bad heat damage. You had cycled through the process of elimination to find your perfect curl routine, and after a long time, you were proud to have found it.
"Yeah," he tugged on one of your curls, watching as it sprang back up. His eyes flitted to your not-as-amused expression and gave you a bright, eye-crinkling smile.
"You might be a child," your hands rested on his cheeks, gently squeezing until his lips pouted out. You leaned forward and gave him a peck. "Where are your hair products?"
"I don't have any," he answered softly against your lips.
"Yes you do," you curled your arms around his neck. "I've seen you use them before."
"Yeah, okay I have them, but I don't like them. They make my hair feel crunchy and it always looks wet," he answered.
"Well firstly, you have to scrunch your curls once they're dry. And second, we can try new products. Do you wanna try mine?" You questioned, pulling back slightly to look at him. He shrugged before nodding.
Cal was apparently expecting the two of you to move a as unit, his arms still locked around your waist even after you turned around within his hold and opened up the mirror cabinet.
You grabbed your dynamic duo of curl products. These two combined with a diffuser was a foolproof combination. You set your gel and leave-in-condition on the counter before leaning down to grab your comb from the cabinet under the sink.
Calum's hands cheekily slid from your waist to your hips before you stood up and turned to face him again. You put your hands on his shoulders, moving him toward the toilet. You pushed him down so he sat on the lid, his legs immediately widening so you could slot yourself between them.
You reached for the spray bottle and comb that were sitting out and started working on his hair. You had been at it for a few minutes, working the products through his mullet when you noticed he'd been staring at you.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer," you teased.
"Don't mind if I do," he hummed, pulling his phone out and snapping a photo. He flipped the screen to show you. The photo had captured the both of you looking down at the camera. Calum was smiling brightly while you poked your tongue out, hands still deep in his hair.
"Okay, I'm done. We have time to let it air dry," you stepped back, observing your work. "Actually, wait."
Calum paused as soon as he stood, leaning down so you could twist a few of his curls with your fingers. When you finally fixed the pieces, you stepped back again.
"You like?" You questioned, standing behind him as he looked in the mirror.
"I do," he smiled, angling his head in a few different directions to see all of your work. "It looks good, baby."
"I know," you hummed as he turned around, pulling you back into his arms.
106 notes · View notes
elijahhudson · 1 year
one man show pt 2
spring eli flies faye out to boston
Eli smiles and nods, bringing her back to his dressing room.
She follows him back to the dressing room.
He smiles and sits in front of the vanity.
Faye sits back on the couch in the room and hums softly.
Lily comes in the room and looks around, smiling at them, “Hey Eli and.. Faye, right?”
She smiles and nods, “Hey, nice to see you again.”
She smiles, “You too.” Eli grins, “Hey, Lil.” She goes over to him and grins, “Wanna do glitter?” He smiles widely, “Yes.”
Faye leans back against the couch and pulls out her notebook to play the part as she watches them.
Eli closes his eyes and lets Lily start on his makeup.
She hums softly and smiles, “How long have you been a tour stylist?”
Lily looks over at Faye and smiles, “Five years now. Gabe was my first tour ever.”
Faye raises her brows and smiles, “Wow, sounds exciting. Traveling around.”
She keeps doing Eli’s makeup and smiles, “It is fun, especially since I don’t have to do quite as much as the crew.”
She nods and glances around the room, “How’s the bus part?”
Lily grins, “gotten better over the years.” Eli laughs, “You didn’t like the tiny one that kept breaking down on your first tour?” Lily giggles, “they’re fond memories now but at the time… dreadful.”
Faye raises her brows at them and laughs softly, “I bet there’s also a lot of guys. I can’t imagine living with them.”
She scoffs and laughs, “Yeah, it can be rough but the good news is most of them are too tired and just go to sleep and wait til we’re at our next stop.”
She laughs and nods to Eli, “Well, I know he’s respectful and isn’t gross like some men.”
Eli laughs, “I appreciate that.” Lily grins, “Maybe I’ll switch to the band bus if that’s the case!” She finishes his makeup, “What do you think?” Eli grins, “this looks fucking sick.”
Faye watches them and nods her head with a small smile.
He grins and she sprays his hair down with a misting bottle.
She hums softly and leans back against the couch.
Eli smiles as Lily puts curly product in his hair.
Faye looks at him through the mirror with a smile.
He catches Faye’s eye in the mirror and grins.
She winks at him before looking down at her notebook.
His cheeks flush and he smiles to himself.
Faye scribbles down a few notes to herself before slipping it back into her bag.
Eli gets spun in his chair so he faces Faye while Lily diffuses his hair and he looks Faye up and down.
She looks through her bag before she feels his eyes and glances up at him with her brows raised.
He bites his lip as he watches her before taking out his phone and opening the app that controls her vibrating panties before turning it on the lowest setting.
Faye gasps softly to herself and looks down before narrowing her eyes at him.
Eli smirks at her and he relaxes in his chair, spreading his legs as he leans back.
She closes her eyes and grips the couch gently.
He watches her and licks his lips.
Faye looks up at him as she shifts to cross her legs and bite her lower lip.
Eli turns it off and grins at her.
She lets out a soft breath and shakes her head at him.
Lily scrunches the cast out of his curls, “What do you think, Faye?”
Faye smirks softly and nods her head, “Looks hot.”
Lily grins, “I think so too.” Eli blushes and laughs, “Coming from you two? That means a lot.” Lily grins, “Yeah, Faye is definitely giving you a run for your money in her sexy denim number.”
She grins and looks down at her outfit, “You like it?”
Lily grins at her, “I love it. I wish I had something like that.” Eli grins as he listens to them.
Faye smiles back up at her and shrugs, “Well with your body and height, I’m sure you can pull off anything. Speaking of, Eli mentioned going out for drinks after the show. Wanna join?”
Lily smiles at them, “Is that okay? I don’t wanna intrude..” Eli smiles at her, “You wouldn’t be intruding at all, Lil. We want you to join us.”
She waves her hand and laughs, “Of course not. We’re all friends here anyways.”
Lily’s brows raise slightly in surprise and she smiles, “Alright. It’ll give me time to get myself ready after I finish with Gabe too.”
Faye nods with a smile, “Great! It’ll be fun!”
Eli grins, “it will.”
She smirks softly at Eli with a nod.
He winks at her and Lily grins, “alright, Eli. You’re all set, good luck out there tonight.” Eli smiles widely, “thank you.”
Faye stands up and smiles at Lily, “See you later?”
Lily grins and nods, “see you later.” She grabs her things and leaves the dressing room.
She nods with a smile before she gently whacks her hand against his arm, “Can’t believe you turned that on with her here.”
He laughs and pulls her to straddle his lap, “I wanted you to get a little preview.”
Faye makes a soft sound and slides her hand over the back of his neck, “You’re bad, Eli Hudson.”
Eli grins and pecks her lips, “Do you want me to apologize?”
She hums softly and pretends to think, “I can’t tell if that will be a good thing or bad thing.”
He smiles widely, “I have to behave, so I’ll only be able to apologize with my words for now.”
Faye nips at his lower lip and nods, “Words will work.”
Eli makes a small noise and he smirks, “I’m sorry for turning on the vibrator early and not warning you. But I’m not sorry that I know you’re already wet and probably so ready for my show to start so you can feel more.”
She smirks and shrugs one shoulder at him, “Maybe.”
He smirks, “Not maybe. I know if I were to reach between your legs right now and touched your pussy, it would be wet.”
Faye shifts her hips closer to him and hums softly, “Oh, you’re so sure huh?”
Eli grins at her, “I am. Especially knowing that I’m going to put your plug in soon.. make you come so hard in public with not a single soul knowing..”
She bites her lower lip and tugs on his hair, “You’re so dirty.”
He smirks, “you’re not allowed to mess up my hair.”
Faye raises her brows and shrugs one shoulder, “I can do whatever I want.”
Eli grins, “You’re gonna mess up Lily’s hard work?”
She wrinkles her nose and shakes her head, “You’re right.”
He smirks and brushes his thumbs over her inner thighs, “that’s what I thought.”
Faye drops her hand and shakes her head with a laugh, “I have never found you as annoying as in this moment.”
Eli smirks and presses his fingers to her panties, “let me make it up to you.”
She makes a soft sound and nods her head.
He smirks and moves his fingers under the fabric to rub her center, “Mm.. just as I thought..”
Faye whimpers and leans her head back, “Eli…”
Eli grins, “Maybe we don’t even need the lube for the plug..” His fingers move up and down her slit.
She grips his shoulder and makes a soft sound, “Come on..”
He smirks, “come on, what?” He teases her hole with his wet fingers.
Faye rocks her hips into his touch and whimpers, “Stop teasing.”
Eli grins, “tell me what you want..”
She grips his shoulder and whines, “I need to come..”
He smirks and sinks his fingers into her pussy and his thumb rubs her clit eagerly.
Faye moans softly and leans her head back.
Eli thrusts his fingers slowly, crooking them to rub her gspot.
She bites her lower lip as she moans and rocks her hips down.
He groans and keeps thrusts his fingers as his thumb moves against her clit.
Faye leans forward to kiss him to muffle her moan as she rocks into his touch.
Eli kisses her hard and moans as he keeps moving his fingers.
She kisses him harder and whimpers into the kiss.
He groans against her lips and kisses her heatedly as his fingers move faster.
Faye cries out softly against his lips as her body tenses up.
Eli moans into the kiss and keeps moving his fingers.
She moans against his lips as she hits her climax and her hips shake.
He groans against her lips and slows his fingers.
Faye grips his shoulder as she pulls back from the kiss and whimpers
Eli looks at her and grins, “damn..”
She leans her forehead against his for a moment and laughs breathlessly.
He chuckles breathlessly with her.
Faye brushes her hand down his chest before she pulls back with a smile.
Eli grins widely at her and withdraws his fingers, “ready for the plug? Or want a break?”
She nods her head as she nips at his lower lip, “I’m ready.”
He makes a small noise, “Go bend over the couch.”
Faye whimpers and nods as she shifts off his lap and leans over the couch, gripping the back of it.
Eli goes into her purse and takes out the satin bag. He pushes up the skirt of her outfit and then the panties down her legs.
She looks over her shoulder at him with a smirk.
He grins and kisses her bottom, “What’s it like to be so sexy?”
Faye laughs and shakes her head, “I don’t know, you tell me.”
Eli smirks and chuckles, “I’m asking you.” He nips at her skin.
She shakes her head and makes a soft sound before she smirks, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He chuckles, “Bull shit. You have the sexiest body, the best tits, the prettiest pussy, and the nicest ass..” He spanks her bottom.
Faye gasps and rocks her hips back before she smirks, “Oh, what about my dimples?”
Eli grins, “I love those, but I don’t want to fuck them. But you do have the best lips too.”
She rolls her eyes and laughs softly, “You flatter me too much, I’m going to leave Boston with aching legs and a huge ego”
He smiles and puts lube on his fingers and rubs her hole, “as you should.”
Faye laughs before she whimpers softly and closes her eyes, “Shut up.”
Eli smirks, “Yes, ma’am.” He slowly pushes a finger into her.
She cries out before biting her lower lip and rocking her hips back.
He groans, “Yes, baby..”
Faye grips the couch and whimpers his name.
Eli thrusts his finger slowly and hums, “let me know when you’re ready.”
She moans softly and nods her head, “I’m ready..”
He withdraws his finger and puts lube on the plug before starting to slowly press it into her.
Faye cries out softly and closes her eyes, “Eli..”
Eli rubs her clit and slowly pushes the plug into her more.
She bites her lower lip harder as her hips writhe.
He groans and keeps rubbing her and pushes it all the way in, “good girl..”
Faye moans and drops her head, “Fuck..Eli..”
Eli kisses her back and stops his fingers, pulling her panties back up.
She whimpers and shifts to stand, “I don’t know how I’m gonna stay upright.”
He fixes her bottoms and grins, “You’ll have something to lean on.”
Faye turns to him and brushes her hand over his lapel, “Thank god.”
Eli grins and kisses her deeply.
She returns the kiss and tugs him closer.
He moves close to her as they kiss.
Faye slides her hand around to his back and kisses him harder.
Eli kisses her passionately and presses his body to hers.
She leans up on her toes as she kisses him deeply and digs her nails into his back.
He groans and grips her hips as they kiss.
Faye pulls back slightly and tugs on his lower lip with a smirk.
Eli makes a small noise and grins at her. There’s a knock on the door and the tour manager calls out, “time to get mic’d up, kid!”
She jumps at the knock and looks at the door before she drags her nails over his back again and pulling back, “If you get nervous just remember I am over there trying not to moan.”
He makes a small noise and kisses her once more, “Record yourself when you can, cause it’s gonna be killing me not to be watching you the whole time.”
Faye returns the kiss and laughs softly, “I’ll try.”
Eli grins, “Okay. I’ll see you after.”
She nods and moves her hand to pat his pocket to make sure his phone is there, “Good luck.”
He chuckles and kisses her one last time before going out to go get mic’d.
Faye returns the kiss and follows him out of the dressing room to head over to the spot next to the box.
Eli gets mic’d up and he’s brought his guitar and they do a couple of tests with it before turning down the house lights. His entrance starts and he quickly opens the app and turns the panties on the lowest setting before going out on stage.
She watches the stage and makes a soft sound in surprise as the vibrations start.
He starts his set and looks out at the crowd as he sings, glancing at Faye a few times when he moves away from the mic to play guitar.
Faye keeps her eyes on Eli as she shifts from side to side with a quiet whimper.
He goes to take a sip of water and leaves his phone out so he can turn the vibrations up higher, watching her as he drinks from his cup.
She whimpers out loud before she places her hand on the box and looks up at him.
Eli sets the cup down and speaks into the mic, “I wrote a new song a couple days ago. But it’s one the band and I agreed was too good not to play live. So Boston.. may I present to you.. Wildflower.” He starts the song and looks over at Faye.
Faye raises her brows at him as she listens to his new song start and she bites her lower lip to muffle a moan.
He continues to sing and the crowd goes wild for it.
She takes out her phone and starts to record Eli from the side of the stage as her hips writhe and she leans against the box.
Eli looks over at her as he sings the words, “I’ll tell you what I like.”
Faye swallows as she catches his gaze and turns the camera on herself as she feels her body tense up.
He continues with the song and tries not to look over at her.
She grips the phone right as she moans under her breath and shakes her head
Eli finishes the song and goes to take another sip of water, looking at her as he turns up the intensity again.
Faye feels her knees shake as she hits her climax and leans her head into the crook of her arm to moan softly, pretending like she is coughing.
He watches her for a moment before going back to the mic and going into his next song.
She whimpers in the after shocks as she glances back at him and turns the camera back to him.
Eli continues with the next couple of songs before announcing it’s his final song of the night and he goes to his water and turns the vibrations up to the max amount.
Faye gasps and turns her body to grip the box with both hands as she moans softly under her breath, “Fuck..”
He watches her for a second and then goes to perform his last song.
She locks eyes with him for a second and shakes her head as she feels herself come again quickly.
Eli continues to play, the crowd going nuts for him.
Faye feels her body shake as she closes her eyes and she moans again before biting down on her lip hard.
He plays a longer outro than normal, smirking to himself.
She tries to breathe in and out to control herself as she glances at him.
When the song ends he thanks the crowd and goes to get his phone, putting it in his pocket and lowering the levels of the vibrations as he hands off his guitar.
Faye whimpers to herself and lets out a soft sigh as she watches him.
Eli grins as he approaches her, “ready to finish that article?”
She narrows her eyes at him and grabs his hand, “Let’s go.”
He smiles even wider and brings her back to his dressing room.
Faye pushes the panties off as soon as they enter the dressing room, “Holy fuck..”
Eli locks the door and grins, “How many times did you come?”
She shakes her head and slides her hands over his chest, “Like five or six, maybe seven times. Fuck I lost count.”
He groans and pulls the skirt of her outfit up over her hips, “Want the plug still in or is it too much?”
Faye whimpers and shakes her head, “It’s a lot but after this I need to take it out..I feel like I can’t catch my breath.”
Eli nods and undoes his pants before picking her up so her legs are around his waist, “Tell me what you want..”
She gasps softly and moves her hands to his neck, “Fuck me against the door, Eli.”
He groans, “I hoped you’d say that.” He presses her back against the door and slams his hips into hers as he kisses her roughly.
Faye moans against his lips and tugs on his hair.
Eli moans and thrusts his hips into hers hard, gripping her hips tight.
She cries out into the kiss and tightens her legs around him.
He kisses her harder to muffle her sounds and he groans as he eagerly moves in and out of her.
She grips his hair as she feels her body shake and she moans into the kiss.
Eli groans into the kiss and moves his hands to grip her ass tight as he moves his hips roughly into hers.
Faye moans against his lips as she hits her climax and squirts hard.
He moans into the kiss as her climax triggers his and he pushes into her hard as he releases inside of her.
Faye tugs on his hair and whines into the kiss.
Eli groans and kisses her passionately.
She returns the kiss and slips her hand down to his cheek.
Eli slowly pulls back and pants heavily, leaning his forehead against hers.
Faye keeps her eyes closed as she speaks breathlessly, “You were amazing, that was amazing…”
He nods his head quickly, “you too.. holy shit..” He stays inside of her as he carries her over to the couch.
She drops her head to his neck and slides her nails over his back, “Eli Hudson..”
Eli lays down on his back with her on top of him and tries to catch his breath.
Faye whimpers and closes her eyes as she pants softly with him.
He rubs her back and laughs breathlessly, “Are you still conscious?”
She nods and blinks her eyes open to look at him, “Barely.”
Eli grins, “I nearly blacked out from that so I don’t even know how you’re holding it together.”
Faye brushes her thumb over his jaw and laughs breathlessly, “I’m not.”
He leans into her touch and grins, “Did you love it? Coming like that in public? The only thing separating you from tens of thousands of people a curtain?”
She nods and hums softly as she looks up at him, “It was exhilarating.”
Eli grins, “I couldn’t stare for too long but what I did see? Stunning.”
Faye laughs softly and slips her hand to his neck as she looks up at him, “And you sang a new song?”
He chuckles and nods, “Yeah.”
She lifts head and hums softly, “You wrote a new song inspired by us hooking up, didn’t you?”
Eli grins and nods, “Sure did. And it’s good.”
Faye laughs and shakes her head, “Wildflower..”
He smiles at her and laughs, tracing his finger over where he knows her wildflower tattoo is.
She smiles as she moves her hand to tap on the flower tattoo on her inner arm with him, “Like this one?”
Eli grins and nods, “Yeah.”
Faye shakes her head and laughs, “I like it.”
Eli smiles wider, “Good.“
She nudges her nose against his jaw and laughs as she lays her head down, “God, I haven’t cuddled this much in years.”
He makes trails along her arms with his fingertips and grins, “My aftercare is nonnegotiable.”
Faye kisses his neck gently and smiles to herself, “I can tell.”
Eli chuckles softly and moves his fingers gently through her hair to massage her scalp.
She leans back into his touch and makes a soft sound.
He smiles and keeps massaging her head.
Faye nuzzles into his chest and sighs softly, “Okay..I can move now. Slowly but I can move.”
Eli chuckles, “No rush.”
She moves her hand over his chest and smiles, “Eli Hudson…”
He grins at her, “Yes?”
She looks up at him and smiles shyly as she shakes her head.
Eli grins and traces his thumb over her dimple, “were you just saying my name or did you get shy and change your mind about saying something?”
Faye closes her eyes and nods her head, “Just saying your name.”
He grins and brushes his thumb over her bottom lip.
She nips at the pad of his thumb and smiles softly.
Eli chuckles and keeps massaging her head.
Faye sighs softly and leans back into his touch as she whispers softly, “I’ll miss this.”
He watches her and nods his head in agreement before leaning in and kissing her softly.
She hums and returns the kiss gently.
Eli slowly pulls back after a moment and he smiles at her, “do you wanna watch Gabe’s set?”
Faye nods as she looks up at him, “Yeah, let’s do that.” She shifts to get off of him and makes a soft sound.
He makes a small noise and groans, “Damn..”
She stands and stretches her arms above her head with a soft whine, “Fuck..the plug is still in..”
Eli watches her and whimpers as he licks his lips before getting up. “Here, let me get it for you..”
Faye nods as she bites her lower lip with a soft sound.
He slowly starts to withdraw the plug for her and he watches her face.
She moans and looks up at him as she grips his arm gently.
His arm wraps around her middle to keep her steady and he takes it out completely.
Faye leans against him and lets out a soft breath, “Fuck..”
Eli kisses her head and rubs her back, “You did so good..”
She grips the lapel of his jacket as she looks up at him, “Now it feels strange without it.”
He chuckles, “Want it back in?”
Faye laughs and shakes her head, “No, no I need a break.”
Eli grins and hugs her to him.
She moves her arm around him under his jacket and sighs softly as she hugs him back.
He smiles and kisses her head, “How are you feeling?”
Faye runs her nails over his lower back and hums softly, “Like I need a drink.”
Eli grins and nods, “Okay, let’s go to craft and get you a drink.”
She nods and pulls back from him, moving to fix her clothes in the mirror.
Eli fixes his bottoms before following her to do the same.
Faye watches him through the mirror and smiles as she smooths out her skirt before grabbing the panties, “Should I still wear these?”
He grins at her, “I was going to ask you that. You can leave them off if they’re too wet to be comfortable.”
She slips them back on and shakes her head, “The denim against my skin is more uncomfortable.”
Eli nods, “I won’t turn them on again unless you want me to.” He grabs her plug and lube and puts it back in the satin bag.
Faye nods with a small smile as she takes the bag to put in her purse, “Thank you.”
He grins at her, “You’re welcome.”
She lifts her hand to pat his chest gently before nodding to the door, “Let’s go.”
Eli nods and laughs, leading her out and toward craft.
Faye follows him and smiles softly, “Wow, quite the options.”
He grins, “Yeah, the tour management is pretty great. What do you want to drink?”
She hums with a shrug, “Anything with alcohol.”
Eli laughs and nods, “Okay, alcohol coming right up. You should definitely eat something.” He goes to get them drinks.
Faye nods as she looks over the food, grabbing a couple pieces of fruit.
He comes back over with cups for them and grins, “I’m back.”
She smiles and takes the cup, “Thank you!”
Eli grins at her, “you’re welcome!” He looks at what she grabbed, “Just fruit? After everything today and what we’re doing tonight?”
Faye laughs and shrugs one shoulder, “I don’t wanna take too much, it’s not my food.”
He gives her a look, “there is more than enough to go around.”
She smiles shyly and takes a muffin.
Eli smiles and grabs food for himself too.
Faye sips her drink and grabs a little more food.
He can’t help but smile to himself, “Wanna go sit?”
She nods and looks up at him, “Yeah, lead the way.”
Eli nods and smiles, bringing her over to a table to sit.
Faye sits next to him and smiles softly.
He grins as he starts to eat and nods his head, “oh yeah, needed this.”
She laughs and nods her head as she eats some of the food.
Eli grins at her, “I didn’t realize how much of an appetite I built up.”
Faye rolls her eyes playfully and laughs, “I’m not surprised.”
He laughs and knocks his knee into hers playfully.
She smiles and continues to eat as she looks around.
Eli grins widely, “rate your first behind the scenes tour experience.”
Faye raises her brows at him and gives him a look, “11 out of 10.”
He smiles widely, “wooooow.”
She laughs as she sips her drink and shakes her head.
Eli grins and winks at her.
She smirks and nudges her elbow against his, “Can you blame me?”
He shakes his head and grins, “not at all.”
She continues to eat and laughs softly, “You seem smug.”
Eli smiles. “just happy.”
Faye shakes her head as she finishes her food, “I can tell.”
He smiles and finishes his food too.
She taps her foot against his and sighs softly.
Eli smiles and sips his drink and checks the time, “Gabe will be on in a few if you wanna go watch.”
Faye nods her head as she looks towards the stage, “Yeah, we should.”
He nods and stands up, holding his hand out to her.
She takes his hand and stands up, “Do you ever go watch from the crowd?”
Eli smiles, “I have before.”
Faye nods with a smile, “Wanna go out there?”
He smiles, “If you do.”
She hums with a shrug and smiles, “Could be fun to dance with you for old times sake.”
Eli grins at her, “Let’s go.”
Faye squeezes his hand and nods with a smile.
He smiles widely and leads her to the where the VIP section of the audience is.
She follows him with her drink in her free hand as they enter the VIP section.
Eli smiles and waves at fans who notice him.
Faye smiles and sips her drink as she lets go of his hand.
He sips his drink and smiles down at her.
She nudges her elbow against his and smiles.
Eli grins and laughs softly.
Faye smiles before she looks towards the stage.
The house lights go down and he starts to cheer for Gabe.
She cheers with him and sets her drink down to clap.
Eli grins widely as Gabe comes out and he sings along.
Faye sips her drink and sways to the music with a smile.
He dances beside her and grins.
She laughs and looks over at him, “Can’t believe you see a concert every night!”
Eli grins widely, “And I get paid to do it!”
Faye grins and shakes her head as she finishes her drink.
He smiles at her, “Want another?”
She nods with a smile, “Please..”
Eli nods with a grin before going to get a refill.
Faye smiles and sways to the music as she waits for him, raising her eyes as she feels a group of fans staring at her.
He comes back over and stands behind her, holding the drink out in front of her.
She looks back at him and grins as she takes the drink, “Thank you.”
Eli grins at her, “you’re welcome.”
She hums and nods to the fans, “We’ve got an audience.”
His brows raise and he looks over before waving to them.
Faye smiles and sips her drink as she glances at them.
Eli chuckles as they hastily look away.
She laughs and shakes her head, “Oh no, you embarrassed them.”
He laughs, “Whoops.”
Faye giggles and leans back against him.
Eli grins and dances with her, his arm going around her.
She smiles and sips her drink as she sways with him.
He moves to the music with her and sings along.
Faye laughs and sings softly with him.
Eli grins and keeps dancing with her.
She smiles and sips her drink as she looks back at him.
He smiles widely down at her.
Faye leans up to nudge her nose against his jaw and smiles.
He grins wider and brushes his thumb over her hip.
She grins and turns back to watch the stage.
Eli steps closer to her as they dance.
Faye dances with him and grins.
He grins widely and fights the urge to kiss her head on multiple occasions.
She hums along to the music as she continues to watch and dance.
Eli smiles and dances with her.
Faye looks back up at him and grins, “Having fun?”
He grins at her, “I am, are you?”
She nods and hums softly to the song.
Eli smiles widely at her and squeezes her waist:
Faye giggles and leans her head back against his chest.
He gives in and places a quick kiss to the top of her head.
She smiles and squeezes his hand, “Oh Eli Hudson..”
Eli chuckles softly, “Yes?”
Faye turns to face him and smiles as she continues to dance.
He grins widely and spins her under his arm.
She laughs as she spins and presses herself closer to him.
Eli grins down at her and dances with her.
Faye giggles and sips her drink as she moves her arm around his neck.
His arm goes around her as they dance.
She laughs and runs her fingers through his hair with a smile.
Eli grins and dances closer to her.
Faye sways with him and grins before she sips her drink.
He laughs, “do you need more?”
She shakes her head and plays with his hair, “No, I’m good right now. Don’t want to get too trashed.”
Eli nods and grins, “Okay.”
Faye smiles at him and sways with him, “So did Shawn agree to meet up?”
He nods his head, “Yeah, he said yes to drinks.”
She grins with a nod and presses herself closer, “I’m going to look like such a shorty.”
Eli grins and rubs her lower back, “Gonna make it more fun to have you be the center of attention.”
Faye hums and leans up to whisper to him, “Turn on the panties.”
He groans and nods his head, taking out his phone and turning the panties on to the second lowest setting.
She smirks before she whimpers softly and grips his hair.
Eli holds her hip tighter and watches her, still dancing with her, “How is it?”
Faye slides one hand down his chest and makes a soft sound as she sips her drink, “Good..already feeling shaky.”
He smirks as he watches her and he turns it up higher, “did you squirt in them before?”
She whimpers louder before she bites her lower lip and nods her head, “At least once..during your new song.”
Eli groans and squeezes her hip, “Fuck..”
Faye smirks and slides her hand down his chest, “Maybe we shouldn’t have come out here.”
He watches her lustfully, “Faye..”
She smiles innocently as she stifles a whimper, “Yeah?”
Eli turns the panties on even higher, “It’s too late for that.”
Faye gasps loudly and pushes him farther back into the VIP, “At least away from where fans can really see you.”
He pulls her to where it’s the most covered and pulls her close to him, his arm around her waist.
She leans against him as she moans against his chest and feels her hips shake.
Eli turns her around and slides his hand between her legs from behind.
Faye gasps and looks over her shoulder at him, “Eli..”
He presses his fingers to her panties to push them harder to her clit, “I wish I was fucking buried inside your pussy so bad..”
She bites down on her lower lip as she stiles a moan, “Fuck me too..”
Eli groans and speaks into her ear, “All I wanna do, is take my cock out and slide it under your panties until I’m inside you and feel you fucking lose it around me..”
Faye leans her head back and closes her eyes, “Please..let’s find somewhere..”
He nods quickly and gently lets go of her, “Okay, baby, let’s go.”
She whimpers and shakes her head, “I can barely walk..turn it down?”
Eli whimpers and turns the vibrations down.
Faye takes his hand and nods, “Fuck..thank you. Lead the way.”
He quickly leads her out and backstage.
She follows him and leans into his arm to steady herself.
Eli pulls her into the first place he finds which ends up being a supply closet and he blocks the door.
Faye gasps before she smirks and turns around to grind her backside against his front, “Fuck me, Eli..”
He pushes her skirt up and undoes his bottoms before sliding his cock into her panties and pushing into her with a groan. “You’re gonna fuck me instead.” He turns the vibrations nearly all the way up on the panties.
Faye cries out loudly as reaches out to grab a shelf to brace herself before she starts rocking her hips back and forth, “Fuck..I love how you fill me..”
Eli places his hands beside hers on the shelf and groans loudly, “Fuck, yes, Faye.. give me that pussy..”
She moans loudly as she leans her head back and moves her body back and forth harder.
He groans and moves his hips to meet her thrusts, “Don’t stop..”
Faye cries out and moves her hips faster, “Fuck..fuck!”
Eli groans and turns the panties up as high as possible.
She feels her knees wobble as she shouts his name and keeps rocking back and forth, “Eli..I..I’m gonna..”
His arms wrap tight around her to keep her steady and he groans as he meets her thrusts, “Fuck, please..”
Faye throws her head back as she screams his name and squirts hard as she tries to keep rocking her hips with her knees giving out.
Eli rocks his hips hard and fast into hers as he hits his climax too, thrusting into her hard as he groans her name loudly and holds her upright.
She pants heavily as she grips his arm and slumps against him, “Holy shit..I’ve never come that fast..”
He kisses along her neck and tries to catch his breath, “Fuck, me neither..”
Faye closes her eyes and whimpers softly before she speaks breathlessly, “Not even as a horny teenager with a hot teacher or sexy delivery driver?”
Eli chuckles breathlessly, “Fine, you got me.. I haven’t come that fast in a long time.”
She laughs softly and tilts her head to the side to look at him.
He turns the panties off and leans in to kiss her passionately.
Faye returns the kiss and slides her hand to his cheek with a soft sound.
Eli rubs her waist and kisses her harder.
She whimpers into the kiss and gently grips his hair.
He groans and slides his hands up to pull the top of her outfit down and he squeezes her breasts.
Faye moans and arches her back towards his touch.
Eli massages her breasts eagerly as he kisses her.
She whimpers into the kiss and moves her hands over his, squeezing them harder.
He groans and massages her breasts roughly.
Faye breaks the kiss and whimpers, “Eli..”
Eli nips at her skin, “Grab your phone and record this..”
She nods and takes out her phone, recording his hands on her breasts with a soft moan.
He plays with her nipples the way he knows she likes and he sucks on her earlobe.
Faye gasps and leans her head back, “Eli..”
Eli nips at her skin and moves his hands more eagerly against her breasts and nipples.
She moans and grips his wrist with her free hand, “You know exactly how to touch me..still..”
He groans, “I love how hard your nipples get.. you love having them toyed with..”
Faye arches her back towards his touch and whimpers, “I love my tits..”
Eli moans and tugs on her nipples, “Me fucking too.. and I’m gonna fuck then tonight.”
She whimpers as she nods her head, “Whatever you want, sir.”
He groans and nips at her shoulder, “Even if I wanna come on your pretty face after I’m done fucking your tits?”
Faye nods her head and tilts her head to the side, “Fuck yeah..the others can clean me up.”
Eli smirks, “Are you gonna be my good little slut again?”
She smiles and looks back at him, “Of course. I’ll do whatever you want, bab-Eli..”
He pretends not to notice the slip up and he kisses her deeply.
Faye returns the kiss and slides her hand back into his hair.
Eli slowly breaks the kiss, “do you want more or leave you like this for now?”
She nudges her nose against his jaw and nods, “I’ll be okay now until we meet up with them.”
Eli nods and pecks her lips before pulling out of her.
Faye whimpers softly as she pulls her panties back up and fixes her clothes.
He fixes his clothes and grins widely at her.
She laughs and shakes her head, “Eli Hudson, such a minx.”
Eli laughs, “I can never get enough of you.”
Faye shakes her head and smiles, “Don’t say things like that.”
He grins and kisses her neck, “Sorry.” He spanks her bottom.
She tilts her head to the side and laughs, “Better.”
Eli chuckles and cracks the door open and sees the coast is clear and he tugs her out.
Faye follows him and laughs, “So when should we head out?”
He smiles and checks the time, “let’s go now to beat the crowd. I’ll text Lily and Shawn.”
She nods and takes his arm, “Lead the way.”
Eli grins and leads her out to where the car is waiting for them and he texts Lily and Shawn where to meet them.
Faye follows him and hums softly to herself.
He smiles at her, “Do you want to stop at a store for different panties?”
She laughs softly and nods her head, “Probably should.”
Eli grins, “we’ll do that first then.”
Faye smiles with a nod, “Thank you.”
He nods and smiles, “You’re welcome.” When they get to the car he opens the door for her.
She thanks him and gets into the car.
Eli gets in after her and asks the driver to take them to a store.
Faye glances at him and hums, “This was so fun.”
He grins widely at her, “I’m glad you had a good time.”
She squeezes his arm and smiles with a nod.
Eli smiles wider and looks out the window.
Faye looks out her own window and smiles to herself.
The car stops in front of a store and he gets out.
She slips out after him and laughs, “It doesn’t surprise me I need an extra pair.”
He chuckles and leads her inside, “we should’ve thought of this ahead of time.”
Faye follows him and laughs, “We should’ve.”
Eli grins, “Amateur hour.”
She laughs as she leads him to the women’s section.
He grins and follows her.
Faye nods to him and laughs, “Pick them out, you’re going to rip them off later anyways.”
Eli chuckles, “okay, so sexy but with enough coverage that the denim isn’t uncomfortable for you.”
She nods and laughs softly, “Pick out at least two. You tore them off of me earlier too.”
He chuckles and finds two pairs and shows them to her, “How are these?”
Faye grins and nods, “Very cute.”
Eli chuckles, “Alright, let me go pay for them.”
She laughs and leads him towards the check out.
He grins and pays for the underwear and hands Faye the bag.
Faye grins and takes his arm to lead him back to the car.
Eli chuckles as he follows her.
She hums softly and nods, “Distract the driver and I’ll change them out.”
He nods and laughs, leaning in to the passenger window to talk to the driver about the bar they’re going to.
Faye laughs and slips off the other panties before pulling out the new ones and taking off the tag before checking on them.
Eli keeps talking to the driver and glances at Faye.
She laughs softly before slipping on the new panties and then putting her hand on his arm.
He chuckles at something the driver said he smiles at Faye, “Ready?”
Faye nods as she squeezes his arm, “Yep.”
Eli grins widely and gets into the backseat.
She slips in beside him and laughs softly.
He grins and puts his arm around her.
Faye laughs and leans into his side.
Eli chuckles softly and looks out the window as he holds her.
She looks up at him and smiles softly.
He feels her eyes on him and he looks down at her before pecking her lips a few times.
Faye laughs and returns the pecks, “Sorry..”
Eli chuckles, “Stop.” The car stops in front of the bar and Lily is walking up, all done up for the evening.
She smiles shyly as she gets out of the car and raises her brows, “Hey!”
Lily grins widely as she sees Faye, “Hey!” Eli follows her out and grins widely, whistling at Lily.
Faye laughs and looks her up and down, “You look amazing.”
Lily blushes and laughs, “you guyyyys stop.” Eli grins, “Faye’s right, you do. Shawn’s gonna join us at some point too.” He holds the door open for them.
She smiles and leads them inside the bar.
Lily smiles at them, “sounds fun.” Eli smiles and places his hand on Faye’s lower back as they go to the bar.
Faye glances at him and smiles softly as they approach the bar, “What do you like to drink, Lily?”
Lily grins, “I usually do a cosmo.”
She smiles and nods her head, “Love that. I’m a part time bartender so I love learning what people like to drink.”
Lily smiles at her, “very cool.” Eli gets the bartenders attention and orders all of their drinks.
Faye nods and thanks Eli with a smile.
Eli leans his back against the bar and grins at the girls. “Lil has my hair held up?” Lily laughs and adjusts a few curls, “for the most part.”
She smirks to herself as she watches them.
Lily grins at Faye and raises her brows, “Oh, eyelash.” She brushes her thumb over the other girls cheekbone and gets her lash, and she holds it up to Faye’s lips with her index finger, “Make a wish.”
“Oh?” She raises her brows slightly and smiles shyly at her touch before leaning down to gently blow the lash off her thumb and closes her eyes to make her wish.
Eli watches and grins, “that was sweet of you, Lily.” Lily blushes and smiles shyly, “gotta make sure she gets her wish.”
Faye smiles with a shrug, “Maybe I will.”
He grins at her, “I hope so.”
She taps her foot against his and hums softly, “So Lily, are you single?”
Lily laughs softly and nods, “I am.”
Faye nods with a laugh, “I imagine it’s hard to meet anyone but the rest of the crew with being on the road. And well this guy.” She taps Eli’s chest with a smile.
She hums and shrugs, “It can be, but sometimes you can find people to pick up at bars.”
She nods in understanding and laughs, “I get it. That’s why I work in one.”
Lily’s brows raise in surprise, “to pick people up?”
Faye laughs and shrugs one shoulder as their drinks come up, “It’s kind of helps my other job with writing. Meeting people and getting to know them.”
Lily nods and smiles, “then not to pick people up?” Eli passes out drinks.
She smirks with a shrug, “That can be a bonus.”
Eli takes a big sip from his drink. Lily laughs softly and then watches Eli.
Faye sips her drink and hums softly, “I hope you guys go out and party with the crew during the stops at least. I mean, it’s the only time to experience the city.”
Lily laughs and so does Eli, “We definitely do that.”
She raises her brows and looks between them with a grin.
Lily smirks at Faye, “you ever see Eli do body shots off of four different people at one time?” Eli groans and covers his face with his hand.
Faye raises her brows at him and laughs, “Oh? I can’t say I have.”
Eli laughs, “it happened once!”
She laughs and shakes her head as she looks at Lily, “How drunk do we have to get him?”
Lily grins and covers the side of her mouth with her hand, “four tequila shots deep.”
Faye leans closer to her and grins as she whispers to her, “And he didn’t even try to kiss you with that liquid courage?”
Lily blushes and laughs shyly before whispering back, “He kept saying that he knew I was drunk and wasn’t going to take advantage of me.”
She smiles softly and tilts her head to the side, “He’s a good guy.”
Lily nods and smiles, “He is.” Eli raises his brows, “You two talking about me?”
Faye sits back and zips her lips with a smirk. Shawn walks into the bar and rubs the back of his neck as he looks around.
Eli taps her lips and then spots Shawn and he waves him over with a smile. Lily grins and calls Shawn’s name.
She shifts and crosses her legs as she turns towards where they Shawn grins and walks over, “Hey guys! Thanks for the invite out, maybe some more body shots tonight?”
Eli groans and covers his face with his hand again. Lily giggles and presses her hand to Shawn’s chest, “We were literally just teasing him about it.”
Shawn laughs and drops his arm around Lily’s shoulders before he grins at Faye, “I’m Shawn, you are?” Faye holds out her hand and smiles, “Faye. I’m a college friend of Eli’s.” Shawn shakes her hand and grins, “Nice to meet you. Damn, you are tiny.”
Eli laughs, “Such a good first impression you make.” Lily grins, “Faye is petite. Especially compared to you, Eli.”
Shawn grins with a shrug, “It’s cute.” Faye smiles up at him and nods her head to the bar, “Well, thank you. Want a drink? Gotta catch up to us.”
Eli smiles, “I got it, Shawn.” He waves down the bartender and orders Shawn’s usual. Lily grins, “Awww, he knows your drink of choice.”
Shawn squeezes Lily’s shoulder with a grin, “He likes me..he really likes me.”
Eli gives them a look, “I already knew all of your drinks of choice.” Lily grins, “Just honored.”
Shawn smirks and slides her hand down Lily’s back before he drops it, “How was the rest of the show tonight?”
Lily smiles, “I got Gabe’s blessing to leave early so I could get ready for tonight.” Eli smirks at Faye and then looks at Shawn and Lily, “definitely an unforgettable show.”
Faye smiles as she sips her drink and nods her head, “It was incredible. Eli played a new song.” Shawn raises his brows and takes his drink as the bartender brings it over, “Oh really?”
Eli nods and laughs, “Yeah, it’s called Wildflower.” Lily raises her brows, “pretty name, what’s it about?” Eli chuckles, “Sex.”
Shawn leans his head back and laughs. Faye giggles and subtly elbows Eli, “So romantic.”
Eli chuckles, “It’s about someone who is normally so delicate being kinda wild in bed. Knowing exactly what they want, and wanting to please the other person.”
Faye raises her brows slightly and smiles at him. Shawn chuckles and sips his drink, “So kind of a deep sex song.”
Eli shrugs and smiles, “Yeah.” He sips his drink and looks at Faye. Lily looks at them, “Faye’s the wildflower.”
Faye raises her brows and looks at her, “What?”
Lily reaches out and brushes her hand over Faye’s tattoo and giggles, “Like literally!”
Shawn raises his brows between them and laughs, “Oh shit! Look at that.” Faye blushes softly as she looks at the tattoo, “Oh yeah..that..”
Eli chuckles, “Coincidence.” Lily brushes her thumb over the tattoo and moves closer to Faye to look at it, “I don’t think I believe yooouu.”
She laughs softly and waves her hand as she looks up at Eli, “He wrote the song, so it’s a coincidence.”
Lily smirks and shrugs, sipping her cosmo before going back to Shawn and leaning into his side, “Whatever you two say.” She looks at Shawn, “Are you a wildflower?”
Shawn wraps his arm around her and smirks, “I wouldn’t say I’m delicate. Maybe the rest..” Faye leans her head back against Eli’s chest and raises her brows as she watches them.
Eli has one hand on Faye’s waist and he reaches over to gently brush his thumb over Shawn’s jaw, “I had to save you from spiders on multiple occasions.”
Shawn chuckles and nips at his finger, “That’s different. Spiders are fucking evil.”
Eli chuckles, “And I protect you every time.” Lily watches them and swallows thickly.
He smirks and slides his hand down Lily’s back, “My hero, Eli.” Faye glances at Lily and raises her brows as she sips her drink.
Lily gets goosebumps and keeps staring at the boys. Eli smirks back at him, “I’ll take care of you.” He looks at Lily, “you too Lily, if that’s what you want.” Lily blinks a few times and quickly nods, “I want.”
Shawn bites his lower lip and sips his drink. Faye smirks and looks up at Eli, “Damn..you work fast, Eli Hudson.”
Eli grins and rubs her waist, “Why don’t you and Shawn take Lily out for a dance?”
Faye finishes her drink before she slips off the barstool and takes Lily’s hand, “Let’s go.”
Lily downs the rest of her cosmo and she takes Faye’s hand, grabbing Shawn’s with her other one.
Shawn winks at Eli before he leads the girls out of the dance floor. Faye pulls Lily close to dance as Shawn sways behind Lily, wrapping his arm around her waist.
Eli sips his drink as he watches and closes out his tab. Lily blushes as she leans back into Shawn and brings an arm around Faye, “I’ve never done anything like this before..”
Faye grins and raises her brows as she rubs her hips, “We’ll be gentle. Have you been with a girl?” Shawn moves his hand to push Faye’s hair over her shoulder and leans down to gently kiss Lily’s shoulder.
Lily blushes and leans back into Shawn more, “not farther than second base..” Eli sips his drink before going out to the dance floor and he slides his hand down Shawn’s back as he walks past him to go dance behind Faye.
She smirks as she starts to dance against Eli and moves her hand to brush over her jaw, “I’ve been with plenty, I’ll take care of you. Can I kiss you?” Shawn makes a soft sound at Eli’s touch before he watches him.
Lily swallows thickly and nods her head. Eli holds Faye’s hips as he dances with her and he keeps his gaze locked on Shawn’s.
Faye smiles and leans up to kiss her gently with a soft sound into the kiss. Shawn licks his lower lip and smirks softly.
Lily tentatively returns the gentle kiss. Eli reached over and brushes his thumb over Shawn’s lower lip as he watches the girls.
She slides her hand up his hip and kisses her deeper. Shawn makes a soft sound and leans into his touch as he glances down at the girls, “Fuck..that’s hot..”
Lily whimpers and kisses her just as deeply, and she grips Shawn’s hand. Eli smirks and nods his head, “So fucking hot..”
Faye brushes her thumb over the side of her breasts as she gently tugs on her lower lip. Shawn grinds his hips into Lily’s backside before he looks at Eli, “You’ve done this before?”
Lily moans into the kiss and pulls back, grinding her hips back into Shawn’s. Eli smirks and nods, “Plenty of times, you?” His hands move along Faye’s waist.
Shawn groans softly and nods his head, “Like once..” Faye smirks as she leans back against Eli and dances with him, “How was that, Lil?”
Lily whimpers, “I wanna do more..” Eli groans, “Our hotel is across the street. Let’s go.”
Faye grins with a nod as she pulls back from Eli and takes his arm, “Lead the way.”
Eli grins and tugs on Shawn’s belt loop to encourage him to follow and he leads them out of the bar and across the street to the hotel. Lily giggles, “Now I know why we didn’t invite Gabe.”
Shawn follows with a chuckle as he moves his arm around Lily’s shoulders, “Boss man is too in love to join this kind of party.”
0 notes
antiodote · 2 years
she helps him shave
“can I do it?”
she was sitting on the closed lid of the toilet, watching him as he stood in front of the large mirror in his bathroom. he was clad in a pair of colourful joggers and nothing else; truly a sight to see.
“hm?” he turned his head in her direction, giving her his full attention. “do what, angel?” his tired eyes were on her, the domestic nature of it all was nothing but comforting.
“shave your face, I mean. can I do it?” she realised somewhere within the second of her asking the question that the mere notion might be silly. a bit overbearing, maybe. but before she could overthink it, she was met with an amused smile from her love.
“you wanna shave my face, doll? do you have any experience? wouldn’t want you to butcher my pretty face, darling.” he mocked. they were smiling at each other, his joke clearly setting the playful mood. he always teased her to no end. “y’know what? forget I asked-“ she moved to get up from her seated position when two hands suddenly pushed her back down.
“no! no, honey, I was only joking!” he had a hard time containing his laugh. “I’m sorry, y’know I can’t help it. I’d love for you to shave my face, actually.” he hugged her close, her face smushed against his chest and his hands in her hair. she attempted to roll her eyes to further sell her annoyed façade, the giggles escaping her throat, however, cut her game short.
she really, really liked his jokes.
“hm, if you insist…”
he moved his hands from her head to her face, moving her to look at him. in one slow but swift move, he connected their lips for a sweet and tender kiss, ending the gesture with a peck on the nose.
he really, really liked kissing her.
“oh, what would I do without you, hmm?”
“I don’t know, die, probably.” she says, her arms still slung around his hips. he chuckles. “probably, yeah.”
“right, better get started then. we don’t have all day, do we?”
with that, he picks her up from the toilet seat and gently puts her on the bathroom counter, gaining a squeal from her sweet lips. she moves her thighs apart for him to stand in between them, and he does just that. within a few moments, he hands her the shaving cream and razor, wanting her to take over. he rests his hands on the edge of the counter, right beside her thighs, and leans down a bit so she can get started.
“wait, let’s get this hair out the way first.” she blindly reaches behind her in an attempt to reach the tiny wicker basket on the counter housing all of their shared hair ties and scrunchies. she coincidentally picks out a velvety pink one, matching the velvety blue one that is currently holding her hair in place. she moves to gather his longer hair in a tiny puff at the crown of his head and ties it all together. a few flyaways here and there remain, but she doesn’t mind.
she grabs the bottle of shaving cream and shakes it just enough, after which she sprays a generous amount on her palm. once it looks like it’s enough, she goes to spread it around her love’s face. who, by the way, looks like he’s on cloud nine, with the way his dopey smile adorns his face.
“what’s got you all happy today? it’s way too early for this much glee.” she asks, further spreading the shaving cream along his jaw. he takes a second to answer, making sure her eyes were on his, and chuckles once again. “well, I’ve got a terribly cute girl sitting here, right in front of me, in nothing but her underwear and my shirt, currently spreading shaving cream on my face. and once we’re done here, we’ll spend the entire day together. we’ll go for a long walk and get some coffee on the way. and we’ll be wearing those cute matching outfits that she picked out and I just can’t help but feel like it's too good to be true, that’s all.”
harry often worried that he was being too gushy around her, that his compliments and praise would end up driving her away from him; that his need to spend as much time with her as possible would be considered weird or insecure. he knew that he was diving into everything a bit too quickly, but he couldn’t bring himself to care when it felt so right.
harry had only been with her for five and a half months. an incredibly short time, compared to the grand scheme of things. however, he was sure that she was his person. his endgame. the one. it sounded corny in his head, especially given that none of them had even said those three words yet. but it was a gut feeling. a safety that he had been chasing with any other partner he ever had. nothing ever compared to this; the warmth, comfort, safety and ecstasy he felt were his drugs, and he was addicted. his only hope? that she felt the same way.
“you know, those are some of my favourite things to do with you. maybe I should consider myself the lucky one, after all.”
“or maybe, I just know you well enough at this point.”
“yeah, or that.”
she started dragging the razor down his still slightly puffy face, careful to go with the grain, not against it. both of them fell silent. she was too focused on the motions of her hand to talk, and he had no problem admiring her while she did her best. or closing his eyes to enjoy the feeling of her breath on his face. what neither of them knew, however, was how both of their minds were running a mile a minute. her heart was still racing from his joyous description of the day he had planned. just the two of them, that’s all they ever needed. at least, it was all that she needed.
she couldn’t quite believe she got this lucky. sure, harry got jealous, got quite impatient from time to time and had a hard time telling her when something was up. but behind any of that was a man, a good and honest man, who wanted her around. who enjoyed her company. who laughed at her jokes. who appreciated her help. who held her at night. who made her feel good. she was convinced that someone like that, man or woman or whatever else, didn’t exist for her. she believed, for a long time, that she was meant to give, but not to receive. that she was meant to hold, not to be held. that she was meant to love, not to be loved.
she thinks he might love her. maybe. just a tiny bit. but she knew, with every fibre of her being, that she loved him. she loved him. she loved him, so, so much.
what she didn’t know? he felt the same. he loved her. he really, really loved her.
“all done!”
he opened his eyes and was faced with her smiling face. he stepped aside to examine her work in the mirror and was surprised to see that she had done a perfect job.
“I think you might’ve been a barber in your past life, darling.”
he stepped back in front of her to bring his arms around her waist. a kiss on the lips was her reward. “thank you, I feel wonderful.”
she kissed him back and held his now clean-shaven jaw in her hands. “you’re welcome, I’m glad you feel good. I’m sad to see the moustache go, though.”
he scoffed. “you only liked it because it was fun to sit on, angel.”
with that, she shoved him away and got off the bathroom counter, her middle finger raised high above her head as she stepped out of the room. a sweet “fuck you, styles.” lingered in the air after she made a break for the bedroom to get changed. he followed shortly after, like a lost puppy, finding her in the middle of the room. she was now in his trousers, shirt and cardigan and opted for long, worn-out wool socks to keep her feet warm in the october cold. as she stood there in front of him, he felt like he was looking at an extension of himself. a piece of his heart, growing by the minute. a piece of him with her, a piece of her with him, always. their eyes met in silence. her eyebrows rose, challenging him. his heart felt like it was wearing a knit sweater, his insides warm and fuzzy. their smiles grew and grew until they cracked.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
silence fell. and then, laughter rose. kisses given, hugs received, tears shed. but all was good, they were in love.
1.5k words, not proofread (sorry!!) lowercase intended. i hope you like this one ! i happen to love it <3
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 2 years
His Kryptonite
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Peter Parker x Reader
Peter gets sprayed with bug spray. Spoiler alert, he doesn’t have a good reaction
̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ Requests open  ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶
"Stop! Peter, stop!" you laugh and giggle as he pokes at you.
"What? What? What do you mean?" Peter laughs and lunges to wrap his arms around you, pulling you back against his chest as you both laugh.
"S-stop," you wheeze, "the food is ready. We have to go."
"Oh? You want food more than to hang with me?" he raises his eyebrow at you.
"Hm, you or food? I think I'll pick food!" you say and try to laugh and get out of his grip.
"Wow, ok. Food doesn't save the world, though," Peter jokes.
"Wanna bet?" you laugh.
Peter laughs and shakes his head, finally letting his arms go lax and let you go. "I don't know what's hurt worse, my feelings or my ego," Peter says in a fake hurt tone and sad look.
"Mhm, yeah, I'm sure you can talk to Tony about that ego thing. He probably has something to fix that," you snicker and head toward your bedroom door. Peter gasps and runs at you again, making you laugh and try to open the door to get away from him, only to get trapped between his arms and the hallway wall. "What, did I lie?"
"No... guess not," he smirks.
It's a moment of silence as you both look at each other, all while he has you pinned to the wall, and after a moment, you lean up and place a tender kiss on his lips. He melts into the kiss, leaning his body more on yours.
"Ahem." You pull away at the sound of someone clearing their throat. "There are kids here, ya know? Keep all the ick somewhere else," Darrell, your brother, says. "And the food's ready."
You laugh and roll your eyes, turning to walk toward the kitchen, Peter not far behind. You both walk into the kitchen, the smell of food hitting your nose and making your mouth water.
You and Peter walk toward the living room, wanting to sit on the couch and wait for your mom to give the ok that everyone can eat. "What are you doing?" you look confused at Dominic, Darrell's twin brother.
"There was a spider, and I don't know where it went," he says, spraying near the ceiling but also out into the air.
"Stop spraying that stuff everywhere. We're about to eat," you say.
"What? Scared of a little buy spray?" he mocks, turning the can toward you and spraying some at you.
It was only a little, but the bottle he's using sprays a large area, so it didn't only hit you, but it hit Peter also.
"Ugh. Really?" you scrunch your face and scoff, Peter starting to cough behind you. "Ma! Can you get your son and tell him to stop trying to kill us all with this bug spray!" you yell toward the kitchen.
"BOY! Stop using all my spray and sit down!" you hear her yell over the sound of Peter still coughing.
"I was just trying to get the spider!" he whines.
"Imma put a spider in your food if you don't sit yo butt down and put my can away!"
Dominic turns around and gives you a mean look before leaving the living room. It's now that you realize Peter is still coughing. You turn around, seeing him with his face buried in his arm as he wheezes. "Hey? You ok?' you ask, concern in your voice as you put your hand on Peter's arm.
He tries to stop coughing, but it turns into wheezes for air. "C-can'tbeathe! Can'tbreathe!" he says franticly, pointing to his throat and desperately trying to get air into his lungs.
Your eyes go wide, and you notice how pale he now looks. His eyes beat red, and tears started to run from them. "Peter? Hey, hey, Peter!" Peter falls to his knees, clawing at his throat and feeling it squeeze closed.
"Is everything ok? What's wrong? What happened?" your mom asks her, and Marcus, your other little brother, comes to find out what all the commotion is.
You thought for a moment, and it started to sink in. Peter got hit with the bug spray. Technically, he's part spider. He could be dying.
Peter starts feeling dizzy, and you get on your knees so you're level with him. "Pete, I- I don't know what to do..." you put your hands on his face. You thought hearing Peter gasp for help was bad, but then he goes completely silent, and your heart skips a beat. He stops making noise altogether, his eyes glazing over and his body feeling heavy. His weight leans into you, his head falling to your shoulder. You'd think he went unconscious, but there's still the tiny movement of his body trying every few seconds to inhale.
You scramble to get your phone, quickly finding Tony's contact. "Mr. Stark! Peter got hit with bug spray! I- I think he's dying."
Tony is quick to understand and told you to wait. He'd come as quick as possible with a solution. But who knew how long Peter had. Maybe his body could fight the spray, but maybe it can't. Maybe there's no way to save him at this point.
Within 10 minutes, there's a knock on the door. Tony. You let him in and ignore the looks of surprise and confusion you get from your family. "What's that?" you ask, watching him kneel down to your unconscious boyfriend laid on the floor and pull out a vile.
"A sedative," he says, lifting up one of Peter’s sleeves and sticking it to his arm.
"Wait- sedative?? Won't that stop his body from fighting the spray?!" you say, a little louder than you liked.
"You the scientist?" You can only blankly stare at him, closing your mouth from saying anything else. He sighs, "The sedative will settle his senses and powers, meaning he's more normal for the moment, and instead of attacking him, his body will react more normally. Meaning not at all."
Like on cue, Peter's eyes shot open, and he woke up with a sharp gasp of air. "What? What happened?" he pants, still trying to catch his breath. You sigh and get down next to him, pulling him into a hug.
"You're gonna need some rest, kid," Tony speaks up, pulling your attention to him. He nods, still not fully understanding why but agreeing. Tony stands, turning to your family -who's standing like deers in headlights- and smiles. "So, what are we having for dinner?"
"Darrell, come help me," you say, standing and trying to help Peter up.
He snaps out of his daze and walks over. You don't miss the hint of hesitation in his walk. He lets Peter put his arm around his shoulders, and both of you start walking him back toward your room. You make it to your room and help him on your bed, turning to Darrell, who's still just standing there, not really knowing what to do.
"Get out," you say with a fake smile and push him back through the door, closing it behind him. You let out a breath and turn back to Peter, climbing in bed with him and laying back. "How ya feeling?"
"Like I got sprayed with death," he mumbles, turning and climbing on top of you, getting under the blankets and laying between your legs, the back of his head laid on your stomach.
You bring your hand up and run it through his hair. "Yeah, guess the bug spray is a big no no," you say gently. He hums in response, closing his eyes and letting them rest.
You stay like that for about 3 minutes before your door slowly opens, the rest of your family, and Tony with a plate in his hand behind them, steps through. Your mom is the first to speak up. "You got a lot of explaining to do."
You internally cringe, knowing there's really no way out of this. You glance at Tony, who has a face full of food and is no help, but you feel one of Peter's hands on your leg, slowly stroking it gently like he's saying it's ok, that you can tell him.
You take in a slow breath. "Yeah. Guess now is as best of time to let you guys in on everything."
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
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*Lets go camping*
For yours and Drew’s 2 year anniversary, he takes you on a week vacation of nothing but Camping in a national forest with a huge waterfall. It was hard for you to enjoy it at first because of the heat and bugs and just outside in general, but Drew knew how to quickly change your mind on the trip, especially when the sun was setting .
* this is extra extra long with EXTRA smut. Fair warning. 18 AND OLDER.
“ ughhhh” *smack*-
“ ughhhh” *smack*-
Drew chuckled as he watched you sit in your foldable chair by the fire he had going, smacking your arm as another mosquito landed on you. “ God I hate this shit” you mumbled under your breath as you went swinging at another bug on your thigh.
“ c’mon baby it’s only our first day , give it some time it’ll warm up to ya” he stated as he snapped a twig over his leg, placing the two pieces in his fire wood pile.
“ yeah well you could’ve picked like an RV or something “ you stated halfway joking. He shook his head walking over towards you.
“ that completely defeats the purpose of camping princess “ he replied before leaning down pecking your lips.
“ mmm you’re lucky you’re so hot” you moaned out looking at his shirtless body glistening in the sunlight.
“ cmon put your tennis shoes on baby, I want to show you something but it’s gonna be a walk” he stated as he filled his book bag up with water bottles.
“ you’re just trying to kill me arent you” you scoffed as you slid your tennis shoes on before zipping the tent back up. You were semi familiar with North Carolina from being with Drew for two years but Drew always surprised you with different locations he had managed to scope out throughout his teenage and early college years. You were a good 2 miles deep in the woods where Drew decided was a good spot for camping . You didn’t like it because you were so far away from his truck and the road itself, but he swore he had camped there before and knew the area like the back of his hand.
“ we’ll if we’re on the news in two weeks for a bear attack, I hope you know I WILL haunt you in the afterlife” you said walking over to him as he patiently waited for you, propped up against a tree.
“ oh baby I got stuff for cases like that, but I’ve never seen a bear before out here and I’ve been out here more than I can count “ he stated , plopping one of his baseball caps on your head.
“ hm my own personal Tarzan” you joked running your hand down his toned chest. “ so sexy”
“ you hear that?” Drew beamed excitedly while standing on a huge fallen tree. You sighed heavily , leaning over placing your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath.
“ yeah I can hear my own lungs collapsing” you exclaimed leaning up against the tree he was standing on. He chuckled at how dramatic you were before shaking his head.
“ no princess the water” he stated turning his head to the right of him.
“ ooohhh finally” you beamed climbing up the tree , walking down towards where Drew stood.
“ c’mon princess you’ll love it” he exclaimed grabbing your hand, helping you down the tree. Within a few more minutes the water was extremely loud, and you were for sure it was going to be a waterfall that you would be coming up to.
“ there it is” Drew beamed excitedly, reaching his arm out. You gasped at the sight. It was Huge and the view itself was definitely worth the walk it took to get there.
“ come on “ Drew said tugging on your hand pulling you towards the water. You both stood on the edge, standing on big flat rocks that lined the edge of the river . “ let’s swim” Drew said before kicking his shoes off.
“ my bathing suit is at the tent” you said frowning.
“ no one will be anywhere near here just wear your underwear.” He said as he pulled his black shorts down, his tight gray briefs outlining his figure.
“ the thing is” you started as you pulled your Jean shorts down, wiggling your bottom out, your pink cheekers prominently making your bottom really stand out. You smirked as you watched Drew’s face as you pulled your padded tank top over your head, completely flashing Drew as you had no bra on. “ I don’t have a bra “
“ whewww” Drew replied, his eyes staring at your perky nipples. You grinned seductively as you walked backwards into the water.
“ you coming Daddy?” You purred out, running your hands over the water as you continued to walk backwards. Drew went to respond when all of a sudden he heard a squeal come from your lips as you completely sank under water.
“ oh my god it drops off!” You screamed after you popped back out of water swimming your way back to where you could reach. Drew’s face was red from laughing so hard before he walked into the water towards you.
“ come here beautiful “ he said pulling you towards him by your waist. Your breasts were pressed tightly up against his chest as you wrapped your legs around his waste , your arms going around his shoulders.
“ I know I complained a lot today, but it’s really beautiful out here and I’m really enjoying our time together” you stated, the splashes from the waterfall spraying you and Drew slightly.
“ mm me to too baby” he beamed. You giggled as you felt him starting to grow up under you, pressing against your core.
“ oh Drew” you chuckled out, “ we’ve never had sex in the water before” you whispered to him before leaning down for a kiss. Drew’s large hands squeezed your bottom as you nibbled on his bottom lip, feeling his cock jump against you.
“ you so fuckinf sexy y/n” he groaned, lifting your hips up against his shaft, making you moan out to the friction. “ you just don’t know what you do to me.”
“ yeah? Wanna show me baby?” you moaned out rubbing your nose against his. Drew quickly pulled your panties to the side, pulling himself out of his boxers before sliding himself into you at a quick pace. You gasped out loudly, your mouth opening wide as Drew stretched you out. Despite being in the water, Drews huge member had you moaning loudly as you were grinding your hips up and down his cock, his hands gripping your ass to help hold you up.
“ your pussy feels so good on me princess” Drew groaned out, his breath shaky as you both moved at a fast pace. You threw your head back moaning loudly , tugging on the back of his hair as his plump lips landed on your neck, his hands gripping so tight against your hips as he aggressively moved them up and down his body, surely to leave bruises by morning. You looked down, watching his huge biceps flex with each movement, his shoulders tensing each time he lifted you.
“ oh fuck baby” he groaned out, his hips bucking foward as he pulled you down , going deep in you.
“ you’re gonna make me cum Drew” you cried out, squeezing tightly against his body as you felt the tingling feeling in the bottom of of your stomach , needing to release on Drew.
“ cum on daddy’s dick princess” Drew huffed out, his jaw opened wide breathing heavily as he watched you unfold over him.
“ oh god!” You screamed out as you felt your clit pulsing, your walls clenching around Drew. Just the sight itself sent him over. You bit your bottom lip as you heard him moan a low ‘ fuck’ in your ear as he road out his climax.
Once Drew’s movements stopped, his arms slid up to around your back , holding you tightly against him while he placed sloppy kids along your collar bone and neck, eventually making their way to your lips.
“That was nice” you beamed, grinning as he still held you up.
“ it was “ he said pecking your lips before lowering you back down, your feet landing on the mossy rocks below .
“ I’m kind of hungry now “ you chuckled, floating on your back.
“ okay we’ll swim for a few and then go back okay? “ Drew said while fixing himself back into his briefs.
“ mhm” you said closing your eyes, moving your hands gently in the water as you floated around theswimming hole on your back .
“ do you bring all of your girlfriends here?” You joked. You jumped as you felt water splash on your face . “ Drew! “ you yelled out as you lifted your head out of the water looking at him.
“ I’ve only had like 2 before you and I never brought them here “ he stated before rolling his eyes. He hated when you would say stuff like that even though he knew you meant it as a joke.
“ I wouldn’t have cared if you did baby” you said swimming over to him.
“ that so ?” He questioned smirking at you. You grinned before jumping out of the water, leaping onto him causing you both to fall over and land under water.
For the next hour it had become a full blown wrestle match between you and Drew. Most of the time it was you getting tossed in the water but you did manage to get him a few times.
You both got dressed quietly , just enjoying the peaceful sight of nature.
“ you ready princess?” Drew asked as you slipped on your shoe, standing up and brushing your bottom off.
“ yup!” You stated, walking over towards him.
“ that’s so nasty” you replied as you watched Drew eat a burnt marshmallow.
“ it’s so good” he muffled out, sucking some of the marshmallow off his thumb. You raised an eyebrow at him before placing your golden brown marshmallow in your mouth, a string of it falling down your chin.
“ let me get it” Drew suggested before taking his finger, wiping the string of sticky mess off your chin. You bit your bottom lip as you watched him stick his finger in his mouth licking it off, the same way he did back at home when he would lick your juices off his finger after fingering you.
“ stop” you said shaking your head looking over at the fire.
“ what’s the matter baby?” Drew said , his deep voice making you shiver. Drew smirked as he watched you close your eyes . He knew exactly what you were thinking about, and his actions were intentional too.
“ that make you think of something?” He said softly , leaning towards you, The lake water smell lingering off of him. You grinned biting your lip, feeling those oh-so familiar tingles in the pit of your stomach. You looked over at him slightly, your eyes glistening Under your lashes from the fire. You both stared intensely at each other for a second before you looked back at the fire, Drew’s cocky smirk still plastered over his face.
“ if you wanted me to take you into the tent and fuck you , all you had to do was ask” he said, causing you to choke on the marshmallow you had just swallowed, your eyes widen with shock. He laughed slightly at your reaction before standing up, his prominent bulge in line with your eyes.
“ c’mon princess” he spoke, reaching his hand out for yours. Your teeth found their way to your bottom lip once again as you let him pull you up from your chair , excitement rushing through you.
It was dark in the tent, orange lights shining through from the fire. “ take em off princess” he demandedt , tugging on your biker shorts . You laid your bottom on his pillow as you lifted your hips, sliding down your shorts and panties in front of him teasingly, watching him stare profoundly at your now heated core. You squeezed your thighs together, feeling the friction before Drew’s large hands spread them back open.
“ relax” he said softly, before leaning down, placing warm soft kisses on your inner thigh. You sighed heavily, closing your eyes as you felt his lips continue to trail down your thigh until they were placed on your clit, sucking slightly .
The only noises resonating through the tent was the sound of crickets, the fire popping, and your moans as you felt Drew’s tongue running up and down your slit, his thumb rubbing circles against you.
“ you taste so good princess” he spoke out against you, his hot breath blowing against you. You bucked your hips up, needing more. Drew smirked before inserting his middle and ring finger, curving them inwards as he pressed them in and out of you at a fast pace.
“Drew” you moaned out, leaning your head back against the pillows in pure bliss .
“ what princess” he responded looking up at you, his fingers still moving at the same pace. “ tell me what you want”
You propped yourself up on your elbows, looking down at him with your legs wide open.
“ I want you to fuck me Drew” you replied, breathing heavily. Drew immediately hovered himself over you, his lips pressing against yours at a fast and rough pace, his tongue moving against yours. You moaned out against his lips as you felt one of his hands massage around your nipple, cupping them in his large hands. Shortly after he lifted his hips up some to push down his basketball shorts before pumping himself a few times , pressing the tip against your clit. You gasped at the feeling, grinding your hips up needing more.
Drew didn’t hesitate to satisfy you by pushing himself in you, letting out a deep groan as he felt your tight walls around him. He quickly lifted your thigh over his arms, pushing your knees close to your head as he quickened his pace, the sound of slapping skin echoing through the woods.
“ oh fuck Drew” you cried out in pure bliss. Drew pounded in you fast and hard, exactly how you liked it, you watched as his hair moved back and forth against his forehead as he looked down, watching his self move in and out of you.
“ so tight baby” he groaned out. You reached up placing both your hands on the back of his neck, bringing him down to kiss you, His long thick cock stretching you to unfathomable measures.
“ oh god yes baby” you moaned out, feeling yourself getting close. You reached down placing your hands on his lower back , digging your nails in causing him to hiss. “ don’t stop baby I’m close” you said, almost yelling out. Drew leaned up, propping your legs together , placing your feet over his shoulders.
“ fuck princess” he groaned out as he started rocking his hips back and forth at the same previous fast pace again, causing you to throb around him.
“ I’m cumming Drew baby “ you yelled out, leaning your head back. Just the sight of you with your head laid back against his pillows and your back arched, your hands holding your bouncing tits made him come undone, hitting his climax as well. Drew thrusts became rough and irregular before they slowed down eventually coming to a stop.
“ holy fuck” he said out of breath before laying down next to you. You laughed slightly as you felt your clit pulsing from your climax before rolling over laying your head against his chest .
“ you always fuck me so good” you said looking up at him as he brushed his sweaty hair back.
“ oh yeah? “ he responded before kissing your forehead. It didn’t take long before the both of you fell asleep to the sound of the night.
It was the last night before you and Drew were going to pack up and go back home . Your whole week had been filled with nothing but laughter, adventures and a lot of sex.
It was late at night, a light rain shower falling over you both. drew was rolled over fast asleep from your hiking trip you had today, while you held the flashlight over one of your books reading it when you heard rustling against the leaves beside your tent. You sat for a second , looking up from your book waiting to hear something. After a few seconds of silence except for rain drops dropping from the tree leaves, you went back to reading your book. It wasn’t long afterwards until you heard it again, this time it was closer and sounded like it was walking towards you. You froze, clicking your flash light off, your heart beginning to race. You started tapping on Drew’s back as you continued to hear moving , fear running through you.
“ hmm?” Drew groaned out but you quickly leaned over him shushing him, placing your hand over his mouth. Drew leaned over trying to look at you but it was pitch black since the rain shower had put your fire out.
“ something out here” you whispered softly. Drew sat up, feeling your body trembling against him. He sat and listened for a second, waiting to hear something.
“ it was probably a raccoon or something” he reassured, only seconds later to be proven wrong as you both heard a growling noise. Your small figure couldn’t scoot any closer to Him than youalready were but your fear made you want to crawl in Drew and hide.
“ fuck” Drew mumbled under his breath , realizing his accusations were wrong. Drew grabbed the flash light from you turning it back on before he reached into his book bag, grabbing the gun his father gave to him for the trip. You knew he had brought it, it was for absolute emergencies- but it really freaked you out that he felt the need to use it at this point.
“ Drew don’t” you pleaded as he leaned up , reaching for the zipper to the door.
“ princess I need to see what it is” he replied looking back at you. You shook your head frantically tugging on his arm.
“ what if it’s a bear?” You replied.
“ we’ll I’d at least want to be prepared and not be stuck in the tent” he stated. You really didn’t want him to go out there but you knew Drew was stubborn to an extent and would probably go anyways.
“ Drew, it’s not safe okay. We’ll just stay awake until whatever it is goes away “ he sat for a second, contemplating. “ please I’m begging you Drew” he sighed before scooting back , wrapping you up in the blanket.
“ fine princess” he said . “ go back to sleep I’ll stay up” . You laid down next to him, while he rubbed his hand over your thigh , quickly putting you to sleep.
You woke up to the sound of bird chirping, and the sun shining through the side of the tent . You stretched slightly before leaning over , to see Drew asleep with the flashlight still turned on. You grinned before leaning down and giving him a kiss on the lips.
“Drew wake up” you said pushing slightly on his shoulders .
“ hmm?” He groggily replied , looking over at you.
“ we’ve gotta start loading stuff up in the car “ you relied. It didn’t take him long to get up , helping you grab a few things before getting up out of the tent.
“ oh wow” you exclaimed, noticing the massive bear tracks along side your tent and the fire place. Drew stared at the paw prints for a second before looking at you grinning.
“ Drew you realize you were going to be battling a full from bear if you would’ve went out there last night?” You replied in shock.
“ and you saved me from being that stupid so thank you” he said kissing your lips before going back to the tent, rolling up the sleeping bags.
It was quiet for the next hour as you and him both packed stuff up and walked back for a good mile to his truck, loading things up.
“ so” he said as you strapped yourself in.
“ so “ you responded looking up at him.
“ besides the bear fear last night, did you enjoy your trip” you grinned at him nodding.
“ I really really enjoyed it baby” you said leaning over to kiss him. “ and I enjoyed the sex” you laughed out.
“ oh yeah?” He responded raising an eyebrow. You grinned before sitting back in your chair.
“ want to have one last hoorah before we leave the woods?” He said, leaning towards you.
“ oh Drew” you responded before unbuckling yourself, leaning towards him.
As usual, feedback greatly appreciated ❤️
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angelz-dust · 3 years
heatwave (jason todd x gender neutral!reader)
summary: extreme heat leads to a little accident with your popsicle and jason finds a way to rectify the problem.
warnings: 18+ content (minors dni) - smut, unprotected sex (no condom, no pulling out - pls wrap it up y’all), shower sex, mild food play (popsicle), mild choking. 
minors/ageless blogs who interact will be blocked - read rules before interacting
the sun shone through the window of your bedroom, the rays of light dancing against your sweaty skin as the wind from your fan made the blinds shake. you laid out on your bed, which had been stripped of its comforter, in only your underwear. you were about ready to peel those off of yourself, too. you weakly grabbed at your phone, checking the weather. 77 degrees.
77 degrees, your ass. it felt like 90. 
as much as you enjoyed reaping the consequences of a depleting ozone layer, you felt like it was time to do something to control the temperature in your apartment. you weren't sure how much longer you'd be able to handle breathing in air that felt thick enough to chew. slowly, you sat up, having to peel your sheet off of your sweaty back. you were going to have to do the laundry at some point because going back to sleep in drenched sheets was just as disgusting as it sounded. that was a problem for 3pm you, though. 11am you needed water. desperately.
waddling your way to the kitchen, you opened the refrigerator door and you let out a loud moan of satisfaction. the bright white lights invited you inside its cold confines and you could've swore you saw a dead relative or two beckoning you in. you didn't want to leave the door open for too long, so you quickly grabbed the last water bottle and shut it. you wasted no time swallowing down the cold liquid, ignoring how it made your teeth hurt and froze your throat. you didn't even care that some of it had spilled down the front of your body, down your chest and to the band of your underwear. you welcomed the cold droplets onto your burning hot skin. 
“fuuuuuuck,” you breathed out, your body going limp as it pressed itself against the metal refrigerator door. you could feel your perspiration creating a suction between it and your skin. it was fine, though. you had no intention of moving anyway.
had it not been for your brain taking a few minutes to power itself off, you would've heard the familiar jingle of keys unlocking the front door and you would've turned to see jason coming in with the desserts you requested. 
“what the hell are you doing?” you heard him say and you slightly turned towards him, a dazed look on your face. he was already stripping out of his clothes before he even asked.
“dying,” you responded, opening the freezer for him as he threw in some ice cream and multiple boxes of popsicles.
jason put his hand on your clammy shoulder, slowly ripping you off of the fridge. he turned you towards him, holding some contraption in his hand, which appeared to be a cross between a spray bottle and a fan. without saying anything, he turned it on and began spraying you down like a misbehaving cat, only you didn't flinch. no, you relished in the feeling of the mist on your face.
“here. i got one for myself, too,” he said, handing you the fan. you smiled happily as you started spraying and fanning yourself all over. 
“i hope whoever invented this is getting bomb ass head right now,” you breathed out, starting to feel some relief.
“what about the guy who bought it for you? what does he get?” jason asked, starting his fan up and spraying his chest, it now glistening with both sweat and tap water. 
“absolutely nothing until the temperature drops,” you smiled at him. “what flavors did you get?”
jason’s lips puckered slightly as he leaned back against the kitchen counter. “strawberry, pineapple, and this caribbean mix with a bunch of flavors in it. you might wanna wait on eating them, though. they’ll probably melt fast.”
“it's a risk i'm willing to take,” you said, going and grabbing a popsicle for yourself. you unwrapped it and hummed happily at the flavor against your tongue. the brand jason bought was a little more expensive but it was definitely worth it. the real fruit juices and chunks were much more satisfying to taste than the artificial flavoring of the other brands.
“is it good?” jason asked, a small smile on his lips. despite being uncomfortably hot, seeing you happy made it bearable. the fact that he was able to provide you with the things you needed, even if it was something as simple as your favorite popsicle, made him feel good.
“mhm,” you nodded, some of the juices starting to trickle down your chin and onto your chest. you looked down and frowned a little. you started spraying your chest, trying to get the stickiness to go away. 
jason watched you desperately try to lick up the juices that were now sliding down the stick and getting on your hands. it just wouldn't stop and it was making a huge mess, just as he had warned you it would. 
“sweetheart, there's more popsicle on your chest than there is in your mouth,” he commented condescendingly and you glared at him.
“maybe that's how i like eating it, jason,” you said, his name coming out of your mouth like venom. 
“you know what? i like eating it that way, too,” he nodded in agreement, stepping towards you and dipping his head down to lick at your collarbone and move down the valley of your chest. 
your breath hitched at the unexpected contact and the added body heat to your personal bubble. jason had come back up, giving you a soft kiss and licking the remnants of your most recent bite off of your lips. as badly as you wanted to melt into the kiss, you pulled away. you grabbed your fan and started spraying him in the face. 
“down, boy,” you scolded him playfully, little giggles coming from him as he flinched his punishment. “i'm trying to eat.”
“so am i,” he smirked, taking the popsicle from you and taking a bite out of it. he looked around the room, whistling as he not so subtly let the popsicle fall against your chest and dragging it down some, watching as it dripped down your abdomen. you gasped out as the contrasting temperatures, your back hitting the fridge. 
“oh wow. i'm so sorry,” his fake apology rang against your ears. he took the dessert off of your skin, handing it back to you. “i'll get that for you.”
his lips and tongue fell upon your skin again, dragging over the stains. he found himself at your nipples, despite not getting anything on them. he swirled his tongue around the quickly hardening buds, managing to get a pleasant sound from you. he got on his knees, collecting the sweetness that was threatening to make it way to your underwear. he eagerly lapped it all up before it got to that point, firmly holding your hips against the door to prevent you from moving away.
“jason, it's too hot,” you sighed as he planted kisses up your naval, looking up at you with playful eyes.
“i know. this is really sexy, isn't it?” he spoke against your body, which got himself sprayed again by you. this time, he saw it as encouragement instead of a punishment. how thoughtful of you to help keep him cool while he focused on making you feel good. 
you kept spraying him until he eventually let up, laughing again as he got off of his knees. “fine, fine. if you won't indulge me in my sexy popsicle fantasy, can we at least go take a shower?”
“only to get the juice off. no other reason,” you said coyly and he smirked at you, giving you a firm nod.
“of course. what other reason would there be?” he asked as the two of you headed to the bathroom, touching at each other and giggling your entire way there, taking what little clothes you both had off of each other. by the time the water started running, the little act had dropped and you were all over each other. it was freezing, which put your bodies into a slight shock as you panted heavily in between feverish kisses. 
jason’s favorite thing to do was hoist you up, with your legs wrapped around his waist. he liked showing you how strong he was and feeling your body flush against his own. he made sure to position you high enough against the tile wall so you wouldn't have water violently hitting your face, but close enough to where you could still feel it everywhere else. he never allowed himself to be blinded by lust at the expense of your comfort. 
his hips rolled into yours and his face found its way back to your chest, peppering it with kisses. you carded your fingers through his wet hair, tugging at it just how he liked. even though you were doing a very physically taxing activity, this was the coolest you had felt all day. you wasted no time giving jason’s plump lips the kisses they had deserved earlier, your boyfriend more than happy to reciprocate. as much as you didn't want to part from him again, he pulled away and began suckling at your neck. normally you would object to being marked in such a visible location but you gave him a pass this one time. after all, he was the guy who bought you the spray fan. 
your feet touched the ground again and he turned you around, pressing you against the wall and grinding softly into your backside. it didn't take him long to pull your leg up and slowly insert himself inside of you. you started seeing stars and that's when your legs became like jelly, causing you to lose your balance. jason quickly reacted, your hearts pounding as you tried to stay vertical.
“are you alright?” he asked, his nose rubbing the shell of your ear. 
“yeah, i just got dizzy,” you explained, grabbing his hand with an embarrassed smile. “i'm okay.”
“so clumsy,” he grinned, kissing your temple as his slow thrusting began. his hand trailed down your side and landed on your ass, using it as leverage.
you moaned his name as he started going deeper and slower. he was teasing you now, which was to be expected. even on the hottest of days, in one of the least comfortable locations, he didn't pass up the opportunity. jason treating this like any other love making session and not just a quickie turned you on even more. he never let you question his dedication to making you unravel beneath him.
“jason, please. stop teasing me,” you begged him, knowing that was the only way he would stop. closed mouths don't get fed, as he would say. 
“only because you asked so nicely,” he responded smugly, picking up the pace now. the sounds of slapping skin and breathy moans were amplified by the acoustics of the room. you began feeling a slight ache; a result of jason’s girth and length inside of you. a normal person would’ve asked for a break, but not you. it fueled you to continued, fucking back against him and squeezing around the very thing that was causing you mild pain. 
“it feels good, doesn’t it?” he asked you and you didn't respond. you hated how he always knew exactly what you were doing. “tell me it does, sweetheart. i wanna hear you say it.”
you ignored him again, moving against him a little faster now. his hands quickly went to your hips, holding you still. “answer me,” he whispered in your ear and you whimpered in defeat.
“it feels good,” you mumbled, trying to move again, but to no avail. 
“sorry, i didn’t catch that.”
“it feels good, jason.”
“i'm glad. i want you to feel good,” he smiled, letting you go. you continued to try and reach your high, doing most of the work now while jason watched. his hands caressed your body, encouraging you to continue. 
“does it feel good for you?” you asked him and he nodded. 
“it always does, sweetheart. i feel amazing whenever i’m with you,” he told you, starting to meet you half way with his thrusts. “doesn't matter if i'm inside you or not.”
you felt your face heat up at his words. you hated how he had that effect on you. you felt yourself slip against the wet tile again and he caught you, pulling you back against him. 
“would you stop doing that?” the two of you laughed together, taking a quick breather. “i need you to not die in the middle of me fucking you, okay?”
“okay, i'm sorry,” you giggled as jason helped you get back into position. “i'm sorry.”
“it's alright, don't worry,” he reassured you, slipping his hand up your front and around your throat. “is this okay?”
you nodded, feeling more secure in this modified position. despite your little interruption, you still felt as needy as ever. his grip on you was so gentle that you could almost be convinced you’d slip again, but jason knew your body like the back of his hand. he knew what he needed to do to keep you safe and not hurt you in the process. 
“let’s finish up,” jason’s tone was comforting and you hummed in agreement, picking up right where the two of you left off. it didn't take long, either. you could feel the pressure building up inside of you, waiting to wash over you. once you felt his tip pressing against that sweet spot he was so good at exploiting, you knew there was no going back now. 
you both started getting sloppy, jason’s thrusts being less methodical and your movements no longer matching with his. jason’s broken gasps and moans send you over the edge, sending you spiraling in euphoria. his grip on your throat tightened very slightly as he filled you up, his face resting in the crook of your neck. you let out a sigh as he slipped out of you, feeling his cheek pressing against you, silently urging you to turn around. you complied, your noses grazing each other before your lips met again with little kisses.
“we can take a real shower now,” he smiled against your lips, kissing you again. “no more sexy fantasies. i promise.”
“no more sexy fantasies during a heatwave,” you corrected him, grabbing your wash cloth and wiping away some of the sweat forming at his hairline. “any other time, they will be greatly accepted and expected.”
“good to know.”
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sunflowergirl522 · 3 years
Tinder Match 8
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You look at the older people on Tinder joking about finding a sugar daddy. That’s when you stumble upon a man claiming to be 106. Intrigued you swipe right and match with him.
Warnings: Language tfatws spoilers
Word count: 1281
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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“Can we get out of here please?” Bucky says to Sharon before turning to Sam and sending him a nod.
“Hey, Buck?” 
“You said you wanted me to meet someone? Who is it?” Bucky can’t help the smile that stretches across his face.
“Let me get Sharon somewhere to heal up and you deal with whatever he wants.” He motions with his head to the man waiting to speak to Sam beside the ambulance. “I’ll send you the address to meet at.” Sam gives him a nod before they both part ways.
Meanwhile you’re getting ready to pop open some champagne to celebrate the new Captain America while your friends are trying to convince you to just put the bottle away.
“Y/n I’m not taking care of drunk you again that was too much to handle. Just give me the bottle and you can open it up when James gets back.” Peter says as he tries to reason with you to put the bottle in his outstretched hand.
“But I want to celebrate now. What if he doesn’t come back?”
“I’m sure he will, he said he’d be here after he took care of his thing.” Peter wasn’t going to bring up how he was very clearly on the news but you didn’t notice it because you were too excited about Sam being Captain America.
“Okay fine.” You hand it to him and get off of your coffee table that you were standing on ready to spray champagne everywhere. But when there’s a knock at your door that you immediately recognize as James you jump up from the seat you had just taken and grab the bottle back from Peter. “That’s him time to fucking celebrate!”
“Bucky, what are we doing above a bakery?” 
“Shut up Sam.” You don’t pay any attention to the muted voices from behind the door, not like you could hear them anyways over your excited yelling.
“James,” you start as you fling open the door, “have you seen the news? Sam Wilson is Captain America!” You still haven’t looked up from the bottle you’re shaking slightly in your hand. You open it with a pop and it sprays everywhere for a second and you hear your friends gasp. The proud smile on your face puts one on Bucky’s and Sam looks between the two of you for a second before it clicks.
“You're the girl he’s been talking to!” The stranger's voice brings your attention to the men in your door and you gasp as you realize immediately who’s standing in front of you. You’re thankful that Peter takes the bottle from your hand before you can drop it.
“Oh my god. Peter pinch me I’m dreaming. You’re Captain America. Like you’re the Sam Wilson oh my God!” You grab onto his arm and pull him into your home. “Come on in make yourself at home. Oh my God Falcon is in my house. Do you want anything to eat or drink? I just popped open the champagne to celebrate you omg. James and I made cookies earlier do you want some of those? They’re good, not the best though he doesn’t seem to have much practice with baking. I could run downstairs real quick and grab you some of my finest baked goods.” As you ramble on Sam just sits there shocked to see this reaction from someone because of him. He’s seen plenty of people act this way for Steve but this is the first time it’s ever really happened for him. You’re about to walk to the door to go to the bakery when Bucky stops you.
“Doll, hey calm down. Sam doesn’t need any of that stuff I’m sure he’s fine aren’t you Sam?”
“I don’t know Buck. I kinda wanna try those cookies you made.”
“I’ll go get you some.” You’re about to walk away but Bucky without thinking grabs your wrist to stop you with his metal arm. You immediately freeze at the feeling of the cool metal and turn to look at him with confusion written on your face. You grab his hand as he’s about to take it back ready for a negative reaction. “What’s this?” You turn it over in front of you to study it and follow the metal up to his shoulder. “Is this why you wear the gloves all the time?” He just nods at you. “Why would you do that this is fucking cool! I mean I’m sure how you got it wasn’t but now that it’s here might as well embrace it y'know?”
“Babes here I think you could use this.” MJ hands you a glass of orange juice that you can already tell has the champagne is it and turn back around to face the Captain on your couch.
“So James are you going to explain to me how you know Sam fucking Wilson?”
“Well you know my coworker Sam?”
“Yeah.” Something in your brain clicks as you realize it. 
“So you’re telling me that your work Sam is Sam Wilson? Then that must mean that you’re like a superhero or something too right?”
“So are you gonna introduce me to your girl or what Buck?”
“Sam, this is Y/n. Doll, I’d introduce you to him but you already know who he is.”
“Hi Y/n Y/l/n it’s an honor to meet you Captain America.” You hold your hand out and he takes it to shake.
“Please you just have to call me Sam.” You let out a little giddy squeal at that and look at your friends. 
“Sam, this is MJ, Peter, and Ned. They've had to deal with me the whole time that asshole John Walker was Captain America and not you.” You down the drink in your cup before placing it on the table.
“This is some girl you’ve got Bucky. I think I like her already.” 
“Why does he keep calling you Bucky?” You ask as you sit on his lap in the armchair you have next to the couch.
“It’s his nickname, Steve gave it to him.” Sam answers before he has the chance to.
“Oh, can I call you Bucky? Wait. Steve? Like Steve Rogers?”
“Yeah.” Bucky answers slowly, not sure how you’ll take the next set of information. “He was kinda my best friend.”
“That’s cool.”
“Hey Y/n, you remember when we learned about Steve Rogers in history class. You know we learned all about him and his best friend Buc-”
“Bucky Barnes.” You finish for Ned before whipping your head around to look at Bucky. “You’re telling me that you really weren’t lying on your Tinder profile, you’re actually 106?”
“Wait I’m sorry Bucky was on Tinder?” Sam bursts out laughing at the thought of it.
The night rolls on with all of you having a good time and continuing game night eventually with Sam having a blast with you guys. He bids you goodbye while inviting you and Bucky down to Louisiana for a cookout that his sister is already planning to celebrate everything. You were quick to accept telling him you’ll bake a cake or something for it. And it shocked you a bit when he pulled you in for a hug but you were quick to return it. Peter and everyone left soon after him and when it was just you and Bucky you turned to him ready for some answers.
“Alright, I’m going to need you to explain everything to me.” You had yawned after saying it and Bucky smiled at you as you stretched in front of him.
“I’ll explain everything in the morning for now doll let’s get you to bed.”
Series Taglist: @kittengirl998​ @fxckyou4ever​ @safetypinxtales​ @starstruckgardenstudentzonk​​ @oofkatisanerd​​ @chiakitoga​​ @ihavemjolnirinmypantss​​ @accioholland​​ @nykie-1dluv​​ @pheonixisded​​ @paniniirae​​ @sillygamingartghost​​ 
Bucky Taglist: @puddinsqueen​​ @koressecretidentity​​ @stevieintheimpala​​ @unmagically​​ @panickingqueer​​ @thomasthetankson​​ @joeysbumpkinbatch @the-chocoholic-writer​​ @perksofbeingatrex​​ @99-cats​​ @rachmmb​​ @quokkatrash​​ @mylifeiscrazy0423​​ @vanillamaa​​ @strawb3rrydr3ss​​ @that-sarcastic-writer​​ @spp2011 @spideyycents​​ @mackycat11​​ @crystalsoul2​​ @rosiemotion​​ @dissectiontime​​ @franzthelentil @lmf​​ @jacelynenursalim​​ @aiyanalevina​​ @mooncaffeine​​ @fanofalltheficsx​​ @jewelsrocks99​​ @lharrietg​​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​​ @clubcesspool​​ @sailormajinmoon​​ @girl-obsessed-with-things​​ @corvusmorte @sophielovesbarnes​​ @enlyume​​ 
Marvel Taglist: @its-the-autism-innit-luv​​ @xxspqcebunsxx​​ @amourtentiaa​​ @obsessedwithbuckybarnes @thenormanreedus​​ @rorysreallyrandom @sxtansqueen​​ @fandomrejects @stephyra @myalupinblack​​ @mirakeul​​ @aya-fay​​ @just-a-musical-fan @lieswithoutfairytales​​ @cr4b-rav3 @kakakatey​​ @sugarbutterbailey​​ @1-800-ch3rry​​ 
Everything Taglist: @peterssweetpea​​ @ninuffi​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @kolakube9​​ @lexy9716​​ @hehehehannahthings​​ 
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bestiesenpai · 4 years
youtuber Sukuna pt2
I wonder what things will happen in this part? I hope there's sparknotes, I don’t feel like reading all these words…
Content warning: *more* mean internet comments, Sukuna doxxing ppl(idk if that needs a warning?? But just in case)
part 1 --- part 3
Being a Youtuber was a lot more work than Sukuna thought it was. When he’d picked you up early in the morning, he wasn’t expecting you to come out with such a fancy camera and microphone. You looked cute as all hell too, hair styled nicely and your outfit was perfect for a day at a countryside cafe.
“Thanks for driving!” You said, climbing into his car and smiling at him. Sukuna could smell your perfume  as it wafted off your body and he immediately felt the urge to buy a bottle as well and spray his pillow with it.
“S’no problem.” He muttered, driving off as soon as you were secure. He’d looked up the place beforehand, reading their menu over and over so he’d know what to order. Slowing down at a red light, he glanced over at you taking pictures.
He wished he could ask you to send them to him so he could save them in the never ending folder he had, but he couldn’t. It would be weird, you weren’t exactly close, and it’s not like you shared any pictures anyway.
“Hey Sukuna, what’s my contact photo on your phone?” The question came out of nowhere and he looked at you in confusion.
“Contact photo? You don’t have one.”
“What, really? I’ll send you a picture then! And add a few cute emojis with my name.” Well, that was easy. He wasn’t expecting you to offer to send him a picture, but he wasn’t going to decline it.
“Okay, I will.” Turning his attention back on the road, Sukuna turned the radio on to fill the silence. “Should I...send you a picture of me?” He had the perfect picture in mind to send you, it was a thirst trap he’d snapped post-shower after a really good day at the gym. A towel hung low on his hips and he still had a few droplets of water on his skin and dripping down from his hair.
The drive to the cafe was quick and easy, not a lot of traffic early in the morning. The sun was just beginning to settle in the sky and the dew on the grass was fading. The cafe you’d chosen was in a small countryside town, barley fields just a few yards away and farmers with their dogs walking by.
“This the place?” Sukuna asked, pulling into the small parking lot in confusion.
“Yup! I’m so excited!” Hopping out of the car, your camera was immediately put to work filming the surrounding area. It was peacefully silent all around you, the only sound the occasional breeze or dog barking in the distance.
Panning the camera to yourself, you took a quick couple breaths and babbled a few times before speaking properly.
“Hi everyone, as you can see we’re in a different place today! Me and Sukuna are at a cafe in the countryside that I saw online and fell in love with. Say hi Sukuna!”
“Hi.” He was standing at the edge of the lot where a field of wispy tall purple grass started. He waved dumbly, feeling like a dumb kid taken to Disneyworld.
“This is the name of the cafe…” Turning your attention elsewhere, you filmed the rest of your intro. Once again, Sukuna was amazed at the proficiency at which you did things and how smoothly he knew the shots would look.
Looking at the cafe on the outside, it didn’t look like anything special. It was a wooden and concrete building with two large windows. He could see the minimalist decor and furniture inside was wooden as well, probably handcrafted by someone in the town.
“All finished, let’s go in.” Waving him on, Sukuna jogged to be the first to the door to open it for you. Filming as you walked in, when Sukuna entered, he still didn’t understand the hype you’d placed around it.
The air smelt like a strong tea and the humidity was definitely higher. He was right in thinking that all the furniture was handcrafted, all the chairs and tables had a rough quality to them only achievable with a human touch.
“Look, this is what I came here for!” You were standing right at the dessert case, pointing your camera at whatever you were looking at.
“Why is it...?” Sukuna looked at it in confusion. There was an airbrushed cake shaped exactly like the peach emoji sitting in the case with a realistic leaf and stem as well and you looked inexplicably happy over it.
“The owner makes these cakes herself, and she’s doing a cute emoji series!” Bouncing on your heels, you tugged on his sleeve. “I’m totally getting a slice, what’re you getting?” Suddenly, the research he’d done the night prior meant nothing as he looked at the cake.
“I have no idea.”
“You’ve got time to think about it, I’m gonna ask the owner a few questions for the video.” Leaving him at the case, Sukuna saw you go up to the owner waiting at the counter from the corner of his eye. Since the two of you were the only ones here, he could hear your excited voice gushing about the cakes and decor.
Fifteen minutes later, you and Sukuna were seated right in the corner of the cafe, where the two windows intersected on the building. Not one for sweets, Sukuna got a plain poppyseed muffin and a hot tea; the cafe didn’t serve coffee.
Setting up the camera on the table next to you, you took a bite of your cake and loved it, immediately singing its praises to the camera. Sukuna ate as well, trying not to be too stiff as you spoke.
“Sukuna, you should try this too!” Holding up your fork filled with cake, you held it out to him.
“Hm, okay.” Grabbing your hand as well, he expected you to let go of the fork. But as he guided it to his mouth, you didn’t, and you were staring right at him as it went into his mouth. “Why ya staring?” He mumbled, feeling his ears burn.
“I need to know if you like it.” Sukuna didn’t let go of your hand as he chewed and you didn’t make a move to remove it either. You were too focused on his reaction to care, waiting on the edge of your seat for him to say something.
“It’s a peach flavored cake.” He nodded, snorting when you motioned him to say more. “It’s too sweet for me, but if you like it then I like it.”
“Good enough for me!” Finally you pulled away from him and put the fork down, turning to the camera and pointing in his direction. “Can you believe Sukuna doesn’t like sweets? He’s like an old man, he only got a muffin.”
“Please, could an old man deadlift almost 300lbs?” Sukuna scoffed, slapping his chest and flexing his arm.
“That’s so much! You have to train me some day Sukuna, I wanna lift that much!” Your shocked face made Sukuna smirk and he flexed the other arm as well. Your wide eyes got even wider, bouncing between both his arms.
“Anytime, (Y/N).” Sukuna felt confident enough to wink at you, and he saw the way your face faltered at it. Ducking your head away, you pretended to fiddle with the camera, the tips of your fingers shaking slightly.
It was afternoon by the time you finished in the cafe, walking out into the warmth of the sun. Looking out, all the land surrounding the cafe was flat, covered in fields of barley or tall grasses.
“Hey Sukuna…” There you were, touching the purple grass with your fingers.
“Will you take a few pictures for me? For Instagram?”
“I don’t think I’ll be any good.” Sukuna barely knew how to take pictures of himself let alone another person.
“That’s okay, just try your best!” Putting another camera in his hand, you grabbed his wrist and tugged him to join you deeper in the field. “That camera is pretty simple, just point and click.”
“Alright.” Holding it up, he immediately snapped a picture of you.
“Wait for me to pose!” You laughed. Sukuna chuckled as well, and when you were ready, he took the pictures. He took as many as he could, clicking the button over and over.
“Take a look.” Twenty minutes later he was handing the camera back at you. Looking through the pictures, you instantly burst into laughter.
“Sukuna, why’d you take a picture of the sun? My head is in the corner, it looks like a toe!”
“I told you it’d be bad!” He couldn’t help but laugh as well. You really did look like a toe in the corner of the screen.
“Oh my god, I’m taking you to a photography class, some of these are too much.” Giggling your way through the rest of the pictures, you put the camera back in his hand. “Let’s take a couple together!”
Sukunas heart leapt for joy. He would be able to take a picture with you. It felt like he was a fan of yours and not someone you knew on a personal level.
“You’re gonna hold the camera, your arms are longer.” Flipping the viewfinder up, you slided up to Sukunas side. He muttered something unintelligible, too busy looking at the two of you together. He could almost imagine you were a couple.
“Sukuna, hold the camera like this.” His hand had gone limp, casting a bad angle on the two of you.
“Don’t face that way, the light will make you look bad.” In one of the pictures, you’d changed poses.
“I know you only take serious gym pictures but smile for this one!” His face had dropped down to a scowl, his normal resting face. After who knows how long, he was finally free from taking pictures.
Wandering back to the car, it was silent as the both of you settled in. You were busy looking over the photos and Sukuna was busy watching you from the corner of his eye.
“Anything else you wanna do here?” He asked after a while of pretending to look on Twitter.
“Mmmm, we can drive around some more! I don’t really know what else is out here.”
Sukuna drove you through the countryside town, marvelling at the farmers and all their animals. You stopped to get a couple handmade candies from an old man, and Sukuna made sure to pick up some food that wasn’t just sweets for you. Eating at a small restaurant, when you hit the road again it was nearly evening.
Driving back in near silence, somewhere along the way you fell asleep. Your head rested against the window, jostled a few times by the road or a turn. Sukuna couldn’t help but look at you any chance he could, and although he felt like a major creep, he couldn’t stop himself from taking a picture of you.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding.” Sukuna groaned as he got closer to the city, coming upon a wall of traffic. Far ahead up the road there was an accident that wasn’t going to be cleared away anytime soon.
“What’s up?” You asked with a loud yawn, stretching out your arms and legs as best you could.
“Traffic.” Leaning his head out the window, he let out another groan. “Might as well put the fucking car in park.” Shifting the gear and sinking low into his seat, Sukuna sighed. It’s not that he hated traffic, but he wanted every moment of this outing to be perfect, and this was seriously hindering it.
“Do you want me to send you some of the pictures we took together for your Instagram as well?”
“Yeah, send ‘em over.” At least Sukuna could stare at the two of you together to pass the time. The amount of pictures you sent him was seemingly endless and included a few he didn’t know you’d taken of him eating and looking out the window.
“How long do you think we’ll be here?” You whined, kicking your feet out in boredom.
“At least an hour.”
It was quiet for a few minutes, the sound of the radio and other cars around you filling the background. Sukuna could see you fiddling with your phone, opening and closing apps. He could see you getting antsy.
“I’m already so bored.” There it was. Your pitiful whine accentuated with your head pushed back. Sukunas fingers itched to reach out and squeeze your cheek, it was glowing from the sun. “I think I’m gonna get on Instagram live or something so I can complain more.”
Laughing at your honesty, as soon as you went live Sukuna got the notification on his phone. Your head was tilted away from him, only your side of the car showed. Waving at the camera a few times, you smiled really big.
“Hi everyone! I’m stuck in traffic!” Your eyes flicked across the screen, reading the many comments coming in. “Hm, what do you mean who’s car am I in? I bought this car!”
“Liar.” Sukuna mumbled with a cheeky grin getting bigger when you tried to hide your own chuckle.
“I swear I bought this car!” You couldn’t keep the lie going, and broke down in giggles the more Sukuna looked at you. “Alright, I’m in Sukunas car.” Panning the phone out, he saw himself on screen.
“Hi.” He waved, reading the comments asking if you were on a date. “Don’t you remember from the last live? We aren’t on a date we’re filming some fucking vlog.”
“It’ll be up soon! You’ll all really enjoy it, Sukuna was a great guest.”
“The best.” He nodded along. You responded to a few more comments, but there were some that kept coming up.
‘(Y/N) kiss Sukuna’
‘(Y/N) kiss Sukuna’
‘(Y/N) kiss Sukuna’
“Stop spamming that fucking message like a weirdo.” Sukuna finally snapped. You had done a great job at ignoring the comment, but it was all Sukuna could see on the screen. “You’re gross to ask us to do that.” But Sukuna did wish he could kiss you. Ever since the first comment came through, he’d taken glances at your lips as you spoke.
“Oof, don’t make Sukuna mad, he’ll kill you.” You teased, and your hand went out to squeeze his arm. “He said he can deadlift almost 300lbs, so watch out.”
“That’s fucking right.” Flexing his arm proudly, Sukuna nearly put it around your shoulder, faltering at the last minute and landing on the center console with a thud.
‘It would be kind of cute to see them kiss…’
‘I bet Sukuna can’t even hug (Y/N)’
‘I bet after today they’ll come out and say they’re dating!’
Now all the comments were talking about the two of you dating, and how cute it would be if you really were. Biting his lip, Sukuna watched your reaction closely. Truly he had no problem with the comments, he wanted them to be true as well, but if you were uncomfortable he was ready to put everyone in their place.
“Gosh you guys ship us so hard.” You seemed okay with it, your face wasn’t tense and you were still making eye contact with Sukuna. “Are you going to subscribe to my channel if I kiss him?”
“What?” Sukunas eyes widened and the comments poured in promising life long dedication to you if you went through with it.
“Alright.” Setting your phone up on the dashboard, you turned to Sukuna. “I’ll be quick, okay?”
“What?” He parroted. His hands were getting clammy just thinking about it and the look in your eyes wasn’t helping. With a nervous lick of his lips Sukuna leant forward and had just begun to pucker his mouth when you loudly kissed your palm and pressed it to his cheek.
“There! I kissed Sukuna!” With a big grin on your face you kissed your hand again and put it on him. “I did it twice! Now go subscribe!”
“What the hell.” Sukuna mumbled to himself, feeling like an idiot for thinking you’d really kiss him. He spent the next fifteen minutes in a stupor, vaguely replying to comments and trying to get over the embarrassment he felt.
Dropping you off nearly an hour past the original time, when Sukuna got home he buried his face into his pillow and let out a short yell. The biting shame he felt at almost making himself a fool in front of thousands of people was still fresh. He knew there’d be fancams of the moment just waiting for him. A buzzing on his phone pulled him out of his thoughts.
(Y/N): you need to send me a picture for your contact photo!
That’s right, the picture. Sukuna didn’t even need to scroll that far to find it, it was in his favorites. Sending it to you without a second thought, he didn’t even have the mind to check your reaction. Leaving his phone on the bed, he rushed to the shower to cool off.
When he returned, there were a flurry of messages from you waiting to be read. Most of them were unreadable keyboard smashes and a few emojis.
(Y/N): you can’t just send me a picture like that!!
(Sukuna): why?
(Y/N): you know why!
He could practically hear your flustered little whine.
(Sukuna): enlighten me please
(Y/N): you’re such a bully!!
(Sukuna): haha sounds like someone's embarrassed
It was a long few minutes before you replied and Sukuna could see the typing bubbles appear and reappear several times.
(Sukuna): you that tired? it’s only 9pm
(Sukuna): lol goodnight then
In a week, the vlog was up and Sukuna made his debut into the world. He rewatched it several times over, in awe of how well you’d captured the countryside and translated it to video. He even screen recorded some parts, like when he was flexing for you, just to replay your reaction over and over.
In the weeks following, Sukuna watched your channel grow exponentially. Your number of subscribers wasn’t small, but it was nowhere near his, yet you made the leap to over a million and a half practically overnight. And with that new success, came a lot of pressure.
You’d recently taken up streaming, and Sukuna was at every single one. He had made a Twitch account just to watch you and he subscribed immediately, blushing when you read out his name and personally thanked him in a text a few minutes later.
Entering your stream as soon as it started, Sukuna was ready to sit and watch you do whatever. Usually, you played a game like the Sims, but sometimes you’d cook or put makeup on for a stream.
But this time was different. When your face appeared on the screen, you looked down. Almost as if you’d been fighting back tears. Immediately, Sukuna grabbed his phone, ready to call you and ask what was happening.
“Hey guys.” He could hear it in your voice that you were sad. It warbled and broke, and you sniffled a few times.
‘(Y/N) why’re you crying??’
‘What’s wrong?’
‘Did something happen? You can tell us, we’re here for you’
“No, don’t worry everyone it’s just…” A stray tear fell down your cheek and you wiped it away with a shaking hand. “I-I- just-” You quickly broke down crying, turning your chair completely away from the screen.
Sukuna was swiftly dialing your number. He had no idea what was wrong, you hadn’t told him anything was wrong, but he needed to know. He was prepared to go to your house if you needed him to.
“I’m okay, I promise.” Feverishly wiping your tears, you turned back to the camera. Taking several deep breaths, you didn’t look at the camera as you spoke. “I’ve just been getting a lot of hate comments recently and you know I always ignore it but-” Your voice caught, and Sukuna was glued to the screen. “It’s just been a lot honestly.”
‘I bet it’s all of Sukunas fans, they’re so fucking gross’
‘Totally Sukuna fans, all the real fans love (Y/N) and would never do this’
“N-no, don’t blame Sukuna! He can’t control what people say!” It was totally his fans and he fucking knew it. His call had gone unanswered two times, but on the third time you answered. “Hello?”
“Put me on speaker.”
“Put me on speaker!” He demanded. Sukunas blood was boiling, rage rolling over him in waves.
“Sukuna’s calling, I guess he has something to say.” Holding the phone close to the microphone, you kept wiping away tears.
“Listen here you insignificant dirtbags, stop leaving shitty little hate comments on (Y/N)s stuff. You’re all fucking piss poor losers who can’t even wipe your own asses, probably jerking each other off in a pathetic circle. Go get a fucking job, worthless pieces of shit. Don’t think this is something you can get away with either, I’m going to make sure you fucking regret the day you were born.” His voice was dripping with so much malice it scared you. While Sukuna was used to talking like this, you’d never heard it in person and you could tell he meant every word.
“Thanks Sukuna, but you don’t have to-”
“Tell me who they are. Where’d they leave the comments?” Angrily setting up a shitty webcam he had, Sukuna was preparing to do a livestream himself.
“I don’t know…”
“(Y/N).” Taking a pause, he stared at the screen. You were worrying your lip as you stared at your phone while the comments begged for you to tell him.
“Alright. Most of them are under the vlog we did together, and there’s a lot under my most recent Instagram pictures.”
“The ones with us together too?”
“Yeah, those are the worst ones.”
“Keep me on the line.” Sukuna had never been this angry in his life before and it showed in his actions. He was slamming things down in a rush to set up his stream and letting out frustrated noises in the back of his throat.
“Sukuna, what’re you doing?” You’d gotten your emotions under control enough to stop crying, your glassy eyes shining in the light of your room.
“I’m setting up my own stream.” Just as he spoke, his face appeared on the screen and he was live. “Tell everyone to send me screenshots of the hate comments, I’m going to teach these assholes a lesson.”
“I think they heard you.” Indeed they had. The phone was still close to the microphone, and now there were comments pouring in telling Sukuna they’d send links through his stream.
Clicking on almost all of the ones that popped up, his screen was bombarded with pictures of people leaving hateful comments on your posts. Many were saying that you didn’t deserve to be alive, to be so close to Sukuna, and many called you ugly or other mean names.
“Let’s see what this fucker looks like.” Going to one of the profiles on Twitter, Sukuna nearly spat on his screen looking at it. “This ugly sack of shit wants to leave some mean comments? Well it’s your lucky day bitch, you’re the first one to go.” It took Sukuna all of five minutes to find the person's Facebook account where they posted more personal information.
“Oh, that’s a pretty high brow uni you’re going to! It would really be a shame if I sent an email to the dean.” Sukuna said mockingly, already typing up a long email. “You’re not gonna be studying to be a doctor any fucking more. Have fun digging ditches bitch.”
Sukuna’s stream easily went from 200 viewers to nearly 40,000 just in the time it took him to dox the first person. The next one was even easier, and it snowballed from there. Sukuna had no qualms about sharing this personal information, from their addresses to their personal phone numbers to where they worked.
“You really don’t have to do all this.” You kept saying over the phone. You’d ended your own stream to calm down, but you didn’t hang up the phone.
“Yes I do.” Sukuna replied instantly. “People have no respect for others, it’s fucking gross. If they think they can get away with this they’re idiots.” So many comments were egging him on as well, with a lot of people promising to harass everyone exposed until they apologized. “I hope every single one of them loses everything.”
“Sukuna…” With a sigh, you sat back and watched him do it. There wasn't anything you could say to stop him, he was on a warpath and intent on causing harm. Eventually, you had to hang up the call as it got well into the night and he was still going.
“Keep sending the fucking links, I can do this all night.” Sukuna repeated several times, fighting off sleep. His eyes burned from staring at the screen for so long and his back had begun to ache but he wasn’t about to stop now. There were still so many people that had to pay.
After nearly eight hours of streaming himself doxing people, he finally stopped after his channel got banned. His manager had emailed as soon as the sun rose, frantically screaming at him to stop what he was doing or he could get sued.
(Sukuna): tell me right away if this happens again I’ll handle it
He texted you right after getting banned. His body hurt from exhaustion, he could truly pass out at any moment.
(Y/N): I will
(Y/N): sukuna...thanks for doing all that. It really meant a lot to know you care about me
(Sukuna): Of course I care about you
Sukuna was about to type out that he liked you, of course he did all of that and risked himself getting sued because he liked you and never wanted to see you cry again. Almost admitting to how he wanted nothing more than to give you a big hug, but stopping himself at the last moment.
(Y/N): you’re such a good friend Sukuna, thank you
(Sukuna): you’re welcome
It hurt to be put into that category, in the friendzone. It made his tongue curl in disgust, a rancid place that he wanted no part of. People that were in the friendzone were spineless and too weak to just confess their feelings - and Sukuna seemed to be one of them.
After that incident, you went on a break from all social media and Sukuna began to patrol your comments sections. He actively posted that he would start doxing people again if they said anything bad, citing all the damage he’d done to the previous victims. Sukuna had gotten what he wanted, all the people he exposed suffered in some way, most losing jobs and friends.
On a run to the grocery store, Sukuna was listening to a podcast you’d been on. He missed the content you posted, and while he did text you sporadically about Youtube stuff, he didn’t feel comfortable messaging you about anything else. His mind always stopped him, questioning him on if what he wanted to say was really worth your time.
“Hi Sukuna.” Standing at the bread section, Sukuna nearly jumped into the air hearing your voice pop up next to him. There you were in a baggy hoodie and sweats, looking every part an unnoticeable member of society.
“(Y/N)? W-what’re you doing here?”
“Hm? I’m shopping.” You chuckled, showing him your handbasket.
“Right.” Nodding slowly, Sukuna eyed you up. Your eyes were still a little puffy and he could see they were red as well. You looked tired and worn down, not your usual happy self. “Hey (Y/N).”
“Yeah?” You were unprepared for the heavy arm that landed around your shoulders and even more at being pulled into an embrace. Sukuna hugged you to his chest tightly, squeezing the back of your hoodie in his hands.
“I…” He could feel you relaxing into his arms, heaving a deep sigh like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. “Don’t feel sad anymore.” Sukuna seemed to have a habit of saying the things he wanted to say in the worst way possible. What did that even mean? To tell you not to be sad anymore instead of offering something else, like his friendship, during this time. He wanted to tell you he’d be here for you.
“Thanks Sukuna.” Hugging him back just as tightly, he could hear you sniffle a few times. The hug lasted for a while, just standing in front of bread, and a good two minutes passed before you started to unwind yourself from him.
Keeping a loose arm around you, Sukuna kept you close, searching your face for any hint that you would possibly start crying. Your eyes were a little misty, and your lower lip quivered just a little, but you sent him a smile that made it all better.
“So, what’re you getting?” He asked, attempting to be casual.
“Well, I’m actually done shopping now and I just saw you standing here.” You admitted with a chuckle. “I know it’s been a while since we last spoke properly.” The last message you’d sent to each other was about a sim card two days ago.
“Don’t worry about it, you were going through stuff.” Shrugging his shoulder, Sukuna grabbed the bread he wanted. “I don’t want you to force yourself to talk to me if you don’t want to.”
“Sukuna, I want to talk to you more though! I know we only talk about Youtube stuff but I want us to be better friends.”
“Really?” Nearly crushing the bread in his hands, Sukuna quirked a brow at you.
“Well...alright then.” That made him really happy, like really really happy. You wanted to pursue a stronger relationship with him and while it wasn’t a romantic one like he hoped, he was still ecstatic on the inside.
“I have to go, but can we video call later? I have some things I wanna ask you.”
“Okay.” Giving you a brief wave, Sukuna watched you walk out of the aisle and out of sight. A silly smile stretched his cheeks at the thought of your call later, and it stayed on his face the whole way home.
Later that night, Sukuna was diligently waiting for your call. He kept his phone glued to his hand, something he didn’t normally do, just in case you called. At nearly 7pm on the dot, you called and Sukuna answered right away.
“Hi!” You weren’t in the baggy clothes anymore, it looked like you were in pajamas sitting on your couch.
“Hey.” Sukuna was sitting at his computer doing editing, so he didn’t have to worry about you seeing the lack of furniture in his home. All you had to look at was a blank wall behind him. “So, you wanted to ask me something?”
“Mhmm! I was wondering- well first, Sukuna do you watch anime?”
“Anime?” His face twisted up in mild disgust. “No, that shit is fucking lame.”
“What? I’m not that much of a fucking loser to like anime.” Rolling his eyes, he immediately envisioned a man in his mothers basement jerking off to pixelated tits. “Why? Do you watch it?”
“Yeah…” Now you were embarrassed, and it showed on your face.
“Fine, you’re not a fucking loser.” Propping his phone up on his desk, he tipped his chair back and looked at the ceiling. “At least, not a total fucking loser.”
“Sukuna!” Now you were laughing at him, and he smirked at you. “You’re so mean, you know that?”
“Hey, that’s my brand ba-” He was about to call you baby, the word catching thickly in his throat. Luckily, he stopped himself and slammed his chair back down on the ground to cover it up.
“Well, now I don’t know if I want to ask you my question! You’re gonna say no right away.”
“Tell me.”
“No!” Shaking your head hard, you panned the phone up to your ceiling. “You’re definitely gonna bully me!”
“Who knew you were such a baby?” There, he’d called you baby like he wanted to. Not in the context that he desired, but he still got to say it.
“Am not!” Glaring at him, you exhaled shortly. “I was wondering if you wanted to come to this anime convention with me? It’s happening downtown in a few weeks and I’m a guest on a lot of panels this year. I want you to come with to help film stuff for me so I can make it into a highlights reel for my channel? As sort of a comeback video since I’ve been gone for a while.” It was amazing how you’d managed to say all of that so quickly without taking a breath.
“A convention?” Sukuna had only been to fitness conventions and a few that his manager made him go to.
“Yeah! And I wanted to know if you watched anime because I wanted to see if you’d cosplay with me!”
“Cosplay? What the fuck is that?” It sounded stupid.
“We would dress up as characters from an anime! Have you heard of demon slayer?” No, he hadn’t and his silence told you as much. “Look up Nezuko from demon slayer, that’s who I’m dressing up as!”
“Fine, one sec.” Quickly typing it into his computer, Sukuna’s brow rose seeing the character. “You’re gonna dress up as some BDSM girl?”
“It’s not BDSM!”
“Then why does she have that thing in her mouth?” What else could it be for?
“That’s because she’s a demon and they don’t want her to eat people!”
“God that’s lame.” Looking between his phone and the computer, Sukuna tried to imagine you in this outfit. It was cute, a cute pink kimono with a little hair tie and sash. The more Sukuna looked at it, the cuter it got. “But on you it’ll be cute.”
“So will you dress up with me?” You asked immediately, your eyes shining with excitement. “I already know what character you’ll be! There’s a boy named Inosuke that-”
“No way, save your breath. I’m not dressing up.” Doing a quick search of the boy in question, Sukuna let out a snort. “And why do you want me to dress up as someone with a boars head on? You saying I’m ugly?”
“You don’t have to wear the head!” The opportunity was quickly slipping through your fingers at seeing Sukuna cosplay. “It’s ‘cause you’re so fit and so is he! And you’re pretty similar too.”
“I don’t care if he was my twin.” Shaking his head, Sukuna closed the tab and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ll tell ya what, I’ll come to this thing and take all the videos and pictures you want and in exchange, I won’t dress up.”
“Wait, how does that logic-”
“Just go with it. Now send me an email about the thing and I’ll clear my schedule.” Waving off any further questions you had, Sukuna quickly got the email for the convention. It was about two weeks from today, and it was going on for the whole weekend.
“So, do you think you’ll be able to make it?” You asked tentatively, worrying your lip.
“Of course.” Sukuna would definitely need to do some serious schedule rearranging. “I’ll pick you up like last time, just let me know the time.”
“You’re the best, Sukuna!” You smiled big at him and Sukuna smiled back. Maybe during the convention, he could show you he was more than just a friend.
When the day of the convention came, Sukuna got ready bright and early to pick you up. The sun had only just settled onto the horizon and he was chugging coffee before leaving.
“Hey.” You yawned loudly as you got in his car, still clearly half asleep.
“Cute.” Sukuna said in response. You looked absolutely adorable. The pink kimono looked good on you, the sash accentuating your waist well. The little green gag he’d seen earlier was hanging around your neck, and you had a cute pink ribbon in your hair.
“Hm? You like it?” Shuffling around, that was when Sukuna saw how high the slit was on your outfit, coming high up on your thigh. His eyes were glued to the skin that showed, unable to look away.
“I do.” He whispered, glancing at you briefly to see your eyes were closed.
“That’s good, I spent a lot of time on it.” Putting your seatbelt on, you yawned again and pointed lazily out the window. “To the convention!”
It was a short drive to the convention, and you were some of the first people there. With a badge around his neck, Sukuna followed you into the hall. You weren’t carrying the bag of camera equipment you’d brought, Sukuna insisted on carrying it so it wouldn’t ruin your costumes aesthetic.
“We’re here really early to get pictures! I booked with a professional photographer, and my pictures are going to be used as promo for a few brands here today.” You explained as Sukuna followed you into a room with a full photoshoot set up.
“Okay.” He was completely lost watching you begin to take pictures. After chugging an energy drink, you hopped straight into it. Sukuna made sure to watch the photographer closely, looking at the computer as the pictures popped up to make sure they weren’t indecent for you.
Nearly an hour and a half later and you were finally done. Sukuna had begun to film some parts of it for you per your request; his job as videographer started now.
“The convention hall is open now to everyone, it might be kind of overwhelming to see all the people out there.” You told him as the photographer was packing up.
“Eh, I’ll be fine.” With a shrug of his shoulders, Sukuna left the room and stepped out into the main hall. Immediately, he knew you were right. There were so many people already milling around dressed in costume, most from shows and games he’d never seen. The only readily identifiable characters for him were from Nintendo.
“Told you it was a lot.” Bumping him with your shoulder, walked out into the convention space. If Sukuna didn’t stand right behind you, he feared he would lose you in the crowd. There were other people dressed up as the same character and he couldn’t trust himself to differentiate between all of them.
Filming a little bit of walking around, Sukuna could hear and see people looking at him in shock. It wasn’t unknown that Sukuna had a distaste for anime and the whole culture surrounding it. Some of his most popular videos were him making fun of people at the very same thing he was at now.
“E-excuse me, (Y/N)?” A young teenage girl approached you, nervously fiddling with her phone.
“Hi!” You waved, immediately seeing her phone. “Do you want a picture?”
“Yes, please!” The girl's nerves quickly dissipated at your question, but she still looked scared of Sukuna.
“How about we take a few selfies?” Sliding next to her, you put an arm around her shoulder and posed. You and the girl took a numerous amount of pictures, and when she left she had a happy blush on her cheeks.
“Is that gonna happen often?” Sukuna asked, watching the girl disappear into the crowd.
“Yeah, sorry! I posted that I’d be going to this for the second and third day and a lot of people said they were gonna ask for pictures.” Rubbing the back of your head nervously, you sized up Sukunas face. “Sorry if it annoys you, I know it can be kind of tedious.”
“I don’t mind. Let's get going.” With a casual shrug, Sukuna walked to where your first panel was. He stayed off to the side as you talked to the organizers and other guests, feeling awkward that he couldn’t hold a conversation on whatever it was you were talking about.
The people soon filed into the panel, filling the seats and whispering excitedly about you and the other people sitting at the front of the room. Some of them noticed Sukuna and whispered about him too.
Ignoring them diligently, Sukuna filmed your panel from the back of the room. He didn’t need to worry about picking up any sound, you were speaking into a microphone. All he had to worry about was capturing good angles for you.
He did this for a few more panels as well, slowly getting more comfortable with people noticing him there. He even waved at a few fangirls that saw him, their faces erupting in a scarlet flush and giggling silly.
“We have almost two hours before my next panel, do you want to grab some food? I’ll pay.” Waiting in the back of an empty room, you tried to reach for your bag that Sukuna had slung over his shoulder.
“No, you don’t have to pay.” Pushing your hand away, Sukuna kept you at arms length.
“C’mon, you have to let me pay! You’re doing so much for me already!”
“Nope.” You tried to struggle past him and grab your bag, but Sukuna was strong enough to keep you at bay with one arm. “Fine! But I’m buying you a plushie later!”
“Whatever.” With the matter settled, the two of you left the room. Almost as soon as you came out, there was a loud gasp from a few people outside the door.
“Oh my god, your Nezuko is so good!” One of them shouted. Sukuna eyed him up, a young man dressed with a strange green and black checkered overcoat.
“Thanks!” You replied, fiddling with the edge of the brown one you were wearing. “I spent ages on getting everything just right!”
“Y-you’re (Y/N)! I didn’t think I was going to see you today!” Another man had on a similar getup to the first, but he was clad in yellow and orange.
“It must be your lucky day!” Laughing a little at his shocked face, you quickly noticed the third man standing there. “Sukuna look, this is what I meant when I said you should dress up as Inosuke!”
“Huh.” He looked at the shirtless man in front of him. The guy was muscular enough, not nearly as much as Sukuna was though. The brown pants he wore were too baggy for Sukunas liking, but he could see the way you were looking at him.
“Can we get a picture please?”
“Of course!” You quickly got in the middle of the three of them and crouched down, throwing up peace signs and smiling brightly as they took the selfies. Sukuna was watching all of their hands, making sure no one touched you or got too close.
“Sukuna, will you take a group picture for us?” You asked, already handing him a phone.
“Yeah.” You didn’t really leave him with a choice and it’s not like he was going to say no to you anyway. It was harder to keep track of just where these men were putting their hands, and every so often Sukuna would look to make sure that the hand placed on your back stayed there and didn’t go any lower.
“Thank you so much!”
“You’re the best, (Y/N)!
“Bye, please tag me in the pictures if you post them!” Waving cutely at them, you walked away. “Ah, that was so much fun! They were so cute!” Gushing about the pictures, you didn’t notice Sukuna had a vein throbbing in his forehead. He seriously wishes he’d dressed up in that dumb costume with you so you could feel the same way about him.
Quickly eating some fast food - much to Sukunas disgust - you were back in the convention hall. There seemed to be even more people here than before milling about. Gripping the back of your top, Sukuna made sure you didn’t get too far from him in the crowd.
“Let’s go check out the merch!” Leading him to a larger space in the convention center, your eyes sparkled looking at all the different vendors spread out. “Sukuna, is there anything you want to check out?”
“Not really.” The only thing he could see that he knew were some overpriced candies. “I’ll just follow you.” And that he did. You stopped at nearly every booth, rejoicing about how cute something was and how much you wanted a certain figure. Sukuna offered to pay for whatever you wanted, but you staunchly refused.
“Sukuna, which one’s your favorite?” Coming upon a booth filled to the brim with different plushies, you crossed your arms and squared your shoulders. “We aren’t leaving here until I buy you a plushie!”
“I don’t need one.” Not only would it ‘ruin’ his tough image, he didn’t like those things to begin with.
“Yes you do!” Stamping your foot childishly, you pointed at them. “Pick one!”
“Who knew you could be so mean?” He teased back with a flick to your forehead.
“Shut up.” Puffing out air, you grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to the booth. “I’ll even help you decide.”
“O-oh.” You were holding his hand. You were definitely, 100% holding Sukunas hand. Your two hands were squishing his one in your palms, shaking it side to side as you looked at all the choices before you. How was Sukuna supposed to pick something when you were holding his hand so close to your body? He could feel the tips of his fingers graze your sash every couple seconds.
“What about this one?” You pointed your hands to a brown bear with a giant body but a tiny head.
“What’s wrong with the head?” He looked concerned at the doll.
“It’s supposed to be like that!”
“I- okay.”
“Do you like it?” Looking at him hopefully, you squished his hand even more. “It’s so cute, you have to get it.”
“Let me see it.” Picking it up with his other hand, Sukuna stared at the unmoving, smiling face of the bear. Squeezing it in his hand, Sukuna let out a short sigh and put it down. “Alright, I’ll get it.”
“Yes!” Letting go of his hand, you rushed to grab your wallet before he could stop you. “Make sure to send me a picture of you with it!”
Right after you finished paying, Sukuna nearly demanded to buy you stuff as well. He’d seen the way you were eyeballing the figures and some books, and he wasn’t going to be the only one to leave this part of the convention hall with a souvenir.
The bags he was carrying were definitely heavier now when you left to go to your next panel. They put a little strain on Sukunas arms but he wasn’t about to let you carry anything and quickly ducked back to his car to put it all away.
Right in the middle of your next panel, Sukuna ducked out to go to the bathroom. He was keeping well hydrated during this whole day and it was surely catching up with him now. Wandering the halls, he eventually found a bathroom to use and on his exit, he noticed a sign for something called an ‘artists alley’.
“Let’s check it out.” Here, there were people selling things but they were clearly fan made. There were paintings and pins, stickers and fan art everywhere. Wandering between the vendors, his eye caught on a particular booth.
“Sukuna?” The person gaped when he walked up but he wasn’t paying attention to them. On a cork board above them was a moderately sized drawing of you, dressed up in an all red get up.
“How much?” He pointed at the drawing, looking at the red cap you had on that matched with the red jacket.
“The (Y/N) x Cells At Work fan art? It’s $35.”
“I’ll take it.” The artist was clearly surprised, scrambling to grab the drawing and put it in a protective sleeve. “Keep the change.” Sukuna slapped 40 down and turned away. “Oh, and don’t tell anyone I was here.”
“O-okay!” They shouted after him. Sukuna kept the drawing close to his chest and when he got back he quickly hid it in his bag so no one would notice. He started filming again like he’d never left and you didn’t question him on it when it was over.
“Man, I’m so tired!” With the convention over hours later, you all but collapsed into Sukunas car. It had indeed been an eventful day between speaking at panels and taking pictures with countless people.
“Yeah, I’m beat.” Sukuna agreed, taking a moment to sit in silence in the driver's seat. He hadn’t expected to be so tired after today. He’ll have to prepare better for tomorrow.
Driving you home, both of you were like zombies as you departed. Sukuna didn’t even have the heart to properly disrobe when he got home, collapsing into bed with the plush you’d gotten for him still in his hand.
The next day was just as hectic as the day before, the word had gotten out that you really were at the convention and now more people swarmed you in between panels. Sukuna took the pictures for all of them, giving any man that wanted one a harsh glare before he started. He was easier on the younger girls, but he still made sure that they didn’t try to flirt with you or anything. No one could be fully trusted.
“Sukuna, I forgot yesterday but we need to go to the artists alley!” You exclaimed in shock, grabbing his upper arm. “They have such cool stuff!” Oh, Sukuna definitely already knew about it. The drawing he’d bought of you was hanging in his room, by his full length mirror so he could see it whenever he wanted.
He pretended everything was brand new to him, acting as if he’d never seen the pins before or the stickers and tote bags. Coming upon the artist he’d bought from yesterday, he noticed there was more fan art of you there.
“Oh my gosh, that’s me!” You giggled happily, pointing to yourself drawn as a Pokemon trainer. “It looks so good!”
“Thank you so much (Y/N)!” The artist gaped, clearly shocked to see you here. “I-I studied all of your pictures so I could get everything just right!”
“You did a great job!” The two of you went on and on about the drawings and other paintings that were there. Sukuna wished he could chime in and say that he really liked the art he bought yesterday, but there was no way he was explaining to you that he bought a drawing of you as a red blood cell. He would rather die.
The rest of the day went by in a blur, all the panels going by so fast and melting into one another. He didn’t feel the same exhaustion as the other day, but Sukuna was definitely still tired as he walked to the car.
“Sukuna, thank you so for this weekend, it really means a lot!” You were the happiest he’d ever seen you. The footage he’d filmed for your video perfectly captured all the good parts of the convention, with several shots of your smiling face with fans and other panel members. “How can I repay you?”
“Well…” There was something he’d been wanting to ask you for a while, ever since he saw you in costume. Today was the last day of the convention and subsequently the last day you’d be wearing this costume. “Can we get a picture together?”
“What? We never took a picture together?”
“No.” Sukuna chuckled at your surprised face. Rushing to his car, you set up a little stand for your camera on the hood of his car.
“Okay, let’s take some!” As soon as Sukuna was standing next to you, you wrapped your arms around his middle in a tight hug.
“W-what’re you doing?” Immediately, his face began to blush.
“You deserve a hug, Sukuna, you’ve been amazing.” Sukuna could barely breathe. Not because you were holding him firmly, but simply from the fact that you were hugging him of your own accord. His hands were shaking slightly as he moved to hug you back, grinning shyly at the pleased hum you let out when he did so.
The drive home left a bittersweet feeling on Sukunas tongue. He was glad it was over so that he didn’t have to wake up so early and deal with the gross crowds of people. There weren’t potentially disgusting men and perverts trying to take upskirt shots of your costume or grope you that he had to worry about.
Stopping at a light though, he realized how much fun he had as well. Listening to you talk and share your opinions on the panels was interesting and getting to hear others talk to so passionately as well had made him interested in a few shows. He knew you’d be ecstatic to hear that he could potentially get into anime, and Sukuna knew that at the next convention, he’d dress up for you. He also loved the bear you’d bought him even though that was something he’d never admit.
“Thank you again Sukuna, seriously.” You squeezed his arm as he pulled up to your house.
“Don’t mention it. Let me help you with the stuff in the back.” You’d bought even more things today than yesterday, mostly for friends and family that couldn’t make it to the convention. Gathering all the bags, Sukuna walked them to your door and wandered right into your apartment.
“You can put them all near the couch!” Closing the door behind him you quickly jogged over to the couch to help him with the bags.
“Whoa, your place is nice.” It actually looked like someone lived here as opposed to Sukunas place that looked like an upgraded jail cell. There was a fluffy rug on the wall and a few cute figures and small plushies on shelves, you had plants hanging down from the ceiling and it smelled vaguely floral. There was also a space dedicated to fan made art and gifts, with some fresh flowers sitting in a vase.
“Thanks! Maybe we can film a video here someday!”
“Definitely.” Mumbling dumbly, Sukuna was vaguely aware of you staring at him. “What?”
“You’re such a good friend, Sukuna. I can’t thank you enough!” Again, you hugged him. Burying your face into him, you shook his body side to side before quickly letting go. “Anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask!”
“Hey that’s my line.” Patting you on the head, Sukuna let a dumb smile spread his cheeks. He truly had the most fun ever with you, and for a moment he could pretend that you were a couple and that he was going to spend the night here, cuddle up with you and talk about all the dumb little things happened the past few days.
But he wasn’t dating you and his daydream only lived a few seconds before he made his departure. Going back to his own home, as Sukuna stepped inside he got a notification that he’d been tagged in a photo.
It’s one of the ones you’d taken together where you were hugging each other tightly. Your smile was genuine, showing all your teeth. Your eyes were crinkled at the corners, looking at Sukuna’s kind of surprised face with an indescribable warmth.
‘I love my friends’
That was the caption you’d put with a simple heart emoji after. There were people in the comments asking if this meant you were dating now, begging for you to admit it so they could say their ship sailed. Reading the caption over and over, Sukuna bit his lip to contain the feeling spreading in his chest.
‘I love my friends too’
He commented. And one day, he promised himself that he’d get to call you something more than just a friend. Wandering further into his apartment, he smiled like an idiot at his phone, quickly screenshotting the post.
“Ow!” Bumping his shin hard into his plastic foldable dining table, he was faced with the jarring reality of his surroundings. If he wanted to call you his, he needed to get some furniture first.
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